Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIX Version 6.5.13 Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 Prepared for: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Prepared by: Science Applications International Corporation Common Criteria Testing Laboratory 7125 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21046 SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 i Table of Contents 1 Security Target (ST) Introduction........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Identification..........................................................................................................................................1 1.3 ST Overview..........................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Common Criteria Conformance Claims ..............................................................................................22 1.5 Conventions.........................................................................................................................................22 1.6 Terms...................................................................................................................................................22 2 Target of Evaluation (TOE) Description............................................................................................................44 2.1 TOE Physical Boundaries....................................................................................................................44 2.2 TOE Logical Boundaries .....................................................................................................................44 3 TOE Security Environment................................................................................................................................77 3.1 Threats .................................................................................................................................................77 3.2 Organizational Security Policies..........................................................................................................77 3.3 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................77 3.3.1 Physical Assumptions..........................................................................................................................88 3.3.2 Personnel Assumptions........................................................................................................................88 3.3.3 Connectivity Assumptions...................................................................................................................88 4 Security Objectives ........................................................................................................................................1010 4.1 Information Technology (IT) Security Objectives...........................................................................1010 4.2 Non-IT Security Objectives.............................................................................................................1010 5 IT Security Requirements ..............................................................................................................................1212 5.1 Security audit (FAU) .......................................................................................................................1313 5.1.1 FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation.................................................................................................1313 5.1.2 FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association..........................................................................................1414 5.1.3 FAU_SAR.1 Audit review...............................................................................................................1414 5.1.4 FAU_SAR.2 Restricted audit review...............................................................................................1414 5.1.5 FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review...............................................................................................1414 5.1.6 FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit.............................................................................................................1515 5.1.7 FAU_STG.1 Guarantees of audit data availability ..........................................................................1515 5.1.8 FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss...................................................................1515 5.1.9 FAU_STG.4 Prevention of audit data loss.......................................................................................1515 5.2 User Data Protection (FDP).............................................................................................................1616 5.2.1 FDP_ACC.1 Discretionary Access Control Policy..........................................................................1616 5.2.2 FDP_ACF.1 Discretionary Access Control Functions.....................................................................1616 5.2.3 FDP_RIP.2 Object Residual Information Protection......................................................................1717 5.2.4 Note 1 Subject Residual Information Protection ............................................................................1717 5.3 Identification and authentication (FIA)............................................................................................1717 5.3.1 FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition...............................................................................................1717 5.3.2 FIA_SOS.1 Strength of authentication data....................................................................................1818 5.3.3 FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication.............................................................................................1818 5.3.4 FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback ............................................................................1818 5.3.5 FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification................................................................................................1818 5.3.6 FIA_USB.1 User-subject binding....................................................................................................1919 5.4 Security Management (FMT) ..........................................................................................................1919 5.4.1 FMT_MSA.1 Management of object security attributes .................................................................1919 5.4.2 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization ......................................................................................2020 5.4.3 FMT_MTD.1 Management of the audit trail...................................................................................2020 5.4.4 FMT_MTD.1 Management of audited events .................................................................................2020 5.4.5 FMT_MTD.1 Management of user attributes..................................................................................2020 5.4.6 FMT_MTD.1 Management of authentication data..........................................................................2020 5.4.7 FMT_REV.1 Revocation of user attributes .....................................................................................2020 5.4.8 FMT_REV.1 Revocation of object attributes ..................................................................................2121 5.4.9 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles.............................................................................................................2121 SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 ii 5.5 Protection of the TOE Security Functions (FPT).............................................................................2121 5.5.1 FPT_AMT.1 Abstract machine testing............................................................................................2121 5.5.2 FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP ....................................................................................2222 5.5.3 FPT_SEP.1 TSF domain separation ................................................................................................2222 5.5.4 FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps...................................................................................................2222 5.6 Strength of Function Requirement...................................................................................................2222 6 Assurance Requirements................................................................................................................................2323 6.1 Configuration Management (ACM) ................................................................................................2323 6.1.1 Configuration Items (ACM_CAP.3 )...............................................................................................2323 6.1.2 Coverage (ACM_SCP.1) .................................................................................................................2424 6.2 Delivery and Operation (ADO) .......................................................................................................2424 6.2.1 Delivery Procedures (ADO_DEL.1 )...............................................................................................2424 6.2.2 Installation, Generation, and Start-up Procedures (ADO_IGS.1)....................................................2525 6.3 Development (ADV)........................................................................................................................2525 6.3.1 Informal Functional Specification (ADV_FSP.1 )...........................................................................2525 6.3.2 Descriptive High-Level Design (ADV_HLD.2)..............................................................................2626 6.3.3 Informal Correspondence Demonstration (ADV_RCR.1)...............................................................2626 6.4 Guidance Documents (AGD)...........................................................................................................2727 6.4.1 Administrator Guidance (AGD_ADM.1 ) .......................................................................................2727 6.4.2 User Guidance (AGD_USR.1 )........................................................................................................2828 6.5 Life Cycle Support (ALC) ...............................................................................................................2828 6.5.1 Identification of Security Measures (ALC_DVS.1).........................................................................2828 6.6 Tests (ATE) .....................................................................................................................................2929 6.6.1 Evidence of Coverage (ATE_COV.2 ) ............................................................................................2929 6.6.2 Depth (ATE_DPT.1 ).......................................................................................................................2929 6.6.3 Functional Testing (ATE_FUN.1)...................................................................................................2929 6.6.4 Independent Testing (ATE_IND.2) .................................................................................................3030 6.7 Vulnerability Assessment (AVA)....................................................................................................3030 6.7.1 Examination of Guidance (AVA_MSU.1).......................................................................................3030 6.7.2 Strength of TOE Security Function Evaluation (AVA_SOF.1).......................................................3131 6.7.3 Developer Vulnerability Analysis (AVA_VLA.1) ..........................................................................3131 7 TOE Summary Specification .........................................................................................................................3333 7.1 Security Functions ...........................................................................................................................3333 7.1.1 User-subject binding........................................................................................................................3333 7.1.2 Audit................................................................................................................................................3434 7.1.3 Discretionary Access Control ..........................................................................................................3737 7.1.4 Object Reuse....................................................................................................................................4141 7.1.5 Login Process...................................................................................................................................4242 7.1.6 Capabilities ..................................................................................................................................434243 7.1.7 Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................464246 7.1.8 Reference Monitor.......................................................................................................................464246 7.1.9 Domain Separation ......................................................................................................................464246 7.1.10 Roles .......................................................................................................................................474247 7.1.11 Time........................................................................................................................................474247 7.2 Assurance Measures ....................................................................................................................484248 7.2.1 Configuration Management .........................................................................................................484248 7.2.2 Delivery and Operation................................................................................................................484248 7.2.3 Development................................................................................................................................484248 7.2.4 Guidance Documents...................................................................................................................484248 7.2.5 Life Cycle Support.......................................................................................................................494249 7.2.6 Security Testing...........................................................................................................................494249 7.2.7 Vulnerability Assessment ............................................................................................................494249 8 PP Claims...................................................................................................................................................514250 8.1 PP Identification ..........................................................................................................................514250 8.2 PP Tailoring.................................................................................................................................514250 SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 iii 8.3 PP Additions................................................................................................................................514250 9 Rationale ....................................................................................................................................................524251 9.1 Rationale for IT Security Objectives ...........................................................................................524251 9.2 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements.........................................................................524251 9.3 Rationale for Security Assurance Requirements..........................................................................524251 9.4 Rationale for TOE Summary Specification .................................................................................524251 9.5 Rationale for PP Claims...............................................................................................................584257 References ...........................................................................................................................................................594258 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................................604259 List of Tables Table 1 TOE Functional Requirements ...................................................................................................................1212 Table 2 Auditable Events ........................................................................................................................................1414 Table 3 Assurance Components ..............................................................................................................................2323 Table 4 Kernel Audit Events ...................................................................................................................................3636 Table 5 User-mode Audit Events.............................................................................................................................3636 SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 1 IRIX 6.5.13 Security Target 1 SECURITY TARGET (ST) INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION This section contains document management and overview information. The Security Target (ST) identification provides labeling and descriptive information for the ST and Target of Evaluation (TOE) to which it refers. The overview section summarizes the ST in narrative form. The CC conformance claims section states with which portions of the CC the TOE conforms. The terms section provides a list of acronyms and definitions. 1.2 IDENTIFICATION ST Title: Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) IRIX version 6.5.13 Security Target, Version 1.9 TOE Identification: IRIX version 6.5.13, with Patches 4354, 4451, and 4452 hosted on the Origin 200 workstations and Origin 3000 servers. Common Criteria (CC) Identification: The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation version 2.1, August 1999 Protection Profile (PP) Identification: Controlled Access Protection Profile (CAPP), version 1.d, October 8, 1999 Keywords: operating system, discretionary access control, security target 1.3 ST OVERVIEW This ST provides a basis for the evaluation of the IRIX TOE. It identifies the environment for which IRIX is intended. The following environment factors are described in this ST: • Assumptions regarding the security environment and the intended usage of the TOE; • Policies identified for the TOE and the data the TOE protects; and • Security objectives that identify the responsibilities of the TOE and its environment in meeting the security needs. IRIX is a scalable, high performance implementation of the UNIX operating system. The security features provided by IRIX include: • Auditing of security relevant events; • Password authentication; • Discretionary Access Control (DAC); and • Support for shadow passwords in the Identification and Authentication utilities. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 2 IRIX provides for a level of protection which is appropriate for IT environments that require protection against threats of inadvertent or casual attempts to breach the system security. IRIX is not intended to provide protection for hostile environments or against well-funded attacks. IRIX does not fully address the threats posed by malicious administrative or system development personnel. IRIX is suitable for use in both commercial and government environments. The structure and content of this ST complies with the requirements specified in the CC Part 1, Annex C, and Part 3, Chapter 5. 1.4 COMMON CRITERIA CONFORMANCE CLAIMS The TOE conforms to the CC Version 2.1, Parts 2 and 3. The TOE also conforms to the Controlled Access Protection Profile, version 1.d. The TOE is Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 3. 1.5 CONVENTIONS The notation, formatting and conventions used in this Security Target are largely based upon those used in the Common Criteria, Version 2.1. 1.6 TERMS This section describes terms that are used throughout the ST. When possible, terms are defined as they exist in the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation. • Authorized administrator / Administrator – A user in the administrator role is an authorized user who has been granted the authority to manage the TOE. These users are expected to use this authority only in the manner prescribed by the guidance given them. The term authorized administrator is taken from the CC and CAPP and is used in the ST in those sections that are derived from the CAPP or the CC directly. Otherwise, the term administrator is used. These terms are used interchangeably. • Authorized User – an A entity user that who has been properly identified and authenticated. These users are considered to be legitimate users of the TOE. • Discretionary Access Control Policy (DAC) – A policy that allows authorized users and authorized administrators to control access to objects on the basis of individual user identity or membership in a group • Non-kernel Objects – Objects that are managed by trusted processes in user-mode. • Protection Profile (PP) - An implementation-independent set of security requirements for a category of TOEs that meet specific consumer needs. • Security Target (ST) - A set of security requirements and specifications to be used as the basis for evaluation of an identified TOE. • Target of Evaluation (TOE) - An IT product of system and its associated administrator and user guidance documentation that is the subject of an evaluation. • TOE Security Functions (TSF) - A set consisting of all hardware, software, and firmware of the TOE that must be relied upon for the correct enforcement of the TSP. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 3 • TOE Security Policy (TSP) - A set of rules that regulate how assets are managed, protected, and distributed within a TOE. • TSF data - Data created by and for the TOE that might affect the operation of the TOE. • TSF Scope of Control (TSC) - The set of interactions that can occur with or within a TOE and are subject to the rules of the TSP. • User – An individual who attempts to invoke a service offered by the TOE. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 4 2 TARGET OF EVALUATION (TOE) DESCRIPTION The IRIX system under evaluation is a system of Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. (SGI) Origin200 workstations and the Origin 3000 (SN1) servers connected via an Ethernet. These UNIX-based multi-user, multi-tasking workstations provide high- performance, general-purpose computing in a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) workstation environment. The processor of the IRIX system workstation and server is the SGI MIPS R12000. The SGI Origin 3000 Series is a family of modular computer server systems. The various internal components of the various SGI Origin 3000 servers and their functions are divided into separate units called "bricks" for system customization to meet various customer computing needs. These bricks are housed in short or tall rack enclosures. The SGI Origin200 workstation is a multiprocessor system that consists of one or two chassis, which are called modules. The Origin200 GIGAchannel uses an additional chassis to provide four extra PCI slots and five XIO slots. Each Origin200 system ships from SGI in either a tower (free-standing) or rackmountable configuration. IRIX supports a set of access control policies; an identification and authentication capability to mediate and validate requests for entry into the system; and an audit trail capability. 2.1 TOE PHYSICAL BOUNDARIES The evaluated hardware is one or more Origin200 workstations and Origin 3000 (SN1) servers connected via an Ethernet with one or more SGI MIPS R12000 processors running IRIX. A set of devices may be attached and they are listed as follows: • Dumb Terminal (only on the Origin200, includes keyboard and monitor), Keyboard, • Floppy Disk Drive, • CD-ROM Drive • SCSI Tape Drive, • Fixed Disk Drives, • Dumb Printer (only on the Origin200), and • Network Adaptor. The TOE does not include any physical network components between network adaptors of a connection. The ST assumes that any network connections, equipment, and cables are appropriately protected in the TOE security environment. 2.2 TOE LOGICAL BOUNDARIES The diagram below depicts components of IRIX that comprise the TOE. The components are large portions of the IRIX operating system. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 5 Hardware Kernel Mode User Mode IPC Audit Support Process Management Memory Management File Subsystem I/O Subsystem Network Subsystem Printer Subsystem Batch Processing Subsystem I&A Subsystem Trusted Commands Audit Programs User Network Subsystem NFS Electronic Mail Figure 11 TOE Logical Architecture IRIX is a commercial UNIX operating system that provides identification and authentication, DAC, audit, and object reuse. The IRIX kernel is responsible for providing memory management, process management, a consistent interface to system hardware, and mediating access to protected resources. A process is an instance of a program in execution. IRIX has three types of processes: user processes, daemon processes, and kernel processes. A user process is an active entity that operates on behalf of a user, runs in user mode, and requests services with system calls and unprivileged hardware instructions. Daemon processes are processes that perform system-wide functions such as line printer spooling. They are not associated with any users although, like user processes, they run in user mode and request services with system calls and unprivileged hardware instructions. A kernel process is an active entity that operates in kernel mode. IRIX views stored data as unformatted streams of bytes and represents it as files organized in file systems. A file can be (1) a set of data stored on disk, (2) a device special file that represents an I/O device or a pseudo-device such as kernel memory or pseudo-terminals, or (3) other special mechanisms such as pipes and sockets. The files are organized into hierarchical file systems. IRIX supports multiple file system types in a manner transparent to the user. They include the IRIX eXtended File System (XFS) file system; the Network File System (NFS) for files stored on remote disks; and the Debug File System (DBG), a pseudo-file system in which a running process is represented as a file. All the IRIX file systems are organized into a traditional UNIX-like hierarchy with files as nodes. Non-leaf files are directories, special files which contain references to other files. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 6 All files can be identified by their place in the hierarchy, i.e., their pathname. Associated with every file is a set of attributes. These attributes include the file owner, a set of users that are assigned access rights to the file as a group, and information that specifies the access rights of the owner, group, and all other system users. Each of these is an IRIX protected resource. The IRIX kernel provides a variety of other mechanisms for interprocess communication. These include traditional UNIX mechanisms such as the pipe; System V mechanisms such as shared memory, semaphore sets, and message queues; and BSD sockets. IRIX protects the interprocess communications just listed. The IRIX DAC policy is implemented with permission bits and ownership in the traditional UNIX manner. The IRIX system is a distributed system and supports a range of network protocols and services. The evaluated configuration supports the TCP/IP and RPC protocols, and the ftp, rlogin, rsh, and telnet services. All workstations in the IRIX system share the same identification and authentication (I&A) database. A user information file, not visible to ordinary users, contains authentication and DAC related data. Other I&A related information is placed in files that are linked to the standard UNIX passwd file and group file; users are given read-only access to these files. Audit records of security relevant events are generated on each workstation of the IRIX system. These records contain the initial login identifier of the user who initiated the audited event. IRIX commands allow the system administrator to selectively audit events. SGI provides tools to reduce the audit logs for analysis. IRIX supports the UNIX setuid and setgid mechanisms that allow a process to run with the UID or GID of the owner or owning group of the invoked file. Some IRIX special user identifiers own IRIX programs and IRIX uses the setuid mechanism so that processes invoking these programs assume the special identity. Processes invoking these programs assume the special identity via the setuid mechanism. For example, processes in the print subsystem always run with the user identifier of lp. Likewise, IRIX uses the setgid mechanism to cause processes that invoke programs such as the TOE editor dbedit to run as a member of root 's group sys. Being a member of that group allows the process access to files to which the invoking user would not otherwise have access. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 7 3 TOE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT This section describes the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE is intended to be used and the manner in which it is expected to be employed. The material for the environmental description was taken from the CAPP. 3.1 THREATS The CAPP has derived all security objectives from the statement of Organizational Security Policy found in the following section. Therefore, there is no statement of the explicit threats countered by the CAPP. 3.2 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY POLICIES An Organizational Security Policy is a set of rules or procedures imposed by an organization upon its operations to protect its sensitive data. Although the organizational security policies described below are drawn from DoD Manual 5200.28-M (Techniques and procedures for Implementing, Deactivating and Evaluating Resource Sharing ADP Systems) they apply to many non-DoD environments. P.AUTHORIZED_USERS Only those users who have been authorized to access the information within the system may access the system. P.NEED_TO_KNOW The system must limit the access to, modification of, and destruction of the information in protected resources to those authorized users which have a “need to know” for that information. P.ACCOUNTABILITY The users of the system shall be held accountable for their actions within the system. 3.3 ASSUMPTIONS This section describes the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE will be, or is intended to be used. This includes information about the physical, personnel, and connectivity aspects of the environment. The TOE is assured to provide effective security measures in a cooperative non-hostile environment only if it is installed, managed, and used correctly. The operational environment must be managed in accordance with assurance requirements documentation for delivery, operation, and user/administrator guidance. The following specific conditions are assumed to exist in an environment where the TOE is employed. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 8 3.3.1 Physical Assumptions CAPP-conformant TOEs are intended for application in user areas that have physical control and monitoring. It is assumed that the following physical conditions will exist: A.LOCATE The processing resources of the TOE will be located within controlled access facilities which will prevent unauthorized physical access. A.PROTECT The TOE hardware and software critical to security policy enforcement will be protected from unauthorized physical modification. 3.3.2 Personnel Assumptions It is assumed that the following personnel conditions will exist: A.MANAGE There will be one or more competent individuals assigned to manage the TOE and the security of the information it contains. A.NO_EVIL_ADM The system administrative personnel are not careless, willfully negligent, or hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the administrator documentation. A.COOP Authorized users possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and are expected to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment. 3.3.3 Connectivity Assumptions The CAPP contains no explicit network or distributed system requirements. However, it is assumed that the following connectivity conditions exist: A.PEER Any other systems with which the TOE communicates are assumed to be under the same management control and operate under the same security policy constraints. CAPP-conformant TOEs are applicable to networked or distributed environments only if the entire network operates under the same constraints and resides within a single management domain. There are no security requirements which address the need to trust external systems or the communications links to such systems. A.MGMT SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 9 The TOE must operate under a single management domain with each TSF sharing the same identification and authentication database. A.CONNECT All connections to peripheral devices reside within the controlled access facilities. CAPP- conformant TOEs only address security concerns related to the manipulation of the TOE through its authorized access points. Internal communication paths to access points such as terminals are assumed to be adequately protected. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 10 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES This section identifies the security objectives for the TOE and its environment. The security objectives identify the responsibilities of the TOE security functions (TSFs) and their environment in meeting the security needs. 4.1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) SECURITY OBJECTIVES The following are the TOE security objectives: O.AUTHORIZATION The TSF must ensure that only authorized users gain access to the TOE and its resources. O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS The TSF must control access to resources based on identity of users. The TSF must allow authorized users to specify which resources may be accessed by which users. O.AUDITING The TSF must record the security relevant actions of users of the TOE. The TSF must present this information to authorized administrators. O.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION The TSF must ensure that any information contained in a protected resource is not released when the resource is recycled. O.MANAGE The TSF must provide all the functions and facilities necessary to support the authorized administrators that are responsible for the management of TOE security. O.ENFORCEMENT The TSF must be designed and implemented in a manner which ensures that the organizational policies are enforced in the target environment. 4.2 NON-IT SECURITY OBJECTIVES The TOEs operating environment must satisfy the following objectives. These objectives do not levy any IT requirements but are satisfied by procedural or administrative measures. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 11 O.INSTALL Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that the TOE is delivered, installed, managed, and operated in a manner which maintains IT security objectives. O.PHYSICAL Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that those parts of the TOE critical to security policy are protected from physical attack which might compromise IT security objectives. O.CREDEN Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that all access credentials, such as passwords or other authentication information, are protected by the users in a manner which maintains IT security objectives. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 12 5 IT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS This chapter defines the functional requirements for the TOE. Functional requirements components in this ST were drawn from the CAPP. The CAPP uses Part 2 of the CC. Some functional requirements are extensions to those found in the CC. CC defined operations for assignment, selection, and refinement were used to tailor the requirements to the level of detail necessary to meet the stated security objectives. These operations are indicated through the use of underlined (assignments and selections) and italicized (refinements) text. Security Requirement Functional Components Class FAU: Security Audit FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association FAU_SAR.1 Audit review FAU_SAR.2 Restricted audit review FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit FAU_STG.1 Guarantees of audit data availability FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss FAU_STG.4 Prevention of audit data loss Class FDP: User Data Protection FDP_ACC.1 Discretionary Access Control Policy FDP_ACF.1 Discretionary Access Control Functions FDP_RIP.2 Object Residual Information Protection Note 1 Subject Residual Information Protection Class FIA: Identification and Authentication FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_SOS.1 Strength of authentication data FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FIA_USB.1 User-subject binding Class FMT: Security Management FMT_MSA.1 Management of object security attributes FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FMT_MTD.1 Management of the audit trail FMT_MTD.1 Management of audited events FMT_MTD.1 Management of user attributes FMT_MTD.1 Management of authentication data FMT_REV.1 Revocation of user attributes FMT_REV.1 Revocation of object attributes FMT_SMR.1 Security roles Class FPT: Protection of the TOE Security Functions FPT_AMT.1 Abstract machine testing FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP FPT_SEP.1 TSF domain separation FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps Table 11 TOE Functional Requirements SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 13 5.1 SECURITY AUDIT (FAU) 5.1.1 FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the auditable events listed in column “Event” Table 2 Auditable EventsTable 2 Auditable EventsTable 2 Auditable Events. This includes all auditable events for the basic level of audit, except FIA_UID.1’s user identity during failures. Section Component Event Details 5.1.1 FAU_GEN.1 Start-up and shutdown of audit functions 5.1.2 FAU_GEN.2 None 5.1.3 FAU_SAR.1 Reading of information from the audit records. 5.1.4 FAU_SAR.2 Unsuccessful attempts to read information from the audit records. 5.1.5 FAU_SAR.3 None 5.1.6 FAU_SEL.1 All modifications to the audit configuration that occur while the audit collection functions are operating. 5.1.7 FAU_STG.2 None 5.1.8 FAU_STG.3. Actions taken due to exceeding of a threshold 5.1.9 FAU_STG.4 Actions taken due to the audit storage failure. 5.2.1 FDP_ACC.1 None 5.2.2 FDP_ACF.1 All requests to perform an operation on an object covered by the SFP. The identity of the object. 5.2.3 FDP_RIP.2 None 5.2.4 Note 1 None 5.3.1 FIA_ATD.1 None 5.3.2 FIA_SOS.1 Rejection or acceptance by the TSF of any tested secret. 5.3.3 FIA_UAU.1 All use of the authentication mechanism. 5.3.4 FIA_UAU.7 None 5.3.5 FIA_UID.1 All use of the user identification mechanism, including the identity provided during successful attempts. The origin of the attempt (e.g. terminal identification.) 5.3.6 FIA_USB.1 Success and failure of binding user security attributes to a subject (e.g. success and failure to create a subject). 5.4.1 FMT_MSA.1 All modifications of the values of security attributes. 5.4.2 FMT_MSA.3 Modifications of the default setting of permissive or restrictive rules. All modifications of the initial value of security attributes. 5.4.3 FMT_MTD.1 All modifications to the values of TSF data. 5.4.4 FMT_MTD.1 All modifications to the values of TSF data. The new value of the TSF data. 5.4.5 FMT_MTD.1 All modifications to the values of TSF data. The new value of the TSF data. 5.4.6 FMT_MTD.1 All modifications to the values of TSF data. 5.4.7 FMT_REV.1 All attempts to revoke security attributes. 5.4.8 FMT_REV.1 All modifications to the values of TSF data. 5.4.9 FMT_SMR.1 Modifications to the group of users that are part of a role. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 14 Section Component Event Details 5.4.10 FMT_SMR.1 Every use of the rights of a role. (Additional / Detailed) The role and the origin of the request. 5.5.1 FPT_AMT.1. Execution of the tests of the underlying machine and the results of the test. 5.5.2 FPT_RVM.1 None 5.5.3 FPT_SEP.1 None 5.5.4 FPT_STM.1 Changes to the time. Table 22 Auditable Events FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity, and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b) The additional information specified in the Details column of Table 2 Auditable EventsTable 2 Auditable EventsTable 2 Auditable Events. 5.1.2 FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association FAU_GEN.2.1 The TSF shall be able to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. 5.1.3 FAU_SAR.1 Audit review FAU_SAR.1.1 The TSF shall provide auditors with the capability to read all audit information from the audit records. FAU_SAR.1.2 The TSF shall provide the audit records in a manner suitable for the user to interpret the information. 5.1.4 FAU_SAR.2 Restricted audit review FAU_SAR.2.1 The TSF shall prohibit all users read access to the audit records, except those users that have been granted explicit read-access. 5.1.5 FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review FAU_SAR.3.1 The TSF shall provide the ability to perform searches of audit data based on the following attributes: SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 15 a) User identity b) Date and time; c) Event type; d) Object Identifier; and e) Success or failure of related event. 5.1.6 FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit FAU_SEL.1.1 The TSF shall be able to include or exclude auditable events from the set of audited events based on the following attributes: a) User identity. 5.1.7 FAU_STG.1 Guarantees of audit data availability FAU_STG.1.1 The TSF shall protect the stored audit records from unauthorised deletion. FAU_STG.1.2 The TSF shall be able to prevent modifications to the audit records. 5.1.8 FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss FAU_STG.3.1 The TSF shall generate an alarm to the auditor if the audit trail exceeds 90% capacity. 5.1.9 FAU_STG.4 Prevention of audit data loss FAU_STG.4.1 The TSF shall be able to prevent auditable events, except those taken by the auditor, and overwrite old records if the audit trail is full. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 16 5.2 USER DATA PROTECTION (FDP) 5.2.1 FDP_ACC.1 Discretionary Access Control Policy FDP_ACC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy on subjects: share groups acting on the behalf of users, objects: files, directories, named pipes, symbolic links, unnamed pipes, processes, System V IPC objects, at jobs, crontab files, and print queue entries, and all operations among subjects and objects covered by the DAC policy. 5.2.2 FDP_ACF.1 Discretionary Access Control Functions FDP_ACF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to objects based on the following: a) The user identity and group membership(s) associated with a subject; and b) The following access control attributes associated with an object: i) Unix Permission bits ; ii) ACL; iii) Object Ownership; and iv) iv) Object Creator. FDP_ACF.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: 1. If the object has an explicit ACL, access is granted if one of the following is true: a. An ACL entry explicitly grants access to a user, b. An entry explicitly grants access to a group of which the subject is a member and the access has not been denied by a previous entry in the ACL, or c. An ACL entry explicitly grants access to the world and the access has not been denied by a previous entry in the ACL. 2. If an object has permission bits, access is granted if one of the following is true: a. If the subject is the owner of the object and the object’s owner Unix permission bits indicate that the operation required accesses are allowed. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 17 b. If the subject is a member of the object owning group and the object’s group Unix permission bits indicate that the operation required accesses are allowed, or c. If the object’s world Unix permission bits indicate that the operation required accesses are allowed. 3. The subject’s effective or real UID is the same as the object owner or creator and the operation is performed on a process, System V IPC object, at job, crontab file, or print queue entry 4. The subject’s process group ID is the same as the object owner or creator and the operation is performed on a process. FDP_ACF.1.3 The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based in the following additional rules: If a subject has the appropriate capability1 or has the UID of 0, the TSF shall authorize access of the subject to any object, even if such access is disallowed by FDP_ACF.1.2. FDP_ACF.1.4 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on no additional rules. 5.2.3 FDP_RIP.2 Object Residual Information Protection FDP_RIP.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the allocation of the resource to all objects. 5.2.4 Note 1 Subject Residual Information Protection Note 1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the allocation of the resource to all subjects. 5.3 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION (FIA) 5.3.1 FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual users: a) User identifier; b) Group memberships; 1 Capabilities to override DAC are not applicable to NFS. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 18 c) Authentication data; and d) Security-relevant roles. 5.3.2 FIA_SOS.1 Strength of authentication data FIA_SOS.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to verify that secrets meet the following: a) For each attempt to use the authentication mechanism, the probability that a random attempt will succeed is less than one in 1,000,000; b) For multiple attempts to use the authentication mechanism during a one minute period, the probability that a random attempt during that minute will succeed is less than one in 100,000; and c) Any feedback given during an attempt to use the authentication mechanism will not reduce the probability below the above metrics. 5.3.3 FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_UAU.1.1 The TSF shall allow no TSF-mediated actions on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. FIA_UAU.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF- mediated actions on behalf of that user. 5.3.4 FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback FIA_UAU.7 The TSF shall provide only obscured feedback to the user while the authentication is in progress. 5.3.5 FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FIA_UID.1.1 The TSF shall allow no TSF-mediated actions on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF- mediated actions on behalf of that user. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 19 5.3.6 FIA_USB.1 User-subject binding FIA_USB.1.1 The TSF shall associate the following user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of that user: a) The user identity which is associated with auditable events; b) The user identity or identities which are used to enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy; c) The group membership or memberships used to enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy. Note 2.1 The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of a user: a) The security attributes shall be a subset of those defined for the user. Note 2.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security attributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of a user: a) The effective user identity associated with a subject can be changed to another user’s identity via a command, provided that successful authentication as the new user identity has been achieved; b) When executing a file which has the set UID permission bit set, the effective user identity associated with the subject shall be changed to that of the owner of the file; c) When executing a file which has the set GID permission bit set, the effective group identity associated with the subject shall be changed to that of the group attribute of the file. 5.4 SECURITY MANAGEMENT (FMT) 5.4.1 FMT_MSA.1 Management of object security attributes FMT_MSA.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to restrict the ability to modify the access control attributes associated with a named object to the object owner, root, or users with the appropriate capability. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 20 5.4.2 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow the creator to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. 5.4.3 FMT_MTD.1 Management of the audit trail FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to create, delete, and clear the audit trail to authorized administrators. 5.4.4 FMT_MTD.1 Management of audited events FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify or observe the set of audited events to authorized administrators. 5.4.5 FMT_MTD.1 Management of user attributes FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize and modify the user security attributes, other than authentication data, to authorized administrators. 5.4.6 FMT_MTD.1 Management of authentication data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize the authentication data to authorized administrators. FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the authentication data to the following: a) authorized administrators; and b) users authorized to modify their own authentication data. 5.4.7 FMT_REV.1 Revocation of user attributes FMT_REV.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke security attributes associated with the users within the TSC to authorized administrators. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 21 FMT_REV.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the rules: a) The immediate revocation of security-relevant authorizations. 5.4.8 FMT_REV.1 Revocation of object attributes FMT_REV.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke security attributes associated with objects within the TSC to users authorized to modify the security attributes by the Discretionary Access Control policy. FMT_REV.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the rules: a) The access rights associated with an object shall be enforced when an access check is made. 5.4.9 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles: a) authorized administrator; b) users authorized by the Discretionary Access Control Policy to modify object security attributes; c) users authorized to modify their own authentication data; d) auditor; and e) lp. FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. 5.5 PROTECTION OF THE TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONS (FPT) 5.5.1 FPT_AMT.1 Abstract machine testing FPT_AMT.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of tests during initial start-up, or at the request of an authorized administrator to demonstrate the correct operation of the security assumptions provided by the abstract machine that underlies the TSF. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 22 5.5.2 FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP FPT_RVM.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that TSP enforcement functions are invoked and succeed before each function within the TSC is allowed to proceed. 5.5.3 FPT_SEP.1 TSF domain separation FPT_SEP.1.1 The TSF shall maintain a security domain for its own execution that protects it from interference and tampering by untrusted subjects. FPT_SEP.1.2 The TSF shall enforce separation between the security domains of subjects in the TSC. 5.5.4 FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FPT_STM.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps for its own use. 5.6 STRENGTH OF FUNCTION REQUIREMENT The minimum strength of function level for the security functional requirements is SOF-medium. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 23 6 ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS This chapter defines the assurance requirements for the TOE. Assurance requirements are taken from the CAPP. The CAPP assurance requirements are EAL3 with no augmentation and are derived from the CC, Part 3. Assurance Requirements Assurance Components Class ACM: Configuration Management ACM_CAP.3 Configuration Items ACM_SCP.1 Coverage Class ADO: Delivery and Operation ADO_DEL.1 Delivery Procedures ADO_IGS.1 Installation, Generation, And Start-Up Procedures Class ADV: Development ADV_FSP.1 Informal Functional Specification ADV_HLD.2 Descriptive High-Level Design ADV_RCR.1 Informal Correspondence Demonstration Class AGD: Guidance Documents AGD_ADM.1 Administrator Guidance AGD_USR.1 User Guidance Class ALC: Life Cycle Support ALC_DVS.1 Identification of Security Measures Class ATE: Tests ATE_COV.2 Evidence Of Coverage ATE_DTP.1 Depth ATE_FUN.1 Functional Testing ATE_IND.2 Independent Testing Class AVA: Vulnerability Assessment AVA_MSU.1 Examination of Guidance AVA_SOF.1 Strength Of TOE Security Function Evaluation AVA_VLA.1 Developer Vulnerability Analysis Table 343 Assurance Components 6.1 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT (ACM) 6.1.1 Configuration Items (ACM_CAP.3) ACM_CAP.3.1D The developer shall provide a reference for the TOE. ACM_CAP.3.2D The developer shall use a CM system. ACM_CAP.3.3D The developer shall provide CM documentation. ACM_CAP.3.1C The reference for the TOE shall be unique to each version of the TOE. ACM_CAP.3.2C The TOE shall be labeled with its reference. ACM_CAP.3.3C The CM documentation shall include a configuration list and CM plan. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 24 ACM_CAP.3.4C The configuration list shall describe the configuration items that comprise the TOE. ACM_CAP.3.5C The CM documentation shall describe the method used to uniquely identify the configuration items. ACM_CAP.3.6C The CM system shall uniquely identify all configuration items. ACM_CAP.3.7C The CM plan shall describe how the CM system is used. ACM_CAP.3.8C The evidence shall demonstrate that the CM system is operating in accordance with the CM plan. ACM_CAP.3.9C The CM documentation shall provide evidence that all configuration items have been and are being effectively maintained under the CM system. ACM_CAP.3.10C The CM system shall provide measures such that only authorized changes are made to the configuration items. ACM_CAP.3.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all the requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.1.2 Coverage (ACM_SCP.1) ACM_SCP.1.1D The developer shall provide CM documentation. ACM_SCP.1.1C The CM documentation shall show that the CM system, as a minimum, tracks the following: the TOE implementation representation, design documentation, test documentation, user documentation, administrator documentation, and CM documentation. ACM_SCP.1.2C The CM documentation shall describe how configuration items are tracked by the CM system. ACM_SCP.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.2 DELIVERY AND OPERATION (ADO) 6.2.1 Delivery Procedures (ADO_DEL.1) ADO_DEL.1.1D The developer shall document procedures for delivery of the TOE or parts of it to the user. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 25 ADO_DEL.1.2D The developer shall use the delivery procedures. ADO_DEL.1.1C The delivery documentation shall describe all procedures that are necessary to maintain security when distributing versions of the TOE to a user’s site. ADO_DEL.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.2.2 Installation, Generation, and Start-up Procedures (ADO_IGS.1) ADO_IGS.1.1D The developer shall document procedures necessary for the secure installation, generation, and start-up of the TOE. ADO_IGS.1.1C The documentation shall describe the steps necessary for secure installation, generation, and start- up of the TOE. ADO_IGS.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. ADO_IGS.1.2E The evaluator shall determine that the installation, generation, and start-up procedures result in a secure configuration. 6.3 DEVELOPMENT (ADV) 6.3.1 Informal Functional Specification (ADV_FSP.1) ADV_FSP.1.1D The developer shall provide a functional specification. ADV_FSP.1.1C The functional specification shall describe the TSF and its external interfaces using an informal style. ADV_FSP.1.2C The functional specification shall be internally consistent. ADV_FSP.1.3C The functional specification shall describe the purpose and method of use of all external TSF interfaces, providing details of effects, exceptions and error messages, as appropriate. ADV_FSP.1.4C The functional specification shall completely represent the TSF. ADV_FSP.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 26 ADV_FSP.1.2E The evaluator shall determine that the functional specification is an accurate and complete instantiation of the TOE security functional requirements. 6.3.2 Descriptive High-Level Design (ADV_HLD.2) ADV_HLD.2.1DThe developer shall provide the high-level design of the TSF. ADV_HLD.2.1CThe presentation of the high-level design shall be informal. ADV_HLD.2.2CThe high-level design shall be internally consistent. ADV_HLD.2.3CThe high-level design shall describe the structure of the TSF in terms of subsystems. ADV_HLD.2.4CThe high-level design shall describe the security functionality provided by each subsystem of the TSF. ADV_HLD.2.5CThe high-level design shall identify any underlying hardware, firmware, and/or software required by the TSF with a presentation of the functions provided by the supporting protection mechanisms implemented in that hardware, firmware, or software. ADV_HLD.2.6CThe high-level design shall identify all interfaces to the subsystems of the TSF. ADV_HLD.2.7CThe high-level design shall identify which of the interfaces to the subsystems of the TSF are externally visible. ADV_HLD.2.8C The high-level design shall describe the purpose and method of use of all interfaces to the subsystems of the TSF, providing details of effects, exceptions and error messages, as appropriate. ADV_HLD.2.9C The high-level design shall describe the separation of the TSF into TSP-enforcing and other subsystems. ADV_HLD.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. ADV_HLD.2.2E The evaluator shall determine that the high-level design is an accurate and complete instantiation of the TOE security functional requirements. 6.3.3 Informal Correspondence Demonstration (ADV_RCR.1) ADV_RCR.1.1DThe developer shall provide an analysis of correspondence between all adjacent pairs of TSF representations that are provided. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 27 ADV_RCR.1.1CFor each adjacent pair of provided TSF representations, the analysis shall demonstrate that all relevant security functionality of the more abstract TSF representation is correctly and completely refined in the less abstract TSF representation. ADV_RCR.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.4 GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS (AGD) 6.4.1 Administrator Guidance (AGD_ADM.1) AGD_ADM.1.1D The developer shall provide administrator guidance addressed to system administrative personnel. AGD_ADM.1.1C The administrator guidance shall describe the administrative functions and interfaces available to the administrator of the TOE. AGD_ADM.1.2C The administrator guidance shall describe how to administer the TOE in a secure manner. AGD_ADM.1.3C The administrator guidance shall contain warnings about functions and privileges that should be controlled in a secure processing environment. AGD_ADM.1.4C The administrator guidance shall describe all assumptions regarding user behaviour that are relevant to secure operation of the TOE. AGD_ADM.1.5C The administrator guidance shall describe all security parameters under the control of the administrator, indicating secure values as appropriate. AGD_ADM.1.6C The administrator guidance shall describe each type of security-relevant event relative to the administrative functions that need to be performed, including changing the security characteristics of entities under the control of the TSF. AGD_ADM.1.7C The administrator guidance shall be consistent with all other documentation supplied for evaluation. AGD_ADM.1.8C The administrator guidance shall describe all security requirements for the IT environment that are relevant to the administrator. AGD_ADM.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 28 6.4.2 User Guidance (AGD_USR.1) AGD_USR.1.1D The developer shall provide user guidance. AGD_USR.1.1C The user guidance shall describe the functions and interfaces available to the non-administrative users of the TOE. AGD_USR.1.2C The user guidance shall describe the use of user-accessible security functions provided by the TOE. AGD_USR.1.3C The user guidance shall contain warnings about user-accessible functions and privileges that should be controlled in a secure processing environment. AGD_USR.1.4C The user guidance shall clearly present all user responsibilities necessary for secure operation of the TOE, including those related to assumptions regarding user behaviour found in the statement of TOE security environment. AGD_USR.1.5C The user guidance shall be consistent with all other documentation supplied for evaluation. AGD_USR.1.6C The user guidance shall describe all security requirements for the IT environment that are relevant to the user. AGD_USR.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.5 LIFE CYCLE SUPPORT (ALC) 6.5.1 Identification of Security Measures (ALC_DVS.1) ALC_DVS.1.1D The developer shall produce development security documentation. ALC_DVS.1.1C The development security documentation shall describe all the physical, procedural, personnel, and other security measures that are necessary to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the TOE design and implementation in its development environment. ALC_DVS.1.2C The development security documentation shall provide evidence that these security measures are followed during the development and maintenance of the TOE. ALC_DVS.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 29 ALC_DVS.1.2E The evaluator shall confirm that the security measures are being applied. 6.6 TESTS (ATE) 6.6.1 Evidence of Coverage (ATE_COV.2) ATE_COV.2.1D The developer shall provide an analysis of the test coverage. ATE_COV.2.1C The analysis of the test coverage shall demonstrate the correspondence between the tests identified in the test documentation and the TSF as described in the functional specification. ATR_COV.2.2C The analysis of the test coverage shall demonstrate that the correspondence between the TSF as described in the functional specification and the tests identified in the test documentation is complete. ATE_COV.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.6.2 Depth (ATE_DPT.1) ATE_DPT.1.1D The developer shall provide the analysis of the depth of testing. ATE_DPT.1.1C The depth analysis shall demonstrate that the tests identified in the test documentation are sufficient to demonstrate that the TSF operates in accordance with its high-level design. ATE_DPT.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.6.3 Functional Testing (ATE_FUN.1) ATE_FUN.1.1D The developer shall test the TSF and document the results. ATE_FUN.1.2D The developer shall provide test documentation. ATE_FUN.1.1C The test documentation shall consist of test plans, test procedure descriptions, expected test results and actual test results. ATE_FUN.1.2C The test plans shall identify the security functions to be tested and describe the goal of the tests to be performed. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 30 ATE_FUN.1.3C The test procedure descriptions shall identify the tests to be performed and describe the scenarios for testing each security function. These scenarios shall include any ordering dependencies on the results of other tests. ATE_FUN.1.4C The expected test results shall show the anticipated outputs from a successful execution of the tests. ATE_FUN.1.5C The test results from the developer execution of the tests shall demonstrate that each tested security function behaved as specified. ATE_FUN.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. 6.6.4 Independent Testing (ATE_IND.2) ATE_IND.2.1D The developer shall provide the TOE for testing. ATE_IND.2.1C The TOE shall be suitable for testing. ATE_IND.2.2C The developer shall provide an equivalent set of resources to those that were used in the developer’s functional testing of the TSF. ATE_IND.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. ATE_IND.2.2E The evaluator shall test a subset of the TSF as appropriate to confirm that the TOE operates as specified. ATE_IND.2.3E The evaluator shall execute a sample of tests in the test documentation to verify the developer test results. 6.7 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT (AVA) 6.7.1 Examination of Guidance (AVA_MSU.1) AVA_MSU.1.1D The developer shall provide guidance documentation. AVA_MSU.1.1C The guidance documentation shall identify all possible modes of operation of the TOE (including operation following failure or operational error), their consequences and implications for maintaining secure operation. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 31 AVA_MSU.1.2C The guidance documentation shall be complete, clear, consistent and reasonable. AVA_MSU.1.3C The guidance documentation shall list all assumptions about the intended environment. AVA_MSU.1.4C The guidance documentation shall list all requirements for external security measures (including external procedural, physical and personnel controls). AVA_MSU.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. AVA_MSU.1.2E The evaluator shall repeat all configuration and installation procedures to confirm that the TOE can be configured and used securely using only the supplied guidance documentation. AVA_MSU.1.3E The evaluator shall determine that the use of the guidance documentation allows all insecure states to be detected. 6.7.2 Strength of TOE Security Function Evaluation (AVA_SOF.1) AVA_SOF.1.1D The developer shall perform a strength of TOE security function analysis for each mechanism identified in the ST as having a strength of TOE security function claim. AVA_SOF.1.1C For each mechanism with a strength of TOE security function claim the strength of TOE security function analysis shall show that it meets or exceeds the minimum strength level defined in the PP/ST. AVA_SOF.1.2C For each mechanism with a specific strength of TOE security function claim the strength of TOE security function analysis shall show that it meets or exceeds the specific strength of function metric defined in the PP/ST. AVA_SOF.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. AVA_SOF.1.2E The evaluator shall confirm that the strength claims are correct. 6.7.3 Developer Vulnerability Analysis (AVA_VLA.1) AVA_VLA.1.1D The developer shall perform and document an analysis of the TOE deliverables searching for obvious ways in which a user can violate the TSP. AVA_VLA.1.2D The developer shall document the disposition of obvious vulnerabilities. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 32 AVA_VLA.1.1C The documentation shall show, for all identified vulnerabilities, that the vulnerability cannot be exploited in the intended environment for the TOE. AVA_VLA.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence. AVA_VLA.1.2E The evaluator shall conduct penetration testing, building on the developer vulnerability analysis, to ensure obvious vulnerabilities have been addressed. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 33 7 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION This section describes the SGI IRIX in terms of security functions and then explains how the requirements are satisfied by those functions. 7.1 SECURITY FUNCTIONS 7.1.1 User-subject binding Share groups are used to associate users with subjects on the operating system. A subject is an entity within the TSC that causes operations to be performed. A share group is a set of processes that potentially all share the same address space. The degenerate case of a share group is a single process. A process is one thread of execution within a share group. Each process in a share group has its own stack. Every process in a share group potentially has access to the data (including the stack) of all the others. Other process attributes that may be shared include the address space, open file table, the current and root directories, the umask, the maximum file size, and the real and effective user identifiers (UIDs) and group identifiers (GIDs). There are a number of security attributes associated with a subject. These attributes are: • Real UID • Saved UID • Saved GID • Process group ID and session ID • Process group leader ID • Effective UID • Audit UID (SAT ID) • Real GID • Effective GID • Group list • Process umask • Effective Capability Set • Inherited Capability Set • Permitted Capability Set An existing subject can create a new subject by using the fork or exec system calls. A fork creates a new process that is a copy of the creating process. The new process is a child of the creator and has a new unique process ID. When a process within a share group performs an exec, it becomes the first process in a new share group and therefore, a new subject. A sproc system call is used to create new process within an existing share group, but does not create a new subject unless and until the new process performs an exec system call, which changes its security attributes. The attributes are assigned to a subject at creation time. The operations that can create new subjects are: • A user logging into workstation locally or remotely • A process executing the fork or exec system calls as described above • A batch job being activated. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 34 In general the subject attributes are taken from the creating subject. The exception to this is the executing of a setuid or setgid program or the execution of the su program. When executing a setuid or setgid program, the effective UID or GID, respectively, of the process will be changed. The new effective ID is taken from the file owner of the file being executed. The process may then use the setreuid system call or the setregid system call to interchange the real, effective, and saved UID or GID. In addition the process may use the setregid system call to set its real or effective GID to one of the groups in the process group structure. Successful execution of the su program allows the subject to taken on the targeted identity. 7.1.2 Audit Audit Start/Stop IRIX maintains an audit trail using the system audit trail subsystem (SAT). This comprises a set of programs, system calls, library functions, administrator commands, and databases. Only the auditor can start and stop the audit function. Audit Generation Audit records are generated in the kernel and user-mode portions of the TOE. When a user logs on, a copy of the real UID is placed in the SAT ID field of the process' u-area. When a subject makes a system call that causes a potentially auditable event, that system call first checks to see if the event has been selected for auditing. If the event has been selected, the system call makes an event-specific function call that generates a record for the auditable event. For example, the system call chdir will call the function sat_chdir, which will generate a chdir audit record. If the event has not been selected, the system call will ignore it and continue processing. When the record is complete, the record is placed onto the audit record queue, a kernel memory buffer that holds generated records. The audit subsystem uses a trusted process timed (see Section 7.1.11 Time ) to supply a timestamp for the audit records. Audit Management Audit records are moved from the audit record queue into an audit file. If the auditor has specified a regular file as the audit file, the audit subsystem copies the records into that file. If the auditor has specified a directory as the destination, the audit subsystem will create files in that directory and name them with the file creation date/time in the format satyymmddhhmm. It will then fill them with records. The auditor can direct the audit file to a standard output device using a parameter to the command line. The auditor can also specify a rotation scheme among the audit files. One option is if the last in a series of audit files is full, IRIX will go back to the first audit file to start writing and overwrite any previously recorded data. The second option is once all the audit files are filled, IRIX will shut down. When the audit trails fill, a message is written to the syslog to alert the auditor. Audit files are owned by the auditor and set to allow read-write access for the owner, null access for group and world. This renders them inaccessible to users. The auditor uses the sat_select tool to control audit event selection based on user identity. This allows the auditor to designate which audit events to record, to display the current list of selected events, and to restore the default set of auditable events. To SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 35 exclude a particular event, the auditor must select all other events except that event. The attribute that the auditor must be able to exclude is user id. Since this is only one item, the auditor can include all other events and that effectively excludes the missing user id event. Audit Event Selection All audit files have a common format: a file header and a set of audit records, each of which contains a record header and record body. The file header comprises a version number (indicating which audit record structure is being used), the start and stop of audit file generation time, timezone information, and the host machine name where the audit file is stored. All audit records have a common header, which contains information common to all events; the record body varies according to the specific event being recorded. The information contained in the header is as follows: • Event type - the type of audit event • Event outcome - the success or failure of the event • Event sequence number - the sequence number for this type of event • Time of Event - the date and time the event took place • System Call name - the system call that took place • Process ID - the identifier for the subject process that generated the event • Parent Process ID - the identifier of the subject's parent process • Host ID - the identifier of the host that generated the audit event. • Current Working Directory - the subject's current working directory • SAT ID - the unique audit ID for the user • UID - the UID of the process that caused the event • GID - the GID of the process that caused the event • Group list entries - the list of user IDs for the above GID For most but not all event records, there is also a record body, which usually contains information about the object affected by the event. The following tables document the list of auditable events and provide a brief description of each event: Auditable Events Description sat_access_denied Access to the file or some element of the path was denied due to enforcement of DAC permissions. sat_access_failed Access to a file was denied because the path specified does not exist. sat_chdir Current working directory was changed with chdir. sat_chroot Current root directory was changed with chroot. sat_open A file was opened with write permission. sat_open_ro A file was opened read-only. sat_read_symlink The contents of a symbolic link were read with readlink. Note that the file the link “points” to is not accessed in any way. sat_file_crt_del A file was added or removed from a directory. sat_file_crt_del2 This is the same as sat_file_crt_del, but reports that two files (perhaps a link) were removed. sat_file_write The data in a file was modified by truncate. sat_mount A filesystem was mounted or unmounted. sat_file_attr_read The attributes of a file were read by stat. sat_file_attr_write The attributes of a file were written by chmod. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 36 sat_exec A new process has been introduced by exec. sat_fchdir The user changed from the current working directory to the directory “pointed” to by the given open descriptor. sat_fd_read Information was read from a file descriptor using read. sat_fd_read2 The same event as sat_fd_read, but with multiple file descriptors. sat_fd_write The user finalized a change to a file descriptor. sat_fd_attr_write The user changed the attributes of the file “pointed” to by the given file descriptor using fchmod. sat_pipe The user created an unnamed pipe. sat_dup The user duplicated a file descriptor. sat_close The user closed a file descriptor. sat_proc_read The user read from a process’s address space using ptrace. sat_proc_write The user finalized a changes to a process’s address space using ptrace. sat_proc_attr_read The user read a process’s attributes. sat_proc_attr_write The user finalized a change to a process’s attributes. sat_fork The user duplicated the current process (thereby creating a new process). sat_exit The user ended the current process. sat_proc_own_attr_write Process attributes were changed. sat_clock_set The system clock was set. sat_hostname_set The hostname was set. sat_domainname_set The domain name was set. sat_hostid_set The host ID was set. sat_check_priv Action requiring superuser privilege was performed. sat_control The sat_select command was used. sat_svipc_access The user accessed a System V IPC data structure. sat_svipc_create The user created a System V IPC data structure. sat_svipc_remove The user removed a System V IPC data structure. sat_svipc_change The user set some attribute of a System V IPC data structure. sat_bsdipc_create The user created a socket. sat_bsdipc_create_pair The user created a socket pair. sat_bsdipc_address A network address was used explicitly via the accept, bind, or connect system calls. sat_bsdipc_if_config An interface structure’s attributes were changed. Table 454 Kernel Audit Events sat_ae_identity A login- or logout- related event occurred. sat_ae_mount An NFS filesystem was mounted. sat_ae_audit Audit started/stopped sat_ae_lp Print job activity sat_ae_custom An application-defined event occurred. Application developers can engineer their applications to generate this event. Table 565 User-mode Audit Events Audit Reduction SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 37 The auditor has several tools available for the reduction and viewing of audit data. The auditor can invoke the following programs to manage the audit data: • sat_reduce applies filter to audit data. Data can be filtered on various attributes including date and time, event type, object identifier, and success or failure of related event. • sat_summarize produces a statistical summary of the contents of an audit file, such as the total number of audit records in the file by event type, by user, or by various timing parameters. • sat_interpret converts the contents of an audit file into human-readable form. • Covici is used to track changes to user attributes. In order for covici to track changes to user attributes, it must be used to make all changes to the user attributes. • The SYSLOG is used to record login attempts for rlogin and ftp sessions. 7.1.3 Discretionary Access Control IRIX enforces a discretionary access control (DAC) policy on all subjects and objects. Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is the mechanism by which an access to data is controlled based solely on the identity of the user and the resource. The implementation of DAC is accomplished by association of attributes which are specific to the type of resource. This section first identifies the DAC attributes of subjects and each object. The DAC policies are specific to the type of object and are described following the attribute identification. Subject DAC Attributes As stated in Section 7.1.1 above, the subject is share group (which may consist of a single process) Following are the DAC-related attributes of a subject: • Real UID • Saved UID • Saved GID • Process group ID and session ID • Process group leader ID • Effective UID • Real GID • Effective GID • Group list • Process umask • Effective Capability Set • Inherited Capability Set • Permitted Capability Set Object DAC Attributes This section identifies the DAC attributes for each of the object types. File System Object Attributes Following are the DAC-related attributes of a file system object: • Owner SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 38 • Owning Group • Protection Mode • Access Control List (optional) • Default Access Control List (optional, relevant only for directories) • Permitted Capabilities (optional, relevant only for executables) • Effective Capabilities (optional, relevant only for executables) • Inherited Capabilities (optional, relevant only for executables) Process Object Attributes Following are the DAC-related attributes of a process object: • Real User ID • Effective User ID • Saved User ID • Process ID • Process Group ID • Process Group Structure • Session Structure System V IPC Object Attributes The System V inter-process communication facilities provide for semaphore sets, message queues, and shared memory segments. Following are the DAC-related attributes of a System V IPC object: • Owner's User ID • Owning Group ID • Creator's User ID • Creator's Group ID • Protection Mode Non-Kernel Objects Non-kernel objects are at jobs, crontab file sand print queue entries. Following is the DAC-related attribute of a non-kernel object: • Object Owner Permissions Checking Permission checking relies on several object attributes. Two of those attributes are permission bits (i.e., protection mode) and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Other object attributes identified above are used to perform permission checking. This section describes permission bits and ACLs and their access checking algorithms. Other attributes are not described here since they are simple comparisons (e.g., does the process ID match the owner ID?). The comparisons are identified in the next section. Permission bits divide permissions into three categories and users into three relative groups. The three categories of permissions are read, write, and execute. They are denoted as "r" for read, "w" for write, and "x" for execute. The three relative groups are the owner of the file, the owner's group, and every other user. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 39 IRIX includes an additional DAC facility, Access Control Lists (ACLs) for files and directories. The ACL is an optional component of the DAC. ACLs are used to provide more fine-grained protection than the group permissions. In the abstract, an ACL consists of a set of pairs (name, permissions), where name is a user or group name, and permissions are the list of permitted or denied access types for name. Files may have a single ACL. Directories may have two distinct ACLs. The first is the access control ACL, which is used in DAC for access to the directory itself. The second is the default ACL, which is used to initialize files created in that directory. Permissions checking on permission bits checks for user permission first, followed by group, followed by other users. Permission is granted by the first permission set matched. Permission checking for ACLs is also performed in the order of user, group, and other. ACLs are order dependent. The first match that is encountered on the ACL is the access granted. Before permission checking is performed, capability checks are made to determine if the user has a capability to bypass the standard DAC checks just described. The capabilities checked are: • CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH for read access, • CAP_DAC_WRITE for write access, and • CAP_DAC_EXECUTE for execute access. Other capabilities are checked for specific access modes and are described in the next section. In all cases, if the UID of the process requesting access is 0, then access is granted. Object DAC Policies File System Objects There are two ways to reference a file system object in IRIX, by pathname or by descriptor. In either case, if the subject has the appropriate capability or is root, access is always granted. Otherwise, separate policies are used depending on whether the subject references the object by pathname or by descriptor. Typically, a subject makes a system call such as open that references a pathname and returns a file descriptor to the same object; reading and writing to that object is then carried out using the descriptor. Access checks are made against an ACL if one exists, or permissions bits if no ACL is present. In order to read data from an object with a pathname, a subject must have execute/search access to each directory in an object's pathname, and read access to the file. In order to write data into an object, a subject must have execute/search access to each directory in the pathname, and write access to the file. A subject may read a pathname object's attributes if the subject has execute access to each directory in the path. If the subject is also the owner, that subject may modify the object's attributes. A subject may execute the object if the subject has execute/search access to all portions of the pathname and execute access to the file. In addition to these policies, IRIX maintains a special policy regarding directories. Within the object’s attributes is a special bit called the "sticky bit". When this bit is set in a directory’s attributes, no entry in that directory can be deleted except by its owner or the directory's owner. It has no significance for other types of files. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 40 A separate set of policies applies to file descriptors. A process may read a file to which it has the file descriptor, and may write the file if the process requested write access when obtaining the descriptor. If the process' UID owns the file, the process may change the file's attributes. Note that unnamed pipes have no pathname; hence access control is applied using the file descriptor. When a symbolic link is encountered, its DAC attributes are taken from the file whose pathname is stored in the data portion of the symbolic link. Access checking is performed using those attributes. Process Objects IRIX has separate DAC policies for the process object when it is the current process and when it is another process. Current Process A process can always read and writes its own data in user space. A process can also always read its own attributes. Most process attributes either can never be written (e.g., process id) or can always be written. However, there are three process attributes governed by specific write policies: (1) real and effective UID, (2) group ID, and (3) group list. These policies are: 1. A process with the CAP_SETUID capability or one that is root can change its real and effective user identifier (UID). Otherwise, it can change its real and effective UID only if the requested value is equal to its real or saved UID. 2. A process with the CAP_SETGID capability or one that is root can change its real and effective group identifier (GID). Otherwise, it must have the same effective UID as the invoker or be a member of the same session as the calling process. 3. A process can change its session ID, provided that it is not the process group leader and that no other process has a process group ID that matches the calling process' process ID. 4. Only a process with the CAP_PROC_MGT capability or one that is root can change the group list. Another Process A process can read or write another process' data if the reading process is the target process' parent. A process can read the attributes of any process that it can name (via the process ID), even if they are in different share groups. There are two process attributes that may be changed: the process group ID and sending a signal mask. A process can change the process group ID of another process if one of the following is true: • the changing process has the CAP_PROC_MGT capability or is root • the changing process is the changed process' parent • the two processes have the same effective UID or are part of the same session A process can write the signal mask of another process if one of the following is true: • the sending process has the appropriate capability or is root • the real or effective UID of the sending process matches the real or saved UID of the receiving process SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 41 • the receiving process is a child of the sending process. • the signal is SIGCONT and the sending process is an ancestor of the receiving process • the signal is SIGCONT and the sending and receiving processes are members of the same session. System V Objects Another set of policies applies to the System V IPC objects. The access function will approve access if the process has the CAP_FOWNER capability or is the root user. If not, the access function checks to see if the user is the owner or the creator or, failing that, has the same effective GID. When the proper type of user is determined, the function checks the access bits for that user type to see if the requested access mode is valid. Access is granted accordingly. Access control on System V IPC objects is performed by all system calls that access these types of objects. Non-Kernel Objects DAC on non-kernel objects is enforced by the Batch and LP Subsystems. All at jobs and crontab files have their owner set to the user who submitted the job, and access is allowed to that owner only. The at command allows users to list or remove at jobs they own in the batch queue. Users may not access other user's at jobs. A user with the appropriate capability or the root user may access any at jobs. Users may display or remove crontab files they have submitted. Users may not access other users' crontab files. A user running with the appropriate capability or the root user may access any crontab files. All print queue entries are owned by lp. A user may use lp commands to list or delete any print queue entry that the user submitted. A user with the root access may list or delete any entry. DAC Initialization and Revocation If the parent directory of the file has a default ACL, the default ACL is used as the initial ACL on the newly created file. The file system DAC permission bits are set to the value of the subject’s umask at creation. The umask contains the initial permission settings and may be set as restrictively as the subject wants. In addition to permissions for owner, owning group, and world, System V IPC objects include the UIDs for the object creator and the creator's group. The creator and creating group are taken from the effective UID and GID of the process that created the object. The permissions for the creator are the same as the permissions for the owner. DAC permissions can be changed on an object to which a subject currently has a descriptor. A change in an object’s DAC permissions will not impact subjects, which already have a descriptor to this object. Changes to an object’s DAC permissions become effective upon future attempts to open that object. 7.1.4 Object Reuse IRIX maintains a policy that no allocated storage shall contain information leftover from previous use. When a file system object is created, all of its fields are filled with attribute information for the new object, overwriting the old information SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 42 The control structures that underlay a process are initialized and assigned to the process at process creation time. System V IPC objects are created empty. Data managed within the TCP/IP networking subsystem are kept in message buffers. When a message buffer is allocated for use, it is zeroed. 7.1.5 Login Process Local Logins The login process is a user-mode process that handles user logins to the system. When a login attempt originates on a hardwired terminal connection. This process prompts for an initial user name and then passes the name to the login command. The login command then prompts for a password. The login command will then continue to prompt for username / password pairs until a correct pair is entered or a configurable maximum number of attempts is exceeded. At this point, a configurable time delay occurs, and the login command exits. Network Logins When multiple IRIX workstations are connected via an Ethernet, a user may request another workstation to perform services on the user’s behalf by invoking one of the following commands: rlogin, rsh, rcp, telnet, or ftp. When a user invokes the rlogin, rsh, rcp, telnet, or ftp command, a corresponding client process is invoked on the user's workstation. This client process attempts to communicate with a corresponding server process that will perform the service on the remote workstation. In each case, this interaction results in the server process performing a service on a remote host on behalf of the user. The client processes rlogin, rsh, and rcp pass the identity (i.e., effective UID) of their user to the corresponding server process (rlogind or rshd), which "trusts" this identity and does not perform further authentication (unless the authentication fails and the user is prompted for a different identity). The server processes ftpd and telnetd, on the other hand, always identify and authenticate remote users. User Attribute Storage The /etc directory maintains the user attribute information. The identification and authentication subsystem maintains a database in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow that provides basic authentication data such as user name, user ID, and password. The user name may be an untrusted user or a role. This information is supplemented by the following related databases: • group membership (/etc/group) • administrative capability assignments (/etc/capability) A user's encrypted password is stored only in /etc/shadow. This file is protected by DAC permissions that allow reading and writing only by root. The user is never allowed to see the plain text form of a password, or alter the password database directly. Only an administrator can manage user attributes. When an administrator makes a change to a user attribute using the covici tool, the change takes affect on the next login. To ensure an immediate change, the administrator must require the user to logoff. Password Management Users are allowed to change their own passwords using the passwd command. Passwords must be constructed to meet the following requirements: SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 43 • Each password must have at least six characters. Only the first eight characters are significant. • Each password must contain at least two alphabetic characters and at least one numeric or special character. In this case, ``alphabetic'' means upper and lower case letters. • Each password must differ from the user's login name and any reverse or circular shift of that login name. For comparison purposes, an upper case letter and its corresponding lower case letter are equivalent. • New passwords must differ from the old by at least three characters. For comparison purposes, an upper case letter and its corresponding lower case letter are equivalent. Administrators can change any user's password using the same passwd command. User changes to passwords using the passwd are constrained by password aging. Password aging means after a password change, the user may not change the password again for a site configured minimum period of time. This prevents the user from changing away from and back to an expired password too quickly. Once a password has been validated by the passwd command, it is encrypted and written into the password database. The clear text is never written into any database. 7.1.6 Capabilities The Capabilities mechanism provides access to specific administrative functions. Only administrators and auditors are assigned capabilities. Capabilities are stored within the Process Definition and are referenced whenever a capability is required to perform a requested function. Capabilities are inherited and granted through a set of rules. Every process has three capability vectors. Only the effective vector is used in access control decisions. The permitted vector is the capabilities that a process may request. The inherited vector is only used in the calculation of capability sets during exec processing. As stated above, each program file has three capability vectors. These vectors influence the final capability set of a process, which invokes the program. When a new program is loaded the capability vectors are set to: • Inherited-process-new = Inherited-file & Inherited-process-old • Permitted-process-new = Permitted-file | (Permitted-process -old & Inherited- process-new) • Effective-process-new = Effective-file & Permitted-process-new The new inherited vector is the intersection of the process inherited vector and the program inherited vector. The new permitted vector is the union of the program permitted vector and the intersection of the new inherited vector and the process permitted vector. The new effective vector is the intersection of the new permitted vector and the program effective vector. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 44 Figure 2 Capability RelationshipsFigure 2 Capability RelationshipsFigure 2 Capability Relationships demonstrates the relationship among the capability sets: Inherited Permitted Effective Inherited Permitted Effective Process old Process new File Inherited Permitted Effective & & & | Figure 22 Capability Relationships Note that the old effective vector does not influence any of the new vectors, and that the program inherited vector defines an upper bound on the capabilities available to the process through inheritance from the preceding process. In the following identification of capabilities, for brevity the term allows used. The more complete description would be that the system call would successfully complete only if the capability is in the effective set of the process at the time of issuing the system call. • CAP_ACCT_MGT - This capability allows the process to issue the acct system call. • CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL - This capability shall override the restriction that a process cannot modify audit control parameters. • CAP_AUDIT_WRITE - This capability shall override the restriction that a process cannot write data into the system audit trail. • CAP_CHOWN - This capability allows the caller to change the owner of a file to an arbitrary UID/GID. • CAP_CHROOT -This capability allows the process to issue the chroot call. • CAP_DAC_EXECUTE -This capability shall override file mode execute access restrictions when accessing an object, and shall override the ACL execute access restrictions when accessing an object. • CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH - This capability shall override file mode read and search access restrictions when accessing an object, and shall override the ACL read and search access restrictions when accessing an object. • CAP_DAC_WRITE - This capability shall override file mode write access restrictions when accessing an object, and shall override the ACL write access restrictions when accessing an object. • CAP_DEVICE_MGT - This capability allows privileged operations on devices. • CAP_FOWNER - This capability overrides the requirement that the user ID associated with a process be equal to the file owner ID, except in the cases where the CAP_FSETID capability is applicable. In general, this capability, when SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 45 effective, will permit a process to perform all the functions that any file owner would have for their files. • CAP_FSETID - This capability shall override the following restrictions: that the effective user ID of the calling process shall match the file owner when setting the set-user-ID ( S_ISUID ) and set-group-ID ( S_ISGID ) bits on that file; that the effective group ID or one of the supplementary group IDs of the calling process shall match the group ID of the file when setting the set-group-ID bit of that file; and that the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits of the file mode shall be cleared upon successful return from chown. • CAP_KILL - This capability shall override the restriction that the real or effective user ID of a process sending a signal must match the real or effective user ID of the receiving process. • CAP_MEMORY_MGT - This capability overrides the restriction that a process may not manipulate the system memory management policies. • CAP_MOUNT_MGT - This capability is required to mount and unmount filesystems. • CAP_NETWORK_MGT - This capability is required to change the system network configuration. The functions enabled by this capability include: − downloading firmware to network device interfaces and starting them − setting the Media Access Control (MAC) address, e.g. the Ethernet address of an interface − retrieving device management information from network devices − setting, controlling and examining the FDDI SMT information − controlling the ARP mechanism − controlling the IP address(es), parameters, and flags of network interfaces − configuring the IP filter − using the private interface for lockd − using the private interfaces for the NFS service daemons • CAP_PRIV_PORT - This capability is required to use a privileged (less than 1024) TCP/IP port. • CAP_PROC_MGT - This capability is required to override the restrictions on changing the attributes of other processes and to perform privileged process operations. • CAP_QUOTA_MGT - This capability is required to modify disk quotas. • CAP_SCHED_MGT - This capability is required to manipulate the system process scheduler. • CAP_SETFCAP - Privilege to change the capability sets of a file. • CAP_SETPCAP - Allows a process to change its capability sets. • CAP_SETGID - This capability shall override the restriction in the setgid function that a process cannot change its real group ID or change its effective group ID to a value other than its real group ID. This capability also controls the setting of the process group and session group. • CAP_SETPPRIV - This capability allows the process to set its effective set to include privileges not in its permitted set. • CAP_SETUID - This capability shall override the restriction in the setuid() function that a process cannot change its real user ID or change its effective user ID to a value other than the current real user ID. • CAP_SHUTDOWN - This capability is required to use the uadmin system call which can: − shut the system down − reboot the system − force remount of the root after automatic file system damage repair − notify all processes to terminate gracefully − power the system down (not supported on all systems) SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 46 • CAP_STREAMS_MGT - This capability is required to perform privileged STREAMS ioctls. • CAP_SWAP_MGT - This capability is required to add or remove swap areas of the system. • CAP_SYSINFO_MGT - This capability is required to manipulate the system identification information of the system. • CAP_TIME_MGT - This capability is required to modify the system clock. There is an instance where capabilities are not enforced as described in this section. Upon access to files via NFS, only permission bit checks are enforced and capabilities have no impact. The capabilities that are explicitly affected by this are: CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH, CAP_DAC_WRITE, and CAP_DAC_EXECUTE, CAP_FOWNER. 7.1.7 Diagnostics The hardware and firmware is tested as part of the TOE. Additionally, hardware tests are made available to the administrator to periodically validate the correct operation of the Trusted IRIX hardware and firmware. The tests are partitioned into two groups: Power ON (PON) diagnostics and the hardware instructions and memory tests. The PON tests are run at every system startup time and the other tests can be run by an administrator whenever the system is down. 7.1.8 Reference Monitor The IRIX architecture is based on a kernel and processes. The kernel executes in the kernel mode of the processor, which is the most privileged mode. Untrusted processes run in the user mode of the processor. The mechanism for entering the kernel mode also transfers control to the kernel, which then arbitrates any requests for service and access to resources based on the security policy and the file descriptor submitted by the user process. When untrusted processes access system resources in user-mode, they do so through well–defined server interfaces. 7.1.9 Domain Separation Domains of Execution The IRIX system executes instructions in two broad domains. Commands and applications execute in user-mode. In this mode, the memory management system and hardware restrictions on instruction execution isolate processes from each other, from operating system control data, and from direct hardware access. This establishes a strong separation of the instruction streams and data contained in one process from those found in another process. A thread within a share-group may initiate an operating system request from user-mode through the system call trap mechanism. A system call trap is a software interrupt operation that causes a context switch from user-mode into kernel-mode. In kernel-mode, the thread can only execute the kernel defined code sequence that follows from a system call. This kernel code sequence, however, has unrestricted direct access to kernel control data and the hardware. The kernel-mode and user-mode distinctions are enforced by the hardware. Process Trust Distinctions SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 47 A process in IRIX may have any of three levels of trust at any given time, depending on the code it executes. These three levels of trust define three trust domains for user-mode in an IRIX system: • The user domain • The administrative domain • The system domain The user domain contains processes without special authorization, operating on behalf of a single named user. Processes in the user domain may be simple or complex, but they cannot violate system policy restrictions, so they have no particular security function. The administrative domain contains processes running with or without special authorization operating on behalf of administrators. Processes in the administrative domain always have the potential to assert administrative authority over policy restrictions. While these processes have a security function, that function is entirely under administrative control and, therefore, largely beyond comprehensive analysis. This limits analysis to correctness of function and potential administrative action. The system domain contains processes executing with special authorization on behalf of potentially non-administrative users. This includes system daemons that provide services like authentication, batch processing, and so forth. It also includes applications that allow a user limited access to protected system resources, a password changing command, for example. Execution in the system domain implies policy enforcement by user-mode software. Policy enforcement requires well-defined and repeatable behavior, so analysis of system domain software includes a description of the controls placed by the software. Process isolation and memory protection features ensures that these processes have a protected execution environment 7.1.10 Roles IRIX supports the administrative role of root, the traditional UNIX administrative user. The root user is permitted to perform all administrative actions including the ability to manage user accounts and the default discretionary access policy. The lp account is permitted to perform printer administration. Administrative privileges may be granted to other user accounts through the use of capabilities. In addition to root, IRIX has defined the auditor role. The auditor owns all audit files; access permissions on the files give access only to the owner. The auditor may create, clear, and delete audit files. The auditor also selects which audit events to enable and can filter the resulting audit log. 7.1.11 Time • IRIX uses the time server daemon timed to provide a reliable time stamp. This time stamp is used in the audit trail to ensure accurate accounting of audit events. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 48 7.2 ASSURANCE MEASURES 7.2.1 Configuration Management The Configuration Management (CM) system applied by SGI ensures each product release is assigned a unique identifier. The CM system also identifies each hardware and software item that composes the TOE. The documentation and other programs managed by the CM system include: design documentation, test documentation, tests, user guide, administrator guide, and the configuration management plan. The CM plan is documented within the following document: • SGI Configuration Management Plan Assurance Requirements Satisfied: ACM_CAP.3 and ACM_SCP.1 7.2.2 Delivery and Operation SGI has a set of Delivery and Operation documentation that describes the procedures for the delivery of the TOE. The documentation describes what is delivered with the TOE, instructions for installing and configuring the TOE, and warnings for the administrator to follow during installation. The Delivery and Operation documents are: • IRIX/Trusted IRIX Delivery and Installation Assurance Requirements Satisfied: ADO_DEL.1 and ADO_IGS.1 7.2.3 Development SGI has a functional specification that describes the external interfaces of the TOE including the effects, exceptions, and error messages. There are also design documents that describe the security functions of the subsystems of the TOE. A correspondence exists that maps the high level design to the functional specification and the functional specification to the ST. The documents that meet the development assurance requirement: • Subsystem specification for each TOE subsystem • High Level Design Overview • IRIX 6.5 Man Pages Assurance Requirements Satisfied: ADV_FSP.1, ADV_HLD.2, and ADV_RCR.1 7.2.4 Guidance Documents The Guidance Documents provided by SGI include both administrator and user manuals. The administrator manual describes the administrative functions and interfaces, provides guidance on how to administer the TOE securely, and contains warnings about functions and privileges that should be controlled. The user manual describes the functions and interfaces available to non-administrative users, describes the user-accessible security functions, and contains warnings to users about functions that should be controlled. The guidance documents are: SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 49 • IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accounting, 007-2862-004 • IRIX Admin Release Notes for Release 6.5.13 Common Criteria Evaluation • Trusted IRIX/CMW Security Features User’s Guide, 007-3300-003 • IRIX Security Features User's Guide Release Notes for Release 6.5.13 Common Criteria Evaluation, version 1.0 Assurance Requirements Satisfied: AGD_ADM.1 and AGD_USR.1 7.2.5 Life Cycle Support The Life Cycle Support documentation describes how all the physical, procedural, personnel, and other security measures that are necessary to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the TOE design and implementation in it development environment are followed. The life cycle support document is • IRIX/Trusted IRIX Life Cycle Procedures Assurance Requirements Satisfied: ALC_DVS.1 7.2.6 Security Testing SGI maintains a security test suite consisting of test plans, procedures, expected results, and actual results. SGI has performed and documented an analysis that the test suite adequately tests the interfaces from both a coverage and depth perspective. A correspondence exists that maps the test suite to the functional specification. The test documents are: • IRIX and Trusted IRIX/CMW CAPP and LSPP Evaluation Test Suite, Release 32 with addendums.A hierarchy of html documents with index.html at the root. This hierarchy contained all the information required in the test requirements. Assurance Requirements Satisfied: ATE_COV.2, ATE_DPT.1, ATE_FUN.1, and ATE_IND.2 7.2.7 Vulnerability Assessment SGI has provided guidance documents that identify all possible modes of operation of the TOE, their consequences, and implications for maintaining secure operation. The guidance documents list all assumptions about intended usage and the TOE’s environment. The Strength of Function analysis performed on the password mechanism is provided in the following SGI document: • SGI Strength of Function Analysis As part of its design and testing process, SGI performs a vulnerability assessment. This analysis includes a search for obvious ways in which a user can violate the TSP. For all identified vulnerabilities, SGI provides an explanation why the vulnerability cannot be exploited in the intended environment for the TOE. The following documents the vulnerability analysis: • SGI Vulnerability Analysis SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 50 Assurance Requirements Satisfied: AVA_MSU.1, AVA_SOF.1, and AVA_VLA.1 SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 51 8 PP CLAIMS This section provides the PP conformance claims. 8.1 PP IDENTIFICATION The TOE conforms to the Controlled Access Protection Profile, Version 1.d, October 8, 1999. 8.2 PP TAILORING The following requirements from the Controlled Access Protection Profile were tailored in this Security Target: • FAU_SAR.3 Selectable Audit Review • FAU_SEL.1 Selective Audit • FAU_STG.3 Action In Case Of Possible Audit Data Loss • FAU_STG.4 Prevention of Audit Data Loss • FDP_ACC.1 Discretionary Access Control • FDP_ACF.1 Discretionary Access Control Functions • FIA_ATD.1 Use Attribute Definition • FIA_UAU.1 Timing of Authentication • FIA_UID.1 Timing of Identification • FIA_USB.1 User-Subject Binding • FMT_MSA.1 Management of Object Security Attributes • FMT_MSA.3 Static Attribute Initialization • FMT_REV.1 Revocation of User Attributes • FMT_REV.1 Revocation of Object Attributes • FMT_SMR.1 Security Management Roles • FPT_AMT.1 Abstract Machine Testing 8.3 PP ADDITIONS The following assumption was added in this Security Target: A.MGMT. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 52 9 RATIONALE This section provides the rationale for the selection of the IT security objectives, requirements, and security functions. It also provides rationale explaining all PP claims. 9.1 RATIONALE FOR IT SECURITY OBJECTIVES The CAPP provides rationale for the security objectives demonstrating that security objectives are suitable to cover the intended environment. The rationale in the CAPP is valid for this ST. There is one additional assumption in this ST. The following paragraph provides the rationale for the change. A.MGMT The TOE must operate under a single management domain with each TSF sharing the same identification and authentication database. This added assumption is a refinement of the PP management assumptions and do not cause the environment to be more benign. 9.2 RATIONALE FOR SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The CAPP provides rationale for the security functional requirements demonstrating that security functional requirements are suitable to address the security objectives. The rationale in the CAPP is valid for this ST as no new security functional requirements or security objectives were added. 9.3 RATIONALE FOR SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The CAPP provides rationale for the security assurance requirements demonstrating that security assurance requirements are suitable for the intended environment. The rationale in the CAPP is valid for this ST as no new security assurance requirements or security objectives were added. 9.4 RATIONALE FOR TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION This section shows that the TOE security functions and assurances are suitable to meet the TOE security requirements. This section summarizes the TOE Summary Specification; for more details about any requirement, see the corresponding section within Section 7. For the purposes of clarity, the four FMT_MTD.1 requirements have been labeled a, b, c, and d respectively. This is to distinguish them for the correspondence. Similarly, the FMT_REV.1 requirements have been labeled a and b. The only security mechanism that is realized by a probabilistic or permutational implementation is the password mechanism identified in FIA_SOS.1. By requiring passwords consist of six characters with at least two alphabetic characters and at least one numeric or special character the claim exceeds the minimum strength of function requirement. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 53 Functional Components Security Functions User Subj. Bind Audit DAC OR Login Diagnostics Ref Mon Domain Sep. Roles Time FAU_GEN.1 X FAU_GEN.2 X FAU_SAR.1 X FAU_SAR.2 X X FAU_SEL.1 X FAU_STG.1 X X FAU_STG.3 X FAU_STG.4 X FDP_ACC.1 X FDP_ACF.1 X FDP_RIP.2 X Note 1 X FIA_ATD.1 X FIA_SOS.1 X FIA_UAU.1 X FIA_UAU.7 X FIA_UID.1 X FIA_USB.1 X FMT_MSA.1 X FMT_MSA.3 X FMT_MTD.1a X FMT_MTD.1b X FMT_MTD.1c X FMT_MTD.1d X FMT_REV.1a X FMT_REV.1b X FMT_SMR.1 X FPT_AMT.1 X FPT_RVM.1 X FPT_SEP.1 X FPT_STM.1 X FAU_GEN.1 The IRIX audit security function generates all the audit events listed in Table 2 Auditable EventsTable 2 Auditable EventsTable 2 Auditable Events on page 141417. Within each audit record is the date, time, outcome of the event, and subject identity, as well as host name, process ID, and event type. For object access events, the identity of the object is in the audit record. For administrator events, the administrator action is audited as well as any security-relevant attribute changes. FAU_GEN.2 The IRIX audit security function ensures each audit record has a user ID and process ID to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. FAU_SAR.1 The IRIX audit security function provides the sat_interpret tool that converts the audit trail into human readable format so that auditors may read the entire contents of the audit trail. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 54 FAU_SAR.2 The IRIX audit security function generates audit files. The DAC security function, ensures that by default, audit files are owned by the auditor and set to allow read-write access for the owner, null access for group and world. FAU_SAR.3 Using the sat_reduce program provided in the audit security function, IRIX permits the auditor to perform searches of the audit data based on user identity, date, time, event type, object identity, and success/failure of the event. FAU_SEL.1 Using the sat_select program provided in the audit security function, IRIX permits the auditor to include or exclude auditable events from the set of audited events based on user identity. FAU_STG.1 The IRIX audit security function generates audit files. The DAC security function ensures audit files are protected from authorized deletion by the permissions set on the files. The default settings are audit files are owned by the auditor and set to allow read-only access for the owner, null access for group and world. In the case where a system crash occurs before all audit data is written to disk, SGI has made engineering estimates of the number of audit records lost. satd writes data to the audit file in 8 KB blocks. The average size of an audit record is 100 bytes, giving approximately 80 bytes per write. SGI estimates that about 120 additional records will be either in the audit queue or being built throughout the system. In the event of a system crash, the 8 KB block and the other audit records will be lost. Thus, a total of about 200 audit records will be lost in the average case. The most extreme case of audit loss occurs when IRIX audits every intra-TSF packet delivery. SGI has found that the system will run out of memory to store audit records and crash within a few minutes. This case will result in the loss of approximately 32,000 audit records. FAU_STG.3 If the audit trail has reached 90% capacity, the audit security function writes a message to the system log for indicating more audit storage is necessary. FAU_STG.4 The audit security function provides the auditor the option of setting a flag indicating the system should shutdown if the audit trail is full. This action would prohibit all auditable events from occurring until the administrator can make additional space available for audit data. The auditor also has the option of allowing the audit trail to overwrite the oldest audit records in the audit trail if the audit log fills. FDP_ACC.1 The DAC security function supports a DAC policy between share groups acing on behalf of users and the following objects: files, directories, named pipes, symbolic links, processes, unnamed pipes, System V IPC objects, at jobs, crontab files, and print queue entries. The DAC security functions ensure the DAC policy is enforced on all operations among subjects and objects. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 55 FDP_ACF.1 The TSF enforces access to user objects based on user identity and group membership(s) associated with a subject, and permission bits, ACLs, object ownership, and creator associated with an object. The rules governing the access are described above in Section FDP_RIP.2 The object reuse security function ensures that before any resource is made available to a subject, it is cleared upon allocation. File system objects are created empty. System V IPC objects are also cleared upon allocation. All non-kernel objects are cleared upon allocation. Note 1 The object reuse security function is responsible for making sure that when a subject is created, it contains no residual data. To ensure this, processes take their attributes from their parent processes and all memory associated with the new subject is cleared. FIA_ATD.1 Within the /etc file system are files that maintain the user databases. Each user has an associated user identifier, groups memberships, password, and roles. FIA_SOS.1 IRIX provides a password mechanism to perform authentication. For each attempt to use the password mechanism, the probability that a random attempt will succeed is less than one in 1,000,000. For multiple attempts to use the password mechanism during a one minute period, the probability that a random attempt during that minute will succeed is less than one in 100,000. FIA_UAU.1 The login security functions does not permit any TFS-mediated actions before a user is authenticated. Users must login using either the local login process or a remote login program before any TSF services are available. FIA_UAU.7 The login security functions ensures that when a user enter a password to perform authentication, only obscured feedback is provided to the user. This is true for local logins as well as network logins. FIA_UID.1 The login security functions does not permit any TFS-mediated actions before a user is identified. Users must login using either the local login process or a remote login program before any TSF services are available. FIA_USB.1 The user-subject binding security function associates security attributes with users. Each user has the following security attributes associated with subjects acting on behalf of that user: • Real UID • Saved UID SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 56 • Saved GID • Process group ID and session ID • Process group leader ID • Effective UID • Audit UID (SAT ID) • Real GID • Effective GID • Group list • Process umask • Effective Capability Set • Inherited Capability Set • Permitted Capability Set Attributes are bound to a subject at creation time. The operations that can create new subjects are: • A user logging into workstation locally or remotely • A process executing the fork or exec system calls as described above • A batch job being activated In general the subject attributes are taken from the creating subject. The exception to this is the executing of a setuid or setgid program or the use of the su program. FMT_MSA.1 The DAC security function addresses this requirement by only allowing owners and administrators to change the access rights associated with an object. FMT_MSA.3 The DAC security function provides for a restrictive default access to all objects. By default, objects receive restrictive permissions defined in the creator’s umask or default ACL. FMT_MTD.1a The DAC security function ensures that by default, audit files are owned by the auditor and set to allow read-only access for the owner, null access for group and world. FMT_MTD.1b The DAC security function ensures that only authorized administrators can run the saton program to modify the set of audit events and sat_select to filter the audit selection. FMT_MTD.1c The DAC security function ensures that only authorized administrators can initialize and modify user security attributes other than authentication data. Permissions set on the /etc file system only permit administrators to change the security attribute files. FMT_MTD.1d The DAC security function ensures that only authorized administrators may initialize authentication data. This initialization occurs when a user is added and only an administrator may update the /etc databases to add a user. Users may change their own authentication data or an administrator may change it. This is controlled by the login security function. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 57 FMT_REV.1a The revocation of security attributes is enforced by the DAC security function. Only administrators may revoke security attributes associated with a user. For the revocation to be immediate, the administrator must shutdown the TSF. FMT_REV.1b The DAC security functions ensures that owners and administrators may revoke access to an object. The revocation becomes effective the next time an access check is made against the object. FMT_SMR.1 The roles security functions provides the security management roles on IRIX. IRIX supports the administrative role of root, the traditional UNIX administrative user. The root user is permitted to perform all administrative actions except audit function, which are performed by the auditor. All users are permitted to change their own passwords. FPT_AMT.1 The hardware and firmware is tested as part of the TOE. Additionally, hardware tests are made available to the administrator to periodically validate the correct operation of the Trusted IRIX hardware and firmware. The tests are partitioned into two groups: Power ON (PON) diagnostics and the hardware instructions and memory tests. The PON tests are run at every system startup time and the other tests can be run by an administrator whenever the system is down. FPT_RVM.1 The reference monitor security function ensures that the TSF is always invoked before any functions are allowed to proceed. The IRIX architecture is based on a kernel and processes. The kernel executes in the kernel mode of the processor, which is the most privileged mode. When untrusted processes request services of the kernel, control is transferred to the kernel, which then arbitrates any requests for service and access to resources based on the security policy and the file descriptor submitted by the user process. When untrusted processes access system resources in user-mode, they do so through well–defined server interfaces. FTP_SEP.1 The domain separation security function enforces this requirement. The IRIX architecture is based on a kernel and process model. The kernel executes in the kernel mode of the processor which is the most privileged mode. Untrusted processes run in the user mode of the processor. The memory separation in the kernel ensures that processes can only access their own address space or address spaces explicitly shared; this protects trusted processes from untrusted processes. Untrusted processes are managed by the kernel and have separate address spaces and process contexts. FTP_STM.1 The time security function provides a reliable time stamp for the TSF. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 58 9.5 RATIONALE FOR PP CLAIMS The ST added one assumption to the CAPP. The added assumption is A.MGMT. This assumption is a refinement of the PP assumptions related to management and do not cause the environment to be more benign. No objectives or security requirements have been added in this ST. SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 59 References [1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, CCIMB-99-031, Version 2.1, August 1999. [2] Controlled Access Protection Profile, Information Systems Security, NSA, Version 1.d, October 8, 1999 SGI IRIX Security Target Version 1.9 May 1, 2002 60 Acronyms CC Common Criteria CM Configuration Management DoD Department of Defense EAL Evaluation Assurance Level GID Group Identifier IT Information Technology PP Protection Profile ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSC TSF Scope of Control TSF TOE Security Functions UID User Identifier