Security Target NexG Co., LTD VForce 1700 V1.0 Security Target Version: 1.2 Update Date: July 20, 2006 Security Target NexG Co., LTD Version Date Revision Prepared by Approved by 1.1 June 30, 2006 First prepared. Hwang Seong-hun Ju Gap-su 1.2 July 20, 2006 Augmentation “Requirements for IT environment” prepared. Hwang Seong-hun Ju Gap-su 1 Table of Contents 1 SECURITY TARGET INTRODUCTION .......................................................................4 1.1 SECURITY TARGET IDENTIFICATION..................................................................................... 5 1.2 IDENTIFYING SECURITY TARGET AND TOE ......................................................................... 5 1.3 TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS.............................................................................................. 6 1.4 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................... 7 1.5 COMMON CRITERIA CONFORMANCE ................................................................................. 11 2 TOE DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................13 2.1 SUMMARY OF SECURITY FUNCTIONS................................................................................. 14 2.2 TOE SCOPE AND BOUNDARY............................................................................................. 16 2.2.1 Physical Boundary ...................................................................................................... 16 2.2.2 Logical Boundary........................................................................................................ 18 3 TOE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................21 3.1 ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 21 3.1.1 Assumptions Same as Those for Protection Profile .................................................... 21 3.1.2 Assumptions for Author-augmented TOE................................................................... 23 3.2.1 Threats Same as Those In Protection Profile .............................................................. 24 3.2.2 Threats against Author-augmented TOE.................................................................. 25 3.2.3 Threats against TOE Operating Environment Same as Protection Profile.................. 26 3.3 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY POLICIES ............................................................................. 27 3.3.1 Organizational Security Policies Same as Those in Protection Profile....................... 27 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................28 4.1 TOE SECURITY OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................. 28 4.1.1 TOE security Objectives Same as Those for Protection Profile.................................. 28 4.1.2 Security Objectives for Author-augmented TOE ........................................................ 29 4.2 SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT ............................................................... 29 4.2.1 Security Objective for Environment Same as Those in Protection Profile ................. 29 4.2.2 Security Objectives for Author-augmented Environment........................................... 30 5 IT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................32 5.1 TSF REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................... 32 5.1.1 Reused Security functional requirements (SFR) in Protection Profile ....................... 33 5.1.2 Author-augmented Security functional requirements (SFR)....................................... 62 5.1.3 Deleted Security functional requirements(SFR) ......................................................... 63 Security Target 2 5.2 TOE SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................................... 64 5.2.1 Configuration Management ........................................................................................ 65 5.2.2 Delivery and Operation............................................................................................... 66 5.2.3 Development............................................................................................................... 67 5.2.4 Guidance documents................................................................................................... 71 5.2.5 Life Cycle Support...................................................................................................... 72 5.2.6 Tests ............................................................................................................................ 74 5.2.7 Vulnerability Assessment............................................................................................ 76 5.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR IT ENVIRONMENTS........................................................................... 79 6 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION...........................................................................81 6.1 ASSURANCE MEASURES..................................................................................................... 81 6.2 TOE SECURITY FUNCTION................................................................................................. 82 6.2.1 Security Audit (FAU).................................................................................................. 82 6.2.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS) ..................................................................................... 88 6.2.3 User Data Protection (FDP)........................................................................................ 91 6.2.5 Security Management (FMT)...................................................................................... 99 6.2.6 TSF Protection (FPT).................................................................................................111 6.2.7 TOE Access (FTA).................................................................................................... 112 6.2.8 Trusted Path/Channel (FTP)...................................................................................... 113 6.2.9 Privacy (FPR)............................................................................................................ 114 7 PROTECTION PROFILE CLAIMS.......................................................................... 116 7.1 PROTECTION PROFILE REFERENCE .................................................................................. 116 7.2 PROTECTION PROFILE TAILORING ................................................................................... 116 7.2.1 [FW_PP_V1.1] Tailoring.......................................................................................... 116 7.2.2 [VPN_PP_V1.1] Tailoring........................................................................................ 118 7.3 PROTECTION PROFILE AUGMENTATION ........................................................................... 119 7.3.1 Security Requirements Augmentation for Protection Profile.................................... 119 7.3.2 Protection Profile Threats and Purpose Augmentation ............................................. 119 8 RATIONALE ..................................................................................................... 121 8.1 SECURITY OBJECTIVES RATIONALE................................................................................. 121 8.1.1 Security Objectives Rationale for TOE Security Function Purpose Same as Those in Protection Profile ............................................................................................................... 121 8.1.2 Security Objectives Rationale for Environment Same as Protection Profile............ 123 8.1.3 Author Augmented Security Objectives Rationale ................................................... 125 8.2 RATIONALE FOR SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS............................................... 126 Security Target 3 8.2.1 Rationale for Security functional requirements Same as Those in Protection Profile126 8.2.2 Author-augmented Rationale for Security functional requirements.......................... 134 8.2.3 Rationale for IT Environment Requirements............................................................ 135 8.3 RATIONALE FOR SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................ 136 8.4 RATIONALE FOR FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS SOF(STRENGTH OF FUNCTION)............ 137 8.5 RATIONALE FOR TOE SUMMARY ..................................................................................... 138 8.6 COMPLIANCE WITH TSF SOF(STRENGTH OF FUNCTION)................................................ 147 8.7 COMPLIANCE WITH TOE SECURITYASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .................................. 148 8.8 RATIONALE FOR SATISFACTION WITH DEPENDENCIES..................................................... 151 Security Target 4 1 Security Target Introduction This chapter aims to identify Security Target and accurately describe typographic conventions and terms. The Target of Evaluation(TOE)isVForce1700V1.0S/WofNexG, which controlsinformationflowbetweennetworksand encrypts traffic transmitted to/from trusted networks. VForce 1700 V1.0 is a hardware device with a firewall and a Virtual Private Network built in. VForce 1700 V1.0 is a gateway-type machine that configures a firewall that controls network access using packet filtering and a VPN through IP Security (IPSec.) The VPN gateway encrypts/decrypts traffic through the Security Association (SA) with its counterpart (VPN gateway.) The TOE refers to a series of functions including major functions of the firewall and the VPN system built into VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W and supplementary networkfunctionssuchassecuritymanagement,auditrecording,identificationandauthentication,routing,andDHCP. The TOE decides whether to allow, drop, or reject networks specified by the security administrator and unencrypted traffic using the firewall or packet filtering, and processes encrypted traffic in compliance with the pre-defined VPN securitypolicy. Toexecutethesefunctions,theTOEisinstalledandoperatedattheendpointofthenetwork. ThisSecurityTargetfortheTOEconsistsasfollows: ƒ Chapter1introducestheSecurityTargetanddefinesterms. ƒ Chapter2describestheTOEanddefinesscopeandboundaryoftheTOE. ƒ Chapter3describestheTOEsecurityenvironment. ƒ Chapter4describestheTOEsecurityobjectives. ƒ Chapter5describesITsecurityrequirements. ƒ Chapter6describestheTOEsummaryspecification. ƒ Chapter7describesprotectionprofileclaims. ƒ Chapter8providestherationalefortheSecurityTarget. Security Target 5 1.1 Security Target Identification TheSecurityTarget,TOE,andtheCommonCriteriafortheinformationprotectionsystemshallbeidentifiedasfollows: Label Description Security Target Title VForce 1700 V1.0 Security Target V1.1 Common Criteria Identification Common Criteria for Information Protection System (Announcement No. 2005-25 by Ministry of Information and Communication) Prepared by Security and Authentication Team of NexG Creation Date March 30, 2006 Related Protection Profile VPN Protection Profile V 1.1 for Government Agency (April 30, 2003) Firewall Protection Profile V1.1 for Government Agency (April 30, 2003) TOE Identification VForce 1700 V1.0 Terms VPN, Integrity, Confidentiality, Identification and Authentication, Encryption, IKE, IPSec, VPN, Access Control, Information Flow Control, Firewall Criteria Common Criteria (CC) V2.3 1.2 Identifying Security Target and TOE TOE provides a security function which controls information flow for secure information transmission between trusted networks connected to a public network in a physically safe environment. The security function provided by the TOE hasanSOF-mediumasdefinedintheprotectionprofile. Security Target 6 1.3 Typographic Conventions This Security Target uses English words for clearer meaning of abbreviations and terms. Notations, forms, and typographic conventions conform to the Common Criteria for information protection systems and protection profiles for governmentagencies. 1.3.1Iteration Iteration is used when the same component is used repeatedly for multiple operations. The result of the Iteration operationisindicatedbytheiterationnumberwithinparentheses,(repeatnumber),followingthecomponentidentifier. 1.3.2Selection Selection is used to select one or more options provided by the Common Criteria for the information protection system. TheresultoftheSelectionoperationisindicatedinunderlineditalicizedcharacters. 1.3.3Refinement Refinement is used to further restrict any requirement by adding detailsto therequirement. TheresultoftheRefinement operationisindicatedinboldcharacters. 1.3.4Assignment Assignmentisusedtoallocateaspecificvaluetoanunspecifiedparameter. (Example:Passwordlength) TheresultoftheAssignmentoperationisindicatedbysquarebrackets,[Assignment_Value]. 1.3.5SecurityTargetAuthor The Security Target author is used to indicate that final decisions related to attributes have been made by the Security Target author. The Security Target author is indicated by braces, {Decided by Security Target Author}. All security functional requirements not completely executed in the protection profile shall be completed by the Security Target Author. 1.3.6ApplicationNote Application note clarifies the meaning of a requirement, provides information on options upon implementation, and warns of items that require special attention when “conformity/non-conformity” of the requirement is defined. Applicationnotemaybeprovidedwiththecorrespondingrequirement,ifnecessary. Security Target 7 1.4 Terms and Definitions Termsincluded inthisSecurity Targetand overlapping thosein theCommonCriteriaforinformationprotectionsystems andprotectionprofilesforthegovernmentagenciesshallsupersedetheothers. 1.4.1 Object Anentity within theTSFScopeofControl(TSC)thatcontainsorreceivesinformationanduponwhichsubjectsperform operations 1.4.2 AttackPotential The perceived potential for success of an attack, should an attack be launched, expressed in terms of an attacker’s expertise,resources,andmotivation 1.4.3 SOF(StrengthofFunction)-of-Function(SOF) The qualification of a TOE security function expressing the minimum effort assumed necessary to defeat its expected securitybehaviorbydirectlyattackingitsunderlyingsecuritymechanisms 1.4.4 SOF-medium A level of the TOE SOF(Strength of Function)-of-function where analysis shows that the function provides adequate protection against straightforward or intentional breach of TOE security function by attackers possessing a moderate attackpotential 1.4.5 Iteration One of the operations defined in the Common Criteria for the information protection system. A component is used morethanonceinavarietyofoperations. 1.4.6 SecurityTarget(ST) AsetofsecurityrequirementsandfunctionalspecificationstobeusedasabasisforTOEevaluation 1.4.7 ProtectionProfile(PP) Animplementation-independentsetofsecurityrequirementsforacategoryofTOEsthatmeetspecificconsumerneeds 1.4.8 HumanUser AnypersonwhointeractswiththeTOE 1.4.9 User Security Target 8 Anyentity(humanuserorexternalITentity)outsidetheTOEthatinteractswiththeTOE 1.4.10 Selection One of the operations defined in the Common Criteria for the information protection system. One or more items are specifiedfromalistinacomponent. 1.4.11 Identity Arepresentationuniquelyidentifyinganauthorizeduser 1.4.12 Element Anindivisiblesecurityrequirement 1.4.13 Role ApredefinedsetofrulesestablishingallowedinteractionsbetweenauserandtheTOE. (Example:User,Administrator) 1.4.14 Operation An operation ensures that a component can respond to a certain threat in the Common Criteria for the information protectionsystemortosatisfyacertainsecuritypolicy. (Example:Iteration,Assignment,Selection,orRefinement) 1.4.15 ThreatAgent AnyunauthorizeduserorexternalITentitywhichthreatenstoaccess,alter,ordeleteassets 1.4.16 ExternalITEntity AnyITproductorsystem,untrustedortrusted,outsideoftheTOEthatinteractswiththeTOE 1.4.17 AuthorizedAdministrator An authorizeduser who securely operates and managesthe Firewall andthe VPN system accordingto the TOEsecurity Policy(TSP) 1.4.18 AuthorizedUser AuserwhocanexecuteTSPfunctionsaccordingtotheTSP 1.4.19 AuthorizedGeneralUser AuserwhoisnotanauthorizeduserwhocanexecuteTSPfunctionsaccordingtotheTSP 1.4.20 AuthenticationData Informationusedtoverifytheclaimedidentityofauser. Security Target 9 1.4.21 Assets InformationorresourcestobeprotectedbyTOEcountermeasures 1.4.22 Refinement One of the operations defined in the Common Criteria for the information protection system whereby additional details areaddedtoarequirement.Theadditionofdetailstoacomponent. 1.4.23 CommonCriteriaforInformationProtectionSystem It is the Common Criteria published on May 21, 2005 by the Minister of Information and Communication. It is the Korean translation of Common Criteria (CC) version 2.3 which is based on the criteria of many countries and has been developedbasedonacommonlanguageandcommonunderstanding. 1.4.24 OrganizationSecurityPolicies Oneormoresecurityrules,procedures,practices,orguidelinesimposedbyanorganizationuponitsoperations. 1.4.25 Dependency A relationship between requirements such that the requirement depended upon must normally be satisfied for the other requirementstobeabletomeettheirobjectives 1.4.26 Subject AnentitywithintheTSCthatcausesoperationstobeperformed 1.4.27 Augmentation TheadditionofoneormoreassurancecomponentstoanEALorassurancepackage 1.4.28 Component ThesmallestselectablesetofelementsthatmaybeincludedinaprotectionprofileorSecurityTarget. 1.4.29 Class AgroupingoffamiliesthatshareacommonfocusintheCommonCriteriafortheinformationprotectionsystem 1.4.30 TargetofEvaluation(TOE) AnITproductorsystemanditsassociatedguidancedocumentationthatisthesubjectofanevaluation 1.4.31 EAL Security Target 10 A package consisting of assurance components that represents a point on the predefined assurance scale in the Common Criteriafortheinformationprotectionsystem 1.4.32 Family Agroupofcomponentsthatsharesecurityobjectivesbutmaydifferinemphasisorrigor 1.4.33 Assignment Thespecificationofanidentifiedparameterinacomponent 1.4.34 Extension The addition of functional requirements to an ST or PP not contained in Part 2 of the Common Criteria for the information protection system or security assurance requirements not contained in Part 3 of the Common Criteria for the informationprotectionsystem. 1.4.35 PerfectForwardSecurity(PFS) When a security tunnel is created between networks to form a VPN, the Diffie-Hellman algorithmisused. At thistime, IKE,akeyexchangeprotocol,supportsPFSandreusescreatedkeysinsteadofgeneratingadditionalkeys.PSFselectsthe Diffie-Hellmanalgorithmandgenerateskeysthatcannotbereused. 1.4.36 TCPMaximumSegmentSize(TCPMSS) The largest segment size in the first SYN packet of the TCP session is determined and the packet sizes for the next sessionsaredeterminedlater 1.4.37 TOEsecurityfunction(TSF) Asetofallhardware,software,andfirmwareoftheTOEthatmustberelieduponforthecorrectenforcementoftheTSP 1.4.38 TOEsecurityPolicy(TSP) Asetofrulesthatregulatehowassetsaremanaged,protected,anddistributedwithinaTOE 1.4.39 TSFData DatacreatedbyandfortheTOEthatmightaffecttheoperationoftheTOE 1.4.40 TSFScopeofControl(TSC) ThesetofinteractionsthatcanoccurwithorwithinaTOEandaresubjecttotherulesoftheTSP 1.4.41 VPN_PP_V1.1(VirtualPrivateNetworkProtectionProfileforGovernmentV1.1) VPNProtectionProfileV1.1forthegovernmentagency Security Target 11 1.4.42 FW_PP_V1.(1FirewallProtectionProfileforGovernmentV1.1) FirewallProtectionProfileforGovernmentV1.1 1.5 Common Criteria Conformance ThisSecurityTargetcomplieswiththefollowing: ƒ VPNProtectionProfileforGovernmentAgencyV1.1April302003[VPN_PP_V1.1] ƒ FirewallProtectionProfileforGovernmentAgencyV1.1April302003[FW_PP_V1.1] ƒ Common Criteria for the information protection system (Notice 2005-25 by Ministry of Information and Communication,May212005)[1] ƒ CommonCriteria(CC)V2.3 The TOE that contains this Security Target fully complies with the functional requirements and the security assurance requirements specified in Parts 2 and 3 of the Common Criteria for the information protection system, VPN Protection Profile for Government Agency V1.1 [VPN_PP_V1.1] which defines minimum requirements for an information protection system for a government agency, and Firewall Protection Profile V1.1 [FW_PP_V1.1] for Government Agency. The assurance level of the TOE is EAL 3+ approved by the certificate authority (in Korea). The following is anextendedsecurityfunctioncomponentofPart2oftheCommonCriteriatowhichtheTOEcomplies: ƒ FPT_TST.2 ResponsetotheTSFDataintegrityerror The following security function components have been added to VPN Protection Profile for Government Agency V1.1 [VPN_PP_V1.1] and Firewall Protection Profile for Government Agency V1.1 [FW_PP_V1.1] with which the TOE complies: ƒ FPR_PSE.1 Pseudonymity ƒ FPR_UNO.4 Authorizeduserobservability The following security function components have been added from Common Criteria (CC) V2.3 with which the TOE complies: ƒ FMT_SMF.1 SpecificationofManagementFunctions Security Target 12 ThefollowingassurancelevelcomponentshavebeenaddedtoEAL3inPart3ofCommonCriteriawithwhichtheTOE complies: ƒ ADV_IMP.2ImplementationoftheTSF ƒ ADV_LLD.1Modularity ƒ ALC_TAT.1Well-defineddevelopmenttools ƒ ATE_DPT.2Testing:low-level-design ƒ AVA_VLA.2Independentvulnerabilityanalysis Security Target 13 2 TOE Description TheTOEisVForce1700V1.0S/WrunninginVForce1700hardware,andexternallogserverS/W(NexgLogServer). VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W provides both Firewalls with a strong access control function using packet filtering and a proxy to protect the underlying structure of the boundary and core networks of the user and a VPN which secures connection between two networks. The TOE is a security product which is equipped with a core engine integrating a kernel and securitysoftwareandisconfiguredusingitsownoperatingsystem. [Figure2-1]TOEOperatingEnvironment As shown in [Figure2-1], the TOE can operate as a VPN or Firewall. The security policy of TOEa protects Network A from a non-secure Internet Network B establishes a trusted communication channel between TOEb and TOEc of Network C and imposes an encryption policy for the transmitted data. To allow non-secure communication (without data encryption), Network B and Network C can implement a security policy that allows only authorized users or authorized network traffic. In other words, Network B and Network C may conduct secure communication (using encryption) but they can also conduct non-secure communication (without encryption) by allowing transmission of only Security Target 14 authorized data. A user in the internet may need to be authorized by the gateway policy before being allowed to access thenetworkthroughHTTP,TELNET,FTP,orotherapplicationsandonlyduringcertaintimes. TheTOE is an access control systemthat controlsnetwork accessbasedontheheaderdataoftheTCP/IPv4packet. To control access to the network, the TOE is installed at the endpoint of the network as shown in [Figure 2-1] and becomes theonlyaccesspointtotheInternetwhichtheTOEprotects.EachpacketpassingthroughtheTOEorcomingtotheTOE in compliance with the packet-filtering security policy defined by the administrator is subject to the security policy of the TOE. Security policies of the TOE include Accept, Drop, and Reject. For the allowed packets, the TOE may apply an NAT (Network Address Translation) policy or use a proxy. The TOE has a trusted external DBMS to store, maintain, andmanageauditrecordsoccurringduringtheexecutionoftheTSFinasecureway. 2.1 Summary of Security Functions The TOE (VForce 1700 V1.0) integrates a Firewall and a VPN—both run on the machine and the OS (VOS v3.0) developed by NexG. The TOE supports packet filtering, Network Address Translation (NAT), and proxy, and ensures secure communication by transmitting encrypted data through an IPSec-based virtual tunnel. The TOE provides the followingsecurityfunctions: ƒ Securitymanagement ƒ Packetfilteringaccesscontrol ƒ VPN ƒ NAT ƒ Supportservice ƒ Proxy(Userauthenticationandmandatoryaccesscontrol) ƒ Auditrecords ƒ Identificationandauthentication 2.1.1 SecurityManagement The security management function allows the authorized administrators to manage security conditions through web or console interfaces. When the administrator manages security through the console, the TOE provides administrator commandsusingtheWizardsothattheadministratorcansetupthenetworkwithanIPaddressthatisthesameastheone used when the TOE was first installed in the network. For security management through console and web interfaces, the TOE first identifies and authenticates the administrator. The authorized administrator can communicate with the TOE usingawebbrowserintheformofSSLcommunicationthroughtheHTTPSprotocol. Security Target 15 2.1.2 Packet-filteringAccessControl The packet-filtering access control function controls packet traffic according to the security policy predefined by the administrator. Basedonthepacket-filtering security policy,theTOEaccepts,drops,orrejectspackettrafficatthelayer3. 2.1.3 VPN(IPSec) The TOE supports the VPN using IPSec. The TOE and the counterparty generate a Security Association (SA) using IKEandencryptpackettrafficbetweenthenetworksofthetwoVPNsequippedwiththeTOEfordataintegrity. 2.1.4 SupportService When the TOE supports VPN, the support service function encrypts the data transmitted between trusted networks by IPSec tunneling. To establish a tunnel, the TOE provides functions to create, distribute, or destroy keys based on pre- shared and RSA certificates. The TOE can issue a certificate using a built-in CA or request an external CA to issue a certificate, and can upload a certificate. To ensure integrity of execution files that provide security functions and of the securityfunctionconfigurationdata,theTOEcanconductanabstractmachinetestandafileintegritytest,andmonitorthe security function execution status. In addition, the TOE provides a time management function and network services suchasDHCP,staticrouting,andARPtable. 2.1.5 Proxy The proxy identifies and authenticates users for popular Internet applications such as HTTP, TELNET, and FTP so that only authorized users can access the services. The proxy uses HTTP authentication or SOCKS5 authentication. When a user accesses a proxy network defined by the administrator, a Strength of Function will be given to the user and the user’saccesstothenetworkwillbecontrolledaccordingtothatStrengthofFunction. 2.1.6 AuditRecords The audit record function stores audit records on a storage media upon event occurrence. Audit records are divided into real-time and non real-time audit records. Non real-time audit records are stored on separate external storage media and theadministratorcanchecktherecordsandcalculatestatisticsusingaseparateexternallogserver. 2.1.7 IdentificationandAuthentication The identification and authentication function authenticates administrators and general users using the internal user management database of the TOE. Authentication mechanisms include the password mechanism and One-Time Password(OTP)mechanism. 2.1.8 TOEAccessandPrivacy AlluserandadministratorsessionsaccessingtheTOEarecontrolledbysessionlockingandtermination. ToprotectprivacyofthedatapassingthroughtheTOE,theTOEtranslatessourceanddestinationIPaddresses. Security Target 16 2.2 TOE Scope and Boundary 2.2.1 Physical Boundary The TOE (VForce1700 V1.0) consists of the S/W (VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W) and the external log server software. The S/W of the TOE includes the firewall and the VPN functions, and the external log server software (Nexg Log Server) stores and manages audit logs. The software of the TOE runs on VForce-series hardware, and the external log server functionsinanexternalmachine. The software of VForce 1700 is controlled by VOS, it owns operating system which is stored in flash memory and interactswiththehardwaresystem. Foravailabilityandfunctionalperformance,VForce1700operatesonlywithVOS. Basic components of the hardware where the software of the TOE operates include CPU, memory, network port, serial port, LED, and a case. The serial port connects to an external terminal. The administrator can manage the TOE through the administrator console CLI. Five network interfaces are provided to connect external networks and internal networks, and these network interfaces are physically separated so that packets not allowed by the TSP cannot pass throughtheseinterfaces. The LEDhelpsthe operatorquickly checktheoperationalstatusofVForce1700andthestatus ofeachnetworkinterface. VOSandHardwareareexcludedfromTOE. ThefollowingtableshowsthehardwareandsoftwareplatformoftheTOE. [Table2-1]Hardware/SoftwarePlatform Product VForce 1700 v1.0 S/W NexG Log Server Hardware CPU: VIA C3 1.2 GHz RAM: 128 MB Flash Memory: 64 MB Firmware, Configuration DB. Port: Network interface – 5 Port (10/100 Base T ) Management interface – 1 Serial, 1 AUX Port CPU: P4 2.0 GHz or higher RAM: 256 MB or more HDD: 18 GB or more Port : 2 Local NIC Security Management Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional/XP - Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 or higher Security Target 17 Console - Pentium 3, 128 MB memory or more Operating System VOS v3.0 RedHat 7.0 or higher Security Target 18 2.2.2 Logical Boundary TheTOEconsistsofthelogicalstructureasshownin[Figure2-2]. NexG Log Server VForce Identification Authentication Subsystem Log Server Subsystem Security Management Subsystem Support Service Subsystem Gateway Subsystem Kernel Engine Subsystem Security Audit Subsystem Mail LOG DB ADMIM CONSOL DHCP NTP ADSL NIC VPN User BACKUP LOGCONF [Figure2-2]TOELogicalBoundary SecurityAudit The TOE provides access control audit records and system audit records. The access control audit records are related to accesscontrolandinformationflowcontroldefinedbytheadministratorwhilesystemauditrecordsarerelatedtochanges in configuration, administrator’s login, network connection status, or other events outside of access control. Both types of audit records include priorities. When an event crossing the threshold set by the administrator occurs, an alarm will notify the administrator. The TOE has a separate space to store both types of audit records in memory so that the administrator can search audit records in real time. The TOE also sends all audit records to an external audit record serverwheretheadministratorcancheckallaccumulatedauditrecordsalthoughthesearchisnotinrealtime. Security Target 19 CryptographicSupport For data encryption and secure communication, the TOE provides functions to generate, distribute, or revoke secret keys as well as functions related to cryptographic operations. The TOE ensures confidentiality and integrity of the packets transmitted at IP protocol layer using the IPSec tunnel-based cryptographic function. The TOE also performs both authentication and encryption in the key exchange stage to protect transmitted data using the highly reliable IPSec encryptionmethod. UserDataProtection The TOE basically denies traffic flow in all directions. Only traffic that passes through the TOE is controlled by the security policy predefined by the administrator. The access control and information flow control policy defines the information flow between two nodes in different sub networks connected through certain interfaces. For example, an internal user would be authenticated and allowed to access a network. In this case, the user is subject to the network accesscontrolandinformationflowpolicy. TheTOEprotectstheuserdatabycontrollingrandomuseraccessaswellas imposesamandatoryaccesscontrolbasedontheuser’sStrengthofFunctionandtheStrengthofFunctionofthenetwork objectthattheusertriestoaccess. SecurityManagement The TOE allows only the authorized administrator to generate, modify, or delete security attributes or TSF data and to start-up, terminate, or restart the TSF. The TOE provides CLI and web user interfaces for the administrator. The TOE doesnotincludethewebbrowserthatsupportstheSSLusedbytheadministratortoaccesstheinterface. IdentificationandAuthentication In the TOE, the administrator, proxy user, and ADSL connection account users are divided into administrator and users. Everyadministratororuseriscreatedandmanagedasauserobject,andismappedasausergroupobjectwithaStrength of Function and proxy information being registered. All administrators and users are identified and authenticated using IDsandpasswords,whicharestoredintheusermanagementdatabaseoftheTOE. TSFProtection The TOE includes minimum interfaces required for execution of the TSF in hardware and software, and no other interfaces that may hinder execution of the TSF are provided. To execute the TSF, the TOE monitors the status of the securityfunctiondaemonsandconductsanintegritytestoneveryfile. TrustedPath/Channel The TOEprovidesa trustedpathforthe administratorto accessthenetworkusingtheSSLprotocol. Forsecuredaccess, theSSLprotocolgeneratesasecretkeyandmaintainsanencryptedconnection. Security Target 20 TOEAccess The TOE manages access sessions of administrators and users. If the administrator or user remains idle for a given periodoftime,theTOEwillperformsessionlocking. Privacy The TOE translates source and destination IP addresses of the data passing through the TOE to protect user and server information. Security Target 21 3 TOE security Environment This chapter defines security threats and organizational security policiesrelatedtotheTOE. TheTOEprovidesaproper levelofprotectionforan ITenvironmentthatrequiresstrongcontrolofinformationflowonthenetwork. TheTOEdoes not respond to a physical attack that may damage the TOE or violate a security function (including suspension of and bypass security functions). Rather, the TOE is installed in the single point of connection of the network in a physically safeconditionasspecifiedintheassumptions,andprovidessecurity functionstoprotectanetworkconnected totheTOE fromall attacks. TheTOEhas beendesignedto be mostsuitableforthesecurityenvironmentdefinedintheFirewallfor thegovernmentagency[FW_PP_V1.1]andVPNsystemprotectionprofile[VPN_PP_V1.1]. 3.1 Assumptions 3.1.1 Assumptions Same as Those for Protection Profile Thefollowingdescribesassumptionssameasthosefor[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]: A.PhysicalSecurity([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEisinstalledinaphysicallysafeenvironmentaccessibleonlybyauthorizedadministrators. Application Notes: The security policy for government agency computing equipment allows only the VPN client administrator(orauthorizeduser)toaccesstheVPNclient.* *-ThisSecurityTargetdoesnotsupportanyVPNclient. A.SecurityMaintenance([FW_PP_V1.1]) Uponchanges inthenetwork suchas configuration changes,increaseordecreaseofhosts, andservice increase/decrease, thenewenvironmentandthenewsecuritypolicyshallbeimmediatelyreflectedintheTOEoperationpolicytoprovidea consistentlevelofsecurity. A.TrustedAdministrator([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) Security Target 22 The authorized administrator of the TOE shall not have any malicious intention, receive proper training on TOE management,andfollowtheadministratorguidelines. A.OperatingSystemReinforcement([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) Unnecessary services or means shall be removed from the operating system, and security shall be enhanced to better protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system thereby ensuring its reliability and stability. ([VPN_PP_V1.1] – IncaseofaVPNclient,thesuboperatingsystemoftheTOEissecureandreliable.*) *ThisSecurityTargetdoesnotsupportaVPNclient. A.SinglePointofConnection([FW_PP_V1.1]) AllexternalnetworksandinternalnetworkscommunicatewitheachotheronlythroughtheTOE. Security Target 23 A.SecurityPolicy([VPN_PP_V1.1]) The TOE and its counterpart must use interchangeable security policies that share the same security policy and minor differences. 3.1.2 Assumptions for Author-augmented TOE A.TrustedServer Trusted servers are installed outside the TOE for maximum TOEperformance. SuchserversincludetheNetworkTime Protocol(NTP)serverforreliabletimemanagementandtheremotesecuritymanagementsystem. A.TrustedChannel The communication data between the TOE and the administrator is transmitted through a secure channel established by OpenSSLandthecertificatefortheOpenSSLismanagedinasecuremanner. A.TrustedStorage AuditrecordsrelatedtotheTOEarestored,andthestorageismaintainedandoperatedinasecuremanner. Security Target 24 3.2 Threats This security target classifies and defines security threats that an external threat agent may impose against the assets protectedbytheTOE. Major assets that the TOE protects include computer resources of the internal network and network services. External threatsourcesillegallyaccesscomputerresourcesoftheorganizationorunderminetheavailabilityofresources. The threat agent is usually a computer user or an external IT entity accessing the internal computer. The threat agent usually possesses a low level of knowledge, resources, and motivations, and the threat agent is assumed to have a low possibility to attack vulnerabilities. The threat agent can attack clear vulnerabilities and easily gain information about vulnerabilities in the operating system and applications and the attack tools through the Internet to damage computer resources and acquire information without authorization. The TOE protects assets against these clear vulnerabilities fromthreat. 3.2.1 Threats Same as Those In Protection Profile ThefollowingsarethreatsagainsttheTOEaugmentedbytheauthorandin[FW_PP_V1.1],,and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. T.Impersonation(FirewallSystem/[FW_PP_V1.1]) ThethreatagentmaypretendasifitisanauthorizeduserorcounterpartinordertoaccesstheTOE. T.FlawCode([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) Thedevelopermayincludecodethatisnotexecutedinsomespecificationsandmayhavesecurityflaws. T.StoringFailure([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) Whenstorageisfull,security-relatedeventsoftheTOEmaynotbestored. T.UnauthorizedInformationInflow([FW_PP_V1.1]) Unauthorizedinformationmayflowintotheinternalnetwork. T.UnauthorizedInformationOutflow([FW_PP_V1.1]) Aninternalusercansendinformationoutofthenetworkwithoutauthorization. Security Target 25 T.NewAttack([FW_PP_V1.1]) ThethreatagentcanlaunchattacksagainsttheTOEoperatingenvironmentornewlyfoundvulnerabilitiesoftheTOE. T.ContinuedAuthenticationAttempts([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) ThethreatagentcanaccesstheTOEaftercontinuedaccessattempts. T.Bypassing([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) ThethreatagentcanaccesstheTOEbybypassingtheTOEsecurityfunctions. T.ReplayAttack([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) ThethreatagentcanaccesstheTOEbyreplayingtheauthenticationdataofanauthorizeduser. T.StoredDataDamage([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTSFdatastoredintheTOEmaybeexposed,changed,ordeletedwithoutauthorization. T.IPAddressSpoofing([FW_PP_V1.1]) A threat agent in an external network may try to access the internal network by spoofing the source IP address as an internalIPaddress. T.Abuse([VPN_PP_V1.1]) AnauthorizeduseroftheTOEmaydamagetheTSFintentionallyorforotherreasons. T.Decoding([VPN_PP_V1.1]) Thethreatagentmaydecodethedataandaccessdatawithoutauthorization. T.TransmissionIntegrity([VPN_PP_V1.1]) Thethreatagentmayconvertthedatatransmittedonthenetworkwithoutauthorization. 3.2.2 Threats against Author-augmented TOE T.Privacy When the IP address of the internal network is known as an IP address of a non-secure network, an attacker may access theinternalnetworkwithoutauthorization. Security Target 26 3.2.3 Threats against TOE Operating Environment Same as Protection Profile ThefollowingsarethreatsagainsttheTOEoperatingsystemthatisthesameas[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]: TE.PoorManagement([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEmaybeconfigured,operated,andusedbyanauthorizedadministratorinanon-secureway. TE.DeliveryandInstallation([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) SecuritybreachesmayoccurintheTOEduringdeliveryandinstallation. Security Target 27 3.3 Organizational Security Policies 3.3.1 Organizational Security Policies Same as Those in Protection Profile The following shows the organizational security policies that are the same as those in [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]: P.Audit([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) To trace responsibilities of all security-related behaviors, all security-related events shall be stored, maintained, and reviewed. P.TrustedManagement([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheauthorizedadministratorshallmanagetheTOEinasecuremanner. P.Confidentiality([VPN_PP_V1.1]) If the network traffic transmitted to/from the counterpart of the TOE is specified on the TOE security policy, the traffic shallbeencryptedordecryptedbytheTOE. P.Cryptographic([VPN_PP_V1.1]) The cryptographic algorithm and module used in the TOE must be approved by the Director of National Intelligence Service. P.PlainTextTransmission([VPN_PP_V1.1]) All network traffic other than those transmitted to/from the counterpart of the TOE are allowed to be transmitted without encryption/decryptionaccordingtotheTOEsecuritypolicy. Security Target 28 4 Security Objectives 4.1 TOE security Objectives 4.1.1 TOE security Objectives Same as Those for Protection Profile The following describes the TOE security objectives augmented by the author and in [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. O.Audit([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) The TOE shall store and maintain security-related events to trace responsibilities of security-related behaviors, and shall provideameansfortheadministratortoreviewthestoreddata. O.FlowCodeInspection([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) All code created by the developer shall be inspected for flaws, and code with flow shall be inspected for its affect on internalelementsoftheTOE. O.Management([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallprovideameansforanauthorizedadministratoroftheTOEtoefficientlymanagetheTOE. O.DataProtection([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) The TOE shall protect the TSF data stored in the TOE and data transmitted on the network from unauthorized exposure, change,ordeletion. O.IdentificationandAuthentication([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) The TOE shall identify and authenticate the user before allowing the user to access the TOE. Before tunneling with the counterpart,theTOEshallauthenticatethecounterpart. O.SelfFunctionProtection([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallprotectitselffromchanges,deactivation,andbypassingofthesecurityfunctions. Security Target 29 O.AccessControl([FW_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallcontrolaccesstointernalandexternalnetworksaccordingtothesecuritypolicy. O.InformationFlowControl([FW_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallcontrolunauthorizedinformationinflowandoutflow. O.Confidentiality([VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallguaranteetheconfidentialityofthedatatransmittedonthenetwork. O.InformationFlowMediation([VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallmediateinformationflowsbetweentheTOEanditscounterpartaccordingtothesecuritypolicy. O.KeySecurity([VPN_PP_V1.1]) TheTOEshallguaranteeconfidentialityandintegrityofthecryptographickeydataandsecurekeyexchanges. 4.1.2 Security Objectives for Author-augmented TOE O.Privacy TheTOEshallpreventexternalusersfrompredictingtheIPaddressesofinternalusers. 4.2 Security Objectives for the Environment 4.2.1 Security Objective for Environment Same as Those in Protection Profile Thefollowingdescribesthesecurityobjectivesforanenvironmentthesameas[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]: OE.PhysicalSecurity([FW_PP_V1.1]/[FW_PP_V1.1]) Security Target 30 TheTOEshallbelocatedinaphysicallysafeenvironmentwherebyonlyanauthorizedadministratorcanaccessit. OE.SecurityMaintenance([FW_PP_V1.1]) Uponchanges inthenetwork suchas configuration changes,increaseordecreaseofhosts, andservice increase/decrease, thenewenvironmentandthenewsecuritypolicyshallbeimmediatelyreflectedintheTOEoperationpolicytoprovidea consistentlevelofsecurity. OE.TrustedAdministrator([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) The authorized administrator of the TOE shall not have any malicious intentions, receive proper training on the TOE management,andfollowtheadministratorguidelines. OE.TrustedManagement([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) The TOE shall be distributed and installed in a secure manner, and must be configured, managed, and used by an authorizeduserinasecuremanner. OE.OperatingSystemReinforcement([FW_PP_V1.1]/[VPN_PP_V1.1]) Unnecessary servicesor means areremoved fromtheoperating system, and security is enhanced to better protect against vulnerabilitiesintheoperatingsystemtherebyensuringitsreliabilityandstability. OE.SinglePointofConnection([FW_PP_V1.1]) AllcommunicationbetweenanexternalnetworkandaninternalnetworkshallbeestablishedthroughtheTOE. OE.SecurityPolicy([VPN_PP_V1.1]) The TOE and its counterpart must use interchangeable security policies which share main security policies and minor differences. 4.2.2 Security Objectives for Author-augmented Environment OE.TrustedServer All servers that communicate with the TOE are installed outside the TOE and shall be secure. The Network Time Protocol(NTP)andtheremotesecuritymanagementsystemmaintainsecuretime. OE.TrustedChannel For secure communication between the TOE and the administrator, secure channels and certificate management functionsareprovidedthroughtheopenSSLstandardprotocol. Security Target 31 OE.TrustedStorage TOE-related audit records are stored, and the storage is maintained and operated in a secure manner. The storage providesarelationaldatabaseSQL-Lite. Security Target 32 5 IT Security Requirements This chapter specifically describes security functions and assurance requirements for the TOE. All requirements are same as those in the protection profile upon which this Security Target was created. The author added some security functionsthattheTOEprovidesbut arenotincludedin theprotectionprofileby referringto the CommonCriteria for the informationprotectionsystem. 5.1 TSF Requirements ThisparagraphdescribestheSecurityfunctionalrequirements(SFR): ƒ Securityfunctionalrequirementssameasthoseintheprotectionprofile:ThisSecurityTargetintegratedand tailored SFRs of two protection profiles ([VPN_PP_V1.1] and [FW_PP_V1.1]) and includes all SFRs of thesetwoprotectionprofiles. ƒ Securityfunctionalrequirementsaddedbytheauthor:Theauthoraddedsomesecurityfunctionsthatarenot included in the protection profile but provided by the TOE by referring to the Common Criteria for the informationprotectionsystem. ƒ The SOF of the TOE is SOF-medium according to the SOF of [VPN_PP_1.1] and [FW_PP_1.1] with which this Security Target complies. FIA_UAU.2 and FIA_UAU.4 satisfy with SOF-medium specified in the Common Criteria for the information protection system (Notice 2005-25 by Ministry of Information andCommunication)[1]. Moreover,FTP_TST.1andFTP_TST.2HashfunctionshaveSOF-high. Security Target 33 5.1.1 Reused Security functional requirements (SFR) in Protection Profile The Security functional requirements (SFR) to which this Security Target refers consists of SFR components of two protection profiles. The author added some SFRs that the TOE provides but are not included in the two protection profilesbyreferringtotheCommonCriteriafortheinformationprotectionsystem. [Table 5-1] Security functional requirements (SFR) Security Function Class Security Function Component PP Identification* FAU_ARP.1 Security alarms F / V FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation F / V FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis F / V FAU_SAR.1 Audit review F / V FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review F / V FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit F / V FAU_STG.1 Protected audit trail storage F / V FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss F / V Security Audit FAU_STG.4 Prevention of audit data loss F / V FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation V FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution V FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction V Cryptographic Support FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation V FDP_ACC.2 Complete access control F FDP_ACF.1 security attribute based access control F FDP_DAU.1 Basic data authentication V FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control – VPN SFP V FDP_IFC.2(1) Complete information flow control – PacketFiltering SFP F FDP_IFC.2(2) Complete information flow control – Proxy SFP F FDP_IFF.1(1) Simple security attributes – VPN SFP V User Data Protection FDP_IFF.1(2) Simple security attributes – PacketFiltering SFP F Security Target 34 FDP_IFF.1(3) Simple security attributes – Proxy SFP F FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling F / V FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition F / V FIA_SOS.1 Verification of secrets F / V FIA_UAU.1** Timing of authentication F FIA_UAU.2 User Authentication before any action V FIA_UAU.4 Single-use authentication mechanisms F / V FIA_UAU.7 Protected authentication feedback F / V Identification and Authentication FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action F / V FMT_MOF.1 Management of security functions behavior F / V FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes F / V FMT_MSA.2 Secure security attributes V FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation F / V FMT_MTD.1(1) Management of TSF Data F FMT_MTD.1(2) Management of TSF Data F FMT_MTD.1(3) Management of TSF Data F FMT_MTD.1(4) Management of TSF Data V FMT_MTD.1(5) Management of TSF Data F / V FMT_MTD.1(6) Management of TSF Data F / V FMT_MTD.2 Management of limits on TSF data F / V FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF Data V Security Management FMT_SMR.1 Security roles F / V FPT_AMT.1 Abstract machine testing F / V FPT_RPL.1 Replay detection V FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP F / V FPT_SEP.1 TSF domain separation F / V FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps F / V FPT_TST.1 TSF testing F / V TSF Protection FPT_TST.2 (Extension) TSF Data integrity error handling F / V FTA_SSL.1 TSF-initiated session locking F / V TOE Access FTA_SSL.3 TSF-initiated termination F Trusted Path/Channels FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel V *-F:[FW_PP_V1.1],V:[VPN_PP_V1.1] Security Target 35 ** - FIA_UAU.1 of [FW_PP_V1.1] has a hierarchical relationship with FIA_UAU.2 of [VPN_PP_V1.1]. This SecurityTargetadoptedFIA_UAU.2,andFIA_UAU.1isnotexplainedhere. Security Target 36 FAU_ARP.1SecurityAlarm Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents Dependencies:FAU_SAA.1Potentialviolationanalysis FAU_ARP.1.1 The TSF shalltake [{Notificationtothe administratorvia warning mail, warning messagepopup}]upon detectionofapotentialsecurityviolation. FAU_GEN.1Auditdatageneration Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents Dependencies:FPT_STM.1Reliabletimestamps FAU_GEN.1.1TheTSFshallbeabletogenerateanauditrecordofthefollowingauditableevents:. a) Start-upandshut-downoftheauditfunction. b) Alleventssubjecttoauditingaccordingtotheminimumauditlevel. c) [See[Table5-2]AuditTargetEvents. {None}] FAU_GEN.1.2TheTSFshallrecordwithineachauditrecordatleastthefollowinginformation: a) Eventdate,eventtype,subjectidentity,andeventresult(Successorfailure) b) Audit data type based on the audit target event definition of the functional component included in the protection profile or Security Target. [[Table 5-2] Audit Target Events, Information related to the audit targeteventsof{Next}] ƒ Systemaudit–Eventpriority,Processname,Messagecontents(Open/Close,Details) ƒ Accesscontrolaudit–Processingresult(ACCEPT/DROP/REJECT),prefix(Auditrecordprefixto identify packet audit records), Interface name (Direction – In/Out), Source/Destination IP address, Protocol,Source/Destinationport,ICMPtype/code ƒ IPSecpacketaudit–Eventpriority,Messagecontents(Details) Security Target 37 [Table 5-2] Audit Target Event Functional Component Audit Target Event Augmented Audit Records FAU_ARP.1 Actions against sudden security breaches Estimated source/destination addresses. FAU_SAA.1 Operation initiation and stoppage of analysis mechanism, automatic response by the tool. Authorized administrator’s identity. FAU_SEL.1 Changes in audit environment occurring while audit collection function is executed. - FCS_CKM.1 Success and failure of the behavior. Estimated source/destination addresses. FCS_CKM.2 Success and failure of the behavior. Estimated source/destination addresses. FCS_CKM.4 Success and failure of the behavior. Estimated source/destination addresses. FCS_COP.1 Success and failure of cryptographic operation, cryptographic operation type. Estimated source/destination addresses. FDP_DAU.1 Successful creation of valid evidence. Estimated source/destination addresses. FDP_ACF.1 Successful request for operation in relation to the object handled by the SFP. Subject and object identifiers. FDP_IFF.1 Decision to allow the requested information flow. Subject and object identifiers, estimated source/destination addresses. FIA_AFL.1 Reaching the threshold of failed authentication attempts and responses including recovery to normal state, if proper. Identification of unauthorized users and authorized administrators. FIA_SOS.1 Rejection of all tested secret by the TSF. - FIA_UAU.2 Failure of the authentication mechanism. User identity provided for the TOE. FIA_UID.2 Failure of user identification mechanism including provided user identity. User identity provided for the TOE. FMT_MSA.1 Changes in all security attributes. Security attributes. FMT_MSA.2 All proposed security attributes and denied security attributes. Estimated source/destination addresses. FMT_MTD.1 Changes in the TSF data. Changed TSF data. Security Target 38 FMT_MTD.2 Changes in the TSF data thresholds. Changed TSF data threshold. FMT_MTD.3 All rejected TSF data. Estimated source/destination addresses. FPT_SEP.1 Change in the user group sharing the role. Authorized administrator’s identity. FPT_STM.1 Time change. Authorized administrator’s identity. FPT_TST.2 Description of integrity error, actions against the integrity error, and result of actions taken. - FTA_SSL.1 Locking of the interactive session by the session locking mechanism. - FTA_SSL.3 Termination of the interactive session by the session locking mechanism. - FTP_ITC.1 Faults in the secure channel function, identification of a secure channel where a fault occurred from an initiator. Initiator of a secure channel where a fault occurred and the target identity. FMT_MOF.1 Use of related functions belonging to the audit records. Authorized administrator’s identity. FMT_SMF.1 Use of management functions. Authorized administrator’s identity. FPR_PSE.1 Subject/User who requested an answer to user identity. Estimated source/destination addresses. FPR_UNO.4 Observation of resources or services by user or subject. User identity provided for the TOE. Estimated source/destination addresses. FAU_SAA.1Potentialviolationanalysis Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_GEN.1Auditdatageneration FAU_SAA.1.1 The TSF shall be able to apply a set of rules in monitoring the audited events and based upon these rules indicateapotentialviolationoftheTSP. Security Target 39 FAU_SAA.1.2TheTSFshallenforcethefollowingrulesformonitoringauditedevents: a) Accumulation or combination of [Identification and authentication security policy violation, Access controlruleviolation,Cryptographicoperationfailure]knowntoindicateapotentialsecurityviolation. b) [{None}] FAU_SAR.1Auditreview Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_GEN.1Auditdatageneration FAU_SAR.1.1 The TSF shall provide [Authorized Administrator] with the capability to read [all audit data] from the auditrecords. FAU_SAR.1.2TheTSFshallprovidetheauditrecordsinamannersuitablefortheusertointerrupttheinformation. FAU_SAR.3Selectableauditreview Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_SAR.1AuditReview FAU_SAR..3.1 The TSF shall provide the ability to perform searches, sorting of the audit data based on [{standards for thefollowinglogicalrelations}]. a) Auditrecordtypes–Systemlog,firewalllog,sessionlog,proxysessionlog b) Systemlog–Time,hostIPaddress,priority,process,messagecontents(Details:Keyword) c) Firewall/Session log – Time, host, source/destination IP address, protocol, source/destination port, ICMP type,service,size,operation(ACCEPT/DROP/REJECT/OPEN/CLOSE) d) proxy session log – Time, host IP Address, source/destination IP address, user, service, operation (open, close) Security Target 40 FAU_SEL.1Selectiveaudit Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_GEN.1Auditdatageneration FMT_MTD.1ManagementofTSFData FAU_SEL.1.1 The TSF shall be able to include or exclude auditable events from the set of audited events based on the followingattributes: a) {EventType} b) [{Packet-filteringSecurityPolicy}] FAU_STG.1Protectedaudittrailstorage Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_GEN.1Auditdatageneration FAU_STG.1.1TheTSFshallprotectthestoredauditrecordsfromunauthorizeddeletion. FAU_STG.1.2TheTSFshallbeabletopreventunauthorizedmodificationstothestoredauditrecordsintheaudittrail. FAU_STG.3Actionincaseofpossibleauditdataloss Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_STG.1Protectedaudittrailstorage FAU_STG.3.1 The TSF shall [send notification to authorized administrator, {None}] if audit trail exceeds [{The default remainingspaceofthestoragemediawheretheauditrecordsarestoredis10%andtheadministrator’ssetting(0~99%)}] FAU_STG.4Preventionofauditdataloss Hierarchicalto:FAU_STG.3Actionincaseofpossibleauditdataloss Security Target 41 Dependencies:FAU_STG.1Protectedaudittrailstorage FAU_STG.4.1 The TSF shall prevents audit target events except actions taken by an authorized user with special authority and [{When the default remaining space of the storage media is 5% and the administrator’s setting (0~99%) is crossed, a notification will be sent to the authorized administrator and action will be taken to stop the TSF of the TOE.}], iftheaudittrailisfull. Application Notes:If auditstorageisfull,only theauthorized administratorshallbeallowedtoperformoperations. Only aftertheauthorizedadministratorrestoresstoragecanauditrecordsbegenerated. FCS_CKM.1Cryptographickeygeneration Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:[FCS_CKM.2Cryptographickeydistributionor FCS_COP.1Cryptographicoperation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographickeydestruction FMT_MSA.2Securesecurityattributes FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm [standard block cryptographic algorithmfor governmentagencies] andspecified cryptographickeysizes[128 bitsormore]thatmeetthefollowing:[standardblockcryptographicalgorithmlistforgovernmentagencies]. FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographickeydistribution Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:[FDP_ITC.1Importofuserdatawithoutsecurityattributes,or FDP_ITC.2Importofuserdatawithsecurityattributes,or FCS_CKM.1Cryptographickeygeneration] FCS_CKM.4Cryptographickeydestruction FMT_MSA.2Securesecurityattributes Security Target 42 FCS_CKM.2.1TheTSFshalldistributecryptographickeysinaccordancewithaspecifiedcryptographickeydistribution method[IKE]thatmeetsthefollowing:[IETFRFC2409]. FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographickeyaccess Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:[FDP_ITC.1Importofuserdatawithoutsecurityattributes,or FDP_ITC.2Importofuserdatawithsecurityattributes,or FCS_CKM.1Cryptographickeygeneration] FMT_MSA.2Securesecurityattributes FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method[Allplaintextcryptographickeyinthedeviceandimportantsecurity-relatedparameterswillbechanged into0.]. FCS_COP.1Cryptographicoperation Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:[FDP_ITC.1Importofuserdatawithoutsecurityattributes,or FDP_ITC.2Importofuserdatawithsecurityattributes,or FCS_CKM.1Cryptographickeygeneration] FCS_CKM.4Cryptographickeydestruction FMT_MSA.2Securesecurityattributes FCS_COP.1.1 The TSF shall perform [Method defined in “The ESP CBC-Mode Cipher Algorithms” (RFC2451), Using HMAC-SHA-1-96 (RFC2404) with IPSec AH and a 160-bit key in the ESP] in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [Standard block cryptographic algorithm for government agency, Hash function algorithm standard (HAS-160)]and cryptographic key sizes [128 bits or higher, 160 bits ] that meet the following: [Standard block cryptographic algorithm for government agencies, IT industry standard TTAS.KO-12.0011/R1 “Hash function standard –Part2:Hashfunctionalgorithmstandard(HAS-160)”]. Security Target 43 FDP_ACC.2Completeaccesscontrol Hierarchicalto:FDP_ACC.1 Dependenciesto:FDP_ACF.1Securityattributebasedaccesscontrol FDP_ACC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{administrator security policy}] on [{the following subject list and object list}]andalloperationsamongsubjectsandobjectscoveredbytheSFP. a) Subjectlist:ITentityoftheadministratorauthenticatedbyFIA_UAU.2orFIA_UAU.4. b) Objectlist: ƒ TOEsecuritymanagement(ControlCenter) ƒ TOEsystemconsole FDP_ACC.2.2 The TSF shall ensure that all operations between any subject in the TSC and any object within the TSC arecoveredbyanaccesscontrolSFP. FDP_ACF.1Securityattributebasedaccesscontrol Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FDP_ACC.1Subsetaccesscontrol FMT_MSA.3Staticattributeinitialisation FDP_ACF.1.1TheTSFshallenforcethe[{administratorsecuritypolicy}]toobjectsbasedonthefollowing:[{following securityattribute,Namedsecurityattributegroup}] a) Administratorgroup b) AdministratorNetwork FDP_ACF.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlledobjectsisallowed: Security Target 44 [{ a) Allowiftheuserbelongstotheadministratorgroup. Otherwise,deny. b) Allow if the user belongs to the administrator group and the source network IP address is set in the administratornetwork. Otherwise,deny. }] FDP_ACF.1.3 The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: [{Administrator’saccesstoTOEconsole}] FDP_ACF.1.4TheTSFshallexplicitlydenyaccessofsubjectstoobjectsbasedonthe[{None}]. FDP_DAU.1Basicdataauthentication Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FDP_DAU.1.1 The TSF shall provide a capability to generate evidence that can be used as a guarantee of the validity of [datatransmittedthroughtheTOE] FDP_DAU.1.2 The TSF shall provide [authorized administrator] with the ability to verify evidence of the validity of the indicatedinformation. FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FDP_IFF.1Simplesecurityattributes FDP_IFC.1.1TheTSFshallenforcethe[{VPNsecuritypolicy}]on[thefollowingsubjects,information,operations]. a) Subjectlist:ExternalITentitiestransmittingdatathroughtheTOE b) Informationlist:DatatransmittedthroughtheTOE Security Target 45 c) Operationlist: ƒ Encryptionandhashoftheinformationtransmittedtothecounterpart. ƒ Decryptionandintegritycheckoftheinformation,transmissiontothesubject. ƒ Informationpassing. ApplicationNotes:TheTOEcanestablishsecureornon-securecommunicationdependingontheTSP. FDP_IFF.1(1)SubsetInformationFlowControl Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol FMT_MSA.3Staticattributeinitialisation FDP_IFC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{VPN security policy}] on [the following] security attributes of subjects and information. a) Subject security attribute: IP addresses of external IT entities transmitting data through the TOE, {Certificate subject (Certificate country, Organization, Organization Unit, Common Name, Email Address)} b) Information security attribute: Source and destination IP address to/from which the data packets are transmitted,{Followingsecurityattributes} ƒ IPSec-boundinterface ƒ Sharedkey ƒ Securityprotocol ƒ Keyexchangemode ƒ Authenticationmethod(Sharedkey/Certificate) ƒ Subject security attribute – local and remote VPN gateway information (IP address and certificate subject) ƒ ISAKMP policy – Encryption type (algorithm) and key length, hash algorithm, Diffie-Hellman group(Numbers2and5),validperiod ƒ IPSec policy – Authentication method (authentication algorithm), encryption method (encryption algorithm)andkeylength,validtime ƒ VPNNetworkIPAddress Security Target 46 ƒ PFSgroup-Diffie-Hellmangroup(Numbers2and5) FDP_IFF.1.2 The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlledoperationifthefollowingruleshold:[{followingrules}] a) Communication with the counterpart: For traffic coming from or going to the counterpart, the TOE shall performthefollowingaccordingtothesecuritypolicy: ƒ establishatrustedchannelwiththecounterpart,oruseanexistingtrustedchannel,or ƒ notcallasecuritymechanismforthecommunicationnorestablishasecurechannel. b) Communication with other than the counterpart: For traffic not coming from or going to the counterpart, theTOEdoesnotcallasecuritymechanismnorestablishasecuritychannel. FDP_IFF.1.3TheTSFshallenforcethe[{None}]. FDP_IFF.1.4TheTSFshallprovidethe[{following}]. a) Createthecorrespondingtunneluponarequestfortunnelconnectionortunnelcreation. b) UseDeadPeerDetection(DPD.) FDP_IFF.1.5TheTSFshallexplicitlyauthorizeaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[{None}]. FDP_IFF.1.6TheTSFshallexplicitlydenyaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[{None}]. FDP_IFC.2(1)Completeinformationflowcontrol Hierarchicalto:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol Dependencies:FDP_IFF.1Simplesecurityattributes FDP_IFC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{packet-filtering security policy}] on the [{following subject list and informationlist}]andalloperationsthatcausethatinformationtoflowtoandfromsubjectscoveredbytheSFP. a) Subjectlist:Internal/ExternalITentitiesexchangedthroughtheTOEandtheTOEitself. b) Informationlist:Alltraffic(packet)passingthroughtheTOE. Security Target 47 FDP_IFC.2.2 The TSF shall ensure that all operations that cause any information in the TSC to flow to and from any subjectintheTSCarecoveredbyaninformationflowcontrolSFP. FDP_IFC.2(2)Completeinformationflowcontrol Hierarchicalto:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol Dependencies:FDP_IFF.1Simplesecurityattributes FDP_IFC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{proxy security policy}] on the [{following subject list and information list}] andalloperationsthatcausethatinformationtoflowtoandfromsubjectscoveredbytheSFP. a) Subjectlist:Internal/ExternalITentitiesexchangedthroughtheTOE. b) Informationlist:Protocol(FTP,TELNETtraffic)usingHTTPandSOCK5passingthroughtheTOE. FDP_IFC.2.2 The TSF shall ensure that all operations that cause any information in the TSC to flow to and from any subjectintheTSCarecoveredbyaninformationflowcontrolSFP. FDP_IFC.2(3)Completeinformationflowcontrol Hierarchicalto:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol Dependencies:FDP_IFF.1Simplesecurityattributes FDP_IFC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{network address translation policy}] on the [{following subject list and informationlist}]andalloperationsthatcausethatinformationtoflowtoandfromsubjectscoveredbytheSFP. a) Subjectlist:Internal/ExternalITentitiesexchangedthroughtheTOE. b) Informationlist:Alltraffic(packet)passingthroughtheTOE. FDP_IFC.2.2 The TSF shall ensure that all operations that cause any information in the TSC to flow to and from any subjectintheTSCarecoveredbyaninformationflowcontrolSFP. Security Target 48 FDP_IFF.1(2)Simplesecurityattributes Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol FMT_MSA.3Staticattributeinitialisation FDP_IFF.1.1TheTSFshallenforcethe[{packet-filteringsecurity policy}]basedonthetypesofsubjectandinformation securityattributes:[{asshownbelow}]. a) Subject security attribute: IP addresses of internal and external IT entities transmitting data through the TOE. b) Informationsecurityattribute: ƒ Interfacepolicymapping ƒ Source/destinationIPAddress,Securitylabel ƒ Service(port) ƒ Time ƒ Numberofpacketspersecond(Minimum1~10,000) ƒ Packetsize(Minimum1~65535) ƒ MACaddress ƒ TCPMSS(Minimum0~65495) FDP_IFF.1.2 The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlledoperationifthefollowingruleshold:[asshownbelow]. a) [{If the information security attribute of the corresponding traffic is proven to be subject to information flow according to the packet-filtering security policy set by the administrator, information flow will be allowed.}] FDP_IFF.1.3TheTSFshallenforcethe[thefollowing]. a) The port scan for the traffic subject to the packet-filtering security policy will be detected, and the audit recordsormailwillbesenttotheadministrator. b) A fragment packet for the traffic subject to the packet-filtering security policy will be detected, and the auditrecordsormailwillbesenttotheadministrator. FDP_IFF.1.4TheTSFshallprovidethefollowing[None]. Security Target 49 FDP_IFF.1.5TheTSFshallexplicitlyauthorizeaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[None]. FDP_IFF.1.6TheTSFshallexplicitlydenyaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[asshownbelow]. a) Basicpacket-filteringpolicy–Ifthereisnopacket-filteringsecuritypolicymet. b) WhentheSourcesecuritylabelislowerthanthedestinationsecuritylabel. FDP_IFF.1(3)Simplesecurityattributes Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol FMT_MSA.3Staticattributeinitialisation FDP_IFF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{proxy security policy}]based on the types of subject and information security attributes:[{asshownbelow}]. a) Subject security attribute: User and network addresses of internal/external IT entities, user ID, and user StrengthofFunction b) Informationsecurityattribute: ƒ Securityattribute–Maximumaccesscount(5~65535),Sessiontime-out(5~65535) ƒ Proxytimegroup ƒ Proxynetworkgroup ƒ HTTPauthenticationcontrol ƒ SOCKS5-typeauthenticationcontrol FDP_IFF.1.2 The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlledoperationifthefollowingruleshold:[asshownbelow]. a) [{Iftheinformation security attributeofthecorrespondingtrafficisproven tobesubjecttoinformationflow accordingtotheproxysecuritypolicysetbytheadministrator,informationflowwillbeallowed.}] FDP_IFF.1.3TheTSFshallenforcethe[{reauthenticationforthefollowingcases}]. Security Target 50 a) Afteridlestatusbetweentheuserandtheproxywithinthesessiontime-outlimitsetbytheadministrator b) Aftertheadministratorforciblylogsoutauser FDP_IFF.1.4TheTSFshallprovidethefollowing[None]. FDP_IFF.1.5TheTSFshallexplicitlyauthorizeaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[None]. FDP_IFF.1.6 The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [{basic proxy policy – trafficofanunauthenticateduserpassingthroughHTTPorSOCKS5}]. FDP_IFF.1(4)Simplesecurityattributes Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol FMT_MSA.3Staticattributeinitialisation FDP_IFF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [{network address translation policy}] based on the types of subject and informationsecurityattributes:[{asshownbelow}]. a) Subjectsecurityattribute:sourceanddestinationnetworkaddressesofinternal/externalITentities c) Informationsecurityattribute: ƒ Networkaddresstranslation –IPaddressrangeforNetworkAddresstranslation ƒ Portbinding–portrangeforportbinding ƒ Service FDP_IFF.1.2 The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlledoperationifthefollowingruleshold:[asshownbelow]. a) [{The network address shall be translated according to the network address translation policy set by the administrator,andthen,informationflowshallbeallowed.}] FDP_IFF.1.3TheTSFshallenforce[None]. Security Target 51 FDP_IFF.1.4TheTSFshallprovidethefollowing[None]. FDP_IFF.1.5TheTSFshallexplicitlyauthorizeaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[None]. FDP_IFF.1.6TheTSFshallexplicitlydenyaninformationflowbasedonthefollowingrules:[None]. FIA_AFL.1Authenticationfailurehandling Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FIA_UAU.1Timingofauthentication* * - [VPN_PP_V1.1] selected FIA_UAU.2 which has hierarchical relationship with FIA_UAU.1 so this Security Target adoptedFIA_UAU.2. FIA_AFL.1.1 The TSF shall detect when [{an administrator configurable positive integer other than 0}] unsuccessful authenticationattemptsoccurrelatedto[{userauthenticationattempt}] FIA_AFL.1.2 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met or surpassed, the TSF shall[preventusersfrombeingauthenticatedtilltheauthorizedadministratortakesproperaction.]. Application Notes: A user is an authorized administrator or a counterpart. For a counterpart, other measures than the userauthenticationattemptcountcanbeused. FIA_ATD.1Userattributedefinition Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual users[the list of the followingsecurityattributes]. a) Securitylabel { Security Target 52 b) UserObject-UserID(ID),group,usestatus(bythecurrentuser),passwordtype,password,PAP,CHAP, log-infailurecount,allowedlog-in,lastlog-in,usetime c) Usergroup-UserObjectgroupID,attemptlimit,proxystatus(proxytimeselection),administratormode status,userID d) VPNgateway- X.509-typecertificatesubject,IPAddress } FIA_SOS.1Verificationofsecrets Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FIA_SOS.1.1(1)TheTSFshallprovideamechanismtoverifythatsecretsmeet[thefollowinglimit]. a) Minimumlengthofthepasswordsetbytheadministrator - Generalpassword:7~16characters - One-timepassword:8characters b) Combinationrule–Alphanumeric(alphabetic+numeric,oralphabetic+specialsymbols) FIA_UAU.2Userauthenticationbeforeanyaction Hierarchicalto:FIA_UAU.1Timingofauthentication Dependencies:FIA_UID.1Timingofidentification FIA_UAU.2.1TheTSFshallrequireeachusertobesuccessfully authenticatedbeforeallowingany otherTSF-mediated actionsonbehalfofthatuser. FIA_UAU.4Single-useauthenticationmechanisms Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. Security Target 53 FIA_UAU.4.1TheTSFshallpreventreuseofauthenticationdatarelatedto[one-timepassword]. Application Notes: The single-use authentication mechanism can be applied to both authorized administrators and user. single-useauthenticationmechanismmaynotbeusedaslongastheprovidedservicesconformtothesecuritypolicy. FIA_UAU.7Protectedauthenticationfeedback Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FIA_UAU.1Timingofauthentication* *-[VPN_PP_V1.1]selectedFIA_UAU.2whichhasahierarchicalrelationshipwithFIA_UAU.1sothisSecurityTarget adoptedFIA_UAU.2. FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide only [counterfeited password (Example: *)] to the user while the authentication is inprogress. FIA_UID.2Useridentificationbeforeanyaction Hierarchicalto:FIA_UIDTimingofidentification Dependencies:Nodependencies. FIA_UID.2.1TheTSFshallrequireeachusertoidentifyitselfbeforeallowinganyotherTSF-mediatedactionsonbehalf ofthatuser. FMT_MOF.1Managementofsecurityfunctionsbehaviors Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions FMT_SMR.1SecurityRole Security Target 54 FMT_MOF.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to activate, stop, start, change the functions [{listed as below}]] to [the authorizedadministrator]. a) Objectdefinition–Certificate,CAmanagement,Network,Service,Time,IPSec,User b) Status checking – Traffic per interface, Session list, IPSec security tunnel, Log-in user, Integrity, System (firmwareversion,start-uptime,CPUload),Process c) Interfacemanagement–EthernetandPPP(PPPoEforADSLauthentication)setupandmanagement d) Staticroutingmanagement e) ARPaddresslistmanagement f) DHCPservermanagement g) Network Address Translation policy management – Network Address Translation, port forwarding, redirectpolicy h) Basicproxysettingmanagement i) Administratorpasswordchange j) SNMPconfigurationmanagement k) Dateandtimemanagement l) Firmwareupgrade m) Systemrestart/stop n) Auditrecordsbackup o) Auditrecordssetupmanagement Application Notes: These security functional requirements are for the management of security functions. For example, when the audit record storage is full, the security functional requirements describe what measures the authorized administratorshalltakeandunderwhichcircumstancestheadministratorcanconductaself-test. FMT_MSA.1Managementofsecurityattributes Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:[FDP_ACC.1Subsetaccesscontrolor FDP_IFC.1SubsetInformationflowcontrol] FMT_SMF.1SpeciationofManagementfunctions FMT_SMR.1Securityrole FMT_MSA.1.1 The TSF shall enforce [{administrator security policy}] to restrict the ability to change, inquire, and delete default, {None security attributes {Security label, FDP_IFF.1-packet-filtering security policy rule audit records Security Target 55 statusandlimit,Portscanningpacket,Auditrecordingstatusforabnormalpackets,TCPMSSsetup,VPNsecuritypolicy, Proxysecuritypolicy}]to[theauthorizedadministrator]]. Application Notes: The authorized administrator shall support execution of the information flow control SFP by managingsecurityattributes. FMT_MSA.2Securesecurityattributes Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:ADV_SPM.1InformalTOEsecuritypolicymodel [FDP_ACC.1Subsetaccesscontrol,or FDP_IFC.1Subsetinformationflowcontrol] FMT_MSA.1Managementofsecurityattributes FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_MSA.2.1TheTSFshallensurethatonlysecurevaluesareacceptedforsecurityattributes. FMT_MSA.3Staticattributeinitialisation Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_MSA.1Managementofsecurityattributes FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_MSA.3.1TheTSFshallenforcethe[{packet-filteringsecuritypolicy,proxysecuritypolicy,VPNsecuritypolicy}] toproviderestrictivedefaultvaluesforsecurityattributesthatareusedtoenforcetheSFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow the [authorized administrator] to specify alternative initial values to override the defaultvalueswhenanobjectorinformationiscreated. Security Target 56 FMT_MTD.1(1)ManagementofTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions FMT_MTD.1.1TheTSFshallrestricttheabilitytohandlethestatisticofthe[auditdata]tothe[authorizedadministrator] FMT_MTD.1(2)ManagementofTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions FMT_MTD.1.1TheTSFshallrestricttheabilitytorecover,backupthe[majorfilescomposingtheTOE]inapermanent auxiliarystoragedevicetothe[authorizedadministrator]. FMT_MTD.1(3)ManagementofTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to query, modify, and delete the [access control security policy, informationflowcontrolsecuritypolicy]tothe[authorizedadministrator]. FMT_MTD.1(4)ManagementofTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions Security Target 57 FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the [cryptographic key attribute] to the [authorized administrator]. FMT_MTD.1(5)ManagementofTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify and delete the [identification and authentication data] to the [authorizedadministrator]. FMT_MTD.1(6)ManagementofTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions FMT_MTD.1.1TheTSFshallrestricttheabilitytomodifythe[time]tothe[authorizedadministrator]. FMT_MTD.2ManagementoflimitsonTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FMT_MTD.1ManagementofTSFdata FMT_SMR.1Securityroles FMT_MTD.2.1 The TSF shall restrict the specification of the limits for [audit storage capacity, authentication failure count,self-testinterval]to[authorizedadministrator]. FMT_MTD.2.2 TheTSF shalltakethefollowing actions,ifthe TSFdata areat,orexceed,theindicatedlimits:[response specifiedinFAU_STG.3,FIA_AFL.1,andFPT_TST.1] Security Target 58 Application Notes: If the counterpart is not authenticated, another standard can be used rather than the authentication failurecount. FMT_MTD.3SecureTSFdata Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:ADV_SPM.1InformalTOEsecuritypolicymodel FMT_MTD.1ManagementofTSFdata FMT_MTD.3.1TheTSFshallensurethatonlysecurevaluesareacceptedforTSFdata. FMT_SMR.1Securityroles Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FIA_UID.1Timingofidentification FMT_SMR.1.1TheTSFshallmaintaintheroles[ofauthorizedadministrator]. FMT_SMR.1.2TheTSFshallbeabletoassociateusersandwithauthorizedadministrator‘sroles. FPT_AMT.1Abstractmachinetesting Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPT_AMT.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of tests during initial start-up, periodically during normal operation, at the request of an authorised user, {None} to demonstrate the correct operation of the security assumptions provided by the abstractmachinethatunderliestheTSF. Security Target 59 FPT_RPL.1Replydetection Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPT_RPL.1.1TheTSFshalldetectreplayforthefollowingentities:[{Authenticationofthecounterpart}] FPT_RPL.1.2 The TSF shall perform [{prevention of reattempts and generation of audit records }] when replay is detected. Application Notes: The entity may be a message, service request, service response, or session. As a response to the entity,theentitymaybeignored. FPT_RVM.1Non-bypassabilityoftheTSP Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPT_RVM.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that TSP enforcement functions are invoked and succeed before each function withintheTSCisallowedtoproceed. FPT_SEP.1TSFdomainseparation Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPT_SEP.1.1 The TSF shall maintain a security domain for its own execution that protects it from interference and tamperingbyuntrustedsubjects. FPT_SEP.1.2TheTSFshallenforceseparationbetweenthesecuritydomainsofsubjectsintheTSC. Security Target 60 FPT_STM.1Reliabletimestamps Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPT_STM.1.1TheTSFshallbeabletoprovidereliabletimestampsforitsownuse. Application Notes: The security functional requirements shall provide a time stamp that guarantees that audit data is generatedinorderandinrelationtothesecurityauditfunction. FPT_TST.1TSFtesting Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FPT_AMT.1Abstractmachinetesting FPT_TST.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of self tests [during initial start-up, periodically during normal operation, at the requestoftheauthoriseduser,[None]todemonstratethecorrectoperationoftheTSF.operationoftheTSF. FPT_TST.1.2TheTSFshallprovideauthorisedadministratorswiththecapabilitytoverifytheintegrityofTSFdata. FPT_TST.1.3TheTSFshallprovideauthorisedadministrators withthecapability toverify theintegrity ofstoredTSF executablecode. FPT_TST.2TSFDataintegrityerrorhandling Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FPT_TST.1TSFtesting FPT_TST.2.1IfanTSFdataintegrityerrorisdetected,TSFshallhandleitasfollows. a) NotificationtoAuthorizedAdministrator b) [{AuditRecord}] Security Target 61 FTA_SSL.1TSF-initiatedsessionlocking Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FIA_UAU.1Timingofauthentication* * - [VPN_PP_V1.1] selected FIA_UAU.2 which has a hierarchical relationship with FIA_UAU.1 so that this Security TargetadoptedFIA_UAU.2. FTA_SSL.1.1TheTSFshalllockthesessionoftheauthorizedadministratorafter[{authorizedadministratoridletime (default:1minute)}]by: a) clearingoroverwritingdisplaydevices,makingthecurrentcontentsunreadable; b) disablinganyactivityoftheuser'sdataaccess/displaydevicesotherthanunlockingthesession. FTA_SSL.1.2 .The TSF shall require the following events tooccur prior to unlocking the session: [{re-identification and authentication}]. ApplicationNotes:Inthesecurityfunctionalrequirements,ausermeansanauthorizedadministrator. FTA_SSL.3 TSF-initiatedtermination Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FTA_SSL.3.1 The TSF shall terminate an interactive authorized general users session after a [{the following Idle time ofauthorizedgeneraluserssetbytheadministrator(default:None)}]. a)Whenanauthorizedgeneraluserusingaproxycrossesthethresholdofthecorrespondingproxy Security Target 62 FTP_ITC.1Inter-TSFtrustedchannel Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FTP_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and a remote trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection ofthechanneldatafrommodificationordisclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2.TheTSFshallpermittheTSFtoinitiatecommunicationviathetrustedchannel. FTP_ITC.1.3TheTSFshallinitiatecommunicationviathetrustedchannelfor[remotemanagementfunction,{None}]. 5.1.2 Author-augmented Security functional requirements (SFR) The Security functional requirements referred to by this Security Target consists of the SFR components specified in Protection Profile Type 2. For the security functions provided by the TOE but not included in the protection profile, the authorcanaddthembyreferringtotheCommonCriteriafortheinformationprotectionsystem. [Table5-3]AugmentedSecurityFunctionalRequirements Security Function Class Security Function Component Security Management FMT_SMF.1* Specification of management functions Privacy FPR_UNO.4 Authorized user observability *FMT_SMF.1isbasedon‘CommonCriteria(CC)V2.2FinalInterpretation,October2005.’ Security Target 63 FMT_SMF.1SpecificationofManagementFunctions Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FMT_SMF.1.1TheTSFshallbecapableofperformingsecuritymanagementfunctions[asfollows]: a) TSFfunctionmanagementandsecurityattributemanagement–SpecifiedinFMT_MOF.1. b) TSFdatamanagement–SpecifiedinFMT_MTD.1. c) TSFData(ConfigurationData)backupandrecovery d) UpgradingoftheTOE FPR_UNO.4Authorizeduserobservability Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPR_UNO.4.1TheTSFshallprovidethe[authorizedadministrator]withthecapability toobservetheusageof[trafficat eachinterfaceoftheTOE,packetfiltering,networkaddresstranslation,andVPNtunnel,logged-inuser]. 5.1.3 Deleted Security functional requirements(SFR) The deleted security functional requirements shown below use components with a hierarchical relationship so they are not used again: FIA_UAU.1 Authentication – FIA_UAU.2 with a hierarchical relationship was selected in the VPN protectionprofile. Security Target 64 5.2 TOE security Assurance Requirements Thisparagraphselectively providesaugmentedassurancerequirements(inbold characters)whichconformtotheEAL3 grade of the Common Criteria for the information protection system and EAL 3+ grade defined by a local (Korean) certificateagency. Theaugmentedassurancecomponentsareasfollows: ƒ ADV_IMP.2ImplementationoftheTSF ƒ ADV_LLD.1Descriptivelow-leveldesign ƒ ALC_TAT.1Well-defineddevelopmenttools ƒ ATE_DPT.2Testing:low-leveldesign ƒ AVA_VLA.2Independentvulnerabilityanalysis [Table 5-4] EAL 3+ Grade Assurance Requirements List Assurance Class Assurance Component ACM_CAP.3 Authorisation controls Configuration management ACM_SCP.1 TOE CM coverage ADO_DEL.1 Delivery procedures Delivery and operation ADO_IGS.1 Installation, generation, and start-up procedures ADV_FSP.1 Informal functional specification ADV_HLD.2 Security enforcing high-level design ADV_IMP.2 Implementation of the TSF ADV_LLD.1 Descriptive low-level design Development ADV_RCR.1 Informal correspondence demonstration AGD_ADM.1 Administrator guidance Guidance documents AGD_USR.1 User guidance ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security measures Life cycle support ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.2 Testing: low-level design ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing Tests ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample AVA_MSU.1 Examination of guidance AVA_SOF.1 Strength of TOE security function evaluation Vulnerability assessment AVA_VLA.2 Independent vulnerability analysis Security Target 65 5.2.1 Configuration Management ACM_CAP.3 Authorisationcontrols Dependencies: ALC_DVS.1Identificationofsecuritymeasures ACM_CAP.3.1DThedevelopershallprovideareferencefortheTOE. ACM_CAP.3.2DThedevelopershalluseaCMsystem. ACM_CAP.3.3DThedevelopershallprovideCMdocumentation. ACM_CAP.3.1CThereferencefortheTOEshallbeuniquetoeachversionoftheTOE. ACM_CAP.3.2CTheTOEshallbelabeledwithitsreference. ACM_CAP.3.3CTheCMdocumentationshallincludeaconfigurationlistandaCMplan. ACM_CAP.3.4CTheconfigurationlistshalluniquelyidentifyallconfigurationitemsthatcomprisetheTOE. ACM_CAP.3.5CTheconfigurationlistshalldescribetheconfigurationitemsthatcomprisetheTOE. ACM_CAP.3.6C The CM documentation shall describe the method used to uniquely identify the configuration items thatcomprisetheTOE. ACM_CAP.3.7CTheCMsystemshalluniquelyidentifyallconfigurationitemsthatcomprisetheTOE. ACM_CAP.3.8CTheCMplanshalldescribehowtheCMsystemisused. ACM_CAP.3.9CTheevidenceshalldemonstratethattheCMsystemisoperatinginaccordancewiththeCMplan. ACM_CAP.3.10C The CM documentation shall provide evidence that all configuration items have been and are being effectivelymaintainedundertheCMsystem. ACM_CAP.3.11C The CM system shall provide measures such that only authorised changes are made to the configurationitems. ACM_CAP.3.1.E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ACM_SCP.1TOECMcoverage Dependencies: ACM_CAP.3Authorisationcontrols Security Target 66 ACM_SCP.1.1DThedevelopershallprovidealistofconfigurationitemsfortheTOE. ACM_SCP.1.1C The list of configuration items shall include the following: implementation representation and the evaluationevidencerequiredbytheassurancecomponentsintheST. ACM_SCP.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. 5.2.2 Delivery and Operation ADO_DEL.1Deliveryprocedures Dependencies: Nodependencies. ADO_DEL.1.1DThedevelopershalldocumentproceduresfordeliveryoftheTOEorpartsofittotheuser. ADO_DEL.1.2DThedevelopershallusethedeliveryprocedures. ADO_DEL.1.1C The delivery documentation shall describe all procedures that are necessary to maintain security when distributingversionsoftheTOEtoauser'ssite. ADO_DEL.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. Security Target 67 ADO_IGS.1Installation,generation,andstart-upprocedures Dependencies: AGD_ADM.1Administratorguidance ADO_IGS.1.1D The developer shall document procedures necessary for the secure installation, generation, and start-up oftheTOE. ADO_IGS.1.1C. The installation, generation and start-up documentation shall describe all the steps necessary for secure installation,generationandstart-upoftheTOE. ADO_IGS.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ADO_IGS.1.2E The evaluator shall determine that the installation, generation, and start-up procedures result in a secure configuration. 5.2.3 Development ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification Dependencies: ADV_RCR.1Informalcorrespondencedemonstration ADV_FSP.1.1DThedevelopershallprovideafunctionalspecification. ADV_FSP.1.1CThefunctionalspecificationshalldescribetheTSFanditsexternalinterfacesusinganinformalstyle. ADV_FSP.1.2CThefunctionalspecificationshallbeinternallyconsistent. ADV_FSP.1.3CThefunctionalspecificationshalldescribethepurposeand method ofuseofall externalTSFinterfaces, providingdetailsofeffects,exceptionsanderrormessages,asappropriate. ADV_FSP.1.4CThefunctionalspecificationshallcompletelyrepresenttheTSF. Security Target 68 ADV_FSP.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ADV_FSP.1.2E The evaluator shall determine that the functional specification is an accurate and complete instantiation oftheTOEsecurityfunctionalrequirements. ADV_HLD.2Securityenforcinghigh-leveldesign Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification ADV_RCR.1Informalcorrespondencedemonstration ADV_HLD.2.1DThedevelopershallprovidethehigh-leveldesignoftheTSF. ADV_HLD.2.1CThepresentationofthehigh-leveldesignshallbeinformal. ADV_HLD.2.2CThehigh-leveldesignshallbeinternallyconsistent. ADV_HLD.2.3CThehigh-leveldesignshalldescribethestructureoftheTSFintermsofsubsystems. ADV_HLD.2.4CThehigh-leveldesignshalldescribethesecurityfunctionalityprovidedbyeachsubsystemoftheTSF. ADV_HLD.2.5C The high-level design shall identify any underlying hardware, firmware, and/or software required by the TSF with a presentation of the functions provided by the supporting protection mechanisms implemented in that hardware,firmware,orsoftware. ADV_HLD.2.6CThehigh-leveldesignshallidentifyallinterfacestothesubsystemsoftheTSF. ADV_HLD.2.7CThehigh-leveldesignshallidentify whichoftheinterfacestothesubsystemsoftheTSFareexternally visible. ADV_HLD.2.8C The high-level design shall describe the purpose and method of use of all interfaces to the subsystems oftheTSF,providingdetailsofeffects,exceptionsanderrormessages,asappropriate. ADV_HLD.2.9C The high-level design shall describe the separation of the TOE into TSP-enforcing and other subsystems. ADV_HLD.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ADV_HLD.2.2ETheevaluatorshalldeterminethatthehigh-leveldesignisanaccurateandcompleteinstantiationofthe TOEsecurityfunctionalrequirements. Security Target 69 ADV_IMP.2ImplementationoftheTSF Dependencies: ADV_LLD.1Descriptivelow-leveldesign ADV_RCR.1Informalcorrespondencedemonstration ADV_TAT.1Well-defineddevelopmenttools ADV_IMP.2.1DThedevelopershallprovidetheimplementationrepresentationfortheentireTSF. ADV_IMP.2.1CTheimplementationrepresentationshallunambiguouslydefinetheTSFtoalevelofdetailsuchthatthe TSFcanbegeneratedwithoutfurtherdesigndecisions. ADV_IMP.2.2CTheimplementationrepresentationshallbeinternallyconsistent. ADV_IMP.2.3C The implementation representation shall describe the relationships between all portions of the implementation. ADV_IMP.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ADV_IMP.2.2E The evaluator shall determine that the implementation representation is an accurate and complete instantiationoftheTOEsecurityfunctionalrequirements. ADV_LLD.1Descriptivelow-leveldesign Dependencies: ADV_HLD.2Securityenforcinghigh-leveldesign ADV_RCR.1Informalcorrespondencedemonstration ADV_LLD.1.1DThedevelopershallprovidethelow-leveldesignoftheTSF. ADV_LLD.1.1CThepresentationofthelow-leveldesignshallbeinformal. ADV_LLD.1.2CThelow-leveldesignshallbeinternallyconsistent. ADV_LLD.1.3CThelow-leveldesignshalldescribetheTSFintermsofmodules. ADV_LLD.1.4CThelow-leveldesignshalldescribethepurposeofeachmodule. Security Target 70 ADV_LLD.1.5C The low-level design shall define the interrelationships between the modules in terms of provided securityfunctionalityanddependenciesonothermodules. ADV_LLD.1.6CThelow-leveldesignshalldescribehoweachTSP-enforcingfunctionisprovided. ADV_LLD.1.7CThelow-leveldesignshallidentifyallinterfacestothemodulesoftheTSF. ADV_LLD.1.8C The low-level design shall identify which of the interfaces to the modules of the TSF are externally visible. ADV_LLD.1.9C The low-level design shall describe the purpose and method of use of all interfaces to the modules of theTSF,providingdetailsofeffects,exceptionsanderrormessages,asappropriate. ADV_LLD.1.10CThelow-leveldesignshalldescribetheseparationoftheTOEintoTSP-enforcingandothermodules. ADV_LLD.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ADV_LLD.1.2E The evaluator shall determine that the low-level design is an accurate and complete instantiation of the TOEsecurityfunctionalrequirements. ADV_RCR.1Informalcorrespondencedemonstration Dependencies:Nodependencies. ADV_RCR.1.1D The developer shall provide an analysis of correspondence between all adjacent pairs of TSF representationsthatareprovided. ADV_RCR.1.1C For each adjacent pair of provided TSF representations, the analysis shall demonstrate that all relevant security functionality of the more abstract TSF representation is correctly and completely refined in the less abstract TSF representation. ADV_RCR.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. Security Target 71 5.2.4 Guidance documents AGD_ADM.1Administratorguidance Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification AGD_ADM.1.1DThedevelopershallprovideadministratorguidanceaddressedtosystemadministrativepersonnel. Contentandpresentationofevidenceelements: AGD_ADM.1.1C The administrator guidance shall describe the administrative functions and interfaces available to the administratoroftheTOE. AGD_ADM.1.2CTheadministratorguidanceshalldescribehowtoadministertheTOEinasecuremanner. AGD_ADM.1.3C The administrator guidance shall contain warnings about functions and privileges that should be controlledinasecureprocessingenvironment. AGD_ADM.1.4CTheadministratorguidanceshalldescribeallassumptionsregardinguserbehaviourthatarerelevantto secureoperationoftheTOE. AGD_ADM.1.5CTheadministratorguidanceshalldescribeallsecurityparametersunderthecontroloftheadministrator, indicatingsecurevaluesasappropriate. AGD_ADM.1.6C The administrator guidance shall describe each type of security-relevant event relative to the administrative functions that need to be performed, including changing the security characteristics of entities under the controloftheTSF. AGD_ADM.1.7CTheadministratorguidanceshallbeconsistentwithallotherdocumentationsuppliedforevaluation. AGD_ADM.1.8C The administrator guidance shall describe all security requirements for the IT environment that are relevanttotheadministrator. AGD_ADM.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. Security Target 72 AGD_USR.1Userguidance Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification AGD_USR.1.1DThedevelopershallprovideuserguidance. AGD_USR.1.1C The user guidance shall describe the functions and interfaces available to the non-administrative users oftheTOE. AGD_USR.1.2CTheuserguidanceshalldescribetheuseofuser-accessiblesecurityfunctionsprovidedbytheTOE. AGD_USR.1.3C The user guidance shall contain warnings about user-accessible functions and privileges that should be controlledinasecureprocessingenvironment. AGD_USR.1.4C The user guidance shall clearly present all user responsibilities necessary for secure operation of the TOE, including those related to assumptions regarding user behaviour found in the statement of TOE security environment. AGD_USR.1.5CTheuserguidanceshallbeconsistentwithallotherdocumentationsuppliedforevaluation. AGD_USR.1.6CTheuserguidanceshalldescribeallsecurityrequirementsfortheITenvironmentthatarerelevanttothe user. AGD_USR.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. 5.2.5 Life Cycle Support ALC_DVS.1Identificationofsecuritymeasures Dependencies:Nodependencies. ALC_DVS.1.1DThedevelopershallproducedevelopmentsecuritydocumentation. Security Target 73 ALC_DVS.1.1C The development security documentation shall describe all the physical, procedural, personnel, and other security measures that are necessary to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the TOE design and implementationinitsdevelopmentenvironment. ALC_DVS.1.2C The development security documentation shall provide evidence that these security measures are followedduringthedevelopmentandmaintenanceoftheTOE. ALC_DVS.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ALC_DVS.1.2ETheevaluatorshallconfirmthatthesecuritymeasuresarebeingapplied. ALC_TAT.1Well-defineddevelopmenttools Dependencies: ADV_IMP.1TSFSubsetoftheimplementationoftheTSF. ALC_TAT.1.1DThedevelopershallidentifythedevelopmenttoolsbeingusedfortheTOE. ALC_TAT.1.2DThedevelopershalldocumenttheselectedimplementation-dependentoptionsofthedevelopmenttools. ALC_TAT.1.1CAlldevelopmenttoolsusedforimplementationshallbewell-defined. ALC_TAT.1.2CThedocumentationofthedevelopmenttoolsshallunambiguously definethemeaningofallstatements usedintheimplementation. ALC_TAT.1.3C The documentation of the development tools shall unambiguously define the meaning of all implementation-dependentoptions. ALC_TAT.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. Security Target 74 5.2.6 Tests ATE_COV.2Analysisofcoverage Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification ATA_FUN.1Functionaltesting ATE_COV.2.1DThedevelopershallprovideananalysisofthetestcoverage. ATE_COV.2.1C The analysis of the test coverage shall demonstrate the correspondence between the tests identified in thetestdocumentationandtheTSFasdescribedinthefunctionalspecification. ATE_COV.2.2C The analysis of the test coverage shall demonstrate that the correspondence between the TSF as describedinthefunctionalspecificationandthetestsidentifiedinthetestdocumentationiscomplete. ATE_COV.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ATE_DPT.2Testing:low-leveldesign Dependencies: ADV_HLD.2Securityenforcinghigh-leveldesign ADV_LLD.1Descriptivelow-leveldesign ATE_FUN.1Functionaltesting ATE_DPT.2.1DThedevelopershallprovidetheanalysisofthedepthoftesting. ATE_DPT.2.1C The depth analysis shall demonstrate that the tests identified in the test documentation are sufficient to demonstratethattheTSFoperatesinaccordancewithitshigh-leveldesignandlow-leveldesign. Security Target 75 ATE_DPT.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ATE_FUN.1Functionaltesting Dependencies:Nodependencies. ATE_FUN.1.1DThedevelopershalltesttheTSFanddocumenttheresults. ATE_FUN.1.2DThedevelopershallprovidetestdocumentation. ATE_FUN.1.1C The test documentation shall consist of test plans, test procedure descriptions, expected test results and actualtestresults. ATE_FUN.1.2C The test plans shall identify the security functions to be tested and describe the goal of the tests to be performed. ATE_FUN.1.3C The test procedure descriptions shall identify the tests to be performed and describe the scenarios for testingeachsecurityfunction.Thesescenariosshallincludeanyorderingdependenciesontheresultsofothertests. ATE_FUN.1.4CTheexpectedtestresultsshallshowtheanticipatedoutputsfromasuccessfulexecutionofthetests. ATE_FUN.1.5C The test results from the developer execution of the tests shall demonstrate that each tested security functionbehavedasspecified. ATE_FUN.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ATE_IND.2Independenttesting-sample Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification AGD_ADM.1Administratorguidance AGD_USR.1Userguidance ATE_FUN.1Functionaltesting Security Target 76 ATE_IND.2.1DThedevelopershallprovidetheTOEfortesting. ATE_IND.2.1CTheTOEshallbesuitablefortesting. ATE_IND.2.2C The developer shall provide an equivalent set of resources to those that were used in the developer's functionaltestingoftheTSF. ATE_IND.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. ATE_IND.2.2ETheevaluatorshalltestasubsetoftheTSFasappropriatetoconfirmthattheTOEoperatesasspecified. ATE_IND.2.3ETheevaluatorshallexecuteasampleoftestsinthetestdocumentationtoverifythedevelopertestresults. 5.2.7 Vulnerability Assessment AVA_MSU.1Examinationofguidance Dependencies: ADO_IGS.1Installation,generation,start-upprocedures ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification AGD_ADM.1Administratorguidance AGD_USR.1Userguidance AVA_MSU.1.1DThedevelopershallprovideguidancedocumentation. AVA_MSU.1.1C The guidance documentation shall identify all possible modes of operation of the TOE (including operationfollowingfailureoroperationalerror),theirconsequencesandimplicationsformaintainingsecureoperation. AVA_MSU.1.2CTheguidancedocumentationshallbecomplete,clear,consistentandreasonable. AVA_MSU.1.3CTheguidancedocumentationshalllistallassumptionsabouttheintendedenvironment. AVA_MSU.1.4C The guidance documentation shall list all requirements for external security measures (including externalprocedural,physicalandpersonnelcontrols). Security Target 77 AVA_MSU.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. AVA_MSU.1.2EThe evaluator shall repeat allconfiguration andinstallation proceduresto confirm thatthe TOE can be configuredandusedsecurelyusingonlythesuppliedguidancedocumentation. AVA_MSU.1.3E The evaluator shall determine that the use of the guidance documentation allows all insecure states to bedetected. AVA_SOF.1StrengthofTOEfunctionevaluation Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification ADV_HLD1Descriptivelow-leveldesign AVA_SOF.1.1D The developer shall perform a strength of TOE security function analysis for each mechanism identifiedintheSTashavingastrengthofTOEsecurityfunctionclaim. AVA_SOF.1.1C For each mechanism with a strength of TOE security function claim the strength of TOE security functionanalysisshallshowthatitmeetsorexceedstheminimumstrengthleveldefinedinthePP/ST. AVA_SOF.1.2C For each mechanism with a specific strength of TOE security function claim the strength of TOE securityfunctionanalysisshallshowthatitmeetsorexceedsthespecificstrengthoffunctionmetricdefinedinthePP/ST. AVA_SOF.1.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. AVA_SOF.1.2ETheevaluatorshallconfirmthatthestrengthclaimsarecorrect. AVA_VLA.2Independentvulnerabilityanalysis Dependencies: ADV_FSP.1Informalfunctionalspecification ADV_HLD.2Securityenforcinghigh-leveldesign ADV_IMP.1SubsetoftheimplementationoftheTSF Security Target 78 ADV_LLD.1Descriptivelow-leveldesign AGD_ADM.1Administratorguidance AGD_USR.1Userguidance AVA_VLA.2.1DThedevelopershallperformavulnerabilityanalysis. AVA_VLA.2.2DThedevelopershallprovidevulnerabilityanalysisdocumentation. AVA_VLA.2.1C The vulnerability analysis documentation shall describe the analysis of the TOE deliverables performedtosearchforwaysinwhichausercanviolatetheTSP. AVA_VLA.2.2CThevulnerabilityanalysisdocumentationshalldescribethedispositionofidentifiedvulnerabilities. AVA_VLA.2.3C The vulnerability analysis documentation shall show, for all identified vulnerabilities, that the vulnerabilitycannotbeexploitedintheintendedenvironmentfortheTOE. AVA_VLA.2.4C The vulnerability analysis documentation shall justify that the TOE, with the identified vulnerabilities, isresistanttoobviouspenetrationattacks. AVA_VLA.2.1E The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentationofevidence. AVA_VLA.2.2E The evaluator shall conduct penetration testing, building on the developer vulnerability analysis, to ensuretheidentifiedvulnerabilitieshavebeenaddressed. AVA_VLA.2.3ETheevaluatorshallperformanindependentvulnerabilityanalysis. AVA_VLA.2.4E The evaluator shall perform independent penetration testing, based on the independent vulnerability analysis,todeterminetheexploitabilityofadditionalidentifiedvulnerabilitiesintheintendedenvironment. AVA_VLA.2.5E The evaluator shall determine that the TOE is resistant to penetration attacks performed by an attacker possessingalowattackpotential. Security Target 79 5.3 Requirements for IT Environments RequirementsforITEnvironmentsareasfollows: FTP_ITC.1Inter-TSFtrustedchannel Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies.. FTP_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and a remote trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection ofthechanneldatafrommodificationordisclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2TheTSFshallpermittheTSFtoinitiatecommunicationviathetrustedchannel. FTP_ITC.1.3TheTSFshallinitiatecommunicationviathetrustedchannelfor[remotecontrol,{None}]. Application Notes: The TOE calls the SSL function in the IT environment and provides a secure channel through the SSLprotocol. FPT_STM.1Reliabletimestamps Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:Nodependencies. FPT_STM.1.1TheTSFshallbeabletoprovidereliabletimestampsforitsownuse. ApplicationNotes:TheTOE callsthetimestampserverintheITenvironment andmanagesthetimesourcesinasecure manner. FAU_SAR.3Selectiveauditreview Hierarchicalto:Noothercomponents. Dependencies:FAU_SAR.1Auditreview Security Target 80 FAU_SAR.3.1 The TSF shall provide the ability to perform searches and sorting of audit data based on[{standard for followinglogicalrelations}]. e) Auditrecordtype–Systemlogs,firewalllogs,sessionlogs,proxysessionlogs f) Systemlog–Time,hostIPAddress,priority,process,messagecontent(Detailedinformation:keyword) g) Firewall/session log – Time, host, source/destination IP Address, protocol, source/destination port, ICMP type,service,size,operation(ACCEPT/DROP/REJECT/OPEN/CLOSE)) h) Proxy session log – Time, host IP Address, source/destination IP Address, User, service, operation (OPEN,CLOSE) Application Notes: The TOE calls SQL-Life, an external DBMS, in the IT environment and manages the audit record storageinasecuremanner. Security Target 81 6 TOE Summary Specification This chapter describes how the TOE provides security functions and assurance measures to meet the assurance and securityrequirementsoftheTOE. 6.1 Assurance Measures The assurance measures for the assurance requirements specified in this Security Target comply with the assurance requirements specified in Part 3 of the Common Criteria for the Information Protection System. [Table 6-1] shows the listofdocumentsthatcanverifycompliancewiththeassurancerequirements. [Table 6-1] Assurance Requirements and Assurance Documents Assurance component Assurance Component Assurance Document ACM_CAP.3 Authorisation controls Configuration Management Document ACM_SCP.1 TOE CM coverage Configuration Management Document ADO_DEL.1 Delivery procedures Delivery documents ADO_IGS.1 Installation, generation, and start-up procedures Installation Guide ADV_FSP.1 ADV_RCR.1 Informal functional specification Informal correspondence demonstration Functional Specification ADV_HLD.2 ADV_RCR.1 Security enforcing high-level design Informal correspondence demonstration High-level Design ADV_IMP.2 ADV_RCR.1 Implementation of the TSF Informal correspondence demonstration Implementation Specification ADV_LLD.1 ADV_RCR.1 Descriptive low-level design Informal correspondence demonstration Low-level Design AGD_ADM.1 Administrator guidance Administrator Guidance documentation AGD_USR.1 User guidance User Guidance documentation Security Target 82 ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security measures Development Security Document ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools Development Tool Document ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage Test Document ATE_DPT.2 Testing: low-level design Test Document ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing Test Document ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample Test Document AVA_MSU.1 Examination of guidance Administrator and User Guidance Documentation AVA_SOF.1 Strength of TOE security function evaluation Vulnerability Analysis Report AVA_VLA.2 Independent vulnerability analysis Vulnerability Analysis Report 6.2 TOE Security Function Description of TOE Security Function (TSF) includes how each TSF conforms to the corresponding security functional requirements. This paragraph includes descriptions of each security function and explains how each security function meetsthecorrespondingrequirements. 6.2.1 Security Audit (FAU) SecurityAlarm(FAU_Alarm) FAU_Alarm.1 When an audit record of the corresponding priority set by the administrator occurs, the TOE will send a warning message to the administrator. If an audit record crossing the priority set by the administrator occurs, details of the correspondingauditrecord willbesent tothe administrator’se-mailaddress anddisplay the “Unconfirmedimportant auditrecords”messagewillbedisplayedonthesecuritymanagementscreenoftheauthorizedadministrator’sPC. FAU_Alarm.2 The TOE includes a potential violation analysis based on the priority of the audit record. If an event such as “identification and authentication security policy violation”, “cryptographic operation failure,” or “access control ruleviolation”,whichcanbeconsideredaspotentialthreats,occurs,theprioritylevelofthewarningorerrorwillbesentto the authorized administrator with the corresponding audit record. In case of a user authentication failure in the TOE, an alarm will be sent to the administrator as the identification and authentication security policy violation. In case of a Security Target 83 cryptographicoperationfailurewhenthecryptographicpacketsentby theuserthroughtheIPSecprotocolisnotvalid,an alarm will be sent to the administrator. To send an alarm (an e-mail to the administrator) for a packet dropped (by rule violation, not the rejection policy), set “log” in the packet-filtering policy so that the “dropped” packets and the correspondingauditrecordswillbeinformedtotheadministrator. Thisprocesscanbesummarizedasfollows: ƒ Identification and authentication security policy violation – Audit records failed in authentication andidentification. Auditrecordscrossingthepriority. ƒ Cryptographicoperationfailure–WhenthecryptographicpacketsentbytheuserthroughtheIPSec protocolisnotvalid. ƒ Accesscontrolruleviolation–Whenapacketdroppedbythepacket-filteringpolicyselectsanaudit record. AuditRecordsGeneration(FAU_Audit) FAU_Audit.1 The TOE stores audit records generated in VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W and VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W where the security function operate to protect user data on the network. The TOE can also search the stored audit records, generate statistical data, and report these items to the administrator. VForce 1700 V1.0 generates audit records for operations of all security functions. When the TOE generates audit records,theeventoccurrencetime,auditrecorddata, and the subject identity (user, source IP address, or the process that generated the audit record) will be also generated. Each audit record contains similar information depending on the audit record type. For consistency of the event occurrencetime,theTOEcanusetrustedtimethroughtheNTPprotocol. ƒ SystemLog–Time(month,day,hh:mm:ss),priority,program,contents ƒ Access Control Log – Time (month, day, hh:mm:ss), processing (accept/drop/reject), prefix (audit records prefix to identify packet audit records, IN (inbound), OUT (outbound), source, destination, protocol, SPORT,DPORT,TYPE(ICMP),CODE(ICMP) ƒ IPSecpacketLog–Time(month,day,hh:mm:ss),priority,contents FAU_Audit.2 AuditrecordscreatedbyTOEarecategorizedasshownbelow: [Table 6-2] Audit Record Types and Description Audit Record Type Audit Record Result and Contents Included Functional Components Required by FAU_GEN System Audit records are classified into audit records FAU_ARP.1, FAU_SAA.1, Security Target 84 Log generated in the system, session opening/closing information, and proxy-related audit records. Then, audit records related to starting and stopping of the process responsible for the audit function are created. The system Log identifies the security breach type according to the definition in FAU_Alarm.2 and, audits and records the responses (mail sending.) All of the administrator’s security management activities and new security attributes are audited and recorded. If a security setting fails due to an internal security problem, this event will be included in the important audit records so that the event is audited and stored. Audit records related to identification and authentication are classified as system Log which include success or failure of identification and authentication in the TOE. FAU_SEL.1, FCS_CKM.1, FCS_CKM.2, FCS_CKM.4, FIA_AFL.1, FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UID.2, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2, FMT_MTD.1, FMT_MTD.2, FMT_MTD.3, FPT_SMR.1, FPT_STM.1, FPT_TST.2, FTA_SSL.1, FTA_SSL.3, FTP_ITC.1, FMT_MOF.1,FMT_SMF.1,FPR _UNO.4 Access Control Log Audit records created by the packet-filtering security policy rules. These audit records contain the processing result of the packet data and the audit records generated in the IKE process that is executed to connect the VPN. The audit records for success and failure in each phase or key generation phase of the IKE process are included. Details about processing result (accept, drop, or reject) generated by the packet-filtering policy are also included. FDP_ACF.1, FDP_IFF.1,FPR_PSE.1 IPSec Packet Log Encoding/decoding packets through the VPN IPSec interface and event priority and message contents (details) are recoded. The IPSec Packet Log includes the audit records related to the success/failure of encryption. FCS_COP.1, FDP_DAU.1 FAU_Audit.3 Theaboveauditrecordshavethefollowingpriorities: ƒ Emergency:AuditrecordthathascriticalinfluenceontheTOE. ƒ Alert:Auditrecordsthatmustbeimmediatelymodified. Security Target 85 ƒ Critical:Auditrecordsthatmustwarnofadangeroussituationrelatedtostoragemedia. ƒ Error:Auditrecordsthatmayproduceanunexpectedresult ƒ Warning:Auditrecordssubjecttowarning ƒ Notice:Auditrecordsthatdonotproduceanunexpectedresultbutmayneedspecialaction. ƒ Information:AuditrecordsforgeneralactivitiesmadeintheTOE. ƒ Debug: Audit records concerning debugging messages in the subsystem (or process) that is responsibleforthesecurityfunctionsintheTOE. FAU_Audit.4 VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W can select whether to create an audit record for each packet-filtering policy set by the administrator. (The selection choices include None, New Connection, and All.) In particular, to prevent overload caused by multiple audit records for the same event, the TOE can limit the number of audit records for the corresponding policy created per time unit. If the administrator selects “New Connection” or “All,” the administrator will be required to select the average and the maximum number of audit records created by the corresponding security policypersecond. PreventionofLossofAuditRecords(FAU_Prevent) FAU_Prevent.1 Only theauthorized administrator can accessandmanageauditrecordsgeneratedandmanagedbythe TOE so that a general user or an unauthorized user including a third party cannot search, change, or delete audit records. Even the authorized administrator cannot access the file system of the TOE. The console shell supports only basic installationcommandssothat even anauthorizedadministratorcannotaccessthe file systemthatstores auditrecorddata. Only the corresponding process executing the security function can access the audit record data files. There are no accounts that can access the TOE through a network. The administrator can manage the file system only by accessing theconsole. FAU_Prevent.2 The TOE checks the available storage media space of the file system every hour. VForce 1700 V1.0 manages free space in two ways – “Warning” and “Suspension.” If the free space is less than 10% (changeable by the administrator)ofthetotalfilesystemspaceandauditrecordsmaybelost,thefollowingwarningswillbegeneratedforthe administratorasprimarymeasures: ƒ Correspondingauditrecords ƒ Notificationofoccurrenceofimportantauditrecordsthroughawarninge-mailoramessagebox Security Target 86 FAU_Prevent.3 When the free space is 5% (changeable by the administrator) of the total file system space which is subject to “Suspension”, an alarm mail will be sent to the administrator and all services of the TOE will be suspended to prevent events subject to audit records as secondary measures. In other words, the authorized administrator will be allowed only to access the security management functions of the TOE and all packet-filtering operations will be suspended. ViewingAuditRecords(FAU_View) FAU_View.1 The TOE allows the authorized administrator to view audit records generated in the TOE on the security management screen. (through web UIs.) Before the audit records generated in VForce1700 are sent to the NexG log server, they are stored in memory as long as memory space allows so that administrators can view stored audit records. VForce1700 provides a security management screen so that the authorized administrator can view audit records by audit record types shown in [Table 6-1]. The authorized administrator can check the audit records according to the creation timeoftheauditrecordsonthesecuritymanagementscreen. FAU_View.2 The audit records created in VForce1700 are transmitted to and stored on the NexG log server in real time so that an authorized administrator can view the audit records on the security management screen in real time. In other words, in VForce1700, the administrator can search audit records that are stored in the available memory space basedonFIFO. However,ifauditrecords createdin VForce1700aretransmittedtotheNexGlogserverinrealtime,the administrator can view real-time audit records and search audit records in the log server’s disk by specifying the search conditions. FAU_View.3 After receiving audit records from VForce1700, for easier search, the NexG log server classifies these recordsintoseveraltypesincludingthoseclassifiedbyVForce1700: [Table 6-3] Audit Record Types NexG Log Server Classification VForce1700 Classification System log System Log IPSec packet Log Firewall log Access Control Log Session log System Log Proxy session log System Log Security Target 87 FAU_View.4 The NexG log server can search and sort audit records according to the “log server classification” Upontheadministrator’srequest,the NexG logservercan searchthe auditrecordsbasedone ofthe following conditions and display the search result on the security management screen of the log server. Upon the search request of the administrator,thelogserversendsqueriestotheDBwheretheauditrecordsarestoredanddisplaysthequeryresult: ƒ System Log– Auditrecord creation time, IP addressofthehost which generated the auditrecords,Process whichgeneratedtheauditrecords,contentsoftheauditrecord(Details:keyword) ƒ Firewall/SessionLog–Auditrecordscreationtime,IPaddressofthehostwhichgeneratedtheauditrecords, Source/Destination IP address, Protocol, Source/Destination port, ICMP type, Service, Packet size, Processingresult(accept,drop,reject,open,andclose) ƒ Proxy Session Log – Audit records creation time, IP address of the host which generated the audit records, Source/DestinationIPaddress,UserID,Service,Processingresult(open,andclose) SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FAU_APR.1 ƒ FAU_GEN.1 ƒ FAU_SAA.1 ƒ FAU_SAR.1 ƒ FAU_SAR.3 ƒ FAU_SEL.1 ƒ FAU_STG.1 ƒ FAU_STG.3 ƒ FAU_STG.4 Security Target 88 6.2.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS) CryptographicKeyManagement(FCS_IKE) FCS_IKE.1 Key exchange is made through the use of the IKE. IKE uses ISAKMP which defines how to establish a service for key exchanges. The IKE of the TOE consists of two phases for secure key exchange. In the first phase, the SA is established, and in the second phase, the IPSec SA is established and a secret key is generated for IPSec communicationusingtheSAestablishedinthefirstphase. FCS_IKE.2 The TOE generates, installs, and manages cryptographic keys for cryptographic support. Cryptographic keys supported by the TOE are divided into symmetric keys created by the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) algorithm and asymmetric keys created by the Rivest-Shamir-Adieman (RSA) algorithm. Symmetric keys create an algorithm and a secret key as defined based on the pre-shared key defined by the administrator. RSA keys are directly created through the CA or a certificate can be issued by a trusted CAafteracertificateissuancerequestis made. Atthis time,theRSAauthenticationkeycreationfunctionsupports1024bitsand2048bitsasthekeylength. FCS_IKE.3 The IPSec that processes the IP packets uses the SA. When an outbound or inbound packet occurs, an SA will be established to apply the cryptographic policy to the corresponding packet. If there is no SA, key exchange will be made to establish a secure SA with the TOE. The TOE automatically exchanges keys with the gateway on a regular basis to use new secret keys. The IKE of the TOE uses the ISAKMP that defines how to establish a key exchange-based security service. Authenticated keys as a result oftheIKEandtheauthenticationkeyswiththesecurity parametersoftheIPSecSAwillbecreated. Thekeyexchangepolicywillsupportmainandaggressivemodes. KeyDestructionManagement(FCS_KEYDEST) FCS_KEYDEST.1 If the key is expired during encrypted communication after the key exchange process, the IKE daemonwilldestructthecryptographickeysoftheTOEandthecounterpartgateway,registerthecertificaterevocatedin thekey exchangeprocessintheCertificateRevocationList(CRL)oftheTOE,andupdatekeys. Whenacryptographic key used in the security tunnel is destructed, the TOE will set the data (file) with the corresponding cryptographic key stored as “0” and delete data related to all cryptographic keys to prevent the old cryptographic key from remaining in resources(suchasmemory.) Security Target 89 ESPSupport(FCS_ESP) FCS_ESP.1 The TOE generates, distributes, and destruct secret keys related to encryption for safe transmission of the user data through the IPSec ESP protocol. The TOE also supports functions related to the cryptographic operations. TheTOEprovidesthefollowingencryptionalgorithms: ƒ AES: AES is being recognized as the new encryptionalgorithmstandard. It isbeing widely appliedto the Internetbackbonestructureandishighlyinteroperable. Keylengthsinclude128,192,and256bits. ƒ 3DES: An alternative to supplement the short key length of 56 bits of DES. 3DES iterates DES three times using three keys. Although 3DES is three times slower than DES, it has been adopted by various standardsbecauseitcanbeeasilyimplementedandprovideshigherreliability. Thekeylengthis168bits. ƒ SEED: An encryption algorithm that has a block size of 128 bits and supports 128-bit key size. SEED is anencryptionalgorithmforKoreadevelopedbytheKoreaInformationSecurityAgency(KISA). FCS_ESP.2 The encryption key length created by the TOE is minimum 128 bits. Depending on the selected encryptionalgorithm,thekeylengthisdetermined(AES:128,192,or256bits;3DES:192bits;SEED:128bits). FCS_ESP.3 When the TOE establishes encrypted communication with its counterpart using ESP, the TOE supports bothencryptionandintegrityofthedata(packets.) Forthispurpose,theTOEprovidesthefollowingintegrityalgorithm: ƒ HMAC-SHA-1-96: The SHA-1 algorithm is based on the HMAC algorithm. The HMAC algorithm provides a framework for using a hash algorithm like SHA-1. The HMAC-SHA-1-96 algorithm has a block size of 64 bits. This algorithm supports a key length of 160 bits, or stores only the first 96 bits in the ESP. Uponverificationofthedata,thisalgorithmgenerates160bitsandverifiesthefirst96bits. ƒ HMAC-HAS-160: The HAS-160 algorithm is based on the HMAC algorithm. The HMAC algorithm provides a framework for using a hash algorithm like HAS-160. HAS-160 uses a dedicated hash algorithm. It can perform paste, division, and iteration operations. It handles message input in 512-bit blocksanddisplaysdataas160bits. FCS_ESP.4 The TOE provides functions which can authenticate the counterpart and detect replay of the authenticated account in order to prevent packet hijacking by using an SA, authentication, and a sequence number when the TOE is connectedtoaVPNgateway. Security Target 90 AHSupport(FCS_AH) FCS_AH.1 The TOE verifies the integrity of the data (packets) for secure data transmission using the IPSec AH protocol. ToestablishsecuredcommunicationusingtheAH,theTOEprovidesanintegrityalgorithmasfollows: ƒ HMAC-SHA-1-96: The SHA-1 algorithm is based on the HMAC algorithm.. The HMAC algorithm provides a framework for using a hash algorithm like SHA-1. HMAC-SHA-1-96 algorithm has a block size of 64 bits. This algorithm supports a key length of 160 bits, or stores only first 96 bits in the ESP. Uponverificationofthedata,thisalgorithmgenerates160bitsandverifiesthefirst96bits. ƒ HMAC-HAS-160: The HAS-160 algorithm is based on the HMAC algorithm.. The HMAC algorithm provides a framework for using a hash algorithm like HAS-160. HAS-160 uses a dedicated hash algorithm. It can perform paste, division, and iteration operations. It handles message input in 512-bit blocksanddisplaysdatain160bits. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FCS_COP.1 ƒ FCS_CKM.1 ƒ FCS_CKM.2 ƒ FCS_CKM.4 Security Target 91 6.2.3 User Data Protection (FDP) The packet-filtering engine and the proxy engine of the TOE control all traffic accessing the network according to the security policy predefined by the administrator. The packet-filtering engine and the proxy of the TOE firstly filters the packets at Layer 3 and decides whether to allow, reject, or forward the packets based on information included in the packetheader. The accesscontrolmethodsoftheTOEincludeMandatoryAccessControl(MAC)thatusesthesecurity labeling information of each object added by theadministrator as well asDiscretionary Access Control (DAC) described earlier. Packet-filtering(FDP_PacketFiltering) FDP_PacketFiltering.1 Packetsthatdonotgothroughthe VPNoftheTOEshallpassthepacket-filteringpolicyofthe TOE. The packet-filtering security policy of the TOE decides whether to accept, reject, or drop the packet based on the security objectandinformationcontainedintheIPheader. Ifthesecurityattributeisproper,thepacketwillbeforwarded or accepted. If a packet is rejected, a reply will be sent using an ICMP error message and the packet not conforming to thecorrespondingpolicywillbedropped. Ifapacketisdropped,nomessagereplywillbegenerated. ƒ Source and destination IP Address – Network object and group, source/destination network IP address of theIPheader ƒ Portno.–Serviceobject,IPheaderportaddress ƒ Time(Timeobject) FDP_PacketFiltering.2 If the administrator has not set any packet-filtering security policy, the default policy will be used and drop all packets. If none of the security policies set by the administrator is proper for a packet passing through theTOE,thepacketwillbedropped. Inotherwords,allpacketsnotspecifiedinthepolicywillbedropped. FDP_PacketFiltering.3 The TOE shall map each interface where the packet comes or goes with the corresponding policy to apply the packet-filtering policy. When mapping them, the TOE can determine the order of the policies. When the packet comes in or goes out through the interface, the TOE matches the packets in order of packet-filtering securitypoliciesmappedwiththeinterfaceanddecideswhethertoaccept,reject,ordropthepacket. FPT_Packetfiltering.4 To protect from interference and intrusion of an unreliable subject during packet filtering, networkaddresstranslation,andaccesscontrol,theTOEseparatesTSFdataandcodefromexternalentitiesandseparates thesubjectsintheTSC. ThisfunctionisexecutedbytheOSfunctionofthesub-abstractmachine. Security Target 92 Proxy(FDP_Proxy) FDP_Proxy.1 The TSF that the TOE executes requires an entity which uses HTTP or SOCKS5 protocols for information exchange through the TOE. The TSF controls access and information flow by filtering packets at the network layer level, and determines the maximum connection count and the session time-out for HTTP and SOCKS5 sessions. FDP_Proxy.2 The proxy of the TOE provides user authentication and session limit functions together through a single integrated daemon. Therefore, the proxy can apply the user authentication function for the HTTP and the SOCKS5 protocols that support user authentication. To use the user authentication function in the TOE, the administrator shall connect the proxy time object to each user group that the administrator sets in the security management. Only connected userscanbeauthenticatedbytheunique(HTTP,SOCKS5(TELNET,FTP))proxysecuritypolicyoftheproxy. FDP_Proxy.3 When HTTP or SOCKS5 (TELNET or FTP) proxy is used as the default policy of the proxy in the TOE,thepolicycanbedecidedbythefollowingcommonsecurityattributes: ƒ Proxyoperationstatus ƒ Inputinterface:Determinestheinterfacetobindthecorrespondingportoftheproxy. ƒ DNS cache: Caches DNS names used in the proxy as many as set by the administrator and reduces repetitivelyoccurringDNStraffictomaintaintheproxyrateconsistent. ƒ Proxy protocol: Sets HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols. Uses HTTP protocol for the HTTP and SOCKS5 for FPT and TELNET. According to the characteristics of the protocol, only the HTTP protocol and SOCKS5protocolsupportsuserauthentication. ƒ Maximumconnectioncount (1~65535): Determinesthenumberofsessionstopassthroughtheproxy. ƒ Session time-out (1~65535): Determines session time-out. If no data exchange occurs during the determinedtime,thecorrespondingsessionwillbedisconnected. ƒ Proxy time group: Same concept as “time object” in the packet-filtering security policy. The time group canbesetonlyintheproxy. FDP_Proxy.4 The TOE allows the administratorto disconnect auseriftheuserwasforciblyauthenticatedintheproxy session through HTTP or SOCKS5. If the disconnected user wants to establish communication through HTTP or SOCKS5, the user shall be authenticated in the TOE. FPD_Proxy.3 can automatically disconnect users by “session time-out.” In other words, if there is no traffic passing through the proxy after the user was authenticated, the user will be disconnectedafterthedefinedtimesetbytheadministrator. Security Target 93 FDP_Proxy.5 The TOEperforms security-levelbased mandatoryaccesscontrolforusersthroughtheproxy.Iftheuser passesthroughtheproxyusing anapplication whichusesHTTPorSOCKS5protocol,theTOEwillperformmandatory access control. If the user tries to access an external network through an application, the TOE will compare the security level of the authenticated user with the security level of the network object that the user tries to access. Only when user security level is the same as or higher than the security level of the network object, the user will be allowed to access. Otherwise, user access request will be denied by security level. Forthispurpose,theadministrator shalldefinetheproxy network object and give it a security level. The administrator is also required to map the proxy network group with the correspondingusergroupandallowtheusertoaccesstheproxynetwork. EncryptedDataTransmission(FDP_VPN) FDP_VPN.1 To establish a secure connection between two ormorenetworksusingapublicnetwork(forexample,the Internet), the TOE creates an IPSec-based virtual tunnel and establishes encrypted communication between two or more trusted sub-networks. All data transmitted through the TOE is encoded, decoded, and hashed, and for this purpose, the TOE supports confidentiality algorithms such as 3DES, SEED, and AES, and the integrity algorithms of HAS-160 and SHA-1. FortheIKE,theTOEsupportstheaggressiveandmainmode. FDP_VPN.2 The TOE selects the IPSec protocol for encrypted communication with the gateway using the SA determined by the VPN security policy. If a packet is altered by a third party during IKE procedure or encrypted communication by the ESP protocol, the TOE drops the packet to guarantee integrity for data transmission and authentication. Atthistime,theTOEprovidesSHA-1andHAS-160algorithmsonESP. FDP_VPN.3 Packets destined for the encryption policy network defined in the VPN policy among the packets passing through the TOE are encrypted according to the VPN policy set by the administrator before being transmitted. If the packing going through the VPN interface is not part of the network communication defined in the VPN security policy, the packet will be handled according to the packet-filtering policy. Even after the packet passes through the IPSec interface, the TOE applies a normal packet-filtering policy instead of the encryption policy. The administrator defines thesecuritypolicyoftheVPNonthesecuritymanagementscreenusingthefollowingattributes: ƒ IPSec binding interface: Applies the VPN security policy only to the packets passing through the correspondinginterface. ƒ Shared key: Used to exchanges keys with the counterpart and create cryptographic keys. The shared key isthestringseedthatbothcommunicationpartiesshare. ƒ Securityprotocol:DeterminesESPprotocolorAHprotocolduringIPSeccommunication. ƒ Keyexchangemode:DeterminesthemainmodeoraggressivemodeforIKEkeyexchange. ƒ Authentication method: Determines whether to use the shared key or a predefined certificate for the key exchangeforthesecuritytunnel(SA). Security Target 94 ƒ Subject security attribute: IP addresses of the communication subject and the counterpart. Certificate subject. ƒ ISAKMP policy: Determines the encryption method. Determines the cryptographic algorithm, the key length,andthevalidperiodforphase-1cryptographickey(SA)oftheIKE. ƒ IPSec policy: Determines the encryption and the authentication methods. Determines encryption and authentication algorithms, the key length, and the valid period for phase-2 cryptographic key (SA) of the IKE. ƒ VPN network IP address: Determines the IP addresses of the internal networks of the encrypted communication counterpart and the local VPN gateway. Packets are encoded and decoded through the IPSecbindinginterfaceaccordingtothepredefinedpolicyonlyforthecommunicationbetweenthedefined IPaddresses. ƒ PFS group – Determines how to generate the VPN security tunnel (SA) and regularly create cryptographic keys of the security tunnel. PSF group number 2 or 5 is selected here, and the group numbers are Deffie- Hellmangroupnumbers. FDP_VPN.4 The TOE and the counterpart start to exchange keys when both sides determine all VPN policies. The TOE determines the VPN policy later and becomes the initiator and starts to exchange keys for the security tunnel (SA). AnSAautomaticallyexpireswhenthereisnoinbound/outboundpacketthroughtheSA,DeadPeerDetection(DPD)or. anerroroccursinthenetworkenvironment(disconnectioninthenetwork.). NetworkIntrusionDetection (FDP_NID) FDP_NID.1 The TOE inspects traffic passing through the packet-filtering security policy, and stores audit records for the abnormal packets. The administrator identifies abnormal packets by the access control audit record prefix (delimiter thatidentifiesauditrecords): ƒ Detectstheportscanforthetrafficappliedtothepacket-filteringsecuritypolicy,andgeneratesauditrecords andmailtotheadministrator. ƒ Detects fragmented packets for packets applied to the packet-filtering security policy, and generates audit recordsandmailtotheadministrator. Security Target 95 AdministratorAccessControl(FDP_AdminNetwork) FDP_AdminNetwork.1 When an administrator with identification and authentication data (for example, ID and password)orwithatrustedadministratornetworkaddresstriestoaccesstheTOEfromaremoteplace,theTOEexplicitly allows information flow. When an authorized administrator tries to access the security management screen, the TOE checks whether the source IP address belongs to the administrator network. If the administrator is from an allowed administrator network, the TOE will display the security management login screen for the administrator. Then, the administratorshallinputtheIDandthepasswordtobeauthenticatedinordertologintothesecuritymanagementscreen. At this time, the TOE authenticates and identifies the user based on the administrator accounts and passwords of the administrator group. If a user tries to log in with an account not in the administrator group, the TOE will consider the userisnotanauthorizedadministrator,denytheloginattempt,andgeneratetheauditrecords. FDP_AdminNetwork.2 The administrator can directly access the console using the RS-232 console cable other than theInternetbrowser. When the machine is firstinstalledin the networkorthemachineisinitialized,theusershallaccess the console to set the network IP. Like when using the web interface, the administrator shall input the ID and the password to access the console. After the machine is first installed, the network will be set up and the administrator account(admin)willbeadded. Theadministratoraccountbecomesthedefaultaccount. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FDP_ACC.2 ƒ FDP_ACF.1 ƒ FDP_DAU.1 ƒ FDP_IFC.1 ƒ FDP_IFC.2(1) ƒ FDP_IFC.2(2) ƒ FDP_IFF.1(1) ƒ FDP_IFF.1(2) ƒ FDP_IFF.1(3) ƒ FPT_RVM.1 ƒ FPT_SEP.1 ƒ FPT_RPL.1 Security Target 96 6.2.4 Identification and Authentication (FIA) IdentificationandauthenticationismadeintheTOEatthesepoints: ƒ Before the administrator allows the user to access the security management interface (on the web) for securitymanagement. ƒ Beforeageneraluserusesaprotocol(FTP,TELNET),thatusestheweb(HTTP),orSOCKS5throughthe proxy. TheTOEperformsidentificationandauthenticationasfollows: GeneralCryptographicAuthentication(FIA_PwdAuth) FIA_PwdAuth.1 When the administrator generates or changes a security policy related to user identification or authentication, the TOE will inspect the cryptographic verification mechanism. The following policy is provided to meet AVA_SOF.1 assurance requirements. A general password authentication mechanism is used to authenticate usersandperformsauthenticationbasedonthefollowingcollationrules: ƒ Thepasswordshallbeof7~16digits. ƒ A total of 94 characters including special symbols (including a-z (26), A-Z (26), and 0-9 (10)) can be used. (SpecialSymbols: !@#$%^&*()_+|`-=\{}:”<>?[];’,./“) ƒ Collation rule: Alphanumeric or alphabetic characters with special symbols. (Alphabetic and numeric characters,oralphabeticandspecialsymbols) FIA_PwdAuth.2 A normal user’s password automatically expires on a date predefined by the administrator. When theuseraccessesthenetworkagain,theuserwillberequiredtochangethepassword. FIA_PwdAuth.3 The TOE identifies and authenticates IT entities through the internal user management database and verifies general users and administrators. The TOE supports general passwords and one-time passwords. The authorizedadministratorcanallowuserstoselectageneralpasswordoraone-timepassword. FIA_PwdAuth.4 After the user (all users in the TOE including administrators) is successfully authenticated, the user can use the security functions of the TOE. However, only the administrator canaccesstheSecurity Managementscreen and use security management functions. General users are authenticated by the proxy and can use HTTP or SOCKS5 using the proxy defined in each proxy security policy. The TOE provides the authentication-feedback protection Security Target 97 function during the operation of authentication by hiding the password entered by the user (for example, using the “*” symbol.) One-timePasswordAuthentication(FIA_OTPAuth) FIA_OTPAuth.1 The onetime password is used. There is a list of one-time passwords for the authorized administrator and users. When a user attempts to access thenetwork usingaone-timepassword,theusermustinputthe ID and password corresponding to the sequence number displayed on the screen. However, if the user inputs an incorrectpasswordthreetimes, anadditionalprocessis requiredtoallowtheusertotrytoaccess. Ifanadministratorora generaluserlosesthelistofone-timepasswords,theadministratorshallbeimmediately informedandanotherlistofone- timepasswordsshallbere-issued. FIA_OTPAuth.2 The one-time password mechanism authenticates human users using characters. If created numeric (280) passwords are used up, the administrator shall be informed and new passwords shall be created. To create a one- time password, the TOE uses a prefix as a password. A prefix can be of 1~ 255 digits, and both the prefix and the one- timepasswordshallbeusedtogethertoauthenticateauser. AuthenticationFailureHandling(FIA_IAFailure) FIA_IAFailure.1 Each user’s authentication failure can be processed, and the failure record is stored with the user profile in the user DB. If the user authentication failure count exceeds the threshold set by the administrator, the session will be locked. In this case, until the authorized administrator restores the setting, the user status cannot be changed. The administrator can set the maximum authentication failure count. If the default is none, there will be no limit to the user’s authentication failure count. If the user authentication failure count crosses the threshold, the TOE will reject the user’slogin. Inthiscase,theusercanloginonlyaftertheadministratorchangestheloginsetting. FIA_IAFailure.2 Other counterparts than the user are also subject to the authentication failure count threshold. If a VPN gateway with a constant certificate subject (country, organization, organization unit, common name, or e-mail address)or a sharedkeytriestoexchangecryptographickeys forthe VPNsecuritytunnel(SA),theauthenticationfailure count applied to the IP address of counterpart. If the count exceeds the threshold, the VPN gateway will not able to exchangekeystilltheadministratormodifiesthegateway. Therelatedauditrecordswillbestored. UserPasswordChange(FIA_UPWDSet) The TOE allows general users using a proxy service to access the TOE using HTTPS and to change passwords in their accounts. Security Target 98 IdentificationandAuthenticationSecurityStrength(FIA_SoF) FIA_SOF.1, FIA_UAU.2, and FIA_UAU.4 conform to SOF-medium specified in the Common Criteria for the InformationProtectionSystem(Notice2005-25bytheMinistryofInformationandCommunication)[1]. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FIA_AFL.1 ƒ FIA_UAU.2 ƒ FIA_UAU.4 ƒ FIA_UAU.7 ƒ FIA_UID.2 ƒ FIA_SOS.1 Security Target 99 6.2.5 Security Management (FMT) Overview Only authorized administrators can access the security management functions of the TOE through the identification and authenticationprocesses,andonlyadministratorscanaccessTSFtorestartorstoptheTOEandchangethesecuritypolicy. The TOE verifies the password in addition to the login password using the management password to allow the user to accesstheSecurityManagementscreen. Using the security management functions, the authorized administrator can set the TSF and define the TSP. To use a security management function, the administrator must be identified and authenticated and verified to determine if he has proper authority. Only the authorized administrator can add, change, or delete security policies using the security management functions after passing the identification and authentication processes. The authorized administrator can useTSFtorestartandstoptheTOEandoperatetheTOE. For efficient security management the TOE provides web interfaces for the administrator and allows the administrator to access the network through Internet Explorer. The administrator browser accesses the TOE through SSL using the HTTPSprotocol.TheSecurityManagementscreenisimplementedbyHTMLorCGItosetorreceivesecurityattributes by the administrator.. The TOE provides categorized security management functions as shown below and allows the administratortoefficientlymanagesecurity: [Table 6-4] Security Function Management Interfaces Higher Menu Menu 1 Menu 2 Description CA Management Manages the CA certificate and certificate requests when the TOE functions as a CA. Certificate Certificate Management Manages own certificates. Network Manages the network object. Service Manages the service object. Time Manages the time object. IPSec Manages the IPSec object (ISAKMP policy, IPSec, and gateway policy.) Object Definition User Manages the user object. Network Overall Status Traffic at Each Shows traffic amount of the interface in Security Target 100 Interface Kbytes/second or packet/ second unit. Session Shows the list of sessions passing the TOE. Overall Status Shows interface information. Ethernet Interface Sets Ethernet interfaces. Interface PPP Interface Sets the PPP interfaces. Overall Status Shows current routing table of the TOE. Routing Static Routing Manages routing table. ARP Shows and adds ARP. DHCP Shows and sets the DHCP. Overall Status Shows status of packet filtering, address translation, port forwarding policy, and redirect. Default Setup Sets the default setting of the packet- filtering policy and the TCPMSS. Packet Filtering Manages packet-filtering policy. NAT Manages NAT policy. Port Forwarding Manages port-forwarding policy. Redirect Manages redirect policy. Default Setup Sets and manages proxy use status and protocol. Access Control Proxy Proxy Time Object Manages proxy time object. Status Shows the currently established SAs. VPN IPSec Connection Setup Manages the IPSec connection setting. Cryptographic Change Changes and manages the cryptograph in security management access. Login User Shows login user in the TOE or the administrator. Host/Name Server Manages host name of the TOE and the DNS name. Date/Time Manages date/time of the TOE. SNMP Sets the SNMP. Real-time system log Shows system audit records in real time. Real-time firewall log Shows firewall audit records in real time. Real-time session log Shows session audit records in real time. system Audit Records Real-time proxy session log Shows proxy session audit records in real time. Security Target 101 Log search Shows audit records. Log statistics Shows audit record statistics. Backup Backs up audit records. Policy Sets environment for the audit records. Service setup Sets service. Access control Manages administrator policy. Firmware upgrade Upgrades software of the TOE. System setup management Changes and initializes security management, and backs up and restore TOE configuration. System Management System restart/stop Restarts or ends TOE. Integrity Inspects and manages integrity. System Status Status Shows software version of TOE, operation time, and CPU load. The TOE allows the administrator to add, change, delete, or search alarms. When the administrator inputs the alarm security policy attribute, the TOE will check whether the attribute already exists. If the attribute is not overlapping with an existing one, the TOE will create an alarm security policy using the security policy attribute entered by the administrator and add the alarm policy to the configuration data. The alarm security policy is activated as soon as it is added. IftheadministratorrequeststheTOE to changeordeleteaparticularalarmpolicy,theTOEwillchangeordelete thepolicyintheconfigurationdata. The TOE provides security management functions whereby the administrator can create, delete, or search cryptographic keys. The TOE provides the root CA creation function and the certificate request and management functions. The TOE reads the current authentication key and certificate list from the configuration data, displays them on the Security Management screen, and shows the downloading option. When the administrator inputs a command to delete the authentication key, the TOE will check whether the key is used in other VPN policies. If the key is not in use by the VPN policy, the TOE will delete the key and store the record in the certificate revocation list (CRL.) The authorized administrator can search or download this certificate drop list. The TOE can recreate and change cryptographic keys. After the TOE checks that the certificate created by the old cryptographic key is not valid, the TOE changes the cryptographickey. The TOE selectively creates audit records for each event security level. The TOE can store generated audit record files or statistical data in the audit record management database and delete them or extract them as a file. The TOE reads the current audit record setting from the configuration data and displays it for the administrator. The selective audit record setting interface is Event Type—Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, or Debug—and the administrator can change the setting. After the administrator successfully inputs data, the TOE stores the security Security Target 102 attributes set by the administrator in the configuration data. The TOE reads the audit record setting option from the configuration data and stores the audit record data or statistical data in the audit record management database. The administratorcanalsoextractthedataasafileforsecondarybackup. TheTOEdisplaysinterfacesfor theadministratortobackuptheconfigurationfile. Afterselectingtheconfigurationdata to back up, the administrator at a remote PC can download the selected data using the HTTP protocol. The TOE launches a browser for the administrator to search a configuration fileon theremotePC. Whenthe administrator selects aconfigurationfile,itwillbeoverwrittenintheconfigurationfilestoredintheTOE. SecurityObjectManagement(FMT_Object) The TOE provides security functions that can add, change, delete, and search security objects necessary for the security policy. The security objects (network, user, service, time, IPSec object) are used to establish all security policies of the TOE. Network, user, and IPSec include data that can be identified by network address, user ID, and IPSec certificate subject and the corresponding authentication data. The administrator can add, delete, or modify the identification and authenticationdata. The administrator creates network objects that are required to perform mandatory access control for network groups and user groups and check the encryption status and integrity of the transmitted data. Serviceobjects are used by thepacket- filtering security policy and the proxy security policy to apply a certain service. The time object is used by the packet- filtering security policy and the proxy security policy, and the corresponding security policy is activated or deactivated accordingtothetimeobject. TheIPSecobjectisusedbytheVPNsecuritypolicy. NetworkObjectManagement(FMT_NetworkObj) The TOE allows the authorized administrator to manage network object information (source and destination network addresses) required for setting the packet-filtering security policy used to control accesses and information flows. The authorized administrator can search, add, modify, or delete network object information (source and destination network addresses)usingthenetworkobjectmanagementfunctions. ServiceObjectManagement(FMT_ServiceObj) TheTOEallowstheauthorized administratortomanageserviceobjectinformation(such asprotocol andport)necessary for setting the packet-filtering policy used to control accesses and information flows. The authorized administrator can search, add, modify, or delete service object information (such as protocol or port) using the service object management functions. Time Object Management (FMT_TimeObj) Security Target 103 The TOE allows the authorized administrator to manage time object information (time and date) required for setting the packet-filtering security policy used to control accesses and information flows. The authorized administrator can search, add,modify,ordeletetimeobjectinformation(timeanddate)usingthetimeobjectmanagementfunction. IPSec Object Management (FMT_IPsecObj) The TOE allows the administrator to define and manage objects required for IPSec tunnel establishment to set the VPN security policy for functions such as access control, information control flow, and cryptographic support. The IPSec objects that the TOE provides include “ISAKMP policy object” in the key exchange phase such as authentication of the counterpart and key exchange before the establishment of a tunnel, “IPSec policy object” that defines encryption and integrityprotocolsthattheESPprotocolusesfortheestablishmentofthetunnel,andthe“gatewayobject”thatdefinesthe gateway which will use IPSec. The administrator can search, add, modify, or delete IPSec objects using IPSec object managementfunctions. User Object Management(FMT_UserObj) The TOE provides functions which define and manage user object information (ID, password, authentication method, and other) to set the administrator and user security authentication policy used for user identification and authentication. The authorized administrator can search, add, modify, or delete user object information (ID, password, authentication method,andother)usingtheuserobjectmanagementfunctions. TOE users include administrators, general users, and counterpart VPN gateways. When defining a user attribute of the administrator, the TOE generates a general user, which is included in the default administrator group (admin group.) Therefore, the user attribute of the administrator is same as the security attribute of the administrator group. The administrator group refers to a group of general users in the administrator mode. Therefore, users in the TOE have the followingsecurityattributes: ƒ Securitylabel:AllusersintheTOEhaveasecuritylabel. ƒ User: User ID, Group, Use status (by the current user), Password type (normal or one time), password, and Password Authentication Protocol(PAP)whichisusedfortheauthenticationinthePPPserverthroughthe PPP interface that TOE supports; Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) which prevents disclosure of the user name and password through challenge and reply process; Login failure count; Login permission;Lastlogintime;andDuration. ƒ User group: User group ID, Maximum attempt limit, Proxy use status (Proxy time object per user group), Administrator mode status (The administrator group is in administrator mode, and in the default state, only the admin group has the admin user ID, which can be changed by the administrator), and associated user IDs. ƒ VPNgateway–X.509-typecertificatesubject,andgatewaynetworkIPaddress Security Target 104 Certificate Object Management (FMT_CertObj) The TOE provides functions which can define and manage certificate objects required for using RSA-based keys. The authorized administrator can add, modify, or delete the certificate issuance request using the certificate object managementfunction. CA Object Management (FMT_CAObj) The TOE provides the CA management function as a CA by issuing a certificate with local keys and managing issued certificates. The authorized administrator can create (drop, recreate) and view the root CA certificates using the CA managementfunction,andcandownloadthecertificatefile(cacert.crt). ProxyTimeObjectManagement(FMT_ProxyTimeObj) The TOE defines proxy time objects besides time objects. The administrator can set the proxy time objects in the same way as defining the time objects. The proxy time objects are mapped with the user group for the authentication of a specialproxy. ProxyNetworkObjectManagement(FMT_ProxyNetObj) The TOE defines proxy network objects separately from network objects. The administrator can set proxy network objects in the same way as defining network objects. The proxy network object is mapped with the user group for the authenticationofaspecialproxy. SecurityPolicyManagement(FMT_Policy) AccessControlSettingManagement(FMT_ACDefaultPolicy) Access control policies of the TOE include the packet-filtering security policy, network address translation policy, port forwarding policy, redirect policy, and proxy security policy. The TOE provides a default for each of these policies. The administrator can set a default policy for access control and apply the default policy to all access control activities. Thedefaultaccesscontrolpolicyusuallycoversbasicpoliciesrelatedtopacket-filteringsecurityandauditrecords. Packet-filteringPolicyManagement(FMT_PacketFilterPolicy) The TOE allows the administrator to add, change, delete, or search packet-filtering security policies using the security management functions. The TOE checks whether the attribute of the packet-filtering security policy entered by the administrator overlaps with an attribute of an existing policy. If it does not overlap with an existing one, the TOE will create a packet-filtering security policy based on the attribute of the security policy entered by the administrator. The new security policy is not directly applied to the TOE. Instead, it is mapped with the interface before being applied. When an existing packet-filtering policy is deleted or changed, the deletion will be applied immediately but the change willbeappliedaftertheadministratorsavesthenewsetting. Security Target 105 NetworkAddressTranslationPolicyManagement(FMT_SourceNATPolicy) The TOE provides security management functions to add, change, delete or search network address translation security policies. The TOE allows the administrator to create a network address translation policy. TheTOE checks whether the network address translation policy inputted by the administrator overlaps with an existing one. If the policy does not overlap with an existing one, the TOE will add the network address translation policy to the security policy. A new policy is immediately applied but not stored till the administrator saves it. When the administrator changes or deletes a certain network address translation policy, the TOE will immediately change or delete the corresponding policy in the configurationdata. Port-forwardingPolicyManagement(FMT_DestNATPolicy) To control accesses and information flow, the TOE provides a function for setting the port-forwarding (DNAT) security policy. The administrator can search, add, modify, or delete the port-forwarding security policies using the port- forwarding policy management functions. Based on created object information, the TOE creates a security policy. If informationoverlapswithexistinginformation andavalidityerroroccur,theadministratorwillbeimmediately informed throughamessagebox. Otherwise,thepolicywillbeimmediatelyadded. RedirectPolicyManagement(FMT_RedirectPolicy) The TOE provides functions to establish a redirect security policy to control accesses and information flow. The administrator can search, add, modify, or delete redirect security policies using the redirect policy functions. Based on created network and service object information, the TOE creates a security policy. If information overlaps with existing information and a validity error occur, the administrator will be immediately informed through a message box. Otherwise,the policy willbeimmediately added. Theadded policyisappliedtothenetworkonlyaftertheadministrator maps the policy with the corresponding network interface. The administrator can modify or delete existing policies. Whentheadministratormodifiesordeleteapolicy,thechangewillbeimmediatelyappliedtothenetwork. DefaultProxyPolicyManagement(FMT_ProxyDefault) The TOE provides the default values for the security policy that the proxy provides. The administrator can set a default policythatwillbeappliedtotheproxyasfollows: ƒ Defaultserversetting:Informationrelatedtotheproxyoperation ƒ Proxyprotocolsetting:Protocoltobeusedintheproxyandtheauthenticationprotocol IPSecpolicyManagement(FMT_IPsecPolicy) The TOE provides functions to add, modify, delete, or search VPN security policies. The TOE checks whether the attributeofthe VPNsecurity policy enteredby theadministratoroverlaps with anattributeofan existingpolicy.Ifitdoes not overlap with an attribute of an existing policy, the TOE will add the VPN security policy. The new VPN security policy is immediately applied but not stored until the administrator storesthe setting. When theadministrator requests to Security Target 106 modify or delete a certain VPN security policy, the VOE will immediately modify or delete the corresponding security policy. NetworkInterfaceManagement(FMT_NICManage) The TOE provides various network configuration functions for its interfaces. The TOE can set interface status search, connection method, backup, interface activation status, media type, and line fault detection, and view the status. The TOEcansetbothphysicalandtunnelinterfaces. PPPInterfaceManagement(FMT_PPPManage) The TOEprovides functions to create, modify, delete,or searchPPPinterfacesnecessaryforPPPconnection. TheTOE checks whether the attribute of the PPP connection inputted by the administrator overlaps with an attribute of an existing interface. If the attributedoes notoverlap, the TOE will create a newPPPinterfacebasedontheattributeinputtedbythe administrator and will add PPP interface information set by the administrator to the configuration data. If the administrator requests to modify or delete a certain PPP interface, the TOE will modify or delete the corresponding interfacesintheconfigurationdata. StaticRoutingManagement(FMT_RoutingManage) The TOE provides functions for the administrator to add, modify, delete or search the current routing table, network address, gateway, interface, and device information. To add a static routing table, the administrator inputs address (network/host) and gateway information and this information is applied to the TOE system. The TOE can search and deletethestaticroutingtablesaddedbytheadministrator. ARPManagement(FMT_ARP) The TOE provides functions to add, modify, or delete ARP address information cached in the ARP memory address tablethroughtheadministratorinterface. DHCPManagement(FMT_DHCP) The TOE provides functions to add, modify, or delete attributes of the DHCP server such as IP lease duration, IP assignment scope, and subnet through the administrator interface to provide automatic IP assignment (DHCP) function foraninternaluser. Security Target 107 HostDNSSetting(FMT_HostDNSSet) The TOE provides functions to set, modify, delete, or search hostnameson thenetwork. Theadministratorcandefinea unique name (less than 255 alphanumeric digits) on the network, and the administrator can initialize domain information withanewhostnameandhostinformation. The TOE provides functions to set, modify, delete, or searchthename servers (DNS) that are used by the security policy and audit record functions to search network address information. The administrator can add three name servers (DNS) asIPaddresses,andthenewinformationisimmediatelyapplied. SystemTimeSetting(FMT_TimeSet) The TOE provides a function to set the time of the TOE. In the default status, the TOE synchronizes with a reliable external NTP server for time setting. At this time, instead of an internal TOE function, an external time stamp server is usedtosecurelymanagetimesources. TheTOEalsoallowstheadministratortosetandmodifythetime. .. AuditRecordsSetting(FMT_AuditSetup) To manage all audit records which occur during the operation of the TOE, the TOE sets the audit record management policy. The administrator can set the audit record and confirm and cancel the audit record setting using provided functions. Thefollowingisinputtedforthemanagementoftheauditrecords: ƒ TOEreal-timeauditrecordsstoragesize ƒ Logpriority ƒ Warningpriority ƒ SMTPserveraddress ƒ Administratormail ƒ Mailqueue SecurityManagementSetting(FMT_AdminSetup) The TOE can set the time-out limit of the administrator session in the security management environment. The time-out limit is in minute or second units, and the default time-out limit is 10 minutes. The TOE can run each server from the basic port or a port randomly set by the administrator. A trusted administrator network is registered in advance to prevent the administrator from accessing the TOE due to a mistake in security policy. An administrator network can be setbasedontheexistingnetworkobjectandgroups. Security Target 108 FirmwareUpgrade(FMT_FirmUp) The TOE provides a firmware upgrade function for enhanced capacity of the security functions and operating system. The administrator can move the firmware to the administrator PC, and upload the corresponding image to the TOE through the security management connection (HTTPS.) The TOE checks the integrity of the uploaded image, and updates the firmware stored in flash memory. For this purpose, the administrator must receive the corresponding firmware image from the TOE provider (NexG) in a secure manner, and move it to the administrator’s PC. When uploadingtheimage,theTOEcanusetheSSLprotocolforsecuritymanagement. SystemSetting(FMT_SysSetup) The TOE provides functions to store, initialize, back up, and restore system settings such as policies and functional items for operation and execution of the security functions. Therefore, the administrator can set, modify, delete, or search systemsettingdata. Theadministratorcanset,modify,delete,orsearchthesystemsettingnecessaryforTOEoperation. IfachangeismadeintheoperationoftheTOEbytheauthorizedadministratororinthepolicyandfunctionalsetting,the change will be immediately applied in memory and saved in flash memory. The TOE can be also initialized to the factory setting. The administrator caninitializeonly thesettingwhiletheTOEisoperatingorcanselecttheInitializeand Restart option. The TOE also allows the administrator to back up all policies and settings in a single file and restore the systemusingthebackupfile. Inthisway,theTOEcanrestorethesettingsdamagedbyunexpectedfaults. TheTOEprovidesfunctionsfortheauthorizedadministratortostopandrestartthesoftwareintheSecurity Management environment. The administrator can decide whether to restart or stop the system using these functions. When the administrator executes a command to restart or stop the system, the TOE displays the confirmation message. After the administrator’sapproval,theTOEwillrestartorstopthesystem. SystemStatusManagement(FMT_SysStatus) The TOE provides functions to display the versions of the security function and the operating system. The TOE providesthefollowingversioninformation: ƒ Dedicatedoperatingsystemversionandfirmwareversion The TOE provides functions to search the running time of the system and system load (with the CPU idle time being displayedin%)amongsystemstatusinformation. Security Target 109 AuditRecordsBackup(FMT_AUBackup) The TOE allows only the authorized administrator to store and back up audit record data in permanent storage to protect the audit record trail. The audit records are stored in a dedicated database so that the audit records can be backed up and extractedintoafileusingthestandarddatabasemanagementinterface,SQL. TheTOEprovidesafunctiontorestorebackedupauditrecorddata. ConfigurationSaving(FMT_SaveConfig) “Security environmentattributes”setduringoperation aresavedin theoperatingsystemandapplied totherunningTOE. However, if the TOE is restarted, all security environment attributes will be deleted. Therefore, the administrator must save the security environment attributes in flash memory. The TOE can save security environment attributes entered duringoperationintheDB. Statistics(FMT_Statistics) The TOE creates a statistical report by processing audit record data accumulated on audit record storage media and providesareporttotheadministratorforefficientanalysis.Onlytheauthorizedadministratorcansearchthestatisticaldata, andtheTOEprovidesthefollowingtypesofauditrecordstatistics: ƒ Packetinformationbydate(Daily,Weekly,Monthly,andYearly) ƒ Totalpackets,Allowedpackets,Rejectedpackets,Datatraffic,Byservice(Port,Protocol,Type) ƒ Sessions,packets,anddatabypacketsourceordestination AdministratorPasswordChange(FMT_AdminPass) The TOE provides functions to change the password of the authorized administrator. The TOE also can set whether to usetheadministratorpasswordprovidedwiththepasswordortonewlysetanadministratorpassword. Security Target 110 InstallationWizardLaunch(FMT_Wizard) When the TOE is installed, the TOE is initialized and the administrator must be allowed to access the TOE through the security management screen. For this purpose, the TOE provides a minimum level security management setting throughtheconsole(RS-232C)port. AuditRecordsPolicySetting(FMT_LogServerPolicy) The TOE provides functions to selectively include or exclude the audit target events based on the audit record event type and the level in compliance with the audit record management security policy set by the administrator. All security function-related operations and processing of VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W have a few options in relation to the generation of audit records. Most of all, VForce 1700 V1.0 S/W generates audit records based on the selective audit record priority. Theprioritiesoftheauditrecordsareasfollows: ƒ Eightstages:Emergency>Alert>Critical>Error>Warning>Notice>Information>Debugging ƒ Higherauditrecordprioritylevelincludeslowerlevels. ƒ Audit records only for audit target events higher than the priority selected by the administrator. will be created. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FMT_MOF.1 ƒ FMT_MSA.1 ƒ FMT_MSA.2 ƒ FMT_MSA.3 ƒ FMT_MTD.1(1) ƒ FMT_MTD.1(2) ƒ FMT_MTD.1(3) ƒ FMT_MTD.1(4) ƒ FMT_MTD.1(5) ƒ FMT_MTD.1(6) ƒ FMT_MTD.2 ƒ FMT_MTD.3 ƒ FMT_SMR.1 ƒ FMT_SMF.1 ƒ FIA_ATD.1 ƒ FPT_STM.1 Security Target 111 6.2.6 TSF Protection (FPT) AbstractMachineTest(FPT_ABTest) FPT_ABTest.1 The TOE conducts a test to check whether each hardware element of the TSF implementation are normally operable upon initial start, every 24 hours during operation, or upon the request of the administrator. The TOE checks the gateway status of the interface it uses. If the gateway is down, the TOE will update the corresponding routing table. In other words, if the gateway of an interface is down,theTOEwillimmediately deletethecorresponding routing table. When the TOE detects a message in the kernel while checking interfaces, it will immediately update the correspondingroutingtable. TheDPDtestdescribedearlierisincludedintheabstractmachinetest. IntegrityChecking(FPT_Integrity) FPT_Integrity.1 The TOE tests processes that use security functions. If a process is terminated without authorization, the TOE will create audit records (and will send mail to the administration, if necessary) and restart the corresponding process. To monitor whether an unauthorized user forges or alters files, the TOE provides an integrity function. The integrity function targets the TSF data and the TSF execution codes. For the TSF data, the TOE compares the result of the integrity test with the result of the previous test. The TSF execution codes are not changeable. The TOE conducts integrity tests on the (execution) files composing processes and important files of the OS. If an integrity error is found, the TOE will take measures as in the abstract machine test describe above to inform the authorized administrator and to storeauditrecords. TheTOEconductsanintegritytestforthefollowing: ƒ Atstartup ƒ Upontherequestoftheauthorizedadministratorthroughsecuritymanagementfunctions ƒ Everycycledefinedbytheadministrator FPT_Integrity conforms to SOF-high for the hash function specified in the Common Criteria for the Information ProtectionSystem(Notice2005-25bytheMinistryofInformationandCommunication)[1]. ƒ FPT_AMT.1 ƒ FPT_TST.1 ƒ FPT_TST.2 ƒ FPT_RPL.1 Security Target 112 6.2.7 TOE Access (FTA) SessionKill(FTA_SessionKill) FTA_SessionKill.1 A general user is authenticated by the corresponding protocol (HTTP or SOCKS 5) through the proxy and accesses the final destination server. If no traffic data is created after the user accesses the server, the corresponding session will be terminated. After the session is terminated, the TOE informs the server and the client of this and deletes the session from the session list. If the user requestsservertoaccessagain,theTOEwillauthenticatethe userthroughtheHTTPorSOCKS5andrecognizetheuser’saccesstothedestinationserverasanewsession. SessionLocking(FTA_SessionLock) FTA_SessionLock.1 All administrators and general users who are accessing the TSF of the TOE shall prove that they have proper authority through the identification and authentication processes. If no data is transmitted between the administrator’s browser and the TOE, the TOE will lock the session. In other words, the session will be maintained (with the SSL authentication token and the security management page being saved,) and the administrator will be requiredtoinputanIDandpassword(withtheSSLauthenticationtokenmaintained)toaccessthepreviouspage. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FTA_SSL.1 ƒ FTA_SSL.3 Security Target 113 6.2.8 Trusted Path/Channel (FTP) TrustedChannel(FTP_AdminTrusted) FTP_AdminTrusted.1 This is for secure information transmission. When the administrator directly accesses the TOE for securitymanagement, theTOEprovidesan HTTPS(GUI)-basedsecurecommunicationpath fortheprotection oftheconsoleandthenetwork.HTTPSisaNetscapewebprotocolinstalledinthebrowserthatencodesanddecodesthe user page request at the SSL sub layer under the HTTP. The TOE uses the Open SSL cryptographic toolkit to support SSLprotocolnetworkcommunication. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FTP_ITC.1 Security Target 114 6.2.9 Privacy (FPR) TOEStatusView(FPR_Status) Upon the request of the authorized user who successfully logged in using the security management screen, the TOE will displaythefollowing: ƒ Traffic at Each Interface: Displays inbound/outbound packets, packets in Kbytes per second, and packet count per second at each Ethernet interface including any virtual IPSec interface as well as activation/deactivationstatusofeachinterface. ƒ Session: Displays the list of sessions having passed the security policy of the TOE. The list includes protocol, valid time (in second), source/destination port, ICMP type, code, TCP status, and establishment statusofeachsession. ƒ Access Control Status: Displays the number of packets and bytes that use packet-filtering, network address translation,port-forwarding,andredirectsecuritypoliciesoftheTOE. ƒ IPSec Status: Displays security tunnel (SA) information between the TOE and the communication counterpart. Security tunnel information includes local and remote VPN networks of each security tunnel, gateway address of the communication counterpart, and the number of packets having passed the correspondingsecuritytunnel. ƒ Login User: List of authorized administrators currently connected to the TOE. Displays user IDs, TTY types,standbytime,logintime,andhostIPaddresses. ƒ System Information: Displays overall TOE system information including the software version, operation time,andCPUload. SourceAddressTranslation(FPR_SNAT) FPR_SNAT.1 To overcome the lack of IP address resources of IPv4andto protectinternalusers,theTOEprovidesan network address translation function which can create private addresses. Withthisfunction, aninternaluser candisclose only public IP addresses to the external IT entity and hide the private IP addresses during the communication with an externalITentity. DestinationNetworkAddressTranslation(FPR_DNAT) FPR_DNAT.1 The TOE can also redirect a session from an public IP address to a certain internal host. When an externalIT accessesan internal privatehost,theTOEhidesthe networkinformationoftheprivatehosttotheoutsideand Security Target 115 connects the network IP accessible from the outside. Then, an externalItentity can accessthe network through ashared IPwithoutdirectconnectiontothenetwork. Redirecting(FPR_Redirect) FPR_Redirect.1 The TOE changes destination network information (IP and port) and redirects to a destination set by the administrator. The TOE can redirect some incoming and outgoing packets using the protocols (HTTP, FTP, and TELNET) that the proxy supports and require them to pass the proxy. The TOE can also redirect access to the destinationwithoutchangingthenetworkinformationofthehostthattheTOEprotects. SecurityFunctionalRequirements(SFR)Mapping: ƒ FDP_IFC.2(3) ƒ FDP_IFF.1(4) ƒ FPR_UNO.4 Security Target 116 7 Protection Profile Claims This chapter provides correspondence between the TOE and [FW_PP_V1.1] and between the Security Target and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. 7.1 Protection Profile Reference The TOE and the Security Target have been prepared based on [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1] , and the product has been designed to meet all Security Functional Requirements and assurance requirements specified in the protection profile. 7.2 Protection Profile Tailoring 7.2.1 [FW_PP_V1.1] Tailoring The following shows the Security Functional Requirements of the Common Criteria for the Information Protection Systemtailoredby[FW_PP_V1.1]: [Table 7-1] Security Functional Requirements Tailored in [FW_PP_V1.1] Functional Component Description FAU_ARP.1 Security alarm FAU_GEN.1 Audit data creation FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit FAU_STG.3 Response to predicted audit data loss FAU_STG.4 Prevention of loss of audit data FDP_ACC.2 Complete access control FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute-based access Security Target 117 control FDP_IFC.2 complete information flow control FDP_IFF.1 Single-layer security attribute FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling FIA_ATD.1 User attribute management FIA_SOS.1 Secret verification FIA_UAU.1 Authentication FIA_UAU.4 Replay prevention authentication mechanism FIA_UAU.7 Authentication feedback protection FMT_MOF.1 Security function management FMT_MSA.1 Security attribute management FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FMT_MTD.1 TSF data management FMT_AMT.1 Abstract machine test FTP_TST.1 TSF self-test FPT_TST.2(Extension) Response to TSF data integrity fault (Extension) FTA_SSL.1 Session locking by TSF FTA_SSL.3 Session termination by TSF Security Target 118 7.2.2 [VPN_PP_V1.1] Tailoring The following shows the Security Functional Requirements tailored to the Common Criteria for the Information ProtectionSystemby[VPN_PP_V1.1]: [Table 7-2] Security Functional Requirements Tailored by [VPN_PP_V1.1] Functional Component Description FAU_ARP.1 Security Alarm FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis FAU_SAR.3 Selectable audit review FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit FAU_STG.3 Response expected loss of audit data FAU_STG.4 Prevention of loss of audit data FDP_IFC.1 Subset Information Flow Control FDP_IFF.1 Single-layer security attribute FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_SOS.1 Verification of confidential information FIA_UAU.4 Replay prevention authentication mechanism FIA_UAU.7 Authentication feedback protection FMT_MOF.1 Security function management FMT_MSA.1 Security attribute management FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FPT_AMT.1 Abstract machine test FPT_PRL.1 Replay attack detection and measure FPT_TST.1 TSF self-test FPT_TST.2(Extension) Response to TSF data integrity fault FTA_SSL.1 Session locking by TSF FTP_ITC.1 Trusted channel between TSFs Security Target 119 7.3 Protection Profile Augmentation 7.3.1 Security Requirements Augmentation for Protection Profile TosupportadditionalsecurityfunctionsoftheTOEbesidestherequirementsspecifiedintheprotectionprofile,theauthor addedthefollowingsecurityfunctionalrequirements: [Table 7-3] Author-augmented SFR Functional Component Description FMT_SMF.1 Management function specification FPT_UNO.4 Authorized user observability 7.3.2 Protection Profile Threats and Purpose Augmentation Besides the security threats and objectives specified in the security target, the author added the following security threats andsecurityobjectives: [Table 7-4] Author-augmented Threats and Security Objectives Functional Component Description T. Privacy If an internal network IP address is disclosed to a non-trusted network IP address, an unauthorized attacker may predict the internal network and access the network without permission. O. Privacy The TOE shall prevent an external user from predicting the IP of an internal user. OE. Trusted Server For the functions of the TOE, the following servers located outside the TOE shall be protected: Network Time Protocol (NTP) and the remote security management system. OE. Trusted Channel For secure communication between the TOE and the administrator, the TOE shall provide a function that will protect channels and certificates using the OpenSSL protocol. Security Target 120 OE. Trusted Storage To ensure safe maintenance and management of the storage where the TOE- audit records are stored, trusted storage shall be provided and this storage shall provide SQL-Lite, a database management system. Security Target 121 8 Rationale This chapter provides the rationale for proving the completeness and theconsistency ofthe security target. Therationale coversthefollowing: ƒ Securityobjectives ƒ Securityrequirements ƒ TOEsummaryspecification ƒ Securityfunctionalrequirementsdependency ƒ Internalconsistencyofthesecuritytarget 8.1 Security Objectives Rationale 8.1.1 Security Objectives Rationale for TOE Security Function Purpose Same as Those in Protection Profile [Table 8-1] Security Objective Rationale Same as [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1] Security Objective Description O. Audit This security objective provides means for the TOE to store, maintain, and review the security-related events in a detailed and accurate manner. This security objective is necessary for handling T. Misuse and T. Recording Failure and supporting P. Audit in the organizational security policies. O. Flaw Code Inspection The security objective ensures that flaw codes that might exist in the code by the developer are detected. This security objective is necessary for responding to T. Flaw Code. O. Management This security objective provides means for the authorized administrator to securely manage the TOE. This security objective is necessary for supporting P. Trusted Management. O. Data Protection This security objective ensures the integrity of TSF data. This security objective is necessary for ensuring T. Transmission Integrity, handling T. Stored Data Damage, and supporting P. Confidentiality and P. Cryptograph. Security Target 122 O. Confidentiality This security objective ensures confidentially of data transmitted by the TOE on the network. This security objective is necessary for supporting T. Cryptograph Decoding, P. Confidentiality and P. Cryptograph. O. Identification and Authentication This security objective ensures that the TOE can identify and authenticate users. This security objective is necessary for responding to T. Impersonation, T. Continued Authentication Attempt, T. Bypassing, T. Replay attack, T. Stored Data Damage, T. IP Address Spoofing and T. Misuse. O. Self-protection Because the TOE has a self-protection function, this security objective is necessary for responding to T. New Attack, T. Bypassing, T. Misuse, and T. Stored Data Damage. O. Access control Because the TOE controls access to the network, this security objective is necessary for responding to T. Unauthorized Information Outflow, T. Bypassing, T. IP Address Spoofing and T. Unauthorized Information Inflow. O. Information Flow Control Because the TOE ensures mediation of information flow based on the security policy, this security objective is necessary for responding to T. Unauthorized Information Inflow and T. Unauthorized Information Outflow. O. Information Flow Mediation Because the TOE ensures mediation of information flow based on the security policy, this security objective is necessary for supporting P. Confidentiality and P. Plain Text Transmission. O. Key Security Because the TOE provides confidentiality and integrity of the cryptographic keys and ensures proper key exchanges, this security objective is necessary for supporting T. Cryptographic Decoding, T. Transmission Integrity, P. Confidentiality, and P. Cryptograph. Security Target 123 8.1.2 Security Objectives Rationale for Environment Same as Protection Profile [Table 8-3] Security Objective Rationale for Environment Same as Protection Profile Security Objective Description OE. Physical Security OE. Physical Security ensures physical security of the TOE so it is necessary for supporting A. Physical Security. OE. Security Maintenance When there is a change in network environment due to a network configuration change or increase/decrease of hosts or services, OE. Maintenance ensures that the new environment and the new security policy are immediately applied to the TOE operation policy for consistent security levels. Therefore, OE. Maintenance is necessary for supporting A. Security Maintenance and responding to T. New Attack. OE. Trusted Administrator OE. Trusted Administrator ensures that the authorized administrator of the TOE is reliable so it is necessary for supporting A. Trusted Administrator and responding to T. Misuse, TE. Poor Management and TE. Delivery and Installation. OE. Trusted Management OE. Trusted Management ensures that the TOE is delivered and installed in a secure way and configured and managed by the authorized administrator so it is necessary for responding to T. New Attack, TE. Poor Management, and TE. Delivery and Installation and supporting P. Trusted Management. OE. Security Policy This security objective ensures that the TOE and an authenticated TOE that communicates with the TOE execute compatible security policies so it is necessary for supporting Assumptions A. Security Policy. OE. Operating System Reinforcement This security objective eliminates unnecessary services or means for the operation of the TOE, reinforces the vulnerabilities in the operating system, and support safety and reliability of the operating system. It is necessary for supporting Assumption A. Operating System Reinforcement and responding to T. New Attack. OE. Single Point of Connection This security objective ensures that all external networks communicate with the internal network through the TOE so it is necessary for supporting Assumption A. Single Point of Connection. ※ OE.AttackerLevelhasbeenchangedtoThreatinAssumptionsandnotincludedinthistable. Security Target 124 [Table 8-4] Relation between the Security Environment and Security Objective TOE Security Objective Security Objective for Environment Security Objective Security Environment O. Impersonation O. Flaw Code Inspection O. Management O. Data Protection O. Identification and Authentication O. Self-protection of Functions O. Access Control O. Information Flow Control O. Confidentiality O. Key Protection O. Information Flow Mediation OE. Physical Security OE. Security Management OE. Trusted Administrator OE. Safe Management OE.Operating System Reinforcement OE. Single Point of Connection OE. security policy T. Impersonation X T. Flaw Code X T. Record Flaw X T. Abuse X X X X T. Decoding X X T. Continued Authentication Attempts X T. Bypassing X X X T. Replay Attack X T. Stored Data Damage X X X T. Transmission Integrity X X T. Unauthorized Information Inflow X X T. Unauthorized Information Disclosure X X T. New Attack X X X X X T. IP Address Spoofing X X P. Audit X P. Confidentiality X X X X P. Trusted Management X X P. Cryptographic X X X P. Plain Test Transmission X A. Physical Security X A. security policy X A. Security Maintenance X X A. Trusted Administrator X A. Operating System Reinforcement X A. Single Point of Connection X TE. Poor Management X X TE. Delivery and Installation X X ※ A.Attacker’slevelandOE.AttackerLevelhasbeenchangedtoThreatinAssumptionsandnotincludedinthistable. Security Target 125 8.1.3 Author Augmented Security Objectives Rationale [Table 8-4] Author-augmented Security Objective Rationale Security Target Description O. Privacy This security objective shall prevent an external user from predicting the IP of an internal user. This security objective responds to Threat T. Privacy. OE. Trusted Server This security objective ensures that external servers interacting with the TOE are reliable so it is necessary for supporting Assumption A. Trusted Server. OE. Trusted Channel This security objective ensures a trusted channel for the communication between the TOE and the administrator so it is necessary for supporting A. Trusted Channel. For safe channel provision and certificate management, OpenSSL protocol is used. OE. Trusted Storage This security objective ensures that the storage where TOE-related audit records are stored is maintained and managed in a secure way. This security objective is necessary for supporting A. Trusted Storage. The storage provides a relational database, SQL-Lite. [Table 8-5] Relations between Augmented Security Objective Rationale and Security Environment TOE Security Objective Security Objective Security Environment O. Privacy OE. Trusted Server OE. Trusted Channel OE. Trusted Storage T. Privacy X A. Trusted Server X A. Trusted Channel X A. Trusted Storage X Security Target 126 8.2 Rationale for Security functional requirements 8.2.1 Rationale for Security functional requirements Same as Those in Protection Profile O.FlawCodeInspectioniscoveredbytheassurancerequirements. FAU_ARP.1 SecurityAlarm The TOE provides functions that take measures against identified security breaches. Therefore, the TOE conforms to therequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_GEN.1 AuditDataGeneration The TOE provides functions to define audit target events and generate audit records. Therefore, the TOE conforms to therequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_SAA.1 PotentialViolationAnalysis The TOE provides functions to inspect audited events and identify security breaches. Therefore, the TOE conforms to therequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_SAR.1 AuditReview The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to review the audit records. Therefore, the TOE conforms totherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_SAR.3 SelectableAuditReview The TOE provides functions to search and sort audit record data. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_SEL.1 SelectiveAudit The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to include or selectively apply the audit target events based on the security attribute. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Audit of [FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_STG.1 AuditTrailProtection Security Target 127 The TOE provides functions to protect audit records from being changedordeleted by anunauthorized user. Therefore, theTOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_STG.3 ResponsetoPredictedAuditDataLoss The TOE provides functions for the administrator to take predefined actions when the audit trail crosses the threshold. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Audit of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FAU_STG.4 PreventionofLossofAuditData TheTOEprovides functions forthe administratorto takepredefinedactionswhenauditrecordstorageisfull. Therefore, theTOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FCS_CKM.1 CryptographicKeyCreation The TOE provides functions to create cryptographic keys based on the cryptographic key creation algorithm and the defined cryptographic key length. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objectives O. Confidentiality,O.DataProtection,andO.KeySecurityof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FCS_CKM.2 CryptographicKeyDistribution The TOE provides functions to distribute cryptographic keys according to the cryptographic key distribution method. Therefore,theTOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectivesO.Confidentiality,O.DataProtection, andO.KeySecurityof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FCS_CKM.4 CryptographicKeyDestruction The TOE provides functions to destroy the cryptographic keys according to the cryptographic key destruction method. Therefore,theTOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectivesO.Confidentiality,O.DataProtection, andO.KeySecurityof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FCS_COP.1 CryptographicOperation The TOE provides functions to perform cryptographic operations according to the cryptographic algorithm and the predefined cryptographic key length. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objectives O.ConfidentialityandO.DataProtectionof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FDP_ACC.2 CompleteAccessControl The TOE provides functions to secure complete access control for all traffic passing the TOE in compliance with the administrator-set security policy. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objectives O. DataProtectionandO.AccessControlof[FW_PP_V1.1]. Security Target 128 FDP_ACF.1 SecurityAttribute-basedAccessControl The TOE provides functions to allow access control based on the security attribute in compliance with the administrator- defined access control security policy. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security ObjectivesO.DataProtectionandO.AccessControlof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FDP_DAU.1 BasicDataAuthentication The TOE provides subjects to verify evidence creation capacity and evidence to guarantee the integrity of the data transmitted to/from the TOE. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security ObjectiveO. Data Protectionof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FDP_IFC.1 SubsetInformationFlowControl The TOE ensures that the information flow of the data transmitted to/from the TOE is controlled according to the VPN security policy. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Information Flow Mediationof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FDP_IFC.2(1) CompleteInformationFlowControl The TOE provides functions to completely control information flow of all traffic passing through the TOE based on the packet-filtering security policy defined by the administrator. Therefore,the TOE conforms totherequirements specified inSecurityObjectiveO.InformationflowControlof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FDP_IFC.2(2) CompleteInformationFlowControl The TOE provides functions to completely control information flow of all traffic passing through the TOE based on the proxy security policy defined by the administrator. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in SecurityObjectiveO.InformationFlowControlof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FDP_IFF.1(1) Single-layerSecurityAttribute The TOE provides functions to define and apply the VPN security policy which controls information flow based on the security attribute. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Information FlowMediationof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FDP_IFF.1(2) Single-layerSecurityAttribute The TOE provides functions to define and apply the packet-filtering security policy which controls information flow based on the security attribute. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. InformationFlowControlof[FW_PP_V1.1]. Security Target 129 FDP_IFF.1(3) Single-layerSecurityAttribute The TOE provides functions to define and apply the proxy security policy which controls information flow based on the security attribute. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Information FlowControlof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FIA_AFL.1 AuthenticationFailureHandling The TOE provides functions to define the user authentication failure threshold and takes predefined actions when the threshold is crossed. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Identification andAuthenticationof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FIA_ATD.1 UserAttributeDefinition The TOE provides functions to define the security attribute list for each user. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Identification and Authentication of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FIA_SOS.1 VerificationofConfidentialInformation The TOE provides functions to impose compliance with the password collationrulesetby thepassword. Therefore,the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Identification and Authentication of [FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FIA_UAU.2 UserAuthenticationPriortoEveryBehavior The TOE provides functions to successfully authenticate authorized administrator and users. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objectives O. Management, O. Data Protection, O. Identification and Authenticationof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FIA_UAU.4 ReplayPreventionAuthenticationmechanism The TOE provides functions to prevent replay of the authentication data. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Identification and Authentication of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FIA_UAU.7 AuthenticationFeedbackProtection TheTOEprovidesaresponsethatcontainsminimuminformationfortheuserbeforeorduringtheauthenticationprocess. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Identification and Authentication of [FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. Security Target 130 FIA_UID.2 UserIdentificationPriortoEveryBehavior The TOE guarantees successful identification of the authorized administrator and the user. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objectives O. Management, O. Data Protection, O. Identification and Authenticationof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MOF.1 SecurityFunctionManagement The TOE provides functions that allow only the authorized administrator to manage security functions. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Management of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MSA.1 SecurityAttributeManagement The TOE provides functions that allow only the authorized administrator to manage security attributes. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Management of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MSA.2 TrustedSecurityAttribute TheTOEallowsonly valueswithinthedefined rangetobeinputtedassecurityattributes. Therefore,theTOEconforms totherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Self-protectionof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MSA.3 StaticAttributeInitialization The TOE guarantees management of the security attributes which are applied to the administrator security policy, the VPN security policy, the packet-filtering security policy, and the proxy security policy. Therefore, the TOEconforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Management of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1] and Security ObjectiveO.InformationFlowMediationof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.1(1) TSFDataManagement The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to create statistics from the audit data. Therefore, the TOE conformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.1(2) TSFDataManagement The TOE provides functions to back up and restore important files composing the TOE. Therefore, the TOE conforms totherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Managementof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.1(3) TSFDataManagement The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to manage the administrator security policy, VPN security policy, packet-filtering security policy, and proxy security policy. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Managementof[FW_PP_V1.1]. Security Target 131 FMT_MTD.1(4) TSFDataManagement The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to manage cryptographic key attributes. Therefore, the TOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Managementof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.1(5) TSFDataManagement The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to manage identification and authentication data. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Management of [FW_PP_V1.1] and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.1(6) TSFDataManagement The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to manage TOE time data. Therefore, the TOE conforms totherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Managementof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.2 TSFDataThresholdManagement The TOE provides functions for the authorized administrator to manage TSF data thresholds and to take actions predefined by the administrator when the threshold is crossed. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Managementof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_MTD.3 TrustedTSFData TheTOEallowsonly valueswithinthedefined rangetobeinputtedassecurityattributes. Therefore,theTOEconforms totherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Self-protectionof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FMT_SMR.1 SecurityRole The TOE provides functions to define and apply security roles of all users including the administrators. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Management of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_AMT.1 AbstractMachineTest The TOE provides the abstract machine test function to check whether all functions of the TOE including the TSF are normally operating. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objective O. Data Protectionof[VPN_PP_V1.1]andSecurityObjectiveO.Self-protectionof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_RPL.1 ReplayAttackDetectionandMeasures The TOE provides functions to detect and auditreplay ofuserorVPNgatewayauthenticationdata. Therefore,theTOE conformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.IdentificationandAuthenticationof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. Security Target 132 FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassabilityoftheTSP The TOE provides a single point of connection through which the TSP is called. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Self-protectionof[FW_PP_V1.1]and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_SEP.1 SecurityFunctionFragmentation The TOE provides functions to maintain security for the execution of the TSF. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Self-protection[FW_PP_V1.1]and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_STM.1 ReliableTimeStamp The TOE provides a reliable time stamp function for the TSF. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Auditof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_TST.1 TSFSelf-test The TOE provides self-test and integrity test functions. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in SecurityObjectivesO.DataProtectionandO.Self-protectionof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_TST.2 ResponsetoTSFDataIntegrityFault The TOE provides functions to take actions predefined by the administration upon occurrence of a TSF data integrity fault. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified inSecurity ObjectivesO.DataProtectionandO.Self- protectionof[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_SSL.1 SessionLockingbyTSF After a certain period of idle time by the authorized administrator, the TOE locks the corresponding session and requires an event before unlocking the session. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security Objectives O. Self-protection of [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1], Security Objective O. Identification and Authenticationof[FW_PP_V1.1],andSecurityObjectiveO.DataProtectionof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPT_SSL.3 SessionTerminationbyTSF The TOE provides functions to terminate the session after a general user remains idle for a certain period of time. Therefore,theTOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinSecurityObjectiveO.Self-protectionof[FW_PP_V1.1]. FTP_ITC.1 TrustedChannelbetweenTSFs The TOE provides functions to securely manage the channel while the authorized administrator is accessing the security management environment of the TOE. Therefore, the TOE conforms to the requirements specified in Security ObjectiveO.Managementof[VPN_PP_V1.1]. Security Target 133 [Table 8-6] Mapping between TOE Security Functions and Security Objectives PP [FW_PP_V1.1] [VPN_PP_V1.1] Security Target Security Function Requirements O Audit O Management O Data Protection O Identification and Authentication O Self-protection of Functions O Access Control O Information Flow Control O Audit O Management O Data Protection O Confidentiality O Identification and Authentication O Self-protection of Functions O Information Flow Mediation O Key Security FAU_ARP.1 X X FAU_GEN.1 X X FAU_SAA.1 X X FAU_SAR.1 X X FAU_SAR.3 X X FAU_SEL.1 X X FAU_STG.1 X X FAU_STG.3 X X FAU_STG.4 X X FCS_CKM.1 X X X FCS_CKM.2 X X X FCS_CKM.4 X X X FCS_COP.1 X X FDP_ACC.1 X X FDP_ACF.1 X X FDP_DAU.1 X FDP_IFC.1 X FDP_IFC.2(1) X FDP_IFC.2(2) X FDP_IFF.1(1) X FDP_IFF.1(2) X FDP_IFF.1(3) X FIA_AFL.1 X X FIA_ATD.1 X X FIA_SOS.1 X X FIA_UAU.2 X X X X X X FIA_UAU.4 X X FIA_UAU.7 X X FIA_UID.2 X X X X X X FMT_MOF.1 X X FMT_MSA.1 X X FMT_MSA.2 X X X FMT_MSA.3 X X X FMT_MTD.1(1) X X FMT_MTD.1(2) X FMT_MTD.1(3) X FMT_MTD.1(4) X FMT_MTD.1(5) X X FMT_MTD.1(6) X X FMT_MTD.2 X X FMT_MTD.3 X X FMT_SMR.1 X X FPT_AMT.1 X X X FPT_RPL.1 X FPT_RVM.1 X X FPT_SEP.1 X X FPT_STM.1 X X FPT_TST.1 X X X X FPT_TST.2 X X X X FTA_SSL.1 X X X X FTA_SSL.3 X FTP_ITC.1 X Security Target 134 8.2.2 Author-augmented Rationale for Security functional requirements FMT_SMF.1 ManagementFunctionSpecification TheTOEensuresthatitprovides allrequired security managementfunctions,andmeetstherequirementsspecifiedin O. ManagementofSecurityObjectivein[FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. FPR_UNO.4 AuthorizedUserObservability The TOE ensures that the authorized administrator can check TOE resources and process status for the purpose of managing the TOE. The TOE meets the requirements specified in O. Management in Security Objective in [FW_PP_V1.1]and[VPN_PP_V1.1]. [Table 8-7] Rationale for Author-augmented Security functional requirements Security Target Security Function Requirements O. Management * FMT_SMF.1 X FPR_PSE.1(1) FPR_PSE.1(2) FPR_UNO.4 X * - [FW_PP_V1.1], [VPN_PP_V1.1] Security Target 135 8.2.3 Rationale for IT Environment Requirements FTP_ITC.1 TrustedChannelbetweenTSFs The TOE secures the channel while the authorized administrator accesses the TOE from a remote place. The TOE meetstherequirementsspecifiedinOE.TrustedChannelofTOESecurityObjective. FPT_STM.1 Reliabletimestamp The TOE provides a reliable time stamp using a reliable external time stamp synchronization function. Therefore, the TOEconformstotherequirementsspecifiedinOE.TrustedServeroftheTOESecurityObjectiveOE. FAU_SAR.3 SelectableAuditReview Forsecuredmanagementandmaintenanceoftheauditrecords,theTOEprovidesareliableDBMS. TheTOEmeets therequirementsspecifiedinOE.TrustedStorageofTOESecurityObjective. [Table 8-8] Rationale for Author-augmented Security functional requirements Security Target for Environment Security Function Requirements OE. Trusted Channel OE. Trusted Server OE. Trusted Storage FTP_ITC.1 X FPT_STM.1 X FAU_SAR.3 X Security Target 136 8.3 Rationale for security assurance Requirements This Security Target conforms to protection profiles for government agency [FW_PP_V1.1] and [VPN_PP_V1.1]. Therefore, an assurance requirements package which satisfies EAL3+ specified in the above protection profiles has been selected, and EAL3 of the Common Criteria for the Information Protection System includes augmentation components asfollows: ƒ ADV_IMP.2ExpressionofTSFimplementations ƒ ADV_LLD.1Declarativelow-leveldesign ƒ ALC_TAT.1Well-defineddevelopmenttool ƒ ATE_DPT.2Low-leveldesignTest ƒ AVA_VLA.2IndependentVulnerabilityAnalysis SecurityObjectiveO.CollatedCodeInspectioncheckswhetherthecodewrittenbythedeveloperhasanyflaw,andifso, whether the flaw code affects internal components of the TOE. This security objective adds the assurance component ADV_IMP.2(expressionofTSFimplementation)andATE_DTP.2(low-leveldesigntest). Due to the dependency of ADV_IMP.2 (expression of TSF implementation), ADV_LLD.1 (declarative low-level design) and ALC_TAT.1 (well-defined development tool) have been augmented. AVA_VLA.2 (independent vulnerability analysis) has been also added because the protection profile requires the developer to carry out the vulnerabilityanalysisandtheevaluatortheindependentvulnerabilityanalysis. Security Target 137 8.4 Rationale for Functional Requirements SOF(Strength of Function) TheTOEofthisSecurityTargetshallprotectgeneralinformationofagovernmentagencyandtheassetvalueismedium level. A threat agent is considered to possess low-level expertise, resources, and motivations. Therefore, to respond to a threat agent with low-level attack potential, the TOE should provide security functions for SOF-medium. This Security target has been designed and prepared based on SOF-medium declared in the intrusion prevention system for governmentagency[FW_PP_V1.1]andtheVPNprotectionprofile[VPN_PP_V1.1]. The identifying value of FIA_UAU.2 and FIA_UAU.4 is 0 and the exploiting value is 21 when the security strength of FIA_UAU.2 and FIA_UAU.4 is calculated according to Table A.3 in Annex A of CEM V2.3. This mechanism can respondtolow-levelattackersandconformstotheSOF-mediumrequirementdeclaredintheSecurityTarget. From the analysis of the SHA1 algorithm hash function SOF which is used to protect the integrity of the stored data and tocreatetheOTP,the exploiting valuehasbeen foundimpractical. ThismechanismconformstothedeclaredSOF-high requirement. Security Target 138 8.5 Rationale for TOE Summary Some security function of the TOE shall operate together to satisfy TOE security functional requirements. The followingtableshowsthatallsecurityfunctionsaremappedwithallSFRs: [Table 8-9] Mapping between SFRs and Security Functions Security Function Summary Security functional requirements Security alarm (FAU_Alarm) FAU_ARP.1 FAU_SAA.1 Audit records generation (FAU_Audit) FAU_GEN.1 FAU_SEL.1 Audit records search (FAU_View) FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SAR.3 Prevention of loss of audit records (FAU_Prevent) FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.3 FAU_STG.4 ESP support (FCS_ESP) AH support (FCS_AH) FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic key management (FCS_IKE) FCS_CKM.1 FCS_CKM.2 , FPT_RPL.1 Key drop management (FCS_KEYDEST) FCS_CKM.4 Administrator access control (FDP_AdminNetwork) FDP_ACC.2 FDP_ACF.1 , FPT_RVM.1 , FPT_SEP.1 Encrypted data transmission (FDP_VPN) FDP_DAU.1 FDP_IFC.1,FDP_IFF.1(1) , FPT_RVM.1 , FPT_SEP.1 Packet-filtering (FDP_PacketFiltering) Network intrusion detection (FDP_NID) FDP_IFC.2(1) FDP_IFF.1(2), FPT_RVM.1 , FPT_SEP.1 Proxy (FDP_Proxy) FDP_IFC.2(2), FDP_IFF.1(3),FPT_RVM.1 , FPT_SEP.1 Authentication failure handling (FIA_IAFailure) FIA_AFL.1 General cryptographic authentication (FIA_PwdAuth) FIA_UAU.2 FIA_UAU.7 FIA_UID.2 FIA_SOS.1 Security Target 139 One-time password authentication (FIA_OTPAuth) FIA_UAU.4 User password change (FIA_UPWDSet) FIA_UAU.2 , FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UAU.7 Strength of identification and authentication security (FIA_SoF) FIA_SOS.1 Security object management (FMT_Object) FMT_MTD.1(4),FMT_MTD.1(5), FMT_MTD.3,FIA_ATD.1 Security policy management (FMT_Policy) FMT_MTD.1(3),FMT_MSA.3, FMT_MTD.3 Network interface management (FMT_NICManage) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 , FMT_MSA.2 FMT_MTD.1(3) PPP interface management (FMT_PPPManage) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2 FMT_MTD.1(3) Static routing management (FMT_RoutingManage) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2 FMT_MTD.1(3) ARP management (FMT_ARP) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2 DHCP management (FMT_DHCP) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2 Host name DNS setting (FMT_HostDNSSet) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 System time setup (FMT_TimeSet) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MTD.1(6), FPT_STM.1 Audit record setup (FMT_AuditSetup) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 Security management Setup (FMT_AdminSetup) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1,FMT_SMR.1 firmware upgrade (FMT_Firmup) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 System setup management (FMT_SysSetup) FMT_SMF.1 System status management (FMT_SysStatus) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 Security Target 140 Audit records backup (FMT_AuBackup) FMT_MTD.1(2), FMT_MTD.2 Setup storing (FMT_SaveConfig) FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MSA.1 Statistics (FMT_Statistics) FMT_MTD.1(1) Administrator password change (FMT_AdminPass) FMT_MTD.1(5) Installation Wizard launch (FMT_Wizard) FMT_MOF.1 Audit record policy setting (FMT_LogServerPolicy) FMT_MTD.1(3), FMT_MTD.2 Abstract machine test (FPT_ABTest) FPT_AMT.1 Integrity check (FPT_Integrity) FPT_TST.1 FPT_TST.2 Session locking (FTA_SessionLock) FTA_SSL.1 Session termination (FTA_SessionKill) FTA_SSL.3 Trusted channel (FTP_AdminTrusted) FTP_ITC.1 Source address conversion (FPR_SNAT) FDP_IFC.2(3), FDP_IFF.1(4) Destination address conversion (FPR_DNAT) Path redirection (FPR_Redirect) FDP_IFC.2(3), FDP_IFF.1(4) TOE status Checking (FPR_Status) FPR_UNO.4 Security Target 141 8.5.1 FAU_ARP.1–FAU_Alarm TheTOEsendsalarmstoanadministratorthroughe-mailormessageboxwhenitdetectsanevent. 8.5.2 FAU_GEN.1–FAU_Audit TheTOEgeneratesauditdataforalleventsoccurringintheTOE. Theauditdatahaseightphases:Emergency>Alert> Critical>Error>Warning>Notice>Information>Debugging. 8.5.3 FAU_SAA.1-FAU_Alarm When an event predefined by the administrator or an event that requires audit records, occurs, the TOE will warn the administratorbysendingane-mailordisplayingamessagebox. 8.5.4 FAU_SEL.1–FAU_Audit Dependingonthesecuritypolicysetbytheadministrator,theTOEcanselectivelygenerateauditrecords. 8.5.5 FAU_SAR.1–FAU_View The TOE allows the administrator to analyze audit records for traffic in real time and search the security accumulated securityauditrecordsintheextendedauditrecordanalysisenvironment. 8.5.6 FAU_SAR.3-FAU_View TheTOEallowstheadministratortoselectivelysearchauditrecordsbydefiningsearchconditions. 8.5.7 FAU_STG.1-FAU_Prevent TheTOEallowstheadministratortostoreauditrecordsbysystem,date,andtype. 8.5.8 FAU_STG.3-FAU_Prevent The TOE checks the remaining audit data space. When the remaining space crosses the threshold, the TOE generates alarms,stopssecurityfunctions,ortakesothermeasurestopreventthelossofauditrecords. 8.5.9 FAU_STG.4-FAU_Prevent Whentheauditstoragebecomesfull,theTOEinformstheadministratorbysendingane-mailoropeningamessagebox. 8.5.10 FCS_COP.1–FCS_ESP,FCS_AH When the TOE establishes encrypted communication with the VPN gateway, the TOE uses the cryptographic hash algorithmspecifiedbythegovernmentagencyorastandardalgorithmdefinedbytheRFC. 8.5.11 FCS_CKM.1–FCS_IKE Security Target 142 TheTOEgeneratescryptographickeysusingoneofthealgorithmsspecifiedbythegovernmentagency. 8.5.12 FCS_CKM.2-FCS_IKE The TOE implements an IKE daemon at the application layer and distributes cryptographic keys in a standardized way specifiedintheIETF. 8.5.13 FCS_CKM.4-FCS_KEYDEST TheTOEdestroyscryptographickeysinasecurewaybysettingparametersimportantforsecurityas0. 8.5.14 FDP_ACC.2–FDP_AdminNetwork The TOE controls administrator access by packet source or destination through the use of the administrator security policy. 8.5.15 FDP_ACF.1-FDP_AdminNetwork The TOEprovidesan access control function accordingto theadministrator access control security that the administrator predefinedbasedonthesecurityattribute. 8.5.16 FDP_DAU.1–FDP_VPN When the TOE establishes encrypted communication with the VPN gateway, the TOE applies the integrity algorithm to all packets carrying data. For the communication channels with the administrator’s security management interface, the TOEappliestheintegrityalgorithm. 8.5.17 FDP_IFC.1SubsetInformationFlowControl–FDP_VPN TheTOEcontrolstheflowofinformationtransmittedto/fromtheTOEaccordingtotheVPNsecuritypolicy. 8.5.18 FDP_IFC.2(1) CompleteInformationFlowControl-FDP_PacketFiltering The TOE can completely control information flow according to the packet-filtering security policy predefined by the administratortocontrolinformationflowinrelationtoalltrafficpassingthroughtheTOE. 8.5.19 FDP_IFC.2(2) CompleteInformationFlowControl–FDP_Proxy TheTOEcancompletelycontrolinformationflowaccordingtotheproxysecuritypolicypredefinedbytheadministrator tocontrolinformationflowinrelationtoalltrafficpassingthroughtheTOE. 8.5.20 FDP_IFC.2(3)CompleteInformationFlowControl-FPR_SNAT,FPR_DNAT,FPR_Redirect The TOE can completely control information flow according to the address translation security policy predefined by the administratortocontrolinformationflowinrelationtoalltrafficpassingthroughtheTOE. Security Target 143 8.5.21 FDP_IFF.1(1)Single-layerSecurityAttribute-FDP_VPN TheTOEprovidesafunctionthatcancontrolandapplytheVPNsecuritypolicytocontrolinformationflowbasedonthe securityattribute. 8.5.22 FDP_IFF.1(2)Single-layerSecurityAttribute-FDP_PacketFiltering The TOE provides a function that can control and apply the packet-filtering policy to control information flow based on thesecurityattribute. 8.5.23 FDP_IFF.1(3)Single-layersecurityattribute-FDP_Proxy The TOE provides a function that can control and apply the proxy security policy to control information flow based on thesecurityattribute. 8.5.24 FDP_IFF.1(4)Single-layersecurityattribute-FPR_SNAT,FPR_DNAT,FPR_Redirect TheTOEprovidesafunctionthatcancontrolandapplytheaddresstranslationsecuritypolicytocontrolinformationflow basedonthesecurityattribute. 8.5.25 FIA_AFL.1–FIA_IAFailure When the administrator authentication failure count crosses the threshold, the TOE will inform the administrator by generatinganalarm. 8.5.26 FIA_ATD.1–FMT_Object When a security policy is executed based on the user object, the TOE allows the administrator to define and apply the securityattributes. 8.5.27 FIA_UAU.2–FIA_PwdAuth,FIA_UPWDSet AfterauthenticatinganadministratorwhocanaccesstheTOE,theTOEappliesthesecuritypolicy. 8.5.28 FIA_UAU.4-FIA_OTPAuth TheTOEauthenticatestheadministratorusingaone-timepassword. 8.5.29 FIA_UAU.7-FIA_PwdAuth,FIA_UPWDSet Whenauthenticatinganadministratoruser,theTOEhidescryptographicdatausingspecialcharacters. 8.5.30 FIA_UID.2-FDP_PwdAuth Before the administrator or user uses a security function of the TOE, the administrator shall enter the ID so that the TOE canjudgetheadministrator’soruser’sauthority(suchasbackuporpolicychange) Security Target 144 8.5.31 FIA_SOS.1-FIA_PwdAuth,FIA_UPWDSet TheTOEappliesamechanismtotheminimumlength,collationrule,andchangecycle. 8.5.32 FMT_MOF.1 – FMT_NICManage, FMT_PPPManage, FMT_RoutingManage, FMT_ARP , FMT_DHCP, FMT_HostDNSSet, FMT_TimeSet, FMT_AuditSetup, FMT_AdminSetup, FMT_Firmup, FMT_SysStatus,FMT_SaveConfig,FMT_Wizard Only the authorized administrator can access security and management functions after passing the identification and authentication processes. Only theadministrator can useTSF functionssuchasstartingorstoppingtheTOEandchange securitypolicies. 8.5.33 FMT_MSA.1 - FMT_NICManage, FMT_PPPManage, FMT_RoutingManage, FMT_ARP , FMT_DHCP,FMT_HostDNSSet,FMT_TimeSet,FMT_AuditSetup,FMT_AdminSetup,FMT_Firmup ,FMT_SysStatus,FMT_SaveConfig The TOE provides a security management environment where only authorized administrators can manage networks, time,users,IPSecobjects,andsecuritylevels. 8.5.34 FMT_MSA.2 - FMT_NICManage, FMT_PPPManage, FMT_RoutingManage, FMT_ARP , FMT_DHCP TheTOEvalidatesthesetupdatausedintheTOEandallusersecurityattributes. 8.5.35 FMT_MSA.3–FMT_Policy Inthedefaultcase,thepacket-filteringsecuritypolicyisnotused. Instead,theproxysecuritypolicyisused. 8.5.36 FMT_MTD.1(1)–FMT_Statistics TheTOEgeneratesvarioustypesofstatisticaldatausingstoredauditdata. 8.5.37 FMT_MTD.1(2)–FMT_AuBackup TheTOEbacksuporrecoversimportantfilescomposingtheTOE. 8.5.38 FMT_MTD.1(3) -FMT_Policy The TOE allows the authorized administrator to manage administrator security policy, the VPN security policy, the packet-filteringsecuritypolicy,andtheproxysecuritypolicy. 8.5.39 FMT_MTD.1(4)-FMT_Object TheTOEallowstheauthorizedadministratortomanagecryptographickeyattributes. 8.5.40 FMT_MTD.1(5)–FMT_Object Security Target 145 TheTOEallowstheauthorizedadministratortomanageidentificationandauthenticationdata. 8.5.41 FMT_MTD.1(6)-FMT_TimeSet TheTOEallowstheauthorizedadministratortomanageTOEtime. 8.5.42 FMT_MTD.2-FMT_AuBackup,FMT_LogServerPolicy TheTOE candefinethe maximum authenticationfailure count,timeinterval, maximumnumberofusersper proxy,and thestoragecapacitythroughthesecuritymanagementinterfacesoftheconsoleorwebprovidedbytheTOE. 8.5.43 FMT_MTD.3-FMT_Object,FMT_Policy TheTOEvalidatesthesecuritypolicyandtheobjectsofthesecuritypolicysetbytheadministrator. 8.5.44 FMT_SMR.1-FMT_AdminSetup TheTOEcangiveadministratorauthoritytotheauthorizeduserandaugmentauthorities. 8.5.45 FMT_SMF.1- FM_SysSetup The TOE allows the administrator to set up the back up procedure and the network environment by providing web interfaces. 8.5.46 FPR_UNO.4–FPR_Status TheTOEassuresthattheauthorizedadministratorcanchecktheTOEresourcesandprocessstatusinordertomanagethe TOE. 8.5.47 FPT_AMT.1–FPT_ABTest The TOE detects interface-related errors upon start and during operation to maintain communication with the VPN and operationoftheVPNgateway. 8.5.48 FPT_RPL.1–FDP_VPN When the IKE daemon establishes tunnels with the VPN gateway and during communication with the VPN gateway, theTOEdetectsandrejectsthereplayattacks. 8.5.49 FPT_RVM.1-FDP_PacketFiltering,FDP_VPN TheTOEfiltersallpacketspassingtheTOE. Security Target 146 8.5.50 FPT_STM.1-FMT_TimeSet The TOE can obtain reliable time information from the NTP server or allows a trusted administrator to change the TOE time. 8.5.51 FPT_TST.1–FPT_Integrity TheTOEcheckstheintegrityoftheTSFdata(configurationandbinaryfiles)andshowstheresulttotheadministrator. 8.5.52 FPT_TST.2-FPT_Integrity When an integrity error is found in the TSF data (configuration and binary files), the TOE informs this to the administratorandgeneratesauditrecords. 8.5.53 FPT_SEP.1-FMT_UserObj,FDP_Proxy Whenexecutingthesecurityfunction,theTSFdividestheareaintoreliableandunreliable. 8.5.54 FTP_ITC.1–FPT_AdminTrusted The TOE establishes encrypted communication with a trusted product. To establish encrypted communication, the TOE supports the SSL protocol. The SSL protocol is created by the library that the Open SSL encryption toolkit provides. 8.5.55 FTA_SSL.1–FTA_SessionLock Whenanauthorizedadministratorlogsintothesecurity managementserverandremainsidleformorethanthespecified time,theTOEwilllockthesession. 8.5.56 FTA_SSL.3-FTA_SessionLock,FTA_SessionKill If the authorized administrator remains idle for a certain time set by the administrator or general user, the corresponding communication session will automatically disconnect. The administrator and general users can access the TOE when a communicationssessionisestablishedagain. Security Target 147 8.6 Compliance with TSF SOF(Strength of Function) The TOE confirmsto theSOF-medium specifiedin [FW_PP_V1.1]and [VPN_PP_V1.1]to whichthis Security Target conforms. General cryptographic operation and the one-time password method provided by the TOE all satisfy the cryptographicgradesdefinedintheprotectionprofile. Security Target 148 8.7 Compliance with TOE security Assurance Requirements TherationalefortheassurancerequirementsofEAL3+isasfollows: [Table 8-9] Assurance Measures Mapping Assurance Measures Assurance Component ID Configuration Management Delivery Documents Installation Guide Function specifications서 Basic Design Implementation Verification Specification Low-level design서 Administrator Guidance document User Guidance documentation Development Security Document Development Tool Document Function Test Document Module Test Document Vulnerability분석서 ACM_CAP.3 X ACM_SCP.1 X ADO_DEL.1 X ADO_IGS.1 X ADV_FSP.1 X ADV_HLD.2 X ADV_IMP.2 X ADV_LLD.1 X ADV_RCR.1 X X X X X AGD_ADM.1 X AGD_USR.1 X ALC_DVS.1 X ALC_TAT.1 X ATE_COV.2 X ATE_DPT.2 X ATE_FUN.1 X ATE_IND.2 X X AVA_MSU.1 X AVA_SOF.1 X AVA_VLA.2 X 8.7.1 ACM_CAP.3(ApprovalControl) To assure all changes are approved and to guarantee proper functionality and use of the configuration management system,configurationmanagementdocumentsareprovided. 8.7.2 ACM_SCP.1(TOEConfigurationManagementScope) Configuration management documents are provided to assure that all changes are approved and controlled in the configuration. Security Target 149 8.7.3 ADO_DEL.1(DeliveryProcedure) Delivery documents are provided to assure facilities and procedures that can deliver and control the TOE without any change. 8.7.4 ADO_IGS.1(Installation,Generation,andStartProcedures) To assure that the TOE is installed, generated, and started in a safe manner that the developer intended, installation guide documentsareprovided. 8.7.5 ADV_FSP.1(informalfunctionspecifications) Functional specification documents are provided to describe user interfaces, TSF operations, and the TOE security functionalrequirements. 8.7.6 ADV_HLD.2(BasicDesignSeparatingSecurityFunctionsfromNon-securityFunctions) Thebasicdesigndocumentdescribesmajorelements(sub-systems)oftheTSFandtherelationsbetweenthesub-system and the functions it provides. To assure that the TOE provides a proper structure to implement the TSF requirements, thebasicdesigndocumentisprovided. 8.7.7 ADV_IMP.2(ThesubsetoftheImplementationRepresentation) To help operators understand and analyze operations of the TSF in detail, the implementation verification specification documentsareprovided. 8.7.8 ADV_LLD.1(Declarativelow-leveldesign) Low-level design documents are provided to describe internal operations of the TSF and interactions and dependency betweenmodulesandtoensurethelow-leveldesignoftheTSFsub-systemisaccurateandeffective. 8.7.9 ADV_RCR.1(InformalCorrespondenceVerification) To ensure correspondence among various expressions of the TSF (TOE summary specification, function specification, basic design, low-level design, and implementation expression), the correspondence analysis is included in the function specification,thebasicdesign,thelow-leveldesign,andtheimplementationrepresentations. 8.7.10 AGD_ADM.1(AdministratorGuidancedocumentation) The administrator guidance documents are provided for the operation personnel so they can configure, maintain, and managetheTOEinasecuremanner. 8.7.11 AGD_USR.1(UserGuidancedocumentation) The user guidance documents are provided for TOE users and others who will use the external interfaces besides the administrator. Security Target 150 8.7.12 ALC_DVS.1(SecurityCountermeasureIdentification) The development security documents are provided to protect the TOE with physical resources, procedures, human resources,andothersecurityusersinthedevelopmentenvironment. 8.7.13 ALC_TAT.1(Well-definedDevelopmentTool) To ensure that the TOE is correctly defined and correct and accurate development tools are used for the development of theTOE,developmenttooldocumentsareprovided. 8.7.14 ATE_COV.2(TestCoverageAnalysis) To assure that the TSF is systematically tested according to the functional specifications, the function test documents are provided. 8.7.15 ATE_DPT.2(Low-levelDesignTest) ToensurethattheTSF sub-system andtheTSF module are correctly implementedin theTSF sub-system phaseand the modulephase,themoduletestdocumentsareprovided. 8.7.16 ATE_FUN.1(FunctionalTest) Toensurethatallsecurityfunctionsareexecutedasspecified,thefunctionaltestdocumentsareprovided. 8.7.17 ATE_IND.2(IndependentTest) Toensurethatthesecurityfunctionsareexecutedasspecified,thefunctionaltestdocumentsareprovided. 8.7.18 AVA_MSU.1(GuidanceDocumentationExamination) The fault analysis is included in the administrator guidance and user guidance documents to describe all functions of the guidancedocumentsandtoensurethatguidancedocumentshaveinternalconsistenceand safetyproceduresareincluded intheoperation. 8.7.19 AVA_SOF.1(EvaluationofTSFStrength) A vulnerability analysis report is provided to describe quantitative or statistical result for the security behaviors of the lowersecuritymechanismandtodeterminethestrengthofthesecuritybehaviortoadapttotheresult. 8.7.20 AVA_VLA.2(IndependentVulnerabilityAnalysis) The TOE identifies security vulnerabilities and provides a vulnerability analysis report to ensure that these vulnerabilities willnotbeintentionallymisused. Security Target 151 8.8 Rationale for Satisfaction with Dependencies 8.8.1 DependencyofSecurityFunctionalRequirements ThesecurityfunctionalrequirementsandtheassurancerequirementsusedforthepreparationoftheTOEandtheSecurity Targethavethefollowingdependencyrelationship. Thereisnoindependentcomponent. [Table 8-10] SFR Satisfaction with Dependency Component Dependency Inclusion Status FAU_ARP.1 FAU_SAA.1 Included. FAU_GEN.1 FPT_STM.1 Included. FAU_SAA.1 FAU_GEN.1 Included. FAU_SEL.1 FAU_GEN.1 FMT_MTD.1 Included. FAU_SAR.1 FAU_GEN.1 Included. FAU_SAR.3 FAU_SAR.1 None. FAU_STG.1 FAU_GEN.1 Included. FAU_STG.3 FAU_STG.1 Included. FAU_STG.4 FAU_STG.1 Included. FCS_COP.1 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.4, FMT_MSA.2 Included. FCS_CKM.1 [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_CKM.4, FMT_MSA.2 Included. FCS_CKM.2 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.4, FMT_MSA.2 Included. FCS_CKM.4 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FMT_MSA.2 Included. FDP_ACC.2(1) FDP_ACF.1 Included. FDP_ACC.2(2) FDP_ACF.1 Included. FDP_ACC.2(3) FDP_ACF.1 Included. FDP_ACF.1(1) FDP_ACC.1, FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2 Selection FDP_ACF.1(2) FDP_ACC.1, FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2 Selection FDP_ACF.1(3) FDP_ACC.1, FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACC.2 Selection FDP_DAU.1 None. None. FDP_IFC.1 FDP_IFF.1 Included. FDP_IFC.2(1) FDP_IFF.1 Included. Security Target 152 FDP_IFC.2(2) FDP_IFF.1 Included. FDP_IFC.2(3) FDP_IFF.1 Included. FDP_IFC.2(4) FDP_IFF.1 Included. FDP_IFC.2(5) FDP_IFF.1 Included. FDP_IFF.1(1) FDP_IFC.1, FMT_MSA.3 Included. FDP_IFF.1(2) FDP_IFC.1, FMT_MSA.3 Included. FDP_IFF.1(3) FDP_IFC.1, FMT_MSA.3 Included. FDP_IFF.1(4) FDP_IFC.1, FMT_MSA.3 Included. FDP_IFF.1(5) FDP_IFC.1, FMT_MSA.3 Included. FIA_AFL.1(1) FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2* FIA_AFL.1(2) FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2* FIA_ATD.1 None. None. FIA_SOS.1 None. None. FIA_UAU.2 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2** FIA_UAU.4 None. None. FIA_UAU.7 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2* FIA_UID.2 None. None. FMT_MOF.1 FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MSA.1 [FDP_ACC1 or FDP_IFC.1], FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MSA.2 ADV_SPM.1, [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1 Included. FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1 Included. FMT_MTD.1(1) FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MTD.1(2) FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MTD.1(3) FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MTD.1(4) FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MTD.1(5) FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MTD.1(6) FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 Included. FMT_MTD.2 FMT_MTD.1, FMT_SMR.1 Included. FMT_MTD.3 ADV_SPM.1, FMT_MTD.1 Included. FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2** FPT_AMT.1 None. None. FPT_RPL.1 None. None. FPT_RVM.1 None. None. Security Target 153 FPT_SEP.1 None. None. FPT_STM.1 None. None. FPT_TST.1 FPT_AMT.1 Included. FPT_TST.2 FPT_TST.1 Included. FTA_SSL.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2* FTA_SSL.3 None. None. FTP_ITC.1 None. None. *-FIA_UAU.1selectedFIA_UAU.2whichisinahierarchicalrelationshiptoconformtothedependencyrequirement. **-FIA_UID.1selectedFIA_UID.2whichisinahierarchicalrelationshiptoconfirmtothedependencyrequirement. 8.8.2 DependencyofSFRRequirementsinHierarchicalRelationship All functional components specified in this Security Target except FMT_MSA.2 and FMT_MTD.3 meet the dependency requirement. The assurance requirements EAL3+ according to the government agency profile which complies with this Security Target is considered acceptable for the TOE for the government agency. ADV_SPM.1 informalTSPmodelhasnotbeenselected. FIA_AFL.1,FIA_UAU.7,and FTA_SSL.1havingadependentrelationshipwithFIA_UAU.1andFIA_UAU.2having a hierarchical relationship with FIA_UAU.1 conform to the dependency requirement. FIA_UAU.2 and FMT_SMR.1 having a dependent relationship with FIA_UID.1 and FIA_UID.2 having a hierarchical relationship with FIA_UID.1 conformtothedependencyrequirement. Each assurance package specified in the Common Criteria for the Information Protection System conforms to the dependency requirement so the rationale for this is not included in this document. [Table 8-11] shows dependency conformation status of the augmented assurance requirements, and this Security Target specification conforms to the dependencyrequirementofallassurancerequirements. [Table 8-11] Satisfaction with Dependency of Assurance Requirements Augmented to EAL3 Component Dependency Inclusion Status ADV_IMP.2 ADV_LLD.1, ADV_RCR.1, ALC_TAT.1 Included. ADV_LLD.1 ADV_HLD.2, ADV_RCR.1 Included. ALC_TAT.1 ADV_IMP.1 Included. ATE_DPT.2 ADV_HLD.2, ADV_LLD.1, ATE_FUN.1 Included. AVA_VLA.2 ADV_FSP.1, ADV_HLD.2, ADV_IMP.1, ADV_LLD.1, AGD_ADM.1, AGD_USR.1 Included. Security Target 154 Bibliography ƒ Announcement 2005-25 by Ministry of Information and Communication, Common Criteria for the InformationProtectionSystem ƒ VPNProtectionProfileforGovernmentAgencyV1.1[VPN_PP_V1.1] ƒ FirewallProtectionProfileforGovernmentAgencyV1.1[FW_PP_V1.1] ƒ CommonCriteria(CC)V2.2FinalInterpretation,October2005 ƒ CommonEvaluationMethodologyforInformationTechnologySecurity