SERTIT, P.O. Box 14, N-1306 Bærum postterminal, NORWAY Phone: +47 67 86 40 00 Fax: +47 67 86 40 09 E-mail: Internet: Sertifiseringsmyndigheten for IT-sikkerhet Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security SERTIT-056 CR Certification Report Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 TNP ECC2 CPU Card version 1.0 CERTIFICATION REPORT - SERTIT STANDARD REPORT TEMPLATE SD 009 VERSION 2.1 11.11.2011 TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 2 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 ARRANGEMENT ON THE RECOGNITION OF COMMON CRITERIA CERTIFICATES IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY SERTIT, the Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security, is a member of the above Arrangement and as such this confirms that the Common Criteria certificate has been issued by or under the authority of a Party to this Arrangement and is the Party’s claim that the certificate has been issued in accordance with the terms of this Arrangement The judgements contained in the certificate and Certification Report are those of SERTIT which issued it and the Norwegian evaluation facility (EVIT) which carried out the evaluation. There is no implication of acceptance by other Members of the Agreement Group of liability in respect of those judgements or for loss sustained as a result of reliance placed upon those judgements by a third party. * * Mutual Recognition under the CC recognition arrangement applies to EAL4. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 3 of 20 Contents 1 Certification Statement 5 2 Abbreviations 6 3 References 8 4 Executive Summary 9 4.1 Introduction 9 4.2 Evaluated Product 9 4.3 TOE scope 9 4.4 Protection Profile Conformance 9 4.5 Assurance Level 9 4.6 Security Policy 9 4.7 Security Claims 9 4.8 Threats Countered 10 4.9 Threats Countered by the TOE’s environment 11 4.10 Threats and Attacks not Countered 11 4.11 Environmental Assumptions and Dependencies 11 4.12 IT Security Objectives 11 4.13 Non-IT Security Objectives 12 4.14 Security Functional Requirements 12 4.15 Security Function Policy 13 4.16 Evaluation Conduct 13 4.17 General Points 13 5 Evaluation Findings 15 5.1 Introduction 16 5.2 Delivery 16 5.3 Installation and Guidance Documentation 16 5.4 Misuse 16 5.5 Vulnerability Analysis 16 5.6 Developer’s Tests 17 5.7 Evaluators’ Tests 17 6 Evaluation Outcome 18 6.1 Certification Result 18 6.2 Recommendations 18 Annex A: Evaluated Configuration 19 TOE Identification 19 TOE Documentation 20 TOE Configuration 20 TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 4 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 TNP ECC2 CPLJ Card Versjon 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 i Certification Statement Taiwan Name Plate Co. Ltd. TNP ECC2 CPU Card is a a dual interface CPU smartcard that implements electronic purse functionality for online or offline Iow value transaction in Easy Card Corporation payment system. It is mainly used for the Taipei Metro System and in convenience stores. TNP ECC2 CPU Card version 1.0 has been evaluated under the terms of the Norwegian Certification Scheme for il Security and has met the Common Criteria Part 3 (ISO/IEC i 5408) conformant requirements of Evaluation Assurance Level EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2 and AVA_VAN.5 for the specified Common Criteria Part 2 (lSO/IEC 15408) conformant functionality when running on the platforms specified in Annex A. Author Kjartan Quality Assurance Lars Borg:: Approved Øystein Hole ,../ , Head of SERTIT Date approved 22 August 2014 SERTIT-056 CR lssue 1.0 Page 5 of 20 22 August 2014 TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 6 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 2 Abbreviations APDU Application Protocol Data Unit API Application Programming Interface ATR Answer to reset ATS Answer to select CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (ISO/IEC 15408) CCRA Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates in the Field of Information Technology Security CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation CM Configuration Management CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check DEMA Differential Electro Magnetic Analysis DES Data Encryption Standard DFA Differential Fault Analysis DPA Differential Power Analysis EAL Evaluation Assurance Level ECC Easy Card Corporation ECC2 2nd Generation ECC card / the TOE EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EOR Evaluation Observation Report EP Electronic purse EM Electronic Money ETR Evaluation Technical Report EVIT Evaluation Facility under the Norwegian Certification Scheme for IT Security EWP Evaluation Work Plan HO-DEMA High-Order Differential Electro Magnetic Analysis HO-DPA High-Order Differential Power Analysis IFX A security level named by Infineon (highest security level) NVM Non-Volatile Memory OS1 A security level named by Infineon (medium-high security level) OS2 A security level named by Infineon (low security level) TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 7 of 20 OTP One Time Programmable POC Point of Contact QP Qualified Participant RAM Random Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator ROM Read Only Memory RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman Public Key Encryption SEMA Simple Electro Magnetic Analysis SERTIT Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security SPA Simple Power Analysis SPM Security Policy Model ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functions TSP TOE Security Policy TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 8 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 3 References [1] Taiwan Name Plate Co., Ltd. (TNP) TNP ECC2 CPU Card Security Target, version 1.0.1. [2] Common Criteria Part 1, CCMB-2012-09-001, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [3] Common Criteria Part 2, CCMB-2012-09-002, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [4] Common Criteria Part 3, CCMB-2012-09-003, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [5] The Norwegian Certification Scheme, SD001E, Version 9.0, 02 April 2013. [6] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Evaluation Methodology, CCMB-2012-09-004, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [7] Evaluation Technical Report Common Criteria EAL4+ Evaluation of TNP ECC2 CPU Card v1.0, version 1.1, 28 March 2014. [8] TNP ECC2 CPU Card Security Guidance version 1.0. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 9 of 20 4 Executive Summary 4.1 Introduction This Certification Report states the outcome of the Common Criteria security evaluation of TNP ECC2 CPU Card version 1.0 to the Sponsor, Taiwan Name Plate Co. Ltd., and is intended to assist prospective consumers when judging the suitability of the IT security of the product for their particular requirements. Prospective consumers are advised to read this report in conjunction with the Security Target[1] which specifies the functional, environmental and assurance evaluation requirements. 4.2 Evaluated Product The version of the product evaluated was TNP ECC2 CPU Card version 1.0. This product is also described in this report as the Target of Evaluation (TOE). T he developer was Taiwan Name Plate Co. Ltd. The TOE is an anonymous Electronic Purse (EP) smartcard application running on the Infineon M7794 A12 (BSI-DSZ-CC-0883-2013) IC to the implementation of ECC EP functionalities. The Infineon M7794 A12 smartcard was certified conformant to PP0035. The firmware is installed on the NVM of the chip Details of the evaluated configuration, including the TOE’s supporting guidance documentation, are given in Annex A. 4.3 TOE scope The TOE scope is described in the ST[1], chapter 1.4. 4.4 Protection Profile Conformance The Security Target[1] did not claim conformance to any protection profile. 4.5 Assurance Level The assurance incorporated predefined evaluation assurance level EAL4 augmented by ALC_DVS.2 and AVA_VAN.5. Common Criteria Part 3[4] describes the scale of assurance given by predefined assurance levels EAL1 to EAL7. An overview of CC is given in CC Part 1[2]. 4.6 Security Policy The TOE security policies are detailed in the ST[1], chapter 3.6. 4.7 Security Claims The Security Target[1] fully specifies the TOE’s security objectives, the threats which these objectives meet and security functional requirements and security fun ctions to TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 10 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 elaborate the objectives. All of the SFR’s are taken from CC Part 2[3]; use of this standard facilitates comparison with other evaluated pr oducts. 4.8 Threats Countered  T.COUNTERFEITING_DEBIT Counterfeiting of a debit operation in order to debit the EP with an EM greater or lesser than the actual transaction that leads to unauthorized EM creation or loss.  T.COUNTERFEITING_CREDIT Counterfeiting of a credit transaction in order to credit the EP without any financial counterpart that leads to unauthorized EM creation or loss.  T.COUNTERFEITING_UPDATE Counterfeiting of a parameters update transaction in order to change the keys values or the static counters values.  T.DISCLOSURE_KEYS Unauthorized access to the secret keys.  T.INTEG_CODE Unauthorized modification of the TOE code: an attacker modifies the code in order to bypass the security policy of the EP.  T.INTEG_LOG Unauthorized modification of transaction log: an attacker modifies the value of the last transaction log stored in the EP in order to input a known key.  T.INTEG_KEYS Unauthorized modification of stored keys: an attacker modifies the value of the secret keys and associated attributes stored in the EP that leads to unauthorized EM modification.  T.INTEG_EM Unauthorized modification of stored EM: An attacker modifies the amount of EM stored in the EP in order to increase or decrease the amount.  T.INTEG_IV_DATA Unauthorized modification of stored EP identification and validity data: an attacker modifies the value of the EP identification and validity data stored in the EP in order to input another one.  T.INTEG_COUNTER Unauthorized modification of stored static counter: an attacker modifi es the value of sequence counters in order to force the EP accepting counterfeited or replayed transactions. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 11 of 20  T.INTEG_EP_STAT Unauthorized modification of the State Machine: an attacker modifies or deletes information that defines the current state of the EP in order, for instance, to bypass a secure state.  T.REPLAY_DEBIT Replay of a debit: an EP is debited several times via a previous complete sequence of debit operations; it leads to unauthorized EM loss.  T.REPLAY_CREDIT Replay of a credit transaction: an EP is loaded several times via a previous complete sequence of credit operations; it leads to unauthorized EM creation.  T.REPLAY_UPDATE Replay of a parameters update transaction: an EP is updated several times via a previous complete sequence of parameters update operations; it leads to fraudulent changes of parameters stored in the EP (keys and static counters). 4.9 Threats Countered by the TOE’s environment There are no threats countered by the TOE’s environment. 4.10 Threats and Attacks not Countered No threats or attacks that are not countered are described. 4.11 Environmental Assumptions and Dependencies It is assumed that the persons manipulating the TOE in the operational environment follow the TOE guides. And he is responsible for the application of the p rocedures contained in the guides, and the persons involved in delivery and protection of the product have the required skills and are aware of the security issues. 4.12 IT Security Objectives  O.AUTH The EP shall enforce mutual authentication with external devi ces prior any transaction.  O.EM The EP shall prevent unauthorized creation or loss of EM.  O.CONF_DATA The EP shall prevent unauthorized disclosure of confidential the Keys.  O.INTEG_DATA The EP shall prevent unauthorized modification of user and TSF data. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 12 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014  O.LIMIT The EP behavior shall be limited by maximum values defined in the static counters.  O.OPERATE The EP shall ensure the continued correct operation of its security functions especially in case of abnormal transactions and unexpected interruption.  O.RECORD The EP shall record the last transactions to support effective security management.  O.REPLAY The EP shall detect and reject replayed transactions.  O.TAMPER The EP shall prevent physical tampering of its security critical parts. 4.13 Non-IT Security Objectives  OE.DEBIT_BEFORE_CREDIT Debit must always precede credit during EM payment transaction.  OE.MANAGEMENT_OF_SECRETS The secret User or TSF data managed outside the TOE shall be protected against unauthorized disclosure and modification.  OE.PROTECTION_AFTER_TOE_DELIVERY Procedures and controlled environment shall ensure protection of the TOE and related information after delivery. Procedures shall ensure that people involved in TOE delivery and protection have the required skills. The pers ons using the TOE in the operational environment shall apply the product guides (user and administrator guidance of the product, installation documentation and personalization guide).  OE.TOE_USAGE The EM issuer shall communicate to the Purse holder the ru les dealing with the use of the EP. Especially it must inform the user that he must keep EP the same way he does for a real purse, The Purse holder shall enforce these rules.  OE.TIME The terminal shall provide reliable time stamp to the TOE 4.14 Security Functional Requirements The TOE security functional requirements are described in the ST[1], chapter 5.1. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 13 of 20 4.15 Security Function Policy The TOE is a dual interface CPU smartcard that implements EP (electronic purse) functionality for online or offline low value transaction in Easy Card Corporation (ECC) payment system. It is mainly used for the Taipei Metro System and in convenience stores. The usage scenario of the EP is as below:  Credit Purse transaction: the purse holder gives funds to the ECC Company (online transaction) or the merchant (offline transaction) who loads the EP with an equivalent amount of Electronic Money (EM),  Debit Purse transaction: the purse holder asks the merchant for a service and transfers (offline) EM from his EP to the merchant. The TOE is able to:  Store its amount of EM which defines the balance of the EP,  Indicate the available amount of EM,  Debit EM via Debit Purse operations,  Credit EM via Credit Purse transactions,  Update parameters. 4.16 Evaluation Conduct The evaluation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Norwegian Certification Scheme for IT Security as described in SERTIT Document SD001E[5]. The Scheme is managed by the Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security (SERTIT). As stated on page 2 of this Certification Report, SERTIT is a member of the Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates in the Field of Information Technology Security (CCRA), and the evaluation was conducted in accordance with the terms of this Arrangement. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide assurance about the effectiveness of the TOE in meeting its Security Target[1], which prospective consumers are advised to read. To ensure that the Security Target[1] gave an appropriate baseline for a CC evaluation, it was first itself evaluated. The TOE was then evaluated against this baseline. Both parts of the evaluation were performed in accordance with CC Part 3[4] and the Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM)[6]. SERTIT monitored the evaluation which was carried out by the Brightsight B.V. Commercial Evaluation Facility (CLEF/EVIT). The evaluation was completed when the EVIT submitted the Evaluation Technical Report (ETR)[7] to SERTIT in 28 March 2014. SERTIT then produced this Certification Report. 4.17 General Points The evaluation addressed the security functionality claimed in the Security Target [1] with reference to the assumed operating environment specified by the Security Target[1]. The evaluated configuration was that specified in Annex A . Prospective consumers are advised to check that this matches their identified requirements and give due consideration to the recommendations and caveats of this report. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 14 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Certification does not guarantee that the IT product is free from security vulnerabilities. This Certification Report and the belonging Certificate only reflect the view of SERTIT at the time of certification. It is furthermore the responsibility of users (both existing and prospective) to check whether any security vulnerabilities have been discovered since the date shown in this report. This Certification Report is not an endorsement of the IT product by SERTIT or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this Certification Report, and no warranty of the IT product by SERTIT or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this Certification Report is either expressed or implied. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 15 of 20 5 Evaluation Findings The evaluators examined the following assurance classes and components taken from CC Part 3[4]. These classes comprise the EAL 4 assurance package augmented with AVA_VAN.5 and ALC_DVS.2. Assurance class Assurance components Development ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.4 Complete functional specification ADV_IMP.1 Implementation representation of the TSF ADV_TDS.3 Basic modular design Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.4 Production support, acceptance procedures and automation ALC_CMS.4 Problem tracking CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security measures ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools Security Target evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification Tests ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.1 Testing: basic design ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing – sample Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis All assurance classes were found to be satisfactory and were awarded an overall “pass” verdict. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 16 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 5.1 Introduction The evaluation addressed the requirements specified in the Security Target [1]. The results of this work were reported in the ETR[7] under the CC Part 3[4] headings. The following sections note considerations that are of particular relevance to either consumers or those involved with subsequent assurance maintenance and re - evaluation of the TOE. 5.2 Delivery On receipt of the TOE, the consumer is recommended to check that the evaluated version has been supplied, and to check that the security of the TOE has not been compromised in delivery. 5.3 Installation and Guidance Documentation Installation procedures are described in detail in the supporting documents[8]. 5.4 Misuse There is always a risk of intentional and unintentional misconfigurations that could possibly compromise confidential information. Developers should follow the guidance[8] for the TOE in order to ensure that the TOE operates in a secure manner. The guidance documents adequately describe the mode of operation of the TOE, all assumptions about the intended environment and all requirements for external security. Sufficient guidance is provided for the consumer to effectively use the TOE’s security functions. 5.5 Vulnerability Analysis An independent vulnerability analysis has been performed. The vulnerability analysis presented comprises of the following steps:  A design and implementation review on the TOE was performed to identify weaknesses in the TOE that could potentially be exploited by attackers.  Validation tests of security features performed in ATE are taken into account for the following vulnerability analysis.  A vulnerability analysis based on the design and implementation review results and the validation test results of security features, was performed considering the well-known attacks from the “JIL Attack Methods for Smartcards and Similar Devices”.  The ETR report [ETR_COMP] and chip security guidance [ADV SG] of the certified chip M7794 A12 (BSI-DSZ-CC-0883-2013) from the chip vendor is taking into consideration while analysing potential vulnerabilities.  A penetration test plan is established based on the results of the vulnerability analysis.  Practical penetration tests are performed according the penetration test plan. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 17 of 20 The evaluators first performed general vulnerability analysis by reviewing the source code (version V170) and then identified verification test cases for AVA_VAN penetration test to check the effectiveness of the countermeasures implemented according to the hardware security guidelines. Next, a thorough vulnerability analysis was done and identified 4 vulnerabilities which are reported to the certifier. The developer, later on, patched the TOE ECC2 firmware to fix the identified vulnerabilities and provided an updated TOE with ECC2 firmware version v0.8.0 (next version of V170). Also a potential replay attack vulnerability was identified during ATE testing. It was later on covered by [AGD] v0.9. After reviewing the code again, the evaluator confirmed that no additional vulnerability was introduced by these changes, so the test cases already performed remain valid. The evaluators confirmed that the patch fixed the identified vulnerability, and additional verification tests were conducted. 5.6 Developer’s Tests The developer tests are performed on TOE samples that have the ECC2 firmware in NVM. The ECC2 firmware version is v0.8.0. The developer test s are performed on TOE non-personalized samples with test scripts running on the developer’s test tool . 5.7 Evaluators’ Tests The evaluator approaches ATE independent testing as follows: a distinction is made between reproduction of (a sample of) developer functional tests and tests additional to the developer functional tests. The evaluator’s responsibility for performing independent testing is required by the ATE_IND class. The evaluators repeated the developer’s tests with the developer’s test tool and scripts by using contact smartcard reader. Then, the evaluator defined additional test cases, prompted by study of the developer documentation and test scripts. The test strategy is as shown below.  Augmentation of developer testing for interfaces by varying pa rameters to more rigorously test the interface  Performing positive and negative tests on selected Security Function or Security Mechanism  Change the execution sequence and perform replay test  Enumerate all possible commands (INS) The evaluators performed the evaluator’s independent tests with the developer’s test tool and scripts by using contact smartcard reader. According to code review result, the evaluator confirmed that the code for processing the APDU commands from contact and contactless smartcard reader is the same. Therefore the evaluators requested the developer to perform these same logical tests (both repeating part and independent part) on the contactless smartcard reader. The evaluators witn essed the execution of the same test cases performed by the developer by using contactless smartcard reader. The last independent test was done by Brightsight’s proprietary software. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 18 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 6 Evaluation Outcome 6.1 Certification Result After due consideration of the ETR[7], produced by the Evaluators, and the conduct of the evaluation, as witnessed by the Certifier, SERTIT has determined that TNP ECC2 CPU Card version 1.0 meet the Common Criteria Part 3 conformant requirements of Evaluation Assurance Level EAL4 augmented with ALC_DVS.2 and AVA_VAN.5 for the specified Common Criteria Part 2 conformant functionality, in the specified environment, when running on platforms specified in Annex A. 6.2 Recommendations Prospective consumers of TNP ECC2 CPU Card version 1.0 should understand the specific scope of the certification by reading this report in conjunction with the Security Target[1]. The TOE should be used in accordance with a number of environmental considerations as specified in the Security Target. The above “Evaluation Findings” include a number of recommendations relating to the secure receipt, installation, configuration and operation of the TOE. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 Page 19 of 20 Annex A: Evaluated Configuration TOE Identification The TOE is an anonymous Electronic Purse (EP) smartcard application running on the Infineon M7794 A12 (BSI-DSZ-CC-0883-2013) IC to the implementation of ECC EP functionalities. The Infineon M7794 A12 smartcard was certified conformant to [PP0035]. The firmware is installed on the NVM of the chip. The TOE is a dual interface CPU smartcard that implements EP (electronic purse) functionality for online or offline low value transaction in Easy Card Corporation (ECC) payment system. It is mainly used for the Taipei Metro System and in convenience stores. Hardware components The basic configuration elements of the TOE are the CPU, the various memory elements (EEPOM, ROM, and RAM), security function circuits SCP (symmetric coprocessor), various types of control circuits (including various types of detect ion circuits). Software components The software component of the TOE is the ECC2 firmware. The software is organized into three security levels: IFX level, OS1 level and OS2 level. The invocation of APIs between different security level can only be done through so called Branch Table. Only APIs in higher security level that registered in the Branch Table can be invoked by code in lower security level. OS2 is the lowest security level that includes functions to process I/O data. No sensitive information is kept in this level. During system boot up, Main Subsystem invoked InitMem function of System Service Subsystem to initialize the chip and check system integrity. The Main Subsystem also implements the main execution loop that receives and sends APDU commands through I/O Subsystem and then the Hardware Subsystem to communicate with the card reader. It then dispatches APDU commands to Command Interpreter, in OS1 security level, for command processing. The major functionality of the TOE is implemented by ECC2 and Card Manager Subsystems in OS1 security level. When an APDU command is sent from Main Subsystem, the Command Interpreter in System Service Subsystem checks the security status and interprets the APDU command and dispatch the command to corresponding ECC2 or Card Manager Subsystem. These two subsystems implemented all APDU commands of the TOE. Tool subsystem implements security mechanisms, required by the chip vendor’s security guideline, to interact with hardware and Infineon Tool Subsystem. Life Cycle subsystem is used by other subsystems to maintain the lifecycle status. Mifare subsystem is only used in the ECC metro system migration phase which is not in the TOE evaluation scope. Infineon Tool Subsystem, in IFX security level, is the software part of the certified platform (BSI-DSZ-CC-0883-2013) that provides chip identification information and security services to manage the NVM. TNP ECC2 CPU Card Version 1.0 EAL4+ ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5 Page 20 of 20 SERTIT-056 CR Issue 1.0 22 August 2014 The Hardware Subsystem is the certified IC (BSI-DSZ-CC-0883-2013) that provides the major security functions and mechanisms to protect the TOE. TOE Documentation The supporting guidance documents evaluated were: [a] TNP ECC2 CPU Card Security Guidance version 1.0. Further discussion of the supporting guidance material is given in Section 5.3 “Installation and Guidance Documentation”. TOE Configuration The following configuration was used for testing: Item Identifier Versions Hardware Infineon M7794 Integrated Circuit A12 Software ECC2 1.0 Manuals TNP ECC2 CPU Card Security Guidance 1.0 The hardware part of the TOE is identified by M7794 A12. Another characteristic of the TOE are the chip identification data. These chip identification data is accessible via the Generic Chip Identification Mode (GCIM). The Generic Chip Identification Mode (GCIM) can be activated on the ISO/IEC 7816-3 and ISO/IEC 14443-3 interfaces after power-on with a dedicated signalling sequence as specified in [ADV SG]. The software (ECC2 v1.0) is identified by the return values of the following ATR or ATS commands. In the developer’s CM system, ECC2 firmware is tagged as v0.8.0. After this CC certification, it will be tagged as v1.0 according to [ALC, 5.4.2] without any change in the source code. Hereafter, ECC2 firmware version 0.8.0 and version 1.0 both refer to the same TOE in this report. Both of these two tagged versions are identified by the same return values of ATR and ATS commands. ATS: 78 80 E4 02 54 4E 05 19 00 00 00 02 20 ATR: 3B F8 11 00 00 81 71 FE 42 00 54 4E 05 19 00 00 00 02 A1 y. Lars Borgos Quaiity Assurance Certificate The ITproduct identified in this certificote hos been evoluated at the Norwegian evaluation facility described on this certitïcote using Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation, according to the versjon I7umber described on this certificate, for conformance to the Common Criteria for ITSecurity Evaluation occording to the versjon nurnber described on this certificate. This certificote applies only to the specific versjon and release ofthe product in its evalucited configuration ondin conjunctionwith the complete Certification repart. The evaluotion hos been conducted in accordance with the provisions of The Norwegian Certiflcation Authority for ITSecurity [SERTITJ and the conc(usions ofthe evaluation technicol report are consistent with the evidence odduced. Certiffeation does not guarontee thatthe ITproduct is free from security vulnerabilities. This certificate only reflects the view ofSERTlTatthe time ofcertification. It is furthermore the responsibility of users (both eisting ond prospective) to check whether any security vulnerabilities have been discovered since the date shown of this certificate. This certificate is not an endorsement ofthe ITproduct by SERTIT ar by any other organizotion that recognizes orgives effect to this certificate, and no worranty of the ITproduct by SERTIT ar by any other organization thotrecognizes orgives effect to this certificote, is either expressed or implied. Produet Manufacturer: Taiwan Name Plate Co. Ltd. Product Name: TNP ECC2 CPU Card Type ofProduct: Electronic Purse (EP) smartcard application Versjon and Release Numbers: Versjon 1.0 Assurance Package: EAL 4 augmented with ALC...DVS.2 and AVA_VAN.5 Evaluation Criteria: Com mon Criteria versjon 3.1 R4 (ISO/IEC 15408) Name of IT Security Evaluation Facility: Brightsight B.V. Name ofCertification Body: SERTIT Certification Reportidentifier: SERTIT-056 CR, issue 1.0, 22August2014 Certificate Identifier: SERTIT—056 C Date Issued: 22 August 201 4 /// Kjartan Jæger Kvassnes Certifier ystein Hole Head of SERTIT :::( SERTIl Norwegian Certificotion Authority for ITSecurity