FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 1 of 15 FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Non-Proprietary Security Policy PowerMax NVMe and VMAX 12G SAS Module [A] HW: 303-305-100A-06 + FW: v3.08.41.00 for VMAX 12G SAS encryption Module [B] HW: 303-493-001C-03 + FW: v3.09.34.00 for PowerMax NVMe Module Document Version 1.5 November 3, 2021 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 2 of 15 Abstract This document provides a non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module from Dell EMC. Table of Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 About FIPS 140 .............................................................................................................................................4 1.2 About this Document....................................................................................................................................4 1.3 External Resources .......................................................................................................................................4 1.4 Notices..........................................................................................................................................................4 1.5 Acronyms......................................................................................................................................................4 2 PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module ................................................................................6 2.1 Product Overview.........................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Cryptographic Module Specification ............................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Validation Level Detail .............................................................................................................................9 2.2.2 Approved Algorithms and Implementation Certificates..........................................................................9 2.3 Module Interfaces ........................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Roles, Services, and Authentication ...........................................................................................................10 2.4.1 Operator Services and Descriptions.......................................................................................................10 2.5 Physical Security.........................................................................................................................................11 2.6 Operational Environment...........................................................................................................................11 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management ...............................................................................................................13 2.8 Self-Tests ....................................................................................................................................................13 2.8.1 Power-On Self-Tests...............................................................................................................................14 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests ............................................................................................................................14 2.8.3 Critical Self-Tests....................................................................................................................................14 2.9 Mitigation of Other Attacks .......................................................................................................................14 3 Guidance and Secure Operation..................................................................................................................15 3.1 Crypto Officer Guidance .............................................................................................................................15 3.2 User Guidance ............................................................................................................................................15 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 3 of 15 List of Tables Table 1 – Acronyms and Terms......................................................................................................................................5 Table 2 – Validation Level by DTR Section.....................................................................................................................9 Table 3 – Algorithm Certificates ....................................................................................................................................9 Table 4 – Logical Interface / Physical Interface Mapping ............................................................................................10 Table 5 – Operator Services and Descriptions.............................................................................................................11 Table 6 – Module Keys/CSP .........................................................................................................................................13 List of Figures Figure 1 – [A] Physical Boundary (Top)..........................................................................................................................7 Figure 2 – [A] Physical Boundary (Bottom)....................................................................................................................7 Figure 3 – [B] Physical Boundary (Top)..........................................................................................................................8 Figure 4 – [B] Physical Boundary (Bottom)....................................................................................................................8 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 4 of 15 1 Introduction 1.1 About FIPS 140 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules specifies requirements for cryptographic module to be deployed in a Sensitive but Unclassified environment. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) runs the FIPS 140 program. The CMVP accredits independent testing labs to perform FIPS 140 testing; the CMVP also validates test reports for all modules pursuing FIPS 140 validation. Validation is the term given to a module that is documented and tested against the FIPS 140 criteria. More information is available on the CMVP website at 1.2 About this Document This non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module solution from Dell EMC provides an overview of the product and a high-level description of how it meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 Level 1. This document contains details on the module’s cryptographic keys and critical security parameters. This Security Policy concludes with instructions and guidance on running the module in a FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. Dell EMC’s PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module line cards may also be referred to as the “module” in this document. 1.3 External Resources The Dell EMC website ( contains information on the full line of products from Dell EMC, including a detailed overview of the PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module solution. The Cryptographic Module Validation Program website contains links to the FIPS 140-2 certificate and Dell EMC contact information. 1.4 Notices This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 1.5 Acronyms The following table defines acronyms found in this document: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 5 of 15 Acronym Term AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface CSE Communications Security Establishment CSP Critical Security Parameter DEK Data Encryption Key DTR Derived Testing Requirement ECB Electronic Codebook FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GPC General Purpose Computer GPOS General Purpose Operating System I/O Input/Output KAT Known Answer Test KEK Key Encryption Key NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NVMe Non-Volatile Memory Express NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory OSC Oscillator PCIe Peripheral Component Interconnect Express SAS Serial Attached SCSI SCSI Small Computer System Interface XTS Xor-Encrypt-Xor-based Tweaked CodeBook with CipherText Stealing Table 1 – Acronyms and Terms FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 6 of 15 2 PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module 2.1 Product Overview Dell EMC Data at Rest Encryption provides hardware-based, on-array, back-end encryption for Dell EMC storage systems, including VMAX and PowerMax. Data at Rest Encryption protects information from unauthorized access when drives are physically removed from the system and also offers a convenient means of decommissioning all drives in the system at once. Dell EMC modules implement AES-XTS 256-bit encryption on all drives in the system. These modules encrypt and decrypt data as it is being written to or read from a drive. Because the encryption happens in the I/O module, the back end drives need not be self-encrypting and all back end drive types are supported. Dell EMC Efficient Encryption allows PowerMax to apply full data reduction capabilities of Dell EMC storage on host encrypted data. It leverages the same hardware-based, on-array, back-end encryption module used by the Data at Rest Encryption. The AES-XTS 256-bit encrypted data from a host-based encryption application is decrypted using shared keys, for the sole purpose of allowing Data Reduction via compression and deduplication, before storing this data securely on the drive. The shared keys are protected during transmission using AES Key Wrapping. 2.2 Cryptographic Module Specification The module is Dell EMC’s PowerMax NVMe Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module in the following configuration for each: [A] HW: 303-305-100A-06 + FW: v3.08.41.00 for VMAX 12G SAS encryption module [B] HW: 303-493-001C-03 + FW: v3.09.34.00 for PowerMax NVMe module Each is classified as a multi-chip embedded hardware cryptographic module, and the physical cryptographic boundary is defined as the module board, controller, flash memory, and interfaces as depicted in Figures 1 through 4 below. The logical cryptographic boundary of the modules is the accessible API of the module firmware (v3.08.41.00 and v3.09.34.00) used by other system software. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 7 of 15 Figure 1 – [A] Physical Boundary (Top) Figure 2 – [A] Physical Boundary (Bottom) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 8 of 15 Figure 3 – [B] Physical Boundary (Top) Figure 4 – [B] Physical Boundary (Bottom) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 9 of 15 No components are excluded from validation. The module encrypts and decrypts data using only a FIPS- approved mode of operation. It does not have any functional non-approved modes or bypass capability. 2.2.1 Validation Level Detail The following table lists the level of validation for each area in FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Section Title Validation Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2 – Validation Level by DTR Section The “Mitigation of Other Attacks” section is not applicable as the module does not implement any countermeasures against special attacks. 2.2.2 Approved Algorithms and Implementation Certificates The module’s cryptographic algorithm implementations have received the following certificate numbers from the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program: Algorithm Type Algorithm CAVP Certificate Symmetric Key AES 256-bit in XTS mode AES 256-bit key wrap (unwrap only) AES 256-bit ECB encrypt/decrypt 3586 3598 Note1 Keyed Hash HMAC-SHA512 2296 Message Digest SHA-512 2961 Table 3 – Algorithm Certificates2 2.3 Module Interfaces The interfaces for the cryptographic boundary include physical and logical interfaces. The physical interfaces provided by the module are mapped to four FIPS 140-2 defined logical interfaces: Data Input, 1 Not used directly by the module but CAVP tested and validated as a pre-requisite for the XTS and KTS functions (AES Cert. #3598) 2 For certs. #2296 and #2961, not all tested sizes are used by the module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 10 of 15 Data Output, Control Input, and Status Output. The mapping of logical interfaces to module physical interfaces is provided in the following table: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Module Physical Interface Data Input [A][B] PCI Express [A] Mini-SAS HD Data Output [A][B] PCI Express [A] Mini-SAS HD Control Input PCI Express Status Output PCI Express Power / Service LED (1 per module) Green: indicates operational Link LEDs (1 per port, 2 per module) Blue: indicates active connection Blue blinking: port marking – port needs service Power PCI Express Table 4 – Logical Interface / Physical Interface Mapping 2.4 Roles, Services, and Authentication As required by FIPS 140-2, there are two roles (a Crypto Officer role and User role) in the module that operators may assume. As allowed by Level 1, the module does not support authentication to access services. 2.4.1 Operator Services and Descriptions The services available to the User and Crypto Officer roles in the module are as follows: Service Description Service Input / Output Interface Key/CSP Access Roles Initialize Initializes the module for FIPS mode of operation Configuration Parameters / Module configured PCI Express KEK DEK HMAC Key Crypto Officer Self Test Performs self tests on critical functions of module (integrity and algorithm self-tests) Initiate self tests / Self tests pass or fail. Note this is not a user-callable service. It is invoked automatically when module is powered on. PCI Express HMAC Key Crypto Officer Decrypt Decrypts data using AES Initiate AES decryption / data decrypted Mini-SAS HD PCI Express DEK Crypto Officer User FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 11 of 15 Service Description Service Input / Output Interface Key/CSP Access Roles Encrypt Encrypts data using AES Initiate AES encryption/ data encrypted Mini-SAS HD PCI Express DEK Crypto Officer User Keyed Hash (HMAC) Firmware authentication / integrity On load / pass/fail PCI Express HMAC Key Crypto Officer Message digest (SHS) Message digest functions / support firmware integrity Initiate message digest / data hashed PCI Express None Crypto Officer Show Status Shows status of the module Show status commands / Module status PCI Express LEDs None Crypto Officer Decommission Revert configuration to default Run decommission / CSPs cleared PCI Express KEK DEK HMAC Key Crypto Officer Key Unwrap Unwrap DEK Internally unwrap encrypted DEK / plaintext DEK. Note this is not a user-callable service. PCI Express KEK DEK Crypto Officer User Table 5 – Operator Services and Descriptions 2.5 Physical Security The module is a multiple-chip embedded module and conforms to Level 2 requirements for physical security. The cryptographic module consists of production-grade components3 in a strong, opaque metal cover protected with tamper evidence labels installed at time of manufacture. The physical boundary of the cryptographic module is the same as the physical boundary depicted in Figure 4 – [B] Physical Boundary. The module does not include a maintenance mode; therefore, the FIPS-140-2 maintenance mode requirements do not apply. 2.6 Operational Environment The module operates in a limited operational environment and does not implement a General Purpose Operating System. 3 Production grade is robust/rugged metal and plastic designed for intensive computing environments (i.e., server rooms) with standard passivation applied to the metal, designed to meet requirements for power, temperature, reliability, shock, and vibrations. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 12 of 15 Additionally, the module meets Federal Communications Commission (FCC) FCC Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for business use as defined by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 13 of 15 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management The table below provides a complete list of Critical Security Parameters used within the module: Keys and CSPs Storage Location / Method Use Input Method / Output Generated Zeroized Access KEK (AES key unwrapping key) Flash in Plaintext 256-bit key to unwrap DEK Electronic, plaintext via host platform / No Generated at host platform install time outside the module via FIPS-approved library Yes Decommission CO RWD User R DEK (AES) DRAM in Plaintext 256-bit key to encrypt / decrypt data Electronic, encrypted with KEK / No Generated outside the module at time of install or replacement of disk drives outside the module via FIPS- approved library Yes Power Off Reset Decommission CO RWD User RW HMAC Key EEPROM in Plaintext 512-bit key used in firmware integrity test Electronic, plaintext via host platform / No Generated at host platform install time outside the module via FIPS-approved library Never CO RWD User None R = Read W = Write D = Delete Table 6 – Module Keys/CSP The DEK is entered encrypted electronically from the host platform into the module. The DEK is wrapped with the KEK. The module then uses its internally stored copy of the host platform-generated KEK to decrypt the DEK using AES in KW mode. This functionality has been tested and found compliant to SP 800-38F “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping” and is denoted on the module certificate as KTS. 2.8 Self-Tests The module includes an array of self-tests that are run to prevent any secure data from being released and to ensure all components are functioning correctly. In the event of any self-test failure, the module will report an error status and shutdown into an error state. When the module is in an error state, no keys, CSPs, or data will be output and the module will not perform cryptographic functions. Upon failure of the self-tests the module will halt and become inoperable. The module does not support a bypass function. The following sections discuss the module’s self-tests in more detail. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 14 of 15 2.8.1 Power-On Self-Tests Power-on self-tests are run upon every initialization of the module and do not require operator intervention to run. If any of the tests fail, the module will not initialize. The module will enter an error state and no cryptographic functions can be accessed. The module implements the following power-on self-test: • AES XTS Encrypt KAT • AES XTS Decrypt KAT • AES Key Unwrap KAT • HMAC-SHA512 KAT • SHA512 KAT • Firmware integrity via HMAC-SHA512 The module performs this power-on self-test automatically during initialization, and it must pass before a User/Crypto Officer can perform cryptographic functions. The power-up self-tests can also be performed by power-cycling the module. 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests Conditional self-tests are tests that run continuously during operation of a module. The module does not perform any conditional self-tests since it does not implement any functions that require a conditional test. 2.8.3 Critical Self-Tests The module implements the following critical function test which is necessary for the secure operation of the module. The test is invoked before the use of the AES XTS algorithm to ensure that the two keys used in this operation are not identical: • AES XTS Duplicate Key Test 2.9 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not mitigate other attacks. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: Encryption I/O Module and VMAX 12G SAS Module Document Version 1.5 © Dell EMC Page 15 of 15 3 Guidance and Secure Operation This section describes how to configure the module for FIPS-approved mode of operation. Operating the module without maintaining the following settings will remove the module from the FIPS-approved mode of operation. 3.1 Crypto Officer Guidance The Crypto Officer (i.e. authorized Dell EMC personnel) must configure and enforce the following initialization procedures in order to operate in FIPS approved mode of operation: • Verify that the name and part number of module is as specified on the title page of this document. • Verify encryption is enabled on the host platform. • Ensure that KEK, DEK, and HMAC are generated on the host platform via FIPS-approved module. Please note that this functionality is beyond the scope of the validation. • Ensure that the KEK and HMAC are successfully entered on the module at time of installation. Otherwise, no specific commands or settings are required to place the module in FIPS-approved mode of operation. 3.2 User Guidance No additional guidance is required for Users to maintain FIPS mode of operation. End of Document