Japan Information Technology Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme Certification No. C0092 Certification date 2007-04-27 Name of TOE OSⅣ/MSP SECURE AF2 Version of TOE V10L10 C06121 TOE category IT product (Operating System) Supplier Fujitsu Limited Name: Kenji Kaneko Division: SOFTWARE UNIT) BASIS SOFTWARE DIV. DEVELOPMENT DEPT. I Tel: 055-924-7349 Contact E-mail: kaneko.kenji@jp.fujitsu.com Conformance claim EAL1 PP conformance None Evaluation Facility Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Information Technology Security Center (JEITA ITSC) Description of TOE This TOE is the OS(Operating System)for enterprise computing which has been enhanced on the security functions of access control, identification and authentication of user and so on. The applications on the TOE which the users can use are operable in multi-user and multi-task environments. And the relationships of access between a user and resources can be defined in detail by this TOE. Based on these definitions the access control is performed and only the permitted user can use the resources securely within the permitted range. This TOE has the following security functions. ・identification and authentication ・access control ・auditing ・security management ・TOE protection