STQC IT Certification body A-1 INDIAN CC CERTIFICATION SCHEME (IC3S) CERTIFICATION REPORT Report Number: STQC/CC/0708/05/CR Product / system: Network Operating System Comware Ver.: 5.2 Release No. 1002 (CC) (Running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers) Dated: 31st Dec 2010 Version: 1.3 Government of India Ministry of Communication & Information Technology Department of Information Technology Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification Directorate 6. CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003 India _____________________________________________________________________________ STQC IT Certification body A-2 Product developer: H3C Technologies Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, China TOE evaluation sponsored by: Hewlett Packard India, 24, Salapuria Arena, Hosur Main Road, Adugodi, Bangalore -560030, India (Original sponsor: 3COM India Pvt.Limited, Regus, Level 15, EROS Corporate Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi -110019. Subsequently, 3COM was taken over by Hewlett Packard; hence the present sponsor is Hewlett Packard). Evaluation facility: Common Criteria Test Laboratory (CCTL), ERTL (East), DN Block, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, India. Evaluation Personnel: Tapas Bandyopadhyay Malabika Ghose Subhendu Das Evaluation report: STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Version 1.3, dated 31st th Dec, 2010 Validation Personnel: Arvind Kumar Mitali Chatterjee _____________________________________________________________________________ STQC IT Certification body A-3 CONTENTS PART A: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT AND BACKGROUND OF THE CERTIFICATION BODY A1 Certification Statement A2 About the Certification Body A3 Specifications of the Certification Procedure A4 Performance of Evaluation and Certification A5 Publication PART B : CERTIFICATION RESULTS B1 Executive Summary B 1.1 Introduction B 1.2 Evaluated product and TOE B 1.3 Security Claims / Security Functions B 1.4 Conduct of Evaluation B 1.5 Independence of Certifier B 1.6 Disclaimers B 1.7 Recommendations and conclusion B2 Identification of TOE B3 Security Policy / Security Functions B4 Assumptions B 4.1 Personnel Assumptions B 4.2 Physical Environmental Assumptions B 4.3 Operational assumptions B5 Architectural Information B 5.1 Architecture descriptions B 5.2 TOE subsystems B 5.3 Hardware and firmware dependencies _____________________________________________________________________________ STQC IT Certification body A-4 B 5.4 Product Interfaces B6 Evaluated configuration B7 Documentation B8 Product Testing B 8.1 IT Product Testing by Developer B 8.2 IT Product Independent Testing by Evaluation Team B 8.3 Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration Testing B 9 Evaluation Results B 10 Validator comments B 11 List of Acronyms B 12 References B 13 Appendices B13.1 Appendix 1 – List of Tables B13.2 Appendix 2 - List of documents provided by developer as evaluation evidences to the evaluators at the evaluation facility B13.3 Appendix 3 – Variation in MSR Series and SR Series routers PART C : EXCERPTS FROM THE CRITERIA C1 Conformance results C2 Assurance categorization C3 Evaluation Assurance Levels C4 Vulnerability Analysis PART D : SECURITY TARGET _____________________________________________________________________________ STQC IT Certification body A-5 PART A: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT AND BACKGROUND OF THE CERTIFICATION BODY A1 Certification Statement The product below has been evaluated under the terms of the Indian Common Criteria Certification Scheme (IC3S) and has met the stated Common Criteria requirements. The scope of the evaluation and the assumed usage environment are specified in the body of this report. Sponsor Hewlett Packard India Limited Developer H3C Technologies Co. Ltd Product and Version Network Operating System Comware Ver: 5.2 Release No. 1002 (CC) (Running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers) Brief description of product The product which is the Target of Evaluation (TOE) is a Network Operating System (NOS) identified as ‘Comware’, (NOS) Version 5.2, Release No. 1002 (CC). The same NOS running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers. The router hardware acts as an environment to the TOE. The routing, forwarding, and control functions in all these routers are separated to achieve network management flexibility and security control. CC Part 2 Conformant CC Part 3 Conformant EAL EAL 2 Evaluation Lab Common Criteria Test Laboratory, ERTL(E), Kolkata Date Authorized 31st Dec 2010 _____________________________________________________________________________ STQC IT Certification body A-6 A2. About the Certification Body STQC IT Certification Services, the IT Certification Body of Standardization Testing and Quality Certification – was established in 1998 and offers a variety of services in the context of security evaluation and validation. It is the first Certification Body in India for BS 7799/ ISO 27001 certification of Information Security Management Systems ( ISMS). The Indian CC Certification Scheme ( IC3S) is the IT security evaluation & certification Scheme based on Common Criteria standards, it is established by Govt. of India under Department of Information Technology, STQC Directorate to evaluate & certify the trustworthiness of security features in Information Technology (IT) products and systems. The IC3S is an Indian independent third party evaluation and certification service for evaluating the security functions or mechanisms of the IT products. It also provides a framework for the International Mutual Recognition of such certificates with the member countries of CCRA (Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates in the field of Information Technology Security). The principal participants in the scheme are- a) Applicant (Sponsor/Developer) of IT security evaluations; b) STQC Certification Body (STQC/DIT); c) Common Criteria Testing Laboratories (CCTLs). A.3 Specifications of the Certification Procedure The certification body operates under the official administrative procedures according to the criteria and procedures laid down in the following:  ISO/IEC Guide 65, and the requirements laid down in Annex C of CCRA  Indian Common Certification Schème (IC3S)  STQC/CC/DO2 : Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Certification Body - Quality Manual – describes the quality management system for the Scheme.  Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC) part 1-3, Version 3.1, R3  Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM) Version 3.1. _____________________________________________________________________________ STQC IT Certification body A-7 A.4 Process of Evaluation and Certification The certification body monitors each individual evaluation to ensure uniform procedures, interpretations of the criteria, and ratings. The product Network Operating System Comware Ver: 5.2 Release No. 1002 (CC) (Running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers) has undergone the certification procedure at STQC IT Certification Body. The evaluation of the product was conducted by the evaluation body Common Criteria Test Laboratory (CCTL), ERTL (East), DN Block, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, India. Hereafter this has been referred as CCTL. The evaluation facility is recognised under the IC3S scheme of STQC IT Certification Body. The developer is H3C Technologies Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, China and sponsor is Hewlett Packard, India Ltd. The certification process was concluded with the completion of this certification report. This evaluation was completed on 27th December, 2010. The confirmation of the evaluation assurance level (EAL) only applies on the condition that  all stated condition regarding configuration and operation, as given in part B of this report, are observed,  the product is operated – where indicated – in the environment described. This certification report applies only to the version of the product indicated here. The validity of the certificate can be extended to cover new versions and releases of the product, provided the applicant applies for re-certification of the modified product, in accordance with the procedural requirements, and provided the evaluation does not reveal any security deficiencies. With regard to the meaning of the evaluation assurance levels (EAL) please refer to part C of this report. A.5 Publication The following Certification Results consist of Sections B1 to B13 of this report. The product Network Operating System Comware Ver: 5.2 Release No. 1002 (CC) (Running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers) will be included in the list of the products certified under I3CS Scheme of STQC IT Certification Body. The list of certified products is published at regular intervals in the Internet at Further copies of this certification report may be ordered from the sponsor of the product. The certification report may also be obtained in electronic form on request to the Certification Body. STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-8 PART B : CERTIFICATION RESULTS B1 Executive Summary B 1.1 Introduction The Certification Report documents the outcome of Common Criteria security evaluation of Network Operating System Comware Ver: 5.2 Release No. 1002 (CC) (Running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers). It presents the evaluation results and the conformance results. This certificate is intended to assist the prospective buyers and users when judging the suitability of the IT security of the product for specified requirements. Prospective buyers and users are advised to read this report in conjunction with the Security Target (Section D), which specifies the functional, environmental and assurance requirements. The evaluation was performed by Common Criteria Test Laboratory (CCTL), ERTL (East), DN Block, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, India. The information in the test report is derived from the Security Target (ST, Ver 1.07) written by the developer Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P and the Evaluation Technical report (STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR, ver1.3) written by CCTL, ERTL(East), Kolkata. The evaluation team determined the product to be CC Version 3.1, Part 2 and Part 3 conformant and concluded that the Common Criteria requirements for Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL 2) have been met. B 1.2 Evaluated product and TOE The product evaluated was: Network Operating System Comware Ver: 5.2 Release No. 1002 (CC) (Running on MSR 20, MSR 30, MSR 50, SR 66 and SR 88 series routers) Routers are appliances that can be used to connect different types of networks or network segments, and are mainly used to forward packets between networks or network segments. Users of the product fall into two types: the first type is users using the data communication services, referred to as network users; the second type is users performing system configuration management, referred as system administrators. The network users cannot manage the appliance. They can only use the data STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-9 communication services in the security environments defined by the system administrator. A system administrator can log in locally through the local management interface (Console port or AUX port) of the router or remotely through SSH, and then use the CLI to configure security functions. The evaluated sub-set and configuration of the product is described in this report as the Target of Evaluation (TOE). The Evaluated Configuration, Its security functions, assumed environment, architectural information and evaluated configuration are given in Para 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Section respectively. B 1.3 Security Claims The Security Target, Para 4.1 specifies the security objectives of the TOE, the threats that they counter the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) and the security functions. All SFRs are taken from CC Part 2. The TOE security policy is detailed in the Security Target, para 3.2. B 1.4 Conduct of Evaluation The evaluation was initiated by the IC3S Certification Scheme of STQC IT Certification Body vide communication no. STQC/CC/07-08/07 dated 28th Feb 2009. All the five configurations as stated in the ST were supplied by the developer in the form of .bin files. These files consisted of Comware V5.2 release no. 1002(CC) and respective firmware of each series of router. The MD5 Hash values of the .bin files were used to uniquely identify the different configurations of the TOE for which the evaluation result is valid. The .bin files were installed and configured by the evaluators on respective hardware platforms (IT environment) as per the preparatory guidance document of the TOE on the respective models for the purpose of evaluation. One model from each series, as given below, was taken up for evaluation: 1. MSR 20 Series: 2011 2. MSR 30 Series 3010 3. MSR 50 Series: 5040 4. SR 66 Series: SR 6602 5. SR 88 Seeoies: SR 8802 The TOE was evaluated through evaluation of its documentation, site visit; testing and vulnerability assessment using methodology stated in Common Evaluation Methodology [CEM Ver3.1] and CCTL, Kolkata Operating Procedure OP-07. STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-10 The evaluation has been carried out under written agreement [dated 23-06-2009] between CCTL, Kolkata and the sponsor B 1.5 Independence of Certifier In the last two years, the certifier did not render any consulting - or other services for the company ordering the certification and there was no relationship between them which might have an influence on this assessment. B 1.6 Disclaimers The certification results only apply to the version of the product indicated in the certificate and on the stated conditions as detailed in this certification report. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT product by the Certification Body or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate. It is also not an endorsement of the target of evaluation (TOE) by any agency of the Government of India and no warranty of the TOE is either expressed or implied. B 1.7 Recommendations and conclusions The conclusions of the Certification Body are summarized in the Certification Statement at Section A1. The specific scope of certification should be clearly understood by reading this report along with the Security Target. The TOE should be used in accordance with the environmental assumptions mentioned in the Security Target. The TOE should be used in accordance with the supporting guidance documentation. This Certification report is only valid for the evaluated TOE. B 2 Identification of TOE and Evaluated Configuration The TOE is identified as: STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-11 Network Operating System (NOS) Running on Series (IT hardware environment) Comware V5.2 MSR 20 MSR 20-11 MSR 30 MSR 30-10 MSR 50 MSR 50-40 SR 66 SR6602 SR 88 SR8802 Table 1: TOE Identification B 3 Security policy / Security functions TOE is intended to protect the IP packets against incorrect routing caused by unauthorized changes in the network configuration. TOE provides the following security functions: Audit The TOE can generate various logs, such as TOE operation logs and event logs. The contents of the logs are compliant with RFC 3164. The audited events of the TOE include: administrative events, SSH access control events, and RADIUS authentication events. Identification and authentication With the unified authentication mechanism provided by NOS - Comware V5.2, the TOE can identify and authenticate users. Comware V5.2 provides RADIUS and LOCAL authentication methods. Traffic filtering and routing STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-12 The TOE provides the access control list (ACL) function to check packets arriving at each interface and depending on the check results makes permit or deny decisions. An ACL allows the TOE to make access control based on packet information such as source and destination IP address, upper layer protocol fields, and other information. The TOE forwards traffic to its destination based on the routing table. The routing table includes both entries generated with routing protocols and entries created manually. Access control / Security management Access control is to control access to the services provided by the TOE. Access control uses the identification and authentication function to authenticate users, uses the authorization mechanism to authorize access privileges, and uses the audit function to log user accesses. The TOE provides the command line interface (CLI) for user account management (used for authentication and authorization), system time setting, and system shutdown and re-start. By providing the access control function for the system management services, the TOE ensures that the functions are accessible only to users authorized with the appropriate management privileges, thus realizing secure management. TSF protection The TOE uses the access control mechanism to protect various system-provisioned services, including TSF. Additionally, Comware V5.2 is not an open generic operating system. Only Comware itself can access the hardware resources such as memory and the operating system services. No third-party IT entities can use such resources. B 4 Assumptions B 4.1 Personnel Assumptions Assumption code Description A.NOEVIL The authorized administrators are not careless, willfully negligent, or hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the TOE documentation, including the administrator guidance. A.TRAIN_AUDIT Administrators will be trained to periodically review audit logs to identify sources of concern. STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-13 Assumption code Description A.TRAIN_GUIDAN Administrators will be trained in the appropriate use of the TOE to ensure security. Table 2: Personnel Assumptions B 4.2 Physical Environmental Assumptions Assumption code Description A.LOCATE The processing resources of the TOE will be located within controlled access facilities, which will prevent unauthorized physical access. Table 3: Environmental Assumptions B 4.3 Operational assumptions Assumption code Description A.CONFIDENTIALITY The hard copy documents that describe the configuration of the TOE, I&A information and Audit storage will be kept confidential and access will be limited to Authorized administrators. A.GENPUR There are no general-purpose computing capabilities (for example, the ability to execute arbitrary code or applications) and storage repository capabilities on the TOE. A.INTEROPERABILITY The TOE will be able to function with the software and hardware of other vendors’ routers/switches, and the Log Server, and iMC Server on the network. The Log Server, iMC Server and NTP Server should be connected in the internal trusted network. A.LOWEXPT The threat of malicious attacks aimed at exploiting the TOE is considered low. A.SECSHELL Administrators shall use SSH or SSL when remotely logging in to the TOE or external servers to access security-related information. A.RADIUSMD5 When RADIUS is used for remote authentication, make sure that RADIUS has been implemented properly, and 128-bit MD5 protection is performed for the password. A.TIME The NTP server in the network is available. Table 4: Operational Assumptions B 5 Architectural Information B 5.1 Architecture descriptions STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-14 The architecture of the Network Operating System - Comware V5.2 can be described in terms of three functional planes, ‘Service Core (SC)plane, ‘System Service Plane (SSP) and ‘System Manage Plane (SMP)’ . Fig1: TOE architecture diagram General Control Plane and Data forwarding Plane are jointly known as ‘Service Core (SC)’ Plane. Seven subsystems belong to this plane. They are Protocol stack (PSTK), Forwarding (FDW), Routing (RS), Security (SEC), MPLS, Voice and VPN. ‘System Service Plane (SSP)’ consists of OS subsystems. ‘System Manage Plane (SMP)’ consists of three subsystems configuration Management subsystem (CFM), Information Center (IC) & Interface Management Subsystem (IFM) STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-15 So in total, Comware V5.2 is composed of 11 subsystems. Out of 11 subsystems, 8 subsystems are related to TOE Security functions and out of 8 subsystems 4 (PSTK, FWD, RS and IFM) are security-supporting subsystems, and rest 4 (OS, SEC, IC, and CFM ) are security-enforcing subsystems . The subsystems OS, SEC and CFM are directly responsible for some TSF and as well work as supporting subsystems to other TSFs also. Table -2 below indicates the subsystems and their TSF related responsibilities. Other three subsystems of the product, MPLS, Voice & VPN are non TSF subsystems. The TOE does not provide third-party computing or storage services. A single security domain exists for the TOE. No domain separation exists. All interactions available to the users are severely constrained by the TSF. It is always under the control of the Comware software and all Comware software runs in an address space. The TOE maintains a suit of data structures to identify and isolate user data traffic. B 5.2 TOE Sub-systems TSFs Sub system Audit Identification & Authenticatio n Traffic Filtering and Routing Security Managem ent Acces s Contro l Protectio n of the TSF OS X(supp ) X(supp) X(supp) X X X SEC X(supp ) X X(supp) X X X IC X CFM X(supp ) X(supp) X X(supp ) IFM X(supp ) X(supp ) FWD X(supp) X(supp ) PSTK X(supp) RS X(supp) Table 5: TOE Sub-systems STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-16 Note: X: Security enforcing subsystem X: (supp): Security supporting subsystem B 5.3 Hardware and firmware dependencies The TOE must be configured in the network environment described in Fig 2 and the soft/hard devices forming the network environment. The following hardware/software/firmware of non-TOE should be acquired additionally: H3C iMC software Windows 2000 server or Linux server, where H3C iMC can run NTP server, which may be required when a router has no hardware clock A log server as needed SSH client software Remote Admin Console Log Server H3C IMC Server Internal Network External Network Comware V5.2 software TOE Boundary SSH SSL NTP Server Fig 2 B 5.4 Product interfaces Two product interfaces are available: a) Console port or AUX port of the router for local management b) Ethernet network interface for IP packet trafficking and remote access of the TOE through SSHv2. STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-17 B 6 Evaluated configuration The Five configurations of the TOE are stated in the ST. All the five configurations were supplied by the developer in the form of .bin files as listed in Table 2 below. The .bin files consist of Comware V5.2 release no. 1002(CC) and respective firmware of each series of router. The MD5 Hash values of the .bin files are used to uniquely identify the different configurations of the TOE for which this evaluation result is valid. The .bin files were installed and configured on respective hardware platforms (IT environment) as per the preparatory guidance document of the TOE on the respective models for the purpose of evaluation. Model no Hardware SN File name (NOS and Firmware) File size MD5 Hash value for the executable MSR 2011 210235A31VB0 96000020 MSR201X-CMW520- R1002.bin 20746 KB 9af5186d63d2da7e01d9 8c4e3abe0b7b MSR 3010 210235A39HB0 92000001 MSR301X-CMW520- R1002.bin 20499 KB 1ebc955772682d29cd1 aaae8cbbc3f35 MSR 5040 210235A20NX0 99000001 MSR50-CMW520- R1002-EPUSI.bin 27578 KB f62b1bf1d9caacf175cacf fb159fe680 SR 6602 210235A27DX0 91000001 SR6602-CMW520- R1002.bin 18513 KB 7c32fbc9f2fcdc711aacc b0d01291325 SR 8802 210235A31BX0 93000002 SR8800-CMW520- R1002-SI.bin 27622 KB 081fdb4a6b13785539bd 0ba3ae62fb5b Table 6: Evaluated Configurations of TOE B 7 Documentation The documents supplied by the developer evaluation evidences to the evaluators at the evaluation facility is attached as Appendix 2 . STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-18 B 8 Product Testing B 8.1 IT Product Testing by Developer The developers test effort is summarized as below. # Aspects Validator’s comments 1 On overall developer testing strategy & approach employed The developer has carried out tests, conforming to the TOE security environment (as described in the ST document) and covering all the security functionalities. Testing was done manually. 2 On TOE test configurations: The particular configurations of the TOE that were tested, including whether any privileged code were required to set up the test or clean up afterwards. The TOE was tested in the defined test configuration consistent with the ST document. 3 On depth of testing in respect of all functionalities of all TSFs: The developer has carried out testing taking into account all the six TOE security functions ( Audit , Traffic Filtering and Routing, Identification & Authentication, Security Management , Access Control and TSF protection) as described in the ST document and covering all the TSFIs defined in the FSP document. 4 On test results: A description of the overall developer testing results The results obtained by the developer are consistent, reproducible and matching with the expected results. The tests were repeated at CCTL, Kolkata and it is found that the test results are tallying. Table 7: Developers Test Efforts The validator analyzed the developer’s test coverage analysis and found it to be complete and accurate. The correspondence between the tests identified in the developer’s test documentation and the functional specification was found to be complete. B 8.2 IT Product Independent Testing by Evaluation Team The evaluators’ independent functional testing effort is summarized as below. # Aspects Validator’s comments 1 On overall evaluator testing strategy & approach The evaluators repeated all the developers’ tests relating to the security functionalities of the TOE; STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-19 # Aspects Validator’s comments in addition to that they developed test cases that augment the developer tests and conducted the same independently at CCTL, Kolkata. 2 On TOE test configurations: The particular configurations of the TOE that were tested, including whether any privileged code were required to set up the test or clean up afterwards. The evaluators have examined the TOE, Comware V5.2, Release 1002(CC) and it is found to be configurable as per the description given in the developer’s test documentation and results are reproducible. The test configuration is consistent with the description as given in the security target document. The TOE, Comware V5.2, release 1002( CC) have been installed properly as per the preparative procedure AGD_PRE document in the following five router hardware models: MSR 2011, MSR 3010, MSR 5040, SR 6602, SR 8802 3 On depth of testing in respect of all functionalities of all TSFs The evaluators have repeated the developer’s tests at CCTL, Kolkata to verify the reproducibility of test results and to ensure the coverage of all TSFIs, as mentioned in the FSP document. While making the test strategy for carrying out independent tests, consideration was given to cover all security functional requirements (as defined in the security target), interfaces visible to the users, design and security architecture document of the TOE. Test scenarios were designed to examine the implementation of security features, the management aspects of TSF by different set of users with different privileges and related audit functions. 4 On test results: A description of the overall evaluator testing results The evaluator conducted tests on the TOE executable delivered by the developer and found some deficiency during testing. The deficiencies were addressed by the developer through new release of the software which was put into next cycle of the test. In this way the TOE went through total 7 iterations during the period of evaluation. The final version of the TOE was found to be in compliance with the ST. Table 8: Evaluators Test Effort STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-20 All testing was planned and documented to a sufficient level of detail to allow repeatability of the testing procedures and reproducibility of results. B 8.3 Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration testing In search of potential vulnerabilities, the evaluator has conducted public domain search, focussing on the type of the TOE. Following ‘urls’ have been searched: o o The listed vulnerabilities in the public domain for this type of TOE were analyzed and a filtered list was prepared with those which are candidate for testing The TOE documents like, Security Target (ST), TOE architecture & Design (TDS), TOE Preparatory guidance document etc. were analysed to find out potential security vulnerability. The attack potential for each of the vulnerabilities was calculated using guidance given in CEMv3.1 and considering various factors like the time to identify & exploit the vulnerability, expertise required, knowledge of the TOE, windows of opportunity and equipment requirement. Penetration Test effort # Aspects Validator’s comments 1 On overall evaluator testing strategy & approach The vulnerabilities with basic attack potential and all the filtered vulnerabilities as obtained from the public domain information were selected by Evaluators for Penetration testing. The TOE has two types of users, Authenticated and Unauthenticated. The Authenticated user, accesses the TOE through console, Aux port or through SSH to use CLI to configure the TSFs. The Unauthenticated users access the TOE through network interface (in the form of IP packets), if allowed by ACL rules.These CLI (remote and console) and Ethernet network interfaces were in focus during penetration testing. No other interface was available in the TOE. 2 On TOE test configurations: The particular configurations of the TOE that were tested, including whether any privileged code were required to set up the test or clean up afterwards. The TOE, Comware V5.2, release 1002(CC) have been installed properly as per the preparative procedure AGD_PRE document in the following five router hardware models: MSR 2011,MSR 3010,MSR 5040, SR 6602,SR 8802 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-21 # Aspects Validator’s comments 3 On depth of penetration testing The penetration testing was conducted by Evaluator considering the listed vulnerabilities with basic attack potential focusing on the issues like bypassing, tampering, direct attack of TSFs, monitoring of secrets and misuse of the privileges. 4 On test results: A description of the overall evaluator penetration testing results Penetration testing was carried out by Evaluator for each of the identified potential vulnerabilities which are candidate for testing. The evaluator was not able to exploit the identified vulnerabilities. Table 9: Penetration Test Efforts by Evaluators Residual vulnerabilities: Considering the attack potential as ‘Basic’, no identified vulnerabilities could be exploited by the evaluators. Hence the TOE does not contain any exploitable vulnerability for ‘Basic Attack Potential’. However, these vulnerabilities may be exploited with higher attack potential. The identified vulnerabilities with more that ‘Basic Attack Potential’ was not considered for Penetration Testing. Hence, these vulnerabilities may be considered as residual vulnerabilities. B 9 Evaluation Results The evaluation results have been presented by the evaluator in Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) No. STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Version No. 1.3. The TOE was evaluated through evaluation of its documentation, site visit; testing and vulnerability assessment using methodology stated in Common Evaluation Methodology [CEM Ver3.1] and laboratory operative procedure OP-07. Documentation evaluation results: The documents for TOE and its development life cycle provided by the developer were analyzed by the Evaluator in view of the requirements of the respective work units of CEM and the same was recorded in work sheets in the ETR. The deficiencies and clarifications, if any, were communicated to the developer by the Evaluator through observation reports [Ors]. The responses of the developer were scrutinized by the evaluator and recorded in the respective work sheets. Further ORs were raised and cycle was carried out for several iterations till all the deficiencies were addressed and requirements for each work units met. The final version of the respective evaluation evidences were found to comply with the requirements of CCv3.1 for EAL 2. The Evaluation Test Report Section 4.0 cover the detailed results of evaluation. STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-22 Site visit: The evaluators visited the distribution hub of the developer at Singapore to assess the implementation of the documented delivery process. The products, containing the TOE, are developed and manufactured at H3C 3Com, Hangzhu, China and being distributed through their distribution hub at Singapore. The evaluators performed the sub-activity, ‘Site Visit’ at the distribution hub at Singapore on 20th March 2010 with an objective to determine whether the developer uses all documented procedure for secure delivery of the product. The evaluators, in their report, have opined for convergence of the practice and the documented procedure. In practice, the procedure followed at the distribution hub was found to be satisfying the requirements of CCv3.1. The developer has subsequently corrected their documented delivery procedure document according to the practice. The site visit report is stated in 3.2.2 and 4.1.3 of Evaluation Rest report. The modified document for ‘delivery of the TOE’ was found by the Evaluator to be consistent with the practice and satisfies the requirements of the standards [CCv3.1]. The results of Testing (Assessment of Developers Testes, Independent Functional Testing by Developer, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing are given in Section B 8. TOE maturity through evaluation: The developer submitted the TOE executable for evaluation of the assurance requirements in respect of AGD_PRE.1, ATE_IND.2 and AVA_VAN.2. The deficiencies were brought out by the evaluator and addressed by the developer through new release of the software which was put into next cycle of inspection. In this way the TOE went through total 7 iterations during the period of evaluation. The detail of TOE progress is given in Appendix VII of ETR B 10 Validator Comments The Validator has reviewed the Evaluation Technical Report No. STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR, Version No. 1.3 and is in agreement with the conclusion of this evaluation. The Security Target identified as H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target, Version: 1.07 has satisfied all the requirements of Security target evaluation [ASE] as defined in evaluation criteria referred in Section 3.1 for evaluation level EAL 2. The results of evaluation of product and process documentation, testing and vulnerability assessment confirm that the TOE satisfies all the security functional STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-23 requirements and assurance requirements as defined in its Security Target document. Hence, the TOE is recommended for EAL 2 Certification. However the following should be noted:  There are no Protection Profile compliance claims B 11 List of Acronyms ADM Administrator Guidance CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (referenced to as [CC]) CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation (referenced to as [CEM]) CM Configuration Management EAL Evaluation Assurance Level FSP Functional Specification HLD High-level Design IF Interface IGS Installation, Generation and Start-up OSP Organisational Security Policy PP Protection Profile SAR Security Assurance Requirement SF Security Function SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirement SIF Sub-interface SOF Strength of Function SS Sub-system SSL Secure Sockets Layer ST Security Target TOE Target Of Evaluation TSC TSF Scope of Control TSF TOE Security Functions TSFI TOE Security Function Interfaces TSP TOE Security Policy USR User Guidance VLA Vulnerability Analysis STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-24 B 12 References 1. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: Part 1: Version 3.1 2. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: Part 2: Version 3.1 3. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: Part 3: Version 3.1 4. Common Methodology for Information Methodology: Version 3.1 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-25 B 13 Appendices B 13.1 Appendix 1 – List of Tables Table 1: TOE Identification ...........................................................................................................11 Table 2: Personnel Assumptions ..................................................................................................13 Table 3: Environmental Assumptions ...........................................................................................13 Table 4: Operational Assumptions................................................................................................13 Table 5: TOE Sub-systems...........................................................................................................15 Table 6: Evaluated Configurations of TOE ...................................................................................17 Table 7: Developers Test Efforts...................................................................................................18 Table 8: Evaluators Test Effort......................................................................................................19 Table 9: Penetration Test Efforts by Evaluators............................................................................21 B 13.2 Appendix 2 – List of documents provided by developer as evaluation evidences to the evaluators at the evaluation facility Assurance classes and components Evaluation evidences Security target document evaluation ASE 1 ST introduction ASE_INT.1 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 2 Conformance claim ASE_CCL.1 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 3 Security problem definition ASE_SPD.1 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 4 Security objectives ASE_OBJ.2 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 5 Extended component definition ASE_ECD.1 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 6 IT Security requirements ASE_REQ.2 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 7 TOE Summary Specification ASE_TSS.1 H3C Routers EAL2 Security Target Version 1.07 TOE Development evaluation ADV 1 Security Architecture ADV_ARC.1 Comware 5.2 Design version 1.07 2 Functional Specification ADV_FSP.2 Functional Specification for Comware V5.2 version 1.02 3 Basic design ADV_TDS.1 Comware 5.2 Design version 1.07 TOE Guidance document evaluation AGD 1 Operational user guidance AGD_OPE.1 1. Operation User Guidance for CC EAL2 Evaluated Comware V5.2 Routers version 1.20 2. CLI command list for different level of users 2 Preparative procedure AGD_PRE.1 1. Preparative Procedures for CC EAL2 Evaluated Comware V5.2 Routers version 1.11 2. Executables and hardware [table 1-1] TOE Life cycle support evaluation ALC 1 Use of a CM system ALC_CMC.2 Configuration Management Procedure version 1.11 2 Parts of the TOE CM coverage ALC_CMS.2 Configuration Management Procedure version 1.11 3 Delivery procedures ALC_DEL.1 Product Delivery Procedure version 1.11 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-26 Testing of the TOE ATE 1 Evidence of coverage ATE_COV.1 1. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Plan and Test Case V1.02(20091210)_en.doc 2. CLI command list for different level of users 2 Functional Testing ATE_FUN.1 1. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Plan and Test Case V1.02(20091210)_en.doc 2. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 test report V1.01(20091210)_en.doc 3. CC Authentication Cryptography Commands.doc 4. CLI command list for different level of users 5. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Documentation_MSR2011.doc 6. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Documentation_MSR3010.doc 7. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Documentation_MSR5040.doc 8. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Documentation_SR6602.doc 9. ATE_H3C Router EAL2 Test Documentation_SR8802.doc 3 Independent Testing - Sample ATE_IND.2 TOE Executables and hardware [table 1-1] Vulnerability assessment of the TOE AVA 1 Vulnerability Analysis AVA_VAN.2 TOE Executables and hardware [table 1-1] STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-27 B 13.3 Appendix 3 – Variation in MSR Series and SR Series routers Variations in MSR series routers and representative unit of the series tested at CCTL MSR 20 Series Figure 1: MSR2011, tested at CCTL, Kolkata Across the series, models (MSR2010, MSR2011, MSR2012, MSR2013, MSR2015, MSR2020, MSR2021, and MSR2040) vary in following parameters:  Processor speed  Memory size  Hard disk size  Removable disk size  Number of Physical and logical interfaces  Power consumption  IPv4 – throughput  IPSec –ANDE encryption performance  IPSec – SNDE encryption performance  IPSec – CPU encryption performance  SSL VPN – Max number of clients  SSL VPN – number of SSL connection  FW – throughput SIC-1FEA (1 no.) Ethernet ports (5 nos) AUX / CON port STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-28 MSR 30 Series Figure 2: MSR3010, tested at CCTL, Kolkata Across the series, models (MSR3010, MSR3011, MSR3011E, MSR3011F, MSR3016, MSR3020, MSR3040, and MSR3060) vary in following parameters:  Processor speed  Memory size  Hard disk size  Removable disk size  Number of USB ports  Number of Physical and logical interfaces  Power consumption  IPv4 – throughput  IPSec – ANDE encryption performance  IPSec – SNDE encryption tunnel number  IPSec – CPU encryption performance  FW – throughput AUX / CON port Ethernet ports (2 nos) STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-29 MSR 50 Series Figure 3: MSR5040, tested at CCTL,Kolkata Across the series, models (MSR 5040, MSR 5060, MSR5040 MPU-G2 and MSR 5060 MPU-G2) vary in following parameters:  Processor speed  Memory size  Hard disk size  Number of physical and logical interfaces  WAN protocol – max number of PPPoE connections  IPv4 – throughput  Routing protocol – BGP – maximum number of route entrance  Routing protocol – OSPF – maximum number of route entrance  Routing protocol – IS_IS – maximum number of route entrance  MPLS – maximum number of LDP labels  MPLS – maximum number of dynamic LSP  NAT – number of concurrent connections  FW - throughput FIC-2FE at slot 8 Gigabit Ethernet (3 nos.) Ethernet (1 no.) Console AUX STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-30 Details of variations in hardware configuration and software performance of the MSR series router Details of Hrdware variations (MSR series) Sl. No Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series 1 Processor RISC,333-400 MHZ RISC; 400-533 MHz RISC; 833 -1.7 GHz 2 Memory (default/max.) 256MB to 1 GB DDR; 256 MB-1GB DDR; 512 M-2G 3 CF (default/max.) Up to 1 GB Max 1 GB 256 M-1 G 4 FLASH (default/max.) 16 Mb 32 Mb only for MSR 30- 11 64 M for MPU-G2 models 5 USB 1 Nil for MSR 3011, one for MSR 30-16 and two for others 2 6 AUX 1 1 1 7 Configuration port 1 1 1 8 Fixed Ethernet port (L3) 1 or 2 FE 2 FE/GE or GE(combo) 2- 3 GE (combo) 9 Fixed switching port (L2) 0-8 slot 0 0 10 Other fixed port 0-1 (DISC or ADSL) 1(serial) for MSR 30-11 and nil for all models 1 FE Management interface for MPU-G2 models 11 SIC slot Min. 1 and Max.4 2 slots for MSR 3011 and 4 slots for others 4 for MPUF and 0 for MPU-G2 12 MIM slot Nil 1-6 slots 0 13 FIC slot Nil 0 4-6 solt 14 ESM slot Max 2 1 slots for MSR 3011 and 2 slots for others 2 15 VPM slot Max 2 0-3 slot 4 for MPUF and 0 for MPU-G2 16 VCPM slot 1(max.) for model at the higher end of the series Nil for MSR 3011 and 1 slot for others 1 17 MiniPCI(WLAN) Not supported by the models at the higher end of the series 0 0 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-31 Sl. No Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series 18 Real-time clock Supported in models MSR 20-20 onwards Support Support Details of performance variations (MSR series) Sl. No. Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series 1 Network Size 100 200 500 -1000 2 Physical and Logical Interface Max. Number of L3 FE port Max. 4 slots 7-26 ports 18-26 ports Max. Number of L3 GE port max.2 slots 3-16 ports 11-15 ports Max. Number of L2 switching Interface 8-18 Interfaces 28-130 Interfaces 64 -96 ports Max. Number E1/CE1 port 1-4 ports 9-52 ports 32-48 ports Max. Number of Synchronous serial ports 1-4 ports 10-52 ports 32-48 ports Max. Number of Asynchronous serial ports 8-32 port 32-112 ports 64-160 ports Max. Number of CPOS/POS port nil 1-2 Ports 2-3 port Max. Number of Voice VE1 port 0-2 port 2- 5 ports 8 port Max. Number of Voice FXS port 2-8 ports 8-32 Ports 24-32 port Max. Concurrent voice calls 2-60 calls 60-150 calls 240 calls 3 LAN Protocol 3.1 Switch Ethernet MAC Address table 2K 16K 16 K Number of VLANs 256 512 1024 Number of VLAN ID 4094 4094 4096 3.2 WAN Protocol Max. PPPoE Connection 512 1024 2048-4096 3.3 Network Layer Protocol 3.3.1 ARP STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-32 Sl. No. Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series Static ARP 2K 2K 2K Dynamic ARP 2K 4K 4K 3.3.2 DHCP Server Address Pool Size 512 512 512 3.3.3 IPv4 Throughput (pps) 64 bytes-180 Kpps 220-360 Kpps 800Kpps -2 Mpps 3.3.4 IPv6 Throughput (pps) 3.4 Routing Protocol 3.4.1 Static Routing Routing table 2K 5K 10K Max. ECMP (load-balance) 8 8 8 3.4.2 RIP Max. Number of Route Entrance 1K 2K 5K 3.4.3 OSPF Max. Number of Route Entrance 5000 10000 50000 3.4.4 BGP Max. Number of Route Entrance 10000 30000 100000 3.4.5 IS_IS Max. Number of Route Entrance 5000 10000 50000 3.5 MPLS 3.5.1 LDP Max. Number of LDP Labels 2K 2K 8K Max. Number of Dynamic LSP 2K 2K 8K Max. Number of Static LSP 1008 1008 1008 Max. Number of MPLS supported interface 100 100 100 Max. Number of Local Peer 100 100 100 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-33 Sl. No. Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series Max. Number of Remote Peer 100 100 100 Max. Number of Session 200 200 200 3.5.2 L3VPN Max. Number of LSP 2K 2K 4K Max. Number of VRF 128 128 256 Max. Number of VPN target 20 20 20 Max. Number of interface bounded by a single VRF 128 128 256 Max. Number of VRF bounded interface of the system 256 256 512 Max. Number of route Entrance for a single VRF 1024 1024 2048 3.6 Multicast Static Multicast Route 128 256 256 Max. Number of PIM peer 64 128 200 Max. Number of Multicast Host 256 512 900 3.7 Security Function 3.7.1 NAT Number of Address Pool 8 16 32 Size of a single address pool 255 255 255 Concurrent connections 30000 50000 25000-50000 Session established Rate (session/second) 256 512 1024 Total number of Nat Servers in a system 128 256 512 3.7.2 ACL Number of Basic ACL 1000 1000 1000 Number of Advanced ACL 1000 1000 1000 Total Number of ACL 3000 3000 5000 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-34 Sl. No. Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series ACL forwarding performance Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% 3.7.3 IPSec ANDE encryption performance 100 Mbps 250Mbps 600Mbps Max Tunnel(ANDE) 2000 2000 3000 SNDE encryption performance 100Mbps 100-150 Mbps 300Mbps Max Tunnel(SNDE) 1500 1500-2000 3000 CPU encryption performance 30 Mbps 30-60 Mbps 150Mbps Max Tunnel(CPU) 500-1000 1000 1500 3.7.4 SSL VPN Max. Number of Client 5-50 nos 100 200 SSL connection 50- 500 nos 1000 2000 3.7.5 L2TP Max. Number of L2tp Tunnel 256 512 1024 Session established Rate (session/second) 3 6 8 3.7.6 GRE Max. Number of Tunnels 256 512 1024 3.7.7 FW Throughput (Mbps) 150-200 Mbps 200-600Mbps 3Gbps Max. Number of Concurrent Connections 1000 30000 50000 3.7.8 Portal Authentication Number of concurrent connections 20 20 20 Max. Number of Client 200 500 1000 3.8 QoS Length of FIFO Queue 1024 1024 1024 Length of PQ Queue 1024 1024 1024 STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-35 Sl. No. Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series Length of CQ Queue 1024 1024 1024 Length of WFQ Queue 1024 1024 1024 Length of CBQ Queue 512 512 512 Length of RTPQ Queue 50 50 50 Max. Number of PQ Queue 4 4 4 Max. Number of CQ Queue 16 16 16 Max. Number of WFQ Queue 4096 4096 4096 Max. Number of CBQ Queue 4096 4096 4096 Max. Length of all Queue. 10000 10000 10000 Max. Number of CAR policy System 1000/Per Interface 135 System 1000/Per Interface 140 System 1000/Per Interface 142 Max. Number of GTS policy 100 100 100 Max. Number of CAR on a single interface 100 100 100 Max. Number of GTS on a single interface 100 100 100 3.9 VoIP Max. Delay 400ms 400ms 400ms Max. Jitter 60ms 60ms 60ms 3.10 Application 3.10.1 NQA Max. simultaneous detect 5 5 5 Max. Number of configurable detect target (group) 30 30 30 Supported protocol TCP,UDP, Jitter, ICMP TCP, UDP, Jitter, ICMP, HTTP, FTP, DHCP, DLSw, SNMP TCP, UDP, Jitter, ICMP, HTTP, FTP, DHCP, DLSw, SNMP STQC IT Services Report No: STQC IT (KOL)/STQC/CC/0708/05/ETR Ministry of Communications and IT, DIT, Govt. Of India ERTL (E), Block-DN, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091 Annexure - IX STQC IT Certification body A-36 Sl. No. Specification MSR 20 Series MSR 30 Series MSR 50 Series Supported test packet size CMP,UDP test packet size: 1Byte- 8100Bytes. (In the case of ICMP test, if the size value configured is smaller than 20 bytes, the system will automatically stuff the test packet with the padding character string to 20 bytes.) CMP,UDP test packet size: 1Byte-8100Bytes. (In the case of ICMP test, if the size value configured is smaller than 20 bytes, the system will automatically stuff the test packet with the padding character string to 20 bytes.) CMP,UDP test packet size: 1Byte- 8100Bytes. (In the case of ICMP test, if the size value configured is smaller than 20 bytes, the system will automatically stuff the test packet with the padding character string to 20 bytes.) Min. interval of test packet Min. 10ms interval for Jitter detection Min. 10ms interval for Jitter detection Min. 10ms interval for Jitter detection STQC IT Certification body D-1 Variations in SR series routers and representative unit of the series tested at CCTL Figure 4: SR6602 Across the series, models (SR6602, SR6604, SR6608 and SR6616) vary in following parameters:  Processor  Memory size  CF card size  Main routing engine  USB interfaces  AUX  Console  Number of fixed Ethernet interfaces  Built-in hardware based encryption engine  Backplane bandwidth  FIP slots  HIM slots  Real time clock  Power input and consumption  RPS  Hot swappable control engine, service engine and power supply AUX Console GigabitEthernet (4 ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Figure 5: SR8802, tested at CCTL Across the series, models (SR8802, SR8805, SR6608 and SR8812) vary in following parameters:  Number and orientation of slots  Packet switching capability  Packet forwarding performance  Power supply  Fan structure  Weight and dimension GigabitEthernet (48 Console AUX M-Ethernet ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Details of Hardware variations (SR6600 Series) Sl. No Specification SR6602 SR6604 SR6608 SR6616 1 Processor MIPS Multicore,1GHZ MIPS Multicore,1GHZ MIPS Multicore,1GHZ MIPS Multicore,1GHZ 2 Memory (default/max.) DDR2, 2GB/4GB DDR2, 1GB/2GB DDR2, 1GB/2GB DDR2, 1GB/2GB 3 CF (default/max.) 1+1; 256M/2GB 1+1; 256M/1GB 1+1; 256M/1GB 1+1; 256M/1GB 4 FLASH (default/max.) 4MB/4MB 4MB/4MB 4MB/4MB 4MB/4MB 5 USB 2 2 2 2 6 AUX 1 1 1 1 7 Configuration port 0 1 1 1 8 Fixed Ethernet port (L3) 4 2 per line-card 2 per line-card 2 per line-card 9 Fixed switching port (L2) 0 0 0 0 10 Other fixed port 0 0 0 0 11 Interface-card slot 2 2 or 4 per line- card 2 or 4 per line-card 2 or 4 per line-card ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Details of performance variations(SR6600 Series) Sl. No. Specification SR6602 SR6604 SR6608 SR6616 1 Network Size 500 -1000 1000 -2000 2000 -5000 5000 -10000 2 Physical and Logical Interface Max. Number of L3 FE port 16 32 64 128 Max. Number of L3 GE port 20 36 72 144 Max. Number E1/CE1 port 16 64 128 256 Max. Number of Synchronous serial ports 16 64 128 256 Max. Number of CPOS port 4 8 16 32 Max. Number of POS port 8 16 32 64 Max. Number of 10G Ethernet port 2 4 8 16 3 LAN Protocol 3.1 Switch Ethernet Not support Not support Not support Not support 3.2 WAN Protocol Max. PPPoE Connection 18000 16000 32000 32000 3.3 Network Layer Protocol 3.3.1 ARP Static ARP 2K 4K 4K 4K Dynamic ARP 16K 16K 16K 16K 3.3.2 DHCP Server Address Pool Size 254 254 254 254 3.3.3 IPv4 Overall Throughput (pps) 4.5Mpps 9Mpps 18Mpps 36Mpps 3.4 Routing Protocol 3.4.1 Static Routing Routing table 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Max. ECMP (load-balance) 8 8 8 8 3.4.2 RIP Max. Number of Route Entrance 10000 10000 10000 10000 3.4.3 OSPF Max. Number of Route 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR6602 SR6604 SR6608 SR6616 Entrance 3.4.4 BGP Max. Number of Route Entrance 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3.4.5 IS_IS Max. Number of Route Entrance 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3.5 MPLS 3.5.1 LDP Max. Number of Dynamic LSP 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Max. Number of Static LSP 1024 1024 1024 1024 Max. Number of MPLS supported interface 2048 2048 2048 2048 Max. Number of Local Peer 200 200 200 200 Max. Number of Remote Peer 200 200 200 200 3.5.2 L3VPN Max. Number of VRF 1024 1024 1024 1024 Max. Number of interface bounded by a single VRF 1024 1024 1024 1024 Max. Number of VRF bounded interface of the system 2048 2048 2048 2048 Max. Number of route Entrance for a single VRF 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 3.6 Multicast Multicast Route 4096 4096 4096 4096 IGMP Group 16384 16384 16384 16384 3.7 Security Function 3.7.1 NAT Number of Address Pool 32 32 32 32 Size of a single address pool 255 255 255 255 Concurrent connections 1,000,000 1,000,000 per line-card 1,000,000 per line-card 1,000,000 per line-card Session established Rate (session/second) >40,000 >40,000 per line- card >40,000 per line-card >40,000 per line-card ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR6602 SR6604 SR6608 SR6616 Total number of Nat Servers in a system 1024 1024 1024 1024 3.7.2 ACL Number of Basic ACL 32000 32000 32000 32000 Number of Advanced ACL 32000 32000 32000 32000 Total Number of ACL 32000 32000 32000 32000 ACL forwarding performance Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% Impaction on forwarding performance < 10% 3.7.3 IPSec encryption performance 3Gbps @1400bytes 3Gbps @1400bytes, per line-card 3Gbps @1400bytes, per line-card 3Gbps @1400bytes, per line-card Max Tunnel 6000 6000 6000 6000 3.7.4 SSL VPN Not support Not support Not support Not support 3.7.5 L2TP Max. Number of L2tp Tunnel 18000 18000 18000 18000 Session established Rate (session/second) 50 50 50 50 3.7.6 GRE Max. Number of Tunnels 4094 16384 16384 16384 3.7.7 FW Throughput (Mbps) 1Gbps 1Gbps per line- card 1Gbps per line-card 1Gbps per line-card Max. Number of Concurrent Connections 1 million 1 million per line- card 1 million per line-card 1 million per line-card 3.7.8 Portal Authentication Number of concurrent connections 100 100 100 100 Max. Number of Client 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 3.8 QoS Length of FIFO Queue 1024 1024 1024 1024 Length of PQ Queue 1024 1024 1024 1024 Length of CQ Queue 1024 1024 1024 1024 ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR6602 SR6604 SR6608 SR6616 Length of WFQ Queue 1024 1024 1024 1024 Length of CBQ Queue 512 512 512 512 Max. Queue Number of PQ 4 per interface 4 per interface 4 per interface 4 per interface Max. Queue Number of CQ 16 per interface 16 per interface 16 per interface 16 per interface Max. Queue Number of WFQ 4096 per interface 4096 per interface 4096 per interface 4096 per interface Max. Queue Number of CBQ 4096 per interface 4096 per interface 4096 per interface 4096 per interface Details of Hardware variations (SR8800 Series) Sl. No Specification SR8802 SR8805 SR8808 SR8812 1 Processor MPC7447A 1GHz MPC7447A 1GHz MPC7447A 1GHz MPC7447A 1GHz 2 Memory (default/max.) DDR2, 1GB/2GB DDR2, 1GB/2GB DDR2, 1GB/2GB DDR2, 1GB/2GB 3 CF (default/max.) 1+1; 256M/1G 1+1; 256M/1G 1+1; 256M/1G 1+1; 256M/1G 4 FLASH (default/max.) 128MB/128MB 128MB/128MB 128MB/128MB 128MB/128MB 5 USB 1 1 1 1 6 AUX 1 1 1 1 7 Configuration port 1 1 1 1 8 Fixed Ethernet port (L3) 0 0 0 0 9 Fixed switching port (L2) 0 0 0 0 10 Other fixed port 0 0 0 0 11 Interface-card slot 2 5 8 12 Details of performance variations (SR8800 series) Sl. No. Specification SR8802 SR8805 SR8808 SR8812 1 Network Size 500 -1000 1000 -2000 2000 -5000 5000 -10000 ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR8802 SR8805 SR8808 SR8812 2 Physical and Logical Interface Max. Number of L3 FE port 20/slot 20/slot 20/slot 20/slot Max. Number of L3 GE port 20/slot 20/slot 20/slot 20/slot Max. Number E1/CE1 port 32/slot 32/slot 32/slot 32/slot Max. Number of CPOS port 4/slot 4/slot 4/slot 4/slot Max. Number of POS port 1/slot 1/slot 1/slot 1/slot Max. Number of 10G Ethernet port 2/slot 2/slot 2/slot 2/slot 3 LAN Protocol 3.1 Switch Ethernet support support support support 3.2 WAN Protocol Max. PPPoE Connection Not support Not support Not support Not support 3.3 Network Layer Protocol 3.3.1 ARP Static ARP 4K 4K 4K 4K Dynamic ARP 64K 64K 64K 64K 3.3.2 DHCP Server Address Pool Size 128 128 128 128 3.3.3 IPv4 Overall Throughput (pps) 146 Mpps 244Mpps 391Mpps 586Mpps 3.4 Routing Protocol 3.4.1 Static Routing Routing table 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Max. ECMP (load-balance) 8 8 8 8 3.4.2 RIP Max. Number of Route Entrance 10000 10000 10000 10000 3.4.3 OSPF Max. Number of Route Entrance 512K 512K 512K 512K 3.4.4 BGP Max. Number of Route Entrance 1G Engine Memory:1 M, 1G Engine Memory:1M, 2G Engine 1G Engine Memory:1M , 1G Engine Memory:1M , ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR8802 SR8805 SR8808 SR8812 2G Engine Memory:3 M Memory:3M 2G Engine Memory:3M 2G Engine Memory:3M 3.4.5 IS_IS Max. Number of Route Entrance 1000,000 1000,000 1000,000 1000,000 3.5 MPLS 3.5.1 LDP Max. Number of Dynamic LSP 32K 32K 32K 32K Max. Number of Static LSP 1010 1010 1010 1010 Max. Number of MPLS supported interface 16K 16K 16K 16K Max. Number of Local Peer 256 256 256 256 Max. Number of Remote Peer 256 256 256 256 3.5.2 L3VPN Max. Number of VRF 1024 1024 1024 1024 Max. Number of interface bounded by a single VRF SPE-1010- E/SPE-1020- E<512K,SP E-1010/SPE- 1020<128K SPE-1010-E/SPE- 1020- E<512K,SPE- 1010/SPE- 1020<128K SPE-1010- E/SPE-1020- E<512K, SPE-1010/SPE- 1020<128K SPE-1010- E/SPE-1020- E<512K, SPE-1010/SPE- 1020<128K 3.6 Multicast Multicast Route 32 K 32 K 32 K 32 K IGMP Group 1024 1024 1024 1024 3.7 Security Function 3.7.1 NAT Number of Address Pool 255 255 255 255 Size of a single address pool 1. 64 IP addresses per PAT address pool 2. 255 IP addresses per NAT address pool 3. 255 NAT 1. 64 IP addresses per PAT address pool 2. 255 IP addresses per NAT address pool 3. 255 NAT address pools 1. 64 IP addresses per PAT address pool 2. 255 IP addresses per NAT address pool 3. 255 NAT 1. 64 IP addresses per PAT address pool 2. 255 IP addresses per NAT address pool 3. 255 NAT ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR8802 SR8805 SR8808 SR8812 address pools address pools address pools Concurrent connections 1,000,000 1,000,000 per line-card 1,000,000 per line-card 1,000,000 per line-card Session established Rate (session/second) > 200,000/s per line-card > 200,000/s per line-card > 200,000/s per line-card > 200,000/s per line-card Total number of Nat Servers in a system 1024 1024 1024 1024 3.7.2 ACL Number of Basic ACL SPE- 1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K , SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K,SPE -1010-E:64K, SPE- 1020-E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System Number of Advanced ACL SPE- 1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K , SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010-E:64K, SPE-1020-E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System Total Number of ACL SPE- 1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K , SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010-E:64K, SPE-1020-E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System SPE-1010:16K, SPE- 1020:2*16K, SPE-1010- E:64K, SPE-1020- E:64K, 64K/System 3.7.3 IPSec encryption performance 64Bytes:30 0Mbps, 64Bytes:300Mb ps, 64Bytes:300 Mbps, 64Bytes:300 Mbps, ________________________________________________________________________________ [Type text] STQC IT Certification body D-3 [Type text] Sl. No. Specification SR8802 SR8805 SR8808 SR8812 1500Bytes: 1Gbps 1500Bytes:1Gb ps 1500Bytes:1 Gbps 1500Bytes:1 Gbps Max Tunnel 6000 6000 6000 6000 3.7.4 SSL VPN Not support Not support Not support Not support 3.7.5 L2TP Max. Number of L2tp Tunnel 8192 8192 8192 8192 3.7.6 GRE Max. Number of Tunnels 4096 4096 4096 4096 3.7.7 FW Throughput (Mbps) 64Bytes:1 Gbps, 1500Bytes: 6Gbps 64-byte frames: 1 Gbps; 1500- byte frames: 6 Gbps 64Bytes:1Gbps , 1500Bytes:6Gb ps 64-byte frames: 1 Gbps; 1500-byte frames: 6 Gbps 64Bytes:1Gb ps, 1500Bytes:6 Gbps 64-byte frames: 1 Gbps; 1500- byte frames: 6 Gbps 64Bytes:1Gb ps, 1500Bytes:6 Gbps 64-byte frames: 1 Gbps; 1500- byte frames: 6 Gbps Max. Number of Concurrent Connections 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 3.7.8 Portal Authentication Number of concurrent connections 100 100 100 100 Max. Number of Client 2000 2000 2000 2000 3.8 QoS Max. Queue Number of PQ 16K 16K 16K 16K Max. Queue Number of CQ 16K 16K 16K 16K Max. Queue Number of WFQ 16K 16K 16K 16K Max. Queue Number of CBQ 16K 16K 16K 16K