LYNKS Privacy Card VERSION 1.c Security Policy LYNKS Privacy Card VERSION 1.c Security Policy Document No. 512-020000-01-A4 Revised 06 January 2005 SPYRUS ® © 1999 - 2005 SPYRUS. All Rights Reserved. This document is provided only for informational purposes and is accurate as of the date of publication. This document may not be distributed for profit. It may be copied subject to the following conditions: § All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included. § All copies must contain the SPYRUS copyright notices and any other notices provided herein. Trademarks SPYRUS, the SPYRUS logos, LYNKS Privacy Card, Security In A Box, and SPEX/ are registered trademarks of SPYRUS. Algorithm Agile, Cryptocalculator, HYDRA Privacy Card, IES, LYNKS Metering Device, Rosetta, S2 CA, Signet, SPYCOS, Talisman/DS, WEBACCESS, WEBREG, WEBSAFE, and WEBWALLET are trademarks of SPYRUS. Terisa Systems is a registered trademark and SecureWeb Toolkit, and SecureWeb Payments are trademarks of Terisa Systems, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPYRUS. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 iii Contents 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1 2 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................2 2.1 Command Description.........................................................................................3 2.1.1 FORTEZZA Algorithm Commands.....................................................................4 2.1.2 Commercial Algorithm Commands .....................................................................4 2.1.3 Commercial Algorithm Commands not allowed in FIPS mode ..............................4 3 ROLES ..........................................................................................................................5 3.1 Crypto-Officer Role .............................................................................................5 3.2 User Role .............................................................................................................6 4 SERVICES .....................................................................................................................7 4.1 Self-test ................................................................................................................7 4.2 Firmware Update .................................................................................................7 4.3 Initialization.........................................................................................................7 4.3.1 Encryption/Decryption........................................................................................8 4.3.2 Key Transport and Input .....................................................................................8 4.3.3 Hash..................................................................................................................9 4.3.4 Digital Signature ..............................................................................................10 4.3.5 Key Management.............................................................................................10 4.4 Matrix of Cryptographic Functions ...................................................................11 5 KEY LIFECYCLE........................................................................................................12 5.1 KFEK.................................................................................................................12 5.2 Skipjack Keys ....................................................................................................13 5.3 MEK ..................................................................................................................13 5.4 TEK....................................................................................................................13 5.4.1 Ks...................................................................................................................13 5.5 DES Keys...........................................................................................................14 5.6 KEA/DSA Keys .................................................................................................14 5.7 Diffie-Hellman Keys .........................................................................................14 5.8 RSA Keys ..........................................................................................................15 5.9 RSA Rules of Operation....................................................................................15 5.10 CI Generate Random Number ...........................................................................15 6 PHYSICAL SECURITY.................................................................................................16 7 REVISION HISTORY...................................................................................................17 SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 1 1 Introduction The SPYRUS family of LYNKS Privacy Card tokens provide high performance, high assurance cryptographic processing in a personal, portable PC card form factor. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, product enables security critical capabilities such as user authentication, message privacy and integrity, authentication, and secure storage in rugged, tamper-evident hardware. The device is used within the U.S. Government with the Defense Messaging System (DMS) and also in commercial applications. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, implements the following cryptographic algorithms: Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) FIPS PUB 186, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) FIPS PUB 180-1, Key Exchange algorithm (KEA), Skipjack, Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES). The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, communicates with a host computer via a PCMCIA 2.1 standard interface. The remainder of this document describes the security policy for the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 2 2 Product Overview The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, is designed to be a general purpose cryptographic module that executes U.S. domestic algorithms. The Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) in its ECB, CBC, and CFB modes meets the specifications of NIST FIPS PUB 46-3 (Data Encryption Standard (DES)). The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, also supports Triple DES in the following modes: ECB, CBC, and CFB. The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) digital signature, RSA key wrap, Diffie- Hellman (D-H) key agreement, and MD5 hashing algorithms are specified in the RSA Public Key Cryptosystem Standards (PKCS). D-H X9.42 is a variant of the classic D-H algorithm developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for use with financial services systems. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, also implements the FORTEZZA suite of algorithms (KEA, Skipjack, SHA-1 and DSA) using an embedded Capstone chip to ensure interoperability with government systems and the systems that communicate with them. Table 1 summarizes the FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms on the LYNKS Privacy Card. Key Transport Key Wrap Encryption/ Decryption Hashing Signatures Skipjack (#1) Skipjack (#1) SHA-1 (#1) DSA (#1) DES (#50) DES (#50) Table 1. FIPS-approved Algorithms Supported by the LYNKS Privacy Card Table 2 summarizes the non-approved cryptographic algorithms on the LYNKS Privacy Card. Key Transport Key Wrap Encryption/ Decryption Hashing Signatures KEA Triple DES Triple DES MD5 RSA D-H D-H X9.42 Table 2. Non-approved Algorithms Supported by the LYNKS Privacy Card The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, generally follows the FORTEZZA model for PCMCIA card configuration, initialization, user and SSO logons, state transitions, and hardware interface specifications. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 3 2.1 Command Description This section describes the cryptographic capabilities on the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, provided through a set of primitive cryptographic functions. The CI_ functions denote common functions that are FORTEZZA-compliant. The CIS_ functions are used specifically to access commercial algorithms and the Algorithm Agile™ card management functions. Several CI_ functions have CIS_ counterparts that offer extended functionality for the commercial algorithm variants. The services covered by the set of CI_ and CIS_ commands include encryption, decryption, hashing, key transport, digital signature, and key management. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 4 2.1.1 FORTEZZA Algorithm Commands CI_ChangePIN* CI_GetCertificate CI_Restore CI_CheckPIN CI_GetHash CI_Save CI_Decrypt CI_GetPersonalityList CI_SetKey CI_DeleteCertificate CI_GetTime CI_SetMode CI_DeleteKey CI_Hash CI_SetPersonality CI_Encrypt CI_InitializeHash CI_SetTime* CI_ExtractX* CI_InstallX CI_Sign CI_GenerateIV CI_LoadCertificate CI_TimeStamp CI_GenerateMEK CI_LoadDSAParameters CI_UnwrapKey CI_GenerateRa CI_LoadInitValues* CI_VerifySignature CI_GenerateRandom CI_LoadIV CI_VerifyTimeStamp CI_GenerateTEK CI_LoadX CI_WrapKey CI_GenerateX CI_RelayX CI_Zeroize CI_FirmwareUpdate CI_GetStatus 2.1.2 Commercial Algorithm Commands CIS_ConcealKey CIS_LoadCertificate CIS_VerifySignature CIS_GenerateDHPublicPrivate CIS_LoadKey CIS_SetCurrentMode CIS_GenerateDHTEK CIS_LoadRSAPublicPrivate CIS_Sign CIS_GenerateRSAPublicPrivate CIS_LoadDHPublicPrivate CIS_SignRSASplit CIS_GenerateRSASplit CIS_RSAExtractPrivate CIS_GetHash CIS_GetCertificate CIS_RevealKey CIS_OAEP_Encrypt CIS_OAEP_Decrypt CIS_RSAInstallPrivate 2.1.3 Commercial Algorithm Commands not allowed in FIPS mode CIS_Cover_Ra CIS_ExtractDHPrivate CIS_InstallDHPrivate CIS_GenerateShroudedRSAPulbicPrivate CIS_GetMode CIS_GetPersonality_Info CIS_GetPolicy CIS_GetPublic CIS_Policy CIS_Restore CIS_Save CIS_RSA_Cipher CIS_Rsa_ExtractPrivate CIS_Rsa_InstallPrivate CIS_Uncover_Ra CIS_Des_WrapKey CIS_Des_UnWrapKey CIS_Cipher CIS_3DES_Wrap CIS_3DES_UnWrap *Available only when logged on as Crypto Officer. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 5 3 Roles The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports two roles: Crypto-Officer and User, and enforces the separation of these roles by restricting the services available to each one. The role of the individual is determined by access control on the card prior to performing any services. 3.1 Crypto-Officer Role The Crypto-Officer is responsible for initializing the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c. The Crypto-Officer role is available during card initialization. Card initialization is typically performed on a Certificate Authority Workstation (CAW) that is secured according to the site security policy of the deploying organization. The Crypto-Officer has access to all services on the card. Before issuing a card to an end user, the Crypto- Officer initializes the card with private keying material, certificate information, and when needed, new firmware. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, validates the Crypto-Officer role by requiring access using a Personal Identification Number (PIN). A valid PIN must be passed to the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, before it will accept any initialization commands. An uninitialized card from the factory contains a default PIN phrase, which is first used by the Crypto-Officer to load initialization values into the card. The card then transitions to an intermediate initialization state and the Crypto-Officer must change the PIN phrase for the Crypto-Officer role. Next the Crypto-Officer can set the time on the card, generate public/private key pairs, load the point-of-trust certificate of the certificate hierarchy into the card, load the user’s certificates into the card, and load the user’s certificate authority’s certificates into the card. The Crypto-Officer is responsible for obtaining all certificate material in accord with the security policy of the organization. Lastly, the Crypto-Officer must set the access control PIN phrase for the user. Only the Crypto-Officer may change a PIN phrase. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 6 3.2 User Role After the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, has been loaded with a User PIN, the User role is available and the remainder of the cryptographic functions are enabled, with the exception of the following: § Change PIN Phrase § Extract X § Load Initialization Values § Set Time The exclusion of these commands provides the mechanism for separation of the Crypto- Officer and User roles. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, validates the User role by requiring a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in order to access it. When the User has been successfully authenticated, he or she can then choose one of the available personalities on the card. Each personality corresponds to a separate public/private key pair plus other information. The Crypto-Officer sets up these user personalities during the initialization process. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 7 4 Services This section describes the cryptographic services provided by the Lynks Privacy Card, Version 1.c. 4.1 Self-test The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, performs self-tests immediately upon power-up to ensure its integrity. Cryptographic and firmware checks are performed to ensure that the device is operating properly prior to communicating with the host computer. Any failures will cause the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, to go into a non-operational error state. No authentication of the Crypto-Officer or user is required for the self-test. 4.2 Firmware Update Prior to any cryptographic processing, the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, must be loaded with SPYRUS developed firmware. Firmware should be loaded only at a facility designated by SPYRUS and in accord with the site security policy of the user’s organization. After the firmware is loaded, the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, is zeroized and ready for initialization. The firmware, which is digitally signed by SPYRUS, will be loaded into the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, only if its signature can be verified. Only FIPS certified versions of the firmware should be loaded into the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c. All firmware modifications require FIPS 140-1 re- validation of the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports Firmware updates with the following command: CI_FirmwareUpdate 4.3 Initialization The Crypto-Officer initializes the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, prior to transferring it to a user. Initialization consists of the following: § Authenticate the Crypto-Officer based on PIN input § Load the Initialization parameters § Load an X.509 certificate into a Trusted Certificate space § Generate public/private key pairs for the user § Obtain and load X.509 certificates for the user § Specify a user PIN SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 8 Upon completion of the Initialization process, the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, provides encryption/decryption, hash, key transport, digital signature, and key management cryptographic services. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports initialization with the following commands: CI_ChangePin, CI_CheckPin, CI_LoadInitValues, CI_Zeroize, CI_LoadCertificate, CI_GetCertificate, CI_GenerateX, CI_SetTime, CI_GetTime, CI_LoadDSAParameters 4.3.1 Encryption/Decryption Symmetric cryptography uses one key to encrypt and decrypt data. The originator must ensure that the recipient has the key for decryption. This key must remain secure between the intended parties or the security of the message will be compromised. Successful encryption/decryption transformations require 100 percent bit integrity of all encryption and decryption functions and data. In some applications, this feature of encryption may be leveraged to provide an integrity check on the transmitted data. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports symmetric encryption and decryption with the following commands: CI_Decrypt, CI_Encrypt, CI_GenerateIV, CI_LoadIV, CI_GenerateMEK, CI_Save, CI_SetMode, CI_DeleteKey, CI_SetKey, CI_Restore, CI_SetCurrentMode, CIS_OAEP_Encrypt, CIS_OAEP_Decript. 4.3.2 Key Transport and Input The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, key exchange process uses public key cryptography to encrypt (wrap) the key used in the encryption algorithm. The wrapped key can then be securely transmitted to the recipient. Key exchange allows only the intended recipient to unwrap the needed key to decrypt data. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports asymmetric key exchange for common key negotiation using the following commands: CIS_DHGeneratePublicPrivate, CIS_DHLoadPublicPrivate, CI_GenerateRa,CI_GenerateTEK, and CIS_DHGenerateTEK. Please note that the following security rule applies in the use of CIS_LoadKey for key input operations: If a plaintext DES key is loaded using CIS_LoadKey, the user must first disconnect the host PC from any communications networks that it may currently be connected to by physically unplugging any cables that are dedicated to these connections. Key input can be performed from a hard disk or floppy diskette containing the plaintext key material using the CIS_Loadkey command. Removal of diskette / erasure of key material on hard drive is recommended directly following this action, and prior to reconnection of the PC host with the network(s). SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 9 In order to remain in the FIPS-approve mode, the above procedure must be performed each time that CIS_LoadKey is used to input a plaintext key. Failure to observe this security rule will result in a non-approved mode. 4.3.3 Hash The hash function provides a check for data integrity. The card performs a mathematical hash function on the data, producing a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value. This hash value is unique for every message because any change in the data, even a single bit, changes the hash value. An important property of hashing is that data cannot be reconstructed from the hash value; hashing is a one-way function. This one-way property is key to generating unique digital signatures that cannot be forged. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports hashing using the SHA-1 and MD5 algorithms and the following commands: CI_InitializeHash, CI_Hash, CI_GetHash , CIS_GetHash, CI_Save CI_SetMode, and CI_Restore. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 10 4.3.4 Digital Signature A digital signature allows a message originator to sign data (typically the hash value) and provides a recipient with the means to verify the originator’s identity (user authentication and non-repudiation). Any change in the data causes a change in the hash value. A recipient can then use the cryptography to verify the originator’s digital signature over the hash value to verify the integrity of the data. Digital signatures do not encrypt, transform, or otherwise alter data, so sensitive data is usually signed first and encrypted second. The signature may or may not be encrypted. Alternately (but not routinely implemented), a digital signature can be used as an integrity check value (ICV), wherein the data is encrypted before signing. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports digital signature with the following commands: CI_GenerateX, CI_LoadX, CI_SetPersonality, CIS_RSAGeneratePublicPrivate, CIS_RSALoadPublicPrivate, CI_Sign, CI_VerifySignature, CIS_Sign CIS_VerifySignature, CIS_GenerateRSASplit, CIS_SignRSASplit, CIS_LoadCertificate, CIS_GetCertificate.. 4.3.5 Key Management The primary key management responsibility of the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, is the administration of the DSA, KEA, RSA, and D-H public/private key pairs. The key management concept employed in the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, provides a robust, yet practical solution. The card provides key generation and key archival functions and allows a user to perform revocation, expiration, notification, and authentication functions. The principal component in the key management architecture is the user’s certificate. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, supports management of symmetric and asymmetric keys using the following commands: CI_ExtractX, CI_InstallX, CI_RelayX, CI_GenerateX, CI_LoadX, CI_SetPersonality, CIS_RSAExtractPrivate, CIS_RSAInstallPrivate, CIS_ConcealKey, CIS_RevealKey, CI_Wrap, and CI_Unwrap. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 11 4.4 Matrix of Cryptographic Functions Table 2 summarizes the services performed by the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, , including the roles for which the service is available and whether the service performs cryptographic functions. Roles Cryptographic Functions Services Crypto-Officer User Yes No Self-test X X X CI Change PIN Phrase X X CI Check PIN Phrase X X X CI Decrypt X X X CI Delete Certificate X X X CI Delete Key X X X CI Encrypt X X X CI Extract X X X CI Firmware Update X X X CI Generate IV X X X CI Generate Mek X X X CI Generate Ra X X X CI Generate Random Number X X X CI Generate TEK X X X CI Generate X X X X CI Get Certificate X X X CI Get Hash X X X CI Get Personality List X X X CI Get Status X X X CI Get Time X X X CI Hash X X X CI Initialize Hash X X X CI Install X X X X CI Load Certificate X X X CI Load DSA Parameters X X X CI Load Initialization Values X X CI Load Iv X X X CI Load X X X X CI Relay X X X CI Restore X X X CI Save X X X CI Set Key X X X CI Set Mode X X X CI Set Personality X X X CI Set Time X X CI Sign X X X CI Timestamp X X X SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 12 CI Unwrap Key X X X CI Verify Signature X X X CI Verify Timestamp X X X CI Wrap Key X X X CI Zeroize X X X CIS Conceal Key X X X CIS Generate DH Public/Private X X X CIS Generate DH TEK X X X CIS Generate RSA Public/Private X X X CIS Generate RSA Split Key X X X CIS Get Certificate X X X CIS OAEP Decrypt X X CIS Get Hash X X X CIS Load Certificate X X X CIS Load Key X X CIS Load RSA Public/Private X X X CIS Load DH Public/Private X X X CIS RSA Extract Private X X X CIS Reveal Key X X X CIS RSA Install Private X X X CIS Verify Signature X X X CIS Set Current Mode X X X CIS Sign X X X CIS Sign RSA Split Key X X X CIS OAEP Encrypt X X Table 3. Matrix of Services, Roles, and Cryptographic Functions 5 Key Lifecycle This section describes the lifecycle of the keys that are generated, stored, and used by the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c. 5.1 KFEK Each LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, contains a Key File Encryption Key (KFEK) unique to that card. This key is an internally generated and maintained value and is not available at the card interface. The KFEK is used to wrap/cover and unwrap/uncover working values within the card’s internal memory space. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 13 5.2 Skipjack Keys Skipjack is a symmetric encryption algorithm. Two types of keys are used to support Skipjack operation, Message Encryption Keys (MEK) and Token Encryption Keys (TEK). MEKs are used in bulk encryption operations, for example via the Encrypt and Decrypt commands. TEKs are used to wrap (encrypt) MEKs. The following describes the life-cycles of MEKs and TEKs. 5.3 MEK An MEK is created using the GenerateMEK command. The MEK is applicable to either DES, Triple DES or Skipjack encryption / decryption operations, depending on the mode set by the cis_SetCurrentMode command. The loading of skipjack MEKs is prohibited on the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c. This MEK is a random value, stored in one of the ten internal key registers. Once a (non-Skipjack) MEK is loaded onto the card or generated on the card, it’s plaintext value is never exposed. An MEK is deleted using the DeleteKey command. When an MEK is required to be offloaded from the card, it must first be wrapped using the WrapKey command. A wrapped MEK is loaded back onto the card using the UnwrapKey command. When an MEK is wrapped, it is encrypted with TEK, protecting the contents of the original MEK. When power is removed from the card, the contents of any MEK stored in one of the ten internal key registers is lost. 5.4 TEK A TEK is created as a result of a key exchange ( KEA is the key exchange algorithm used for generating Skipjack TEKs ). A TEK is stored in one of the ten internal key registers. Once a TEK is generated in the card, its plaintext value is never exposed. Multiple TEKs may be stored simultaneously internally in the card. A TEK may never be extracted from the card, in any form. When power is removed from the card, the contents of any TEK stored in one of the ten internal key registers is lost. Skipjack TEKs may be used only to wrap skipjack MEKs. 5.4.1 Ks The card storage key (Ks) is a special case of a TEK. Ks occupies key slot 0 and may only be loaded by the SSO. Ks may never be exported off of the card in any form. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 14 5.5 DES Keys DES is a symmetric encryption algorithm. Unlike Skipjack keys, only one type of DES key exists, thus any DES key may wrap any other DES key. Also unlike Skipjack keys, DES keys may be loaded into the card in their plaintext form, using the LoadKey command. If a plaintext key is loaded using LoadKey, the security rule in section 4.3.2 must be enforced, otherwise the system will be operating in a non-FIPS-approved mode. Of course, DES keys may be randomly generated using the GenerateMEK command. The WrapKey and UnwrapKey commands are used to wrap/unwrap DES keys for passage out of and back onto the card. DES keys may be wrapped only with other DES keys. A DES key resides in one of the ten internal key registers. Once a DES key is loaded onto the card, it’s plaintext value is never exposed. When power is removed from the card, the contents of any DES key stored in one of the ten internal key registers is lost. 5.6 KEA/DSA Keys KEA is an asymmetric algorithm used for key exchange and the generate of TEKs. DSA is an asymmetric algorithm used for the generation and verification of digital signatures. As asymmetric keys, DSA and KEA keys consist of 2 discrete but related parts, the private (X) value and type public (Y) value. KEA/DSA private keys maybe be randomly generated on the card using the GenerateX function or may be loaded directly onto the card in their plaintext form using the LoadX command. Once a KEA/DSA private key is loaded onto the card, its plaintext value is never exposed. When a KEA/DSA private key is required to be extracted from the card, it must first be wrapped using the ExtractX command. An extracted private key is restored to the card using the InstallX command. When a private key is extracted, it is encrypted with TEK and a password, protecting the contents of the original private key. When power is removed from the card, the contents of any private key stored in one of the personality registers is maintained. These private keys are deleted using the Zeroize command. The user must provide adequate protection for the integrity and confidentiality of all KEA and DSA private keys. This responsibility is especially relevant to keys that are generated outside the card and loaded using the LoadX command. 5.7 Diffie-Hellman Keys Diffie-Hellman (DH) is an asymmetric algorithm used for key exchange and the generation of TEKs. As asymmetric keys, DH keys consist of 2 discrete but related parts, the private (X) value and type public (Y) value. DH private keys maybe be randomly generated on the card using the GenerateDHPrivate function or may be loaded directly onto the card in their plaintext form using the LoadDHPrivate command. Once a DH private key is loaded onto the card, it’s plaintext value is never exposed. When a DH SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 15 private key is required to be extracted from the card, it must first be wrapped using the ExtractDHPrivate command. An extracted private key is restored to the card using the InstallDHPrivate command. When a private key is extracted, it is encrypted with a TEK and a password, protecting the contents of the original private key. When power is removed from the card, the contents of any DH private key stored in one of the personality registers is preserved. These private keys are deleted using the Zeroize command. . The user must provide adequate protection for the integrity and confidentiality of all Diffie-Hellman private keys. This responsibility is especially relevant to keys that are generated outside the card and loaded using the LoadDHPrivate command. 5.8 RSA Keys RSA is an asymmetric algorithm used for both key exchange and the generation and verification of digital signatures. As asymmetric keys, RSA keys consist of 2 discrete but related parts, the private (X) value and type public (Y) value. RSA private keys maybe be randomly generated on the card using the GenerateRSAPublicPrivate function or may be loaded directly onto the card in their plaintext form using the LoadRSAPublicPrivate command. Once an RSA private key is loaded onto the card, it’s plaintext value is never exposed. When an RSA private key is required to be extracted from the card, it must first be wrapped using the ExtractRSAPrivate command. An extracted private key is restored to the card using the InstallRSACommand command. When a private key is extracted, it is encrypted with another RSA key and a password, protecting the contents of the original private key. When power is removed from the card, the contents of any private key stored in one of the personality registers is maintained. These private keys are deleted using the Zeroize command 5.9 RSA Rules of Operation The use of RSA Algorithm will place the mode of operation in a non-FIPS mode. 5.10 CI Generate Random Number Version 1.c of the LYNKS Privacy Card is implemented with a fully compliant ANSI X9.31 Random Number Generator (RNG). The CI Generate Random Number user command, as well as those key generation commands that require RNG services, invoke this RNG. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 16 6 Physical Security The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, is easily portable and can be carried readily in a pocket or a Portable Computer (ie Laptop). However the User should be aware that the loss of the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, can place the information that is protected at risk, or could enable an unauthorized person to imitate the legitimate user. While the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, employs a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to prevent use of the card by unauthorized users, no PIN – based system is absolutely foolproof. A hostile entity, which obtains your card or other implementation, could possible extract the PIN or User Certificates, and then use the LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, to decrypt information protected by that individual card. The LYNKS Privacy Card, Version 1.c, is physically packaged in a PCMCIA Type 2 Standard. This packaging allows for Tamper evident but is not Tamper proof. If any evidence of physical tampering or if the card is lost the User should report at once to the cognizant Security Officer or Certificate Authority. SPYRUS LYNKS Security Policy Document No. 510-020000-01 17 7 Revision History REV. # DATE DESCRIPTION 1.0 3/11/1999 Initial Release A1 4/13/1999 Revised A2 9/27/1999 Revised A3 11/9/1999 Revised A4 5/14/2001 Revised for version 1.8 firmware release D1 10/03/2003 Revised for version 1.8 firmware upgrade / revalidation D2 12/17/2003 Revised for version 1.c with ANSI X9.31 RNG D3 2/20/2004 Addition of approved/non-approved algorithm tables D4 4/1/2004 Addition of security rule in section 4.3.2; changes to 5.5 1.c D0 12/20/2004 Deletion of unsupported CIS_Get_Card function 1.c D1 01/06/2005 Corrections to Table 1: add SHA-1 (#1) to Hashing column; delete from Signatures column; delete SHA-1 from Table 2.