Copyright 2021 NXP Semiconductors - may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) NXP Semiconductors FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version: 1.2 Date: June 10, 2021 NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Table of Contents References.........................................................................................................................................4 Acronyms and Definitions ..................................................................................................................7 1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................8 1.1 Versions, Configurations and Modes of Operation ..................................................................... 8 1.2 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary ...................................................................... 10 1.3 Firmware and Logical Cryptographic Boundary......................................................................... 12 2 Cryptographic Functionality .......................................................................................................13 2.1 Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys............................................................................. 16 3 Roles, Authentication and Services.............................................................................................18 3.1 Platform authentication (Secure Channel Protocol 03 Authentication Method)...................... 19 3.2 IoT applet authentication (if present in the FIPS SE051 module configuration) ....................... 20 3.3 SEMS Lite applet authentication................................................................................................ 21 3.4 Services ...................................................................................................................................... 22 4 Self-test.....................................................................................................................................30 4.1 Power-On Self-tests ................................................................................................................... 30 4.2 Conditional Self-Tests ................................................................................................................ 31 5 Physical Security Policy ..............................................................................................................32 6 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy..............................................................................................32 7 Security Rules and Guidance ......................................................................................................32 NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) List of Tables Table 1: References.......................................................................................................................................4 Table 2: Acronyms and Definitions...............................................................................................................7 Table 3: Security Level of Security Requirements.........................................................................................8 Table 4: Operating system identification......................................................................................................8 Table 5: APDU command ..............................................................................................................................9 Table 6: Ports and Interfaces ......................................................................................................................11 Table 7: Approved Algorithms ....................................................................................................................15 Table 8: Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions..................................................................16 Table 9: Non-Approved but Allowed Elliptic Curves used with ECDSA.......................................................16 Table 10: Critical Security Parameters........................................................................................................18 Table 11: Public Keys...................................................................................................................................18 Table 12: Roles Supported by the Module .................................................................................................19 Table 13: Unauthenticated Services ...........................................................................................................22 Table 14: Authenticated Services ...............................................................................................................23 Table 15: Card manager and SEMS Lite applet CSPs Access within Services..............................................26 Table 16: IoT applet CSPs Access within Services (if present in FIPS SE051 configuration) .......................28 Table 17: Public Keys Access within Services..............................................................................................29 Table 18: Power-On Self-Test .....................................................................................................................30 Table 19: Conditional Self-Tests..................................................................................................................31 List of Figures Figure 1: NXP Semiconductors FIPS SE051 Physical Form ..........................................................................11 Figure 2: Module Block Diagram.................................................................................................................12 NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) References Table 1: References Acronym Full Specification Name References used in Approved Algorithms Table [38A] NIST, Special Publication 800-38A, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques, December, 2001 [38A] NIST, Special Publication 800-38A Addendum, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Three Variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC Mode, October, 2010 [38B] NIST, Special Publication 800-38B, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication, May, 2005 [38C] NIST, Special Publication 800-38C, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality, May, 2004 [38D] NIST, Special Publication 800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC, November, 2007 [38F] NIST, Special Publication 800-38F, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping, December, 2012 [56A] NIST, Special Publication 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography (Revised), March, 2007 [56Arev3] NIST, Special Publication 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, Revision 3, April, 2018 [56B] NIST, Special Publication 800-56B, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Using Integer Factorization Cryptography, Revision 1, September 2014 [56Brev2] NIST, Special Publication 800-56B, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Using Integer Factorization Cryptography, Revision 2, March 2019 [56Crev1] NIST, Special Publication 800-56C, Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes, Revision 1, April 2018 [67] NIST Special Publication 800-67, Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher, Revision 2, July, 2017 [90A] NIST, Special Publication 800-90A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, Revision 1, June, 2015 [90B] NIST, Special Publication 800-90B, Recommendation for Entropy Sources Used for Random Bit Generation, January, 2018 [108] NIST, Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions (Revised), FIPS Publication 108, October, 2009 [132] NIST, Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation, Part 1: Storage Applications, FIPS Publication 132, December, 2010 [133] NIST Special Publication SP800-133, Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation, Revision 2 June 2020 [180] NIST, Secure Hash Standard, FIPS Publication 180-4, August, 2015 [186] NIST, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), FIPS Publication 186-4, July, 2013 [197] NIST, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), FIPS Publication 197, November 26, 2001 [198] NIST, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), FIPS Publication 198-1, July 2008 NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 5 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Other References [APDUSpec] AN12543, SE051 IoT applet APDU Specification, NXP Semiconductors, Rev 1.12, 15 July 2020. [DTR] NIST, Derived Test Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, January 2011 [FIPS140-2] NIST, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [GlobalPlatform] GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.3, GlobalPlatform Inc., December 2015 GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card -- Confidential Card Content Management -- Card Specification 2.2 -- Amendment A, January 2011 GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card Technology -- Contactless Services -- Card Specification v2.2 -- Amendment C, July 2014 GlobalPlatform Technology Secure Element Management Service Card Specification v2.3 – Amendment I, Version 1.0 [IG] NIST, Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, last updated August 12, 2020 [ISO 7816] ISO/IEC 7816-1: 2011 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts -- Part 1: Physical characteristics ISO/IEC 7816-2:2007 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 2: Cards with contacts -- Dimensions and location of the contacts ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 3: Cards with contacts -- Electrical interface and transmission protocols ISO/IEC 7816-4:2013 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange ISO/IEC 7816-6:2016 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 6: Interindustry data elements for interchange ISO/IEC 7816-8:2016 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards – Part 8: Commands and mechanisms for security operations ISO/IEC 7816-12:2005 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 12: Cards with contacts -- USB electrical interface and operating procedures ISO/IEC 7816-15:2016 Identification cards – Integrated circuit cards – Part 15: Cryptographic Information application [ISO 14443] ISO/IEC 14443-3:2016 Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 3: Initialization and anticollision ISO/IEC 14443-4:2016 Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards – Proximity cards – Part 4: Transmission protocol [JavaCard] Java Card 3.0.5 Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specification, May 2015 Java Card 3.0.5 Virtual Machine (JCVM) Specification, May 2015 Java Card 3.0.5 Application Programming Interface Published by Oracle [NXP I2C] NXP UM10204, I2C-bus specification and user manual, Rev. 6, April 4, 2014. [PKCS#1] PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, RSA Laboratories, June 14, 2002 [RFC5639] Request for Comments: 5639, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Standard Curves and Curve Generation, March 2010 [SCP03] GlobalPlatform Card Technology, Secure Channel Protocol 03, Card Specification v 2.2 – Amendment D, Global Platform, Version 1.1.1 NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 6 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Other References [SEC2] SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters, Certicom Research, January 27, 2010 Version 2.0 [SP800-131A] Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, Revision 2, March 2019 NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 7 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Acronyms and Definitions Table 2: Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition APDU Application Protocol Data Unit, see [ISO 7816] API Application Programming Interface BCD Binary-Coded Digit CM Card Manager, see [GlobalPlatform] CRNGT Continuous random Number Generator Test, see [DTR] AS09.42 CSP Critical Security Parameter, see [FIPS 140-2] DAP Data Authentication Pattern, see [GlobalPlatform] DPA Differential Power Analysis GP GlobalPlatform HID Human Interface Device (Microsoftism) IC Integrated Circuit ISD Issuer Security Domain I2 C or I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit, see [NXP I2C] ISD Issuer Security Domain, see [GlobalPlatform] JCOP Java Card Open Platform KAT Known Answer Test NVM Non-Volatile Memory (e.g., EEPROM, Flash) SEMS Secure Element Management Service, see [GlobalPlatform] OP Open Platform (predecessor to GlobalPlatform) PCR Platform Configuration Register PCT Pairwise Consistency Test PKI Public Key Infrastructure SCP Secure Channel Protocol, see [GlobalPlatform] SSD Supplementary Security Domain, see [GlobalPlatform] SPA Simple Power Analysis TPDU Transaction Protocol Data Unit, see [ISO 7816] NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 8 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 1 Overview This document defines the Security Policy for the NXP Semiconductors FIPS SE051 cryptographic module, hereafter denoted the Module or Secure Element. The Module, validated to FIPS 140-2 overall Level 3, is a single chip module named, “FIPS SE051,” implementing the GlobalPlatform operational environment (Card Manager (ISD/SSD)) and the applications: • NXP IoT applet v6.0.0 • NXP SEMS Lite applet v1.4.0.11 The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the Module are as follows: Table 3: Security Level of Security Requirements Security Requirement Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 4 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 1.1 Versions, Configurations and Modes of Operation The FIPS SE051 module is composed of a GlobalPlatform operational environment and Java Card applets running on the SE050 chip. The FIPS SE051 GlobalPlatform operational environment is identified with the ROM ID, the Platform ID, the Patch ID, and other information (see Section 1.1.1), describing the content in ROM, NVM and loaded patches. The Platform ID is a data string that allows the identification of the FIPS SE051 Card Manager component. Part Number Interface Hardware Version Platform ID ROM ID Patch ID FIPS SE051 Full Dual + I2C SE050 (N7121 B1) 4A33523335313032394234313 13130304C0954E73E773C6E 2E5AD88409C9BADB 1 FIPS SE051 Reduced Dual + I2C SE050 (N7121 B1) 4A33523335313032394234313 13130301A08FA5067B5F256 2E5AD88409C9BADB 1 Table 4: Operating System Identification The FIPS SE051 GlobalPlatform operational environment is provided in two OS versions (base mask configurations): FIPS SE051 Full and FIPS SE051 Reduced. The GlobalPlatform operational environment of FIPS SE051 Reduced version is a subset of the FIPS SE051 Full base mask configuration, the FIPS SE051 Reduced does not include the ISO/IEC 7816 Contact interface with T=0 and T=1 protocol. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 9 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Both FIPS SE051 Full and Reduced are loaded with the NXP SEMS Lite applet instance. In addition, the FIPS SE051 Reduced configuration is loaded with the NXP IoT applet instance by default. The FIPS SE051 Full can support or not support the NXP IoT applet instance. The NXP IoT applet instance and related content can be disabled and removed in order to gain additional memory without impacting the validation. The FIPS SE051 module supports one Approved mode of operation only. 1.1.1 FIPS Indicator To verify that the GlobalPlatform operational environment runs in the Approved mode of operation, the operator will call the IDENTIFY APDU command (Info service) formatted as follow: Code Value Parameter settings CLA ‘80’ GlobalPlatform INS ‘CA’ GET DATA (IDENTIFY) - ISD P1 ‘00’ High order tag value P2 ‘FE’ Low order tag value - proprietary data Lc ‘02’ Length of data field Data ‘DF28’ Module identification data Le ‘00’ Length of response data Table 5: APDU Command The command answers the content of the DF28 file. The platform version is located at the tag ‘03’, the value is 4A3352333531303239423431313130304C0954E73E773C6E in case of FIPS SE051 Full and 4A3352333531303239423431313130301A08FA5067B5F256 in case of FIPS SE051 Reduced. Both versions have the same patch version and ROM ID: Tag 02 identifies the patch version: 0000000000000001. Tag 08 identified the ROM ID: 2E5AD88409C9BADB. The DF28 file tag ‘05’ contains the status of the FIPS compliancy, where ‘00’ identified FIPS mode not active and ‘01’ - FIPS mode active. The FIPS SE051 product will support: • NXP IoT applet v6.0.0 identification (FIPS SE051 reduced only): o Package ID: A00000039654530000000103000200H o Applet ID: A0000003965453000000010300000000H o Instance ID: A0000003965453000000010300000000H • NXP SEMS Lite appletv1.4.0.11 identification: o Package ID: A00000039654530000000103300000H o Applet ID: A0000003965453000000010330000000H o Instance ID: A0000003965453000000010330000000H If present, the operator can verify that NXP IoT applet v6.0.0 is in an Approved mode of operation by sending the following two (2) commands to the Module: 1. The SELECT APDU command (Context service) will be called with the following parameters: CLA = 00, INS = A4, P1 = 04, P2 = 00, Lc = 10, Incoming Data = A0000003965453000000010300000000, and Le = 00. The Module shall answer 06000027F2FFFF followed by status code 9000. The NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 10 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) response includes the BCD encoded applet version (060000) and the supported applet feature bitmap (27F2). It is not possible to modify the applet version or the supported features bitmap after the device leaves the factory. 2. The GetVersion APDU command (IoT Applet Management service) shall be called to get the extended feature bitmap. This command is 80040021 and shall return 27F20000011F81C1E10100000000010000000000000000000000000000000000 to be in FIPS approved mode of operation. The operator can verify that NXP SEMS Lite applet v1.4.0.11 is in Approved mode of operation by sending the following three (3) commands to the Module: 1. The SELECT APDU command (SEMS Lite General service) shall be called with the following parameters: CLA = 00, INS = A4, P1 = 04, P2 = 00, Lc = 10, Incoming Data = A0000003965453000000010330000000, and Le = 00. 2. The GET DATA APDU command (SEMS Lite General service) shall be called with the following parameters: CLA = 80, INS = CA, P1 = 00, P2 = DE, and Le = 00. The command shall return DE04010400119000 with 01040011 indicating the NXP SEMS Lite applet version. 3. The GET DATA APDU command (SEMS Lite General service) shall be called with the following parameters: CLA = 80, INS = CA, P1 = 00, P2 = C6, and Le = 00. The command shall return C601019000 with C60101 indicating the NXP SEMS Lite applet is configured in FIPS approved mode of operation. 1.2 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary The Module is designed to be used as a part of an IoT system. It works as an auxiliary security device attached to a host controller. The physical form of the Module is depicted in Figure 1 (to scale); the red outline depicts the physical cryptographic boundary, representing the surface of the chip and the bond pads. In production use, the Module is delivered to either vendors or end user customers in a HX2QFN20 (SOT1969-1) package, which is excluded from the FIPS140-2 security testing. The package dimensions are 3 mm x 3 mm x 0.32 mm with a 0.4 mm pitch. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 11 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Figure 1: NXP Semiconductors FIPS SE051 Physical Form The Module can be operated with different communication modes: Contact ([ISO 7816]), Contactless ([ISO 14443]), and I2C ([NXP I2C]). Depending on the communication mode, Module interfaces are enabled or not. Port Description Logical Interface Type Full Reduced VSS, VDD ISO 7816: Supply voltage Power X VIN, VOUT ISO 7816 / ISO 14443 / T1I2C: Supply voltage and logic supply in case deep power-down mode is used. Power X X ENA Deep power-down mode enabled Control in X X RST ISO 7816: Reset Control in X CLK ISO 7816: Clock Control in X IO ISO 7816: Input/Output or T1I2C: Master SDA Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out X X IO2 ISO 7816: Input/Output 2 or T1I2C: Master SCL Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out X X LA, LB ISO 14443: Antenna Power, Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out X X SDA I2C: Slave data Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out X X SCL I2C: clock Control in X X Table 6: Ports and Interfaces In the table above, an “X” in the column indicates the ports/interfaces which are enabled in the FIPS SE051 Full and Reduced configurations. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 12 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) The contactless ports of the Module require connection to an antenna. The Module relies on [ISO 7816] and [ISO 14443] card readers as input/output devices, or a [NXP I2C] connection to a host controller. 1.3 Firmware and Logical Cryptographic Boundary Figure 2 depicts the Module operational environment. Figure 2: Module Block Diagram The JavaCard and Global Platform APIs are internal interfaces available to applets. Only NXP applets and Card Manager (ISD/SSD) services are available at the card edge (the interfaces that cross the cryptographic boundary). The product is delivered with: • NXP IoT applet installed and configured before product’s delivery to customer. The end-user can personalize the Module with its objects but cannot modify the configuration of the Module, the Module always operates in an Approved mode of operation. • NXP SEMS Lite Applet installed and configured before product’s delivery to customer. The end- user cannot modify the configuration of the Module. The Module always operates in an Approved mode of operation. Only the CO role can authenticate to the SEMS Lite Applet to load and install new applet signed by NXP. Thus, the end-user cannot bring unauthorized changes to the FIPS module. The Module is a limited operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 definitions. The Module includes a firmware load function to support necessary updates. New firmware versions within the scope of this Hardware Power Mgmt Clock Mgmt Sensors Reset Mgmt RAM MMU EEPROM ROM CPU DES Engine AES Engine RSA/ECC Engine HW RNG CRC Timers ISO 7816 (UART) ISO 14443 (RF) VDD, VSS GND CLK RST I/O (Contact) LA/LB (RF) Firmware Platform JCOP OS JavaCard API Global Platform API Card Manager (ISD/SSD) NXP IoT Applet (FIPS SE051 Reduced) NXP T1I2C (I2C) SDA/SCL (I2C) NXP SEMS Lite Applet NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 13 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) validation must be validated through the CMVP. Any other firmware loaded into this Module is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. 2 Cryptographic Functionality The Module implements the Approved and Allowed cryptographic functions listed below. CAVP Cert. # Algorithm Standard Mode/ Method Description Use C880 AES [197], [38A] CBC, ECB, CTR AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Data Encryption/ Decryption Vendor Affirmed AES CBC CS [197], [38A] CBC-CS3 AES-128 Data protection C880 AES CMAC [197], [38C] CMAC AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Message Authentication; generation and verification SP 800-108 KDF C1819 AES CCM [38C] CCM AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Authentication Encryption with AES CTR mode and CBC-MAC C1822 AES GCM/GMAC (*) [38D] GCM/GMAC AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Authentication Encryption with Associated Data MAC calculation, MAC verification C1820 CVL [56A] ECC CDH Primitive P-256 Not used: P-224, P-384, P-521 Shared Secret Computation C1825 CVL [56B] RSADP n=2048, 3072, 4096 RSA decryption primitive. 3072 and 4096-bit are approved per IG A.14. C838 CVL [56B] RSADP n=2048, 3072, 4096 RSA decryption primitive based on RSA CRT. 3072 and 4096-bit are approved per IG A.14. C1825 CVL [186] RSASP1 n=2048, 3072, 4096 RSA Signature primitive; 3072 and 4096-bit are approved per IG A.14. C838 CVL [186] RSASP1 n=2048, 3072, 4096 RSA Signature primitive based on RSA CRT; 3072 and 4096-bit are approved per IG A.14. C1823 CVL [135r1] TLS version 1.2 Key Derivation HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512 TLS KDF C886 DRBG [90A] CTR_DRBG AES-128, AES-256 Deterministic Random Bit Generation AES-128: RSA key generation AES-256: ECDSA key generation NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 14 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) ENT(P) [90B] Hardware RNG; used as entropy input to the FIPS approved (Cert. #C886) DRBG. The non-deterministic RNG provides a minimum entropy of 128 bits for AES-128 CTR_DRBG and 256 bits for AES-256 CTR_DRBG. Entropy Generation C1820 ECDSA [186] P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECC Key Generation P-224: (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA- 384, SHA-512), P-256: (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512), P-384: (SHA-384, SHA-512), P-521: (SHA-512) Digital Signature Generation P-224: (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA- 384, SHA-512), P-256: (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512), P-384: (SHA-384, SHA-512), P-521: (SHA-512) Digital Signature Verification C1818 HMAC [198] SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 Message Authentication, key strength > 112 bits Vendor Affirmed KAS-SSC [56Arev3] OnePass EC Diffie-Hellman P-256 ECKey session shared secret computation Vendor Affirmed KAS-SSC [56Arev3] OnePass EC Diffie-Hellman P-256 SEMS Lite shared secret computation (also used with non-approved but allowed curves in Table 9) C1824 KBKDF [108] Counter AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Deriving keys from existing keys C1818 KBKDF [108] KDF In Feedback Mode HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512 HKDF Operations - expand only Vendor Affirmed KDA [56Crev1] Two-step key derivation function HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512 IoT applet HKDF Operations – extract- then-expand Vendor Affirmed KDA [56Crev1] One-step key- derivation function option 1 SHA-256 IoT applet ECKey session key derivation NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 15 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Vendor Affirmed KDA [56Crev1] One-step key- derivation function option 1 SHA-256 SEMS Lite shared master key derivation C880 KTS [38F] AES CBC / AES CMAC AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 Meets the SP 800-38F §3.1 ¶3 requirements for symmetric key wrapping, using Cert. #C880 AES and AES CMAC. Key establishment methodology provides 128 bits of encryption strength. Vendor Affirmed PBKDF [132] PBKDF2 HMAC-SHA-1 Password-based Key Derivation. This algorithm is provided as a service for module hosting the Module. C1821 RSA [186] n=2048, 3072 Key Generation C1825 RSA [186] n=2048, 3072, 4096 with PKCS v1.5 and PKCSPSS and SHA-(224, 256, 384, 512) Digital Signature Generation; 4096-bit RSA Signature Generation is allowed per IG A.14 n=2048, 3072, 4096 with PKCS v1.5 and PKCSPSS and SHA-(11 , 224, 256, 384, 512) Digital Signature Verification; 4096-bit RSA Signature Verification is approved per IG A.14 C838 RSA [186] n=2048, 3072, 4096 with PKCS v1.5 and PKCSPSS and SHA-(224, 256, 384, 512) Digital Signature Generation; 4096-bit RSA Signature Generation was tested against FIPS 186-2, allowed per IG G.18 n=2048, 3072, 4096 with PKCS v1.5 and PKCSPSS and SHA-(12 , 224, 256, 384, 512) Digital Signature Verification; 4096-bit RSA Signature Verification is approved per IG A.14 C837 SHS [180] SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 Message Digest Generation, SEMS Lite command integrity C1816 SHS [180] SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 Message Digest Generation for internal usage C880 Triple-DES3 [67] CBC, ECB 3-Key Data Encryption and Decryption Table 7: Approved Algorithms (*) AES GCM IV: the module enforces the use of an approved DRBG in accordance with IG A.5 scenario 2; the internal Approved CTR_DRBG, which has a security strength of 256 bits, is used to generate the 96-bit IV. 1 This algorithm is Approved for legacy use 2 This algorithm is Approved for legacy use 3 The same Triple-DES key is not used more than either 216 per IG A.13. When the block limit is reached the key value is cleared and the key is set to un-initialized automatically. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 16 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Cryptographic algorithm names in bold in Table 7 and Table 8 indicate that the cryptographic algorithm implementations are available when the NXP IoT applet is installed only. Algorithm Description AES Key Unwrapping method 1 AES Key Unwrapping according to RFC3394, as allowed per IG D.9. AES (Cert. #C880, key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength) AES Key Unwrapping method 2 AES Key Unwrapping according to [GP] Amendment-I, as allowed per IG D.9. AES (Cert. #C880, key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides 128 bits of encryption strength). EC Diffie-Hellman (shared secret computation) used by the SEMS Lite applet with the non-approved but allowed Brainpool256r1 curve. Table 8: Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions EC Standard Strength Singular Field Co-Factor Brainpool224r1 [RFC5639] 112 No IFp 1 Brainpool256r1 [RFC5639] 128 No IFp 1 Brainpool320r1 [RFC5639] 128 No IFp 1 Brainpool384r1 [RFC5639] 192 No IFp 1 Brainpool512r1 [RFC5639] 256 No IFp 1 Secp224k1 [SEC2] 112 No IFp 1 Secp256k1 [SEC2] 128 No IFp 1 Table 9: Non-Approved but Allowed Elliptic Curves used with ECDSA The SEMS Lite applet can support NIST P-256 curve or vendor approved Brainpool256r1 elliptic curve to perform the ECDSA or KAS-SSC operations. In the approved mode of operation, the SEMS Lite applet supports Brainpool256r1 elliptic curve. The CO role may use SEMS Lite Module Management service to load NIST P-256 curve parameters. 2.1 Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys All CSPs used by the Module are described in this section. All usage of these CSPs is described in the services detailed in Section 3.4. In the tables below, the following prefixes are used: • OS prefix denotes operating system. • SD prefix denotes a GlobalPlatform Security Domain. • DAP prefix denotes the GlobalPlatform Data Authentication Protocol. • APP prefix denotes an Applet CSP or a Public Key. CSP Description/Usage Card Manager (ISD/SSD) OS-DRBG-EI NDRNG entropy input to CTR_DRBG. OS-DRBG-STATE 880-bit value; the current DRBG state. OS-SKEK 128-bit key stored in NVM, used to derive OS-MKEK NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 17 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) CSP Description/Usage OS-MKEK AES 128-bit key used to encrypt all secret and private key data stored in NVM. SD-KENC AES (128, 192 or 256 bit) Master key used to derive SD‐SENC. SD-KMAC AES (128, 192 or 256 bit) Master key used to derive SD‐SMAC and SD-RMAC. SD-KDEK AES (128, 192 or 256 bit) Sensitive data decryption key used to decrypt CSPs. SD-SENC AES (128, 192 or 256 bit) Session encryption key used to encrypt / decrypt secure channel data. SD-SMAC AES (128, 192 or 256 bit) Session MAC key used to verify inbound secure channel data integrity. SD-RMAC AES (128, 192 or 256 bit) Session MAC key used to generate response secure channel data MAC. IoT Applet (if present in the FIPS SE051 configuration) APP-TRANSPORT-CIPHER 256-bit AES-CBC encryption key used to either export or import keys or data. APP-TRANSPORT-MAC 128-bit AES-CMAC authentication key used to either export or import another key. APP-KAS-SSC-EC-PRIV-KEY P-256 KAS Shared Secret computation private key. APP-KAS-IOT-SS 32 Byte KAS Shared Secret CSP. APP-AES-KEY-AUTH 128-bit AES key used in AESKey session or ECKey session authentication methods. APP-SENC AES 128-bit AESKey or ECKey session encryption key used to encrypt / decrypt secure channel data. APP-SMAC AES 128-bit AESKey or ECKey session MAC key used to verify inbound secure channel data integrity. APP-RMAC AES 128-bit AESKey or ECKey session MAC key used to generate response secure channel data MAC. APP-USERID-FILE 4 to 16-byte UserID authentication data. APP-EC-PRIV-KEY Elliptic curve private key that allows to perform ECDSA cryptographic operations, using NIST P-224, P-256, P-384 or P- 521, Brainpool 224, 256, 320, 384 or 512-bit curves, secp224k1 or secp256k1 curve. APP-RSA-PRIV-KEY 2048-bit, 3072-bit or 4096-bit RSA private key that allows to perform RSA cryptographic operations. APP-AES-KEY AES (128, 192 or 256 bits) key used to perform AES cipher mode operations. APP-DES-KEY 3-key Triple-DES key used to perform Triple-DES cipher mode operations. APP-HMAC-KEY (112-bit and above) HMAC keys used to perform KDF or HMAC operations. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 18 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) CSP Description/Usage SEMS Lite Applet APP-ECC-RT-PRIV-KA Private static key used in key establishment (KAS) operations (Brainpool256r1 or P-256) APP-KAS-SEMS-SS 32 Byte KAS Shared Secret CSP. APP-AES-RAM-K0-Key 128-bit AES key used to unwrap the SEMS Lite Authentication data. APP-AES-RAM-Kn-Key 128-bit AES key used to unwrap the SEMS Lite script. Table 10: Critical Security Parameters Public Key Description/Usage Card Manager (ISD/SSD) DAP-DAPK 256-bit ECC public key used for Mandated DAP. IoT Applet (if present in the FIPS SE051 configuration) APP-KAS-SSC-EC-PUB-KEY 256-bit KAS Shared Secret computation public key. APP-EC-PUB-KEY-CO 256-bit ECDSA public key used to authenticate the CO. APP-EC-PUB-KEY-USER 256-bit ECDSA public key used to authenticate as user. APP-EC-PUB-KEY Elliptic curve public key that allows to execute ECDSA cryptographic operations (keys can be inserted by users) using NIST P-224, P-256, P-384 or P-521, Brainpool 224, 256, 320, 384 or 512-bit curves, secp224k1 or secp256k1 curve. APP-RSA-PUB-KEY 2048-bit, 3072-bit or 4096-bit RSA public key that allows to execute RSA cryptographic operations (keys can be inserted by users). SEMS Lite Applet APP-ECC-PUB-eKA 256-bit ephemeral EC public key used in key establishment (KAS) operation. APP-ECC-RT-PUB-AUT 256-bit static EC public key used to verify the certificate signature of APP- CERT-AUT or APP-CERT-KR-AUT. APP-ECC-PUB-AUT 256-bit static EC public key used to verify the SEMS script signature. APP-CERT-AUT ECC Certificate with 256-bit EC public key providing authorization and authenticity to SEMS Lite applet. APP-CERT-KR-AUT ECC Certificate with 256-bit EC public key providing authorization and authenticity to SEMS Lite applet for SEMS Lite Root Key Update service by CO. Table 11: Public Keys 3 Roles, Authentication and Services The Module: • Does not support a maintenance role. • Clears previous authentications on power cycle. • Supports concurrent operators NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 19 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Table 12 lists all operator roles supported by the Module. Role ID Role Description CO Cryptographic Officer – manages Module content and configuration, including management of Module data via the SSD. Authenticated as described in Platform authentication, IoT applet authentication (ECKey session), and SEMS Lite applet authentication in sub-section below. User The device Holder (applet user) – performs FIPS approved cryptographic operations. Authenticated as described in Platform authentication, IoT applet authentication, and SEMS Lite Applet authentication in sub-section below. Table 12: Roles Supported by the Module Authentication of each operator and their access to roles and services is as described below, independent of logical channel usage. • Only one operator at a time is permitted on a channel. • Applet de-selection (including Card Manager), card reset, or power down terminates the current authentication. Re-authentication is required after any of these events for access to authenticated services. • CO authentication method does not exchange plaintext CSP. • User authentication data is encrypted and authenticated during entry with GlobalPlatform SCP03, is stored encrypted with OS-MKEK and is only accessible by authenticated services. 3.1 Platform Authentication (Secure Channel Protocol 03 Authentication Method) The Secure Channel Protocol authentication method is provided by the Secure Channel service. The SD- KENC and SD-KMAC keys are used to derive the SD-SENC, SD-SMAC, and SD-RMAC session keys. These sessions keys are used with AES-CBC and AES-CMAC to provide an end-to-end confidential and authenticated protected channel (Approved KTS) between the external entity (User) and the Module. The external entity participating in the mutual authentication sends a 64-bit challenge to the Secure Element. The Secure Element generates its own challenge and computes a 64-bit cryptogram with SD- SMAC key and both challenges. The Secure Element cryptogram and challenge are sent to the external entity which checks the Secure Element cryptogram and creates its own 64-bit cryptogram with both challenges. A 64-bit message authentication code (MAC) is also computed on the command containing the external entity cryptogram with AES-CMAC and SD-SMAC key. The MAC is concatenated to the command, and the command is sent to the Secure Element. The Secure Element checks the message authentication code and compares the received cryptogram to the calculated cryptogram. If all of this succeeds, the two participants are mutually authenticated (the external entity is authenticated to the Module). The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is: • 1/(2^128) = 2.9E‐39 (MAC||cryptogram, using a 128‐bit block for authentication) This authentication method includes a counter of failed authentication called “velocity checking” by GlobalPlatform. The counter is decremented prior to any attempt to authenticate and is only reset to its threshold (maximum value) upon successful authentication. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 20 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) The Module enforces a maximum of 60 failed Global Platform SCP03 authentication attempts before blocking permanently the card. The probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one-minute interval is: • 60/(2^128) = 1.7E-37 (MAC||cryptogram, using a 128‐bit block for authentication) 3.2 IoT applet Authentication (if present in the FIPS SE051 module configuration) The applet allows creating an authenticated session using an Authentication Object which can be either UserID session, AESKey session, or ECKey session. An authenticated session allows users to protect and safeguard their credentials against third party use as only the authenticated user has proper rights on the credentials. This is ensured by applying correct policies to the credentials. A policy binds functional access to an Authentication Object where an Authentication Object represents a user. See Sections 3.2.3 and 3.7 of [APDUSpec] for more details. The different authentication methods are described in the sub-sections below. 3.2.1 UserID Session An UserID session authentication method is provided by the Session management service. During a UserID session, the session user identifier (UserID) is verified in order to allow setting up a session. If the UserID is correct, the session establishment will succeed; otherwise, the session will not be opened. An UserID can be configured from a minimum of four (4) bytes up to a maximum of 16 bytes (128 bits). In the worst-case scenario, a 4-byte UserID is used, the probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is: • 1/(2^32) = 4.3E-9 The number of authentication attempts is configurable. It can be an infinite attempt number, or it can be limited by a counter comprised between 1 and 255 attempts. A maximum of 4700 authentications can be performed in one minute. In the worst-case scenario, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one-minute period is: • 4700/(2^32) = 1.0E-6 3.2.2 AESKey Session The AESKey session authentication method is provided by the Session management service. The APP- AES-KEY-AUTH key is used to derive the APP-SENC, APP-SMAC keys, and APP-RMAC. These sessions keys are used with AES-CBC and AES-CMAC to provide an end-to-end confidential and authenticated protected channel (Approved KTS) between the external entity (User) and the Module. The external entity participating in the mutual authentication sends a 64-bit challenge to the Secure Element. The Secure Element generates its own challenge and computes a 64-bit cryptogram with APP- SMAC key and both challenges. The Secure Element cryptogram and challenge are sent to the external entity which checks the Secure Element cryptogram and creates its own 64-bit cryptogram with both challenges. A 64-bit message authentication code (MAC) is also computed on the command containing the external entity cryptogram with AES-CMAC and APP-SMAC key. The MAC is concatenated to the command, and the command is sent to the Secure Element. The Secure Element checks the message authentication code and compares the received cryptogram to the calculated cryptogram. If all of this NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 21 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) succeeds, the two participants are mutually authenticated (the external entity is authenticated to the Module in the CO role). The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is: • 1/(2^128) = 2.9E‐39 (MAC||cryptogram, using a 128‐bit block for authentication) The number of authentication attempts is configurable. It can be an infinite attempt numbers or it can be limited by a counter comprised between 1 and 32767. A maximum of 4700 authentications can be performed in one minute. In the worst-case scenario, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one-minute period is: • 4700/(2^128) = 1.3E-35 (MAC||cryptogram, using a 128‐bit block for authentication). 3.2.3 ECKey Session An ECKey session authentication method is provided by the Session management service. The ECKey session authentication method consists in verifying a P-256 ECDSA signature. The P-256 EC public key is either initially imported by the User (APP-EC-PUBLIC-KEY-USER) or provisioned during the manufacturing (APP-EC-PUBLIC-KEY-CO). The user will own the corresponding ECDSA private key. In addition to User’s authentication, ECKey session is used to establish APP-KAS-IOT-SS with the Approved KAS algorithm. The shared secret is used to derive the AES-128 APP-AES-KEY-AUTH which is itself used to derive the APP-SENC, APP-SMAC and APP-RMAC session keys. These sessions keys are used with AES-CBC and AES-CMAC to provide an end-to-end confidential and authenticated protected channel (Approved KTS) between the external entity (User) and the Module. First, the user requests the Module public key, APP-KAS-SSC-EC-PUB-KEY; this key is signed with the private key APP-KAS-SSC-EC-PRIV-KEY by the Module. Then, the User sends the ephemeral KAS public key signed with User’s ECDSA private key. Finally, the Module verifies the ECDSA signature of the ephemeral key with either APP-EC-PUBLIC-KEY-USER or APP-EC-PUBLIC-KEY-CO before initiating the KAS shared secret computation. The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is: • 1/(2^128) = 2.9E‐39 (using a 256‐bit EC key for authentication) The number of authentication attempts is configurable. It can be an infinite attempt numbers or it can be limited by a counter comprised between 1 and 32767. A maximum of 4700 authentications can be performed in one minute. In the worst-case scenario, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one-minute period is: • 4700/(2^128) = 1.4E-35 (using a 256-bit EC key for authentication) 3.3 SEMS Lite Applet Authentication The SEMS Lite applet is provided by the SEMS Lite Authentication service. The service provides authentication, confidentiality, and integrity of each authenticated service. The SEMS Lite Applet authentication consists in verifying a Brainpool256r1 ECDSA signature computed on a 113-byte data generated off the module and the CO public key APP-ECC-RT-PUB-AUT, see section 5.1.4 of [GP] Amendment-I. The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is: • 1/(2^128) = 2.9E‐39 (using a 256‐bit EC key for authentication) NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 22 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) To keep the SEMS Lite Applet from blocking, an infinite number of attempts is allowed. A maximum of 4700 authentications can be performed in one minute. In the worst-case scenario, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one-minute period is: • 4700/(2^128) = 1.4E-35 (using a 256-bit EC key for authentication) 3.4 Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in the tables below. The ISD / SSD Services are provided by the Card Manager. Such services can be accessed directly with a selection of Security Domain or through the NXP IoT applet for the SSD. The Applet Services are provided by the NXP IoT applet or SEMS Lite applet. Service Description ISD / SSD Services Card Reset Power cycle or reset the Module. Context Select an applet or manage logical channels. Info Read unprivileged data objects, e.g., Module configuration or status information (Show Status). This service includes the Power-On Self-Test on-demand. SEMS Lite Applet Services SEMS Lite General This service provides generic operations which are not required to be protected by applying security. It includes selecting the SEMS Lite applet, reading version of the SEMS Lite applet, or APP-ECC-RT-PUB-AUT public key of SEMS Lite Applet Table 13: Unauthenticated Services Service Description CO User ISD / SSD Services Lifecycle Modify the card or applet life cycle status. X Manage Content Load keys and data X Privileged Info Read Module data (privileged data objects, but no CSPs). X Secure Channel Establish and use a secure communications channel. X IoT Applet Services (if present in the FIPS SE051 configuration) Module Management This service manages the FIPS SE051 applet configuration. X Session Management This service manages the applet sessions. Users can decide to open a session or not. Opening a session requires authentication to the applet using either an UserID, an AES-128 key or an EC key depending on the session type. X X Secure Object Write Functionality This service manages the generation (either an RSA or EC key pair) or transport (EC keys, RSA keys, symmetric keys, binary files, UserIDs, monotonic counters, PCRs) of Secure Objects. X X Secure Object Read Functionality This service manages the reading of Secure Objects or its attributes. Asymmetric private keys or symmetric keys can never be read in plaintext. X X NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 23 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Service Description CO User Secure Object Management This service manages the reading of Secure Object attributes. X X EC Curve Management This service manages the EC curves that can be used during EC cryptographic operations. X X Crypto Object Management This service manages the Crypto Objects that can be used. Crypto Objects allow to do operations in multiple steps (init/update/final). Supported Crypto Objects allow to use a digest, cipher or MAC algorithm to be used. X X EC Crypto Operations This service triggers OS API for ECDSA signature generation and verification, and for EC DH shared secret calculation according to [56Arev3] § X X RSA Crypto Operations This service triggers OS API for RSA signature generation and verification, and for RSA encryption and decryption (components only). X X Symmetric Cipher Crypto Operations This service triggers OS API for AES and Triple-DES encryption and decryption. X X Authenticated Encryption Crypto Operations This service provides execution of the AEAD function using OS API primitives for AES GCM encryption and decryption, and DRBG for internal IV generation. X X MAC Calculation Crypto Operations This service triggers OS API for MAC Calculation. X X HKDF operations This service triggers OS API for HKDF operations (either Two Step Key Derivation using HMAC or the Key Derivation Function using Pseudorandom functions). X X PBKDF Operation This service provides execution of the Password-Based Key Derivation Function. The derived key is returned to the operator and not used by the module. X X TLS KDF Functions This service provides support for TLS v1.2 calculations. The module does not implement the TLS v1.2 protocol. X X Secure Hash Crypto Operations This service triggers OS API for [FIPS 180-4] compliant hash algorithms. X X SEMS Lite Applet Services SEMS Lite Authentication This service authenticates the CO or User and initiates the SEMS Lite unwrapping mechanism used by the SEMS Lite Manage Content service, SEMS Lite Root Key Update service. X X SEMS Lite Manage Content The service manages the loading, installation, personalization and delete of applets on the module. X X SEMS Lite Root Key Update This service is used to update APP-ECC-RT-PRIV-KA and APP-ECC-RT- PUB-AUT keys. X Table 14: Authenticated Services Table 15 and Table 16 below describe the access to CSPs and Public Keys by service with brief descriptions, which are intended to help readers understand the patterns of access. Explanations are provided in groups NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 24 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) of services and/or keys (as best suited to explain the pattern of access), describing those aspects that have commonality across services or keys/CSPs. Lifecycle: must be used with Secure Channel active (hence SD Session keys are ‘E’); zeroizes all keys except session keys when Lifecycle is used for card termination. OS-SKEK: loaded on first power-up of the Module in a manufacturing setting; used to derive OS-MKEK; zeroized on Lifecycle card termination. OS-MKEK: derived from OS-SKEK; used whenever any private or secret key is accessed; zeroized on Lifecycle card termination. OS-DRBG CSPs: OS-DRBG-EI is the NDRNG entropy input to the DRBG instantiation at power-on (Module Reset), zeroized after use. OS-DRBG-STATE is generated at startup (Module Reset), zeroized at shutdown as part of Module Reset, or by LifeCycle card termination. Each ‘E’ in the OS-DRBG-STATE column indicates the use of the DRBG to generate keys (or nonces), as the value is used, and the state is updated. Secure Channel Master Keys (SD-KENC, SD-KMAC): ‘E’ when a secure channel is initialized (GP Secure Channel). May be updated (‘I’) using the Manage Content service; zeroized by Lifecycle card termination. SD-KDEK: is used to decrypt CSPs entered into the module during the applet personalization. Secure Channel Session Keys (SD-SENC, SD-SMAC, SD-RMAC): ‘E’ for any service that are used with secure channel active. ‘GE’ on GP Secure Channel as a consequence of secure channel initialization and usage. ‘Z’ on Module Reset is a consequence of RAM clearing/garbage collection. SD-CLFDBK: loaded during first power-up of the Module in a manufacturing setting; is used to load ciphered packages DAP-DAPK: loaded during first power-up of the Module in a manufacturing setting; is used to verify loading of DAP enabled packages Applet CSPs (APP-): Applet CSPs and public keys are separated between cryptographic operations services and management services. CSPs APP-EC-PRIV-KEY, APP-RSA-PRIV-KEY, APP-AES-KEY, APP-DES-KEY, APP-HMAC-KEY are called by the cryptographic operation services. All other keys are either used to protect confidentiality and to authenticate the data exchanged between an external entity and the Module, to authenticate the users, or to establish CSPs and public keys. The transport mechanism allows exporting transient CSP keys stored on the module (‘O’ of Secure Object Read Functionality service for CSPs) and importing these exported keys only. The keys are protected during the transport with APP-TRANSPORT-CIPHER and APP-TRANSPORT-MAC over the Secure Channel. The public key can also be output ‘O’ in plaintext with the Secure Object Read Functionality service. APP-KAS-SSC-PRIV-KEY and APP-KAS-SSC-PUB-KEY are used to compute the KAS shared secret APP-KAS- IOT-SS. APP-AES-KEY-AUTH is the (master) key type for AESKey session authentication or establish with the ECKey session KAS. APP-SENC, APP-SMAC and APP-RMAC are the session keys used by the secure messaging in AESKey or ECKey sessions. ECKey session authentication used either APP-EC-PUBLIC-KEY-CO or APP-EC-PUBLIC-KEY-USER. Secure Object Management service can zeroize ‘Z’ all persistent object of the Module. Secure Object Write Functionality service is used to either import CSPs and Public keys or to generate the asymmetric keys. APP-ECC-RT-PUB-AUT, APP-CERT-KR-AUT, APP-ECC-PUB-AUT, and APP-CERT-AUT are used to authenticate the CO and the User and can be updated by the CO using SEMS Lite Module Management or SEMS Lite Root Key Update services. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 25 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) APP-ECC-RT-PRIV-KA and APP-ECC-PUB-eKA are used to establish the are used to compute the KAS shared secret APP-KAS-SEMS-SS with Key establishment (KAS-SSC). APP-ECC-RT-PRIV-KA can be updated by CO using SEMS Lite Module Management or SEMS Lite Root Key Update service. APP-APP-AES-RAM-K0-Key and APP-AES-RAM-Kn-Key are used to unwrap the script commands. The modes of access shown in the tables below are defined as: • G = Generate: The service generates or derives the CSP/Public Key. • I = Input: The service inputs the CSP/Public Key. • E = Execute: The Module executes using the CSP/Public Key. • E’ = Execute: The Module executes using the CSP/Public Key if present. • O = Output: The service outputs the CSP/Public Key. CSP are always protected with the approved KTS. • Z = Zeroize: The Module zeroizes the CSP/Public Key. For the Context service, SD session keys are destroyed on applet deselect (channel closure). • -- = Not accessed by the service. Services CSPs OS-DRBG-EI OS-DRBG-STATE OS-SKEK OS-MKEK SD-KENC SD-KMAC SD-KDEK SD-SENC SD-SMAC SD-RMAC APP-ECC-RT-PRIV-KA APP-KAS-SEMS--SS APP-AES-RAM-K0-KEY APP-AES-RAM-Kn-Key Unauthenticated Role Card Manager SEMS Lite Applet Card Reset GZ GE Z E G -- -- -- Z Z Z -- Z Z Z Context -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EZ EZ EZ -- -- Z Z Info -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite General -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CO Role Card Manager SEMS Lite Applet Lifecycle Z Z Z Z Z Z Z EZ EZ EZ Z Z Z Z Manage Content Z Z IZ E IE IE IE E E E -- -- -- -- Privileged Info -- -- -- E E E -- E E E -- -- -- -- Secure Channel GZ GE Z -- E E E -- GE GE GE -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Root Key Update -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- E CO / User Role Card Manager SEMS Lite Applet Module Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E E -- GE IE Session Management GZ GE Z -- E E E -- GE GE GE -- -- -- -- Secure Object Write Functionality GZ GE Z -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 26 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Services CSPs OS-DRBG-EI OS-DRBG-STATE OS-SKEK OS-MKEK SD-KENC SD-KMAC SD-KDEK SD-SENC SD-SMAC SD-RMAC APP-ECC-RT-PRIV-KA APP-KAS-SEMS--SS APP-AES-RAM-K0-KEY APP-AES-RAM-Kn-Key Secure Object Read Functionality -- -- -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- Secure Object Management -- -- -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- EC Curve Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- Crypto Object Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- EC Crypto Operations GZ GE Z -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- RSA Crypto Operations GZ GE Z -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- Symmetric Cipher Crypto Operations -- -- -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- Authenticated Encryption Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- MAC Calculation -- -- -- E -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- HKDF Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- PBKDF Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- TLS KDF Functions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- Secure Hash Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Authentication -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- E GE Z GE Z -- SEMS Lite Manage Content -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- IEZ Table 15: Card Manager and SEMS Lite Applet CSPs Access within Services NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 27 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Services CSPs APP-TRANSPORT-CIPHER APP-TRANSPORT-MAC APP-KAS-SSC-EC-PRIV-KEY APP-KAS-IOT--SS APP-AES-KEY-AUTH APP-SENC APP-SMAC APP-RMAC APP-USERID-FILE APP-EC-PRIV-KEY APP-RSA-PRIV-KEY APP-AES-KEY APP-DES-KEY APP-HMAC-KEY Unauthenticated Role IoT Applet Card Reset -- -- -- Z -- Z Z Z -- -- -- -- -- -- Context -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Info -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite General -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CO IoT Applet Lifecycle Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Manage Content -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Privileged Info -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Secure Channel -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Root Key Update -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CO / User IoT Applet Module Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Session Management -- -- E GEZ E GEZ GEZ GEZ E E -- E -- -- Secure Object Write Functionality E E -- -- I -- -- -- I GI GI I I I Secure Object Read Functionality E E -- -- -- -- -- -- O O O O O Secure Object Management -- -- -- -- Z -- -- -- Z Z Z Z Z Z EC Curve Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Crypto Object Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E EC Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- RSA Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- Symmetric Cipher Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E -- Authenticated Encryption Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 28 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Services CSPs APP-TRANSPORT-CIPHER APP-TRANSPORT-MAC APP-KAS-SSC-EC-PRIV-KEY APP-KAS-IOT--SS APP-AES-KEY-AUTH APP-SENC APP-SMAC APP-RMAC APP-USERID-FILE APP-EC-PRIV-KEY APP-RSA-PRIV-KEY APP-AES-KEY APP-DES-KEY APP-HMAC-KEY MAC Calculation -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E HKDF Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E PBKDF Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E TLS KDF Functions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E E E Secure Hash Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Authentication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Manage Content -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Table 16: IoT applet CSPs Access within Services (if present in FIPS SE051 configuration) Services Public Keys DAP-DAPK APP- KAS-SSC-EC-PUB-KEY APP-EC-PUB-KEY-CO APP-EC-PUB-KEY-USER APP-EC-PUB -KEY APP-RSA-PUB-KEY APP-ECC-PUB-eKA APP-ECC-RT-PUB-AUT APP-ECC-PUB-AUT APP-CERT-KR-AUT APP-CERT-AUT Unauthenticated Role CM IoT Applet SEMS Lite applet Card Reset -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Context -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Info -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite General -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- -- CO CM IoT Applet SEMS Lite applet Lifecycle Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z -- -- Manage Content -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Privileged Info -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Secure Channel -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Root Key Update -- -- -- -- -- -- IE EI IE I I NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 29 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Services Public Keys DAP-DAPK APP- KAS-SSC-EC-PUB-KEY APP-EC-PUB-KEY-CO APP-EC-PUB-KEY-USER APP-EC-PUB -KEY APP-RSA-PUB-KEY APP-ECC-PUB-eKA APP-ECC-RT-PUB-AUT APP-ECC-PUB-AUT APP-CERT-KR-AUT APP-CERT-AUT CO / User CM IoT Applet SEMS Lite applet Module Management -- -- IE IE -- -- IE E IE -- -- Session Management -- E E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Secure Object Write Functionality -- -- I I I I -- -- -- -- -- Secure Object Read Functionality -- O O O O O -- -- -- -- -- Secure Object Management -- -- -- Z Z Z -- -- -- -- -- EC Curve Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Crypto Object Management -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EC Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- RSA Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- Symmetric Cipher Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Authenticated Encryption Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MAC Calculation -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HKDF Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PBKDF Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TLS KDF Functions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Secure Hash Crypto Operations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEMS Lite Authentication -- -- -- -- -- -- E E E -- -- SEMS Lite Manage Content E -- -- -- -- -- -- I I I I Table 17: Public Keys Access within Services NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 30 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 4 Self-Test 4.1 Power-On Self-Tests The module complies with IG 9.11; on the first power-on or on demand, the Module performs self-tests described in Table 18 below. All self-tests must be completed successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. If one of the self-tests fails, the system is halted and will start again after a reset. For successive power-on, the Firmware Integrity (Flash and ROM) check is performed on every reset. Test Target Description AES Performs separate encrypt and decrypt KATs using an AES-128 key (Cert. #C880) in CBC mode. CMAC Performs an AES-CMAC (Cert. #C880)KAT with AES-128 DRBG Performs a fixed input DRBG (Cert. #C1820) KAT all of SP 800-90A health test monitoring functions. ECDSA Performs ECDSA (Cert. #C1820) signature generation and verification KATs using the P-521 curve and SHA-256 (Cert. #C837); this self-test is inclusive of the CVL ECC CDH self-test. Firmware Integrity 32-bit CRC performed over all code located in Flash and ROM. HMAC Performs a HMAC (Cert. #C1818) KAT with SHA-256 (Cert. #C1816). KBKDF Performs a KBKDF (Cert. #C1824) KAT with AES-128 CMAC. KBKDF Performs a KBKDF (Cert. #C1818) in Feedback Mode with HMAC-SHA1 RSA Performs separate RSA (Cert. #C1825) and RSA CRT (Cert. #C838) signature generation and verification KATs using an RSA 2048-bit key and SHA-256 (Cert. #C837). SHA-1 Performs a fixed input KAT for both Cert. #C837 and #C1816. SHA-256 Performs a fixed input KAT for both Cert. #C837 and #C1816 (inclusive of SHA-224, per IG 9.4) SHA-512 Performs a fixed input KAT for both Cert. #C837 and #C1816 (inclusive of SHA-384, per IG 9.4). Triple-DES Performs encrypt and decrypt KATs using 3-Key Triple-DES (Cert. #C880) in CBC mode. Table 18: Power-On Self-Test All the Power-On Self-Tests can be performed on-demand with the GET DATA APDU command (Info service) with the following parameters: CLA = 80, INS = CA, P1 = 00, P2 = FE, Lc = 04, Incoming Data = DF4B0120, and Le = 00. The expected result is FE04DF4B0120. NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 31 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 4.2 Conditional Self-Tests Test Target Description DRBG CRNGT On every call to the DRBG, the Module performs the AS09.42 continuous RNG test to assure that the output is different than the previous value. Generate PCT Pairwise consistency test (Sign/Verify) performed when an asymmetric key pair is generated for RSA or ECC. The conditional test is implemented at the applet level. NDRNG CRNGT CRNGT is implemented following IG 9.8 by performing RCT on raw data. Signature PCT Pairwise consistency test performed when a signature is generated for RSA or ECDSA. Firmware Load Test DAP signature verification based on ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 Table 19: Conditional Self-Tests NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 32 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 5 Physical Security Policy The Module is a single-chip implementation that meets commercial-grade specifications for power, temperature, reliability, and shock/vibrations. The Module uses standard passivation techniques and is protected by active shielding (a grid of top metal layer wires with tamper response). A tamper event detected by the active shield places the Module permanently into the TAMPER error state. The Module includes also Environmental Failure Protection features (see Section 6 below). The Module is intended to be mounted in additional packaging; physical inspection of the die is typically not practical after packaging. 6 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The Module is protected against SPA, DPA, Timing Analysis and Fault Induction using a combination of firmware and hardware countermeasures. Protection features include detection of out-of-range supply voltages, frequencies or temperatures, and detection of illegal addresses or instructions. All cryptographic computations and sensitive operations such as critical data comparison provided by the module are designed to be resistant to timing and power analysis. Sensitive operations are performed in constant time, regardless of the execution context (parameters, keys, etc.), owing to a combination of hardware and firmware features. 7 Security Rules and Guidance The Module implementation also enforces the following security rules: 1. The Module provides two distinct operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer. 2. The Module does not support a maintenance interface or role. 3. The Module provides identity-based authentication. 4. The Module clears previous authentications on power cycle. 5. Power up self-tests do not require any operator action. 6. The Module allows the operator to initiate self-tests on-demand. 7. Data output is inhibited during key generation, self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 8. Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the Module. 9. The Module does not enter or output plaintext CSPs. 10. There are no restrictions on which CSPs are zeroized by the zeroization services, see Table 15. 11. The Module does not support manual key entry. 12. The Module does not output intermediate key values. 13. The module does not provide bypass services or ports/interfaces. 14. No additional interface or service is implemented by the Module which would provide access to CSPs. In addition, the following guidance shall be followed: 15. The default SSD SD-KENC, SD-KMAC, and SD-KDEK CSPs shall be changed at the reception of the Module. 16. For PBKDF, the input parameters shall follow these requirements: a. Salt length is 16 up to 64 bytes b. Iteration count is 1 up to 32767 bytes. The iteration count shall be selected as large as possible, as long as the time required to generate the key using the entered password is acceptable for the users. A minimum of 1,000 iteration count is recommended in [132] NXP Semiconductors – FIPS FIPS SE051 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Copyright NXP Semiconductors, 2021 Version 1.0 Page 33 of 33 NXP Semiconductors Public Material – may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) c. Output length is 112 up to 512 bytes. The use of the derived master key to protect data will be defined by the module host, see Section 5.4 of [SP800-132] for the possible options. 17. Output of the PBKDF shall only be used in storage applications. 18. A policy that restricts the use of the keys to one specific algorithm shall be applied to EC Keys used to perform Elliptic Curve operations, the policy shall ensure that no key can be used for multiple cryptographic operations. 19. For a static key pair used in key agreement a trusted third party (TTP) (trusted by the owner and any recipient of the public key) shall generate the key pair as specified in Section 5.6.1 of SP800- 56Arev.3 and provide it to the owner. It is assumed that the TTP is trusted by both the owner and any public-key recipient to generate the key pair as specified in Section 5.6.1 and not to use the owner’s private key to masquerade as the owner.