National Information Assurance Partnership Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme Validation Report Splunk 4.1.7 Report Number: CCEVS-VR-VID10437-2011 Version 1.0 March 18, 2011 National Institute of Standards and Technology National Security Agency Information Technology Laboratory Information Assurance Directorate 100 Bureau Drive 9800 Savage Road STE 6940 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6940 ® TM VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 ii Validation Team National Security Agency Michelle Brinkmeyer Lead Validator The Aerospace Corporation Jandria Alexander Senior Validator VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 iii Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................4 2 EVALUATION DETAILS................................................................................................................................4 2.1 THREATS TO SECURITY..................................................................................................................... 5 3 IDENTIFICATION ...........................................................................................................................................6 4 SECURITY POLICY ........................................................................................................................................6 4.1 IT DATA INDEXING ........................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 SECURITY AUDIT .............................................................................................................................. 6 4.3 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION........................................................................................... 6 4.4 SECURITY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 7 4.5 PROTECTION OF THE TSF.................................................................................................................. 7 4.6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT ............................................................................................................... 7 4.7 HIGH AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................................................... 7 5 ASSUMPTIONS.................................................................................................................................................7 5.1 CONNECTIVITY ASSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 7 5.2 PERSONNEL ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................... 7 5.3 PHYSICAL ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 8 6 CLARIFICATION OF SCOPE........................................................................................................................8 6.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................... 8 7 ARCHITECTURAL INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................9 7.1 TOE COMPONENTS..........................................................................................................................10 7.1.1 Splunk Web ............................................................................................................................10 7.1.2 Splunk CLI.............................................................................................................................10 7.1.3 Splunkd ..................................................................................................................................10 8 DOCUMENTATION.......................................................................................................................................10 9 TOE ACQUISITION.......................................................................................................................................12 10 IT PRODUCT TESTING................................................................................................................................12 10.1 FUNCTIONAL TESTING.................................................................................................................12 10.1.1 Functional Test Methodology ...........................................................................................12 10.1.2 Functional Test Results.....................................................................................................13 10.2 VULNERABILITY TESTING ...........................................................................................................13 10.2.1 Vulnerability Test Methodology........................................................................................13 10.2.2 Vulnerability Test Results .................................................................................................15 11 RESULTS OF THE EVALUATION .............................................................................................................15 12 VALIDATOR COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................16 12.1 CRYPTOGRAPHY IS VENDOR ASSERTED......................................................................................16 13 SECURITY TARGET.....................................................................................................................................16 14 LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................................16 15 TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................17 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................................18 VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 4 1 Executive Summary The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is Splunk 4.1.7. The TOE was evaluated by the Booz Allen Hamilton Common Criteria Test Laboratory (CCTL) in the United States and was completed in March 2011. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Common Criteria, Version 3.1 Revision 3 and the Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation (CEM), Version 3.1 Revision 3. The evaluation was for Evaluation Assurance Level 2 (EAL2) augmented with ALC_FLR.1 (Basic Flaw Remediation). The evaluation was consistent with National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS) policies and practices as described on their web site ( Splunk collects IT data logs from various configured machines, stores the logs on disk, and indexes the data it collects. Splunk features search functionality to query these logs at based on user requests. Multiple instances of the Splunk process can be utilized in synchronization to optimize the functionality, with different Splunk processes focusing on collecting and forwarding IT data, storing and indexing IT data, and searching IT data and providing a collaborative user interface. The Splunk product, when configured as specified in the Installation Guides and User Guides, satisfies all of the security functional requirements stated in the TOE’s Security Target. The cryptography used in this product has not been FIPS-certified, nor has it been analyzed or tested to conform to cryptographic standards during this evaluation. All cryptography has only been asserted as tested by the vendor. The technical information included in this report was largely derived from the Evaluation Technical Report and associated test reports produced by the evaluation team. The Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target version 2.0, dated 1 February 2011 identifies the specific version and build of the evaluated TOE. This Validation Report applies only to that ST and is not an endorsement of the Splunk product by any agency of the US Government and no warranty of the product is either expressed or implied. 2 Evaluation Details Evaluated Product Splunk 4.1.7 Sponsor & Developer Splunk, San Francisco, CA CCTL Booz Allen Hamilton, Linthicum, Maryland Completion Date March 2011 CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 3, July 2009 Interpretations None. VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 5 CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 3, July 2009 Evaluation Class EAL2 Augmented ALC_FLR.1 Description The TOE is the Splunk product, which is a security software product developed by Splunk, Inc. as a Security Management product. Disclaimer The information contained in this Validation Report is not an endorsement of the Splunk product by any agency of the U.S. Government, and no warranty of the Security Management product is either expressed or implied. PP None Evaluation Personnel Seyithan Ayhan Christopher Gugel Kevin Micciche Derek Scheer John Schroeder Amit Sharma Validation Body NIAP CCEVS Jandria Alexander Michelle Brinkmeyer 2.1 Threats to Security Table 2 summarizes the threats that the evaluated product addresses. Table 2 – Threats A legitimate user of the TOE could gain unauthorized access to resources or information protected by the TOE, or performs operations for which no access rights have been granted, via user error, system error, or other actions. An administrator may incorrectly install or configure the TOE, or install a corrupted TOE resulting in ineffective security mechanisms. A malicious user or process may view audit records and/or IT data, cause the records or information to be lost or modified, or prevent future audit records and IT data from being recorded, thus masking a user’s action. A malicious user could eavesdrop on network traffic to gain unauthorized access to TOE data. A malicious user may attempt to communicate with the TOE's interfaces in ways that exploit flaws, subvert the TOE, or defeat the operation of its security mechanisms. Users whether they be malicious or non-malicious, could gain unauthorized access to the TOE by bypassing identification and authentication countermeasures. Users of an IT product the TOE monitors may perform undesirable actions using the IT product in question, whether by performing malicious actions upon the product, by utilizing functions within the IT product that adversely affect the system it interacts with, or by altering the configuration to be insecure. A malicious user or process could perform suspicious activities against the TOE or objects in the Operational Environment monitored by the TOE without a TOE user authorized by the VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 6 Operational Environment becoming aware of this behavior. 3 Identification The product being evaluated is Splunk 4.1.7. 4 Security Policy 4.1 IT Data Indexing The TOE is able to collect and index IT data from the following log sources: Windows event logs, UDP and TCP syslog, Active Directory, generic scripted inputs, local disk logs, file system changes, and Windows registry changes. Each IT data event has at least the date/time of the event, source, source type, and host name. Only authorized users are able to read the indexed IT data by performing searches on the TOE. Authorized users are able to use the search functionality to search indexed audit logs based upon the data collected during indexing. All IT data logs indexed are protected from deletion or modification. In the evaluated configuration, the TOE is configured to stop indexing and begin to overwrite the oldest IT data records when storage reaches the configured limit, which is synonymous with the storage being full. The TOE also sends an alarm in the form of a user interface banner. In addition, the most recent stored IT records are maintained if storage runs out. 4.2 Security Audit The TOE collects audit logs on TOE startup and shutdown, user login, and any user action on the system, including editing users and configuration. A timestamp is provided, as well as the user who performed the action (if applicable), the action itself, and a success or failure determination. Only authorized users are able to read this audit information by performing searches. The audit data collected is added to the index and is read in the same manner as IT data. The search functionality in the TOE allows authorized users the ability to read audit data to sort and filter the audit data returned to them based upon date/time of the event, type of event, subject identity, and outcome of the event, along with any other search parameters entered. All audit data logs are protected from deletion or modification. The most recent stored audit records are maintained if storage runs out. 4.3 Identification and Authentication The TOE provides user accounts that have the following attributes: username, password, and roles. All users must successfully identify and authenticate themselves utilizing their username and password combination before they can make any TSF-related actions. There are two authentication mechanisms utilized in the TOE: Splunk authentication and LDAP authentication. Authorized users are able to select the authentication method used within the configuration options of the TOE. Upon authentication, users are bound to their role and other user attributes within a session object. A user session is terminated if the user is deleted or if all roles have been removed for the user. In addition, sessions will be terminated due to inactivity. VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 7 4.4 Security Management The security management of the TOE is controlled by user actions that are authorized by the TOE’s RBAC policy. Every function within the system, along with the objects it affects, is controlled by specific capabilities, indexes, or ACLs (Access Control Lists) available to the user performing the action. The security attributes are edited and assigned using this same RBAC policy. The primary security attributes within the system are roles. The default roles in the system are the following: admin, power, user, and can_delete. Additional roles can be generated by authorized users. One or more roles must be assigned to a user before the user can perform any TSF-related action on the TOE. 4.5 Protection of the TSF The TOE utilizes OpenSSL to prevent unauthorized disclosure of data and detect modification of TSF data sent to the LDAP store. Detected modifications of TSF data will result in the packet being dropped. Additionally, OpenSSL is utilized to protect data being transferred between TOE components. OpenSSL is also used to create a logically distinct trusted path between remote users and the TOE, and will protect the TSF data in transit from unauthorized modification or disclosure. Remote users initiate the trusted path to the TOE. The trusted path is required to be used for user authentication, management actions, and data transfer. 4.6 Cryptographic Support The TOE utilizes OpenSSL packages to generate cryptographic keys utilizing the RSA algorithm with 1024-bit keys. The TOE will overwrite old keys whenever a new key is generated. All sensitive interfaces are protected utilizing these encryption standards, including the user interface connections, connections between TOE components in the deployment, and the optional LDAP server. 4.7 High Availability The TOE also provides mechanisms for high availability. The TOE will maintain a secure state whenever an indexer fails. The TOE will also ensure that the indexing functionality of the product will still operate if a single indexer fails. 5 Assumptions 5.1 Connectivity Assumptions Table 1 – Connectivity Assumptions 5.2 Personnel Assumptions Table 2– Personnel Assumptions The security features offered by the Operational Environment protect the files used by the TOE. The network which the TOE is monitoring is expected to be secure to protect the transfer of data from remote data sources and email messages sent to the SMTP Server. VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 8 One or more authorized administrators are assigned to install, configure and manage the TOE and the security of the information it contains. Users of the TOE are not careless, wilfully negligent, or hostile and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the organization’s guidance documentation System Administrators exercise due diligence to update the TOE with the latest patches and patch the Operational (e.g., OS and database) so they are not susceptible to network attacks. 5.3 Physical Assumptions Table 3 – Physical Assumptions The TOE will be located within controlled access facilities that will prevent unauthorized physical access. 6 Clarification of Scope The TOE includes all the code that enforces the policies identified (see Section 4). The evaluated configuration of the TOE includes the Splunk 4.1.7 product that is comprised of the following:  Splunk Web  Splunk CLI  Splunkd 6.1 System Requirements The following components are recommended to run the TOE on the listed platforms: Windows 7 (64 bit) Processor 2x quad-core Xeon or equivalent at 3 Ghz Disk space 200 GB RAM 8 GB Windows XP (32 bit) Processor 2x quad-core Xeon or equivalent at 3 Ghz Disk space 200 GB RAM 8 GB Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) Processor 2x quad-core Xeon or equivalent at 3 Ghz Disk space 200 GB RAM 8 GB Windows Server 2003 (64 bit) Processor 2x quad-core Xeon or equivalent at 3 Ghz Disk space 200 GB VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 9 RAM 8 GB Solaris 10 (64 bit) Processor 2x quad-core Xeon or equivalent at 3 Ghz Disk space 200 GB RAM 8 GB Red Hat 5.3 (64 bit) Processor 2x quad-core Xeon or equivalent at 3 Ghz Disk space 200 GB RAM 8 GB 7 Architectural Information The TOE’s boundary has been defined in Figure 1, while Figure 2 shows a potential deployment of Splunk. Indexes Splunkd Splunk Web Index 1 Index 2 etc. Job SSL Data Sources SSL Splunk CLI LDAP Store ACLs SSL SSL Command Line Web Browser Session Files SMTP Server TOE Subsystem Environment Object O/S Environment O/S Legend Figure 1 – TOE Boundary for Splunk 4.1.7 VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 10 Splunkd Forwarder 1 Splunkd Forwarder 2 Splunkd Indexer 1 Splunkd Indexer 2 Splunkd Search-head Splunk Web Splunk CLI Data Sources Splunkd Indexer 3 Deployment Server Figure 2 – TOE Deployment 7.1 TOE Components 7.1.1 Splunk Web Python and browser-based interface that uses OpenSSL functionality and allows users to perform all management and searching functions on the TOE deployment. This subsystem is only utilized with the Splunkd process designated as the search-head. 7.1.2 Splunk CLI Command-line interface that uses OpenSSL functionality and allows users to perform most management and searching functions on the TOE deployment. This subsystem is only utilized with the Splunkd process designated as the search-head. 7.1.3 Splunkd Process that contains most of the Splunk primary functionality. This process contains modules to receive data, forward data, and index data. In addition, when searches are performed, this process performs the search on its configured indexes and returns the results to the search-head. In addition, scheduled searches can be configured by users. This process also contains a web server, handles all authentication and authorization needs, and can be configured to be a deployment server for configuration updates. 8 Documentation These are public facing documents that were evaluated to satisfy assurance requirements: Component Document(s) Rationale VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 11 Component Document(s) Rationale AGD_OPE.1 Operational User Guidance  Splunk Admin Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Application Management Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Developer Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Installation Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Knowledge Manager Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Release Notes Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Search Reference Version: 4.1.7  Splunk User Manual Version: 4.1.7 These documents describe the operational user guidance for the TOE. AGD_PRE.1 Preparative Procedures  Splunk Admin Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Application Management Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Developer Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Installation Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Knowledge Manager Manual Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Release Notes Version: 4.1.7  Splunk Search Reference Version: 4.1.7  Splunk User Manual Version: 4.1.7 This document describes the preparative procedures that need to be done prior to installing the TOE. ASE_CCL.1 Conformance Claims Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document describes the CC conformance claims made by the TOE. ASE_ECD.1 Extended Components Definition Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document provides a definition for all extended components in the TOE. VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 12 Component Document(s) Rationale ASE_INT.1 Security Target Introduction Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document describes the Introduction of the Security Target. ASE_OBJ.2 Security Objectives Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document describes all of the security objectives for the TOE. ASE_REQ.2 Derived Security Requirements Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document describes all of the security requirements for the TOE. ASE_SPD.1 Security Problem Definition Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document describes the security problem definition of the Security Target. ASE_TSS.1 TOE Summary Specification Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target 2.0 This document describes the TSS section of the Security Target. Table 8 – Assurance Documents Evidence 9 TOE Acquisition The NIAP-certified Splunk product is acquired via normal sales channels, and electronic delivery of the TOE is coordinated with the end customer by Splunk, Inc. 10 IT Product Testing 10.1 Functional Testing 10.1.1 Functional Test Methodology The test team's test approach is to test the security mechanisms of the Splunk 4.1.7 by exercising the external interfaces to the TOE and viewing the TOE behavior on the platform. Each TOE external interface was described in the relevant design documentation (e.g., FSP) in terms of the relevant claims on the TOE that can be tested through the external interface. The ST, TOE Design (TDS), Functional Specification (FSP), Security Architecture (ARC) and the vendor's test plans were used to demonstrate test coverage of all EAL2 requirements for all security relevant TOE external interfaces. TOE external interfaces that were determined to be security relevant are interfaces that  change the security state of the product,  permit an object access or information flow that is regulated by the security policy,  are restricted to subjects with privilege or behave differently when executed by subjects with privilege, or  invoke or configure a security mechanism. Security functional requirements are associated with interfaces if the behavior of the TOE that supported the requirement could be invoked or observed through that interface. ri VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 13 10.1.2 Functional Test Results During the course of the evaluation, the Booz Allen evaluation team reviewed the vendor’s functional testing and determined that all security relevant TOE external interfaces were tested and all of the claimed TSF functionality was tested by the vendor. The evaluation team then created a test plan that contained a sample of the vendor functional test suite, and supplemental functional testing developed by the evaluators. The evaluators test suite emphasized on the product’s primary TSF functionality, and additional regression testing. The vendor and evaluator testing efforts performed both positive and negative testing of the Security Functional Requirements. The testing efforts ensured consistent results of TOE functionality performed on all Operating Systems included in the evaluation, and also verified that the TOE can perform in a heterogeneous environment where the TOE is installed across multiple Operating Systems in a TOE deployment (see Figure 2). Based upon the results of the vendor and evaluator testing; it has been determined that the product functionally operates as described. 10.2 Vulnerability Testing 10.2.1 Vulnerability Test Methodology The evaluation team created a set of vulnerability tests to attempt to subvert the security of the TOE. These tests were created based upon the evaluation team's review of the vulnerability analysis evidence and independent research. The Evaluation Team conducted searches for public vulnerabilities related to the TOE. A few notable resources consulted include, the, and the Upon the completion of the vulnerability analysis research, the team had identified several generic vulnerabilities upon which to build a test suite. These tests were created specifically with the intent of exploiting these vulnerabilities within the TOE or its configuration. The team tested the following areas:  Eavesdropping on Communications In this test, the evaluators manually inspected network traffic to and from the TOE in order to ensure that no useful or confidential information could be obtained by a malicious user on the network.  Port Scanning Remote access to the TOE should be limited to the standard TOE interfaces and procedures. This test attempted to find ways to bypass these standard interfaces of the TOE and open any other vectors of attack.  Vulnerability Scanner (Nessus) This test used the Nessus Vulnerability scanner to test any and all open interfaces on any applicable systems of the TOE. The scanner probes a wide range of vulnerabilities that includes but is not limited to the following: Backdoors CGI abuses Denial of Service Gain root remotely General Miscellaneous RPC Settings SMTP Problems VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 14 Finger abuses Firewalls FTP Gain a shell remotely Netware NIS Port scanners Remote file access SNMP Untested Useless services  Unauthenticated Access / Directory Traversal Attack This test used “URL hacking” to attempt to access protected TOE resources by injecting unexpected input into requests that were sent to the TOE. This was done using two different approaches to URL exploitation. o The first part attempted to access protected TOE resources as an unauthenticated outsider. o The second part attempted to access local TOE resources that should be protected from any remote access (unauthenticated and authenticated).  SQL Injection / Cross Site Scripting Attack / Cross Site Request Forgery This test executed automated SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting attacks against the TOE. The evaluators determined any fields or variables that could be prone to attack. They then used a scanner, which contained a large database of standard strings that are used for testing SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting issues. These strings were input into the various fields and variables and the output was analyzed for inconsistencies.  Web Server Vulnerability Scanner (Nikto) This test used the Nikto web server vulnerability scanner to test for any known vulnerabilities that could be present in the TOE’s web interfaces. This scanner probed a wide range of vulnerabilities that included the following: File Upload. Interesting File / Seen in logs. Misconfiguration / Default File. Information Disclosure. Injection (XSS/Script/HTML). Remote File Retrieval Denial of Service. Command Execution / Remote Shell. SQL Injection. Authentication Bypass. Software Identification Remote source inclusion.  Vulnerability Scanner (Retina) This test used the Retina Vulnerability scanner to test any and all open interfaces on any applicable systems of the TOE. The scanner probed a wide range of vulnerabilities that included but was not limited to the following: Accounts Anti-Virus Backdoors CGI Scripts Database Issues DoS IP Services Registry Remote Access RPC Services Service Control Spyware Web Services CVE Issues SecurityFocus BID Issues  Data Source Injection Attack The TOE takes data from outside data sources and presents that data to TOE users in a web application. This test attempted to inject malicious data into the data source and ensure that the TOE properly escapes that data before presenting it VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 15 over the web interface. If a malicious user were able to inject Java Script into the data source and have it presented un-escaped to a browser, a cross site scripting attack could be possible.  Syslog Spoofing In this test, the attacker attempted to spoof syslog messages from one of the data sources configured in the TOE. 10.2.2 Vulnerability Test Results The following lists any issues that were discovered as a result of the vulnerability testing process. These issues have been broken up into the following categories: Additional Guidance for Security  Default Web Server Uses HTTP The default installation of Splunk automatically sets the web server to communicate through unencrypted HTTP. This is insecure as it would allow communication between the user and the Splunk Web to be sniffed by an untrusted party and leak information. The TOE only communicates via HTTP or HTTPS, but not both. The user guidance details how to configure the TOE to use HTTPS. Informational Notes  Log Message Spoofing and Interception Log messages are collected using syslog. The syslog protocol can be transmitted over TCP or UDP and is unencrypted on the network. This means that any syslog message could potentially be sniffed by an untrusted party and leak information prior to the syslog message being received by the TOE. In addition, syslog messages have no authentication of either the client or the server. Therefore messages can be forged that appear to come from a valid source and contain false information. The administrator should be aware of these facts and should not rely on the confidentiality or integrity of the collected IT data.  Use of Valid Certificates All implementations of SSL in use by the product should be configured using valid certificates signed by a trusted certificate authority. The use of self-signed certificates could expose users to Man-In-the-Middle attacks resulting in credential theft. 11 Results of the Evaluation The evaluation was carried out in accordance with the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS) process and scheme. The evaluation demonstrated that the Splunk 4.1.7 TOE meets the security requirements contained in the Security Target. VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 16 The criteria against which the Splunk TOE was judged are described in the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 3, July 2009. The evaluation methodology used by the evaluation team to conduct the evaluation is the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 3, July 2009. The Booz Allen Hamilton Common Criteria Test Laboratory determined that the evaluation assurance level (EAL) for the Splunk 4.1.7 TOE is EAL2 augmented with ALC_FLR.1. The TOE, configured as specified in the installation guide, satisfies all of the security functional requirements stated in the Security Target. The evaluation was completed in March 2011. Results of the evaluation and associated validation can be found in the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme Validation Report. 12 Validator Comments/Recommendations 12.1 Cryptography is Vendor Asserted The cryptography used in this product has not been FIPS-certified, nor has it been analyzed or tested to conform to cryptographic standards during this evaluation. All cryptography has only been asserted as tested by the vendor. Users of the need to ensure that the data sources sent to the TOE are protected either as part of the environment or with SSL in the evaluated configuration. The Administrative guidance identifies those interfaces that use SSL and those that do not. 13 Security Target The security target for this product’s evaluation is Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target, Version 2.0, 1 February 2011. 14 List of Acronyms Acronym Definition AD Active Directory ACL Access Control List CA Certificate Authority CC Common Criteria CCEVS Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme CCIMB Common Criteria Interpretations Management Board CLI Command-line Interface CPU Central Processing Unit EAL Evaluation Assurance Level GUI Graphical User Interface HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure IP Internet Protocol IT Information Technology LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol NIAP National Information Assurance Partnership VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 17 OS Operating System PP Protection Profile RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks RBAC Role Based Access Control SAR Security Assurance Requirement SFR Security Functional Requirement SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SSL Secure Sockets Layer ST Security Target TCP Transmission Control Protocol TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Function UDP User Datagram Protocol UI User Interface URL Uniform Resource Locator X.509 X.500 Series Standard for Public-key and Attribute and Certificate Frameworks 15 Terminology Terminology Definition Access Control Lists The owner of each created object specifies the read/write access available to each role within the system. Obviously, the owner of an object has unrestricted access to the objects it controls. Authorized User A user that has been assigned a role with the attributes that allow an action on an object as defined in Table 7-3. This essentially means “any user that is capable of performing the action in question.” Capability An action in the TOE that can be added to a role to grant the role the ability to perform said action. Deployment Client This refers to all Splunkd processes that are sent configuration updates by the Deployment Server. Deployment Server An instance of the Splunkd process that is configured solely to deploy configuration updates to the other Splunkd processes within the TOE deployment. Forwarder An instance of the Splunkd process that is configured solely to collect raw IT data logs, parse them, formulate indexed logs, and then forward both the raw data and the indexed logs to another configured Splunkd process. Index When used as a verb, this refers to the actual process of parsing raw data logs, extracting fields, and storing the parsed data. When used as a noun, this refers to where said parsed data is stored upon Splunkd processes configured as indexers. Indexed Data This refers to parsed IT data that is stored in an indexer. Indexer An instance of the Splunkd process that is configured to collect parsed data logs as well as raw data logs from a forwarder and to store said data. IT Data All data that the TOE collects and indexes. Parsing Specifically to Splunk, this is the act of utilizing Splunk’s indexing functionality to process raw data and extract specific default and user- defined fields. The output of this process is indexed data. Raw Data Unprocessed IT data the TOE collects from any configured source. Receiver Any Splunkd process that receives data from one or more forwarders. Role A named bundle of capabilities and allowed indexes that determines the amount of access specific users are allowed within the TOE. There are defaults, but additional roles can be user-generated. Roles are assigned to VALIDATION REPORT Splunk 4.1.7 18 users. Search-head An instance of the Splunkd process that is configured solely to be the primary component for searching. It is also the only Splunkd process within the evaluated configuration to interface with users via the Splunk Web and Splunk CLI processes. This means that most of the general TOE management is utilized through this process exclusively. Server Class A deployment configuration shared by a group of deployment clients. A deployment client can belong to multiple server classes. Splunk Object A Splunk object is an object within the system that has an ACL defined for it. 16 Bibliography 1. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – Part 1: Introduction and general model, Version 3.1 Revision 3. 2. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – Part 2: Security functional requirements, Version 3.1 Revision 3. 3. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – Part 3: Security assurance requirements, Version 3.1 Revision 3. 4. Common Evaluation Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 3. 5. Splunk 4.1.7 Security Target, Version 2.0, February 1, 2011 6. Evaluation Technical Report for a Target of Evaluation “Splunk 4.1.7” Evaluation Technical Report v3.0 dated 7 February 2011.