Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module SECURITY TARGET Used as a Standalone Device OR as an Embedded Device in Thales Luna Network HSM COMMON CRITERIA / ISO 15408, EAL4+ Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 2 Document Information Document Part Number 002-010985-001 Release Date 6th May 2022 Revision History Revision Date Reason J 25th September 2020 Final release K 3rd December 2021 Update to add firmware 7.7.1 and 7.7.2. L 16th February 2022 Add hardware part numbers 808-000048-003 and 808- 000073-002 M 6th May 2022 Updated AGD reference version numbers Trademarks, Copyrights, and Third-Party Software © 2022 Thales. All rights reserved. Thales and the Thales logo are trademarks and service marks of Thales and/or its subsidiaries and are registered in certain countries. All other trademarks and service marks, whether registered or not in specific countries, are the property of their respective owners. Disclaimer All information herein is either public information or is the property of and owned solely by Thales. and/or its subsidiaries who shall have and keep the sole right to file patent applications or any other kind of intellectual property protection in connection with such information. Nothing herein shall be construed as implying or granting to you any rights, by license, grant or otherwise, under any intellectual and/or industrial property rights of or concerning any of Thales’s information. This document can be used for informational, non-commercial, internal and personal use only provided that: > The copyright notice below, the confidentiality and proprietary legend and this full warning notice appear in all copies. > This document shall not be posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media other than by NSCIB website and on the CC portal and no modification of any part of this document shall be made. Use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited and may result in severe civil and criminal liabilities. The information contained in this document is provided “AS IS” without any warranty of any kind. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, Thales makes no warranty as to the value or accuracy of information contained herein. Thales hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the information contained herein, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Thales be liable, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any indirect, special or Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 3 consequential damages or any damages whatsoever including but not limited to damages resulting from loss of use, data, profits, revenues, or customers, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information contained in this document. Thales does not and shall not warrant that this product will be resistant to all possible attacks and shall not incur, and disclaims, any liability in this respect. Even if each product is compliant with current security standards in force on the date of their design, security mechanisms' resistance necessarily evolves according to the state of the art in security and notably under the emergence of new attacks. Under no circumstances, shall Thales be held liable for any third party actions and in particular in case of any successful attack against systems or equipment incorporating Thales products. Thales disclaims any liability with respect to security for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that result from any use of its products. It is further stressed that independent testing and verification by the person using the product is particularly encouraged, especially in any application in which defective, incorrect or insecure functioning could result in damage to persons or property, denial of service or loss of privacy. Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 4 CONTENTS TERMINOLOGY AND ACRONYMS...................................................................................... 7 Terminology .......................................................................................................................................................7 Acronyms and abbreviations..............................................................................................................................8 1 Security Target Introduction ............................................................................................. 9 1.1 Security Target Reference ................................................................................................................9 1.2 TOE Reference..................................................................................................................................9 1.3 TOE Overview .................................................................................................................................10 1.4 TOE Description ..............................................................................................................................11 1.4.1 TOE Boundaries..............................................................................................................................11 1.4.2 TOE Delivery ...................................................................................................................................13 1.4.3 TOE Architecture.............................................................................................................................14 1.4.4 Admin and User partitions ...............................................................................................................15 1.4.5 HSM roles........................................................................................................................................16 1.4.6 Authentication/Authorization............................................................................................................18 1.4.7 Cryptographic functions...................................................................................................................19 1.4.8 Key management ............................................................................................................................20 1.4.9 Self-protection .................................................................................................................................21 1.4.10 Audit ............................................................................................................................................21 1.4.11 Usage and major security features of the TOE...........................................................................22 2 Conformance Claim ....................................................................................................... 23 3 Security Problem Definition............................................................................................ 24 3.1 Assets..............................................................................................................................................24 3.2 Subjects...........................................................................................................................................24 3.3 Threats ............................................................................................................................................25 T.KeyDisclose Unauthorised disclosure of secret/private key...................................................................25 T.KeyDerive Derivation of secret/private key...........................................................................................25 T.KeyMod Unauthorised modification of a key ........................................................................................25 T.KeyMisuse Misuse of a key....................................................................................................................25 T.KeyOveruse Overuse of a key................................................................................................................25 T.DataDisclose Disclosure of sensitive client application data..................................................................26 T.DataMod Unauthorized modification of client application data..........................................................26 T.Malfunction Malfunction of TOE hardware or software ..........................................................................26 3.4 Organisational Security Policies......................................................................................................26 P.Algorithms Use of approved cryptographic algorithms.........................................................................26 P.KeyControl Support for control of keys .................................................................................................26 P.RNG Random Number Generation ....................................................................................................27 P.Audit Audit trail generation .................................................................................................................27 3.5 Assumptions....................................................................................................................................27 A.ExternalData Protection of data outside TOE control ............................................................................27 A.Env Protected operating environment ...............................................................................................27 A.DataContext Appropriate use of TOE functions.....................................................................................27 A.UAuth Authentication of application users.........................................................................................28 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 5 A.AuditSupport Audit data review.............................................................................................................28 A.AppSupport Application security support ..............................................................................................28 4 Security Objectives ........................................................................................................ 29 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE......................................................................................................29 OT.PlainKeyConf Protection of confidentiality of plaintext secret keys....................................................29 OT.Algorithms Use of approved cryptographic algorithms......................................................................29 OT.KeyIntegrity Protection of integrity of keys ........................................................................................29 OT.Auth Authorization for use of TOE functions and data ....................................................................29 OT.KeyUseConstraint Constraints on use of keys ...................................................................................30 OT.KeyUseScope Defined scope for use of a key after authorization .....................................................30 OT.DataConf Protection of confidentiality of sensitive client application data .........................................30 OT.DataMod Protection of integrity of client application data .................................................................31 OT.ImportExport Secure import and export of keys ................................................................................31 OT.Backup Secure backup of user data ...............................................................................................31 OT.RNG Random number quality ........................................................................................................31 OT.TamperDetect Tamper Detection ........................................................................................................32 OT.FailureDetect Detection of TOE hardware or software failures ..........................................................32 OT.Audit Generation of audit trail .........................................................................................................32 4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment .....................................................................32 OE.ExternalData Protection of data outside TOE control.........................................................................32 OE.Env Protected operating environment ..............................................................................................32 OE.DataContext Appropriate use of TOE functions .................................................................................33 OE.Uauth Authentication of application users.........................................................................................33 OE.AuditSupport Audit data review ..........................................................................................................33 OE.AppSupport Application security support ..........................................................................................34 5 Extended Components Definition................................................................................... 35 5.1 Generation of random numbers (FCS_RNG)..................................................................................35 5.2 Basic TSF Self Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1).....................................................................................36 6 Security Requirements................................................................................................... 37 6.1 Typographical Conventions.............................................................................................................37 6.2 SFR Architecture .............................................................................................................................37 6.2.1 SFR Relationships...........................................................................................................................37 6.2.2 SFRs and the Key Lifecycle ............................................................................................................39 6.3 Security Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................41 6.3.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS)..........................................................................................................41 6.3.2 Identification and authentication (FIA).............................................................................................53 6.3.3 User data protection (FDP) .............................................................................................................61 6.3.4 Trusted path/channels (FTP)...........................................................................................................65 6.3.5 Protection of the TSF (FPT) ............................................................................................................67 6.3.6 Security management (FMT)...........................................................................................................70 6.3.7 Security audit data generation (FAU)..............................................................................................82 6.4 TOE Security Assurance Requirements .........................................................................................85 6.4.1 Refinements of Security Assurance Requirements.........................................................................86 7 TOE Summary Specification .......................................................................................... 90 7.1 Initialization, partitions, sessions and roles .....................................................................................90 7.1.1 Initialization......................................................................................................................................90 7.1.2 Admin and User Partitions...............................................................................................................90 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 6 7.1.3 Sessions ..........................................................................................................................................90 7.1.4 Roles ...............................................................................................................................................90 7.2 Authentication..................................................................................................................................93 7.2.1 Authentication methods...................................................................................................................93 7.2.2 Allowed operations before authentication .......................................................................................93 7.2.3 Authentication failure handling ........................................................................................................96 7.2.4 Re-authentication conditions...........................................................................................................98 7.3 Cryptography...................................................................................................................................98 7.3.1 Cryptographic key generation .........................................................................................................98 7.3.2 Cryptographic operations ..............................................................................................................100 7.3.3 Random number generation..........................................................................................................103 7.4 User data protection ......................................................................................................................104 7.4.1 Flow control policy.........................................................................................................................104 7.4.2 Access control policy.....................................................................................................................104 7.4.3 Stored data integrity protection .....................................................................................................105 7.4.4 Handling of residual data...............................................................................................................105 7.5 Trusted Channel............................................................................................................................105 7.6 Key Management ..........................................................................................................................105 7.6.1 Key security attributes ...................................................................................................................105 7.6.2 Key destruction..............................................................................................................................112 7.6.3 External key storage......................................................................................................................113 7.7 Self-protection ...............................................................................................................................113 7.7.1 Self-tests........................................................................................................................................113 7.7.2 Protection against physical attacks (K7 card) ...............................................................................114 7.7.3 Protection against physical attacks (K7+ card) .............................................................................114 7.7.4 Power loss .....................................................................................................................................114 7.8 Audit ..............................................................................................................................................114 7.9 Firmware updates..........................................................................................................................115 7.10 Embedded FM application loading................................................................................................116 8 Rationales .................................................................................................................... 117 8.1 Security Objectives Rationale .......................................................................................................117 8.1.1 Security Objectives Coverage.......................................................................................................117 8.1.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency .....................................................................................................118 8.2 Security Requirements Rationale..................................................................................................120 8.2.1 Security Requirements Coverage .................................................................................................120 8.2.2 SFR Dependencies .......................................................................................................................122 8.2.3 Rationale for SARs........................................................................................................................124 8.2.4 AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis .............................................................125 8.3 Mapping of SFRs to TSS...............................................................................................................126 APPENDIX A: Bibliography............................................................................................. 128 Terminology and acronyms Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 7 TERMINOLOGY AND ACRONYMS Terminology For the purposes of this document, the acronyms, terms and definitions given in [CEN EN 419221-1] apply. Common Criteria terms and definitions are given in [CC1]. Additional terms defined for the purposes of this document are listed below: Term Definition Assigned Key A key (usually a secret key) with the ‘Assigned Flag’ attribute set to ‘assigned’, meaning that: > the ‘Re-authorization conditions’ and ‘Key Usage’ attributes cannot be changed > the Authorization Data attribute can only be changed by presentation of the current Authorization Data – it cannot be changed or reset by an Administrator > the key cannot be imported or exported. These properties of an Assigned Key support the sole control of a key that is required for secret keys used to create digital signatures. Authorization Data Data, including data particular to the user, which is used to control access to (and thus use of) a key. Data particular to the user may include data derived from a secret known only by the user, data derived from a device held by the user and/or data derived from biometric features of the user. Other parts of the authorization data may include data held within the cryptographic module, data held by administrator(s) or data provided by the application. Electronic Seal Data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form to ensure the latter’s origin and integrity. Electronic Timestamp Data in electronic form which binds other data in electronic form to a particular time establishing evidence that the latter data existed at that time. Secret Key Either a secret key used in symmetric cryptographic functions, or a private key used in asymmetric cryptographic functions. Trust Service Electronic service which enhances trust and confidence in electronic transactions Such trust services are typically but not necessarily using cryptographic techniques or involving confidential material. Terminology and acronyms Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 8 Acronyms and abbreviations API Application Programming Interface CC Common Criteria DTBS Data To Be Signed DTBS/R Data to be signed or its unique representation EAL Evaluation Assurance Level FM Functional Module HSM Hardware Security Module IT Information Technology PCB Printed Circuit Board PCI-E Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PP Protection Profile RNG Random Number Generator SAR Security Assurance Requirements SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirements ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functions TSFI TSF Interface TSP Trust Service Provider 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 9 1 Security Target Introduction 1.1 Security Target Reference Title: Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - Security Target Version: Rev M Author: Thales Reference: 002-010985-001 1.2 TOE Reference TOE name: Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module Firmware version: 7.7.0, 7.7.1, or 7.7.2 Bootloader version: 1.1.1, 1.1.2 or 1.1.4 Hardware versions1 2: 808-000048-002 808-000048-003 808-000073-001 808-000073-002 808-000066-001 808-000069-001 808-000070-001 Guidance documentation > 007-013968-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part1: Preparative Procedures, Revision H, 6th May 2022. > 007-000465-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part2: Operational Guidance (General), Revision I, 6th May 2022. > 007-000466-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part3: eIDAS Guidance, Revision H, 6th May 2022. > 007-000467-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part4: TOE Integration for use in Composite Evaluation, Revision G, 6th May 2022. 1 The hardware version listed identifies the Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module hardware alongside the non- reconfigurable firmware loaded during production. Non-reconfigurable firmware includes: (i) one time programmable micro-code loaded onto the Andretta processor during manufacture. It is not possible for the user to identify the version of the micro-code loaded on Andretta 2.0 post manufacture independent of the hardware part number. Any modification to these elements made by Thales will result in a new part number. 2 A single HW part number (i.e. 808-XXXXXX-XXX) identifies the TOE with 4 variants being covered by this Security Target where each unique variant replaces ‘XXXXXX-XXX’ with its unique variant identifier e.g. ‘000048- 002’. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 10 1.3 TOE Overview The Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module (i.e. the TOE) is a Hardware Security Module (HSM) in the form of a PCI-E card (Thales Luna PCIe HSM). It is operated in a controlled environment and can be used either as a standalone device to be inserted in a server, or as a device embedded in a Thales Luna Network HSM. The TOE can fulfill general purpose HSM use cases, where assured cryptographic services alongside generation and management of cryptographic keys is required. The TOE is also suitable for use in support of electronic signature and electronic sealing operations, certificate issuance and revocation, time stamp operations, and authentication services, as identified by the (EU) No 910/2014 regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS). For that purpose, the present Security Target has been explicitly written to comply with the [CEN EN 419221-5] Protection Profile; the TOE supports Assigned Keys, External Key Storage and Key Import/Export operations as defined in the PP. The TOE also supports the option for further customization of the HSM for a given integration through the ability to load 3rd party developed code in the form of Functional Modules (FM) onto the HSM3 . All TOE Security Functions are met by the ThalesLuna K7 Cryptographic Module when installed in a suitable environment and configured as per the supplied CC User Guidance document [CC User Guidance]. The following non-TOE components are needed for the TOE to be operational in its environment: > If the TOE is configured to support PED authentication4 : • PED model number PED-04-0103 with minimal PED Firmware version 2.7.4 or higher, or • PED model number PED-06-0001 with minimal PED firmware version 2.9.0 or higher > LUNA client version 10.3.0 or higher (to be installed on remote or local servers) > If the TOE is embedded in the network appliance: Thales Luna Network HSM with appliance software version 7.7.0 or higher. 3 Although kernel level application sandboxes are implemented to minimise the risk from loading 3rd party code onto the HSM, the isolation property is not assured as part of this certification. 4 In addition to the two currently listed PED model numbers (PED-04-0103 and PED-06-0001), future PED hardware could be introduced and identified as compliant with Luna firmware 7.7.0 by Thales. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 11 1.4 TOE Description 1.4.1 TOE Boundaries The TOE physical boundary is the PCI-E card of which an example embodiment is shown in Figure 1-1. This Security Target considers the following hardware variants of the TOE: Table 1-1 – TOE hardware variants within evaluation scope Hardware part number Description 808-000048-002 or 808- 000048-003 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module with Fans 808-000073-001 or 808- 000073-002 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module without Fans 808-000066-001 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module without Fans (legacy part number) 808-000069-001 Thales Luna K7+ Cryptographic Module with Fans 808-000070-001 Thales Luna K7+ Cryptographic Module without Fans The K7 and K7+ denomination is related to the type of shield providing physical protection of the TOE Printed Circuit Board (PCB): Table 1-2 – TOE shield naming Shield naming Description K7 Passive shield (epoxy coating) K7+ Active shield (electrically wired) 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 12 Figure 1-1 – Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module, fan variant without tamper wrap (808-000048-002 and 808-000048-003) Note: as mentioned in section 1.3, the TOE can be used either as a standalone device to be inserted in a generic server, or as a device embedded in a Thales Luna Network HSM. In both cases, the generic server and the Thales Luna Network HSM represent the ‘Hardware Appliance Boundary’ illustrated in Figure 1-3. The TOE logical boundary is the ‘main’ part of the firmware of the Figure 1-2: Figure 1-2 – Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module, TOE logical boundary As mentioned in section 1.3 “TOE overview”, the TOE supports the ability to load 3rd party developed code in the form of Functional Modules (FM) onto the HSM. FMs are running in a dedicated ‘FM process’ which 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 13 is distinct from the ‘main’ firmware process. An “FM support” component is implemented within the firmware to support the FM capability5 . For the present certification, no FMs are loaded within the HSM and the “FM support” piece of firmware is out of the TOE6. Note that the guidance documentation [CC User Guidance] is also part of the TOE, as referenced in section 1.2. 1.4.2 TOE Delivery The TOE components are delivered to the end-user as follows: > Hardware: shipped by tracked courier directly to the end-user. Details of shipment tracking references, HSM serial number alongside serial numbers of all tamper labels used in the unit packaging are emailed to the customer on the confirmation of shipment. • Hardware can be identified as one of the valid HW part (808-000048-002, 808-000048-003, 808- 000073-001, 808-000073-002, 808-000066-001, 808-000069-001, 808-000070-001) being shown on the product label. > Firmware: is either pre-loaded onto the Hardware7 during manufacturing or alternatively may be downloaded from the Thales Customer Support Portal8 as: 7.7.0 • ‘621-000192-010_fwupdate_7.7.0_PCI_HSM_RevA.fuf’ (if TOE is used as a standalone device) • ‘630-010740-007_SPKG_APPL_Net_HSM_7.7.0_FW-7.7.0_BU_G7-7.7.1_BU_G5- 6.28.0_RevA.tar’ (if TOE is embedded in a Thales Luna Network HSM) 7.7.1 • ‘621-000192-011_fwupdate_7.7.1_PCI_HSM_RevA.fuf’ (if TOE is used as a standalone device) • ‘630-010740-008_SPKG_APPL_Net_HSM_7.7.1_FW-7.7.1_BU_G7-7.7.1_BU_G5- 6.28.0_RevA.tar’ (if TOE is embedded in a Thales Luna Network HSM) 7.7.2 • ‘621-000192-012_fwupdate_7.7.2_PCI_HSM_RevA.fuf’ (if TOE is used as a standalone device) • ‘630-010741-009_SPKG_fwupdate_7.7.2_RevA.tar’ (if TOE is embedded in a Thales Luna Network HSM) > Common Criteria User Guidance Documentation [CC User Guidance] can be downloaded from the Thales Customer Support Portal as: 5 The “FM support” component enables the FMs to run in a dedicated process. It also contains a library translating PKCS#11 commands into the set of commands natively supported by the HSM. 6 Note that even if it is considered in the TOE environment, the “FM support” piece of firmware is provided to the Evaluator as an input to the TOE vulnerability analysis (to verify that it cannot be used by an attacker to threaten the TOE assets) 7 Identified as ‘FW 7.7.0’ in the output either from the ‘hsm show’ LunaSH command or 'hsm showinfo' for the LunaCM interface. 8 See [CC User Guidance] for further information on how to check and install firmware. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 14 • ‘007-013968-001_K7_CC_User_Guidance_Part1_Rev_H.pdf’ • ‘007-000465-001_K7_CC_User_Guidance_Part2_Rev_I.pdf’ • ‘007-000466-001_K7_CC_User_Guidance_Part3_Rev_H.pdf’ • ‘007-000467-001_K7_CC_User_Guidance_Part4_Rev_G.pdf’ Details on accessing the Thales Customer Support Portal are provided with the shipment confirmation supplied on shipment of the TOE hardware. 1.4.3 TOE Architecture The TOE is a set of configured software and hardware that fits the generic TOE architecture shown in Figure 1-3. The TOE provides cryptographic functions that support trust services, and manages (and protects) the cryptographic keys used by these functions. Note that the TOE is not aware of the context in which a cryptographic function is used. Any such context is therefore the responsibility of client applications used by the trust service provider or operator, and these client applications need to use the cryptographic functions in an appropriate way. In general this will be achieved by suitable configuration of the TOE and its stored data9 . Local client applications reside in the same hardware appliance as the TOE, e.g. in the case of the TOE being a PCI-E card inside a server, local client applications are the applications running within the same server boundary and using the TOE’s services through the PCI-E bus. Another example of local client application is an embedded application running inside the physical boundary of the TOE and using the Luna FM API. Note that the secure environment is considered sufficient to provide the authentication, confidentiality and integrity protection needed for communication between the TOE and local applications. External client applications communicate remotely with the TOE through a network connection and over a secure channel identified as Secure Trusted Channel (STC) which provides authentication of its end-points and protection of confidentiality and integrity of data sent over the channel. Secure channels may also exist between external and local client applications, but these are not covered within the scope of this Security Target. In all cases, the Client Application is outside the scope of the TOE. 9 For example: to ensure that secret keys intended for electronic signature creation are only available for use by the signatory to whom they are linked, the client application must follow an appropriate process to generate the key pair, to maintain sole control (if required) of the secret key by the intended signatory, and to ensure that the key can only be used for signing. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 15 Figure 1-3: TOE Architecture 1.4.4 Admin and User partitions Cryptographic keys are stored and managed inside containers called partitions. The TOE supports two types of partitions: > The Admin partition is mandatory. Its primary purpose is to support administrative tasks at the HSM level. Specific roles are defined in the Admin partition and there can be only one Admin partition inside the TOE. > User partitions are optional. The primary purpose of a User partition (also called Application partition) is to group all keys belonging to a same entity or application in a dedicated container isolated from the other partitions. Specific roles are supported at the user partition level, which are different from the roles defined in the Admin partition. Any type of partition (Admin partition or User partition) can contain cryptographic keys. For a given partition, the management and usage of the related key material is restricted to the roles assigned to that partition, therefore enforcing a strict isolation between the different partitions managed inside the TOE. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 16 The following section provides further details about the roles supported in partitions. 1.4.5 HSM roles The following authenticated roles are supported by the HSM: Table 1-3 –HSM roles Role Description HSM Security Officer (HSM SO) – Admin partition role – Authorized to install and configure the TOE, set and maintain global HSM security policies, create and delete application partitions. The HSM SO can also create the Administrator role and reset the Administrator password (configuration dependent). The HSM SO can also perform key management tasks and cryptographic operations for the Admin partition. Note that the HSM SO can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. The TOE can have only one HSM SO. Administrator – Admin partition role – Optional Admin partition role, performs key management tasks and cryptographic operations for the Admin partition, without having privileges to unblock keys / assign keys / reset key authentication data. Note that the Administrator can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. Audit User – Admin partition role – Initializes the Audit container containing the secret key used to generate Message Authentication Code (MAC) for secure audit messages alongside configuring logging levels for the HSM. Application Partition Security Officer (Partition SO) – User partition role – Creates partition level roles, activates partition, sets and changes partition- level policies, option to reset Crypto Officer password (configuration dependent). STC User Implicit role whose main purpose is to authenticate remote client connections from outside the TOE hardware appliance boundary10. Application Partition Crypto Officer (Partition CO) – User partition role – Partition role authorized to create, use, destroy and transfer key objects for a given partition. Can optionally create the Partition Limited CO and Partition CU, and perform initial assignment of key authorization data. Note that the Partition CO can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. 10 Usage of the STC is mandatory to authenticate remote client applications. Note that local client applications can be authenticated through the STC as well, although this is not mandatory - as explained in section 7.5 “Trusted Channel”. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 17 Role Description Application Partition Limited Crypto Officer (Partition Limited CO) – User partition role – Optional partition role authorized to create, use and delete key objects, and perform initial assignment of key authorization data without having privileges to create Partition Limited CO or CU / reset login credentials. Note that the Partition Limited CO can only use and delete key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. Crypto User (Partition CU) – User partition role – Partition role authorized to use the key objects within the partition (e.g., sign, encrypt/decrypt). Note that the Partition CU can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. Key Owner Implicit role used to authenticate the owner of a key through verification of the related key authorization data. On a User Partition, the Partition CO, Partition Limited CO, Partition CU and Key Owner can communicate with the TOE for cryptographic operations using PKCS #11 which is part of the IT Environment. The HSM SO and Administrator can do it as well on the Admin Partition. The HSM SO and Partition SO use a separate Command Line Interface (CLI), which is part of the IT Environment, to send command data to perform HSM configuration, to make security policy setting changes and to perform user creation/deletion. The CLI can also be used by the Partition CO to initiate the transfer of cryptographic objects between distinct TOEs or between the TOE and a compatible Trusted IT Product via a Trusted Channel. The network channels used to provide access to the CLI are a requirement of the IT environment. The TOE allows for the creation of multiple users in the Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU roles. Each user is created within a cryptographically separated partition in the Luna PCI-E cryptographic module. Each partition must have a user assigned to the Partition CO role (a maximum of one user assigned to the Partition CO role is permitted). A partition may optionally assign a distinct user to the Partition Limited CO and/or Partition CU role. Table 1-4 provides the mapping between the roles supported by the TOE and the subjects defined in the PP [CEN EN 419221-5]. Table 1-4 – Mapping between HSM roles and PP-defined subjects Function HSM Role(s) Related PP subject Initialisation, configuration HSM SO, Partition SO S.Admin Audit Log Configuration Audit User S.Admin Key Management Partition CO (for User partitions) HSM SO, Administrator (for Admin partition) S.Admin 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 18 Function HSM Role(s) Related PP subject Client Application Authentication STC User S.Application Key Use Session authentication Partition CO, Partition Limited CO, Partition CU (for User partitions, and depending on the configuration of TOE and deployment goals) HSM SO, Administrator (for Admin partition) S.User Key usage Key Owner Note: according to [CEN EN 419221-5], the subject S.Application represents “a client application, or process acting on behalf of a client application and that communicates with the TOE over a local or external interface”. In the above table, it can be directly mapped to the HSM implicit role “STC User” when the Secure Trusted Channel (STC) is enforced between the client application and the TOE. As mentioned in section 7.5 “Trusted Channel”, usage of the STC is mandatory for remote client applications and optional for local ones. In the latter case, when STC is not used, S.Application is not mapped to any specific role supported by the TOE, and the first authentication step occurs at the session level. 1.4.6 Authentication/Authorization The TOE implements separate authentication or authorization11 for all categories of subjects: > Administrators of the TOE (S.Admin) > Application users of TOE cryptographic functions (S.Application) > Users of secret keys12 (S.User). External Client applications (S.Application) communicate with the TOE over a secure channel and are authenticated through the verification of a digital certificate. Two models for authentication are supported for all other roles (except the Key Owner): > Token based authentication - where authentication data is provided by means of a trusted PIN Entry Device (PED). The PED can be connected locally through a separate port to the TOE (local PED) or remotely (remote PED). The PED and software required to operate it are the responsibility of the IT Environment. > Password based authentication – where authentication is based on a configurable length password. The model of authentication to be used is determined during HSM manufacturing and this model is used for all roles. 11 In this Security Target, ‘authentication’ implies that the user is specifically identified, whereas ‘authorization’ implies that the authority of the user to use the key is established but the identity of the individual may not be known (e.g. where a single key is available to a number of individuals using a shared passphrase). As noted elsewhere, it is the responsibility of client applications to ensure that they use the correct mechanism for the context of the relevant keys and cryptographic functions. 12 Which in at least some cases need to have their use limited to a certain natural person or legal person. More details of these requirements and the definitions of natural and legal persons can be found in [Regulation]. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 19 The Key Owner is authenticated based on a shared secret presented to the TOE over a secure channel protecting against access to the shared secret by any other roles authenticated to the HSM. Authorization as the Key Owner is always separately required before a key can be actually used in a cryptographic function (or exported), regardless of any other authorization that may have been established for administrators (S.Admin) or client applications (S.Application). This requirement reflects the distinct activities that are being authorized in each case: > Authorization to act as an administrator is an authorization to carry out management activities on the TOE, but not to use keys (in fact the requirement to be able to support sole control of a signature key means that in such cases an administrator must not be able to use the key nor to access its value unless the administrator happens also to demonstrate authorization as the owner of that key). > Client applications are authorized to connect to the TOE in order to invoke cryptographic functions, but the ownership of keys used in such functions must be separately verified, as the client application may e.g. supply a signature service to a number of different users. Moreover, a cryptographic function will only be carried out by the TOE if authorization is obtained for use with a key that can be used with that cryptographic function. Thus, a request by a client to use a specific cryptographic function will fail if the attributes of the key supplied do not allow its use for that operation. 1.4.7 Cryptographic functions The TOE provides the following cryptographic functions: > Digital signature generation and verification > Message digest generation > Message authentication code generation and verification > Encryption and decryption (symmetric and asymmetric) > Key generation > Key derivation > Generation of shared secret values > Cryptographic support for one time password and other non-PKI based authentication mechanisms > Random number generation. These functions may also be used to support TSP system functions to create electronic seals and electronic timestamps. From the perspective of this security target, specific cryptographic purposes such as electronic signatures and electronic seals are not distinguished: they both consist of a series of cryptographic functions (such as creating message digests, or encrypting data) using specific keys13. Note that only algorithms and algorithm parameters (e.g. key length) approved for the identified purpose shall be used by the TOE to carry out cryptographic operations. Supported algorithms and key sizes have been selected to be consistent with a subset of options permitted in [TS 119 312] or [SOG-IS-Crypto]. 13 Some cryptographic operations, such as creating message digests, do not require keys. 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 20 Where the HSM is deployed in order to meet a national requirement, the end-user should only use algorithms compliant to local regulations as applicable – e.g. as may apply to a TSP within a specific region as part of future legislation. 1.4.8 Key management The TOE supports the secure management of cryptographic keys necessary for its implemented cryptographic functions, including: > Key establishment (including key generation) > Protection of keys held within the TOE and held externally (for use by the TOE) > Control of access and use of keys by the cryptographic functions within the TOE > Deletion of keys within the TOE. The TOE supports the following techniques for establishing keys: > Generation of cryptographic keys using a random number generator and implementing the key generation algorithms depending on the intended use of the keys > Import of cryptographic keys in encrypted form or cryptographic key components using split-knowledge procedures > Key agreement protocols establishing common secrets with external entities > Derivation of keys from shared knowledge. Secret keys are associated with attributes that determine their use, and the correct association between the key and its attributes is protected against unauthorized modification. The attributes maintained by the TOE include14 : > The identifier of the key (this enables it to be linked by an application to a particular owner) > The type of the key (e.g. whether the key is a secret key of a symmetric cryptographic algorithm or the secret (commonly called private) key of an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm) > Authorization data that enables access to the key (required only for secret keys) > Re-authorization conditions such as determining a time period or number of uses of a key that are enabled by a single presentation of the correct authorization data for the key, after which the authorization will have to be re-presented in order to authorize any further uses of the key (required only for secret keys) > Key usage constraints that determine which cryptographic functions can use the key (e.g. encryption or signature) > Whether the key is allowed to be exported > Whether the key is an Assigned Key > Integrity protection data that protects the integrity of the key value, the values of the key attributes, and the binding of the key to its attributes. 14 These attributes are sufficient to allow a secret key to be identified as one that is used to produce qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals that meet the requirements of [Regulation] 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 21 Authorization to change the attributes of a key is, in general, distinct from authorization to use the key for cryptographic functions. For example, a signature key may need to require that some or all of its attributes cannot be changed after initial definition (e.g. because such changes might enable subjects beyond the signatory alone to access the key, or might allow the permitted use of the key to be changed) – this is supported by the definition of an ‘Assigned Key’ which cannot be imported or exported, for which the re- authorization conditions and key usage cannot be changed, and for which the authorization data can only be changed on successful validation of the current authorization data. Keys can leave the TOE in the following situations: > External storage of keys The TOE allows external storage of keys for later use by the TOE (or another instance of the TOE within the same authorized security infrastructure operated by a TSP). This reflects the fact that when dealing with large numbers of keys, a cryptographic module may not have sufficient internal storage to hold them all internally. Keys stored in this way correspond to ‘external stored TOE data’ in Figure 1-3, and the form in which the key is stored is sufficient to ensure the confidentiality (for at least secret keys) and integrity of the key and the binding of the key to its attributes. > Export of keys The TOE allows export of keys for use by authorized client applications, provided that they are not Assigned Keys, that other key attributes do not prohibit export, and that the correct authorization data for the key has been supplied. Although the TOE checks key attributes to determine whether to allow export, the appropriate values to use for the key attributes will depend on the application context in which the key is used, and the security measures (technical, physical and procedural) that apply to that context. Keys that are exported are not included in the ‘external stored TOE data’ in Figure 1-3. Keys might be imported or exported as part of providing general cryptographic functions (e.g. in support of client applications that use the TOE to support their own authentication mechanisms), but the TOE also allows individual secret keys to be identified as non-exportable. Assigned keys cannot be imported or exported, and represent a more strongly controlled type of key that is intended to be used only within the TOE for operations such as electronic signature or electronic seal generation. 1.4.9 Self-protection The cryptographic module ensures it always remains in a secure state, even when under attack or facing abnormal conditions. For that purpose, the module implements: > Self-tests to demonstrate the correct operation of the Random Number Generator (RNG) and of the cryptographic algorithms, as well as the verification of the firmware integrity and authenticity > Protection against physical attacks through the monitoring of voltage and temperature (and abortion of any operation if voltage or temperature are outside the expected range) > Protection against physical attacks by means of a passive epoxy-coated shield (for K7 card) or electrically wired active shield (for K7+ card) > Protection against power loss. 1.4.10 Audit The cryptographic module is assumed to be part of a larger system that manages audit data for the system as a whole (integrating audit records from a number of individual components). The TOE therefore logs audit 1 Security Target Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 22 records for its own actions, and typically exports these audit data to a separate audit server which is assumed to be monitored and controlled by the System Auditor. An auditor role (Audit User) is defined for the TOE as a subset of the ‘administrator’, whose responsibility is limited to configuring the audit system of the TOE and not for managing the complete log which is assumed to be the role of System Auditor in the larger system. 1.4.11 Usage and major security features of the TOE The TOE is a separate component with its own hardware and software, communicating via a well-defined physical and logical interface with the client application. The main TOE physical interface is the PCI-E bus with multiple logical interfaces supported on-top of the physical layer. Several instances of a TOE may be combined in a single domain under a common infrastructure, but the nature of this combination and common infrastructure is beyond the scope of this Security Target. The threat environment the TOE is designed for is one of high threat of network compromise, and low threat of physical compromise (for example, a Certification Authority facility with a high degree of physical protection, but an operational requirement to be connected to an untrusted network such as the internet). The environment is assumed to prevent prolonged unauthorized physical access to the TOE (including theft). The TOE provides physical protection mechanisms to deter undetected compromise of its security functions by low attack potential individuals that do have physical access to the TOE (for example disgruntled employees with legitimate access to the TOE). The TOE is responsible for protecting the keys against logical attacks that would result in disclosure, compromise and unauthorized modification, and for ensuring that the TOE services are only used in an authorized way. Client applications request cryptographic functions from the TOE, typically using a key managed by the TOE15 , once the appropriate authorization has been provided. 15 All cryptographic operations in the scope of this Protection Profile are carried out using keys managed by the TOE, and therefore any use of other keys is outside the scope of the Security Target. 2 Conformance Claim Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 23 2 Conformance Claim Common Criteria version: This ST conforms to CC Version 3.1 Release 5 [CC1] [CC2] [CC3]. Conformance to CC part 2 and 3: > This ST is CC part 2 extended with FCS_RNG.1 (Generation of Random Numbers) and FPT_TST_EXT.1 (Basic TSF Self Testing). All the other SFRs have been drawn from the catalogue of requirements in CC part 2 [CC2]. > This ST is CC part 3 conformant. It means that all SARs in that ST are based only upon assurance components in CC part 3 [CC3]. Assurance package conformance: EAL4 augmented (EAL4+) This ST conforms to the assurance package EAL4 augmented by ALC_FLR.2 and AVA_VAN.5. Protection Profile (PP) conformance claim: This ST claims strict conformance to the [CEN EN 419221-5] protection profile. 3 Security Problem Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 24 3 Security Problem Definition 3.1 Assets The assets that need to be protected by the TOE are identified below: > R.SecretKey: secret keys used in symmetric cryptographic functions and private keys used in asymmetric cryptographic functions, managed and used by the TOE in support of the cryptographic services that it offers. This includes user keys, owned and used by specific users, and support keys used in the implementation and operation of the TOE. The asset also includes copies of such keys made for external storage and/or backup purposes. The confidentiality and integrity of these keys shall be protected. > R.PubKey: public keys managed and used by the TOE in support of the cryptographic services that it offers (including user keys and support keys). This asset includes copies of keys made for external storage and/or backup purposes. The integrity of these keys shall be protected. > R.ClientData: data supplied by a client for use in a cryptographic function. Depending on the context, this data may require confidentiality and/or integrity protection. > R.RAD: reference data held by the TOE that is used to authenticate an administrator (hence to control access to privileged administrator functions such as TOE backup, export of audit data) or to authorize a user for access to secret and private keys (R.SecretKey). This asset includes copies of authentication/authorization data made for external storage and/or backup purposes. The integrity of the RAD shall be protected; its confidentiality shall also be protected unless the authentication method used means that the RAD is public data (such as a public key). 3.2 Subjects The types of subjects identified in this ST are: > S.Application: a client application, or process acting on behalf of a client application and that communicates with the TOE over a local or external interface. Client applications will in some situations be acting directly on behalf of end users (see S.User). > S.User: an end user of the TOE who can be associated with secret keys and authentication/authorization data held by the TOE. An end user communicates with the TOE by using a client application (S.Application). > S.Admin: an administrator of the TOE. Administrators are responsible for performing the TOE initialization, TOE configuration and other TOE administrative functions. Each type of subject may include many individual members, for example a single TOE will generally have many users who are all included as members of the type S.User. 3 Security Problem Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 25 3.3 Threats The following threats are defined for the TOE. The attacker (i.e. the ‘threat agent’) described in each of the threats is a subject who is not authorized for the relevant action, but who may present themselves as either a completely unknown user, or as one of the subjects in section 3.2 (but in this case the attacker will not have access to the authentication or authorization data for the subject). T.KeyDisclose Unauthorised disclosure of secret/private key An attacker obtains unauthorized access to the plaintext form of a secret key (R.SecretKey), enabling either direct reading of the key or other copying into a form that can be used by the attacker as though the key were their own. This access may be gained during generation, storage, import/export, use of the key, or backup if supported by the TOE. T.KeyDerive Derivation of secret/private key An attacker derives a secret key (R.SecretKey) from publicly known data, such as the corresponding public key or results of cryptographic functions using the key or any other data that is generally available outside the TOE. T.KeyMod Unauthorised modification of a key An attacker makes an unauthorized modification to a secret or public key (R.SecretKey or R.PubKey) while it is stored in, or under the control of, the TOE, including export and backups if supported. This includes replacement of a key as well as making changes to the value of a key, or changing its attributes such as required authorization, usage constraints or identifier (changing the identifier to the identifier used for another key would allow unauthorized substitution of the original key with a key known to the attacker). The threat therefore includes the case where an attacker is able to break the binding between a key and its critical attributes16 . T.KeyMisuse Misuse of a key An attacker uses the TOE to make unauthorized use of a secret key (R.SecretKey) that is managed by the TOE (including the unauthorized use of a secret key for a cryptographic function that is not permitted for that key17 ), without necessarily obtaining access to the value of the key. T.KeyOveruse Overuse of a key An attacker uses a key (R.SecretKey) that has been authorized for a specific use (e.g. to make a single signature) in other cryptographic functions that have not been authorized. 16 See OT.KeyIntegrity in section 4.1 for further discussion of critical attributes of a key. 17 This therefore means that the threat includes unauthorized use of a cryptographic function that makes use of a key. 3 Security Problem Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 26 T.DataDisclose Disclosure of sensitive client application data An attacker gains access to data that requires protection of confidentiality (R.ClientData, and possibly R.RAD) supplied by a client application during transmission to or from the TOE or during transmission between physically separate parts of the TOE. T.DataMod Unauthorized modification of client application data An attacker modifies data (R.ClientData such as DTBS/R, authentication/authorization data, or a public key (R.PubKey) supplied by a client application during transmission to the TOE or during transmission between physically separate parts of the TOE, so that the result returned by the TOE (such as a signature or public key certificate) does not match the data intended by the originator of the request. T.Malfunction Malfunction of TOE hardware or software The TOE may develop a fault that causes some other security property to be weakened or to fail. This may affect any of the assets and could result in any of the other threats being realized. Particular causes of faults to be considered are: > Environmental conditions (including temperature and power) > Failures of critical TOE hardware components (including the RNG) > Corruption of TOE software. 3.4 Organisational Security Policies P.Algorithms Use of approved cryptographic algorithms The TOE offers key generation functions and other cryptographic functions provided for users that are endorsed by recognized authorities as appropriate for use by TSPs. The relevant authorities and endorsements are determined by the context of the client applications that use the TOE. For digital signatures within the European Union this is as indicated in [Regulation] and an exemplary list of algorithms and parameters is given in [TS 119 312] or [SOG-IS-Crypto] (see also section 1.4.7). P.KeyControl Support for control of keys The life cycle of the TOE and any secret keys that it manages (where such keys are associated with specific entities, such as the signature creation data associated with a signatory or the seal creation data associated with a seal creator18 ), shall be implemented in such a way that the secret keys can be reliably protected by the legitimate owner against use by others, and in such a way that the use of the secret keys by the TOE can be confined to a set of authorized cryptographic functions. 18 A seal creator may be a legal person (see [Regulation]) rather than a natural person, and seal creation data may therefore be authorized for use by a number of natural persons, depending on the nature and requirements of the trust service provided. 3 Security Problem Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 27 This policy is intended to ensure that the TOE can be used for qualified electronic seals and qualified electronic signatures as in [Regulation], but recognizes that not all keys are used for such purposes. Therefore, although the TOE needs to be able to support the necessary strong controls over keys in order to create such seals and signatures, not all keys need the same level and type of control. P.RNG Random Number Generation The TOE is required to generate random numbers that meet a specified quality metric, for use by client applications. These random numbers shall be suitable for use as keys, authentication/authorization data, or seed data for another random number generator that is used for these purposes. P.Audit Audit trail generation The TOE is required to generate an audit trail of security-relevant events, recording the event details and the subject associated with the event. The cryptographic module TOE is assumed to be part of a larger system that manages audit data. The TOE therefore logs audit records, and it is assumed that these are collected, maintained and reviewed in the larger system. Hence there is no separate auditor role within the cryptographic module TOE, but the role of System Auditor is assumed to exist in the larger system – cf. A.AuditSupport in section 3.5. 3.5 Assumptions A.ExternalData Protection of data outside TOE control Where copies of data protected by the TOE are managed outside of the TOE, client applications and other entities shall provide appropriate protection for that data to a level required by the application context and the risks in the deployment environment. In particular, any backups of the TOE and its data are maintained in a way that ensures appropriate controls over making backups, storing backup data, and using backup data to restore an operational TOE. The number of sets of backup data does not exceed the minimum needed to ensure continuity of the TSP service. The ability to restore a TOE to an operational state from backup data requires at least dual person control (i.e. the participation and approval of more than one authenticated administrator). A.Env Protected operating environment The TOE operates in a protected environment that limits physical access to the TOE to authorized Administrators. The TOE software and hardware environment (including client applications) is installed maintained by Administrators in a secure state that mitigates against the specific risks applicable to the deployment environment. A.DataContext Appropriate use of TOE functions Any client application using the cryptographic functions of the TOE will ensure that the correct data are supplied in a secure manner (including any relevant requirements for authenticity, integrity and 3 Security Problem Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 28 confidentiality). For example, when creating a digital signature over a DTBS the client application will ensure that the correct (authentic, unmodified) DTBS/R is supplied to the TOE, and will correctly and securely manage the signature received from the TOE; and when certifying a public key the client application will ensure that necessary checks are made to prove possession of the corresponding private key. The client application may make use of appropriate secure channels provided by the TOE to support these security requirements. Where required by the risks in the operational environment a suitable entity (possibly the client application) performs a check of the signature returned from the TOE, to confirm that it relates to the correct DTBS. Client applications are also responsible for any required logging of the uses made of the TOE services, such as signing (or sealing) events. Similar requirements apply in local use cases where no client application need be involved, but in which the TOE and its user data (such as keys used for signatures) need to be configured in ways that will support the need for security requirements such as sole control of signing keys. Appropriate procedures are defined for the initial creation of data and continuing operation of the TOE according to the specific risks applicable to the deployment environment and the ways in which the TOE is used. A.UAuth Authentication of application users Any client application using the cryptographic services of the TOE will correctly and securely gather identification and authentication/authorization data from its users and securely transfer it to the TOE (protecting the confidentiality of the authentication/authorization data as required) when required to authorize the use of TOE assets and services. A.AuditSupport Audit data review The audit trail generated by the TOE will be collected, maintained and reviewed by a System Auditor according to a defined audit procedure for the TSP. As noted for P.Audit in section 3.4, the TOE is assumed to exist as part of a larger system and the System Auditor is a role within this larger system. A.AppSupport Application security support Procedures to ensure the ongoing security of client applications and their data will be defined and followed in the environment, and reflected in use of the appropriate TOE cryptographic functions and parameters, and appropriate management and administration actions on the TOE. This includes, for example, any relevant policies on algorithms, key generation methods, key lengths, key access, key import/export, key usage limitations, key activation, cryptoperiods and key renewal, and key/certificate revocation. 4 Security Objectives Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 29 4 Security Objectives This section identifies and defines the security objectives for the TOE and its operational environment. Security objectives reflect the stated intent and counter the identified threats, as well as comply with the identified organisational security policies and assumptions. 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE The following security objectives describe security functions to be provided by the TOE. OT.PlainKeyConf Protection of confidentiality of plaintext secret keys The plaintext value of secret keys is not made available outside the TOE (except where the key has been exported securely in the manner of OT.ImportExport). This includes protection of the keys during generation, storage (including external storage), and use in cryptographic functions, and means that even authorized users of the keys and administrators of the TOE cannot directly access the plaintext value of a secret key. OT.Algorithms Use of approved cryptographic algorithms The TOE offers key generation functions and other cryptographic functions provided for users that are endorsed by recognized authorities as appropriate for use by TSPs. This ensures that the algorithms used do not enable publicly known data to be used to derive secret keys. See note under P.Algorithms (section 3.4) on relevant references for digital signatures within the European Union. OT.KeyIntegrity Protection of integrity of keys The value and critical attributes of keys (secret or public) have their integrity protected by the TOE against unauthorized modification (unauthorized modifications include making unauthorized copies of a key such that the attributes of the copy can be changed without the same authorization as for the original key). Critical attributes in this context are defined to be those implementation-level attributes of a key that could be used by an attacker to cause the equivalent of a modification to the key value by other means (e.g. including changing the cryptographic functions for which a key can be used, the users with access to the key, or the identifier of the key). This objective includes protection of the keys during generation, storage (including external storage), and use. OT.Auth Authorization for use of TOE functions and data The TOE carries out an authentication/authorization check on all subjects before allowing them to use the TOE. The following types of entity are distinguished for the purposes of authorization (i.e. each type has a distinct method of authorization): > Administrators of the TOE 4 Security Objectives Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 30 > Users of TOE cryptographic functions (client applications using secure channels) > Users of secret keys. In particular, the TOE always requires authorization before using a secret key. Local client applications within a suitable security environment (such as client applications that are connected to the TOE by a channel such as a PCIe bus within the same hardware appliance) do not require authentication to communicate with the TOE, as noted in section 1.4.3. However, use of a secret key always requires prior authorization. OT.KeyUseConstraint Constraints on use of keys Any key (secret or public) has an unambiguous definition of the purposes for which it can be used, in terms of the cryptographic functions or operations (e.g. encryption or signature) that it is permitted to be used for. The TOE rejects any attempt to use the key for a purpose that is not permitted. The TOE also has an unambiguous definition of the subjects that are permitted to access the key (and the purposes for which this access can be used) and allows this to be set to the granularity of an individual subject – these access constraints apply to use of the key even where the key value is not accessible. This objective means that the TOE also prevents unauthorized use of any cryptographic functions that use a key. OT.KeyUseScope Defined scope for use of a key after authorization The TOE is required to define and apply clearly stated limits on when authorization and re-authorization are required in order for a secret key to be used19 . For example the TOE may allow secret keys to be used for a specified time period or number of uses after initial authorization, or for may allow the key to be used until authorization is explicitly rescinded. As another example, the TOE may implement a policy that requires re- authorization before every use of a secret key. Such limits on the use of a key after initial authorisation are termed “re-authorisation conditions” in this ST. A wide range of policies and re-authorisation conditions are allowed, and different policies may be applied to different types of secret key, but the re-authorisation conditions for all types of secret key shall be unambiguously defined in the Security Target. The decision to use supported re-authentication conditions is made on the basis of the application context. Making appropriate use of re-authorisation conditions supports client applications in meeting their requirements for OE.DataContext and OE.AppSupport. OT.DataConf Protection of confidentiality of sensitive client application data The TOE provides secure channels to client applications that can be used to protect the confidentiality of sensitive data (such as authentication/authorization data) during transmission between the client application and the TOE, or during transmission between separate parts of the TOE where that transmission passes through an insecure environment. 19 Any attempt to use the key in cryptographic functions that are not permitted for that key is addressed by OT.KeyUseConstraint. 4 Security Objectives Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 31 Protection of secret keys (as a specific type of sensitive data) is also subject to additional protection specified in other TOE objectives. Any requirements for secure storage and control of access to other types of client application data within the TOE rely on the client application using appropriate interfaces and cryptographic functions to protect it, as required by OE.DataContext and OE.AppSupport. For example, if a client application uses the TOE to perform cryptographic functions on data that represent a passphrase value and the passphrase value is to be stored on the TOE, then the client application would need to use an appropriate encryption function before storing the data on the TOE. OT.DataMod Protection of integrity of client application data The TOE provides secure channels to client applications that can be used to protect the integrity of sensitive data (such as data to be signed, authentication/authorization data or public key certificates) during transmission between the client application and the TOE. Any requirements for integrity protection of client application data within the TOE rely on the client application using appropriate interfaces and cryptographic functions to protect it, as required by OE.DataContext and OE.AppSupport. OT.ImportExport Secure import and export of keys The TOE allows import and export of secret keys only by using a secure method that protects the confidentiality and integrity of the data during transmission – in particular, secret keys shall be exported only in encrypted form (it is not sufficient to rely on properties of a secure channel to provide the protection: the key itself shall be encrypted). The TOE also allows individual secret keys under its control to be identified as non-exportable, in which case any attempt to export them will be rejected automatically. Public keys may be imported and exported in a manner that protects the integrity of the data during transmission. Assigned keys cannot be imported or exported. OT.Backup Secure backup of user data Any method provided by the TOE for backing up user data, including secret keys, preserves the security of the data and is controlled by authorized Administrators. The secure backup process preserves the confidentiality and integrity of the data during creation, transmission, storage and restoration of the backup data. Backups also preserve the integrity of the attributes of keys. OT.RNG Random number quality Random numbers generated and provided to client applications for use as keys, authentication/authorization data, or seed data for another random number generator that is used for these purposes shall meet a defined quality metric in order to ensure that random numbers are not predictable and have sufficient entropy. 4 Security Objectives Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 32 OT.TamperDetect Tamper Detection The TOE shall provide features to protect its security functions against tampering. In particular the TOE shall make any physical manipulation within the scope of the intended environment (adhering to OE.Env) detectable for the administrators of the TOE. OT.FailureDetect Detection of TOE hardware or software failures The TOE detects faults that would cause some other security property to be weakened or to fail, including: > Environmental conditions outside normal operating range (including temperature and power) > Failures of critical TOE hardware components (including the RNG) > Corruption of TOE software. On detection of a fault, the TOE takes action to maintain its security and the security of the data that it contains and controls. OT.Audit Generation of audit trail The TOE creates audit records for security-relevant events, recording the event details and the subject associated with the event. The TOE ensures that the audit records are protected against accidental or malicious deletion or modification of records by providing tamper protection (either prevention or detection) for the audit log. 4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment The following security objectives relate to the TOE environment. This includes client applications as well as the procedure for the secure operation of the TOE. OE.ExternalData Protection of data outside TOE control Where copies of data protected by the TOE are managed outside of the TOE, client applications and other entities shall provide appropriate protection for that data to a level required by the application context and the risks in the deployment environment. This includes protection of data that is exported from, or imported to, the TOE (such as audit data and encrypted keys). In particular, any backups of the TOE and its data shall be maintained in a way that ensures appropriate controls over making backups, storing backup data, and using backup data to restore an operational TOE. The number of sets of backup data shall not exceed the minimum needed to ensure continuity of the TSP service. The ability to restore a TOE to an operational state from backup data shall require at least dual person control (i.e. the participation and approval of more than one authenticated administrator). OE.Env Protected operating environment The TOE shall operate in a protected environment that limits physical access to the TOE to authorized Administrators. The TOE software and hardware environment (including client applications) shall be installed and maintained by Administrators in a secure state that mitigates against the specific risks applicable to the deployment environment, including (where applicable): 4 Security Objectives Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 33 > Protection against loss or theft of the TOE or any of its externally stored assets > Inspections to deter and detect tampering (including attempts to access side-channels, or to access connections between physically separate parts of the TOE, or parts of the hardware appliance) > Protection against the possibility of attacks based on emanations from the TOE (e.g. electromagnetic emanations) according to risks assessed for the operating environment > Protection against unauthorized software and configuration changes on the TOE and the hardware appliance > Protection to an equivalent level of all instances of the TOE holding the same assets (e.g. where a key is present as a backup in more than one instance of the TOE). OE.DataContext Appropriate use of TOE functions Any client application using the cryptographic functions of the TOE shall ensure that the correct data are supplied in a secure manner (including any relevant requirements for authenticity, integrity and confidentiality). For example, when creating a digital signature over a DTBS the client application shall ensure that the correct (authentic, unmodified) DTBS/R is supplied to the TOE, and shall correctly and securely manage the signature received from the TOE; and when certifying a public key the client application shall ensure that necessary checks are made to prove possession of the corresponding private key. The client application may make use of appropriate secure channels provided by the TOE to support these security requirements. Where required by the risks in the operational environment a suitable entity (possibly the client application) shall perform a check of the signature returned from the TOE, to confirm that it relates to the correct DTBS. Client applications shall be responsible for any required logging of the uses made of the TOE services, such as signing (or sealing) events. Similar requirements shall apply in local use cases where no client application need be involved, but in which the TOE and its user data (such as keys used for signatures) need to be configured in ways that will support the need for security requirements such as sole control of signing keys. Appropriate procedures shall be defined for the initial creation of data and continuing operation of the TOE according to the specific risks applicable to the deployment environment and the ways in which the TOE is used. OE.Uauth Authentication of application users Any client application using the cryptographic services of the TOE shall correctly and securely gather identification and authentication/authorization data from its users and securely transfer it to the TOE (protecting the confidentiality of the authentication/authorization data as required) when required to authorize the use of TOE assets and services. OE.AuditSupport Audit data review The audit trail generated by the TOE will be collected, maintained and reviewed by a System Auditor according to a defined audit procedure for the TSP. 4 Security Objectives Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 34 As noted for P.Audit in section 3.4, the TOE is assumed to exist as part of a larger system and the System Auditor is a role within this larger system. OE.AppSupport Application security support Procedures to ensure the ongoing security of client applications and their data shall be defined and followed in the environment, and reflected in use of the appropriate TOE cryptographic functions and parameters, and appropriate management and administration actions on the TOE. This includes, for example, any relevant policies on algorithms, key generation methods, key lengths, key access, key import/export, key usage limitations, key activation, cryptoperiods and key renewal, and key/certificate revocation. 5 Extended Components Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 35 5 Extended Components Definition 5.1 Generation of random numbers (FCS_RNG) This family describes the functional requirements for random number generation used for cryptographic purposes. Family behavior: This family defines quality requirements for the generation of random numbers which are intended to be used for cryptographic purposes. Component levelling: FCS_RNG: Generation of random numbers 1 Management: FCS_RNG.1 There are no management activities foreseen. Audit: FCS_RNG.1 There are no actions defined to be auditable. FCS_RNG.1 Generation of random numbers Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FCS_RNG.1.1 The TSF shall provide a [selection: physical, non-physical true, deterministic, hybrid physical, hybrid deterministic] random number generator that implements: [assignment: list of security capabilities]. FCS_RNG.1.2 The TSF shall provide [selection: bits, octets of bits, numbers [assignment: format of the numbers]] that meet [assignment: a defined quality metric]. A physical random number generator (RNG) produces the random number by a noise source based on physical random processes. A non-physical true RNG uses a noise source based on non-physical random processes like human interaction (key strokes, mouse movement). A deterministic RNG uses a random seed to produce a pseudorandom output. A hybrid RNG combines the principles of physical and deterministic RNGs where a hybrid physical RNG produces at least the amount of entropy the RNG output may contain and the internal state of a hybrid deterministic RNG output contains fresh entropy but less than the output of RNG may contain. 5 Extended Components Definition Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 36 5.2 Basic TSF Self Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1) The extended component defined here is a simplified version of FPT_TST.1 in [CC2] Family behavior: Components in this family address the requirements for self-testing the TSF for selected correct operation. Component levelling: FPT_TST_EXT Basic TSF Self Testing 1 Management: FPT_TST_EXT.1 There are no management activities foreseen. Audit: FPT_TST_EXT.1 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: > Indication that TSF self-test was completed. FPT_TST_EXT.1 Basic TSF Self Testing Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FPT_TST_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of the following self-tests [selection: during initial start-up (on power on), periodically during normal operation, at the request of the authorized user, at the conditions [assignment: conditions under which self-tests should occur]] to demonstrate the correct operation of the TSF: [assignment: list of self-tests run by the TSF]. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 37 6 Security Requirements This chapter gives the security functional requirements (SFR) and the security assurance requirements (SAR) for the TOE and the environment. 6.1 Typographical Conventions The following conventions are used in the definitions of the SFRs: > Refinements are denoted in one of two ways, depending on whether they add detail to an SFR (‘explanatory refinements’) or update the text of an SFR element (‘element refinements’). Explanatory refinements follow the SFR that they update and are marked by the word “Refinement” in bold followed by text describing the refinement. Element refinements are indicated by bold text within an SFR element, with the original text indicated in a footnote. > Selections and assignments that have already been made in the [CEN EN 419221-5] Protection Profile are italicized, and the original text on which the selection or assignment has been made is not reminded. > Selections and assignments made in this ST are underlined, and the PP original text on which the selection or assignment has been made is indicated in a footnote. > Iteration operations on SFR components are denoted by showing a slash “/” and the iteration indicator after the SFR component identifier. 6.2 SFR Architecture 6.2.1 SFR Relationships Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2 give a graphical presentation of the connections between the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) from section 6.3 below and the underlying functional areas and operations that the TOE provides. The diagrams provide a context for SFRs that relates to their use in the TOE, whereas section 6.3 defines the SFRs grouped by the abstract class and family groupings in [CC2]. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 38 Figure 6-1: Architecture of Key Protection SFRs 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 39 Figure 6-2: Architecture of User, TSF Protection & Audit SFRs 6.2.2 SFRs and the Key Lifecycle The generic lifecycle for a key is illustrated in Figure 6-3. This shows the methods by which a key may arrive in the TOE (import, generation or restore from backup), resulting in binding of a set of attributes to the key 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 40 and storage of the key, and finally the ways in which a stored key may then be processed (export, use in a cryptographic function, backup, or destruction). The SFRs related to each of these aspects are then described below Figure 6-3. Figure 6-3: Generic Key Lifecycle and Related SFRs Import: > FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics requires a secure channel (FTP_TRP.1) and import in encrypted form or by using at least two components > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of import Generate: > FCS_CKM.1 requires approved algorithms > FCS_RNG.1 defines requirements on random number generation > FMT_MSA.3/Keys defines requirements on key attribute initialization > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of generation (and of failure of RNG) Restore: > FDP_ACF.1/Backup requires only an Administrator can restore from a backup, all backups shall preserve confidentiality and integrity of keys (as appropriate to key type) and their attributes, and any restore shall be under dual person control > FAU_GEN.1 requires auditing of a restore (or of any integrity failure during a restore attempt) Attributes bound to key: > FMT_MSA.3/Keys defines requirements on key attribute initialization > FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage, FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys and FMT_MSA.1/AKeys define requirements on key attribute modification > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of changes to key attributes Stored key: > FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics requires no plaintext access > FDP_SDI.2 requires protection of the integrity of keys and their attributes > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of integrity errors detected 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 41 Export: > FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics requires a secure channel (FTP_TRP.1), authorization before export, no export of Assigned Keys, export controlled by the export flag attribute, and export in encrypted form > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of export Use: > FIA_AFL.1 requires blocking of access to a key on reaching an authorization failure threshold (FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics and FMT_MTD.1/Unblock define requirements on unblocking) > FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage requires authorization before use of a key and that the key can only be used as identified in its Key Usage attribute > FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth requires authorization before initial use of a key and describes any additional requirements for re-authorization conditions such as expiry of a time period or number of uses of a key (or when the authorization period has been explicitly ended) > FDP_RIP.1 requires protection of authorization data on deallocation > FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics requires no access to intermediate values in any operation using a secret key > FCS_COP.1 requires the use of approved algorithms > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of authorization failure (and blocking or unblocking) Backup: > FDP_ACF.1/Backup requires only Administrator can make a backup; all backups must preserve confidentiality and integrity of keys (as appropriate to key type) and their attributes > FAU_GEN.1 requires auditing of a backup Destroy: > FDP_RIP.1 requires key to be protected on deallocation > FCS_CKM.4 requires key zeroisation on deallocation > FAU_GEN.1 requires audit of key destruction 6.3 Security Functional Requirements The individual security functional requirements are specified in the sections below. 6.3.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS) FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 42 FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm Key Generation Support Table and Table 6-2: Key Derivation Support Table20 and specified cryptographic key sizes Key Generation Support Table and Table 6-2: Key Derivation Support Table21 that meet the following: Key Generation Support Table and Table 6-2: Key Derivation Support Table22 . Table 6-1: Key Generation Support Table Key Generation Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards RSA Key Generation Modulus length 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix B.3.3 and B.3.6 with primality tests from C.3. ECC Key Generation NIST curves: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K- 283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B409, B-571 Brainpool curves: brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix B.4.1 and B.4.2, Appendix D RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] DSA Domain Parameter Generation Modulus length 2048 and 3072 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 2.1 and Appendix A.1.1.2 DSA Key-Pair Generation Modulus length 2048 and 3072 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Section A.2.1 Diffie-Hellman (DH) Domain Parameter Generation Modulus length 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix A.1 Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key- Pair Generation Modulus length 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix A.2.1 20 [assignment: cryptographic key generation algorithm] 21 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 22 [assignment: list of standards] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 43 Key Generation Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards AES 128,192 and 256 bits FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapters 3.1 and 6 Generic Secret 128 – 4096 bits (in increments of 8 bits) N/A Table 6-2: Key Derivation Support Table Key Derivation Algorithm Key Sizes Supported PRF / Hashing Function / Cipher Applicable Standards Counter Mode KDF 128,192 and 256 bits when AES is cipher. 128 - 4096 bits when HMAC PRF is used AES-CMAC, HMAC- SHA1, HMAC-SHA- 224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA512. Counter Mode KDF from FIPS SP 800-108 [SP800-108] chapter 4 and 5.1 with FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] for supported cipher. Single-step KDF None SHA-512 [SP800-56C] chapter 4 EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P-224 SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P-256 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P-384 SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P521 SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH and Full Unified from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 44 Key Derivation Algorithm Key Sizes Supported PRF / Hashing Function / Cipher Applicable Standards EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Modulus 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. FFC - dhHybrid1, dhEphem, dhHybrid1Flow and dhOneFlow from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] > Key generation is linked to the setting of security attributes of a key (including the link to a subject who owns the key, via the setting of authorization data) as in FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys and FMT_MSA.1/AKeys. > The internal RNG of the TOE (see FCS_RNG.1/DRG.4) is used in the key generation process FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method zeroisation that meets the following: action taken according to the key zeroisation table below23 . 23 [assignment: list of standards] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 45 Table 6-3: Key Zeroisation Table Key deletion method (KDM) Action taken Context in which the KDM is used KDM1 Overwrite of memory > Applies to user keys stored in HSM partitions, which can be erased by means of ICD commands. > Applies to some HSM support keys as well, that can be erased by means of ICD commands. KDM2 RAM reset Resetting of RAM causes the erasure of all RAM resident keys KDM3 Erasure of entire memory sectors HSM wipe-out, which can be called from the bootloader, or triggered by the active tamper detection on K7+ TOE. All user keys and HSM support keys are erased. KDM4 Erasure of the encrypting keys > Any user key stored in a HSM partition is encrypted with a chain of HSM support keys. Erasure of any of these support keys is equivalent to erasing the user key. > The same applies to user keys stored externally, which are encrypted with a HSM support key. > The same applies to many ‘intermediate’ HSM support keys which are encrypted by other HSM support keys. KDM5 Erasure of HSE-BBRAM in response to a tamper /decommission event Decommission signal (on K7 and K7+ TOEs) or active tamper detection (on K7+ TOE) trigger the erasure of the HSE-BBRAM, which contains the ‘top-level’ HSM support keys that encrypt the other HSM support keys. All user keys and all HSM support keys are covered by one or several destruction methods from the above table. As required by the ADV_ARC refinement in section 6.4.1, the ADV_ARC document includes a table listing all the HSM support keys; this table indicates which destruction method(s) (among the five) is/are available for each HSM support key. FCS_COP.1/SigGen_Main Cryptographic operation – Digital Signature Generation (Main) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 46 FCS_COP.1.1/SigGen_Main The TSF shall perform digital signature generation24 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm as shown in the Digital Signature Generation Algorithm Support Table25 and cryptographic key sizes as shown in the Digital Signature Generation Algorithm Support Table26 that meet the following: standards as shown in the Digital Signature Generation Algorithm Support Table27 . Table 6-4: Digital Signature Generation Algorithm Support Table Signature Generation Algorithm Key Sizes Hash Algorithm Applicable Standards RSA Modulus length 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3- 512. RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapters 8.1.1 and 8.2.1 RSA Modulus length 4096 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3- 512. RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapters 8.1.1 and 8.2.1 RSA Modulus length 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3- 512. ANSI X9.31 Signature Generation as covered under FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 5.4 RSA Modulus length 4096 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3- 512. ANSI X9.31 Signature Generation as covered under FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 5.4 DSA Modulus length 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA3-224, SHA3- 256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 4.6 24 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 25 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 26 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 27 [assignment: list of standards]. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 47 Signature Generation Algorithm Key Sizes Hash Algorithm Applicable Standards ECDSA NIST curves: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K- 571, B-233, B-283, B409, B-571 Brainpool curves: brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3- 512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 6.4 and Appendix D RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] FCS_COP.1/SigVer_Main Cryptographic operation – Digital Signature Verification (Main) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SigVer_Main The TSF shall perform digital signature verification28 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm as shown in the Digital Signature Verification Algorithm Support Table29 and cryptographic key sizes as shown in the Digital Signature Verification Algorithm Support Table30 that meet the following: standards as shown in the Digital Signature Verification Algorithm Support Table31 . Table 6-5: Digital Signature Verification Algorithm Support Table Signature Verification Algorithm Key Sizes Hash Algorithm Applicable Standards RSA Modulus length 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapters 8.1.2 and 8.2.2 28 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 29 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 30 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 31 [assignment: list of standards]. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 48 Signature Verification Algorithm Key Sizes Hash Algorithm Applicable Standards RSA Modulus length 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. ANSI X9.31 Signature Generation as covered under FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 5.4 DSA Modulus length 1024, 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 4.7 ECDSA NIST curves: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B409, B-571 Brainpool curves: brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 6.4 and Appendix D RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] FCS_COP.1/SigVer_Bootloader Cryptographic operation – Signature Verification (Bootloader) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SigVer_Bootloader The TSF shall perform digital signature verification32 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm RSA33 and cryptographic key sizes 4096 bits with SHA-38434 that meet the following: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapter 8.2.235 . 32 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 33 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 34 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 35 [assignment: list of standards]. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 49 This iteration covers the signature verification algorithm contained within the Bootloader used to verify the authenticity (including integrity) of the main cryptographic module firmware on power-on in support of FPT_TST_EXT.1. This function is used to verify both the signature on the stored firmware ahead of execution alongside to validate the associated certificate chain back to the Thales root certificate. FCS_COP.1/Digest_Main Cryptographic operation – Digest (Main) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/Digest_Main The TSF shall perform message digest36 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm as shown in the Message Digest Algorithm Support Table37 and cryptographic key sizes as shown in the Message Digest Algorithm Support Table38 that meet the following: standards as shown in Message Digest Algorithm Support Table39 . Table 6-6: Message Digest Algorithm Support Table Message Digest Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards SHA-224 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.3 SHA-256 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.2 SHA-384 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.5 SHA-512 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.4 SHA3-224 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 SHA3-256 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 SHA3-384 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 SHA3-512 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 36 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 37 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 38 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 39 [assignment: list of standards] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 50 FCS_COP.1/Sym_Enc_Dec Cryptographic operation – Symmetric Encrypt/Decrypt Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/Sym_Enc_Dec The TSF shall perform symmetric encryption and decryption40 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm as shown in the Symmetric Algorithm Support Table41 and cryptographic key sizes as shown in the Symmetric Algorithm Support Table42 that meet the following: standards as shown in the Symmetric Algorithm Support Table43 . Table 6-7: Symmetric Algorithm Support Table Symmetric Algorithm Key Sizes Supported Mode Applicable Standards AES 128, 192 and 256 bits ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB8, CFB128, CTR FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38A [SP800- 38A] chapter 6 AES 128, 192 and 256 bits GCM with 128-bit tag FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38D [SP800- 38D] chapter 7 AES 128 and 256 bits XTS-AES FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38E [SP800- 38E] AES 128, 192 and 256 bits AES-KW and AES-KWP FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38F [SP800- 38F] chapter 6 FCS_COP.1/ASym_Enc_Dec Cryptographic operation – Asymmetric Encrypt/Decrypt Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction 40 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 41 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 42 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 43 [assignment: list of standards] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 51 FCS_COP.1.1/ASym_Enc_Dec The TSF shall perform asymmetric encryption and decryption44 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm RSA45 and cryptographic key sizes 2048-409646 that meet the following: RSAES-OAEP from PKCS #1 v2.1 and KTS-OAEP-basic from NIST SP800-56B [SP800- 56B] chapter 9.2 and KAS-1 basic from NIST SP800-56B [SP800-56B] chapter 8.247 . FCS_COP.1/MAC Cryptographic operation – Message Authentication Code (MAC) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/MAC The TSF shall perform message authentication code generation and verification48 in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm as shown in the Message Authentication Code Algorithm Support Table49 and cryptographic key sizes as shown in the Message Authentication Code Algorithm Support Table 50 that meet the following: standards as shown in Message Authentication Code Algorithm Support Table51. Table 6-8: Message Authentication Code Algorithm Support Table MAC Algorithm Key Sizes Supported PRF / Hashing Function Applicable Standards HMAC 128 – 4096 bits (in increments of 8 bits) SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 198-1 [FIPS 198-1] AES CMAC 128, 192 and 256 bits N/A NIST SP 800-38B [SP800-38B] chapter 6 AES GMAC 128, 192 and 256 bits N/A NIST SP 800-38D [SP800-38D] chapter 7 FCS_RNG.1/PTG.2 Generation of random numbers (PTG.2) Hierarchical to: No other components. 44 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 45 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 46 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 47 [assignment: list of standards]. 48 [assignment: list of cryptographic operations] 49 [assignment: cryptographic algorithm] 50 [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] 51 [assignment: list of standards] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 52 Dependencies: No dependencies FCS_RNG.1.1/PTG.2 The TSF shall provide a physical52 random number generator that implements [AIS31] PTG.2 security capabilities: (PTG.2.1) A total failure test detects a total failure of entropy source immediately when the RNG has started. When a total failure is detected, no random numbers will be output. (PTG.2.2) If a total failure of the entropy source occurs while the RNG is being operated, the RNG prevents the output of any internal random number that depends on some raw random numbers that have been generated after the total failure of the entropy source. (PTG.2.3) The online test shall detect non-tolerable statistical defects of the raw random number sequence (i) immediately when the RNG has started, and (ii) while the RNG is being operated. The TSF must not output any random numbers before the power-up online test has finished successfully or when a defect has been detected. (PTG.2.4) The online test procedure shall be effective to detect non-tolerable weaknesses of the random numbers soon. (PTG.2.5) The online test procedure checks the quality of the raw random number sequence. It is triggered continuously. The online test is suitable for detecting non-tolerable statistical defects of the statistical properties of the raw random numbers within an acceptable period of time.53 FCS_RNG.1.2/PTG.2 The TSF shall provide octets of bits54 that meet [AIS31] PTG.2 quality metric: (PTG.2.6) Test procedure A and none does not distinguish the internal random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. (PTG.2.7) The average Shannon entropy per internal random bit exceeds 0.997.55 . FCS_RNG.1/DRG.4 Generation of random numbers (DRG.4) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies FCS_RNG.1.1/DRG.4 The TSF shall provide a hybrid deterministic56 random number generator that implements [AIS31] DRG.4 security capabilities: (DRG.4.1) The internal state of the RNG shall use PTRNG of class PTG.2 as random source. (DRG.4.2) The RNG provides forward secrecy. (DRG.4.3) The RNG provides backward secrecy even if the current internal state is known. (DRG.4.4) The RNG provides enhanced forward secrecy: − On demand, − On condition: after 2^32 generate requests or 2^32 bits generated, whichever comes first − After 10 seconds. 52 [selection: physical, non-physical true, deterministic, hybrid physical, hybrid deterministic] 53 [assignment: list of security capabilities] 54 [selection: bits, octets of bits, numbers [assignment: format of the numbers]] 55 [assignment: a defined quality metric] 56 [selection: physical, non-physical true, deterministic, hybrid physical, hybrid deterministic] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 53 (DRG.4.5) The internal state of the RNG is seeded by a PTRNG of class PTG.2.57 . FCS_RNG.1.2/DRG.4 The TSF shall provide octets of bits58 that meet [AIS31] DRG.4 quality metric: (DRG.4.6) The RNG generates output for which k >234 strings of bit length 128 are mutually different with probability 1−ε, with ε < 2-16 . (DRG.4.7) Statistical test suites cannot practically distinguish the random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. The random numbers must pass test procedure A and NIST SP 800- 22 test suite59 . 6.3.2 Identification and authentication (FIA) FIA_UID.1/STC_User Timing of identification Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_UID.1.1/STC_User The TSF shall allow 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1 2. The following list of additional actions: a. Submit bootloader commands for: i. Diagnostics and status information ii. HSM wipe-out iii. Completing the boot process by passing the execution control to the Firmware iv. Instructing the Firmware to delete FM applications stored in the TOE’s flash memory b. query HSM status, authenticated identity of the HSM, configuration and licenses c. query container configuration d. PED configuration and communication requests e. query log status and submit external log messages for addition to secure audit log f. STC management operations (request public key, activate channel, open and close channel) g. request state of HSM roles h. Submit public requests to embedded FM applications 60 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2/STC_User The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 57 [assignment: list of security capabilities] 58 [selection: bits, octets of bits, numbers [assignment: format of the numbers]] 59 [assignment: a defined quality metric] 60 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 54 ‘HSM wipe-out’ means that all HSM content (user information, user keys, HSM keys and certificates, firmware) are erased. Note that the bootloader still remains. FIA_UAU.1/STC_User Timing of authentication Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification. FIA_UAU.1.1/STC_User The TSF shall allow 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1, 2. Identification of the user by means of TSF required by FIA_UID.1 / STC_User 3. The following list of additional actions: a. Submit bootloader commands for: i. Diagnostics and status information ii. HSM wipe-out iii. Completing the boot process by passing the execution control to the Firmware iv. Instructing the Firmware to delete FM applications stored in the TOE’s flash memory b. query HSM status, authenticated identity of the HSM, configuration and licenses c. query container configuration d. PED configuration and communication requests e. query log status and submit external log messages for addition to secure audit log f. STC management operations (request public key, activate channel, open and close channel) g. request state of HSM roles h. Submit public requests to embedded FM applications 61 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. FIA_UAU.1.2/STC_User The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. − Identification and authentication are done at the same time, which explains that the list of allowed actions is the same for FIA_UID.1/STC_User and FIA_UAU.1/STC_User. − ‘HSM wipe-out’ means that all HSM content (user information, user keys, HSM keys and certificates, firmware) are erased. Note that the bootloader still remains. 61 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 55 FIA_UID.1/HSM_Roles Timing of identification Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_UID.1.1/HSM_Roles The TSF shall allow 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1 2. The following list of additional actions: a. Submit bootloader commands for: i. Diagnostics and status information ii. HSM wipe-out iii. Completing the boot process by passing the execution control to the Firmware iv. Instructing the Firmware to delete FM applications stored in the TOE’s flash memory b. query HSM status, authenticated identity of the HSM, configuration and licenses c. query container configuration d. PED configuration and communication requests e. query log status and submit external log messages for addition to secure audit log f. request state of HSM roles g. query container object identify (from known OUID or object handle) h. session management functions (i.e. open, close, close all, clean access, get session info) i. Login requests j. HSM deactivation k. Zeroize the HSM l. Request new initialization of HSM m. create, modify, destroy and get attributes of public partition objects n. Submit public requests to embedded FM applications62 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2/HSM_Roles The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. − This SFR applies to the HSM explicit roles (i.e. HSM SO, Partition SO, Administrator, Audit User, Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU). − ‘Public partition objects’ mentioned in this SFR are limited to Data Objects (i.e. Class=CKO_DATA) stored in the partition areas. 62 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 56 − ‘HSM zeroisation’ means that all user information and user key material are erased. The bootloader, firmware and HSM own data (HSM keys and certificates) are not erased. − ‘HSM wipe-out’ means that all HSM content (user information, user keys, HSM keys and certificates, firmware) are erased. Note that the bootloader still remains. FIA_UAU.1/HSM_Roles Timing of authentication Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification. FIA_UAU.1.1/HSM_Roles The TSF shall allow 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1, 2. Identification of the user by means of TSF required by FIA_UID.1 / HSM_Roles 3. The following list of additional actions: a. Submit bootloader commands for: i. Diagnostics and status information ii. HSM wipe-out iii. Completing the boot process by passing the execution control to the Firmware iv. Instructing the Firmware to delete FM applications stored in the TOE’s flash memory b. query HSM status, authenticated identity of the HSM, configuration and licenses c. query container configuration d. PED configuration and communication requests e. query log status and submit external log messages for addition to secure audit log f. request state of HSM roles g. query container object identify (from known OUID or object handle) h. session management functions (i.e. open, close, close all, clean access, get session info) i. Login requests j. HSM deactivation k. Zeroize the HSM l. Request new initialization of HSM m. create, modify, destroy and get attributes of public partition objects n. Submit public requests to embedded FM applications63 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. FIA_UAU.1.2/HSM_Roles The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 63 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 57 − This SFR applies to the HSM explicit roles (i.e. HSM SO, Partition SO, Administrator, Audit User, Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU). Moreover, Identification and authentication are done at the same time, which explains that the list of allowed actions is the same for FIA_UID.1/HSM_Roles and FIA_UAU.1/HSM_Roles. − ‘Public partition objects’ mentioned in this SFR are limited to Data Objects (i.e. Class=CKO_DATA) stored in the partition areas. − ‘HSM zeroisation’ means that all user information and user key material are erased. The bootloader, firmware and HSM own data (HSM keys and certificates) are not erased. − ‘HSM wipe-out’ means that all HSM content (user information, user keys, HSM keys and certificates, firmware) are erased. Note that the bootloader still remains. FIA_UID.1/Key_Owner Timing of identification Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_UID.1.1/Key_Owner The TSF shall allow 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1 2. Any operation except for: a. Cryptographic operation using an Assigned Key or a General Key b. Export operation of a General Key c. Modification of the authorization data of an Assigned Key or a General Key64 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2/Key_Owner The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. FIA_UAU.1/Key_Owner Timing of authentication Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification. FIA_UAU.1.1/Key_Owner The TSF shall allow 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1, 2. Identification of the user by means of TSF required by FIA_UID.1 / Key_Owner 3. Any operation except for: a. Cryptographic operation using an Assigned Key or a General Key b. Export operation of a General Key 64 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 58 c. Modification of the authorization data of an Assigned Key or a General Key65 on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. FIA_UAU.1.2/Key_Owner The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Identification and authentication are done at the same time, which explains that the list of allowed actions is the same for FIA_UID.1/Key_Owner and FIA_UAU.1/Key_Owner. FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_AFL.1.1 The TSF shall detect when the number as specified in Table 6-9 66 unsuccessful authentication or authorization attempts occur related to consecutive failed authentication or authorization attempts. FIA_AFL.1.2 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication or authorization attempts has been met67 , the TSF shall block access to the functionality specified in Table 6-9 68 until the unblocking condition as specified in table 6-9 is met 69 . Table 6-9: Handling of authentication/authorization failures Role Number of consecutive authentication/authorization failures (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.1) Functionality being blocked (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Unblocking condition (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) HSM SO A positive integer within the range [1 to 3], configurable by the HSM SO All HSM functionalities except HSM re-initialization. None. HSM is totally zeroized. Partition SO A positive integer within the range [1 to 10], configurable by the Partition SO All the functionalities of the related partition None. Partition is totally zeroized 65 [assignment: list of additional TSF-mediated actions] 66 [selection: [assignment: positive integer number], an administrator configurable positive integer within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] 67 [selection: met, surpassed] 68 [assignment: description of the relevant functionality] 69 [selection: unblocked by [assignment: identification of the authorized subject or role], a time period [assignment: time period] has elapsed] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 59 Role Number of consecutive authentication/authorization failures (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.1) Functionality being blocked (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Unblocking condition (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Administrator Same number as for the HSM SO Administrator role is locked out. If the module policy “Partition SO can reset PIN” is enabled, the HSM SO can unlock the Administrator role by resetting its authentication data. Otherwise, there is no unblocking capability, and the Administrator role must be re-initialized. Audit User Same number as for the HSM SO. Audit user login and related capabilities (role is locked out) After a 60 seconds time period has elapsed Partition CO Same number as for the partition SO Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU roles are locked out. If the module policy “Partition SO can reset PIN” is enabled, the Partition SO can unlock the Partition CO role by resetting its authentication data. Otherwise, there is no unblocking capability. All user keys contained in the partition are lost and the partition CO role must be re-initialized. Partition Limited CO Same number as for the partition SO Partition Limited CO role is locked out. Partition CO and Partition CU roles are still functional. The Partition CO can unlock the Partition Limited CO role by resetting its credentials. Partition CU Same number as for the partition SO Partition CU role is locked out. Partition CO and Partition Limited CO roles are still functional. The Partition CO can unlock the Partition CU role by resetting its credentials. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 60 Role Number of consecutive authentication/authorization failures (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.1) Functionality being blocked (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Unblocking condition (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Key Owner 3 The related key is blocked: all operations on that key or using that key are forbidden (cryptographic operations, export, change of authorization data) The Partition CO can unblock the key by setting the number of failed authorizations to any integer value in the range [0...2], or by resetting the key authorization data for General Keys. STC User 1 Blocking of STC authentication mechanism for the identified STC client After a 30 second time period has elapsed ‘Zeroisation’ (applied to the HSM or to a partition) means that all user information and user key material are erased. FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth Re-authenticating Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_UAU.6.1/KeyAuth The TSF shall authorize and re-authorize70 the user for access to a secret key under the conditions 1. Authorization in order to be granted initial access to the key; and 2. Re-authorization of both General Keys and Assigned keys under the following conditions: after explicit rescinding of previous authorization for access to the secret key 71 70 re-authenticate 71 [selection: - Re-authorization of [assignment: identification of secret keys that are subject to re-authorization conditions below] both General Keys and Assigned keys under the following conditions: [selection: o after expiry of the time period (as specified in the secret key’s attributes) for which the secret key was last authorized; o after the number of uses of the secret key (as specified in the secret key’s attributes) for which the secret key was last authorized has already been made; o after explicit rescinding of previous authorization for access to the secret key]; - [assignment: list of other conditions under which authorization and re-authorization for access to secret keys is required] - Authorization on every subsequent access to the key] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 61 It is the responsibility of the client application to make appropriate use of any re-authentication conditions according to the application context (cf. OE.DataContext and OE.AppSupport). 6.3.3 User data protection (FDP) FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics Subset information flow control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_IFF.1 Simple security attributes FDP_IFC.1.1/KeyBasics The TSF shall enforce the Key Basics SFP on 1. subjects: all 2. information: keys 3. operations: all FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics Simple security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation FDP_IFF.1.1/KeyBasics The TSF shall enforce the Key Basics SFP based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: 1. whether a key is a secret or a public key 2. whether a secret key is an Assigned Key 3. whether channels selected to export keys are secure 4. the value of the Export Flag of a key FDP_IFF.1.2/KeyBasics The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: 1. Export of secret keys shall only be allowed provided that the secret key is not an Assigned Key, that the secret key is encrypted, and that a secure channel (providing authentication and integrity protection) is used for the export 2. Public keys shall always be exported with integrity protection of their key value and attributes 3. Keys shall only be imported over a secure channel (providing authentication and integrity protection) 4. A secret key can only be imported if it is a non-Assigned key 5. Secret keys shall only be imported in encrypted form or using split-knowledge procedures requiring at least two key components to reconstruct the key, with key components supplied by at least two separately authenticated users 6. Unblocking access to a key shall not allow any subject other than those authorized to access the key at the time when it was blocked. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 62 FDP_IFF.1.3/KeyBasics The TSF shall enforce the following additional information flow control rules: none FDP_IFF.1.4/KeyBasics The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: none. FDP_IFF.1.5/KeyBasics The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: 1. No subject shall be allowed to access the plaintext value of any secret key directly. 2. No subject shall be allowed to export a secret key in plaintext. 3. No subject shall be allowed to export an Assigned Key. 4. No subject shall be allowed to export a secret key without submitting the correct authorization data for the key 5. No subject shall be allowed to access intermediate values in any operation that uses a secret key 6. A key with an Export Flag value marking it as non-exportable shall not be exported A secure channel for export of keys in FDP_IFF.1.2/KeyBasics (1) or for import of keys in FDP_IFF.1.2/KeyBasics (3) is one that meets the requirements of FTP_TRP.1/Local or FTP_TRP.1/External. The encrypted form required for keys imported or exported over a secure channel requires encryption of the key itself, in addition to any encryption provided by the secure channel. Unblocking a key as in FDP_IFF.1.2/KeyBasics (6) is intended only to restore the ability of subjects to authorize for access to a key by presenting the correct authorization data. As noted for FMT_MTD.1/Unblock, the subject who unblocks the key shall not be able also to use the key as a result of the unblocking (unless of course they are able to supply the correct authorization data). This is a part of ensuring that sole control of secret keys can be achieved. This SFR is supported by the following FCS_COP iterations: − Encryption of keys for External Key Storage: FCS_COP.1/Sym_Enc_Dec with AES-256-GCM. − Encryption of keys for Key Export/Import: FCS_COP.1/Sym_Enc_Dec with AES 128, 192, 256 bits, (ECB, CBC, CTR, GCM, KW, KWP) and FCS_COP.1/ASym_Enc_Dec (all algorithms and parameters) FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsageSubset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/KeyUsage The TSF shall enforce the Key Usage SFP on 1. subjects: all 2. objects: keys 3. operations: all 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 63 FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation FDP_ACF.1.1/KeyUsage The TSF shall enforce the Key Usage SFP to objects based on the following: 1. whether the subject is currently authorized to use the secret key 2. whether the subject is currently authorized to change the attributes of the secret key 3. the cryptographic function that is attempting to use the secret key. FDP_ACF.1.2/KeyUsage The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: 1. Attributes of a key shall only be changed by an authorized subject, and only as permitted in the Key Attributes Modification Table 2. Only subjects with current authorization for a specific secret key shall be allowed to carry out operations using the plaintext value of that key 3. Only cryptographic functions permitted by the secret key’s Key Usage attribute shall be carried out using the secret key FDP_ACF.1.3/KeyUsage The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none FDP_ACF.1.4/KeyUsage The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. Whether a subject is currently authorized for access to a secret key is determined by whether the subject has submitted the correct authorization data for the key, and whether this authorization is yet subject to one or more of the re-authorization conditions in FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth. Whether a subject is currently authorized to change the attributes of a secret key is determined by the iterations of FMT_MSA.1 FDP_ACF.1.2/KeyUsage (1) refers to controls over changing attributes that are specified in more detail in the iterations of FMT_MSA.1. FDP_ACF.1.2/KeyUsage (2) requires that a key can only be used when the relevant subject has been authorized either by presenting the correct authorization data for the key as part of the request for the operation or else the authorization has previously been presented by the subject and the current use of the key does not yet require re-authorization according to FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth (meaning that the current usage is therefore within the usage constraints for time and number of uses since the last authorization of use of the key). The reference to use of the plaintext value of the key does not imply that a subject has access to that value, only that it can be used to carry out operations within the TOE – reference to operations of this sort are thus distinguished from operations that may use an encrypted form of a secret key (e.g. for external storage of keys) and that are not necessarily restricted in this way. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 64 The requirements of FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage apply regardless of how the key is stored by the TOE, including when the key is externally stored. FDP_ACC.1/Backup Subset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/Backup The TSF shall enforce the Backup SFP on 1. subjects: all 2. objects: keys 3. operations: backup, restore This SFR is trivially met as no backup facility is provided by the TOE. FDP_ACF.1/Backup Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation FDP_ACF.1.1/Backup The TSF shall enforce the Backup SFP to objects based on the following: 1. whether the subject is an administrator FDP_ACF.1.2/Backup The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: 1. Only authorized administrators shall be able to perform any backup operation provided by the TSF to create backups of the TSF state or to restore the TSF state from a backup 2. Any restore of the TSF shall only be possible under at least dual person control, with each person being an administrator 3. Any backup and restore shall preserve the confidentiality and integrity of the secret keys, and the integrity of public keys 4. Any backup and restore operations shall preserve the integrity of the key attributes, and the binding of each set of attributes to its key FDP_ACF.1.3/Backup The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4/Backup The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 65 This SFR is trivially met as no backup facility is provided by the TOE. FDP_SDI.2 Stored data integrity monitoring and action Hierarchical to: FDP_SDI.1 Stored data integrity monitoring Dependencies: No dependencies FDP_SDI.2.1 The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for integrity errors on all keys (including security attributes)72 , based on the following attributes: integrity protection data. FDP_SDI.2.2 Upon detection of a data integrity error, the TSF shall 1. prohibit the use of the altered data 2. notify the error to the user This SFR is supported by FCS_COP.1/Digest_Main with SHA-256 algorithm. FDP_RIP.1 Subset residual information protection Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FDP_RIP.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects: • authorization data • secret keys 6.3.4 Trusted path/channels (FTP) FTP_TRP.1/Local/Embedded Trusted Path Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FTP_TRP.1.1/Local/Embedded The TSF shall provide a communication path between itself and local embedded FM applications73 that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured authentication74 of its end points and protection of the communicated data from modification and disclosure. 72 objects 73 Refinement: ‘local client applications’ is refined to ‘local embedded FM applications’ to distinguish them from local client applications stored within the appliance. 74 identification 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 66 FTP_TRP.1.2/Local/Embedded The TSF shall permit local embedded FM applications75 to initiate communication via the trusted path. FTP_TRP.1.3/Local/Embedded The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for all services provided by the TOE to the local embedded FM applications76. Local embedded FM applications are located within the TOE physical boundary (i.e. inside the PCI-e card). As stated in application note 29 of the PP, the local trusted path is mapped to the physical configuration, and no additional authentication or cryptographic protection are required (because of the physical security assumed in the appliance environment). FTP_TRP.1/Local/Appliance Trusted Path Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FTP_TRP.1.1/Local/Appliance The TSF shall provide a communication path between itself and local client applications77 that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured authentication78 of its end points and protection of the communicated data from modification and disclosure. FTP_TRP.1.2/Local/Appliance The TSF shall permit local client applications79 to initiate communication via the trusted path. FTP_TRP.1.3/Local/Appliance The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for all security- related services offered to local client applications stored within the appliance, including: • Cryptographic operations • Operations on keys • Authentication operations80 . Local client applications are located within the physical boundary of the same hardware appliance (either the generic server in which the TOE is inserted, or the Thales Luna Network HSM). Therefore, as stated in application note 29 of the PP, the local trusted path is mapped to the physical configuration, and no additional authentication or cryptographic protection are required (because of the physical security assumed in the appliance environment). 75 [Selection: the TSF, local client applications]. Moreover, ‘local client applications’ is refined to ‘local embedded FM applications’ to distinguish them from local client applications stored within the appliance. 76 [assignment: services for which trusted path is required] 77 users 78 identification 79 [selection: the TSF, local client applications] 80 [assignment: services for which trusted path is required] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 67 FTP_TRP.1/External Trusted Path Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FTP_TRP.1.1/External The TSF shall provide a communication path between itself and remote external client applications81 that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured authentication82 of its end points and protection of the communicated data from modification and disclosure. FTP_TRP.1.2/External The TSF shall permit remote external client applications83 to initiate communication via the trusted path. FTP_TRP.1.3/External The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for all security-related services offered to remote external client applications, including: • Cryptographic operations • Operations on keys • Authentication operations84 This SFR is supported by the following FCS_COP iterations: FCS_CKM.1 (ECDH P-521) FCS_COP.1/Sym_Enc_Dec (AES-256 GCM or CTR) FCS_COP.1./MAC (HMAC-SHA-512) 6.3.5 Protection of the TSF (FPT) FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_STM.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps. The TOE must provide timestamps suitable for supporting the time in an audit record for FAU_GEN.1. 81 users 82 identification 83 [selection: the TSF, remote external client applications] 84 [assignment: services for which trusted path is required] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 68 FPT_TST_EXT.1 Basic TSF Self Testing Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_TST_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of the following self-tests during initial start-up (or power- on), periodically during normal operation and on demand85 to demonstrate the correct operation of the TSF: > At initial start-up (or power-on): • Software/firmware integrity test • Cryptographic algorithm tests • Random number generator tests > Periodically during normal operation: Random number generator tests > On demand: • Cryptographic algorithm tests • Software/firmware integrity test • Random number generator tests]86 . FPT_PHP.1 Passive detection of physical attack Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_PHP.1.1 The TSF shall provide unambiguous detection of physical tampering that might compromise the TSF. FPT_PHP.1.2 The TSF shall provide the capability to determine whether physical tampering with the TSF’s devices or TSF’s elements has occurred. FPT_PHP.3/K7 Resistance to physical attack Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_PHP.3.1/K7 The TSF shall resist the physical tampering scenarios listed in Table 6-1087 to the TSF elements listed in Table 6-10 88 by responding automatically such that the SFRs are always enforced. 85 [selection: periodically during normal operation, at the request of the authorized user, at the conditions [assignment: conditions under which self-tests should occur]] 86 [assignment: list of additional self-tests run by the TSF] 87 [assignment: physical tampering scenarios] 88 [assignment: list of TSF devices/elements] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 69 Table 6-10: List of physical tampering scenarios for K7 hardware variants Physical tampering scenario TSF element Modification of the voltage and temperature outside the normal operating range PCB This SFR applies specifically to the K7 hardware variants whose PCB is protected by a passive epoxy coating shield: 808-000048-002, 808-000048-003, 808-000073-001, 808-000073-002 and 808-000066-001. FPT_PHP.3/K7+ Resistance to physical attack Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_PHP.3.1/K7+ The TSF shall resist the physical tampering scenarios listed in Table 6-1189 to the TSF elements listed in Table 6-11 90 by responding automatically such that the SFRs are always enforced. Table 6-11: List of physical tampering scenarios for K7+ hardware variants Physical tampering scenario TSF element Modification of the voltage and temperature outside the normal operating range PCB Unauthorized physical access to the PCB components protected by the active shield. In that scenario, the objective of the attacker is to perform direct physical probing on the security chip(s) to get unauthorized access to internal signals. All components under the active shield Unauthorized physical access to the PCB components protected by the active shield. In that scenario, the objective of the attacker is to modify the underlying circuitry in order to cause TSF malfunctions. All components under the active shield This SFR applies specifically to the two K7+ hardware variants whose PCB is protected by an active shield: 808-000069-001 and 808-000070-001. FPT_FLS.1 Failure with preservation of secure state Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies 89 [assignment: physical tampering scenarios] 90 [assignment: list of TSF devices/elements] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 70 FPT_FLS.1.1 The TSF shall preserve a secure state when the following types of failures occur: 1. Self-test according to FPT_TST_EXT.1 fails 2. Environmental conditions are outside normal operating range (including temperature and power) 3. Failures of critical TOE hardware components (including the RNG) occur 4. Corruption of TOE software occurs 5. None91 . 6.3.6 Security management (FMT) For the purposes of specifying a minimum set security attributes of keys, and the constraints on initialisation and modification of these attributes in FMT_MSA.1 and FMT_MSA.3, two separate types of keys are defined: Assigned Keys (defined and recognized by having their ‘Assigned Flag’ attribute set to ‘assigned’), and general keys (keys that have their ‘Assigned Flag’ attribute set to ‘non-assigned’). Assigned Keys represent a type of key that can be more easily mapped to requirements for sole control because changes to some of their attributes are more tightly controlled (see FMT_MSA.1/AKeys, and the description of attributes below) and, since they are intended for use within the TOE, because they cannot be imported or exported92. In particular, an Administrator cannot avoid the need to provide the current authorization data in order to use such a key, nor can an Administrator change the authorization data (which would then allow use of the key by the Administrator). This enables a key to be generated and then to be made an Assigned Key at the point where it is assigned to an individual signatory or, in the case of a key used for the creation of electronic seals, to a group of key users93. In the FMT_MSA SFRs specified for keys below, the permitted values of assignments have been restricted to identify a minimum set of attributes that shall be mapped to their implementation in a TOE, and to specify a minimum set of constraints on their initialization and subsequent modification. Additional notes regarding these attributes are as follows: > Key identifier: this must be sufficient to uniquely identify the key within the system of which the TOE is a part > Key type: this identifies at a minimum whether the key is a secret key of a symmetric cryptographic algorithm or the secret (commonly called private) key of an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm > Authorization data: value of data that allows the key to be used for cryptographic operations according to the rules in other SFRs such as FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics, FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage, and FDP_ACF.1/Backup. Authorization data is required only for secret keys > Re-authorization conditions: the constraints on uses of the key that can be made before re-authorization is required according to FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth, and which determines whether a subject is currently authorized to use a key as in FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage. The types of secret key to which re-authorization 91 [assignment: list of other types of failures in the TSF] 92 Assigned Keys may be stored externally in a form that protects the confidentiality and integrity of the key and the binding of the key to its attributes (in particular the requirements of the SFRs FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics and FDP_SDI.1 apply to externally stored keys), as discussed in section 1. 93 Secure operating procedures will be needed in order to ensure that the process from generation to assignment is suitable for maintaining any requirements for non-repudiation that may apply to the application context for use of the key (cf. OE.DataContext and the refinement to AGD_OPE.1 in section 6.4.1). 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 71 conditions apply, and the details of the re-authorization conditions for a specific TOE are described in FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth in section 6.3.2 > Key usage: the cryptographic functions that are allowed to use the key as in FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage > Export flag: indicates whether the key is allowed to be exported (cf. FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics); allowed values are referred to in the PP as ‘true’ (meaning export is allowed) and ‘false’ (meaning export is not allowed) but may be mapped to other suitable binary values in TOE implementations > Assigned flag: indicates whether the key has currently been assigned. Once a key has been assigned by an Administrator then its authorization data can only be changed on successful validation of the current authorization data – it cannot be changed or reset by an Administrator – and the re-authorization conditions and key usage attributes cannot be changed; allowed values are referred to in the PP as ‘assigned’ and ‘non-assigned’ but may be mapped to other suitable binary values in TOE implementations. FMT_SMR.1 Security roles Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles HSM SO, Partition SO, Administrator, Audit User, Partition CO94 , STC User95 , Key Owner96 , Partition Limited CO, Partition CU97 . FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. All the roles mentioned in this SFR are described in section 1.4.5. FMT_SMF.1 Security management functions Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: 1. Unblock of access due to authentication or authorization failures 2. Modifying attributes of keys 94 Refinement: HSM SO, Partition SO, Administrator, Audit User and Partition CO replace the generic wording ‘Administrator’ mentioned in the protection profile. These are the actual HSM administrative roles, as described in section 1.4.5. 95 Refinement: as described in section 1.4.5, STC_User is the implicit role used to authenticate local and external client applications, both of which are supported by the TOE. Note that authentication through the STC is mandatory for external client applications, and optional for local client applications, as mentioned in section 7.5 “Trusted path”. 96 Refinement: as described in section 1.4.5, Key Owner is the implicit role that corresponds to the Key User role mentioned in the protection profile. 97 [assignment: list of additional authorized identified roles] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 72 3. Export and deletion of the audit data, which can take place only under the control of the Audit User98 role 4. No backup and restore functions99 5. Key import function100 6. Key export function101 7. Firmware updates102 8. Loading of embedded FM applications103 FMT_MTD.1/Unblock Management of TSF data Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1/Unblock The TSF shall restrict the ability to unblock the TSF data listed in table 6-12104 to the administrators listed in Table 6-12105. Table 6-12: Unblocking of TSF data by administrators Blocked TSF data Administrator which can unblock the TSF data Administrator account HSM SO provided that the module policy “Partition SO can reset PIN” is enabled. Otherwise, there is no unblocking capability. Partition CO account Partition SO provided that the module policy “Partition SO can reset PIN” is enabled. Otherwise, there is no unblocking capability. Partition Limited CO account Partition CO Partition CU account Partition CO Any User Key (whether General or Assigned) Case of a User Partition: Partition CO Case of the Admin Partition: HSM SO 98 Refinement of the ‘Administrator’ initial wording, as Audit User is the only HSM administrative role to control the export and deletion of audit data. 99 [selection: backup and restore functions, no backup and restore functions] 100 [selection: key import function , no key import function] 101 [selection: key export function , no key export function] 102 Refinement to the PP (to add the firmware update capability) 103 Refinement to the PP (to add the FM loading capability) 104 [assignment: list of TSF data] 105 [assignment: the authorized identified administrative roles] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 73 There is a distinction between administrators authorised to unblock a key and users authorised to use the key. When unblocking a secret key, the unblocking process shall not allow a subject to use the key other than a subject who is authorised by presentation of the current authorisation data. For example, an administrator who is able to unblock the key cannot then use the key as a result of the unblocking (so the unblocking process does not itself allow the key to be used, nor does it enable the authorisation data to be changed without proving knowledge of the previous authorisation data). This is a part of ensuring that sole control of secret keys can be achieved. FMT_MTD.1/AuditLog Management of TSF data Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1/AuditLog The TSF shall restrict the ability to control export and deletion of the audit log records to the Audit User106 role. The control of export and deletion of the audit log records helps to ensure their protection against accidental or malicious deletion (deletion should normally occur only after the records have been exported and preserved outside the TOE). Note that this does not require the Audit User to carry out these export or delete operations manually as long as the actions are controlled by the Audit User. FMT_MTD.1/FW_update Management of TSF data Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1/FW_update The TSF shall restrict the ability to update107 the HSM firmware108 to the HSM SO109 role. This SFR iteration is an addition to [CEN EN 419221-5] to support the firmware update capability mentioned as a refinement in FMT_SMF.1. 106 Refinement of the ‘Administrator’ initial wording, as Audit User is the only HSM administrative role to control the export and deletion of audit data. 107 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 108 [assignment: list of TSF data] 109 [assignment: the authorized identified roles]. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 74 FMT_MTD.1/FM_loading Management of TSF data Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1/FM_loading The TSF shall restrict the ability to load110 embedded FM applications111 to the HSM SO112 role. This SFR iteration is an addition to [CEN EN 419221-5] to support the FM loading capability mentioned as a refinement in FMT_SMF.1. FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys Management of security attributes (General Keys) Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MSA.1.1/GenKeys The TSF shall enforce the Key Usage SFP to restrict the ability to modify the security attributes listed in Table 6-13113 to the conditions and actors specified in Table 6-13114. Table 6-13: Key Attributes Modification Table, instantiated for K7 General Keys Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_OUID Key ID Cannot be modified CKA_CLASS Key type Cannot be modified CKA_KEY_TYPE Key type Cannot be modified 110 [selection: change_default, query, modify, delete, clear, [assignment: other operations]] 111 [assignment: list of TSF data] 112 [assignment: the authorized identified roles]. 113 [assignment: list of security attributes, to include attributes as specified in the Key Attributes Modification Table] 114 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and General Keys, to include at least the constraints specified in the Key Attributes Modification Table] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 75 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_AUTH_DATA Authorization Data Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified by Key Owner only when modification operation includes successful validation of current (pre-modification) authorization data, or by Partition CO. Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified by Key Owner only when modification operation includes successful validation of current (pre-modification) authorization data, or by the HSM SO. CKA_ENCRYPT Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_DECRYPT Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_WRAP Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 76 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_UNWRAP Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_SIGN Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_VERIFY Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_DERIVE Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 77 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_EXTRACTABLE Export Flag Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_ASSIGNED Assigned Flag Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified only by Partition CO, and only to change from non-assigned to assigned Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified only by the HSM SO, and only to change from non-assigned to assigned CKA_MODIFIABLE - Case of a User Partition: The attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well, and only to change from modifiable to non-modifiable. Case of the Admin Partition: The attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well, and only to change from modifiable to non- modifiable. CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT - Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified only by Partition CO Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified only by the HSM SO or by the Administrator. CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 78 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_KEYRING_OIUD (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). ‘Integrity protection data’ is maintained automatically by the TSF on key objects (as stated in FDP_SDI.2). However, it is not implemented as a security attribute, which is the reason why it is not listed in table 6-12. The same applies to ‘re-authorization conditions’. According to FIA_UAU.6, re-authorization is required after explicit rescinding of previous authorization. As there is no other option, no dedicated security attribute is needed here. FMT_MSA.1/AKeys Management of security attributes (Assigned Keys) Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MSA.1.1/AKeys The TSF shall enforce the Key Usage SFP to restrict the ability to modify the security attributes listed in Table 6-14115 to the conditions and actors specified in Table 6-14116 . Table 6-14: Key Attributes Modification Table, instantiated for K7 Assigned Keys Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_OUID Key ID Cannot be modified 115 [assignment: list of security attributes, to include attributes as specified in the Key Attributes Modification Table] 116 [assignment: list of subjects, objects, and operations among subjects and Assigned Keys to include at least the constraints specified in the Key Attributes Modification Table] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 79 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_CLASS Key type Cannot be modified CKA_KEY_TYPE Key type Cannot be modified CKA_AUTH_DATA Authorization Data Can be modified by Key Owner only when modification operation includes successful validation of current (pre-modification) authorization data. CKA_ENCRYPT Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_DECRYPT Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_WRAP Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_UNWRAP Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_SIGN Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_VERIFY Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_DERIVE Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_EXTRACTABLE Export Flag Cannot be modified CKA_ASSIGNED Assigned Flag Cannot be modified CKA_MODIFIABLE - Cannot be modified CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT - Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified only by Partition CO. Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified only by the HSM SO. CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) Authorization Data Cannot be modified CKA_KEYRING_OIUD (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) Authorization Data Cannot be modified 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 80 − ‘Integrity protection data’ is maintained automatically by the TSF on key objects (as stated in FDP_SDI.2). However, it is not implemented as a security attribute, which is the reason why it is not listed in table 6-13. − The same applies to ‘re-authorization conditions’. According to FIA_UAU.6, re-authorization is required after explicit rescinding of previous authorization. As there is no other option, no dedicated security attribute is needed here. FMT_MSA.3/Keys Static attribute initialisation Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_MSA.3.1/Keys The TSF shall enforce the Key Usage SFP to provide restrictive117 default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2/Keys The TSF shall allow the authorized identified roles, according to Table 6-15118 to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Table 6-15: Key Attributes Initialisation Table, instantiated for K7 Keys Key Attribute Initialization rules (Assigned Key) Initialization rules (General Key) CKA_OUID Initialized by generation process. CKA_CLASS Initialized by generation process. CKA_KEY_TYPE Initialized by generation process. CKA_AUTH_DATA Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO during generation (no default value). Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation (no default value). CKA_ENCRYPT Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. 117 [selection, choose one of: restrictive, permissive, [assignment: other property]] 118 [assignment: the authorized identified roles, according to the constraints in the Key Attributes Initialisation Table] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 81 Key Attribute Initialization rules (Assigned Key) Initialization rules (General Key) CKA_DECRYPT Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_WRAP Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_UNWRAP Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_SIGN Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_VERIFY Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_DERIVE Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_EXTRACTABLE Set to false. Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_ASSIGNED Set to true. Set to false. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 82 Key Attribute Initialization rules (Assigned Key) Initialization rules (General Key) CKA_MODIFIABLE Set to false. Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is true. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is true. CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT Set to 0. Set to 0. CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_KEYRING_OUID (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO during generation (no default value). Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation (no default value). Regarding key import, The TOE will assign the default values specified above to imported general keys, for the attributes that are missing from the imported key (if any). 6.3.7 Security audit data generation (FAU) FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a. Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions b. All auditable events for the not specified level of audit; and c. Startup of the TOE; d. Shutdown of the TOE e. Cryptographic key generation (FCS_CKM.1); f. Cryptographic key destruction (FCS_CKM.4); g. Failure of the random number generator (FCS_RNG.1); 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 83 h. Authentication and authorization failure handling (FIA_AFL.1): all unsuccessful authentication or authorization attempts, the reaching of the threshold for the unsuccessful authentication or authorization attempts and the blocking actions taken; i. All attempts to import or export keys (FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics); j. All modifications to attributes of keys (FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage, FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys and FMT_MSA.1/AKeys); k. Backup and restore (FDP_ACF.1/Backup): use of any backup function, use of any restore function, unsuccessful restore because of detection of modification of the backup data; l. Integrity errors detected for keys (FDP_SDI.2); m. Failures to establish secure channels (FTP_TRP.1/Local, FTP_TRP.1/External); n. Self-test completion (FPT_TST_EXT.1); o. Failures detected by the TOE (FPT_FLS.1); p. All administrative actions (FMT_SMF.1, FMT_MSA.1 (all iterations), FMT_MSA.3/Keys,); q. Unblocking of access (FMT_MTD.1/Unblock); r. Modifications to audit parameters (affecting the content of the audit log) (FAU_GEN.1) s. None119. FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a. Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b. For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the PP/ST: None120 . FAU_GEN.2 User identity association Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. FAU_STG.2 Guarantees of audit data availability Hierarchical to: FAU_STG.1 Protected audit trail storage Dependencies: FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_STG.2.1 The TSF shall protect the stored audit records in the audit trail from unauthorized deletion. 119 [Assignment: other specifically defined auditable events] 120 [Assignment: other audit relevant information] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 84 FAU_STG.2.2 The TSF shall be able to detect121 unauthorized modifications to the stored audit records in the audit trail. FAU_STG.2.3 The TSF shall ensure that all stored audit records will be maintained when the following conditions occur: audit storage exhaustion. 121 [selection, choose one of: prevent, detect] 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 85 6.4 TOE Security Assurance Requirements The security assurance requirement level is EAL4 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 and AVA_VAN.5. The assurance components are identified in the table below (with augmentations in bold). It is noted that due to the physically protected environment in which the TOE operates (as expressed in OE.Env), the scope for physical attacks is limited. Table 6-16: Security Assurance Requirements Assurance Class Assurance Components Security Target (ASE) ST introduction (ASE_INT.1) Conformance claims (ASE_CCL.1) Security problem definition (ASE_SPD.1) Security objectives (ASE_OBJ.2) Extended components definition (ASE_ECD.1) Derived security requirements (ASE_REQ.2) TOE summary specification (ASE_TSS.1) Development (ADV) Security architecture description (ADV_ARC.1) Complete functional specification (ADV_FSP.4) Basic modular design (ADV_TDS.3) Implementation representation of the TSF (ADV_IMP.1) Guidance documents (AGD) Operational user guidance (AGD_OPE.1) Preparative procedures (AGD_PRE.1) Life cycle support (ALC) Production support, acceptance procedures and automation (ALC_CMC.4) Problem tracking CM coverage (ALC_CMS.4) Delivery procedures (ALC_DEL.1) Identification of security measures (ALC_DVS.1) Developer defined life-cycle model (ALC_LCD.1) Well-defined development tools (ALC_TAT.1) Flaw Reporting Procedures (ALC_FLR.2) Tests (ATE) Functional testing (ATE_FUN.1) Analysis of coverage (ATE_COV.2) 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 86 Testing: basic design (ATE_DPT.1) Independent testing – sample (ATE_IND.2) Vulnerability assessment (AVA) Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis (AVA_VAN.5) 6.4.1 Refinements of Security Assurance Requirements The following refinements are made to selected assurance requirements in Table 6-16: ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description Refinement: The following specific topics shall be addressed as part of ADV_ARC.1 for this Protection Profile. It is acceptable for references to deliverables supplied for other assurance families, such as ADV_FSP, to be used to meet these requirements, provided that the relationship of the relevant interface specifications to the concepts in the Protection Profile is clear. Note that in some cases, the requirement for description of these particular aspects under ADV_ARC is intended to make clear any differences between the full capabilities of the product and the scope of the Security Target. 1. In general cryptographic modules will make use of ‘support keys’ as part of their implementation of protection mechanisms, where these keys are generally not held on behalf of specific users122 or client applications, but are used by the TOE to carry out its normal operations and as part of the implementation mechanism other SFRs and to protect the TSF itself. These support keys may be used for a variety of purposes (including aspects such as authentication, authorization, secure channels, security of external storage, or internal data protection), For the purposes of this PP, support keys used by the TOE are treated as TSF data, and require a specific security rationale to be included as part of the ADV_ARC.1 deliverables. This rationale shall include a description of the key architecture, identifying all support keys used by the TOE (at least in its evaluated configuration), their method of generation and storage, their purpose in TOE operation, and the ways in which they are protected so as to support the requirements of FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics and FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage (noting that the mechanisms used for support keys may differ from those used for user keys). Examples would be keys used for wrapping user keys in order to allow secure storage of the user keys, keys used to implement secure channels, and keys used to protect backups. The description shall demonstrate that sufficient entropy has been used in the generation of each support key, and the source of that entropy. The rationale shall demonstrate that these support keys cannot be exported/imported in a way that threatens the secure operation of the TOE. The evaluator shall include the description of the support keys in their analysis of the protection of user data (e.g. to confirm that it does not introduce vulnerabilities in the implementation of the SFRs). 2. If updates to the TOE software or firmware are supported then the ADV_ARC.1 deliverables must describe how the TOE is protected against unauthorized updates, by using digital signatures. This shall be confirmed by evaluator testing (if updates are supported) to confirm that updates with invalid signatures are rejected without being executed. The digital signature algorithms used to protect updates shall be included in the scope of FCS_COP.1 signature SFR(s). 122 Some support keys may be seen as being held on behalf of administrators, but the main intention of distinguishing support keys and user keys is for the ADV_ARC.1 deliverables to describe all the different types of key available, their properties, and their relationship to the SFRs in this Protection Profile. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 87 3. The ADV_ARC.1 deliverables shall in particular describe: a. Any use that the TOE makes of an audit server b. The locations used for any externally stored keys and the structure and format of the externally stored keys including the cryptographic structures that protect the keys in their externally stored form, and that bind them to their attributes (support keys are separately addressed by the description required in item 1 above) c. All key import and/or export functions and the secure channels that they use d. The secure channels supported by the TOE and the authentication mechanisms that they use (cf. FTP_TRP.1/Local & FTP_TRP.1/External) e. All local and external interfaces used for communications with users, client applications, audit data, and stored TOE data (cf. Figure 1-3) f. The specific key attributes supported, their method of representation (e.g. the relevant data structures and permitted values) and the method by which they are bound to the corresponding key value (cf. FMT_MSA.1). This also includes identifying the types of keys (if any) that support re-authorization conditions described in FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth g. The user types and roles supported, the interfaces by which they interact with the TOE (e.g. a local administrator console or an externally available API), the authentication methods used (cf. FIA_UAU.1), and any privileges available to the user type/role h. All of the cryptographic functions provided and whether any non-endorsed cryptographic algorithms and/or cryptographic functions are available (cf. FCS_COP.1) i. The authorization methods used for keys (cf. FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth & FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage) j. Description of the way in which the TOE ensures that it only holds authorization data for the minimum time possible before deallocating it according to FDP_RIP.1 k. If the TOE provides backup operations then the ADV_ARC deliverables shall describe the use of support keys by the backup and restore processes (cf. FDP_ACF.1/Backup), and in particular shall describe the ways in which confidentiality and integrity of the backup are provided, and the way in which the TOE rejects an attempt to carry out a restore process using backup data that has been modified l. Any mechanisms that the TOE uses to support dual person control (cf. FDP_ACF.1/Backup). AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance Refinement: The following specific topics shall be addressed as part of the Operational Guidance for the TOE: 1. The specific ways in which the TOE needs to be configured and used in order to provide qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals that meet the requirements of [Regulation]. This includes ways in which the TOE can ensure that the signatory can, with high level of confidence, have sole control over the use of the secret key that acts as his/her signature creation data. Thus, for example, it may be necessary for client applications to use TOE interfaces according to certain guidance in order to correctly implement the requirements on attributes of keys as described in this ST. It may be necessary for the TOE to define ways in which secret keys to be used for signing purposes can be created in a way that does not allow subsequent modification of some or all of their attributes, e.g. by an administrator, before they are assigned to the signatory (cf. FMT_MSA.1/AKeys). The intention of this aspect of the operational user guidance documentation is 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 88 to identify the configuration and secure use required for a particular TOE, and how it is necessary to connect this with other aspects such as procedural controls and client applications in the operational environment. The evaluators shall test the identified ways of using the TOE for qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals to demonstrate that the description in the Operational Guidance is suitably complete, and that the keys produced by following the Operational Guidance do indeed meet the requirements of requirements of [Regulation, Annex II & Annex III] for qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals. 2. The use of trusted channels (cf. FTP_TRP.1/Local & FTP_TRP.1/External). 3. The available key attributes, their possible values, and the meaning of each of these values (cf. FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys and FMT_MSA.1/AKeys, including their use to constrain the period and number of uses that are enabled by authorization of a key (cf. FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth). 4. Identification of any non-endorsed cryptographic algorithms and/or cryptographic functions that are available (cf. FCS_COP.1). 5. Identification of any other cryptographic algorithms and operations that are not included in the scope of the Security Target. 6. Possible errors from the self-test process and the actions that should be taken in response to each (cf. FPT_TST_EXT.1). 7. Specific failures detected by the TOE (cf. FPT_FLS.1). 8. Audit functions and their configuration (including specification of the available audit records), along with any other actions that are associated with audit functions (e.g. archiving or viewing audit records, or use of an external audit server) (cf. FAU_GEN.1, FAU_STG.2, FMT_MTD.1/AuditLog). 9. Any configuration and operation requirements for dual-control operations (cf. FDP_ACF.1/Backup). 10. If backup is provided by the TOE (cf. FDP_ACF.1/Backup), then the Operational Guidance shall describe the backup and restore functions, and the administrator roles that are required to carry them out. 11. If key import is provided by the TOE, then the Operational Guidance shall describe how attributes are defined for any imported keys (cf. FMT_MSA.3/Keys). The evaluators shall test the import process to demonstrate that the description in the Operational Guidance is suitably complete, and that the keys imported have attributes appropriately defined. Similarly if key export is provided by the TOE then the Operational Guidance shall describe whether attributes are exported with keys (and if so, then how the attributes are represented and associated with the exported key), and the evaluators shall test the export process to demonstrate that the description in the Operational Guidance is suitably complete, and that the handling of attributes is as described. ATE_IND.2 Independent testing – sample Refinement: The following specific topics shall be addressed as part of the independent testing of the TOE: 1. The evaluator shall execute the electronic signature and electronic seal operations provided by the TOE and shall confirm that the signatures and seals returned by the TOE correspond to the correct DTBS. 2. If software and/or firmware updates are supported by the TOE then the evaluator shall carry out tests to ensure that only updates with valid digital signatures can be installed on the TOE. 6 Security Requirements Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 89 AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis Refinement: Regarding the protection of the TOE against physical attacks: because of the requirement for a physically secure environment with regular inspections (cf. OE.Env), the level of protection (and hence resistance to attack potential) that is required by the implementation of FPT_PHP.1 and FPT_PHP.3 for this TOE is equivalent to the level of assessment in section 7.7.2 Physical security general requirements and section 7.7.3 Physical security requirements for each physical security embodiment in ISO/IEC 19790:2012 [ISO 19790] for Security Level 3. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 90 7 TOE Summary Specification 7.1 Initialization, partitions, sessions and roles 7.1.1 Initialization Before the module can be used to perform any cryptographic or key management functions, it must first be initialized. Initialisation causes the HSM to be zeroized123 and creates the HSM Security Officer role (HSM SO) in the Admin Partition. The HSM SO must then set the configurable policies at the cryptographic module level and can create User Partitions with associated roles, to make the cryptographic module ready for use. 7.1.2 Admin and User Partitions Cryptographic keys are stored and managed inside containers called partitions. The TOE supports two types of partitions: > The Admin partition is mandatory. Its primary purpose is to support administrative tasks at the HSM level. Specific roles are defined in the Admin partition and there can be only one Admin partition inside the TOE. > User partitions are optional. The primary purpose of a User partition (also called Application partition) is to group all keys belonging to a same entity or application in a dedicated container isolated from the other partitions. Specific roles are supported at the user partition level, which are different from the roles defined in the Admin partition. Any type of partition (Admin partition or User partition) can contain cryptographic keys. For a given partition, the management and usage of the related key material is restricted to the roles assigned to that partition, therefore enforcing a strict isolation between the different partitions managed inside the TOE. 7.1.3 Sessions Any user must access the module through a session. Sessions are initially opened as Public sessions and may remain Public or become Private (authenticated) following a successful user authentication. Session states are kept separate based on the user authentication state stored by the module. The module allows multiple user identities to be authenticated at a time. Once authenticated, a session becomes bound to the user identity and has access to all cryptographic operations appropriate to the user’s role and may access private objects generated on behalf of the user in previous sessions. Although there may be many users authenticated to the cryptographic module, there is effectively only one thread of execution within the module and, therefore, only one command being executed from request through to response at any given time. 7.1.4 Roles The following roles are explicitly or implicitly enforced by the module: 123 ‘HSM zeroisation’ means that all user information and user key material are erased. The bootloader, firmware and HSM own data (HSM keys and certificates) are not erased. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 91 Figure 7-1: Module roles Role Description HSM Security Officer (HSM SO) – Admin partition role – Authorized to install and configure the TOE, set and maintain global HSM security policies, create and delete application partitions. The HSM SO can also create the Administrator role and reset the Administrator password (configuration dependent). The HSM SO can also perform key management tasks and cryptographic operations for the Admin partition. Note that the HSM SO can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. The TOE can have only one HSM SO. Administrator – Admin partition role – Optional Admin partition role, performs key management tasks and cryptographic operations for the Admin partition, without having privileges to unblock keys / assign keys / reset key authentication data. Note that the Administrator can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. Audit User – Admin partition role – Initializes the Audit container containing the secret key used to generate Message Authentication Code (MAC) for secure audit messages alongside configuring logging levels for the HSM. Application Partition Security Officer (Partition SO) – User partition role – Creates partition level roles, activates partition, sets and changes partition-level policies, option to reset Crypto Officer password (configuration dependent). STC User Implicit role whose main purpose is to authenticate remote client connections from outside the TOE hardware appliance boundary124. Application Partition Crypto Officer (Partition CO) – User partition role – Partition role authorized to create, use, destroy and transfer key objects for a given partition. Can optionally create the Partition Limited CO and Partition CU, and perform initial assignment of key authorization data. Note that the Partition CO can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. Application Partition Limited Crypto Officer (Partition Limited CO) – User partition role – Optional partition role authorized to create, use and delete key objects, and perform initial assignment of key authorization data without having privileges to create Partition Limited CO or CU / reset login credentials. Note that the Partition Limited CO can only use and delete key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. 124 Usage of the STC is mandatory to authenticate remote client applications. Note that local client applications can be authenticated through the STC as well, although this is not mandatory - as explained in section 7.5 “Trusted Channel”. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 92 Role Description Crypto User (Partition CU) – User partition role – Partition role authorized to use the key objects within the partition (e.g., sign, encrypt/decrypt). Note that the Partition CU can only use key objects if he/she can also successfully authenticate as the Key Owner. Key Owner Implicit role used to authenticate the owner of a key through verification of the related key authorization data. HSM SO, Administrator, Partition SO, Audit User, Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU are explicit roles supported by the HSM. These roles are enforced at the session level. STC User is an implicit role used to authenticate local and external client applications, both of which are supported by the TOE. Note that authentication through the STC is mandatory for external client applications, and optional for local client applications, as mentioned in section 7.5 “Trusted path”. When the STC is used, the prior authentication of the client application and the subsequent establishment of the STC secure channel are mandatory steps before the application can send cryptographic operations or key management commands to the module. Key Owner is also an implicit role used to authenticate the owner of a key (through verification of the related key authorization data). The following table indicates (at a high-level) which activities can be performed by each role. It also provides a link to the subjects defined in the Protection Profile. Figure 7-2: Module roles mapped to function. Function HSM Role(s) Related PP subject Initialisation, configuration HSM SO, Partition SO S.Admin Audit Log Configuration Audit User S.Admin Key Management Partition CO (for User partitions) HSM SO, Administrator (for Admin partition) S.Admin Client Application Authentication STC User S.Application Application Key Use Session authentication Partition CO, Partition Limited CO, Partition CU (for User partitions, and depending on configuration of TOE and deployment goals) HSM SO, Administrator (for Admin partition) S.User Key usage Key Owner Note: as defined in [CEN EN 419221-5], the subject S.Application represents “a client application, or process acting on behalf of a client application and that communicates with the TOE over a local or external interface”. In the above table, it can be directly mapped to the HSM implicit role “STC User” when the Secure Trusted Channel (STC) is enforced between the client application and the TOE. As mentioned previously, usage of the STC is mandatory for remote client applications and optional for local ones. In the latter case, when STC is not used, S.Application is not mapped to any specific role supported by the TOE, and the first authentication step occurs at the session level. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 93 7.2 Authentication 7.2.1 Authentication methods STC User (e.g. remote client application) is authenticated through the verification of a digital certificate during the establishment of the STC secure channel between the application and the module. Two models for authentication are supported for all the roles supported at the session level: > Token based authentication - where authentication data is provided by means of a trusted PIN Entry Device (PED). The PED can be connected locally through a separate port to the TOE (local PED) or remotely (remote PED). The PED and software required to operate it are the responsibility of the IT Environment. > Password based authentication – where authentication is based on a configurable length password. The model of authentication to be used is determined during HSM manufacturing and this model is used for all roles. Key Owner is authenticated through the verification of the key authorization data associated to each key (whatever it is a General Key or an Assigned Key). Authorization as the Key Owner is always separately required before a key can be actually used in a cryptographic function (or exported), regardless of any other authorization that may have been established. 7.2.2 Allowed operations before authentication For all roles, identification and authentication are done simultaneously. The operations/commands that can be executed prior authentication depend on the considered role as listed below. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 94 Table 7-1 Allowed operations before authentication by role. Role Operations/commands allowed before authentication STC User > HSM self-tests > Submit bootloader commands for: • Diagnostics and status information • HSM wipe-out • Completing the boot process by passing the execution control to the Firmware • Instructing the Firmware to delete FM applications stored in the TOE’s flash memory > query HSM status, authenticated identity of the HSM, configuration and licenses > query container configuration > PED configuration and communication requests > query log status and submit external log messages for addition to secure audit log > STC management operations (request public key, activate channel, open and close channel) > request state of HSM roles > Submit public requests to embedded FM applications 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 95 Role Operations/commands allowed before authentication All session roles (HSM SO, Partition SO, Administrator, Audit User, Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU) > HSM self-tests • Submit bootloader commands for: • Diagnostics and status information • HSM wipe-out • Completing the boot process by passing the execution control to the Firmware • Instructing the Firmware to delete FM applications stored in the TOE’s flash memory > query HSM status, authenticated identity of the HSM, configuration and licenses > query container configuration > PED configuration and communication requests > query log status and submit external log messages for addition to secure audit log > request state of HSM roles > query container object identify (from known OUID or object handle) > session management functions (i.e. open, close, close all, clean access, get session info) > Login requests > HSM deactivation > Zeroize the HSM > Request new initialization of HSM > create, modify, destroy and get attributes of public partition objects > Submit public requests to embedded FM applications > Key Owner > HSM Self-tests > Any operation except for: • Cryptographic operation using an Assigned Key or a General Key • Export operation of a General Key • Modification of the authorization data of an Assigned Key or a General Key 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 96 Any other operation/command requires authentication of the considered role. Note: ‘HSM zeroisation’ means that all user information and user key material are erased. The bootloader, firmware and HSM own data (HSM keys and certificates) are not erased. ‘HSM wipe-out’ means that all HSM content (user information, user keys, HSM keys and certificates, firmware) are erased; the bootloader still remains. 7.2.3 Authentication failure handling For all roles, after a defined number of consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts is met, the module blocks some functionalities until an unblocking condition is satisfied. The functionalities being blocked, as well as the unblocking condition, depend on the considered role according to the table below: Table 7-2: Summary table for authentication failure handling. Role Number of consecutive authentication/authorization failures (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.1) Functionality being blocked (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Unblocking condition (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) HSM SO A positive integer within the range [1 to 3], configurable by the HSM SO. Note: the default value is 3 and can be changed by the HSM SO once authenticated. All HSM functionalities except HSM re-initialization. None. HSM is totally zeroized. Partition SO A positive integer within the range [1 to 10], configurable by the Partition SO. Note: the default value is 10 and can be changed by the Partition SO once authenticated All the functionalities of the related partition None. Partition is totally zeroized Administrator Same number as for the HSM SO Administrator role is locked out. If the module policy “Partition SO can reset PIN” is enabled, the HSM SO can unlock the Administrator role by resetting its authentication data. Otherwise, there is no unblocking capability, and the Administrator role must be re- initialized. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 97 Role Number of consecutive authentication/authorization failures (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.1) Functionality being blocked (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Unblocking condition (as considered in FIA_AFL.1.2) Audit User Same number as for the HSM SO. Audit user login and related capabilities (role is locked out) After a 60 seconds time period has elapsed Partition CO Same number as for the partition SO Partition CO, Partition Limited CO and Partition CU roles are locked out. If the module policy “Partition SO can reset PIN” is enabled, the Partition SO can unlock the Partition CO role by resetting its authentication data. Otherwise, there is no unblocking capability. All user keys contained in the partition are lost and the partition CO role must be re-initialized. Partition Limited CO Same number as for the partition SO Partition Limited CO role is locked out. Partition CO and Partition CU roles are still functional. The Partition CO can unlock the Partition Limited CO role by resetting its credentials. Partition CU Same number as for the partition SO Partition CU role is locked out. Partition CO and Partition Limited CO roles are still functional. The Partition CO can unlock the Partition CU role by resetting its credentials. Key Owner 3 The related key is blocked: all operations on that key or using that key are forbidden (cryptographic operations, export, change of authorization data) The Partition CO can unblock the key by setting the number of failed authorizations to any integer value in the range [0...2], or by resetting the key authorization data for General Keys. STC User 1 Locking of STC authentication mechanism After a 30 second time period has elapsed Note: ‘Zeroisation’ (applied to the HSM or to a partition) means that all user information and user key material are erased. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 98 7.2.4 Re-authentication conditions As mentioned in section 7.2.1, the Key Owner is granted access to a secret key after presentation of the correct key authorization data. The authentication remains valid until an explicit rescinding of previous authorization for access to the secret key. 7.3 Cryptography 7.3.1 Cryptographic key generation The following Key Generation and Key Derivation algorithms are supported by the module and considered within the present security evaluation: Table 7-3: Key generation methods. Key Generation Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards RSA Key Generation Modulus length 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix B.3.3 and B.3.6 with primality tests from C.3 ECC Key Generation NIST curves: P-224, P-256, P-384, P- 521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B409, B-571 Brainpool curves: brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix B.4.1 and B.4.2, Appendix D RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] DSA Domain Parameter Generation Modulus length 2048 and 3072 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 2.1 and Appendix A.1.1.2 DSA Key-Pair Generation Modulus length 2048 and 3072 FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Section A.2.1 Diffie-Hellman (DH) Domain Parameter Generation Modulus length 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix A.1 Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key- Pair Generation Modulus length 2048,3072 and 4096 bits FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] Appendix A.2.1 AES 128,192 and 256 bits FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapters 3.1 and 6 Generic Secret 128 – 4096 bits (in increments of 8 bits) N/A 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 99 Table 7-4 Key derivation methods. Key Derivation Algorithm Key Sizes Supported PRF / Hashing Function / Cipher Applicable Standards Counter Mode KDF 128,192 and 256 bits when AES is cipher. 128 - 4096 bits when HMAC PRF is used AES-CMAC, HMAC- SHA1, HMAC-SHA- 224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA-512.. Counter Mode KDF from FIPS SP 800-108 [SP800-108] chapter 4 and 5.1 with FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] for supported cipher. Single-step KDF None SHA-512 [SP800-56C] chapter 4 EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P-224 SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P-256 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P-384 SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Curve P521 SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH and Full Unified from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. ECC - Ephemeral Unified, One Pass DH from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Modulus 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. FFC - dhHybrid1, dhEphem, dhHybrid1Flow and dhOneFlow from NIST Special Pub 800-56A [SP800-56A] 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 100 7.3.2 Cryptographic operations The following cryptographic algorithms are supported by the module and considered within the present security evaluation. Table 7-5: Digital signature generation Signature Generation Algorithm Key Sizes Hash Algorithm Applicable Standards RSA Modulus length 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapters 8.1.1 and 8.2.1 RSA Modulus length 4096 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapters 8.1.1 and 8.2.1 RSA Modulus length 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512 ANSI X9.31 Signature Generation as covered under FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 5.4 RSA Modulus length 4096 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. ANSI X9.31 Signature Generation as covered under FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 5.4 DSA Modulus length 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 4.6 ECDSA NIST curves: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K- 571, B-233, B-283, B409, B-571 Brainpool curves: brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 6.4 and Appendix D RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 101 Table 7-6: Digital signature verification Signature Verification Algorithm Key Sizes Hash Algorithm Applicable Standards RSA Modulus length 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5 from PKCS #1 [PKCS#1] chapters 8.1.2 and 8.2.2 RSA Modulus length 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. ANSI X9.31 Signature Generation as covered under FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 5.4 DSA Modulus length 1024, 2048 and 3072 bits SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 4.7 ECDSA NIST curves: P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B409, B-571 Brainpool curves: brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP160t1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP192t1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP224t1, brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP256t1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP320t1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP384t1, brainpoolP512r1, brainpoolP512t1 SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 186-4 [FIPS 186-4] chapter 6.4 and Appendix D RFC- 5639 [IETF RFC Brainpool] Table 7-7: Hash algorithms Message Digest Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards SHA-224 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.3 SHA-256 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.2 SHA-384 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.5 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 102 Message Digest Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards SHA-512 None FIPS Pub 180-4 [FIPS 180-4] chapter 6.4 SHA3-224 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 SHA3-256 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 SHA3-384 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 SHA3-512 None FIPS Pub 202 FIPS 202, chapter 5.2 and 6.1 Table 7-8: Symmetric encrypt/decrypt Symmetric Algorithm Key Sizes Supported Mode Applicable Standards AES 128, 192 and 256 bits ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB8, CFB128, CTR FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38A [SP800-38A] chapter 6 AES 128, 192 and 256 bits GCM with 128-bit tag FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38D [SP800-38D] chapter 7 AES 128 and 256 bits XTS-AES FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38E [SP800-38E] AES 128, 192 and 256 bits AES-KW and AES- KWP FIPS Pub 197 [FIPS 197] chapter 5 and NIST SP 800-38F [SP800-38F] chapter 6 Table 7-9: Asymmetric encrypt/decrypt Asymmetric Algorithm Key Sizes Applicable Standards RSA Modulus length 2048 to 4096 bits RSAES-OAEP from PKCS #1 v2.1 KTS-OAEP-basic from NIST SP800-56B [SP800-56B] chapter 9.2 KAS1-basic from NIST SP800-56B [SP800-56B] chapter 8.2 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 103 Table 7-10: Message Authentication Code (MAC) MAC Algorithm Key Sizes Supported PRF / Hashing Function Applicable Standards HMAC 128 – 4096 bits (in increments of 8 bits) SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3- 224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. FIPS Pub 198-1 [FIPS 198-1] AES CMAC 128, 192 and 256 bits N/A NIST SP 800-38B [SP800- 38B] chapter 6 AES GMAC 128, 192 and 256 bits N/A NIST SP 800-38D [SP800- 38D] chapter 7 7.3.3 Random number generation The module provides a physical random number generator (PTRNG) that meets [AIS31] PTG.2 requirements. RNG characteristics consistent with PTG.2 are: > A total failure test detects a total failure of entropy source immediately when the RNG has started. When a total failure is detected, no random numbers are output. > If a total failure of the entropy source occurs while the RNG is being operated, the RNG prevents the output of any internal random number that depends on some raw random numbers that have been generated after the total failure of the entropy source. > The online test detects non-tolerable statistical defects of the raw random number sequence (i) immediately when the RNG has started, and (ii) while the RNG is being operated. The TSF does not output any random numbers before the power-up online test has finished successfully or when a defect has been detected. > The online test procedure is effective to detect non-tolerable weaknesses of the random numbers soon. > The online test procedure checks the quality of the raw random number sequence. It is triggered continuously. The online test is suitable for detecting non-tolerable statistical defects of the statistical properties of the raw random numbers within an acceptable period of time. > Test procedure A (as defined in the testing procedures for [AIS31]) does not distinguish the internal random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. > The average Shannon entropy per internal random bit exceeds 0.997. The module also provides a hybrid deterministic random number generator (RNG) that meets [AIS31] DRG.4 requirements. RNG characteristics are: > The internal state of the RNG uses the PTRNG of class PTG.2 as random source. > The RNG provides forward secrecy. > The RNG provides backward secrecy even if the current internal state is known. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 104 > The RNG provides enhanced forward secrecy: • On demand, • On condition: after 2^32 generate requests or 2^32 bits generated, whichever comes first • After 10 seconds. > The internal state of the RNG is seeded by the PTRNG of class PTG.2. > The RNG generates output for which k >2^34 strings of bit length 128 are mutually different with probability 1-ε, with ε < 2^(-16). > Statistical test suites cannot practically distinguish the random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. The random numbers pass test procedure A (as defined in the testing procedures for [AIS31]) and NIST SP 800-22 test suite. 7.4 User data protection 7.4.1 Flow control policy The following flow control rules are enforced by the module: > Export of secret keys is only allowed provided that the secret key is not an Assigned Key, that the secret key is encrypted, and that a secure channel (providing authentication and integrity protection) is used for the export > Public keys are always exported with integrity protection of their key value and attributes > Keys are only imported over a secure channel (providing authentication and integrity protection) > A secret key can only be imported if it is a non-Assigned key > Keys are only imported in encrypted form > Unblocking access to a key does not allow any subject other than those authorized to access the key at the time when it was blocked. > No subject is allowed to access the plaintext value of any secret key directly. > No subject is allowed to export a secret key in plaintext. > No subject is allowed to export an Assigned Key > No subject is allowed to export a secret key without submitting the correct authorization data for the key > No subject is allowed to access intermediate values in any operation that uses a secret key > A key with an Export Flag value marking it as non-exportable shall not be exported 7.4.2 Access control policy The following access control rules are enforced by the module: > Attributes of a key can only be changed by an authorized subject, and only as permitted in the Key Attributes Modification Table 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 105 > Only subjects with current authorization for a specific secret key are allowed to carry out operations using the plaintext value of that key > Only cryptographic functions permitted by the secret key’s Key Usage attribute can be carried out using the secret key 7.4.3 Stored data integrity protection The module enforces integrity protection on all keys. The integrity mechanism protects both the key value and its security attributes. It consists of a MAC value calculated over the whole key object (key value + security attributes), which is verified prior allowing any operation on (or with) the key. Should the MAC verification fail, the module prohibits the targeted operation and returns an error message. The event is also notified through a record in the audit log. 7.4.4 Handling of residual data The module ensures that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects: > Authorization data > Secret keys 7.5 Trusted Channel The module implements a secure channel (called STC) between itself and external (remote) client applications. The STC enforces authentication of its end points and protects all information communicated over the channel from unauthorized modification and disclosure. It is required to use the STC for all security- related services, including: > Cryptographic operations > Operations on keys > Authentication operations Note that the communication with local client applications (within the same local server or appliance boundary) does not require the STC, since the local environment provides sufficient protection. However, the STC can be used for such communication as well. The inter-process communication channel between the TOE and the embedded FM applications (stored within the PCI-e card) is considered as a trusted path as well: as for the local client applications, the local environment provides sufficient protection. 7.6 Key Management 7.6.1 Key security attributes The following security attributes are associated to any General or Assigned Key to enforce the access control and flow control policies: 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 106 Table 7-11 Summary key attributes used by the module to support claims in this ST. Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming CKA_OUID Key ID CKA_CLASS Key type CKA_KEY_TYPE Key type CKA_AUTH_DATA Authorization Data CKA_ENCRYPT Key Usage CKA_DECRYPT Key Usage CKA_WRAP Key Usage CKA_UNWRAP Key Usage CKA_SIGN Key Usage CKA_VERIFY Key Usage CKA_DERIVE Key Usage CKA_EXTRACTABLE Export Flag CKA_ASSIGNED Assigned Flag CKA_MODIFIABLE - CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT - CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - CKA_KEYRING_OUID (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - The TSF enforces the following modifications rules on security attributes of General Keys: Table 7-12: Summary of key attribute modification rules for General Keys. Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_OUID Key ID Cannot be modified CKA_CLASS Key type Cannot be modified CKA_KEY_TYPE Key type Cannot be modified 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 107 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_AUTH_DATA Authorization Data Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified by Key Owner only when modification operation includes successful validation of current (pre-modification) authorization data, or by Partition CO. Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified by Key Owner only when modification operation includes successful validation of current (pre-modification) authorization data, or by the HSM SO. CKA_ENCRYPT Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_DECRYPT Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_WRAP Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_UNWRAP Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 108 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_SIGN Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_VERIFY Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_DERIVE Key Usage Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_EXTRACTABLE Export Flag Case of a User Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). Case of the Admin Partition: If (CKA_MODIFIABLE == true), the attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well. Cannot be modified if (CKA_MODIFIABLE == false). CKA_ASSIGNED Assigned Flag Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified only by Partition CO, and only to change from non-assigned to assigned Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified only by the HSM SO, and only to change from non-assigned to assigned 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 109 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_MODIFIABLE - Case of a User Partition: The attribute is modifiable by Partition CO or Partition Limited CO provided he/she is the Key Owner as well, and only to change from modifiable to non-modifiable. Case of the Admin Partition: The attribute is modifiable by HSM SO or by Administrator provided he/she is the Key Owner as well, and only to change from modifiable to non- modifiable. CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT - Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified only by Partition CO Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified only by the HSM SO or by the Administrator. CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - Cannot be modified CKA_KEYRING_OUID (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - Cannot be modified The TSF enforces the following modifications rules on security attributes of Assigned Keys: Table 7-13: Summary of key attribute modification rules for Assigned Keys. Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_OUID Key ID Cannot be modified CKA_CLASS Key type Cannot be modified CKA_KEY_TYPE Key type Cannot be modified CKA_AUTH_DATA Authorization Data Can be modified by Key Owner only when modification operation includes successful validation of current (pre-modification) authorization data CKA_ENCRYPT Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_DECRYPT Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_WRAP Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_UNWRAP Key Usage Cannot be modified 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 110 Key attribute Mapping to PP category / naming Modification conditions CKA_SIGN Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_VERIFY Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_DERIVE Key Usage Cannot be modified CKA_EXTRACTABLE Export Flag Cannot be modified CKA_ASSIGNED Assigned Flag Cannot be modified CKA_MODIFIABLE - Cannot be modified CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT - Case of a User Partition: the attribute can be modified only by Partition CO Case of the Admin Partition: the attribute can be modified only by the HSM SO. CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - Cannot be modified CKA_KEYRING_OUID (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) - Cannot be modified The TSF enforces the following initialization rules on the attributes: Key Attribute Initialization rules (Assigned Key) Initialization rules (General Key) CKA_OUID Initialized by generation process CKA_CLASS Initialized by generation process CKA_KEY_TYPE Initialized by generation process CKA_AUTH_DATA Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO during generation (no default value). Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation (no default value). CKA_ENCRYPT Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_DECRYPT Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 111 Key Attribute Initialization rules (Assigned Key) Initialization rules (General Key) CKA_WRAP Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_UNWRAP Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_SIGN Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_VERIFY Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_DERIVE Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_EXTRACTABLE Set to false. Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_ASSIGNED Set to true. Set to false CKA_MODIFIABLE Set to false. Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is true. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is true. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 112 Key Attribute Initialization rules (Assigned Key) Initialization rules (General Key) CKA_FAILED_KEY_ AUTH_COUNT Set to 0 Set to 0 CKA_KEYRING (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO or by Partition Limited CO during generation. Default value is false. Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation. Default value is false. CKA_KEYRING_OUID (Firmware 7.7.2 onwards) Case of a User Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by Partition CO during generation (no default value). Case of the Admin Partition: Initialized by Key Owner or by the HSM SO or by the Administrator during generation (no default value). Note related to key import: The TSF will assign the default values specified above to imported general keys, for the attributes that are missing from the imported key (if any). 7.6.2 Key destruction The module performs zeroisation to destroy cryptographic keys. Zeroisation is achieved through the following means: Table 7-14: Summary key destruction methods. Key deletion method (KDM) Action taken Context in which the KDM is used KDM1 Overwrite of memory Applies to user keys stored in HSM partitions, which can be erased by means of ICD commands. Applies to some HSM support keys as well, that can be erased by means of ICD commands. KDM2 RAM reset Resetting of RAM causes the erasure of all RAM resident keys KDM3 Erasure of entire memory sectors HSM wipe-out, which can be called from the bootloader, or triggered by the active tamper detection on K7+ TOE. All user keys and HSM support keys are erased. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 113 Key deletion method (KDM) Action taken Context in which the KDM is used KDM4 Erasure of the encrypting keys Any user key stored in a HSM partition is encrypted with a chain of HSM support keys. Erasure of any of these support keys is equivalent to erasing the user key. The same applies to user keys stored externally, which are encrypted with a HSM support key. The same applies to many ‘intermediate’ HSM support keys which are encrypted by other HSM support keys. KDM5 Erasure of HSE-BBRAM in response to a tamper/decommission event Decommission signal (on K7 and K7+ TOEs) or active tamper detection (on K7+ TOE) trigger the erasure of the HSE-BBRAM, which contains the ‘top-level’ HSM support keys that encrypt the other HSM support keys. 7.6.3 External key storage User keys (i.e. General Keys and Assigned Keys) can be stored within the module, or externally. This latter case may be necessary when too many user keys have to be handled, making it impossible to store them all inside the module’s memories. Key objects are externally stored in the form of “key blobs” including both the key value (in encrypted form) and the key security attributes. Integrity is ensured on the entire key objects (value and attributes) through the mechanism described in section 7.4.3. 7.7 Self-protection 7.7.1 Self-tests The module runs a suite of the following self-tests during initial start-up (or power-on), periodically during normal operation and on demand to demonstrate correct operation: > At initial start-up (or power-on): • Software/firmware integrity test • Cryptographic algorithm tests • Random number generator tests > Periodically during normal operation: Random number generator tests > On demand: • Cryptographic algorithm tests • Software/firmware integrity test • Random number generator test The module preserves itself in a secure state in the event of failures detected during the self-tests. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 114 Note: the software/firmware integrity test is done through the verification of the firmware cryptographic signature (which establishes firmware authenticity as well). This verification is done during self-tests and also prior to the installation of any new version of the firmware. Involved algorithms for firmware signature verification are RSA 4096 bits with SHA-384 hash. 7.7.2 Protection against physical attacks (K7 card) The K7 printed circuit board (PCB) is coated with an epoxy shield that enables passive detection of any attempt to physically compromise the underlying electronic circuits and components. The physical compromise can be detected by a visual inspection of the K7 PCB. Note that any attempt to remove the epoxy coating has a very high probability to destroy the underlying components, thus making the module inoperable. The K7 PCB also embeds voltage and temperature sensors which cause the module to reject any command while outside of the expected voltage and temperature range. 7.7.3 Protection against physical attacks (K7+ card) The K7+ printed circuit board (PCB) is coated with an electrically wired shield that enables both active and passive detection of any attempt to physically compromise the underlying electronic circuits and components, and triggers the erasure of all support and user keys. The K7+ PCB also embeds voltage and temperature sensors, which cause the module to reject any command while outside of the expected voltage and temperature range. Moreover, the module triggers the erasure of all support and user keys if the voltage or temperature are below or above critical thresholds. 7.7.4 Power loss If power is lost to the module for whatever reason, permanent objects (private keys, etc.) are preserved and remain cryptographically protected; session objects are cleared from the module. The module can be placed back into operation without compromise of its functionality or permanently stored data. In case of power failure in the host IT environment, host system restart or other circumstances that do not affect the module’s operational capability, the module will ensure continued protection of sensitive material and will permit recovery from the last logged in state. 7.8 Audit The module generates an audit record of the following auditable events: > Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions > Startup of the TOE; > Shutdown of the TOE > Cryptographic key generation > Cryptographic key destruction > Failure of the random number generator 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 115 > Authentication and authorization failure handling: all unsuccessful authentication or authorization attempts, the reaching of the threshold for the unsuccessful authentication or authorization attempts and the blocking actions taken; > All attempts to import or export keys > All modifications to attributes of keys; > Integrity errors detected for keys; > Failures to establish secure channels > Self-test completion; > Failures detected by the TOE; > All administrative actions; > Unblocking of access; > Modifications to audit parameters (affecting the content of the audit log). The module records within each audit record the following information: > Date and time of the event, > type of event, > subject identity (if applicable), > outcome (success or failure) of the event For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the module associates each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. The module provides reliable time stamps to support the audit capability. Audit records are automatically exported by the module to an audit server in the IT environment. The path to the audit server has to be configured by the Audit User role. If the link to the audit server is lost, the module stores the audit records internally until the connection to the audit server is back or the module memory is full. In this latter case, (memory is full), the module rejects any command that would have triggered an additional audit record. The module implements an integrity protection mechanism on audit records. Once exported to the audit server, the integrity of the records can be verified by the module through a request sent by the System Auditor. 7.9 Firmware updates The module supports firmware updates. The HSM SO is the only role authorized to load a new version of the firmware within the TOE. The new firmware must be signed with a Thales support key, and the TOE performs a verification of that signature to allow or reject the loading. The firmware signature (and related verification) is done with RSA-4096 algorithm. The signature is applied to a SHA-384 hash of the firmware. 7 TOE Summary Specification Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 116 7.10Embedded FM application loading The module supports the loading of FM applications. The HSM SO is the only role authorized to load FM applications on top of the TOE. Any new FM application must be hashed with SHA-512 algorithm and signed with RSA-2048, 3072 or 4096 algorithm. The TOE performs a verification of that signature to allow or reject the loading. 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 117 8 Rationales 8.1 Security Objectives Rationale 8.1.1 Security Objectives Coverage The table below shows the mapping of Threats, Organizational Security Policies and Assumptions to Security Objectives for the TOE and for the TOE Environment. Table 8-1: Security Problem Definition mapping to Security Objectives OT.PlainKeyConf OT.Algorithms OT.KeyIntegrity OT.Auth OT.KeyUseConstraint OT.KeyUseScope OT.DataConf OT.DataMod OT.ImportExport OT.Backup OT.RNG OT.TamperDetect OT.FailureDetect OT.Audit OE.ExternalData OE.Env OE.DataContext OE.AppSupport OE.Uauth OE.AuditSupport T.KeyDisclose X X X X X X X X T.KeyDerive X X T.KeyMod X X X X T.KeyMisuse X X T.KeyOveruse X T.DataDisclose X X X T.DataMod X X X T.Malfunction X P.Algorithms X P.KeyControl X X X X X X X P.RNG X P.Audit X A.ExternalData X A.Env X A.DataContext X A.AppSupport X A.UAuth X A.AuditSupport X 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 118 8.1.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency The following paragraphs describe the rationale for the sufficiency of the Security Objectives relative to the Threats, OSPs and Assumptions. Threats T.KeyDisclose is addressed by the requirement in OT.PlainKeyConf to keep plaintext secret keys unavailable, and this is supported in terms of controls over key attributes (which might threaten the confidentiality of the key if modified) in OT.KeyIntegrity. The confidentiality of secret keys that are exported is protected partly by the use of a secure channel as described in OT.DataConf and the requirements for import and export in OT.ImportExport (including the requirement to export secret keys only in encrypted form, or to be able to exclude the export of a key entirely). Physical tamper protection of the keys is provided by OT.TamperDetect (supported by an appropriate inspection procedure as required in OE.Env). Protection of secret key confidentiality during backup is ensured by OT.Backup. The environment also contributes to maintaining secret key confidentiality by protecting any versions of a secret key that may exist outside the TOE, as in OE.ExternalData, and by protecting the operation of the TOE itself by providing a secure environment, as in OE.Env. T.KeyDerive is addressed by the choice of algorithms that have been endorsed for the appropriate purposes, and this is described in OT.Algorithms. Where keys are generated by the TOE then the use of a suitable random number generator is required by OT.RNG in order to mitigate the risk that an attacker can guess or deduce the key value. T.KeyMod is addressed by requiring integrity protection of secret and public keys, and their critical attributes in OT.KeyIntegrity, and by requiring use of secure channels that protect integrity if a key is imported or exported (OT.ImportExport). Protection of key integrity during backup is ensured by OT.Backup. Physical tamper protection of the keys is provided by OT.TamperDetect (supported by an appropriate inspection procedure as required in OE.Env). T.KeyMisuse raises the possibility of a secret key being used for an unintended and unauthorized purpose, and is addressed by the requirement in OT.Auth for the TOE to carry out an authorization check before using a secret key. OT.KeyUseConstraint expands on this to set out requirements for the granularity of authorization. T.KeyOveruse is concerned with the possibility that more uses may be made of an authorized key than were intended, and this is addressed by the requirements of OT.KeyUseScope which requires controls to be specified and enforced for any re-authorization conditions that the TOE allows a user to define. T.DataDisclose is concerned with the transmission of data between client applications and the TOE, or between separate parts of the TOE where the transmission passes through an insecure environment. This is addressed by OT.DataConf, which requires the TOE to provide secure channels to protect such communications. The appropriate use of such channels is a requirement for the environment as expressed in OE.DataContext, as is the use of appropriate procedures in OE.AppSupport. T.DataMod is concerned with the possibility of unauthorized modification of data transmitted between a client application and the TOE, and this is addressed by OT.DataMod which requires that the TOE provides secure channels that can be used to protect the integrity of data that they carry. As with T.DataDisclose, the appropriate use of such channels is a requirement for the environment as expressed in OE.DataContext, as is the use of appropriate procedures in OE.AppSupport. 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 119 T.Malfunction is addressed by the requirement in OT.FailureDetect for the TOE to detect certain types of fault. Organisational Security Policies P.Algorithms requires the use of key generation and other cryptographic functions that are endorsed by appropriate authorities, and this is addressed by OT.Algorithms. P.KeyControl requires that the TOE can provide controls and support a key lifecycle to ensure that secret keys can be reliably protected against use by those other than the owner of the key, and that the keys can be confined to use for certain cryptographic functions. This is addressed by a combination of TOE objectives as follows: > OT.PlainKeyConf protects the value of the secret key to prevent the possibility of it being used by unauthorized subjects > OT.Algorithms ensures that endorsed algorithms that employ and support suitable properties and procedures are provided by the TOE > OT.Auth, OT.KeyUseConstraint and OT.KeyUseScope ensure that the TOE can provide well- defined limits on the use of a key when it is authorized (as described above for T.KeyMisuse and T.KeyOveruse) > OT.ImportExport and OT.Backup ensure protection of keys when they are transmitted outside the TOE to client applications or for backup purposes, including the prevention of export of Assigned Keys. P.Audit requires the TOE to provide an audit trail and this is addressed directly by OT.Audit (which includes protection of the audit records). Assumptions Each of the Assumptions in section 3.5 is directly matched by a security objective for the operational environment in section 4.2. The wording of each objective for the operational environment includes the wording of each assumption, and no further rationale is therefore given here. 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 120 8.2 Security Requirements Rationale 8.2.1 Security Requirements Coverage The table below summarizes the mapping of Security Objectives for the TOE to SFRs. Table 8-2: TOE Security Objectives mapping to SFRs. OT.PlainKeyConf OT.Algorithms OT.KeyIntegrity OT.Auth OT.KeyUseConstraint OT.KeyUseScope OT.DataConf OT.DataMod OT.ImportExport OT.Backup OT.RNG OT.TamperDetect OT.FailureDetect OT.Audit FCS_CKM.1 X FCS_CKM.4 X FCS_COP.1 X FCS_RNG.1 X FIA_UID.1 X FIA_UAU.1 X FIA_AFL.1 X FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth X X FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics X X X FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics X X X X FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsag e X X FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsag e X X FDP_ACC.1/Backup X FDP_ACF.1/Backup X FDP_SDI.2 X FDP_RIP.1 X X FTP_TRP.1/Local X X X X X FTP_TRP.1/External X X X X X FPT_STM.1 X FPT_TST_EXT.1 X FPT_PHP.1 X FPT_PHP.3 X 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 121 OT.PlainKeyConf OT.Algorithms OT.KeyIntegrity OT.Auth OT.KeyUseConstraint OT.KeyUseScope OT.DataConf OT.DataMod OT.ImportExport OT.Backup OT.RNG OT.TamperDetect OT.FailureDetect OT.Audit FPT_FLS.1 X FMT_SMR.1 X X FMT_SMF.1 X X FMT_MTD.1/Unblock X FMT_MTD.1/AuditLog X FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys X FMT_MSA.1/AKeys X FMT_MSA.3/Keys X FAU_GEN.1 X FAU_GEN.2 X FAU_STG.2 X OT.PlainKeyConf is addressed by the requirements in the Key Basics SFP defined in FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics and FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics (especially FDP_IFF.1.5/KeyBasics). Secure destruction of keys according to FCS_CKM.4 protects the key value at the end of its lifetime. FDP_RIP.1 protects secret keys from being accessed after they have been deallocated. OT.Algorithms is addressed by the need to use endorsed standards for FCS_COP.1 (cf. Application Note 14) and the use of an appropriate random number generator in FCS_CKM.1. Note that the refinements to assurance components in section 6.4.1 also specify requirements that ensure clear documentation of endorsed and non-endorsed algorithms and functions provided by the TOE. OT.KeyIntegrity is addressed primarily by FDP_SDI.2, which requires integrity protection of keys and their attributes by the TOE. FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics requires that any importing or exporting of keys use secure channels and integrity protection (cf. the requirement for an integrity-protected channel as part of FTP_TRP.1/Local and FTP_TRP.1/External, which is linked to the Key Basics SFP by Application Note 20 under FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics). OT.Auth is addressed by FIA_UID.1, FIA_UAU.1 and FIA_AFL.1 for administrator authentication (with FMT_MTD.1/Unblock and its dependencies on FMT_SMR.1 and FMT_SMF.1 ensuring that appropriate roles and unblocking for authorization and authentication failures are also provided). Authorization for external client applications is provided by the requirements for authentication of endpoints in FTP_TRP.1/Local and FTP_TRP.1/External. Authorization for the use of secret keys is addressed by FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth. OT.KeyUseConstraint is addressed by the requirements for well-defined (and securely initialized) key attributes in FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys, FMT_MSA.1/AKeys, and FMT_MSA.3/Keys, and the application 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 122 of the attributes to operate constraints on the use of keys in FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics, FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics, FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage and FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage. FDP_RIP.1 protects authorization data (which enables a key to be used) from being accessed after it has been deallocated. OT.KeyUseScope is addressed by the Key Usage SFP in FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage and FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage and by the re-authorization conditions for use of a secret key specified in FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth. OT.DataConf is addressed by the authentication and confidentiality requirements for secure channels in FTP_TRP.1/Local and FTP_TRP.1/External. OT.DataMod is addressed by the authentication and integrity requirements for secure channels in FTP_TRP.1/Local and FTP_TRP.1/External. OT.ImportExport is addressed by the requirements for the use of secure import/export through a secure channel and restrictions on how keys are imported and exported to protect confidentiality and integrity in the Key Basics SFP in FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics and FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics, and by the requirements on the secure channels themselves in FTP_TRP.1/Local and FTP_TRP.1/External. OT.Backup separates out the requirements for any backup and restore properties that the TOE may provide and is addressed directly by the Backup SFP in FDP_ACC.1/Backup and FDP_ACF.1/Backup. OT.RNG is addressed by the requirement in FCS_RNG.1 for a random number generator of an appropriate type, which meets appropriate randomness metrics. OT.TamperDetect is addressed by the requirement for passive tamper detection in FPT_PHP.1 and the tamper response mechanisms in FPT_PHP.3. OT.FailureDetect is addressed by the self-test requirements of FPT_TST_EXT.1 and secure failure requirements of FPT_FLS.1. OT.Audit is addressed in terms of basic creation of audit records by the requirements for audit record generation in FAU_GEN.1 and FAU_GEN.2 and provision of timestamps for use in audit records in FPT_STM.1. Protection of the audit trail is ensured by FAU_STG.2, FMT_MTD.1/AuditLog and FMT_SMF.1. Support for the Administrator role that controls export and deletion of audit records from the TOE is required by FMT_SMR.1. 8.2.2 SFR Dependencies The dependencies between SFRs are addressed as shown in Table 8-3. Where a dependency is not met in the manner defined in [CC2] then a rationale is provided for why the dependency is unnecessary or else met in some other way. Table 8-3: SFR Dependencies Rationale Requirement Dependencies Fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1 [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1 FCS_CKM.4 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 123 Requirement Dependencies Fulfilled by FCS_CKM.4 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1 See also note below on key attributes during import or export. FCS_COP.1 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1 FCS_CKM.4 See also note below on key attributes during import or export. FCS_RNG.1 No dependencies - FIA_UID.1 No dependencies - FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_AFL.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth No dependencies - FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics FDP_IFF.1 FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics FDP_IFC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics FMT_MSA.3/Keys FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage FMT_MSA.3/Keys FDP_ACC.1/Backup FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/Backup FDP_ACF.1/Backup FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.1/Backup The dependency on FMT_MSA.3 is not relevant in this case since the attribute used in FDP_ACF.1/Backup is determined by the ability of the user to authenticate as an administrator according to FIA_UAU.1. FDP_SDI.2 No dependencies - FDP_RIP.1 No dependencies - FTP_TRP.1/Local No dependencies - FTP_TRP.1/External No dependencies - FPT_STM.1 No dependencies - FPT_TST_EXT.1 No dependencies - 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 124 Requirement Dependencies Fulfilled by FPT_FLS.1 No dependencies - FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FMT_SMF.1 No dependencies - FMT_MTD.1/Unblock FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1/AuditLog FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1/AKeys [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.3/Keys FMT_MSA.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys, FMT_MSA.1/AKeys FMT_SMR.1 FAU_GEN.1 FPT_STM.1 FPT_STM.1 FAU_GEN.2 FAU_GEN.1 FIA_UID.1 FAU_GEN.1 FIA_UID.1 FAU_STG.2 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 Key attributes during import or export: the TOE may allow import or export of keys according to the rules in FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics. For keys that may be imported or exported, the TOE does not place any specific requirements on whether attributes are imported and exported with keys. However, the refinement to AGD_OPE.1 in section 6.4.1 requires that the behavior of the TOE in this situation is described in documentation, and that the evaluators confirm the behavior that is documented. Application Note 41 (for FMT_MSA.1) also requires that the initialization of any attributes on import is described in the Security Target. 8.2.3 Rationale for SARs The assurance level for this protection profile is EAL4 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 and AVA_VAN.5. 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 125 EAL4 allows a developer to attain a reasonably high assurance level without the need for highly specialized processes and practices. It is considered the highest level that could be applied to an existing product line without undue expense and complexity. As such, EAL4 is appropriate for commercial products that can be applied to moderate to high security functions. The TOE described in this protection profile is just such a product. Augmentation results from the selection of ALC_FLR.2 alongside AVA_VAN.5. All the dependencies of AVA_VAN.5 are satisfied by other assurance components in the EAL4 assurance package. ALC_FLR.2 has no dependencies. The augmentation of including ALC_FLR.2 is in response to existing company practice that has been implemented to meet customer requirements for flaw reporting and fixing. 8.2.4 AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis The TOE generates uses and manages the highly sensitive data in the form of secret keys, at least some of which may be used as signature creation data. The protection of these keys and associated security of their attributes and use in cryptographic operations can only be ensured by the TOE itself. While the TOE environment is intended to protect against physical attacks, a high level of protection against logical attacks (especially those that might be carried out remotely) is also necessary, and is therefore addressed by augmenting vulnerability analysis to deal with High attack potential. 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 126 8.3 Mapping of SFRs to TSS SFR Link to TSS FCS_CKM.1 Addressed in section 7.3.1 “Cryptographic key generation” FCS_CKM.4 Addressed in section 7.6.2 “Key destruction” FCS_COP.1/SigGen_Main Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FCS_COP.1/SigVer_Main Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FCS_COP.1/SigVer_Bootloader Addressed in section 7.7.1 “Self-tests” FCS_COP.1/Digest_Main Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FCS_COP.1/Sym_Enc_Dec Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FCS_COP.1/ASym_Enc_Dec Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FCS_COP.1/MAC Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FCS_RNG.1/DRG.4 Addressed in section 7.3.2 “Cryptographic operations” FIA_UID.1/STC_User Addressed in section 7.2.2 “Allowed operations before authentication” FIA_UAU.1/STC_User Addressed in section 7.2.2 “Allowed operations before authentication” FIA_UID.1/HSM_Roles Addressed in section 7.2.2 “Allowed operations before authentication” FIA_UAU.1/HSM_Roles Addressed in section 7.2.2 “Allowed operations before authentication” FIA_UID.1/Key_Owner Addressed in section 7.2.2 “Allowed operations before authentication” FIA_UAU.1/Key_Owner Addressed in section 7.2.2 “Allowed operations before authentication” FIA_AFL.1 Addressed in section 7.2.3 “Authentication failure handling” FIA_UAU.6/KeyAuth Addressed in section 7.2.4 “Re-authentication conditions” FDP_IFC.1/KeyBasics Addressed in section 7.4.1 “Flow control policy” FDP_IFF.1/KeyBasics Addressed in section 7.4.1 “Flow control policy” FDP_ACC.1/KeyUsage Addressed in section 7.4.2 “Access control policy” FDP_ACF.1/KeyUsage Addressed in section 7.4.2 “Access control policy” FDP_ACC.1/Backup No link, the SFR is trivially met as the functionality is not supported FDP_ACF.1/Backup No link, the SFR is trivially met as the functionality is not supported FDP_SDI.2 Addressed in section 7.4.3 “Stored data integrity protection” 8 Rationales Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 127 SFR Link to TSS FDP_RIP.1 Addressed in section 7.4.4 “Handling of residual data” FTP_TRP.1/Local/Embedded Addressed in section 7.5 “Trusted Channel” FTP_TRP.1/Local/Appliance Addressed in section 7.5 “Trusted Channel” FTP_TRP.1/External Addressed in section 7.5 “Trusted Channel” FPT_STM.1 Addressed in section 7.8 “Audit” FPT_TST_EXT.1 Addressed in section 7.7.1 “Self-tests” FPT_PHP.1 Addressed in section 7.7.2 “Protection against physical attacks (K7 card)” and in section 7.7.3 “Protection against physical attacks (K7+ card)” FPT_PHP.3/K7 Addressed in section 7.7.2 “Protection against physical attacks (K7 card)” FPT_PHP.3/K7+ Addressed in section 7.7.3 “Protection against physical attacks (K7+ card)” FPT_FLS.1 Addressed in section 7.7.4 “Power loss” FMT_SMR.1 Addressed in section 7.1.4 “Roles” FMT_SMF.1 Addressed in section 7.2.3 “Authentication failure handling”, section 7.6.1 “Key security attributes”, section 7.8 “Audit”, section 7.4.1 “Flow control policy”, section 7.9 “Firmware updates” and section 7.10 “Embedded FM application loading”. FMT_MTD.1/Unblock Addressed in section 7.2.3 “Authentication failure handling” FMT_MTD.1/AuditLog Addressed in section 7.8 “Audit” FMT_MTD.1/FW_update Addressed in section 7.9 “Firmware updates” FMT_MTD.1/FM_loading Addressed in section 7.10 “Embedded FM application loading” FMT_MSA.1/GenKeys Addressed in section 7.6.1 “Key security attributes” FMT_MSA.1/AKeys Addressed in section 7.6.1 “Key security attributes” FMT_MSA.3/Keys Addressed in section 7.6.1 “Key security attributes” FAU_GEN.1 Addressed in section 7.8 “Audit” FAU_GEN.2 Addressed in section 7.8 “Audit” FAU_STG.2 Addressed in section 7.8 “Audit” APPENDIX A: Bibliography Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 128 APPENDIX A: Bibliography [CC1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 1: Introduction and general model, Version 3.1 Revision 5, April 2017, CCMB-2017-04-001 [CC2] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2: Security functional requirements, Version 3.1 Revision 5, April 2017, CCMB-2017-04-002 [CC3] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 3: Security assurance requirements, Version 3.1 Revision 5, April 2017, CCMB-2017-04-003 [CEM] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Evaluation Methodology, Version 3.1 Revision 5, April 2017, CCMB-2017-04-004 [CEN EN 419221-1] CEN, TS 419221-1:2016, Protection profiles for TSP Cryptograph Modules – Part 1: Overview [CEN EN 419221-5] CEN, EN 419221-5:2018, Protection Profiles for TSP Cryptographic Modules – Part 5, Cryptographic Module for Trust Services, v1.0. [CEN TS 419 241-1] CEN, TS 419 241-1, Requirements for Trustworthy Systems Supporting Server Signing. [CEN EN 419241-2] CEN EN 419241-2, Trustworthy Systems Supporting Server Signing Part 2: Protection Profile for QSCD for Server Signing [Regulation] REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC [SOG-IS-Crypto] SOG-IS Crypto Evaluation Scheme Agreed Cryptographic Mechanisms, v1.0, May 2016 [TS 119 312] ETSI TS 119 312 Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Cryptographic Suites [ISO 19790] ISO/IEC 19790:2012, Information technology – Security techniques – Security Requirements for cryptographic modules, 2nd Edition, 2015-11. [AIS20] AIS 20, Anwendungshinweise und Interpretationen zum Schema (AIS), Funktionalitätsklassen und Evaluationsmethodologie für deterministischeZufallszahlengeneratoren, BSI, Version 2.1, 2011-12-02. [AIS31] AIS31, Anwendungshinweise und Interpretationen zum Schema (AIS), AIS 31, Funktionalitätsklassen und Evaluationsmethodologie für physikalische Zufallszahlengeneratoren, BSI, Version 2.1, 2011-12-02. APPENDIX A: Bibliography Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 129 [AIS_RNG_Classes] BSI, A Proposal for: Functional classes for random number generators, Version 2.0, 18 September 2011. [CC User Guidance] Covers the four document below: > 007-013968-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part1: Preparative Procedures, Revision H, 6th May 2022. > 007-000465-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part2: Operational Guidance (General), Revision I, 6th May 2022. > 007-000466-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part3: eIDAS Guidance, Revision Rev H, 6th May 2022. > 007-000467-001, Thales Luna K7(+) Cryptographic Module, Common Criteria User Guidance – Part4: TOE Integration for use in Composite Evaluation, Revision G, 6th May 2022. [FIPS 180-4] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-4, Secure Hash Standard (SHS), NIST, August 2015. [FIPS 186-2] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 186-2, Digital Signature Standards (DSS), NIST, January 27 2000. [FIPS 186-4] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 186-4, Digital Signature Standards (DSS), NIST, July 2013. [FIPS 197] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197, Specification for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), November 26, 2001. FIPS 202 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 202, SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions, August 2015. [FIPS 198-1] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198-1, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), July 2008. [SP800-38A] NIST Special Publication SP800-38A, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation – Methods and Techniques, Morris Dworkin, December 2001. [SP800-38B] NIST Special Publication SP800-38B, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CMAC Mode for Authentication, May 2005 (with October 2016 updates). [SP800-38D] NIST Special Publication SP800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC, November 2007. [SP800-38E] NIST Special Publication SP800-38E, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the XTS-AES Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices, January 2010. [SP800-38F] NIST Special Publication SP800-38F, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping, Morris Dworkin, December 2012. [SP800-56A] NIST Special Publication SP800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, Revision 3, April 2018. [SP800-56B] NIST Special Publication SP800-56B, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key-Establishment Schemes Using Integer Factorization Cryptography, Revision 2, March 2019. APPENDIX A: Bibliography Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module: Security Target 002-010985-001, Rev. M, Copyright © 2022 Thales 130 [SP800-56C] NIST Special Publication SP800-56C, Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key- Establishment Schemes, Revision 2, August 2020. [SP800-90A] NIST Special Publication SP800-90A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Bit Generators, Rev1, June 2015. [SP800-108] NIST Special Publication SP800-108, Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions (Revised), October 2009. [PKCS#1] PKCS #1: RSA Cryptographic Standard, RSA Laboratories, v2.1 [PKCS#8] PKCS #8: Private-Key Information Syntax Specification, RSA Laboratories, v1.2 [PKCS#11 Base] PKCS #11: Cryptographic Token Interface Base Specification, OASIS, v2.40, 15th April 2015. [IETF RFC Brainpool] IETF, RFC_5639 – ECC Brainpool Standard Curves & Curve Generation, March 2010. [END OF DOCUMENT]