Common Criteria Information Technology Security Evaluation Project APACHE II S3CC9RB Security Target Version 1.2 February 21, 2003 S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 2 of 58 REVISION HISTORY UPDATES: Version Date Modification 1.0 24 APR 2003 Creation 1.1 30 MAY 2003 ITSEF & DCSSI Comments 1.2 21 FEB 2004 Chapter 7.2 Assurance Measure Updates EDITED: Written by Title Kyungsuk YI Engineer APPROVAL: Approved by Title Sungman HWANG Principal Engineer DISTRIBUTION: Name Company/Occupation Copy Sungman HWANG Samsung Electronics 1/3 Stéphane LEBRUN ITSEF 2/3 Matthieu ROBERT DCSSI 3/3 S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 3 of 58 CONTENTS 1 ST INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 4 2 TOE DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 5 3 TOE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................... 13 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................ 18 5 TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................. 21 6 TOE SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................... 30 7 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION.............................................................................................................. 31 8 PP CLAIMS........................................................................................................................................................ 38 ANNEX A : GLOSSARY & ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 39 S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 4 of 58 1 ST INTRODUCTION 1.1 ST IDENTIFICATION Title: Security Target of S3CC9RB 16-Bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card Version: V1.2, issued on February 21, 2004 Version number Common Criteria V1.2 version 2.1 1 A glossary of terms used in the ST is given in annex A. 2 This ST has been built with Common Criteria Version 2.1 3 This ST is compliant to Protection Profile of Smart Card Integrated Circuit, PP/9806. 1.2 ST OVERVIEW 4 This Security Target is the work of the Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. TOE is smart card integrated circuit. The ST is “CC part 2 conformant and CC part 3 conformant”. The TOE is to be evaluated with Common Criteria Version 2.1. 5 The assurance level for this ST is EAL4 augmented by the assurance component ADV_IMP.2 (Implementation representation), ALC_DVS.2 (Sufficiency of security measure) and AVA_VLA.4 (Highly resistant) without their dependencies. 6 The main objectives of this Security Target are:  To describe the Target of Evaluation (TOE) as a functional product. This ST focuses on the development and use of integrated circuit.  To describe the security environment of the TOE including the assets to be protected and the threats to be countered by the TOE and by the environment during the development and the operational phases of the card.  To describe the security objectives of the TOE and its supporting environment in terms of integrity and confidentiality of application data and programs, protection of the TOE and associated documentation during the development phase.  To specify the security requirements which includes the TOE Security functional requirements and the TOE security assurance requirements. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 5 of 58 2 TOE DESCRIPTION 7 This part of the ST describes the TOE as an aid to the understanding of its security requirements and address the product type, the intended usage and the general features of the TOE. 2.1 PRODUCT TYPE 8 The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is the single chip microcontroller unit in accordance with the functional specification, independent of the physical interface, the way it is packaged and any other security device supported by the micro module and the plastic card. Generally, a Smart Card product may include other elements (such as specific hardware components, batteries, capacitors, antenna, holograms, magnetic stripes, and security printing...) but these are not in the scope of this Security Target. Processing Unit Volatile Memories Non-Volatile Memories I / Os Security Components Figure 2-1. Smart card chip block diagram 9 The typical TOE is composed of a processing unit, security components, I/Os and volatile and non-volatile memories. The TOE always comprises a smart card embedded software and an IC dedicated software (Test ROM code). The former is out of scope of the evaluation, while the latter is within the scope of the evaluation. 10 To allow the evaluation of a functional product, the TOE is supplied to the Evaluation Center with a manufacturer proprietary embedded software (called User Test COS and User COS) which allows the operation of the security functions. This software is not in the scope of the evaluation. The TOE submitted to the evaluation comprises the following components: TOE component Reference S3CC9RB 40dip , S3CC9RB S3CC9RBX01 S3CC9RB dedicated software S3CC9RB TEST ROM code, version 1.0 S3CC9RB embedded software (Out of evaluation scope) S3CC9RB User Test code, version 1.0 S3CC9RB Cryptography library Cryptography library , version 1.0 Table 2-1. TOE hardware and software components S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 6 of 58 2.2 SMART CARD PRODUCT LIFE-CYCLE 11 The Smart Card product life-cycle is decomposed into 7 phases, according to the “ Smart Card Integrated Circuit Protection Profile ”. (PP/9806 version 2.0, issue September 1998) Phase 1 Smartcard embedded software development The smart card embedded software developer is in charge of the smart card embedded software development and the specification of IC pre-personalisation requirements, Phase 2 IC development The IC designer designs the IC, develops IC dedicated software, provides information, software or tools to the smart card embedded software developer, and receives the smart card embedded software from the developer, through trusted delivery and verification procedures. From the IC design, IC dedicated software and smart card embedded software, he constructs the smart card IC database, necessary for the IC photomask fabrication, Phase 3 IC manufacturing and wafer testing The IC manufacturer is responsible for producing the IC through three main steps: IC manufacturing, IC wafer testing, and IC pre-personalisation, Phase 4 IC packaging and testing The IC packaging manufacturer is responsible for the IC packaging and testing, Phase 5 Smartcard product finishing process The smart card product manufacturer is responsible for the smart card product finishing process and testing, Phase 6 Smartcard personalisation The personaliser is responsible for the smart card personalisation and final tests. Other smart card embedded software may be loaded onto the chip at the personalisation process, Phase 7 Smartcard end usage The smart card issuer is responsible for the smart card product delivery to the smart card end-user, and the end of life process. Table 2-2. Smart card product life-cycle phases 12 The limit of this Security Target correspond to phase 2 and phase3, including the phase 1 delivery and verification procedures and the TOE delivery to the IC packaging manufacturer; phase 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are outside the scope of this ST. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 7 of 58 13 The figure 2-2. describes the Smartcard product life-cycle. Smartcard IC database construction IC Photomask Fabrication IC Manufacturing IC Testing and Prepersonalisation IC Packaging Testing Smartcard product Finishing process Testing Personalisation Testing Smartcard product End-Usage End of life process Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7 IC Design IC Dedicated software IC Pre-personalisation requirements* Smartcard embedded software Embedded software Pre-personalisation data IC sensitive information software, tools IC Pre-personalisation requirements* Legend: Optional components Trusted delivery and verification procedures * PRODUCT CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT USAGE User phase Production phase Development phase Figure 2-2. Smart card product life-cycle S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 8 of 58 14 Following table identifies the sites, which are within evaluation perimeter. Phase Description Address for S3CC9RB IC Development Chip Card & Microcontroller Development team Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. San #24, Nongseo-Ri, Giheung-Eup, Yongin-City, Gyeonggi-Do, KOREA 449-711 Phase 2 IC Photomask Fabrication Photomask Team, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. San #24, Nongseo-Ri, Giheung-Eup, Yongin-City, Gyeonggi-Do, KOREA 449-711 IC Manufacturing Line 5, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. San #24, Nongseo-Ri, Giheung-Eup, Yongin-City, Gyeonggi-Do, KOREA 449-711 Phase 3 IC wafer Testing Line 2, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. San #24, Nongseo-Ri, Giheung-Eup, Yongin-City, Gyeonggi-Do, KOREA 449-711 Table 2-3. Site identification within the evaluation perimeter 15 Procedures on the delivery process of the TOE must exist and be applied for every delivery within this phase or between phases. This includes any kind of delivery performed from phase 2 to 3, including:  Intermediate delivery of the TOE or the TOE under construction within a phase  Delivery of the TOE or the TOE under construction from one phase to the next.- 16 These procedures shall be compliant with the assumptions [A.DLV]. 17 The TOE controls following configurations: TOE Configuration Product Life Cycle Authorized User(Role) TEST Configuration Phase 3 Test Administrator USER Configuration Phase 4 to 7 User Table 2-4. TOE configurations S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 9 of 58 2.3 TOE ENVIRONMENT 18 Considering the TOE, the Development environment is defined as follow:  Design environment corresponding to phase 2  Production environment corresponding to phase 3 including the test operations  User environment, from phase 4 to phase 7 2.3.1 TOE Development Environment 19 To assure security, the environment in which the development takes place shall be made secured with controllable accesses having traceability. Furthermore, it is important that all authorised personnel involved fully understand the importance and the rigid implementation of defined security procedures. 20 The development begins with the TOE's specification. All parties in contact with sensitive information are required to abide by Non-Disclosure Agreement's. 21 Design and development of the IC then follows. The engineer uses a secure computer system (preventing unauthorised access) to make his design simulations, circuit performance verifications and generation of the TOE's IC photomask databases. Sensitive documents, databases on tapes, diskettes, and printed circuit layout information are stored in appropriate locked cupboards/safe. Of paramount importance also is the disposal of unwanted data (complete electronic erasures) and documents (e.g. shredding). 22 Reticles and photomasks are generated from the verified IC databases; the formers are used in the silicon Wafer-fab processing. Reticles and photomasks are generated only on-site for security. 2.3.2 TOE Production environment 23 As high volumes of product commonly go through such environments, adequate control procedures are necessary to account for all products at all stages of production. 24 Production starts within the Wafer-fab; here the silicon wafers undergo the diffusion processing typically in 25-wafer lots. Computer tracking at wafer level throughout the process is commonplace. The wafers are then taken into the test area. Testing and security programming (optional) of each TOE occurs. After fabrication, the TOE is tested to assure conformance with the device specification. The wafers will then be delivered for assembly onto the smart card. 2.3.3 TOE user environment 25 The TOE user environment is the environment of phases 4 to 7. 26 At phases 4, 5 and 6, the TOE user environment is a controlled environment. End-user environment (phase 7) 27 Smart cards are used in a wide range of applications to assure authorised conditional access. Examples of such are Pay-TV, Banking Cards, Portable communication SIM cards, Health cards, and Transportation cards. 28 The end-user environment therefore covers a wide spectrum of very different functions, thus making it difficult to avoid and monitor any abuse of the TOE. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 10 of 58 2.4 TOE INTENDED USAGE 29 The TOE can be incorporated in several applications such as:  Banking and finance market for credit / debit cards, electronic purse (stored value cards) and electronic commerce.  Network based transaction processing such a mobile phones (GSM SIM cards), pay TV (subscriber and pay-per-view cards), communication highways (Internet access and transaction processing).  Transport and ticketing market (access control cards).  Governmental cards (ID cards, healthcards, driver license etc.).  Multimedia commerce and Intellectual Property Rights protection. 30 During the phases 2 and 3, the TOE is being developed. The administrators are as the following:  Design Team (phase 2): Design Manager  The Photomask Team (phase 2): Photomask Manager  IC Production Team(phase 3): Production Engineering Manager  IC Testing Team(phase 3): Test Manager 2.5 GENERAL IT FEATURES OF THE TOE 2.5.1 TOE Features 31 The TOE IT Security functionality’s consist of data storage and processing such as: CPU  16-bit CalmRISC Core Memory  320 Kbytes for user application program ROM  6 Kbytes static RAM EEPROM  64 Kbytes EEPROM as data memory  1 to 128-byte multi-byte write and erase  1.5 ms erase/write time cycles Data Security  128 bytes write protected security area  128 bytes non erasable EEPROM  Reset operations are selective if abnormal condition is detected SuperMAPII Crypto-Coprocessor  Modulo exponential accelerator  SHA-1 accelerator  21 bytes control registers dedicated to SuperMAPII S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 11 of 58 DES  Built in hardware DES Interrupts  Two interrupt vectors (FIQ,IRQ)  Source for FIQ : Invalid memory access  Source for IRQ : SIO falling edge, 16-bit timer, watchdog timer, buffer available  Software interrupts Serial I/O Interface  UART for handling serial interface in accordance with ISO 7816 communication protocols  CRC (CRC-CCITT) 16-Bit Random Number Generator  One 16-bit random number generator for security key generation  Start and Stop control for power consumption Memory Protection Unit  Read/write access control  Base/limit region registers : 8sets  Configurable range : 4Mbytes areas with 128bytes resolution Timer  16-bit timer with 8-bit prescaler  20-bit watchdog timer Internal Clock  Typ. 5Mhz (internal variable clock)  Typ. 5Mhz (internal fixed clock) Operating Frequency Range  1-5Mhz (external clock from CLK pin) Operating Temperature  -25°C to +85°C Operating Voltage Range  2.7V to 5.5V Packages  Wafer (180mm thickness)  8-pin COB (conforms to ISO standard 7816) S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 12 of 58 2.5.2 General Cryptography Services 32 The TOE has general cryptography services such as: 16-Bit Random Number Generator 33 The 16-bit Random number from the random number generator is used for security key in the smartcard application. The reset value is undefined. DES Accelerator 34 The TOE has the hardware DES which consists of key register block, data register block, DES rounding block with s-box and p-box permutation. SuperMAPII Crypto-coprocessor for public key cryptography 35 The Crypto-coprocessor (SuperMAPII) assists in the acceleration of modulo exponentiations required in the RSA arithmetic. The RSA algorithm involves the modular multiplication of large integers in order to carry out modular exponentiations. 36 The SuperMAPII to be performed is C=Me mod N, where all the numbers used are n bits numbers, where n is from 1 to 2048. And basically, X=A X B mod N operation will be performed repeatedly. 37 There is SHA-1 HASH accelerator for signature generation and verification. 2.5.2 TOE Block Diagram SIO Crypto- coprocessor Address and Data Bus CPU (CalmRISC16) ROM 320K bytes EEPROM 64K bytes Power-on Reset Hardware Detectors Timers Clock RAM 6K bytes DES I/O Random Number generator MPU Figure 2-3. S3CC9RB Block diagram S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 13 of 58 3 TOE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT 38 This section describes the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE is intended to be used and addresses the description of the assumptions, the assets to be protects, the threats and the organizational security policies. 3.1 ASSETS 39 Assets are security relevant elements of the TOE that include:  The application data of the TOE (such as IC pre-personalization requirements, IC and system specific data),  The smart card embedded software,  The IC dedicated software,  The IC specification, design, development tools and technology. 40 The TOE itself is therefore an asset. 41 Assets have to be protected in terms of confidentiality and integrity. 3.2 ASSUMPTIONS 42 It is assumed that this section concerns the following items:  Due to the definition of the TOE limits, any assumption for the smart card embedded software development (phase 1 is out side the scope of the TOE),  Any assumption from phases 4 to 7 for the secure usage of the TOE, including the TOE delivery procedures. 43 Security is always the matter of the whole system: the weakest element of the chain determines the total system security. Assumptions described hereafter has to be considered for a secure system using smart card products:  Assumptions on phase 1,  Assumptions on the TOE delivery process (phases 4 to 7),  Assumptions on phases 4-5-6  Assumptions on phases 7. 3.2.1 Assumptions on phase 1 A.SOFT_ARCHI The smart card embedded software shall be developed in a secure manner, which is focusing on integrity of program and data. A.DEV_ORG Procedures dealing with physical, personnel, organizational, technical measures for the confidentiality and integrity of smart card embedded software (e.g. source code and any associated documents) and IC designer proprietary information (tools, software, documentation...) shall exist and be applied in software development. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 14 of 58 3.2.2 Assumptions on the TOE delivery process (phases 4 to 7) 44 Procedures shall guarantee the control of the TOE delivery and storage process and conformance its objectives as described in the following assumptions. A.DLV_PROTECT Procedures shall ensure protection of TOE material/information under delivery and storage. A.DLV_AUDIT Procedures shall ensure that corrective actions are taken in case of improper operation in the delivery process and storage. A.DLV_RESP Procedures shall ensure that people dealing with the procedure for delivery have got the required skill. 3.2.3 Assumptions on phases 4 to 6 A.USE_TEST It is assumed that appropriate functionality testing of the IC is used in phases 4,5 and 6. A.USE_PROD It is assumed that security procedures are used during all manufacturing and test operations through phases 4, 5, 6 to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the TOE and of its manufacturing and test data (to prevent any possible copy, modification, retention, theft or unauthorized use). 3.2.4 Assumptions on phase 7 A.USE_DIAG It is assumed that secure communication protocols and procedures are used between smart card and terminal. A.USE_SYS It is assumed that the integrity and the confidentiality of sensitive data stored/handled by the system (terminals, communications...) is maintained. A.KEY_DEST It is assumed that the cryptographic key destruction method is implemented by the user embedded software. 3.3 THREATS 45 The TOE as defined in chapter 2 is required to counter the threats described hereafter; a threat age t wishes to abuse the assets either by functional attacks, environmental manipulations, specific hardware manipulation s or by any other types of attacks. 46 Threats have to be split in:  Threats against which specific protection within the TOE is required (class I),  Threats against which specific protection within the environment is required (class II). 3.3.1 Unauthorised full or partial cloning of the TOE T.CLON Functional cloning of the TOE (full or partial) appears to be relevant to any phases of the TOE life-cycle, from phase 1 to phase 7. Generally, this threat is derived from specific threats combining unauthorized disclosure, modification or theft of assets at different phases. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 15 of 58 3.3.2 Threats on phase 1 (delivery and verification procedures) 47 During phase 1, three types of threats have to be considered: a) Threats on the smart cards embedded software and its environment of development, such as: • Unauthorized disclosure, modification or theft of the smart card embedded software and any additional data at phase 1. Considering the limits of the TOE, these previous threats are outside the scope of this security target. b) Threats on the assets transmitted from the IC designer to the smart card embedded software developer during the smart card development c) Threats on the smart card embedded software and any additional application data transmitted during the delivery process from the smart card embedded software developer to the IC designer. 48 The previous types b and c threats are described hereafter: T .DIS_INFO Unauthorized disclosure of the assets delivered by the IC designer to the smart card embedded software developer such as sensitive information on IC specification, design and technology, software and tools if applicable; T.DIS_DEL Unauthorized disclosure of the smart card embedded software and any additional application data (such as IC pre-personalisation requirements) during the delivery process to the IC designer; T.MOD_DEL Unauthorized modification of the smart card embedded software and any additional application data (such as IC pre-personalisation requirements) during the delivery process to the IC designer; T.T_DEL Theft of the smart card embedded software and any additional application data such as IC pre- personalisation requirements) during the delivery process to the IC designer. 3.3.3 Threats on phases 2 to 7 49 During these phases, the assumed threats could be described in three types:  Unauthorized disclosure of assets,  Theft or unauthorized use of assets,  Unauthorized modification of assets. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 16 of 58 Unauthorized disclosure of assets 50 This type of threat covers unauthorized disclosure of assets by attackers who may possess a wide range of technical skills, resources and motivation. Such attackers may also have technical awareness of the product. T.DIS_DESIGN Unauthorized disclosure of IC design. This threat covers the unauthorized disclosure of proprietary elements such as IC specification, IC design, IC technology detailed information, IC hardware security mechanism specifications. T .DIS_SOFT Unauthorized disclosure of smart card embedded software and data such as access control, authentication system, data protection system, memory partitioning, cryptographic programs. T.DIS_DSOFT Unauthorized disclosure of IC dedicated software. This threat covers the unauthorized disclosure of IC dedicated software including security mechanisms specifications and implementation. T .DIS_TEST Unauthorized disclosure of test information such as full results of IC testing including interpretations. T .DIS_TOOLS Unauthorized disclosure of development tools. This threat covers potential disclosure of IC development tools and testing tools (analysis tools, micro-probing tools). T.DIS_PHOTOMASK Unauthorized disclosure of photomask information, used for photoengraving during the silicon fabrication process. Theft or unauthorized use of assets 51 Potential attackers may gain access to the TOE and perform operations for which they are not authorized. For example, such attackers may personalize the TOE in an unauthorized manner, or try to gain fraudulent access to the smart card system. T.T_SAMPLE Theft or unauthorized use of TOE silicon samples (e.g. bond out chips, …). T.T_PHOTOMASK Theft or unauthorized use of TOE photomasks. T.T_PRODUCT Theft or unauthorized use of smart card products. Unauthorized modification of assets 52 The TOE may be subjected to different types of logical or physical attacks, which may compromise security. Due to the intended usage of the TOE (the TOE environment may be hostile), the TOE security parts may be bypassed or compromised reducing the integrity of the TOE security mechanisms and disabling their ability t manage the TOE security. This type of threats includes the implementation of malicious Trojan horses. T .MOD_DESIGN Unauthorized modification of IC design. This threat covers the unauthorized modification of IC specification, IC design including IC hardware security mechanism specifications and realization... T .MOD_PHOTOMASK Unauthorized modification of TOE photomasks. T .MOD_DSOFT Unauthorized modification of IC dedicated software including modification of security mechanisms. T.MOD_SOFT Unauthorized modification of smart card embedded software and data. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 17 of 58 53 The Table 3-1 indicates the relationships between the smart card phases and the threats. Threats Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7 Functional cloning T.CLON Class II Class II Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I Unauthorized disclosure of assets T.DIS_INFO Class II T.DIS_DEL Class II T.DIS_SOFT Class II Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I T.DIS_DSOFT Class II Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I T.DIS_DESIGN Class II Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I T.DIS_TOOLS Class II Class II T.DIS_PHOTOMASK Class II Class II T.DIS_TEST Class I/II Theft or unauthorized of assets T.T_DEL Class II T.T_SAMPLE Class II Class I/II Class I Class I T.T_PHOTOMASK Class II Class II T.T_PRODUCT Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I Unauthorized modification threats T.MOD_DEL Class II T.MOD_SOFT Class II Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I T.MOD_DSOFT Class II Class I/II Class I Class I Class I Class I T.MOD_DESIGN Class II Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I T.MOD_PHOTOMASK Class II Class I/II Table 3-1. Threats and phases 3.4 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY POLICIES 54 One organizational security policy is defined in the scope of this ST: OSP_CRYPTO The TOE Shall ensure cryptographic calculations such as generation of random numbers, DES, Triple DES and RSA encryption/decryption. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 18 of 58 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES 55 The security objectives of the TOE cover principally the following aspects:  Integrity and confidentiality of assets,  Protection of the TOE and associated documentation during development and production phases. 4.1 SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE 56 The TOE shall use state of art technology to achieve the following IT security objectives: O.TAMPER The TOE must prevent physical tampering with its security critical parts. O.CLON The TOE functionality needs to be protected from cloning. O.OPERATE The TOE must ensure the continued correct operation of its security functions. O.FLAW The TOE must not contain flaws in design, implementation or operation. O.DIS_MECHANISM The TOE shall ensure that the hardware security mechanisms are protected against unauthorized disclosure. O.DIS_MEMORY The TOE shall ensure that sensitive information stored in memories is protected against unauthorized disclosure. O.MOD_MEMORY The TOE shall ensure that sensitive information stored in memories is protected against any corruption or unauthorized modification. O.CRYPTO The TOE Shall ensure cryptographic calculations such as generation of random numbers, DES, Triple DES and RSA encryption/ decryption. 4.2 SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 4.2.1 Objectives on phase 1 O.DEV_DIS The IC designer must have procedures to control the sales, distribution, storage and usage of the software and hardware development tools and classified documentation, suitable to maintain the integrity and the confidentiality of the assets of the TOE. It must be ensured that tools are only delivered to the parties authorized personnel. It must be ensured that confidential information such as data sets and general information on defined assets are only delivered to the parties authorize personnel on the need to know basis. O.SOFT_DLV The smart card embedded software must be delivered from the smart card embedded software developer (Phase 1) to the IC designer through a trusted delivery and verification procedure that shall be able to maintain the integrity of the software and its confidentiality, if applicable. O.SOFT_MECH To achieve the level of security required by a given security target based on this Security Target, the smart card embedded software shall use IC security features and security mechanisms as specified in the smart card IC documentation (e.g. sensors,...). O.DEV_TOOLS The smart card embedded software shall be designed in a secure manner, by using exclusively software development tools (compilers, assemblers, linkers simulators etc...) and software-hardware integration testing tools (emulators) that will grant the integrity of program and data. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 19 of 58 Objectives on phase 2 (development phase) O.SOFT_ACS Smartcard embedded software shall be accessible only by authorized personnel within the IC designer on the need to know basis. O.DESIGN_ACS IC specifications, detailed design, IC databases, schematics/layout or any further design information shall be accessible only by authorized personnel within the IC designer on the basis of the need to know (physical, personnel, organizational, technical procedures). O.DSOFT_ACS Any IC dedicated software specification, detailed design, source code or any further information shall be accessible only by authorized personnel within the IC designer on the need to know basis. O.MASK_FAB Physical, personnel, organizational, technical procedures during photomask fabrication (including deliveries between photomasks manufacturer and IC manufacturer) shall ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the TOE. O.MECH_ACS Details of hardware security mechanism specifications shall be accessible only by authorized personnel within the IC designer on the need to know basis. O. TI_ACS Security relevant technology information shall be accessible only by authorized personnel within the IC designer on the need to know basis. 4.2.3 Objectives on phase 3 (manufacturing phase) O.TOE_PRT The manufacturing process shall ensure the protection of the TOE from any kind of unauthorized use such as tampering or theft. During the IC manufacturing and test operations, security procedure shall ensure the confidentiality and integrity of:  TOE manufacturing data (to prevent any possible copy, modification, retention, theft or unauthorized use)  TOE security relevant test programs, test data, databases and specific analysis methods and tools. These procedures shall define a security system applicable during the manufacturing and test operations to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the TOE by control of:  packaging and storage,  traceability,  storage and protection of manufacturing process specific sets (such as manufacturing process documentation, further data, or samples),  access control and audit to tests, analysis tools, laboratories, and databases,  change/modification in the manufacturing equipment, management rejects. O.IC_DLV The delivery procedures from the IC manufacturer shall maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the TOE and its assets. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 20 of 58 4.2.4 Objectives on the TOE delivery process (phases 4 to 7) O.DLV_PROTECT Procedures shall ensure protection of TOE material/information under delivery including the following objectives:  non-disclosure of any security relevant information,  identification of the elements under delivery,  meet confidentiality rules (confidentiality level, transmittal form, reception acknowledgement),  physical protection to prevent external damage.  secure storage and handling procedures are applicable for all TOEs (including rejected TOEs)  traceability of TOE during delivery including the following parameters :  origin and shipment details,  reception, reception acknowledgement,  location material/information. O.DLV_AUDIT Procedures shall ensure that corrective actions are taken in case of improper operation in the delivery process (including if applicable any non-conformance to the confidentiality convention) and highlight all non- conformance to this process. O.DLV_RESP Procedures shall ensure that people (shipping department, carrier, reception department) dealing with the procedure for delivery have got the required skill, training and knowledge to meet the procedure requirements and to act to be fully in accordance with the above expectations. 4.2.5 Objectives on phases 4 to 6 O.TEST_OPERATE Appropriate functionality testing of the IC shall be used in phases 4 to 6. During all manufacturing and test operations, security procedures shall be used through phases 4,5,6 to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the TOE and its manufacturing and test data. 4.2.6 Objectives on phase 7 O.USE_DIAG Secure communication protocols and procedures shall be used between smart card and terminal. O.USE_SYS The integrity and the confidentiality of sensitive data stored/handled by the system (terminals, communications...) shall be maintained. O.KEY_DEST The cryptographic key destruction method is implemented by the user embedded software. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 21 of 58 5 TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 57 The TOE security functional requirements define the functional requirements for the TOE using only functional requirements components drawn from the Common Criteria part 2. 58 The minimum strength of function level for the TOE security requirements is SOF-high. 5.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ENFORCED BY THE TOE 5.1.1 Functional requirements applicable to phase 3 only (testing phase) User authentication before any action (FIA_UAU.2) 59 The TOE security functions shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TOE security functions-mediated actions on behalf of that user. User Identification before any action (FIA_UID.2) 60 The TOE security functions shall require each user to identify itself before allowing any other TOE security functions-mediated actions on behalf of that user. User Attribute Definition (FIA_ATD.1) 61 The TOE security functions shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual users: TOE configuration security attribute. TOE Security Functions Testing (FPT_TST.1) 62 The TOE security functions shall run a suite of self tests at the request of the authorised user, at the conditions *test specific condition to demonstrate the correct operation of the TOE security functions. 63 The TOE security functions shall provide authorised users with the capability to verify the integrity of TOE security functions data. 64 The TOE security functions shall provide authorised users with the capability to verify the integrity of stored TOE security functions executable code. 65 Note: as mentioned in the PP/9806 (version 2.0, issue September 1998), paragraph 18, the IC dedicated software may be either IC embedded software or security-relevant parts of tests programmes outside the IC. 66 Note: test specific condition is defined in the Apache II test documentation version 1.0 Stored Data Integrity Monitoring (FDP_SDI.1) 67 The TOE security functions shall monitor user data stored within the TOE scope of control for all integrity errors on all objects, based on the following attributes: checksum and ATR. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 22 of 58 5.1.2 Functional requirements applicable to phases 3 to 7 Security Management Functions Actions to be considered FIA_UAU.2 • management of the authentication data by an administrator, • management of the authentication data by the user associated with this data. FIA_UID.2 • management of the user identities. FPT_TST.1 • management of the conditions under which TOE security functions self-testing occurs, such as during initial start-up, regular interval, or under specified conditions. FMT_MOF.1 • managing the group of roles that can interact with the functions in the TOE security functions. FMT_MSA.1 • managing the group of roles that can interact with the security attributes. FMT_SMR.1 • managing the group of users that are part of a role. FMT_MSA.3 • managing the group of roles that can specify initial values. • managing the permissive or restrictive setting of default values For a given access control Security Functions Policy. FDP_ACF.1 • managing the attributes used to make explicit access or denial Based decisions. FDP_IFF.1 • managing the attributes used to make explicit access based Decisions. Table 5-1. Actions to be considered for the management functions in FMT management class Management of security functions behaviour (FMT_MOF.1) 68 The TOE security functions shall restrict the ability to enable the functions SF12 to the TEST administrator. Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1) 69 The TOE security functions shall enforce the information flow control to restrict the ability to change_default the security attributes TOE configuration to the TEST administrtor. Roles List of security attributes Test Administrator • Can change the Test configuation to User configuation User • Cannot change the User configuation to Test configuation Table 5-2. Information flow control attributes S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 23 of 58 Security roles (FMT_SMR.1) 70 The TOE security functions shall maintain the roles of TEST administrator and user.  TEST administrator  User 71 The TOE security functions shall be able to associate users with roles. Static Attribute Initialisation (FMT_MSA.3) 72 The TOE security functions shall enforce the information access control to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the security functions policy. 73 The TOE security functions shall allow the TEST administrator to specify alternate initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Roles List of security attributes Test Administrator • Can change the value of EEPROM Security Area User • Cannot change the value of EEPROM Security Area • Cannot erase the value of EEPROM Non-Erasable Area Table 5-3. Static attribute initialisation (Note: not applicable to hardware objects) Complete Access Control (FDP_ACC.2) 74 The TOE security functions shall enforce the following access control security policies ACP_1 and ACP_2 on the following list of subjects and objects and all operations among subjects and objects covered by the security functions policy. 75 The TOE security functions shall ensure that all operations between any subject in the TOE scope of control and any object within the TOE scope of control are covered by an access control security functions policy. 76 ACP_1: Access Control Policy for IC in TEST configuration  Whole EEPROM area programmable and erasable  TEST ROM accessed (read and executable)  USER ROM accessed (read and executable)  RAM accessed (read, write and executable) 77 ACP_2: Access Control Policy for IC in USER configuration  Partial EEPROM area programmable and erasable  EEPROM Security area (read and executable)  Non erasable EEPROM area (read, write only (non erasable) and executable)  No access (read and execution) to TEST_ROM  RAM accessed (read and write) S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 24 of 58 Object Table: Object Comment TEST_ROMo TEST ROM area USER_ROMo USER ROM area SEC_EEo SECURITY EEPROM area NONERA_EEo NON ERASABLE EEPROM area USER_EEo USER EEPROM area USER_RAMo USER RAM area USER_REGo REGISTER area Table 5-4. Object table Subject Table: Subject Comment TEST_ROMs Executable code in TEST ROM area USER_ROMs Executable code in USER ROM area USER_EEs Executable code in USER EEPROM area USER_RAMs Executable code in USER RAM area (test configuration only) Table 5-5. Subject table Security Attribute Based Access Control (FDP_ACF.1) 78 The TOE security functions shall Enforce the ACP_1 and ACP_2 access contorl security functions policies to objects based on access control security attributes. 79 The TOE security functions shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed :  Access control attribute has only two values :0 (disable) and 1 (enable)  If the attribute enabled, access is authorized. (access for all operation)  If the attribute disabled, access is denied. (access for all operation) 80 The TOE security functions shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules :  (R1) Access attribute can be enabl ed in TEST_ROMs subject only for ACP_1.  (R2) Access attribute can be enabled in USER_ROMs subject only for ACP_2. 81 The TOE security functions shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the rules (R1) and (R2). S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 25 of 58 82 In ACP-1, at the TOE initialization, the executed code always starts at subject « TEST_ROM » Subject Object TEST_ROMs USER_ROMs USER_EEs USER_RAMs TEST_ROMo R/E X R/E R/E USER_ROMo R/E X R*/E* R*/E* SEC_EEo R/W/E X R*/E* R*/W*/E* NONERA_EEo R/W/E X R*/E* R*/W*/E* USER_EEo R/W/E X R*/E* R*/W*/E* USER_RAMo R/W/E X R*/W*/E* R*/W*/E* USER_REGo R/W X R/W R/W Table 5-6. ACP_1-TEST Configuration X: No access R: Read W: Write E: Branch instructions such as JUMP and CALL can branch to other Objects. *: Conditional operation by dedicated software in TEST_ROM for each Subject and Object respectively. Note: In ACP-1, at the TOE initialization, the executed code always starts at subject « TEST_ROM » 83 In ACP-2,at the TOE initialisation, the executed code always starts at subject « USER_ROM » Subject Object TEST_ROMs USER_ROMs USER_EEs USER_RAMs TEST_ROMo X X X X USER_ROMo X R/E R*/E* X SEC_EEo X R/E R*/E* X NONERA_EEo X R/WO/E R*/E* X USER_EEo X R/W/E R*/E* X USER_RAMo X R/W R*/W* X USER_REGo X R/W R/W* X Table 5-7. ACP_2-USER Configuration X: No access WO: Write only (not erasable) R: Read W: Write E: Branch instructions such as JUMP and CALL can branch to other Objects. *: Conditional operation by embedded software in USER_ROM for each Subject and Object respectively Note: In ACP-2, at the TOE initialization, the executed code always starts at subject « USER_ROM » S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 26 of 58 Subset Information Flow Control (FDP_IFC.1) 84 The TOE security functions shall enforce the information flow control security functions policy : IFC-1 on subject TEST_ROMs for all operations. Note: IFC_1 : Flow of information stored in objects in Test Configuration only. Note: This security functional requirement is applicable to the IC dedicated software and IC embedded software. Simple Security Attributes (FDP_IFF.1) 85 The TOE security functions shall enforce the IFC_1 information flow control security functions policy based on the following types of subject and information security attribute: TOE configuration. 86 The TOE security functions shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold TOE configuration in TEST configuration. 87 The TOE security functions shall enforce the additional information flow control security functions policy rules: none. 88 The TOE security functions shall provide the following non-reversibility of TOE configuration. 89 The TOE security functions shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: none. 90 The TOE security functions shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: none. Note: this security functional requirement is applicable to the IC dedicated software and IC embedded software. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 27 of 58 Potential Violation Analysis (FAU_SAA.1) 91 The TOE security functions shall be able to apply a set of rules in monitoring the audited events and based upon these rules indicate a potential violation of the TOE security policy. 92 The TOE security functions shall enforce the following rules for monitoring audited events: a) Accumulation or combination of events defined in Table 5-8. known to indicate a potential security violation; Event Invalid Memory Access Abnormal voltage occurrence Abnormal frequency occurrence Abnormal temperature occurrence Light exposure occurrence Signal line decapsulation occurrence Power Glitch Attack occurrence MET4 Dummy active line attack occurrence Table 5-8. List of event b) any other rules: none Unobservability (FPR_UNO.1) 93 The TOE security functions shall ensure that all users are unable to observe all operations on all objects by all subjects. Notes:  In the context of smart card ICs, “unobservability” is defined as the impossibility to obtain the address and value of an information during an operation on this information. Identification(by unautherized user) of the operation itself is not part of the unobservability.  It is assumed that all user subjects are compliant with the Guidance Documentation S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 28 of 58 Notification of Physical Attack (FPT_PHP.2) 94 The TOE security functions shall provide unambiguous detection of physical tampering that might compromise the TOE security functions. 95 The TOE security functions shall provide the capability to determine whether physical tampering with the TOE security functions’s devices or TOE security functions' s elements has occurred. 96 For the list of TOE security functions devices given in Table 5-9, the TOE security functions shall monitor the devices and notify the user when physical tampering with the TOE security functions’s devices or TOE security functions's elements has occurred. Note: notification of user defined by the embedded software(USER software). Elements for Detection Detection Notification Voltage Detector Flag setting Frequency Detector Flag setting Temperature Detector Flag setting Light exposure Detector Flag setting Decapsulation Detector Flag setting Power Glitch Detector Flag setting MET4 Dummy Active Line Disconnection Detector Flag setting Table 5-9. List of detector elements and attack notification Resistance to Physical Attack (FPT_PHP.3) 97 The TOE security functions shall resist the physical tampering scenarios given in Table 5-10. to the list of detector elements and attack notification (Table 5-9) by responding automatically such that the TOE security policy is not violated. Physical Tampering Scenario Reaction Elements Abnormal Voltage Attack RESET status or User software defined Abnormal Frequency Attack RESET status or User software defined Abnormal Temperature Attack RESET status or User software defined Light exposure Attack RESET status or User software defined Signal line Removal Attack RESET status or User software defined Power Glitch Attack RESET status or User software defined MET4 Dummy active line attack RESET status or User software defined Table 5-10. List of physical attack scenarios, functions and responses Note: As described in the CC part 2 annexes, technology limitations and relative physical exposure of the TOE must be considered. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 29 of 58 Cryptographic operation (FCS_COP.1) 98 In order for a cryptographic operation to function correctly, the operation must be performed in accordance with specified algorithm and with a cryptographic key of specified size. The TSF shall perform in accordance with specified cryptographic algorithms. 99 The TSF shall perform cryptographic operations [see table 5-11.] in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [see table 5-11.] and cryptographic key sizes [see table 5- 11.] that meet the followings: Operation Algorithm Key size Standards Encryption/Decryption DES 64 bits FIPS 46-2 Encryption/Decryption Triple DES 128 effective bits FIPS 46-2 Encryption/Decryption RSA 128 to 2048 bits ANSI X9.31 Encryption/Decryption DSS 160/ 1024bits FIPS 186 Table 5-11. List of cryptograhic operations 100 The TSF shall perform cryptographic operations like HASH function and 16-bit Random number generator. Cryptographic key generation (FCS_CKM.1) 101 Cryptographic key generation requires cryptographic keys to be generated in accordance with a specified algorithm and key size which can be based on an assigned standard. The TSF shall generate cryptographic key generation with specified cryptographic algorithms. 102 The TSF shall generate cryptographic key in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm [see Table 5-12] and cryptographic key sizes [see Table 5-12] that meet the followings: Cryptography Algorithm Key size Standards RSA Encryption/Decryption Generation of prime number 512 to 2048 bits The Rabin-Miller Probabilistic Primality Test DSS Generation of prime number 160/ 1024bits The Rabin-Miller Probabilistic Primality Test Table 5-12. List of cryptograhic key generations 5.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ENFORCED BY THE IT ENVIRONMENT 103 IT environment is the user embedded software. 5.2.1 Functional requirements applicable to phase 7 Cryptographic key destruction(FCS_CKM.4) 104 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic key in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method [assignment: cryptographic key destruction method] that meets the following: [assignment: list of standards] S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 30 of 58 6 TOE SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 105 The Assurance requirement is EAL 4 augmented of additional assurance components as listed in the Protection Profile PP/9806. Assurance Class Assurance Family Abbreviated Name Component CM automation ACM_AUT 1 CM capabilities ACM_CAP 4 Configuration Management CM scope ACM_SCP 2 Delivery ADO_DEL 2 Delivery and Operation Installation, generation and start up ADO_IGS 1 Functional specification ADV_FSP 2 High Level Design ADV_HLD 2 Implementation representation ADV_IMP 2 Low Level Design ADV_LLD 1 Representation Correspondence ADV_RCR 1 Development Security Policy Model ADV_SPM 1 Administrator guidance AGD_ADM 1 Guidance Documents User guidance AGD_USR 1 Development Security ALC_DVS 2 Flaw Remediation ALC_FLR 1 Life cycle definition ALC_LCD 1 Life Cycle Support Tools and Techniques ALC_TAT 1 Coverage ATE_COV 2 Depth ATE_DPT 1 Functional tests ATE_FUN 1 Tests Independent testing ATE_IND 2 Misuse AVA_MSU 2 Strength of TOE SF AVA_SOF 1 Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability analysis AVA_VLA 4 Note: Augmentation versus EAL4 level Table 6-1. Evaluation assurance level summary S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 31 of 58 7 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION 7.1 LIST OF SECURITY FUNCTION SF1: Security violation recording and reaction 106 These security function records in register the events notified by the detectors (refer to list below). The software configures the reaction:  The TOE is immediately reset when an event is detected.  Or, a flag is set List of detectors:  Abnormal voltage  Abnormal frequency  Abnormal temperature  Light exposure  Signal line decapsulation  Power Glitch  MET4 Dummy active line disconnection Dependency on other SF:  SF2 (Abnormal Voltage detection)  SF3 (Abnormal frequency detection)  SF4 (Abnormal Temperature detection)  SF5 (Light detection)  SF6 (Signal line decapsulation detection)  SF7 (Abnormal Power Glitch detection)  SF23 (MET4 Dummy active line disconnection detection) SF2: Voltage detection 107 This security function detects out of range voltage events. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none SF3: Frequency detection 108 This security function detects out of range frequency events. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 32 of 58 SF4: Temperature detection 109 This security function detects out of range temperature events. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none SF5: Light detection 110 This security function detects out of range light events. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none SF6: Signal line decapsulation detection 111 This security function detects signal line decapsulation events. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none SF7: Power Glitch detection 112 This security function detects power glitch events. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none SF8: Internal variable clock 113 This security function selects an internal variable clock rather than the external clock. This function protects against power monitoring. Dependency on other SF: none S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 33 of 58 SF9: Security registers access control 114 The TOE has three security control registers: MASCON, SECCON, and SECMOD (refer to functional specification document and guidance document for more details) 115 This security function manages access to the security control registers through access control security attributes. Write access is allowed only if the code is executed in the ROM. 116 The USER configuration has another function, which is write enable bit for security related registers. If user do not enable this bit in 128cycles after the reset, user can not write security control registers any more. 117 The attributes enforce the following access rights: TOE configuration Code execution from : Access to security control registers in TEST configuration Access to security control registers in USER configuration TEST_ROM R/W No USER_ROM R/W R/W EEPROM R R Table 7-1. Security registers access control R: Read access W: Write access Dependency on other SF: none SF10: Invalid address access 118 This function detects invalid address access occurrence. When an event is detected, a FIQ (Fast Interrupt Request) is granted and the FIQ processing starts. 119 The memory access rights are configured in the control register MASCON (refer SF 11) and MPU (Memory Protection Unit). Dependency on other SF:  SF11 (access rights for the code executed in EEPROM) S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 34 of 58 SF11: Access rights for the code executed in EEPROM 120 This security function manages the code execution in EEPROM, through access control security attributes. If an invalid access is detected, then a FIQ occurs (security function SF10). Access Rights Attributes Code Execution in EEPROM Enable/Disable Data Access(Read) to ROM Enable/Disable Data Access(Read/Write) to RAM Enabled Table 7-2. Access rights for the code executed in EEPROM 121 If an invalid access is detected, then a FIQ occurs (security function SF10). Dependency on other SF: none SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration 122 This function disables the TEST configuration and enables the USER configuration of the TOE. This function ensures the non-reversibility of the configuration. This function is used once in the factory. Dependency on other SF: none SF13: Address/Data bus scrambling 123 This function protects address/data bus from probing. Dependency on other SF: none SF14: Test configuration communication protocol and data commands 124 This function is the proprietary protocol used to operate the chip in TEST configuration. This function enforces the identification and authentication of the TEST administrator during the test phase of the manufacturing. Strength of function (SOF): High Dependency on other SF: none SF15: Test 125 During the manufacturing, the operation of the TOE and the embedded software checksum are verified. This security function ensures the correct operation of the security functions and the integrity of the embedded software. Dependency on other SF: none S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 35 of 58 SF16: High frequency filter 126 This security function is used to cut off extremely high range of frequencies on the external clock pin. Dependency on other SF: none SF17: Clock noise filter 127 This noise filter is used to prevent noise and glitches in the external clock line from causing undefined or unpredictable behavior of the chip. Dependency on other SF: none SF18: Reset noise filter 128 This noise filter is used to prevent noise and glitches in the external reset line from causing undefined or unpredictable behavior of the chip. Dependency on other SF: none SF19: Synthesizable processor core 129 This processor core is synthesizable with glue logic, which makes more difficulty in reverse engineering and signal identification. Dependency on other SF: none SF20: Data Encryption Standard engine 130 This function is used for encrypting and decrypting data using a DES. Dependency on other SF: none SF21:SuperMAPII Cryptographic coprocessor 131 This function is used for assistance in the acceleration of modulo exponentiations required in the RSA arithmetic. Dependency on other SF: none SF22: Random number generator 132 This function is used for generating random numbers for security process in the smart card application. Dependency on other SF: none SF23: MET4 Dummy active line disconnection detector 133 This function protects layouts from probing/FIB (Focused Ion Beam) attacks and detects disconnection of MET4 line. The recording and the reaction (reset of the TOE) are managed by the security function SF1 (Security violation recording and reaction). Dependency on other SF: none S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 36 of 58 7.2 ASSURANCE MEASURE Assurance Class Assurance Family Assurance Component Assurance measure(document reference) ACM_AUT 1 Project APACHE-II Configuration Management Documentation (class ACM), Version 1.2, Issued on August 14, 2003 ACM_AUT1 is described in configuration management plan of this document ACM_CAP 4 Project APACHE-II Configuration Management Documentation (class ACM), Version 1.2, Issued on August 14, 2003 ACM_CAP4 is described in configuration list, configuration management plan and acceptance plan of this document ACM: Configuration Management ACM_SCP 2 Project APACHE-II Configuration Management Documentation(class ACM), Version 1.2, Issued on August 14, 2003 ACM_SCP2 is described in configuration list and configuration management plan of this document ADO_DEL 2 Project APACHE-II Delivery Procedures Documentation (class ADO), Version 1.0, Issued on June 18, 2004 ADO: Delivery and Operation ADO_IGS 1 Project APACHE-II Installation, generation and start-up Procedures (class ADO), Version 1.0 Issued on June 18, 2004 ADV_FSP 2 Project APACHE-II Functional Specification (Class ADV), Version 1.1, Issued on June 18, 2003 ADV_HLD 2 Project APACHE-II High Level Design (Class ADV), Version 1.1, Issued on July 3, 2003 ADV_LLD 1 Project APACHE-II Low Level Design (Class ADV), Version 1.2, Issued on February 9, 2004 ADV_IMP 2 Project APACHE-II Implementation (Class ADV), Version 1.2, Issued on February 7, 2004 ADV_RCR 1 All representation correspondence analyses are included in the relevant TOE representation documentation (FSP, HLD, LLD, IMP) ADV: Development ADV_SPM 1 Project APACHE-II (S3CC9RB) Security Policy Model (Class ADV), Version 1.0, Issued on May 12, 2003 AGD_ADM 1 AGD: Guidance Documents AGD_USR 1 Project APACHE-II Guidance Documentation (Class AGD), Version 1.4, Issued on February 16, 2004 Guidance Documentation is consists of: - C9PB/RB/P9 User’s Manual 2.0 - C9PB/RB/P9 User’s Manual Errata 1.0 - Security Application Note 1.5 - Programmer’s Guide 1.3 - Test-Administrator Guidance 1.1 Table 7-3. Assurance measures table S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 37 of 58 ALC_DVS 2 Project APACHE-II Development Security Procedures(Class ALC), Version 1.0, Issued on June 18, 2003 ALC_FLR 1 Project APACHE-II Flaw Remediation Procedures(Class ALC), Version 1.0, Issued on June 18, 2003 ALC_LCD 1 Project APACHE-II Life Cycle Definition Documentation(Class ALC), Version 1.0, Issued on June 18, 2003 ALC: Life Cycle Support ALC_TAT 1 Project APACHE-II Development Tool Documentation(Class ALC), Version 1.0, Issued on June 18, 2003 ATE_COV 2 Test Coverage Analysis(Class ATE), is described in Project APACHE-II Test Documentation(Class ATE) Version 1.1, Issued on August 13, 2003 ATE_DPT 1 Test Depth Analysis(Class ATE) is described in Project APACHE-II Test Documentation(Class ATE) Version 1.1, Issued on August 13, 2003 ATE: Tests ATE_FUN 1 Project APACHE Test Documentation(Class ATE), Version 1.1, Issued on August 13, 2003 AVA_MSU 2 Project APACHE-II Analysis of the Guidance Documentation (Class AVA) Version 1.0, Issued on June 5, 2003 AVA_SOF 1 Project APACHE-II Strength of TOE SF Analysis (Class AVA) Version 1.0, Issued on June 5, 2003 AVA: Vulnerability Assessment AVA_VLA 4 Project APACHE Vulnerability Analysis (Class AVA) Version 1.0, Issued on June 10, 2003 Table 7-3. Assurance measures table S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 38 of 58 8 PP CLAIMS 134 S3CC9RB conforms to requirements of PP/9806. 135 There are two additional security objectives with respect to the ST: O.CRYPTO arising from the organisational security policy OSP_CRYPTO. It is a TOE objective realised by the additional functional requirements FCS_COP.1 and FCS_CKM.1 O.KEY_DEST arising from the assumption A.KEY_DEST. It is an IT environment objective realised by the additional functional requirement FCS_CKM.4. 136 No additional assurance requirement is introduced. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 39 of 58 9 RATIONALE 9.1 INTRODUCTION 137 This chapter presents the evidence used in the ST redaction. This evidence supports the claims that the ST is complete and coherent. 9.2 SECURITY OBJECTIVES RATIONALE 138 This section demonstrates that the stated security objectives address all of the security environment aspects identified. 9.2.1 Threats and security objectives 139 The following tables show which security objectives counter which threats phase by phase. Phase 1 140 During Phase 1, the smart card embedded software is being developed and the IC pre- personalization requirements are specified. Phase 1 is outside the scope of this ST and only threats on the assets exchanged between the IC designer and the smart card embedded software developer are relevant to this ST. 141 Such threats are identified in sections 3.3.1 ad 3.3.2 of the ST: • T.CLON, • T.DIS_INFO, • T.DIS_DEL, • T.MOD_DEL, • T.T_DEL. 142 Since the TOE is undo-construction during this phase, only security objectives for the environment are described during this phase. 143 Table 9-1 indicates that each to be countered threat during phase 1 is mapped to at least one security objective. No organizational security policy has to be considered. Threats/Objecti O.DEV_DIS O.SOFT_DLV O.DEV_TOOLS O.SOFT_MECH T.CLON X X X X T.DIS_INFO X T.DIS_DEL X T.MOD_DEL X T.T_DEL X Table 9-1. Mapping of security objectives to threats at phase 1 144 O.DEV_DIS addresses all the threats on the assets transmitted from the IC designer to the smart card embedded software developer during the smart card development, which is the major concern of T.DIS_INFO. This objective also partially addresses the T.CLON threat since it requires well-defined and controlled procedures to the delivery of any IC proprietary assets. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 40 of 58 145 O.SOFT_DLV addresses all the threats applicable to the delivery of the smart card embedded software to the IC designer since it requires the application of a trusted delivery and verification procedure (T.T_DEL) maintaining the integrity (T.MOD_DEL) and the confidentiality of the software if applicable (T.DIS_DEL, T.T_DEL). 146 The threats identified at phase 1 are countered by the security objectives in the way described above; nevertheless, T.CLON is partially countered by the four objectives which prevent the functional cloning of the TOE but can not avoid it completely. Phase 2 147 Since the TOE is under construction during this phase (the IC is being developed), Only security objectives for the environment are described during this phase. There is also no assumption for this phase. 148 Table 9-2 shows the mapping of security objectives to threats during phase 2. T.T_PRODUCT and T.DIS_TEST are not applicable to this phase as referred by the Tab1e 3-1 of the ST. No organizational security policy has to be considered. Threats/Objectives O.SOFT _ACS O.DESIGN _ACS O.DSOFT _ACS O.MASK _FAB O.MECH _ACS O.TI _ACS T.CLON X X X X X X T.DIS_DESIGN X X X T.DIS_SOFT X T.DIS_DSOFT X T.DIS_TOOLS X T.DIS_PHOTOMASK X T.T_SAMPLE X T.T_PHOTOMASK X T.MOD_DESIGN X X X T.MOD_DSOFT X T.MOD_SOFT X T.MOD_PHOTOMASK X Table 9-2. Mapping of security objectives to threats at phase 2 149 O.SOFT_ACS addresses the threats T.DIS_SOFT and T.MOD_SOFT by restricting access to the smart card embedded software when delivered to the IC designer only to authorized personnel. 150 O.DESIGN_ACS addresses the threats T.DIS_DESIGN, T.DIS_TOOLS, T.MOD_DESIGN, T.T_SAMPLE by restricting access to the IC design assets only to authorized personnel. 151 O.MECH_ACS addresses the threat T.DIS_DESIGN ad T.MOD_DESIGN by limiting access to the hardware security mechanism specifications only to authorized personnel. 152 O.TI_ACS addresses the threats T.DIS_DESIGN, T.MOD_DESIGN by restricting access to the security relevant information on IC techno1ogy during the IC design to authorized personnel. 153 O.DSOFT_ACS addresses the threats T.DIS_DSOFT, T.MOD_DSOFT by restricting access to the IC dedicated software information only to authorized personnel. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 41 of 58 154 O.MASK_FAB addresses T.DIS_PHOTOMASK, T.T_PHOTOMASK, T.MOD_PHOTOMASK by providing procedures to ensure the confidentiality and the integrity of the TOE during photomask fabrication and delivery between the IC manufactured and the photomasks manufacturer. 155 The T.CLON threat is partially countered by a11 of the objectives described above since they limit the possibility to access any sensitive relevant information of the TOE during phase 2. Phases 3 to 7 Security objectives for the environment at phase 3 156 At phase 3, the TOE is constructed and tested then operational. Security objectives for the environment have been developed for phase 3 and address the TOE environment during this phase. 157 This section explains the mapping of security objectives for the environment to threats during the manufacturing process, as detailed in Tab1e 9-3. The mapping of TOE security objectives to threats during phase 3 is described in Table 9-4. Threats/Objectives O.TOE_PRT O.IC_DLV T.CLON X X T.DIS_DESIGN X T.DIS_SOFT X T.DIS_DSOFT X T.DIS_TEST X T.DIS_TOOLS X T.DIS_PHOTOMASK X T.T_SAMPLE X X T.T_PHOTOMASK X T.T_PRODUCT X X T.MOD_DESIGN X T.MOD_DSOFT X T.MOD_SOFT X T.MOD_PHOTOMASK X Table 9-3. Mapping of security objectives for the environment to threats at phase 3 158 O.TOE_PRT addresses all the threats by ensuring the protection of the TOE during the manufacturing process, pre-personalization and testing, since it provides a security system applicable to the IC manufacturing and testing phase to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the TOE. 159 O.IC_DLV addresses the threats T.T_SAMPLE, T.T_PRODUCT by providing a well-defined and controlled delivery procedure of the TOE. 160 The T.CLON threat is partial countered by all of the objectives described above since they limit the possibility access any sensitive relevant information on the TOE during the manufacturing and testing phase (phase 3). S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 42 of 58 TOE security objectives from phase 3 to 7 161 The Table 9-4. maps the TOE security objectives to the threats identified at phase 3 to 7. Threats/ Objectives O. TAMPER O. CLON O. OPERATE O. FLAW O.DIS_ME CHANISM O.DIS_ MEMORY O.MOD_ MEMORY T.CLON X T.DIS_DESIGN X X T.DIS_SOFT X X T.DIS_DSOFT X X T.DIS_TEST X X T.T_SAMPLE X T.T_PRODUCT X T.MOD_DESIGN X X X T.MOD_DSOFT X X X X T.MOD_SOFT X X X X Table 9-4. Mapping TOE security objectives to threats at phase 3 to 7 162 O.TAMPER addresses the threats T.DIS_DESIGN, T.DIS_SOFT, T.DIS_DSOFT, TDIS_TEST, T.MOD_DESIGN, T.MOD_DSOFT, T.MOD_SOFT by ensuring the integrity protection of the security critical parts of the TOE and protecting them any disclosure. 163 O.CLON addresses the threat T.CLON. 164 O.OPERATE addresses the threats T.T_SAMPLE, T.T_PRODUCT, T.MOD_DESIGN, T.MOD_DSOFT, T.MOD_SOFT by providing the TOE protection against unauthorized use (modification of the TOE or theft as an example) 165 O.FLAW addresses the threats T.MOD_DESIGN, T.MOD_DSOFT, T.MOD_SOFT by preventing any unauthorized modification of the TOE during its design, production or operation. 166 O.DIS_MECHANISM addresses the threats T.DIS_DESIGN by preventing any unauthorized disclosure of the hardware security mechanisms. 167 ODIS_MEMORY addresses the meats T.DIS_SOFT, T.DIS_DSOFT, T.DIS_TEST by protecting all information contained in memories from unauthorized access. 168 O.MOD_MEMORY addresses the threats T.MOD_DSOFT, T.MOD_SOFT by protecting all information contained in memories from any unauthorized modification. 169 It has to be noted that the threats T.DIS_TOOLS, T.T_PHOTOMASK, T.DIS_PHOTOMASK, T.MOD_PHOTOMASK are countered by security objectives for the environment during the manufacturing and testing phase (phase 3). S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 43 of 58 9.2.2 Assumptions and security objectives 170 The following tables show which security objectives counter which threats phase by phase. Phase 1 171 Table 9-5 indicates the relationships between assumptions and security objective for the environment. It shows that each assumption is covered by at least one security objective for the environment. Assumptions/ Objectives O.DEV_DIS O.SOFT_DLV O.DEV_TOOLS O.SOFT_MECH A.SOFT_ARCHI X X A.DEV_ORG X X Table 9-5. Mapping TOE security objectives to assumptions at phase 1 TOE delivery process (phase 4 to 7) 172 Table 9-6 indicates the relationships between assumptions and security objective for the environment. It shows that each assumption is covered by at least one security objective for the environment. Assumptions/ Objectives O.DLV_PROTECT O.DLV_AUDIT O.DLV_RESP A.DLV_PROTECT X A.DLV_AUDIT X A.DLV_RESP X Table 9-6. Mapping of security objectives to assumptions at phase 4 to 7 Phase 4 to 6 173 Table 9-7 indicates the relationships between assumptions and security objectives for the environment. It shows that each assumption is covered by at least one security objective for the environment. Assumptions/ Objectives O.TEST_OPERATE A.USE_TEST X A.USE_PROD X Table 9-7. Mapping of security objectives to assumptions at phase 4 to 6 S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 44 of 58 Phase 7 174 Table 9-8 indicates the relationships between assumptions and security objectives for the environment at phase 7. It shows that each assumption is covered by at least one security objective for the environment. Assumptions/ Objectives O.USE_SYS O.USE_DIAG O.KEY_DEST A.USE_SYS X A.USE_DIAG X A.KEY_DEST X Table 9-8. Mapping of security objectives to assumptions at phase 7 9.2.3 Cryptographic OSP and security objectives (phase 4 to 7) 175 Table 9-9 indicates the relationships between Cryptographic OSP and security objectives for the TOE. It shows that each OSP is covered by at least one security objective for the TOE. Cryptographic OSP /Objectives O.CRYPTO OSP_CRYPTO X Table 9-9. Mapping of security objectives to OSP at phase 7 S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 45 of 58 9.3 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS RATIONALE 176 The security requirement rationale shall demonstrate that the set of security requirements (TOE and environment) is suitable to meet the security objectives. 9.3.1 Security functional requirements rationale 177 This section demonstrates that the combination of the security requirements is suitable to satisfy the identified TOE security objectives. 178 Each of the TOE security objectives is addressed by either functional or assurance requirements 179 The following table demonstrates which requirements contribute to the satisfaction of the satisfaction of the TOE and IT-environment security objective. Requirements O.TA MPER O. CLON O.OPER ATE O. FLAW O.DIS_ MECHA NISM O.DIS_ MEMOR Y O.MOD_ MEMOR Y O. CRYPT O O.KEY_ DEST EAL4 requirements X FIA_UAU.2(phase 3) X Partial X X X X FIA_UID.2(phase 3) X Partial X X X X FIA_ATD.1(phase 3) X Partial X X X X FPT_TST.1(phase 3) X X FDP_SDI.1(phase 3) X FMT_MOF.1 X FMT_MSA.1 X FMT_SMR.1 X FMT_MSA.3 X FDP_ACC.2 Partial X X X X FDP_ACF.1 Partial X X X X FDP_IFC.1 Partial X X X X FDP_IFF.1 Partial X X X X FAU_SAA.1 Partial X FPR_UNO.1 X Partial X X X FPT_PHP.2 X Partial X X X X FPT_PHP.3 X Partial X X X X FCS_COP.1 X FCS_CKM.1 X FCS_CKM.4 X Table 9-10. Mapping of security requirements and TOE security objectives 180 This section describes why the security requirements are suitable to meet each of the TOE security objectives. 181 The EAL4 assurance requirements contribute to the satisfaction of the O.FLAW security objective. They are suitable because they provide the assurance that the TOE is designed, implemented and operates so that the IT functional requirements are correctly provided. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 46 of 58 182 At phase 3 (testing phase), the identification and authentication functions (FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UID.2, FIA_ATD.1) are necessary to ensure that the testing operations of the TOE are done under control and that only authorized employees/processes will be able to run the testing operations of the TOE. This set of functional requirements is required by all the TOE security objectives during this phase. FIA_UID.2, FIA_ATD.1, FIA_UAU.2 provide the capability to identify and authenticate the user prior to performing any functions for the user. 183 The objective O.CLON is partially countered by the functional requirements listed in the Table 9-9 since they provide the capability to limit the operations on the TOE to a set of authorized operations by authorized users, but in fact, this objective would require a specific function to avoid the functional cloning of the TOE which is in fact not the case. 184 At phase 3, FPT_TST.1 ensures the correct operation of security functions by providing security functionalities testing during phase 3, required by the objective O.OPERATE and O.MOD_MEMORY (integrity of TOE security functions data that are stored in memories). This is important for the TOE especially for the security controls when changing from phase 3 to the others. 185 At phase 3, FDP_SDI.1 provides protection against integrity errors that may affect all user information stored in memories, required by the O.MOD_MEMORY objective. 186 At all phases, FAU_SAA.1 provides the capability of indicating a potential violation of the TOE Security Policy. The rules defined by the TOE Security Policy could be different at phase 3 compared to phases 4 to 7. This security function works in support of the O.OPERATE. 187 At all phases, FDP_ACC.2 will provide the protection of all information contained in memories and of the hardware security mechanisms, required by the objectives O.DIS_MEMORY, O.MOD_MEMORY, O.DIS_MECHANISM and O.OPERATE. The rules defined by the Access control security functions policy could be different at phase 3 compared to phases 4 to 7. FDP_ACF.1 enforces also these objectives. For the IC dedicated software, FDP_IFC.1 and FDP_IFF.1 are a1so applicable to provide the capability to ensure a subset information flow control, required by the objectives listed above. 188 At all phases the functions FMT_MOF.1, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_MSA.3 provide the administration of security functions and security attributes during all the phases, required by the O.OPERATE objective. This is a major concern for the TOE especially for the changes from one phase to another under the TOE control. 189 At all phases the unobservability functional requirement FPR_UNO. 1 provides the protection against unauthorized disclosure and use of sensitive information, required by the objectives O.TAMPER, O.OPERATE, O.DIS_MEMORY, O.DIS_MECHANISM since unobservability ensure that a user may use a resource or service without others, especially third parties, being able to observe that the resource or service is being used. There is no potential conflict with identification and authentication requirement (FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UID.2 and FIA_ATD.1) because there is only one authenticated user at a time and internal operations on behalf of that user shall not be observable for unauthorized users. 190 At all phases, FPT_PHP.2 provide the capability to notify physical attacks to some extents, required, due to the TOE definition, by all the objectives. 191 At all phases, FPT_PHP.3 provides the capability to resist to physical attacks, required, due to the T0E definition, by all the objectives. 192 At phase 4 to phase 7, FCS_COP.1 provides cryptographic operations in accordance with specified cryptographic algorithm and cryptographic key sizes. 193 At phase 4 to phase 7, FCS_CKM.1 provides cryptographic key generation in accordance with specified cryptographic algorithm and cryptographic key sizes. 194 At phase 7, FCS_CKM.4 provides cryptographic key destruction in accordance with specified cryptographic destruction method. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 47 of 58 9.3.2 Security functional requirements dependencies 195 This section demonstrates that all dependencies between security functional requirements components included in this ST are satisfied. 196 The following table lists all functiona1 components, with a numeric number. The dependencies of each component are listed alongside that component with a reference to the line number of the component, which satisfies them. Component reference line numbers followed by (H) indicate that the dependency is satisfied by a hierarchical component to that referenced. Number NAME Dependent Line number 1 FIA_UAU.2 FIA_UID.1 H(2) 2 FIA_UID.2 No dependencies - 3 FIA_ATD.1 No dependencies - 4 FPT_TST.1 FPT_AMT.1 See Reference [B] 5 FDP_SDI.1 No dependencies - 5 FAU_SAA.1 FAU_GEN.1 See Reference [A] 6 FMT_MOF.1 FMT_SMR.1 8 7 FMT_MSA.1 FMT_SMR.1,FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1 8,H(10),12 8 FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 H(2) 9 FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1 7,8 10 FDP_ACC.2 FDP_ACF.1 11 11 FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACC.1, FMT_MSA.3 H(10),9 12 FDP_IFC.1 FDP_IFF.1 13 13 FDP_IFF.1 FDP_IFC.1, FMT_MSA_3 12,9 14 FPR_UNO.1 No dependencies - 15 FPT_PHP.2 FMT_MOF.1 6 16 FPT_PHP.3 No dependencies - 17 FCS_COP.1 FDP_ITC.1 or FCS_CKM.1, FCS_CKM.4 FMT_MSA.2 - 18 FCS_CKM.1 FDP_ITC.1 or FCS_COP.1, FCS_CKM.4 FMT_MSA.2 - 19 FCS_CKM.4 FDP_ITC.1 or FCS_COP.1, FCS_CKM.1 FMT_MSA.2 - Table 9-11. Functional dependencies analysis 197 Tab1e 9-11. shows that the functiona1 components dependencies are satisfied by any functional components of the ST except for the components stated in bold characters, which are discussed hereafter. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 48 of 58 Reference [Al: 198 The dependency of FAU_SAA.1 with FAU_GEN.1 is not applicable to the TOE; the FAU_GEN component forces many security relevant events to be recorded (due to dependencies with other functional security components) and this is not achievable to a smart card IC considering state of the art implementation. It is then assumed that the function FAU_SAA.1 may still be used and the specific audited events will have to be defined in the ST independently with FAU_GEN.1. Reference [B]: 199 The dependency of FPT_TST.1 with FPT_AMT.1 is not clearly relevant for a smart card IC; FPT_TST.1 is self-consistent for the TOE (hardware and firmware) and does not require the FPT_AMT.1 function (Abstract Machine Testing) which seems to be more appropriate for operating systems TOEs. 9.3.3 Strength of functional level rationale 200 Due to the definition of the TOE, it is very important that the claimed SOF should be high since the product critical security mechanisms have to be only defeated by attackers possessing a high level of expertise, opportunity and resources, successful attack being judged to be beyond normal practicality. 9.3.4 Security assurance requirements rationale 201 The assurance requirements of the Security Target are summarised in the following table 9-12. Requirements Name Type EAL4 Methodically Designed, Tested and Reviewed Assurance level ADV_IMP.2 Implementation of the TSF Higher hierarchical component ADV_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security measures Higher hierarchical component AVA_VLA.4 Highly resistant Higher hierarchical component Table 9-12. ST Assurance requirements Evaluation assurance level rationale 202 An assurance level of EAL4 is required for this type of TOE since it is intended to defend against sophisticated attacks. This evaluation assurance level was selected since it is designed to permit a developer to gain maximum assurance from positive security engineering based on good commercial practices. EAL4 represents the highest practical level of assurance expected for a commercial grade product. In order to provide a meaningful level of assurance that the TOE provides an adequate level of defense against such attacks, the evaluator should have access to the low-level design and source code. 203 The assurance level EAL4 is achievable, since it requires no specialist techniques on the part of the developer. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 49 of 58 Assurance augmentations rationale 204 Additional assurance requirements are also required due to the definition of the TOE. ADV_IMP.2 Implementation of the TSF 205 The implementation representation is used to express the notion of the least abstract representation of the TSF, specifically the one that is used to create the TSF itself without further design refinement. IC dedicated software source code and IC hardware drawings are examples of TSF implementation representation. 206 This assurance component is a higher hierarchical component to EAL 4 (only ADV_IMP.1). It is important for a smart card IC that the evaluator evaluates the implementation representation of the entire TSF and determines if the functional requirements in the Security Target are addressed by the representation of the TSF. 207 ADV_IMP.2 has dependencies with ADV_LLD.1 “Descriptive Low Level design “, ADV_RCR.1 “Informal correspondence demonstration”, ALC_TAT.1 “Well defined development tools”. These assurance components are included in EAL4, then these dependencies are satisfied. ALC_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security measures 208 Development security is concerned with physical, procedural, personnel and other technical measures that may be used in the development environment to protect the TOE. 209 This assurance component is a higher hierarchical component to EAL4 (only ALC_DVS.1). Due to the nature of the TOE, there is a need for any justification of the sufficiency of these procedures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the TOE. 210 ALC_DVS.2 has no dependencies. AVA_VLA.4 Highly resistant 211 Due to the definition of the TOE, it must be shown to be highly resistant to penetration attacks. 212 This assurance requirement is achieved by the AVA_VLA.4 component. Independent vulnerability analysis is based on highly detailed technical information. The attacker is assumed to be thoroughly familiar with the specific implementation of the TOE. The attacker is presumed to have a high level of technical sophistication. 213 AVA_VLA.4 has dependencies with ADV_FSP.1 “Informal functional specification”, ADV_HLD.2 “Security enforcing high-level design”, ADV_LLD.1 “Descriptive low-1evel design”, ADV_IMP.1 “Subset of the implementation of the TSF”, AGD_ADM.1 “Administrator Guidance”, AGD-USR.1 “User Guidance”. All these dependencies are satisfied by EAL4. 9.3.5 Security requirements are mutually supportive and internally consistent 214 The purpose of this part of the ST Rationale is to show that the security requirements are mutually supportive and internally consistent. 215 EAL4 is an established set of mutual-supportive and internally consistent assurance requirements. 216 The dependencies analysis for the additional assurance components in the previous section has shown that the assurance requirements are mutually supportive and internally consistent (all the dependencies have been satisfied). 217 The dependencies analysis for the functional requirements described above demonstrates mutual support and internal consistency between the functional requirements. 218 Inconsistency between functional and assurance requirements can only arise if there are functional-assurance dependencies that are not met, a possibility which has been shown not to arise. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 50 of 58 9.4 THE TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION RATIONALE (Table for relationship between security function and functional requirement) 219 The following table shows that the set of Security Functions covers all Functional Requirements: SR SF FIA_ UAU. 2 FIA_ UID. 2 FIA_ ATD. 1 FPT_ TST . 1 FDP_ SDI.1 FMT_ MOF 1 FMT_ MSA. 1 FMT_ SMR. 1 FMT_ MSA. 3 FDP_ ACC. 2 FDP_ ACF . 1 FDP_ I FC. 1 FDP_ I FF. 1 FAU_ SAA. 1 FPR_ UNO. 1 FPT_ PHP. 2 FPT_ PHP. 3 FCS_ COP. 1 FCS_ CKM. 1 SF1  SF2   SF3   SF4   SF5   SF6   SF7   SF8  SF9   SF10  SF11   SF12        SF13  SF14   SF15   SF16  SF17  SF18  SF19  SF20  SF21   SF22  SF23    Table 9-13. Relationship between security function and functional requirement S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 51 of 58 220 The combination of security function SF1 to SF23 works together to satisfy the security requirements of the ST. The use of any security function does not disable any other security function. The following table summarizes the dependencies between security functions: Dependency on: SF sf1 sf2 sf3 sf4 sf5 sf6 sf7 sf8 sf9 sf10 sf11 sf12 sf13 sf14 sf15 sf16 sf17 sf18 sf19 Sf20 Sf21 Sf22 Sf23 SF1        SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10  SF11 SF12 SF13 SF14 SF15 SF16 SF17 SF18 SF19 SF20 SF21 SF22 SF23 Table 9-14. Security function dependencies S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 52 of 58 User authentication before any action (FIA_UAU.2) 221 The security function:  SF14 : Test configuration communication protocol and test commands Enforces the TEST administrator authentication before any action in TEST configuration. 222 This Security Function contributes to the TOE security objective (Highly resist). User identification before any action (FIA_UID.2) 223 The security function: • SF14 : Test configuration communication protocol and test commands Enforces the TEST administrator authentication before any action in TEST configuration. 224 This Security Function contributes to the TOE security objective (Highly resist). User attribute definition (FIA_ATD.1) 225 The security function: • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Maintains the TOE configuration security attributes. TOE security function testing (FPT_TST.1) 226 The security function: • SF15: Test Demonstrates the correct operation of the TOE security functions. Stored data integrity monitoring (FDP_SDI.1) 227 The security function: • SF15: Test Monitors and verifies the integrity of the user data stored in the TOE. Management of security function behavior (FMT_MOF.1) 228 The security function: • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Restricts the ability to enable the function TOE configuration to the TEST administrator. Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1) 229 The security function: • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Enforces the information flow control to restrict the ability to change the security attributes, to the TEST administrator. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 53 of 58 Management of security attributes (FMT_SMR.1) 230 The security function: • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Maintains the roles of TEST administrator and USER. Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3) 231 The security function: • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Enforce the information flow control security functions policy. Complete access control (FDP_ACC.2) 232 The security function: • SF11: Access rights for the code executed in EEPROM Enforce the memory access control. Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1) 233 The security function: • SF11: Access rights for the code executed in EEPROM Enforce the memory access control. Subset information flow control (FDP_IFC.1) 234 The security function: • SF9: Security registers access control • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Enforce the information flow control, based on the TOE configuration. Simple security attributes (FDP_IFF.1) 235 The security function: • SF9: Security registers access control • SF12: Non reversibility of test configuration and user configuration Enforce the information flow control, based on the TOE configuration. Potential violation analysis (FAU_SAA.1) 236 The security function: • SF1: Security violation recording and reaction • SF10: Invalid address access Cover the potential violation events listed in Table 5-8. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 54 of 58 Unobservability (FPR_UNO.1) 237 The security function: • SF8: Internal variable clock. • SF13: Address/Data bus scrambling • SF19: synthesizable processor core • SF23: MET4 Dummy active line Protect against the observability of the operation of the TOE. Notification of Physical attack (FPT_PHP.2) 238 The security function: • SF2: Voltage detection • SF3: Frequency detection • SF4: Temperature detection • SF5: Light detection • SF6: Signal line decapsulation detection • SF7: Power glitch detection • SF23: MET4 Dummy active line attack detection Cover the potential violation events listed in Table 5-9. Resistance to Physical attack (FPT_PHP.3) 239 The security function: • SF2: Voltage detection • SF3: Frequency detection • SF4: Temperature detection • SF5: Light detection • SF6: Passivation decapsulation detection • SF7: Power Glitch detection • SF13: Address/Data bus scrambling • SF16: High frequency filter • SF17: Clock noise filter • SF18: Reset noise filter • SF23: MET4 Dummy active layer Cover the potential violation events listed in Table 5-10. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 55 of 58 Cryptographic operation (FCS_COP.1) 240 The security function: • SF20: Data Encryption Standard engine • SF21: SuperMAPII cryptographic coprocessor • SF22: Random number generator Enhanced the cryptographic operation. Cryptographic key generation (FCS_CKM.1) 241 The security function: • SF21: SuperMAPII cryptographic coprocessor Enhanced the cryptographic key generation. 242 The assurance measures of “Table 7-3. Assurance measures table” are compliant with the Evaluation Assurance Level 4 (Common Criteria, version 2.l, issue August 1999, part3, paragraph 196) augmented by ADV_IMP.2 (Implementation representation), ALC_DVS.2 (Sufficiency of security measure) and AVA_VLA.4 (Highly resistant). 243 The augmentation is chosen to include in the scope of the evaluation, independent penetration tests. 244 The dependencies of the assurance components ACM_CAP, ADO_IGS, ADV_FSP, ADV_RCR, AGD_ADM, AGD_USR, ATE_IND are compliant with the CC, part 3. 245 Security Function SF14 is the unique function which, through its use of a permutational or probabilistic mechanism, could be subject to a direct attack. It claims a SOF level: SOF_High. The level is chosen as "High" because the TOE, for its uncontrolled user environment which eases attack opportunities, must not be defeated by attackers even with high attack resources." 9.5 THE PP CLAIMS RATIONALE 246 The present ST conforms to requirements of PP/9806. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 56 of 58 ANNEX A GLOSSARY Application Software (AS) Is the part of ES in charge of the Application of the Smart Card IC. Basic Software (BS) Is the part of ES in charge of the generic functions of the Smart Card IC such as Operating System, general routines and Interpreters. DAC Discretionary Access Control Dedicated Software (DS) Is defined as the part of ES provided to test the component and/or to manage specific functions of the component. Embedded Software (ES) Is defined as the software embedded in the Smart Card Integrated Circuit. The ES may be in any part of the non-volatile memories of the Smart Card IC. Embedded software developer Institution (or its agent) responsible for the Smart Card embedded software development and the specification of pre-personalization requirements. Initialization Is the process to write specific information in the NVM during IC manufacturing and testing (phase 3) as well as to execute security protection procedures by the IC manufacturer. The information could contain protection codes or cryptographic keys. Initialization Data Specific information written during manufacturing or testing of the TOE Integrated Circuit (IC) Electronic component(s) designed to perform processing and/or memory functions. IC designer Institution (or its agent) responsible for the IC development. S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 57 of 58 IC manufacturer Institution (or its agent) responsible for the IC manufacturing, testing, and pre-personalization. IC packaging manufacturer Institution (or its agent) responsible for the IC packaging and testing. Personaliser Institution (or its agent) responsible for the Smart Card personalization and final testing. Personalization data Specific information in the NVM during personalization phase RBAC Role-Based Access Control Security Information Secret data, initialization data or control parameters for protection system) Smart Card A credit sized plastic card, which has a non-volatile memory and a processing unit embedded within it. Smart Card Issuer Institution (or its agent) responsible for the Smart Card product delivery to the Smart Card end-user. Smart Card product manufacturer Institution (or its agent) responsible for the Smart Card product finishing process and testing. Smart Card Application Software (AS) is the part of ES dedicated to the applications S3CC9RB SECURITY TARGET CONFIDENTIAL Version 1.2 Page 58 of 58 ABBREVIATIONS CC Common Criteria EAL Evaluation Assurance Level IT Information Technology PP Protection Profile SF Security Function SOF Strength of Function ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSC TSF Scope of Control TSF TOE Security Functions TSFI TSF Interface TSP TOE Security Policy