Ärendetyp: 6 Diarienummer: 17FMV7323-44:1 HEMLIG/ enligt Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (2009:400) 2018-06-15 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection Issue: 1.0, 2019-maj-24 Authorisation: Jerry Johansson, Lead certifier , CSEC Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 2 (25) Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Identification 5 3 Security Policy 7 3.1 Auditing 7 3.2 Cryptography 7 3.3 Identification and Authentication 7 3.4 Protection of the TSF 8 3.5 TOE Access Protection 9 3.6 Trusted Channel Communication and Certificate Management 9 3.7 Security Management 9 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope 10 4.1 Assumptions 10 4.2 Clarification of Scope 10 5 Architectural Information 12 6 Documentation 14 7 IT Product Testing 15 7.1 Developer Testing 15 7.2 Evaluator Testing 15 7.3 Penetration Testing 15 8 Evaluated Configuration 16 9 Results of the Evaluation 17 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations 19 11 Glossary 20 12 Bibliography 22 Appendix A Scheme Versions 25 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 3 (25) 1 Executive Summary The Target of Evaluation, TOE, is the single function printer (SFP) and multifunction printer (MFP) Futuresmart firmware. The following model series are included in the scope of the evaluation: HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 MFP M525 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Printer M651 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color MFP M575 Series HP Officejet Enterprise Color MFP X585 Series HP Officejet Enterprise Color Printer X555 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Printer M855 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M680 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise flow MFP M880 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M725 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise flow MFP M830 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M527 Series HP PageWide Enterprise Color Printer 556 Series HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise Printer M506 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise Printer M605 Series HP LaserJet Enterprise Printer M606 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Printer M553 Series These SFPs and MFPs provide network printing and storing, depending on model also faxing and scanning. The evaluated security features include intrusion detection, administrator and user identification and authentication, encrypted network communication (IPSec), en- crypted storage of files etc. The library in QuickSec that provides cryptographic support for IPSec is considered part of the operational environment but the cryptographical functions used by the TOE has been tested as part of the evaluation. The ST does not claims conformance to any Protection Profile. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 4 (25) The evaluation has been performed by atsec information security AB in their prem- ises in Danderyd, Sweden, to some extent in the approved foreign location in Austin, Texas, USA, and the developer's premises in Boise, Idaho, USA, and was completed on the 6th of May 2019. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Common Cri- teria, version 3.1, release 5, and the Common Methodology for IT Security Evalua- tion, version 3.1, release 5. The evaluation conforms to evaluation assurance level EAL 2, augmented by ALC_FLR.2. atsec information security AB is a licensed evaluation facility for Common Crite-ria under the Swedish Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme. atsec infor- mation security AB is is also accredited by the Swedish accreditation body SWEDAC according to ISO/IEC 17025 for Common Criteria evaluation. The certifier monitored the activities of the evaluator by reviewing all successive ver- sions of the evaluation reports. The certifier determined that the evaluation re-sults confirm the security claims in the Security Target [ST], and have been reached in agreement with the requirements of the Common Criteria and the Common Method- ology for the evaluation assurance level EAL 2 + ALC_FLR.2. The certification results only apply to the version of the product indicated in the cer- tificate, and on the condition that all the stipulations in the Security Target are met. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT product by CSEC or any other organisa- tion that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT prod- uct by CSEC or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate is either expressed or implied. As specified in the security target of this evaluation, the invocation of cryptographic primitives has been included in the TOE, while the implementation of these primitives has been located in TOE environment. The effect of invoking the cryptographic primi- tives used by the TOE have been tested within the scope of the evaluation. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 5 (25) 2 Identification Certified product versions (system firmware, JetDirect firmware, model series): 2405268_022701 JDI24050229 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 Series 2405268_022702 JDI24050229 HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 MFP M525 Series 2405268_022703 JDI24050229 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Printer M651 Series 2405268_022704 JDI24050229 HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color MFP M575 Series 2405268_022705 JDI24050229 HP Officejet Enterprise Color MFP X585 Series 2405268_022721 JDI24050229 HP Officejet Enterprise Color Printer X555 Series 2405268_022724 JDI24050229 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Printer M855 Series 2405268_022738 JDI24050229 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M680 Series 2405268_022739 JDI24050229 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise flow MFP M880 Series 2405268_022740 JDI24050229 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M725 Series 2405268_022741 JDI24050229 HP LaserJet Enterprise flow MFP M830 Series 2405268_022696 JSI24050246 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577 Series 2405268_022698 JSI24050246 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M527 Series Certification Identification Certification ID CSEC2016006 Name and version of the certified IT product HP Enterprise LaserJet, Officejet, and PageWide single- function printer (SFP) and multifunction printer (MFP) FutureSmart firmware (models listed below) Security Target Intrusion Detection in the HP Enterprise LaserJet, Officejet, and PageWide SFP and MFP FutureSmart Firmware Security Target Assurance packages EAL 2 + ALC_FLR.2 Sponsor HP Inc. Developer HP Inc. ITSEF atsec information security AB Common Criteria version 3.1 release 5 CEM version 3.1 release 5 QMS version 1.22.2 Scheme Notes Release 14.0 Recognition Scope CCRA, SOGIS, and EA/MLA Certification date 2019-05-24 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 6 (25) 2405268_022711 JSI24050246 HP PageWide Enterprise Color Printer 556 Series 2405268_022716 JSI24050246 HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586 Series 2405268_022717 JSI24050246 HP LaserJet Enterprise Printer M506 Series 2405268_022718 JSI24050246 HP LaserJet Enterprise Printer M605 Series 2405268_022718 JSI24050246 HP LaserJet Enterprise Printer M606 Series 2405268_022726 JSI24050246 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Printer M553 Series Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 7 (25) 3 Security Policy The TOE provides the following security services: - Auditing - Cryptography - Identification and Authentication - Protection of the TSF - TOE Access Protection - Trusted Channel communication and Certificate Management - Security Management A brief description of each security policy is given below. A more detailed description is given in the ST. 3.1 Auditing The TOE performs auditing of security relevant functions. Both the Jetdirect Inside Firmware and System Firmware generate audit records. The TOE connects and sends audit records to an external syslog server for long-term storage and audit review. 3.2 Cryptography The TOE uses IPsec to protect its communications channels. The QuickSec crypto- graphic library, which is part of the Operational Environment, is used to supply the cryptographic algorithms for IPsec. For intrusion detection, the TOE uses the Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm to per- form integrity checks on the XIP (execute in-place) code. 3.3 Identification and Authentication ● Control Panel The Control Panel supports both local and remote sign-in methods. For local sign-in, only the built-in Device Administrator account can be used in the evaluated configu- ration. For remote sign-in, LDAP and Windows (via Kerberos) sign in are supported. When a user signs in through the Control Panel, the TOE displays either asterisks or dots (depending on the HCD model) for each character entered of the Administrator Access Code and remote sign-in password to prevent onlookers from viewing an- other user's authentication data. The Control Panel uses permissions to determine which control panel applications a user can access. The built-in Device Administrator account has the Device Administra- tor Permission Set permanently assigned to it. For a user that signs in via LDAP or Kerberos, the user's session permission set may include the network user account's permission set, a permission set based on the set of network groups for which the user is a member, or the remote sign-in method's permission set. A control panel us- er's role is determined by the session permission set. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 8 (25) The Control Panel implements two account lockout mechanisms. The first mecha- nism, upon detection of a pre-configured maximum failed attempts to log into the local Device Administrator account, locks the account before the lockout interval has elapsed. The other mechanism (called Simplified Account Lockout) is used for the other control panel account types. It inserts a 10 second delay between authentica- tion attempts when 6 failed authentication attempts for a user account have been detected within a 5 minute period. ● IPsec The TOE uses IP addresses and RSA X.509v3 cetificates via the IKE protocol (IKEv1 and IKEv2) to identify and authenticate client computers and other trusted IT products (e.g. Kerberos server). The TOE's internal firewall maintains lists (IPsec/Firewall address templates) of IP ad- dresses of client computers that can connect to the TOE. Mutual identification and authentication must be completed before any tasks can be performed by a client computer. The IPsec/Firewall service templates define the user role of a client computer. The All Services service template is used to define the Administrator Computer for IPsec us- ers. The Administrative Computer can access the PJL Interface on port 9100 as well as the EWS (HTTP) interface, Web Services interface (OXPd and WS*), and SNMP inter- face. 3.4 Protection of the TSF ● Intrusion Detection Once the TOE is instantiated, the TOE runs continuous, cryptographic integrity checks on XIP code. If the TOE detects an intrusion from the failure of one or more of these integrity checks, the TOE will attempt to perform the following notifications: - Generate and forward an audit record to the syslog server - Create an entry in the event log stored in the TOE - Display an error message on the Control Panel In addition, the TOE will attempt to perform the following actions: - Take device offline - Initiate a reboot of the TOE - Upon restart of the system and depending on an administrator configurable auto-recovery option, either halt the boot process in the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) awaiting human confirmation or continue into a full reboot of the TOE Depending on the extent of the intrusion, the TOE may or may not be able to per- form one or more of these notifications and actions. ● Reliable Timestamps The TOE contains a system clock that is used to generate reliable timestamps. Only an administrator can manage the system clock. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 9 (25) 3.5 TOE Access Protection ● Inactivity Timeout The TOE supports an inactivity timeout for Control Panel sessions. If a logged in user is inactive for longer than the specified period, the user is automatically logged off of the TOE. The inactivity period is managed by the administrator via EWS (HTTP), WS* web services, or the Control Panel. A single inactivity period setting exists per TOE. 3.6 Trusted Channel Communication and Certificate Manage- ment The TOE uses IPsec as means to provide trusted channel communications. IPsec uses X.509v3 certificates, the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), IKEv1, IKEv2 and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to protect communi- cations. The IPsec and IKE cryptographic algorithms are all supplied by the QuickSec crypto- graphic library. The QuickSec cryptographic library is part of the Operational Environ- ment, but the TOE controls the usage of these algorithms. In addition, the TOE provides certificate management functions used to manage (add, replace, delete) X.509v3 certificates. 3.7 Security Management Only administrators have the authority to manage the security functionality of the TOE. They can manage the Administrator Access Code, IPsec certificates, IPsec/Fire- wall address templates, service templates and rules, sign-in policy, and the system clock. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 10 (25) 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope 4.1 Assumptions The Security Target [ST] makes six assumptions on the usage and the operational en- vironment of the TOE. A.ACCESS.MANAGED The TOE is located in a restricted or monitored environment that provides protection from unmanaged access to the physical components and data interfaces of the TOE. A.ADMIN.PC.SECURE The administrative computer is in a physically secured and managed environment and only the authorized administrator has access to it. A.ADMIN.TRAINING Administrators are aware of the security policies and procedures of their organiza- tion, are trained and competent to follow the manufacturer's guidance and docu- mentation, and correctly configure and operate the TOE in accordance with those policies and procedures. A.ADMIN.TRUST Administrators do not use their privileged access rights for malicious purposes. A.EMAILS.PROTECTED For emails sent by the TOE to the SMTP gateway, the transmission of emails from the SMTP gateway to the email's destination is protected. A.SERVICES.RELIABLE When the TOE uses any of the network services SMB, FTP, DNS, Kerberos, LDAP, SMTP, SharePoint, syslog, and/or WINS, these services provide reliable information and responses to the TOE. 4.2 Clarification of Scope The Security Target contains five threats, which have been considered during the evaluation. T.TSF_DATA.IN_TOE_DIS TSF data in the TOE may be disclosed by unauthorized persons. T.TSF_DATA.IN_TOE_MOD TSF data in the TOE may be modified by unauthorized persons. T.TSF_DATA.IN_TRANSIT_DIS TSF data on the network may be disclosed by unauthorized persons. T.TSF_DATA.IN_TRANSIT_MOD TSF data on the network may be modified by unauthorized persons. T.XIP.MOD Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 11 (25) The TOE's XIP code may be modified (corruption or injection of malware) by unau- thorized persons. The Security Target contains seven Organisational Security Policies (OSPs), which have been considered during the evaluation. P.ADMIN.AUTHORIZATION To preserve operational accountability and security, administrators will be authorized to use the TOE only as permitted by the TOE owner. P.ADMIN.PASSWORD To restrict access to administrative tasks, the Device Administrator Password will be set in the evaluated configuration so that this password is required to perform secu- rity-relevant actions through EWS (HTTP), OXPd, WS* Web Services, or at the Control Panel. P.AUDIT.LOGGING To preserve operational accountability and security, records that provide an audit trail of TOE use and security-relevant events will be created by the TOE. Exported au- dit records will be protected from unauthorized disclosure or modification and will be reviewed by authorized personnel. P.INTERFACE.MANAGEMENT To prevent unauthorized use of the external interfaces of the TOE, operation of those interfaces will be controlled by the TOE and its Operational Environment. P.REMOTE_PANEL.DISALLOWED To preserve operational accountability and security, administrators must not use the Remote Control-Panel feature. P.RSA.KEYSIZE To preserve IPsec communications security, all devices connecting to the TOE via IP- sec must be configured to use an RSA key size of 2048-bits or greater. P.USERNAME.CHARACTER_SET To prevent ambiguous user names in the TOE's audit trail, the Display Names of the Local Device Sign In method users and the user names of the LDAP and Windows Sign In method users must only contain ASCII printable characters except for the double quote (22 hex) and single quote (27 hex) characters (i.e., allowed ASCII characters in hexadecimal: 20, 21, 23 - 26, 28 - 7E). Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 12 (25) 5 Architectural Information The TOE firmware contains intrusion detection functionality designed to detect modi- fications to execute in-place (XIP) code. XIP code is defined as the code in the kernel that is built to execute from a specific location in memory, and this location cannot be changed at runtime. When the TOE is initially loaded, it verifies the signatures of the loaded components to ensure that the TOE has not been modified. Once loaded, the intrusion detection code continuously scans the XIP code looking for modifica- tions. Upon detecting a modification, the TOE attempts to perform the following no- tifications: ● Generate and forward an audit record to the syslog server ● Create an entry in the event log stored in the TOE ● Display an error message on the Control Panel In addi on, the TOE will a empt to perform the following actions: ● Take device offline ● Ini ate a reboot of the TOE ● Upon restart of the system and depending on an administrator configurable auto- recovery option, either halt the boot process in the BIOS awaiting human confirma- tion or continue into a full reboot of the TOE The intrusion detection functionality, along with the printing, copying, scanning, fax- ing, and storing of documents, is a standard part of the HCD firmware. The HTTP-based EWS administrative interface allows an administrator to remotely manage the features of the TOE using a web browser. This interface is protected us- ing IPsec. The Web Services allows an administrator to remotely manage the TOE over the net- work. The TOE supports both HP's OXPd Web Services and certain WS* Web Services (conforming to the WS* standards defined by w3.org) accessed via the SOAP and XML. These interfaces are also protected using IPsec. The SNMP network interface allows an administrator to remotely manage the TOE using external SNMP-based administrative applications. The evaluated configuration supports SNMPv1 read only, SNMPv2c read only and SNMPv3. This interface is pro- tected using IPsec. Printer Job Language (PJL) is used in a non-administrative capacity by the Administra- tive Computer to send print jobs to the TOE as well as to receive job status. In gen- eral, PJL supports password-protected administrative commands, but in the evalu- ated configuration these commands are disabled. The TOE protects all network communications with IPsec. Though IPsec supports multiple authentication methods, in the evaluated configuration, both ends of the IPsec connection are authenticated using X.509v3 certificates. An identity certificate for the TOE must be created outside the TOE, signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), and imported (added) into the TOE along with the CA certificate. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 13 (25) Because IPsec authenticates the computers (not the individual users of the com- puter), access to the Administrative Computer should be restricted to TOE adminis- trators only. The TOE distinguishes between the Administrative Computer and other client com- puters by using IP addresses, IPsec, and the embedded Jetdirect Inside's internal fire- wall. In the evaluated configuration, the number of Administrative Computers used to manage the TOE is limited to one and the Device Administrator Password must be set. The TOE also supports Microsoft SharePoint (flow MFP models only) and remote file systems for the storing of scanned documents. The TOE uses IPsec with X.509v3 cer- tificates to protect the communications and to mutually authenticate to SharePoint and the remote file systems. For remote file system connectivity, the TOE supports the FTP and SMB protocols. Some HCD models containing the TOE can be used to email scanned documents, email received faxes, or email sent faxes. The TOE can send email alert messages to administrator-specified email addresses, or send automated emails regarding prod- uct configuration and MFP supplies to HP. The TOE supports protected communica- tions between itself and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) gateways. It uses IPsec with X.509v3 certificates to protect the communications and to mutually authenti- cate with the SMTP gateway. The TOE can only protect unencrypted emails up to the SMTP gateway. It is the responsibility of the Operational Environment to protect emails from the SMTP gateway to the email’s destination. Also, the TOE can only send emails; it does not accept inbound emails. Each HCD contains a user interface called the Control Panel. The Control Panel con- sists of either a touchscreen LCD or a 4-line display (depending on the HCD model), a physical power button, and a physical home screen button that are attached to the HCD. In addition, flow MFP models include a pull-out keyboard as part of the Control Panel. The Control Panel is the physical interface that a user uses to communicate with the TOE when physically using the HCD. The touchscreen LCD displays infor- mation such as menus and status to the user. It also provides virtual buttons to the user such as an alphanumeric keypad for entering usernames and passwords. The 4- line display displays status to the user. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 14 (25) 6 Documentation For proper configuration of the TOE into the evaluated configuration, the following guidance documents are available: CCECG HP Common Criteria Evaluated Configuration Guide for HP Enterprise LaserJet, Officejet, and PageWide Single-Function and Multifunction Printers running HP FutureSmart Firmware with Intrusion UGPW556 HP PageWide Enterprise Color 556 User Guide UGPW586 HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586 User Guide UGM506 HP LaserJet Enterprise M506 User Guide UGM525 HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 MFP M525 User Guide UGM525 HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M525 User Guide UGM527 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M527 User Guide UGM552/3 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M552/M553 User Guide UGM575 HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color MFP M575 User Guide UGM575 HP LaserJet Enterprise Color Flow MFP M575 User Guide UGM577 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577 User Guide UGM604/5/6 HP LaserJet Enterprise M604, M605, M606 User Guide UGM630 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 User Guide UGM651 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M651 User Guide UGM680 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M680 User Guide UGM725 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M725 User Guide UGM830 HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M830 User Guide UGM855 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M855 User Guide UGM880 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M880 User Guide UGX555 HP Officejet Enterprise Color X555 User Guide UGX585 HP Officejet Enterprise Color MFP X585/Flow X585 User Guide Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 15 (25) 7 IT Product Testing 7.1 Developer Testing The developers tested all TSFI both automatically and manually. All product model series were tested manually, and all but one were tested automatically. All test re- sults were as expected. The testing was performed in the developers premises in Boise, Idaho, USA. 7.2 Evaluator Testing Four TOE models were used for evaluator testing. The evaluators re-run a sample of manual developer tests as well as all automated tests, and some customisations of the automated tests. A developer tool were used to verify that the intrusion detec- tion were effective against memory alterations. The evaluators performed the automated and manual testing on 11 to 21 of Septem- ber 2018 at the developer site in Boise, Idaho, USA. All test results were as expected. 7.3 Penetration Testing The evaluator examined all potential interfaces (UDP and TCP ports), for IP v4 and for IP v6. The testing was performed at the developer site in Boise, Idaho, USA. The evaluator determined that only UDP port 500 (ISAKMP) is available outside of IPsec, which is the expected result. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 16 (25) 8 Evaluated Configuration ● HP Digital Sending So ware (DSS) must be disabled. ● Device Administrator Password must be set as per P.ADMIN.PASSWORD. ● Only one Administra ve Computer is used to manage the TOE. ● HP and third-party applications cannot be installed on the TOE. ● All received faxes must be stored in Job Storage. ● Fax Forwarding and Fax Archiving must be disabled. ● PC Fax Send must be disabled. ● Device USB and Host USB plug and play must be disabled. ● FIH port must be disabled. ● Remote Firmware Upgrade through any means other than EWS (e.g., PJL) and USB must be disabled. ● Jetdirect Inside management via telnet and FTP must be disabled. ● Jetdirect XML Services must be disabled. ● External file system access through PJL and PostScrit (PS) must be disabled. ● IPsec authen ca on using X.509v3 cer ficates must be enabled (IPsec authentication using Kerberos or Pre-Shared Key is not supported). ● IPsec Authen ca on Headers (AH) must be disabled. ● Full Authentication must be enabled (this disables the Guest role). ● SNMP support is limited to: - SNMPv1 read-only - SNMPv2c read-only - SNMPv3 ● The Service PIN, used by a customer support engineer to access func ons available to HP support personnel, must be disabled. ● Near Field Communica on (NFC) must be disabled. ● Wireless Direct Print must be disabled. ● PJL device access commands must be disabled. ● When using Windows Sign In, the Windows domain must reject Microso NT LAN Manager (NTLM) connections. ● The "Save to HTTP" func on is disallowed and must not be configured to func on with an HTTP server. ● Display Names for the Local Device Sign In method users and user names for the LDAP and Windows Sign In method users must only contain the characters defined in P.USERNAME.CHARACTER_SET. ● Remote Control-Panel use is disallowed per P.REMOTE_PANEL.DISALLOWED. ● User Access Codes use is disallowed. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 17 (25) 9 Results of the Evaluation The evaluators applied each work unit of the Common Methodology [CEM] within the scope of the evaluation, and concluded that the TOE meets the security objec- tives stated in the Security Target [ST] for an attack potential of 1 Basic. The certifier reviewed the work of the evaluator and determined that the evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Common Criteria [CC]. The evaluators overall verdict is PASS. The verdicts for the assurance classes and components are summarised in the follow- ing table: Assurance Class/Family Short name Verdict Development ADV PASS Security Architecture ADV_ARC.1 PASS Functional Specification ADV_FSP.2 PASS TOE Design ADV_TDS.1 PASS Guidance Documents AGD PASS Operational User Guidance AGD_OPE.1 PASS Preparative Procedures AGD_PRE.1 PASS Life-cycle Support ALC PASS CM Capabilities ALC_CMC.2 PASS CM Scope ALC_CMS.2 PASS Delivery ALC_DEL.1 PASS Flaw Remediation ALC_FLR.2 PASS Security Target Evaluation ASE PASS ST Introduction ASE_INT.1 PASS Conformance Claims ASE_CCL.1 PASS Security Problem Definition ASE_SPD.1 PASS Security Objectives ASE_OBJ.2 PASS Extended Components Definition ASE_ECD.1 PASS Security RequirementsASE_REQ.2 PASS TOE Summary Specification ASE_TSS.1 PASS Tests ATE PASS Coverage ATE_COV.1 PASS Functional Tests ATE_FUN.1 PASS 1 State the level of attack potential that is applicaple. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 18 (25) Independent Testing ATE_IND.2 PASS Vulnerability Assessment AVA PASS Vulnerability Analysis AVA_VAN.2 PASS. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 19 (25) 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations None. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 20 (25) 11 Glossary BEV Border Encryption Value CC Common Critera CSEC The Swedish Certification Body for IT Security DNS Domain Name System EAL Evaluated Assurance Level ESP Encapsulating Security Payload (IPsec) EWS Embedded Web Server GUI Graphical User Interface HCD Hardcopy Device HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS HTTP Secure IKE Internet Key Exchange (IPsec) IP Internet Protocol IPSec Internet Protocol Security ISAKMP Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol (IPsec) IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol MFP Multifunction Printer NTS Network Time Service OS Operating System OXP Open Extensibility Platform OXPd OXP device layer PJL Printer Job Language PP Protection Profile PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network REST Representational State Transfer (a.k.a. RESTful) RESTful See REST SED Self-Encrypting Drive SFP Single Function SHA Secure HashAlgorithm SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol ST Security Target TCP Transmission Control Protocol TLS Transport Layer Security Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 21 (25) TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functions TSFI TSF Interface UDP User Datagram Protocol WS Web Services Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 22 (25) 12 Bibliography ST Intrusion Detection in the HP Enterprise LaserJet, Officejet, and PageWide SFP and MFP FutureSmart Firmware Security Target, HP Inc., 2019-04-15, document version 2.3 CCECG HP Common Criteria Evaluated Configuration Guide for HP Enterprise LaserJet, Officejet, and PageWide Single-Function and Multifunction Printers running HP FutureSmart Firmware with Intrusion Detection, HP Inc., 2019-03-07, document version 1.7 UGPW556 HP PageWide Enterprise Color 556 User Guide, HP Inc., 2016-05, Edition 1 UGPW586 HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586 User Guide, HP Inc., 2016-05, Edition 1 UGM506 HP LaserJet Enterprise M506 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 2 UGM525 HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 MFP M525 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 1 UGM525f HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M525 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 1 UGM527 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M527 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-08, Edition 2 UGM552/3 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M552/M553 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 UGM575 HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color MFP M575 User Guide, HP Inc., 2012-05, Edition 1 UGM575f HP LaserJet Enterprise Color Flow MFP M575 User Guide, HP Inc., 2012-11, Edition 2 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 23 (25) UGM577 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 UGM604/5/6 HP LaserJet Enterprise M604, M605, M606 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 2 UGM630 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 2 UGM651 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M651 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 UGM680 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M680 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 UGM725 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M725 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 2 UGM830 HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M830 User Guide, HP Inc., 2017-08, Edition 2 UGM855 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M855 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 UGM880 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M880 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 UGX555 HP Officejet Enterprise Color X555 User Guide, HP Inc., 2014-04, Edition 1 UGX585 HP Officejet Enterprise Color MFP X585/Flow X585 User Guide, HP Inc., 2015-11, Edition 1 CCpart1 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 1, version 3.1 revision 5, CCMB-2017-04-001 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 24 (25) CCpart2 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2, version 3.1 revision 5, CCMB-2017-04-002 CCpart3 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 3, version 3.1 revision 5, CCMB-2017-04-003 CC CCpart1 + CCpart2 + CCpart3 CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, version 3.1 revision 5, CCMB-2017-04-004 SP-002 SP-002 Evaluation and Certification, CSEC, 2019-01-21, document version 30.0 SP-188 SP-188 Scheme Crypto Policy, CSEC, 2019-01-16, document version 8.0 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - HP Intrusion Detection 17FMV7323-44:1 1.0 2019-05-24 25 (25) Appendix A Scheme Versions During the certification project, the following versions of the quality management system (QMS) have been applicable since the certification application was received 2016-06-17: QMS 1.19.3 valid from 2016-06-02 QMS 1.20 valid from 2016-10-20 QMS 1.20.1 valid from 2017-01-12 QMS 1.20.2 valid from 2017-07-27 QMS 1.20.3 valid from 2017-04-24 QMS 1.20.4 valid from 2017-05-11 QMS 1.20.5 valid from 2017-06-28 QMS 1.21 valid from 2017-11-15 QMS 1.21.1 valid from 2018-03-09 QMS 1.21.2 valid from 2018-03-09 SIC! QMS 1.21.3 valid from 2018-05-24 QMS 1.21.4 valid from 2018-09-13 QMS 1.21.5 valid from 2018-11-19 QMS 1.22 valid from 2019-02-01 QMS 1.22.1 valid from 2019-03-08 QMS 1.22.2 valid from 2019-05-02 In order to ensure consistency in the outcome of the certification, the certifier has examined the changes introduced in each update of the quality management system. The changes between consecutive versions are outlined in "Ändringslista CSEC QMS 1.22.2". The certifier concluded that, from QMS 1.19.3 to the current QMS 1.22.2, there are no changes with impact on the result of the certification.