Ärendetyp: 6 Diarienummer: 12FMV5054-81:1 Dokument ID Template: CSEC_mall_doc, 7.0 HEMLIG/ enligt Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (2009:400) Fel! Okänt namn på dokument- egenskap. 2014-02-05 Country of origin: Sweden Försvarets materielverk Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 Issue: 1.0, 2014-feb-05 Authorisation: Dag Ströman, Head of CSEC , CSEC Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 2 (15) Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Identification 5 3 Security Policy 6 3.1 Auditing 6 3.2 Identification and Authentication 6 3.3 Data Protection and Access Control 6 3.4 Protection of the TSF 6 3.5 TOE Access Protection 6 3.6 Trusted Channel Communication and Certificate Management 6 3.7 User and Access Management 6 4 Assumptions and Clarifications of Scope 7 4.1 Usage Assumptions 7 4.2 Environmental Assumptions 7 4.3 Clarification of Scope 7 5 Architectural Information 8 6 Documentation 9 7 IT Product Testing 10 7.1 Developer Testing 10 7.2 Evaluator Testing 10 7.3 Evaluator Penetration Testing 10 8 Evaluated Configuration 11 9 Results of the Evaluation 12 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations 13 11 Glossary 14 12 Bibliography 15 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 3 (15) 1 Executive Summary The Target of Evaluation, TOE, is the firmware of a multifunction printer, MFP, with the exception of the operating system and the crypto module implementation. Two versions of the multifunction printer are included in the scope of the evaluation: the LaserJet M4555 MFP (black and white) and the Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP (color). These multifunction printers provide fax, copying, scanning, and network printing functionality. The network connections and the print jobs are protected by encryption, and stored jobs may be printed or sent by e-mail, to FTP or HTTP servers or to a net- work hard drive. The evaluated security features include administrator and user identification and au- thentication, PIN or password protected encryption of jobs, and IPSec protected net- work communication. The implementation of the cryptographic module is outside the scope of the evalua- tion, but the effect of cryptographic function calls from the TOE has been verified. The USB interface is disabled in the evaluated configuration. The ST claims conformance to: 2600.2 PP, Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices, Operational Environment B; Version 1.0; March 2009, in accordance with the NIAP CCEVS Policy Letter #20. The claim includes the following packages from the PP: 2600.2-CPY, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Copy Functions, Operational Envi- ronment B 2600.2-DSR, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Document Storage and Retrieval (DSR) Functions, Operational Environment B 2600.2-FAX, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Fax Functions, Operational Envi- ronment B 2600.2-PRT, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Print Functions, Operational Envi- ronment B 2600.2-SCN, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Scan Functions, Operational Envi- ronment B 2600.2-SMI, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Shared-Medium Interface Functions, Operational Environment B The evaluation has verified demonstrable conformance to the PP and conformance to the package claims stated above. The evaluation has been performed by atsec information security AB in their premises in Danderyd, Sweden, and was completed on the 19th of December 2013. The evalua- tion was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Common Criteria, version 3.1, release 4, and the common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation, version 3.1, release 4. The evaluation was performed at the evaluation assurance level EAL 2, augmented by ALC_FLR.2 Flaw reporting procedures. atsec information security AB is a licensed evaluation facility for Common Criteria under the Swedish Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme. atsec in- formation security AB is is also accredited by the Swedish accreditation body SWEDAC according to ISO/IEC 17025 for Common Criteria evaluation. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 4 (15) The certifier monitored the activities of the evaluator by reviewing all successive ver- sions of the evaluation reports, and by observing the evaluators during testing. The certifier determined that the evaluation results confirm the security claims in the Secu- rity Target [ST], and have been reached in agreement with the requirements of the Common Criteria and the Common Methodology for evaluation assurance level: EAL 4 + ALC_FLR.2. The certification results only apply to the versions of the products indicated in the certificate, and on the condition that all the stipulations in the Security Target [ST] are met. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT product by CSEC or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT product by CSEC or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this certificate is either expressed or implied. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 5 (15) 2 Identification Certification Identification Certification ID CSEC2012003 Name and version of the HP LaserJet M4555 MFP with certified IT product and MFP firmware version 2204045_233103 the TOE JetDirect firmware version JDI22210024.FF HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP with MFP firmware version 2204045_233099 JetDirect firmware version JDI22210024.FF Security Target Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M4555 MFP Series and Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP Series with JetDirect Inside Security Target, Hewlett Packard, 2014-01-22, document version 2.0 Assurance level EAL 2 + ALC_FLR.2 Sponsor Hewlett Packard Developer Hewlett Packard ITSEF atsec information security AB Common Criteria version 3.1 release 4 CEM version 3.1 release 4 Certification date 2014-02-05 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 6 (15) 3 Security Policy The TOE provides the following security services: - Auditing - Identification and Authentication - Data Protection and Access Control - Protection of the TSF - TOE Access Protection - Trusted Channel Communication and Certificate Management - User and Access Management 3.1 Auditing The TOE provides means to generate audit records for security relevant events. 3.2 Identification and Authentication Console access requires user identification and authentication. 3.3 Data Protection and Access Control Stored jobs are protected by PIN or password. In addition, the access to read, modify and delete operations are controlled based on user identity and job ownership. 3.4 Protection of the TSF Restricted forwarding - the administrator may restrict the automatic forwarding of da- ta, specifically fax forwarding and fax archiving. The TOE contains a suite of self tests to verify the integrity of specific TSF data and the TOE executables. In the evaluated configuration, the TOE system clock will synchronise with an NTP server. 3.5 TOE Access Protection Control panel access is protected by administrator configurable inactivity timeout and an administrator selectable automatic logout after a user job has been started. 3.6 Trusted Channel Communication and Certificate Man- agement All network access to the TOE requires the use of an integrity and confidentiality pro- tected trusted channel. TOE provides a mechanism to import X.509 v3 certificates. 3.7 User and Access Management An administrator has authority to manage security functionality, users, and the exter- nal authenticated servers. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 7 (15) 4 Assumptions and Clarifications of Scope 4.1 Usage Assumptions The Security Target [ST] makes three assumptions on the usage of the TOE. A.USER.TRAINING - TOE users are aware of the security policies and the proce- dures of their organisation, and are trained and competent to follow those policies and procedures. A.ADMIN.TRAINING - Administrators are aware of the security policies and the procedures of their organisation, and are trained and competent to follow the manufac- turer's guidance and documentation, and correctly configure and operate the TOE in accordance with those policies and procedures. A.ADMIN.TRUST - Administrators do not use their privileged access rights for mali- cious purposes. 4.2 Environmental Assumptions Seven assumptions on the environment are made in the Security Target. A.ACCESS.MANAGED - The TOE is located in a restricted or monitored environ- ment that provides protection from unmanaged access to the physical components and data interfaces of the TOE. A.ADMIN.PC.SECURE - The administrative computer is in a physically secured and managed environment and only the authorised administrator has access to it. A.USER.PC.POLICY - User computers are configured and used in conformance with the organisation's security policies. A.DNS.RELIABLE - When the TOE resolves network hostnames to addresses with the Domain Name System, the Domain Name System provides reliable network ad- dresses. A.NTP.RELIABLE - When the TOE is configured to use the Network Time Protocol as a time synchronisation source, the Network Time Protocol provides a reliable time synchronisation source for the TOE. A.SERVICES.RELIABLE - When the TOE uses any of the network services Kerber- os, SMTP, or syslog, these services provide reliable information and responses to the TOE. A.WINS.RELIABLE - When the TOE resolves network hostnames to addresses with the Windows Internet Name Service, the Windows Internet Name Service provides re- liable network addresses. 4.3 Clarification of Scope The Security Target [ST] contains six threats, which have been considered during the evaluation. T.DOC.DIS - User Document Data may be disclosed to unauthorised persons. T.DOC.ALT - User Document Data may be altered by unauthorised persons. T.FUNC.ALT - User Function Data may be altered by unauthorised persons. T.PROT.ALT - TSF Protected Data may be altered by unauthorised persons. T.CONF.DIS - TSF Confidential Data may be disclosed by unauthorised persons. T.CONF.ALT - TSF Confidential Data may be altered by unauthorised persons. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 8 (15) 5 Architectural Information The TOE is the firmware of an enterprise network multifunction printer designed to be shared by many client computers and human users. It performs the functions of copy- ing, faxing, printing, and scanning of documents. It can be connected to a local net- work through the embedded Jetdirect Inside print server's built-in Ethernet, to an ana- log phone line using its internal analog fax modem, or to a USB device using its USB port (but the use of which must be disabled in the evaluated configuration). Figure 1: HCD physical diagram Figure 1 shows a high-level physical diagram of an HCD with the unshaded areas rep- resenting the TOE and the shaded areas indicating components that are part of the Op- erational Environment. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 9 (15) 6 Documentation The following documents are included in the scope of the TOE: HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CM4540 Series - Users Guide [UG4540] HP LaserJet Enterprise M4555 Series - Users Guide [UG4555] TOE Download Instructions [Download] Common Criteria Evaluated Configuration Guide for HP LaserJet MFPs - HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP Series and HP LaserJet M4555 MFP Series [CCcfg] Common Criteria Administrator Operational Guide for HP LaserJet MFPs - HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP Series and HP LaserJet M4555 MFP Series [CCadm] Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 10 (15) 7 IT Product Testing 7.1 Developer Testing The developer performed extensive testing of the security functionality as described by the security functional requirements in the Security Target, covering both IP v.4 and IP v.6, for both hardcopy devices (CM4540 and M4555). The developer testing was performed in the developer's premises in Boise, Idaho, USA. 7.2 Evaluator Testing The evaluators focused on one of the hardcopy devices (M4555), which was tested in the evaluation facility's premises in Stockholm, Sweden. The evaluators arranged a test setup similar to the developer's and verified a sample of the developer's test cases. The evaluators also devised and performed additional test cases to provide a full cover of the security functions and TSFI. 7.3 Evaluator Penetration Testing The evaluators performed variations of the functional tests to search for vulnerabilities in the TOE, and performed vulnerability scans of the network interface of the TOE, covering TCP and UDP ports both for IP v.4 and IP v.6. Testing was performed on the hardcopy device M4555. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 11 (15) 8 Evaluated Configuration The TOE shall run on either the CM4540 or the M4555 hardcopy device, and shall be configured in accordance with the CC Configuration Guide [CCcfg]. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 12 (15) 9 Results of the Evaluation The evaluators applied each work unit of the Common Methodology [CEM] within the scope of the evaluation, and concluded that the TOE meets the security objectives stated in the Security Target [ST] for an attack potential of Basic. The certifier reviewed the work of the evaluator and determined that the evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Common Criteria [CC]. The evaluators overall verdict is PASS. The verdicts for the respective assurance classes and components are summarised in the following table: Assurance Class/Family Short name Verdict Development ADV PASS Security Architecture ADV_ARC.1 PASS Functional Specification ADV_FSP.2 PASS TOE Design ADV_TDS.1 PASS Guidance Documents AGD PASS Operational User Guidance AGD_OPE.1 PASS Preparative Procedures AGD_PRE.1 PASS Life-cycle Support ALC PASS CM Capabilities ALC_CMC.2 PASS CM Scope ALC_CMS.2 PASS Delivery ALC_DEL.1 PASS Flaw Remediation ALC_FLR.2 PASS Security Target Evaluation ASE PASS Conformance Claims ASE_CCL.1 PASS Security Problem Definition ASE_SPD.1 PASS Security Objectives ASE_OBJ.2 PASS Extended Components Definition ASE_ECD.1 PASS Security Requirements ASE_REQ.2 PASS TOE Summary Specification ASE_TSS.1 PASS Tests ATE PASS Coverage ATE_COV.1 PASS Functional Tests ATE_FUN.1 PASS Independent Testing ATE_IND.2 PASS Vulnerability Assessment AVA PASS Vulnerability Analysis AVA_VAN.2 PASS Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 13 (15) 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations The evaluators do not have any comments or recommendations concerning the prod- uct or using the product. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 14 (15) 11 Glossary AES Advanced Encryption Standard AH Authentication Header (IPsec) CBC Cipher Block Chaining CIFS Common Internet File System CRV Constrained Random Verification CTS Cipher Text Stealing DNS Domain Name System ESP Encapsulating Security Payload (IPsec) EWS Embedded Web Server FTP File Transfer Protocol HCD Hardcopy Device HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code HP Hewlett-Packard HTML Hypertext Markup Language http Hypertext Transfer Protocol IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IKE Internet Key Exchange (IPsec) IP Internet Protocol IPsec Internet Protocol Security ISAKMP Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol (IPsec) LCD Liquid Crystal Display LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol MAC Message Authentication Code MFP Multifunction Product NTP Network Time Protocol OXP Open Extensibility Platform OXPd OXP device layer PIN Personal Identification Number PJL Printer Job Language PML Printer Management Language PRF Pseudo-random Function PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network SFR Security Functional Requirement SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol TOE Target of Evaluation USB Universal Serial Bus WINS Windows Internet Name Service XML Extensible Markup Language Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report HP MFP M4555 and CM4540 12FMV5054-81:1 1.0 2014-02-05 15 (15) 12 Bibliography ST Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M4555 MFP Series and Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP Series with JetDirect Inside Security Target, Hewlett Packard, 2014-01-22, document version 2.0 UG4540 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CM4540 Series - Users Guide, Hewlett Packard, October 2010, edition 2 UG4555 HP LaserJet Enterprise M4555 Series - Users Guide, Hewlett Packard, April 2011, edition 2 CCcfg Common Criteria Evaluated Configuration Guide for HP LaserJet MFPs - HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP Series and HP LaserJet M4555 MFP Series, Hewlett Packard, December 2013, edition 2 CCadm Common Criteria Administrator Operational Guide for HP LaserJet MFPs - HP Color LaserJet CM4540 MFP Series and HP LaserJet M4555 MFP Series, Hewlett Packard, December 2013, edition 2 Download Common Criteria Certification for HP LaserJet Printers, Hewlett Packard, 2013-08-22 CCpart1 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 1, version 3.1 revision 4, CCMB-2012-09-001 CCpart2 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2, version 3.1 revision 4, CCMB-2012-09-002 CCpart3 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 3, version 3.1 revision 4, CCMB-2012-09-003 CC CCpart1 + CCpart2 + CCpart3 CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, version 3.1 revision 4, CCMB-2012-09-004 SP-002 SP-002 Evaluation and Certification, CSEC, 2013-07-17, document version 19.0 SP-188 SP-188 Scheme Crypto Policy, CSEC, 2013-06-18, document version 4.0