© 2024 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced in full without any modification. 1 Cisco Confidential Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Version: 0.5 Date: September 13, 2024 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Document Introduction 2 Cisco Confidential Table of Contents Document Introduction..............................................................................................................................................................................................6 1. Security Target Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................8 1.1. ST and TOE Reference.............................................................................................................................................................................8 1.2. TOE Overview..........................................................................................................................................................................................8 1.3. TOE Product Type...............................................................................................................................................................................9 1.4. Required non-TOE Hardware/Software/Firmware ............................................................................................................................9 1.5. TOE Description..................................................................................................................................................................................9 1.6. TOE Evaluated Configuration................................................................................................................................................................10 1.7. Physical Scope of the TOE.....................................................................................................................................................................11 1.8. Logical Scope of the TOE.......................................................................................................................................................................14 Security Audit .................................................................................................................................................................................................14 Cryptographic Support ...................................................................................................................................................................................15 Identification and Authentication...................................................................................................................................................................15 Security Management ....................................................................................................................................................................................15 Protection of the TSF......................................................................................................................................................................................15 TOE Access......................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Trusted Path/Channels ...................................................................................................................................................................................16 1.9. Excluded Functionality..........................................................................................................................................................................16 2. Conformance Claims.......................................................................................................................................................................................16 2.1. Common Criteria Conformance Claim ..................................................................................................................................................16 2.2. Protection Profile Conformance Claim .................................................................................................................................................16 2.3. Protection Profile Conformance Claim Rationale .................................................................................................................................19 2.3.1. TOE Appropriateness .......................................................................................................................................................................19 2.3.2. TOE Security Problem Definition Consistency..................................................................................................................................19 2.3.3. Statement of Security Requirements Consistency ...........................................................................................................................19 3. Security Problem Definition............................................................................................................................................................................20 3.1. Assumptions..........................................................................................................................................................................................20 3.2. Threats..................................................................................................................................................................................................22 3.3. Organizational Security Policies ............................................................................................................................................................24 4. Security Objectives .........................................................................................................................................................................................25 4.1. Security Objectives for the TOE ............................................................................................................................................................25 4.2. Security Objectives for the Environment ..............................................................................................................................................26 5. Security Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................................28 5.1. Conventions ..........................................................................................................................................................................................28 5.2. Class: Security Audit (FAU)...................................................................................................................................................................30 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Document Introduction 3 Cisco Confidential 5.2.1. FAU_GEN.1 – Audit Data Generation...............................................................................................................................................30 5.2.2. FAU_GEN.1/MACSEC – Audit Data Generation (MACsec)................................................................................................................33 5.2.3. FAU_GEN.2 – User Identity Association...........................................................................................................................................33 5.2.4. FAU_STG_EXT.1 – Protected Audit Event Storage ...........................................................................................................................34 5.3. Class: Cryptographic Support (FCS)......................................................................................................................................................34 5.3.1. FCS_CKM.1 – Cryptographic Key Generation (Refinement).............................................................................................................34 5.3.2. FCS_CKM.2 – Cryptographic Key Establishment (Refinement) ........................................................................................................34 5.3.3. FCS_CKM.4 – Cryptographic Key Destruction ..................................................................................................................................34 5.3.4. FCS_COP.1/DataEncryption – Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)...........................................................35 5.3.5. FCS_COP.1/DataEncryption – Cryptographic Operation (MACsec AES Data Encryption/Decryption).............................................35 5.3.6. FCS_COP.1/SigGen – Cryptographic Operation (Signature Generation and Verification)................................................................35 5.3.7. FCS_COP.1/Hash – Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm).......................................................................................................35 5.3.8. FCS_COP.1/KeyedHash – Cryptographic Operation (Keyed Hash Algorithm) ..................................................................................35 5.3.9. FCS_COP.1/CMAC – Cryptographic Operation (AES-CMAC Keyed Hash Algorithm) ........................................................................35 5.3.10. FCS_RBG_EXT.1 – Random Bit Generation..................................................................................................................................36 5.3.11. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1 – MACsec....................................................................................................................................................36 5.3.12. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2 – MACsec Integrity and Confidentiality......................................................................................................36 5.3.13. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3 – MACsec Randomness ..............................................................................................................................36 5.3.14. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4 – MACsec Key Usage ..................................................................................................................................36 5.3.15. FCS_MKA_EXT.1 – MACsec Key Agreement................................................................................................................................37 5.3.16. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 – SSH Server Protocol.......................................................................................................................................37 5.3.17. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 TLS Client Protocol Without Mutual Authentication........................................................................................38 5.4. Class: Identification and Authentication (FIA)......................................................................................................................................38 5.4.1. FIA_AFL.1 – Authentication Failure Management............................................................................................................................38 5.4.2. FIA_PMG_EXT.1 – Password Management......................................................................................................................................39 5.4.3. FIA_PSK_EXT.1 – Pre-Shared Key Composition................................................................................................................................39 5.4.4. FIA_UIA_EXT.1 – User Identification and Authentication ................................................................................................................40 5.4.5. FIA_UAU_EXT.2 – Password-based Authentication Mechanism......................................................................................................40 5.4.6. FIA_UAU.7 – Protected Authentication Feedback ...........................................................................................................................40 5.4.7. FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev – X.509 Certificate Validation ........................................................................................................................40 5.4.8. FIA_X509_EXT.2 – X.509 Certificate Authentication ........................................................................................................................40 5.5. Class: Security Management (FMT)......................................................................................................................................................41 5.5.1. FMT_MOF.1/ManualUpdate – Management of Security Functions Behavior.................................................................................41 5.5.2. FMT_MTD.1/CoreData – Management of TSF Data.........................................................................................................................41 5.5.3. FMT_MTD.1/CryptoKeys – Management of TSF Data......................................................................................................................41 5.5.4. FMT_SMF.1 – Specification of Management Functions...................................................................................................................41 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Document Introduction 4 Cisco Confidential 5.5.5. FMT_SMF.1/MACSEC – Specification of Management Functions (MACsec)....................................................................................41 5.5.6. FMT_SMR.2 – Restrictions on Security Roles...................................................................................................................................42 5.6. Class: Protection of the TSF (FPT) ........................................................................................................................................................42 5.6.1. FPT_CAK_EXT.1 Protection of CAK Data...........................................................................................................................................42 5.6.2. FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State .......................................................................................................................42 5.6.3. FPT_RPL.1 Replay Detection ............................................................................................................................................................42 5.6.4. FPT_RPL_EXT.1 Replay Protection for XPN ......................................................................................................................................42 5.6.5. FPT_APW_EXT.1 – Protection of Administrator Passwords .............................................................................................................43 5.6.6. FPT_SKP_EXT.1 – Protection of TSF Data (for reading of all pre-shared, symmetric and private keys) ...........................................43 5.6.7. FPT_STM_EXT.1 – Reliable Time Stamps..........................................................................................................................................43 5.6.8. FPT_TST_EXT.1 – TSF Testing ...........................................................................................................................................................43 5.6.9. FPT_TUD_EXT.1 – Trusted Update...................................................................................................................................................43 5.7. Class: TOE Access (FTA)........................................................................................................................................................................43 5.7.1. FTA_SSL_EXT.1 – TSF-initiated Session Locking................................................................................................................................43 5.7.2. FTA_SSL.3 – TSF-initiated Termination.............................................................................................................................................44 5.7.3. FTA_SSL.4 – User-initiated Termination...........................................................................................................................................44 5.7.4. FTA_TAB.1 – Default TOE Access Banners........................................................................................................................................44 5.8. Class: Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)......................................................................................................................................................44 5.8.1. FTP_ITC.1 – Inter-TSF Trusted Channel ............................................................................................................................................44 5.8.2. FTP_ITC.1/MACSEC – Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (MACsec Communications).................................................................................44 FTP_TRP.1/Admin – Trusted Path...................................................................................................................................................................44 5.9. TOE SFR Dependencies Rationale .........................................................................................................................................................45 5.10. TOE SFR Dependencies Rationale .........................................................................................................................................................45 5.11. TOE SFR Dependencies Rationale .........................................................................................................................................................45 5.12. Security Assurance Requirements Rationale ........................................................................................................................................45 5.13. Assurance Measures.............................................................................................................................................................................46 6. TOE Summary Specification............................................................................................................................................................................47 6.1. Key Zeroization .....................................................................................................................................................................................58 6.2. CAVP Certificates ..................................................................................................................................................................................59 7. References......................................................................................................................................................................................................61 7.1. Acronyms and Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................61 7.2. Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request..............................................................................................................63 7.3. Contacting Cisco....................................................................................................................................................................................63 Table of Tables Table 1. ST and TOE Identification..............................................................................................................................................................................8 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Document Introduction 5 Cisco Confidential Table 2. Required IT Environment Components ........................................................................................................................................................9 Table 3. Hardware Models and Specifications .........................................................................................................................................................11 Table 4. Excluded Functionality and Rationale.........................................................................................................................................................16 Table 5. PP Configuration Conformance ..................................................................................................................................................................17 Table 6. NIAP Technical Decisions ............................................................................................................................................................................17 Table 7. TOE Assumptions........................................................................................................................................................................................20 Table 8. Threats........................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Table 9. Organizational Security Policies..................................................................................................................................................................24 Table 10. Security Objectives for the TOE ................................................................................................................................................................25 Table 11. Security Objectives for the Environment..................................................................................................................................................26 Table 12. Security Requirement Conventions ..........................................................................................................................................................28 Table 13. Security Functional Requirements............................................................................................................................................................28 Table 14. Auditable Events.......................................................................................................................................................................................31 Table 15. MACsec Auditable Events.........................................................................................................................................................................33 Table 16. Additional Password Special Characters...................................................................................................................................................39 Table 17. Assurance Requirements..........................................................................................................................................................................45 Table 18. Assurance Measures.................................................................................................................................................................................46 Table 19. TSS Rationale ............................................................................................................................................................................................47 Table 20. Key Zeroization .........................................................................................................................................................................................58 Table 21. CAVP Certificates ......................................................................................................................................................................................59 Table 22. References................................................................................................................................................................................................61 Table 23. Acronyms and Terms ................................................................................................................................................................................61 Table of Figures Figure 1. TOE and Environment..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Document Introduction 6 Cisco Confidential Document Introduction Prepared By: Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 This document provides the basis for an evaluation of a specific Target of Evaluation (TOE), Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12. This Security Target (ST) defines a set of assumptions about the aspects of the environment, a list of threats that the product intends to counter, a set of security objectives, a set of security requirements, and the IT security functions provided by the TOE which meet the set of requirements. Administrators of the TOE will be referred to as administrators, Authorized Administrators, TOE administrators, semi-privileged, privileged administrators, and security administrators in this document. Revision History Version Date Change 0.1 December 20, 2023 Initial Version 0.2 March 28, 2024 Updates to Address Check-In Comments 0.3 August 6, 2024 Updates for Check Out Package 0.4 September 6, 2024 Final Updates 0.5 September 13, 2024 Additional Final Updates Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Document Introduction 7 Cisco Confidential Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) © 2024 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 8 Cisco Confidential 1. Security Target Introduction This Security Target contains the following sections: ■ Security Target Introduction ■ Conformance Claims ■ Security Problem Definition ■ Security Objectives ■ Security Requirements ■ TOE Summary Specification ■ References The structure and content of this ST comply with the requirements specified in the Common Criteria (CC), Part 1, Annex A, and Part 2. 1.1. ST and TOE Reference This section provides information needed to identify and control this ST and its TOE. Table 1. ST and TOE Identification Name Description ST Title Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target ST Version 0.5 Publication Date September 13, 2024 Vendor and ST Author Cisco Systems, Inc. TOE Reference Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 TOE Hardware Models Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches TOE Software Version IOS-XE 17.12.02 Keywords Audit, Authentication, Encryption, MACsec, Network Device, Secure Administration 1.2. TOE Overview The Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 TOE is an enterprise access-layer switch for branch office deployments. Switches are used to connect multiple devices, such as computers, wireless access points, printers, and servers; on the same network within a building or campus. A switch enables connected devices to share information and talk to each other and are key building blocks for any network. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 9 Cisco Confidential 1.3.TOE Product Type The Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 TOE is a layer 2 and 3 network device comprised of both hardware and software. The hardware is the Catalyst 9200CX, Catalyst 9300X, Catalyst 9300LM, and Catalyst 9500X switches as described below in Table 3 of section 1.7. 1.4.Required non-TOE Hardware/Software/Firmware The TOE requires the following hardware/software/firmware in the IT environment when the TOE is configured in its evaluated configuration. Table 2. Required IT Environment Components Component Usage/Purpose/Description MACsec Peer This includes any MACsec peer with which the TOE participates in MACsec communications. MACsec Peer may be any device that supports MACsec communications. Syslog Server This includes any syslog server to which the TOE would transmit syslog messages over a TLS 1.2 trusted channel. Certificate Authority The Certification Authority is used to provide the TOE with valid certificates. The CA also provides the TOE with a method to check the peer certificate revocation status of devices the TOE communicates with. Management Workstation This includes any IT Environment Management workstation with a SSH client installed that is used by the Security Administrator for remote administration over SSH trusted paths. Local Console This includes any IT Environment Console that is directly connected to the TOE component via the console port and is used by the Security Administrator for local TOE administration. 1.5.TOE Description The Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Target of Evaluation (TOE) is a purpose-built, switching and routing platform enabling connected devices to communicate over a network at layer 2 or 3. The TOE provides Administrative control and management of the network. For communicating with other network devices, the TOE provides AES-128 and AES-256 MACsec encryption. The TOE also provides Layer 3 capabilities, including OSPF, EIGRP, ISIS, RIP, and routed access. Hardware models only vary in component characteristics. These characteristics affect non-security relevant functions, such as throughput and amount of storage. Since there is no security relevant impact due to differing components, equivalence between all switch models is claimed. Primary features of the Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches include the following: ■ Central processor that supports all system operations ■ Dynamic memory, used by the central processor for all system operations ■ Central Processing Unit (CPU) complex with 8-GigaBytes (GB) memory, 16-GB of flash, and an external Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.0 Solid State Drive (SSD) pluggable storage slot (delivering 120-GB of storage with an optional SSD drive) ■ Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) SSD local storage ■ Flash memory Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM), used to store the Cisco IOS-XE image (binary program) ■ Non-volatile Read Only Memory (ROM) is used to store the bootstrap program and power-on diagnostic programs ■ Non-volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) is used to store switch configuration parameters that are used to initialize the system at start-up. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 10 Cisco Confidential ■ Physical network interfaces (minimally two) (e.g., Registered Jack (RJ-45) serial and standard 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports). The number of network interface ports varies by model ■ Dedicated management port on the switch, RJ-45 console port, and a USB mini-Type B console connection ■ Resiliency with Field Replaceable Units (FRU) and redundant power supply, fans, and modular uplinks 1.6. TOE Evaluated Configuration Deployment of the TOE in its evaluated configuration consists of at least one TOE switch model following the Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 CC Configuration Guide (AGD). The TOE has two or more network interfaces and is connected to at least one internal and one external network. The Cisco IOS-XE configuration determines how packets are handled to and from the TOE’s network interfaces. The switch configuration will determine how traffic flows received on an interface will be handled. Typically, packet flows are passed through the internet working device and forwarded to their configured destination. A typical deployment with a single instance of the TOE is depicted in in figure 1 below. Figure 1. TOE and Environment The TOE can be administered interactively using a CLI over a local console connection or remotely over SSH. The operational environment of the TOE will include at least one MACsec peer. The environment will also include an audit (syslog) server and a Management Workstation. The syslog server is used to store audit records, where the TOE uses TLS 1.2 to secure the transmission of the records. The environment will include a CA to provide the TOE with valid certificates and a method to check the peer certificate revocation status. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 11 Cisco Confidential 1.7. Physical Scope of the TOE The Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 TOE is composed of hardware and software with the following specifications: Table 3. Hardware Models and Specifications Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 12 Cisco Confidential Hardware Model and Picture Specifications C9200CX-12T-2X2G ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Xilinx ZU3EG (ARM Cortex-A53) Ports: 12-port 1G, 2x10G and 3x1G, data Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections, USB-C adaptor, USB adaptor C9200CX-12P-2X2G ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Xilinx ZU3EG (ARM Cortex-A53) Ports: 12-port 1G, 2x10G and 2x1G, PoE+ Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections, USB-C adaptor, USB adaptor C9200CX-8P-2X2G ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Xilinx ZU3EG (ARM Cortex-A53) Ports: 8-port 1G, 2x10G and 2x1G, PoE+ Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections, USB-C adaptor, USB adaptor C9200CX-8UXG-2X ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Xilinx ZU3EG (ARM Cortex-A53) Ports: 8 ports UPOE (4 mGig ports up to 10G, 4 ports up to 1G) Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections, USB-C adaptor, USB adaptor C9300X-48HX With the following network modules: C9300X-NM-4C C9300X-NM-8M C9300X-NM-2C C9300X-NM-8Y ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 48 port Cisco UPOE+, 8x 10G Multigigabit with modular uplinks Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300X-48TX With the following network modules: C9300X-NM-4C C9300X-NM-8M C9300X-NM-2C C9300X-NM-8Y ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 48 port Data, 48x 10G Multigigabit with modular uplinks Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 13 Cisco Confidential Hardware Model and Picture Specifications C9300X-12Y With the following network modules: C9300X-NM-8M C9300X-NM-2C C9300X-NM-8Y ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 12 port 25G/10G/1G SFP28 with modular uplinks Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300X-24Y With the following network modules: C9300X-NM-4C C9300X-NM-8M C9300X-NM-2C C9300X-NM-8Y ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 24-port 25G/10G/1G SFP28 with modular uplinks Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300X-48HXN With the following network modules: C9300X-NM-8M C9300X-NM-2C C9300X-NM-8Y ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 36-port 5G/mGig, 12-port 10G with modular uplink, UPOE Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300X-24HX With the following network modules: C9300X-NM-8M C9300X-NM-2C C9300X-NM-8Y ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 24-port 10G/mGig with modular uplink, UPOE+ Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300LM-24U ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 24 port 1G (1G/100M/10M) with Cisco UPOE Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300LM-48UX ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 40 port Cisco UPOE, 8 port 10G Multigigabit (10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M) + 40 port 1G (1G/100M/10M) Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9300LM-48T ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 48 port 1G (1G/100M/10M) Data Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 14 Cisco Confidential Hardware Model and Picture Specifications C9300LM-48U ASIC: Cisco UADP 2.0 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1624N (Hewitt-Lake) Ports: 48 port 1G (1G/100M/10M) with Cisco UPOE Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections C9500X-28C8D ASIC: Cisco Silicon One Q200 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1564N (Broadwell) Ports: 28x100G + 8x400G Gigabit Ethernet Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections, USB mini-Type B console port, USB-C console port CDR5M PHY: Encryption/decryption of MACsec traffic. C9500X-60L4D ASIC: Cisco Silicon One Q200 Processor: Intel Xeon D-1564N (Broadwell) Ports: 60x 10/25/50G + 4x 40/100/200/400G Gigabit Ethernet Management Ports: ■ Ethernet management port: RJ-45 connectors, 4-pair Cat 5 UTP cabling ■ Management console port: RJ-45-to-DB9 cable for PC connections, USB mini-Type B console port, USB-C console port CDR5M PHY: Encryption/decryption of MACsec traffic. The TOE includes the cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.12.02.SPA.bin or the cat9k_iosxe.17.12.02.SPA.bin software image available for download on Cisco Software Central at https://software.cisco.com/. Customers can use their Cisco Care Online (CCO) or SMART account to download the software in a binary image format. 1.8. Logical Scope of the TOE The TOE is comprised of several security features including: ■ Security Audit ■ Cryptographic Support ■ Identification and Authentication ■ Security Management ■ Protection of the TSF ■ TOE Access ■ Trusted Path/Channels These features are described in more detail in the following subsections. Security Audit Auditing allows Security Administrators to discover intentional and unintentional issues with the TOE’s configuration and/or operation. Auditing of administrative activities provides information that may be used to hasten corrective action should the system be configured incorrectly. Security audit data can also provide an indication of failure of critical portions of the TOE (e.g. a communication channel failure or anomalous activity (e.g. establishment of an administrative session at a suspicious time, repeated failures to establish sessions or authenticate to the TOE) of a suspicious nature. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Target Introduction 15 Cisco Confidential The TOE provides extensive capabilities to generate audit data targeted at detecting such activity. The TOE generates an audit record for each auditable event. Each security relevant audit event has the date, timestamp, event description, and subject identity. The TOE stores audit messages in a circular audit trail configurable by the Security Administrator. All audit logs are transmitted to an external audit server over a trusted channel protected with TLS. Cryptographic Support The TOE provides cryptographic functions to implement SSH, TLS, and MACsec protocols. The cryptographic algorithm implementation has been validated for CAVP conformance. This includes key generation and random bit generation, key establishment methods, key destruction, and the various types of cryptographic operations to provide AES encryption/decryption, signature verification, hash generation, and keyed hash generation. The 9200CX and 9300X/9300LM series devices support MACsec using the proprietary Unified Access Data Plane (UADP) 2.0 Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). The MACsec Controller (MSC) is embedded within the ASICs that are utilized within Cisco hardware platforms. The 9500X series support MACsec using the Marvell CDR5M PHY using the 400G MACsec Engine on Marvell Alaska C PHYs version X7121M C0. SSH and TLS protocols are implemented using the IOS Common Cryptographic Module (IC2M) and CiscoSSL FOM cryptographic modules. IC2M applies to SSH and MACsec and CiscoSSL FOM applies to TLS 1.2. The entropy source for both IC2M and CiscoSSL cryptographic modules is model dependent as listed below: ■ 9200CX: ACT2Lite (ACT2) processor ■ 9300X/9300LM/9500X: Cisco TRNG Core (CTC) Refer to Table 21 for identification of the relevant CAVP certificates. Identification and Authentication The TOE implements three types of authentication to provide a trusted means for Security Administrators and remote servers/endpoints to securely communicate: X.509v3 certificate-based authentication for remote syslog servers, password-based authentication for Security Administrators, and pre-shared keys for MACsec endpoints. Security Administrators have the ability to compose strong passwords which are stored using a SHA-2 hash. Additionally, the TOE detects and tracks successive unsuccessful remote authentication attempts and will prevent the offending account from making further attempts until a Security Administrator defined time period has elapsed or until the Administrator manually unblocks the account. Security Management The TOE provides secure remote administrative interface and local interface to perform security management functions. This includes ability to configure cryptographic functionality; an access banner containing an advisory notice and consent warning message; a session inactivity timer before session termination as well as an ability to update TOE software. The TOE provides a Security Administrator role and only the Security Administrator can perform the above security management functions. Protection of the TSF The TOE protects critical security data including keys and passwords against tampering by untrusted subjects. The TOE provides reliable timestamps to support monitoring local and remote interactive administrative sessions for inactivity, validating X.509 certificates (to determine if a certificate has expired), and to support accurate audit records. The TOE provides self-tests to ensure it is operating correctly, including the ability to detect software integrity failures. Additionally, the TOE provides an ability to perform software updates and to verify those software updates are from Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Conformance Claims 16 Cisco Confidential TOE Access The TOE monitors both local and remote admin sessions for inactivity and terminates when a threshold time period is reached. Once a session has been terminated the TOE requires the user to re-authenticate. The TOE also displays a Security Administrator specified advisory notice and consent warning message prior to initiating identification and authentication for each administrative user. Trusted Path/Channels The TOE provides encryption (protection from disclosure and detection of modification) for communication paths between itself and remote endpoints. In addition, the TOE provides two-way authentication of each endpoint in a cryptographically secure manner, meaning that even if there was a malicious attacker between the two endpoints, any attempt to represent themselves to either endpoint of the communications path as the other communicating party would be detected. 1.9. Excluded Functionality The functionality listed below is not included in the evaluated configuration. Table 4. Excluded Functionality and Rationale Function Excluded Rationale Non-FIPS 140-2 mode of operation The TOE includes FIPS mode of operation. The FIPS modes allows the TOE to use only approved cryptography. FIPS mode of operation must be enabled in order for the TOE to be operating in its evaluated configuration. HTTP/HTTPS Remote Management is performed using SSH SNMP Remote Management is performed using SSH These services can be disabled by using the configuration settings as described in section 4.2.18 of the Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 CC Configuration Guide (AGD). Additionally, the TOE includes a number of functions where there are no Security Functional Requirements that apply from the collaborative Protection Profile for Network Devices v2.2e or the PP-Module for MACsec Ethernet Encryption v1.0. The excluded functionality does not affect the TOE’s conformance to the claimed Protection Profiles. 2. Conformance Claims 2.1.Common Criteria Conformance Claim The TOE and ST are compliant with the Common Criteria (CC) Version 3.1, Revision 5, dated: April 2017. The TOE and ST are CC Part 2 extended and CC Part 3 conformant. 2.2.PP Configuration Conformance Claim The TOE and ST are conformant with the PP Configuration identified in the PP-Configuration column of Table 5. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Conformance Claims 17 Cisco Confidential Table 5. PP Configuration Conformance PP-Configuration Component Version Date PP-Configuration for Network Devices and MACsec Ethernet Encryption, 2023-03-29, Version 1.0, (CFG_NDcPP-MACsec_V1.0), which includes the components in the next column Base-PP: collaborative Protection Profile for Network Devices (CPP_ND_V2.2E) 2.2e March 23, 2020 PP-Module: PP-Module for MACsec Ethernet Encryption (MOD_MACsec_V1.0) 1.0 March 2, 2023 This ST applies the following NIAP Technical Decisions: Table 6. NIAP Technical Decisions Number Title PP Applicable Exclusion Rational TD0800 Updated NIT Technical Decision for IPsec IKE/SA Lifetimes Tolerance [NDcPP] No The TOE does not claim IPsec TD0792 NIT Technical Decision: FIA_PMG_EXT.1 - TSS EA not in line with SFR [NDcPP] Yes TD0790 NIT Technical Decision: Clarification Required for testing IPv6 [NDcPP] Yes TD0738 NIT Technical Decision for Link to Allowed- With List [NDcPP] Yes TD0670 NIT Technical Decision for Mutual and Non- Mutual Auth TLSC Testing [NDcPP] Yes TD0639 NIT Technical Decision for Clarification for NTP MAC Keys [NDcPP] No The TOE does not claim FCS_NTP_EXT.1 TD0638 NIT Technical Decision for Key Pair Generation for Authentication [NDcPP] Yes TD0636 NIT Technical Decision for Clarification of Public Key User Authentication for SSH [NDcPP] No The TOE does not claim FCS_SSHC_EXT.1 TD0635 NIT Technical Decision for TLS Server and Key Agreement Parameters [NDcPP] No The TOE does not claim FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 TD0632 NIT Technical Decision for Consistency with Time Data for vNDs [NDcPP] Yes TD0631 NIT Technical Decision for Clarification of public key authentication for SSH Server [NDcPP] Yes TD0592 NIT Technical Decision for Local Storage of Audit Records [NDcPP] Yes TD0591 NIT Technical Decision for Virtual TOEs and hypervisors [NDcPP] Yes TD0581 NIT Technical Decision for Elliptic curve-based key establishment and NIST SP 800-56Arev3 [NDcPP] Yes Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Conformance Claims 18 Cisco Confidential Number Title PP Applicable Exclusion Rational TD0580 NIT Technical Decision for clarification about use of DH14 in NDcPPv2.2e [NDcPP] Yes TD0572 NiT Technical Decision for Restricting FTP_ITC.1 to only IP address identifiers [NDcPP] Yes TD0571 NiT Technical Decision for Guidance on how to handle FIA_AFL.1 [NDcPP] Yes TD0570 NiT Technical Decision for Clarification about FIA_AFL.1 [NDcPP] Yes TD0569 NIT Technical Decision for Session ID Usage Conflict in FCS_DTLSS_EXT.1.7 [NDcPP] No FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 not claimed TD0564 NiT Technical Decision for Vulnerability Analysis Search Criteria [NDcPP] Yes TD0563 NiT Technical Decision for Clarification of audit date information [NDcPP] Yes TD0556 NIT Technical Decision for RFC 5077 question [NDcPP] No FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 not claimed TD0555 NIT Technical Decision for RFC Reference incorrect in TLSS Test [NDcPP] No FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 not claimed TD0547 NIT Technical Decision for Clarification on developer disclosure of AVA_VAN [NDcPP] Yes TD0546 NIT Technical Decision for DTLS - clarification of Application Note 63 [NDcPP] No FCS_DTLSC_EXT.1 not claimed TD0537 NIT Technical Decision for Incorrect reference to FCS_TLSC_EXT.2.3 [NDcPP] Yes TD0536 NIT Technical Decision for Update Verification Inconsistency [NDcPP] Yes TD0528 NIT Technical Decision for Missing EAs for FCS_NTP_EXT.1.4 [NDcPP] No FCS_NTP_EXT.1 not claimed TD0527 Updates to Certificate Revocation Testing (FIA_X509_EXT.1) [NDcPP] Yes TD0870 Security Objectives Rationale for MOD_MACSEC_V1.0 [MOD_MACSEC] Yes TD0826 Aligning MOD_MACSEC_V1.0 with CPP_ND_V3.0E [MOD_MACSEC] No CPP_ND_V3.0E not claimed TD0817 MACsec Data Delay Protection, Key Agreement, and Conditional Support for Group CAK [MOD_MACSEC] Yes TD0816 Clarity for MACsec Self Test Failure Response [MOD_MACSEC] Yes TD0748 Correction to FMT_SMF.1/MACSEC Test 21 [MOD_MACSEC] Yes Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Conformance Claims 19 Cisco Confidential Number Title PP Applicable Exclusion Rational TD0746 Correction to FPT_RPL.1 Test 25 [MOD_MACSEC] Yes TD0728 Corrections to MACSec PP-Module SD [MOD_MACSEC] Yes 2.3. Protection Profile Conformance Claim Rationale 2.3.1. TOE Appropriateness The TOE provides all of the functionality at a level of security commensurate with that identified in the U.S. Government Protection Profiles. 2.3.2. TOE Security Problem Definition Consistency The Assumptions, Threats, and Organization Security Policies included in the Security Target represent the Assumptions, Threats, and Organization Security Policies specified in [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] for which conformance is claimed verbatim. All concepts covered in the Protection Profile Security Problem Definition are included in the Security Target Statement of Security Objectives Consistency. The Security Objectives included in the Security Target represent the Security Objectives specified in [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] for which conformance is claimed verbatim. All concepts covered in the Protection Profile’s Statement of Security Objectives are included in the Security Target. 2.3.3. Statement of Security Requirements Consistency The Security Functional Requirements included in the Security Target represent the Security Functional Requirements specified in [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] for which conformance is claimed verbatim. All concepts covered the Protection Profile’s Statement of Security Requirements are included in the Security Target. Additionally, the Security Assurance Requirements included in the Security Target are identical to the Security Assurance Requirements included in the claimed Protection Profiles. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Problem Definition 20 Cisco Confidential 3. Security Problem Definition This section identifies the following: ■ Assumptions about the TOE’s operational environment. These assumptions include both practical realities in the development of the TOE security requirements and the essential environmental conditions on the use of the TOE. ■ Threats addressed by the TOE and the IT Environment. ■ Organizational Security Policies imposed by an organization on the TOE to address its security needs. The security problem definition below has been drawn verbatim from [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC]. 3.1. Assumptions Table 7. TOE Assumptions Assumption Assumption Definition A.PHYSICAL_PROTECTION The Network Device is assumed to be physically protected in its operational environment and not subject to physical attacks that compromise the security or interfere with the device’s physical interconnections and correct operation. This protection is assumed to be sufficient to protect the device and the data it contains. As a result, the cPP does not include any requirements on physical tamper protection or other physical attack mitigations. The cPP does not expect the product to defend against physical access to the device that allows unauthorized entities to extract data, bypass other controls, or otherwise manipulate the device. For vNDs, this assumption applies to the physical platform on which the VM runs. A.LIMITED_FUNCTIONALITY The device is assumed to provide networking functionality as its core function and not provide functionality/ services that could be deemed as general purpose computing. For example the device should not provide computing platform for general purpose applications (unrelated to networking functionality). If a virtual TOE evaluated as a pND, following Case 2 vNDs as specified in Section 1.2, the VS is considered part of the TOE with only one vND instance for each physical hardware platform. The exception being where components of a distributed TOE run inside more than one virtual machine (VM) on a single VS. In Case 2 vND, no non-TOE guest VMs are allowed on the platform. A.NO_THRU_TRAFFIC_PROTECTION A standard/generic Network Device does not provide any assurance regarding the protection of traffic that traverses it. The intent is for the Network Device to protect data that originates on or is destined to the device itself, to include administrative data and audit data. Traffic that is traversing the Network Device, destined for another network entity, is not covered by the ND cPP. It is assumed that this protection will be covered by cPPs for particular types of Network Devices (e.g., firewall). Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Problem Definition 21 Cisco Confidential A.TRUSTED_ADMINISTRATOR The Security Administrator(s) for the Network Device are assumed to be trusted and to act in the best interest of security for the organization. This includes appropriately trained, following policy, and adhering to guidance documentation. Administrators are trusted to ensure passwords/credentials have sufficient strength and entropy and to lack malicious intent when administering the device. The Network Device is not expected to be capable of defending against a malicious Administrator that actively works to bypass or compromise the security of the device. For TOEs supporting X.509v3 certificate-based authentication, the Security Administrator(s) are expected to fully validate (e.g. offline verification) any CA certificate (root CA certificate or intermediate CA certificate) loaded into the TOE’s trust store (aka 'root store', ' trusted CA Key Store', or similar) as a trust anchor prior to use (e.g. offline verification). A.REGULAR_UPDATES The Network Device firmware and software is assumed to be updated by an Administrator on a regular basis in response to the release of product updates due to known vulnerabilities. A.ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_SECURE The Administrator’s credentials (private key) used to access the Network Device are protected by the platform on which they reside. A.COMPONENTS_RUNNING (applies to distributed TOEs only) For distributed TOEs it is assumed that the availability of all TOE components is checked as appropriate to reduce the risk of an undetected attack on (or failure of) one or more TOE components. It is also assumed that in addition to the availability of all components it is also checked as appropriate that the audit functionality is running properly on all TOE components. A.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION The Administrator must ensure that there is no unauthorized access possible for sensitive residual information (e.g. cryptographic keys, keying material, PINs, passwords etc.) on networking equipment when the equipment is discarded or removed from its operational environment. A.VS_TRUSTED_ADMINISTRATOR (applies to vNDs only) The Security Administrators for the VS are assumed to be trusted and to act in the best interest of security for the organization. This includes not interfering with the correct operation of the device. The Network Device is not expected to be capable of defending against a malicious VS Administrator that actively works to bypass or compromise the security of the device. A.VS_REGULAR_UPDATES (applies to vNDs only) The VS software is assumed to be updated by the VS Administrator on a regular basis in response to the release of product updates due to known vulnerabilities. A.VS_ISOLATON (applies to vNDs only) For vNDs, it is assumed that the VS provides, and is configured to provide sufficient isolation between software running in VMs on the same physical platform. Furthermore, it is assumed that the VS adequately protects itself from software running inside VMs on the same physical platform. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Problem Definition 22 Cisco Confidential A.VS_CORRECT_CONFIGURATION (applies to vNDs only) For vNDs, it is assumed that the VS and VMs are correctly configured to support ND functionality implemented in VMs. 3.2. Threats Table 8. Threats Threat Threat Definition T.UNAUTHORIZED_ADMINISTRATOR_ACCESS Threat agents may attempt to gain Administrator access to the Network Device by nefarious means such as masquerading as an Administrator to the device, masquerading as the device to an Administrator, replaying an administrative session (in its entirety, or selected portions), or performing man-in-the-middle attacks, which would provide access to the administrative session, or sessions between Network Devices. Successfully gaining administrator access allows malicious actions that compromise the security functionality of the device and the network on which it resides. T.WEAK_CRYPTOGRAPHY Threat agents may exploit weak cryptographic algorithms or perform a cryptographic exhaust against the key space. Poorly chosen encryption algorithms, modes, and key sizes will allow attackers to compromise the algorithms, or brute force exhaust the key space and give them unauthorized access allowing them to read, manipulate and/or control the traffic with minimal effort. T.UNTRUSTED_COMMUNICATION_CHANNELS Threat agents may attempt to target Network Devices that do not use standardized secure tunneling protocols to protect the critical network traffic. Attackers may take advantage of poorly designed protocols or poor key management to successfully perform man-in-the middle attacks, replay attacks, etc. Successful attacks will result in loss of confidentiality and integrity of the critical network traffic, and potentially could lead to a compromise of the Network Device itself. T.WEAK_AUTHENTICATION_ENDPOINTS Threat agents may take advantage of secure protocols that use weak methods to authenticate the endpoints – e.g., shared password that is guessable or transported as plaintext. The consequences are the same as a poorly designed protocol, the attacker could masquerade as the Administrator or another device, and the attacker could insert themselves into the network stream and perform a man-in-the-middle attack. The result is the critical network traffic is exposed and there could be a loss of confidentiality and integrity, and potentially the Network Device itself could be compromised. T.UPDATE_COMPROMISE Threat agents may attempt to provide a compromised update of the software or firmware which undermines the security functionality of the device. Non-validated updates or updates validated using non-secure or weak cryptography leave the update firmware vulnerable to surreptitious alteration. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Problem Definition 23 Cisco Confidential T.UNDETECTED_ACTIVITY Threat agents may attempt to access, change, and/or modify the security functionality of the Network Device without Administrator awareness. This could result in the attacker finding an avenue (e.g., misconfiguration, flaw in the product) to compromise the device and the Administrator would have no knowledge that the device has been compromised. T.SECURITY_FUNCTIONALITY_COMPROMISE Threat agents may compromise credentials and device data enabling continued access to the Network Device and its critical data. The compromise of credentials include replacing existing credentials with an attacker’s credentials, modifying existing credentials, or obtaining the Administrator or device credentials for use by the attacker. T.PASSWORD_CRACKING Threat agents may be able to take advantage of weak administrative passwords to gain privileged access to the device. Having privileged access to the device provides the attacker unfettered access to the network traffic, and may allow them to take advantage of any trust relationships with other Network Devices. T.SECURITY_FUNCTIONALITY_FAILURE An external, unauthorized entity could make use of failed or compromised security functionality and might therefore subsequently use or abuse security functions without prior authentication to access, change or modify device data, critical network traffic or security functionality of the device. T.DATA_INTEGRITY An attacker may modify data transmitted over the layer 2 link in a way that is not detected by the recipient. Devices on a network may be exposed to attacks that attempt to corrupt or modify data in transit without authorization. If malicious devices are able to modify and replay data that is transmitted over a layer 2 link, then the data contained within the communications may be susceptible to a loss of integrity. T.NETWORK_ACCESS An attacker may send traffic through the TOE that enables them to access devices in the TOE’s operational environment without authorization. A MACsec device may sit on the periphery of a network, which means that it may have an externally-facing interface to a public network. Devices located in the public network may attempt to exercise services located on the internal network that are intended to be accessed only from within the internal network or externally accessible only from specifically authorized devices. If the MACsec device allows unauthorized external devices access to the internal network, these devices on the internal network may be subject to compromise. Similarly, if two MACsec devices are deployed to facilitate end-to-end encryption of traffic that is contained within a single network, an attacker could use an insecure MACsec device as a method to access devices on a specific segment of that network such as an individual LAN. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Problem Definition 24 Cisco Confidential T.UNTRUSTED_MACSEC_COMMUNICATION_CHANNELS An attacker may acquire sensitive TOE or user data that is transmitted to or from the TOE because an untrusted communication channel causes a disclosure of data in transit. A generic network device may be threatened by the use of insecure communications channels to transmit sensitive data. The attack surface of a MACsec device also includes the MACsec trusted channels. Inability to secure communications channels, or failure to do so correctly, would expose user data that is assumed to be secure to the threat of unauthorized disclosure. 3.3. Organizational Security Policies Table 9. Organizational Security Policies Policy Name Policy Definition P.ACCESS_BANNER The TOE shall display an initial banner describing restrictions of use, legal agreements, or any other appropriate information to which users consent by accessing the TOE. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Objectives 25 Cisco Confidential 4. Security Objectives This section identifies the security objectives of the TOE and the IT Environment. The security objectives identify the responsibilities of the TOE and the TOE’s IT environment in meeting the security needs. 4.1. Security Objectives for the TOE The following table identifies the Security Objectives for the TOE. These security objectives reflect the stated intent to counter identified threats and/or comply with any security policies. The security objectives below have been drawn verbatim from [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC]. Table 10. Security Objectives for the TOE Environment Security Objective TOE Security Objective Definition O.AUTHENTICATION_MACSEC To further address the issues associated with unauthorized disclosure of information, a compliant TOE’s authentication ability (MKA) will allow a MACsec peer to establish connectivity associations (CAs) with another MACsec peer. MACsec endpoints authenticate each other to ensure they are communicating with an authorized MAC Security Entity (SecY) entity. Addressed by: FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4, FCS_MKA_EXT.1, FIA_PSK_EXT.1, FCS_DEVID_EXT.1 (selection-based), FCS_EAP- TLS_EXT.1 (selection-based) O.AUTHORIZED_ADMINISTRATION All network devices are expected to provide services that allow the security functionality of the device to be managed. The MACsec device, as a specific type of network device, has a refined set of management functions to address its specialized behavior. In order to further mitigate the threat of a compromise of its security functionality, the MACsec device prescribes the ability to limit brute-force authentication attempts by enforcing lockout of accounts that experience excessive failures and by limiting access to security-relevant data that administrators do not need to view. Addressed by: FMT_SMF.1/MACSEC, FPT_CAK_EXT.1, FIA_AFL_EXT.1 (optional), FTP_TRP.1/MACSEC (optional), FMT_SNMP_EXT.1 (selection-based) O.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_FUNCTIONS_MACSEC To address the issues associated with unauthorized modification and disclosure of information, compliant TOEs will implement cryptographic capabilities. These capabilities are intended to maintain confidentiality and allow for detection and modification of data that is transmitted outside of the TOE. Addressed by: FCS_COP.1/CMAC, FCS_COP.1/MACSEC, FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2, FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3, FTP_ITC.1/MACSEC, FTP_TRP.1/MACSEC (optional), FCS_SNMP_EXT.1 (selection- based) O.PORT_FILTERING_MACSEC To further address the issues associated with unauthorized network access, a compliant TOE’s port filtering capability will restrict the flow of network traffic through the TOE based on layer 2 frame characteristics and whether or not the traffic represents valid MACsec frames and MACsec Key Agreement Protocol Data Units (MKPDUs). Addressed by: FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1, FIA_PSK_EXT.1, FPT_DDP_EXT.1 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Objectives 26 Cisco Confidential O.REPLAY_DETECTION A MACsec device is expected to help mitigate the threat of MACsec data integrity violations by providing a mechanism to detect and discard replayed traffic for MPDUs. Addressed by: FPT_RPL.1, FPT_RPL_EXT.1 (optional) O.SYSTEM_MONITORING_MACSEC To address the issues of administrators being able to monitor the operations of the MACsec device, compliant TOEs will implement the ability to log the flow of Ethernet traffic. Specifically, the TOE will provide the means for administrators to configure rules to ‘log’ when Ethernet traffic grants or restricts access. As a result, the ‘log’ will result in informative event logs whenever a match occurs. In addition, the establishment of security CAs is auditable, not only between MACsec devices, but also with MAC Security Key Agreement Entities (KaYs). Addressed by: FAU_GEN.1/MACSEC O.TSF_INTEGRITY To mitigate the security risk that the MACsec device may fail during startup, it is required to fail-secure if any self-test failures occur during startup. This ensures that the device will only operate when it is in a known state. Addressed by: FPT_FLS.1 4.2. Security Objectives for the Environment The following table identifies the Security Objectives for the Environment. These security objectives reflect the stated intent to counter identified threats and/or comply with any security policies. The security objectives below have been drawn verbatim from [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC]. Table 11. Security Objectives for the Environment Environment Security Objective IT Environment Security Objective Definition OE.PHYSICAL Physical security, commensurate with the value of the TOE and the data it contains, is provided by the environment. OE.NO_GENERAL_PURPOSE There are no general-purpose computing capabilities (e.g., compilers or user applications) available on the TOE, other than those services necessary for the operation, administration and support of the TOE. Note: For vNDs the TOE includes only the contents of the its own VM, and does not include other VMs or the VS. OE.NO_THRU_TRAFFIC_PROTECTION The TOE does not provide any protection of traffic that traverses it. It is assumed that protection of this traffic will be covered by other security and assurance measures in the operational environment. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Objectives 27 Cisco Confidential OE.TRUSTED_ADMIN Security Administrators are trusted to follow and apply all guidance in a trusted manner. For vNDs, this includes the VS Administrator responsible for configuring the VMs that implement ND functionality. For TOEs supporting X.509v3 certificate-based authentication, the Security Administrator(s) are assumed to monitor the revocation status of all certificates in the TOE's trust store and to remove any certificate from the TOE’s trust store in case such certificate can no longer be trusted. OE.UPDATES The TOE firmware and software is updated by an Administrator on a regular basis in response to the release of product updates due to known vulnerabilities. OE.ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_SECURE The Administrator’s credentials (private key) used to access the TOE must be protected on any other platform on which they reside. OE.COMPONENTS_RUNNING (applies to distributed TOEs only) For distributed TOEs the Security Administrator ensures that the availability of every TOE component is checked as appropriate to reduce the risk of an undetected attack on (or failure of) one or more TOE components. The Security Administrator also ensures that it is checked as appropriate for every TOE component that the audit functionality is running properly. OE.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION The Security Administrator ensures that there is no unauthorized access possible for sensitive residual information (e.g. cryptographic keys, keying material, PINs, passwords etc.) on networking equipment when the equipment is discarded or removed from its operational environment. For vNDs, this applies when the physical platform on which the VM runs is removed from its operational environment. OE.VM_CONFIG`URATION (applies to vNDs only) For vNDs, the Security Administrator ensures that the VS and VMs are configured to ■ reduce the attack surface of VMs as much as possible while supporting ND functionality (e.g., remove unnecessary virtual hardware, turn off unused inter- VM communications mechanisms), and ■ correctly implement ND functionality (e.g., ensure virtual networking is properly configured to support network traffic, management channels, and audit reporting). The VS should be operated in a manner that reduces the likelihood that vND operations are adversely affected by virtualisation features such as cloning, save/restore, suspend/resume, and live migration. If possible, the VS should be configured to make use of features that leverage the VS’s privileged position to provide additional security functionality. Such features could include malware detection through VM introspection, measured VM boot, or VM snapshot for forensic analysis. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 28 Cisco Confidential 5. Security Requirements This section identifies the Security Functional Requirements for the TOE. The Security Functional Requirements in this section are drawn from [CC_PART2], [NDcPP], [MOD_MACSEC], and NIAP Technical Decisions. 5.1. Conventions [CC_PART1] defines operations on Security Functional Requirements. This document uses the following conventions to identify the operations permitted by [NDcPP], [MOD_MACSEC] and NIAP Technical Decisions. Table 12. Security Requirement Conventions Convention Indication Assignment Indicated with italicized text Refinement Indicated with bold text and strikethroughs Selection Indicated with underlined text Assignment within a Selection Indicated with italicized and underlined text Iteration indicated by adding a string starting with ‘/’ (e.g. ‘FCS_COP.1/Hash’) Where operations were completed in the [NDcPP] itself, the formatting used in the [NDcPP] has been retained. Formatting used in [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] that is inconsistent with the listed conventions has not been retained in the ST. The TOE Security Functional Requirements are identified in the following table and are described in more detail in the following subsections. Table 13. Security Functional Requirements Class Name Component Identification Component Name Drawn From FAU: Security Audit FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation [NDcPP] FAU_GEN.1/MACSEC Audit Data Generation (MACsec) [MOD_MACSEC] FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association [NDcPP] FAU_STG_EXT.1 Protected Audit Event Storage [NDcPP] FCS: Cryptographic Support FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic Key Generation (Refinement) [NDcPP] FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic Key Establishment [NDcPP] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic Key Destruction [NDcPP] FCS_COP.1/DataEncryption Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption) [NDcPP] FCS_COP.1/MACSEC Cryptographic Operation (MACsec AES Data Encryption/Decryption) [MOD_MACSEC] Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 29 Cisco Confidential Class Name Component Identification Component Name Drawn From FCS_COP.1/SigGen Cryptographic Operation (Signature Generation and Verification) [NDcPP] FCS_COP.1/Hash Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm) [NDcPP] FCS_COP.1/KeyedHash Cryptographic Operation (Keyed Hash Algorithm) [NDcPP] FCS_COP.1/CMAC Cryptographic Operation (AES- CMAC Keyed Hash Algorithm) [MOD_MACSEC] FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation [NDcPP] FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1 MACsec [MOD_MACSEC] FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2 MACsec Integrity and Confidentiality [MOD_MACSEC] FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3 MACsec Randomness [MOD_MACSEC] FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4 MACsec Key Usage [MOD_MACSEC] FCS_MKA_EXT.1 MACsec Key Agreement [MOD_MACSEC] FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 SSH Server Protocol [NDcPP] FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 TLS Client Protocol Without Mutual Authentication [NDcPP] FIA: Identification and authentication FIA_AFL.1 Authentication Failure Management [NDcPP] FIA_PMG_EXT.1 Password Management [NDcPP] FIA_PSK_EXT.1 Extended: Pre-Shared Key Composition [MOD_MACSEC] FIA_UIA_EXT.1 User Identification and Authentication [NDcPP] FIA_UAU_EXT.2 Password-based Authentication Mechanism [NDcPP] FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback [NDcPP] FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev X.509 Certificate Validation [NDcPP] FIA_X509_EXT.2 X.509 Certificate Authentication [NDcPP] FMT: Security Management FMT_MOF.1/ManualUpdate Management of security functions behaviour [NDcPP] Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 30 Cisco Confidential 5.2. Class: Security Audit (FAU) 5.2.1. FAU_GEN.1 – Audit Data Generation FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions; Class Name Component Identification Component Name Drawn From FMT_MTD.1/CoreData Management of TSF Data [NDcPP] FMT_MTD.1/CryptoKeys Management of TSF Data [NDcPP] FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions [NDcPP] FMT_SMF.1/MACSEC Specification of Management Functions (MACsec) [MOD_MACSEC] FMT_SMR.2 Restrictions on Security Roles [NDcPP] FPT: Protection of the TSF FPT_CAK_EXT.1 Protection of CAK Data [MOD_MACSEC] FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State [MOD_MACSEC] FPT_RPL.1 Replay Detection [MOD_MACSEC] FPT_RPL_EXT.1 Replay Protection for XPN [MOD_MACSEC] FPT_APW_EXT.1 Extended: Protection of Administrator Passwords [NDcPP] FPT_SKP_EXT.1 Extended: Protection of TSF Data (for reading of all pre-shared, symmetric and private keys) [NDcPP] FPT_STM_EXT.1 Reliable Time Stamps [NDcPP] FPT_TST_EXT.1 TSF Testing (Extended) [NDcPP] FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Trusted update [NDcPP] FTA: TOE Access FTA_SSL_EXT.1 TSF-initiated Session Locking [NDcPP] FTA_SSL.3 TSF-initiated Termination [NDcPP] FTA_SSL.4 User-initiated Termination [NDcPP] FTA_TAB.1 Default TOE Access Banners [NDcPP] FTP: Trusted path/channels FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel [NDcPP] FTP_ITC.1/MACSEC Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (MACsec Communications) [MOD_MACSEC] FTP_TRP.1/Admin Trusted Path [NDcPP] Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 31 Cisco Confidential b) All auditable events for the not specified level of audit; and c) All administrator actions comprising: • Administrative login and logout (name of user account shall be logged if individual user accounts are required for Administrators). • Changes to TSF data related to configuration changes (in addition to the information that a change occurred it shall be logged what has been changed). • Generating/import of, changing, or deleting of cryptographic keys (in addition to the action itself a unique key name or key reference shall be logged). • Resetting passwords (name of related user account shall be logged). • [Starting and stopping services]; d) Specifically defined auditable events listed in Table 14. FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity, and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the cPP/ST, information specified in column three of Table 14. Table 14. Auditable Events SFR Auditable Event Additional Audit Record Contents FAU_GEN.1 None. None. FAU_GEN.2 None. None. FAU_STG_EXT.1 None. None. FCS_CKM.1 None. None. FCS_CKM.2 None. None. FCS_CKM.4 None. None. FCS_COP.1/DataEncryption None. None. FCS_COP.1/SigGen None. None. FCS_COP.1/Hash None. None. FCS_COP.1/KeyedHash None. None. FCS_RBG_EXT.1 None. None. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 Failure to establish an SSH session Reason for failure. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 Failure to establish an TLS session Reason for failure. FIA_AFL.1 Unsuccessful login attempts limit is met or exceeded. Origin of the attempt (e.g., IP address). Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 32 Cisco Confidential SFR Auditable Event Additional Audit Record Contents FIA_PMG_EXT.1 None. None. FIA_UIA_EXT.1 All use of the identification and authentication mechanism. Origin of the attempt (e.g., IP address). FIA_UAU_EXT.2 All use of the identification and authentication mechanism. Origin of the attempt (e.g., IP address). FIA_UAU.7 None. None. FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev Unsuccessful attempt to validate a certificate Any addition, replacement or removal of trust anchors in the TOE's trust store. Reason for failure of certificate validation Identification of certificates added, replaced or removed as trust anchor in the TOE's trust store. FIA_X509_EXT.2 None. None. FMT_MOF.1/ManualUpdate Any attempt to initiate a manual update None. FMT_MTD.1/CoreData None. None. FMT_MTD.1/CryptoKeys None. None. FMT_SMF.1 All management activities of TSF data. None. FMT_SMR.2 None. None. FPT_APW_EXT.1 None. None. FPT_SKP_EXT.1 None. None. FPT_STM_EXT.1 Discontinuous changes to time - either Administrator actuated or changed via an automated process. (Note that no continuous changes to time need to be logged. See also application note on FPT_STM_EXT.1) For discontinuous changes to time: The old and new values for the time. Origin of the attempt to change time for success and failure (e.g., IP address). FPT_TST_EXT.1 None. None. FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Initiation of update. result of the update attempt (success or failure) None. FTA_SSL_EXT.1 The termination of a local session by the session locking mechanism. None. FTA_SSL.3 The termination of a remote session by the session locking mechanism. None. FTA_SSL.4 The termination of an interactive session. None. FTA_TAB.1 None. None. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 33 Cisco Confidential SFR Auditable Event Additional Audit Record Contents FTP_ITC.1 Initiation of the trusted channel. Termination of the trusted channel. Failure of the trusted channel functions. Identification of the initiator and target of failed trusted channels establishment attempt. FTP_TRP.1/Admin Initiation of the trusted path. Termination of the trusted path. Failures of the trusted path functions. None. 5.2.2. FAU_GEN.1/MACSEC – Audit Data Generation (MACsec) FAU_GEN.1.1/MACSEC The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions; b) All auditable events for the [not specified] level of audit; c) All administrative actions; d) [Specifically defined auditable events listed in the Auditable Events table (Table 15)] Table 15. MACsec Auditable Events SFR Auditable Event Additional Audit Record Contents FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1 Session establishment Secure Channel Identifier (SCI) FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3 Creation and update of SAK Creation and update times FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4 Creation of CA Connectivity Association Key Names (CKNs) FPT_RPL.1 Detected replay attempt None. FAU_GEN.1.2/MACSEC The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a. Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b. For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the PP- Module/ST, [information specified in column three of the Auditable Events table (Table 15)]. 5.2.3. FAU_GEN.2 – User Identity Association FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 34 Cisco Confidential 5.2.4. FAU_STG_EXT.1 – Protected Audit Event Storage FAU_STG_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall be able to transmit the generated audit data to an external IT entity using a trusted channel according to FTP_ITC.1. FAU_STG_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall be able to store generated audit data on the TOE itself. In addition [ • The TOE shall consist of a single standalone component that stores audit data locally]. FAU_STG_EXT.1.3 The TSF shall [overwrite previous audit records according to the following rule: [oldest audit records are overwritten]] when the local storage space for audit data is full. 5.3.Class: Cryptographic Support (FCS) 5.3.1. FCS_CKM.1 – Cryptographic Key Generation (Refinement) FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate asymmetric cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm: [ • RSA schemes using cryptographic key sizes of 2048-bit or greater that meet the following: FIPS PUB 186-4, “Digital Signature Standard (DSS)”, Appendix B.3; • ECC schemes using ‘NIST curves’ [P-256, P-384, P-521] that meet the following: FIPS PUB 186-4, “Digital Signature Standard (DSS)”, Appendix B.4; • FFC Schemes using ‘safe-prime’ groups that meet the following: “NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography” and [RFC 3526]. ] and specified cryptographic key sizes [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] that meet the following: [assignment: list of standards]. 5.3.2. FCS_CKM.2 – Cryptographic Key Establishment (Refinement) FCS_CKM.2.1 The TSF shall perform cryptographic key establishment in accordance with a specified cryptographic key establishment method: [ • Elliptic curve-based key establishment schemes that meet the following: NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3, “Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography”; • FFC Schemes using “safe-prime” groups that meet the following: ‘NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3, “Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography” and [groups listed in RFC 3526]. ] that meets the following: [assignment: list of standards]. 5.3.3. FCS_CKM.4 – Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method • For plaintext keys in volatile storage, the destruction shall be executed by a [single overwrite consisting of [zeroes, a new value of the key]]; • For plaintext keys in non-volatile storage, the destruction shall be executed by the invocation of an interface provided by a part of the TSF that [ o logically addresses the storage location of the key and performs a [single-pass] overwrite consisting of [zeroes, a new value of the key]]; that meets the following: No Standard. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 35 Cisco Confidential 5.3.4. FCS_COP.1/DataEncryption – Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption) FCS_COP.1.1/DataEncryption The TSF shall perform encryption/decryption in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm AES used in [CBC, GCM] mode and cryptographic key sizes [128 bits, 256 bits] that meet the following: AES as specified in ISO 18033-3, [CBC as specified in ISO 10116, GCM as specified in ISO 19772]. 5.3.5. FCS_COP.1/MACSEC – Cryptographic Operation (MACsec AES Data Encryption/Decryption) FCS_COP.1.1/MACSEC The TSF shall perform [encryption and decryption] in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [AES used in AES Key Wrap, GCM] and cryptographic key sizes [128, 256] bits that meets the following: [AES as specified in ISO 18033-3, AES Key Wrap as specified in NIST SP 800-38F, GCM as specified in ISO 19772]. Application Note: The selection of 128 and 256 bit key sizes applies to AES-GCM. For AES Key Wrap, only the selection of 128-bit key size applies. 5.3.6. FCS_COP.1/SigGen – Cryptographic Operation (Signature Generation and Verification) FCS_COP.1.1/SigGen The TSF shall perform cryptographic signature services (generation and verification) in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [ • RSA Digital Signature Algorithm and cryptographic key sizes (modulus) [2048 bits, 3072 bits], ] that meet the following: [ • For RSA schemes: FIPS PUB 186-4, “Digital Signature Standard (DSS)”, Section 5.5, using PKCS #1 v2.1 Signature Schemes RSASSA-PSS and/or RSASSA-PKCS1v1_5; ISO/IEC 9796-2, Digital signature scheme 2 or Digital Signature scheme 3, ]. 5.3.7. FCS_COP.1/Hash – Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm) FCS_COP.1.1/Hash The TSF shall perform cryptographic hashing services in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [SHA- 1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512] and cryptographic key sizes [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] and message digest sizes [160, 256, 384, 512] bits that meet the following: ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004. 5.3.8. FCS_COP.1/KeyedHash – Cryptographic Operation (Keyed Hash Algorithm) FCS_COP.1.1/KeyedHash The TSF shall perform keyed-hash message authentication in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [HMAC-SHA-256] and cryptographic key sizes [256] and message digest sizes [256] bits that meet the following: ISO/IEC 9797-2:2011, Section 7 “MAC Algorithm 2”. 5.3.9. FCS_COP.1/CMAC – Cryptographic Operation (AES-CMAC Keyed Hash Algorithm) FCS_COP.1.1/CMAC The TSF shall perform [keyed-hash message authentication] in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [AES-CMAC] and cryptographic key sizes [128, 256] bits and message digest size of 128 bits that meets the following: [NIST SP 800-38B]. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 36 Cisco Confidential 5.3.10. FCS_RBG_EXT.1 – Random Bit Generation FCS_RBG_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall perform all deterministic random bit generation services in accordance with ISO/IEC 18031:2011 using [CTR_DRBG (AES)]. FCS_RBG_EXT.1.2 The deterministic RBG shall be seeded by at least one entropy source that accumulates entropy from [[1] platform- based noise source] with a minimum of [256 bits] of entropy at least equal to the greatest security strength, according to ISO/IEC 18031:2011 Table C.1 “Security Strength Table for Hash Functions”, of the keys and hashes that it will generate. 5.3.11. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1 – MACsec FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall implement MACsec in accordance with IEEE Standard 802.1AE-2018. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall derive a Secure Channel Identifier (SCI) from a peer’s MAC address and port to uniquely identify the originator of an MPDU. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1.3 The TSF shall reject any MPDUs during a given session that contain an SCI other than the one used to establish that session. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1.4 The TSF shall permit only EAPOL (Port Access Entity (PAE) EtherType 88-8E), MACsec frames (EtherType 88- E5), and MAC control frames (EtherType is 88-08) and shall discard others. 5.3.12. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2 – MACsec Integrity and Confidentiality FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2.1 The TOE shall implement MACsec with support for integrity protection with a confidentiality offset of [0, 30, 50]. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2.2 The TSF shall provide assurance of the integrity of protocol data units (MPDUs) using an Integrity Check Value (ICV) derived with the SAK. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2.3 The TSF shall provide the ability to derive an Integrity Check Value Key (ICK) from a Connectivity Association Key (CAK) using a KDF. 5.3.13. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3 – MACsec Randomness FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3.1 The TSF shall generate unique Secure Association Keys (SAKs) using [key derivation from Connectivity Associa- tion Key (CAK) per section 9.8.1 of IEEE 802.1X-2010] such that the likelihood of a repeating SAK is no less than 1 in 2 to the power of the size of the generated key. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3.2 The TSF shall generate unique nonces for the derivation of SAKs using the TOE’s random bit generator as spec- ified by FCS_RBG_EXT.1. 5.3.14. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4 – MACsec Key Usage FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4.1 The TSF shall support peer authentication using pre-shared keys (PSKs) [no other method]. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4.2 The TSF shall distribute SAKs between MACsec peers using AES key wrap as specified in FCS_COP.1/MACSEC. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4.3 The TSF shall support specifying a lifetime for CAKs. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4.4 The TSF shall associate Connectivity Association Key Names (CKNs) with SAKs that are defined by the KDF us- ing the CAK as input data (per IEEE 802.1X-2010, Section 9.8.1). Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 37 Cisco Confidential FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4.5 The TSF shall associate CKNs with CAKs. The length of the CKN shall be an integer number of octets, between 1 and 32 (inclusive). 5.3.15. FCS_MKA_EXT.1 – MACsec Key Agreement FCS_MKA_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall implement Key Agreement Protocol (MKA) in accordance with IEEE 802.1X-2010 and 802.1Xbx-2014. FCS_MKA_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall provide assurance of the integrity of MKA protocol data units (MKPDUs) using an Integrity Check Value (ICV) derived from an Integrity Check Value Key (ICK). FCS_MKA_EXT.1.3 The TSF shall provide the ability to derive an Integrity Check Value Key (ICK) from a CAK using a KDF. FCS_MKA_EXT.1.4 The TSF shall enforce an MKA Lifetime Timeout limit of 6.0 seconds and [MKA Bounded Hello Timeout limit of 0.5 seconds]. FCS_MKA_EXT.1.5 The key server shall refresh a SAK when it expires. The key server shall distribute a SAK by [ • pairwise CAKS that are PSKs ]. FCS_MKA_EXT.1.6 The key server shall distribute a fresh SAK whenever a member is added to or removed from the live membership of the CA. FCS_MKA_EXT.1.7 The TSF shall validate MKPDUs according to IEEE 802.1X-2010 Section 11.11.2. In particular, the TSF shall discard without further processing any MKPDUs to which any of the following conditions apply: a. The destination address of the MKPDU was an individual address b. The MKPDU is less than 32 octets long c. The MKPDU comprises fewer octets than indicated by the Basic Parameter Set body length, as encoded in bits 4 through 1 of octet 3 and bits 8 through 1 of octet 4, plus 16 octets of ICV d. The CAK Name is not recognized If an MKPDU passes these tests, then the TSF will begin processing it as follows: a. If the Algorithm Agility parameter identifies an algorithm that has been implemented by the receiver, the ICV shall be veri- fied as specified in IEEE 802.1X-2010 Section 9.4.1. b. If the Algorithm Agility parameter is unrecognized or not implemented by the receiver, its value can be recorded for diagno- sis but the received MKPDU shall be discarded without further processing. Each received MKPDU that is validated as specified in this clause and verified as specified in IEEE 802.1X-2010 Section 9.4.1 shall be decoded as specified in IEEE 802.1X-2010 Section 11.11.4. 5.3.16. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 – SSH Server Protocol FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall implement the SSH protocol that complies with: RFCs 4251, 4252, 4253, 4254, [6668, 8308 section 3.1, 8332]. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall ensure that the SSH protocol implementation supports the following user authentication methods as described in RFC 4252: public key-based, [password-based]. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.3 The TSF shall ensure that, as described in RFC 4253, packets greater than [65,806] bytes in an SSH transport con- nection are dropped. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 38 Cisco Confidential FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.4 The TSF shall ensure that the SSH transport implementation uses the following encryption algorithms and rejects all other encryption algorithms: [aes128-cbc, aes256-cbc, aes128-gcm@openssh.com, aes256-gcm@openssh.com]. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.5 The TSF shall ensure that the SSH public-key based authentication implementation uses [rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2- 512] as its public key algorithm(s) and rejects all other public key algorithms. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.6 The TSF shall ensure that the SSH transport implementation uses hmac-sha2-256, implicit] as its MAC algorithm(s) and rejects all other MAC algorithm(s). FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.7 The TSF shall ensure that [diffie-hellman-group14-sha1] and [no other methods] are the only allowed key ex- change methods used for the SSH protocol. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1.8 The TSF shall ensure that within SSH connections, the same session keys are used for a threshold of no longer than one hour, and each encryption key is used to protect no more than one gigabyte of data. After any of the thresholds are reached, a rekey needs to be performed. 5.3.17. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 TLS Client Protocol Without Mutual Authentication FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall implement [TLS 1.2 (RFC 5246)] and reject all other TLS and SSL versions. The TLS implementation will support the following ciphersuites [ o TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in RFC 5289 o TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289 ] and no other ciphersuites. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall verify that the presented identifier matches [the reference identifier per RFC 6125 section 6, IPv4 address in SAN] and no other attribute types. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.3 When establishing a trusted channel, by default the TSF shall not establish a trusted channel if the server certifi- cate is invalid. The TSF shall also [ • Not implement any administrator override mechanism ]. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.4 The TSF shall [present the Supported Elliptic Curves/Supported Groups Extension with the following curves/groups: [secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1] and no other curves/groups] in the Client Hello. 5.4. Class: Identification and Authentication (FIA) 5.4.1. FIA_AFL.1 – Authentication Failure Management FIA_AFL.1.1 The TSF shall detect when an Administrator configurable positive integer within [1-25] unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to Administrators attempting to authenticate remotely using a password. FIA_AFL.1.2 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall [prevent the offending Administrator from successfully establishing remote session using any authentication method that involves a password until [unblocking action] is taken by an Administrator; prevent the offending Administrator from successfully establishing remote session using any authentication method that involves a password until an Administrator defined time period has elapsed]. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 39 Cisco Confidential 5.4.2. FIA_PMG_EXT.1 – Password Management FIA_PMG_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall provide the following password management capabilities for administrative passwords: 1. Passwords shall be able to be composed of any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and the following special characters: [“!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “&”, “*”, “(“, “)” [Additional Special Characters listed in Table 16]]; Table 16. Additional Password Special Characters Special Character Name Space ; Semicolon : Colon " Double Quote ‘ Single Quote | Vertical Bar + Plus - Minus = Equal Sign . Period , Comma / Slash \ Backslash < Less Than > Greater Than _ Underscore ` Grave accent (backtick) ~ Tilde { Left Brace } Right Brace 2. Minimum password length shall be configurable to between [1] and [127] characters. 5.4.3. FIA_PSK_EXT.1 – Pre-Shared Key Composition FIA_PSK_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall use PSKs for MKA as defined by IEEE 802.1X-2010, [no other protocols]. FIA_PSK_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall be able to [accept] bit-based pre-shared keys. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 40 Cisco Confidential 5.4.4. FIA_UIA_EXT.1 – User Identification and Authentication FIA_UIA_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall allow the following actions prior to requiring the non-TOE entity to initiate the identification and authentication process: • Display the warning banner in accordance with FTA_TAB.1; • [no other actions] FIA_UIA_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall require each administrative user to be successfully identified and authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated action on behalf of that administrative user. 5.4.5. FIA_UAU_EXT.2 – Password-based Authentication Mechanism FIA_UAU_EXT.2.1 The TSF shall provide a local [password-based, SSH public key-based] authentication mechanism to perform local administrative user authentication. 5.4.6. FIA_UAU.7 – Protected Authentication Feedback FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide only obscured feedback to the administrative user while the authentication is in progress at the local console. 5.4.7. FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev – X.509 Certificate Validation FIA_X509_EXT.1.1/Rev The TSF shall validate certificates in accordance with the following rules: • RFC 5280 certificate validation and certificate path validation supporting a minimum path length of three certificates. • The certificate path must terminate with a trusted CA certificate designated as a trust anchor. • The TSF shall validate a certification path by ensuring that all CA certificates in the certification path contain the basicConstraints extension with the CA flag set to TRUE. • The TSF shall validate the revocation status of the certificate using [a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) as specified in RFC 5280 Section 6.3]. • The TSF shall validate the extendedKeyUsage field according to the following rules: o Certificates used for trusted updates and executable code integrity verification shall have the Code Signing purpose (id-kp 3 with OID in the extendedKeyUsage field. o Server certificates presented for TLS shall have the Server Authentication purpose (id-kp 1 with OID in the extendedKeyUsage field. o Client certificates presented for TLS shall have the Client Authentication purpose (id-kp 2 with OID in the extendedKeyUsage field. o OCSP certificates presented for OCSP responses shall have the OCSP Signing purpose (id-kp 9 with OID in the extendedKeyUsage field. FIA_X509_EXT.1.2/Rev The TSF shall only treat a certificate as a CA certificate if the basicConstraints extension is present and the CA flag is set to TRUE. 5.4.8. FIA_X509_EXT.2 – X.509 Certificate Authentication FIA_X509_EXT.2.1 The TSF shall use X.509v3 certificates as defined by RFC 5280 to support authentication for [TLS], and [no additional uses]. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 41 Cisco Confidential FIA_X509_EXT.2.2 When the TSF cannot establish a connection to determine the validity of a certificate, the TSF shall [not accept the certificate]. 5.5.Class: Security Management (FMT) 5.5.1. FMT_MOF.1/ManualUpdate – Management of Security Functions Behavior FMT_MOF.1.1/ManualUpdate The TSF shall restrict the ability to enable the functions to perform manual update to Security Administrators. 5.5.2. FMT_MTD.1/CoreData – Management of TSF Data FMT_MTD.1.1/CoreData The TSF shall restrict the ability to manage the TSF data to Security Administrators. 5.5.3. FMT_MTD.1/CryptoKeys – Management of TSF Data FMT_MTD.1.1/CryptoKeys The TSF shall restrict the ability to manage the cryptographic keys to Security Administrators. 5.5.4. FMT_SMF.1 – Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: • Ability to administer the TOE locally and remotely; • Ability to configure the access banner; • Ability to configure the session inactivity time before session termination or locking; • Ability to update the TOE, and to verify the updates using [digital signature] capability prior to installing those updates; • Ability to configure the authentication failure parameters for FIA_AFL.1; [ o Ability to modify the behaviour of the transmission of audit data to an external IT entity; o Ability to manage the cryptographic keys; o Ability to configure the cryptographic functionality; o Ability to configure thresholds for SSH rekeying; o Ability to re-enable an Administrator account; o Ability to set the time which is used for time-stamps; o Ability to manage the TOE's trust store and designate X509.v3 certificates as trust anchors; o Ability to import X.509v3 certificates to the TOE's trust store; o Ability to manage the trusted public keys database ] 5.5.5. FMT_SMF.1/MACSEC – Specification of Management Functions (MACsec) FMT_SMF.1.1/MACSEC The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions related to MACsec functionality: [Ability of a Security Administrator to: Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 42 Cisco Confidential • Manage a PSK-based CAK and install it in the device • Manage the key server to create, delete, and activate MKA participants [as specified in IEEE 802.1X-2020, Sections 9.13 and 9.16 (cf. MIB object ieee8021XKayMkaParticipant Entry) and section 12.2 (cf. function createMKA() ] • Specify the lifetime of a CAK • Enable, disable, or delete a PSK-based CAK using [CLI management commands] [ • No other MACsec management functions ] ]. 5.5.6. FMT_SMR.2 – Restrictions on Security Roles FMT_SMR.2.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles: • Security Administrator. FMT_SMR.2.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. FMT_SMR.2.3 The TSF shall ensure that the conditions • The Security Administrator role shall be able to administer the TOE locally; • The Security Administrator role shall be able to administer the TOE remotely are satisfied. 5.6.Class: Protection of the TSF (FPT) 5.6.1. FPT_CAK_EXT.1 Protection of CAK Data FPT_CAK_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall prevent reading of CAK values by administrators. 5.6.2. FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State FPT_FLS.1.1 The TSF shall fail-secure when any of the following types of failures occur: [failure of the power-on self-tests, failure of integrity check of the TSF executable image, failure of noise source health tests]. 5.6.3. FPT_RPL.1 Replay Detection FPT_RPL.1.1 The TSF shall detect replay for the following entities: [MPDUs, MKA frames]. FPT_RPL.1.2 The TSF shall perform [discarding of the replayed data, logging of the detected replay attempt] when replay is detected. 5.6.4. FPT_RPL_EXT.1 Replay Protection for XPN FPT_RPL_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall support extended packet numbering (XPN) as per IEEE 802.1AE-2018. FPT_RPL_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall support [GCM-AES-XPN-128, GCM-AES-XPN-256] as per IEEE 802.1AE-2018. Application Note: The FPT_RPL_EXT.1 requirement applies to the Catalyst 9300X/9300LM/9500X series models. It does not apply to the 9200CX series. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 43 Cisco Confidential 5.6.5. FPT_APW_EXT.1 – Protection of Administrator Passwords FPT_APW_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall store administrative passwords in non-plaintext form. FPT_APW_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall prevent the reading of plaintext administrative passwords. 5.6.6. FPT_SKP_EXT.1 – Protection of TSF Data (for reading of all pre-shared, symmetric and private keys) FPT_SKP_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall prevent reading of all pre-shared keys, symmetric keys, and private keys. 5.6.7. FPT_STM_EXT.1 – Reliable Time Stamps FPT_STM_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps for its own use. FPT_STM_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall [allow the Security Administrator to set the time]. 5.6.8. FPT_TST_EXT.1 – TSF Testing FPT_TST_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of the following self-tests [during initial start-up (on power on), periodically during normal operation] to demonstrate the correct operation of the TSF: [ • AES Known Answer Test • HMAC Known Answer Test • RNG/DRBG Known Answer Test • SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA-512 Known Answer Test • RSA Signature Known Answer Test (both signature/verification) • Software Integrity Test ]. 5.6.9. FPT_TUD_EXT.1 – Trusted Update FPT_TUD_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall provide Security Administrators the ability to query the currently executing version of the TOE firmware/software and [the most recently installed version of the TOE firmware/software]. FPT_TUD_EXT.1.2 The TSF shall provide Security Administrators the ability to manually initiate updates to TOE firmware/software and [no other update mechanism]. FPT_TUD_EXT.1.3 The TSF shall provide means to authenticate firmware/software updates to the TOE using a [digital signature] prior to installing those updates. 5.7.Class: TOE Access (FTA) 5.7.1. FTA_SSL_EXT.1 – TSF-initiated Session Locking FTA_SSL_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall, for local interactive sessions, [terminate the session] after a Security Administrator-specified time period of inactivity. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 44 Cisco Confidential 5.7.2. FTA_SSL.3 – TSF-initiated Termination FTA_SSL.3.1 The TSF shall terminate a remote interactive session after a Security Administrator-configurable time interval of session inactivity. 5.7.3. FTA_SSL.4 – User-initiated Termination FTA_SSL.4.1 The TSF shall allow Administrator-initiated termination of the Administrator’s own interactive session. 5.7.4. FTA_TAB.1 – Default TOE Access Banners FTA_TAB.1.1 Before establishing an administrative user session the TSF shall display a Security Administrator-specified advisory notice and consent warning message regarding use of the TOE. 5.8.Class: Trusted Path/Channels (FTP) 5.8.1. FTP_ITC.1 – Inter-TSF Trusted Channel FTP_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of using [TLS] to provide a trusted communication channel between itself and authorized IT entities supporting the following capabilities: audit server, [no other capabilities] that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from disclosure and detection of modification of the channel data. FTP_ITC.1.2 The TSF shall permit the TSF or the authorized IT entities to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3 The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [ ■ Syslog server over TLS ] 5.8.2. FTP_ITC.1/MACSEC – Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (MACsec Communications) FTP_ITC.1.1/MACSEC The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and a MACsec peer that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2/MACSEC The TSF shall permit [the TSF, another trusted IT product] to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3/MACSEC The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [communications with MACsec peers that require the use of MACsec]. FTP_TRP.1/Admin – Trusted Path FTP_TRP.1.1/Admin The TSF shall be capable of using [SSH] to provide a communication path between itself and authorized remote Administrators that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the communicated data from disclosure and provides detection of modification of the channel data. FTP_TRP.1.2/Admin The TSF shall permit remote Administrators to initiate communication via the trusted path. FTP_TRP.1.3/Admin The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for initial Administrator authentication and all remote administration actions. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 45 Cisco Confidential 5.9. TOE SFR Dependencies Rationale The Security Functional Requirements included in the ST represent all mandatory, optional, and selection-based SFRs specified in [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] against which exact compliance is claimed. All dependency rationale in the ST are considered to be identical to those that are defined in the claimed PP. 5.10. TOE SFR Dependencies Rationale The TOE assurance requirements for this ST are taken directly from the NDcPP which are derived from [CC_PART3]. The assurance requirements are summarized in the table below. Table 17. Assurance Requirements Assurance Class Components Description Security Target (ASE) ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.1 Security objectives for the operational environment ASE_REQ.1 Stated security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security Problem Definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification Development (ADV) ADV_FSP.1 Basic functional specification Guidance Documents (AGD) AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures Life Cycle Support (ALC) ALC_CMC.1 Labeling of the TOE ALC_CMS.1 TOE CM coverage Tests (ATE) ATE_IND.1 Independent testing – conformance Vulnerability Assessment (AVA) AVA_VAN.1 Vulnerability survey 5.11. TOE SFR Dependencies Rationale [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] contain all the requirements claimed in this Security Target. As such the dependencies are not applicable since the PPs themselves have been approved. 5.12. Security Assurance Requirements Rationale The Security Assurance Requirements (SARs) in this Security Target represent the SARs identified in the [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC]. As such, the [NDcPP] and [MOD_MACSEC] SAR rationale is deemed acceptable since the PPs themselves have been approved. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target Security Requirements 46 Cisco Confidential 5.13. Assurance Measures The TOE satisfies the identified assurance requirements. The table below identifies the Assurance Measures applied by Cisco to satisfy the assurance requirements. Table 18. Assurance Measures Assurance Component Rationale ASE_INT.1 ASE_CCL.1 ASE_OBJ.1 ASE_ECD.1 ASE_REQ.1 ASE_SPD.1 ASE_TSS.1 Cisco provided this Security Target document. ADV_FSP.1 No additional “functional specification” documentation was provided by Cisco to satisfy the Evaluation Activities. AGD_OPE.1 AGD_PRE.1 Cisco will provide the guidance documents with the ST. ALC_CMC.1 ALC_CMS.1 Cisco will identify the TOE such that it can be distinguished from other products or versions from the Cisco and can be easily specified when being procured by an end user. ATE_IND.1 Cisco will provide the TOE for testing. AVA_VAN.1 Cisco will provide the TOE for Vulnerability Analysis. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 47 Cisco Confidential 6. TOE Summary Specification The table below identifies and describes how the Security Functional Requirements identified above are met by the TOE. Table 19. TSS Rationale TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1/MACSEC The TOE generates an audit record whenever an audited event occurs. The types of events that cause audit records to be generated include start-up and shut-down of the audit mechanism cryptography related events, identification and authentication related events, and administra- tive events (the specific events and the contents of each audit record are listed in Tables 14 and 15 above. Each of the events is specified in the audit record is in enough detail to identify the user for which the event is associated, when the event occurred, where the event occurred, the out- come of the event, and the type of event that occurred such as generating keys, including the key identifier. Additionally, the start-up and shut-down of the audit functionality is audited. The audit trail consists of the individual audit records; one audit record for each event that oc- curred. The audit record can contain up to 80 characters and a percent sign (%), which follows the time-stamp information. As noted above, the information includes at least all the required information. Additional information can be configured. FAU_GEN.2 The TOE shall ensure that each auditable event is associated with the user that triggered the event and as a result, they are traceable to a specific user. For example, a human user, user identity or related session ID would be included in the audit record. For an IT entity or device, the IP address, MAC address, host name, or other configured identification is presented. FAU_STG_EXT.1 The TOE is a standalone device configured to export syslog records to a specified, external syslog server in real-time. The TOE protects communications with an external syslog server using TLS. If the TLS connection fails, the TOE will store audit records on the TOE when it discovers it can no longer communicate with its configured syslog server. When the connection is restored, the TOE will transmit the buffer contents to the syslog server. For audit records stored internally to the TOE the audit records are stored in a circular log file where the TOE overwrites the oldest audit records when the audit trail becomes full. The size of the logging files on the TOE is configurable by the Administrator with the minimum value being 4096 (default) to 2,147,483,647 bytes of available disk space Refer to the the Cisco Cata- lyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 CC Configuration Guide for command description and usage information. Only Authorized Administrators can clear the local logs, and local audit records are stored in a directory that does not allow Administrators to modify the contents. FCS_CKM.1 T The following table describes the key generation algorithms the TOE implements to generate asymmetric keys used for device authentication: Scheme Standard Key Size/ NIST Curve SFR Service RSA FIPS PUB 186-4 2048 3072 FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 SSH Remote Administration FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 Transmit generated audit data to an external IT entity FCS_CKM.2 Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 48 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met The following table shows the key generation algorithms the TOE implements to generate asymmetric keys used for key establishment: Scheme Standard Key Size/ NIST Curve SFR Service ECC FIPS PUB 186-4 P-256 P-384 P-521 FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 Transmit generated audit data to an external IT entity FFC NIST SP 800-56A Revision 3; RFC 3526 DH Group 14 (2048 bit) FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 SSH Remote Administration The following table shows the methods the TOE implements for key establishment: Scheme Standard SFR Service EC-DH NIST SP 800- 56A Revision 3 FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 Transmit generated audit data to an external IT entity FFC NIST SP 800- 56A Revision 3; Section 3 of RFC 3526 for DH Group 14 FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 SSH Remote Administration FCS_CKM.4 The TOE meets all requirements specified in FIPS 140-2 for destruction of keys and Critical Se- curity Parameters (CSPs) when no longer required for use. See section 6.1 below for additional details on key zeroization. FCS_COP.1/DataEncryption The TOE provides symmetric encryption and decryption capabilities using AES in CBC mode (SSH only) and GCM mode (128 and 256 bits) as described in ISO/IEC 18033-3, ISO/IEC 10116, and ISO/IEC 19772. AES is implemented in the SSH and TLS protocols. Refer to Table 21 for the FIPS validated algorithm certificate numbers. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 49 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met FCS_COP.1/SigGen The TOE provides cryptographic signature services using a RSA Digital Signature Algorithm with key size of 2048 or 3072 as specified in FIPS PUB 186-4. Refer to Table 21 for the FIPS validated algorithm certificate numbers. FCS_COP.1/Hash The TOE provides cryptographic hashing services using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 as specified in ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004 (with key sizes and message digest sizes of 160, 256, 384, and 512 bits respectively). The TOE provides keyed-hashing message authentication services using HMAC-SHA-256 (SSH only) that operates on 512-bit blocks of data, with key size and message digest size of 256 bits as specified in ISO/IEC 9797-2:2011, Section 7 “MAC Algorithm 2”. SHA-512 hashing is used for verification of software image integrity. Refer to Table 21 for the FIPS validated algorithm certificate numbers. FCS_COP.1/KeyedHash FCS_COP.1/CMAC The TSF implements keyed-hash message authentication in accordance with AES-CMAC and cryptographic key sizes 128 and 256 bits with message digest size of 128 bits, block size of 128 bits, and MAC length of 128 bits which meets NIST SP 800-38B. The TSF implements symmetric encryption and decryption capabilities using AES GCM mode (128 and 256 bits) as described in ISO/IEC 18033-3 and ISO/IEC 19772. The TSF implements AES Key Wrap with a key size of 128 bits as specified in NIST SP800-38F. AES is implemented in the MACsec protocol. Refer to Table 21 for the FIPS validated algorithm certificate numbers. FCS_COP.1/MACSEC FCS_RBG_EXT.1 All cryptography in the TOE is implemented using the IOS Common Cryptographic Module (IC2M) and CiscoSSL FOM cryptographic modules. Each cryptographic module implements a NIST-approved AES-CTR DRBG, as specified in ISO/IEC 18031:2011 seeded by an entropy source that accumulates entropy from a TSF-platform- based noise source. Each DRBG is seeded with a minimum of 256 bits of entropy, which is at least equal to the great- est security strength of the keys and hashes that it will generate. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.1 The TOE implements MACsec in compliance with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 802.1AE-2018. The MACsec connections maintain confidentiality of transmitted data and takes measures against frames transmitted or modified by unauthorized devices. The Secure Channel Identifier (SCI) is composed of a globally unique 48-bit Message Authenti- cation Code (MAC) Address and the Secure System Address (port). The SCI is part of the SecTAG if the Secure Channel (SC) bit is set and will be at the end of the tag. Any MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) during a given session that contain an SCI other than the one used to establish that session is rejected. Only Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPOL) (Physical Address Extension (PAE) EtherType 88-8E), MACsec frames (EtherType 88-E5), and MAC control frames (EtherType 88- 08) are permitted. All others are rejected. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 50 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met FCS_MACSEC_EXT.2 The TOE implements the MACsec requirement for integrity protection with the confidentiality offsets of 0, 30 and 50 using the ‘mka-policy confidentiality-offset’ command. An offset value of 0 does not offset the encryption and offset values of 30 and 50 offset the encryption by 30 and 50 characters respectively. An Integrity Check Value (ICV) of 16-bytes derived with the SAK is used to provide assurance of the integrity of MPDUs. The TOE derives the ICK from a CAK using KDF, using the SCI as the most significant bits of the Initialization Vector (IV) and the 32 least significant bits of the PN as the IV. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.3 Each SAK is generated using the KDF specified in IEEE 802.1X-2010 section 6.2.1 using the fol- lowing transform - KS-nonce = a nonce of the same size as the required SAK, obtained from a Random Number Generator (RNG) each time an SAK is generated. Each of the keys used by MKA is derived from the CAK. The key string is the CAK that is used for ICV validation by the MKA protocol. The CAK is not used directly but derives two further keys from the CAK using the AES cipher in CMAC mode. The derived keys are tied to the identity of the CAK, and thus restricted to use with that partic- ular CAK. These are the ICV Key (ICK) used to verify the integrity of MPDUs and to prove that the transmitter of the MKPDU possesses the CAK, and the Key Encrypting Key (KEK) used by the Key Server, elected by MKA, to transport a succession of SAKs, for use by MACsec, to the other member(s) of a CA. The key size is 32-bit hexadecimal in length for AES 128-bit CMAC mode encryption and 64-bit hexidecimal in length for AES 256-bit CMAC mode encryption. FCS_MACSEC_EXT.4 MACsec peer authentication is achieved by only using pre-shared keys. The SAKs are distributed between these peers using AES Key Wrap. Prior to distribution of the SAKs between these peers, the TOE uses AES Key Wrap in accordance with AES as specified in ISO/IEC 18033-3, AES in CMAC mode as specified in NIST SP800-38B, and GCM as specified in ISO/IEC 19772. FCS_MKA_EXT.1 The TOE implements the MKA Protocol in accordance with IEEE 802.1X-2010 and 802.1Xbx- 2014. The data delay protection is enabled for MKA as a protection guard against an attack on the configuration protocols that MACsec is designed to protect by alternately delaying and deliver- ing their MPDUs. The “Delay Protection” does not operate if MKA operation is suspended. An MKA Lifetime Timeout limit of 6.0 seconds and Hello Timeout limit of 2.0 seconds is enforced by the TOE. The TOE discards MACsec Key Agreement Protocol Data Units (MKPDUs) that do not satisfy the requirements listed under FCS_MKA_EXT.1.7. All valid MKPDUs that meet the requirements as defined under FCS_MKA_EXT.1.7 are decoded in a manner conformant to IEEE 802.1x-2010 Sec- tion 11.11.4. On successful peer authentication, a unique connectivity association is formed between the peers and a secure Connectivity Association Key Name (CKN) is exchanged. After the exchange, the MKA ICV is validated with a Connectivity Association Key (CAK), which is effectively a secret key. The TOE does not support group CAKs. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 51 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met For the Data Integrity Check, MACsec uses MKA to generate an ICV for the frame arriving on the port. If the generated ICV is the same as the ICV in the frame, then the frame is accepted; oth- erwise, it is dropped. The key string is the CAK that is used for ICV validation by the MKA proto- col. FCS_SSHS_EXT.1 The TSF implements SSHv2 conformant to RFCs 4251, 4252, 4253, 5656, 4254, 6668, 8308 section 3, and 8332 to provide a secure command line interface for remote administration. The TOE supports user public key and/or password based authentication. SSHv2 connections will be dropped if the TOE receives a packet larger than 65,806 bytes. Large packets are detected by the SSHv2 implementation and dropped internal to the SSH process. The TSF’s SSH transport implementation supports the following encryption algorithms: ■ aes128-cbc ■ aes256-cbc ■ aes128-gcm@openssh.com ■ aes256-gcm@openssh.com All connection attempts from remote SSH clients requesting any other encryption algorithm is denied. The TSF’s SSH transport implementation supports the following MAC algorithms when aes128- cbc or aes-256-cbc is used: ■ hmac-sha2-256 When aes128-gcm@openssh.com or aes256-gcm@openssh.com is used as the encryption algorithm the MAC algorithm is implicit. All connection attempts from remote SSH clients requesting any other MAC algorithm is denied. The TSF’s SSH transport implementation supports the following public-key algorithms for Hostkey authentication: ■ rsa-sha2-256 ■ rsa-sha2-512 The TSF’s SSH transport implementation supports the following public-key algorithms for Client Authentication: ■ ssh-rsa The public-key algorithm is consistent with the RSA digital signature algorithm in FCS_COP.1/SigGen. When the SSH client presents a public key, the TSF verifies it matches the one configured for the Administrator account. If the presented public key does not match the one configured for the Administrator account, access is denied. The TSF’s SSH key exchange implementation supports the following key exchange algorithm: ■ diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 The TSF's SSH implementation will perform a rekey after no longer than one hour or more than one gigabyte of data has been transmitted with the same session key. Both thresholds Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 52 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met are checked. Rekeying is performed upon reaching whichever threshold is met first. The Administrator can configure lower rekey values if desired. The minimum time value is 10 minutes. The minimum volume value is 100 kilobytes. FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 The TSF implements TLS 1.2 conformant to RFC 5246 to provide secure TLS communication between itself and a Syslog server supporting the following ciphersuites: ■ TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 as defined in RFC 5289 ■ TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as defined in RFC 5289 When establishing a TLS connection, the TOE supports reference identifiers of type DNS-ID and IP address and will seek a match to the DNS domain name or IP address respectively in the subjectAltName extension. If the TOE determines there is a mismatch in the presented identifier, it will not establish the TLS trusted channel connection. The TOE does not support the use of wildcards within certificates and does not support certificate pinning. For TLS 1.2 connections to the Syslog server, the TSF presents secp256r1, secp384r1, and secp521r1 and no other curves in the Supported Group extension of the Client Hello. This behavior is implemented by default and is not configurable. FIA_AFL.1 To block password-based brute force attacks, the TOE uses an internal AAA function to detect and track failed login attempts. When an account attempting to log into an administrative interface reaches the set maximum number of failed authentication attempts, the account will not be granted access until the time period has elapsed or until the Administrator manually unblocks the account. The TOE provides the Administrator the ability to specify the maximum number of unsuccessful authentication attempts before an offending account will be blocked. The TOE also provides the ability to specify the time period to block offending accounts. To avoid a potential situation where password failures made by Administrators leads to no Ad- ministrator access until the defined blocking time period has elapsed, the CC Configuration Guide instructs the Administrator to configure the TOE for SSH public key authentication which is not subjected to password-based brute force attacks. During the block out period, the TOE provides the ability for the Administrator account to login remotely using SSH public key au- thentication. FIA_PMG_EXT.1 The TOE supports the local definition of users with corresponding passwords. The passwords can be composed of any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters that include: “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “&”, “*”, “(“, “)” and other special charac- ters listed in table 16. Minimum password length is settable by the Authorized Administrator, and can be configured for minimum password lengths of 1 and maximum of 127 characters. A minimum password length of 8 is recommended. FIA_PSK_EXT.1 The TOE supports use of pre-shared keys for MACsec key agreement protocols as defined by IEEE 802.1X. The pre-shared keys are not generated by the TOE, but the TOE accepts the keys in the form of HEX strings. This is done via the CLI configuration command ‘key chain test_key macsec’. The TOE accepts pre-shared keys that are 32 characters in length for AES 128-bit CMAC mode encryption and pre-shared keys that are 64 characters in length for AES 256-bit CMAC mode encryption. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 53 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met FIA_UIA_EXT.1 FIA_UAU_EXT.2 The TOE requires all users to be successfully identified and authenticated before allowing any TSF mediated actions to be performed. Prior to being granted access, a login warning banner is displayed. Administrative access to the TOE is facilitated through a local password-based authentication and SSH public key authentication mechanisms on the TOE through which all Administrator ac- tions are mediated. Once a potential (unauthenticated) administrative user attempts to access the TOE through an interactive administrative interface, the TOE prompts the user for a user name and password or SSH public key authentication. No access is allowed to the administrative functionality of the TOE until the administrator is successfully identified and authenticated The process for authentication is the same for administrative access whether administration is occurring via a directly connected console or remotely via SSHv2 secured connection. At initial login, the administrative user is prompted to provide a username. After the user pro- vides the username, the user is prompted to provide the administrative password associated with the user account. The TOE then either grants administrative access (if the combination of username and password is correct) or indicates that the login was unsuccessful. The TOE does not provide a reason for failure in the cases of a login failure. FIA_UAU.7 When a user enters their password at the local console, the TOE does not echo any characters as the password is entered. For remote session authentication, the TOE does not echo any characters as they are entered. FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev The TOE uses X.509v3 certificates to support authentication for TLS connections. The TSF de- termines the validity of certificates at the time of authentication by ensuring that the certificate and the certificate path are valid in accordance with RFC 5280. The certificate path is validated by ensuring that all the CA certificates have the basicConstraints extension and the CA flag is set to TRUE and the certificate path must terminate with a trusted CA certificate. CRL revocation checking is supported by the TOE. Revocation checking is performed on the leaf and intermediate certificate(s) when authenticating a certificate chain provided by the remote peer. There are no functional differences if a full certificate chain or only a leaf certificate is presented. FIA_X509_EXT.2 The TOE determines which certificate to use based upon the trustpoint configured. The in- structions for configuring trustpoints is provided in CC Configuration Guide. In the event that a network connection cannot be established to verify the revocation status of certificate for an external peer, the certificate will be rejected and the connection will not be established. FMT_MOF.1/ManualUpdate FMT_MTD.1/CoreData FMT_MTD.1/CryptoKeys The TOE provides the ability for Security Administrators to access TOE data, such as audit data, configuration data, security attributes, routing tables, and session thresholds and to perform manual updates to the TOE. Only Security Administrators can access the TOE’s trust store. Each of the predefined and administratively configured roles has create (set), query, modify, or de- lete access to the TOE data, though with some privilege levels, the access is limited. The TOE performs role-based authorization, using TOE platform authorization mechanisms, to grant access to the privileged and semi-privileged roles. For the purposes of this evaluation, the privileged level is equivalent to full administrative access to the CLI, which is the default access for IOS-XE privilege level 15; and the semi-privileged level equates to any privilege level that has a subset of the privileges assigned to level 15. Privilege levels 0 and 1 are defined by default and are customizable, while levels 2-14 are undefined by default and customizable. The term “Authorized Administrator” is used in this ST to refer to any user that has been as- signed to a privilege level that is permitted to perform the relevant action; therefore, has the appropriate privileges to perform the requested functions. The semi-privileged Administrators with only a subset of privileges may also manage and modify TOE data based on the privileges assigned. The TOE provides the ability for Authorized Administrators to access TOE data, such as audit data, configuration data, security attributes, session thresholds, cryptographic keys, and up- dates. Each of the predefined and administratively configured privilege levels has a set of Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 54 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met permissions that will grant access to the TOE data, though with some privilege levels, the access is limited. The TOE does not provide automatic updates to the software version running on the TOE. The Authorized Administrator can query the software version running on the TOE and can initi- ate updates to (replacements of) software images. When software updates are made available by Cisco, the Authorized Administrators can obtain, verify the integrity of, and install those up- dates. The Authorized Administrator generates RSA key pairs to be used in the TLS and SSH protocols. Zeroization of these keys is provided in Table 20 below. Prior to authentication the TOE may be configured by the Administrator to display a customized login banner, which describes restrictions of use, legal agreements, or any other appropriate information to which users consent by accessing the TOE. No administrative functionality is available prior to administrative login. TOE Administrators can control (generate/delete) the following keys, RSA Key Pairs and SSH RSA Key Pairs by following the instruction in the AGD. FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1/MACSEC The TOE provides all capabilities necessary to securely manage the TOE and the services pro- vided by the TOE. The management functionality of the TOE is provided through the TOE CLI. The Authorized Administrator can perform all management functions by accessing the TOE di- rectly via connected console cable or remote administration via SSHv2 secure connection. The specific management capabilities available from the TOE include: • Local and remote administration of the TOE and the services provided by the TOE via the TOE CLI • The ability to manage the warning banner message and content which allows the Au- thorized Administrator the ability to define warning banner that is displayed prior to establishing a session (note this applies to the interactive (human) users, e.g., admin- istrative users • The ability to set and modify the time limits of session inactivity • The ability to configure the number of failed Administrator logon attempts that will cause the account to be locked until a specified time period has elapsed. • The ability to update the IOS-XE software. The validity of the image is provided using a digital signature prior to installing the update • The ability to modify the behavior of the transmission of audit data to an external IT entity. • The ability to manage cryptographic keys • The ability to manage the cryptographic functionality which allows the Authorized Ad- ministrator the ability to identify and configure the algorithms used to provide pro- tection of the data, such as generating the RSA keys to enable SSHv2 • Ability to manage the TOE’s trust store and designate X509.v3 certificates as trust an- chor • Ability to configure thresholds for SSH rekeying • Ability to re-enable an Administrator account • The ability to manage the trusted public keys database • The ability to manage the Key Server and associated MKA participants • The ability to generate a PSK and install in the CAK cache • The ability to initiate the generation of a new CAK from the Key Server • The ability to specify the lifetime of a CAK and to enable, disable or delete a PSK in the CAK cache of a device • The ability to configure and set the time clock • Ability to import X.509v3 certificates to the TOE's trust store Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 55 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met FMT_SMR.2 The TOE maintains privileged and semi-privileged Administrator roles. The TOE performs role-based authorization, using TOE platform authorization mechanisms, to grant access to TOE functions. For the purposes of this evaluation, the privileged role is equiva- lent to full administrative access to the CLI, which is the default access for IOS-XE privilege level (PL) 15. Semi-privileged roles are assigned a PL of 0 – 14. PL 0 and 1 are defined by default and are customizable, while PL 2-14 are undefined by default and are also customizable. Note: Lev- els 0 – 14 are a subset of PL 15 and the levels are not hierarchical. The term “Authorized Administrator” is used in this ST to refer to any user which has been as- signed to a privilege level that is permitted to perform the relevant action; therefore, has the appropriate privileges to perform the requested functions. The privilege level determines the functions the user can perform, hence the Authorized Ad- ministrator with the appropriate privileges. The TOE can and shall be configured to authenticate all access to the command line interface using a username and password. The TOE supports both local administration via a directly connected console cable and remote administration via SSHv2 secure connection. FPT_CAK_EXT.1 A CAK value is specified in the configuration file by the Administrator using a bit-based (hex) format. The interface specifically implemented in the TSF for viewing the configuration file is the “show running-config” or “show startup-config “CLI commands. When the TOE is operating in the evaluated configuration, and the Administrator executes the “show running-config” or “show startup-config” CLI commands, the CAK data will not be displayed. This protects the CAK data from unauthorized disclosure. FPT_FLS.1. Whenever a failure occurs (power-on self-tests, integrity check of the TSF executable image and/or the noise source health-tests) within the TOE, the TOE will attain a secure/safe state by disabling its interfaces to prevent the unintentional flow of any information to or from the TOE and reloads. If the failures persist, the TOE will continue to reload in an attempt to correct the failure. This functionally prevents any failure from causing an unauthorized information flow. There are no failures that circumvent this protection. If the rebooting continues, the Authorized Administra- tor must contact Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). FPT_RPL.1 FPT_RPL_EXT.1 Replayed data is discarded by the TOE and the attempt to replay data is logged. The TOE ensures MPDUs are replay protected by ensuring the received 32-bit PN in the SecTAG of the frame is not less than the lowest acceptable 32-bit PN for the SA. With Extended Packet Numbering (XPN) which uses a 64-bit PN, the TOE enforces replay detection by ensuring the received 64-bit PN in the SecTAG of the frame is not less than the lowest acceptable 64-bit PN for the SA. Extended Packet Numbering (XPN) applies to the Catalyst 9300X/9300LM/9500X series models. It does not apply to the 9200CX series. If the PN is less that the lowest acceptable PN for the SA, the MPDU will be dropped and not processed further. The Replay Protection Window Size determines the lowest acceptable PN for the SA and must be enabled in the evaluated configuration. The Replay Protection Window Size may be set to zero to enforce strict replay protection. FPT_APW_EXT.1 The TOE is designed specifically to not disclose any passwords stored in the TOE. All passwords are stored using a SHA-2 hash. ‘Show’ commands display only the hashed password. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 56 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met The CC Configuration Guide instructs the Administrator to use the algorithm-type scrypt sub- command when passwords are created or updated. The scrypt is password type 9 and uses a SHA-2 hash. FPT_SKP_EXT.1 The TOE is designed specifically to not disclose any keys stored in the TOE. The TOE stores all private keys in a secure directory that cannot be viewed or accessed, even by the Administrator. The TOE stores symmetric keys only in volatile memory. Pre-shared keys (MACsec CAKs) may be specified in the configuration file by the Administrator using a bit-based (hex) format. While only the Administrator may view the configuration file, the CAKs can be configured so they are excluded from display when viewing the configuration file via “show running-config” or “show startup-config “CLI commands. FPT_STM_EXT.1 The TSF implements a clock function to provide a source of date and time. The clock function is reliant on the system clock provided by the underlying hardware. All Switch models have a real-time clock (RTC) with battery to maintain time across reboots and power loss. The TOE relies upon date and time information for the following security functions: ■ To monitor local and remote interactive administrative sessions for inactivity (FTA_SSL_EXT.1, FTA_SSL.3); ■ Validating X.509 certificates to determine if a certificate has expired (FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev); ■ To determine when SSH session keys have expired and to initiate a rekey (FCS_SSHS_EXT.1); ■ To provide accurate timestamps in audit records (FAU_GEN.1.2). FPT_TUD_EXT.1 An Authorized Administrator can query the software version running on the TOE and can initiate updates to (replacements of) software images. The current active version can be verified by executing the “show version” command from the TOE’s CLI. When software updates are made available by Cisco, an Administrator can obtain, verify the integrity of, and install the updates. The updates can be downloaded from https://software.cisco.com/ Trusted updates can be in- stalled on the TOE in one shot or as a multi-stage process with a delayed activation. The inactive version will become active when the Administrator responds ‘y’ at the reboot prompt. The up- dates can be downloaded from software.cisco.com. The TOE will authenticate the image using a digital signature verification check to ensure it has not been modified since distribution using the following process: Prior to being made publicly available, the software image is hashed using a SHA512 algorithm and then digitally signed. The digital signature is embedded to the image (hence the image is signed). The TOE uses a Cisco public key to validate the digital signature to obtain the SHA512 hash during the first stage in the install process. The TOE then computes its own hash of the image using the same SHA512 algorithm and verifies the computed hash against the embedded hash. If they match the image has not been modified or tampered since distributed from Cisco meaning the soft- ware is authenticated and they image is ready to be activated automatically in the one stage upgrade or by the administrator in the multistage upgrade. If they do not match the image will not install. FPT_TST_EXT.1 The TOE runs a suite of self-tests during initial start-up to verify correct operation of the cryp- tographic module. All ports are blocked from moving to forwarding state during the POST. If all components of all modules pass the POST, the system is placed in FIPS PASS state and ports are allowed to forward data traffic. If any of the tests fail, the system halts and a message is displayed to the local console. These tests include: AES Known Answer Test: For the encrypt test, a known key is used to encrypt a known plain text value resulting in an encrypted value. This encrypted value is compared to a known encrypted value. If the encrypted texts match, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. The decrypt test is just the opposite. In this test a known key is used to decrypt a known encrypted value. The resulting plaintext value Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 57 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met is compared to a known plaintext value. If the decrypted texts match, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. RSA Signature Known Answer Test (both signature/verification): This test takes a known plaintext value and Private/Public key pair and used the public key to encrypt the data. This value is compared to a known encrypted value. If the encrypted values, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. The encrypted data is then decrypted using the private key. This value is compared to the original plaintext value. If the decrypted values match, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. RNG/DRBG Known Answer Test: For this test, known seed values are provided to the DRBG implementation. The DRBG uses these values to generate random bits. These random bits are compared to known random bits. If the random bits match, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. HMAC Known Answer Test: For each of the hash values listed, the HMAC implementation is fed known plaintext data and a known key. These values are used to generate a MAC. This MAC is compared to a known MAC. If the MAC values match, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. Software Integrity Test: The Software Integrity Test uses HMAC-SHA256 (IC2M) and HMAC-SHA-1 (CiscoSSL FOM) veri- fication to confirm the cryptographic module has maintained its integrity. The Software Integ- rity Test is run automatically when the module is loaded. SHA-1/SHA-256/384/512 Known Answer Test: For each of the values listed, the SHA implementation is fed known data and a key. These values are used to generate a hash. This hash is compared to a known value. If the hash values match, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails. If any component reports failure for the POST, the system crashes. Appropriate information is displayed on the screen and saved in the crashinfo file. All ports are blocked during the POST. If all components pass the POST, the system is placed in FIPS PASS state and ports can forward data traffic. If an error occurs during the self-test, a SELF_TEST_FAILURE system log is generated. Example Error Message: %CRYPTO-0-SELF_TEST_FAILURE: Crypto algorithms self-test failed (SHA hashing) These tests are sufficient to verify that the correct version of the TOE software is running as well as that the cryptographic operations are all performing as expected because any deviation in the TSF behaviour will be identified by the failure of a self-test. FTA_SSL_EXT.1 FTA_SSL.3 An Authorized Administrator can configure maximum inactivity times individually for both local and remote administrative sessions using the “exec-timeout” command applied to the console and virtual terminal (vty) lines. The allowable inactivity timeout range is from is <0-35791> minutes. A value of 0 means there is no inactivity timeout enforced. The configuration of the vty lines sets the configuration for the remote console access. The line console settings are not immediately activated for the current session. The current line console session must be exited. When the user logs back in, the inactivity timer will be activated for the new session. The local interactive session terminates and does not lock. If a local user session is inactive for a configured period, the session will be terminated and will require re- identification and authentication to login. If a remote user session is inactive for a configured Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 58 Cisco Confidential TOE SFRs How the SFR is Met period, the session will be terminated and will require re-identification and authentication to establish a new session. FTA_SSL.4 An Authorized Administrator can exit out of both local and remote administrative sessions by issuing the ‘exit’or ‘logout’ command. FTA_TAB.1 The Administrator can configure an access banner that describes restrictions of use, legal agree- ments, or any other appropriate information to which users consent by accessing the TOE. The banner will display on the local console port and SSH interfaces prior to allowing any adminis- trative access. FTP_ITC.1 FTP_ITC.1/MACSEC The TOE uses secure protocols to provide trusted communications between itself and author- ized IT entities as specified in the table below: IT Entity TOE Acting as Client or Server Secure Communication Mechanism/ Protocol Non-TSF Endpoint Identification Syslog Server Client TLS X.509 Certificate MACsec Peer Client or Server MACsec Pre-Shared Key FTP_TRP.1/Admin All remote administrative communications take place over a secure encrypted SSHv2 session. The SSHv2 session is encrypted using AES encryption. The remote users (Authorized Adminis- trators) can initiate SSHv2 communications with the TOE. 6.1. Key Zeroization The table below describes the key zeroization referenced by FCS_CKM.4 provided by the TOE Table 20. Key Zeroization Key Description Storage Location Zeroization Method MACsec SAK The SAK is used to secure the control plane traffic. internal ASIC register Overwritten automatically with 0x00 when the MACsec session expires. MACsec CAK The CAK secures the control plane traffic. NVRAM Overwritten with a new value of the key. (config-key-chain)# key- string <32 or 64 hex-bit CAK> MACsec Key Encryption Key (KEK) The Key Encrypting Key (KEK) is used by Key Server, elected by MKA, to transport a succession of SAKs, for use by MACsec, to the other member(s) of a Secure Connectivity Association (SCA). internal ASIC register Overwritten automatically with 0x00 when the MACsec session expires. Cisco Catalyst 9200CX/9300X/9300LM/9500X Series Switches 17.12 Security Target TOE Summary Specification 59 Cisco Confidential Key Description Storage Location Zeroization Method MACsec Integrity Check Key (ICK) The ICK is used to verify the integrity of MPDUs and to prove that the transmitter of the MKPDU possesses the CAK. internal ASIC register Overwritten automatically with 0x00 when the MACsec session expires. SSH Session Key Used to encrypt SSH traffic SDRAM Overwritten automatically with 0x00 when the SSH trusted channel is no longer in use. SSH Private Key Used in establishing a secure SSH session NVRAM Overwritten with 0x00 by using the following command: #crypto key zeroize