SERTIT, Postboks 814, 1306 Sandvika, NORWAY Phone: +47 67 86 40 00 Fax: +47 67 86 40 09 E-mail: Internet: Sertifiseringsmyndigheten for IT-sikkerhet Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security SERTIT-087 CR Certification Report Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router V800R008C10SPC945T CERTIFICATION REPORT - SERTIT STANDARD REPORT TEMPLATE SD 009 VERSION 2.1 11.11.2011 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 2 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 ARRANGEMENT ON THE RECOGNITION OF COMMON CRITERIA CERTIFICATES IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY SERTIT, the Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Sec urity, is a member of the above Arrangement and as such this confirms that the Common Criteria certificate has been issued by or under the authority of a Party to this Arrangement and is the Party’s claim that the certificate has been issued in accordance with the terms of this Arrangement The judgements contained in the certificate and Certification Report are those of SERTIT which issued it and the Norwegian evaluation facility (EVIT) which carried out the evaluation. There is no implication of acceptance by other Members of the Agreement Group of liability in respect of those judgements or for loss sustained as a result of reliance placed upon those judgements by a third party. The Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement logo printed on the certificate indicates that this certification is recognized under the terms of the CCRA July 2nd 2014. The recognition under CCRA is limited to cPP related assurance packages or EAL 2 and ALC_FLR CC part 3 components. MUTUAL RECOGNITION AGREEMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY EVALUATION CERTIFICATES (SOGIS MRA) SERTIT, the Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security, is a member of the above Agreement and as such this confirms that the Common Criteria certificate has been issued by or under the authority of a Party to this Agreement and is the Party’s claim that the certificate has been issued in accordance with the terms of this Agreement The judgements contained in the certificate and Certification Report are those of SERTIT which issued it and the Norwegian evaluation facility (EVIT) which carried out the evaluation. There is no implication of acceptance by other Members of the Agreement Group of liability in respect of those judgements or for loss sustained as a result of reliance placed upon those j udgements by a third party. Mutual recognition under SOGIS MRA applies to components up to EAL 4. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 3 of 42 Contents 1 Certification Statement 5 2 Abbreviations 6 3 References 8 4 Executive Summary 9 4.1 Introduction 9 4.2 Evaluated Product 9 4.3 TOE scope 10 4.4 Protection Profile Conformance 10 4.5 Assurance Level 10 4.6 Security Policy 10 4.7 Security Claims 10 4.8 Threats Countered 10 4.9 Threats Countered by the TOE’s environment 11 4.10 Threats and Attacks not Countered 11 4.11 Environmental Assumptions and Dependencies 11 4.12 IT Security Objectives 12 4.13 Non-IT Security Objectives 12 4.14 Security Functional Requirements 13 4.15 Security Function Policy 14 4.16 Evaluation Conduct 15 4.17 General Points 15 5 Evaluation Findings 16 5.1 Introduction 17 5.2 Delivery 17 5.3 Installation and Guidance Documentation 17 5.4 Misuse 17 5.5 Vulnerability Analysis 17 5.6 Developer’s Tests 18 5.7 Evaluators’ Tests 18 6 Evaluation Outcome 19 6.1 Certification Result 19 6.2 Recommendations 19 Annex A: Evaluated Configuration 20 TOE Identification 20 Hardware 20 Software 41 TOE Documentation 41 TOE Configuration 42 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 4 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Environmental Configuration 42 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 6 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 2 Abbreviations AES Advanced Encryption Standard CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (ISO/IEC 15408) CCRA Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates in the Field of Information Technology Security CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation CF Compact Flash CLC Cluster Line-card Chassis CLI Command Line Interface DSA Digital Signature Algorithm EAL Evaluation Assurance Level EOR Evaluation Observation Report ETH Ethernet ETR Evaluation Technical Report EVIT Evaluation Facility under the Norwegian Certification Scheme for IT Security EWP Evaluation Work Plan GUI Graphical User Interface IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System LMT Local Maintenance Terminal LPU Line Process Unit MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm 5 MPU Main Process Unit NE NetEngine NMS Network Management Sub-system OFC Optical Flexible Card POC Point of Contact QP Qualified Participant RMT Remote Maintenance Terminal RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 7 of 42 SERTIT Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security SFE Switch Fabric Extend unit SFR Security Functional Requirement SFU Switching Fabric Unit SPM Security Policy Model SPU Service Process Unit ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functions TSP TOE Security Policy Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 8 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 3 References [1] Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router V800R008 - Security Target, version 1.51, 22 November 2016 [2] Common Criteria Part 1, CCMB-2012-09-001, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [3] Common Criteria Part 2, CCMB-2012-09-002, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [4] Common Criteria Part 3, CCMB-2012-09-003, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [5] The Norwegian Certification Scheme, SD001E, Version 9.0, 2 April 2013. [6] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evalua tion, Evaluation Methodology, CCMB-2012-09-004, Version 3.1 R4, September 2012. [7] Common Criteria Security Evaluation – Certified Configuration v1.5, 2016-11-22. [8] Evaluation Technical Report Common Criteria EAL2+ Evaluation of Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router V800R008, V1.0, 2017-01- 03. [9] NE40E V800R008 C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016-09-30 [10] CX600 V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016-09-30 [11] NE20E-S V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016-09-30 [12] ME60 V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016-09-30 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 9 of 42 4 Executive Summary 4.1 Introduction This Certification Report states the outcome of the Common Criteria security evaluation of Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router version V800R008C10SPC945T to the Sponsor, Huawei Technology Co. Ltd., and is intended to assist prospective consumers when judging the suitability of the IT security of the product for their particular requirements. Prospective consumers are advised to read this report in conjunction with the Security Target[1] which specifies the functional, environmental and assurance evaluation requirements. 4.2 Evaluated Product The version of the product evaluated was Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router and version V800R008C10SPC945T. These products are also described in this report as the Target of Evaluation ( TOE). The developer was Huawei Technologies. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router V800R008, the TOE, which has large capacity and high performance, is developed to meet the requirement of carrier - class reliability. The Huawei NetEngine40E Universal Service Router (NE40E) is a high -end network product developed by Huawei. It is deployed at the edge of IP backbone networks, IP metropolitan area networks (MANs), and other large -scale IP networks. The Huawei CX600 Metro Services Platform (hereinafter referred to as the CX600) is a high-end device with 100 Gbit/s interfaces designed for core and backbone networks. The CX600 is positioned as the edge or convergence router on the IP backbone network. The NE20E-S4&NE20E-S8/16(hereinafter referred to as the NE20E-S4&NE20E- S8/16) are a high-end network product used to access, converge, and transmit carrier-class Ethernet services on Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). The Huawei ME60 is high-end network products used to access, aggregate, and transmit carrier-class Ethernet services on Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). ME60 Multiservice Control Gateway (hereinafter referred to as the ME60), as an MSCG developed to meet th e requirement for transformation, ensures security, reliability, and QoS for various telecommunication services. At the core of each chassis is the Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), the software for managing and running the router’s networking functionali ty. VRP provides extensive security features. These features include assigning different privileges to administration users with different privilege levels; enforcing authentications Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 10 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 prior to establishment of administrative sessions with the TOE; auditing of security-relevant management activities; as well as the correct enforcement of routing decisions to ensure that network traffic gets forwarded to the correct interfaces. Details of the evaluated configuration, including the TOE’s supporting guidance documentation, are given in Annex A. An overview of the TOE’s security architecture can be found in Annex B. 4.3 TOE scope The TOE scope is described in the ST Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router V800R008 - Security Target, version 1.51, 22 November 2016, chapter 1.4.2 and 1.4.3. 4.4 Protection Profile Conformance The Security Target[1] did not claim conformance to any protection profile. 4.5 Assurance Level The Security Target[1] specified the assurance requirements for the evaluation. The assurance incorporated predefined evaluation assurance level EAL 2, augmented by ALC_FLR.2. Common Criteria Part 3[4] describes the scale of assurance given by predefined assurance levels EAL1 to EAL7. An overview of CC is given in CC Part 1[2]. 4.6 Security Policy There are no Organizational Security Policies or rules with which the TOE must comply. 4.7 Security Claims The Security Target[1] fully specifies the TOE’s security objectives, the threats which these objectives counter and security functional requirements and security functions to elaborate the objectives. All of the SFR’s are taken from CC Part 2[3]; use of this standard facilitates comparison with other evaluated products. 4.8 Threats Countered T.UnwantedNetworkTraffic Unwanted network traffic sent to the TOE will not only consume the TOE’s processing capacity for incoming network traffic thus fails to process traffic expected to be processed, but an internal traffic jam might happen when those traffic are sent to MPU from LPU within the TOE. This may cause denial of service of TOE. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 11 of 42 This may further cause the TOE fails to respond to system control and security management operations. Routing information exchanged between the TOE and peer routes may also be affected due to the traffic overload. T.UnwantedNetworkTraffic A user who is not a user of the TOE gains access to the TOE. T.UnauthorizedAccess A user of the TOE authorized to perform certain actions and access certain information gains access to commands or information he is not authorized for. This threat also includes data leakage to non-intended person or device T.Eavesdrop An eavesdropper (remote attacker) in the management network served by the TOE is able to intercept, and potentially modify or re-use information assets that are exchanged between TOE and LMT/RMT. 4.9 Threats Countered by the TOE’s environment There are no threats countered by the TOE’s environment. 4.10 Threats and Attacks not Countered No threats or attacks that are not countered are described. 4.11 Environmental Assumptions and Dependencies It is assumed that the TOE (including any console attached, access of CF card) is protected against unauthorized physical access. The environment is supposed to provide supporting mechanism to the TOE: A Radius server or TACACS+ server for external authentication/authorization decisions; NMS, logging server and SNMP trapserver used for administration of the TOE In addition, it is assumed the Radius server, and TACACS+ server, and the NMS are all trusted and will not be used to attack the TOE. Peer router(s) for the exchange of dynamic routing information; A remote entities (PCs) used for administration of the TOE. It is assumed that the ETH interface on MPU in the TOE will be accessed only through sub-network where the TOE hosts. The sub-network is separate from the application (or, public) networks where the interfaces on LPU in the TOE are accessible. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 12 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 The authorized users will be competent, and not careless or wilfully negligent or hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the TOE documentation. 4.12 IT Security Objectives The following objectives must be met by the TOE: O. DeviceAvail The TOE shall ensure its own availability. O.UserAvail The TOE shall ensure authorized users can access network resources through the TOE. O. DataFilter The TOE shall ensure that only allowed traffic goes through the TOE. O.Communication The TOE must implement logical protection measures for network communication between the TOE and LMT/RMT from the operational environment. O.Authorization The TOE shall implement different authorization levels that can be assigned to administrators in order to restrict the functionality that is available to individual administrators. O.Authentication The TOE must authenticate users of its user access. O.Audit The TOE shall provide functionality to generate audit records for security- relevant administrator actions. 4.13 Non-IT Security Objectives OE.NetworkElements: The operational environment shall provide securely and correctly working network devices as resources that the TOE needs to cooperate with. Behaviors of such network devices provided by operational environment shall be also secure and correct. For example, other routers for the exchange of routing information, PCs used for TOE administration, and Radius and TACACS+ servers for obtaining authentication and authorization decisions. OE.Physical: The TOE (i.e., the complete system including attached peripherals, such as a console, and CF card inserted in the MPU) shall be protected against unauthorized physical access. OE.NetworkSegregation: The operational environment shall provide segregation by deploying the Ethernet interface on MPU in TOE into a local sub-network, compared to the interfaces on LPU in TOE serving the application (or public) network. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 13 of 42 OE.Person: Personnel working as authorized administrators shall be carefully selected for trustworthiness and trained for proper operation of the TOE. 4.14 Security Functional Requirements FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_GEN.2 User identity association FAU_SAR.1 Audit review FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review FAU_STG.1 Protected audit trail storage FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss FCS_COP.1/AES Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1/3DES Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1/RSA Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1/MD5 Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1/HMAC-MD5 Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1/DHKeyExchange Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1/DSA Cryptographic operation FCS_CKM.1/AES Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1/3DES Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1/RSA Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1/HMAC_MD5 Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1/DHKey Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1/DSA Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.4/3DES-AES Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.4/RSA Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.4/HMAC_MD5 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.4/DHKey Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.4/DSA Cryptographic key destruction FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_DAU.1 Basic Data Authentication Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 14 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 FDP_IFC.1(1) Subset information flow control- CPU-defend FDP_IFC.1(2) Subset information flow control- Data plane traffic control FDP_IFF.1(1) Simple security attributes - CPU-defend FDP_IFF.1(2) Simple security attributes – Data plane traffic control FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_SOS.1 Verification of secrets FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication –Administrator Authentication FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification – Administrator Identification FMT_MOF.1 Management of security functions behaviour FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FTA_SSL.3 TSF-initiated termination FTA_TSE.1 TOE session establishment FTP_TRP.1 Trusted path FTP_ITC.1 Trusted channel 4.15 Security Function Policy At the core of each chassis is the Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), the sof tware for managing and running the router’s networking functionality. VRP provides extensive security features. These features include assigning different privileges to administration users with different privilege levels; enforcing authentications prior to establishment of administrative sessions with the TOE; auditing of security-relevant management activities; as well as the correct enforcement of routing decisions to ensure that network traffic gets forwarded to the correct interfaces. The Main Processing Units (MPU) integrate the main control unit and the system maintenance unit. The MPU controls and manages the system in a centralized way and is responsible for data exchange. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 15 of 42 The Line Processing Units (LPU) are the actual hardware providing net work traffic processing capacity. Network traffic is processed and forwarded according to routing decisions downloaded from VRP. Besides the MPUs and LPUs, there are other types of boards on TOE, such as Switch Fabric Unit (SFU). Only MPU and LPU are security relevant. 4.16 Evaluation Conduct The evaluation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Norwegian Certification Scheme for IT Security as described in SERTIT Document SD001[5]. The Scheme is managed by the Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security (SERTIT). As stated on page 2 of this Certification Report, SERTIT is a member of the Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificat es in the Field of Information Technology Security (CCRA), and the Senior Officials Group Information Systems Security (SOGIS) and the evaluation was conducted in accordance with the terms of these Arrangements and the evaluation was conducted in accordance with these terms of this Arrangement. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide assurance about the effectiveness of the TOE in meeting its Security Target[1], which prospective consumers are advised to read. To ensure that the Security Target [1] gave an appropriate baseline for a CC evaluation, it was first itself evaluated. The TOE was then evaluated against this baseline. Both parts of the evaluation were performed in accordance with CC Part 3[4] and the Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM)[6]. SERTIT monitored the evaluation which was carried out by the Brightsight B.V IT- Security Evaluation Facility (EVIT). The evaluation was completed when the EVIT submitted the final Evaluation Technical Report (ETR)[8] to SERTIT in 03 January 2017. SERTIT then produced this Certification Report. 4.17 General Points The evaluation addressed the security functionality claimed in the Security Target[1] with reference to the assumed operating environment specified by the Security Target[1]. The evaluated configuration was that specified in Annex A. Prospective consumers are advised to check that this matches their identified requirements and give due consideration to the recommendations and caveats of this report. Certification does not guarantee that the IT product is free from security vulnerabilities. This Certification Report and the belonging Certificate only reflect the view of SERTIT at the time of certification. It is furthermore the responsibility of users (both existing and prospective) to check whether any security vulnerabilities have been discovered since the date shown in this report. This Certification Report is not an endorsement of the IT product by SERTIT or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this Certification Repor t, and no warranty of the IT product by SERTIT or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this Certification Report is either expressed or implied. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 16 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 5 Evaluation Findings The evaluators examined the following assurance classes and component s taken from CC Part 3[4]. These classes comprise the EAL 2 assurance package augmented with ALC_FLR.2. Assurance class Assurance components Development ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.2 Functional specification with complete summary ADV_TDS.1 Architectural design Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.2 Production support, acceptance procedures and automation ALC_CMS.2 Problem tracking CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_FLR.2 Flaw reporting procedures Security Target evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification Tests ATE_COV.1 Analysis of coverage ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.2 Vulnerability analysis All assurance classes were found to be satisfactory and were awarded an overall “pass” verdict. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 17 of 42 5.1 Introduction The evaluation addressed the requirements specified in the Security Target [1]. The results of this work were reported in the ETR[8] under the CC Part 3[4] headings. The following sections note considerations that are of particular relevance to either consumers or those involved with subsequent assurance maintenance and re-evaluation of the TOE. 5.2 Delivery On receipt of the TOE, the consumer is recommended to check that the evaluated version has been supplied, and to check that the security of the TOE has not been compromised in delivery. 5.3 Installation and Guidance Documentation Installation of the TOE must be performed completely in accordance with the guidance listed in the ST[1] chapter 1.4.2 and Preparative Procedures documents [9][10][11][12] provided by the developer. The Common Criteria Security Evaluation – Certified Configuration [7] describes all necessary steps to configure the TOE in the certified configuration. These documents are a collection of all security relevant operations and settings that must be observed to ensure that the TOE operates in a secure manner. 5.4 Misuse There is always a risk of intentional and unintentional misconfigurations that could possibly compromise confidential information. The user should always follow the guidance for the TOE in order to ensure that the TOE operates in a secure manner. The guidance documents adequately describe the mode of operation of the TOE, all assumptions about the intended environment and all requirements for external security. Sufficient guidance is provided for the consumer to effectively use the TOE’s security functions. 5.5 Vulnerability Analysis The Evaluators’ vulnerability analysis was based on both public domain sources and the visibility of the TOE given by the evaluation process. The TOE are substantially similar to other router/switches on the market. This technology is well-established. The technology and possible vulnerabilities are described in a series of public documents. The evaluators assessed all possible vulnerabilities found during evaluation. Potential vulnerabilities were found but only two turned out to be possibly exploitable. The developer has updated the guidance to enhance the secure configuration of the TOE, and as a result this issue has become moot. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 18 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 5.6 Developer’s Tests The developer test plan consists of 12 different categories of tests of 90 tests. The categories are based on major groupings of security functionalities, and, in combination with all SFRs and TSFIs. 5.7 Evaluators’ Tests For independent testing, the evaluator has chosen to perform some additional testing although the developer’s testing was extensive but some additional assurance could be gained by additional testing. For independent testing, the evaluator has made a sample of penetration tests performed by the developer. Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 19 of 42 6 Evaluation Outcome 6.1 Certification Result After due consideration of the ETR[8], produced by the Evaluators, and the conduct of the evaluation, as witnessed by the Certifier, SERTIT has determined that Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router version V800R008C10SPC945Tmeet the Common Criteria Part 3 augmented requirements of Evaluation Assurance Level EAL 2 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 for the specified Common Criteria Part 2 conformant functionality in the specified environment, when running on platforms specified in Annex A. 6.2 Recommendations Prospective consumers of Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router version V800R008C10SPC945T should understand the specific scope of the certification by reading this report in conjunction with the Security Target [1]. The TOE should be used in accordance with a number of environmental considerations as specified in the Security Target. Only the evaluated TOE configuration should be installed. This is specified in Annex A with further relevant information given above under Section 4.3 “TOE Scope” and Section 5 “Evaluation Findings”. The TOE should be used in accordance with the supporting guidance documentation included in the evaluated configuration. The above “Evaluation Findings” include a number of recommendations relating to the secure receipt, installation, configuration and operation of the TOE . Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 20 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Annex A: Evaluated Configuration TOE Identification The TOE consists of: Hardware There are eleven types of chassis of an NE40E chassis as shown in Table 1. The following boards will be covered during this evaluation: Product Name Board Name for Order Description NE40E- X16A CR5P16BASD76 NE40E-X16A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(480G),7 DC Power,4 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P16BASA76 NE40E-X16A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(480G), 10 AC Power,4 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P16BASD77 NE40E-X16A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(1T), 10 DC Power,6 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P16BASA77 NE40E-X16A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(1T), 14 AC Power,6 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP1673 NE40E-X16A Integrated DC Chassis ComponentsE40E-X16A Chassis, 2 MP CR5B0BKP1674 NE40E-X16A Integrated AC Chassis Components Integrate 4 Fan Traya CR5D0MPUB570 Main Processing Unit B5 CR5DSFUIM07B 480Gbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI- 480-B) Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 21 of 42 CR5DSFUIU07B 1Tbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI-1T- B) NE40E- X8A CR5P08BASD76 NE40E-X8A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(480G),4 DC Power,2 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P08BASA76 NE40E-X8A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(480G),6 AC Power,2 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P08BASD77 NE40E-X8A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(1T),6 DC Power,3 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P08BASA77 NE40E-X8A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(1T),8 AC Power,3 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP0871 NE40E-X8A Integrated Chassis DC ComponentsE40E-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs CR5B0BKP0872 NE40E-X8A Integrated Chassis AC ComponentsE40E-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs CR5D0SRUA870 Switch and Route Processing Unit A8 CR5DSFUIM07C 480Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI - 480-C) CR5D0SRUA970 Switch and Route Processing Unit A9 CR5DSFUIU07C 1Tbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI -1T- C) NE40E- X3A CR5P03BASD75 NE40E-X3A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X3A Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 22 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 CR5P03BASA75 NE40E-X3A Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X3A Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5D0MPUD470 Main Processing Unit D4 CR5B0BKP0373 NE40E-X3A Integrated DC Chassis Components, Including Dual DC Power CR5B0BKP0374 NE40E-X3A Integrated AC Chassis Components, Including Dual AC Power NE40E- X16 CR5P16BASD74 NE40E-X16 Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P16BASA74 NE40E-X16 Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P16BASD71 NE40E-X16 Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P16BASA71 NE40E-X16 Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP1670 NE40E-X16 Integrated Chassis Components (Including 8 DC Power) CR5D0MPUB460 Main Processing Unit B4 CR5D0MPUB570 Main Processing Unit B5 CR5DSFUIE07B 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI- 200-B) NE40E- X8 CR5P08BASD71 NE40E-X8 Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 200G SRU/SFU, 4 DC Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 23 of 42 Power, without Software Charge and Document) CR5P08BASA71 NE40E-X8 Basic Configuration (Including NE40E-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 200G SRU/SFU,4 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP0870 NE40E-X8 Integrated Chassis Components (Including 4 DC Power) CR5D0SRUA570 Switch and Route Processing Unit A5 CR5DSFUIE07C 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI - 200-C) NE40E- X3 CR52-BKPE-4U-DC Integrated DC Chassis Components(NE40E-X3)- 4U,Including Dual DC Power CR5B0BKP0370 NE40E-X3 Integrated AC Chassis Components, (Including Dual AC Power) CR5D0MPUD170 Main Processing Unit D2(Including 2G Memory and 2G USB) CR5P03BASD71 NE40E-X3 Basic Configuration (Include NE40E-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P03BASA72 NE40E-X3 Basic Configuration (Include NE40E-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 AC Power(2200W),without Software Charge and Document) CR5D0MPUD270 Main Processing Unit D3(Including 4G Memory and 2G USB) CR5P03BASD73 NE40E-X3 Basic Configuration (Include NE40E-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P03BASA73 NE40E-X3 Basic Configuration (Include NE40E-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 AC Power(2200W),without Software Charge and Document) Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 24 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 NE40E- X1-M4 CR5P01BASD71 NE40E-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P01BASA71 NE40E-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK,AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P01BASA72 NE40E-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P01BASD73 NE40E-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P01BASA73 NE40E-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP0171 NE40E-X1-M4 Integrated Chassis Components CR5B0BKP0172 NE40E-X1-M4 Integrated AC Chassis Components CR5D00MPUK70 Main Processing Unit K CR5D0MPUK170 Main Processing Unit K1 CR5M001FBX71 NE40E-X1-M4 Fan Box NE40E- X2-M8 CR5P02BASD71 NE40E-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P02BASA71 NE40E-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 25 of 42 Document) CR5P02BASD73 NE40E-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P02BASA73 NE40E-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P02BASD75 NE40E-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP0271 NE40E-X2-M8 Integrated DC Chassis Components CR5B0BKP0274 NE40E-X2-M8 Integrated DC Chassis Components CR5B0BKP0273 NE40E-X2-M8 Integrated AC Chassis Components CR5D00MPUK70 Main Processing Unit K CR5D0MPUK170 Main Processing Unit K1 CR5M002FBX71 NE40E-X2-M8 DC Fan Box CR5M002FBX73 X2-M8 AC Fan Box CR5M002FBX74 NE40E-X2-M8 DC Fan Box NE40E- X2-M16 CR5P02BASD72 NE40E-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P02BASA72 NE40E-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P02BASD74 NE40E-X2-M16 Basic Configuration Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 26 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 (Includes NE40E-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5P02BASA74 NE40E-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CR5B0BKP0272 NE40E-X2-M16 Integrated Chassis Components CR5D00MPUK70 Main Processing Unit K CR5D0MPUK170 Main Processing Unit K1 CR5M002FBX72 X2-M16 Fan Box NE40E- M2E CR5PM2EBAS70 NE40E-M2E Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-M2E Chassis,2*10GE-SFP+ and 24GE-SFP fixed interface,2*DC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CR5PM2EBAS71 NE40E-M2E Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-M2E Chassis,2*10GE-SFP+ and 24GE-SFP fixed interface,2*AC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CR5M0M2FBX70 Fan Box CR5B0BKP0371 NE40E-M2E Integrated Chassis Components CR5B2PWRDC00 DC Power Supply Unit CR5B2PWRAC00 AC Power Supply Unit 500W NE40E- M2F CR5PM2FBAS70 NE40E-M2F Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-M2F Chassis,4*10GE-SFP+ and 40GE-SFP fixed interface,2*DC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CR5PM2FBAS71 NE40E-M2F Basic Configuration (Includes NE40E-M2F Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 27 of 42 Chassis,4*10GE-SFP+ and 40GE-SFP fixed interface,2*AC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CR5M0M2FBX70 Fan Box CR5B0BKP0372 NE40E-M2F Integrated Chassis Components CR5B2PWRDC00 DC Power Supply Unit CR5B2PWRAC00 AC Power Supply Unit 500W Table 1 List of boards There are eleven types of chassis of an CX600 chassis as shown in Table 2. The following boards will be covered during this evaluation: Product Name Board Name for Order Description CX600- X16A CX6P16BASD76 CX600-X16A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(480G),7 DC Power,4 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P16BASA76 CX600-X16A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(480G), 10 AC Power,4 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P16BASD77 CX600-X16A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(1T), 10 DC Power,6 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P16BASA77 CX600-X16A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16A Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(1T), 14 AC Power,6 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP1670 CX600-X16A Integrated DC Chassis ComponentsX600-X1ing 4 Fan Tray) Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 28 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 CX6B0BKP1671 CX600-X16A Integrated AC Chassis ComponentsX600-X1ing 4 Fan Tray0- CX6D0MPUB570 Main Processing Unit B5 CX6DSFUIM07B 480Gbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI- 480-B) CX6DSFUIU07B 1Tbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI-1T- B) CX600- X8A CX6P08BASD76 CX600-X8A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(480G),4 DC Power,2 Fan Tray, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P08BASA76 CX600-X8A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(480G),6 AC Power,2 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P08BASD77 CX600-X8A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(1T),6 DC Power,3 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P08BASA77 CX600-X8A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs,2 SFUs(1T),8 AC Power,3 Fan Tray,without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP0870 CX600-X8A Integrated DC Chassis ComponentsX600-X8A Chassis,2 SRUs CX6B0BKP0871 CX600-X8A Integrated AC Chassis ComponentsX600-X8A Chassis,2 Sy) CX6D0SRUA870 Switch and Route Processing Unit A8 CX6DSFUIM07C 480Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI- 480-C) CX6D0SRUA970 Switch and Route Processing Unit A9 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 29 of 42 CX6DSFUIU07C 1Tbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI -1T- C) CX600- X3A CX6P03BASD75 CX600-X3A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X3A Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P03BASA75 CX600-X3A Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X3A Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6D0MPUD470 Main Processing Unit D4 CX6B0BKP0373 CX600-X3A Integrated DC Chassis Components, Including Dual DC Power CX6B0BKP0374 CX600-X3A Integrated AC Chassis Components, Including Dual AC Power CX600- X16 CX6P16BASD70 CX600-X16 Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P16BASA70 CX600-X16 Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P16BASD11 CX600-X16 Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P16BASA11 CX600-X16 Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP1610 CX600-X16 Integrated Chassis Components (Including 8 DC Power) CX6D0MPUB410 Main Processing Unit B4 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 30 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 CX6D0MPUB570 Main Processing Unit B5 CX6DSFUIE01B 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI- 200-B) CX600- X8 CX6P08BASD11 CX600-X8 Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 200G SRU/SFU, 4 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CX6P08BASA11 CX600-X8 Basic Configuration (Including CX600-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 200G SRU/SFU,4 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP0810 CX600-X8 Integrated Chassis Components (Including 4 DC Power) CX6D0SRUA510 Switch and Route Processing Unit A5 CX6DSFUIE01C 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI - 200-C) CX600- X3 CX61-BKPE-4U-DC Integrated DC Chassis Components(CX600-X3)- 4U,Including Dual DC Power CX6B0BKP0370 CX600-X3 Integrated AC Chassis Components, (Including Dual AC Power) CX6D0MPUD170 Main Processing Unit D2(Including 2G Memory and 2G USB) CX6P03BASD70 CX600-X3 Basic Configuration (Include CX600-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P03BASA72 CX600-X3 Basic Configuration (Include CX600-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs,2 AC Power(2200W),without Software Charge and Document) CX6D0MPUD270 Main Processing Unit D3(Including 4G Memory and 2G USB) CX6P03BASD73 CX600-X3 Basic Configuration (Include CX600-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 31 of 42 2 DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P03BASA73 CX600-X3 Basic Configuration (Include CX600-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs,2 AC Power(2200W),without Software Charge and Document) CX600- X1-M4 CX6P01BASD71 CX600-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P01BASA71 CX600-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK,AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P01BASA72 CX600-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P01BASD73 CX600-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P01BASA73 CX600-X1-M4 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X1-M4 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP0171 CX600-X1-M4 Integrated Chassis Components CX6B0BKP0172 CX600-X1-M4 Integrated AC Chassis Components CX6D00MPUK70 Main Processing Unit K CX6D0MPUK170 Main Processing Unit K1 CX6M001FBX71 CX600-X1-M4 Fan Box CX600- X2-M8 CX6P02BASD71 CX600-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 32 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P02BASA71 CX600-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P02BASD73 CX600-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P02BASA73 CX600-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP0271 CX600-X2-M8 Integrated DC Chassis Components CX6B0BKP0273 CX600-X2-M8 Integrated AC Chassis Components CX6D00MPUK70 Main Processing Unit K CX6D0MPUK170 Main Processing Unit K1 CX6M002FBX71 CX600-X2-M8 DC Fan Box CR5M002FBX73 X2-M8 AC Fan Box CX600- X2-M16 CX6P02BASD72 CX600-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P02BASA72 CX600-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6P02BASD74 CX600-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 33 of 42 Document) CX6P02BASA74 CX600-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) CX6B0BKP0272 CX600-X2-M16 Integrated Chassis Components CX6D00MPUK70 Main Processing Unit K CX6D0MPUK170 Main Processing Unit K1 CR5M002FBX72 X2-M16 Fan Box CX600- M2E CX6PM2EBAS70 CX600-M2E Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-M2E Chassis,2*10GE-SFP+ and 24GE-SFP fixed interface,2*DC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CX6PM2EBAS71 CX600-M2E Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-M2E Chassis,2*10GE-SFP+ and 24GE-SFP fixed interface,2*AC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CX6M0M2FBX70 Fan Box CX6B0BKP0371 CX600-M2E Integrated Chassis Components CR5B2PWRDC00 DC Power Supply Unit CR5B2PWRAC00 AC Power Supply Unit 500W CX600- M2F CX6PM2FBAS70 CX600-M2F Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-M2F Chassis,4*10GE-SFP+ and 40GE-SFP fixed interface,2*DC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Document) CX6PM2FBAS71 CX600-M2F Basic Configuration (Includes CX600-M2F Chassis,4*10GE-SFP+ and 40GE-SFP fixed interface,2*AC Power,Fan Box,without Software Charge and Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 34 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Document) CX6M0M2FBX70 Fan Box CX6B0BKP0372 CX600-M2F Integrated Chassis Components CR5B2PWRDC00 DC Power Supply Unit CR5B2PWRAC00 AC Power Supply Unit 500W Table 2 List of boards There are five types of chassis of an ME60 chassis as shown in Table 3. The following boards will be covered during this evaluation: Product Name Board Name for Order Description ME60- X16 ME0P16BASD70 ME60-X16 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G),8 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P16BASA70 ME60-X16 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(200G), 8 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P16BASD72 ME60-X16 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(100G), 8 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P16BASA72 ME60-X16 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X16 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 4 SFUs(100G), 8 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0B0BKP1630 ME60-X16 Integrated Chassis Components (Including 8 DC Power) ME0D0MPUB470 ME60-X16 Main Processing Unit B4 ME0DSFUIE07B 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit B(SFUI- 200-B) Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 35 of 42 ME0DSFUIE07D 100Gbps Switch Fabric Unit E(SFUI - 100-E) ME0P16SFUE71 ME60-X16 100G SFU Bundle Configuration(Including 4*SFUI- 100-E) ME0P16SFUE70 ME60-X16 200G SFU Bundle Configuration(Including 4*SFUI- 200-B) ME60- X8 ME0P08BASD70 ME60-X8 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 200G SRU/SFU,4 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P08BASA70 ME60-X8 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 200G SRU/SFU,4 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P08BASD72 ME60-X8 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 100G SRU/SFU, 4 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P08BASA72 ME60-X8 Basic Configuration (Including ME60-X8 Chassis, 2+1 Redundant 100G SRU/SFU, 4 AC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0B0BKP0830 ME60-X8 Integrated Chassis Components (Including 4 DC Power) ME0D0SRUA570 Switch and Route Processing Unit A5 ME0DSFUIE07C 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI - 200-C) ME0P08SFUE70 ME60-X8 200G SFU Bundle Configuration(Including 2*SRUA5 and 1*SFUI-200-C) ME0D0SRUA770 Switch and Route Processing Unit A7 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 36 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 ME0DSFUIA07D 100Gbps Switch Fabric Unit D(SFUI- 100-D) ME0P08SFUF70 ME60-X8 100G SFU Bundle Configuration(Including 2*SRUs,1*SFU) ME60- X3 ME0P03BASD70 ME60-X3 Basic Configuration (Include ME60-X3 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 2 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0B0BKPD330 Integrated DC Chassis Components(ME60-X3) ME0D00MPUD71 Main Processing Unit D2 ME0B0BKPA331 ME60-X3 Integrated AC Chassis Components, (Including Dual AC Power) ME0P03BASA31 ME60-X3 Basic Configuration (Include ME60-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 AC Power(2200W),without Software Charge and Document) ME0D00MPUD72 Main Processing Unit D3 ME0P03BASD71 ME60-X3 Basic Configuration (Include ME60-X3 Chassis, 2 MPUs, 2 DC Power, without Software Charge and Document) ME0P03BASA71 ME60-X3 Basic Configuration (Include ME60-X3 Chassis,2 MPUs, 2 AC Power(2200W),without Software Charge and Document) ME60- X2-M8 ME0P02BASD73 ME60-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes ME60-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) ME0P02BASA73 ME60-X2-M8 Basic Configuration (Includes ME60-X2-M8 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) ME0B0BKP0271 ME60-X2-M8 Integrated DC Chassis Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 37 of 42 Components ME0B0BKP0273 ME60-X2-M8 Integrated AC Chassis Components ME0D0MPUK171 Main Processing Unit K1 ME0M002FBX71 ME60-X2-M8 DC Fan Box ME0M002FBX73 X2-M8 AC Fan Box ME60- X2-M16 ME0P02BASD74 ME60-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes ME60-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*DC Power,without Software Charge and Document) ME0P02BASA74 ME60-X2-M16 Basic Configuration (Includes ME60-X2-M16 Chassis,2*MPUK1,2*AC Power,without Software Charge and Document) ME0B0BKP0272 ME60-X2-M16 Integrated Chassis Components ME0D0MPUK171 Main Processing Unit K1 ME0M002FBX72 X2-M16 Fan Box Table 3 List of boards There are five types of chassis of an NE20E chassis as shown in Table 4. The following boards will be covered during this evaluation: Product Name Board Name for Order Description NE20E- S4 CR2M04BASD01 NE20E-S4 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,1*MPUE,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M04BASD02 NE20E-S4 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,2*MPUE,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 38 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 CR2M04BASA01 NE20E-S4 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,1*MPUE,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M04BASA02 NE20E-S4 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,2*MPUE,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M04BASD11 NE20E-S4 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,1*MPUE1,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M04BASD12 NE20E-S4 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,2*MPUE1,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M04BASA11 NE20E-S4 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,1*MPUE1,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M04BASA12 NE20E-S4 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S4 Chassis,2*MPUE1,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2B0BKP0410 NE20E-S4 Integrated Chassis Components CR2B0BKP0411 NE20E-S4 Integrated AC Chassis Components CR2D00MPUE10 Main Processing Unit E CR2D0MPUE110 Main Processing Unit E1 CR2M004FBX10 NE20E-S4 Fan Box NE20E- S8 CR2M08BASD02 NE20E-S8 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S8 Chassis,2*MPUE,2*DC Power,Power Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 39 of 42 cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M08BASA02 NE20E-S8 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S8 Chassis,2*MPUE,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M08BASD12 NE20E-S8 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S8 Chassis,2*MPUE1,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M08BASA12 NE20E-S8 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S8 Chassis,2*MPUE1,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2B0BKP0810 NE20E-S8 Integrated DC Chassis Components CR2B0BKP0811 NE20E-S8 Integrated AC Chassis Components CR2D00MPUE10 Main Processing Unit E CR2D0MPUE110 Main Processing Unit E1 CR2M008FBX10 NE20E-S8 DC Fan Box CR2M008FBX11 NE20E-S8 AC Fan Box NE20E- S16 CR2M16BASD02 NE20E-S16 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S16 Chassis,2*MPUE,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M16BASA02 NE20E-S16 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S16 Chassis,2*MPUE,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M16BASD12 NE20E-S16 DC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S16 Chassis,2*MPUE1,2*DC Power,Power cord,without Software Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 40 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Charge and Document) CR2M16BASA12 NE20E-S16 AC Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S16 Chassis,2*MPUE1,2*AC Power,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2B0BKP1610 NE20E-S16 Integrated Chassis Components CR2D00MPUE10 Main Processing Unit E CR2D0MPUE110 Main Processing Unit E1 CR2M016FBX10 NE20E-S16 Fan Box NE20E- S2E CR2P2EBASD10 NE20E-S2E Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S2E Chassis,2*10GE-SFP+ and 24GE-SFP fixed interface,2*DC Power,Fan Box,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2P2EBASA10 NE20E-S2E Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S2E Chassis,2*10GE-SFP+ and 24GE-SFP fixed interface,2*AC Power,Fan Box,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2M002FBX10 Fan Box CR2B0BKP0210 NE20E-S2E Integrated Chassis Components CR5B2PWRDC00 DC Power Supply Unit 600W CR5B2PWRAC00 AC Power Supply Unit 500W NE20E- S2F CR2P2FBASD10 NE20E-S2F Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S2F Chassis,4*10GE-SFP+ and 40GE-SFP fixed interface,2*DC Power,Fan Box,Power cord,without Software Charge and Document) CR2P2FBASA10 NE20E-S2F Basic Configuration (Includes NE20E-S2F Chassis,4*10GE-SFP+ and 40GE-SFP fixed interface,2*AC Power,Fan Box,Power cord,without Software Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 Page 41 of 42 Charge and Document) CR2M002FBX10 Fan Box CR2B0BKP0211 NE20E-S2F Integrated Chassis Components CR5B2PWRDC00 DC Power Supply Unit 600W CR5B2PWRAC00 AC Power Supply Unit 500W Table 4 List of boards Software Type Name Version Software Product software V800R008C10SPC945T VRP Version 8 Release 12 Linux Version: WRlinux4.3.0.0(CR5D0MPUB570,CR5D0SR UA870,CR5D0SRUA970,CR5D0MPUD470,C X6D0MPUB570,CX6D0SRUA870,CX6D0SRU A970,CX6D0MPUD470) /WRlinux4.1.0.0(CR5D0MPUB460,CR5D0S RUA570,CR5D0MPUD170,CR5D0MPUD270, CR5D00MPUK70,CR5D0MPUK170,CX6D0M PUB410,CX6D0SRUA510,CX6D0MPUD170, CX6D0MPUD270,CX6D00MPUK70,CX6D0M PUK170,ME0D0MPUB470,ME0D0SRUA570, ME0D0SRUA770,ME0D00MPUD71,ME0D00 MPUD72,ME0D0MPUK171,CR2D00MPUE1 0,CR2D0MPUE110) Table 5 List of Software TOE Documentation The supporting guidance documents evaluated were: [a] NE40E V800R008 C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 [b] CX600 V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 [c] NE20E V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 [d] ME60 V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 [e] Common Criteria Security Evaluation – Certified Configuration, V1.5 Huawei NE40E&CX600&ME60&NE20E Router Version V800R008C10SPC945T EAL 2+ Page 42 of 42 SERTIT-087 CR Issue 1.0 07 April 2017 [Further discussion of the supporting guidance material is given in Section 5.3 “Installation and Guidance Documentation”.] TOE Configuration The following configuration was used for testing: ITEM IDENTIFIER HARDWARE One of the hardware models from each series listed in section TOE Identification SOFTWARE Product software version V800R008C10SPC945T, VRP Version 8 Release 12, WRLinux / WRLinux, configured according to [7]. MANUALS NE40E V800R008 C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 CX600 V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 NE20E V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 ME60 V800R008C10 Product Manual, V01, 2016/09/30 Common Criteria Security Evaluation – Certified Configuration, V1.5 Environmental Configuration The TOE is tested in the following test setups: