Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Version 5.0 October 15, 2024 Apple One Apple Park Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................4 1.1. Purpose....................................................................................................................................4 1.2. Abbreviations..........................................................................................................................4 2. ST Introduction ..................................................................................................................5 2.1. Security Target Reference ....................................................................................................5 2.2. Target of Evaluation Reference ............................................................................................5 2.3. TOE Overview..........................................................................................................................7 2.4. TOE Description......................................................................................................................8 2.5. Description of the Apple Pay Service.................................................................................13 2.6. TOE Use Cases......................................................................................................................23 3. Evaluation Assurance .....................................................................................................25 3.1. Common Criteria Reference................................................................................................25 3.2. CC Conformance claim ........................................................................................................25 3.3. Protection Profile Conformance claim...............................................................................25 3.4. Assurance Level....................................................................................................................25 4. Security Problem Definition............................................................................................27 4.1. Assets ....................................................................................................................................27 4.2. Subjects.................................................................................................................................28 4.3. Assumptions .........................................................................................................................29 4.4. Threat Agents .......................................................................................................................29 4.5. Threats...................................................................................................................................29 4.6. Organizational Security Policies.........................................................................................31 5. Security Objectives..........................................................................................................32 5.1. Security Objectives for the TOE..........................................................................................32 5.2. Security Objectives for the environment...........................................................................33 5.3. Rationale of the Security objectives for the security problem definition......................35 6. Security Functional Requirements.................................................................................39 6.1. SFR supporting definitions..................................................................................................39 6.2. Identification and authentication .......................................................................................40 6.3. Access/Flow Control SFRs...................................................................................................42 6.4. Secure Enclave/Secure Element Trusted Channel...........................................................46 6.5. Secure Enclave/Apple Watch Trusted Channel ................................................................46 Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 3 6.6. Local data protection ...........................................................................................................47 6.7. TSF management..................................................................................................................48 6.8. Security Requirements Rationale.......................................................................................49 7. TOE Summary Specification...........................................................................................53 7.1. SF User authentication and management .........................................................................53 7.2. SF Biometric/Secure Enclave secure channel...................................................................58 7.3. SF Secure Enclave/Secure Element secure channel ........................................................58 7.4. SF Secure Enclave/Watch secure channel ........................................................................58 7.5. SF Card Data management..................................................................................................58 7.6. SF Payment management....................................................................................................60 7.7. SF OS Update ........................................................................................................................60 7.8. SF iCloud logout & Device reset..........................................................................................61 Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 4 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to define the Target of Evaluation (TOE) for meeting the requirements of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market (PSD2) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 of 27 November 2017, focusing on the Strong Customer Authentication and Dynamic Linking for Apple Pay. 1.2. Abbreviations Abbreviation Meaning AP Application Processor API Application Programming Interface AR Authorization Random CDCVM Consumer Device Cardholder* Verification Method CL Contactless CRS Contactless Registry Service CVV Card Verification Value HSM Hardware Security Module I/O Input / Output MAC Message Authentication Code NFC Near Field Communication OS Operating System PNO Payment Network Operator PSD2 Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 SCA Strong Customer Authentication SIP System Integrity Protection SKS Secure Key Store SSE An application in the Secure Enclave managing the pairing between the Secure Enclave and the Secure Element TSM Trusted Service Manager TSP Token Service Provider UID Unique Identifier * refers to the Apple Pay user. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 5 2.ST Introduction 2.1. Security Target Reference This Security Target is identified with the following information: Security Target identifiers Title Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4, Security Target Version 5.0 Date October 15, 2024 Developer Apple Inc. 2.2. Target of Evaluation Reference TOE identifier Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 The Target of Evaluation (TOE) platform is an iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4, with the following platform identifiers: Platform identifiers Device Models: iPhone 15 Pro Operating System iOS 17.4 (Build 21E219) Developer Apple Inc. The TOE consists of a range of hardware and software components as listed below, which are all devel- oped by Apple. TOE Component Version Description Apple Wallet App (Wallet) App part of iOS 17.4 Authentication policy on data and services In-app transaction data management Application Processor (AP)1 A17 Pro Authentication policy on data and services In-app transaction data management Biometric Sensor (Face ID) TrueDepth camera for facial recognition within iPhone 15 Pro Sensor for face capture 1 Only the parts of the AP related to the TSF are included within the TOE scope. The GPU of the AP is not relevant to the TSF and is therefore not part of the TOE. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 6 TOE Component Version Description Boot Loader iOS 17.4 Allows the device to start and boot the operating sys- tem Secure Enclave sepOS part of iOS 17.4 Authentication Setup: • • Enrollment of the authentication material • • User authentication verification Authentication Prover: • • Passcode verification • • Biometrics matching • • Authentication policy on data • • SSE Manages the pairing between the Secure Enclave and the Secure Element • • SKS Hardware Cryptographic module • • BioApp Provides functionality for processing biometric data and generating biometric templates iOS Platform Device operating system platform (iOS 17.4) executing on Application Processor (AP) with the following Apple Pay services that are included in the TOE: • • Security Frame- work iOS 17.4 Provides functionality to protect information, establish trust, and control access to software • • NFCd iOS 17.4 Provides functionality for near field communication • • Safari Version 17.4 (19618.1.15) Browser • • Settings iOS 17.4 Allows the user to indicate their preferred settings for the device, operating system, and applications • • Springboard iOS 17.4 Provides the functionality for the iOS user interface Console Touchscreen of the iPhone 15 Pro Device drivers part of iOS 17.4 Provides the functionality for input/output (I/O) The Secure Element of the device is separately certified according to the Common Criteria and is there- fore out of scope of this evaluation. Note: In the evaluated configuration the cryptographic modules are supplied by Apple as part of iOS and sepOS. Readers may draw some assurance from the conformance to FIPS 140-3 certified by the Cryptographic Module Validation Program for corecrypto for each major release (Apple corecrypto User Space Module, Apple corecrypto Kernel Space Module and the Apple Secure Key Store Cryptographic Module). Additionally, the browser, Safari, is evaluated for each major iOS release using the collaborative PP (cPP), Protection Profile for Application Software Version 1.3. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 7 The TOE guidance document is listed in the following table. Apple Pay Guidance Reference Version Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4: Guidance [AGD] 3.0 2.3. TOE Overview 2.3.1.TOE type The TOE is a combination of Hardware and Software components that implement Strong Customer Au- thentication and Dynamic Linking for Apple Pay on the iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4. 2.3.2.TOE usage and major security features The TOE includes the components implementing Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and Dynamic Linking for Apple Pay. The TOE is the iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 operating system. The operating system manages the device hardware, provides Apple Pay and Apple Cash functionalities, and provides the technologies required to enforce Strong Customer Authentication and Dynamic Linking for Apple Pay and Apple Cash e-commerce transactions. Dynamic Linking for a transaction is the link between the authentication code generated upon successful SCA, with both the transaction’s original specific amount and the identity of the payee. The operating system provides a consistent set of capabilities allowing the supervision of enrolled de- vices. This includes the preparation of devices for deployment, the subsequent management of the de- vices, and the termination of management. The TOE platform protects itself by having its own code and data protected from unauthorized access (using hardware provided memory protection features), by securing user and TOE Security Functionality (TSF) data, by ensuring the integrity and authenticity of TSF updates and downloaded applications, and by locking the TOE upon user request or after a defined time of user inactivity. The TOE provides protection of data at rest, and access control mechanisms for use by applications. Access control for data and services, including Apple Pay and Apple Cash, rely on the enforcement of user authentication. To use Apple Pay, a user must have a passcode set on the device and, optionally, biometrics (Face ID). User authentication to authorize an Apple Pay transaction on an enrolled device is provided by a user- defined passcode and the user enrolled biometrics. The minimum length of the passcode, passcode rules, and the maximum number of consecutive failed authentication attempts is statically set by Apple for each iOS release. Biometrics are enrolled and managed by the user. Face ID is designed to confirm user attention, provide authentication, and mitigate digital and physical spoofing. Face ID can recognize an alternative appearance (by setting the option “Set Up an Alternative Appearance”). Face ID also sup- ports unlocking with a mask on iPhone devices (by setting the option “Face ID with a Mask”) starting with iPhone 12 and iOS 15.4 or later. In iOS 16 or later, Face ID also works in landscape mode on sup- ported iPhone models (including the iPhone 15 Pro). Face ID in landscape mode can be used both to unlock the device and to authorize an Apple Pay transaction. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 8 Alternatively, from iOS 14.5, when the user is wearing a face mask and their paired Apple Watch, they can unlock their iPhone without relying on Face ID if the feature “Unlock with Apple Watch” is enabled; The user can also use their Apple Watch to approve other requests to enter their passcode, however, this feature cannot be used for Apple Pay transaction authorization. The paired Apple Watch that is used to unlock the iPhone or approves other requests is not part of the TOE. The Secure Enclave component of the TOE implements a secure channel with the Watch. With iOS 17.3 or later, when the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, some features and actions have additional security requirements, for example the use of biometrics with no passcode fallback for certain security critical actions. The Secure Enclave is responsible for ensuring user authorization (the combination of user authentica- tion and user intent) before a payment is authorized from the device. 2.3.3.Non-TOE hardware/software/firmware The TOE environment includes the Secure Element (Hardware, Operating System, CRS applet and pay- ment applets in the Secure Element) and the NFC communication layer (the NFC Controller (NFCC)). The Secure Element is included in the device but is outside the scope of the TOE boundary and is sepa- rately evaluated to Common Criteria. The Secure Element is contained in the same package as the NFCC. Payment applets in the Secure Element manage the payment process for Apple Pay transactions. The TOE relies on its environment to facilitate Apple Pay transactions (and Apple Cash transfers); the transaction data is always processed by the Secure Element. The Secure Element only allows payment data to be sent from the device after it receives authorization from the Secure Enclave. For each trans- action, the payment applets hosted on the Secure Element generate a payment cryptogram. This cryp- togram and the Device Account Number form a transaction-specific dynamic security code, which is sent from the device to the card issuer (or its tokenization service provider such as a payment network) to use to verify each transaction. When interacting with Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled payment terminals, the TOE uses the device’s out-of-the-TOE NFC antenna for the communication. The subsystems of the TOE are listed in Section 2.4 of this Security Target. All other components and subsystems of iOS (including user space and kernel software), hardware and subsystems included in the device (including the camera and networking subsystems), and the paired Apple Watch are all con- sidered to be part of the TOE environment. The camera is used as an optional input device for card data during Wallet provisioning. The networking subsystem provides connectivity to the Apple servers re- sponsible for managing Apple Pay transactions and to the Apple Watch. The “Unlock with Apple Watch” feature relies on a secure pairing process between the TOE and the Apple Watch, and a secure unlock process thereafter. 2.4. TOE Description 2.4.1.TOE Architecture The TOE platform includes the components implementing Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and dynamic linking for Apple Pay. User authentication is managed by the Secure Enclave. The Secure Enclave is a dedicated secure sub- system integrated into Apple systems on chip (SoCs). The Secure Enclave is isolated from the main Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 9 processor to provide an extra layer of security and is designed to keep sensitive user data secure even if the Application Processor kernel were to be compromised. iOS allows the Apple Pay services and other security functions of the TOE to operate. The Secure Element (outside of the TOE) is the secure component that holds the Apple Pay secrets and processes the Apple Pay transactions. The guidance documentation of the TOE is listed in the Apple Pay Guidance table of section 2.2. The identifiers of the TOE components are given in the TOE Component table of section 2.2. The distribution channels for Users to obtain the devices include: • • The “Apple Store” which is either physical store or online store at • • Apple retailer • • Resellers • • Other specific channels for Government and business Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 10 The component parts of the TOE are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: TOE Components and subsystems 2.4.2.Subsystems of the TOE This section further breaks down the TOE components, providing more detail about the subsystems of the TOE. The subsystems of the TOE consist of: Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 11 • • Secure Enclave: The software components of the TOE residing in the Secure Enclave. This sub- system includes several applications executing on the Secure Enclave operating system: - BioApp is an application which provides functionality for processing biometric data and gen- erating biometric templates - The SKS (Secure Key Store) is a hardware cryptographic module. The module is embedded inside the Secure Enclave and packaged within the Application Processor - The SSE (Secure Enclave-Secure Element) manages the pairing between the Secure Enclave and the Secure Element, allowing the Secure Element to process only genuine and authorized Apple Pay transactions. The SSE application maintains sensitive pairing material, allowing Se- cure Element and Secure Enclave to perform a mutual authentication before exchanging data • • Apple Wallet: The Wallet app subsystem is an application executing as part of iOS that handles the enrollment of payment applications and governs the payment operation. • • iOS components executing on Application Processor (AP): - Springboard: The component of iOS that handles I/O with the console, and thereby provides the functionality for the iOS user interface - NFCd: This daemon facilitates the communication between Apple Wallet and the Secure Ele- ment - Safari browser: Web browser included with the OS. Provides a web interface to conduct pay- ment transactions - Security Framework: This is an API2 provided by the OS to provide cryptographic support that can be used to protect information, establish trust, and control access to software - Settings application: This application allows the user to modify various system settings • • Device components: - Face ID sensor: This is the hardware component and associated drivers that allow face data to be captured and passed to BioApp to allow for enrollment and matching - Boot-loader: This subsystem consists of code that is executed during the boot sequence of the device. The boot-loader is responsible for ensuring that the device boots using software with assured integrity and authenticity - Console: This is the hardware and associated drivers that handles user input via the keyboard, and displays output via the screen. The touchscreen hardware is also part of the TOE All other device hardware and iOS components are outside of the TOE, including the Secure Element together with the NFCC hardware, and the XNU iOS kernel. The iOS subsystem components are individ- ual applications. 2 Refer to Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 12 2.4.3.TOE Lifecycle The TOE lifecycle phases are as follows: Lifecycle Phases Design HW/FW design SW design Secure Element Applet design Fabrication HW fabrication SW implementation Applet development Integration iPhone integration Assembly, Trust provisioning, FW integration, SW and applet loading Device Issuance iPhone delivery to User Initialization User account creation Account setup: iCloud, Apple ID Enrollment/ Provisioning User Authentication setup Passcode setup, biometrics enrollment Apple Pay provisioning Usage Device Usage Device unlock, User Authentication, iOS use, (optional) iOS update Apple Pay transaction Termination Physical destruction iOS reset Apple Pay termination The Design, Fabrication, and Integration phases are entirely within the control of Apple Inc. The Device Issuance phase is the physical delivery of the device to the User. This can be directly, in the case of an individual, or through a third party or an entity that is responsible for providing the device to the User. Apple’s model of the Initialization phase requires that the device is claimed by the User by associating it with the User’s iCloud account and Apple ID. Before that point, Strong User Authentication and associ- ated TSFs are not relevant, and Apple Pay is not accessible. Apple Pay and Apple Cash services require that a valid iCloud account and user authentication credentials are set up (passcode and optionally bio- metrics). The Usage phase describes the period when the Apple Pay service is activated and used by the associ- ated User. The Termination phase describes deactivation of the Apple Pay service for the User and may involve physical destruction of the device as well as a complete reset of iOS or Apple Pay service termination by the User. When the mobile device is received, the model of the device should be verified to verify that the model number is one of those listed in Section 2.2. This can be accomplished using any of the following meth- ods: • • On models that have a SIM tray, the model number can be found by removing the SIM tray and physically checking the upper side of the SIM tray slot • • On models that support eSIM only and do not have a SIM tray, the model number can be found by physically checking the upper side of the USB-C connector • • Once authenticated to the mobile device the information is available to mobile device Users in Settings » General » About, and clicking on the number displayed next to “Model” Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 13 2.4.4.TOE security features The logical security features of the TOE are summarized as follows: • • User authentication and management • • Secure channel between the Secure Enclave and the Biometric sensor • • Secure channel between the Secure Enclave and the Secure Element • • Secure channel between the Secure Enclave and the Apple Watch • • Card Data management • • Apple Pay payment transaction processing and management • • Operating System update • • iCloud logout and device reset 2.5. Description of the Apple Pay Service This section contains a generic description of the Apple Pay service in general, which includes the TOE as well as the TOE environment and non-TOE hardware, software, and services. 2.5.1.Card provisioning When a user adds a credit, debit, or prepaid card (including store cards) to Apple Wallet, the device encrypts the card information and securely sends it, along with other information about the user’s ac- count and device, through Apple Pay servers to the card issuer or the card issuer’s authorized service provider (usually the payment network). Using this information, the card issuer (or its service provider) will determine whether to approve adding the card to Apple Wallet. As part of the card provisioning process, Apple Pay uses three server-side calls to send and receive communication with the card issuer or payment network : • • Required Fields • • Check Card • • Link and Provision The card issuer or payment network uses these calls to enable the card issuer to verify, approve, and add cards to Apple Wallet. These client server sessions are protected for confidentiality and integrity using TLS 1.2. The full card numbers are never stored on the device or on Apple servers. Instead, a unique Device Ac- count Number is created, encrypted, and then stored in the Secure Element. This unique Device Account Number is encrypted in such a way that Apple cannot access it. The Device Account Number is unique and different from most credit or debit card numbers; the card issuer or payment network can prevent its use on a magnetic stripe card, over the phone, or on websites. The Device Account Number located in the Secure Element is isolated from the TOE, is never stored on Apple servers, and never backed up to iCloud. With iOS 17 or later, when a user provisions an eligible payment card, the user can push provision the card to other Apple Pay-capable devices on the same iCloud account using the Multi-device provisioning Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 14 feature. Nothing is copied from the original device; the other devices provision using the same flow they would use in during device setup. credit or debit cards manually To add a card manually, the name, card number, expiration date, and card verification value (CVV) are used to facilitate the provisioning process. From within Settings, Apple Wallet, or the Apple Watch app, users can enter that information either by typing or by capturing it using the device’s camera. When the camera captures the card information, Apple Wallet attempts to populate the name, card number, and expiration date. The photo is never saved to the device or stored in the photo library. After all the fields are filled in, the Check Card process verifies the fields other than the CVV. They are then encrypted and sent to the Apple Pay server. If a terms and conditions ID is returned with the Check Card process, Apple downloads and displays the terms and conditions of the card issuer to the user. If the user accepts the issuer’s terms and conditions, Apple sends the ID of the terms that were accepted as well as the CVV to the Link and Provision process. credit or debit cards from an iTunes Store account For a credit or debit card on file with iTunes, the user may be required to reenter their Apple ID password. The card number is retrieved from iTunes and the Check Card process is initiated. If the card is eligible for Apple Pay, the Apple Wallet application downloads and displays terms and conditions of the card issuer, then sends along the terms and conditions ID and the card security code to the Link and Provision process. Additional verification may occur for iTunes account cards on file. credit or debit cards from a card issuer’s app When the app is registered for use with Apple Pay, keys are established for the app and the card issuer’s server. These keys are used to encrypt the card information that is sent to the card issuer. This is de- signed to prevent the information from being read by the Apple device. The provisioning flow is similar to that used for manually added cards, as described previously, except one-time passwords are used in lieu of the CVV. credit or debit cards from a card issuer’s website Some card issuers provide the ability to initiate the card provisioning process for Apple Wallet directly from their websites. In this case, the user initiates the task by selecting a card to provision on the card issuer’s website. The user is then redirected to a self-contained Apple sign-in experience (contained within Apple’s domain) and is asked to sign in with their Apple ID. Upon successfully signing in, the user then chooses one or more devices to provision the card to and is required to confirm the provisioning result on each respective target device. verification A card issuer can decide whether a credit or debit card requires additional verification. Depending on what is offered by the card issuer, the user may be able to choose between different options for addi- tional verification, such as a text message, email, a customer service call, or a method in an ap- proved third-party app to complete the verification. For text messages or email, the user is presented an option to select from contact information the issuer already holds on file. A code is sent, which must be entered into Apple Wallet, Settings, or the Apple Watch app. For customer service or verification using an app, the issuer performs their own communication process. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 15 2.5.2.Payment authorization For devices having a Secure Enclave, a payment can be made only after it receives authorization from the Secure Enclave. This involves confirming that the user has authenticated with Face ID or the device passcode. Face ID, if available, is the default method, but the passcode can be used at any time. A passcode is automatically offered after two unsuccessful attempts to match a face; after five unsuc- cessful attempts, the passcode is required. A passcode is also required when Face ID is not configured or not enabled for Apple Pay. In iOS 16 or later, Face ID can also be used in landscape mode to authorize transactions. a shared pairing key Communication between the Secure Enclave and the Secure Element takes place over a serial interface, with the Secure Element connected to the Near Field Communication (NFC) controller, which in turn is connected to the Application Processor. Though not directly connected, the Secure Enclave and the Secure Element can communicate securely using a shared pairing key. The encryption and authentica- tion of the communication are based on AES, with cryptographic nonces used by both sides to protect against replay attacks. a secure transaction When the user authorizes a transaction, which includes a physical gesture communicated directly to the Secure Enclave, the Secure Enclave sends signed data about the type of authentication and details about the type of transaction (contactless or e-commerce) to the Secure Element, tied to an Authorization Random (AR) value. The AR value is generated in the Secure Enclave when a user first provisions a credit card and persists while Apple Pay is enabled, protected by the Secure Enclave encryption and anti-roll- back mechanism. It is securely delivered to the Secure Element by leveraging the pairing key. On receipt of a new AR value, the Secure Element marks any previously added cards as deleted. a payment cryptogram for dynamic security Payment transactions originating from the payment applets include a payment cryptogram along with a Device Account Number. This cryptogram, a one-time code, is computed using a transaction counter and a key. The transaction counter is incremented for each new transaction. The key is provisioned in the payment applet during personalization and is known by the payment network or the card issuer or both. Depending on the payment scheme, other data may also be used in the calculation, including: • • A Terminal Unpredictable Number, for near-field-communication (NFC) transactions • • An Apple Pay server nonce, for transactions within apps or at websites • • User verification results, such as Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) information These security codes are provided to the payment network and to the card issuer, which allows the issuer to verify each transaction. The length of these security codes may vary based on the type of transaction. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 16 2.5.3.Paying with cards using Apple Pay with cards in stores If the device is on and detects an NFC field, it presents the user with the requested card (if automatic selection is turned on for that card) or the default card, which is managed in Settings. The user can also go to Apple Wallet and choose a card, or when the device is locked, double-click the side button on a device with Face ID. Next, before payment information is transmitted, the user must authenticate using Face ID or their passcode. No payment information is sent without user authentication. After the user authenticates, the Device Account Number and a transaction-specific dynamic security code are used when processing the payment. Neither Apple nor a user’s device sends the full actual credit or debit card numbers to merchants. Apple may receive anonymous transaction information such as the approximate time and location of the transaction, which helps improve Apple Pay and other Apple products and services. with cards within apps Apple Pay can also be used to make payments within iOS apps. When users pay within apps using Apple Pay, Apple receives the encrypted transaction information to route to the developer or merchant. Before that information is sent to the developer or merchant, Apple re-encrypts it with a developer-specific key. Apple Pay retains anonymous transaction information, such as approximate purchase amount. This in- formation can’t be tied to the user and never includes what the user is buying. When an app initiates an Apple Pay payment transaction, the Apple Pay servers receive the encrypted transaction from the device prior to the merchant receiving it. The Apple Pay servers then re-encrypt the transaction with a merchant-specific key before relaying it to the merchant. When an app requests a payment, it calls an API to determine whether the device supports Apple Pay and whether the user has credit or debit cards that can make payments on a payment network accepted by the merchant. The app requests any pieces of information it needs to process and fulfill the transac- tion, such as the billing and shipping address, and contact information. The app then asks iOS to present the Apple Pay sheet, which requests information for the app as well as other necessary information, such as the card to use. At this time, the app is presented with city, state, and zip code information to calculate the final shipping cost. The full set of requested information isn’t provided to the app until the user authorizes the payment with Face ID or the device passcode. After the payment is authorized, the information presented in the Apple Pay sheet is transferred to the merchant. with cards within App Clips An App Clip is a small part of an app that allows a user to do a task quickly (such as renting a bike or paying for parking) without downloading the full app. If an App Clip supports payments, the user can use Sign in with Apple, then make a payment using Apple Pay. When a user makes a payment from within an App Clip, all security and privacy measures are the same as when a user pays within an app. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 17 payment authorization When the user authorizes the payment, a call is made to the Apple Pay servers to obtain a cryptographic nonce, which is similar to the value returned by the NFC terminal used for in-store transactions. The nonce, along with other transaction data, is passed to the Secure Element to compute a payment cre- dential that is encrypted with an Apple key. The encrypted payment credential is returned to the Apple Pay servers, which decrypt the credential, verify the nonce in the credential against the nonce originally sent by the Apple Pay servers, and re-encrypt the payment credential with the merchant key associated with the Merchant ID. The payment is then returned to the device, which hands it back to the app through the API. The app then passes it along to the merchant system for processing. The merchant can then decrypt the payment credential with its private key for processing. This, together with the signature from Apple’s servers, allows the merchant to verify that the transaction was intended for this particular mer- chant, and ensures dynamic linking of the transaction with its amount and the payee. The APIs require an entitlement that specifies the supported Merchant IDs. An app can also include ad- ditional data (such as an order number or customer identity) to send to the Secure Element to be signed, ensuring the transaction can’t be diverted to a different customer. This is accomplished by the app de- veloper, who can specify applicationData on the PKPaymentRequest. A hash of this data is included in the encrypted payment data. The merchant is then responsible for verifying that their applicationData hash matches what’s included in the payment data. In order to process payments, the merchant takes the following steps: • • Send the payment information to their server, along with the other information needed to process the order • • Verify the hashes and signature of the payment data • • Decrypt the encrypted payment data, and confirm the validity of the transactionId, currencyCode, transactionAmount, and applicationData fields • • Submit the payment data to the payment processing network and the order to their order-track- ing system with cards at websites Apple Pay can be used to make payments at websites on iPhone. Apple Pay on the web requires all participating websites to register with Apple. The Apple servers perform domain name validation and issue a TLS client certificate. Websites supporting Apple Pay are required to serve their content over HTTPS. For each payment transaction, websites need to obtain a secure and unique merchant session with an Apple server using the Apple-issued TLS client certificate. Merchant session data is signed by Apple. After a merchant session signature is verified, a website may query whether the user has an Apple Pay-capable device and whether they have a credit, debit, or prepaid card activated on the device. No other details are shared. If the user doesn’t want to share this information, they can disable Apple Pay queries in Safari privacy settings on iPhone. After a merchant session is validated, all privacy and security measures are the same as when a user pays within an app. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 18 payments and Merchant Tokens In iOS 16 or later, apps and websites that offer Apple Pay can take advantage of Apple Pay merchant tokens that enable secure payments consistently across a user’s Apple devices. The updated Apple Pay payment sheet in iOS 16 also optimizes preauthorized payment experiences. New transaction types in the Apple Pay API allow app and website developers to fine-tune the payment sheet experience for subscriptions, recurring bills, instalment payments, and automatic reloads of card balances. Merchant tokens are not device-specific, and therefore allow for continuity of recurring payments if the user removes a payment card from the device. to multiple merchants In iOS 16 or later, Apple Pay includes the ability to specify purchase amounts for multiple merchants within a single Apple Pay payment sheet. This allows the flexibility to let customers make a bundled pur- chase, such as a travel package with flight, rental car, and hotel, then send payments to individual mer- chants. 2.5.4.Rendering cards unusable with Apple Pay Credit, debit, and prepaid cards added to the Secure Element can only be used if the Secure Element is presented with authorization using the same pairing key and Authorization Random (AR) value from when the card was added. On receipt of a new AR value, the Secure Element marks any previously added cards as terminated. This allows the operating system to instruct the Secure Enclave to render cards unusable by marking its copy of the AR as invalid under the following scenarios: • • The passcode is disabled • • The user signs out of iCloud • • The user selects Erase All Content and Settings • • The device is restored from Recovery Mode, removing, and erasing cards Users can suspend Apple Pay on iPhone by placing their devices in Lost Mode using Find My. Users also have the ability to remove and erase their cards from Apple Pay using Find My,, or directly on their devices using Apple Wallet. The ability to make payments using cards on the device is sus- pended or removed from Apple Pay by the card issuer or respective payment network, even if the device is offline and not connected to a cellular or Wi-Fi network. Users can also call their card issuer to suspend or remove cards from Apple Pay. When a user erases the entire device—using Erase All Content and Settings, using Find My, or restoring their device—iPhone instructs the Secure Element to mark all cards as terminated. This has the effect of immediately changing the cards to an unusable state until the Apple Pay servers can be contacted to fully erase the cards from the Secure Element. Independently, the Secure Enclave marks the Authoriza- tion Random as invalid so that further payment authorizations for previously enrolled cards are not pos- sible. When the device is online, it attempts to contact the Apple Pay servers to help ensure that all cards in the Secure Element are erased. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 19 2.5.5.Apple Cash In iOS 11.2 or later, Apple Pay can be used on an iPhone to send, receive, and request money from other users. When a user receives money, it is added to an Apple Cash account that can be accessed in the Apple Wallet app or within Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay across any of the eligible devices the user has signed in with their Apple ID. Apple Cash is currently only available to users in the United States. In iOS 14, the organizer of an iCloud family who has verified their identity with Apple Cash can enable Apple Cash for their family members under the age of 18. Optionally, the organizer can restrict the money sending capabilities of these users to family members only or contacts only. If the family member under the age of 18 goes through an Apple ID account recovery, the organizer of the family must manually reenable the Apple Cash card for that user. If the family member under the age of 18 is no longer part of the iCloud family, their Apple Cash balance is automatically transferred to the organizer’s account. When the user sets up Apple Cash, the same information as when the user adds a credit or debit card may be shared with Apple’s partner bank in the United States, Green Dot Bank, and with Apple Payments Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary created to protect the user’s privacy by storing and processing infor- mation separately from the rest of Apple, and in a way that the rest of Apple doesn’t know. This infor- mation is used only for troubleshooting, fraud prevention, and regulatory purposes. Apple Cash in iMessage To use person-to-person payments and Apple Cash, a user must be signed into their iCloud account on an Apple Cash compatible device and have two-factor authentication set up on the iCloud account. Money requests and transfers between users are initiated from within the Messages app or by asking Siri. When a user attempts to send money, Messages displays the Apple Pay sheet. The Apple Cash balance is always used first. If necessary, additional funds are drawn from a second credit or debit card the user has added to the Apple Wallet app. Apple Cash in stores, apps, and on the web The Apple Cash card in the Apple Wallet app can be used with Apple Pay to make payments in stores, in apps, and on the web. Money in the Apple Cash account can also be transferred to a bank account. In addition to money being received from another user, money can be added to the Apple Cash account from a debit or prepaid card in the Apple Wallet app. Apple Payments Inc. stores, and may use, the user’s transaction data for troubleshooting, fraud preven- tion, and regulatory purposes once a transaction is completed. The rest of Apple doesn’t know who the user sent money to, received money from, or where the user made a purchase with their Apple Cash card. When the user sends money with Apple Pay, adds money to an Apple Cash account, or transfers money to a bank account, a call is made to the Apple Pay servers to obtain a cryptographic nonce, which is similar to the value returned for Apple Pay within apps. The nonce, along with other transaction data, is passed to the Secure Element to compute a payment signature. The signature is returned to the Apple Pay servers. The authentication, integrity, and correctness of the transaction is verified through the pay- ment signature and the nonce by Apple Pay servers. Money transfer is then initiated, and the user is notified of a completed transaction. If the transaction involves: • • A debit card for adding money to Apple Cash Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 20 • • Providing supplemental money if the Apple Cash balance is insufficient An encrypted payment credential is also produced and sent to Apple Pay servers, similar to how Apple Pay works within apps and websites. After the balance of the Apple Cash account exceeds a certain amount or if unusual activity is detected, the user is prompted to verify their identity. Information provided to verify the user’s identity - such as social security number or answers to questions (for example, to confirm a street name the user lived on previously) - is securely transmitted to the Apple partner and encrypted using their key. Apple can’t decrypt this data. The user is prompted to verify their identity again if they perform an Apple ID account recovery, before regaining access to their Apple Cash balance. 2.5.6.Device unlock when the user is wearing a face mask An iPhone that uses Face ID running iOS 14.5 or later can be unlocked using a paired Apple Watch Series 3 or later running watchOS 7.4 or later when the user is wearing a mask. Unlock with Apple Watch when the user is wearing a mask works only for unlocking the iPhone. It does not authenticate a user for use with Apple Pay. From iOS 15.4, when “Face ID with a Mask” is enabled on an iPhone, the user can use Face ID authenti- cation while wearing a mask. In this case, “Face ID with a mask” can be used not only for device unlock but also for payment authorization. When “Face ID with a Mask” is enabled, it is available for the next 6.5 hours after one of the following user actions: • • Successful Face ID match attempt (with or without a mask) • • Device passcode validation • • Device unlock with Apple Watch Performing any of these actions extends the period that “Face ID with a Mask” authentication can be used for an additional 6.5 hours. When Face ID is enabled on an iPhone, the device immediately locks when the Sleep/Wake button is pressed, and the device locks every time it goes to sleep. Face ID requires a successful match - or op- tionally use of the passcode - at every wake. The probability that a random person in the population could unlock a user’s iPhone is less than 1 in 1,000,000 with Face ID - including when Face ID with a mask is turned on. This probability increases with multiple enrolled appearances (up to 1 in 500,000 with two appearances). For additional protection, Face ID allows only five unsuccessful match attempts before a passcode or password is required to obtain access to the user’s device or account. With Face ID, the probability of a false match is higher for: • • Twins and siblings who look like the user • • Children under the age of 13 (because their distinct facial features may not have fully developed) The probability is further increased in these two cases when Face ID with a mask is used. If a user is concerned about a false match, Apple recommends using a passcode to authenticate. If the user wears glasses, they can improve the accuracy of Face ID with a mask by setting it up with their glasses on. When “Face ID with a Mask” is enabled, Face ID in landscape mode cannot be used. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 21 2.5.7.Apple Card Card application On supported models of iPhone and Mac, a user can securely apply for an Apple Card. In iOS 12.4 or later, mac OS 10.14.6 or later, and watchOS 5.3 or later, Apple Card can be used with Apple Pay to make payments in stores, in apps, and on the web. Apple Card is currently only available for qual- ifying applicants in the United States. To apply for Apple Card, the user must be signed into their iCloud account on an Apple Pay–compatible iOS or iPadOS device and have two-factor authentication set up on the iCloud account. When the appli- cation is approved, Apple Card is available in the Apple Wallet app or within Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay across any of the eligible devices the user has signed in with their Apple ID. When a user applies for Apple Card, user identity information is securely verified by Apple’s identity provider partners and then shared with Goldman Sachs Bank USA for the purposes of identity and credit evaluation. Information such as the social security number or ID document image provided during the application is securely transmitted to Apple’s identity provider partners and/or Goldman Sachs Bank USA encrypted with their respective keys. Apple can’t decrypt this data. The income information provided during the application, and the bank account information used for bill payments, are securely transmitted to Goldman Sachs Bank USA encrypted with their key. The bank account information is saved in Keychain. Apple can’t decrypt this data. When adding Apple Card to the Apple Wallet app, the same information as when a user adds a credit or debit card may be shared with the Apple partner bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, and with Apple Pay- ments Inc. This information is used only for troubleshooting, fraud prevention, and regulatory purposes. In iOS 14.6 or later, iPadOS 14.6 or later, and watchOS 7.5 or later, the organizer of an iCloud family with an Apple Card can share their card with their iCloud Family members over the age of 13. User authenti- cation is required to confirm the invitation. Apple Wallet uses a key in the Secure Enclave to compute a signature that binds the owner and the invitee. That signature is validated on Apple servers. Optionally, the organizer can set a transaction limit to the participants. Participant cards can also be locked to pause their spending at any time through the Apple Wallet app. When a co-owner or participant over the age of 18 accepts the invitation and applies, they go through the same application process in the Apple Wallet app as defined above. A physical card can be ordered from Apple Card in Apple Wallet. After the user receives the physical card, it’s activated using the NFC tag that’s in the bifold envelope of the physical card. The tag is unique per card and can’t be used to activate another user’s card. Alternatively, the card can be manually acti- vated in Apple Wallet settings. Additionally, the user can also choose to lock or unlock the physical card at any time from Apple Wallet. Card payments and Apple Wallet pass details Payments due on the Apple Card account can be made from the Apple Wallet app in iOS with Apple Cash and a bank account. Bill payments can be scheduled as recurring or as a one-time payment at a specific date with Apple Cash and a bank account. When a user makes a payment, a call is made to the Apple Pay servers to obtain a cryptographic nonce similar to Apple Cash. The nonce, along with the payment setup details, is passed to the Secure Element to compute a signature. The signature is then returned to Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 22 the Apple Pay servers. The authentication, integrity, and correctness of the payment are verified through the signature and the nonce by Apple Pay servers, and the order is passed on to Goldman Sachs Bank USA for processing. The Apple Card number is retrieved by Apple Wallet by presenting a certificate. The Apple Pay server validates the certificate to confirm the key was generated in the Secure Enclave. It then uses this key to encrypt the Apple Card number before returning it to Apple Wallet, so that only the iPhone that requested the Apple Card number can decrypt it. After decryption, the Apple Card number is saved in iCloud Key- chain. Displaying the Apple Card number details in the pass using the Apple Wallet app requires user authen- tication with Face ID or a passcode. It can be replaced by the user in the card information section and disables the previous one. Fraud Protection In iOS 15 or later the Apple Card user can enable Advanced Fraud Protection in the Apple Wallet app. When enabled, the Card Security Code refreshes every few days. 2.5.8.Credit and debit cards for transit In some cities, transit readers accept EMV (smart) cards to pay for transit rides. When users present an EMV credit or debit card to those readers, user authentication is required just as with “Paying with cards in stores.” In iOS 12.3 or later, some existing EMV credit or debit cards in the Apple Wallet app can be enabled for Express Transit. Express Transit allows the user to pay for a trip at supported transit operators without requiring Face ID, or a passcode. When a user provisions an EMV credit or debit card, the first card provisioned to the Apple Wallet app is enabled for Express Transit. The user can tap the More button on the front of the card in Apple Wallet and disable Express Transit for that card by setting Express Transit Settings to None. The user can also select a different credit or debit card as their Express Transit card using Apple Wallet. Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode is required to reenable or select a different card for Express Transit. Apple Card and Apple Cash are eligible for Express Transit. Payments with credit and debit cards for Express Transit (without requiring Face ID or a passcode) are not in the scope of this Security Target. 2.5.9.Express Cards with power reserve If iOS isn’t running because iPhone needs to be charged, there may still be enough power in the battery to support Express Card transactions. Supported iPhone devices automatically support this feature with: • • A payment or transit card designated as the Express Transit card • • Access cards with Express Mode turned on Pressing the side button displays the low-battery icon as well as text indicating that Express Cards are available to use. The NFC controller performs Express Card transactions under the same conditions as Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 23 when iOS is running, except that transactions are indicated only with haptic notification (no visible noti- fication is shown). On iPhone SE 2nd generation, completed transactions may take a few seconds to appear on screen. This feature isn’t available when a standard user-initiated shutdown is performed. Payments using Express Cards with power reserve mode are not in the scope of this Security Target. 2.5.10.Contactless passes in Apple Pay To transmit data from supported passes to compatible NFC terminals, Apple uses the Apple Value Added Services (Apple VAS) protocol. The VAS protocol can be implemented on contactless terminals or in iPhone apps and uses NFC to communicate with supported Apple devices. The VAS protocol works over a short distance and can be used to present contactless passes independently or as part of an Apple Pay transaction. When the device is held near the NFC terminal, the terminal initiates receiving the pass information by sending a request for a pass. If the user has a pass with the pass provider’s identifier, the user is asked to authorize its use using Face ID or a passcode. The pass information, a timestamp, and a single-use random ECDH P-256 key are used with the pass provider’s public key to derive an encryption key for the pass data, which is sent to the terminal. Contactless passes in Apple Pay are not in the scope of this Security Target. 2.6. TOE Use Cases The TOE covers the following use cases: Use Case Description UC.Device_Usage Device usage The User can manage the device’s authentication credentials, including enrolling new biometric templates, updating biometric templates, deleting biometric tem- plates and changing the passcode. UC.OS_Update Device Software Update The User can perform an update of the software in the device to a new version. This use case requires that the User verifies the device’s passcode. This use case ensures preservation of the User settings on the device: • • No change to the User’s authentication credentials (passcode or any bio- metrics) • • No change to the User’s data within the Secure Element unless specified by the data’s issuer UC.Apple_Pay_In- stall_Init Apple Pay installation and initialization The User can provision a new card in Apple Wallet UC.Apple_Pay_Usage Apple Pay usage The User can perform Apple Pay transactions. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 24 Use Case Description UC.End_Of_Service Termination by User The User can end the Apple Pay mode of operation by performing a card removal in Apple Wallet. The User can also end all current Apple Pay services by un-registering their iCloud account. Termination by card issuer The card issuer can perform a de-registration of an Apple Pay card that was provi- sioned on the User’s device, following a card revocation or a user account termina- tion. UC.End_Of_Life Termination of device The User can clear a device from all their settings and data by performing a device full reset. The User could also end the life of their device by physically destroying it. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 25 3.Evaluation Assurance 3.1. Common Criteria Reference This Security Target is based on the following Common Criteria TM (CC) publications: Common Criteria CC Version Revision Date Part 1: Introduction and general model CC:2022 R1 November 2022 Part 2: Security functional requirements CC:2022 R1 November 2022 Part 3: Security assurance requirements CC:2022 R1 November 2022 3.2. CC Conformance claim This Security Target is conformant to CC Part 2 and CC Part 3. 3.3. Protection Profile Conformance claim This Security Target does not claim any conformance to an existing Protection Profile. 3.4. Assurance Level The evaluation assurance level (EAL) for this work is EAL 2 augmented with ADV_FSP.3 and ALC_FLR.3: Assurance Class ADV: Development ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.3 Functional specification with complete summary ADV_TDS.1 Basic design AGD: Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures ALC: Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.2 Use of a CM system ALC_CMS.2 Parts of the TOE CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_FLR.3 Systematic flaw remediation ASE: Security Target evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification ATE: Tests ATE_COV.1 Evidence of coverage ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 26 Assurance Class AVA: Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.2 Vulnerability analysis Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 27 4.Security Problem Definition 4.1. Assets The assets of the TOE are: Asset Sensi- tivity* Type Definition D.User_Passcode I, C User Passcode value setup by the User, used to wake up the device af- ter power loss, unlock the device, and to authorize payments (Ap- ple Pay transactions or Apple Cash transfers). D.User_Bio I, C User Biometric data for the enrolled User’s biometrics, used to unlock the device and to authorize payments (Apple Pay transactions or Apple Cash transfers). D.Card_Data I, C User, TSF Apple Pay card data, including credit/debit card number, User’s name, expiration date, CVV, and transaction data (e.g., transac- tion history). Apple Cash card data, including Apple Cash card information and transfer data (e.g., transfer history). Note: The card data is used as TSF data when the TOE sends it encrypted to the card issuer, via Apple servers, in order to gener- ate the Device Account Number stored in the Secure Element. D.User_Intent I User State of the device resulting from a physical interaction of the User with the TOE, characterizing the intent of the User to per- form a transaction (Apple Pay transactions or Apple Cash trans- fers) D.Payment_Data I User Apple Pay/Apple Cash payment data being authorized by the User. For Apple Pay, critical elements are the amount (including the currency), the emitter, and the recipient (S.Merchant) which constitute the core of the Dynamic Linking. For Apple Cash, criti- cal elements of transfers are the amount (including the currency), the emitter, and the recipient. Additional critical elements can be defined by Apple and the card issuer. D.OS I TSF OS version currently installed on the device. This asset is not the OS code itself or the version number of that code. This asset is the set of elements that compose an OS version as prepared for that device, including elements verifiable by that device during boot (for instance the sepOS), and by the User through an identi- fied version number. D.User_Configura- tion I TSF User configuration is a representation of the user personal config- uration including Apple Pay, Apple Cash, and Face ID settings. D.SEP_Configura- tion I TSF Secure Enclave configuration is a representation of the state of the Secure Enclave in the device. It comprises (but is not limited to) the Secure Enclave OS version and the state of the user au- thentication functions (passcode, enrolled biometrics, authenti- cated credentials, retry counters, and authentication-based ac- cess control settings). Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 28 Asset Sensi- tivity* Type Definition D.SEP_SE I, C TSF Secret data that allows secure communication between the Se- cure Enclave and the Secure Element during processing of an Ap- ple Pay transaction or Apple Cash transfer. D.SEP_Bio I, C TSF Secret data that allows secure communication between the Se- cure Enclave and the biometric sensor during processing of bio- metric authentication. D.SEP_Watch I, C TSF Secret data that allows secure communication between the Se- cure Enclave on the TOE and the Secure Enclave on the Paired Watch, in the case the Paired Watch is used to unlock the TOE. The pairing secret allows the TOE and the Paired Watch to ex- change sensitive data like the unlock secret. D.Unlock_Secret I,C TSF Secret data that is shared by the Secure Enclave on the TOE with the Paired Watch Secure Enclave to unlock the TOE. It is released by the Paired Watch to facilitate the TOE unlock if Face ID detects the User is wearing a mask. This asset is created by the TOE when the Unlock with Apple Watch feature is enabled by the User, and does not exist if there is no Paired Watch or if this feature is disa- bled. *: I = Integrity, C = Confidentiality 4.2. Subjects The subjects of this Security Target are: Subject Definition S.User User of Apple Pay/Apple Cash on the device, able to: • • Authenticate on the device (biometrics or passcode) • • Manage authentication credentials (biometrics or passcode) • • Manage device configuration (OS version, iCloud account) • • Provision/enroll cards • • Authorize Apple Pay transactions/Apple Cash transfers by providing consent for the transaction to proceed (biometrics/passcode and user intent) • • Cancel the Apple Pay/Apple Cash service S.Apple_Servers Apple servers in charge of: • • Management of S.User iCloud account • • Management of S.User provisioning/enrollment in Apple Pay/Apple Cash • • Management of OS releases, including Apple Wallet app • • Device’s interface for processing Apple Pay transactions/ Apple Cash transfers (contact S.Issuer) S.Issuer The card issuer (or its service provider) is the third party in charge of: • • Management of S.User data for Apple Pay/Apple Cash services • • Processing Apple Pay transactions/Apple Cash transfers S.Merchant The merchant is the third-party accepting payment through an Apple Pay transaction. S.SE Certified Secure Element of the device including the TOE. S.Apple_Watch Apple Watch of S.User paired with the TOE (if applicable). Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 29 4.3. Assumptions The assumptions for this Security Target are the following: Assumption Definition A.DE- VICE_AUTH The User of the device ensures that all the Apple Pay and Apple Cash activities that are performed on the device have been authorized by the User. All authentication credentials (Biometrics or passcode) for the device that are enabled for use with Apple Pay/Apple Cash are owned and protected by the User of the device. A.PERSO The Apple Pay and Apple Cash card issuers guarantee the correctness of the card data input in the device during provisioning/enrollment: Data shall uniquely identify a financial payment means and be linked to the account owned by the identified user. A.CDCVM The Secure Element and applets hosted on the Secure Element manage the CDCVM re- quirement for NFC payment transactions and require the TOE to provide user authentica- tion and intent to pay each time CDCVM is needed. By default, applets configured for ex- press mode do not require user authorization for transit use. A.WATCH_USER If the User optionally pairs an Apple Watch to their iPhone, they own it and ensure the confidentiality of its authentication credentials. 4.4. Threat Agents The threat agents of this TOE are the following: Threat Agent Definition S.Attacker A threat agent trying to interact with the Apple Pay and Apple Cash system fraudulently, try- ing to modify the configuration and data of genuine Users’ devices or forging data on their own device. 4.5. Threats The threats to assets of this TOE are the following: Threat Name Definition Assets T.CORRUPT Corrupted Transaction or Transfer An attacker attempts to corrupt an Apple Pay transaction or an Apple Cash transfer. To gain from the attack, the attacker could be the emitter of the transaction or transfer, and attempt to reduce what it intends to pay (debit amount from attacker’s ac- count) from what it was supposed to pay (credit amount request or transfer amount agreed be- tween attacker and victim). The attacker could also attempt to corrupt a payment when it is the recipi- ent, and increase what it supposed to receive (credit transaction amount) from what it was sup- posed to receive (debit amount agreed). The at- tacker could also attempt to modify the recipient of a credit transaction by changing the payee in an Apple Pay transaction or changing the recipient of an Apple Cash transfer. D.Payment_Data D.User_Configuration D.OS Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 30 Threat Name Definition Assets T.PHYSICAL Physical The loss or theft of the device may give rise to loss of confidentiality of User data including credentials and TSF data. These physical access threats may involve attacks which attempt to access the device through external hardware ports, through its user interface, and also through direct and possibly de- structive access to its storage media. The goal of such attacks is to access Apple Pay or Apple Cash data from a lost or stolen device which is not ex- pected to return to its User. Note: Defending against device re-use after physi- cal compromise is out of scope. D.User_Passcode D.User_Bio D.Card_Data D.Unlock_Secret* D.SEP_Watch* T.RECOVER Card Re- covery An attacker attempts to recover Apple Pay or Apple Cash card data from an erased or blocked device and use it to perform a financial transaction or transfer. The attacker will target potential breaches in the process of Apple Pay cancellation, Apple Pay card revocation, Apple Cash disenrollment, Apple Cash card revocation, or iOS erase all content and settings. D.User_Configuration D.Card_Data D.OS T.REPLAY Replay An attacker attempts to replay an Apple Pay trans- action or an Apple Cash transfer. D.Payment_Data T.SILENT Silent Transaction An attacker attempts to modify the behavior of the device, in order to perform silent Apple Pay trans- actions or Apple Cash transfers for some benefit. The attacker would have to perform the attack without knowledge of the device’s rightful owner who will be the victim of the attack. D.User_Intent D.User_Configuration D.SEP_Configuration D.SEP_SE D.OS T.SKIMMING Authentica- tion Bypass An attacker attempts to perform a payment with Apple Pay or Apple Cash, bypassing the required authentication step (biometrics data verification or passcode verification). D.User_Intent D.Payment_Data D.SEP_Configuration D.User_Configuration D.OS T.USURP Card Own- ership Usurpation An attacker could attempt to authenticate on a de- vice, with a goal of using any provisioned cards on that device. The attacker could focus on the card data during Apple Pay provisioning or Apple Cash enrollment. D.User_Bio D.User_Passcode D.User_Configuration D.SEP_Bio D.Card_Data D.OS D.Unlock_Secret* D.SEP_Watch* * Partial threat: By unlocking the device, the attacker could have a higher chance to access Apple Pay data. **Partial threat: the device can be unlocked using the paired Watch, but it does not allow the User to use provisioned cards. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 31 Assets & Threats mapping table: Asset - Property - I = Integrity C = Confidentiality T.CORRUPT T.PHYSICAL T.RECOVER T.REPLAY T.SKIMMING T.SILENT T.USURP D.Unlock_Secret I,C X X D.User_Bio I,C X X D.User_Passcode I,C X X D.User_Intent I X X D.Payment_Data I X X X D.Card_Data I,C X X X D.OS I X X X X X D.User_Configuration I X X X X X D.SEP_Configuration I X X D.SEP_Watch I,C X X D.SEP_SE I,C X D.SEP_Bio I,C X 4.6. Organizational Security Policies The organizations associated with the Apple Pay service shall comply with the following Organizational Security Policies as security rules, procedures, practices, or guidelines imposed by an organization upon its operations: OSP Definition P.UPDATE Apple ensures that only an authenticated User (S.User) can update their device’s operating system to a newly released iOS. Apple also informs the Apple Pay and Apple Cash card issuers and PNOs of new applicable features of new releases. P.DYN_LINK Apple enables the enforcement of Dynamic Linking for e-Commerce payments using Apple Pay or Apple Cash cards, on device side and server side. This Organizational Security Policy guarantees that Apple preserves the following properties from design to feature release for Apple Pay and Apple Cash e-commerce payments: (a)The payer is made aware of the amount of the payment transaction and of the payee. (b)The authentication code generated is specific to the amount of the payment transaction and the payee agreed to by the payer when initiating the transaction. (c)The authentication code accepted by the payment service provider corresponds to the original specific amount of the payment transaction and to the identity of the payee agreed to by the payer. (d)Any change to the amount or the payee results in the invalidation of the authentication code. P.WATCH The TOE allows the User to enable unlock with Apple Watch through a secure channel when an optional Apple Watch is paired with the device. When this feature is enabled, wrist detection is turned on, and Face ID detects the User is wearing a mask, the TOE can be unlocked by the paired Apple Watch if it is unlocked and on the wrist of the User. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 32 5.Security Objectives 5.1. Security Objectives for the TOE Security Objec- tives Definition OT.User_Auth The TOE enforces the following authentication policy: • • Passcode only: - Add, update, or delete Biometrics - Update passcode - Modify authentication policy (except for disabling the express mode) - Update the OS to a new version signed by Apple • • Passcode or biometric (if enrolled) - Unlock of the device - Payments confirmation • • Paired Apple Watch (optional): - Unlock of the device if Face ID has detected the User is wearing a mask OT.Card_Data The TOE enforces that sensitive card data: • • Is encrypted before being sent to the Apple server • • Is not accessible after sent to the Apple server OT.Passcode_De- lete The TOE enforces that removing the passcode: • • Disables biometric authentication • • Disables Apple Pay/Cash OT.Card_Delete The TOE securely triggers the deletion of each individual Apple Pay/Apple Cash card when: • • A card is removed from Apple Wallet • • The TOE handles the revocation of a card by its issuer • • The use of Apple Pay is disabled (from iCloud, the Settings or passcode re- moval) • • The iCloud account is no longer associated with the device When a card is removed, the TOE also instructs the Secure Element to mark it as de- leted. OT.Auth_SE The TOE provides the Secure Element with passcode/biometric user authentication fea- tures for Apple Pay/Apple Cash payment/transfer approval. OT.Payment For eCommerce transactions and Apple Cash transfers, the TOE enforces that transac- tion details are displayed to the User (including the card to be used from Apple Wallet, the amount, and the payee) before the User shows their intent to pay and authenticates for payment validation. The TOE ensures that these details cannot be corrupted be- tween the payment validation and the moment when details are sent to the Secure Ele- ment. For NFC transactions, if the device is on and detects an NFC field, it will present the User with the requested card (if automatic selection is turned on for that card) or the default card, which is managed in Settings. The User can also manually select a card in Apple Wallet. The TOE also requests explicit intent from the User for Apple Pay transactions and Ap- ple Cash transfers. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 33 Security Objec- tives Definition OT.Bio_Delete TOE Biometrics delete is a secure erase of the enrolled biometric data. OT.Device_Reset TOE securely deletes all User data when the User launches an “Erase All Content and Settings” on the OS or a device erase from iCloud. This also initiates the disabling of Ap- ple Pay/Apple Cash and plans the destruction of Apple Pay/Apple Cash cards that will be effective when the device is restored. OT.Anti_Replay The TOE ensures that each payment processed by an Apple Pay/Apple Cash card holds the unique identifier. OT.OS_Update TOE enforces security measures ensuring preservation of User data when an OS update is installed in the TOE. This objective protects the user authentication credentials (Bio- metrics and passcode), the Apple Pay card data, the Apple Cash card, and more. OT.Watch The TOE can enforce secured communication with an optional paired Apple Watch. 5.2. Security Objectives for the environment Environment Security Objectives Definition OE.Card_Data The card issuer is responsible for using the appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality and the integrity of the sensitive card data and guaranteeing the au- thenticity of the card during enrolment. The Secure Element is responsible for securing the card validation exchanges with the card issuer’s TSM and for ensuring confidentiality and integrity of each card’s sensitive data during storage and use. OE.Perso The card issuer is responsible for verifying that the User is authorized to perform a transaction on the account of the card used as a reference, before allowing the card personalization. The card issuer also ensures the robustness of the personalization data, to prevent attacks like forgery, counterfeit, or corruption. OE.Card_Delete The issuers of all payment cards provisioned on a device are informed after the User removes a card from that device, removes that device from the iCloud account, or per- forms a device Erase All Content and Settings. The card issuers ensure these cards are removed from the User's account (i.e., the unlinking process of the DPAN from the FPAN, which is done by the card issuer or the corresponding TSP). The Secure Element is responsible for securely deleting the stored card sensitive data (private/secret). OE.Anti_Replay The Apple Pay server verifies that each payment (e-Commerce Apple Pay transaction or Apple Cash transfer) is not replayed. The payment is invalidated if this verification fails. For in-store transactions (i.e. NFC transactions), a similar anti-replay mechanism is used with the participation of the NFC terminal. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 34 Environment Security Objectives Definition OE.Transac- tion_Verification For Apple Pay, the cryptogram released by the Secure Element for an Apple Pay trans- action is verified by the card issuer (or its service provider). The cryptogram validation result allows the card issuer to approve or reject the transaction. The payment is invali- dated if this verification fails. For Apple Cash, the Apple Cash server ensures that no Apple Cash transfer can be ex- ecuted if the submitted quote (received by the server before the User approves) does not match the transaction data (received by the server once device completes transfer processing). The modifications that the server is able to detect cover, but are not lim- ited to, the amount and the recipient. OE.Dynamic_Link- ing For eCommerce transactions, the Apple Pay server preserves and the card issuer server verifies the cryptographic based dynamic linking of the transaction data (includ- ing amount and payee). The payment is invalidated if this verification fails. OE.Statement For Apple Pay, the card issuers ensure that the statement associated to the card (list of transactions) is fully accurate and includes, but is not restricted to, the amount and re- cipient of each transaction. For Apple Cash, the card issuer ensures that the ledger associated to an Apple Cash account (list of transfers including completed, canceled, and pending) is fully accurate. OE.Genuine_Wallet The Apple Wallet application is provided and signed by Apple. OE.CDCVM Express mode compatible applets hosted on the Secure Element are responsible for checking the CDCVM state, including it within transaction data where required, and al- lowing normal or Express transit transactions as applicable. Payment networks or card issuers are responsible for ensuring that Express transac- tions can only be accepted for transit-specific use by requiring that non-transit Apple Pay payment transactions have a successful CDCVM. OE.Watch The S.Apple_Watch is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of the unlock secret provided by the iPhone during all its lifetime: from inception at enabling of the “Unlock with Apple Watch” feature, during its storage, during its release for unlocking the iPh- one, and when it is deleted when the feature is disabled. The S.Apple_Watch is responsible for ensuring that it is protected by a passcode and the wrist detection feature is turned on in order to enable the feature “Unlock with Ap- ple Watch”. OE.User The User is responsible for ensuring that: • • They authorize all the Apple Pay/Cash activities that are performed on the de- vice • • The passcode is robust and protected • • Only their own biometrics credentials are enrolled (they do not enroll biomet- rics of someone else) • • Only their own Apple Watch is paired with the TOE and the paired Apple Watch is protected. This includes abiding by the watchOS Software License Agree- ment and protecting the confidentiality of the paired Apple Watch’s passcode Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 35 5.3. Rationale of the Security objectives for the security problem defi- nition The following table details the rationale for each element of the security problem definition. For all the objectives for the TOE, OT.OS_Update also ensures the authentication configuration is preserved during the OS update. Element Rationale A.DE- VICE_AUTH OE.User and OE.Watch cover A.DEVICE_AUTH ensuring the User owns and protects all the authentication credentials and the User authorizes the Apple Pay and Apple Cash activities that are performed on the device. A.PERSO OE.Perso covers A.PERSO ensuring the provisioning process verifies the ownership of the provisioned cards. A.CDCVM OE.CDCVM covers A.CDCVM ensuring the Secure Element uses the TSF features when required. A.WATCH_USER OE.User and OE.Watch cover A.WATCH_USER ensuring the User of the device owns and protects their Apple Watch and related credentials. T.SKIMMING OT.User_Auth, OT.Auth_SE and OT.Payment ensure that an Apple Pay transaction or an Apple Cash transfer is always authenticated and authorized by the User. OT.User_Auth and OE.Genuine_Wallet ensure that the Apple release of a new OS or Apple Wallet app imple- menting the authentication functions and payment functions are controlled, and that it pre- serves the confidentiality and integrity of the authentication and payment data. OT.Passcode_Delete ensures that if the passcode is turned off, the Apple Pay and Bio- metric authentication are not available anymore. T.USURP OT.Card_Data, OT.OS_Update and OE.Card_Data ensure that the Apple Pay/Apple Cash card data are kept confidential and not altered from an attacker during storage and use in the Secure Element. OT.User_Auth, OT.Auth_SE and OT.Payment prevent the attacker from attempting to per- form Apple Pay transactions or Apple Cash transfers, enforcing user authentication with set credentials (which are not known or owned by the attacker according to OE.User), and pre- venting the attacker from replacing a User’s passcode or biometrics with their own. OT.User_Auth and OE.Genuine_Wallet additionally ensure that the installation of a new Ap- ple released OS or Apple Wallet app preserves the confidentiality and integrity of the pay- ment data. OT.Passcode_Delete ensures that if passcode login is disabled, the Apple Pay and Bio- metric authentication are not available anymore. T.RECOVER OT.Bio_Delete ensures that a removed passcode or biometric credential cannot be recov- ered. OT.Card_Data, OT.OS_Update and OE.Card_Data ensure that the confidential card data is only stored by the Secure Element which protects them from disclosure. OT.Device_Reset covers the physical erase of the content and settings of the device where the TOE will trigger secure erase all provisioned card data. OE.Card_Delete ensures that the issuers of provisioned cards are securely removing the deleted cards from the User’s account so that no transaction can further proceed. T.REPLAY OE.Anti_Replay and OT.Anti_Replay ensure that each Apple Pay transaction or Apple Cash transfer cannot be replayed. OT.User_Auth and OE.Genuine_Wallet additionally ensure that the installation of a new Ap- ple released OS or Apple Wallet application preserves transaction replay protection. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 36 Element Rationale T.CORRUPT OT.Payment enforces the dynamic linking of the Apple Pay transaction data, ensuring that the critical content (such as emitter, recipient, amount) cannot be changed after the trans- action was processed using a provisioned card. OE.Dynamic_Linking ensures that the Ap- ple Pay server is verifying the integrity of the Apple Pay transaction data Dynamic Linking. OE.Statement provides an additional verification point for the account holder as the card issuer ensures that all processed Apple Pay transactions appear on the statement of the account associated to the card. OT.User_Auth and OE.Genuine_Wallet ensure that the Apple release of a new OS or Apple Wallet implementing the payment functions are controlled. T.SILENT OT.User_Auth and OT.Payment ensure that an Apple Pay transaction or Apple Cash trans- fer is always authorized by the User. OE.Statement ensures that the Apple Pay card issuers provide account holder verification material (in the form of transaction statements) allowing them to identify any fraudulent activity on their account. The Apple Cash card issuer ensures that the ledger associated to an Apple Cash account (list of transfers including completed/canceled/pending) is fully accurate. OT.User_Auth and OE.Genuine_Wallet ensure that the Apple release of a new OS or Apple Wallet implementing the authentication functions and payment functions is controlled. OT.Passcode_Delete ensures that if passcode is turned off, the Apple Pay and Biometric authentication are not available anymore. T.PHYSICAL The User credentials maintained by the TOE are secured by OT.User_Auth enforcing the secure verification process of Biometrics or passcode. The TOE lifecycle is secure through the management of the device within the Apple iCloud environment where the User is able to remove the device from its account (OT.Card_De- lete) and reset the device’s content (OT.Device_Reset). This binding ensures that the User’s critical data is safe in case device is lost or stolen. OT.Card_Data, OT.OS_Update and OE.Card_Data ensure that the provisioned card data is kept confidential in the Secure Element and cannot be extracted. P.UPDATE OT.User_Auth and OE.Genuine_Wallet ensure that the Apple release of a new OS or Apple Wallet implementing the authentication functions and payment functions are controlled, and that it preserves the confidentiality and integrity of the authentication and payment data. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 37 Element Rationale P.DYN_LINK (Dynamic Link- ing) P.DYN_LINK is covered by OT.Payment, OT.User_Auth, OT.Anti_Replay, OE.Anti_Replay, OE.Transaction_Verification, and OE.Dynamic_Linking, which all participate in the enforce- ment of the Dynamic Linking requirements on e-Commerce payments. The mapping is as follows: (a) OT.Payment ensures that there is a step, part of the user intent confirmation phase, when the User (payer) is made aware of the amount of the payment transaction and payee. (b) OT.User_Auth ensures that the user authentication was performed to ensure agree- ment by the payer to authorize the Apple Pay transaction data (specific to the payer, amount, and payee), OT.Anti_Replay ensures that each payment is uniquely identified, and OT.Payment ensures that the payment data is integrity protected. (c) OE.Anti_Replay, OE.Transaction_Verification and OE.Dynamic_Linking ensure that the received Apple Pay transaction data correspond to what was agreed to by the payer: The unique identifier to prevent replay is verified, the cryptogram for the data is verified, and the dynamic linking of the user authentication and the payment data integrity is verified. (d) OE.Anti_Replay, OE.Transaction_Verification and OE.Dynamic_Linking ensure that any change to the amount or the payee results in the invalidation of the payment and its unique identifier so no replay is attempted. P.WATCH P.WATCH is covered by OT.User_Auth, OT.Watch, OE.Watch, and OE.User, which ensure that only the user’s Apple Watch can be used for the dedicated Apple Watch features. Security Objectives mapping table: T.CORRUPT T.PHYSICAL T.RECOVER T.REPLAY T.SILENT T.SKIMMING T.USURP P.DYN_LINK P.UPDATE P.WATCH A.PERSO A.DEVICE_AUTH A.CDCVM A.WATCH_USER OT.Anti_Replay x x OT.Card_Data x x x OT.Payment x x x x x OT.Card_Delete x OT.OS_Update x x x OT.Auth_SE x x OT.User_Auth x x x x x x x x x OT.Watch x Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 38 T.CORRUPT T.PHYSICAL T.RECOVER T.REPLAY T.SILENT T.SKIMMING T.USURP P.DYN_LINK P.UPDATE P.WATCH A.PERSO A.DEVICE_AUTH A.CDCVM A.WATCH_USER OT.Passcode_Delete x x x OT.Bio_Delete x OT.Device_Reset x x OE.Anti_Replay x x OE.Card_Data x x x OE.Perso x OE.Dynamic_Linking x x OE.Statement x x OE.Transaction_Verification x OE.CDCVM x OE.Watch x x x OE.User x x x x OE.Genuine_Wallet x x x x x x OE.Card_Delete x Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 39 6.Security Functional Requirements 6.1. SFR supporting definitions 6.1.1.Security Functional Policies (SFP) Access Control SFPs are given in the table below: Authentica- tion_SFP Authentication policy enforcing authentication, re-authentication and authorization rules as defined by OT.User_Auth. This SFP includes information flows between the Secure Enclave and the biometric sen- sor (for biometric authentication) and between the TOE and S.Apple_Watch (for device unlock). Payment_SFP Security policy enforcing that processing a payment requires the User to confirm the in- tent to pay and being re-authenticated (passcode, or, if configured, Biometrics) to allow processing of the related data and its exportation. Card_Perso_SFP Security policy enforcing that: • • Importing D.Card_Data is only allowed if a passcode is configured • • Confidential parts of the card data are protected before being sent to the Apple servers • • Confidential parts of the card data are not imported in Apple Wallet 6.1.2.Subjects and Objects Objects are the Assets identified in Section 4.1. Subjects are listed in Sections 4.2 and 4.4 6.1.3.Security Attributes Security Attribute Card Data Confidential parts Parts of the Card Data that should stay confidential and not been stored in Apple Wallet - Secret parts of the card number - CVV - … User Authorization Part of D.Payment_Data specify- ing the explicit authorization of the S.User - “yes” - “no” Erase Data Part of D.User_Configuration which, when enabled, erases the data on the device after 10 con- secutive attempts to unlock it us- ing the wrong passcode. - “enabled” - “disabled” (default) BioAuth Unlock Part of D.User_Configuration, au- thorization to use biometric au- thentication for unlocking a de- vice, “selected” or “not selected” by the User. - “selected” - “not selected” (default) Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 40 Security Attribute BioAuth AP Part of D.User_Configuration, au- thorization to use biometric au- thentication for Apple Pay opera- tions, “selected” or “not selected” by the User. - “selected” (default) - “not selected” Watch Unlock Authorization to use the paired Apple Watch to unlock the TOE if Face ID has detected S.User is wearing a mask - “enabled” - “disabled” (default) Face ID with Mask Part of D.User_Configuration which, when enabled, allows the User to unlock the iPhone while wearing a face mask. - “enabled” - “disabled” (default) Apple OS public key The public key used to check the authenticity of a new version of D.OS. - Part of installed D.OS OS_signature Part of the OS file that is checked by the TOE before updating D.OS - Part of the update file Passcode_off Part of D.SEP_Configuration, con- figuration of the OS allowing to use the device without any au- thentication. When enabled, the TSF should disable biometric au- thentication and Apple Pay. - “disabled” (default) - “enable” Stolen Device Protection Part of D.User_Configuration. When enabled, some security ac- tions require biometric authenti- cation with no passcode fallback, and some actions may also re- quire the user to wait an hour and then perform a second biometric authentication. - “disabled” (default) - “enabled” 6.1.4.Writing conventions for the SFR operations Iterations are identified by a slash character “/” followed by the name of the iteration. Assignments and selections are done with italicized text. Refinements are identified with the prefix “Refinement:”. 6.2. Identification and authentication 6.2.1.User authentication FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action FIA_UID.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-medi- ated actions on behalf of that user. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 41 FIA_UAU.2 User authentication before any action FIA_UAU.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF- mediated actions on behalf of that user. Note: this gives S.User the role of “Authenticated User”. According to this requirement, S.User is au- thenticated by the TSF before performing any of the operations listed in the following requirements. FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms FIA_UAU.5.1 The TSF shall provide passcode authentication, biometric authentication (face appearance), Watch unlock (paired Apple Watch) to support user authentication. FIA_UAU.5.2 The TSF shall authenticate any user's claimed identity according to the: • Passcode authentication as default authentication • Biometric authentication for: - Unlock the device if selected in the “Face ID & Passcode” configuration (BioAuth Un- lock = selected) - Unlock the device if (Face ID with Mask = enabled and Face ID has detected the S.User is wearing a mask) - Transaction authorization if selected in the “Face ID & Passcode” configuration (Bio- Auth AP = selected) - Transaction authorization if (Face ID with Mask = enabled and Face ID has detected the S.User is wearing a mask) • Unlock with a paired Apple Watch if (Watch Unlock = enabled and Face ID has detected the S.User is wearing a mask) • Rules defined in FIA_UAU.6 Re-authenticating and FIA_AFL.1 (Biometric/Erase/Delay) Authentication failure handling. FIA_AFL.1/Biometric Authentication failure handling FIA_AFL.1.1 /Biometric The TSF shall detect when 5 (five) unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to Bio- metric validation. FIA_AFL.1.2 /Biometric When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall require Passcode validation, blocking further Biometric validation attempts. FIA_AFL.1/Erase Authentication failure handling FIA_AFL.1.1 /Erase The TSF shall detect when 10 (ten) unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to passcode validation. FIA_AFL.1.2 /Erase When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall erase data on iPhone if “Erase Data” = enable. FIA_AFL.1/Delay Authentication failure handling FIA_AFL.1.1 /Delay The TSF shall detect when 4 (four) unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to passcode validation. FIA_AFL.1.2 /Delay When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall start delaying further passcode validation attempts and require passcode validation. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 42 FIA_UAU.6 Re-authenticating FIA_UAU.6.1 The TSF shall re-authenticate the user under the conditions that the user requests: • OS update (change of D.OS) • “Face ID & Passcode” configuration change (once for all “Face ID & Passcode” pa- rameters until “Face ID & Passcode” interface is closed), including “BioAuth Unlock”, “BioAuth AP”, “Face ID With a Mask”, passcode and Biometric patterns • Transaction validation (export of D.Payment_Data), the re-authentication should be done during the 60 seconds after the transaction validation request. 6.2.2.Data Authentication FDP_DAU.1 Basic Data Authentication FDP_DAU.1.1 The TSF shall provide a capability to generate evidence that can be used as a guarantee of the validity of D.Payment_Data (including S.Merchant and S.User data). FDP_DAU.1.2 The TSF shall provide S.SE with the ability to verify evidence of the validity of the indicated in- formation. 6.2.3.User attribute definition FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual users: D.User_Passcode, D.User_Bio, D.Card_Data, BioAuth Unlock, BioAuth AP, Watch Unlock, Face ID with Mask, Stolen Device Protection. Application Note: The update of D.OS shall not modify these user attributes. 6.2.4.Specification of secrets FIA_SOS.2 TSF Generation of secrets FIA_SOS.2.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to generate secrets that meet FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module. FIA_SOS.2.2 The TSF shall be able to enforce the use of TSF generated secrets for creation of the D.Un- lock_Secret during the Unlock with Apple Watch Setup. 6.3. Access/Flow Control SFRs 6.3.1.Authentication_SFP FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP Complete access control FDP_ACC.2.1/ Authentica- tion_SFP The TSF shall enforce the Authentication_SFP on: Subjects: S.User, S.Apple_Watch Objects: the TSF and all operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP. FDP_ACC.2.2/ Authentica- tion_SFP The TSF shall ensure that all operations between any subject controlled by the TSF and any object controlled by the TSF are covered by an access control SFP. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 43 FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP Security attribute-based access control FDP_ACF.1.1/ Authentication_SFP The TSF shall enforce the Authentication_SFP to objects based on the following: Subjects: S.User, S.Apple_Watch Objects: the TSF Security attributes: “Watch Unlock”, “Face ID with Mask” FDP_ACF.1.2/ Authentication_SFP The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: S.User is authenticated according to FIA_UAU.5 FDP_ACF.1.3/ Authentication_SFP The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: - If “Watch Unlock” set to “enabled” and Face ID has detected S.User is wearing a mask, S.Apple_Watch is allowed to unlock the TOE (however, this does not authorize Apple Pay transactions). - If “Face ID with Mask” set to “enabled” and Face ID has detected S.User is wearing a mask, S.User is allowed to unlock the TOE and authorize Apple Pay transac- tions. - If “Stolen Device Protection” set to “enabled”, certain actions may have addi- tional security requirements as listed below, which can be configured by the user to ei- ther apply at all times, or only when the device is away from familiar locations: • S.User shall be required to authenticate with Face ID before the following actions are allowed: ¨ Turn off Lost Mode ¨ Erase all content and settings ¨ Apply for a new Apple Card ¨ View the Apple Card or Apple Cash virtual card number ¨ Apple Cash transfers • S.User shall be required to wait an hour then perform a second Face ID authenti- cation before the following actions are allowed: ¨ Change the Apple ID password ¨ Sign out of Apple ID ¨ Add or remove Face ID ¨ Change the passcode ¨ Reset All Settings ¨ Turn off Find My ¨ Turn off Stolen Device Protection FDP_ACF.1.4/ Authentication_SFP The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following addi- tional rules: “Passcode_off” is enabled. FDP_ITT.1 Basic internal transfer protection FDP_ITT.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Authentication_SFP to prevent the modification of user data when it is transmitted between physically-separated parts of the TOE. Note: This requirement concerns the protection of biometric data sent by the biometric sensor to the Secure Enclave. Protection against modification includes also protection against replay. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 44 6.3.2.Payment_SFP FDP_ETC.2/Transaction Export of user data with security attributes FDP_ETC.2.1 /Transaction The TSF shall enforce the Payment_SFP when exporting user data, controlled under the SFP(s), outside of the TOE. FDP_ETC.2.2 /Transaction The TSF shall export the user data with the user data's associated security attributes. FDP_ETC.2.3 /Transaction The TSF shall ensure that the security attributes, when exported outside the TOE, are unam- biguously associated with the exported user data. FDP_ETC.2.4 /Transaction The TSF shall enforce the following rules when user data is exported from the TOE: - exported Payment_SFP details (the card to be used from Apple Wallet, the amount and the payee in the case of e-commerce payments) are those displayed to S.User during re- authentication request (FIA_UAU.6 Re-authenticating) - D.Payment_Data includes a unique identifier, which can be either: - A Terminal Unpredictable Number, for near-field-communication (NFC) transactions, or - An Apple Pay server nonce, for transactions within apps, transactions at websites, or Apple Cash transfers. FDP_ACC.2/Payment_SFP Complete access control FDP_ACC.2.1/ Payment_SFP The TSF shall enforce the Payment_SFP on: Subjects: S.User Objects: D.Payment_Data (including S.User and S.Merchant Data) and all operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP. FDP_ACC.2.2/ Payment_SFP The TSF shall ensure that all operations between any subject controlled by the TSF and any object controlled by the TSF are covered by an access control SFP. Note: the only possible operation on D.Payment_Data is to export it as a transaction order to the Secure Element. FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP Security attribute based access control FDP_ACF.1.1/ Payment_SFP The TSF shall enforce the Payment_SFP to objects based on the following: Subjects: S.User Objects: D.Payment_Data (including S.User and S.Merchant Data), the Secure Element (through a trusted channel) Security attributes: “User Authorization”, “BioAuth AP”, “Passcode_off” FDP_ACF.1.2/ Payment_SFP The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled sub- jects and controlled objects is allowed: - Export of D.Payment_Data with “User Authorization” set to “yes” to the Secure Ele- ment is allowed if: - S.User shows their intent to pay (double clicking the side button) - S.User had been successfully re-authenticated for transaction validation (FIA_UAU.6). FDP_ACF.1.3/ Payment_SFP The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following addi- tional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4/ Payment_SFP The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: “Passcode_off” is “enabled”. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 45 6.3.3.Card_Perso_SFP FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP Complete access control FDP_ACC.2.1 /Card_Perso_SF P The TSF shall enforce the Card_Perso_SFP on Subjects: S.User, S.Apple_Servers Objects: D.Card_Data and all operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP. FDP_ACC.2.2 /Card_Perso_SF P The TSF shall ensure that all operations between any subject controlled by the TSF and any object controlled by the TSF are covered by an access control SFP. FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP Security attribute-based access control FDP_ACF.1.1 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall enforce the Card_Perso_SFP to objects based on the following: Subjects: S.User, S.Apple_Servers Objects: D.Card_Data Security attributes: Passcode_off FDP_ACF.1.2 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: - S.User is connected to its iCloud account, and is authenticated on the TOE. FDP_ACF.1.3 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following ad- ditional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following addi- tional rules: “Passcode_off” is enabled. FDP_ETC.2/Card_Perso_SFP Export of user data with security attributes FDP_ETC.2.1 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall enforce the Card_Perso_SFP when exporting user data, controlled under the SFP(s), outside of the TOE. FDP_ETC.2.2 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall export the user data with the user data's associated security attributes. FDP_ETC.2.3 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall ensure that the security attributes, when exported outside the TOE, are un- ambiguously associated with the exported user data. FDP_ETC.2.4 /Card_Perso_SFP The TSF shall enforce the following rules when user data is exported from the TOE: - D.Card_Data is encrypted before being exported to S.Apple_Servers - “Card Data Confidential parts” are not kept on the TOE after being exported. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 46 FPT_ITC.1 Inter-TSF confidentiality during transmission FPT_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall protect all TSF data transmitted from the TSF to another trusted IT product from unauthorised disclosure during transmission. FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes FDP_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Card_Perso_SFP when importing user data, controlled under the SFP, from outside of the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.2 The TSF shall ignore any security attributes associated with the user data when imported from outside the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules when importing user data controlled under the SFP from outside the TOE: None. Note: security attributes of the Card Data are “Card Data Confidential parts” in section 6.1.3. These requirements specify that the confidential part of the cards data is used for card enrollment (FDP_ETC.2/Card_Perso_SFP) but are not stored on the TOE. 6.4. Secure Enclave/Secure Element Trusted Channel FTP_ITC.1/SE Inter-TSF trusted channel FTP_ITC.1.1/SE The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT prod- uct that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identi- fication of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2/SE The TSF shall permit the TSF to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3/SE The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for Payment initiation and transmission of D.Payment_Data. FDP_UCT.1/SE Basic data exchange confidentiality FDP_UCT.1.1/SE The TSF shall enforce the Payment_SFP, to transmit user data in a manner protected from unauthorised disclosure. FDP_UIT.1/SE Data exchange integrity FDP_UIT.1.1/SE The TSF shall enforce the Payment_SFP, to transmit and receive user data in a manner pro- tected from modification, insertion and replay errors. FDP_UIT.1.2/SE The TSF shall be able to determine on receipt of user data, whether modification, insertion or replay has occurred. FPT_RPL.1/SE Replay detection FPT_RPL.1.1/SE The TSF shall detect replay for the following entities: S.SE. FPT_RPL.1.2/SE The TSF shall perform reject data when replay is detected. 6.5. Secure Enclave/Apple Watch Trusted Channel FTP_ITC.1/Watch Inter-TSF trusted channel FTP_ITC.1.1 /Watch The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2 /Watch The TSF shall permit the TSF to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3 /Watch The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for: unlock the TOE. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 47 FDP_UCT.1/Watch Basic data exchange confidentiality FDP_UCT.1.1 /Watch The TSF shall enforce the Authentication_SFP, to transmit and receive user data in a manner protected from unauthorised disclosure. FDP_UIT.1/Watch Data exchange integrity FDP_UIT.1.1 /Watch The TSF shall enforce the Authentication_SFP to transmit and receive user data in a manner protected from modification, insertion and replay errors. FDP_UIT.1.2 /Watch The TSF shall be able to determine on receipt of user data, whether modification, insertion or replay has occurred. FPT_RPL.1/Watch Replay detection FPT_RPL.1.1/Watch The TSF shall detect replay for the following entities: S.Apple_Watch. FPT_RPL.1.2/Watch The TSF shall perform reject data when replay is detected. 6.6. Local data protection FPR_UNO.1 Unobservability FPR_UNO.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that S.Attacker are unable to observe the operation Passcode set, Passcode check, Passcode Update, Passcode removal, Biometrics set, Biometrics check, Bio- metrics update, Biometrics delete, Apple Pay/Cash Card provisioning, Apple Watch Unlock activation, on D.User_Bio, D.User_Passcode, D.Card_Data, D.SEP_Watch, D.Unlock_Secret by S.User. FDP_RIP.1 Subset residual information protection FDP_RIP.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects: D.User_Bio, D.User_Passcode, “Card Data Confidential parts” and iCloud Account (in D.User_Configura- tion). Application Note: • The removal of the iCloud Account by S.User triggers the deallocation of all the Apple Pay data/config- uration • The revocation of an individual card by the card issuer triggers the deallocation of the related card data • The procedure of Reset on the device triggers the deallocation of all security attributes except the D.OS • The removal of “Card Data Confidential parts” is done by instructing the Secure Element to mark the card as deleted • The removal of the passcode by S.User disables the actual passcode; and triggers the deallocation of the iCloud Account information and all the Apple Pay data FDP_SDI.1 Stored data integrity monitoring FDP_SDI.1.1 The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for integrity errors on all objects, based on the following attributes: D.User_Bio, D.Card_Data, D.OS. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 48 6.7. TSF management 6.7.1.Roles and Management Functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles Authenticated User. FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: management of security attributes (see FMT_MSA.1). 6.7.2.Management of security attributes FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the Payment_SFP, Card_Perso_SFP to provide “BioAuth Unlock” restrictive (disabled) “BioAuth AP” permissive (selected) “Passcode_off” restrictive (disabled) “Watch Unlock” restrictive (disabled) “Face ID with Mask” restrictive (disabled) “Erase Data” permissive (disabled) “Stolen Device Protection” permissive (disabled) default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow nobody to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_MSA.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Authentication_SFP, Card_Perso_SFP to restrict the ability to modify the security attributes “, “BioAuth Unlock”, “BioAuth AP”, “Passcode_off”, “Erase Data”, “Watch Unlock”, “Face ID with Mask”, “Stolen Device Protection” to “Authenticated User” Application Note: • When “Passcode_off” is enabled, the TSF removes the D.Card_Data according to FDP_RIP.1. 6.7.3.Management of TSF Data FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to update the D.OS to “Authenticated user”. FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data FMT_MTD.3.1 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values are accepted for D.OS. Application Note: secure value is defined by “OS_signature” is valid and signed by “Apple OS public key”. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 49 6.8. Security Requirements Rationale 6.8.1.Security Functional Requirements (SFR) Dependencies TOE SFR Required dependencies Covered by FIA_UAU.2 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2 FIA_AFL.1 (Bio- metric/Erase/Delay) FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2 FDP_ACC.2/Authentica- tion_SFP FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP FDP_ACF.1/Authentica- tion_SFP FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2/Payment_SFP FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2/Payment_SFP FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ITT.1 FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP FDP_ETC.2/Transaction FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FDP_ACC.2/Payment_SFP FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ITC.1 FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ETC.2/Card_Perso_SFP FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP FDP_UCT.1/SE FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FTP_ITC.1, or FTP_TRP.1 FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP, and FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP FTP_ITC.1/SE FDP_UIT.1/SE FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FTP_ITC.1, or FTP_TRP.1 FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP, and FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP FTP_ITC.1/SE FDP_UCT.1/Watch FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FTP_ITC.1, or FTP_TRP.1 FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP FTP_ITC.1/Watch FDP_UIT.1/Watch FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FTP_ITC.1, or FTP_TRP.1 FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP FTP_ITC.1/Watch FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2 FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.1 FDP_ACC.1, or FDP_IFC.1 FMT_SMR.1, SMT_SMF.1 FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP, FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP, and FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1 FMT_SMR.1, SMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMR.1, SMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.3 FMT_MTD.1 FMT_MTD.1 Requirements without dependency: FIA_UID.2, FIA_SOS.2, FIA_UAU.6, FIA_UAU.5, FDP_DAU.1, FIA_ATD.1, FPT_ITC.1, FTP_ITC.1/SE, FPT_RPL.1/SE, FTP_ITC.1/Watch, FPT_RPL.1/Watch, FPR_UNO.1, FDP_RIP.1, FMT_SMF.1 and FDP_SDI.1 Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 50 6.8.2.Rationale SFR/Security Objectives for the TOE Objective refer- ence Rationale OT.User_Auth FIA_UID.2 and FIA_UAU.2 enforce each User of the device is authenticated before being able to do any action in the user interface. FIA_UAU.5 specifies different authentication methods. FIA_UAU.6 enforces a re-authentication for the OS update, for changing the authentica- tion configuration, including biometric data management and biometric authentication policy or for a transaction validation. FMT_SMR.1 and FMT_SMF.1 SF ensure that the TSF shall maintain the roles Authenti- cated User and be capable of performing the management functions. FIA_ATD.1, FMT_MSA.3, FMT_MSA.1 and FMT_MTD.1 specify the management of re- lated information. FMT_MTD.3 specifies the signature verification on the OS update. FIA_AFL.1/Biometric, FIA_AFL.1/Erase, and FIA_AFL.1/Delay specify the failure handling in case of wrong biometric or passcode authentication. FPR_UNO.1 ensures the non-observability of the passcode. FDP_ITT.1 also support this objective ensuring the biometric data is not modified during internal transfer. OT.Card_Data The SFP Card_Perso_SFP and the associated SFRs (FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP, FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP, FDP_ITC.1 and FDP_ETC.2/Card_Perso_SFP, FPT_ITC.1) enforce card data stored in Apple Wallet does not include sensitive card data as this one is only sent to the Secure Element. FTP_ITC.1/SE, FDP_UCT.1/SE and FDP_UIT.1/SE enforce that all the data exchanged be- tween the TSF and S.SE is protected (with their corresponding security property) by a trusted channel. FPR_UNO.1 ensures the non-observability of secret card data. FDP_SDI.1 ensures card data stored in containers controlled by the TSF are monitored for integrity errors. OT.Passcode_De- lete FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP and FDP_ACF.1.4/Card_Perso_SFP enforce the card en- rollment is not possible if Passcode_off is enabled. FIA_UAU.6 enforces a re-authentication for changing the Passcode_off configuration. FPR_UNO.1 ensures the non-observability of the passcode. OT.Card_Delete FDP_RIP.1 ensures the confidential parts of the card data are securely removed by the Secure Element. Refinement of FMT_MSA.1.1 ensures the secure delete in case of passcode turning off. FPR_UNO.1 ensures the non-observability of sensitive card data. OT.Auth_SE FIA_UID.2, FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UAU.5 specify the base of the authentication feature. FIA_AFL.1/Biometric enhance the biometric security limiting the authentication attempts before requiring passcode authentication. FIA_AFL.1/Erase and FIA_AFL.1/Delay protect the TSF and the user data against brute force attacks. FIA_UAU.6 specifies the re-authentication for some functions of the TOE. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 51 Objective refer- ence Rationale OT.Payment FDP_ETC.2.4/Transaction ensures the transaction details are displayed before a trans- action is validated by the User. FIA_UAU.6 ensures each transaction is validated by a re-authentication. FDP_DAU.1 provides evidence of the validity of Apple Pay Transaction Data, verifiable by the card issuer. FDP_ACC.2/Payment_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP ensure user authorization is done before each transaction. FPT_RPL.1/SE ensures transaction replay detection. OT.Bio_Delete FDP_RIP.1 ensures biometric data delete is erased securely. OT.Device_Reset FDP_RIP.1 ensures all sensitive data is securely removed during a device reset. OT.Anti_Replay FDP_ETC.2.4/Transaction ensures a unique identifier provided by the NFC terminal or Apple server is included in the transaction data, avoiding any replay attack. OT.OS_Update FIA_UAU.6.1 ensures S.User is re-authenticated before the OS update proceeds. FIA_ATD.1.1 ensures that all the user data with impact on the TSF behavior are not modi- fied during the OS update process. FDP_SDI.1 ensures D.OS stored in containers controlled by the TSF is monitored for in- tegrity errors. OT.Watch FTP_ITC.1/Watch, FDP_UCT.1/Watch, FDP_UIT.1/Watch, FIA_SOS.2, FPR_UNO.1 and FPT_RPL.1/Watch enforce that all the data exchanged between the TSF and S.Ap- ple_Watch is protected by a trusted channel regarding the confidentiality and the integ- rity. The protected operations are specified by FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP. 6.8.3.SAR Dependencies TOE SAR Dependencies ADV_ARC.1 ADV_FSP.1, ADV_TDS.1 ADV_FSP.3 ADV_TDS.1 ADV_TDS.1 ADV_FSP.2 AGD_OPE.1 ADV_FSP.1 AGD_PRE.1 No dependencies ALC_CMC.2 ALC_CMS.1 ALC_CMS.2 No dependencies ALC_DEL.1 No dependencies ALC_FLR.3 No dependencies ASE_CCL.1 ASE_INT.1, ASE_ECD.1, ASE_REQ.1 ASE_ECD.1 No dependencies ASE_INT.1 No dependencies ASE_OBJ.2 ASE_SPD.1 ASE_REQ.2 ASE_OBJ.2, ASE_ECD.1 Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 52 TOE SAR Dependencies ASE_SPD.1 No dependencies ASE_TSS.1 ASE_INT.1, ASE_REQ.1, ADV_FSP.1 ATE_COV.1 ADV_FSP.2, ATE_FUN.1 ATE_FUN.1 ATE_COV.1 ATE_IND.2 ADV_FSP.2, AGD_OPE.1, AGD_PRE.1, ATE_COV.1, ATE_FUN.1 AVA_VAN.2 ADV_ARC.1, ADV_FSP.2, ADV_TDS.1, AGD_OPE.1, AGD_PRE.1 All the dependencies are covered. 6.8.4. SAR Rationale For this evaluation, the SARs of EAL2 have been chosen as they provide assurance by a full security target and an analysis of the SFRs in that ST, using a functional and interface specification, guidance documentation and a basic description of the architecture of the TOE, to understand the security behav- ior. It was established that this level is appropriate for the model of attack of Apple Pay. ADV_FSP.3 augmentation has been chosen to enhance the level of information provided related to SFR- enforcing TSFIs and provide a complete summary of the TOE. ALC_FLR.3 augmentation has been chosen to guarantee the security of the security functions in the scope of this security target during the maintenance of the TOE. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 53 7. TOE Summary Specification This section describes the security functions of the TOE covering the SFR of the previous chapter. 7.1. SF User authentication and management When using the TOE, before being able to use Face ID as a Biometric authentication method, the device must be set up so that a passcode is required to unlock it. Face ID is Apple’s authentication system that enables the secure access to an iPhone equipped with the Face ID sensor (TrueDepth camera). This technology is based on the Face ID sensor and the Secure Enclave. When the Secure Enclave detects a successful match against the stored mathematical representation, the device unlocks without asking for the device passcode. Face ID does not replace the passcode but provides easy access to the device within defined boundaries and time constraints. To use Face ID, the device must be set up so that a passcode is required to unlock it. The passcode can always be used instead of Biometrics (except in certain circumstances when Stolen Device Protection is enabled), and the passcode is required under the following circumstances: • • The device has just been turned on or restarted • • The User has not unlocked their device for more than 48 hours • • The User has not used their passcode to unlock their device for 156 hours (six and a half days) and the User has not used a biometric to unlock their device in 4 hours • • The device has received a remote lock command • • The User exited power off/Emergency SOS by pressing and holding either volume button and the Sleep/Wake button simultaneously for 2 seconds and then pressing Cancel • • There were five unsuccessful biometric match attempts (though for usability, the device might offer entering a passcode instead of using biometrics after a smaller number of failures) From iOS 15.4, when “Face ID with a Mask” is enabled on an iPhone, it’s available for the next 6.5 hours after one of the following user actions: • • Successful Face ID match attempt (with or without a mask) • • Device passcode validation • • Device unlock with Apple Watch In iOS 16 or later, Face ID can be used in landscape mode on supported devices (including the iPhone 15 Pro). With iOS 17.3 or later, when the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, some features and actions have additional security requirements. Stolen Device Protection can be configured to apply at all times, or alternatively, only when the device is away from familiar locations, such as the User’s home or work- place. These requirements help prevent an attacker who has stolen the User’s device and knows their passcode from making critical changes to the User’s account or device. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 54 • • Face ID biometric authentication: some actions, such as accessing stored passwords and credit cards, require a single biometric authentication with Face ID – with no passcode alternative or fallback option – so that only the User can access these features. The features subject to this requirement include: o Turn off Lost Mode o Erase all content and settings o Apply for a new Apple Card o View the Apple Card or Apple Cash virtual card number o Apple Cash transfers • • Security Delay: some security actions, such as changing the User’s Apple ID password, also re- quire the User to wait for an hour and then perform a second Face ID authentication. The actions subject to this requirement include: o Changing the Apple ID password o Signing out of Apple ID o Adding or removing Face ID o Changing the passcode o Reset All Settings o Turn off Find My o Turn off Stolen Device Protection These features implement the requirements listed in §6.2 and in §6.3.1 for the authentication, in §6.6 for local data protection and in FMT_SMF.1, FMT_MSA.1, and FMT_MSA.3 for management. Unlock with a paired Apple Watch is also possible if Face ID has detected the User is wearing a mask (see requirements in §6.5 for secure communication with Apple Watch). However, this method does not grant equivalent privileges for Apple Pay/Apple Cash or any administration feature. The following table summarizes the functions supporting User authentication. Function Description Passcode authentica- tion Passcode_Setup: Setup of the device’s passcode. Passcode_Update: Update of the device’s passcode. Passcode_Verify: Authentication of the User using their passcode. Passcode_Delete: Removal of the passcode Biometric authentication Bio_Enroll: Enrollment of biometrics credential (first, or additional). Bio_Update: Update of Biometrics. Bio_Verify: Authentication of the User using Biometrics. Bio_Delete: Delete an enrolled Biometrics credential (one, or all). Unlock with Apple Watch Unlock_With_Watch_Setup: Enable the feature « Unlock with Apple Watch ». Unlock_With_Watch_Check: Secure process to import the Unlock Secret to the TOE’s Secure Enclave for unlocking the device. Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 55 7.1.1.Passcode_Setup The TOE offers a configuration setting where the User can set up a passcode that will be used to perform authentication in order to access restricted services on the device: first unlock after power-on or reboot, Apple Pay transactions, Apple Pay Transfers, and more. The TOE enforces strong access control in order to prevent access to these restricted services without authentication (FIA_UID.2). Note: The User has the possibility to use the passcode or any other activated (with enrolled templates) authentication method to perform unlock (beyond first unlock), Apple Pay transactions and Apple Cash transfers. The TOE ensures the non-observability of the passcode during the setting process within the Secure Enclave (FPR_UNO.1). 7.1.2.Passcode_Verify The TOE offers passcode entry to the User as part of the device unlock procedure, or during the User authorization step of an Apple Pay transaction or Apple Cash transfer. The User might have selected the default method as being Biometrics, but passcode verification is always possible (as a fallback or by User choice). The TSFs ensure that passcode verification preserves the secrecy of the passcode value set by the User, which is expected in order to prevent an attacker from guessing the code by observing the verification process (FPR_UNO.1). The TOE ensures that the verification process would not validate a code that does not match the passcode set by the User and detect alterations to the configured value (FDP_SDI.1), preventing use of the User account (and related data) and forcing a device panic. To dis- courage brute-force passcode attacks, the TOE authentication failure policy is escalating time delays after the entry of an invalid passcode (FIA_AFL.1/Delay) or to erase data after 10 attempts if the feature «Erase data » is enabled (FIA_AFL.1/Erase). 7.1.3.Passcode_Update The User can update the passcode value through the device’s settings menu. This functions as a verify operation, as knowledge of the previous passcode value is required to proceed to the setup step where the User types a new value and effectively updates the value in the Secure Enclave (FIA_UAU.2, FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP). The TOE ensures the non-ob- servability of the old passcode during the verification as well as of the new passcode during the setting process (FPR_UNO.1). The TOE also enforces passcode alteration detection, preventing a corrupted passcode from being used to reset the authentication function (FDP_SDI.1). In iOS 17 or later, if the Passcode Reset feature is enabled, the User has 72 hours after each passcode update where their old iPhone passcode can be used to change their passcode again. This allows the user to maintain access to their device if they forget their new passcode after changing it. In iOS 17.3 or later, if the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, updating the passcode requires two biometric authentications with a one-hour security delay between them. It is not possible to authen- ticate the operation using only the passcode. Stolen Device Protection can be configured by the user to either apply at all times, or only when the device is away from familiar locations. 7.1.4.Passcode_Delete If the User wants to fully remove the use of the passcode on the device, because this would not allow an adequate security level for the processing of the TSF, the actual passcode is disabled; and the iCloud Account information and all the Apple Pay data is deallocated. (FDP_RIP.1). To prevent misuse of the Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 56 passcode deletion function, the User is required to first verify the current passcode before proceeding (FIA_UAU.2, FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP), and the TOE pro- tects the passcode secrecy during the verification process in case an attacker were to use this path for attempting an observation-based attack (FPR_UNO.1). The Secure Element, in the TOE Environment, is responsible for securely deleting the Apple Pay card data and Apple Cash card data during this process. In iOS 17.3 or later, if the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, deleting the passcode requires two biometric authentications with a one-hour security delay between them. It is therefore not possible to authenticate the operation using only the passcode. Stolen Device Protection can be configured by the user to either apply at all times, or only when the device is away from familiar locations. 7.1.5.Bio_Enroll The TOE offers Biometric authentication through the Face ID service. To use Face ID, the User must set up the device so that a passcode is required to unlock it, and passcode verification is required to be able to perform any modifications to the Biometrics setting. Access to the face enrollment and the setting for enabling Biometrics for Apple Pay (and Apple Cash), is gated by this passcode verification (FIA_UAU.2, FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP). A User can enroll an alternate appearance for Face ID, for a total of two enrollments. From iOS 15.4, when “Face ID with a Mask” is enabled on an iPhone. If the user wears glasses, they can improve the accuracy of “Face ID with a Mask” by setting it up with their glasses on. In iOS 17.3 or later, if the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, enrolling an alternate appearance, or disabling biometrics for Apple Pay (and Apple Cash) require two biometric authentications with a one- hour security delay between them. It is therefore not possible to authenticate the operation using only the passcode. Stolen Device Protection can be configured by the user to either apply at all times, or only when the device is away from familiar locations. 7.1.6.Bio_Update Once a face is enrolled on a device, the User can update it within the settings of the Face ID feature, for which access is gated by the passcode (FIA_UAU.2, FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP). After a successful passcode verification, the User can reset Face ID, deleting the associated templates (first face enrolled and alternate face enrolled if used), and re-enroll their face later. This procedure is effectively enforcing the same security principles as a deletion (Bio_Delete), and an enrollment (Bio_Enroll): the Secure Enclave ensures that biometric data integrity is preserved and the deallocation prevents attackers from finding any residual information (FPR_UNO.1, FDP_SDI.1, and FDP_RIP.1). In iOS 17.3 or later, if the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, updating Face ID requires two biometric authentications with a one-hour security delay between. It is therefore not possible to authen- ticate the operation using only the passcode. Stolen Device Protection can be configured by the user to either apply at all times, or only when the device is away from familiar locations. 7.1.7.SF.Bio_Verify After the device is reset and passcode is entered to allow the device’s normal mode of operation, the Biometric authentication function is offered to the User as the default means for authentication, if it is enabled, for device unlock, Apple Pay transactions, and Apple Cash transfers. The User will present their Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 57 biometric features to the device’s biometric sensor, and the Secure Enclave will securely perform the verification of the submitted template to the enrolled biometric template(s). The Secure Enclave ensures the integrity monitoring of the biometric templates during the verification process (FDP_SDI.1). In case of verification failure, which means the TOE was not able to find a successful match, an authentication failure policy is enforced, and passcode verification is required before the Biometric authentication func- tion is enabled again (FIA_AFL.1/Biometric). 7.1.8.Bio_Delete The User has the capability to delete all enrolled Biometrics from the Face ID settings on the device using the Reset Face ID option. This function deletes the associated template of the first face enrolled and, if used, of other faces enrolled. This function, like the others, is gated by the passcode (FIA_UAU.2, FDP_ACC.2/Authentication_SFP and FDP_ACF.1/Authentication SFP). The deletion process ensures that no residual information of the deallocated data is left behind or leaked to a potential observer (FDP_RIP.1, and FPR_UNO.1). In iOS 17.3 or later, if the Stolen Device Protection feature is enabled, deleting enrolled biometrics re- quires two biometric authentications with a one-hour security delay between them. It is therefore not possible to authenticate the operation using only the passcode. Stolen Device Protection can be config- ured by the user to either apply at all times, or only when the device is away from familiar locations. 7.1.9.Unlock_With_Watch_Setup Optionally, the User can decide to enable a feature called “Unlock with Apple Watch”: the iPhone can be unlocked by the Watch if the User attempts to unlock their iPhone using Face ID while wearing a mask. Enabling this feature requires the User to enter the passcode on the iPhone (FDP_ACC.2/Authentica- tion_SFP, FDP_ACF.1/Authentication_SFP, FMT_MSA.1, and FMT_MSA.3) before the setup process is started. During this process, the TOE Secure Enclave creates a non-predictable Unlock Secret (FIA_SOS.2 and FPR_UNO.1). The TOE’s Secure Enclave securely exports the Unlock Secret to the paired Watch’s Secure Enclave applying security measures to the sensitive asset with Secure Enclave Watch Pairing Secret (FTP_ITC.1/Watch, FDP_UCT.1/Watch, FDP_UIT.1/Watch, FPT_RPL.1/Watch). Until the feature is disabled, the TOE maintains the security attributes and assets of the Unlock with Apple Watch process, including the Unlock Secret (FIA_ATD.1). 7.1.10.Unlock_With_Watch_Check Optionally, if the User enabled the feature called “Unlock with Apple Watch”, the iPhone can be unlocked by the Watch if the User attempts to unlock their iPhone using Face ID while wearing a mask. During this process, the paired Watch’s Secure Enclave securely imports the Unlock Secret to the TOE’s Secure Enclave, applying security measures to the sensitive asset with Secure Enclave Watch Pairing Secret (FTP_ITC.1/Watch, FDP_UCT.1/Watch, FDP_UIT.1/Watch, FPT_RPL.1/Watch). Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 58 7.2. SF Biometric/Secure Enclave secure channel The TSF protects the data exchanged between the biometric sensor and the Secure Enclave against modification (FDP_ITT.1). The biometric sensor and the Secure Enclave are paired during manufacturing to enable this secure communication. If the user repairs the device themselves (Self Service Repair), a “System Configuration” step is required to pair the Secure Enclave with the biometric sensors. 7.3. SF Secure Enclave/Secure Element secure channel The TSF is able to initialize a secure channel with the Secure Element (FTP_ITC.1/SE). This secure chan- nel protects the exchanged data with its corresponding security properties: against disclosure (FDP_UCT.1/SE), modification (FDP_UIT.1/SE) and replay (FPT_RPL.1/SE). 7.4. SF Secure Enclave/Watch secure channel The TSF is able to initialize a secure channel to S.Apple_Watch (FTP_ITC.1/Watch). This secure channel protects the exchanged data against disclosure (FDP_UCT.1/Watch), modification (FDP_UIT.1/Watch) and replay (FPT_RPL.1/Watch). 7.5. SF Card Data management The following table summarizes the functions supporting Card Data management. Function Description Apple Pay card data management AP_Card_Provisioning: Provisioning of a new card for Apple Pay. AP_Cancellation: User removes a card from Apple Wallet. AP_Revocation: card issuer initiated suspend/unlink of a payment card in Apple Wallet. Apple Cash card data management APC_Enroll: Enroll in Apple Cash services. APC_Disenroll: User cancels their enrollment in Apple Cash services. APC_Revocation: card issuer initiated suspend/unlink of user’s Apple Cash ser- vices. 7.5.1.AP_Card_Provisioning On the TOE, there are different ways to add a card into Apple Wallet: • • Adding a card manually • • Adding cards on file from an iTunes Store account to Apple Pay • • Adding cards from a card issuer’s app • • Adding cards from a card issuer’s website (only for Apple Pay, not available for Apple Cash) • • Adding cards that were provisioned on a different device (multi-device provisioning, available with iOS 17 or later) Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 59 The first three modes are only available to an authenticated User on the device, with the passcode ena- bled (FIA_UAU.2, FDP_ACC.2/Card_Perso_SFP, and FDP_ACF.1/Card_Perso_SFP). Multi-device provisioning is available with iOS 17 or later. When a user provisions an eligible payment card, they will also be able to push provision the card to other Apple Pay-capable devices on the same iCloud account. Nothing is copied from the original device; the other devices provision using the same flow they would use during device setup. The TOE can initiate push provisioning of cards to other devices and can also receive cards that were initiated by provisioning on one of the User’s other devices. When a User adds a card to Apple Wallet, the TSF encrypts card data (FPT_ITC.1) and sends it to Apple servers (FDP_ETC.2/Card_Perso_SFP). Full card numbers are not stored on the device (FDP_ITC.1) or on Apple servers. Integrity protections are in place to prevent alteration of the enrolled Apple Pay card data (FDP_SDI.1). 7.5.2.AP_Cancellation When the User decides to remove an Apple Pay card from Apple Wallet, the TSF order the Secure Ele- ment to securely invalidate and remove the Device Account Number (FDP_RIP.1). 7.5.3.AP_Revocation When the card issuer decides to suspend or unlink an Apple Pay card from Apple Wallet of a TOE User, the TSF order the Secure Element to securely invalidate and remove the Device Account Number (FDP_RIP.1). 7.5.4.APC_Enroll To use person-to-person payments and Apple Cash, a User must be signed into their iCloud account on an Apple Cash compatible device. The User can add the Apple Cash card from Wallet or Settings. This capability is only available to an authenticated User on a device with passcode enabled. Full card numbers are not stored on the device (FDP_ITC.1) or on Apple servers. Integrity protections are in place in the TOE to prevent alteration of the enrolled Apple Cash card data (FDP_SDI.1) 7.5.5.APC_Disenroll When the User decides to remove an Apple Cash card from Apple Wallet, the TSF order the Secure Element to securely invalidate and remove the Device Account Number (FDP_RIP.1). 7.5.6.APC_Revocation When the card issuer decides to suspend or unlink an Apple Cash card from Apple Wallet of a TOE User, the TSF order the Secure Element to securely invalidate and remove the Device Account Number (FDP_RIP.1). Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 60 7.6. SF Payment management When a device initiates an Apple Pay transaction, the Secure Element, in the TOE Environment, only allows a payment to be made after it receives authorization from the Secure Enclave. This involves con- firming the User has provided intent and has authenticated with Biometric authentication or using the device passcode (FDP_ACC.2/Payment_SFP, FDP_ACF.1/Payment_SFP, and FMT_SMR.1). Biometric authentication is the default method if available, but the passcode can be used at any time. A passcode is automatically offered after three unsuccessful attempts to match biometrics; after five unsuccessful attempts, the passcode is required. A passcode is also required when biometric authentication is not configured or not enabled for Apple Pay (FMT_SMF.1, FMT_MSA.1, and FMT_MSA.3). Apple Pay includes an anti-replay mechanism that prevents transactions to be repeated by including in D.Payment_Data: • • A Terminal Unpredictable Number, for near-field-communication (NFC) transactions, or • • An Apple Pay server nonce, for transactions within apps or on the web. The processing of the Apple Pay transaction happens in the TOE Environment, on the Secure Element, using the secret card data, the Transaction Token and producing a payment cryptogram. The TOE en- sures that the payment evidence transmitted back to the card issuer for processing (through a Terminal or network) was authorized by the User (FIA_UAU.6 Re-authenticating). In the case of Apple Pay online transactions, which are processed through the Apple Pay server, this integrity protection ensures the Dynamic Linking of the transaction data by a cryptographic based Authentication Code as exposed in the PSD2 regulation. The Apple Pay server ensures the integrity of the Dynamic Linking, and the card issuer verifies that it corresponds to a valid transaction, containing the right Transaction Token and pro- duced by a genuine Apple Pay card (FDP_DAU.1). The exported user data (transaction data displayed to S.User) is controlled by FDP_ETC.2/Transaction. The Secure Element, in the TOE Environment, is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of the Apple Pay Card data during the transaction processing. The following table summarizes the functions supporting Payment management. TSF Description AP_Transaction Processing of an Apple Pay transaction. APC_Transaction Processing of an Apple Cash peer-to-peer transfer. 7.7. SF OS Update An OS update can be offered at any time by Apple to the User. The User is required to authenticate through a passcode verification, or the update cannot be installed (FIA_UAU.6, FIA_UAU.2, FMT_MTD.3). The OS update preserves the user attributes, especially the card data, the passcode, the enrolled bio- metric patterns, and other authentication parameters (FIA_ATD.1). The ability to update the D.OS is restricted to Authenticated User (FMT_MTD.1). Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 61 7.8. SF iCloud logout & Device reset An iCloud logout is performed when the User unlinks a device from an iCloud account. When this hap- pens, the TOE ensures that the iCloud Account related data is securely deallocated, and that no residual information is left behind (FDP_RIP.1). The most destructive security function available to the User on an iOS device is the device reset, as it erases of all the User data. When this is performed, the TOE ensures that all the sensitive data terminated as part of a Device Reset is protected from leaving residual information. This covers the iCloud Account information, all the Apple Pay Card Data, and the User authentication data like passcode and Biometrics (FDP_RIP.1). Strong Customer Authentication for Apple Pay on iPhone 15 Pro with A17 Pro running iOS 17.4 Security Target Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed only in its original entirety without revision. Page 62 Change History Date Version Author Comments 2024-02-09 1.0 Apple Initialization of the Security Target 2024-04-29 2.0 Apple Minor updates 2024-07-16 3.0 Apple Minor updates 2024-10-01 4.0 Apple Minor updates 2024-10-15 5.0 Apple Minor updates