Page 1 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, Non-Proprietary Security Policy for the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Validated Fortress Secure Client Bridge (SCB) Hardware Version 1.0 Firmware Version 2.1.1 (Document Version 1.03) December 2007 Prepared by the Fortress Technologies, Inc., Government Technology Group 4023 Tampa Rd. Suite 2000. Oldsmar, FL 34677 Page 2 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 4 2.0 SCB SECURITY FEATURES .......................................................................................... 6 2.1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE ............................................................................................... 6 2.2 MODULE INTERFACES ....................................................................................................... 7 2.3 FIPS MODE ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.0 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY............................................ 9 3.1 ROLES................................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 SERVICES........................................................................................................................... 9 4.0 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY....................................................................................... 12 5.0 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT................................................................ 14 5.2 KEY STORAGE................................................................................................................. 15 5.3 ZEROIZATION OF KEYS ................................................................................................... 15 5.4 KEY AGREEMENT............................................................................................................ 15 5.5 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS ...................................................................................... 16 5.6 SELF TESTS...................................................................................................................... 16 6.0 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY ................................................................................. 16 7.0 FIRMWARE SECURITY ............................................................................................... 16 8.0 OPERATING SYSTEM................................................................................................... 16 9.0 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY........................................................ 17 10.0 EMI/EMC.......................................................................................................................... 18 11.0 CUSTOMER SECURITY POLICY ISSUES ................................................................ 18 12.0 MAINTENANCE ISSUES............................................................................................... 18 Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 3 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. List of Figures Figure 1: The Secure Client Bridge................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Power Module Secure Client Bridge ............................................................................... 5 Figure 3: Example of Secure Client Bridge Application................................................................. 5 Figure 4: Fortress Secure Client Bridge (SCB) Information Flow Diagram................................... 7 List of Tables Table 1: Encryption State of Data Flow.......................................................................................... 8 Table 2: Roles.................................................................................................................................. 9 Table 3: Strength of Authentication Mechanisms ........................................................................... 9 Table 4: Services, Operations and Functions of the Cryptographic Module................................. 10 Table 5: Access Control Table ...................................................................................................... 12 Table 6: Key Table........................................................................................................................ 15 Table 7: Approved Functions........................................................................................................ 16 Table 8: Non-Approved Functions................................................................................................ 16 Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 4 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The AirFortress® Secure Client Bridge Cryptographic Module Version 2.1, Figure 1 and Figure 2, hereafter SCB, is a standalone hardware and firmware cryptographic module and security client designed to prevent a hacker from “sniffing” and reading data transferred across a wired or wireless network. This security appliance provides a secure link to the corporate network by protecting communications between attached devices and the rest of the network. The SCB accepts traffic from IP or serial connections and creates a secure connection on their behalf to an AirFortress® Gateway as shown in Figure 3. Because the SCB implements encryption at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer, not only does it protect important network information, it functions as a bridge so it can be quickly and transparently be integrated into an existing network. Operation is automatic, requiring no administrator intervention as it protects data transmitted on WLANs (wireless LANs) and between WLAN devices and the wired local area network. The SCB requires no special configuration for different network applications. Its security protocols are implemented without human intervention to prevent any chance of human error. Authorized personnel (Cryptographic Officer) can log into the SCBs browser based management tool using his/her PIN/password for SCB configuring and monitoring. The length of the password is selectable 8-16 characters from keyboard using standard and special characters. The SCB is a hardware security solution. According to FIPS 140-2 terminology, the SCB is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module, whose cryptographic boundary is the entire enclosure of the device, including its physical ports, which constitute the module’s physical boundary. The SCB always operates in FIPS-enabled operating mode. In the FIPS mode the SCB offers point-to-point-encrypted communication for the user’s computer and Local Area Network (LAN) or Wireless LAN (WLAN) it protects. It encrypts outgoing messages/data from a “client” site (unencrypted Ethernet port), and decrypts incoming messages/data from client computers located at different sites (encrypted 802.11b or Ethernet port). Two or more units can also communicate with each other directly, but an 802.11b AP is required to act as a relay if the wireless link is used for the encrypted interface. The SCB units apply FIPS-validated, symmetric-key encryption using Triple- DES, AES with 128 bits, 192 bits or 256 bits key length. All of these encryption operation modes are FIPS 140-2 validated. The control input interface is the same as the message/data communication interface. The SCB uses a unique 16-digit hexadecimal string that represents the client’s Access ID. At each consecutive power-on, after it is installed at a site, the SCB performs self-tests and adapts itself to the network automatically. An authorized administrator can reboot the module when needed, oversee self-tests and normal operation, and keep an eye on the physical security of the host hardware platform on which the SCB is installed. Zeroization of all cryptographic keys and CSPs can be manually processed by rebooting the SCB. Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 5 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. Figure 1: The Secure Client Bridge Figure 2: Power Module Secure Client Bridge Figure 3: Example of Secure Client Bridge Application Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 6 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 2.0 SCB SECURITY FEATURES The SCB provides data link layer (OSI Layer 2) security. To accomplish this, it was designed with the features described in the following sections. 2.1 Cryptographic Module The following security design concepts guide the development of the SCB: 1. Use FIPS-approved and NIST recommended cryptographic algorithms, such as, Triple-DES and AES. 2. Minimize the human intervention to the module with a high degree of automation to prevent human error and to ease the use and management of the module. 3. Secure all points where a LAN, WLAN, or WAN can be accessed by using a unique company Access ID, defined by the customer, to identify authorized devices as belonging to the protected wireless network The Mobile Security Protocol (MSP) architecture of the cryptographic engine ensures that cryptographic processing is secure on a wireless network and automates most security operations to prevent any chance of human error. Because MSP operates at the data link layer, header information is less likely to be intercepted In addition to using FIPS-approved and NIST recommended cryptographic algorithms, MSP also compresses data, disguising the length of the data to prevent analytical attacks and yielding a significant performance gain on network throughput. The SCB requires no special configuration to operate once correctly installed. Cryptographic Officers are encouraged to change certain security settings, such as the Access ID for the device, to ensure that each customer has unique parameters that must be met for access. The SCB allows role-based access to user interfaces for access to the appropriate set of management and status monitoring tools. Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 7 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 2.2 Module Interfaces Inbound and Outbound traffic enters through the Ethernet, 802.11 and serial interfaces and is passed into the “AFClient daemon”. The driver includes the packet capture module. The “AFClient daemon” includes the “wLLS Module” (provides the module cryptographic services). “AFWeb” is used to configure the SCB. Figure 4: Fortress Secure Client Bridge (SCB) Information Flow Diagram Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 8 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. The encryption state of the data that flows though the SCB’s ports are characterized in the table 1. Table 1: Encryption State of Data Flow Port Name Traffic Type Direction Encrypted/Unencrypted Serial Port (DB-9) RS-232 ASCII bit stream To SCB Unencrypted Serial Port (DB-9) RS-232 ASCII bit stream From SCB Unencrypted 802.11b Wireless 802.11b packet SDU To SCB *Encrypted 802.11b Wireless 802.11b packet SDU From SCB *Encrypted Unencrypted Ethernet 802.3 packet SDU To SCB Unencrypted Unencrypted Ethernet 802.3 packet SDU From SCB Unencrypted Encrypted Ethernet 802.3 packet SDU To SCB *Encrypted Encrypted Ethernet 802.3 packet SDU From SCB *Encrypted *The SCB never passes any unencrypted clear text data traffic over the encrypted ports. 2.3 Secure Operation This section describes how to place and keep the module in FIPS-approved mode of operation. The Crypto-Officer must insure that the Diffie-Hellman key size of 512-bits is not selected. Use of Diffie-Hellman using 512-bit intermediate values is not permitted in FIPS-mode. Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 9 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 3.0 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY 3.1 Roles The SCB supports two Cryptographic Officer roles and one Users role as shown below: Table 2: Roles Roles Authentication Method Port Tasks Cryptographic Officer Administrator Password GUI Data I/O - Configuration - Diagnostics - Monitoring - Cryptographic Services Operator Password GUI Data I/O - Diagnostics - Monitoring - Cryptographic Services Users Role End User Access ID Data/I/O - Cryptographic Services Note: A Maintenance role is not supported. Table 3: Strength of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Cryptographic Officer 8-alphanumeric characters. 72^8 combinations exceeds the standard 1/10^6 success rate. The cycle time for the module to deny access and present a fresh login interface is eight seconds. The number of login attempts available in a minute is seven and a half (7.5) login attempts per minute. At this rate, the possibility of guessing the password in a one-minute interval exceeds the 1 in 10^5 requirements of the standard. User 16-Hex Access ID (64-bit). The probability guessing the Access ID exceeds the standard 1/10^6 success rate. The module is designed to attempt eight User authentication attempts after start-up. If it fails to authenticate with the User, it enters a non-functioning idle state until a reset occurs, then another authentication attempt is made. Since the reset initialization is outside of the User's control, a User can make 8 attempts at authentication in a given one-minute interval. This leaves a probability of 8*(1/2)^64 = (2^3)/(2^64) = (1/2)^61 for a false acceptance in a one minute interval; greatly exceeding the 1 in 10^5. Note: Level 1 cryptographic modules do not require authentication to assume a role. 3.2 Services Table 4 defines the services, service input, and service output of the SCB. Some service like the LEDs shows a status by turning on or blinking a LED, other services shows various system status on the GUI while other perform services, like self test, encryption service or communication services, that are transparent to someone using the SCB, Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 10 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. Table 4: Services, Operations and Functions of the Cryptographic Module Service Service Input Service Output Show Status LED – Unencrypted Ethernet Operation of the Unencrypted Ethernet Light LED – Encrypted Ethernet Operation of the Encrypted Ethernet Light LED – Serial Port Operation of the Serial Port Light LED – Wireless NIC Operation of the Wireless NIC Light LED – SCB Status Various Condition within the SCB Light LED – Power Indicator Power is On Light GUI – System Status Values taken from different places in the SCB Values GUI – Version Information Hard Coded Information within the flash Values GUI – Tracking Status of the partners Values GUI – Interface Information Taking from the interface drivers Values GUI – System Log Various conditional within the SCB with generate a message Log Messages Perform Self Test Cryptographic Algorithm Tests Crypto Algorithm Self-tests passed message sent to log. Firmware Integrity Check Operating Application Firmware integrity test passed message sent to log SHA-1 and HMAC Test SHA-1 and HMAC Routines Self-tests passed message sent to log. Firmware Load Test Installation Firmware Firmware load passed message sent to log. Continuous Rand Number Generator Test X9.31 PRNG RNG test passed message sent to log. Security Services Encrypt AES •Packets coming from an unencrypted interface or from the GUI to be encrypted •Packet coming from an encrypted interface to be unencrypted •Packets coming from an unencrypted interface or from the GUI to be encrypted •Packet coming from an encrypted interface to be unencrypted Encrypt Triple-DES •Packets coming from an unencrypted interface or from the GUI to be encrypted •Packet coming from an encrypted interface to be unencrypted •Packets coming from an unencrypted interface or from the GUI to be encrypted •Packet coming from an encrypted interface to be unencrypted Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (1024-bits or 2048-bits) Random Number Encryption Key SHA-1 Packet Hash PRNG Seed Value Pseudo Random Number Non-Approved Security Functions Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (512 bits) Random Number Encryption Key Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 11 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. Service Service Input Service Output SSL-Only uses SHTTP •Unencrypted packets from to GUI •Encrypted Packets coming from a browser on a remote workstation •Encrypted packets going to a browser on a remote workstation •Unencrypted packets going to GUI Communication Services Bridging Input Packet Output Packet WLAN Configuration GUI Input by Admin Feature Configured Ethernet Configuration GUI Input by Admin Feature Configured Serial Configuration GUI Input by Admin Feature Configured WLAN Communication Input Packet Output Packet Ethernet Communication Input Packet Output Packet Serial Communications Input Packet Output Packet Reset Connections GUI Input by Admin Connections Reset DHCP Usage DHCP Request Packet DHCP Response Packet DHCP Configuration GUI Input by Admin Feature Configured Release DHCP Connection GUI Input by Admin DHCP Connection Released Ping GUI Input by Admin or Operator Ping Packet Sent Traceroute GUI Input by Admin or Operator Traceroute Packet Sent Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 12 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 4.0 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY Table 5 shows the access control policy concerning each service of the SCB. Some services everyone (User, Operator and Administrator) can access while other service only certain roles can access. Table 5: Access Control Table Service CSP Access Roles Show Status LED – Unencrypted Ethernet None All LED – Encrypted Ethernet None All LED – Serial Port None All LED – Wireless NIC None All LED – SCB Status None All LED – Power Indicator None All GUI – System Status None Administrator Operator GUI – Version Information None Administrator Operator GUI – Tracking None Administrator Operator GUI – Interface Information None Administrator Operator GUI – System Log None Administrator Operator Perform Self Test Services Crypto Algorithm Tests None All Firmware Integrity Test None All SHA1 and HMAC Test None All Firmware Load Test None All Continuous Rand Number Generator Test None All Security Services Enter Access ID Read and Write Administrator Encrypt AES Execute All Encrypt Triple-DES Execute All Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Execute All SHA -1 Execute All HMAC SHA-1 Execute All SHA-256 Execute All HMAC SHA-256 Execute All PRNG Execute All SSL-Only uses SHTTP. None Administrator Operator Configure Remote Administration None Administrator Configure Peer to Peer Communication None Administrator Configure DMZ None Administrator Configure Peer to Peer Communication None Administrator Configure DMZ None Administrator Change Passwords None Administrator Configure Remote Administration None Administrator System Settings Reboot SCB None Administrator Restore SCB Settings Read and Write Administrator Backup SCB Settings Read Only Administrator Firmware Load None Administrator Communication Services Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 13 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. Service CSP Access Roles Bridging None All WLAN Configuration None Administrator Ethernet Configuration None Administrator Serial Configuration None Administrator WLAN Communication None All Ethernet Communication None All Serial Communications None All Reset Connections None Administrator Operator DHCP Client Usage None All DHCP Server Configuration None Administrator Release DHCP Connection None Administrator Ping None Administrator Operator Traceroute None Administrator Operator Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 14 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 5.0 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT The SCB automatically performs all cryptographic processing and key management functions. General Cryptographic Information Encryption Algorithms • Triple-DES • AES (128-bits, 192-bits, 256-bits) Random Number Generators • X9.31 Pseudo Random Number Generator Hash Algorithms • SHS (SHA-1, SHA-256) HMAC • HMAC (SHA-1) • HMAC (SHA-256) Key Exchange • The SCB uses Diffie-Hellman Key exchange. • If the SCB is running multiple Diffie-Hellman keys simultaneously: o The SCB will send broadcast keys using the smallest configured Diffie- Hellman key. o Devices exchanging keys will negotiate to select the largest common Diffie-Hellman key length. o The SCB will track the last used Diffie-Hellman key length of each partner and use the appropriate public key. o Clients will monitor the public keys passed down and only compute common keys with the compatible Diffie-Hellman public keys. o If two devices are using incompatible Diffie-Hellman key lengths, (e.g., Client A is using Diffie-Hellman-1024, SCB is using Diffie-Hellman- 2048) then that partner should be placed in a ‘block state’ until a compatible Diffie-Hellman key is detected. Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 15 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. Cryptographic Keys The following keys are employed by the module. Table 6: Key Table Key Key Type Key Length AES 128-bits, 192-bits, or 256-bits Module Secret Key (MSK) Triple-DES 168-bits Static Private Key Diffie-Hellman intermediate value 1024-bits, or 2048-bits Static Public Key Diffie-Hellman intermediate value 1024-bits, or 2048-bits AES 128-bits, 192-bits, or 256-bits Static Secret Encryption Key Triple-DES 168-bits Dynamic Private Key Diffie-Hellman intermediate value 1024-bits, or 2048-bits Dynamic Public Key Diffie-Hellman intermediate value 1024-bits, or 2048-bits AES 128-bits, 192-bits, or 256-bits Dynamic Session Key Triple-DES 168-bits AES 128-bits, 192-bits, or 256-bits Static Group Key Triple-DES 168-bits Public Dynamic Group Key Diffie-Hellman intermediate value 1024-bits Private Dynamic Group Key Diffie-Hellman intermediate value 1024-bits AES 128-bits, 192-bits, or 256-bits Dynamic Group Key Triple-DES 168-bits 5.2 Key Storage No encryption keys are stored permanently in the module. 5.3 Zeroization of Keys The session keys of the SCP are automatically zeroized when the system is turned off and regenerated at every boot-up of the host hardware. 5.4 Key Agreement The SCP supports the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol using a Diffie-Hellman key size of 512-bits*, 1024-bits, or 2048-bits. * Does not provide sufficient encryption strength and is not to be used in FIPS-mode Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 16 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 5.5 Cryptographic Algorithms The SCB uses the FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms as shown in Table 7 Table 7: Approved Functions Functions CAVP Certificate # Triple-DES (CBC (K1, K2, K3)) #541 AES (CBC, encrypt/decrypt; 128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit) #545 SHS (SHA-1, SHA-256 (Byte)) #609 PRNG (ANSI X9.31) #312 HMAC (SHA-1, SHA-256) #286 Table 8: Non-Approved Functions Non-Approved Functions Allowed in FIPS-Mode Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment provides 80 (1024-bit intermediate values) and 112 bits (2048-bit intermediate values) of encryption strength) Non-Approved Functions Not Allowed in FIPS-Mode Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 56 bits of encryption strength, 56 bit mode does not provide sufficient encryption strength), DSA (non-compliant), RSA (non- compliant), MD2, MD5, Blowfish, CAST, IDEA, RC2, RC4, RC5 5.6 Self Tests The module conducts the following self-tests at power-up and conditionally as needed, when a module performs a particular function or operation: A. Power-Up Tests • Cryptographic Algorithm Known Answer Tests: AES KAT, Triple-DES KAT, HMAC-SHA-1 KAT, HMAC-SHA-256 KAT, SHA-1 KAT, and SHA- 256 KAT, PRNG KAT • Firmware Integrity Test: HMAC (SHA-256) B. Conditional Test • Continuous Random Number Generator test • Firmware Load Test: HMAC (SHA-1) Failure of any self-test listed above puts the module in its error state. 6.0 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY The SCB was designed to use production quality components, and is contained in a hard plastic enclosure. The module meets the requirements for level 1 physical security. 7.0 FIRMWARE SECURITY The SCB executes in a non-modifiable operating environment 8.0 OPERATING SYSTEM The SCB uses the Fortress Proprietary operating system. Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 17 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 9.0 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY No special mechanisms are built in the SCB; however, the cryptographic module is designed to mitigate several specific attacks. Features, which mitigate attacks, are listed here: 1. Use of a network-specific access ID assures that only SCB units using this same unique value can establish key exchange: Mitigates unauthorized connections to the module. 2. The SCB uses FIPS-approved SHS and HMAC hashing and FIPS-approved encryption/decryption methods: Triple-DES Mitigates attacks to decrypt traffic and crack keys. 3. The SCB enforces strong authentication of communicating parties: Mitigates “spoofing” credentials. 4. The SCB applies strong authentication on the origin of packets: Mitigates packet modification. 5. The dynamic session key is changed at least once every 24 hours, with 4 hours being the factory default duration: Mitigates key discovery. 6. A second Diffie-Hellman key exchange produces a dynamic common secret key in each of the modules by combining the other module’s dynamic public key with the module’s own dynamic private key: Mitigates “man-in-the-middle” attacks. 7. All key exchanges are encrypted: Mitigates encryption key sniffing by hackers. 8. Data in transit is subjected to integrity checking: Mitigates data modification and active attacks to inject traffic. 9. Compression and encryption of header information inside of the frame, making it impossible to guess. Use of strong encryption further protects the information. Any bit flipping would be useless in this frame to try to change the IP address of the frame: Mitigates active attacks from both ends. 10. Encryption happens at the datalink layer so that all network layer information is hidden: Mitigates hacker’s access to the communication. 11. No encryption keys are stored permanently in the module: Mitigates key discovery. 12. All firmware data are stored in executable format in the module: Mitigates access to the module firmware. 13. When the SCB is operated in accordance to the vendor’s physical security policy, the host server hardware platform is located in a controlled-access area or under permanent control of the user: Mitigates access to the module hardware. Security Policy for the Fortress Secure Client Bridge (Doc. Version 1.03) Page 18 of 18 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000, Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact. 10.0 EMI/EMC The SCB meets the requirements for FCC CFR 47 Part 15. Subpart B, Class A (Business use) 11.0 CUSTOMER SECURITY POLICY ISSUES Fortress Technologies, Inc. expects that after the module’s installation, any. customer (government organization or commercial entity or division) employs its own internal security policy covering all the rules under which the module(s) and the customer’s network(s) must operate. In addition, the customer systems are expected to be upgraded as needed to contain appropriate security tools to enforce the internal security policy. 12.0 MAINTENANCE ISSUES All installation and reinstallation for modules is performed by the Cryptographic Officer following the procedures defined by Fortress Technologies. Troubleshooting to resolve an error state may require the product to be reinstalled by the Cryptographic Officer or to be sent back to Fortress Technologies. - * - * - End of the “Non-Proprietary Security Policy for the FIPS 140-2 Validated Secure Client Bridge” document.