IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 1 of 191 ID&TRUST IDENTITY APPLET V3.4-P2/EIDAS ELECTRONIC IDENTITY CARD WITH PACE-GM, PACE-CAM, EXTENDED ACCESS CONTROL V1 AND V2, RESTRICTED IDENTIFICATION AND ACTIVE AUTHENTICATION SECURITY TARGET COMMON CRITERIA / ISO 15408 EAL4+ 2022 Classification: Public © Copyright ID&Trust Ltd. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 2 of 191 Revision history Version Date Information V1.00 18.08.2020 Final version V1.01 16.09.2020 Minor modification V1.02 13.10.2020 Update references V1.03 13.05.2022 Updated TOE identification data, TOE name, ST Title, TOE Description and Bibliography. V1.04 19.07.2022 Update Bibliography and Platform’s Certification IDs. v1.05 19.09.2022 Update Bibliography and Platform’s Certification IDs. v1.06 01.02.2023 Update Bibliography and TOE Reference IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 3 of 191 Table of Contents 1. ST INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 8 1 1.1. ST REFERENCE ........................................................................................................ 8 2 1.2. TOE Reference ....................................................................................................... 8 3 1.3. TOE Overview......................................................................................................... 9 4 1.3.1. TOE TYPE......................................................................................................... 9 5 1.3.2. TOE DEFINITION AND OPERATIONAL USAGE.......................................................11 6 1.3.3. TOE MAJOR SECURITY FEATURES FOR OPERATIONAL USE .................................12 7 1.3.4. NON-TOE HARDWARE/SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE.....................................................12 8 1.4. TOE DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................14 9 1.4.1. PRODUCT TYPE ................................................................................................14 10 1.4.2. COMPONENTS OF THE TOE ...............................................................................15 11 1.4.3. TOE LIFE CYCLE ..............................................................................................18 12 1.4.4. TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONS...............................................................................20 13 1.4.5. FEATURES OF THE IDENTITY APPLET..................................................................21 14 2. CONFORMANCE CLAIMS ..................................................................................................33 15 2.1. CC Conformance Claim .........................................................................................33 16 2.2. PP Claim................................................................................................................33 17 2.3. Package Claim.......................................................................................................35 18 2.4. Conformance Rationale..........................................................................................36 19 2.5. Statement of Compatibility......................................................................................38 20 2.5.1. SECURITY FUNCTIONALITIES..............................................................................38 21 2.5.2. OSPS ..............................................................................................................39 22 2.5.3. SECURITY OBJECTIVES .....................................................................................39 23 2.5.4. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................44 24 2.5.5. ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................54 25 2.6. Analysis..................................................................................................................54 26 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 4 of 191 3. SECURITY PROBLEM DEFINITION......................................................................................55 27 3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................55 28 3.1.1. ASSETS............................................................................................................55 29 3.1.2. SUBJECTS ........................................................................................................57 30 3.2. Threats...................................................................................................................60 31 3.2.1. THREATS FROM EAC1PP..................................................................................61 32 3.2.2. THREATS FROM EAC2PP..................................................................................61 33 3.2.3. THREATS FROM PACEPP .................................................................................61 34 3.2.4. THREATS FROM SSCDPP .................................................................................62 35 3.3. Organizational Security Policies .............................................................................62 36 3.3.1. OSPS FROM EAC1PP ......................................................................................62 37 3.3.2. OSPS FROM EAC2PP ......................................................................................63 38 3.3.3. OSPS FROM PACEPP......................................................................................63 39 3.3.4. OSPS FROM SSCDPP......................................................................................63 40 3.3.5. ADDITIONAL OSPS............................................................................................64 41 3.4. Assumptions ..........................................................................................................65 42 3.4.1. ASSUMPTIONS FROM EAC1PP ..........................................................................65 43 3.4.2. ASSUMPTIONS FROM EAC2PP ..........................................................................65 44 3.4.3. ASSUMPTIONS FROM PACEPP..........................................................................65 45 3.4.4. ASSUMPTIONS FROM SSCDPP..........................................................................65 46 4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................66 47 4.1. Security Objectives for the TOE .............................................................................66 48 4.1.1. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE FROM EAC1PP........................................66 49 4.1.2. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE EAC2PP .................................................67 50 4.1.3. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE PACEPP.................................................67 51 4.1.4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE SSCDPP.................................................68 52 4.1.5. ADDITIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE .............................................69 53 4.2. Security Objectives for the Operational Environment..............................................69 54 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 5 of 191 4.2.1. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM EAC1PP .............................................................69 55 4.2.2. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM EAC2PP .............................................................69 56 4.2.3. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM PACEPP.............................................................70 57 4.2.4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM SSCDPP.............................................................70 58 4.2.5. ADDITIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT...............................70 59 4.3. Security Objective Rationale ..................................................................................71 60 5. EXTENDED COMPONTENTS DEFINITION ............................................................................75 61 6. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................76 62 6.1. Security Functional Requirements..........................................................................77 63 6.1.1. Class FCS.......................................................................................................78 64 6.1.2. Class FIA ........................................................................................................96 65 6.1.3. Class FDP.....................................................................................................115 66 6.1.4. Class FTP .....................................................................................................130 67 6.1.5. Class FAU.....................................................................................................133 68 6.1.6. Class FMT.....................................................................................................133 69 6.1.7. Class FPT .....................................................................................................158 70 6.2. Security Assurance Requirements for the TOE ....................................................165 71 6.3. Security Requirements Rationale .........................................................................166 72 6.3.1. Security Functional Requirements Rationale.................................................166 73 6.3.2. Rationale for SFR’s Dependencies................................................................170 74 6.3.3. Security Assurance Requirements Rationale ................................................170 75 6.3.4. Security Requirements – Internal Consistency ..............................................171 76 7. TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION .....................................................................................173 77 7.1. TOE Security Functions .......................................................................................173 78 7.1.1. TSF.AccessControl .......................................................................................173 79 7.1.2. TSF.Authenticate ..........................................................................................174 80 7.1.3. TSF.SecureManagement ..............................................................................177 81 7.1.4. TSF.CryptoKey..............................................................................................178 82 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 6 of 191 7.1.5. TSF.AppletParametersSign...........................................................................180 83 7.1.6. TSF.Platform.................................................................................................180 84 7.2. Assurance Measures............................................................................................183 85 7.3. Fulfillment of the SFRs.........................................................................................183 86 7.4. Correspondence of SFR and TOE mechanisms...................................................187 87 8. GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................188 88 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY..............................................................................................................189 89 90 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 7 of 191 List of Tables Table 1 Overview of identifiers of current ST and PPs........................................................... 9 91 Table 2 IDentity Applet Suite v3.4 functionalities ..................................................................10 92 Table 3 Terminals and access control in European Passport ...............................................22 93 Table 4 Terminals and access control in Identity Card with Protected MRTD Application.....26 94 Table 5 Terminals and access control in Identity Card with EU-compliant MRTD Application 95 .............................................................................................................................................30 96 Table 6 Classification of Platform-TSFs................................................................................39 97 Table 7 Mapping of security objectives for the TOE..............................................................43 98 Table 8 Mapping of Security requirements ...........................................................................53 99 Table 9 Security Objective Rationale....................................................................................72 100 Table 10 Overview of authentication and identification SFRs ...............................................96 101 Table 11 Coverage of Security Objectives for the TOE by SFRs ........................................167 102 Table 12 Assurance measures and corresponding documents...........................................183 103 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 8 of 191 1. ST INTRODUCTION 104 This section provides document management and overview information required to register 105 the Security Target (ST) and to enable a potential user of the ST to determine, whether the ST 106 is of interest. 107 1.1. ST REFERENCE 108 Title: Security Target ID&Trust IDentity Applet v3.4-p2/eIDAS - Electronic 109 Identity Card with PACE-GM, PACE-CAM, Extended Access 110 Control v1 and v2, Restricted Identification and Active 111 Authentication 112 Author: ID&Trust Ltd. 113 Version Number: v1.06 114 Date: 01.02.2023 115 1.2.TOE Reference 116 The Security Target refers to the product “ID&Trust IDentity Applet Suite v3.4” for CC 117 evaluation. 118 TOE Name: IDentity Applet v3.4-p2/eIDAS on NXP JCOP 4 P71 119 TOE short name: IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS 120 TOE Identification 121 Data: 122 Applet version 123 number IDentity Applet V3.4/eIDAS v3.4.7470 124 Patch version 125 number: 024A 126 Evaluation Criteria: [4] 127 Evaluation 128 Assurance Level: EAL EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ATE_DPT.2 and 129 AVA_VAN.5 as defined in [3]. 130 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 9 of 191 Developer: ID&Trust Ltd. 131 Evaluation Sponsor: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmBH, Troplowitzstraße 20, 22529 132 Hamburg, Germany 133 1.3.TOE Overview 134 This ST claims strict conformance to [5], [6], [13] and [20]. There, slightly different terminology 135 is used. For the ease of understanding, Table 1 gives a brief translation for the used 136 terminology. Compound words that contain terminology of the table should be replaced 137 accordingly. 138 This ST PACE PP [13] EAC1PP [5] EAC2PP [6] electronic document travel document travel document electronic document electronic document presenter traveler traveler electronic document presenter EAC1 protected data - sensitive (user) data - EAC2 protected data - - Sensitive User Data common user data user data user data common user data PACE terminal BIS-PACE BIS-PACE PACE terminal EAC1 terminal - Extended Inspection System - EAC2 terminal - - EAC2 terminal Table 1 Overview of identifiers of current ST and PPs 139 1.3.1. TOE TYPE 140 IDentity Applet Suite v3.4 is a highly configurable eID solution. It is able to satisfy multiple 141 different application requirements even within a single applet instance. The Application part of 142 the TOE, the applet functionalities are distributed according to the following table: 143 Application Function Standard Protection Profile (certified or in progress) IDentity/PKI Flexible PKI token CEN TS 14890-1/2 IAS-ECC 1.0.1 [30] - IDentity/IAS European card for e- Services and National e- ID applications CEN/TS 15480- IAS-ECC 1.0.1 [30] - IDentity/QSCD Qualified Signature Creation Device CEN/TS 15480-2 IAS-ECC 1.0.1 [30] REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014 [14] [15] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 10 of 191 BSI TR-03117 IDentity/IDL International Driving License ISO/IEC 18013 - IDentity/EDL European Driving License 2012/383/EC - IDentity/eVR Electronic Vehicle Registration 1999/37/EC - IDentity/eHC Electronic Health Insurance CEN/CWA 15794 - IDentity/BAC Basic Access Control (BAC) ICAO Doc 9303 [8] BSI-CC-PP-0055 IDentity-J Basic Access Control (BAC) Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) ICAO Doc 9303 [8] JISEC500 [32] JISEC499 [33] IDentity/PACE- EAC1 Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) Extended Access Control v1 (EAC1) ICAO Doc 9303 [8] ICAO TR-SAC [7] BSI TR-03110 v2.21 [16][17][18][19] BSI-CC-PP-0068- V2-2011 [13] BSI-CC-PP-0056- V2-2012 [5] IDentity/eIDAS Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) Extended Access Control v2 (EAC2) ICAO TR-SAC [7] BSI TR-03110 v2.21 [16][17][18][19] BSI-CC-PP-0087 [20] Table 2 IDentity Applet Suite v3.4 functionalities 144 All the functions are supplied by the applet “IDentity Applet Suite v3.4”, the behaviour of the 145 applet changes according to the configuration applied during the personalization phase of 146 IDentity Applet life cycle and the environmental behaviour of the usage phase. 147 The scope of the current ST is only concerned with applet behaviour of configuration 148 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS. 149 The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is contactless smart card with the IDentity Applet Suite v3.4 150 configured as IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS. The TOE is applicable as an electronic document 151 (with three applications: ePassport, eID and eSign), which compliance to relevant eIDAS 152 standards [16], [17], [18] and provide all necessary security protocols (such as PACE, EAC1, 153 EAC2, etc). 154 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 11 of 191 1.3.2. TOE DEFINITION AND OPERATIONAL USAGE 155 The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is a smartcard programmed according to [16] [17]. The 156 smartcard contains multiple applications (at least one). The programmed smartcard is called 157 an electronic document as a whole. Here, an application is a collection of data(groups) and 158 their access conditions. We mainly distinguish between common user data, and sensitive user- 159 data. Depending on the protection mechanisms involved, these user data can further be 160 distinguished as follows: 161 • EAC1-protected data: Sensitive User Data protected by EAC1 (cf. [16]), 162 • EAC2-protected data: Sensitive User Data protected by EAC2 (cf. [17]), and 163 • all other (common) user data: Other user data are protected by Password Authenticated 164 Connection Establishment (PACE, cf. also [17]). Note that EAC1 recommends, and EAC2 165 requires prior execution of PACE. 166 1. Application note (taken from [20], application note 1.) 167 Due to migration periods, some developers have to implement products that function-ally 168 support both PACE and Basic Access Control (BAC), i.e. Supplemental Access Control (SAC) 169 [8].However, any product using BAC is not conformant to the current ST; i.e. the TOE may 170 functionally support BAC, but, while performing BAC, it is acting outside of the security policy 171 defined by the current ST. 172 In addition to the above user data, there are also data required for TOE security functionality 173 (TSF). Such data is needed to execute the access control protocols, to verify integrity and 174 authenticity of user data, or to generate cryptographic signatures. 175 Application considered in [16] and [17] are 176 1. an electronic passport (ePass) application 177 2. an electronic identity (eID) application, and 178 3. a signature (eSign) application. 179 The TOE shall comprise at least: 180 1. the circuitry of the chip, including all integrated circuit (IC) dedicated software that is 181 active in the operational phase of the TOE, 182 2. the IC embedded software, i.e. the operating system, 183 3. all access mechanisms, associated protocols and corresponding data, 184 4. one or several applications, and 185 5. the associated guidance documentation. 186 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 12 of 191 2. Application note (taken from [20], application note 2) 187 Since contactless interface parts (e.g. the antenna) may impact specific aspects of vulnerability 188 assessment and are thus relevant for security, such parts might be considered as a part of the 189 TOE. The decision upon this is up to the certification body in charge that defines the evaluation 190 methodology for the assessment of the contactless interface. 191 1.3.3. TOE MAJOR SECURITY FEATURES FOR OPERATIONAL USE 192 The following TOE security features are the most significant for its operational use: 193 The TOE ensures that 194 • only authenticated terminals can get access to the User Data stored on the TOE and 195 use security functionality of the electronic document according to the access rights of 196 the terminal, 197 • the Electronic Document Holder can control access by consciously presenting his 198 electronic document and/or by entering his secret PIN, 199 • authenticity and integrity of user data can be verified, 200 • confidentiality of user data in the communication channel between the TOE and the 201 connected terminal is provided, 202 • inconspicuous tracing of the electronic document is averted, 203 • its security functionality and the data stored inside are self-protected, and 204 • digital signatures can be created, if the TOE contains an eSign application. 205 • Optionally support the Active Authetnication and Chip Authentication mapping. 206 1.3.4. NON-TOE HARDWARE/SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE 207 In order to be powered up and to communicate with the external world, the TOE needs a 208 terminal (card reader) supporting the communication according to [12] and [11]; the latter only 209 if the card has a contactless interface. Akin to [16] and [17] the TOE shall be able to recognize 210 the following terminal types: 211 PACE terminal 212 A PACE terminal is a basic inspection system according to [16], [17] resp. It performs the 213 standard inspection procedure, i.e. PACE followed by Passive Authentication, cf. [16]. 214 Afterwards user data are read by the terminal. A PACE terminal is allowed to read only 215 common user data. 216 For more information see: PACE Terminal 217 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 13 of 191 EAC1 terminal 218 An EAC1 terminal is an extended inspection system according to [16]. It performs the 219 advanced inspection procedure ([16]) using EAC1, i.e. PACE, then Chip Authentication 1 220 followed by Passive Authentication, and finally Terminal Authentication 1. Afterwards user data 221 are read by the terminal. An EAC1 terminal is allowed to read both EAC1 protected data, and 222 common user data. 223 For more information see: EAC1 Terminal / EAC2 Terminal 224 EAC2 terminal 225 An EAC2 terminal is an extended inspection system performing the general authentication 226 procedure according to [17] using EAC2, i.e. PACE, then Terminal Authentication 2 followed 227 by Passive Authentication, and finally Chip Authentication 2. Depending on its authorization 228 level, an EAC2 terminal is allowed to read out some or all EAC2 protected Sensitive User Data, 229 and common user data. 230 For more information see: EAC1 Terminal / EAC2 Terminal 231 In general, the authorization level of a terminal is determined by the effective terminal 232 authorization. The authorization is calculated from the certificate chain presented by the 233 terminal to the TOE. It is based on the Certificate Holder Authorization Template (CHAT). A 234 CHAT is calculated as an AND-operation from the certificate chain of the terminal and the 235 electronic document presenter's restricting input at the terminal. The final CHAT reflects the 236 effective authorization level and is then sent to the TOE [18]. For the access rights, cf. also the 237 SFR component FDP_ACF.1/TRM in Chapter 6.1.3. 238 All necessary certificates of the related public key infrastructure – Country Verifying 239 Certification Authority (CVCA) Link Certificates, Document Verifiers Certificates and Terminal 240 Certificates – must be available in the card verifiable format defined in [18]. 241 The term terminal within this ST usually refers to any kind of terminal, if not explicitly mentioned 242 otherwise. 243 The current TOE knows three different configuration as described in 1.4.5 Features of the 244 IDentity Applet. According to the each configuration the following tables give an overview which 245 of the above terminals are related to what application, and which data group is accessible. 246 European Passport configuration 247 Terminal/Application ePassport eID eSign IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 14 of 191 PACE terminal Common user data n.a. n.a. EAC1 terminal Common user data and EAC1 protected data n.a. n.a. EAC2 terminal none n.a. n.a. Identity Card with Protected MRTD Application configuration 248 Terminal/Application ePassport eID eSign PACE terminal none none none EAC1 terminal none none none EAC2 terminal Common user data EAC2 protected data Common user data EAC2 protected data EAC2 protected data Identity Card with EU-compliant MRTD Application configuration 249 Terminal/Application ePassport eID eSign PACE terminal Common user data None None EAC1 terminal Common user data and EAC1 protected data None None EAC2 terminal none common user data EAC2 protected data EAC2 protected data Other terminals than the above are out of scope of this ST. In particular, terminals using Basic 250 Access Control (BAC) may be functionally supported by the electronic document, but if the 251 TOE is operated using BAC, it is not in a certified mode. 252 1.4. TOE DESCRIPTION 253 1.4.1. PRODUCT TYPE 254 The TOE type addressed by the current ST is a smartcard programmed according to [16] and 255 [17]. The smartcard contains IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS, which may be contain multiple 256 applications (at least one). The smartcard with IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS is called an 257 electronic document as a whole. 258 Justification: TOE type definitions of the claimed PPs ([5], [6], [14]) differ slightly. We argue 259 that these differences do not violate consistency: 260 The TOE type defined both in [5] and [6] is a smartcard. Whereas [5] references [16] (and also 261 [8] and related ICAO specifications, however [16] is fully compatible with those ICAO 262 specifications, and they are mostly listed there for the sake of completeness and the context 263 of use) w.r.t. programming of the card, [17] is given as a reference in [6]. Reference [16] defines 264 the EAC1 protocol, whereas EAC2 is defined in [17]. Thus, this difference in reference is 265 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 15 of 191 introduced just due to different applications on the card, that do not contradict each other. The 266 term 'travel document' of [5] is here understood in a more broader sense (cf. also Table 1 ), 267 since the document can also be used in contexts other than just traveling. 268 The TOE type definition given in [14] is “a combination of hardware and software configured 269 to securely create, use and manage signature-creation data (SCD)”. The definition of hardware 270 and software in this ST is more specific by explicitly mentioning a smartcard and the software 271 on the card. However, the very fundamental purpose of a smartcard is to store data on it in a 272 protected way. Hence, the TOE type definition of this ST is also not inconsistent with the one 273 of [14]. 274 The typical life cycle phases for the current TOE type are development, manufacturing, card 275 issuing and operational use. The life cycle phase development includes development of the IC 276 itself and IC embedded software. Manufacturing includes IC manufacturing and smart card 277 manufacturing, and installation of a card operating system. Card issuing includes installation 278 of the smart card applications and their electronic personalization, i. e. tying the application 279 data up to the Electronic Document Holder. 280 Operational use of the TOE is explicitly in the focus of [20]. Nevertheless, some TOE 281 functionality might not be directly accessible to the end-user during operational use. Some 282 single properties of the manufacturing and the card issuing life cycle phases that are significant 283 for the security of the TOE in its operational phase are also considered by the current ST. 284 Conformance with [20] requires that all life cycle phases are considered to the extent that is 285 required by the assurance package chosen here for the TOE; c.f. also chapter 6.2 286 1.4.2. COMPONENTS OF THE TOE 287 Micro Controller 288 The Micro Controller is a secure smart card controller from NXP from the SmartMX3 family. 289 The Micro Controller contains a co-processor for symmetric cipher, supporting DES operations 290 and AES, as well as an accelerator for asymmetric algorithms. The Micro Controller further 291 contains a physical random number generator. The supported memory technologies are 292 volatile (Random Access Memory (RAM)) and non-volatile (Read Only Memory (ROM) and 293 FLASH) memory. Access to all memory types is controlled by a Memory Management Unit 294 (MMU) which allows to separate and restrict access to parts of the memory. 295 IC dedicated software – Micro Controller Firmware 296 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 16 of 191 The Micro Controller Firmware is used for testing of the Micro Controller at production, for 297 booting of the Micro Controller after power-up or after reset, for configuration of communication 298 devices and for writing data to non-volatile memory. 299 IC dedicated software – Crypto Library 300 The Crypto Library provides implementations for symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic 301 operations, hashing, the generation of hybrid deterministic and hybrid physical random 302 numbers and further tools like secure copy and compare. The supported asymmetric 303 cryptographic operations are ECC and RSA. These algorithms use the Public Key Crypto 304 Coprocessor (PKCC) of the Micro Controller for the cryptographic operations. 305 Micro Controller, IC dedicated software (Micro Controller Firmware, Crypto Library) are 306 covered by the following certification: Certification ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-1136-V3-2022 307 Evaluation level EAL6+ ALC_FLR.1 and ASE_TSS.2 according to Security IC Platform 308 Protection Profile with Augmentation Packages Version 1.0, 13 January 2014, BSI-CC-00084- 309 2014. 310 IC Embedded Software 311 Certification ID: CC-22-180212/2 312 JCOP4 consists of Java Card Virtual Machine (JCVM), Java Card Runtime Environment 313 (JCRE), Java Card API (JCAPI), Global Platform (GP) framework, Configuration Module, etc. 314 OS Name: JCOP 4 Operating System 315 Applied OS 316 configuration: Banking & Secure ID 317 318 Product 319 Identification: JCOP 4 v4.7 R1.01.4 320 321 Evaluation Level: CC EAL 6+ with ASE_TSS.2, ALC_FLR.1 according to Java Card 322 System – Open Configuration Protection Profile, version 3.0.5, Certified 323 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI, BSI-CC- 324 PP-0099-2017). 325 Platform UGD: [24] 326 ID&Trust IDentity Applet Suite – accomplishing IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS 327 Product name: ID&Trust IDentity Applet Suite 328 Version: 3.4 329 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 17 of 191 Application name1 : IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS 330 TOE Guidance 331 Documentation: 2 IDentity Applet Administrator’s Guide [21] 332 IDentity Applet User’s Guide [22] 333 The composite part always means IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS 334 The logical architecture of the TOE: 335 336 1. Figure TOE Boundaries 337 The TOE is a composite TOE and the dashed line denotes the whole TOE. The underlying 338 certified hardware platform and JCOP 4 OS are marked with purple and green. In this ST the 339 common short name of certified hardware platform and JCOP 4 OS is Platform. 340 The blue box marks the application layer. The ID&Trust IDentity Applet Suite v3.4 could be 341 loaded in the Flash. During the creation phase an instance is created in the Flash and after 342 1 The applet is provided in cap file format. 2 The AGD documents provided in electronic document format. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 18 of 191 several configuration steps it will be personalized as IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS. For details 343 please see: section 1.4.3 TOE life cycle and [23]. 344 The boxes marked with white are not certified. 345 1.4.3. TOE LIFE CYCLE 346 The TOE life cycle is described in terms of the above mentioned four life cycle phases. Akin to 347 [10], the TOE life-cycle is additionally subdivided into seven steps. 348 Phase 1: Development 349 Step 1 350 The TOE is developed in phase 1. NXP develops the integrated circuit, the IC dedicated 351 software and the guidance documentation associated with these TOE components. 352 Step 2 353 The software developer uses the guidance documentation for the integrated circuit and the 354 guidance documentation for relevant parts of the IC dedicated software, and develops the IC 355 embedded software (operating system), the electronic document application(s) and the 356 guidance documentation associated with these TOE components. The operating system is 357 developed by NXP as well. The IDentity Applet v3.4 is developed by ID&Trust Ltd. 358 The manufacturing documentation of the IC including the IC dedicated software and the 359 embedded software in the non-volatile non-programmable memories is securely delivered to 360 the IC manufacturer. The IC embedded software in the non-volatile programmable memories, 361 the application(s), and the guidance documentation is securely delivered to the electronic 362 document manufacturer. 363 Phase 2: Manufacturing 364 Step 3 365 In a first step, the TOE integrated circuit is produced. The circuit contains the electronic 366 document's chip dedicated software, and the parts of the electronic document's chip 367 embedded software in the non-volatile non-programmable memory (ROM). The IC 368 manufacturer writes IC identification data onto the chip in order to track and control the IC as 369 dedicated electronic document material during IC manufacturing, and during delivery to the 370 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 19 of 191 electronic document manufacturer. The IC is securely delivered from the IC manufacturer to 371 the electronic document manufacturer. If necessary, the IC manufacturer adds parts of the IC 372 embedded software in the non-volatile programmable memory, e. g. EEPROM or in FLASH. 373 Step 4 (optional) 374 If the electronic document manufacturer delivers a packaged component, the IC is combined 375 with hardware for the contact based or contactless interface. 376 Step 5 377 The electronic document manufacturer 378 1. if necessary, adds the IC embedded software, or parts of it in the non-volatile 379 programmable memories, e. g. EEPROM or FLASH, 380 2. creates the application(s), and 381 3. equips the electronic document's chip with pre-personalization data. 382 Creation of the application(s) implies the creation of the master file (MF), dedicated files (DFs), 383 and elementary files (EFs) according to [12]. How this process is handled internally depends 384 on the IC and IC embedded software. 385 The pre-personalized electronic document together with the IC identifier is securely delivered 386 from the electronic document manufacturer to the Personalization Agent. The electronic 387 document manufacturer also provides the relevant parts of the guidance documentation to the 388 Personalization Agent. 389 Phase 3: Personalization of the Electronic Document 390 Step 6 391 The personalization of the electronic document includes 392 1. the survey of the Electronic Document Holder’s biographical data, 393 2. the enrollment of the Electronic Document Holder's biometric reference data, such as 394 a digitized portrait or other biometric reference data, 395 3. printing the visual readable data onto the physical part of the electronic document, and 396 4. configuration of the TSF, if necessary. 397 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 20 of 191 Configuration of the TSF is performed by the Personalization Agent and includes, but is not 398 limited to, the creation of the digitized version of the textual, printed data, the digitized version 399 of e.g. a portrait, or a cryptographic signature of a cryptographic hash of the data that are 400 stored on the chip. The personalized electronic document, if required together with appropriate 401 guidance for TOE use, is handed over to the Electronic Document Holder for operational use. 402 3. Application note (taken from [20], Application Note 3) 403 TSF data are data for the operation of the TOE upon which the enforcement of the SFRs relies 404 [1]. Here TSF data include, but are not limited to, the Personalization Agent's authentication 405 key(s). 406 Phase 4: Operational Use 407 Step 7 408 The chip of the TOE is used by the electronic document and terminals that verify the chip's 409 data during the phase operational use. The user data can be read and modified according to 410 the security policy of the issuer. 411 4. Application note (taken from [20], application note 4) 412 This ST considers at least the first phase and parts of the second phase, i.e. Step 1 up to Step 413 3, as part of the evaluation. Therefore, the TOE delivery is defined to occur, according to CC, 414 after Step 3. Since specific production steps of the second phase are of minor security 415 relevance (e.g. plastic card or booklet manufacturing and antenna integration) these are not 416 part of the CC evaluation under ALC. Nevertheless, the decision about this has to be taken by 417 the certification body resp. the national body of the issuer or organization. In this case the 418 national body of the issuer is responsible for these specific production steps. 419 Note that the personalization process and its environment may depend on specific security 420 needs of the issuer. All production, generation and installation procedures after TOE delivery 421 up to the phase operational use have to be considered in the product evaluation process under 422 assurance class AGD. Therefore, the security target has to outline how to split up P.Manufact, 423 P.Personalisation and related security objectives into aspects relevant before vs. those 424 relevant after TOE delivery. 425 Some production steps, e. g. Step 4 in Phase 2 may also take place in the Phase 3. 426 1.4.4. TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONS 427 TSF Description TSF.AccessControl The TOE enforces access control in order to ensure only for authorised users to access User Data and TSF-data and maintains different security roles. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 21 of 191 TSF.Authenticate The TOE supports several authentication mechanisms in order to authenticate the Users, Terminals and to prove the genuineness of the electronic document. The supported mechanism and protocols are based on ICAO and BSI standards [7], [8], [16], [17] and [18]. TSF.SecureManagement The TOE enforces the secure management of the security attributes, data and functions. Furthermore the TOE restricts the available commands in each TOE life-cycle phase. TSF.CryptoKey The TOE uses several cryptographic services such as digital signature creation and verification, asymmetric and symmetric cryptography, random number generation and complete key management. TSF.AppletParametersSign The TOE enforces the integrity of itself in each life cycle phases. TSF.Platform The TOE relies on the certified functions and services of the Platform. This TSF is collection of those SFRs, which are uses these functions and services. 1.4.5. FEATURES OF THE IDENTITY APPLET 428 Taking into consideration the [20] the current ST makes distinct the following configuration: 429 • European Passport 430 • Identity Card with Protected MRTD Application 431 • Identity Card with EU-compliant MRTD Application 432 European Passport 433 Passwords 434 • MRZ [16] 435 • CAN [16] 436 Authentication Procedure 437 This configuration requires implementation t the following Authentication Procedure for access 438 to DG3 and DG4 (Sensitive User Data) of the ePassport Application: 439 • Advanced Inspection procedure [16] 440 Applications 441 • ePassport Application 442 Protocols 443 • PACE (Generic Mapping, Integrated Mapping and Chip Authentication Mapping) [9], 444 [16] 445 • Active Authentication [7] (optionally) 446 • EAC1 [16] 447 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 22 of 191 o Terminal Authentication version 1 [16] 448 o Chip Authentication version 1 [16] 449 Data Groups 450 According to [16]. 451 Data types in: 452 • Common user data: All DG, which require only BAC/PACE protocol 453 • EAC1 protected data: All DG,which require EAC1 protocol 454 The authorization level of EAC1 terminal is determined by the effective authorization calculated 455 by from the certificate chain. 456 Terminals and access control 457 Data types PACE terminal EAC1 terminal EAC2 terminal common user data X X - EAC1 protected data - X - Table 3 Terminals and access control in European Passport 458 Security Functional Requirements 459 TOE SFR / Application ePas sport FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP - FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP - FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP - FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP - FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP - FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP - FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP - FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP X FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP X FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP X FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP X FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP X FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP X FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP X FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP X FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP X FCS_CKM.1/CA2 - FCS_CKM.1/RI - FCS_CKM.1/AA X FCS_COP.1/AA X FCS_CKM.1/CAM X FCS_COP.1/CAM X FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP - FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP - FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP X IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 23 of 191 FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP X FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP - FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP - FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP - FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP - FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP - FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP - FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP - FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP - FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP - FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP - FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP - FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP X FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP X FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP X FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP X FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP X FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP X FIA_API.1/EAC1PP X FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM X FIA_API.1/AA X FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP X FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP - FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP - FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP - FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP - FDP_ACF.1/TRM X FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP - FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP - FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP - FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP X FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP X FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP X FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP X FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_S SCDPP - FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_S SCDPP - FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP - FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP - FDP_ACC.1/Signature- creation_SSCDPP - FDP_ACF.1/Signature- creation_SSCDPP - FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP - FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP - FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP - FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP - FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP - FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP X FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP - FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP - FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 24 of 191 FMT_SMR.1 X FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP - FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP - FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP - FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP - FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP - FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP - FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP - FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP - FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP - FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP - FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP - FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP - FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP - FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP - FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP X FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP X FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP X FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP X FMT_LIM.1/Loader X FMT_LIM.2/Loader X FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key X FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP - FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP - FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP - FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP - FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP X FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP X FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP X FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP X FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP - FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP - FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP - FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP - FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 25 of 191 Identity Card with Protected MRTD Application 460 Passwords 461 • MRZ [16] 462 • CAN [16] 463 • PIN [17] 464 • PUK [17] 465 While it is technically possible to grant access to the electronic signature functionality by 466 inputting only CAN, this technical option is not allowed in this ST. This is due to the fact that 467 solely the signatory – which is here the Electronic Document Holder – shall be able to generate 468 an electronic signature on his own behalf. 469 Authentication Procedure 470 This configuration requires implementation at the following Authentication Procedure for 471 access any User Data stored on the TOE: 472 • General Authentication Procedure [17] 473 Applications 474 • ePassport Application 475 • eID Application 476 • eSign Application 477 Protocols 478 • PACE (Generic Mapping, Integrated Mapping) [17] 479 • EAC2 [17] 480 o Terminal Authentication version 2 [17] 481 o Chip Authentication version 2 [17] 482 • Restricted Identification [17] 483 Data Groups 484 According to [17]. 485 According to [9] and [16]. 486 Data type in: 487 • EAC2 protected data: All DG in ePassport, eID and eSign application. 488 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 26 of 191 The authorization level of EAC2 terminal is determined by the effective authorization calculated 489 by from the certificate chain. 490 Terminals and access control 491 Data type PACE terminal EAC1 terminal EAC2 terminal Common user data - - X EAC2 protected data - - X Table 4 Terminals and access control in Identity Card with Protected MRTD Application 492 TOE SFR / Application ePassport eID eSign FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP X X X FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP X X X FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP X X X FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP X X X FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP X X X FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP X X X FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP X X X FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP - - - FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP - - - FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP - - - FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP - - - FCS_CKM.1/CA2 X X X FCS_CKM.1/RI - X - FCS_CKM.1/AA - - - FCS_COP.1/AA - - - FCS_CKM.1/CAM - - - FCS_COP.1/CAM - - - FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP - - X FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP - - X FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP X X X FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP X X X FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP X X X FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP - X - FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP X X X FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP - - - FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP - - - FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP - - - FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP - - - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 27 of 191 FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP - - - FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP - - - FIA_API.1/EAC1PP - - - FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM - - - FIA_API.1/AA - - - FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP - - - FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP - - X FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP - - X FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP X X X FDP_ACF.1/TRM X X X FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP X X X FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP X X X FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP X X X FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP - - - FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP - - - FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP - - - FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP - - - FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCD PP - - X FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCD PP - - X FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP - - X FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP - - X FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP - - X FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP - - X FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X X FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP X X X FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP - - - FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP X X X FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP X X X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP X X X FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP X X - FMT_SMR.1 X X X FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP X X X FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP X X X FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP X X X FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP X X - FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP X X - FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP X X FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP X X FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP X X FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP X X FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP X X FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP - - X FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP - - X IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 28 of 191 FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP - - X FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP - - X FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP X X X FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP X X X FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP X X X FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP X X X FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP - - - FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP - - - FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC1PP - - FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP - - - FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP - - - FMT_LIM.1/Loader - X X FMT_LIM.2/Loader - X X FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key - - - FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP X X X FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP X X X FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP X X X FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP X X X FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP - - FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP - - FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP - - FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP - - FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP - - X FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP - - X FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP - - X FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP - - X FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP - - X Identity Card with EU-compliant MRTD Application 493 Passwords 494 • MRZ [16] 495 • CAN [16] 496 • PIN [17] 497 • PUK [17] 498 While it is technically possible to grant access to the electronic signature functionality by 499 inputting only CAN, this technical option is not allowed in this ST. This is due to the fact that 500 solely the signatory – which is here the Electronic Document Holder – shall be able to generate 501 an electronic signature on his own behalf. 502 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 29 of 191 Authentication Procedure 503 This configuration requires implementation at the following Authentication Procedure for 504 access to non-sensitive user data of the ePassport Application: 505 • Advanded Inspection Procedure [16] 506 This configuration requires implementation ot the following Authentication Procedure for 507 access any further User Data stored on the TOE: 508 • General Authentication Procedure [17] 509 Applications 510 • ePassport Application 511 • eID Application 512 • eSign Application 513 Protocols 514 • PACE (Generic Mapping, Integrated Mapping and Chip Authentication Mapping) [9] 515 [16] and [17] 516 • Active Authentication [7] (optionally) 517 • EAC1 [16] 518 o Terminal Authentication version 1 [16] 519 o Chip Authentication version 1 [16] 520 • EAC2 [17] 521 o Terminal Authentication version 2 [17] 522 o Chip Authentication version 2 [17] 523 • Restricted Identification [17] 524 Data Groups 525 According to [17]. 526 Data types in Table 5 Terminals and access control in Identity Card with EU-compliant MRTD 527 Application: 528 • Common user data: All DG, which require only BAC/PACE protocol in ePassport; 529 • EAC1 protected data: All DG,which require EAC1 protocol in ePassport; 530 • EAC2 protected data: All DG in eID and eSign application. 531 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 30 of 191 The authorization level of EAC1 and EAC2 terminals are determined by the effective 532 authorization calculated by from the certificate chain. 533 Terminals and access control 534 Data types PACE terminal EAC1 terminal EAC2 terminal Common user data X X X EAC1 protected data - X - EAC2 protected data - - X Table 5 Terminals and access control in Identity Card with EU-compliant MRTD Application 535 536 TOE SFR / Application ePassport eID eSign FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP - X X FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP - X X FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP - X X FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP - X X FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP - X X FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP - X X FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP - X X FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP X - - FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP X - - FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP X - - FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP X - - FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP X - - FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP - - - FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP X - - FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP X - - FCS_CKM.1/CA2 - X X FCS_CKM.1/RI - X - FCS_CKM.1/AA X - - FCS_COP.1/AA X - - FCS_CKM.1/CAM X - - FCS_COP.1/CAM X - - FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP - - X FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP - - X FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP X X X FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP X X X FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP - X X FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP - X - FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP - X X IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 31 of 191 FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP - X X FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP X - - FIA_API.1/EAC1PP X - - FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM X - - FIA_API.1/AA X - - FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP - - X FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP - - X FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP - X X FDP_ACF.1/TRM X X X FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP - X X FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP - X X FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP - X X FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP X - - FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP X - - FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP X - - FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP X - - FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCD PP - - X FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCD PP - - X FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP - - X FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP - - X FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP - - X FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP - - X FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP - - X FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP - X X FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP - X X FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP X - - FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP - X X FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP - X X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP - X X FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP - X - FMT_SMR.1 X X X FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP - X X FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP - X X FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP - X X FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP - X - FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP - X - FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP - X FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP - X IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 32 of 191 FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP - X FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP - X FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP - X FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP - - X FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP - - X FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP - - X FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP - - X FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP - X X FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP - X X FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP - X X FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP - X X FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP X - - FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP X - - FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC1PP X - FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP X - - FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP - - - FMT_LIM.1/Loader X X X FMT_LIM.2/Loader X X X FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key X - - FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP - X X FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP - X X FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP - X X FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP - X X FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP X - FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP X - FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP X - FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP X - FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP - - X FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP - - X FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP - - X FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP - - X FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP - - X 5. Application note (from the ST author) 537 Taking into consideration the [20] specifies authentication and communication protocols that 538 have to be used for the eSign application for the TOE, all the EAC2 relevant SFR are listed to 539 the eSign application as well. These SFRs contribute to secure Signature Verification Data 540 (SVD) export, Data To Be Signed (DTBS) import, and Verification Authentication Data (VAD) 541 import functionality. 542 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 33 of 191 2. CONFORMANCE CLAIMS 543 2.1.CC Conformance Claim 544 This ST claims conformance to 545 • Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 1: Introduction 546 and general model; CCMB-2017-04-001, Version 3.1, Revision 5, April 2017, [1] 547 • Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2: Security 548 functional components; CCMB-2017-04-002, Version 3.1, Revision 5, April 2017, [2] 549 • Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 3: Security 550 assurance components; CCMB-2017-04-003, Version 3.1, Revision 5, April 2017, [3] 551 as follows 552 Part 2 extended, 553 Part 3 conformant. 554 The 555 • Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Evaluation 556 methodology; CCMB-2017-04-004, Version 3.1, Revision 5, April 2017, [4] 557 has to be taken into account. 558 2.2.PP Claim 559 This ST claims strict conformance to the following protection profile: 560 Title: Machine-Readable Electronic Documents based on BSI TR-03110 561 for Official Use [MR.ED-PP] [20] 562 Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) 563 CC version: 3.1 (Revision 3.4) 564 Assurance Level: EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5. 565 General Status: Final 566 Version number: 1.01 567 Registration: BSI-CC-PP-0087 568 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 34 of 191 Keywords: ICAO, PACE, EAC, Extended Access Control, ID-Card, electronic 569 document, smart card, TR-03110 570 571 Since the [20] claims strict conformance to [5], [6] and [14], this ST also claims strict 572 conformance to 573 Title: Machine Readable Travel Document with „ICAO Application”, 574 Extended Access Control with PACE (EAC PP) [5] 575 Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 576 CC Version: 3.1 (revision 3) 577 Assurance Level: EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5 578 General Status: Final 579 Version number: version 1.3.2 580 Registration: BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012 581 Keywords: ICAO, Machine Readable Travel Document, Extended Access Control, 582 PACE, Supplemental Access Control (SAC) 583 584 Title: Common Criteria Protection Profile Electronic Document 585 implementing Extended Access Control Version 2 defined in BSI 586 TR-03110 [6] 587 Editor/Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) 588 CC Version: 3.1 (Revision 4) 589 Assurance Level: EAL4 augmented ALC_DVS.2, ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5. 590 General Status: final 591 Version Number: Version 1.01 592 Registration: BSI-CC-PP-0086 593 Keywords: EAC2, eID-Application, eID-Card, PACE 594 595 Title: Protection profiles for Secure signature creation device — Part 2: 596 Device with key generation 597 Author: CEN / CENELEC (TC224/WG17) 598 CC Version: 3.1 (Revision 3) 599 Assurance Level: EAL4 augmented with AVA_VAN.5 600 Version Number: Version 2.0.1 601 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 35 of 191 Registration: BSI-CC-PP-0059-2009-MA-01 602 Keywords: secure signature-creation device, electronic signature, digital signature 603 6. Application note (taken from [20] Application note 7) 604 This conformance claim covers the part of the security policy for the eSign application of the 605 TOE corresponding to the security policy defined in [14], and hence is applicable, if the eSign 606 application is operational. In addition to [14], the current ST specifies authentication and 607 communication protocols (at least PACE) that have to be used for the eSign application of the 608 TOE. These protocols contribute to secure Signature Verification Data (SVD) export, Data To 609 Be Signed (DTBS) import, and Verification Authentication Data (VAD) import functionality. 610 Since [5] and [6] claim strict conformance to [13], this ST implicitly also claims strict 611 conformance to 612 Title: Machine Readable Travel Document using Standard Inspection 613 Procedure with PACE (PACE PP) [13] 614 Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 615 CC Version: 3.1 (revision 4) 616 Assurance Level: EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5 617 General Status: Final 618 Version number: Version 1.01 619 Registration: BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01 620 Keywords: ePassport, travel document, ICAO, PACE, Standard Inspection 621 Procedure, Supplemental Access Control (SAC) 622 623 However since [5] and [6] already claim strict conformance to [13], this implicit conformance 624 claim is formally mostly ignored within this ST for the sake of presentation; but if necessary to 625 yield a better overview however, references to [13] are given or the relation with [13] is 626 explained. 627 2.3.Package Claim 628 The current ST is conformant to the following packages: 629 Assurance package EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5 as 630 defined in [3]. 631 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 36 of 191 2.4.Conformance Rationale 632 This ST conforms to the PPs [20], [5], [6] and [14]. This implies for this ST: 633 1. The TOE type of this ST is the same as the TOE type of the claimed PPs: 634 The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is an electronic document implemented as a smart 635 card programmed according to [16] and [17], and additionally representing a 636 combination of hardware and software configured to securely create, use and manage 637 signature-creation data , for the eSign application. 638 2. The security problem definition (SPD) of this ST contains the SPD of the claimed PPs. 639 The SPD contains all threats, organizational security policies and assumptions of the 640 claimed PPs. 641 The current ST extended the OSP P.Terminal because of the optional Active 642 Authentication function of TOE. 643 3. The security objectives for the TOE in this ST include all the security objectives for the 644 TOE of the claimed PPs. This objective does not weaken the security objectives of the 645 claimed PPs. 646 In addition, the OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM security objective is defined in the 647 ST because of the Chip Authentication mapping and OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA 648 because of the Active Authentication protocol. 649 4. The security objectives for the operational environment in this ST include all security 650 objectives for the operational environment of the claimed PPs. 651 In addition the OE.Auth_Key_AA and OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA security 652 objectives are defined in the ST because of the Active Authentication protocol. These 653 additions were necessary because none of the original security objectives for the TOE 654 or OSPs do not concern the obligations of States or Organization in connection with 655 Active Authentication protocol. 656 5. Those SFR, which are refined in order to ensure the unified terminology usage, are not 657 detailed in the following. 658 The SFRs specified in this ST include all security functional requirements (SFRs) 659 specified in the claimed PPs. We especially point to the following three refined SFRs 660 within [20]: 661 The SFR FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP is redefined from [14] by additional assignments. Note 662 that this does not violate strict conformance to [14]. 663 Multiple iterations of FDP_ACF.1 and FMT_SMR.1 exist from imported PPs to define 664 the access control SFPs and security roles for (common) user data, EAC1-protected 665 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 37 of 191 user data, and EAC2-protected user data. These access control SFPs and security 666 roles are unified to FDP_ACF.1/TRM and FMT_SMR.1. 667 The following SFRs were iterated from FCS_CKM.1, FCS_COP.1 and FIA_API.1 to 668 the ST because of PACE-CAM: 669 • FCS_CKM.1/CAM 670 • FCS_COP.1/CAM 671 • FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM 672 The following SFR was extended to the ST because of PACE-CAM: 673 • FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP 674 The following SFRs were refined to the ST because of PACE-CAM: 675 • FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP 676 • FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP 677 The following SFRs were iterated from FCS_CKM.1, FCS_COP.1, FIA_API.1 and 678 FMT_MTD.1 to the ST because of Active Authentication protocol: 679 • FCS_CKM.1/AA 680 • FCS_COP.1/AA 681 • FIA_API.1/AA 682 • FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key 683 The following SFRs was extended to the ST because of Active Authentication protocol: 684 • FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP 685 • FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP 686 The following SFRs were refined to the ST because of Active Authentication protocol: 687 • FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP 688 • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP 689 The following SFRs are iterated from FCS_CKM.1 because the TOE supports the Chip 690 Authentication version 2 and Restricted Identification key pair(s) generation on the TOE 691 as described in FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP. Furthermore, these SFRs were 692 refined to emphasize the purpose of the SFRs: 693 • FCS_CKM.1/CA2 694 • FCS_CKM.1/RI 695 The following SFR is refined because the electronic document manufacturer may 696 generate or load the private keys: 697 • FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP 698 The following SFR is slightly refined in order not to confuse Chip Authentication 1 with 699 Chip Authentication 2: 700 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 38 of 191 • FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP 701 These additional SFRs do not affect the strict conformance. All assignments and selections of 702 the security functional requirements are defined in the [6] section 6.1 and in this ST Security 703 Functional Requirements. 704 The extension of the OSP P.Terminal do not affect the strict conformance because it do not 705 modify the original requirements only added new requirements concern the Active 706 Authentication protocol. 707 The SARs specified in this ST are the same as specified in the claimed PPs or extend them. 708 2.5.Statement of Compatibility 709 2.5.1. SECURITY FUNCTIONALITIES 710 The following table contains the security functionalities of the [23] and of current ST, showing 711 which Functionality correspond to the [23] and which has no correspondence. This statement 712 is compliant to the requirements of [25]. 713 A classification of SFs of the [23] has been made. Each TSF has been classified as ‘relevant’ 714 or ‘not relevant’ for current ST. 715 Platform Security Functionality Corresponding TOE Security Functionality Relevant or not relevant Remarks SF.JCVM TSF.Platform Relevant Java Card Virtual Machine SF.CONFIG TSF.Platform Relevant Configuration Management SF.OPEN TSF.AccessControl TSF.Authenticate TSF.Platform Relevant Card Content Management SF.CRYPTO TSF.AppletParametersSi gn TSF.Authenticate TSF.CryptoKey TSF.Platform Relevant Cryptographic Functionality SF.RNG TSF.CryptoKey TSF.Platform Relevant Random Number Generator SF.DATA_STORAG E TSF.AccessControl TSF.AppletParametersSi gn TSF.CryptoKey TSF.Platform Relevant Secure Data Storage IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 39 of 191 Platform Security Functionality Corresponding TOE Security Functionality Relevant or not relevant Remarks SF.PUF - Relevant User Data Protection using PUF SF.EXT_MEM - Not relevant External Memory SF.OM TSF.Platform Relevant Java Object Management SF.MM - Not relevant Memory Management SF.PIN TSF.AppletParametersSi gn TSF.Authenticate Relevant PIN Management SF.PERS_MEM TSF.Platform Relevant Persistent Memory Management SF.SENS_RES - Not relevant Sensitive Result SF.EDC TSF.Platform Relevant Error Detection Code API SF.HW_EXC TSF.Platform Relevant Hardware Exception Handling SF.RM - Not relevant Restricted Mode SF.PID - Not relevant Platform Identification SF.SMG_NSC TSF.Platform Relevant No Side-Channel SF.ACC_SBX - Not relevant Secure Box SF.MOD_INVOC - Not relevant Module Invocation Table 6 Classification of Platform-TSFs 716 All the above SFs of [23], which are indicated as relevant are relevant for this ST. 717 2.5.2. OSPS 718 P.Card_PKI, P.Trustworthy_PKI, P.Terminal, P.Sensitive_Data, P.Personalisation, 719 P.EAC2_Terminal, P.RestrictedIdentity and P.Terminal_PKI are not applicable to the Platform 720 and therefore not mappable for [23]. 721 The OSP.VERIFICATION, OSP.PROCESS-TOE, OSP.KEY-CHANGE are covered by the 722 ALC class, furthermore P.Manufact, P.Pre-Operational and P.Lim_Block_Loader correspond 723 to these OSPs. 724 OSP.SECURE-BOX and OSP.SECURITY-DOMAINS do not deal with any additional security 725 components. 726 2.5.3. SECURITY OBJECTIVES 727 These objectives from [23] can be mapped to this ST’s objectives as shown in the following 728 table, so they are relevant. 729 Objective from the Platform ST Objective from this ST OT.ALARM OT.SCD_Secrecy IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 40 of 191 OT.Tamper_Resistance OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper OT.CARD-CONFIGURATION OT.Prot_Abuse-Func OT.CARD-MANAGEMENT OT.AC_Pers OT.AC_Pers OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Identification OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.AC_PERS_EAC2 OT.CIPHER OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.AC_Pers OT.Active_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.CA2 OT.COMM_AUTH OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.Sig_Secure OT.TOE_QSCD_Auth OT.AC_Pers OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Identification OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Tracing OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.COMM_CONFIDENTIALITY OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.Sig_Secure OT.TOE_QSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.AC_Pers OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 41 of 191 OT.Identification OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Tracing OT.RI_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.COMM_INTEGRITY OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.AC_Pers OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Identification OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Tracing OT.Sig_Secure OT.TOE_QSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.RI_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.COMM_AUTH OT.AC_Pers OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Identification OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Tracing OT.RI_EAC2 OT.AC_PERS_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.DOMAIN-RIGHTS OT.AC_Pers OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Identification OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_CONFID OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sigy_SigF OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.IDENTIFICATION OT.AC_Pers OT.Identification OT.KEY-MNGT OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 42 of 191 OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.TOE_QSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.Sigy_SigF OT.AC_Pers OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Malfunction OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.CA2 OT.RI_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.OPERATE OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Malfunction OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper OT.PIN-MNGT OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Malfunction OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.REALLOCATION OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.RESOURCES OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper OT.RND OT.AC_Pers OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.RNG OT.AC_Pers OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.SCP.IC OT.AC_Pers OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 43 of 191 OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper OT.SCP.RECOVERY OT.Data_Integrity OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper OT.SCP.SUPPORT OT.AC_Pers OT.Chip_Auth_Proof OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_Conf OT.Tracing OT.CA2 OT.RI_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.SID_MODULE OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.Prot_Malfunction OT.TRANSACTION OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 Table 7 Mapping of security objectives for the TOE 730 The following objectives of [23] are not relevant for or cannot be mapped to the TOE of this 731 ST: 732 • OT.SID 733 • OT.APPLI-AUTH 734 • OT.ATTACK-COUNTER 735 • OT.EXT-MEM 736 • OT.FIREWALL 737 • OT.Global_ARRAYS_INTEG 738 • OT.NATIVE 739 • OT.OBJ-DELETION 740 • OT.RESTRICTED-MODE 741 • OT.SEC_BOX_FW 742 • OT.SENSITIVE_RESULT_INTEG 743 cannot be mapped because these are out of scope. 744 The objectives for the operational environment can be mapped as follows: 745 Objective from the Platform-ST Classification of OE Objective from this ST OE.APPLET CfPOE Covered by ALC class IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 44 of 191 OE.PROCESS_SEC_IC CfPOE Covered by the Platform’s certification and ALC class OE.VERIFICATION CfPOE Covered by ALC class OE.CODE-EVIDENCE CfPOE Covered by ALC class OE.USE_DIAG SgOE Covered by OE.Terminal, OE.Exam_Travel_Document, OE.Prot_Logical_Travel_Document and OE.SSCD_Prov_Service OE.USE_KEYS SgOE Covered by OE.Terminal, OE.Exam_Travel_Document, OE.Prot_Logical_Travel_Document, OE.Terminal_Authentication and OE.HID_VAD OE.APPS-PROVIDER CfPOE Covered by ALC class OE.VERIFICATION- AUTHORITY CfPOE Covered by ALC class OE.KEY-CHANGE CfPOE Covered by ALC class OE.SECURITY- DOMAINS CfPOE Covered by ALC class There is no conflict between security objectives of this ST and the [23]. 746 2.5.4. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 747 The Security Requirements of the Platform ST can be mapped as follows: 748 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks FAU_ARP.1 FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FAU_ARP.1 facilitate to protect the TOE as required by these SFRs./SSCD FAU_SAS.1[SCP] FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP RP_SFR-MECH FAU_SAS.1[SCP] covers these SFRs. FCO_NRO.2[SC] - IP_SFR - FCS_CKM.1t - IP_SFR - FCS_COP.1 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_E AC2PP FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_E AC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[ECDHPACEKeyA greement] is applied for key agreement during the PACE and CA2 protocols. FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for session key derivation during PACE, protocols. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 45 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks FCS_CKM.1/CAM RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[ECDHPACEKeyA greement] is applied for key agreement during the PACE- CAM. FCS_CKM.1/CA2 RP_SFR-SERV FCS_CKM.1.1 is applied for generation chip authentication key(s) pair on the TOE: FCS_CKM.1/RI RP_SFR-SERV FCS_CKM.1.1 is applied for generation chip restricted identification key pair(s) on the TOE: FCS_CKM.1/AA RP_SFR-SERV FCS_CKM.1.1 is applied for generation chip active authentication key pair on the TOE: FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_CKM.1.1 is applied for generation chip SCD/SVD key pair on the TOE: FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_ EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[AES] is applied for nonce encryption during the PACE protocol. FCS_COP1.1[AES] is applied for encryption and decryption during secure messaging (PACE) FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_ EAC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[AES] or FCS_COP.1[TripleDES] is applied for nonce encryption during the PACE-CAM protocol. FCS_COP1.1[AES] or FCS_COP.1[TripleDES] is applied for encryption and decryption during secure messaging (PACE). FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for session key derivation during CA2 and ephemeral key compression (CA2 and TA2). FCS_COP.1/CAM RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[AES] is applied for message encryption of Chip Authentication Data. FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[ECDHPACEKeyA greement] is applied for key agreement related to CA1 FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for session key derivation during CA1. FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EA C2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] orFCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 46 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks for digital signature verification related to TA2. FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_ EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] is applied to generate and verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_ EAC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] is applied to generate and verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EA C1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[TripleDES] or FCS_COP1.1[AES] is applied for encryption and decryption during secure messaging (CA1) FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_E AC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] is applied to generate and verify the message authentication codes (CA1) FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EA C1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] orFCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] for digital signature verification related to TA1. FCS_COP.1/AA RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] orFCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] for digital signature generation related to Active Authentication. FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] or FCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] for digital signature creation. FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1 fAESMAC] is applied for generating the authentication token. FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[ECDHPACEKeyA greement] is applied for key agreement related to RI FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for restricted identification. FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2 PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during PACE secure messaging the verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during CA secure messaging to verify the IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 47 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during secure messaging to verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for public key compression (in case DH). FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1 PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during PACE secure messaging the verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during CA secure messaging to verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during secure messaging (based on Personalisation Agent Key) to verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for public key compression (in case DH). FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2 PP FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1 PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during PACE secure messaging the verify the message authentication codes FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] o FCS_COP.1[DESMAC] is applied for message authentication code generation and verification related to PACE. FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] is applied for message authentication code generation and verification related to CA2. FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] o FCS_COP.1[DESMAC] is applied for message authentication code IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 48 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks generation and verification related to CA1. FIA_API.1/EAC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied for message authentication code verification related to CA1. FIA_API.1/AA RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] or FCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] is applied for digital signature verification for Active Authentication protocol.. FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[AESMAC] is applied for chip authentication data generation related to PACE- CAM. FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] or FCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] is applied for digital signature verification for TA. FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during PACE secure messaging the verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during CA secure messaging to verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP1.1[AESMAC] is applied during secure messaging (based on Personalisation Agent Key) to verify the message authentication codes. FCS_COP1.1[SHA] is applied for public key compression (in case DH). FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[AES] and or FCS_COP.1[AESMAC] are applied during secure messaging to protect against disclosure and modification FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[AES] and FCS_COP.1[AESMAC] are applied during secure IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 49 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks messaging to protect against disclosure and modification FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[TripleDES] or FCS_COP.1[AES] and FCS_COP.1[DESMAC] or FCS_COP.1[AESMAC] are applied during secure messaging to protect against disclosure and modification FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1.1[RSASignaturePK CS1] or FCS_COP.1.1[ECSignature] is applied for digital signature verification for TA1 and TA2. FCS_RNG.1 FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_RNG.1 provides nonce and challenge generation for PACE and TA2. FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[TripleDES] or FCS_COP.1[AES] is applied during secure messaging to protect the confidentiality of transmitted and received user data. FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2 PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_RNG.1 is applied to generate fresh nonce for PACE and TA2 FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1 PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_RNG.1 is applied to generate fresh nonce for PACE, TA1 and Active Authentication. FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[AESMAC] is applied during secure messaging to protect the integrity of transmitted and received user data. FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2P P RP_SFR-SERV FCS_COP.1[AES] is applied during secure messaging to protect the confidentiality of transmitted and received user data. FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP RP_SFR-SERV FCS_CKM.4 of the Platform matches this SFR.. FCS_RNG.1[HDT ] - IP_SFR - FDP_ACC.2[FIRE WALL] - IP_SFR FDP_ACF.1[FIRE WALL] - IP_SFR FDP_ACC.1[SD] - IP_SFR - FDP_ACF.1[SD] - IP_SFR FDP_ACC.2[ADE L] - IP_SFR - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 50 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks FDP_ACF.1[ADE L] - IP_SFR FDP_ACC.2[RM] - IP_SFR - FDP_ACC.1[EXT- MEM] - IP_SFR FDP_ACF.1[EXT- MEM] - IP_SFR - FDP_ACC.2[Secu reBox] - IP_SFR FDP_ACF.1[Secu reBox] - IP_SFR FDP_ACF.1[RM] - IP_SFR - FDP_IFC.1[JCVM ] - IP_SFR - FDP_IFC.2[SC] - IP_SFR - FDP_IFC.2[CFG] FMT_LIM.1/Loader FMT_LIM.2/Loader FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP RP_SFR-MECH FDP_IFC.2[CFG] applied to protect the TOE in operational phase. FDP_IFC.1[MOD ULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR FDP_IFF.1[JCVM ] - IP_SFR - FDP_IFF.1[SC] FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_E AC2PP FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_E AC2PP FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_E A1PP FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_E AC1PP RP_SFR-MECH FDP_IFF.1[SC] applied to control the writing of initialization and pre- personalization data as required by these SFRs. FDP_IFF.1[CFG] - IP_SFR - FDP_IFF.1[MOD ULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FDP_ITC.2[CCM] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[OBJE CTS] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[ABO RT] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[APD U] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[bArra y] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[Glob alArray_Refined ] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] is applied to destroy the secure message session keys, the PACE IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 51 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks ephemeral private key and SCD. FDP_RIP.1[TRAN SIENT] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[ADEL ] - IP_SFR - FDP_RIP.1[ODEL ] - IP_SFR - FDP_ROL.1[FIRE WALL] - IP_SFR - FDP_ROL.1[CCM ] - IP_SFR - FDP_SDI.2[DATA ] FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FDP_SDI.2[DATA] checks the integrity of TSF data. FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDP P RP_SFR-MECH FDP_SDI.2[DATA] is applied to protect DTBS against integrity errors. FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_S SCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FDP_SDI.2[DATA] is applied to protect SCD against integrity errors. FDP_SDI.2[SENS ITIVE_RESULT] - IP_SFR - FDP_UIT.1[CCM] - IP_SFR - FIA_AFL.1[PIN] FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2P P IP_SFR FIA_AFL.1[PIN] is applied for PIN management. FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP IP_SFR FIA_AFL.1[PIN] is applied for PIN management. FIA_ATD.1[AID] - IP_SFR - FIA_ATD.1[MOD ULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FIA_UID.1[SC] FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2P P FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Termin al_EAC2PP FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1P P RP_SFR-MECH FIA_UID.1[SC] handled the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UID.1[CFG] - IP_SFR - FIA_UID.1[RM] - IP_SFR - FIA_UID.2[AID] - IP_SFR - FIA_UID.1[MOD ULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FIA_USB.1[AID] - IP_SFR - FIA_USB.1[MOD ULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FIA_UAU.1[RM] - IP_SFR FIA_UAU.1[SC] FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Termi nal_EAC2PP FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2 PP FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1 PP RP_SFR-MECH FIA_UAU.1[SC] handled the identifier data of the TOE. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 52 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks FIA_UAU.4[SC] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[JCR E] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[JCV M] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[AD EL] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[SC] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[EXT -MEM] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[Sec ureBox] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[CF G] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[SD] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[RM ] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.1[MO DULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.2[FIR EWALL-JCVM] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[FIR EWALL] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[JCV M] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[AD EL] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[EXT -MEM] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[Sec ureBox] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[CF G] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[SD] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[SC] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[RM ] - IP_SFR - FMT_MSA.3[MO DULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FMT_MTD.1[JCR E] - IP_SFR - FMT_MTD.3[JCR E] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1 - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[AD EL] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[EXT -MEM] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[Sec ureBox] - IP_SFR - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 53 of 191 Platform SFR Corresponding TOE SFR Category of Platform’s SFRs Remarks FMT_SMF.1[CFG ] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[SD] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[SC] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[RM ] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMF.1[MO DULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMR.1 - IP_SFR - FMT_SMR.1[INS TALLER] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMR.1[AD EL] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMR.1[CF G] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMR.1[SD] - IP_SFR - FMT_SMR.1[MO DULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FPR_UNO.1 - IP_SFR - FPT_EMSEC.1 FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FPT_EMSEC.1 of the Platform matches these SFRs. FPT_FLS.1 FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FPT_FLS.1 of the Platform ensures the secure state of the TOE as required by FPT_FLS.1 FPT_FLS.1[INSTA LLER] - IP_SFR - FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] - IP_SFR - FPT_FLS.1[ODEL ] - IP_SFR - FPT_FLS.1[CCM] - IP_SFR - FPT_FLS.1[MOD ULAR-DESIGN] - IP_SFR - FPT_TDC.1 - IP_SFR - FPT_RCV.3[INST ALLER] - IP_SFR - FPT_PHP.3 FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP RP_SFR-MECH FPT_PHP.3 of the Platform matches these SFRs. FTP_ITC.1[SC] - IP_SFR - ADV_SPM.1 - IP_SFR - Table 8 Mapping of Security requirements 749 The FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP, FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP, FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP and 750 FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP are not covered directly by [23]. As described in [20] the purposes of 751 these SFRs is to prevent misuse of test features of the TOE over the life cycle phases. 752 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 54 of 191 According to [23] the Platform consists of the Micro Controller, CryptoLibrary and Operation 753 System, which are certified as well. By the Micro Controller the limited availability and capability 754 of test features are ensured after Manufacturing phase of the TOE. FMT_LIM.1 and 755 FMT_LIM.2 is covered by the following Security Functions of Micro Controller ST: TSF.Control. 756 For details please check: [34] 757 To sum up the above-mentioned Security Functions of Micro Controller ensure that the test 758 features of TOE cannot be misused. 759 The Personalization Agent (FMT_SMR.1) may use the GlobalPlatform function of the Platform. 760 The TOE initialization and pre-personalization (FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP and 761 FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP) rely on the Platform functions. 762 763 2.5.5. ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 764 This ST requires EAL 4 according to Common Criteria V3.1 R5 augmented by ALC_DVS.2, 765 ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5. 766 The [23] requires EAL 6 according to Common Criteria V3.1 R5 augmented by: ASE_TSS.2 767 and ALC_FLR.1. 768 As EAL 6 covers all assurance requirements of EAL 4 all non-augmented parts of this ST will 769 match to the [23] assurance requirements. 770 2.6.Analysis 771 Overall there is no conflict between security requirements of this ST and [23]. 772 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 55 of 191 3. SECURITY PROBLEM DEFINITION 773 3.1.Introduction 774 3.1.1. ASSETS 775 Assets 776 As long as they are in the scope of the TOE, the primary assets to be protected by the TOE 777 are listed below. For a definition of terms used, but not defined here, see the Glossary. 778 Authenticity of the Electronic Document’s Chip 779 The authenticity of the electronic document’s chip personalized by the issuing state or 780 organization for the Electronic Document Holder, is used by the electronic document presenter 781 to prove his possession of a genuine electronic document. 782 Generic Security Property: Authenticity 783 This asset is equal to the one(s) of [5] and [6], which itself stem from [13]. 784 Electronic Document Tracing Data 785 Technical information about the current and previous locations of the electronic document 786 gathered unnoticeable by the Electronic Document Holder recognizing the TOE not knowing 787 any PACE password. TOE tracing data can be provided / gathered. 788 Generic Security Property: Unavailability 789 This asset is equal to the one(s) of [5] and [6], which itself stem from [13]. Note that 790 unavailability here is required for anonymity of the Electronic Document Holder. 791 Sensitive User Data 792 User data, which have been classified as sensitive data by the electronic document issuer, e. 793 g. sensitive biometric data. Sensitive user data are a subset of all user data, and are protected 794 by EAC1, EAC2, or both. 795 Generic Security Properties: Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity 796 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 56 of 191 User Data stored on the TOE 797 All data, with the exception of authentication data, that are stored in the context of the 798 application(s) on the electronic document. These data are allowed to be read out, used or 799 modified either by a PACE terminal, or, in the case of sensitive data, by an EAC1 terminal or 800 an EAC2 terminal with appropriate authorization level. 801 Generic Security Properties: Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity 802 This asset is included from [5] and [6] respectively. In these protection profiles it is an extension 803 of the asset defined in [13]. This asset also includes ”SVD” (Integrity and Authenticity only), 804 “SCD” of [14]. 805 User Data transferred between the TOE and the Terminal 806 All data, with the exception of authentication data, that are transferred (both directions) during 807 usage of the application(s) of the electronic document between the TOE and authenticated 808 terminals. 809 Generic Security Properties: Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity 810 This asset is included from [5] and [6] respectively. In these protection profiles it is an extension 811 of the asset defined in [13]. As for confidentiality, note that even though not each data element 812 being transferred represents a secret, [16], [17] resp. require confidentiality of all transferred 813 data by secure messaging in encrypt-then-authenticate mode. This asset also includes “DTBS” 814 of [14]. 815 Assets 816 In order to achieve a sufficient protection of the primary assets listed above, the following 817 secondary assets also have to be protected by the TOE. 818 Accessibility to the TOE Functions and Data only for Authorized Subjects 819 Property of the TOE to restrict access to TSF and TSF-Data stored in the TOE to authorized 820 subjects only. 821 Generic Security Property: Availability 822 Genuineness of the TOE 823 Property of the TOE to be authentic in order to provide claimed security functionality in a proper 824 way. 825 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 57 of 191 Generic Security Property: Availability 826 Electronic Document Communication Establishment Authorization Data 827 Restricted-revealable authorization information for a human user being used for verification of 828 the authorization attempts as an authorized user (PACE password). These data are stored in 829 the TOE and are not send to it. 830 Restricted-revealable here refers to the fact that if necessary, the Electronic Document Holder 831 may reveal her verification values of CAN and MRZ to an authorized person, or to a device 832 that acts according to respective regulations and is considered trustworthy. 833 Generic Security Properties: Confidentiality, Integrity 834 Secret Electronic Document Holder Authentication Data 835 Secret authentication information for the Electronic Document Holder being used for 836 verification of the authentication attempts as authorized Electronic Document Holder (PACE 837 passwords). 838 Generic Security Properties: Confidentiality, Integrity 839 TOE internal Non-Secret Cryptographic Material 840 Permanently or temporarily stored non-secret cryptographic (public) keys and other non-secret 841 material used by the TOE in order to enforce its security functionality. 842 Generic Security Properties: Integrity, Authenticity 843 TOE internal Secret Cryptographic Keys 844 Permanently or temporarily stored secret cryptographic material used by the TOE in order to 845 enforce its security functionality. 846 Generic Security Properties: Confidentiality, Integrity 847 7. Application note (taken from [20], application note 8) 848 The above secondary assets represent TSF and TSF-Data in the sense of CC. 849 3.1.2. SUBJECTS 850 This ST considers the following external entities and subjects: 851 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 58 of 191 Attacker 852 A threat agent (a person or a process acting on his behalf) trying to undermine the security 853 policy defined by the current ST, especially to change properties of the assets that have to be 854 maintained. The attacker is assumed to possess at most high attack potential. Note that the 855 attacker might capture any subject role recognized by the TOE. 856 Country Signing Certification Authority (CSCA) 857 An organization enforcing the policy of the electronic document issuer, i.e. confirming 858 correctness of user and TSF data that are stored within the electronic document. The CSCA 859 represents the country specific root of the public key infrastructure (PKI) for the electronic 860 document and creates Document Signer Certificates within this PKI. The CSCA also issues a 861 self-signed CSCA certificate that has to be distributed to other countries by secure diplomatic 862 means, see [7]. 863 Country Verifying Certification Authority (CVCA) 864 The Country Verifying Certification Authority (CVCA) enforces the privacy policy of the issuing 865 state or organization, i. e. enforcing protection of Sensitive User Data that are stored in the 866 electronic document. The CVCA represents the country specific root of the PKI of EAC1 867 terminals, EAC2 terminals respectively, and creates Document Verifier Certificates within this 868 PKI. Updates of the public key of the CVCA are distributed as CVCA Link-Certificates. 869 Document Signer (DS) 870 An organization enforcing the policy of the CSCA. A DS signs the Document Security Object 871 that is stored on the electronic document for Passive Authentication. A Document Signer is 872 authorized by the national CSCA that issues Document Signer Certificate, see [7]. Note that 873 this role is usually delegated to a Personalization Agent. 874 Document Verifier (DV) 875 An organization issuing terminal certificates as a Certificate Authority, authorized by the 876 corresponding CVCA to issue certificates for EAC1 terminals, EAC2 terminals respectively, 877 see [18]. 878 Electronic Document Holder 879 A person the electronic document issuer has personalized the electronic document for. 880 Personalization here refers to associating a person uniquely with a specific electronic 881 document. This subject includes “Signatory” as defined [14]. 882 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 59 of 191 Electronic Document Presenter 883 A person presenting the electronic document to a terminal and claiming the identity of the 884 Electronic Document Holder. Note that an electronic document presenter can also be an 885 attacker. Moreover, this subject includes “user” as defined in [14]. 886 Manufacturer 887 Generic term comprising both the IC manufacturer that produces the integrated circuit, and the 888 electronic document manufacturer that creates the electronic document and attaches the IC to 889 it. The manufacturer is the default user of the TOE during the manufacturing life cycle phase. 890 When referring to the role manufacturer, the TOE itself does not distinguish between the IC 891 manufacturer and the electronic document manufacturer. 892 PACE Terminal 893 A technical system verifying correspondence between the password stored in the electronic 894 document and the related value presented to the terminal by the electronic document 895 presenter. A PACE terminal implements the terminal part of the PACE protocol and 896 authenticates itself to the electronic document using a shared password (CAN, eID-PIN, eID- 897 PUK or MRZ). A PACE terminal is not allowed reading Sensitive User Data. 898 Personalization Agent 899 An organization acting on behalf of the electronic document issuer that personalizes the 900 electronic document for the Electronic Document Holder. Personalization includes some or all 901 of the following activities: 902 (i) establishing the identity of the Electronic Document Holder for the biographic data 903 in the electronic document, 904 (ii) enrolling the biometric reference data of the Electronic Document Holder, 905 (iii) writing a subset of these data on the physical electronic document (optical 906 personalization) and storing them within the electronic document's chip (electronic 907 personalization), 908 (iv) writing document meta data (i. e. document type, issuing country, expiry date, etc.) 909 (v) writing the initial TSF data, and 910 (vi) signing the Document Security Object, and the elementary files EF.CardSecurity 911 and the EF.ChipSecurity (if applicable [7], [18]) in the role DS. Note that the role 912 Personalization Agent may be distributed among several institutions according to 913 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 60 of 191 the operational policy of the electronic document issuer. This subject includes 914 “Administrator” as defined in [14]. 915 EAC1 Terminal / EAC2 Terminal 916 A terminal that has successfully passed the Terminal Authentication protocol (TA) version 1 is 917 an EAC1 terminal, while an EAC2 terminal needs to have successfully passed TA version 2. 918 Both are authorized by the electronic document issuer through the Document Verifier of the 919 receiving branch (by issuing terminal certificates) to access a subset or all of the data stored 920 on the electronic document. 921 Terminal 922 A terminal is any technical system communicating with the TOE through the contactless or 923 contact-based interface. The role terminal is the default role for any terminal being recognized 924 by the TOE as neither being authenticated as a PACE terminal nor an EAC1 terminal nor an 925 EAC2 terminal. 926 3.2.Threats 927 This section describes the threats to be averted by the TOE independently or in collaboration 928 with its IT environment. These threats result from the assets protected by the TOE and the 929 method of the TOE's use in the operational environment. 930 T.InconsistentSec 931 Inconsistency of security measures 932 Adverse action: An attacker gains read or write access to user data or TOE data 933 without being allowed to, due to an ambiguous/unintended 934 configuration of the TOE's internal access conditions of user or 935 TSF data. This may lead to a forged electronic document or 936 misuse of user data. 937 Threat agent: having high attack potential, being in possession of one or more 938 legitimate electronic documents 939 Asset: authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of User Data stored on 940 the TOE 941 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 61 of 191 T.Interfere 942 Interference of security protocols 943 Adverse action: An attacker uses an unintended interference of implemented 944 security protocols to gain access to user data. 945 Threat agent: having high attack potential, being in possession of one or more 946 legitimate electronic documents 947 Asset: authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of User Data stored on 948 the TOE 949 3.2.1. THREATS FROM EAC1PP 950 This ST includes the following threats from [5]. They concern EAC1-protected data. 951 • T.Counterfeit 952 • T.Read_Sensitive_Data 953 Due to identical definitions and names they are not repeated here. For the remaining threats 954 from [5], cf. Chapter 3.2.3. 955 3.2.2. THREATS FROM EAC2PP 956 This ST includes the following threats from the [6]. They concern EAC2-protected data. 957 • T.Counterfeit/EAC2 958 • T.Sensitive_Data 959 Due to identical definitions and names, they are not repeated here. 960 3.2.3. THREATS FROM PACEPP 961 Both [5] and [6] claim [13], and thus include the threats formulated in [13]. We list each threat 962 only once here. Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. 963 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 62 of 191 • T.Abuse-Func 964 • T.Eavesdropping 965 • T.Forgery 966 • T.Information_Leakage 967 • T.Malfunction 968 • T.Phys-Tamper 969 • T.Skimming 970 • T.Tracing 971 3.2.4. THREATS FROM SSCDPP 972 The current ST also includes all threats of [14]. These items are applicable if the eSign 973 application is operational. 974 • T.DTBS_Forgery 975 • T.Hack_Phys 976 • T.SCD_Derive 977 • T.SCD_Divulge 978 • T.Sig_Forgery 979 • T.SigF_Misuse 980 • T.SVD_Forgery 981 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. 982 3.3.Organizational Security Policies 983 The TOE shall comply with the following Organizational Security Policies (OSP) as security 984 rules, procedures, practices, or guidelines imposed by an organization upon its operations (see 985 [1], sec. 3.2). This ST includes the OSPs from the claimed protection profiles as listed below 986 and provides no further OSPs. 987 3.3.1. OSPS FROM EAC1PP 988 This ST includes the following OSPs from [5], if the TOE contains EAC1-protected data. 989 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 63 of 191 • P.Personalisation 990 • P.Sensitive_Data 991 Due to identical definitions and names, they are not repeated here. For the remaining OSPs 992 from [5], see the next sections. 993 3.3.2. OSPS FROM EAC2PP 994 This ST includes the following OSPs from [6]. They mainly concern EAC2-protected data. 995 • P.EAC2_Terminal 996 • P.RestrictedIdentity 997 • P.Terminal_PKI 998 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. For the 999 remaining OSPs from [6], cf. the next section. 1000 3.3.3. OSPS FROM PACEPP 1001 This ST includes the following OSPs from [13], since both [5] and [6] claim [13]. We list each 1002 OSP only once here. Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated 1003 here as well. 1004 • P.Card_PKI 1005 • P.Manufact 1006 • P.Pre-Operational 1007 • P.Trustworthy_PKI 1008 3.3.4. OSPS FROM SSCDPP 1009 The current ST also includes all OSPs of [14]. They are applicable, if the eSign application is 1010 included. 1011 • P.CSP_QCert 1012 • P.QSign 1013 • P.Sig_Non-Repud 1014 • P.Sigy_SSCD 1015 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. 1016 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 64 of 191 3.3.5. ADDITIONAL OSPS 1017 The next OSP addresses the need of a policy for the document manufacturer. It is formulated 1018 akin to [10]. 1019 P.Lim_Block_Loader 1020 The composite manufacturer uses the Loader for loading of Security IC Embedded Software, 1021 user data of the Composite Product or IC Dedicated Support Software in charge of the IC 1022 Manufacturer. She limits the capability and blocks the availability of the Loader in order to 1023 protect stored data from disclosure and manipulation. 1024 The ST includes the following OSP from [13], since both [5] and [6] claim [13], but the 1025 P.Terminal was extended because the Active Authentication protocol. The extension is 1026 marked with bold and the other part of the OSP remained unchanged. 1027 P.Terminal 1028 The PACE terminal shall operate their terminals as follows: 1029 1. The related terminals (PACE terminal) shall be used by terminal operators and by travel 1030 document holders as defined in [9]. 1031 2. They shall implement the terminal parts of the PACE protocol [9], of the Passive 1032 Authentication [9] and use them in this order3 . The PACE terminal shall use randomly and 1033 (almost) uniformly selected nonce, if required by the protocols (for generating ephemeral 1034 keys for Diffie-Hellmann). 1035 Furthermore the PACE terminal and EAC1 terminal shall implement the terminal parts 1036 of the Active Authentication protocol as described in [9]. 1037 3. The related terminals need not to use any own credentials. 1038 4. They shall also store the Country Signing Public Key and the Document Signer Public Key 1039 (in form of CCSCA and CDS) in order to enable and to perform Passive 1040 Authentication(determination of the authenticity of data groups stored in the travel 1041 document, [9]). 1042 5. The related terminals and their environment shall ensure confidentiality and integrity of 1043 respective data handled by them (e.g. confidentiality of PACE passwords, integrity of PKI 1044 certificates, etc.), where it is necessary for a secure operation of the TOE according to the 1045 [13]. 1046 3 This order is commensurate with [9]. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 65 of 191 Justification: The modification of P.Terminal is extended the original OSP in order to support 1047 the Active Authentication protocol. Taking into consideration the extension is not modify the 1048 original OSP, but added further requirements, this extension is not hurt the strict conformance 1049 as determined in PP Claim. 1050 3.4.Assumptions 1051 The assumptions describe the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE will be 1052 used or is intended to be used. This ST includes the assumptions from the claimed protection 1053 profiles as listed below and defines no further assumptions. 1054 3.4.1. ASSUMPTIONS FROM EAC1PP 1055 This ST includes the following assumptions from the [5]. They concern EAC1-protected data. 1056 • A.Auth_PKI 1057 • A.Insp_Sys 1058 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. For the 1059 remaining assumptions from [5], see the next sections. 1060 3.4.2. ASSUMPTIONS FROM EAC2PP 1061 [6] only includes the assumption from [13] (see below) and defines no other assumption. 1062 3.4.3. ASSUMPTIONS FROM PACEPP 1063 This ST includes the following assumptions from [13], since both [5] and [6] claim [13]. 1064 • A.Passive_Auth 1065 Due to an identical definition and name, its definition is not repeated here as well. 1066 3.4.4. ASSUMPTIONS FROM SSCDPP 1067 The current ST also includes all assumptions of [14]. These items are applicable, if the eSign 1068 application is included. 1069 • A.CGA 1070 • A.SCA 1071 Due to identical definitions and names their definitions are not repeated here. 1072 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 66 of 191 4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES 1073 This chapter describes the security objectives for the TOE and for the TOE environment. The 1074 security objectives for the TOE environment are separated into security objectives for the 1075 development, and production environment and security objectives for the operational 1076 environment. 1077 4.1.Security Objectives for the TOE 1078 This section describes the security objectives for the TOE, addressing the aspects of identified 1079 threats to be countered by the TOE, and organizational security policies to be met by the TOE. 1080 OT.Non_Interfere 1081 No interference of Access Control Mechanisms 1082 The various implemented access control mechanisms must be consistent. Their 1083 implementation must not allow to circumvent an access control mechanism by exploiting an 1084 unintended implementational interference of one access control mechanism with another one. 1085 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA 1086 Proof of the electronic documents authenticity with Active Authentication 1087 The TOE must support the Terminal to verify the identity and authenticity of the electronic 1088 document as issued by the identified issuing State or Organisation by means of the Active 1089 Authentication protocol as defined in [7], [9]. The authenticity proof provided by electronic 1090 document shall be protected against attacks with high attack potential. 1091 4.1.1. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE FROM EAC1PP 1092 This ST includes the following additional security objectives for the TOE from [5] that are not 1093 included in [13]. They concern EAC1-protected data. 1094 • OT.Chip_Auth_Proof 1095 • OT.Sens_Data_Conf 1096 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. For the 1097 remaining security objectives from [5], see the next sections. 1098 In addition, the following security objective is defined here: 1099 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 67 of 191 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM 1100 Proof of the electronic document’s chip authenticity 1101 The TOE must support the terminals to verify the identity and authenticity of the Electronic 1102 document’s chip as issued by the identified issuing State or Organization by means of the 1103 PACE-Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM) as defined in [9]. The authenticity proof 1104 provided by electronic document’s chip shall be protected against attacks with high attack 1105 potential. 1106 Application note 8 (from ST author) 1107 PACE-CAM enables much faster authentication of the of the chip than running PACE with 1108 General Mapping (according to [16]) followed by CA1. OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM is 1109 intended to require the Chip to merely provide an additional means – with the same level of 1110 security – of authentication. 1111 4.1.2. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE EAC2PP 1112 This ST includes the following additional security objectives for the TOE from [6] that are not 1113 included in [13]. They concern EAC2-protected data. 1114 • OT.AC_Pers_EAC2 1115 • OT.CA2 1116 • OT.RI_EAC2 1117 • OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 1118 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. For the 1119 remaining security objectives from [6], see the next sections. 1120 4.1.3. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE PACEPP 1121 Both [5] and [6] claim [13]. Therefore, the following security objectives are included as well. 1122 We list them only once here. 1123 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 68 of 191 • OT.AC_Pers 1124 • OT.Data_Authenticity 1125 • OT.Data_Confidentiality 1126 • OT.Data_Integrity 1127 • OT.Identification 1128 • OT.Prot_Abuse-Func 1129 • OT.Prot_Inf_Leak 1130 • OT.Prot_Malfunction 1131 • OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper 1132 • OT.Tracing 1133 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. 1134 4.1.4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE SSCDPP 1135 The current ST also includes all security objectives for the TOE of [14]. These items are 1136 applicable, if an eSign application is included. 1137 • OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE 1138 • OT.EMSEC_Design 1139 • OT.Lifecycle_Security 1140 • OT.SCD_Secrecy 1141 • OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp 1142 • OT.SCD_Unique 1143 • OT.SCD/SVD_Gen 1144 • OT.Sig_Secure 1145 • OT.Sigy_SigF 1146 • OT.Tamper_ID 1147 • OT.Tamper_Resistance 1148 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here as well. Note 1149 that all are formally included here, but careful analysis reveals that OT.SCD_Secrecy, 1150 OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE, OT.EMSEC_Design, OT.Tamper_ID, and OT.Tamper_Resistance 1151 are actually fully or partly covered by security objectives included from [13]. 1152 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 69 of 191 4.1.5. ADDITIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE 1153 A loader is a part of the chip operating system that allows to load data, i.e. the file- 1154 system/applet containing (sensitive) user data, TSF data etc. into the Flash memory after 1155 delivery of the smartcard to the document manufacturer. 1156 The following objective for the TOE addresses limiting the availability of the loader, and is 1157 formulated akin to [10]. 1158 OT.Cap_Avail_Loader 1159 The TSF provides limited capability of the Loader functionality of the TOE embedded software 1160 and irreversible termination of the Loader in order to protect user data from disclosure and 1161 manipulation. 1162 4.2.Security Objectives for the Operational Environment 1163 4.2.1. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM EAC1PP 1164 This ST includes the following security objectives for the TOE from the [5]. They mainly concern 1165 EAC1-protected data. 1166 • OE.Auth_Key_Travel_Document 1167 • OE.Authoriz_Sens_Data 1168 • OE.Exam_Travel_Document 1169 • OE.Ext_Insp_Systems 1170 • OE.Prot_Logical_Travel_Document 1171 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. For the 1172 remaining ones, see the next sections 1173 4.2.2. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM EAC2PP 1174 This ST includes the following security objectives for the TOE from the [6]. They mainly concern 1175 EAC2-protected data. 1176 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 70 of 191 • OE.Chip_Auth_Key 1177 • OE.RestrictedIdentity 1178 • OE.Terminal_Authentication 1179 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. For the 1180 remaining ones, see the next section. 1181 4.2.3. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM PACEPP 1182 Both [5] and [6] claim [13]. Therefore, the following security objectives on the operational 1183 environment are included as well. We repeat them only once here. 1184 • OE.Legislative_Compliance 1185 • OE.Passive_Auth_Sign 1186 • OE.Personalisation 1187 • OE.Terminal 1188 • OE.Travel_Document_Holder 1189 Due to identical definitions and names, they are not repeated here as well. 1190 4.2.4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES FROM SSCDPP 1191 The current ST also includes all security objectives for the TOE of [14]. These items are 1192 applicable, if an eSign application is included. 1193 • OE.CGA_QCert 1194 • OE.DTBS_Intend 1195 • OE.DTBS_Protect 1196 • OE.HID_VAD 1197 • OE.Signatory 1198 • OE.SSCD_Prov_Service 1199 • OE.SVD_Auth 1200 Due to identical definitions and names, their definitions are not repeated here. 1201 4.2.5. ADDITIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 1202 The following objective on the environment is defined akin to the objective from [10]. 1203 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 71 of 191 OE.Lim_Block_Loader 1204 The manufacturer will protect the Loader functionality against misuse, limit the capability of the 1205 Loader and terminate irreversibly the Loader after intended usage of the Loader. 1206 Justification: This security objective directly addresses the threat OT.Non_Interfere. This 1207 threat concerns the potential interference of different access control mechanisms, which could 1208 occur as a result of combining different applications on a smartcard. Such combination does 1209 not occur in one of the claimed PPs. Hence, this security objective for the environment does – 1210 neither mitigate a threat of one of the claimed PPs that was addressed by security objectives 1211 of that PP,– nor does it fulfill any organizational security policy of one of the claimed PPs that 1212 was meant to be addressed by security objectives of the TOE of that PP. 1213 The following objectives on the environment are introduced because of the Active 1214 Authentication 1215 • OE.Auth_Key_AA 1216 Electronic document Active Authentication key pair 1217 The issuing State or Organisation has to establish the necessary infrastructure in order to (i) 1218 generate the electronic document’s Active Authentication Key Pair, (ii) sign (Passive 1219 Authentication) and store the Active Authentication Public Key in the Active Authentication 1220 Public Key data in EF.DG15 and (iii) support Terminals of receiving States or Organisations to 1221 verify the authenticity of the electronic document used for genuine electronic document. 1222 • OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA 1223 Examination of the genuineness of the electronic document with Active Authentication 1224 The Terminal of the receiving State or Organisation perform the Active Authentication protocol 1225 according to [7] and [9] in order to verify the genuineness of the presented electronic document. 1226 4.3.Security Objective Rationale 1227 Table 9 provides an overview of the security objectives' coverage. According to [1], the tracing 1228 between security objectives and the security problem definition must ensure that 1) each 1229 security objective traces to at least one threat, OSP and assumption, 2) each threat, OSP and 1230 assumption has at least one security objective tracing to it, and 3) the tracing is correct (i.e. 1231 the main point being that security objectives for the TOE do not trace back to assumptions). 1232 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 72 of 191 This is illustrated in the following way: 1233 1. can be inferred for security objectives from claimed PPs by looking up the security 1234 objective rationale of the claimed PPs and for newly introduced security objectives 1235 because of [20] or the newly introduced functions (i.e. OE.Lim_Block_Loader, 1236 OT.Cap_Avail_Loader, OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA, OE.Auth_Key_AA, 1237 OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA and OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM) by 1238 checking the columns of Table 9 , 1239 2. can be inferred for threats, OSPs and assumptions from the claimed PPs by looking up 1240 the security objective rationale of the claimed PPs and for newly introduced or 1241 extended4 threats, OSPs and assumptions by checking the rows of Table 9 , and 1242 3. simply by checking the columns of Table 9 and the security objective rationales from 1243 the claimed PPs. 1244 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA OT.AC_Pers OT.AC_Pers_EAC2 OT.Cap_Avail_Loader OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Data_Integrity OT.Non_Interfere OT.Sens_Data_Conf [5] OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OE.Auth_Key_AA OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA OE.Lim_Block_Loader T.InconsistentSec - X X X - X X X X X X - - X T.Interfere - - - - - - - - X - - - - T.Counterfeit X - - - X - - - - - - X X P.Terminal - - - - - - - - - - - - X P.Lim_Block_Loader - - - X - - - - X - - - - X Table 9 Security Objective Rationale 1245 The threat T.InconsistentSec addresses attacks on the confidentiality and the integrity of User 1246 Data stored on the TOE, facilitated by the data not being protected as intended. 1247 OT.AC_Pers and OT.AC_Pers_EAC2 define the restriction on writing or modifying data; 1248 OT.Data_Authenticity, OT.Data_Confidentiality, OT.Data_Integrity, OT.Sens_Data_Conf 1249 (from [5]), and OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 require the security of stored user data as well as user 1250 data that are transferred between the TOE and a terminal to be secure w.r.t. authenticity, 1251 integrity and confidentiality. 1252 4 Only the impact of the modification is marked in the table. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 73 of 191 OT.Non_Interfere requires the TOE's access control mechanisms to be implemented 1253 consistently and their implementations not to allow to circumvent an access control mechanism 1254 by exploiting an unintended implementational interference of one access control mechanism 1255 with another one. OT.Cap_Avail_Loader requires the TOE to provide limited capability of the 1256 loader functionality and irreversible termination of the loader in order to protect stored user 1257 data. 1258 OE.Lim_Block_Loader requires the manufacturer to protect the loader functionality against 1259 misuse, limit the capability of the loader, and terminate irreversibly the loader after intended 1260 usage of the loader. 1261 The combination of these security objectives cover the threat posed by T.InconsistentSec. 1262 The threat T.Interfere addresses the attack on user data by exploiting the unintended 1263 interference of security protocols. This is directly countered by OT.Non_Interfere, requiring the 1264 TOE's access control mechanisms to be implemented consistently, and their implementations 1265 to not allow to circumvent an access control mechanism by exploiting an unintended 1266 implementational interference of one access control mechanism with another one. 1267 The threat T.Counterfeit (from [5]) is countered in [5] by OT.Chip_Auth_Proof. That security 1268 objectives addresses the implementation of the Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 (CA1) 1269 and thus counters the thread of counterfeiting an electronic document containing an ePassport 1270 application. Here, the additional security objective for the TOE 1271 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM is introduced. It ensures that the chip in addition to CA1 1272 also supports the PACE-Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM) protocol, which supports 1273 the same security functionality as CA1 does. PACE-CAM enables much faster authentication 1274 of the of the chip than running PACE with general mapping followed by CA1. 1275 Furthermore T.Counterfeit is countered by OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA, OE.Auth_Key_AA and 1276 OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA. These security objectives addresses the implementation 1277 of the Active Authentication and thus counters the thread of counterfeiting an electronic 1278 document containing an ePassport application. It ensures that the chip supports the Active 1279 Authentication protocol, which supports to verify that the electronic document is genuine 1280 (similar as Chip Authentication without secure messaging). 1281 The OSP P.Lim_Block_Loader addresses limiting the capability and blocking the availability 1282 of the Loader in order to protect stored data from disclosure and manipulation. This is 1283 addressed by OT.Cap_Avail_Loader, which requires the TOE to provide a limited capability of 1284 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 74 of 191 the loader functionality and irreversible termination of the loader in order to protect stored user 1285 data; by OT.Non_Interfere, which requires the TOE's access control mechanisms to be 1286 implemented consistently and their implementations not to allow to circumvent an access 1287 control mechanism by exploiting an unintended implementational interference of one access 1288 control mechanism with another one; and by OE.Lim_Block_Loader, which requires the 1289 manufacturer to protect the Loader functionality against misuse, limit the capability of the 1290 Loader and terminate irreversibly the Loader after intended usage of the Loader. 1291 The OSP P.Terminal is extended to support the Active Authentication protocol. With this 1292 extension the P.Terminal countered by the security objective 1293 OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA. The OE.Exam_Electronic_Document_AA enforces 1294 the terminal parts of the Active Authentication. 1295 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 75 of 191 5. EXTENDED COMPONTENTS DEFINITION 1296 This ST includes all extended components from the claimed PPs. This includes 1297 • FAU_SAS.1 from the family FAU_SAS from [13] 1298 • FCS_RND.1 from the family FCS_RND from [13] 1299 • FMT_LIM.1 and FMT_LIM.2 from the family FMT_LIM [13] 1300 • FPT_EMS.1 from the family FPT_EMS from [13] 1301 • FIA_API.1 from the family FIA_API from [6] 1302 For precise definitions we refer to [13] and [6]. 1303 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 76 of 191 6. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 1304 This part defines detailed security requirements that shall be satisfied by the TOE. The 1305 statement of TOE security requirements shall define the functional and assurance security 1306 requirements that the TOE must satisfy in order to meet the security objectives for the TOE. 1307 Common Criteria allows several operations to be performed on security requirements on the 1308 component level: refinement, selection, assignment and iteration, cf. sec. 8.1 of [1]. Each of 1309 these operations is used in this ST. 1310 The refinement operation is used to add detail to a requirement, and thus further restricts a 1311 requirement. Refinements of security requirements are denoted in such a way that added 1312 words are in bold text and removed words are crossed out. 1313 The selection operation is used to select one or more options provided by CC in stating a 1314 requirement. Selections that have been made by the PP author are denoted as underlined text. 1315 Selections to be filled in by the ST author appear in square brackets with an indication that a 1316 selection has to be made, [selection:], and are italicized. Selections filled in by the ST author 1317 are denoted as double underlined text and a foot note where the selection choices from the 1318 PP are listed. 1319 The assignment operation is used to assign a specific value to an unspecified parameter, 1320 such as the length of a password. Assignments that have been made by the PP author are 1321 denoted as underlined text. Assignments to be filled in by the ST author appear in square 1322 brackets with an indication that an assignment has to be made [assignment:], and are italicized. 1323 In some cases the assignment made by the PP authors defines a selection to be performed 1324 by the ST author. Thus this text is underlined and italicized like this. Assignments filled in by 1325 the ST author are denoted as double underlined text. 1326 The iteration operation is used when a component is repeated with varying operations. 1327 Iteration is denoted by showing a slash “/”, and the iteration indicator after the component 1328 identifier. For the sake of better readability, the iteration operation may also be applied to a 1329 non-repeated single component in order to indicate that such component belongs to a certain 1330 functional cluster. In such a case, the iteration operation is applied to only one single 1331 component. 1332 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 77 of 191 In order to distinguish between SFRs defined here and SFRs that are taken over from PPs to 1333 which this ST claims strict conformance, the latter are iterated resp. renamed in the following 1334 way: 1335 /EAC1PP or /XXX_EAC1PP [5], 1336 /EAC2PP or /XXX_EAC2PP for [6], 1337 and /SSCDPP or /XXX_SSCDPP for [14]. 1338 6.1.Security Functional Requirements 1339 The statements of security requirements must be internally consistent. As several different PPs 1340 with similar SFRs are claimed, great care must be taken to ensure that these several iterated 1341 SFRs do not lead to inconsistency. 1342 Despite this ST claims strict conformance to [13], SFRs can be safely ignored in this ST as 1343 long as [5] and [6] are taken into account. 1344 One must remember that each of these iterated SFRs mostly concerns different (groups of) 1345 user and TSF data for each protocol (i.e. PACE, EAC1 and EAC2). Three cases are 1346 distinguished: 1347 1. The SFRs apply to different data that are accessible by executing different protocols. 1348 Hence, they are completely separate. An example is FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE from [5] 1349 and [6]. No remark is added in such case in the text below. 1350 2. The SFRs are equivalent. Then we list them all for the sake of completeness. Hence, 1351 it suffices to consider only one iteration. For such SFRs, we explicitly give a remark. An 1352 example is FIA_AFL.1/PACE from [5] and [6]. 1353 3. The SFRs do not apply to different data or protocols, but are also not completely 1354 equivalent. Then these multiple SFRs are refined in such a way, that one common 1355 component is reached that subsumes all iterations that stem from the inclusions of the 1356 claimed PPs. An example is FDP_ACF.1, which is combined here from [5] and [6]. 1357 Such a case is also explicitly mentioned in the text. 1358 Thus internal consistency is not violated. 1359 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 78 of 191 6.1.1. Class FCS 1360 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [6]. They concern cryptographic support for 1361 applications that contain EAC2-protected data groups. 1362 • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP 1363 • FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP 1364 • FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP 1365 • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP 1366 • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP 1367 • FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1368 • FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP 1369 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP 1370 Cryptographic Key Generation – Diffie-Hellman for PACE and CA2 Session Keys 1371 Hierarchical to: No other components 1372 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1373 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] not fulfilled, but 1374 justified: 1375 A Diffie-Hellman key agreement is used in order to 1376 have no key distribution, therefore FCS_CKM.2 makes 1377 no sense in this case. 1378 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1379 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1380 FCS_CKM.1.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP 1381 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic 1382 key generation algorithm Diffie-Hellman-Protocol compliant to [27] and ECDH compliant 1383 to [26]]56 and specified cryptographic key sizes AES 128, 192, 2567 that meet the following: 1384 [17]8 1385 9. Application note (taken from [6], application note 10) 1386 5 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 6 [selection: Diffie-Hellman-Protocol compliant to [27] , ECDH compliant to [26]] 7 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 8 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 79 of 191 In the above and all subsequent related SFRs, the reference w.r.t. the PACE protocol is 1387 changed to [17], whereas [13] references [7]. The difference between the two definitions is that 1388 [17] defines additional optional parameters for the command MSE:Set AT. This optional 1389 parameters (e.g. the CHAT) are technically required, since here Terminal Authentication 2 1390 (TA2) can be executed right after PACE (see FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP). As [7] 1391 does not consider TA2, no such definition is given there. These additional parameters are 1392 optional and not used during PACE itself (only afterwards). If PACE is run without TA2 1393 afterwards, access to data on the chip is given as specified by [13]. If TA2 is run afterwards, 1394 access to data on the chip can be further restricted w.r.t. to the authorization level of the 1395 terminal. Therefore, this change of references does not violate strict conformance to [13]. We 1396 treat this change of references as a refinement operation, and thus mark the changed 1397 reference using bold text. 1398 10. Application note (redefined by ST author, taken from [6], application note 11) 1399 Applied. 1400 11. Application note (taken from [6], application note 12) 1401 [13] considers Diffie-Hellman key generation only for PACE. Since the TOE is required to 1402 implement Chip Authentication 2 (cf. FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP), here 1403 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP applies for CA2 as well. 1404 FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP 1405 Cryptographic operation – Hash for key derivation 1406 Hierarchical to: No other components 1407 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1408 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1409 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1410 generation] not fulfilled, but justified: 1411 A hash function does not use any cryptographic key; 1412 hence, neither a respective key import nor key 1413 generation can be expected here. 1414 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction not fulfilled, 1415 but justified: 1416 A hash function does not use any cryptographic key; 1417 hence, a respective key destruction cannot be 1418 expected here. 1419 FCS_COP.1.1/SHA_EAC2PP 1420 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 80 of 191 The TSF shall perform hashing9 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm 1421 SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-51210 and cryptographic key sizes none11 that 1422 meet the following: [28]12 . 1423 12. Application note (taken from [6], application note 13) 1424 For compressing (hashing) an ephemeral public key for DH (TA2 and CA2), the hash function 1425 SHA-1 shall be used ([18]). The TOE shall implement as hash functions either SHA-1 or SHA- 1426 224 or SHA-256 for Terminal Authentication 2, cf. [18]. Within the normative Appendix of [18] 1427 ‘Key Derivation Function’, it is stated that the hash function SHA-1 shall be used for deriving 1428 128-bit AES keys, whereas SHA-256 shall be used for deriving 192-bit and 256-bit AES keys. 1429 FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP 1430 Cryptographic operation – Signature verification 1431 Hierarchical to: No other components 1432 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1433 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1434 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1435 generation] not fulfilled, but justified: 1436 The root key PKCVCA (initialization data) used for 1437 verifying the DV Certificate is stored in the TOE during 1438 its personalization in the card issuing life cycle phase13 . 1439 Since importing the respective certificates (Terminal 1440 Certificate, DV Certificate) does not require any special 1441 security measures except those required by the current 1442 SFR (cf. FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP below), the current ST 1443 does not contain any dedicated requirement like 1444 FDP_ITC.2 for the import function. 1445 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction not fulfilled, 1446 but justified: 1447 Cryptographic keys used for the purpose of the current 1448 SFR (PKPCD, PKDV, PKCVCA) are public keys; they do 1449 not represent any secret, and hence need not to be 1450 destroyed. 1451 9 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 10 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 11 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 12 [assignment: list of standards] 13 as already mentioned, operational use of the TOE is explicitly in focus of the ST and in the [20] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 81 of 191 FCS_COP.1.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP 1452 The TSF shall perform digital signature verification14 in accordance with a specified 1453 cryptographic algorithm RSA, RSA CRT and ECDSA15 and cryptographic key sizes RSA: 1454 RSA, RSA CRT: 1024, 1280, 1536, 1984, 2048, 3072, 4096 and from 2000 bit to 4096 bit 1455 in one bit steps; ECDSA: 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 521 bit16 that meet the following: 1456 [24], [29]17 . 1457 13. Application note (taken from [6], application note 14) 1458 This SFR is concerned with Terminal Authentication 2, cf. [17]. 1459 14. Application note (from ST author) 1460 The TOE based on the Platform functionalities supports RSA and RSA-CRT digital signature 1461 algorithms and cryptographic key sizes 512 bits up to 4096 bits with equal security measures. 1462 However, to fend off attackers with high attack potential an adequate key length must be used. 1463 FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP 1464 Cryptographic operation – Encryption/Decryption AES 1465 Hierarchical to: No other components 1466 Dependencies: FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1467 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1468 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1469 generation] fulfilled by 1470 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP 1471 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1472 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1473 FCS_COP.1.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP 1474 14 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 15 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 16 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 17 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 82 of 191 The TSF shall perform secure messaging – encryption and decryption18 in accordance 1475 with a specified cryptographic algorithm AES in CBC mode19 and cryptographic key sizes 1476 128, 192, 256 bit20 that meet the following: [18]21 1477 15. Application note (taken from [6], application note 15) 1478 This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitive AES for secure messaging 1479 with encryption of transmitted data. The related session keys are agreed between the TOE 1480 and the terminal as part of either the PACE protocol (PACE-KEnc) or Chip Authentication 2 (CA- 1481 KEnc) according to FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP. Note that in accordance with [18], 3DES 1482 could be used in CBC mode for secure messaging. Due to the fact that 3DES is not 1483 recommended any more (cf. [17]), 3DES in any mode is no longer applicable here. 1484 16. Application note (taken from [6], application note 16) 1485 Refinement of FCS_COP.1.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP, since here PACE must adhere to [18]. 1486 All references (both the one in [13] and [18]) itself reference [12] for secure messaging. [18] 1487 however further restricts the available choice of key-sizes and algorithms. Hence, [18] is fully 1488 (backward) compatible to the reference given in [13]. 1489 FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP 1490 Cryptographic operation – MAC 1491 Hierarchical to: No other components 1492 Dependencies: FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1493 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1494 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1495 generation] fulfilled by 1496 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP 1497 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1498 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1499 FCS_COP.1.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP 1500 18 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 19 [selection: cryptographic algorithm] 20 [selection: 128, 192, 256 bit ] 21 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 83 of 191 The TSF shall perform secure messaging – message authentication code22 in accordance 1501 with a specified cryptographic algorithm CMAC23 and cryptographic key sizes 128, 192, 1502 256 bit24 that meet the following: [18]25 1503 17. Application note (redefined by ST author, taken from [6], application note 17) 1504 See 16. Application note (taken from [6], application note 16). 1505 18. Application note (taken from [6], application note 18) 1506 This SFR removes 3DES and restricts to CMAC compared to the SFR of [13] by selection. 1507 Hence, a minimum key-size of 128 bit is required. 1508 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1509 Cryptographic key destruction – Session keys 1510 Hierarchical to: No other components 1511 Dependencies: FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1512 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1513 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1514 generation] fulfilled by 1515 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP and 1516 FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP 1517 FCS_CKM.4.1/EAC2PP 1518 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic 1519 key destruction method physically overwriting the keys in a randomized manner26 that 1520 meets the following: provided by the underlying certified Platform27 . 1521 19. Application note 1522 In [13] concerning this component requires the destruction of PACE session keys after 1523 detection of an error in a received command by verification of the MAC. While the definition of 1524 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP remains unaltered, here this component also requires the destruction 1525 of sessions keys after a successful run of Chip Authentication 2. The TOE shall destroy the 1526 CA2 session keys after detection of an error in a received command by verification of the MAC. 1527 The TOE shall clear the memory area of any session keys before starting the communication 1528 with the terminal in a new after-reset-session as required by FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP. 1529 22 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 23 [selection: cryptographic algorithm] 24 [selection: 112 128, 192, 256 bit] 25 [assignment: list of standards] 26 [assignment: cryptographic key destruction method] 27 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 84 of 191 FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP 1530 Quality metric for random numbers 1531 Hierarchical to: No other components 1532 Dependencies: No dependencies. 1533 FCS_RND.1.1/EAC2PP 1534 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to generate random numbers that meet DRG.328 . 1535 20. Application note 1536 In [13] concerning this component requires the TOE to generate random numbers (random 1537 nonce) for PACE. While the definition of FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP remains unaltered, here this 1538 component requires the TOE to generate random numbers (random nonce) for all 1539 authentication protocols (i.e. PACE, CA2), as required by FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP. 1540 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [5]. They concern cryptographic support for 1541 applications that contain EAC1-protected data groups. 1542 • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP 1543 • FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1544 (equivalent to FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 1545 • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP 1546 • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP 1547 21. Application note (redefined by ST author, taken from[20], application note 9) 1548 Applied. 1549 • FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP 1550 (equivalent to FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 1551 • FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP 1552 • FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP 1553 • FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP 1554 • FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP 1555 28 [assignment: a defined quality metric] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 85 of 191 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP 1556 Cryptographic key generation – Diffie-Hellman for PACE session keys 1557 Hierarchical to: No other components 1558 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1559 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation]. 1560 Justification: A Diffie-Hellman key agreement is used 1561 in order to have no key distribution, therefore 1562 FCS_CKM.2 makes no sense in this case. 1563 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction: fulfilled by 1564 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1565 FCS_CKM.1.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP 1566 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic 1567 key generation algorithm Diffie-Hellman-Protocol compliant to [27], ECDH compliant to 1568 [26]2930 and specified cryptographic key sizes TDES 128, AES 128, 192 and 256 bits31 that 1569 meet the following:[7]32 1570 FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP 1571 Encryption / Decryption AES / 3DES 1572 Hierarchical to: No other components 1573 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1574 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1575 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1576 generation]: fulfilled by 1577 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP. 1578 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction: fulfilled by 1579 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP. 1580 FCS_COP.1.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP 1581 29 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 30 [selection: Diffie-Hellman-Protocol compliant to [27] , ECDH compliant to [26] ] 31 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 32 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 86 of 191 The TSF shall perform secure messaging – encryption and decryption33 in accordance 1582 with a specified cryptographic algorithm AES, 3DES34 in CBC mode35 and cryptographic 1583 key sizes 3DES 112, AES 128, 192, 256 bit3637 that meet the following: compliant to [7]38 . 1584 FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP 1585 Cryptographic operation – MAC 1586 Hierarchical to: No other components 1587 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1588 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1589 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1590 generation]: fulfilled by 1591 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP 1592 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction: fulfilled by 1593 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP. 1594 FCS_COP.1.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP 1595 The TSF shall perform secure messaging – message authentication code39 in accordance 1596 with a specified cryptographic algorithm CMAC, Retail-MAC4041 and cryptographic key 1597 sizes 3DES 112, AES 128, 192, 256 bit4243 that meet the following: compliant to [7]44 . 1598 FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP 1599 Cryptographic key generation – Diffie-Hellman for Chip Authentication session keys 1600 Hierarchical to: No other components 1601 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1602 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] fulfilled by 1603 33 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 34 [selection: AES, 3DES] 35 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 36 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 37 [selection: 112, 128, 192, 256] 38 [assignment: list of standards] 39 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 40 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 41 [selection: CMAC, Retail-MAC] 42 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 43 [selection: 112, 128, 192, 256] 44 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 87 of 191 FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP and 1604 FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP 1605 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1606 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP. 1607 FCS_CKM.1.1/CA_EAC1PP 1608 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic 1609 key generation algorithm Diffie-Hellman protocol compliant to PKCS#3 and based on an 1610 ECDH protocol45 and specified cryptographic key sizes TDES 112, AES 128, 192 and 256 1611 bits46 that meet the following:based on the Diffie-Hellman key derivation protocol compliant 1612 to [27] and [16] , based on an ECDH protocol compliant to [26]4748 1613 22. Application note (taken from [5], application note 12) 1614 FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP implicitly contains the requirements for the hashing functions used 1615 for key derivation by demanding compliance to [16]. 1616 23. Application note (taken from [5], application note 13) 1617 The TOE generates a shared secret value with the terminal during the Chip Authentication 1618 Protocol Version 1, see [16]. This protocol may be based on the Diffie-Hellman-Protocol 1619 compliant to PKCS#3 (i.e. modulo arithmetic based cryptographic algorithm, cf. [27]) or on the 1620 ECDH compliant to TR-03111 (i.e. an elliptic curve cryptography algorithm) (cf. [26], for 1621 details). The shared secret value is used to derive the Chip Authentication Session Keys used 1622 for encryption and MAC computation for secure messaging (defined in Key Derivation Function 1623 [16]). 1624 24. Application note (taken from [5], application note 14) 1625 The TOE shall implement the hash function SHA-1 for the cryptographic primitive to derive the 1626 keys for secure messaging from any shared secrets of the Authentication Mechanisms. The 1627 Chip Authentication Protocol v.1 may use SHA-1 (cf. [16]). The TOE may implement additional 1628 hash functions SHA-224 and SHA-256 for the Terminal Authentication Protocol v.1 (cf. [16] for 1629 details). 1630 25. Application note (taken from [5], application note 15) 1631 The TOE shall destroy any session keys in accordance with FCS_CKM.4 from [13] after (i) 1632 detection of an error in a received command by verification of the MAC and (ii) after successful 1633 run of the Chip Authentication Protocol v.1. (iii) The TOE shall destroy the PACE Session Keys 1634 after generation of a Chip Authentication Session Keys and changing the secure messaging 1635 to the Chip Authentication Session Keys. (iv) The TOE shall clear the memory area of any 1636 45 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 46 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 47 [assignment: list of standards] 48 [selection: based on the Diffie-Hellman key derivation protocol compliant to [27] and [16] , based on an ECDH protocol compliant to [26] ] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 88 of 191 session keys before starting the communication with the terminal in a new after-reset-session 1637 as required by FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP. Concerning the Chip Authentication keys 1638 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP is also fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP. 1639 FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP 1640 Cryptographic operation – Symmetric Encryption / Decryption 1641 Hierarchical to: No other components 1642 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1643 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1644 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1645 generation] fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP 1646 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1647 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1648 FCS_COP.1.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP 1649 The TSF shall perform secure messaging – encryption and decryption49 in accordance 1650 with a specified cryptographic algorithm Triple-DES and AES50 and cryptographic key 1651 sizes Triple-DES:112, AES: 128, 192 and 256 bits51 that meet the following:[16]52 . 1652 26. Application note (taken from [5], application note 16) 1653 This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitives (e.g. Triple-DES and/or 1654 AES) for secure messaging with encryption of the transmitted data. The keys are agreed 1655 between the TOE and the terminal as part of the Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 1656 according to the FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP. 1657 FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP 1658 Cryptographic operation – Signature verification by electronic document 1659 Hierarchical to: No other components 1660 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1661 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1662 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1663 generation] fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP 1664 49 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 50 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 51 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 52 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 89 of 191 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1665 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1666 FCS_COP.1.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP 1667 The TSF shall perform digital signature verification53 in accordance with a specified 1668 cryptographic algorithm RSA v1.5 with SHA-256 and SHA-512, RSA-PSS with SHA-256 1669 and SHA-512, ECDSA with SHA-256, SHA-224, SHA-384 and SHA-51254 and 1670 cryptographic key sizes RSA 2048, 4096 and from 2000 bit to 4096 bit in one bit steps, 1671 ECDSA 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 521 bits55 that meet the following: [24][29]56 . 1672 27. Application note (redefined by ST author, taken from [5], application note 17) 1673 Applied. 1674 28. Application note (from ST author) 1675 The TOE based on the Platform functionalities supports RSA and RSA-CRT digital signature 1676 algorithms and cryptographic key sizes 512 bits up to 4096 bits with equal security measures. 1677 However, to fend off attackers with high attack potential an adequate key length must be used. 1678 FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP 1679 Cryptographic operation – MAC 1680 Hierarchical to: No other components 1681 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1682 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1683 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1684 generation] fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP 1685 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1686 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1687 FCS_COP.1.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP 1688 53 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 54 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 55 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 56 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 90 of 191 The TSF shall perform secure messaging – message authentication code57 in accordance 1689 with a specified cryptographic algorithm CMAC or Retail-MAC58 and cryptographic key 1690 sizes 112, 128, 192 and 256 bits59 that meet the following: [16]60 . 1691 29. Application note (taken from [5], application note 18) 1692 This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitive for secure messaging with 1693 encryption and message authentication code over the transmitted data. The key is agreed 1694 between the TSF by Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 according to the 1695 FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP. Furthermore, the SFR is used for authentication attempts of a 1696 terminal as Personalisation Agent by means of the authentication mechanism. 1697 The following SFRs are defined because the TOE supports the Chip Authentication version 2 1698 and Restricted Identification key pair(s) generation on the TOE as described in 1699 FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP. 1700 FCS_CKM.1/CA2 1701 Cryptographic key generation – Chip Authentication version 2 Key pair(s) 1702 Hierarchical to: No other components 1703 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1704 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] 1705 fulfilled by FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP and 1706 FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP 1707 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1708 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1709 FCS_CKM.1.1/CA2 1710 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys to Chip Authentication 2 in accordance with a 1711 specified cryptographic key generation algorithm RSA or ECC61 and specified cryptographic 1712 key sizes 1024, 1280, 1536, 1984, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits or 160, 192, 224, 256, 384 and 1713 521 bits 62 that meet the following: [31]63 . 1714 30. Application note (from ST author) 1715 The TOE supports to create Chip Authentication version 2 Key pair(s) on the TOE as described 1716 in FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP. The TOE generates the key pair(s) in secure way, but the 1717 57 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 58 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 59 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 60 [assignment: list of standards] 61 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 62 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 63 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 91 of 191 appropriate key size shall be assessed during the personalization of the TOE. 1718 The refinement was necessary for the sake of clarity. 1719 FCS_CKM.1/RI 1720 Cryptographic key generation – Restricted Identification Key pair (s) 1721 Hierarchical to: No other components 1722 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1723 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] not fullfilled but 1724 justified: the crypgographic part of Restricted 1725 Identification protocol is not part of the TOE, so no 1726 cryptographic operation is related to FCS_CKM.1/RI. 1727 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fullfilled by 1728 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1729 FCS_CKM.1.1/RI 1730 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys to Restricted Identification in accordance with a 1731 specified cryptographic key generation algorithm RSA or ECC64 and specified cryptographic 1732 key sizes 1024, 1280, 1536, 1984, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits or 160, 192, 224, 256, 384 and 1733 521 bits 65 that meet the following: [31][17]66 . 1734 31. Application note (from ST author) 1735 The TOE supports to create Restricted Identification Key pair(s) on the TOE as described in 1736 FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP. The TOE generates the key pair(s) in secure way, but the 1737 appropriate key size shall be assessed during the personalization of the TOE. 1738 The refinement was necessary for the sake of clarity. 1739 The following SFRs are new and concern cryptographic support for ePassport application in 1740 combination with [5] in case the Active Authentication protocol is active: 1741 • FCS_CKM.1/AA 1742 • FCS_COP.1/AA 1743 FCS_CKM.1/AA 1744 Cryptographic key generation – Active Authentication Key Pair 1745 Hierarchical to: No other components 1746 64 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 65 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 66 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 92 of 191 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1747 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] 1748 fulfilled by FCS_COP.1/AA 1749 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1750 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1751 FCS_CKM.1.1/AA 1752 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key 1753 generation algorithm RSA or ECDSA67 and specified cryptographic key sizes 1024, 1280, 1754 1536, 1984, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits or 160, 192, 224, 256, 384 and 521 bits 68 that meet the 1755 following: [7][9]69 . 1756 FCS_COP.1/AA 1757 Cryptographic operation – Active Authentication 1758 Hierarchical to: No other components 1759 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1760 attributes, FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security 1761 attribute or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] 1762 fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/AA 1763 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1764 FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1765 FCS_COP.1.1/AA 1766 The TSF shall perform digital signature creation70 in accordance with a specified 1767 cryptographic algorithm RSA or ECDSA71 and . cryptographic key sizes RSA with key 1768 sizes 2048-4096 and ECDSA with key sizes 160-52172 that meet the following: [7][9]73 . 1769 The following SFRs are new and concerns cryptographic support for ePassport applications in 1770 combination with [5]. 1771 • FCS_CKM.1/CAM 1772 67 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 68 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 69 [assignment: list of standards] 70 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 71 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 72 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 73 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 93 of 191 • FCS_COP.1/CAM 1773 FCS_CKM.1/CAM 1774 Cryptographic key generation – PACE-CAM public key and Diffie-Hellman for General Mapping in 1775 PACE-GM 1776 Hierarchical to: No other components 1777 Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or 1778 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] 1779 fulfilled by FCS_COP.1/CAM 1780 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction 1781 fulfilled by FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1782 FCS_CKM.1.1/CAM 1783 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic 1784 key generation algorithm PACE-CAM in combination with PACE-GM74 and specified 1785 cryptographic key sizes AES 128, 192 and 256 bit75 that meet the following: [9]76 . 1786 32. Application note (from ST author) 1787 In the combined protocol PACE-CAM, after the completion of PACE in combination with the 1788 general mapping (PACE-GM), the chip authenticates itself by adding (multiplying) the 1789 randomly chosen nonce of the GM step with the inverse of the chip authentication secret key, 1790 and sends this value together with chip authentication public key to the card; cf.[9]. 1791 FCS_COP.1/CAM 1792 Cryptographic operation – PACE-CAM 1793 Hierarchical to: No other components 1794 Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1795 attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with 1796 security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key 1797 generation] 1798 fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/CAM 1799 74 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 75 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 76 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 94 of 191 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction 1800 fulfilled by FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP 1801 FCS_COP.1.1/CAM 1802 The TSF shall perform the PACE-CAM protocol77 in accordance with a specified 1803 cryptographic algorithm PACE-CAM78 and cryptographic key sizes AES 128, 192 and 256 1804 bits79 that meet the following:[9]80 1805 33. Application note (from ST author) 1806 Whereas FCS_CKM.1/CAM addresses the Diffie-Hellman based key-derivation, this SFR is 1807 concerned with the correct implementation and execution of the whole PACE-CAM protocol. 1808 Note that in particular the last protocol step to authenticate the chip towards the terminal is an 1809 essential part of the protocol, and not addressed in FCS_CKM.1/CAM. 1810 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [14]. They only concern the cryptographic 1811 support for an eSign application. 1812 • FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP 1813 • FCS_CKM.4/SSCDPP 1814 (equivalent to FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 1815 • FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP 1816 FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP 1817 Cryptographic key generation 1818 Hierarchical to: No other components 1819 Dependencies: FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution, or 1820 FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] fulfilled by 1821 FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP 1822 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1823 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1824 FCS_CKM.1.1/SSCDPP 1825 77 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 78 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 79 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 80 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 95 of 191 The TSF shall generate an SCD/SVD pair in accordance with a specified cryptographic 1826 key generation algorithm RSA or ECDSA81 and specified cryptographic key sizes 1024, 1827 1280, 1536, 1984, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits or 160, 192, 224, 256, 384 and 521 bits82 1828 that meet the following: [23]83 . 1829 34. Application note (taken from [14], application note 5) 1830 The ST writer performed the missing operations in the element FCS_CKM.1.1/SSCDPP. The 1831 refinement in the element FCS_CKM.1.1 SSCDPP substitutes “cryptographic keys” by 1832 “SCD/SVD pairs” because it clearly addresses the SCD/SVD key generation. 1833 FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP 1834 Cryptographic operation 1835 Hierarchical to: No other components 1836 Dependencies: FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security 1837 attributes, FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security 1838 attribute or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] 1839 fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP 1840 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction fulfilled by 1841 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP 1842 FCS_COP.1.1/SSCDPP 1843 The TSF shall perform digital signature creation84 in accordance with a specified 1844 cryptographic algorithm RSA according to RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, RSASSA-PSS or 1845 ECDSA according to ISO14883-385 and . cryptographic key sizes RSA with key sizes 1846 2048-4096 and ECDSA with key sizes 160-52186 that meet the following: [24] [29]87 . 1847 35. Application note (taken from [14], application note 7) 1848 Applied. 1849 36. Application note (from ST author) 1850 The underlying Platform supports RSA, RSA-CRT and ECDSA digital signature algorithms and 1851 cryptographic key sizes 2048 bits to 4096 bits (RSA) and 160 bits to 521 bits (ECDSA) with 1852 81 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 82 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 83 [assignment: list of standards] 84 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 85 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 86 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 87 [assignment: list of standards] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 96 of 191 equal security measures. However, to fend off attackers with high attack potential an adequate 1853 key length must be used 1854 6.1.2. Class FIA 1855 Table 10 provides an overview of the authentication and identification mechanisms used. 1856 Name SFR for the TOE PACE protocol FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP PACE-CAM protocol SFRs above for the PACE part; in addition, for the Chip Authentication Mapping (CAM): FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP Terminal Authentication Protocol version 2 FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP Chip Authentication Protocol version 2 FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP Terminal Authentication Protocol version 1 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP Chip Authentication Protocol version 1 FIA_API.1/EAC1PP FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP Active Authentication FIA_API.1/AA FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP Restricted Identification FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP eSign-PIN FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP Table 10 Overview of authentication and identification SFRs 1857 SFRs for EAC2-protected Data 1858 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [6]. They mainly concern authentication 1859 mechanisms related to applications with EAC2-protected data. 1860 • FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP 1861 • FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP 1862 • FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP 1863 • FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP 1864 • FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1865 • FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 1866 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 97 of 191 37. Application note (taken from [20], application note 10) 1867 The user identified after a successfully performed TA2 protocol is an EAC2 terminal. Note that 1868 TA1 is covered by FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP. In that case, the terminal identified is in addition 1869 also an EAC1 terminal. 1870 • FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1871 • FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 1872 • FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP 1873 38. Application note (taken from [6], application note 26) 1874 For PACE, the TOE randomly selects an almost uniformly distributed nonce of 128 bit length. 1875 The [20] and the current ST support a key derivation function based on AES; see [17]. For 1876 TA2, the TOE randomly selects a nonce rPICC of 64 bit length, see [17]. This SFR extends 1877 FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP from [13] by assigning the authentication mechanism Terminal 1878 Authentication 2. 1879 • FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP 1880 • FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP 1881 • FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1882 • FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP 1883 FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP 1884 Authentication failure handling – Suspending PIN 1885 Hierarchical to: No other components 1886 Dependencies: [FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication] fulfilled by 1887 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1888 FIA_AFL.1.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP 1889 The TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable positive integer within [1-127]88 1890 unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to consecutive failed authentication 1891 attempts using the PIN as the shared password for PACE89 . 1892 FIA_AFL.1.2/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP 1893 88[selection: [assignment: positive integer number], an administrator configurable positive integer within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] 89 [assignment: list of authentication events] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 98 of 191 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met90 , the 1894 TSF shall suspend the reference value of the PIN according to [17]91 . 1895 39. Application note (taken from [6], application note 19) 1896 This SFR is not in conflict to FIA_AFL.1 from [13], since it just adds a requirement specific to 1897 the case where the PIN is the shared password. Thus, the assigned integer number for 1898 unsuccessful authentication attempts with any PACE password could be different to the integer 1899 for the case when using a PIN. 1900 FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP 1901 Authentication failure handling – Blocking PIN 1902 Hierarchical to: No other components 1903 Dependencies: [FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication] fulfilled by 1904 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1905 FIA_AFL.1.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP 1906 The TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable positive integer within [1-127]92 1907 unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to consecutive failed authentication 1908 attempts using the suspended93 PIN as the shared password for PACE94 . 1909 FIA_AFL.1.2/Block_PIN_EAC2PP 1910 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met95 , the 1911 TSF shall block the reference value of PIN according to [17]96 . 1912 FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP 1913 Authentication Proof of Identity 1914 Hierarchical to: No other components 1915 Dependencies: No dependencies 1916 FIA_API.1.1/CA_EAC2PP 1917 90 [selection: met , surpassed] 91 [assignment: list of actions] 92 [selection: [assignment: positive integer number], an administrator configurable positive integer within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] 93 as required by FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP 94 [assignment: list of authentication events] 95 [selection: met , surpassed] 96 [assignment: list of actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 99 of 191 The TSF shall provide the protocol Chip Authentication 2 according to [17]97 , to prove the 1918 identity of the TOE98 . 1919 FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP 1920 Authentication Proof of Identity 1921 Hierarchical to: No other components 1922 Dependencies: No dependencies 1923 FIA_API.1.1/RI_EAC2PP 1924 The TSF shall provide the Restricted Identification protocol according to [17]99 , to prove 1925 the identity of the TOE100 . 1926 40. Application note (taken from [6], application note 20) 1927 Restricted Identification provides a sector-specific identifier of every electronic document. It 1928 thus provides a pseudonymous way to identify the Electronic Document Holder in a case where 1929 the CHAT of the terminal does not allow to access Sensitive User Data that directly identify the 1930 Electronic Document Holder. Restricted Identification shall only be used after successfully 1931 running Terminal Authentication 2 and Chip Authentication 2. Note that Restricted Identification 1932 is optional according to [17], and thus the above SFR only applies if Restricted Identification is 1933 supported by the TOE. 1934 FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1935 Timing of identification 1936 Hierarchical to: No other components 1937 Dependencies: No dependencies 1938 FIA_UID.1.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1939 The TSF shall allow: 1940 1. to establish a communication channel, 1941 2. carrying out the PACE protocol according to [17] 1942 3. to read the Initialization Data if it is not disabled by TSF according to 1943 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DISFMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP101 1944 97 [assignment: authentication mechanism] 98 [assignment: authorised user or role, or of the TOE itself] 99 [assignment: authentication mechanism] 100 [assignment: authorized user or role] 101 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 100 of 191 4. none102 1945 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. 1946 FIA_UID.1.2/PACE_EAC2PP 1947 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other 1948 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 1949 41. Application note (taken from [6], application note 21) 1950 The user identified after a successful run of PACE is a PACE terminal. In case the PIN or PUK 1951 were used for PACE, the user identified is the Electronic Document Holder using a PACE 1952 terminal. Note that neither the CAN nor the MRZ effectively represent secrets, but are 1953 restricted-revealable; i.e. in case the CAN or the MRZ were used for PACE, it is either the 1954 Electronic Document Holder itself, an authorized person other than the Electronic Document 1955 Holder, or a device. 1956 42. Application note (from ST author) 1957 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 1958 FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 1959 Timing of identification 1960 Hierarchical to: No other components 1961 Dependencies: No dependencies 1962 FIA_UID.1.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 1963 The TSF shall allow 1964 1. to establish a communication channel, 1965 2. carrying out the PACE protocol according to [17], 1966 3. to read the Initialization Data if it is not disabled by TSF according to 1967 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DISFMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP 1968 4. carrying out the Terminal Authentication protocol 2 according to [17]103 1969 5. none104 1970 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. 1971 FIA_UID.1.2/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 1972 102 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] 103 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] 104 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 101 of 191 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other 1973 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 1974 43. Application note (taken from [6], application note 22) 1975 The user identified after a successfully performed TA2 is an EAC2 terminal. The types of EAC2 1976 terminals are application dependent; 1977 44. Application note (taken from [6], application note 23) 1978 In the life cycle phase manufacturing, the manufacturer is the only user role known to the TOE. 1979 The manufacturer writes the initialization data and/or pre-personalization data in the audit 1980 records of the IC. 1981 Note that a Personalization Agent acts on behalf of the electronic document issuer under his 1982 and the CSCA's and DS's policies. Hence, they define authentication procedures for 1983 Personalization Agents. The TOE must functionally support these authentication procedures. 1984 These procedures are subject to evaluation within the assurance components ALC_DEL.1 and 1985 AGD_PRE.1. The TOE assumes the user role Personalization Agent, if a terminal proves the 1986 respective Terminal Authorization level (e. g. a privileged terminal, cf. [17]). 1987 45. Application note (from ST author) 1988 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 1989 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1990 Timing of authentication 1991 Hierarchical to: No other components 1992 Dependencies: [FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification]: fulfilled by 1993 FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1994 FIA_UAU.1.1/PACE_EAC2PP 1995 The TSF shall allow: 1996 1. to establish a communication channel, 1997 2. carrying out the PACE protocol according to [17], 1998 3. to read the Initialization Data if it is not disabled by TSF according to 1999 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DISFMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP, 2000 4. none105 2001 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. 2002 FIA_UAU.1.2/PACE_EAC2PP 2003 105 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 102 of 191 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other 2004 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 2005 46. Application note (taken from [6], application note 24) 2006 If PACE has been successfully performed, secure messaging is started using the derived 2007 session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), cf. FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP. 44. Application note 2008 (taken from [6], application note 23) also applies here. 2009 47. Application note (from ST author) 2010 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2011 FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 2012 Timing of authentication 2013 Hierarchical to: No other components 2014 Dependencies: [FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification]: fulfilled by 2015 FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 2016 FIA_UAU.1.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 2017 The TSF shall allow: 2018 1. to establish a communication channel, 2019 2. carrying out the PACE protocol according to [17], 2020 3. to read the Initialization Data if it is not disabled by TSF according to 2021 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DISFMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP 2022 4. carrying out the Terminal Authentication protocol 2 according to [17]106 2023 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. 2024 FIA_UAU.1.2/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 2025 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other 2026 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 2027 48. Application note (taken from [6], application note 25) 2028 The user authenticated after a successful run of TA2 is an EAC2 terminal. The authenticated 2029 terminal will immediately perform Chip Authentication 2 as required by 2030 FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP using, amongst other, Comp(ephem-PKPCD-TA) from the 2031 accomplished TA2. Note that Passive Authentication using SOC is considered to be part of 2032 CA2 within this ST. 2033 106 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 103 of 191 49. Application note (from ST author) 2034 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2035 FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP 2036 Single-use authentication of the Terminals by the TOE 2037 Hierarchical to: No other components 2038 Dependencies: No dependencies 2039 FIA_UAU.4.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2040 The TSF shall prevent reuse of authentication data related to: 2041 1. PACE protocol according to [17], 2042 2. Authentication Mechanism based on AES107 2043 3. Terminal Authentication 2 protocol according to [17].108 2044 4. none109 2045 50. Application note (taken from [6], application note 26) 2046 For PACE, the TOE randomly selects an almost uniformly distributed nonce of 128 bit length. 2047 The [6] supports a key derivation function based on AES; see [17]. For TA2, the TOE randomly 2048 selects a nonce rPICC of 64 bit length, see [17]. This SFR extends FIA_UAU.4/PACE from [13] 2049 by assigning the authentication mechanism Terminal Authentication 2. 2050 FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP 2051 Multiple authentication mechanisms 2052 Hierarchical to: No other components 2053 Dependencies: No dependencies 2054 FIA_UAU.5.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2055 The TSF shall provide 2056 1. PACE protocol according to [17], 2057 2. Passive Authentication according to [8] 2058 3. Secure messaging in MAC-ENC mode according to [18] 2059 4. Symmetric Authentication Mechanism based on TDES and AES110111 2060 107 [selection: Triple-DES , AES or other approved algorithms] 108 [assignment: identified authentication mechanism(s)] 109 [assignment: identified authentication mechanism(s)] 110 restricting the [selection: Triple-DES, AES or other approved algorithms] 111 [selection: AES or other approved algorithms] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 104 of 191 5. Terminal Authentication 2 protocol according to [17], 2061 6. Chip Authentication 2 according to [17]112113 2062 7. none114 2063 to support user authentication. 2064 FIA_UAU.5.2/PACE_EAC2PP 2065 The TSF shall authenticate any user’s claimed identity according to the following rules: 2066 1. Having successfully run the PACE protocol the TOE accepts only received 2067 commands with correct message authentication codes sent by secure messaging 2068 with the key agreed with the terminal by the PACE protocol. 2069 2. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt as Personalization Agent by 2070 Symmetric Authentication (Device authentication) according to [30]115 2071 3. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt by means of the Terminal 2072 Authentication 2 protocol,only if (i) the terminal presents its static public key PKPCD 2073 and the key is successfully verifiable up to the CVCA and (ii) the terminal uses the 2074 PICC identifier IDPICC = Comp(ephem-PKPICC-PACE) calculated during, and the 2075 secure messaging established by the, current PACE authentication. 2076 4. Having successfully run Chip Authentication 2, the TOE accepts only received 2077 commands with correct message authentication codes sent by secure messaging 2078 with the key agreed with the terminal by Chip Authentication 2.116 2079 5. none117 2080 51. Application note (taken from [6], application note 27) 2081 Refinement of FIA_UAU.5.2/PACE_EAC2PP, since here PACE must adhere to [17] and [18], 2082 cf. 9. Application note (taken from [6], application note 10). Since the formulation “MAC-ENC 2083 mode” is slightly ambiguous (there is only one secure messaging mode relevant both in [13] 2084 and here, and it is actually the same in both references), it is removed here by refinement in 2085 the third bullet point of FIA_UAU.5.1/PACE_EAC2PP. 2086 Remark: Note that 5. and 6. in FIA_UAU.5.1/PACE_EAC2PP and 3. and 4. of 2087 FIA_UAU.5.2/PACE_EAC2PP are additional assignments (using the open assignment 2088 operation) compared to [13]. 2089 52. Application note (from ST author) 2090 112 Passive Authentication using SOC is considered to be part of CA2 within this ST. 113 [assignment: list of multiple authentication mechanisms] 114 [assignment: list of multiple authentication mechanisms] 115 [selection: the Authentication Mechanism with Personalization Agent Key(s)] 116 [assignment: rules describing how the multiple authentication mechanisms provide authentication] 117 [assignment: rules describing how the multiple authentication mechanisms provide authentication] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 105 of 191 Symmetric Authentication Mechanism implemented according to [30]. 2091 FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP 2092 Re-authenticating of Terminal by the TOE 2093 Hierarchical to: No other components 2094 Dependencies: No dependencies 2095 FIA_UAU.6.1/CA_EAC2PP 2096 The TSF shall re-authenticate the user under the conditions each command sent to the 2097 TOE after a successful run of Chip Authentication 2 shall be verified as being sent by the 2098 EAC2 terminal118 . 2099 FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2100 Authentication failure handling – PACE authentication using non-blocking authorisation data 2101 Hierarchical to: No other components 2102 Dependencies: [FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication]: fulfilled by 2103 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2104 FIA_AFL.1.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2105 The TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable positive integer number within 2106 [1-127]119 unsuccessful authentication attempt occurs related to authentication attempts 2107 using the PACE password as shared password.120 2108 FIA_AFL.1.2/PACE_EAC2PP 2109 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met121 , the 2110 TSF shall delay each following authentication attempt until the next successful 2111 authentication.122 . 2112 53. Application note (from ST author) 2113 In line with [6] the shared password for PACE can be CAN, MRZ, PIN and PUK. The specific 2114 case of PIN is detailed in FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP and 2115 118 [assignment: list of conditions under which re-authentication is required] 119 [selection: [assignment: positive integer number], an administrator configurable positive integer within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] 120 [assignment: list of authentication events] 121 [selection: met ,surpassed] 122 [assignment: list of actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 106 of 191 FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP and furthermore 39. Application note (taken from [6], 2116 application note 19). 2117 FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP 2118 Re-authenticating of Terminal by the TOE 2119 Hierarchical to: No other components 2120 Dependencies: No dependencies 2121 FIA_UAU.6.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2122 The TSF shall re-authenticate the user under the conditions each command sent to the 2123 TOE after successful run of the PACE protocol shall be verified as being sent by the PACE 2124 terminal.123 2125 SFRs for EAC1-protected data 2126 • FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2127 • FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2128 • FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP 2129 • FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP 2130 • FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP 2131 (equivalent to FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 2132 • FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP 2133 • FIA_API.1/EAC1PP 2134 • FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2135 (equivalent to FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 2136 FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2137 Timing of identification 2138 Hierarchical to: No other components 2139 Dependencies: No dependencies 2140 FIA_UID.1.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2141 The TSF shall allow: 2142 123 [assignment: list of conditions under which re-authentication is required] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 107 of 191 1. to establish the communication channel, 2143 2. carrying out the PACE Protocol according to [7], 2144 3. to read the Initialization Data if it is not disabled by TSF according to 2145 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP 2146 4. to carry out the Chip Authentication Protocol v.1 according to [16] or the Chip 2147 Authentication mapping (PACE-CAM) according to [9]. 2148 5. to carry out the Terminal Authentication Protocol v.1 according to [16] resp. 2149 according to [9] if PACE-CAM is used. 124 2150 6. none125 . 2151 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user isidentified. 2152 FIA_UID.1.2/PACE_EAC1PP 2153 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other 2154 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 2155 54. Application note (from ST author) 2156 The SFR is refined here in order for the TSF to additionally provide the PACE-CAM protocol 2157 by referencing [9]. PACE-CAM combines PACE and Chip Authentication 1 for faster execution 2158 times. Hence, a TOE meeting the original requirement also meets the refined requirement. 2159 55. Application note (taken from [5], application note 20) 2160 The SFR FIA_UID.1/PACE in [5] covers the definition in [13] and extends it by EAC aspect 4. 2161 This extension does not conflict with the strict conformance to [13]. 2162 56. Application note (taken from [5], application note 21) 2163 In the Phase 2 “Manufacturing” the Manufacturer is the only user role known to the TOE which 2164 writes the Initialization Data and/or Pre-personalisation Data in the audit records of the IC. The 2165 electronic document manufacturer may create the user role Personalisation Agent for transition 2166 from Phase 2 to Phase 3 “Personalisation of the Electronic Document”. The users in role 2167 Personalisation Agent identify themselves by means of selecting the authentication key. After 2168 personalisation in the Phase 3 the PACE domain parameters, the Chip Authentication data 2169 and Terminal Authentication Reference Data are written into the TOE. The Inspection System 2170 is identified as default user after power up or reset of the TOE i.e. the TOE will run the PACE 2171 protocol, to gain access to the Chip Authentication Reference Data and to run the Chip 2172 Authentication Protocol Version 1. After successful authentication of the chip the terminal may 2173 identify itself as (i) EAC1 terminal by selection of the templates for the Terminal Authentication 2174 Protocol Version 1 or (ii) if necessary and available by authentication as Personalisation Agent 2175 (using the Personalisation Agent Key). 2176 57. Application note (taken from [5], application note 22) 2177 124 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] 125 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 108 of 191 User identified after a successfully performed PACE protocol is a terminal. Please note that 2178 neither CAN nor MRZ effectively represent secrets, but are restricted revealable; i.e. it is either 2179 the electronic document holder itself or an authorised other person or device (PACE terminal). 2180 58. Application note (taken from [5], application note 23) 2181 In the life-cycle phase ‘Manufacturing’ the Manufacturer is the only user role known to the TOE. 2182 The Manufacturer writes the Initialisation Data and/or Pre-personalisation Data in the audit 2183 records of the IC. 2184 Please note that a Personalisation Agent acts on behalf of the electronic document Issuer 2185 under his and CSCA and DS policies. Hence, they define authentication procedure(s) for 2186 Personalisation Agents. The TOE must functionally support these authentication procedures 2187 being subject to evaluation within the assurance components ALC_DEL.1 and AGD_PRE.1. 2188 The TOE assumes the user role ‘Personalisation Agent’, when a terminal proves the respective 2189 Terminal Authorisation Level as defined by the related policy (policies). 2190 59. Application note (from ST author) 2191 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2192 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2193 Timing of authentication 2194 Hierarchical to: No other components 2195 Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification fulfilled by 2196 FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2197 FIA_UAU.1.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2198 The TSF shall allow: 2199 1. to establish the communication channel, 2200 2. carrying out the PACE Protocol according to [7], 2201 3. to read the Initialization Data if it is not disabled by TSF according to 2202 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP , 2203 4. to identify themselves by selection of the authentication key 2204 5. to carry out the Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 according to [16] 2205 6. to carry out the Terminal Authentication Protocol Version 1 according to [16]126 2206 7. to carry out the Active Authetnication Mechanism according to [9]127 2207 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. 2208 126 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] 127 [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 109 of 191 FIA_UAU.1.2/PACE_EAC1PP 2209 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other 2210 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 2211 60. Application note (taken from [5], application note 24) 2212 The SFR FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP in the current ST covers the definition in [13] and 2213 extends it by EAC aspect 5. This extension does not conflict with the strict conformance to 2214 [13]. 2215 61. Application note (taken from [5], application note 25) 2216 The user authenticated after a successfully performed PACE protocol is a terminal. Please 2217 note that neither CAN nor MRZ effectively represent secrets but are restricted revealable; i.e. 2218 it is either the electronic document holder itself or an authorised another person or device 2219 (PACE terminal). 2220 If PACE was successfully performed, secure messaging is started using the derived session 2221 keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), cf. FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP. 2222 62. Application note (from ST author) 2223 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2224 FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP 2225 Single-use authentication mechanisms - Single-use authentication of the Terminal by the TOE 2226 Hierarchical to: No other components 2227 Dependencies: No dependencies 2228 FIA_UAU.4.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2229 The TSF shall prevent reuse of authentication data related to 2230 1. PACE Protocol according to [7], 2231 2. Authentication Mechanism based on Triple-DES or AES128 2232 3. Terminal Authentication Protocol v.1 according to [16].129 2233 4. Active Authentication protocol according to [7], [9] 2234 63. Application note (taken from [5], application note 26) 2235 The SFR FIA_UAU.4.1/PACE_EAC1PP in the current ST covers the definition in [13] and 2236 extends it by the EAC aspect 3. This extension does not conflict with the strict conformance to 2237 [13]. The generation of random numbers (random nonce) used for the authentication protocol 2238 128 [selection: Triple-DES, AES or other approved algorithms] 129 [assignment: identified authentication mechanism(s)] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 110 of 191 (PACE) and Terminal Authentication as required by FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP is required 2239 by FCS_RND.1 from [13]. 2240 64. Application note (taken from [5], application note 27) 2241 The authentication mechanisms may use either a challenge freshly and randomly generated 2242 by the TOE to prevent reuse of a response generated by a terminal in a successful 2243 authentication attempt. However, the authentication of Personalisation Agent may rely on other 2244 mechanisms ensuring protection against replay attacks, such as the use of an internal counter 2245 as a diversifier. 2246 65. Application note (ST author) 2247 The refinement was necessary because the authentication data (nonce) is must not be reused 2248 during Active Authentication protocol according to [9]. 2249 FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP 2250 Multiple authentication mechanisms 2251 Hierarchical to: No other components 2252 Dependencies: No dependencies 2253 FIA_UAU.5.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2254 The TSF shall provide 2255 1. PACE Protocol according to [7] and PACE-CAM protocol according to [9] 2256 2. Passive Authentication according to [8] 2257 3. Secure messaging in MAC-ENC mode according to [7]. 2258 4. Symmetric Authentication Mechanism based on Triple-DES or AES130 2259 5. Terminal Authentication Protocol v.1 according to [16],131 2260 to support user authentication 2261 FIA_UAU.5.2/PACE_EAC1PP 2262 The TSF shall authenticate any user’s claimed identity according to the following rules: 2263 1. Having successfully run the PACE protocol the TOE accepts only received 2264 commands with correct message authentication code sent by means of secure 2265 messaging with the key agreed with the terminal by means of the PACE protocol. 2266 130 [selection: Triple-DES, AES or other approved algorithms] 131 [assignment: list of multiple authentication mechanism] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 111 of 191 2. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt as Personalisation Agent by the 2267 Symmetric Authentication (Device authentication) according to [30]132 2268 3. After run of the Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 the TOE accepts only 2269 received commands with correct message authentication code sent by means of 2270 secure messaging with key agreed with the terminal by means of the Chip 2271 Authentication Mechanism v1. 2272 4. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt by means of the Terminal 2273 Authentication Protocol v.1 only if the terminal uses the public key presented during 2274 the Chip Authentication Protocol v.1 and the secure messaging established by the 2275 Chip Authentication Mechanism v.1. or if the terminal uses the public key 2276 presented during PACE-CAM and the secure messaging established during 2277 PACE.133 2278 5. none134 2279 66. Application note (from ST author) 2280 The SFR is refined here in order for the TSF to additionally provide the PACE-CAM protocol 2281 by referencing [9]. PACE-CAM combines PACE and Chip Authentication 1 for faster execution 2282 times. Hence, a TOE meeting the original requirement also meets the refined requirement. 2283 67. Application note (taken from [5], application note 28) 2284 The SFR FIA_UAU.5.1/PACE_EAC1PP in the current ST covers the definition in [13] and 2285 extends it by EAC aspects 4), 5), and 6). The SFR FIA_UAU.5.2/PACE_EAC1PP in the current 2286 ST covers the definition in [13] and extends it by EAC aspects 2), 3), 4) and 5). These 2287 extensions do not conflict with the strict conformance to [13]. 2288 FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP 2289 Re-authenticating – Re-authenticating of Terminal by the TOE 2290 Hierarchical to: No other components 2291 Dependencies: No dependencies 2292 FIA_UAU.6.1/EAC_EAC1PP 2293 The TSF shall re-authenticate the user under the conditions each command sent to the 2294 TOE after successful run of the Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 shall be verified as 2295 being sent by the Inspection System.135 2296 132 [selection: the Authentication Mechanism with Personalisation Agent Key(s)] 133 [assignment: rules describing how the multiple authentication mechanisms provide authentication ] 134 [assignment: rules describing how the multiple authentication mechanisms provide authentication] 135 [assignment: list of conditions under which re-authentication is required] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 112 of 191 68. Application note (taken from [5], application note 29) 2297 The Password Authenticated Connection Establishment and the Chip Authentication Protocol 2298 specified in [8] include secure messaging for all commands exchanged after successful 2299 authentication of the Inspection System. The TOE checks by secure messaging in MAC_ENC 2300 mode each command based on a corresponding MAC algorithm whether it was sent by the 2301 successfully authenticated terminal (see FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP for further details). 2302 The TOE does not execute any command with incorrect message authentication code. 2303 Therefore the TOE re-authenticates the user for each received command and accepts only 2304 those commands received from the previously authenticated user. 2305 FIA_API.1/EAC1PP 2306 Authentication Proof of Identity 2307 Hierarchical to: No other components 2308 Dependencies: No dependencies 2309 FIA_API.1.1/EAC1PP 2310 The TSF shall provide a Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 according to [16]136 to 2311 prove the identity of the TOE.137 2312 69. Application note (taken from [5], application note 30) 2313 This SFR requires the TOE to implement the Chip Authentication Mechanism v.1 specified in 2314 [16]. The TOE and the terminal generate a shared secret using the Diffie-Hellman Protocol 2315 (DH or ECDH) and two session keys for secure messaging in ENC_MAC mode according to 2316 [8]. The terminal verifies by means of secure messaging whether the electronic document’s 2317 chip was able or not to run his protocol properly using its Chip Authentication Private Key 2318 corresponding to the Chip Authentication Key (EF.DG14). 2319 The following SFR is newly defined in this ST and addresses the PACE-CAM protocol. 2320 FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM 2321 Authentication Proof of Identity 2322 Hierarchical to: No other components 2323 Dependencies: No dependencies 2324 FIA_API.1.1/PACE_CAM 2325 The TSF shall provide a protocol PACE-CAM [9]138 to prove the identity of the TOE.139 2326 136 [assignment: authentication mechanism] 137 [assignment: authorized user or role] 138 [assignment: authentication mechanism] 139 [assignment: authorized user or role, or of the TOE itself] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 113 of 191 The following SFR is newly defined in this ST and addresses the Active Authentication 2327 protocol: 2328 FIA_API.1/AA 2329 Authentication Proof of Identity 2330 Hierarchical to: No other components 2331 Dependencies: No dependencies 2332 FIA_API.1.1/AA 2333 The TSF shall provide a Active Authentication protocol according to [7] [9]140 to prove the 2334 identity of the TOE.141 2335 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [14]. They concern access mechanisms for 2336 an eSign application, if available. 2337 • FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP 2338 • FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP 2339 FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP 2340 Timing of identification 2341 Hierarchical to: No other components 2342 Dependencies: No dependencies 2343 FIA_UID.1.1/SSCDPP 2344 The TSF shall allow 2345 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST.1 FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP, 2346 2. none142 2347 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified 2348 FIA_UID.1.2/SSCDPP 2349 140 [assignment: authentication mechanism] 141 [assignment: authorized user or role, or of the TOE itself ] 142 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 114 of 191 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other 2350 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 2351 70. Application note (taken from [14], application note 11) 2352 Applied. 2353 71. Application note (from ST author) 2354 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2355 FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP 2356 Authentication failure handling 2357 Hierarchical to: No other components 2358 Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of Authentication fulfilled by 2359 FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP 2360 FIA_AFL.1.1/SSCDPP 2361 The TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable positive integer within 3-15143 2362 unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to consecutive failed authentication 2363 attempts.144 2364 FIA_AFL.1.2/SSCDPP 2365 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met145 , the 2366 TSF shall block RAD146 . 2367 72. Application note (taken from [14], application note 13) 2368 Applied 2369 SFRs for eSign-applications 2370 FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP 2371 Timing of authentication 2372 Hierarchical to: No other components 2373 143 [selection: [assignment: positive integer number], an administrator configurable positive integer within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] 144 [assignment: list of authentication events] 145 [selection: met ,surpassed] 146 [assignment: list of actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 115 of 191 Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification: fulfilled by 2374 FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP 2375 FIA_UAU.1.1/SSCDPP 2376 The TSF shall allow 2377 1. self test according to FPT_TST.1/SSCD FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP, 2378 2. identification of the user by means of TSF required by FIA_UID.1/SSCD 2379 FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP, 2380 3. establishing a trusted channel between CGA and the TOE by means of TSF 2381 required by FPT_ITC.1/CA_EAC2 FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP, 2382 4. establishing a trusted channel between HID and the TOE by means of TSF 2383 required by FPT_ITC.1/CA_EAC2 FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP, 2384 5. none147 2385 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. 2386 FIA_UAU.1.2/SSCDPP 2387 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other 2388 TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 2389 73. Application note (from ST author) 2390 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2391 6.1.3. Class FDP 2392 Multiple iterations of FDP_ACF.1 exist from imported PPs to define the access control SFPs 2393 for (common) user data, EAC1-protected user data, and EAC2-protected user data. The 2394 access control SFPs defined in FDP_ACF.1/EAC1PP from [5] and FDP_ACF.1/EAC2PP from 2395 [6] are unified in [20] to one single FDP_ACF.1/TRM, whereas the several iterations of 2396 FDP_ACF.1 from [14] stand separate. [20] takes FDP_ACF.1/EAC2PP as a base definition of 2397 functional elements, and it is refined in a way that it is compatible with FDP_ACF.1/EAC1PP. 2398 Hence highlighting refers to changes w.r.t. to FDP_ACF.1/EAC2PP. In the application note 2399 below, how FDP_ACF.1/EAC1PP is covered as well is explained. 2400 147 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 116 of 191 Concerning FDP_ACF.1/TRM in [20] and the several iterations FDP_ACF.1 from [14], [20] 2401 remarks that FDP_ACF.1/TRM also concerns data and objects for signature generation. Note 2402 however, that FDP_ACF.1/TRM requires that prior to granting access to the signature 2403 application, in which the access controls defined in [14] apply, an EAC2 terminal and the 2404 Electronic Document Holder need to be authenticated. Hence, no inconsistency exists. 2405 FDP_ACF.1/TRM 2406 Security attribute based access control – Terminal Access 2407 Hierarchical to: No other components 2408 Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control fulfilled by 2409 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP and 2410 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2411 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization not fulfilled, but 2412 justified: 2413 The access control TSF according to FDP_ACF.1/TRM 2414 uses security attributes having been defined during the 2415 personalization and fixed over the whole life time of the 2416 TOE. No management of these security attributes (i.e. 2417 SFR FMT_MSA.1 and FMT_MSA.3) is necessary here. 2418 FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM 2419 The TSF shall enforce the Access Control SFP148 to objects based on the following: 2420 1) Subjects: 2421 a) Terminal, 2422 b) PACE terminal, 2423 c) EAC2 terminal Authentication Terminal and Signature Terminal according to 2424 [17]149 , 2425 d) EAC1 terminal;150 2426 2) Objects: 2427 148 [assignment: access control SFP] 149 [assignment: list of EAC2 terminal types] 150 [assignment: list of subjects and objects controlled under the indicated SFP, and, for each, the SFP-relevant security attributes, or name groups of SFP-relevant security attributes] (added using open assignment of [6]) IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 117 of 191 a) all user data stored in the TOE; including sensitive EAC1-protected user 2428 data, and sensitive EAC2-protected user data. 2429 b) all TOE intrinsic secret (cryptographic) data 2430 3) Security attributes: 2431 a) Terminal Authorization Level (access rights) 2432 b) Authentication status of the Electronic Document Holder as a signatory (if an 2433 eSign application is included).151152 2434 FDP_ACF.1.2/TRM 2435 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled 2436 subjects and controlled objects is allowed: 2437 A PACE terminal is allowed to read data objects from FDP_ACF.1/TRM after successful 2438 PACE authentication according to [17] and/or [7], as required by FIA_UAU.1/PACE 2439 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP or FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP.153 2440 FDP_ACF.1.3/TRM 2441 The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following 2442 additional rules: none.154 2443 FDP_ACF.1.4/TRM 2444 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following 2445 additional rules: 2446 1. Any terminal not being authenticated as a PACE terminal or an EAC2 terminal or 2447 an EAC1 terminal is not allowed to read, to write, to modify, or to use any user 2448 data stored on the electronic document.155 2449 2. Terminals not using secure messaging are not allowed to read, write, modify, or 2450 use any data stored on the electronic document. 2451 151 [assignment: list of subjects and objects controlled under the indicated SFP, and, for each, the SFP-relevant security attributes, or name groups of SFP-relevant security attributes] (added using open assignment of [6]) 152 [assignment: list of subjects and objects controlled under the indicated SFP, and, for each, the SFP-relevant security attributes, or name groups of SFP-relevant security attributes] (all bullets in FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM w.r.t. [2]) 153 [assignment: rules governing access among controlled subjects and controlled objects using controlled operations on controlled objects] 154 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects] 155 note that authentication of an EAC1 or EAC2 terminal to a TOE in certified mode implies a prior run of PACE. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 118 of 191 3. No subject is allowed to read ‘Electronic Document Communication Establishment 2452 Authorization Data’ stored on the electronic document 2453 4. No subject is allowed to write or modify ‘Secret Electronic Document Holder 2454 Authentication Data’ stored on the electronic document, except for PACE terminals 2455 or EAC2 terminals executing PIN management based on the following rules: 2456 1. CAN change 2457 2. Change PIN 2458 3. Resume PIN 2459 4. Unblock PIN 2460 5. Activate PIN 2461 6. Deactivate PIN according to [17].156 2462 5. No subject is allowed to read, write, modify, or use the private Restricted 2463 Identification key(s) and Chip Authentication key(s) stored on the electronic 2464 document. 2465 6. Reading, modifying, writing, or using Sensitive User Data that are protected only 2466 by EAC2, is allowed only to EAC2 terminals using the following mechanism: 2467 The TOE applies the EAC2 protocol (cf. FIA_UAU.5 2468 FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP) to determine access rights of the terminal 2469 according to [17]. To determine the effective authorization of a terminal, the 2470 chip must calculate a bitwise Boolean ’and’ of the relative authorization 2471 contained in the CHAT of the Terminal Certificate, the referenced DV 2472 Certificate, and the referenced CVCA Certificate, and additionally the confined 2473 authorization sent as part of PACE. Based on that effective authorization and 2474 the terminal type drawn from the CHAT of the Terminal Certificate, the TOE 2475 shall grant the right to read, modify or write Sensitive User Data, or perform 2476 operations using these Sensitive User Data. 2477 7. No subject is allowed to read, write, modify or use the data objects 2b) of 2478 FDP_ACF.1/TRM. 2479 8. No subject is allowed to read Sensitive User Data that are protected only by EAC1, 2480 except an EAC1 terminal (OID inspection system) after EAC1, cf. 2481 FIA_UAU.1/EAC1 FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP, that has a corresponding relative 2482 authorization level. This includes in particular EAC1-protected user data DG3 and 2483 DG4 from an ICAO-compliant ePass application, cf. [16] and [8]. 2484 156 [assignment: list of rules for PIN management chosen from [17]] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 119 of 191 9. If Sensitive User Data is protected both by EAC1 and EAC2, no subject is allowed 2485 to read those data except EAC1 terminals or EAC2 terminals that access these 2486 data according to rule 6 or rule 8 above. 2487 10. Nobody is allowed to read the private signature key(s).157 2488 74. Application note (from ST author) 2489 The [20] uses the ‘Electronic Document Communication Establishment Authorization Data’ 2490 expression in Secondary Assets and “Communication Establishment Authorization 2491 Data” in FDP_ACF.1.4/TRM 3. In order to provide consistency in our ST, we use only the 2492 Electronic Document Communication Establishment Authorization Data. 2493 75. Application note (taken from [20], application note 11) 2494 The above definition is based on FDP_ACF.1/TRM_EAC2PP. We argue that it covers 2495 FDP_ACF.1/TRM_EAC1PP as well. Subject 1b and 1d are renamed here from 2496 FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM_EAC1PP according to Table 1 Objects in 2), in particular the term EAC1- 2497 protected user data, subsume all those explicitly enumerated in FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM_EAC1PP. 2498 Also, the security attribute 3a) Terminal Authorization Level here subsumes the explicitly 2499 enumerated attributes 3a) and 3b) of FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM_EAC1PP, but are semantically the 2500 same. Since in addition EAC2 protected data are stored in the TOE of this ST, additional 2501 subjects, objects and security attributes are listed here. However, since they apply to data with 2502 a different protection mechanism (EAC2), strict conformance is not violated. 2503 FDP_ACF.1.2/TRM uses the renaming of Table 1 , and references in addition [17]. However 2504 the references are compatible as justified in [6], yet both are mentioned here since [17] is the 2505 primary norm for an eID application, whereas [7] is normative for an ICAO compliant ePass 2506 application. Investigating the references reveals that access to data objects defined in 2507 FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM must be granted if these data are neither EAC1-protected, nor EAC2- 2508 protected. 2509 FDP_ACF.1.3/TRM is the same as in FDP_ACF.1.3/TRM_EAC2PP. 2510 References are changed in FDP_ACF.1.2/TRM_EAC1PP. It is already justified in [6] that 2511 definitions in [17] and [8] are compatible. 2512 FDP_ACF.1.3/TRM is taken over from [5] and [6] (same formulation in both). 2513 Rules 1 and 2 of FDP_ACF.1.4/TRM_EAC1PP in [5] are covered by their counterparts rule 1 2514 and rule 2 here. Rules 3 and 4, and rule 6 of FDP_ACF.1.4/TRM_EAC1PP in [5] are combined 2515 here to rule 8, where terminals need the corresponding CHAT to read data groups. Rule 5 of 2516 [5] is here equivalent to rule 7. None of this conflict with strict conformance to [5]. Note that 2517 adding additional rules compared to FDP_ACF.1.4/TRM_EAC1PP here can never violate strict 2518 conformance, as these are rules that explicitly deny access of subjects to objects. Hence 2519 security is always increased. 2520 The above definition also covers FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM_EAC2PP and extends it by additional 2521 subjects and objects. Sensitive User Data in the definition of FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM_EAC2PP are 2522 here EAC2-protected Sensitive User Data. EAC1-protected data are added here by 2523 157 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly deny access of subjects to objects] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 120 of 191 refinement. Since the protection level and mechanisms w.r.t. to EAC2-protected data do not 2524 change, strict conformance is not violated. 2525 FDP_ACF.1.2/TRM_EAC2PP and FDP_ACF.1.3/TRM_EAC2PP are equivalent to the current 2526 definition. 2527 Rules 8, 9 and 10 are added here by open assignment from [6]. None of these conflicts with 2528 strict conformance. 2529 The dependency of this SFR is met by FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP and 2530 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP. Note that the SFR in [5] applies the assignment operation, 2531 whereas in [6] (by referencing [13]) the assignment is left open. Hence, they are compatible. 2532 We remark that in order to restrict the access to user data as defined in the SFR 2533 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP, clearly access to objects 2b) of FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM must be 2534 restricted as well according to the SFP, otherwise access to user data is impossible to enforce. 2535 76. Application note (from ST author) 2536 The refinements were necessary to ensure unified terminology usage of SFRs. 2537 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [6]. They concern access control mechanisms 2538 related to EAC2-protected data. 2539 • FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2540 This SFR is equivalent to/covered by FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP; cf the 75. Application note 2541 (taken from [20], application note 11). 2542 • FDP_ACF.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2543 This is SFR is equivalent to/covered by FDP_ACF.1/TRM. 2544 • FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP 2545 • FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2546 • FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2547 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2548 Subset access control – Terminal Access 2549 Hierarchical to: No other components 2550 Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control: 2551 fulfilled by FDP_ACF.1/TRM 2552 FDP_ACC.1.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2553 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 121 of 191 The TSF shall enforce the Access Control SFP158 on terminals gaining access to the User 2554 Data stored in the travel document electronic document159 and none160 . 2555 77. Application note (taken from [20]) 2556 This SFR is equivalent to/covered by FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP; cf.75. Application note 2557 (taken from [20], application note 11). 2558 78. Application note (from ST author) 2559 The refinement was necessary to ensure unified terminology usage as described in Table 1 2560 Overview of identifiers of current ST and PPs. 2561 FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP 2562 Subset residual information protection 2563 Hierarchical to: No other components 2564 Dependencies: No dependencies 2565 FDP_RIP.1.1_EAC2PP 2566 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made 2567 unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from161 the following objects: 2568 1. Session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), (CA2-KMAC, CA2-KEnc) (immediately after 2569 closing related communication session), 2570 2. the ephemeral private key ephem-SKPICC-PACE (by having generated a DH shared 2571 secret K), 2572 3. Secret Electronic Document Holder Authentication Data, e.g. PIN and/or PUK 2573 (when their temporarily stored values are not used any more )162, 2574 4. none.163 2575 79. Application note (taken from [6], application note 30) 2576 The functional family FDP_RIP possesses such a general character, that it is applicable not 2577 only to user data (as assumed by the class FDP), but also to TSF-Data; in this respect it is 2578 similar to the functional family FPT_EMS. Applied to cryptographic keys, FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP 2579 requires a certain quality metric (any previous information content of a resource is made 2580 158 [assignment: access control SFP] 159 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP] 160 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP] 161 [selection: allocation of the resource to, deallocation of the resource from] 162 [assignment: list of objects] 163 [assignment: list of objects] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 122 of 191 unavailable) for key destruction in addition to FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP that merely requires to 2581 ensure key destruction according to a method/standard. 2582 Application note 80 (from ST author) 2583 The above SFR is slightly refined from [20] in order not to confuse Chip Authentication 1 with 2584 Chip Authentication 2. 2585 FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2586 Basic data exchange confidentiality – MRTD 2587 Hierarchical to: No other components 2588 Dependencies: [FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel, or FTP_TRP.1 2589 Trusted path] fulfilled by FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2590 [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 2591 Subset information flow control] fulfilled by 2592 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2593 FDP_UCT.1.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2594 The TSF shall enforce the Access Control SFP164 to be able to transmit and receive165 2595 user data in a manner protected from unauthorised disclosure. 2596 FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2597 TRM Data exchange integrity 2598 Dependencies: [FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel, or FTP_TRP.1 2599 Trusted path] fulfilled by FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2600 [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 2601 Subset information flow control] fulfilled by 2602 FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2603 FDP_UIT.1.1/TRM_EAC2PP 2604 The TSF shall enforce the Access Control SFP166 to be able to transmit and receive167 2605 user data in a manner protected from modification, deletion, insertion and replay168 errors. 2606 164 [assignment: access control SFP(s) and/or information flow control SFP(s)] 165 [selection: transmit, receive] 166 [assignment: access control SFP(s) and/or information flow control SFP(s)] 167 [selection: transmit, receive] 168 [selection: modification, deletion, insertion, replay] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 123 of 191 FDP_UIT.1.2/TRM_EAC2PP 2607 The TSF shall be able to determine on receipt of user data, whether modification, deletion, 2608 insertion and replay169 has occurred. 2609 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [5]. They concern access control mechanisms 2610 related to EAC1-protected data. 2611 • FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP 2612 The above is equivalent FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP, since EF.SOD (cf. FDP_ACC.1/TRM in 2613 [5]) can be considered user data.; cf. also the application note below FDP_ACF.1/TRM. 2614 • FDP_ACF.1/TRM_EAC1PP 2615 The above is covered by FDP_ACF.1/TRM; cf. Application Note there. 2616 • FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP 2617 • FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP 2618 (equivalent to FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 2619 • FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP 2620 (equivalent to FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 2621 FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP 2622 Subset residual information protection 2623 Hierarchical to: No other components 2624 Dependencies: No dependencies 2625 FDP_RIP.1.1/EAC1PP 2626 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made 2627 unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from170 the following objects: 2628 1. Session Keys (immediately after closing related communication session) , 2629 169 [selection: modification, deletion, insertion, replay] 170 [selection: allocation of the resource to, deallocation of the resource from] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 124 of 191 2. the ephemeral private key ephem-SKPICC-PACE (by having generated a DH shared 2630 secret K171 ),172 2631 3. none..173 2632 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [14]. They concern access control 2633 mechanisms of an eSign application. 2634 • FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2635 • FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2636 • FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2637 • FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2638 • FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 2639 • FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 2640 • FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP 2641 • FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP 2642 • FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP 2643 FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2644 Subset access control 2645 Hierarchical to: No other components 2646 Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control 2647 fulfilled by 2648 FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2649 FDP_ACC.1.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2650 The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP174 on 2651 1. subjects: S.User, 2652 2. objects: SCD, SVD, 2653 3. operations: generation of SCD/SVD pair. 175 2654 FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2655 Security attribute based access control 2656 171 according to [7] 172 [assignment: list of objects] 173 [assignment: list of objects] 174 [assignment: access control SFP] 175 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 125 of 191 Hierarchical to: No other components 2657 Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control fulfilled by 2658 FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2659 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation fulfilled by 2660 FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP 2661 FDP_ACF.1.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2662 The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP176 to objects based on the following: 2663 the user S.User is associated with the security attribute “SCD/SVD Management“.177 2664 FDP_ACF.1.2/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2665 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled 2666 subjects and controlled objects is allowed: S.User with the security attribute “SCD/SVD 2667 Management” set to “authorised” is allowed to generate SCD/SVD pair.178 2668 FDP_ACF.1.3/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2669 The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following 2670 additional rules: none.179 2671 FDP_ACF.1.4/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 2672 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following 2673 additional rules: S.User with the security attribute “SCD/SVD management” set to “not 2674 authorised” is not allowed to generate SCD/SVD pair.180 2675 FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2676 Subset access control 2677 Hierarchical to: No other components 2678 176 [assignment: access control SFP] 177 [assignment: list of subjects and objects controlled under the indicated SFP, and for each, the SFP-relevant security attributes, or named groups of SFP-relevant security attributes] 178 [assignment: rules governing access among controlled subjects and controlled objects using controlled operations on controlled objects] 179 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects] 180 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly deny access of subjects to objects] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 126 of 191 Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control 2679 fulfilled by FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2680 FDP_ACC.1.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2681 The TSF shall enforce the SVD Transfer SFP181 on 2682 1. subjects: S.User, 2683 2. objects: SVD 2684 3. operations: export.182 2685 FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2686 Security attribute based access control 2687 Hierarchical to: No other components 2688 Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control fulfilled by 2689 FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2690 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation fulfilled by 2691 FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP 2692 FDP_ACF.1.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2693 The TSF shall enforce the SVD Transfer SFP183 to objects based on the following: 2694 1. the S.User is associated with the security attribute Role, 2695 2. the SVD.184 2696 FDP_ACF.1.2/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2697 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled 2698 subjects and controlled objects is allowed: R.Admin185 is allowed to export SVD.186 2699 FDP_ACF.1.3/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2700 181 [assignment: access control SFP] 182 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP] 183 [assignment: access control SFP] 184 [assignment: list of subjects and objects controlled under the indicated SFP, and for each, the SFP-relevant security attributes, or named groups of SFP-relevant security attributes] 185 [selection: R.Admin, R.Sigy] 186 [assignment: rules governing access among controlled subjects and controlled objects using controlled operations on controlled objects] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 127 of 191 The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following 2701 additional rules: none.187 2702 FDP_ACF.1.4/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP 2703 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following 2704 additional rules: none.188 2705 81. Application note (taken from [14], application note 9) 2706 Applied. 2707 FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 2708 Subset access control 2709 Hierarchical to: No other components 2710 Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control 2711 fulfilled by FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 2712 FDP_ACC.1.1/Signature_Creation 2713 The TSF shall enforce the Signature Creation SFP189 on 2714 1. subjects: S.User, 2715 2. objects: DTBS/R, SCD, 2716 3. operations: signature creation.190 2717 FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 2718 Security attribute based access control 2719 Hierarchical to: No other components 2720 Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control fulfilled by 2721 FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 2722 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation fulfilled by 2723 FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP 2724 FDP_ACF.1.1/Signature_Creation_SSCDPP 2725 187 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects] 188 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly deny access of subjects to objects] 189 [assignment: access control SFP] 190 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 128 of 191 The TSF shall enforce the Signature Creation SFP191 to objects based on the following: 2726 1. the user S.User is associated with the security attribute “Role” and 2727 2. the SCD with the security attribute “SCD Operational”.192 2728 FDP_ACF.1.2/Signature_Creation_SSCDPP 2729 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled 2730 subjects and controlled objects is allowed: R.Sigy is allowed to create electronic 2731 signatures for DTBS/R with SCD which security attribute “SCD operational” is set to 2732 “yes”.193 2733 FDP_ACF.1.3/Signature_Creation_SSCDPP 2734 The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following 2735 additional rules: none.194 2736 FDP_ACF.1.4/Signature_Creation_SSCDPP 2737 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following 2738 additional rules: S.User is not allowed to create electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD 2739 which security attribute “SCD operational” is set to “no”.195 2740 FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP 2741 Subset residual information protection 2742 Hierarchical to: No other components 2743 Dependencies: No dependencies 2744 FDP_RIP.1.1_SSCDPP 2745 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made 2746 unavailable upon the de-allocation of the resource from196 the following objects: SCD197 . 2747 191 [assignment: access control SFP] 192 [assignment: list of subjects and objects controlled under the indicated SFP, and for each, the SFP-relevant security attributes, or named groups of SFP-relevant security attributes] 193 [assignment: rules governing access among controlled subjects and controlled objects using controlled operations on controlled objects] 194 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects] 195 [assignment: rules, based on security attributes, that explicitly deny access of subjects to objects] 196 [selection: allocation of the resource to, deallocation of the resource from] 197 [assignment: list of objects] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 129 of 191 FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP 2748 Stored data integrity monitoring and action 2749 Hierarchical to: FDP_SDI.1 Stored data integrity monitoring 2750 Dependencies: No dependencies 2751 FDP_SDI.2.1/Persistent_SSCDPP 2752 The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for integrity 2753 error198 on all objects, based on the following attributes: integrity checked stored data199 . 2754 FDP_SDI.2.2/Persistent_SSCDPP 2755 Upon detection of a data integrity error, the TSF shall 2756 1. prohibit the use of the altered data 2757 2. inform the S.Sigy about integrity error.200 2758 82. Application note (taken from [14]) 2759 The [14] was defined the followings: 2760 The following data persistently stored by the TOE shall have the user data attribute "integrity 2761 checked persistent stored data": 2762 1) SCD 2763 2) SVD (if persistently stored by the TOE). 2764 The DTBS/R temporarily stored by the TOE has the user data attribute "integrity checked 2765 stored data" 2766 FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP 2767 Stored data integrity monitoring and action 2768 Hierarchical to: FDP_SDI.1 Stored data integrity monitoring 2769 Dependencies: No dependencies 2770 FDP_SDI.2.1/DTBS_SSCDPP 2771 198 [assignment: integrity errors] 199 [assignment: user data attributes] 200 [assignment: action to be taken] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 130 of 191 The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for integrity 2772 error201 on all objects, based on the following attributes: integrity checked stored DTBS.202 2773 FDP_SDI.2.2/DTBS_SSCDPP 2774 Upon detection of a data integrity error, the TSF shall 2775 1. prohibit the use of the altered data 2776 2. inform the S.Sigy about integrity error.203 2777 83. Application note (taken from [14], application note 10) 2778 The integrity of TSF data like RAD shall be protected to ensure the effectiveness of the user 2779 authentication. This protection is a specific aspect of the security architecture (cf. 2780 ADV_ARC.1). 2781 6.1.4. Class FTP 2782 The following SFRs are imported from [6]. 2783 • FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2784 • FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP 2785 FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2786 Inter-TSF trusted channel after PACE 2787 Hierarchical to: No other components 2788 Dependencies: No dependencies 2789 FTP_ITC.1.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2790 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT 2791 product a PACE terminal that is logically distinct from other communication channels and 2792 provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from 2793 modification or disclosure. The trusted channel shall be established by performing the 2794 PACE protocol according to [17]. 2795 FTP_ITC.1.2/PACE_EAC2PP 2796 201 [assignment: list of objects] 202 [assignment: user data attributes] 203 [assignment: action to be taken] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 131 of 191 The TSF shall permit another trusted IT product a PACE terminal204 to initiate 2797 communication via the trusted channel. 2798 FTP_ITC.1.3/PACE_EAC2PP 2799 The TSF shall initiate enforce communication via the trusted channel for any data 2800 exchange between the TOE and a PACE terminal after PACE.205 2801 84. Application note (taken from [6], application note 31) 2802 The above definition refines FTP_ITC.1 from [13]. The definitions there are unclear as to what 2803 the “other trusted IT product” actually is. Since we distinguish here between trusted channels 2804 that are established once after PACE, and then then (re)established after CA2, the above 2805 refinement is necessary for clarification. 2806 FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP 2807 Inter-TSF trusted channel after CA2 2808 Hierarchical to: No other components 2809 Dependencies: No dependencies 2810 FTP_ITC.1.1/CA2_EAC2PP 2811 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT 2812 product an EAC2 terminal that is logically distinct from other communication channels 2813 and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data 2814 from modification or disclosure. The trusted channel shall be established by 2815 performing the CA2 protocol according to [17]. 2816 FTP_ITC.1.2/CA2_EAC2PP 2817 The TSF shall permit another trusted IT product an EAC2 terminal206 to initiate 2818 communication via the trusted channel. 2819 FTP_ITC.1.3/CA2_EAC2PP 2820 The TSF shall initiate enforce communication via the trusted channel for any data 2821 exchange between the TOE and an EAC2 terminal after Chip Authentication 2.207 2822 204 [selection: the TSF, another trusted IT product] 205 [assignment: list of functions for which a trusted channel is required] 206 [selection: the TSF, another trusted IT product] 207 [assignment: list of functions for which a trusted channel is required] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 132 of 191 85. Application note (taken from [6], application note 32) 2823 The trusted channel is established after successful performing the PACE protocol 2824 (FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP), the TA2 protocol (FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP) and 2825 the CA2 protocol (FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP). If Chip Authentication 2 was successfully 2826 performed, secure messaging is immediately restarted using the derived session keys (CA- 2827 KMAC, CA-KEnc)208. This secure messaging enforces the required properties of operational 2828 trusted channel; the cryptographic primitives being used for the secure messaging are as 2829 required by FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP and FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP. 2830 The following SFR is imported due to claiming [5]. It concerns applications with EAC1- 2831 protected data. 2832 • FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2833 FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2834 Inter-TSF trusted channel after PACE 2835 Hierarchical to: No other components 2836 Dependencies: No dependencies 2837 FTP_ITC.1.1/PACE_EAC1PP 2838 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT 2839 product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured 2840 identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or 2841 disclosure. 2842 FTP_ITC.1.2/PACE_EAC1PP 2843 The TSF shall permit another trusted IT product to initiate communication via the trusted 2844 channel. 2845 FTP_ITC.1.3/PACE_EAC1PP 2846 The TSF shall initiate enforce communication via the trusted channel for any data 2847 exchange between the TOE and the Terminal.209 2848 208 otherwise secure messaging is continued using the established PACE session keys, cf. FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP 209 [assignment: list of functions for which a trusted channel is required] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 133 of 191 6.1.5. Class FAU 2849 The following SFR is imported due to claiming [6]. It concerns applications with EAC2- 2850 protected data. 2851 • FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP 2852 FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP 2853 Audit storage 2854 Hierarchical to: No other components 2855 Dependencies: No dependencies 2856 FAU_SAS.1.1_EAC2PP 2857 The TSF shall provide the Manufacturer210 with the capability to store the Initialisation and 2858 Pre-Personalisation Data211 in the audit records. 2859 The following SFR is imported due to claiming [5]. It concerns applications with EAC1- 2860 protected data. 2861 • FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP 2862 (equivalent to FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 2863 6.1.6. Class FMT 2864 FMT_SMR.1 2865 Security roles 2866 Hierarchical to: No other components 2867 Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification: fulfilled by 2868 FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP, 2869 FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP, 2870 FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP 2871 FMT_SMR.1.1 2872 210 [assignment: authorised users] 211 [assignment: list of management functions to be provided by the TSF] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 134 of 191 The TSF shall maintain the roles 2873 1. Manufacturer, 2874 2. Personalization Agent, 2875 3. Country Verifying Certification Authority (CVCA), 2876 4. Document Verifier (DV), 2877 5. Terminal, 2878 6. PACE Terminal, 2879 7. EAC2 terminal, if the eID, ePassport and/or eSign application are active, 2880 8. EAC1 terminal, if the ePassport application is active, 2881 9. Electronic Document Holder.212 2882 FMT_SMR.1.2 2883 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. 2884 The next SFRs are imported from [6]. They concern mainly applications with EAC2-protected 2885 data. 2886 • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP 2887 • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP 2888 • FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 2889 • FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2890 This SFR is combined with FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP into to by FMT_SMR.1. 2891 • FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP 2892 • FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP 2893 • FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP 2894 • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP 2895 • FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP 2896 • FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP 2897 • FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP 2898 • FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP 2899 • FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP 2900 • FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP 2901 212 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 135 of 191 • FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP 2902 86. Application note (taken from [20], application note 12) 2903 The above SFR concerns the whole TOE, not just applications with EAC2-protected data. 2904 • FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP 2905 87. Application note (taken from [20], application note 13) 2906 The above SFR concerns the whole TOE, not just applications with EAC2-protected data. 2907 • FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP 2908 • FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP 2909 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP 2910 Management of TSF data – Initialization of CVCA Certificate and Current Date 2911 Hierarchical to: No other components 2912 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions: 2913 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 2914 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles: fulfilled by FMT_SMR.1/ 2915 EAC2PP 2916 FMT_MTD.1.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP 2917 The TSF shall restrict the ability to write213 the 2918 1. initial CVCA Public Key , 2919 2. meta-data of the initial CVCA Certificate as required in [17], resp. [18], 2920 3. initial Current Date, 2921 4. none214 2922 to the Personalization Agent.215216 . 2923 88. Application note (taken from [6], application note 36) 2924 213 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 214 [assignment: list of TSF data] 215 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 216 [selection: the manufacturer, the personalization agent] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 136 of 191 The initial CVCA Public Key may be written by the manufacturer in the manufacturing phase 2925 or by the Personalization Agent in the issuing phase (cf. [17]). The initial CVCA Public Keys 2926 and their updates later on are used to verify the CVCA Link-Certificates. 2927 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP 2928 Management of TSF data – Country Verifying Certification Authority 2929 Hierarchical to: No other components 2930 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions: 2931 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 2932 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles: fulfilled by 2933 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2934 FMT_MTD.1.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP 2935 The TSF shall restrict the ability to update217 the 2936 1. CVCA Public Key (PKCVCA), 2937 2. meta-data of the CVCA Certificate as required by [17], resp. [18],218 2938 3. none219 2939 to the Country Verifying Certification Authority.220 2940 89. Application note (taken from [6], application note 37) 2941 The CVCA updates its asymmetric key pair and distributes the public key and related meta- 2942 data by means of CVCA Link-Certificates. The TOE updates its internal trust-point, if a valid 2943 CVCA Link-Certificate (cf. FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP) is provided by the terminal (cf. [18]). 2944 FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 2945 Specification of Management Functions 2946 Hierarchical to: No other components 2947 Dependencies: No dependencies 2948 FMT_SMF.1.1/EAC2PP 2949 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: 2950 217 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 218 [assignment: list of TSF data] 219 [assignment: list of TSF data] 220 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 137 of 191 1. Initialization, 2951 2. Pre-Personalization, 2952 3. Personalization, 2953 4. Configuration, 2954 5. Resume and unblock the PIN (if any), 2955 6. Activate and deactivate the PIN (if any).221 2956 90. Application note (taken from [6], application note 33) 2957 The capability of PIN management gives additional security to the TOE. 2958 91. Application note (taken from [6], application note 34) 2959 The SFR is here refined by including mechanisms for PIN management. A TOE without PIN 2960 management functionality can only use a commonly shared secret (such as the MRZ – in the 2961 case of an ID document – or the CAN) during execution of PACE to control access to sensitive 2962 information. A PIN however must not be shared and thus can be kept secret by the user. 2963 Hence, this refinement of FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP increases protection of user data by allowing 2964 PIN access, and thus does not violate strict conformity to [13]. 2965 FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP 2966 Management of TSF data – Current date 2967 Hierarchical to: No other components 2968 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 2969 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 2970 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 2971 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2972 FMT_MTD.1.1/DATE_EAC2PP 2973 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify222 the current date223 to 2974 1. CVCA, 2975 2. Document Verifier, 2976 3. EAC2 terminal (Authentication Terminal and Signature Terminal224 ) possessing an 2977 Accurate Terminal Certificate according to [18].225 2978 221 [assignment: list of management functions to be provided by the TSF] 222 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 223 [assignment: list of TSF data] 224 [assignment: list of EAC2 terminal types] 225 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 138 of 191 4. none226 2979 92. Application note (taken from [6], application note 38) 2980 The authorized roles are identified in their certificates (cf. [17]) and are authorized by validating 2981 the certificate chain up to the CVCA (cf. FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP). The authorized role of a 2982 terminal is part of the Certificate Holder Authorization in the card verifiable certificate that is 2983 provided by the terminal within Terminal Authentication 2 (cf. [18]). Different types of EAC2 2984 terminals may exist, cf. [17]. 2985 FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP 2986 Management of TSF data – Personalization Agent 2987 Hierarchical to: No other components 2988 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 2989 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 2990 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 2991 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 2992 FMT_MTD.1.1/PA_EAC2PP 2993 The TSF shall restrict the ability to write227 the card/chip security object(s) (SOC) and 2994 the document Security Object (SOD)228 to the Personalization Agent229 . 2995 93. Application note (taken from [6], application note 39) 2996 Note that the card/chip security objects are mentioned here as well. These contain information, 2997 such as algorithm identifiers, only necessary for EAC2. All requirements formulated in [13] are 2998 thus met, and strict conformance is therefore not violated 2999 FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP 3000 Management of TSF data – Chip Authentication and Restricted Identification Private Key(s) 3001 Hierarchical to: No other components 3002 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3003 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3004 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3005 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3006 226 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 227 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 228 [assignment: list of TSF data] 229 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 139 of 191 FMT_MTD.1.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP 3007 The TSF shall restrict the ability to create or load230231 the Chip Authentication private 3008 key(s) (SKPICC) and the Restricted Identification Private Key(s)232 to the Personalization 3009 Agent or the Manufacturer.233 3010 94. Application note (taken from [6], application note 40) 3011 Applied, see FCS_CKM.1/CA2 and FCS_CKM.1/RI. 3012 95. Application note (from ST author) 3013 The FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP was refined, because the Manufactuer means here the 3014 electronic document manufacturer, which may create the application and the file system as 3015 well. So the Manufacturer may generate or load the private keys. 3016 FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP 3017 Management of TSF data – Private Key Read 3018 Hierarchical to: No other components 3019 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3020 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3021 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3022 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3023 FMT_MTD.1.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP 3024 The TSF shall restrict the ability to read234 the 3025 1. PACE passwords, 3026 2. Personalization Agent Keys, 3027 3. the Chip Authentication private key(s) (SKPICC) 3028 4. the Restricted Identification private key(s)235 3029 5. none236 3030 230 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 231 [selection: create, load] 232 [assignment: list of TSF data] 233 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 234 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 235 [assignment: list of TSF data] 236 [assignment: list of TSF data] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 140 of 191 to none237 3031 96. Application note (taken from [6], application note 41) 3032 FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP extends the SFR from [13] by additional assignments. 3033 FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP 3034 PIN Management of TSF data – Initialize PIN 3035 Hierarchical to: No other components 3036 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3037 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3038 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3039 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3040 FMT_MTD.1.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP 3041 The TSF shall restrict the ability to write238 the initial PIN and PUK239 to the Personalization 3042 Agent240 3043 FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP 3044 Management of TSF data – Changing PIN 3045 Hierarchical to: No other components 3046 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3047 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3048 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3049 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3050 FMT_MTD.1.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP 3051 The TSF shall restrict the ability to change241 the blocked PIN242 to 3052 1. Electronic Document Holder (using the PUK) with unauthenticated terminal 3053 237 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 238 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 239 [assignment: list of TSF data] 240 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 241 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 242 [assignment: list of TSF data] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 141 of 191 2. Authentication Terminal with the Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management 3054 according to [17].243244 3055 FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP 3056 Management of TSF data – Resuming PIN 3057 Hierarchical to: No other components 3058 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3059 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3060 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3061 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3062 FMT_MTD.1.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP 3063 The TSF shall restrict the ability to resume245 the suspended PIN246 to the Electronic 3064 Document Holder247 3065 97. Application note (taken from [6], application note 42) 3066 Resuming is a two-step procedure, subsequently using PACE with the CAN and PACE with 3067 the PIN. It must be implemented according to [17], and is relevant for the status as required by 3068 FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP. The Electronic Document Holder is authenticated as 3069 required by FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP using the PIN as the shared password. 3070 FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP 3071 Management of TSF data – Unblocking PIN 3072 Hierarchical to: No other components 3073 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3074 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3075 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3076 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3077 FMT_MTD.1.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP 3078 243 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 244 [assignment: the authorised identified roles that match the list of PIN changing rules conformant to [17]] 245 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 246 [assignment: list of TSF data] 247 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 142 of 191 The TSF shall restrict the ability to unblock248 the blocked PIN249 to 3079 1. the Electronic Document Holder (using the PUK for unblocking), 3080 2. an EAC2 terminal of a type that has the terminal authorization level for PIN 3081 management.250 3082 98. Application note (taken from [6], application note 43) 3083 The unblocking procedure must be implemented according to [17], and is relevant for the status 3084 as required by FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP. It can be triggered by either (i) the Electronic 3085 Document Holder being authenticated as required by FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP using the 3086 PUK as the shared password or (ii) an EAC2 terminal (FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP) 3087 that proved a terminal authorization level being sufficient for PIN management 3088 (FDP_ACF.1/TRM). 3089 FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP 3090 Management of TSF data – Activating/Deactivating PIN 3091 Hierarchical to: No other components 3092 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3093 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3094 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3095 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3096 FMT_MTD.1.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP 3097 The TSF shall restrict the ability to activate and deactivate251 the PIN252 to an EAC2 3098 terminal of a type that has the terminal authorization level for PIN management253 . 3099 99. Application note (taken from [6], application note 44) 3100 The activation/deactivation procedures must be implemented according to [17]. They can be 3101 triggered by an EAC2 terminal (FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP) that proved a terminal 3102 authorization level sufficient for PIN management (FDP_ACF.1/TRM). 3103 FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP 3104 Secure TSF data 3105 Hierarchical to: No other components 3106 248 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 249 [assignment: list of TSF data] 250 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 251 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 252 [assignment: list of TSF data] 253 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 143 of 191 Dependencies: FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF data fulfilled by 3107 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP, 3108 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP, 3109 FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP 3110 FMT_MTD.3.1_EAC2PP 3111 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values of the certificate chain are accepted for 3112 TSF data of the Terminal Authentication protocol 2 and the Access Control SFP254 . 3113 Refinement: To determine if the certificate chain is valid, the TOE shall proceed the 3114 certificate validation according to [18]. 3115 100. Application note (taken from [6], application note 45) 3116 Terminal Authentication is used as required by (i) FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP and 3117 FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP. The terminal authorization level derived from the CVCA 3118 Certificate, the DV Certificate and the Terminal Certificate is used as TSF-data for the access 3119 control required by FDP_ACF.1/TRM. 3120 In addition, this ST contains all remaining SFRs of the claimed [13]. 3121 FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP 3122 Limited capabilities 3123 Hierarchical to: No other components 3124 Dependencies: FMT_LIM.2 Limited availability: fulfilled by 3125 FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP 3126 FMT_LIM.1.1_EAC2PP 3127 The TSF shall be designed in a manner that limits their capabilities so that in conjunction 3128 with ‘Limited availability (FMT_LIM.2)’ the following policy is enforced: 3129 Deploying test features after TOE delivery do not allow 3130 1. User Data to be manipulated and disclosed, 3131 2. TSF data to be manipulated or disclosed, 3132 3. software to be reconstructed, 3133 4. substantial information about construction of TSF to be gathered which may enable 3134 other attacks.255 and 3135 254 [assignment: list of TSF data] 255 [assignment: Limited capability and availability policy] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 144 of 191 5. EAC1 and EAC2 protected data 256 3136 Application note 101 (from ST author) 3137 The assignment was necessary to cover all protected user data. 3138 FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP 3139 Limited availability 3140 Hierarchical to: No other components 3141 Dependencies: FMT_LIM.1 Limited capabilities: fulfilled by 3142 FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP 3143 FMT_LIM.2.1_EAC2PP 3144 The TSF shall be designed in a manner that limits their availability so that in conjunction 3145 with ‘Limited capabilities (FMT_LIM.1)’ the following policy is enforced: 3146 Deploying test features after TOE delivery do not allow 3147 1. User Data to be manipulated and disclosed, 3148 2. TSF data to be manipulated or disclosed, 3149 3. software to be reconstructed, 3150 4. substantial information about construction of TSF to be gathered which may enable 3151 other attacks.257 and 3152 5. EAC1 and EAC2 protected data 258 3153 Application note 102 (from ST author) 3154 The assignment was necessary to cover all protected user data. 3155 FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP 3156 Management of TSF data – Writing Initialisation and Pre-personalisation Data 3157 Hierarchical to: No other components 3158 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions: 3159 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3160 256 [assignment: Limited capability and availability policy] 257 [assignment: Limited capability and availability policy] 258 [assignment: Limited capability and availability policy] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 145 of 191 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles: fulfilled by 3161 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3162 FMT_MTD.1.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP 3163 The TSF shall restrict the ability to write259 the Initialisation Data and Pre-personalisation 3164 Data260 to the Manufacturer.261 3165 FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP 3166 Management of TSF data – Reading and Using Initialisation and Pre-personalisation Data 3167 Hierarchical to: No other components 3168 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions: 3169 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP 3170 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles: fulfilled by 3171 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP 3172 FMT_MTD.1.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP 3173 The TSF shall restrict the ability to read out262 the Initialisation Data and the Pre- 3174 personalisation Data263 to the Personalisation Agent.264 3175 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [5]. They mainly concern applications with 3176 EAC1-protected data. 3177 • FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3178 • FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP 3179 This SFR is combined with FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC2PP into FMT_SMR.1. 3180 • FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP 3181 This SFR is equivalent to FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness. 3182 259 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 260 [assignment: list of TSF data] 261 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] 262 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 263 [assignment: list of TSF data] 264 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 146 of 191 • FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP 3183 This SFR is equivalent to FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness. 3184 • FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC1PP 3185 (equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 3186 • FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP 3187 (equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 3188 • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP 3189 • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP 3190 • FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP 3191 This SFR is equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP. Note that 3192 FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP generalizes the notion of Domestic Extended Inspection System 3193 to EAC1 terminals with appropriate authorization level. This does not violate strict conformance 3194 to [5]. 3195 • FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP 3196 • FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP 3197 • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP 3198 • FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP 3199 FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3200 Specification of Management Functions 3201 Hierarchical to: No other components 3202 Dependencies: No dependencies 3203 FMT_SMF.1.1/EAC1PP 3204 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: 3205 1. Initialization, 3206 2. Pre-personalisation, 3207 3. Personalisation 3208 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 147 of 191 4. Configuration.265 3209 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP 3210 Management of TSF data – Initialization of CVCA Certificate and Current Date 3211 Hierarchical to: No other components 3212 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3213 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3214 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3215 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP 3216 FMT_MTD.1.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP 3217 The TSF shall restrict the ability to write266 the 3218 1. initial Country Verifying Certification Authority Public Key, 3219 2. initial Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate, 3220 3. initial Current Date, 3221 4. none267268 3222 to Personalisation Agent269 . 3223 103. Application note (taken from [5], application note 41) 3224 Applied. 3225 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP 3226 Management of TSF data – Country Verifying Certification Authority 3227 Hierarchical to: No other components 3228 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3229 functions fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3230 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3231 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP 3232 265 [assignment: list of management functions to be provided by the TSF] 266 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 267 [assignment: list of TSF data] 268 [assignment: list of TSF data] 269 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 148 of 191 FMT_MTD.1.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP 3233 The TSF shall restrict the ability to update270 the 3234 1. Country Verifying Certification Authority Public Key, 3235 2. Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate271 3236 to Country Verifying Certification Authority.272 3237 104. Application note (taken from [5], application note 42) 3238 The Country Verifying Certification Authority updates its asymmetric key pair and distributes 3239 the public key be means of the Country Verifying CA Link-Certificates (cf. [16]). The TOE 3240 updates its internal trust-point if a valid Country Verifying CA Link-Certificates (cf. 3241 FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP) is provided by the terminal (cf. [16]) 3242 FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP 3243 Management of TSF data – Chip Authentication Private Key 3244 Hierarchical to: No other components 3245 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3246 functions fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3247 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3248 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP 3249 FMT_MTD.1.1/CAPK_EAC1PP 3250 The TSF shall restrict the ability to create, load273274 the Chip Authentication Private Key275 3251 to Manufacturer or Personalisation Agent.276 3252 105. Application note (taken from [5], application note 44) 3253 Applied. 3254 FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP 3255 Management of TSF data – Personalisation Agent 3256 270 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 271 [assignment: list of TSF data] 272 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] 273 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 274 [selection: create, load] 275 [assignment: list of TSF data] 276 [assignment: the authorisedidentified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 149 of 191 Hierarchical to: No other components 3257 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions: 3258 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3259 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles: fulfilled by 3260 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP 3261 FMT_MTD.1.1/PA_EAC1PP 3262 The TSF shall restrict the ability to write277 the Document Security Object (SOD)278 to the 3263 Personalisation Agent.279 3264 FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP 3265 Management of TSF data – Key Read 3266 Hierarchical to: No other components 3267 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions: 3268 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3269 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3270 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PPFMT_MTD.1.1/KEY_RE 3271 AD_EAC1PP 3272 The TSF shall restrict the ability to read280 the 3273 1. PACE passwords, 3274 2. Chip Authentication Private Key, 3275 3. Personalisation Agent Keys281 3276 4. Active Authentication Private Key 3277 to none282 3278 106. Application note (taken from [5], application note 45) 3279 277 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 278 [assignment: list of TSF data] 279 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] 280 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 281 [assignment: list of TSF data] 282 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 150 of 191 The SFR FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP in the ST covers the definition in [13] and 3280 extends it by additional TSF data. This extension does not conflict with the strict conformance 3281 to [13]. 3282 107. Application note (ST author) 3283 The refinement was necessary because of the Active Authentication protocol. 3284 FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP 3285 Secure TSF data 3286 Hierarchical to: No other components 3287 Dependencies: FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF data fulfilled by 3288 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP and 3289 FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP 3290 FMT_MTD.3.1_EAC1PP 3291 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values of the certificate chain are accepted for 3292 TSF data of the Terminal Authentication Protocol v.1 and the Access Control.283 3293 Refinement: The certificate chain is valid if and only if 3294 1. the digital signature of the Inspection System Certificate can be verified as 3295 correct with the public key of the Document Verifier Certificate and the 3296 expiration date of the Inspection System Certificate is not before the Current 3297 Date of the TOE, 3298 2. the digital signature of the Document Verifier Certificate can be verified as 3299 correct with the public key in the Certificate of the Country Verifying 3300 Certification Authority and the expiration date of the Certificate of the Country 3301 Verifying Certification Authority is not before the Current Date of the TOE and 3302 the expiration date of the Document Verifier Certificate is not before the Current 3303 Date of the TOE, 3304 3. the digital signature of the Certificate of the Country Verifying Certification 3305 Authority can be verified as correct with the public key of the Country Verifying 3306 Certification Authority known to the TOE. 3307 283 [assignment: list of TSF data] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 151 of 191 The Inspection System Public Key contained in the Inspection System Certificate in 3308 a valid certificate chain is a secure value for the authentication reference data of the 3309 Extended Inspection System EAC1 terminal. 3310 The intersection of the Certificate Holder Authorizations contained in the 3311 certificates of a valid certificate chain is a secure value for Terminal Authorization 3312 of a successful authenticated Extended Inspection System EAC1 terminal. 3313 108. Application note (taken from [5], application note 46) 3314 The Terminal Authentication Version 1 is used for EAC1 terminal as required by 3315 FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP and FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP. The Terminal Authorization is 3316 used as TSF data for access control required by FDP_ACF.1/TRM. 3317 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [14]. They mostly concern the security 3318 management of an eSign application. 3319 • FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3320 • FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3321 • FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP 3322 • FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP 3323 • FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP 3324 • FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP 3325 • FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP 3326 • FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP 3327 • FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP 3328 • FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP 3329 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3330 Security roles 3331 Hierarchical to: No other components 3332 Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification fulfilled by 3333 FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP 3334 FMT_SMR.1.1/SSCDPP 3335 The TSF shall maintain the roles R.Admin and R.Sigy284 3336 284 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 152 of 191 FMT_SMR.1.2/SSCDPP 3337 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. 3338 FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3339 Security Management Functions 3340 Hierarchical to: No other components 3341 Dependencies: No dependencies 3342 FMT_SMF.1.1/SSCDPP 3343 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: 3344 1. Creation and modification of RAD, 3345 2. Enabling the signature creation function, 3346 3. Modification of the security attribute SCD/SVD management, SCD operational, 3347 4. Change the default value of the security attribute SCD Identifier, 285 3348 5. Unblock the RAD286 3349 109. Application note (taken from [14], application note 14) 3350 Applied. 3351 FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP 3352 Management of security functions behaviour 3353 Hierarchical to: No other components 3354 Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3355 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3356 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions 3357 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3358 FMT_MOF.1.1/SSCDPP 3359 The TSF shall restrict the ability to enable287 the functions signature creation function288 to 3360 R.Sigy289 . 3361 285 [assignment: list of other security management functions to be provided by the TSF] 286 [assignment: list of other security management functions to be provided by the TSF] 287 [selection: determine the behaviour of, disable, enable, modify the behaviour of] 288 [assignment: list of functions] 289 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 153 of 191 FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP 3362 Management Security attributes 3363 Hierarchical to: No other components 3364 Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control or 3365 FDP.IFC.1 Subset information flow control] fulfilled by 3366 FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP 3367 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3368 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3369 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions 3370 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3371 FMT_MSA.1.1/Admin_SSCDPP 3372 The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP290 to restrict the ability to modify, 3373 none291 the security attributes SCD/SVD management292 to R.Admin293 . 3374 FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP 3375 Management Security attributes 3376 Hierarchical to: No other components 3377 Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control or 3378 FDP.IFC.1 Subset information flow control] fulfilled by 3379 FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 3380 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3381 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3382 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions 3383 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3384 FMT_MSA.1.1/Signatory_SSCDPP 3385 290 [assignment: access control SFP(s), information flow control SFP(s)] 291 [assignment: other operations] 292 [assignment: list of security attributes] 293 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 154 of 191 The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP294 to restrict the ability to modify295 3386 the security attributes SCD operational296 to R.Sigy297 . 3387 FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP 3388 Secure security attributes 3389 Hierarchical to: No other components 3390 Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control or 3391 FDP.IFC.1 Subset information flow control] fulfilled by 3392 FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP and 3393 FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 3394 FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes fulfilled 3395 by FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP and 3396 FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP. 3397 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3398 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3399 FMT_MSA.2.1/ SSCDPP 3400 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values are accepted for SCD/SVD Management 3401 and SCD operational298 . 3402 110. Application note (taken from [14], application note 15) 3403 Applied. 3404 FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP 3405 Static attribute initialisation 3406 Hierarchical to: No other components 3407 Dependencies: FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes fulfilled 3408 by FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP and 3409 FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP. 3410 294 [assignment: access control SFP(s), information flow control SFP(s)] 295 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, [assignment: other operations]] 296 [assignment: list of security attributes] 297 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] 298 [selection: list of security attributes] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 155 of 191 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3411 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3412 FMT_MSA.3.1/ SSCDPP 3413 The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP, SVD Transfer SFP and Signature 3414 Creation SFP299 to provide restrictive300 default values for security attributes that are used 3415 to enforce SFP. 3416 FMT_MSA.3.2/ SSCDPP 3417 The TSF shall allow the R.Admin301 to specify alternative initial values to override the 3418 default values when an object or information created. 3419 FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP 3420 Security attribute value inharitance 3421 Hierarchical to: No other components 3422 Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control or 3423 FDP.IFC.1 Subset information flow control] fulfilled by 3424 FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP and 3425 FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP 3426 FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP 3427 The TSF shall use the following rules to set the value of security attributes: 3428 1. If S.Admin successfully generates an SCD/SVD pair without S.Sigy being 3429 authenticated the security attribute “SCD operational of the SCD” shall be set to 3430 “no” as a single operation. 3431 2. If S.Sigy successfully generates an SCD/SVD pair the security attribute “SCD 3432 operational of the SCD” shall be set to “yes” as a single operation.302 3433 111. Application note (taken from [14], application note 16) 3434 The TOE may not support generating an SVD/SCD pair by the signatory alone, in which case 3435 rule (2) is not relevant. 3436 299 [assignment: access control SFP, information flow control SFP] 300 [selection, choose one of: restrictive, permissive, [assignment: other property]] 301 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] 302 [assignment: rules for setting the values of security attributes] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 156 of 191 FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP 3437 Management of TSF data 3438 Hierarchical to: No other components 3439 Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3440 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3441 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions 3442 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3443 FMT_MTD.1.1/Admin_SSCDPP 3444 The TSF shall restrict the ability to create303 the RAD304 to R.Admin305 . 3445 FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP 3446 Management of TSF data 3447 Hierarchical to: No other components 3448 Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3449 FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP 3450 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions 3451 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP 3452 FMT_MTD.1.1/Signatory_SSCDPP 3453 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify306 ,none307 the RAD308 to R.Sigy309 . 3454 112. Application note (taken from [14], application note 17) 3455 Applied. 3456 The following SFRs are defined here. The concern loading applications onto the IC during 3457 manufacturing and relate directly to OT.Cap_Avail_Loader. 3458 FMT_LIM.1/Loader 3459 Limited Capabilities 3460 303 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations] 304 [assignment: list of TSF data] 305 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] 306 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations] 307 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations] 308 [assignment: list of TSF data] 309 [assignment: the authorised identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 157 of 191 Hierarchical to: No other components 3461 Dependencies: FMT_ LIM.2 Limited availability fulfilled by 3462 FMT_LIM.2/Loader 3463 FMT_LIM.1.1/Loader 3464 The TSF shall be designed and implemented in a manner that limits their capabilities so 3465 that in conjunction with “Limited availability (FMT_LIM.2)” the following policy is enforced: 3466 Deploying Loader functionality after the locking of the Loader310 does not allow stored user 3467 data to be disclosed or manipulated by unauthorized users.311 3468 113. Application note (taken from [20], application note 14) 3469 FMT_LIM.1/Loader supplements FMT_LIM.2/Loader allowing for non-overlapping loading of 3470 user data and protecting the TSF against misuses of the Loader for attacks against the TSF. 3471 The TOE Loader may allow for correction of already loaded user data before the assigned 3472 action e.g. before blocking the TOE Loader for TOE Delivery to the end-customer or any 3473 intermediate step on the life cycle of the Security IC or the smartcard. 3474 FMT_LIM.2/Loader 3475 Limited Availability 3476 Hierarchical to: No other components 3477 Dependencies: FMT_ LIM.1 Limited capabilities fulfilled by 3478 FMT_LIM.1/Loader 3479 FMT_LIM.2.1/Loader 3480 The TSF shall be designed and implemented in a manner that limits their availability so 3481 that in conjunction with “Limited capabilities (FMT_LIM.1)” the following policy is enforced: 3482 The TSF prevents deploying the Loader functionality after the locking of the Loader.312313 3483 114. Application note (taken from [20], application note 15) 3484 The Loader functionality relies on a secure boot loading procedure in a secure environment 3485 before TOE delivery to the assigned user and preventing to deploy the Loader of the Security 3486 IC after an assigned action, e.g. after blocking the Loader for TOE delivery to the end-user. 3487 The following SFR is new and concern security management for ePassport application in 3488 combination with [5] in case the Active Authentication protocol is active: 3489 310 [assignment: action] 311 [assignment: Limited capability and availability policy] 312 [assignment: action] 313 [assignment: Limited capability and availability policy] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 158 of 191 FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key 3490 Management of TSF data – Active Authentication Private Key 3491 Hierarchical to: No other components 3492 Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 3493 fulfilled by FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP 3494 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles fulfilled by 3495 FMT_SMR.1/PACE_EAC1PP 3496 FMT_MTD.1.1/AA_Private_Key 3497 The TSF shall restrict the ability to create or load314 the Active Authentication Private 3498 Key315 to the Personalization Agent.316 3499 6.1.7. Class FPT 3500 The following security functional requirements are imported from [6], and address the 3501 protection against forced illicit information leakage, including physical manipulation. 3502 • FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP 3503 115. Application note (taken from [20], application note 16) 3504 Note that related to Application Note 6 of [20], the PIN in the above SFR refers here to both 3505 the PIN for an eID application, and also the PIN for an eSign application, if they exist on card. 3506 • FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP 3507 • FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP 3508 • FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP 3509 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [5]. They mostly concern the protection of 3510 security functionality related to EAC1-protected data. 3511 • FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP 3512 (equivalent to FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 3513 314 [assignment: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 315 [assignment: list of TSF data] 316 [assignment: the authorized identified roles] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 159 of 191 • FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP 3514 (equivalent to FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 3515 • FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP 3516 (equivalent to FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP, but listed here for the sake of completeness) 3517 • FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP 3518 The following SFRs are imported due to claiming [14]. They mostly concern the protection of 3519 security functionality related to eSign application (if available). 3520 • FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP 3521 • FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP 3522 (subsumed by FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP) 3523 • FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP 3524 • FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP 3525 (subsumed by FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP) 3526 • FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP 3527 (subsumed by FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP) 3528 FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP 3529 TOE Emanation 3530 Hierarchical to: No other components 3531 Dependencies: No dependencies 3532 FPT_EMS.1.1/EAC2PP 3533 The TOE shall not emit variations in power consumption or timing during command 3534 execution317 in excess of non-useful information318 enabling access to 3535 1. the session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), (CA-KMAC, CA-KEnc), 3536 317 [assignment: types of emissions] 318 [assignment: specified limits] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 160 of 191 2. the ephemeral private key ephem-SKPICC-PACE, 319 3537 3. the Chip Authentication private keys (SKPICC) 3538 4. the PIN, PUK, 3539 5. none320 3540 and 3541 6. the Restricted Identification private key(s) SKID, 321 3542 7. none.322 3543 FPT_EMS.1.2/EAC2PP 3544 The TSF shall ensure any users323 are unable to use the following interface electronic 3545 document’s contactless/contact-based interface and circuit contacts324 to gain access to 3546 1. the session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), (CA2-KMAC, CA2-KEnc), 3547 2. the ephemeral private key ephem -SKPICC-PACE1, 3548 3. the Chip Authentication private key(s) (SKPICC), 3549 4. the PIN, PUK, 3550 5. the session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), (CA-KMAC, CA-KEnc)325 3551 6. none326 3552 and 3553 7. the Restricted Identification private key(s) SKID,327 3554 8. none.328 3555 116. Application note (taken from [6], application note 46) 3556 The TOE shall prevent attacks against the listed secret data where the attack is based on 3557 external observable physical phenomena of the TOE. Such attacks may be observable at the 3558 interfaces of the TOE, originate from internal operation of the TOE, or be caused by an attacker 3559 that varies the physical environment under which the TOE operates. The set of measurable 3560 physical phenomena is influenced by the technology employed to implement the smart card. 3561 Examples of measurable phenomena include, but are not limited to variations in power 3562 319 [assignment: list of types of TSF data ] 320 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 321 [assignment: list of types of user data ] 322 [assignment: list of types of user data] 323 [assignment: type of users] 324 [assignment: type of connection] 325 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 326 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 327 [assignment: list of types of user data] 328 [assignment: list of types of user data] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 161 of 191 consumption, timing of signals, and electromagnetic radiation due to internal operations or 3563 data transmissions. 3564 Note that while the security functionality described in FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP should be taken 3565 into account during development of the TOE, associated tests must be carried out as part of 3566 the evaluation, and not/not only during product development. 3567 Note that in the above SFR, all items in FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP from 3. upwards are additional 3568 assignments. The first item is slightly refined to include CA-key(s). 3569 117. Application note (from ST author) 3570 The PIN in the above SFR refers here to both the PIN for an eID application, and also the PIN 3571 for an eSign application, if they exist on card. 3572 The above SFR is refined from [6] by adding all relevant key material from Chip Authentication 3573 2, the additional assignment to cover the private sector keys. Thus, the set of keys that need 3574 to be protected is a superset of the ones of the SFR from [6]. Hence, the requirement is stricter 3575 than the one from [6], and the refinement operation is justified. 3576 The FPT_EMS.1.2/EAC2PP is refined because in the [20] first and fifth point is identical and 3577 unnecessary to repeat the first point in the current ST. 3578 FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP 3579 Failure with preservation of secure state 3580 Hierarchical to: No other components 3581 Dependencies: No dependencies 3582 FPT_FLS.1.1_EAC2PP 3583 The TSF shall preserve a secure state when the following types of failures occur: 3584 1. Exposure to operating conditions causing a TOE malfunction, 3585 2. Failure detected by TSF according to FPT_TST.1,329 3586 3. none.330 3587 FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP 3588 TSF testing 3589 Hierarchical to: No other components 3590 Dependencies: No dependencies 3591 FPT_TST.1.1/EAC2PP 3592 329 [assignment: list of types of failures in the TSF] 330 [assignment: list of types of failures in the TSF] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 162 of 191 The TSF shall run a suite of self tests during initial start-up, periodically during normal 3593 operation331 to demonstrate the correct operation of the TSF.332 3594 FPT_TST.1.2/EAC2PP 3595 The TSF shall provide authorised users with the capability to verify the integrity of the TSF 3596 data.333 3597 FPT_TST.1.3/EAC2PP 3598 The TSF shall provide authorised users with the capability to verify the integrity of stored 3599 TSF executable code.334 3600 FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP 3601 Resistance to physical attack 3602 Hierarchical to: No other components 3603 Dependencies: No dependencies 3604 FPT_PHP.3.1_EAC2PP 3605 The TSF shall resist physical manipulation and physical probing335 to the TSF336 by 3606 responding automatically such that the SFRs are always enforced. 3607 FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP 3608 TOE Emanation 3609 Hierarchical to: No other components 3610 Dependencies: No dependencies 3611 FPT_EMS.1.1/EAC1PP 3612 The TOE shall not emit variations in power consumption or timing during command 3613 execution337 in excess of non-useful information338 enabling access to 3614 1. Chip Authentication (Version 1) Session Keys, 3615 331 [selection: during initial start-up, periodically during normal operation, at the request of the authorised user, at the conditions [assignment: conditions under which self test should occur]] 332 [selection: [assignment: parts of TSF], the TSF] 333 [selection: [assignment: parts of TSF], TSF data] 334 [selection: [assignment: parts of TSF], TSF] 335 [assignment: physical tampering scenarios] 336 [assignment: list of TSF devices/elements] 337 [assignment: types of emissions] 338 [assignment: specified limits] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 163 of 191 2. PACE session Keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), 3616 3. the ephemeral private key ephem SKPICC-PACE, 3617 4. the ephemeral private key SKMapPICC-PACE-CAM339 3618 5. Active Authentication Private Key340 3619 6. Personalisation Agent Key(s) 3620 7. Chip Authentication (Version 1) Private Key 341 and 3621 8. none 342 3622 FPT_EMS.1.2/EAC1PP 3623 The TSF shall ensure any users343 are unable to use the following interface smart card 3624 circuit contacts344 to gain access to 3625 1. Chip Authentication (Version 1) Session Keys, 3626 2. PACE session Keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), 3627 3. the ephemeral private key ephem SKPICC-PACE, 3628 4. the ephemeral private key SKMapPICC-PACE-CAM345 3629 5. Active Authentication Private Key346 3630 6. Personalisation Agent Key(s) 3631 7. Chip Authentication (Version 1) Private Key 347 and 3632 8. none.348 3633 118. Application note (from ST author) 3634 This SFR covers the definition of FPT_EMS.1 in [5] and extends it by 4. and 5. of 3635 FPT_EMS.1.1/EAC1PP and FPT_EMS.1.2/EAC1PP. Also, 1. and 7. of both 3636 FPT_EMS.1.1/EAC1PP and FPT_EMS.1.2/EAC1PP are slightly refined in order not to confuse 3637 Chip Authentication 1 with Chip Authentication 2. 3638 Note that FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP in [5] is solely concerned with Chip Authentication 1, but since 3639 it was the first version of the protocol at the time, it was simply called 'Chip Authentication' back 3640 then. 3641 W.r.t. PACE-CAM, note the significance of protecting SKMap,PICC-PACE-CAM: Whereas when 3642 running PACE and CA1 separately, gaining knowledge of the ephemeral key SKPICC-PACE 3643 enables the attacker to decrypt the current PACE session, an attacker that gains knowledge 3644 339 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 340 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 341 [assignment: list of types of user data ] 342 [assignment: list of types of user data] 343 [assignment: type of users] 344 [assignment: type of connection] 345 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 346 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 347 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 348 [assignment: list of types of user data] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 164 of 191 of the ephemeral key SKMap,PICC-PACE-CAM can not only decrypt the session but also easily 3645 reveal the static secret chip authentication key SKPICC: Let ° denote the group operation (i.e. 3646 addition or multiplication), and let i(x) denote the inverse of x. Since the chip sends CAPICC = 3647 SKMap,PICC-PACE-CAM ° i(SKPICC) to the terminal, a malicious attacker that gains knowledge of 3648 SKMap,PICC-PACE-CAM can reveal SKPICC by computing SKPICC = i(CAPICC) ° SKMap,PICC-PACE- 3649 CAM. 3650 Because of the Active Authentication is supported protocol by the TOE, the SFR is extended 3651 with Active Authentication Private Key. 3652 119. Application note (taken from[5], application note 48) 3653 Applied. 3654 FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP 3655 TOE Emanation 3656 Hierarchical to: No other components 3657 Dependencies: No dependencies 3658 FPT_EMS.1.1_SSCD 3659 The TOE shall not emit emit variations in power consumption or timing during command 3660 execution349 in excess of non-useful information350 enabling access to RAD351 and SCD352 . 3661 FPT_EMS.1.2_SSCD 3662 The TSF shall ensure that unauthorized353 are unable to use the following interface 3663 electrical contacts354 to gain access to RAD355 and SCD356 . 3664 120. Application note (taken from [14], application note 18) 3665 The TOE shall prevent attacks against the SCD and other secret data where the attack is 3666 based on external observable physical phenomena of the TOE. Such attacks may be 3667 observable at the interfaces of the TOE or may origin from internal operation of the TOE or 3668 may origin by an attacker that varies the physical environment under which the TOE operates. 3669 The set of measurable physical phenomena is influenced by the technology employed to 3670 implement the TOE. Examples of measurable phenomena are variations in the power 3671 consumption, the timing of transitions of internal states, electromagnetic radiation due to 3672 internal operation, radio emission. 3673 349 [assignment: types of emissions] 350 [assignment: specified limits] 351 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 352 [assignment: list of types of user data] 353 [assignment: type of users] 354 [assignment: type of connection] 355 [assignment: list of types of TSF data] 356 [assignment: list of types of user data] IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Page 165 of 191 Due to the heterogeneous nature of the technologies that may cause such emanations, 3674 evaluation against state-of-the-art attacks applicable to the technologies employed by the TOE 3675 is assumed. Examples of such attacks are, but are not limited to, evaluation of TOE’s 3676 electromagnetic radiation, simple power analysis (SPA), differential power analysis (DPA), 3677 timing attacks, etc. 3678 FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP 3679 Passive detection of physical attack 3680 Hierarchical to: No other components 3681 Dependencies: No dependencies 3682 FPT_PHP.1.1_SSCDPP 3683 The TSF shall provide unambiguous detection of physical tampering that might 3684 compromise the TSF. 3685 FPT_PHP.1.2_SSCDPP 3686 The TSF shall provide the capability to determine whether physical tampering with the 3687 TSF’s devices or TSF’s elements has occurred. 3688 6.2.Security Assurance Requirements for the TOE 3689 The assurance requirements for the evaluation of the TOE, its development and operating 3690 environment are to choose as the predefined assurance package EAL4 augmented by the 3691 following components: 3692 • ALC_DVS.2 (Sufficiency of security measures), 3693 • ATE_DPT.2 (Testing: security enforcing modules) and 3694 • AVA_VAN.5 (Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis). 3695 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 166 of 191 6.3.Security Requirements Rationale 3696 6.3.1. Security Functional Requirements Rationale 3697 The following table provides an overview for the coverage of the security functional requirements, and also gives evidence for sufficiency and 3698 necessity of the chosen SFRs. 3699 OT.CA2 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof[5] OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA OT.Sens_Data_Conf [5] OT.AC_Pers_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.Data_Integrity OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Identification OT.AC_Pers OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.RI_EAC2 OT.Non_Interfere OT.SCD/SVD_Gen [14] OT.Sigy_SigF ([14]) OT.Cap_Avail_Loader Class FCS FCS_CKM.1/CAM - - X - - - - X X X - - - - - - - - FCS_COP.1/CAM - - X - - - - X X X - - - - - - - - FCS_CKM.1/CA2 X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FCS_CKM.1/RI - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - FCS_CKM.1/AA - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FCS_COP.1/AA - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Class FIA FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP - - X - X - - X X X - X - - - - - - FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP - - - X X - - X X X - X - - - - - - FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP - - X - X - - X X X - X - - - - - - FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM - - X - - - - X X X - - - - - - - - FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 167 of 191 OT.CA2 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof[5] OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA OT.Sens_Data_Conf [5] OT.AC_Pers_EAC2 OT.Sens_Data_EAC2 OT.Data_Integrity OT.Data_Authenticity OT.Data_Confidentiality OT.Identification OT.AC_Pers OT.Prot_Inf_Leak OT.RI_EAC2 OT.Non_Interfere OT.SCD/SVD_Gen [14] OT.Sigy_SigF ([14]) OT.Cap_Avail_Loader FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP - - - X - - - X X X - - - - - - - - FIA_API.1/AA - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Class FDP FDP_ACF.1/TRM - - - - X X X X - X - X - - X - - - Class FMT FMT_SMR.1 - X - - - X X X X X X X - - X - - - FMT_LIM.1/Loader - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X FMT_LIM.2/Loader - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP - X - X X - - X X X - X - - - - - - FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key - - X - - - - - - - X - - - - - - Class FPT FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP - - - - - - - - - - - X X - X - - - FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP - - - - - X - - - - - - X - X - - - FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP - - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - Table 11 Coverage of Security Objectives for the TOE by SFRs 3700 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 168 of 191 According to [1], tracing between SFRs and security objectives must ensure that 1) each SFR 3701 traces back to at least one security objective, and 2) that each security objective for the TOE 3702 has at least one SFR tracing to it. This is illustrated for 3703 1. SFRs that have been newly added or refined within this ST or [20] by checking the rows 3704 of Table 11 , and for SFRs that are merely iterated or simply included due to claims of 3705 other protection profiles by looking up the rationale of that PP 3706 2. for newly introduced security objectives in this ST or [20] by checking the non-cursive 3707 columns of Table 11 , and for the other security objectives by looking up the rationale 3708 of that PP. 3709 In other words, in Table 11 , we list only: 3710 • SFRs that have been newly added or refined within this ST or [20]. Mere iterations or 3711 simple inclusions due to claims of other protection profiles are not listed, however. For 3712 their coverage we refer to the respective claimed PP. 3713 • Security objectives that are newly introduced in this ST or [20], and their related SFRs. 3714 • Security objectives for the TOE that are affected by the above newly added or refined 3715 SFRs. 3716 In case an SFR was refined in order to ensure the unified terminology usage, those SFRs are 3717 not listed in Table 11 or justifies below, because these refinements have no security impacts. 3718 Analogously, we limit our justification to the above SFRs and security objectives. For other 3719 security objectives, and for the justification of security objectives w.r.t. SFRs that are included 3720 or iterated from claimed protection profiles, we refer to the detailed rationales in [5], [6] and 3721 [14]. 3722 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_PACE_CAM is a newly introduced security objective that aims to 3723 ensure the authenticity of the electronic document's chip by the PACE-CAM protocol, in 3724 particular in the context of an ePassport application. This is supported by FCS_CKM.1/CAM 3725 for cryptographic key-generation, and FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM and FCS_COP.1/CAM for the 3726 implementation itself, as well as FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP and 3727 FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP, the latter supporting the PACE protocol. 3728 OT.Chip_Auth_Proof_AA is a newly introduced security objective that aims to ensure the 3729 authenticity of the electronic document’s chip by the Active Authentication protocol, in 3730 particular in the context of an ePassport Application. This is supported by FCS_CKM.1/AA for 3731 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 169 of 191 cryptographic key generation, and FIA_API.1/AA, FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP and 3732 FCS_COP.1/AA for the implementation itself. The FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP 3733 ensures the authenticity of the TOE, because it restricts the ability to read the Active 3734 Authentication private key to none. These do not affect the discussion of the rationale of [5]. 3735 The OT.AC_Pers enforce that all TSF data can be written by authorized Personalisation Agent 3736 only and this is supported by FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key for the Active Authentication key 3737 pair. 3738 FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP is refined here in a way that the TOE supports additionally EAC2 based 3739 access control w.r.t. SSCD-related user data. This does not affect the discussion of the 3740 rationale of [14]. 3741 FDP_ACF.1/TRM unifies the access control SFPs of FDP_ACF.1/TRM_EAC2PP and 3742 FDP_ACF.1/TRM_EAC1PP. Both access control SFPs however are maintained w.r.t. 3743 sensitive EAC1-protected data and EAC2-protected data. Thus the discussion of the rationale 3744 of [5] and [6] remains unaffected. 3745 FMT_SMR.1/EAC1PP and FMT_SMR.1/EAC2PP have been unified to FMT_SMR.1 by 3746 adding additional roles. For all security objectives affected, FMT_SMR.1 supports related roles 3747 analogously as in the discussion of the rationales of [5] and [6]. 3748 The security objective OT.Cap_Avail_Loader is directly covered by the SFRs 3749 FMT_LIM.1/Loader and FMT_LIM.2/Loader, which limits the availability of the loader, as 3750 required by the objective. 3751 FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP and FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP together define all protected data. Since all 3752 previous data are included, the discussion of the rationales of [5] and [6] is not affected. 3753 The objective OT.Non_Interfere aims to ensure that no security related interferences between 3754 the implementations of the different access control mechanisms exist that allow unauthorized 3755 access of user or TSF-Data. This objective is fulfilled by enforcing the access control SFPs, in 3756 particular FDP_ACF.1/TRM in connection with FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP. Related roles are 3757 supported by FMT_SMR.1. Interferences that are observable by emissions from the TOE are 3758 prevented due to FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP, FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP, and FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP, 3759 where the set union of all defined data covers all relevant data. 3760 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 170 of 191 The security objective OT.CA2 aims at enabling verification of the authenticity of the TOE as 3761 a whole device. This objective is mainly achieved as described in [20]. The secure generation 3762 of cryptography key pair is ensured by FCS_CKM.1/CA2. 3763 The security objective OT.RI_EAC2 aims at providing a way to pseudonymously identify an 3764 electronic document holder without granting a terminal read access to sensitive user data. This 3765 objective is mainly achieved as described in [20]. The secure generation of cryptography key 3766 pair is ensured by FCS_CKM.1/RI. 3767 6.3.2. Rationale for SFR’s Dependencies 3768 The dependency analysis for the security functional requirements shows that the basis for 3769 mutual support and internal consistency between all defined functional requirements is 3770 satisfied. All dependencies between the chosen functional components are analyzed, and non- 3771 dissolved dependencies are appropriately explained. 3772 The dependency analysis has directly been made within the description of each SFR in Section 3773 6.1 above. All dependencies being expected by [2] and by extended components definition in 3774 Chapter 5 are either fulfilled, or their non-fulfillment is justified. 3775 6.3.3. Security Assurance Requirements Rationale 3776 The current assurance package was chosen based on the predefined assurance package 3777 EAL4. This package permits a developer to gain maximum assurance from positive security 3778 engineering based on good commercial development practices which, through rigorous, do not 3779 require substantial specialist knowledge, skills, and other resources. EAL4 is the highest level, 3780 at which it is likely to retrofit to an existing product line in an economically feasible way. EAL4 3781 is applicable in those circumstances where developers or users require a moderate to high 3782 level of independently assured security in conventional commodity TOEs and are prepared to 3783 incur additional security specific engineering costs. 3784 The selection of the component ALC_DVS.2 provides a higher assurance of the security of the 3785 electronic document’s development and manufacturing, especially for the secure handling of 3786 sensitive material. 3787 The selection of the component ATE_DPT.2 provides a higher assurance than the predefined 3788 EAL4 package due to requiring the functional testing of SFR-enforcing modules. 3789 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 171 of 191 The selection of the component AVA_VAN.5 provides a higher assurance than the predefined 3790 EAL4 package, namely requiring a vulnerability analysis to assess the resistance to 3791 penetration attacks performed by an attacker possessing a high attack potential (see also 3792 Table 3, entry ‘Attacker’). This decision represents a part of the conscious security policy for 3793 the electronic document required by the electronic document issuer and reflected by the 3794 current ST. 3795 The set of assurance requirements being part of EAL4 fulfills all dependencies a priori. The 3796 augmentation of EAL4 chosen comprises the following assurance components: ALC_DVS.2, 3797 ATE_DPT.2 and AVA_VAN.5. For these additional assurance components, all dependencies 3798 are met or exceeded in the EAL4 assurance package. Below we list only those assurance 3799 requirements that are additional to EAL4. 3800 ALC_DVS.2 3801 Dependencies: 3802 None 3803 ATE_DPT.2 3804 Dependencies: 3805 ADV_ARC.1, ADV_TDS.3, ATE_FUN.1 3806 fulfilled by ADV_ARC.1, ADV_TDS.3, ATE_FUN.1 3807 AVA_VAN.5 3808 Dependencies: 3809 ADV_ARC.1, ADV_FSP.4, ADV_TDS.3, ADV_IMP.1, AGD_OPE.1, AGD_PRE.1, 3810 ATE_DPT.1 3811 fulfilled by ADV_ARC.1, ADV_FSP.4, ADV_TDS.3, ADV_IMP.1, AGD_OPE.1, 3812 AGD_PRE.1, ATE_DPT.2 3813 6.3.4. Security Requirements – Internal Consistency 3814 The following part of the security requirements rationale shows that the set of security 3815 requirements for the TOE consisting of the security functional requirements (SFRs) and the 3816 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 172 of 191 security assurance requirements (SARs) are internally consistent. The analysis of the TOE´s 3817 security requirements with regard to their mutual support and internal consistency 3818 demonstrates: 3819 The dependency analysis in Section 6.3.2 for the security functional requirements shows that 3820 the basis for internal consistency between all defined functional requirements is satisfied. All 3821 dependencies between the chosen functional components are analyzed and non-satisfied 3822 dependencies are appropriately justified. 3823 All subjects and objects addressed by more than one SFR are also treated in a consistent way: 3824 the SFRs impacting them do not require any contradictory property or behavior of these 3825 ‘shared’ items. 3826 The assurance package EAL4 is a predefined set of internally consistent assurance 3827 requirements. The dependency analysis for the sensitive assurance components in Section 3828 6.3.3 shows that the assurance requirements are internally consistent as all (additional) 3829 dependencies are satisfied and no inconsistency appears. 3830 Inconsistency between functional and assurance requirements can only arise due to 3831 functional-assurance dependencies not being met. As shown in Section 6.3.2 and Section 3832 6.3.3, the chosen assurance components are adequate for the functionality of the TOE. Hence, 3833 there are no inconsistencies between the goals of these two groups of security requirements. 3834 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 173 of 191 7. TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION 3835 7.1.TOE Security Functions 3836 7.1.1. TSF.AccessControl 3837 The TOE enforces access control in order to access User Data and TSF-data and maintains 3838 different security roles. 3839 SFR Description FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to suspend the reference value of PIN. FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to block the reference value of PIN. FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP The TSF responsible to block the reference value of RAD. FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user identification. FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user identification. FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user authentication. FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user authentication. FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP The TSF responsible to delay each following authentication attempt. FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user identification. FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user authentication. FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP Equivalent to FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP. FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user identification. FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP The TSF responsible to restrict other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user before the user authentication. FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to enforce the Access Control SFP. FDP_ACF.1/TRM This TSF responsible to enforce the Access Control SFP. FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP Equivalent to FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP. FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP. FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP. FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SVD Transfer SFP. FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SVD Transfer SFP. FDP_ACC.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the Signature Creation SFP. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 174 of 191 FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the Signature Creation SFP. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to write certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to update certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to modify the current date. FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to write certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to create or load the Chip Authentication private key(s) (SKPICC) and the Restricted Identification Private Key(s). FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to read certain objects. FMT_SMR.1 This TSF responsible to maintain the Manufacturer, Personalization Agent, Country Verifying Certification Authority (CVCA), Document Verifier (DV), Terminal, PACE Terminal, EAC2 terminal, if the eID, ePassport and/or eSign application are active, EAC1 terminal, if the ePassport application is active, Electronic Document Holder roles. FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to maintain the R.Admin and R.Sigy roles. FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to enable the functions signature creation function. FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP. FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP. FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to enforce the SCD/SVD Generation SFP, SVD Transfer SFP and Signature Creation SFP. FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to create the RAD. FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to modify the RAD FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to shall restrict the ability to write certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to update certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to modify the current date. FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to create, load the Chip Authentication Private Key. FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to write the Document Security Object (SOD). FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to read certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to create or load the Active Authentication Private Key. 7.1.2. TSF.Authenticate 3840 The TOE supports several authentication mechanism in order to authenticate the Users, 3841 Terminals and to prove the genuineness of the electronic document. 3842 The supported mechanism and protocols are based on ICAO and BSI standards [7], [8], [16], 3843 [17] and [18]. 3844 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 175 of 191 Supported authentication mechanism: 3845 • Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) [7], [16], [17]. 3846 o Generic Mapping 3847 o Chip Authentication Mapping 3848 • Active Authentication [7] 3849 • Chip Authentication version 1 [16] 3850 • Terminal Authentication version 1 [16] 3851 • Chip Authentication version 2 [17] 3852 • Terminal Authentication version 2 [17] 3853 • Restricted Identification [17] 3854 • Symmetric Authentication (Device authentication) [30] 3855 • Symmetric Role Authentication [30] 3856 • User Verification [30] 3857 SFR Description FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Chip Authentication v2. FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Restricted Identification. FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE and Terminal Authentication v2. FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE, Terminal Authentication v2 and Symmetric Authentication. FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE, Terminal Authentication v2, Chip Authentication v2 and Symmetric Authentication. FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Chip Authentication v2. FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for PACE, Chip Authentication v1 and Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM). FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for PACE, Chip Authentication v1, Terminal Authentication v1 and Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM). FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for PACE, Symmetric Authentication, Terminal Authentication v1 and Active Authentication. FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for PACE, Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM), Symmetric Authentication, Terminal Authentication v1. FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for Chip Authentication v1 FIA_API.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible for Chip Authentication v1 FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM This TSF responsible for Chip Authentication Mapping FIA_API.1/AA This TSF responsible for Active Authentication FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP Equivalent to FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP. FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible for User Verification. FDP_ACF.1/TRM This TSF responsible for Terminal Authentication and PACE. FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for User Verification IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 176 of 191 FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for R.Admin. FDP_ACF.1/Signature-creation_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for User Verification. FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for PACE FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Chip Authentication v2 FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for PACE. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of the Personalisation Agent. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the authentication of Country Verifying Certification Authority. FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the authentication of CVCA, DV and the EAC2 Terminal FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Personalization Agent. FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of the Personalisation Agent. FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of the Personalisation Agent. FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Document Holder and the EAC2 Terminal (with Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management). FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Document Holder FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Document Holder and the EAC2 Terminal (with Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management). FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for authentication of the EAC2 Terminal (with Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management). FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the Terminal Authentication v2. FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to provide the security functions. FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Sigy FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Admin FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Sigy FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Sigy and R.Admin FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Sigy and R.Admin FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Admin FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for authentication of R.Sigy FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Personalization Agent. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Country Verifying Certification Authority. FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP. FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for This TSF responsible for authentication of Personalization Agent or the Manufacturer. FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for authentication of Personalization Agent. FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key This TSF responsible for authentication of Personalization Agent. FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP This TSF responsible for the Terminal Authentication v2. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 177 of 191 7.1.3. TSF.SecureManagement 3858 The TOE enforces the secure management of the security attributes, data and functions. 3859 Furthermore the TOE restricts the available commands in each TOE life-cycle phase. 3860 SFR Description FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether the Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to write initial CVCA Public Key, meta-data of the initial CVCA Certificate and initial Current Date. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether the Country Verifying Certification Authority is authenticated, and it has right to update CVCA Public Key (PKCVCA) and meta-data of the CVCA Certificate. FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to provide part of the security functions. FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a CVCA, Document Verifier, or an EAC2 terminal is authenticated and it has right to modify Current Date. FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to write the card/chip security object(s) (SOC) and the document Security Object (SOD). FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to create or load the Chip Authentication private key(s) (SKPICC) and the Restricted Identification Private Key(s). FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to read certain objects. FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to write the initial PIN and PUK FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether an Electronic Document Holder is authenticated with PUK or a Terminal with Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management is authenticated and it has right to change the blocked PIN. FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether an Electronic Document Holder is authenticated, and it has right to resume the suspended PIN. FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether an Electronic Document Holder is authenticated with PUK or a Terminal with Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management is authenticated and it has right to unblock the blocked PIN. FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Terminal with Terminal Authorisation level for PIN management is authenticated and it has right to activate or deactivate the PIN. FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to provide part of the security functions. FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a R.Sigy is authenticated and it has right to enable the signature creation function. FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a R.Admin is authenticated and it has right to modify the SCD/SVD management security attribute. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 178 of 191 FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a R.Sigy is authenticated and it has right to modify the SCD/SVD operational security attribute. FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to ensure that only secure values are accepted for SCD/SVD Management and SCD operational FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP This TSF responsible to provide restrictive default values for security attributes. FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP This TSF responsible for security attribute value inheritance. FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a R.Admin is authenticated, and it has right to create the RAD. FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a R.Sigy is authenticated and it has right to modify the RAD. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether the Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to write initial Country Verifying Certification Authority Public Key, initial Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate, initial Current Date. FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether the Country Verifying Certification Authority is authenticated, and it has right to update Country Verifying Certification Authority Public Key, Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate. FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible to provide part of the security functions. FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP. FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Personalisation Agent or Manufacturer is authenticated, and it has right to create or load the Chip Authentication private key. FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to write the document Security Object (SOD). FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to read cryptographic keys. FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key This TSF responsible to evaluate whether a Personalisation Agent is authenticated, and it has right to create or load the Active Authentication Private Key. 7.1.4. TSF.CryptoKey 3861 The TOE uses several cryptographic services such as digital signature creation and 3862 verification, asymmetric and symmetric cryptography, random number generation and 3863 complete key management. 3864 Furthermore TSF.CryptoKey provides the secure messaging for the TOE. 3865 SFR Description FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of key agreement for PACE. FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of hash generation. FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of digital signature verification. FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging – encryption and decryption. FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging – message authentication code. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 179 of 191 FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic key destruction. FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of random number generation. FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of key agreement for PACE. FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP Equivalent to FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP. FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging – encryption and decryption. FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging – message authentication code. FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP. FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of key agreement for Chip Authentication v1. FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging – encryption and decryption. FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of digital signature verification. FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging – message authentication code. FCS_CKM.1/CA2 This TSF responsible the Applet part of Chip Authentication version 2 Key pair(s) generation. FCS_CKM.1/RI This TSF responsible the Applet part of Restricted Identification Key pair (s) generation. FCS_CKM.1/AA This TSF responsible the Applet part of Active Authentication Key Pair generation. FCS_COP.1/AA This TSF responsible the Applet part of digital signature generation. FCS_CKM.1/CAM This TSF responsible the Applet part of PACE-CAM protocol implementation. FCS_COP.1/CAM This TSF responsible the Applet part of PACE-CAM protocol implementation. FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Applet part of SCD/SVD pair generation. FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Applet part of digital signature creation. FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication v2. FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for Restricted Identification. FIA_API.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication v1. FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication Mapping. FIA_API.1/AA This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for Active Authentication. FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to call the Platform functionalities to destroy cryptographic keys. FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging. FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of secure messaging. FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible to call the Platform functionalities to destroy cryptographic keys. FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP Equivalent to FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP. FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP Equivalent to FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP. FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Applet part of de-allocation of the resource SCD. FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for trusted channel. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 180 of 191 FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Applet part of cryptographic operation for trusted channel. 7.1.5. TSF.AppletParametersSign 3866 The TOE enforces the integrity of itself in each life cycle phases. 3867 SFR Description FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible for initial start-up, periodically during normal operation testing. FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP. FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP Subsumed by FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP. 7.1.6. TSF.Platform 3868 The TOE relies on the certified functions and services of the Platform. This TSF is collection 3869 of those SFRs, which are uses these functions and services. 3870 SFR Description FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of key agreement for PACE. FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of hash generation. FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of digital signature verification. FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging – encryption and decryption. FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging – message authentication code. FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic key destruction. FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of random number generation. FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of key agreement for PACE. FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP Equivalent to FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP. FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging – encryption and decryption. FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging – message authentication code. FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP. FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of key agreement for Chip Authentication v1. FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging – encryption and decryption. FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of digital signature verification. FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging – message authentication code. FCS_CKM.1/CA2 This TSF responsible the Platform part of Chip Authentication version 2 Key pair(s) generation. FCS_CKM.1/RI This TSF responsible the Platform part of Restricted Identification Key pair(s) generation. FCS_CKM.1/AA This TSF responsible the Platform part of Active Authentication Key Pair generation. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 181 of 191 FCS_COP.1/AA This TSF responsible the Platform part of digital signature generation. FCS_CKM.1/CAM This TSF responsible the Platform part of PACE-CAM protocol implementation. FCS_COP.1/CAM This TSF responsible the Platform part of PACE-CAM protocol implementation. FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Platform part of SCD/SVD pair generation. FCS_CKM.4/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic key destruction. FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Platform part of digital signature creation. FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication v2. FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic operation for Restricted Identification. FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for the identifier data of the TOE. FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for fresh random numbers for PACE, Terminal Authentication v2 and Symmetric Authentication. FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for PACE, Terminal Authentication v2, Chip Authentication v2 and Symmetric Authentication. FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication v2. FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for PACE. FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for PACE, Symmetric Authentication, Terminal Authentication v1 and Active Authentication. FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for PACE, Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM), Symmetric Authentication, Terminal Authentication v1. FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for PACE. FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP This TSF responsible for Platform part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication v1 FIA_API.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication v1. FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic operation for Chip Authentication Mapping. FIA_API.1/AA This TSF responsible the Platform part of cryptographic operation for Active Authentication. FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to make unavailable any cryptographic data used in runtime cryptographic computations. FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging. FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP This TSF responsible the Platform part of secure messaging. FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible to make unavailable any cryptographic data used in runtime cryptographic computations. FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP Equivalent to FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 182 of 191 FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP Equivalent to FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP. FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP This TSF responsible the Platform part of de-allocation of the resource SCD. FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for integrity of user data. FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP This TSF responsible for integrity of user data. FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to store the Initialisation and Pre- Personalisation Data in the audit records FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP. FMT_SMR.1 This TSF responsible to provide part of the security roles. FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to limit its capabilities to enforce the policy as described in the SFR. FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to limit its availability to enforce the policy as described in the SFR. FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to write the Initialisation Data and Pre-personalisation Data to the Manufacturer. FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP This TSF responsible to restrict the ability to read out the Initialisation Data and the Pre-personalisation Data to the Personalisation Agent. FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to provide part of the security functions. FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP This TSF responsible to provide part of the security functions. FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP. FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP Equivalent to FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP. FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC1PP Equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP. FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP Equivalent to FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP. FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP This TSF ensures that during command execution there are no usable variations in power consumption (measurable at e. g. electrical contacts) or timing (measurable at e. g. electrical contacts) that might disclose cryptographic keys. FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible to preserve a secure state when the failures occur. FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP This TSF responsible for the integrity of stored TSF executable code. FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP This TSF ensures resistance to physical attack. FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP. FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP Equivalent to FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP. FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP Equivalent to FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP This TSF ensures that during command execution there are no usable variations in power consumption (measurable at e. g. electrical contacts) or timing (measurable at e. g. electrical contacts) that might disclose cryptographic keys. FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP This TSF ensures that during command execution there are no usable variations in power consumption (measurable at e. g. electrical contacts) or timing (measurable at e. g. electrical contacts) that might disclose cryptographic keys. FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP Equivalent to FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP. FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP This TSF ensures the passive detection of physical attack. FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP Subsumed by FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP. FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP Subsumed by FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP. FMT_LIM.1/Loader This TSF responsible to limit its capabilities to enforce the policy as described in the SFR. IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 183 of 191 FMT_LIM.2/Loader This TSF responsible to limit its availability to enforce the policy as described in the SFR. 7.2.Assurance Measures 3871 This section describes the Assurance Measures fulfilling the requirements listed in section 6.2. 3872 The following table lists the Assurance measures and references the corresponding 3873 documents describing the measures. 3874 Assurance measures Description AM_ADV The representing of the TSF is described in the documentation for functional specification, in the documentation for TOE design, in the security architecture description and in the documentation for implementation representation. AM_AGD The guidance documentation is described in the User’s Guide documentation [22] and the Administrator’s Guide documentation [21]. AM_ALC The life-cycle support of the TOE during its development and maintenance is described in the life-cycle documentation including configuration management, delivery procedures, development security as well as development tools. AM_ATE The testing of the TOE is described in the test documentation. AM_AVA The vulnerability assessment for the TOE is described in the vulnerability analysis documentation. Table 12 Assurance measures and corresponding documents 3875 7.3.Fulfillment of the SFRs 3876 The following table shows the mapping of the SFRs to security functions of the TOE: 3877 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 184 of 191 TOE SFR / Security Function TSF.AccessControl TSF.Authenticate TSF.SecureManagement TSF.CryptoKey TSF.AppletParametersSign TSF.Platform FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC2P P - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/SHA_EAC2PP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC2PP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC2P P - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC2 PP - - - X - X FCS_CKM.4/EAC2PP - - - X - X FCS_RND.1/EAC2PP - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE_EAC1P P - - - X - X FCS_CKM.4/EAC1PP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC_EAC1P P - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC_EAC1 PP - - - X - X FCS_RND.1/EAC1PP - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/CA_EAC1PP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC_EAC1PP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER_EAC1PP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC_EAC1PP - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/CA2 - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/RI - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/AA - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/AA - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/CAM - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/CAM - - - X - X FCS_CKM.1/SSCDPP - - - X - X FCS_COP.1/SSCDPP - - - X - X FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN_EAC2 PP X X - - - - FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN_EAC2PP X X - - - - FIA_API.1/CA_EAC2PP - X - X - X FIA_API.1/RI_EAC2PP - X - X - X FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X - - - X FIA_UID.1/EAC2_Terminal_EAC 2PP X X - - - X FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X - - - X FIA_UAU.1/EAC2_Terminal_EA C2PP X X - - - X FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC2PP - X - - - X FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC2PP - X - - - X FIA_UAU.6/CA_EAC2PP - X - - - X FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC2PP X X - - - - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 185 of 191 TOE SFR / Security Function TSF.AccessControl TSF.Authenticate TSF.SecureManagement TSF.CryptoKey TSF.AppletParametersSign TSF.Platform FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC2PP - X - - - X FIA_UID.1/PACE_EAC1PP X X - - - X FIA_UAU.1/PACE_EAC1PP X X - - - X FIA_UAU.4/PACE_EAC1PP - X - - - X FIA_UAU.5/PACE_EAC1PP - X - - - X FIA_UAU.6/PACE_EAC1PP - X - - - X FIA_UAU.6/EAC_EAC1PP - X - - - X FIA_API.1/EAC1PP - X - X - X FIA_API.1/PACE_CAM - X - X - X FIA_API.1/AA - X - X - X FIA_AFL.1/PACE_EAC1PP X X - - - - FIA_UID.1/SSCDPP X - - - - - FIA_AFL.1/SSCDPP X X - - - - FIA_UAU.1/SSCDPP X - - - - - FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC2PP X - - - - - FDP_ACF.1/TRM X X - - - - FDP_RIP.1/EAC2PP - - - X - X FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC2PP - - - X - X FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC2PP - - - X - X FDP_ACC.1/TRM_EAC1PP X - - - - - FDP_RIP.1/EAC1PP - - - X - X FDP_UCT.1/TRM_EAC1PP - - - X - X FDP_UIT.1/TRM_EAC1PP - - - X - X FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generati on_SSCDPP X - - - - - FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generati on_SSCDPP X X - - - - FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer_SSC DPP X - - - - - FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer_SSC DPP X X - - - - FDP_ACC.1/Signature- creation_SSCDPP X - - - - - FDP_ACF.1/Signature- creation_SSCDPP X X - - - - FDP_RIP.1/SSCDPP - - - X - X FDP_SDI.2/Persistent_SSCDPP - - - - - X FDP_SDI.2/DTBS_SSCDPP - - - - - X FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC2PP - X - X - - FTP_ITC.1/CA_EAC2PP - X - X - - FTP_ITC.1/PACE_EAC1PP - X - X - - FAU_SAS.1/EAC2PP - - - - - X FAU_SAS.1/EAC1PP - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC2PP X X X - - - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 186 of 191 TOE SFR / Security Function TSF.AccessControl TSF.Authenticate TSF.SecureManagement TSF.CryptoKey TSF.AppletParametersSign TSF.Platform FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC2 PP X X X - - - FMT_SMF.1/EAC2PP - - X - - X FMT_SMR.1 X - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC2PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC2PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/SK_PICC_EAC2PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC2P P X - X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Initialize_PIN_EAC 2PP - X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Change_PIN_EAC2 PP - X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Resume_PIN_EAC2 PP - X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Unblock_PIN_EAC 2PP - X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Activate_PIN_EAC2 PP - X X - - - FMT_MTD.3/EAC2PP - X - - - - FMT_SMR.1/SSCDPP X - - - - - FMT_SMF.1/SSCDPP - X X - - - FMT_MOF.1/SSCDPP X X X - - - FMT_MSA.1/Admin_SSCDPP X X X - - - FMT_MSA.1/SignatorySSCDPP X X X - - - FMT_MSA.2/SSCDPP - - X - - - FMT_MSA.3/SSCDPP X X X - - - FMT_MSA.4/SSCDPP - X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Admin_SSCDPP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/Signatory_SSCDPP X X X - - - FMT_LIM.1/EAC2PP - - - - - X FMT_LIM.2/EAC2PP - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC2PP - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC2PP - - - - - X FMT_SMF.1/EAC1PP - - X - - X FMT_LIM.1/EAC1PP - - - - - X FMT_LIM.2/EAC1PP - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/INI_ENA_EAC1PP - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/INI_DIS_EAC1PP - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_INI_EAC1PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD_EAC1 PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/DATE_EAC1PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/CAPK_EAC1PP X X X - - - IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 187 of 191 TOE SFR / Security Function TSF.AccessControl TSF.Authenticate TSF.SecureManagement TSF.CryptoKey TSF.AppletParametersSign TSF.Platform FMT_MTD.1/PA_EAC1PP X X X - - - FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ_EAC1P P X - X - - - FMT_MTD.3/EAC1PP - X - - - - FMT_LIM.1/Loader - - - - - X FMT_LIM.2/Loader - - - - - X FMT_MTD.1/AA_Private_Key X X X - - - FPT_EMS.1/EAC2PP - - - - - X FPT_FLS.1/EAC2PP - - - - - X FPT_TST.1/EAC2PP - - - - X X FPT_PHP.3/EAC2PP - - - - - X FPT_TST.1/EAC1PP - - - - X X FPT_FLS.1/EAC1PP - - - - - X FPT_PHP.3/EAC1PP - - - - - X FPT_EMS.1/EAC1PP - - - - - X FPT_EMS.1/SSCDPP - - - - - X FPT_FLS.1/SSCDPP - - - - - X FPT_PHP.1/SSCDPP - - - - - X FPT_PHP.3/SSCDPP - - - - - X FPT_TST.1/SSCDPP - - - - X X 7.4.Correspondence of SFR and TOE mechanisms 3878 Each TOE security functional requirement is implemented by at least one TOE mechanism. In 3879 section 7.1 the implementing of the TOE security functional requirement is described in form 3880 of the TOE mechanism. 3881 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 188 of 191 8. GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS 3882 For Glossary and Acronyms please refer to the corresponding section of [20]. 3883 IDentity Applet v3.4/eIDAS Security Target Confidential Page 189 of 191 9. 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