ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 1 of 86 This document is composed of N. 86 pages progressively numbered NOTE: This document and any information contained in this document are MBDA Italia S.p.A. and Finmeccanica S.p.A proprietary information. Title to and ownership of all intellectual property rights relevant to the document and to its content shall remain with MBDA Italia S.p.A. and Finmeccanica S.p.A. Therefore, nothing under the present document shall be construed to grant to any other party any right, title or interest in or to the content of this document. Neither the whole nor any extract of this document may be published, reproduced, copied, loaned, disclosed and used for purposes other than those purposes mentioned in the document, without the prior written authorization of MBDA Italia S.p.A. and Finmeccanica S.p.A. FINX RTOS SE v3.1 Security Target (Lite) ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 2 of 86 ELENCO REVISIONI PAGINE LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Il presente documento è composto da N. 86 pagine con le seguenti revisioni: Total number of pages of this document is 86 consisting of the following: Pag./Page Rev./Issue Pag./Page Rev./Issue Pag./Page Rev./Issue 86 01 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 3 of 86 LIST OF CONTENTS 1 SECURITY TARGET INTRODUCTION....................................................................... 15 1.1 TOE Identification...............................................................................................................................................15 1.2 TOE Type ............................................................................................................................................................15 1.3 Terminology .......................................................................................................................................................15 1.4 TOE Overview.....................................................................................................................................................16 1.4.1 Intended Method of Use ..................................................................................................................................16 1.4.2 Summary of the TOE security features.............................................................................................................17 1.4.3 Required Hardware ..........................................................................................................................................17 1.5 TOE Description..................................................................................................................................................18 1.5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................18 1.5.2 Physical Scope ..................................................................................................................................................18 1.5.3 Logical Scope ....................................................................................................................................................19 1.5.4 Configurations ..................................................................................................................................................21 2 CONFORMANCE CLAIMS.......................................................................................... 22 3 SECURITY PROBLEM DEFINITION........................................................................... 23 3.1 Threats ...............................................................................................................................................................23 3.2 Organizational Security Policy ............................................................................................................................24 3.3 Security Assumptions .........................................................................................................................................26 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................... 27 4.1 TOE Security Objectives......................................................................................................................................27 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 4 of 86 4.2 Environment Security Objectives........................................................................................................................28 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale .............................................................................................................................28 4.3.1 Security Objectives Coverage ...........................................................................................................................28 4.3.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency.........................................................................................................................31 5 EXTENDED FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................ 40 6 SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................. 41 6.1 Security Audit (FAU) ...........................................................................................................................................41 6.1.1 Audit Data Generation (FAU_GEN.1)................................................................................................................41 6.1.2 User Identity Association (FAU_GEN.2)............................................................................................................45 6.1.3 Audit Review (FAU_SAR.1) ...............................................................................................................................45 6.1.4 Restricted Audit Review (FAU_SAR.2) ..............................................................................................................45 6.1.5 Selectable Audit Review (FAU_SAR.3)..............................................................................................................45 6.1.6 Selective Audit (FAU_SEL.1)..............................................................................................................................46 6.1.7 Protected Audit Trail Storage (FAU_STG.1)......................................................................................................46 6.1.8 Action in case of possible audit data loss (FAU_STG.3)....................................................................................46 6.1.9 Prevention of Audit Data Loss (FAU_STG.4).....................................................................................................46 6.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS)...............................................................................................................................46 6.2.1 Cryptographic key generation (Symmetric Keys) (FCS_CKM.1(1)) ...................................................................46 6.2.2 Cryptographic key generation (MEDIA)(FCS_CKM.1(2))...................................................................................47 6.2.3 Cryptographic key generation (RSA)(FCS_CKM.1(3))........................................................................................47 6.2.4 Cryptographic key generation(DSA) (FCS_CKM.1(4)) .......................................................................................47 6.2.5 Cryptographic key distribution (FCS_CKM.2) ...................................................................................................47 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 5 of 86 6.2.6 Cryptographic key destruction (FCS_CKM.4)....................................................................................................48 6.2.7 Cryptographic operation (COMM) (FCS_COP.1(1)) ..........................................................................................48 6.2.8 Cryptographic Operation (MEDIA) (FCS_COP.1(2)) ..........................................................................................48 6.2.9 Random Number Generation (FCS_RNG_EXT.1)..............................................................................................48 6.3 User Data Protection (FDP).................................................................................................................................49 6.3.1 Subset Access Control Policy (FDP_ACC.1) .......................................................................................................49 6.3.2 Security Attribute Based Access Control (FDP_ACF.1) .....................................................................................49 6.3.3 Full Residual Information Protection (FDP_RIP.2)............................................................................................51 6.3.4 Basic data exchange confidentiality (FDP_UCT.1) ............................................................................................51 6.3.5 Data exchange integrity (FDP_UIT.1)................................................................................................................51 6.4 Identification and Authentication (FIA) ..............................................................................................................51 6.4.1 Authentication Failure Handling (FIA_AFL_EXT.1)............................................................................................51 6.4.2 User Attribute Definition (FIA_ATD.1)..............................................................................................................51 6.4.3 Verification of Secrets (FIA_SOS.1)...................................................................................................................52 6.4.4 Authentication (FIA_UAU.2).............................................................................................................................52 6.4.5 Re-authenticating (FIA_UAU.6) ........................................................................................................................52 6.4.6 Protected Authentication Feedback (FIA_UAU.7)............................................................................................52 6.4.7 Identification (FIA_UID.2).................................................................................................................................52 6.4.8 User-Subject Binding (FIA_USB.1) ....................................................................................................................53 6.5 Security Management (FMT) ..............................................................................................................................53 6.5.1 Management of Security Functions Behaviour (for specification of auditable events) (FMT_MOF.1(1)) .......53 6.5.2 Management of Security Functions Behaviour (for authentication data) (FMT_MOF.1(2))............................54 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 6 of 86 6.5.3 Management of Object Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.1) ..............................................................................54 6.5.4 Secure Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.2).........................................................................................................54 6.5.5 Static Attributes Initialization (FMT_MSA.3) ....................................................................................................54 6.5.6 Management of TSF Data (for general TSF data) (FMT_MTD.1(1))..................................................................54 6.5.7 Management of TSF Data (for audit data) (FMT_MTD.1(2)) ............................................................................54 6.5.8 Management of TSF Data (for initialization of user security attributes) (FMT_MTD.1(3)) ..............................55 6.5.9 Management of TSF Data (for modification of user security attributes, other than authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(4)) .............................................................................................................................................................55 6.5.10 Management of TSF Data (for modification of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(5)) ..............................55 6.5.11 Management of TSF Data (for reading of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(6)).......................................55 6.5.12 Management of TSF Data (for critical cryptographic security parameters) (FMT_MTD.1(7)).....................55 6.5.13 Revocation (to authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(1)) .......................................................................55 6.5.14 Revocation (to owners and authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(2))....................................................55 6.5.15 Time-limited authorization (FMT_SAE.1).....................................................................................................56 6.5.16 Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1)...............................................................................56 6.5.17 Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1)........................................................................................................................56 6.6 Protection of the TOE Security Functions (FPT)...................................................................................................56 6.6.1 Reliable Time Stamps (FPT_STM.1) ..................................................................................................................56 6.6.2 TSF Self Test (FPT_TST.1) ..................................................................................................................................57 6.7 TOE Access (FTA) ................................................................................................................................................57 6.7.1 User-Initiated Locking (FTA_SSL.2) ...................................................................................................................57 6.7.2 Default TOE Access Banners (FTA_TAB.1) ........................................................................................................57 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 7 of 86 6.7.3 TOE Access History (FTA_TAH.1) ......................................................................................................................57 6.8 Trusted path/channels (FTP)...............................................................................................................................57 6.8.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel (FTP_ITC.1)..............................................................................................................57 6.9 Security Functional Requirements Rationale ......................................................................................................58 6.9.1 Security requirements coverage.......................................................................................................................58 6.9.2 Security requirements sufficiency ....................................................................................................................61 6.9.3 Security requirements dependencies analysis .................................................................................................68 7 SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 73 7.1 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale.......................................................................................................73 8 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION.............................................................................. 74 8.1 TOE Security Functionalities ...............................................................................................................................74 8.1.1 Identification and Authentication (IA)..............................................................................................................74 8.1.2 Audit Generation and Review (AU) ..................................................................................................................76 8.1.3 Discretionary Access Control (DA)....................................................................................................................77 8.1.4 Object Reuse Functionality (OR.1)....................................................................................................................79 8.1.5 Security Management (SM.1)...........................................................................................................................79 8.1.6 Cryptographic services (CS.1) ...........................................................................................................................80 8.1.7 TSF protection (TP) ...........................................................................................................................................80 9 ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES ..................................................................... 83 9.1 Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................................................83 9.2 References..........................................................................................................................................................85 1 SECURITY TARGET INTRODUCTION....................................................................... 15 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 8 of 86 1.1 TOE Identification...............................................................................................................................................15 1.2 TOE Type ............................................................................................................................................................15 1.3 Terminology .......................................................................................................................................................15 1.4 TOE Overview.....................................................................................................................................................16 1.4.1 Intended Method of Use ..................................................................................................................................16 1.4.2 Summary of the TOE security features.............................................................................................................17 1.4.3 Required Hardware ..........................................................................................................................................17 1.5 TOE Description..................................................................................................................................................18 1.5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................18 1.5.2 Physical Scope ..................................................................................................................................................18 1.5.3 Logical Scope ....................................................................................................................................................19 Identification and Authentication...........................................................................................................19 Audit........................................................................................................................................................20 Discretionary Access Control ..................................................................................................................20 Object Reuse ...........................................................................................................................................20 Security Management.............................................................................................................................20 Cryptographic Services............................................................................................................................20 TSF Protection.........................................................................................................................................21 1.5.4 Configurations ..................................................................................................................................................21 2 CONFORMANCE CLAIMS.......................................................................................... 22 3 SECURITY PROBLEM DEFINITION........................................................................... 23 3.1 Threats ...............................................................................................................................................................23 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 9 of 86 3.2 Organizational Security Policy ............................................................................................................................24 3.3 Security Assumptions .........................................................................................................................................26 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................... 27 4.1 TOE Security Objectives......................................................................................................................................27 4.2 Environment Security Objectives........................................................................................................................28 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale .............................................................................................................................28 4.3.1 Security Objectives Coverage ...........................................................................................................................28 4.3.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency.........................................................................................................................31 5 EXTENDED FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................ 40 6 SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................. 41 6.1 Security Audit (FAU) ...........................................................................................................................................41 6.1.1 Audit Data Generation (FAU_GEN.1)................................................................................................................41 6.1.2 User Identity Association (FAU_GEN.2)............................................................................................................45 6.1.3 Audit Review (FAU_SAR.1) ...............................................................................................................................45 6.1.4 Restricted Audit Review (FAU_SAR.2) ..............................................................................................................45 6.1.5 Selectable Audit Review (FAU_SAR.3)..............................................................................................................45 6.1.6 Selective Audit (FAU_SEL.1)..............................................................................................................................46 6.1.7 Protected Audit Trail Storage (FAU_STG.1)......................................................................................................46 6.1.8 Action in case of possible audit data loss (FAU_STG.3)....................................................................................46 6.1.9 Prevention of Audit Data Loss (FAU_STG.4).....................................................................................................46 6.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS)...............................................................................................................................46 6.2.1 Cryptographic key generation (Symmetric Keys) (FCS_CKM.1(1)) ...................................................................46 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 10 of 86 6.2.2 Cryptographic key generation (MEDIA)(FCS_CKM.1(2))...................................................................................47 6.2.3 Cryptographic key generation (RSA)(FCS_CKM.1(3))........................................................................................47 6.2.4 Cryptographic key generation(DSA) (FCS_CKM.1(4)) .......................................................................................47 6.2.5 Cryptographic key distribution (FCS_CKM.2) ...................................................................................................47 6.2.6 Cryptographic key destruction (FCS_CKM.4)....................................................................................................48 6.2.7 Cryptographic operation (COMM) (FCS_COP.1(1)) ..........................................................................................48 6.2.8 Cryptographic Operation (MEDIA) (FCS_COP.1(2)) ..........................................................................................48 6.2.9 Random Number Generation (FCS_RNG_EXT.1)..............................................................................................48 6.3 User Data Protection (FDP).................................................................................................................................49 6.3.1 Subset Access Control Policy (FDP_ACC.1) .......................................................................................................49 6.3.2 Security Attribute Based Access Control (FDP_ACF.1) .....................................................................................49 6.3.3 Full Residual Information Protection (FDP_RIP.2)............................................................................................51 6.3.4 Basic data exchange confidentiality (FDP_UCT.1) ............................................................................................51 6.3.5 Data exchange integrity (FDP_UIT.1)................................................................................................................51 6.4 Identification and Authentication (FIA) ..............................................................................................................51 6.4.1 Authentication Failure Handling (FIA_AFL_EXT.1)............................................................................................51 6.4.2 User Attribute Definition (FIA_ATD.1)..............................................................................................................51 6.4.3 Verification of Secrets (FIA_SOS.1)...................................................................................................................52 6.4.4 Authentication (FIA_UAU.2).............................................................................................................................52 6.4.5 Re-authenticating (FIA_UAU.6) ........................................................................................................................52 6.4.6 Protected Authentication Feedback (FIA_UAU.7)............................................................................................52 6.4.7 Identification (FIA_UID.2).................................................................................................................................52 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 11 of 86 6.4.8 User-Subject Binding (FIA_USB.1) ....................................................................................................................53 6.5 Security Management (FMT) ..............................................................................................................................53 6.5.1 Management of Security Functions Behaviour (for specification of auditable events) (FMT_MOF.1(1)) .......53 6.5.2 Management of Security Functions Behaviour (for authentication data) (FMT_MOF.1(2))............................54 6.5.3 Management of Object Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.1) ..............................................................................54 6.5.4 Secure Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.2).........................................................................................................54 6.5.5 Static Attributes Initialization (FMT_MSA.3) ....................................................................................................54 6.5.6 Management of TSF Data (for general TSF data) (FMT_MTD.1(1))..................................................................54 6.5.7 Management of TSF Data (for audit data) (FMT_MTD.1(2)) ............................................................................54 6.5.8 Management of TSF Data (for initialization of user security attributes) (FMT_MTD.1(3)) ..............................55 6.5.9 Management of TSF Data (for modification of user security attributes, other than authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(4)) .............................................................................................................................................................55 6.5.10 Management of TSF Data (for modification of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(5)) ..............................55 6.5.11 Management of TSF Data (for reading of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(6)).......................................55 6.5.12 Management of TSF Data (for critical cryptographic security parameters) (FMT_MTD.1(7)).....................55 6.5.13 Revocation (to authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(1)) .......................................................................55 6.5.14 Revocation (to owners and authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(2))....................................................55 6.5.15 Time-limited authorization (FMT_SAE.1).....................................................................................................56 6.5.16 Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1)...............................................................................56 6.5.17 Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1)........................................................................................................................56 6.6 Protection of the TOE Security Functions (FPT)...................................................................................................56 6.6.1 Reliable Time Stamps (FPT_STM.1) ..................................................................................................................56 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 12 of 86 6.6.2 TSF Self Test (FPT_TST.1) ..................................................................................................................................57 6.7 TOE Access (FTA) ................................................................................................................................................57 6.7.1 User-Initiated Locking (FTA_SSL.2) ...................................................................................................................57 6.7.2 Default TOE Access Banners (FTA_TAB.1) ........................................................................................................57 6.7.3 TOE Access History (FTA_TAH.1) ......................................................................................................................57 6.8 Trusted path/channels (FTP)...............................................................................................................................57 6.8.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel (FTP_ITC.1)..............................................................................................................57 6.9 Security Functional Requirements Rationale ......................................................................................................58 6.9.1 Security requirements coverage.......................................................................................................................58 6.9.2 Security requirements sufficiency ....................................................................................................................61 6.9.3 Security requirements dependencies analysis .................................................................................................68 7 SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 73 7.1 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale.......................................................................................................73 8 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION.............................................................................. 74 8.1 TOE Security Functionalities ...............................................................................................................................74 8.1.1 Identification and Authentication (IA)..............................................................................................................74 Identification and Authentication mechanisms (IA.1) ............................................................................74 User Identity and Role Changing (IA.2) ...................................................................................................75 User Session Lock (IA.3) ..........................................................................................................................75 Management of Authentication Data (IA.4) ...........................................................................................75 8.1.2 Audit Generation and Review (AU) ..................................................................................................................76 Audit Generation and Processing (AU.1) ................................................................................................76 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 13 of 86 Audit Review (AU.2)................................................................................................................................76 8.1.3 Discretionary Access Control (DA)....................................................................................................................77 General DAC Policy (DA.1).......................................................................................................................77 Permission bits (DA.2).............................................................................................................................77 Access Control Lists (ACLs) (DA.3)...........................................................................................................78 IPC objects (DA.4)....................................................................................................................................78 8.1.4 Object Reuse Functionality (OR.1)....................................................................................................................79 8.1.5 Security Management (SM.1)...........................................................................................................................79 8.1.6 Cryptographic services (CS.1) ...........................................................................................................................80 8.1.7 TSF protection (TP) ...........................................................................................................................................80 TSF Invocation Guarantees (TP.1) ...........................................................................................................80 Kernel (TP.2)............................................................................................................................................81 Kernel Modules (TP.3).............................................................................................................................81 Trusted Processes (TP.4) .........................................................................................................................81 TSF Databases (TP.5)...............................................................................................................................81 Internal TOE Protection Mechanisms (TP.6)...........................................................................................82 Testing the TSF Mechanisms (TP.7) ........................................................................................................82 9 ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES ..................................................................... 83 9.1 Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................................................83 9.2 References..........................................................................................................................................................85 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 14 of 86 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Possible deployment options available for FINX RTOS considered in this evaluation ..................... 19 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Mapping of security objectives to threats and policies......................................................................... 30 Table 2: Mapping of security objectives for the Operational Environment to assumptions, threats and policies .................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Table 3: Sufficiency of objectives countering threats......................................................................................... 33 Table 4: Sufficiency of objectives holding Assumptions .................................................................................... 36 Table 5: Sufficiency of objectives enforcing Organizational Security Policies................................................... 39 Table 6: Extended functional Requirements...................................................................................................... 40 Table 7: Auditable events................................................................................................................................... 45 Table 8: Mapping of security functional requirements to security objectives..................................................... 61 Table 9: Security objectives for the TOE rationale ............................................................................................ 68 Table 10: TOE SFR dependency analysis......................................................................................................... 72 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 15 of 86 1 SECURITY TARGET INTRODUCTION Title: FINX RTOS SE v3.1 Security Target (Lite). ST Revision: 01 Date: 16 December 2014. This document is a “Lite” version of the FINX RTOS SE v3.1 Security Target, PN 16200036572, rev. 02, and it is developed in accordance to the rules stated in 2006-04-004.pdf. 1.1 TOE Identification The TOE is FINX RTOS Security Enhanced (SE) v3.1, identified as: CSCI FIN.X-RTOS SE V3.1 - P/N 16100021323.01 1.2 TOE Type The TOE type is Linux-based Operating System. 1.3 Terminology External entities: include human users, as well as other IT systems. Objects: in FINX RTOS, objects belong to one of the following categories: file system objects, IPC objects, memory objects, and network objects. Processes are objects when they are the target of signal-related system calls. IPC Objects: Inter Process Communication (IPC) objects:  Semaphores  Shared memory  Message queues  Named pipes  UNIX domain socket special files  Signals. Named Objects: in FINX RTOS, those objects that are subject to discretionary access control. This includes all objects except memory objects. Public objects: objects for which the TSF unconditionally permits all entities “read” access. Only the TSF or authorized administrators may create, delete, or modify the public objects. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 16 of 86 Subjects: Processes acting on behalf of a human user or technical entity. There are two types of subjects in FINX RTOS:  untrusted internal subjects: they are processes running on behalf of some user, running outside the TSF;  trusted internal subjects - they are processes running as part of the TSF. Examples are service daemons and the process implementing the identification and authentication of users. User: any person who interacts with the TOE. The authorized non-administrative user and authorized administrator are security roles maintained within the TOE. The TOE associate each user with roles. In this document, unless differently specified, “authorized user” include both administrative and non-administrative authorized users. 1.4 TOE Overview The security target documents the security features of FINX RTOS SE v3.1 distribution (in short, in this ST, FINX RTOS). FINX RTOS is intended to meet the demands of IT developers in the defence market, as well as markets such as the aerospace, networking, industrial and consumer electronics. FINX RTOS is a multi-user operating system that offers improved execution predictability in a multi-tasking environment. FINX RTOS is a Linux-based operating system, based on the Gentoo Linux distribution [Gentoo]. 1.4.1 Intended Method of Use The TOE is a Linux-based multi-user multi-tasking operating system. The TOE may provide services to several users at the same time. After successful login, the users have access to a general computing environment, allowing the start-up of user applications and creating and accessing files (e.g., output files of user-owned applications). The TOE uses discretionary access control as a mechanism to protect user data. Privileged commands are restricted to authorized administrators. The TOE is capable of securely allocating resources to multiple users. These resources include multiple processors, memory, and attached peripheral and storage devices. The TOE facilitates controlled sharing of these resources based on subject and object security attributes. Many processes that are run on the TOE automatically, without requiring user interaction, do not have full privilege to the TOE itself. Although they are not bound to users, they are still subject to access control. The TOE is designed this way to enforce the principle of least privilege. Human users, as well as services offered by the TOE, are assigned unique user identifiers. These user identifiers are used together with the attributes and roles assigned to the user identifier as the basis for access control decisions. The TOE authenticates the claimed identity of the user before allowing the user to perform any further actions. Authorized services may be spawned by the TOE without the need for user interaction. The TOE internally maintains a set of identifiers associated with processes, which are derived from the unique user identifier upon login of the user or from the configured user identifier for a TOE spawned service. Some of those identifiers may change during the execution of the process according to a policy implemented by the TOE. It is assumed that responsibility for the safeguarding of the data protected by the TOE can be delegated to the TOE human users, if such users are allowed to log on and spawn processes on their behalf. All data (within the defined logical boundaries) are under the control of the TOE. The data are stored in named objects, and the TOE can associate with each named object a description of the access rights to that object. The TOE enforces controls so that access to data objects can only take place in accordance with the access restrictions placed on that object by its owner, and by authorized administrators. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 17 of 86 Discretionary access rights (e.g. read, write, execute) can be assigned to data objects with respect to subjects identified with their UID/GID. Once a subject is granted access to an object, the content of that object may be freely used to influence other objects accessible to this subject. 1.4.2 Summary of the TOE security features The TOE provides the following main security features:  Identification and Authentication  Audit  Discretionary Access Control  Object-reuse functionality  Security Management  Cryptographic Services  TSF Protection. These primary security features are supported by domain separation and reference mediation, which ensure that the features are always invoked and cannot be bypassed. 1.4.3 Required Hardware FINX RTOS does not require any specific hardware platform to operate. It works on all Intel Architecture platforms, with minimum requirements of: – Microprocessor: Intel Pentium i686 – HD: SATA, 40GB – RAM: 1GB – network adapter or CD/DVD drive (only required for FINX RTOS installation) The hardware used during the evaluation process is:  VP417/03x and VP717/08x: commercial, off-the-shelf and custom designed industrial computer boards for critical embedded applications. See the related data sheets at the URLs: - -,  VMWare ESXi v5.1. All the tests conducted on these platforms have demonstrated that all security functions defined in this document work properly. FINX RTOS provides a dedicated installation procedure to support the installation of the operating system on the above platforms. TOE platform can be configured to support x86 32 and/or 64 bit applications. The evaluated configuration considers 32 bit applications only. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 18 of 86 1.5 TOE Description 1.5.1 Introduction FINX RTOS is a real-time, multi-user, multi-tasking, and Linux-based operating system; it has been enhanced with security patches. FINX RTOS is based on the Gentoo Linux distribution [Gentoo] that allows a very flexible and powerful creation of software packages during development phases. FINX RTOS supports a broad range of system boards and computing systems, ranging from multi-processor workstations and servers to single board computers operating in ruggedized and embedded environments. FINX RTOS provides a predictable execution context, which supports applications with real-time requirements. FINX RTOS extends Linux native real-time support by integrating the Linux Kernel PREEMPT_RT patch [PREEMPT_RT]. FINX RTOS provides such real-time enhancements in a security- oriented context. This FINX RTOS evaluation covers a potentially distributed, but closed deployment of systems running the evaluated versions and configurations of FINX RTOS. The hardware platforms selected for the evaluation consist of machines which are available when the evaluation has completed and to remain available for a substantial period of time afterwards. The TOE Security Functions (TSFs) consist of functions of FINX RTOS that run in kernel mode plus some trusted processes. These are the functions that implement the security functional requirements defined in section 6. The hardware, the BootProm firmware and potentially other firmware layers between the hardware and FINX RTOS are considered to be part of the TOE environment. A graphical user interface for TOE administration or any other operation is not included in the evaluated configuration. Note that the TOE environment could include unprivileged applications that are not part of the evaluation. For example a network server using a port above 1024 may be used as a normal application running without root privileges on top of the TOE. The additional documentation specific for the evaluated configuration provides guidance how to set up such application on the TOE in a secure way. 1.5.2 Physical Scope The TOE system software is the FINX RTOS SE v3.1 operating system as identified in section 1.1. The TOE and its documentation are supplied on ISO images and PDF files distributed via the TOE’s owner web site or on a CD/DVD ROM. The TOE includes a package holding the additional user and administrator documentation. In addition to the installation media, the following documentation is provided:  FINX RTOS SE v3.1 Secure Installation, Configuration & Operations (ICO) The hardware that is applicable to the evaluated configuration is listed in section 1.4.3. The analysis of the hardware capabilities as well as the firmware functionality is covered by this evaluation to the extent that the following capabilities supporting the security functionality are analyzed and tested:  Memory separation capability;  Full testing of the security functionality on all listed hardware systems. Physical peripheral devices (hard disks, network interface cards, CD/DVD drives, serial interfaces) can be used with the TOE without affecting its security functions. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 19 of 86 Hot pluggable devices such as USB memory devices are only available to authorized administrators. Other hot pluggable devices such as USB mice or keyboards can be used with the TOE by all the users without affecting its security functions, provided that they are connected before booting the operating system. TOE Operational Environment: Figure 1 shows the possible deployment options that are available for the FINX RTOS considered in this evaluation. Configurations a) and b) cover the deployment of FINX RTOS on a single and a multi-core platform. Configuration c) covers the distributed deployment of FINX RTOS on a set of hardware platforms that may comprise any combinations of the configurations a) and b). All options support single or multiple software application deployment on top of FINX RTOS. OS Single Core OS (any) hw a p p a p p OS (any) hw a p p a p p a) Single core CPU, modular application deployment. c) Distributed deployment (hardware & s/w modularity variants all possible) OS (any) hw a p p app app app OS Multi-Core b) Multi-core CPU, modular application deployment. app app app Figure 1 - Possible deployment options available for FINX RTOS considered in this evaluation When deployed according to the above configuration c), the TOE can operate in a networked environment with other instantiations of the TOE as well as other well-behaved peer systems operating within the same management domain. All those systems are assumed to be configured in accordance with a defined common security policy. 1.5.3 Logical Scope The primary security features of the TOE are described in the following paragraphs. The TOE provides many more functions and mechanisms. The evaluation ensures that all these additional functions do not interfere with the below mentioned security mechanisms in the evaluated configuration. Mechanisms and functions that would interfere with the operation of the security functions are disallowed in the evaluated configuration and the Secure Installation, Configuration & Operations Guide provides instructions to the authorized administrator on how to disable them. Identification and Authentication All individual users are assigned a unique user identifier within the single host system that forms the TOE. This user identifier is used together with the attributes and roles assigned to the user as the basis for access control decisions. The TOE authenticates the claimed identity of the user before allowing the user to perform any further actions. The TOE internally maintains a set of identifiers associated with processes, which are derived from the unique user identifier upon login of the user. Some of those identifiers may change during the execution of the process (e.g., using the su command) according to a policy implemented by the TOE. FINX RTOS provides identification and authentication using pluggable authentication modules (PAM) based upon user passwords. The quality of the passwords used can be enforced through configuration options. Other authentication methods (e.g., token based authentication) are not part of the evaluated configuration. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 20 of 86 Audit The TOE provides an audit capability that allows generating audit records for security critical events. The authorized administrator can select which events are audited and for which users auditing is active. A list of events that can be audited is defined in section 6.1. The TOE provides tools that help the authorized administrator to extract specific types of audit events, audit events for specific users, audit events related to specific file system objects, or audit events within a specific time frame from the overall audit records collected by the TOE. The audit records are stored in ASCII text, no conversion of the information into human readable form is necessary. The audit system detects when the capacity of the audit trail exceeds configurable thresholds, and the authorized administrator can define actions to be taken when the threshold is exceeded. The possible actions include switching the operating system to single user mode (this prevents all user-initiated auditable actions) or halting the operating system. The audit function also ensures that no audit records get lost due to exhaustion of the internal audit buffers. Processes that try to create an audit record while the internal audit buffers are full will be halted until the required resources are available again. In the unlikely case of unrecoverable resource exhaustion, the kernel audit component initiates a kernel panic to prevent all further auditable events. Discretionary Access Control Discretionary Access Control (DAC) restricts access to file system objects based on Access Control Lists (ACLs) that include the standard UNIX permissions for user, group and others. Access control mechanisms also protect IPC objects from unauthorized access. FINX RTOS includes the ext3 file system, which supports POSIX ACLs. This allows defining access rights to files within this type of file system down to the granularity of a single user. IPC objects use permission bits for discretionary access control. Object Reuse File system objects as well as memory and IPC objects will be cleared before they can be reused by a process belonging to a different user. FINX RTOS supports secure wiping of hard disk devices (e.g., through the shred tool), but these tools are excluded from the evaluated configuration. Security Management The management of the security critical parameters of the TOE is performed by authorized administrators. A set of commands that require root privileges is used for TOE management. Security parameters are stored in specific files that are protected by the access control mechanisms of the TOE against unauthorized access by users that are not authorized administrators. All authorized users are able to change their authentication data. Cryptographic Services Provide mechanisms to protect TSF data and also provide support to allow authorized administrator and applications to encrypt, decrypt, hash, and digitally sign data as it resides within the TOE and as it is transmitted to other systems. Cryptographic mechanisms are specifically used to protect communication with remote trusted systems and authentication of the communicating parties. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 21 of 86 TSF Protection While in operation, the kernel software and data are protected by the hardware memory protection mechanisms. The memory and process management components of the kernel ensure a user process cannot access kernel storage or storage belonging to other processes. Non-kernel TSF software and data are protected by DAC and process isolation mechanisms. In general, files and directories containing internal TSF data (e.g., configuration files) are also protected from reading by DAC permissions. 1.5.4 Configurations The evaluated configurations are defined as follows:  The CC evaluated packages indicated in the Secure Installation, Configuration & Operations Guide and installed accordingly. This mentioned package list includes packages that contribute to the TSF as well as packages that contain untrusted user programs that belongs to the FINX RTOS distribution, but do not contribute or interfere with the TSF. File Systems: The following file system types are supported:  the ext3 journaling filesystem,  the read-only ISO 9660 filesystem for CD-ROM drives and DVD drives,  the process file system, procfs (/proc) represents processes / tasks as files and directories containing live status information for each process in the system. Process access decisions are enforced by DAC attributes inferred from the underlying process’ DAC attributes. Additional restrictions apply for specific objects in this file system,  the sysfs filesystem (sysfs) used to export and handle non-process related kernel information such as device driver specific information. Access to objects there can be restricted using the DAC mechanism(which consists of the permission bits only),  the temporary filesystem (tmpfs) used as a fast non-persistent RAM based file system,  the pseudo-terminal device file system (devpts) used to provide pseudo terminal support,  the virtual root file system (rootfs) used temporarily during TOE start-up,  the miscellaneous binary file format registration file system (binfmt_misc) used to configure interpreters for executing binary files based on file header information. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 22 of 86 2 CONFORMANCE CLAIMS This ST is CC Part 2 extended and CC Part 3 conformant, with a claimed Evaluation Assurance Level of EAL4 augmented with ALC_FLR.1. This Security Target does not claim conformance any Protection Profile, even if the [OSPP] and the [GPOSPP] have been used as a guideline. Common Criteria [CC] for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 4, September 2012 has been taken as the basis for this conformance claim. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 23 of 86 3 SECURITY PROBLEM DEFINITION This section defines the expected TOE security environment in terms of the threats, security assumptions, and the security policies that must be followed for the TOE and the related IT environment. 3.1 Threats Threats to be countered by the TOE are characterized by the combination of an asset being subject to a threat, a threat agent and an adverse action. Assets to be protected are:  Persistent storage objects used to store user data and/or TSF data, where this data needs to be protected from any of the following operations: o Unauthorized read access o Unauthorized modification o Unauthorized deletion of the object o Unauthorized creation of new objects o Unauthorized management of object attributes  Transient storage objects, including network data.  TSF functions and associated TSF data.  The resources managed by the TSF that are used to store the above-mentioned objects, including the metadata needed to manage these objects. Threat agents are external entities that potentially may attack the TOE. They satisfy one or more of the following criteria:  External entities not authorized to access assets may attempt to access them either by masquerading as an authorized entity or by attempting to use TSF services without proper authorization.  External entities authorized to access certain assets may attempt to access other assets they are not authorized to either by misusing services they are allowed to use or by masquerading as a different external entity.  Untrusted subjects may attempt to access assets they are not authorized to either by misusing services they are allowed to use or by masquerading as a different subject. Threat agents are typically characterized by a number of factors, such as expertise, available resources, and motivation, with motivation being linked directly to the value of the assets at stake. In the following the threats countered by the TOE: T.AUDIT_COMPROMISE: A threat agent may view audit records, cause audit records to be lost or modified, or prevent future audit records from being recorded, thus masking a user’s action. T.MASQUERADE: A threat agent may masquerade as an authorized entity in order to gain unauthorized access to data or TOE resources. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 24 of 86 T.RESIDUAL_DATA: A threat agent may gain unauthorized access to data through reallocation of TOE resources from one user or process to another. T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE: A threat agent may cause assets to be inappropriately accessed (viewed, modified or deleted). T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS: A threat agent may gain unauthorized access (view, modify, delete) to user data. T.COMM: A threat agent might access a communication channel that establishes a trusted relationship between the TOE and a remote user or another remote trusted IT system or masquerade as another remote user or as another remote trusted IT system. T.UNATTENDED_SESSION: A threat agent may gain unauthorized access to an unattended session. T.UNIDENTIFIED_ACTIONS: The authorized administrator may fail to notice potential security violations. That could prevent the authorized administrator from taking action against a possible security violation. 3.2 Organizational Security Policy The organizational security policies addressed by the TOE are the following: P.AUTHORIZED_USERS: Only those users who have been authorized to access the information within the TOE may access the TOE. P.ACCESS_BANNER: The TOE shall display an initial banner describing restrictions of use, legal agreements, or any other appropriate information to which users consent by accessing the TOE. P.TRACE: The TOE shall provide the ability to review the actions of individual users. P.EXPORT_ENCRYPT: The TOE shall provide the means to enforce encryption of exported information. P.REMOTE_ENCRYPT: The TOE shall ensure only cryptographic remote management channels are employed. P.I_AND_A: All users shall be identified and authenticated prior to accessing any controlled resources with the exception of public objects. P.NEED_TO_KNOW: The organization must define a discretionary access control policy on a need-to-know basis which can be modelled based on:  the owner of the object; and  the identity of the subject attempting the access; and  the implicit and explicit access rights to the object granted to the subject by the object owner or an authorized administrator. Application Note: Being able to model an organization’s access control policy based on the three properties above ensures that the organization’s policy can be mapped to the security functions provided by the TOE. For example an access control policy based on time dependent or content dependent rules would not satisfy the above mentioned policy. P.PWD_QUALITY: The TOE shall provide the means to enforce password quality. The TOE shall be configured to offer users:  Password quality enforcement based on password string construction rules applied to passwords generated by the user. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 25 of 86 P.PWD_PARAMS: The TOE shall provide the means to enforce password parameter limits as follows:  minimum valid duration,  maximum valid duration,  maximum quantity of successive unsuccessful authentication attempts prior to account lockout,  minimum password ‘history depth’,  password validity expiration warning interval,  nevertheless permit any user to change password at any time. P.CRED_STORAGE: The TOE shall only store human user credentials in hash form, using SHA-512. P.CRED_PROC: The TOE shall only authenticate human users by comparison of stored hash value with re-computed hash of user-entered credentials. P.PERIPHERALS: The TOE shall provide the means to manage peripheral devices. P.SYS_REL_1: The TOE shall provide the means to enforce accounting of security-related events, as a minimum:  identification & authentication events (both Success & Failure and/or both Human and Machine users)  all accounting log read accesses (S&F) (H&M)  audit log 1 read access (S&F) (H&M)  accounting log 2 storage capacity modification (S&F)  audit log storage capacity modification (S&F)  accounting log storage behaviour modification (S&F)  audit log storage behaviour modification (S&F)  modification to definition of events to be logged (S&F)  modification to definition of events that cause alert to be emitted (S&F)  filesystem mount operations (H&M) (S&F)  modifications to data structures that represent machine and human users (S&F)  modifications to data structures that represent access abilities over objects (S&F)  human user adjustments to machine representation of time (S&F)  changes to authentication parameters (S&F)  changes to network configuration (S&F)  uses of automated time interval behaviours 3 (S&F) P.SYS_REL_2: The TOE shall provide the means to enforce accounting of security-related events, where such are generated by IT products in the environment: 1 - all the recorded occurred events. 2 - all the recorded occurred events related to the accounting operations like login, logout, su command, group changing etc. They are included in the audit events. 3 - it refers to any enabled time-based job scheduler, as Cron. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 26 of 86  input validation failure  message integrity failure  message source confirmation failure 4  output validation failure  uses of remote management behaviours P.SYS_REL_3: When the TOE is configured with cryptographic remote management channels the TOE shall provide the means to enforce accounting of:  remote access episodes (S&F)  identity of remote hosts  any changes to security behaviour or configuration effected by the management episode. 3.3 Security Assumptions The following assumptions are considered to be effective in TOE environment: A.PHYSICAL: It is assumed that the IT environment provides the TOE with appropriate physical security, commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE. A.CONNECT: All connections to and from remote trusted IT systems and between physically-separate parts of the TSF not protected by the TSF itself are physically or logically protected within the TOE environment to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data transmitted and to ensure the authenticity of the communication end points. A.MANAGE: The TOE security functionality is managed by one or more competent individuals. Those responsible for the TOE administration are not careless, wilfully negligent, or hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the guidance documentation. A.AUTHUSER: Authorized users possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and are expected to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment. A.TRAINEDUSER: Users are sufficiently trained and trusted to accomplish some task or group of tasks within a secure IT environment by exercising complete control over their user data. A.DETECT: Any modification or corruption of security-enforcing or security-relevant files of the TOE, user data or the underlying platform caused either intentionally or accidentally will be detected by an authorized administrator. A.PEER_MGT: All remote trusted IT systems trusted by the TSF to provide TSF data or services to the TOE, or to support the TSF in the enforcement of security policy decisions, are assumed to be under the same management control and operate under security policy constraints compatible with those of the TOE. A.PEER_FUNC: All remote trusted IT systems trusted by the TSF to provide TSF data or services to the TOE, or to support the TSF in the enforcement of security policy decisions, are assumed to correctly implement the functionality used by the TSF consistent with the assumptions defined for this functionality. 4 - Case of a mutual end point authentication between an IT product in the TOE environment and the TOE itself. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 27 of 86 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES This section defines the security objectives for the TOE and its environment. These objectives are suitable to counter all identified threats and cover all identified organizational security policies and assumptions. The TOE security objectives are identified with “O.” appended to the beginning of the name and the environment objectives are identified with “OE.” appended to the beginning of the name. 4.1 TOE Security Objectives O.ACCESS: the TOE must ensure that users gain only authorized access to it and to resources that it controls. O.ACCESS_HISTORY: the TOE must display information (to authorized users) related to previous attempts to establish an interactive session. O.AUDIT_GENERATION: the TOE must provide the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail. O.AUDIT_PROTECTION: the TOE must provide the capability to protect audit information. O.AUDIT_REVIEW: the TOE must provide the capability to selectively view audit information and alert the authorized administrator of identified potential security violations. O.CRYPTO_NET: the TSF must allow authorized users to remotely access the TOE using a cryptographically-protected network protocol that ensures integrity and confidentiality of the transported data and is able to authenticate the end points of the communication. Note that the same protocol may also be used in the case where the TSF is physically separated into multiple parts that must communicate securely with each other over untrusted network connections. O.CRYPTO_MEDIA: the TSF must allow authorized administrator to securely export information using a cryptographically-protected protocol that ensures integrity and confidentiality of the exported data. O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL: the TSF must be designed and implemented in a manner that allows for establishing a trusted channel between the TOE and a remote trusted IT system that protects the user data and TSF data transferred over this channel from disclosure and undetected modification and prevents masquerading of the remote trusted IT system. O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS: the TOE must control access to resources based upon the identity of users and groups of users. O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL: the TOE must allow authorized users to specify which resources may be accessed by which users and groups of users. O.DISPLAY_BANNER: the TOE must display (where appropriate) an advisory warning regarding use of the TOE. O.ENFORCEMENT: the TSF must be designed and implemented in a manner which ensures that the organizational policies are enforced in the target environment. The TOE security policy is enforced in a manner which ensures that the organizational policies are enforced in the target environment, i.e., the integrity of the TSF is protected. O.MANAGE: the TOE must provide all the functions and facilities necessary to support the authorized users in their management of the security of the TOE, and protect these functions and facilities from unauthorized use. O.PROTECT: the TOE must provide mechanisms to protect user assets. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 28 of 86 O.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION: the TOE must ensure that any data contained in a protected resource is not available when the resource is reallocated. O.USER_AUTHENTICATION: the TOE must verify the claimed identity of users. O.USER_IDENTIFICATION: the TOE must uniquely identify users. 4.2 Environment Security Objectives The following objectives are to be met by the operational environment of the TOE. OE.ADMIN: Those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains. OE.INFO_PROTECT: Those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that information is protected in an appropriate manner. In particular:  All network and peripheral cabling must be approved for the transmittal of the most sensitive data held by the system. Such physical links are assumed to be adequately protected against threats to the confidentiality and integrity of the data transmitted,  DAC protections on security-relevant files (such as audit trails and authentication databases) shall always be set up correctly,  Users are authorized to access parts of the data managed by the TOE and are trained to exercise control over their own data. OE.INSTALL: Those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that the hardware, software and firmware components that comprise the system are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE. OE.MAINTENANCE: Authorized users of the TOE must ensure that the comprehensive diagnostics facilities provided by the product are invoked at every scheduled preventative maintenance period. OE.PHYSICAL: Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that those parts of the TOE critical to enforcement of the security policy are protected from physical attack that might compromise IT security objectives. The protection must be commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE. OE.RECOVER: Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that procedures and/or mechanisms are provided to assure that after TOE failure or other discontinuity, recovery without a protection (i.e., security) compromise is achieved. OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM: The remote trusted IT systems implement the protocols and mechanisms required by the TSF to support the enforcement of the security policy. These remote trusted IT systems are under the same management domain as the TOE, are managed based on the same rules and policies applicable to the TOE, and are physically and logically protected equivalent to the TOE. 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale 4.3.1 Security Objectives Coverage The following table provides a mapping of TOE objectives to threats and policies, showing that each objective counters or enforces at least one threat or policy, respectively. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 29 of 86 Objectives Threats/OSPs O.ACCESS T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS, P.NEED_TO_KNOW O.ACCESS_HISTORY T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS O.AUDIT_GENERATION T.AUDIT_COMPROMISE, P.SYS_REL_1, P.SYS_REL_2, P.SYS_REL_3 O.AUDIT_PROTECTION T.AUDIT_COMPROMISE O.AUDIT_REVIEW T.UNIDENTIFIED_ACTIONS, P.TRACE, P.SYS_REL_1, P.SYS_REL_2, P.SYS_REL_3 O.CRYPTO_NET T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE, T.COMM, P.REMOTE_ENCRYPT O.CRYPTO_MEDIA T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE, P.EXPORT_ENCRYPT O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL T.COMM O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE, T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS, P.NEED_TO_KNOW O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE, T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS, P.NEED_TO_KNOW O.DISPLAY_BANNER P.ACCESS_BANNER O.ENFORCEMENT P.AUTHORIZED_USERS, P.NEED_TO_KNOW O.MANAGE T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE, P.AUTHORIZED_USERS, P.NEED_TO_KNOW, P.PWD_PARAMS, P.PERIPHERALS, P.SYS_REL_1, P.SYS_REL_2, ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 30 of 86 Objectives Threats/OSPs P.SYS_REL_3, P.TRACE O.PROTECT T.UNATTENDED_SESSION, T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS, P.CRED_STORAGE P.NEED_TO_KNOW, P.PWD_QUALITY, P.PWD_PARAMS O.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION T.RESIDUAL_DATA O.USER_AUTHENTICATION T.MASQUERADE, P.AUTHORIZED_USERS, P.CRED_PROC P.I_AND_A, P.PWD_QUALITY, P.PWD_PARAMS O.USER_IDENTIFICATION T.MASQUERADE, P.AUTHORIZED_USERS P.I_AND_A P.SYS_REL_1, P.SYS_REL_2, P.SYS_REL_3 Table 1: Mapping of security objectives to threats and policies The following table provides a mapping of the objectives for the Operational Environment to assumptions, threats and policies, showing that each objective holds, counters or enforces at least one assumption, threat or policy, respectively. Objectives Assumptions/Threats/OSPs OE.ADMIN A.AUTHUSER, A.MANAGE, A.TRAINEDUSER OE.INFO_PROTECT A.AUTHUSER, A.CONNECT, A.MANAGE, A.PHYSICAL, A.TRAINEDUSER OE.INSTALL A.DETECT ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 31 of 86 Objectives Assumptions/Threats/OSPs A.MANAGE OE.MAINTENANCE A.DETECT OE.PHYSICAL A.PHYSICAL, T.AUDIT_COMPROMISE, T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE, T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS OE.RECOVER A.DETECT A.MANAGE OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM A.CONNECT, A.PEER_FUNC, A.PEER_MGT, T.COMM Table 2: Mapping of security objectives for the Operational Environment to assumptions, threats and policies 4.3.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency The following rationale provides justification that the security objectives are suitable to counter each individual threat and that each security objective tracing back to a threat, when achieved, actually contributes to the removal, diminishing or mitigation of that threat: Threats Rationale for security objectives T.AUDIT_COMPROMISE O.AUDIT_GENERATION provides the capability to detect and create records of security relevant events. Audit records identify the user responsible for the event and are an important form of evidence that can be used to track an attacker’s actions. Tampering with or destruction of audit data by physical means is addressed by OE.PHYSICAL, which provides physical security controls to the TOE environment. O.AUDIT_PROTECTION provides the capability to specifically protect audit information from external interference, tampering, or unauthorized disclosure. T.MASQUERADE To address this threat, O.USER_IDENTIFICATION uniquely identifies the user as a legitimate user and O.USER_AUTHENTICATION authenticates this user preventing unauthorized users, processes, or external IT entities from masquerading as an authorized entity. T.RESIDUAL_DATA The sharing of hardware resources such as primary and secondary storage components between users introduces the potential for information flow in violation of the TOE security policy when hardware resources are de-allocated ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 32 of 86 Threats Rationale for security objectives from one user and allocated to another. In order to prevent such unintended consequences, the TOE counters the compromise of the TOE security policy through mechanisms that ensure that residual information cannot be accessed after the resource has been reallocated (O.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION). The intent here is to prevent the unauthorized flow of information that would violate the TOE security policy. The intent is not to require explicit scrubbing or overwriting of data prior to reuse of the storage resource. Therefore, the presence of “residual” data in a storage resource is acceptable as long as it cannot be accessed by subsequent users such that a violation of the TOE security policy results. T.ASSETS_COMPROMISE The tampering with or destruction of TSF hardware, software, or configuration data via physical means is addressed by the physical security controls present in the TOE environment (OE.PHYSICAL).  O.MANAGE mitigates this threat providing the authorized users with the facilities necessary to manage TOE security.  O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS avoids a resource to be inappropriately accessed by unauthorized user.  O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL mitigates this threat providing the authorized users with the capability to specify by which user an asset may be accessed.  O.CRYPTO_NET mitigates this threat by requiring cryptographically-protected communication channels for data including TSF data controlled by the TOE in transit between trusted IT systems.  O.CRYPTO_MEDIA mitigates this threat by requiring cryptographically-protected export of information, including TSF data controlled by the TOE. T.COMM The threat of accessing a communication channel that establishes a trusted relationship between the TOE and another remote user or trusted IT system is addressed by:  O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL requiring that the TOE implements a trusted channel between itself and a remote trusted IT system protecting the user data and TSF data transferred over this channel from disclosure and undetected modification, and prevents masquerading of the remote trusted IT system,  O.CRYPTO_NET requiring the users remote access protected by a cryptographic network ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 33 of 86 Threats Rationale for security objectives protocol.  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM requiring that those systems providing the functions required by the TOE are trusted and sufficiently protected from any attack that may cause those functions to provide bad results. T.UNATTENDED_SESSION When an authorized user leaves an active session unattended, an unauthorized user may gain access to the unattended session.  O.PROTECT mitigates this threat by providing mechanisms to protect user data and resources from unauthorized access by ensuring that the TSF will lock an interactive session and make the visible contents unreadable after a specified time interval of session inactivity. T.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Unauthorized users may physically access TOE resources. To mitigate this threat, OE.PHYSICAL restricts the physical access only to authorized personnel. Within the computing environment, O.ACCESS restricts all access controls to authorized users based on their user identity. At the same time, O.PROTECT enforces access rules by providing mechanisms to protect the user data from unauthorized disclosure and modification. Moreover:  O.ACCESS_HISTORY helps authorized users confirming- their previously established session or may help detecting possible unsuccessful attempts to their account by an unauthorized user.  O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS and O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL allow the access control for resources based upon the identities of the users and their groups and the ability for authorized users to specify the access to their resources. This ensures that a user can access a resource only if the requested type of access has been granted by the user responsible for the management of access rights to the resource. T.UNIDENTIFIED_ACTIONS The threat of an authorized administrator failing to notice security violation on audit events may occur. To mitigate this threat, O.AUDIT_REVIEW provides the capability to selectively view audit information, and alert the authorized administrator of identified potential security violations. Table 3: Sufficiency of objectives countering threats The following rationale provides justification that the security objectives for the environment are suitable to cover each individual assumption, that each security objective for the environment that traces back to an ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 34 of 86 assumption about the environment of use of the TOE, when achieved, actually contributes to the environment achieving consistency with the assumption, and that if all security objectives for the environment that trace back to an assumption are achieved, the intended usage is supported: Assumptions Rationale for security objectives A.PHYSICAL The assumption on the IT environment to provide the TOE with appropriate physical security, commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE is covered by:  OE.INFO_PROTECT: requiring the approval of network and peripheral cabling,  OE.PHYSICAL: requiring physical protection. A.CONNECT The assumption that all connections to and from remote trusted IT systems and between physically separate parts of the TSF not protected by the TSF itself are physically or logically protected is covered by:  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM: demanding the physical and logical protection equivalent to the TOE,  OE.INFO_PROTECT: requiring security procedures for network physical links, DAC policy and users training. A.MANAGE The assumptions on the TOE security functionality being managed by one or more trustworthy individuals is covered by:  OE.ADMIN: ensuring that those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains,  OE.INFO_PROTECT: requiring that DAC protections on security-relevant files (such as audit trails and authentication databases) shall always be set up correctly and that users are authorized to access parts of the data maintained by the TOE.,  OE.INSTALL: requiring personnel to ensure that components that comprise the system are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE,  OE.RECOVER: requiring personnel to perform all the required actions to bring the TOE into a secure state after a TOE failure or discontinuity. A.AUTHUSER The assumption on authorized users to possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment is covered by:  OE.ADMIN: ensuring that those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 35 of 86 Assumptions Rationale for security objectives the information it contains,  OE.INFO_PROTECT: requiring that DAC protections on security-relevant files (such as audit trails and authentication databases) shall always be set up correctly and that users are authorized to access parts of the data maintained by the TOE. A.TRAINEDUSER The assumptions on users to be sufficiently trained and trusted to accomplish some task or group of tasks within a secure IT environment by exercising complete control over their user data is covered by:  OE.ADMIN: ensuring that those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains,  OE.INFO_PROTECT: requiring that those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that information is protected in an appropriate manner and that users are trained to exercise control over their own data. A.DETECT The assumption that modification or corruption of security- enforcing or security-relevant files will be detected by an authorized administrator is covered by:  OE.INSTALL: requiring personnel to ensure that components that comprise the system are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE,  OE.MAINTENANCE: requiring an authorized users to ensure that the diagnostics facilities are invoked at every scheduled preventative maintenance period, verifying the correct operation of the TOE,  OE.RECOVER: requiring personnel to perform all the required actions to bring the TOE into a secure state after a TOE failure or discontinuity.. A.PEER_MGT The assumption on all remote trusted IT systems to be under the same management control and operate under security policy constraints compatible with those of the TOE is covered by:  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM: requiring that these remote trusted IT systems are under the same management domain as the TOE, and are managed based on the same rules and policies applicable to the TOE. A.PEER_FUNC The assumption on all remote trusted IT systems to correctly implement the functionality used by the TSF consistent with the assumptions defined for this functionality is covered by: ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 36 of 86 Assumptions Rationale for security objectives  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM: requiring that the remote trusted IT systems implement the protocols and mechanisms required by the TSF to support the enforcement of the security policy. Table 4: Sufficiency of objectives holding Assumptions The following rationale provides justification that the security objectives are suitable to cover each individual organizational security policy, that each security objective that traces back to an OSP, when achieved, actually contributes to the implementation of the OSP, and that if all security objectives that trace back to an OSP are achieved, the OSP is implemented: OSP Rationale for security objectives P.AUTHORIZED_USERS The policy demanding that users have to be authorized for access to the TOE is implemented by:  O.USER_IDENTIFICATION&O.USER_AUTHENTIC ATION: allowing that only identified and authenticated users gain access to the TOE and its resources,  O.MANAGE: allowing the management of this functions,  O.ENFORCEMENT: ensuring the correct invocation of the functions. P.ACCESS_BANNER The policy to ensure an initial banner with some access restrictive information is displayed is implemented by:  O.DISPLAY_BANNER: ensuring that the TOE displays a banner that provides authorized users with an advisory warning about the unauthorized use of the TOE. P.PERIPHERALS The policy to ensure the means to manage peripheral devices is implemented by:  O.MANAGE: allowing the management of physically connected devices. P.SYS_REL_1 The policy to ensure accounting of the security-relevant events within the TOE is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_GENERATION: providing the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail,  O.AUDIT_REVIEW: providing the capability to selectively review potential security violations,  O.MANAGE: allowing the management of security attributes,  O.USER_IDENTIFICATION: providing a unique users identification. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 37 of 86 OSP Rationale for security objectives P.SYS_REL_2 The policy to ensure accounting of the security-relevant events, where such are generated by IT products in the environment, is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_GENERATION: providing the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail,  O.AUDIT_REVIEW: providing the capability to selectively review potential security violations,  O.MANAGE: allowing the management of security attributes,  O.USER_IDENTIFICATION: providing a unique users identification. P.SYS_REL_3 The policy to ensure accounting of the security-relevant events when the TOE is configured with cryptographic remote management channels is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_GENERATION: providing the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail,  O.AUDIT_REVIEW: providing the capability to selectively review potential security violations,  O.MANAGE: allowing the management of security attributes,  O.USER_IDENTIFICATION: providing a unique users identification. P.EXPORT_ENCRYPT The policy to ensure the encryption of exported information is implemented by:  O.CRYPTO_MEDIA: enforcing the use of a cryptographically-protected protocol that ensures integrity and confidentiality of the exported data. P.REMOTE_ENCRYPT The policy to ensure the encryption of remote management channels is implemented by:  O.CRYPTO_NET: enforcing the use of a cryptographically-protected network protocol that ensures integrity and confidentiality of the transported data and the authentication of the end points of the communication. P.I_AND_A The policy to ensure all users must be identified and authenticated prior to accessing any controlled resources with the exception of public objects is implemented by:  O.USER_AUTHENTICATION: requiring the TOE verify the claimed identity of users,  O.USER_IDENTIFICATION: requiring the TOE uniquely identify users. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 38 of 86 OSP Rationale for security objectives P.NEED_TO_KNOW The policy to restrict access to and modification of information to authorized users which have a “need to know” for that information is implemented by:  O.ACCESS: ensuring that users gain only authorized access to the TOE and to resources that it controls,  O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS: controlling the resources based on the identity of users,  O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL: allowing authorized users (the objects owners) to specify the named objects may be accessed by which users and groups of users,  O.PROTECT: providing mechanisms to protect user data and resources,  O.MANAGE: allowing authorized users to manage these functions,  O.ENFORCEMENT: ensuring that the functions are invoked and operate correctly. P.TRACE The policy to provide the ability to review the actions of individual users is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_REVIEW: providing the capability to accurately and selectively review audit information at the individual user level and alert the authorized administrator of identified potential security violations.  O.MANAGE: allowing users to manage these functions. P.PWD_QUALITY The policy to provide the means to enforce password quality is implemented by:  O.PROTECT: enforcing access rules by providing mechanisms to prevent the user to provide password with low quality that may lead to unauthorized data disclosure and modification  O.USER_AUTHENTICATION: ensuring authentication of users through the password mechanism. P.PWD_PARAMS The policy to provide the means to enforce password parameter limits is implemented by:  O.PROTECT: enforcing users to change password, thus reducing the risk of unauthorized data disclosure and modification,  O.USER_AUTHENTICATION: ensuring authentication of users through the password mechanism, ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 39 of 86 OSP Rationale for security objectives  O.MANAGE: allowing the authorized administrator to set all the parameters specified by the policies. P.CRED_STORAGE The policy to enforce the storage of human user credentials in hash form is implemented by:  O.PROTECT: considering user credentials as user assets, this objective provides mechanisms to protect this assets. P.CRED_PROC The policy to enforce the comparison of stored hash value with re-computed hash of user-entered credentials is implemented by:  O.USER_AUTHENTICATION: ensuring the verification of the claimed users credential. P.SYS_REL_1 The policy to enforce accounting of specific security related events is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_GENERATION: providing the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail. P.SYS_REL_2 The policy to enforce accounting of specific security related events, where such are generated by IT products in the environment, is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_GENERATION: providing the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail. P.SYS_REL_3 The policy to enforce accounting of specific security related events, when the TOE is configured with cryptographic remote management channels, is implemented by:  O.AUDIT_GENERATION: providing the capability to detect security relevant events and create records of those events in the audit trail. Table 5: Sufficiency of objectives enforcing Organizational Security Policies ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 40 of 86 5 EXTENDED FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Following table summarizes the extended functional requirements defined for the TOE. These additional functional requirements, with short name ending in “_EXT”, are detailed in Section 6. Extended Component Component behaviour name FCS_RNG_EXT.1 Random Number Generation FIA_AFL_EXT.1 Authentication Failure Handling Table 6: Extended functional Requirements ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 41 of 86 6 SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS This section contains detailed security functional requirements for the TOE. All operations are marked in bold within each of the requirements regardless if they have already been defined as instantiations in one of the Protection Profiles or not. When Refinements made by ST author imply substitutions the deleted text is highlighted with strikethrough expression. 6.1 Security Audit (FAU) 6.1.1 Audit Data Generation (FAU_GEN.1) FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events:  Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions,  all auditable events for the basic level of audit, listed in column "Events" of Table 7 (Auditable Events), except FIA_UID.2’s user identity during failures. FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information:  Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable) and the outcome (success or failure) of the event,  For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the ST: o host identification (if applicable), o changes in system operational mode (if applicable) Security Functional Requirements Events Security Audit (FAU) Audit Review (FAU_SAR.1) Reading of information from the audit records (name of the object). Restricted Audit Review (FAU_SAR.2) Unsuccessful attempts to read information from the audit records. Selectable Audit Review (FAU_SAR.3) None. Selective Audit (FAU_SEL.1) All modifications to the audit configuration that occur while the audit collection functions are operating. Protected Audit Trail Storage (FAU_STG.1) None. Action in case of possible audit Actions taken due to exceeding of a threshold (message sent to the ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 42 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Events data loss (FAU_STG.3) authorized administrator). Prevention of audit data loss (FAU_STG.4) Actions taken due to the audit storage failure (message sent to the authorized administrator). Cryptographic Support (FCS) Cryptographic key generation (Symmetric Keys) (FCS_CKM.1(1)) None. Cryptographic key generation (MEDIA) (FCS_CKM.1(2)) None. Cryptographic key generation (RSA) (FCS_CKM.1(3)) None. Cryptographic key generation (DSA) (FCS_CKM.1(4)) None. Cryptographic key distribution (FCS_CKM.2) None. Cryptographic key destruction (SSL: Symmetric keys) (FCS_CKM.4) None. Cryptographic operation (FCS_COP.1(1)) None. Cryptographic Operation (MEDIA) (FCS_COP.1(2)) None. Random Number Generation (FCS_RNG_EXT.1) None. User Data Protection (FDP) Subset Access Control Policy (FDP_ACC.1) None. Security Attribute Based Access Control (File System Objects) (FDP_ACF.1(1)) All requests to perform an operation on an object(File System Objects) covered by the SFP (the name of the object being accessed). Security Attribute Based Access Control (IPC Objects) All requests to perform an operation on an object (IPC Objects) covered by the SFP (the name of the object being accessed). ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 43 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Events (FDP_ACF.1(2)) Full Residual Information Protection (FDP_RIP.2) None. Basic data exchange confidentiality (FDP_UCT.1) None. Data exchange integrity (FDP_UIT.1) None. Identification and Authentication (FIA) Authentication Failure Handling (FIA_AFL_EXT.1) The reaching of the threshold for the unsuccessful authentication attempts. The action taken (disable for authorized non-administrative users, delay for authorized administrators). The re-enablement of disabled non-administrative accounts. User Attribute Definition (FIA_ATD.1) None. Verification of Secrets (FIA_SOS.1) Rejection or acceptance by the TSF of any tested secret. Authentication (FIA_UAU.2) All uses of the authentication mechanism. Re-authenticating (FIA_UAU.6) All re-authentication mechanism attempts when changing authentication data (e.g., terminal identifier, source IP address). Protected Authentication Feedback (FIA_UAU.7) None. Identification (FIA_UID.2) All uses of the user identification mechanism, including the entity provided during successful attempts. User-Subject Binding (FIA_USB.1) Success and failure of binding user security attributes to a subject (e.g. success and failure to create a subject). Security Management (FMT) Management of Security Functions Behavior (for specification of auditable events) (FMT_MOF.1(1)) All modifications in the behaviour of the functions in the TSF. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 44 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Events Management of Security Functions Behavior (for authentication data) (FMT_MOF.1(2)) All modifications in the behaviour of the functions in the TSF. Management of Object Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.1) All modifications of the values of security attributes. Secure Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.2) All offered and rejected values for a security attribute. Static Attributes Initialization (FMT_MSA.3) Modifications of the default setting of permissive or restrictive rules. All modifications of the initial value of security attributes. Management of TSF Data (for general TSF data) (FMT_MTD.1 – all iterations) All modifications to the values of TSF data. (where applicable) Revocation (to authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(1)) All revocation of security attributes (the security attributes that have been revoked). Revocation (to owners and authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(2)) All revocation of security attributes (the security attributes that have been revoked, the object with which the security attributes are associated). Time-limited authorization (FMT_SAE.1) Specification of the expiration time for an attribute. Action taken due to attribute expiration. Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1) None (covered by other management functions). Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1) Modifications to the group of users that are part of a role (the role the user is associated with or disassociated from). Protection of the TOE Security Functions (FPT) Reliable Time Stamps (FPT_STM.1) Changes to the time. Self Test (FPT_TST.1) Execution of the TSF self tests and the results of the tests. TOE Access (FTA) User-Initiated Locking (FTA_SSL.2) Any attempts at unlocking an interactive session. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 45 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Events Default TOE Access Banners (FTA_TAB.1) None. TOE Access History (FTA_TAH.1) None. Trusted path/channels (FTP) Inter-TSF trusted channel (FTP_ITC.1) Set-up of trusted channel. Table 7: Auditable events 6.1.2 User Identity Association (FAU_GEN.2) FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. Application Note: The TOE maintains a “Login UID”, which is inherited by every new process spawned. This allows the TOE to identify the “real” originator of an event, regardless if he has changed his real and / or effective and filesystem UID e. g. using the su command or executing a setuid or setgid program. 6.1.3 Audit Review (FAU_SAR.1) FAU_SAR.1.1 The TSF shall provide authorized administrators with the capability to read all audit information from the audit records. FAU_SAR.1.2 The TSF shall provide the audit records in a manner suitable for the user to interpret the information. 6.1.4 Restricted Audit Review (FAU_SAR.2) FAU_SAR.2.1 The TSF shall prohibit all users read access to the audit records, except those users that have been granted explicit read-access. Application Note: DAC permissions ensure that only authorized administrators have access to the audit records. 6.1.5 Selectable Audit Review (FAU_SAR.3) FAU_SAR.3.1 The TSF shall provide the ability to apply searches, sorting and ordering of audit data based on the following attributes:  Date and time of the event;  Type of event;  Event ID;  User identity. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 46 of 86 6.1.6 Selective Audit (FAU_SEL.1) FAU_SEL.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall be able to select the set of events to be audited include or exclude auditable events from the set of all auditable audited events based on the following attributes:  Type of audit event;  Subject (process ID) or user identity;  Outcome (success or failure) of the audit event;  Object identity;  Access types on a particular object. Application Note: to make the requirement clearer, the words “select the set of audited” were replaced with “include or exclude auditable” and the word “auditable” was replaced with “audited”. 6.1.7 Protected Audit Trail Storage (FAU_STG.1) FAU_STG.1.1 The TSF shall protect the stored audit records in the audit trail from unauthorized deletion. FAU_STG.1.2 Refinement: The TSF shall be able to prevent unauthorized modifications to the stored audit records in the audit trail. Application note: The word “unauthorized” was deleted, since no one can be authorized to modify audit records. 6.1.8 Action in case of possible audit data loss (FAU_STG.3) FAU_STG.3.1 The TSF shall notify an authorized administrator of the possible audit data loss if the audit trail exceeds an authorized administrator selectable, pre-defined limit. Application note: The alarm generated by the TOE can be configured to be a syslog message or the execution of an administrator-specified application. This message or action of executing the application is generated when the audit trail capacity exceeds the limit defined in the auditd.conf file. 6.1.9 Prevention of Audit Data Loss (FAU_STG.4) FAU_STG.4.1 Refinement: The TSF shall be able to prevent audited events, except those taken by the authorised user with special rights administrator, and no other action if the audit trail is full. Application Note: If the audit trail stored on disk gets full, the audit daemon will execute an audit administrator defined action. The possible actions include a switch to single user mode or operating system halt, each of these will terminate all processes capable of generating auditable events. The authorized administrator can then back up the audit trail and make space available for the audit trail, then restart the TOE in multiuser mode. If TOE is used in mission-critical contexts, the described behaviour can be disabled by an authorized administrator. 6.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS) 6.2.1 Cryptographic key generation (Symmetric Keys) (FCS_CKM.1(1)) FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm as specified in FCS_RNG_EXT.1 and specified cryptographic key sizes:  128 bits ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 47 of 86  256 bits that meet the following: FIPS 140-2 [FIPS140]. Note: integrity protection to generated keys is provided in the following manner:  SHA 256  SHA 384  SHA 512 6.2.2 Cryptographic key generation (MEDIA)(FCS_CKM.1(2)) FCS_CKM.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall generate symmetric cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm using PBKDF2 as defined in RFC 2898 [PBKDF2], and specified cryptographic key sizes:  128 bits,  256 bits. that meet the following: RFC 2898 [PBKDF2]. 6.2.3 Cryptographic key generation (RSA)(FCS_CKM.1(3)) FCS_CKM.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall generate RSA cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm defined in U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 [FIPS186] appendix B.3 and specified cryptographic key sizes:  2048 bits, that meet the following:  U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 6.2.4 Cryptographic key generation(DSA) (FCS_CKM.1(4)) FCS_CKM.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall generate DSA cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm defined in U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 [FIPS186] appendix B.1 and specified cryptographic key sizes:  L=1024, N=160 bits;  L=2048, N=224 bits;  L=2048, N=256 bits;  L=3072, N=256 bits; that meet the following:  U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 6.2.5 Cryptographic key distribution (FCS_CKM.2) FCS_CKM.2.1 The TSF shall distribute cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key distribution method:  Diffie-Hellman key agreement method defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4253;  Public RSA host key exchange defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4232; ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 48 of 86 that meet the following:  RFC4253  RFC4232 6.2.6 Cryptographic key destruction (FCS_CKM.4) FCS_CKM.4.1 Refinement: The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method zeroization method that meets the following: Key zeroization requirements of FIPS PUB 140-2, “Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules” Application Note: keys residing in internally allocated data structures can only be accessed using the cryptographic module defined API. The operating system protects memory and process space from unauthorized access. Zeroization of sensitive data is performed automatically by API function calls for intermediate data items, and on demand by the calling process using cryptographic module provided API function calls provided for that purpose. Only the process that creates or imports keys can use or export them. No persistent storage of key data is performed by the cryptographic module. All API functions are executed by the invoking process in a non-overlapping sequence such that no two API functions will execute concurrently. The calling process can perform key zeroization of keys by calling an API function. 6.2.7 Cryptographic operation (COMM) (FCS_COP.1(1)) FCS_COP.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall perform encryption, decryption, integrity verification, peer authentication in accordance with a specified the following cryptographic algorithms, and cryptographic key sizes, that meet the following and applicable standards:  allowing the use of AES in CBC mode with 128 bits and 256 bits key size, and HMAC-SHA1 defined by RFC 4253,  TLS allowing the use of AES in CBC mode with 128 bits and 256 bits key size, and SHA-1 defined by RFC5246. 6.2.8 Cryptographic Operation (MEDIA) (FCS_COP.1(2)) FCS_COP.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall perform encryption and decryption of data destined for removable media and data retrieved from removable media respectively in accordance with a specified the following cryptographic algorithm, and cryptographic key sizes that meet the following:  AES in CBC mode with 128 bit and 256 bit key sizes using outputs of FCS_CKM.1(2) (MEDIA) and ESSIV values derived from SHA-256. 6.2.9 Random Number Generation (FCS_RNG_EXT.1) FCS_RNG_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall provide a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) in accordance with FIPS Pub 140-2 Annex C (ANSI X9.31 compliant). Application Note: The PRNG is seeded using /dev/urandom, which is initialized by the kernel at start-up. The kernel performs continual tests on the random numbers it uses to ensure that the seed and seed key input to the RNG do not have the same value. The kernel also performs continual tests on the output of the RNG to ensure that consecutive random numbers do not repeat. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 49 of 86 6.3 User Data Protection (FDP) 6.3.1 Subset Access Control Policy (FDP_ACC.1) FDP_ACC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy on processes acting on behalf of users as subjects and file system objects (ordinary files, directories, symbolic links, device special files, UNIX Domain socket special files, named pipes), IPC objects (message queues, semaphores, shared memory segments) and all operations among subjects and objects covered by the DAC policy. 6.3.2 Security Attribute Based Access Control (FDP_ACF.1) FDP_ACF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to objects based on the following:  The filesystem user identity and group membership(s) associated with a subject; and  The following access control attributes associated with an object: o File system objects: POSIX ACLs and permission bits. (ACLs can be used to grant or deny access to the granularity of a single user or group using Access Control Entries. Those ACL entries include the standard Unix permission bits. Posix ACLs can be used for file system objects within the ext3 file system). Access rights for filesystem objects are: - read - write - execute (ordinary files) - search (directories) o IPC objects: permission bits Access rights for IPC objects are: - read - write FDP_ACF.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: File system objects within the ext3 file system: A subject must have search permission for every element of the pathname and the requested access for the object. A subject has a specific type access to an object if:  The subject has been granted access according to the ACL_USER_OBJ or ACL_OTHER type entry in the ACL of the object Or ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 50 of 86  The subject has been granted access by an ACL_USER, ACL_GROUP_OBJ or ACL_GROUP entry and the associated right is also granted by the ACL_MASK entry of the ACL if the ACL_MASK entry exist Or  The subject has been granted access by the ACL_GROUP_OBJ entry and no ACL_MASK entry exists in the ACL of the object. File system objects in other file systems: A subject must have search permission for every element of the pathname and the requested access for the object. A subject has a specific type access to an object if:  The subject has the file system userid of the owner of the object and the requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for the owner Or  The subject has not the file system userid of the owner of the object but the file system group id identical to the file system objects group id and the requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for the group Or  The subject has neither the file system userid of the owner of the object nor is the file system group id identical to the file system object group id and requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for "world" IPC objects: Access permissions are defined by permission bits of the IPC object. The process creating the object defines the creator, owner and group based on the userid of the current process. Access of a process to an IPC object is allowed, if  the effective userid of the current process is equal to the userid of the IPC object creator or owner and the „owner” permission bit for the requested type of access is set or  the effective userid of the current process is not equal to the userid of the IPC object creator or owner and the effective group id of the current process is equal to the group id of the IPC object and the “group” permission bit for the requested type of access is set or  The “world” permission bit for the requested type of access is set for users that do not satisfy one of the first two conditions. FDP_ACF.1.3 The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: File System Objects: A process with a user ID of 0 is known as a root user process. These processes are generally allowed all access permissions. But if a root user process requests execute permission for a program (as a file system object), access is granted only if execute permission is granted to at least one user. IPC objects: A process with a user ID of 0 is known as a root user process. These processes are generally allowed all access permissions. FDP_ACF.1.4 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 51 of 86 Write access to file system objects other than device special files on a file system mounted as read- only is always denied. Write access to a file marked as immutable is always denied. 6.3.3 Full Residual Information Protection (FDP_RIP.2) FDP_RIP.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the allocation of the resource to all objects. 6.3.4 Basic data exchange confidentiality (FDP_UCT.1) FDP_UCT.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to be able to transmit and receive user data objects in a manner protected from unauthorized disclosure. Application Note: Confidentiality of data during transmission is ensured when one of the secured protocols ssh or ssl are used. User processes are still bound by the discretionary access control policy with respect to the data they are able to transfer. The TOE is able to act both as a server and a client for ssh and ssl connections. 6.3.5 Data exchange integrity (FDP_UIT.1) FDP_UIT.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to transmit and receive user data in a manner protected from modification and insertion errors. FDP_UIT.1.2 The TSF shall be able to determine on receipt of user data, whether modification or insertion has occurred. Application Note: Integrity of data during transmission is ensured when one of the secured protocols ssh or ssl are used. User processes are still bound by the discretionary access control policy with respect to the data they are able to transfer. The TOE is able act both as a server and a client for ssh and ssl connections. 6.4 Identification and Authentication (FIA) 6.4.1 Authentication Failure Handling (FIA_AFL_EXT.1) FIA_AFL_EXT.1.1 The TSF shall detect when an authorized administrator configurable positive integer of consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to any authorized user authentication process. FIA_AFL_EXT.1.2 When the defined number of consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall:  For all administrator accounts, "disable" the account for an authorized administrator configurable time period such that there can be no more than ten attempts per minute.  For all other accounts, disable the user logon account until it is re-enabled by the authorized administrator.  For all disabled accounts, any response to an authentication attempt given to the user shall not be based on the result of that authentication attempt. Application Note: This requirement is based on AFL_EXT.1 of CC Part 2. The configuration of this functional aspect is done by modifying the parameters for the PAM modules in the PAM configuration files stored in /etc/pam.d/. 6.4.2 User Attribute Definition (FIA_ATD.1) FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual users: ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 52 of 86  unique identifier;  group memberships;  authentication data;  security-relevant roles. Application Note: The maintenance of the security relevant role to an user is done implicitly with the maintenance of the group membership for each user. 6.4.3 Verification of Secrets (FIA_SOS.1) FIA_SOS.1.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to verify that secrets meet the following: a. Passwords are at least 16 characters in length, consisting of at least one upper and one lower case letter, at least one number, and one symbol b. Passwords are not reused within the last administrator-settable (5) number of passwords used by that user c. Passwords cannot be common names d. Passwords cannot contain more than 2 equal numbers or letters consecutive. Application Note: For item b, the TSF provides a mechanism for the authorized administrator to set a password history such that a user cannot reuse any password that is on the password history list. 6.4.4 Authentication (FIA_UAU.2) FIA_UAU.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Application Note: Untrusted processes running on behalf of a normal user may use network functions to import and export data they have access to. This process may therefore export user data without authenticating or even knowing the identity of a user receiving such data. This is not considered to be a violation of the security policy with respect to identification and authentication and discretionary access control, since it is well-known that discretionary access control cannot control flow of information. An example of such an export function is a user process running a web-server on an unprivileged port. Still this process is limited in its access by the security policy of the TOE. 6.4.5 Re-authenticating (FIA_UAU.6) FIA_UAU.6.1 Refinement: The TSF shall re-authenticate the user under the conditions when changing authentication data. Application Note: If the TOE is requiring the user to change authentication data upon having just authenticated (e.g., initial logon, session unlock), the user is considered to be re-authenticated. 6.4.6 Protected Authentication Feedback (FIA_UAU.7) FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide only obscured feedback to the user while the authentication is in progress. 6.4.7 Identification (FIA_UID.2) FIA_UID.2.1 Refinement: The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified identify himself before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 53 of 86 6.4.8 User-Subject Binding (FIA_USB.1) FIA_USB.1.1 The TSF shall associate the following user security attributes with subjects acting on behalf of that user: the security attributes identified in FIA_ATD.1. FIA_USB.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user security attributes with subjects acting on behalf of users:  Upon successful identification and authentication, the login UID, the real UID, the filesystem UID and the effective UID shall be those specified in the user entry for the user that has authenticated successfully,  Upon successful identification and authentication, the real GID, the filesystem GID and the effective GID shall be those specified via the primary group membership attribute in the user entry,  Upon successful identification and authentication, the supplemental GIDs shall be those specified via the supplemental group membership assignment for the user entry,  The role associated with a subject shall be one of the authorized roles assigned to the user. FIA_USB.1.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security attributes associated with subjects acting on behalf of users:  The effective and filesystem UID of a subject can be changed by the use of an executable with the SETUID bit set. In this case the program is executed with the effective and filesystem UID of the owning UID of the file storing the program. These newly set effective and filesystem UIDs are used for the DAC permission validation. The real and login UID remain unchanged.  The effective and filesystem GID of a subject can be changed by the use of an executable with the SETGID bit set. In this case the program is executed with the effective and filesystem GID of the owning GID of the file storing the program. These newly set effective and filesystem GIDs are used for the DAC permission validation. The real GID remains unchanged.  The real, effective and filesystem UID of a subject can be changed by the use of the set*uid system call family for the calling application. These system calls are restricted to the root user.  The real, effective and filesystem GID of a subject can be changed by the use of the set*gid system call family for the calling application. These system calls are restricted to the root user.  The set of supplemental GIDs of a subject can be changed by the use of the set groups system call for the calling application. This system call is restricted to the root user. 6.5 Security Management (FMT) 6.5.1 Management of Security Functions Behaviour (for specification of auditable events) (FMT_MOF.1(1)) FMT_MOF.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall restrict the ability to disable and enable the audit functions and to specify which events are to be audited (see FAU_SEL.1.1) to the authorized administrators. Application Note: To “specify” means the ability to select what events will be audited. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 54 of 86 6.5.2 Management of Security Functions Behaviour (for authentication data) (FMT_MOF.1(2)) FMT_MOF.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall restrict the ability to manage the values of security attributes associated with user authentication data to authorized administrators. Application Note: The word “manage” includes but is not limited to create, initialize, change default, modify, delete, clear, append, and query. The security attributes associated with user authentication data referenced by this requirement include those that are specified by FIA_AFL and FIA_SOS. 6.5.3 Management of Object Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.1) FMT_MSA.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control Policy to restrict the ability to modify the security access control attributes and the owner associated with a named object to the authorized administrators and to the original creator. 6.5.4 Secure Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.2) FMT_MSA.2.1 Refinement: The TSF shall ensure that only secure valid values are accepted for security attributes. Application Note: "Valid" implies that the values assigned to security attributes are valid with respect to the secure state and fall within an appropriate range for that attribute. 6.5.5 Static Attributes Initialization (FMT_MSA.3) FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the Discretionary Access Control policy to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow the authorized administrator to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Application Note: The default value for permission bits is specified with the umask value which specifies the permission bits for newly created objects. This value has an initial setting of 022 or the value specified in /etc/login.defs. Only authorized administrator can change that initial value. Users can change their umask value at any time. For ACLs, the default ACL is provided for the root directory which, in case of absence of a default ACL entry is consistent with the umask. 6.5.6 Management of TSF Data (for general TSF data) (FMT_MTD.1(1)) FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to manage the TSF data except for audit records, user security attributes, authentication data, and critical cryptographic security parameters to authorized administrators. Application Note: The word “manage” includes but is not limited to create, initialize, change default, modify, delete, clear, append, and query. Security attributes associated with user authentication data include password length, password expiration, password history, etc. The restrictions for audit records, user security attributes, authentication data, and critical cryptographic security parameters are specified below. 6.5.7 Management of TSF Data (for audit data) (FMT_MTD.1(2)) FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to query, delete, and clear the audit records to authorized administrators. Application Note: This requirement applies to actions taken on the entire audit file/log, not actions on individual audit records. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 55 of 86 6.5.8 Management of TSF Data (for initialization of user security attributes) (FMT_MTD.1(3)) FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize the user security attributes to authorized administrators. 6.5.9 Management of TSF Data (for modification of user security attributes, other than authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(4)) FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the user security attributes, other than authentication data, to authorized administrators. 6.5.10 Management of TSF Data (for modification of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(5)) FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the authentication data to authorized users modifying their own authentication data. 6.5.11 Management of TSF Data (for reading of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(6)) FMT_MTD.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall restrict the ability to prevent reading the of authentication data to. 6.5.12 Management of TSF Data (for critical cryptographic security parameters) (FMT_MTD.1(7)) FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to manage the critical cryptographic security parameters and data related to cryptographic configuration to authorized administrators. Application Note: The word “manage” includes but is not limited to create, initialize, change default, modify, delete, clear, append, and query. 6.5.13 Revocation (to authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(1)) FMT_REV.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke security attributes associated with the users under the control of the TSF to authorized administrators. Application Note: The phrase “revoke security attributes” means to change attributes so that access is revoked. FMT_REV.1.2 Refinement: The TSF shall enforce the rules revocation of security-relevant authorizations at the next logon. Application Note: Security-relevant authorizations include the ability of authorized users to log in or perform privileged operations. An example of revoking a security-relevant authorization is the deletion of a user account upon which TOE access is immediately terminated. 6.5.14 Revocation (to owners and authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(2)) FMT_REV.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke security attributes associated with the of objects under the control of the TSF to owners of the object and authorized administrators. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 56 of 86 Application Note: The term “revoke security attributes” means “change attributes so that access is revoked”. FMT_REV.1.2 Refinement: The TSF shall enforce the rules revocation of access rights associated with objects when an access check is made. Application Note: The state where access checks are made determines when the access control policy enforces revocation. The access control policy may include immediate or delayed revocation. The access rights are considered to have been revoked when all subsequent access control decisions made by the TSF use the new access control information. In cases where a previous access control decision was made to permit an operation, it is not required that every subsequent operation make an explicit access control decision. 6.5.15 Time-limited authorization (FMT_SAE.1) FMT_SAE.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the capability to specify an expiration time for user authentication data to the authorized administrator. FMT_SAE.1.2 Refinement: For each of these security attributes, The TSF shall be able to force the associated authorized non-administrative user to change their authentication information prior to being able to successfully log on after the expiration time for the indicated security attribute has passed. 6.5.16 Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1) FMT_SMF.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall be capable of performing the following security management functions:  Management of auditing;  Management of cryptographic services;  Management of the access control policy (DAC);  Management of identification and authentication policy;  Management of user security attributes. 6.5.17 Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1) FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles:  Authorized administrator;  Authorized non-administrative user. FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. Application Note: Administrative actions can only be performed when the calling subject possesses the effective UID or file system UID of zero (also called the root user). As the account for the root user is disabled for direct logon, authorized administrators are defined as users who are assigned to the "wheel" group. This group allows the use of the "su" application which is the only way to assume the root user capabilities. Authorized non-administrative users are authorized by the Discretionary Access Control Policy to modify their own object security attributes and their own authentication data. 6.6 Protection of the TOE Security Functions (FPT) 6.6.1 Reliable Time Stamps (FPT_STM.1) FPT_STM.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 57 of 86 6.6.2 TSF Self Test (FPT_TST.1) FPT_TST.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of self tests at the request of the authorized user to demonstrate the correct operation of the TSF. FPT_TST.1.2 Refinement: The TSF shall provide authorized users administrators with the capability to verify the integrity of TSF data. FPT_TST.1.3 Refinement: The TSF shall provide authorized users administrators with the capability to verify the integrity of stored TSF executable code. 6.7 TOE Access (FTA) 6.7.1 User-Initiated Locking (FTA_SSL.2) FTA_SSL.2.1 The TSF shall allow user-initiated locking of the user’s own interactive session by:  clearing or overwriting display devices, making the current contents unreadable.  disabling any activity of the user’s data access/display devices other than unlocking the session. FTA_SSL.2.2 Refinement: The TSF shall require the following events to occur user to re-authenticate prior to unlocking unlock the session. Application note: Also administrative users can lock/unlock their interactive session. 6.7.2 Default TOE Access Banners (FTA_TAB.1) FTA_TAB.1.1 Refinement: Before establishing a user session, the TSF shall display an authorized- administrator specified advisory notice and consent warning message regarding unauthorized use of the TOE. Application Note: It should be noted that not all interactions with the TSF will require an access banner to be displayed. The requirement should be interpreted to cover only sessions initiated by a human. 6.7.3 TOE Access History (FTA_TAH.1) FTA_TAH.1.1 Refinement: Upon successful interactive session establishment, the TSF shall display to the authorized user the date and time of the that authorized user’s last successful interactive session establishment to the user. FTA_TAH.1.2 Refinement: Upon successful interactive session establishment, the TSF shall display to the authorized user the date and time of the last unsuccessful attempt to session establishment and the number of unsuccessful attempts at interactive session establishment for that user identifier since the last successful interactive session establishment. FTA_TAH.1.3 Refinement: The TSF shall not erase the access history information from the authorized user interface without giving the authorized user an the opportunity to review the information. 6.8 Trusted path/channels (FTP) 6.8.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel (FTP_ITC.1) FTP_ITC.1.1 Refinement: The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another remote trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 58 of 86 identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from unauthorized modification or disclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2 The TSF shall permit the TSF or the remote trusted IT product to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3 The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for secure communication that use cryptography offered as a service by the TOE. 6.9 Security Functional Requirements Rationale 6.9.1 Security requirements coverage The following table provides a mapping of SFR to the security objectives, showing that each security functional requirement addresses at least one security objective. Security Functional Requirements Objectives Security Audit (FAU) Audit Data Generation (FAU_GEN.1) O.AUDIT_GENERATION User Identity Association (FAU_GEN.2) O.AUDIT_GENERATION Audit Review (FAU_SAR.1) O.AUDIT_REVIEW Restricted Audit Review (FAU_SAR.2) O.AUDIT_PROTECTION Selectable Audit Review (FAU_SAR.3) O.AUDIT_REVIEW Selective Audit (FAU_SEL.1) O.AUDIT_GENERATION Protected Audit Trail Storage (FAU_STG.1) Action in case of possible audit data loss (FAU_STG.3) Prevention of audit data loss (FAU_STG.4) O.AUDIT_PROTECTION Cryptographic Support (FCS) Cryptographic key generation (Symmetric Keys) (FCS_CKM.1(1)) O.CRYPTO_NET Cryptographic key generation (MEDIA) (FCS_CKM.1(2)) O.CRYPTO_MEDIA Cryptographic key generation (RSA) (FCS_CKM.1(3)) O.CRYPTO_NET Cryptographic key generation (DSA) (FCS_CKM.1(4)) O.CRYPTO_NET ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 59 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Objectives Cryptographic key distribution (FCS_CKM.2) O.CRYPTO_NET Cryptographic key destruction (SSL: Symmetric keys) (FCS_CKM.4) O.CRYPTO_NET Cryptographic operation (FCS_COP.1(1)) O.CRYPTO_NET Cryptographic Operation (MEDIA) (FCS_COP.1(2)) O.CRYPTO_MEDIA Random Number Generation (FCS_RNG_EXT.1) O.CRYPTO_NET User Data Protection (FDP) Subset Access Control Policy (FDP_ACC.1) O.ACCESS, O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS, O.PROTECT Security Attribute Based Access Control (File System Objects) (FDP_ACF.1(1)) O.ACCESS, O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS, O.PROTECT Security Attribute Based Access Control (IPC Objects) (FDP_ACF.1(2)) O.ACCESS, O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS, O.PROTECT Full Residual Information Protection (FDP_RIP.2) O.PROTECT, O.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION Basic data exchange confidentiality (FDP_UCT.1) O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL Data exchange integrity (FDP_UIT.1) O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL Identification and Authentication (FIA) Authentication Failure Handling (FIA_AFL_EXT.1) O.ACCESS User Attribute Definition (FIA_ATD.1) O.ACCESS Verification of Secrets (FIA_SOS.1) O.PROTECT, O.USER_AUTHENTICATION Authentication (FIA_UAU.2 O.USER_AUTHENTICATION Re-authenticating (FIA_UAU.6) O.USER_AUTHENTICATION Protected Authentication Feedback (FIA_UAU.7) O.PROTECT ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 60 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Objectives Identification (FIA_UID.2) O.USER_IDENTIFICATION User-Subject Binding (FIA_USB.1) O.AUDIT_GENERATION, O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS Security Management (FMT) Management of Security Functions Behavior (for specification of auditable events) (FMT_MOF.1(1)) O.MANAGE Management of Security Functions Behavior (for authentication data) (FMT_MOF.1(2)) O.MANAGE Management of Object Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.1) O.MANAGE, O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL Secure Security Attributes (FMT_MSA.2) O.PROTECT Static Attributes Initialization (FMT_MSA.3) O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS, O.MANAGE Management of TSF Data (for general TSF data) (FMT_MTD.1(1)) O.MANAGE Management of TSF Data (for audit data) (FMT_MTD.1(2)) O.MANAGE Management of TSF Data (for initialization of user security attributes) (FMT_MTD.1(3)) O.MANAGE Management of TSF Data (for modification of user security attributes, other than authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(4)) O.MANAGE Management of TSF Data (for modification of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(5)) O.MANAGE Management of TSF Data (for reading of authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(6)) O.PROTECT Management of TSF Data (for critical cryptographic security parameters) (FMT_MTD.1(7)) O.MANAGE Revocation (to authorized administrators) O.MANAGE ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 61 of 86 Security Functional Requirements Objectives (FMT_REV.1(1)) O.ACCESS Revocation (to owners and authorized administrators) (FMT_REV.1(2)) O.MANAGE, O.ACCESS, O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL, O.PROTECT Time-limited authorization (FMT_SAE.1) O.MANAGE Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1) O.MANAGE Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1) O.MANAGE Protection of the TOE Security Functions (FPT) Reliable Time Stamps (FPT_STM.1) O.AUDIT_GENERATION TSF Testing (FPT_TST.1) O.ENFORCEMENT TOE Access (FTA) User-Initiated Locking (FTA_SSL.2) O.ACCESS, O.USER_AUTHENTICATION Default TOE Access Banners (FTA_TAB.1) O.DISPLAY_BANNER TOE Access History (FTA_TAH.1) O.ACCESS_HISTORY Trusted path/channels (FTP) (Inter-TSF trusted channel) FTP_ITC.1 O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL Table 8: Mapping of security functional requirements to security objectives 6.9.2 Security requirements sufficiency The following rationale provides justification for each security objective for the TOE, showing that the security functional requirements are suitable to meet and achieve the security objectives: Objectives Rationale O.ACCESS The TOE must protect itself and the resources it controls from unauthorized access. FDP_ACC.1 enforces the Discretionary Access Control (DAC) policy on all subjects and all named objects identified and all operations among them and covered by DAC policy. The DAC policy specifies the access rules between all subjects and all named objects controlled by ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 62 of 86 Objectives Rationale the TOE. While authorized users are trusted to some extent, this requirement ensures only authorized access is allowed to named objects. FDP_ACF.1 specifies the DAC policy rules that will be enforced by the TSF to File System Objects and IPC Objects. It determines if an operation among subjects and named objects is allowed. Furthermore, it specifies the rules to explicitly authorize or deny access to a named object based upon security attributes. FIA_AFL_EXT.1 provides a detection mechanism for unsuccessful authentication attempts. The requirement enables an authorized administrator to configure a threshold that prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to authorized user’s account by guessing authentication data. This mechanism prevents access disabling the targeted account thus limiting an unauthorized user’s ability to gain unauthorized access to the TOE. FIA_ATD.1 defines the attributes of users, including a userid that is used by the TOE to determine a user’s identity and enforce what type of access the user has to the TOE (e.g., the TOE associates a userid with any role(s) they may assume). FMT_REV.1(1) ensures that the authorized administrator has the ability to revoke security attributes to a specific user. This revocation is immediate and helps authorized administrators control the ability of authorized users to log in or perform privileged operations. FMT_REV.1(2) ensures that the authorized administrator and owners of objects have the ability to revoke security attributes to a specific user. This revocation occurs when an access check is made and helps authorized administrators and owners control the ability of users accessing named objects. FTA_SSL.2 is used to prevent unauthorized access to the TOE and its resources when an interactive session is left unattended. It enables the authorized user to lock his interactive session before leaving the session unattended. This eliminates any chance for any user to acquire unauthorized access to an unattended session because there is no time interval of inactivity before the session is locked. The authorized user needs to re-authenticate to unlock his session. O.ACCESS_HISTORY FTA_TAH.1 is used to provide information about previous interactive sessions (i.e., date and time). This information is displayed to the authorized user upon each successful ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 63 of 86 Objectives Rationale interactive session establishment. This requirement gives the authorized users the ability to verify their last successful interactive session and thus, is a means for determining if the previous successful interactive session establishment was authorized or not. O.AUDIT_GENERATION FAU_GEN.1 defines the set of events that the TOE must be capable of recording. This requirement ensures that the authorized administrator has the ability to audit any security relevant event that takes place in the TOE. This requirement also defines the information that must be contained in the audit record for each auditable event. There is a minimum of information that must be present in every audit record and this requirement defines that, as well as the additional information that must be recorded for each auditable event. This requirement also places a requirement on the level of detail that is recorded on any additional security functional requirements. FAU_GEN.2 ensures that the audit records associate a user identity with the auditable event. The association is accomplished using the userid of the authorized user. FAU_SEL.1 allows the authorized administrator to configure which auditable events will be recorded in the audit trail. This provides the authorized administrator with the flexibility in recording only those events that are deemed necessary by site policy, thus reducing the amount of resources consumed by the audit mechanism. FIA_USB.1 plays a role is satisfying this objective by requiring a binding of security attributes associated with users that are authenticated with the subjects that represent them in the TOE. This only applies to authenticated users, since the identity of unauthenticated users cannot be confirmed. Therefore, the audit trail may not always have the proper identity of the user that causes an audit record to be generated (e.g., an attacker/user providing another user’s user identifier). FPT_STM.1 ensures that the time stamps used to create the audit records are reliable. The time and date included in the time stamp is crucial when generating the audit information to ensure accountability. O.AUDIT_PROTECTION The audit trail must be protected so that only authorized administrators may access it or delete it. FAU_SAR.2 ensures that only authorized administrators have read access to audit information, and FAU_STG.1 ensures that audit information is not modified and protects it from unauthorized deletions. FAU_STG.3 and FAU_STG.4 ensure that audit information is not lost because of ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 64 of 86 Objectives Rationale shortage of resources. O.AUDIT_REVIEW FAU_SAR.1 provides the ability for an authorized administrator to efficiently review audit records. This requirement also mandates the audit information be presented in a manner that is suitable for the authorized administrators to interpret the audit trail. FAU_SAR.3 complements FAU_SAR.1 by providing the authorized administrators the flexibility to specify criteria that can be used to search or sort the audit records residing in the audit trail. FAU_SAR.3 requires the authorized administrators be able to establish the audit review criteria based on a user and identifier, date and time, so that the actions of a user can be readily identified and analysed. Allowing the authorized administrators to perform searches or sort the audit records based on dates, times, type of events, and success and failure of these events, provides the capability to extract the user activity to what is pertinent at that time in order to facilitate the administrator’s review. It is important to note that the intent of sorting in this requirement is to allow the authorized administrators the capability to organize or group the records associated with a given criteria. FAU_STG.3 allows the authorized administrator to be alerted of the possible audit data loss if the audit trail exceeds an authorized administrator selectable, pre- defined limit. O.CRYPTO_NET Baseline cryptographic services are provided in the TOE by FIPS PUB 140-2 compliant module [FIPS140] (see sec. 8.1.6). Specific functional requirements in the area of cryptographic operations address data encryption, decryption and cryptographic signatures [FCS_COP.1(1)]; random number generation [FCS_RNG_EXT.1]; and supporting key management services [FCS_CKM.1(1), FCS_CKM.1(3), FCS_CKM.1(4), FCS_CKM.2, FCS_CKM.4]. O.CRYPTO_MEDIA Specific functional requirements in the area of cryptographic operations to ensure secure export of information address: key management [FCS_CKM.1(2)], data encryption, decryption and cryptographic signatures [FCS_COP.1(2)]. O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL The TSF must moreover be able to ensure a trusted Inter- TSF channel between itself and another trusted IT product [FPT_ITC.1] protecting the user data transferred from disclosure [FDP_UCT.1] and undetected modification ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 65 of 86 Objectives Rationale [FDP_UIT.1]. O.DISCRETIONARY_ACCESS Access to TOE resources is determined by the Discretionary Access Control policy. FDP_ACC.1 enforces the Discretionary Access Control (DAC) policy on all subjects and all named objects identified and all operations among them and covered by DAC policy. FDP_ACF.1 define the Discretionary Access Control rules to determine if any operation between subjects and named objects is allowed. These rules are based on the identity of the users and their group memberships. FIA_USB.1 defines the associations between user security attributes (see FIA_ATD.1) and subjects acting on behalf of that user. The access control policy decisions are based on the associated security attributes. FMT_MSA.3 ensures that the TOE provides protection by default for all objects at creation time. This may allow authorized users to explicitly specify the desired access controls upon the object at its creation, provided that there is no window of vulnerability through which unauthorized access may be gained to newly-created objects. O.DISCRETIONARY_USER_CONTROL To allow authorized users to specify which resources may be accessed, the TOE must provide the ability for object security attributes to be changed and revoked. FMT_MSA.1 restricts the ability to change the value of object security attributes to authorized administrators and owners of objects. FMT_REV.1(2) restricts the ability to revoke security attributes of objects to authorized administrators and owners of these objects. O.DISPLAY_BANNER Before identification and authentication and the establishment of a user session, the TOE allows limited access by any potential users of the operating system in order to convey warnings and agreements for its use. Through this limited access before establishing a user session, the TSF displays an authorized, administrator- specified advisory notice and consent warning message regarding unauthorized use of the TOE [FTA_TAB.1]. In typical applications a user who continues session establishment procedures (including their successful identification and authentication) after display of the notice and warning banner effectively acknowledges the banner content and consents to the stated conditions. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 66 of 86 Objectives Rationale This banner of information can be critical in supporting legal actions related to the use of the TOE. O.ENFORCEMENT The TSF must be designed and implemented in a manner which ensures that the organizational policies are enforced in the target environment. The TSF must provide the authorized administrator with a self test utility [FPT_TST.1] for the TSF and TSF data integrity check. O.MANAGE In a variety of ways the TOE supports authorized administrators in the management of security functions, security attributes and data while also restricting unauthorized use. For example, the TOE provides for and restricts the following actions to authorized administrators only (except where specifically noted):  Disable and enable the audit functions, and specify which events are audited [FMT_MOF.1(1)],  Manage the values of user security attributes [FMT_MOF.1(2)],  Change the value of object security attributes. (Object owner is also allowed to perform this action.) [FMT_MSA.1],  Provide restrictive default values for security attributes, and specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. [FMT_MSA.3],  The management aspects of the individual SFRs (excluded FMT_MTD.1(6)) are specified with all iterations of FMT_MTD.1,  Revoke security attributes associated with the users within the TSC. [FMT_REV.1 (1)],  Revoke security attributes of objects within the TSC. (Object owner is also allowed to perform this action.) [FMT_REV.1(2)],  Specify an expiration time for authorized user authentication data. [FMT_SAE.1],  FMT_SMR.1 defines the rights management for the different management aspects,  FMT_SMF.1 provides a list of the management functions specified in this ST and is required as a dependency for the management functions. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 67 of 86 Objectives Rationale O.PROTECT O.PROTECT requires mechanisms be provided by the TOE to protect user data and resources. FIA_SOS.1 prescribes the maximum probability for guessing authentication data that must be satisfied. If a user can’t authenticate, he or she will not have the ability to access user data and resources. FIA_UAU.7 ensures that no feedback that affects the ability of users to circumvent the authentication mechanism is presented during the authentication process. The TOE is allowed to provide information that would allow the user to use the authentication mechanism in a correct manner (e.g., press CTRL-ALT-DELETE, slide card quickly, centre your finger and press firmly, speak louder and slowly), but not provide information that may allow alteration to their presentation that would thwart the mechanism. FMT_MSA.2 ensures that only valid configuration values are accepted for security attributes, supporting the protection of the TSF by avoiding miss-configuration. To protect user data and resources, FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACF.1, and FMT_REV.1(2) require a Discretionary Access Control policy and rules that ensures the correct access to objects by subjects acting on behalf of users. To ensure that user data are not disclosed before a resource is reused, FDP_RIP.2 ensures that the shared memory and operating system controlled files as well as resources are not available to another user thus protecting the user data. FMT_MTD.1(6) ensures that the authentication data are protected. No entity is allowed to read authentication data and the TSF must prevent any attempt to read it. O.RESIDUAL_INFORMATION FDP_RIP.2 ensures the contents of resources are not available upon allocation of the resource to all objects O.USER_AUTHENTICATION FIA_UAU.2 plays a role in satisfying this objective by ensuring that every user is authenticated before any other action will be allowed by the TSF. FIA_UAU.6 ensures that the authorized user changing his authentication data re-authenticates before he or she is allowed to proceed. To verify the claimed identity of an authorized user, FIA_SOS.1 prescribes the metrics that must be satisfied. It provides the mechanism that will verify the secret for user authentication. In particular FIA_SOS.1 requires that the authentication mechanism provide the ability for authorized ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 68 of 86 Objectives Rationale users to have a “secret” of at least 16 characters in length, consisting of any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation. O.USER_IDENTIFICATION FIA_UID.2 plays a role in satisfying this objective by ensuring that every user identify himself before any other action will be allowed by the TSF. Table 9: Security objectives for the TOE rationale 6.9.3 Security requirements dependencies analysis The following table demonstrates the dependencies of SFRs modelled in CC Part 2 and how the SFRs for the TOE resolve those dependencies: Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Resolution FAU_GEN.1 FPT_STM.1 FPT_STM.1 FAU_GEN.2 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_SAR.2 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SAR.3 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SEL.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FMT_MTD.1 The dependency on FMT_MTD.1 is resolved by FMT_MTD.1(1) specifying the management aspect applicable to this SFR. FAU_STG.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_STG.3 FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.4 FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.1 FCS_CKM.1(1) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_CKM.2 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RNG_EXT.1 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 69 of 86 Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Resolution FCS_CKM.1(2) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_CKM.2 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RNG_EXT.1 FCS_CKM.1(3) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_CKM.2 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RNG_EXT.1 FCS_CKM.1(4) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_CKM.2 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RNG_EXT.1 FCS_CKM.2 [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.1(1) FCS_CKM.1(2) FCS_CKM.1(3) FCS_CKM.1(4) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1(1) FCS_CKM.1(2) FCS_CKM.1(3) FCS_CKM.1(4) FCS_COP.1(1) [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1(1) FCS_CKM.1(3) FCS_CKM.1(4) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1(2) [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1(2) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RNG_EXT.1 No dependencies. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 70 of 86 Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Resolution FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(1) FDP_ACF.1(2) FDP_ACF.1(1) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_ACF.1(2) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3 FDP_RIP.2 No dependencies. FDP_UCT.1 [FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel, or FTP_TRP .1 Trusted path] [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] yes (FTP_ITC.1 and FDP_ACC.1) FDP_UIT.1 [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] [FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel, or FTP_TRP .1 Trusted path] yes (FTP_ITC.1 and FDP_ACC.1) FIA_AFL_EXT.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2 FIA_ATD.1 No dependencies. FIA_SOS.1 No dependencies. FIA_UAU.2 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2 FIA_UAU.6 No dependencies. FIA_UAU.7 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2 FIA_UID.2 No dependencies. FIA_USB.1 FIA_ATD.1 FIA_ATD.1 FMT_MOF.1(1) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MOF.1(2) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 71 of 86 Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Resolution FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1 [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.2 FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1 FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MTD.1(1) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(2) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(3) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(4) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(5) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(6) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(7) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_REV.1(1) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 72 of 86 Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Resolution FMT_REV.1(2) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SAE.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FPT_STM.1 FPT_STM.1 FMT_SMF.1 No dependencies. FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2 FPT_STM.1 No dependencies. FPT_TST.1 No dependencies. FTA_SSL.2 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.2 FTA_TAB.1 No dependencies. FTA_TAH.1 No dependencies. FTP_ITC.1 No dependencies. Table 10: TOE SFR dependency analysis ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 73 of 86 7 SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The security assurance requirements for the TOE are the Evaluation Assurance Level 4 components augmented by ALC_FLR.1, as specified in [CC] part 3. 7.1 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale The evaluation assurance level (CC EAL4+) is commensurate with a typical security problem defined for the IT environment of a product used in a defence scenario. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 74 of 86 8 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION 8.1 TOE Security Functionalities The following sections provide details on the implementation of the security functionalities provided by the TOE. The different TOE security functions cover the various SFR classes. The primary security features of the TOE are:  Identification and Authentication  Audit  Discretionary Access Control  Object Reuse  Security Management  Cryptographic services  TSF Protection. 8.1.1 Identification and Authentication (IA) User identification and authentication in the TOE includes all forms of interactive login (e.g. using the SSH protocol or log in at the local console) as well as identity changes through the su command. These all rely on explicit authentication information provided interactively by a user. Identification and authentication services use a common mechanism for authentication described in this section. They all use an administrative database, which is managed by authorized administrators, but normal users are allowed to modify their own password using the passwd command. This chapter also describes the authentication process for those network services that require authentication. Identification and Authentication mechanisms (IA.1) Linux uses a suite of libraries called the "Pluggable Authentication Modules" (PAM) that allow an authorized administrator to choose how PAM-aware applications authenticate users. The TOE provides PAM modules that implement the security functionalities that:  provide login control and establish identification IDs for a subject (e.g., UID, GID, etc.),  ensure the quality of passwords,  consult a user’s password “history” and not allowing them to re-use olds passwords,  enforce limits for accounts and enforce the change of passwords after a configured time,  restrict the use of the root account to certain terminals,  restrict the use of the su command,  set up of the system name spaces. The login processing sets the real, file system, effective and login UID as well as the real, effective, file system GID and the set of supplemental GIDs of the subject that is created. It is of course up to the client application usually provided by a remote system to protect the user’s entry of a password correctly (e. g. provide only obscured feedback). During login processing, a banner is shown to the user. The TSF realizes identification and authentication before any action. After successful authentication, the login time is recorded. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 75 of 86 After a successful identification and authentication, the TOE initiates a session for the user and spawns the initial login shell as the first process the user can interact with. The TOE provides a mechanism to lock a session either automatically after a configurable period of inactivity for that session or upon the user's request. This security function covers the SFRs FMT_SMR.1, FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UID.2, FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UAU.6, FAU_GEN.1, FIA_AFL_EXT.1, FIA_USB.1, FIA_UAU.7, FTA_TAB.1 and FTA_TAH.1. User Identity and Role Changing (IA.2) Users can change their identity (i.e., switch to another identity) using the su command. When switching identities, the real, file system and effective user ID and real, file system and effective group ID are changed to the one of the user specified in the command (after successful authentication as this user). The primary use of the su command within the TOE is to allow appropriately authorized administrators the ability to assume the “root” administrative identity to perform administrative actions. The use of the su command to switch to root has been restricted to users belonging to a special group (wheel). Note that when a user executes a program that has the setuid bit set, only the effective user ID and file system ID are changed to that of the owner of the file containing the program while the real user ID remains that of the caller. The login ID is neither changed by the su command nor by executing a program that has the setuid or setgid bit set as it is used for auditing purposes. The su command invokes the common authentication mechanism to validate the supplied authentication. This security function covers the SFR FIA_USB.1. User Session Lock (IA.3) Sessions can be locked by users voluntarily via the screen application. This security function covers the SFR FTA_SSL.2. Management of Authentication Data (IA.4) Each TOE instance maintains its own set of users with their passwords and attributes. Although the same human user may have accounts on different deployed systems interconnected by a network and running an instantiation of the TOE, those accounts and their parameter are not synchronized on different TOE instances. Existing mechanism for synchronizing authentication data within the whole distributed deployed system are not subject to this evaluation. Each TOE instance within the distributed deployed system maintains its own administrative database by making all administrative changes on the local TOE instance. TOE administration ensures that all machines within the distributed deployed configuration are configured in accordance with the requirements defined in this Security Target. The file /etc/passwd contains for each user the user’s name, the id of the user, an indicator whether the password of the user is valid, the principal group id of the user and other (not security relevant) information. The file /etc/shadow contains for each user a hash of the user's password, the userid, the time the password was last changed, the expiration time as well as the validity period of the password and some other information that are not subject to the security functions as defined in this Security Target. Authorized users are allowed to change their passwords by using the passwd command. This application is able to read and modify the contents of /etc/shadow only for the user’s password entry, which would ordinarily be inaccessible to a non-privileged user process (this implies that the TSF does not rely on the strength of the hashing algorithm to protect the passwords). Users are prevented from logging in if the password has expired. The time of the last successful logins is also recorded. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 76 of 86 The TOE displays informative banners before or while users are logging in. The banners can be specified also for remote logins (e.g., via SSH). This security function covers the SFRs FTA_TAH.1, FMT_SMR.1, FTA_TAB.1, FIA_UAU.2, FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UID.2, FAU_GEN.1, FIA_AFL_EXT.1, FIA_ATD.1, FIA_USB.1, FIA_UAU.7. 8.1.2 Audit Generation and Review (AU) The Lightweight Audit Framework (LAF) is designed to be a Linux accounting and auditing system compliant with the requirements from Common Criteria. LAF is able to intercept all system calls as well as retrieving audit log entries from privileged user space applications. The subsystem allows configuring the events to be actually audited from the set of all events that are possible to be audited. Those events are configured in a specific configuration file and then the kernel is notified to build its own internal structure for the events to be audited. Audit Generation and Processing (AU.1) The kernel interface which provides the means to configure the audit properties is usable only by authorized administrators. Only processes running with root privileges or kernel functions can submit audit records. The events to be audited are then forwarded by the kernel to an audit daemon, which writes the audit records to the audit trail. An internal queuing mechanism is used for this purpose. When the queue does not have sufficient space to hold an audit record the TOE switches into single user mode, is halted or the audit daemon executes an administrator-specified notification action depending on the configuration of the audit daemon. Access to audit data by normal users is prohibited by the discretionary access control function of the TOE, which is used to restrict the access to the audit trail and audit configuration files to the authorized administrator only. The authorized administrator can define the events to be audited from the overall events that the Lightweight Audit Framework provides, using simple filter expressions. This allows for a flexible definition of the events to be audited and the conditions under which events are audited. The authorized administrator is also able to define a set of user IDs for which auditing is active or alternatively a set of user IDs that are not audited. The authorized administrator can select files to be audited by adding them to a watch list that is loaded into the kernel. This security function covers the SFRs FAU_GEN.1, FAU_GEN2, FAU_SEL.1, FAU_SAR.2, FAU_STG.1, FAU_STG.3, FAU_STG.4 and FMT_MTD.1 (for audit data). Audit Review (AU.2) An audit record consists of one or more lines of text containing fields in a “keyword=value” tagged format. At least the following information is contained in all audit record lines:  Type: indicates the source of the event (e.g., SYSCALL, FS_WATCH, USER, or LOGIN).  Timestamp: Date and time the audit record was generated.  Event (audit) ID: unique numerical event identifier.  Login ID (“auid”), the user ID of the user authenticated by the TOE (regardless if the user has changed his real and / or effective user ID afterwards).  Effective user ID: the effective user ID of the process at the time the audit event was generated.  Success or failure (where appropriate) ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 77 of 86 This information is followed by event specific data. In some cases, such as SYSCALL event records involving file system objects, multiple text lines will be generated for a single event, these all have the same time stamp and audit ID to permit easy correlation. The audit trail is stored in ASCII text. The TOE provides tools for managing ASCII files that can be used for post-processing of audit data. These tools include:  less - reads the ASCII audit data  ausearch - allows selective extraction of records from the audit trail using defined selection criteria  sort - The audit records are listed in chronological order by default. The sort utility can be used together with ausearch to use a different sorting order. The audit trail is stored in files which are accessible by root only. This security function covers the SFRs FAU_GEN.1, FAU_GEN.2, FAU_SEL.1, FAU_SAR.1, FAU_SAR.3. 8.1.3 Discretionary Access Control (DA) This section outlines the general DAC policy in FINX RTOS as implemented for resources where access is controlled by permission bits and POSIX ACLs; principally these are the objects in the file system. In all cases the policy is based on user identity (and in some cases on group membership associated with the user identity). To allow for enforcement of the DAC policy, all users must be identified and their identities authenticated. General DAC Policy (DA.1) The general policy enforced is that subjects (i.e., processes) are allowed only the accesses specified by the policies applicable to the object the subject requests access to. Further, the ability to propagate access permissions is limited to those subjects who have that permission, as determined by the policies applicable to the object the subject requests access to. A subject with a file system user ID of 0 is exempt from all restrictions of the discretionary access control and can perform any action desired. For the execution of a file by root, the permission bit vector of that file must contain at least one execute bit. DAC provides the mechanism that allows users to specify and control access to objects that they own. DAC attributes are assigned to objects at creation time and remain in effect until the object is destroyed or the object attributes are changed. DAC attributes exist for, and are particular to, each type of named object known to the TOE. DAC is implemented with permission bits and, when specified, ACLs. The outlined DAC mechanism applies only to named objects which can be used to store or transmit user data. Other named objects are also covered by the DAC mechanism but may be supplemented by further restrictions. These additional restrictions are out of scope for this evaluation. Examples of objects which are accessible to users but cannot be used to store or transmit user data are: virtual file systems externalizing kernel data structures (such as most of procfs, sysfs, binfmt_misc) and process signals. During creation of objects, the TSF ensures that all residual contents is removed from that object before making it accessible to the subject requesting the creation. This security function covers the SFRs FDP_RIP.2, FMT_REV.1(1), FMT_REV.1(2), FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2, FMT_MSA.3. Permission bits (DA.2) The TOE supports standard UNIX permission bits to provide one form of DAC for file system objects in all supported file systems. There are three sets of three bits that define access for three categories of users: the owning user, users in the owning group, and other users. The three bits in each set indicate the access ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 78 of 86 permissions granted to each user category: one bit for read (r), one for write(w) and one for execute (x). Note that write access to file systems mounted as read only (e. g.CD-ROM) is always rejected. Also, write access to file system objects marked as immutable is always rejected. The SAVETXT attribute is used for world- writeable temp directories preventing the removal of files by users other than the owner. Each process has an inheritable “umask” attribute which is used to determine the default access permissions for new objects. It is a bit mask of the user/group/other read/write/execute bits, and specifies the access bits to be removed from new objects. For example, setting the umask to “002”ensures that new objects will be writable by the owner and group, but not by others. The umask is defined by the authorized administrator in the /etc/login.defs file or 022 by default if not specified. This security function covers the SFRs FAU_SAR.2, FDP_ACC.1, FIA_USB.1 and FDP_ACF.1. Access Control Lists (ACLs) (DA.3) The TOE provides support for POSIX type ACLs to define a fine grained access control on a user basis. ACLs are supported for all file system objects stored with the following file systems:  ext3,  tmpfs. An ACL entry contains the following information:  A tag type that specifies the type of the ACL entry,  A qualifier that specifies an instance of an ACL entry type,  A permission set that specifies the discretionary access rights for processes identified by the tag type and qualifier. An ACL contains exactly one entry of three different tag types (called the "required ACL entries" forming the "minimum ACL"). The standard UNIX file permission bits as described in the previous section are represented by the entries in the minimum ACL. A default ACL is an additional ACL which may be associated with a directory. This default ACL has no effect on the access to this directory. Instead the default ACL is used to initialize the ACL for any file that is created in this directory. If the new file created is a directory it inherits the default ACL from its parent directory. When an object is created within a directory and the ACL is not defined with the function creating the object, the new object inherits the default ACL of its parent directory as its initial ACL. This security function covers the SFRs FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACF.1, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMF.1, FMT_MSA.3 and FIA_USB.1. IPC objects (DA.4) The TOE implements the following standard types of IPC mechanisms:  SYSV Shared Memory,  SYSV and POSIX Message Queues,  SYSV Semaphores. Access to the above mentioned IPC mechanisms are governed by UNIX permission bits. As the IPC objects of UNIX domain socket special files and Named Pipes are represented as filesystem objects, the access control mechanism covering file system objects are applicable to these IPC mechanisms too. The TOE maintains IPC object types where each process has its own namespace for that object type: sockets - including network sockets. Access to the socket is only possible by the process whose socket namespace ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 79 of 86 contains the socket reference. Setting of permissions for such objects can be handled using file descriptor passing. This security function covers the SFRs FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACF.1. 8.1.4 Object Reuse Functionality (OR.1) Object Reuse is the mechanism that protects against scavenging, or being able to read information that is left over from a previous subject’s actions. Explicit initialization is appropriate for most TSF-managed abstractions, where the resource is implemented by some TSF internal data structure whose contents are not visible outside the TSF: queues, datagrams, pipes, and devices. These resources are completely initialized when created, and have no information contents remaining. Explicit clearing is used in FINX RTOS only for directory entries, because they are accessible in two ways: through TSF interfaces both for managing directories and for reading files. Because this exposes the internal structure of the resource, it must be explicitly cleared on release to prevent the internal state from remaining visible. Storage management is used in conjunction with explicit initialization for object reuse on files, and processes. This technique keeps track of how storage object such as File System, IPC or Memory object is used, and whether it can safely be made available to a subject. This security function covers the SFR FDP_RIP.2. 8.1.5 Security Management (SM.1) The security management facilities provided by the TOE are usable by authorized users to modify the configuration of TSF. The configuration of TSF is hosted in the following locations:  Configuration files (or TSF databases)  Data structures maintained by the kernel and within the kernel memory The TOE provides applications to authorized users to perform various administrative tasks. These applications are documented as part of the administrator and user guidance. These applications are either used to modify configuration files or to access parameters controlled and enforced by the kernel via kernel-provided interfaces to user space. Configuration options are stored in different configuration files. These files are protected using the DAC mechanisms against unauthorized access. It is the task of the persons responsible for setting up and administrating the TOE to ensure that the access control features of the TOE are used throughout the lifetime of the system to protect those databases. These configuration files are accessed using applications which are able to interpret the contents of these configuration files. Each TOE instance maintains its own TSF database. Synchronizing those databases is not performed in the evaluated configuration. If such synchronization is required by an organization it is the responsibility of an authorized administrator of the TOE to achieve this either manually or with some automated assistance. To access data structures maintained by the kernel, applications use the kernel-provided interfaces, such as system calls, virtual file systems, netlink sockets, and device files. These kernel interfaces are restricted to authorized administrators or authorized non-administrative users, if applicable, by either using DAC (for virtual file system objects) or special kernel-internal verification checks for each interface. Security management also comprises the management of a reliable time stamps. Such time stamps are essential for correct time information within audit records. The TOE provides security management applications for all security-relevant settings listed throughout this ST, i.e. all FMT_MSA.1 and FMT_MTD.1 iterations. This security function covers the SFRs FMT_SMR.1, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.2, FMT_MSA.3, FMT_SAE.1, FMT_SMF.1, FPT_STM.1, FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UAU.7, FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACF.1, all iterations of FMT_MOF.1, FMT_MTD.1 and FMT_REV.1. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 80 of 86 8.1.6 Cryptographic services (CS.1) The TOE uses cryptographic services to provide secure communication and encryption of data destined to removable devices. Secure communication operations conform to FCS_COP.1 (1), while encryption of removable-devices data conforms to FCS_COP.1 (2). Cryptographic key generation and management are provided by the FIPS-compliant module of the OpenSSL library. Specifically, the module used by the TOE is OpenSSL FIPS Object Module v2.0.1 that covers the following security requirements: FCS_CKM.1 (1), FCS_CKM.1 (3), FCS_CKM.1(4), FCS_CKM.2, FCS_CKM.4 and FCS_RNG_EXT.1. Although the full cryptographic package used in this product has not been FIPS 140 certified, the FIPS Object Module used in the TOE was FIPS certified #1747 [FIPS_CERT], and it is used by the TOE according to the FIPS compliant manual [OMSecPol] (see Appendix A). OpenSSH provides secure communication applications (e.g., ssh, scp, etc.), and it uses OpenSSL FIPS Object Module for the appropriate generation of cryptographic keys used to achieve integrity and confidentiality (FTP_ITC.1, FDP_UCT.1 and FDP_UIT.1) during data exchange between the TOE and another remote trusted IT product. Encryption of removable-device-related data is performed using LUKS (Cryptsetup) the standard for Linux hard disk encryption which conform to RFC2898 and covers FCS_CKM.1 (2) and FCS_COP.1 (2). 8.1.7 TSF protection (TP) While in operation, the kernel software and data are protected by the hardware memory protection mechanisms. The memory and process management components of the kernel ensure a user process cannot access kernel storage or storage belonging to other processes. Non-kernel TSF software and data are protected by DAC and process isolation mechanisms. In the evaluated configuration, the reserved user ID root owns the directories and files that define the TSF configuration. In general, files and directories containing internal TSF data (e.g., configuration files, batch job queues) are also protected from reading by DAC permissions. The hardware platform where the TOE is installed and the firmware components are required to be physically protected from unauthorized access. The operating system kernel mediates all access to hardware components that are protected from direct access by user process. The boot image for each host with the evaluated TOE is adequately protected using proper DAC permission settings. TSF Invocation Guarantees (TP.1) All TOE protected resources are managed by the TSF. Because all TSF data structures are protected, these resources can be directly manipulated only by the TSF, through defined TSF interfaces. This satisfies the condition that the TSF must be "always invoked" to manipulate protected resources. Resources managed by the kernel software can only be manipulated while running in kernel mode. Processes run in user mode and can call functions of the kernel only as the result of an exception or interrupt. The hardware and the kernel software handle these events and ensure that the kernel is entered only at pre- determined locations, and within pre-determined parameters. All kernel managed resources are protected such that only the kernel software is able to manipulate them. Trusted processes implement resources managed outside the kernel. The trusted processes and the data defining the resources are protected as described above depending on the type of interface. For directly invoked trusted processes the program invocation mechanism ensures that the trusted process always starts in a protected environment at a predetermined point. Other trusted process interfaces are started during TOE initialization and use well defined protocol or file system mechanisms to receive requests. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 81 of 86 Some system calls or parameter of system calls are reserved for trusted processes. When called the kernel checks that the calling process runs with an effective userid of 0. This function contributes to satisfy the security requirement ADV_ARC.1. Kernel (TP.2) The TOE software consists of a privileged kernel and a variety of non-kernel components (trusted processes). The kernel operates on behalf of all processes (subjects). The kernel runs in the CPU’s privileged mode and has access to all system memory. All kernel software, including kernel extensions and kernel processes, execute with kernel privileges but only defined subsystems within the kernel are part of the TSF. The kernel is entered by some event that causes a context switch such as a system call, I/O interrupt, or a program exception condition. Upon entry the kernel determines the function to be performed, performs it, and, when finished, performs another context switch to return to user processing (eventually on behalf of a different subject) (TP1.1). The kernel is shared by all processes, and manages system wide shared resources. It presents the primary programming interface for the TOE in the form of system calls. This function contributes to satisfy the security requirement ADV_ARC.1. Kernel Modules (TP.3) FINX supports dynamically loadable kernel modules that are loaded automatically on demand. Kernel modules are actually a part of the kernel that is not resident but loaded as part of the kernel when needed. Whenever a program wants the kernel to use a feature that is only available as a loadable module, and if the kernel hasn't got the module installed yet, the kernel will take care of the situation and make the best of it. This function contributes to satisfy the security requirement ADV_ARC.1. Trusted Processes (TP.4) Trusted processes in FINX are processes running in user mode but with root privileges. A trusted process is distinguished from other user processes by the ability to affect the security policy. Some trusted processes implement security policies directly (e.g., identification and authentication) but many are trusted simply because they operate in an environment that confers the ability to access TSF data (e.g., programs run by authorized administrators or during TOE initialization). Any program executed with root privileges has the ability to perform the actions of a trusted process. It is therefore important that a site operating FINX operating system strictly controls those programs and prohibits that those programs are modified or that programs from untrusted sources are executed with root privileges. Trusted processes are not part of the kernel and (except for those processes that perform TOE initialization and identification and authentication) are not part of the TSF itself. Trusted processes provide a contribution to security management and identification and authentication. For identification and authentication they contribute to satisfy the security functional requirements FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UAU.7 and FIA_UID.2. This function also contributes to ADV_ARC.1. TSF Databases (TP.5) TOE uses configuration files, in the following identified as "databases", to control user permissions, system applications, daemons, services, and other administrative tasks. By means of these databases FINX kernel access the list of users and groups in the system, and manage file permissions (that is, determine if a file can ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 82 of 86 be opened by a specific user, according to the permissions). With the exception of those files that a user can read, but not write, all of these databases shall only be accessible to authorized administrators. None of these databases shall be modifiable by an user other than an authorized administrator. Those databases are part of the file system and therefore the file system protection mechanisms of the TOE have to be used to protect those databases from unauthorized access. It is the task of the persons responsible for setting up and administrating the TOE to ensure that the access control features of the TOE are used throughout the lifetime of the system to protect those databases. Each host system within the TOE maintains its own TSF databases. Synchronizing those databases is not performed in the evaluated configuration. If such synchronization is required by an organization it is the responsibility of an authorized administrator of the TOE. The databases set is not a TSF, but it is part of the management of the TSF. As such it contributes to TOE management security functional requirements FMT_MSA.3 and FMT_MTD.1 (user security attributes and authentication data) as well as FMT_SMF.1. Internal TOE Protection Mechanisms (TP.6) All kernel software has access to all of memory, and the ability to execute all instructions. In general, however, only memory containing kernel data structures is manipulated by kernel software. Parameters are copied to and from process storage (i.e., that accessible outside the kernel) by explicit internal mechanisms, and those interfaces only refer to storage belonging to the process that invoked the kernel (e.g., by a system call). Functions implemented in trusted processes are more strongly isolated than the kernel. Because there is no explicit sharing of data, as there is in the kernel address space, all communications and interactions between trusted processes take place explicitly through files and similar mechanisms. This encourages an architecture in which specific TSF functions are implemented by well-defined groups of processes. This function contributes to satisfy the security requirement ADV_ARC.1. Testing the TSF Mechanisms (TP.7) The TOE provides a tool for the authorized administrator that allows him to run a system self test to demonstrate correct operation of the TSF. This tool performs tests on:  the integrity of TSF data,  the integrity of stored TSF executable code,  correct operation of the DAC mechanism. The tool generates a report on the tests performed and the results that those test had. The report is generated in human readable format and may be stored in a file or directed to a printer. This function contributes to satisfy the security requirement FPT_TST.1. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 83 of 86 9 ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES 9.1 Abbreviations ACL Access Control Lists AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Program Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CBC Cipher Block Chaining CC Common Criteria CD Compact Disk CD-ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory CPU Central Processing Unit CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item DAC Discretionary Access Control DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DVD Digital Versatile Disk EAL4 Evaluation Assurance Level 4 ESSIV Encrypted Salt-Sector Inizialization Vector FINX Finmeccanica Linux FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards GID Group Identifier H&M Human and Machine users HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code I/O Input/Output ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 84 of 86 ID Identifier IPC Inter-Process Communication ISO International Organization for Standardization IT Information & Technology LAF Lightweight Audit Framework LUKS Linux Unified Key Setup NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OE Objective for the Environment OS Operating System OSP Organisational security policies P/N Part Number PAM Pluggable Authentication Module POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for Unix PP Protection Profiles PRNG Pseudo-Random Number Generation PUB Publication RAM Random Access Memory RFC Request for Comments RNG Random Number Generation ROM Read Only Memory RSA Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman (authors of an algorithm for public-key cryptography) RTOS Real Time Operating System S&F Success & Failure SE Security Enhanced ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 85 of 86 SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirement SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SSH Secure Shell ST Security Target TLS Transport Layer Security TOE Target Of Evaluation TSC TOE SCope TSF TOE Security Function UID User IDentifier URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus 9.2 References [CC] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, CCMB-2012-09-001 to CCIMB-2012-09-003, Version 3.1 Revision 4, September 2012 (Part 1 to 3). [FIPS_CERT] See [FIPS140] FIPS 140-2: Federal Information Processing Standards Publication – Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules - May 25, 2001 at . [FIPS186] FIPS 186-3:Federal Information Processing Standards Publication – Digital Signature Standard (DSS) – June, 2009 at . [Gentoo] Gentoo Linux Operating System at . [GPOSPP] US Government Protection Profile for General-Purpose Operating Systems in a Networked environment. Version 1.0 as of 2010-08-30. [OSPP] Operating system Protection Profile Version 2.0. [OMSecPol] OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Version 2.0.4 – May 1, 2013 5 . 5 This document will be revised over time as new information becomes available; check for the latest version. ID: 16200050012 Rev: 01 Date: 16/12/2014 Page: 86 of 86 [PBKDF2] RFC 2898: Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0 at . [PREEMPT_RT]Real-time Pre-emption patch for the Linux kernel at . [SSH] RFC 4251: The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture at [TLS] RFC 5246: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2 at .