MX-FR14 Security Target Version 0.02 This document is a translation of the evaluated and certified security target written in Japanese. SHARP CORPORATION MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 2 Revision history Date Ver. Revision Author Reviewed Approved 7 Aug. 2009 0.01 • Original Draft Sakamoto Nakagawa Yamaguchi 19 Oct. 2009 0.02 • In response to the Observation Reports ASE-001- 01, ASE-002-01 and ASE-003-01. Sakamoto Nakagawa Yamaguchi MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 3 Table of Contents 1 ST Introduction ...................................................................................................................6 1.1 ST Reference.......................................................................................................................................6 1.2 TOE Reference....................................................................................................................................6 1.3 TOE Overview....................................................................................................................................6 1.3.1 TOE Type....................................................................................................................................6 1.3.2 Required non-TOE hardware/software/firmware........................................................................6 1.3.3 Main Security Functions.............................................................................................................6 1.3.4 TOE Usage..................................................................................................................................7 1.3.5 Overview of the MFD Functions and Applications ....................................................................8 1.3.6 Operating/managing the TOE .....................................................................................................9 1.4 TOE Description...............................................................................................................................10 1.4.1 Physical Configuration of the TOE...........................................................................................10 1.4.2 Logical Configuration of the TOE ............................................................................................10 1.4.3 Guidance Documents................................................................................................................11 1.4.4 Assets Protected by the TOE.....................................................................................................12 2 Conformance Claims ........................................................................................................14 2.1 CC Conformance Claim....................................................................................................................14 2.2 PP Claim ...........................................................................................................................................14 2.3 Package Claim ..................................................................................................................................14 3 Security Problem Definition .............................................................................................15 3.1 Threats ..............................................................................................................................................15 3.2 Organisational Security Policies .......................................................................................................15 3.3 Assumptions......................................................................................................................................15 4 Security Objectives...........................................................................................................16 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE.......................................................................................................16 4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment......................................................................16 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale...........................................................................................................17 4.3.1 Rationale Explaining Why Threats Are Countered...................................................................17 4.3.2 Rationale for Implementation of Organisational Security Policies...........................................19 4.3.3 Rationale for Satisfaction of Assumptions................................................................................19 5 Extended Components Definition.....................................................................................20 6 Security Requirements......................................................................................................21 6.1 Requirement Operations ...................................................................................................................21 6.2 Security Functional Requirements....................................................................................................21 6.2.1 Class FCS: Cryptographic Support...........................................................................................21 6.2.2 Class FDP: User Data Protection..............................................................................................22 6.2.3 Class FIA: Identification and Authentication............................................................................22 6.2.4 Class FMT: Security Management............................................................................................24 6.2.5 Class FTA: TOE Access............................................................................................................25 6.2.6 Class FTP: Trusted Path/Channels............................................................................................26 6.3 Security Assurance Requirements.....................................................................................................26 6.4 Security Requirements Rationale......................................................................................................27 6.4.1 Security Functional Requirements Rationale............................................................................27 MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 4 6.4.2 TOE security Assurance Requirements Rationale ....................................................................31 7 TOE Summary Specification ............................................................................................32 7.1 Cryptographic Key Generation (TSF_FKG).....................................................................................32 7.2 Cryptographic Operation (TSF_FDE) ..............................................................................................33 7.3 Data Clear (TSF_FDC).....................................................................................................................33 7.3.1 Overview of the Data Clear Function .......................................................................................33 7.3.2 Auto Clear at Job End program.................................................................................................34 7.3.3 Clear All Memory program.......................................................................................................34 7.3.4 Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP program .............................................34 7.3.5 Clear Document Filing Data program.......................................................................................34 7.3.6 Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List program......................................................34 7.3.7 Power Up Auto Clear program..................................................................................................35 7.3.8 Data Clearance Settings ............................................................................................................35 7.4 Authentication (TSF_AUT)..............................................................................................................35 7.5 Confidential files (TSF_FCF)...........................................................................................................36 7.6 Network Protection Function (TSF_FNP) ........................................................................................37 7.6.1 Overview of Network Protection..............................................................................................37 7.6.2 Filter Function...........................................................................................................................37 7.6.3 Communication Data Protection Function................................................................................37 7.6.4 Network Settings Protection .....................................................................................................38 8 Appendix...........................................................................................................................39 8.1 Terminology......................................................................................................................................39 8.2 Acronyms..........................................................................................................................................40 MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 5 List of Tables Table 1-1: Guidance Documents...................................................................................................................12 Table 3-1: Threats .........................................................................................................................................15 Table 3-2: Organisational Security Policies..................................................................................................15 Table 3-3: Assumptions.................................................................................................................................15 Table 4-1: Security Objectives for the TOE..................................................................................................16 Table 4-2: Security Objectives for the Operational Environment.................................................................16 Table 4-3: Security Objectives Rationale......................................................................................................17 Table 6-1: Security Functional Requirements Rationale ..............................................................................27 Table 6-2: Management Functions of the TOE.............................................................................................30 Table 6-3: Security Functional Requirement Dependencies.........................................................................31 Table 6-4: Justification of Unsatisfied Security Functional Requirement Dependencies .............................31 Table 7-1: Security Functional Requirements and TOE Security Specifications..........................................32 Table 8-1: Terminology.................................................................................................................................39 Table 8-2: Acronyms in the CC ....................................................................................................................40 Table 8-3: Other Acronyms...........................................................................................................................41 List of Figures Figure 1: Usage environment of the MFD......................................................................................................8 Figure 2: TOE and physical configuration of the MFD................................................................................10 Figure 3: Logical configuration of the TOE .................................................................................................10 MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 6 1 ST Introduction In accordance with the Common Criteria (CC) identified in Section 2.1, this chapter identifies this Security Target (ST) and the Target of Evaluation (TOE) claiming conformance to this ST. For that, this chapter presents ST reference, TOE reference, TOE overview and TOE description. See Sections 8.1 and 8.2 for terminology used in this ST. 1.1 ST Reference This section provides information needed to identify this Security Target (ST). Title: MX-FR14 Security Target Version: 0.02 Publication Date: 19 October 2009 Author: Sharp Corporation 1.2 TOE Reference This section provides information needed to identify the Target of Evaluation (TOE) claiming conformance to this ST. Name: MX-FR14 Version: C.10 Developer: Sharp Corporation 1.3 TOE Overview 1.3.1 TOE Type The TOE is an IT product to protect data in a Multi Function Device (MFD). The main part of the TOE is the firmware in ROMs for the MFD. By replacing the MFD standard firmware, it offers the security function and controls the entire MFD. The HDC, a hardware part in the MFD, is also a part of the TOE and is controlled by the firmware. MFDs, Multi Function Devices, are office machines mainly with copier, printer, scanner and fax functions. 1.3.2 Required non-TOE hardware/software/firmware The TOE operates on the MFD (hardware) made by Sharp Corporation, namely, MX-M283N, MX- M283NJ, MX-M363F, MX-M363N, MX-M363NJ, MX-M363U, MX-M363UJ, MX-M423F, MX-M453N, MX-M453NJ, MX-M453U, MX-M453UJ, MX-M503F, MX-M503N, MX-M503NJ, MX-M503U and MX-M503UJ. For models whose name includes “U”, the TOE operates only when the sharp genuine optional product including the HDD is mounted. The abilities required for the web browser, printer driver and PC-Fax driver (all are software.) used for communication to and from the MFD are as follows. The above models are delivered together with a printer driver and a PC-Fax driver both of which have the following abilities: ● Providing authentication feedback protection when a password is entered; typed password shall not be displayed and information other than the number of the typed characters shall not be disclosed. ● When the SSL mentioned in the next section is used, the SSL protocol (SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 or higher) shall be supported. Support by “Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2”, a web browser of Microsoft, has been confirmed for the operation of the TOE security functions identified by this ST. Users are advised to confirm the abilities of a browser before use, although other widely used web browsers are presumed to have the above abilities. 1.3.3 Main Security Functions The TOE provides the following functions aiming to protect user data (see Section 1.4.4 for details.) including image data. Their purpose is to counter unauthorized attempts of obtaining user data which is stored or remains in the non-volatile memory devices (such as the HDD) in the MFD. Another purpose is MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 7 to counter attempts to wiretap user data when the MFD inputs and outputs the data over the network (LAN). a)Cryptographic operation function: encrypts image data before written to the MFD internal storage such as HDD, either when the MFD temporarily writes image data of a current job, or when a user saves image data of a document as a file into the HDD. b)Data clear function: automatically overwrites image data in the HDD and other storage devices when the image data becomes no longer required. All data are overwritten as necessary by the operation of the administrator on a daily basis or when MFDs are disposed. c)Confidential files function: provides password protection for files where users save their job’s image data, not to be reused by others. d)IP/MAC address filter function: rejects unauthorized accesses over the network. e)SSL function: protects data from wiretapping during transmission. 1.3.4 TOE Usage The TOE provides MFD functions such as copier, printer, scanner, fax transmission and reception, and PC- Fax in the same way as the standard firmware. This section describes an overview of how to invoke the security functions described in the previous section. Descriptions on MFD functions are discussed later. a)Users’ operation of MFD functions such as copier triggers an automatic operation of the cryptographic operation function and the data clear function of the TOE. The MFD temporality spools the image data to the MSD (the HDD or the Flash memory) in the MFD while a job such as copy is in the process. The MFD reads out the image data to process the job and deletes the image data when the job is completed. The TOE encrypts image data to be spooled by the cryptographic operation function and decrypts when it reads it out. The TOE overwrites image data to be deleted by the data clear function. b)Users can save image data as a “confidential file” (with password protection) in the HDD in the MFD using the confidential file function of the TOE. Later they can reuse the confidential file (for printing, fax transmission, transferring the image file to a client and other proposes) and prevent with the password the confidential file from being reused by others. • When users enter a job such as copy into the MFD, they select to save the image data and specify a password. This allows the TOE to save the image data of the job in the HDD along with the password after job completion. • Users set an original on the MFD, select “Scan to HDD” on the operation panel of the MFD and specify a password. This allows the TOE to scan the original and obtain image data from the MFD scanner unit, and save the image data in the HDD along with the password. • Users select a confidential file saved in the HDD, enter the password and specify a file manipulation (including print, send, delete) on the operation panel of the MFD or from a client connected to the network. The TOE checks the password entered and, when the password is verified, performs the file manipulation. The TOE disables the file manipulation if incorrect passwords are entered three times in a row. c)When users save a confidential file using the confidential file function of the TOE and when they reuse it, the cryptographic operation function automatically operates. The TOE encrypts the image data and the password to be saved in the HDD by the cryptographic operation function. When the TOE checks a password entered to reuse a confidential file, the TOE reads out the password from the HDD and decrypts it. When a print job or a send job is executed after verification of the password, the TOE reads out the image data and decrypts it. d)When users delete a confidential file using the confidential file function of the TOE, the data clear function of the TOE automatically operates. e)When users communicate with the MFD from a client over the network, the SSL function of the TOE can be used. When a print job is sent from a client, the image data to be printed is protected using the IPP-SSL protocol from wiretapping during transmission. When users access the web page provided by the MFD (TOE) for remote operation such as reusing a confidential file, the SSL (HTTPS) protocol can be used to protect information including the password from wiretapping during transmission. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 8 f)The administrator operates on the operation panel of the MFD as necessary (including when the MFD is disposed) to execute “Clear All Memory”. Then, the TOE overwrites all image data in the MFD by the data clear function. g)The administrator configures the filter settings on the TOE web. The administrator can specify IP address ranges to accept or reject communication with the MFD, and specify MAC addresses to accept communication with the MFD. When the filter settings are configured, the TOE does not respond to communication from IP addresses other than those specified to accept, IP addresses specified to reject and MAC addresses other than those specified to accept. 1.3.5 Overview of the MFD Functions and Applications The usage environment of the MFD that the TOE is installed to is shown in Figure 1. Each MFD function of the TOE is explained below. Most functions are available on the operation panel of the MFD. Some functions run when receiving data. Moreover, some functions are available on the TOE Web, which is a Web site that the TOE serves for remote operation. Job function The job function receives the image data from the MFD’s scanner unit or from outside of the MFD, spools the image data to the MSD in the MFD, and sends the image data to the MFD’s engine unit (printing) or to the outside of the MFD (transmission). The job control function and the MFD control function implement the job function. a)Copier: reads the original and prints that image by the operation from the operation panel. If Tandem Copy mode is selected, it sends the image data to the MFD that the administrator specified beforehand. b)Printer: prints the data received from the outside of the MFD. • Printer driver: generates the print data at a client and sends to the MFD via network or USB. If Tandem Print mode is selected, the printer driver sends the image data to two MFDs. • Push print: is to send print data from a client to the MFD via E-mail, FTP or Web. Received data by the internet fax and tandem print requests from another MFD are printed in the same manner. • Pull print: acquires the print data in an FTP server, a network folder or a USB memory device by operations on the operation panel. c)Network scanner: scans an original to obtain image data through operations on the operation panel, and transmits the image data file in either of the following ways: • E-mail: transmits it as an attachment to an E-mail. • File server: transmits it to an FTP server. • Desktop: transmits it via FTP to a client running the software tool delivered together with the MFD or provided separately. • Network folder: transmits it into a shared folder of Microsoft Windows over the network. • USB memory: puts it into a USB memory device plugged into the MFD. Client (1) Internal network Facsimile Mail server MFD FTP server Network I/F External network Telephone network Client (2) Firewall USB I/F (Type B) USB memory device USB I/F (Type A) Fax line MFD Figure 1: Usage environment of the MFD MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 9 • PC scan: transmits it via TWAIN to a client running the software tool delivered together with the MFD. • Internet Fax: transmits it as an attachment to an E-mail according to the Internet Fax standard specification. d)Fax transmission: scans an original to obtain image data through operations on the operation panel, and transmits the image data as a facsimile. e)Fax reception: receives a facsimile from another fax machine and prints it. f)PC-Fax: transmits image data from a client as a facsimile or an internet fax. Document filing function The document filing function provides the following functions that allow users to save image data to the HDD in the MFD and operate it from the operation panel or the client via Web later. This function is implemented by the job control function. ● -File a job: when a user enters a job such as copy into the MFD, the image data of the job can optionally be saved. When the user set a password at the time of saving, the file is saved as a confidential file. ● -Scan to HDD: scans the original and does only store it, while neither prints nor transmits it. ● -Operation on saved files: calls up the saved image data and operate it/them in the following ways. • Print: prints the saved image data to the paper. If Tandem Print mode is selected, this function sends the image data to the MFD that the administrator specified beforehand. • Send: transmits the saved image data either by any medium available for the network scanner function or by facsimile. • Preview: displays the rough outline of the saved image data. • Property change: changes the availability of the confidential file password of a file. • Password change: changes the confidential file password. • Delete: removes a saved image data file that the user no longer needs, and overwrites it. • Backup (export): transfers the saved image data to the client as binary data, from which the user can restore (import) the image data later. The printer driver allows its job to be saved without being printed. Similarly, Scan to HDD may be considered as a network scanner job saved without being transmitted. Address book function The Address book function stores the destination fax number and E-mail address. This simplifies the operation for transmission. The data is stored in the HDD and storing, modifying and deleting are available by the operation from the operation panel or Web. This function is realized by the job control function. 1.3.6 Operating/managing the TOE The TOE contains the following management function to keep the secure operation. Only the administrator cans operate the TOE by using the following management function below. ● Setting for authentication: • Change (modify) the administrator password ● Network access limitation settings: • IP Address Filter Settings • MAC Address Filter Settings ● Settings for security: • SSL Settings • Number of Times Auto Clear at Job End Program is Repeated • Number of Times Data Clear is Repeated • The data areas to be cleared by Power Up Auto Clear • Number of Times Power Up Auto Clear Program is Repeated • Disabling of Document Filing • Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 10 • Release the lock of confidential files ● -Enable the data clear function: • Clear All Memory • Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP • Clear Document Filing Data • Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List ● -Disable the data clear function: • Disable “Clear All Memory” • Disable “Clear Document Filing Data” • Disable “Power Up Auto Clear” 1.4 TOE Description 1.4.1 Physical Configuration of the TOE Main part of the TOE is provided in two ROM boards. In implementation constraint, some of the security functions are implemented in the HDC, which is positioned as part of the TOE scope. These are shaded in Figure 2. The physical scope of the TOE is as follows: ● Controller firmware: the firmware that controls the controller board, which is contained in the two ROM boards on the controller board. It is provided as an optional product sold separately for the MFD. ● HDC: an integrated circuit part that is mounted on the controller board. It operates under control of the controller firmware. The above controller firmware is included in “Data Security Kit MX-FR14 (DSK)” which is a product to enhance security of MFDs made by Sharp Corporation. The DSK is an optional product sold separately for Sharp Corporation MFDs and needs to be installed in the MFD to function. Although the standard firmware and the HDC are incorporated in an MFD when it is manufactured, the standard firmware does not invoke the security functions in the HDC and therefore the HDC functions simply as an interface to the HDD. The security functions in the HDC can be invoked by replacing the standard firmware with the DSK firmware in the MFD. 1.4.2 Logical Configuration of the TOE Figure 3 shows the logical configuration of the TOE. The thick-lined frame indicates the logical scope of the TOE. Rounded boxes indicate hardware devices that are out of the TOE. Rectangles indicate functions of the TOE; and ones shaded indicate security functions. Among the data in the volatile memory, HDD, Flash memory and EEPROM, the data that security functions handle (i.e. user data and TSF data) are also shaded. Arrows in the figure indicate data flows. Functions of the TOE usually put data in the volatile memory temporarily to pass the data to each other. However, the figure omits every such detail except security significance. NIC EEPROM HDD TOE (HDC) Engine unit Controller board TOE (controller firmware) Micro- processor Volatile memory Operation panel Scanner unit MFD USB I/F (Type A): to other facsimiles to a USB memory device to a client (printer driver) Fax line: To the internal network (clients and mail/FTP servers) USB I/F (Type B): Fax I/F Flash memory Figure 2: TOE and physical configuration of the MFD TSF_FNP Network protecton TOE Job control TSF_FDC Data clear TSF_FKG Cryptographic key generation TSF_AUT Authentication TSF_FCF Confi- dential files Scanner unit Volatile memory Engine unit TSF_FDE Cryptographc operation Jobs completed list HDD Network I/F USB I/F (Type A) USB I/F (Type B) Fax I/F Flash memory Filing image data, confidential file password Spool image data Spool image data Address book Administrator password HDC Firmware Operation panel Net- work mgmt. EEPROM MFD control TSF settings Network settings Other MFD settings Cryptographic key Figure 3: Logical configuration of the TOE MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 11 The large part of the TOE is firmware for the MFD. It provides security functions, while controlling the entire MFD. A small part of the TOE security functions (TSF) is implemented in the HDC and invoked by the TSF in the firmware. The logical scope of the TOE includes the following functions: a)Cryptographic operation function (TSF_FDE): encrypts user data and TSF data to be stored in the MSD and decrypts user data and TSF data retrieved from the MSD. This function is invoked by job control function (each job, address book and document filing functions). A part of this function is implemented in the HDC and invoked by the main part of this function in the firmware. b)Cryptographic key generation function (TSF_FKG): generates the cryptographic key for the cryptographic operation function. This function stores the generated key in the volatile memory. It generates a seed of the cryptographic key once when installed. From then on, it always generates a cryptographic key from the seed for the MFD whenever powered on. c)Data clear function (TSF_FDC): overwrites the MSD to prevent information leakage from the MSD. A part of this function is implemented in HDC and invoked by the main part of this function in the firmware. This function consists of data clear programs (Auto Clear at Job End, Clear All Memory, Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP, Clear Document Filing Data, Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List and Power up Auto Clear) and setting function for them (Data Clearance Settings). “Auto Clear at Job End” is invoked by job control function (each job and document filing function). d)Authentication function (TSF_AUT): identifies and authenticates an administrator by means of the administrator password. This function includes a management function that changes the administrator password. e)Confidential files function (TSF_FCF): provides password protection when a user saves image data to the MFD using the document filing function (Section and requires authentication by means of that confidential file password to reuse (such as to print or to transmit) the data. If incorrect passwords for a confidential file are entered three times in a row, this function locks that file. Only the administrator can release the locked file. f)Network protection function (TSF_FNP): consists of the following three functions: • Filter function: restricts the other party to communicate by the terms of IP address or MAC address. • Communication data protection: protects the communication data by SSL. This function is not available when the user uses a client and/or a protocol not supporting SSL. • Network settings protection: provides the network management functions (see below) only to the administrator and do not allow other users to use it. g)Job control function: provides the UI and control the action for each MFD function; in other words each job, address book function and document filing function. This also manages the jobs by means of queues and stores the jobs completed list in the HDD. h)MFD control function: controls MFD hardware. This also converts the data format between the data to receive or transmit and the image data in the MFD for the jobs that require the communication. i)Network management functions: are for the administrator to query and modify the IP address to be allocated for the MFD, the IP address of DNS servers that the TOE shall refer, port control (modifying the port number or disabling for each network service) and other network settings for using the network function. This function is invoked by the network protection function (TSF_FNP). 1.4.3 Guidance Documents Guidance documents shown in the Table 1-1 accompany the firmware as part of the TOE. Unique identifiers for the guidance documents and their versions are shown in brackets. For managerial reasons, each document has two identifiers both of which refer to the same version. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 12 Table 1-1: Guidance Documents 1.4.4 Assets Protected by the TOE The following user data are assets that are protected by the TOE. ● Image data that the MFD functions spool to process jobs ● Image data that users save as confidential files ● Address book data ● Jobs completed list data ● Network settings data ● Data transmission over the network Specifics of each clause above are described in the following each section. Image data that the MFD functions spool to process jobs The assets protected by the TOE include the image data that the TOE itself temporarily spools to the HDD or the Flash memory in the MFD for processing the jobs (mentioned in this chapter) without intent of the user to save when the user uses the MFD functions of the TOE. These data possibly contain the users’ sensitive information, such as the user’s own information and the information of the customers of the user. MFDs “delete” these image data when the jobs are finished or cancelled to deallocate resources. To “delete” here means just to make the storage area “unused” by marking it “deleted” in the allocation table. This is to “delete” the image data that occupied the storage area, in the same way as data files on the hard disk connected to a general personal computer are deleted; the deleted image data can remain in the cleared area until the area is reused by other jobs. Thus, this ST includes into the assets the deleted image data remaining in the HDD or the Flash memory in the MFD. Image data that users save as a confidential files The assets protected by the TOE include the image data that the user saves to the HDD as a confidential file. As well as in the previous section, these data possibly contain the users’ sensitive information. The user can delete these data. But, in the same way as the previous section, the image data can remain in the HDD after this deletion. Thus, the deleted image data remaining in the HDD is also included in the assets. Address book data The assets protected by the TOE include the address book data that the users store by the address book function and is stored in the HDD. This data is the personal data (destination name, mail address, fax number and others) that proper users share and possibly contain the organisation’s sensitive information. There is not necessarily a threat to counter if there is no method for the improper user to read or modify the address book data without standing in front of the operation panel and accessing every record in this data one by one by seeing and operating manually. However, this data shall be protected from the possibility that the improper user reads and modifies this data all at one time from the HDD directly or through the internal network. Jobs completed list data The assets protected by the TOE include the jobs completed list data that the job control function keeps in the HDD. This data possibly contain the organisation’s sensitive information, such as user name or document name of jobs from the printer driver, destination for fax transmission or reception and others. There is not necessarily a threat to counter if there is no method for the improper user to read the jobs completed list data without standing in front of the operation panel and accessing every record in this data For Japan MX-FR14 Data Security Kit Operation Manual (in Japanese) [CINSJ4673FC51] [TINSJ4673FCZZ] MX-FR14 Data Security Kit Notice (in Japanese) [CINSJ4675FC51] [TINSJ4675FCZZ] For outside Japan MX-FR14 Data Security Kit Operation Manual (in English) [CINSE4674FC51] [TINSE4674FCZZ] MX-FR14 Data Security Kit Notice (in English) [CINSE4676FC51] [TINSE4676FCZZ] MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 13 one by one by seeing and operating manually. However, this data shall be protected from the possibility that the improper user read this data all at one time from the HDD directly. Network settings data The assets protected by the TOE include the following network settings data that the administrator stored in the EEPROM using the network management function. This data contain the organisation’s sensitive information and may lead to the threat to the internal network. Moreover it may lead the threat to other assets if tampered improperly. ● TCP/IP Settings: Enable TCP/IP, Enabling DHCP, IP Address Settings ● DNS Settings: Primary/Secondary DNS Server, Domain Name ● WINS Settings: Enable WINS, Primary/Secondary WINS Server, WINS Scope ID ● SMTP Settings: SMTP Server ● LDAP Settings: Enable LDAP, LDAP Server ● Tandem Settings: IP Address of Slave Machine, Disabling of Master Machine Mode ● Port Control: Enabling or the port number for each network service Data transmission over the network In this ST, the communication data being transmitted over the network to and from the MFD is assumed to be the assets in consideration of threats of wiretapping. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 14 2 Conformance Claims This ST satisfies the followings. 2.1 CC Conformance Claim The versions of the CC to which this ST and the TOE claim conformance are as follows: ● Part 1: Introduction and general model September 2006 Version 3.1 Revision 1; Japanese Translation 1.2 ● Part 2: Security functional components September 2007 Version 3.1 Revision 2; Japanese Translation 2.0 ● Part 3: Security assurance components September 2007 Version 3.1 Revision 2; Japanese Translation 2.0 The conformance of this ST to CC Part 2 is CC Part 2 conformant. The conformance of this ST to CC Part 3 is CC Part 3 conformant. 2.2 PP Claim This ST does not claim conformance to any PP. 2.3 Package Claim This ST claims conformance to EAL3. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 15 3 Security Problem Definition This chapter defines security problems of the TOE. 3.1 Threats Threats to the TOE are described in Table 3-1. Unless otherwise noted, each threat definition implies the following attackers who possess the basic attack potential. ● Authorized MFD users or third parties. ● Someone who has the motive to obtain the assets (described in Section 1.4.4) such as image data of documents of others without authorization. ● Someone who has knowledge of the MFD and the TOE based on open information including guidance documents. Table 3-1: Threats 3.2 Organisational Security Policies No organisational security policies are presumed by this ST. Table 3-2: Organisational Security Policies 3.3 Assumptions Use and operation of the TOE requires the environment described in Table 3-3. Table 3-3: Assumptions Identifier Definition T.RECOVER An attacker physically removes the MSD from the MFD to read the MSD. By using easily available hardware and software tools, the attacker reads and leaks the user data stored in it (include the data that is remained after deleting). T.REMOTE An attacker who are not allowed to access to the MFD reads and modifies the address book data in the MFD all at one time through the internal network. T.SPOOF An attacker who impersonates other user reads and leaks the image data from the operation panel or through the internal network that the user has saved as confidential file. T.TAMPER An attacker who impersonates an administrator reads or modifies the network settings data from the operation panel or through the internal network. T.TAP An attacker wiretaps the user data on the internal network when a proper user communicates with the MFD. (None) Identifier Definition A.NETWORK The MFD provided with the TOE is connected to a subnetwork in the internal network protected against attacks from any external networks, where the subnetwork for the MFD connects nothing other than devices allowed to communicate with the MFD. A.OPERATOR The administrator is a trustworthy person who does not take improper action with respect to the MFD and the TOE. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 16 4 Security Objectives This chapter describes the measures to implement the security objective policies. 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE The security objectives for the TOE are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1: Security Objectives for the TOE Identifier Definition O.FILTER The TOE shall provide defence against network accesses from devices that are not allowed to access to the MFD. O.MANAGE The TOE shall provide only the administrator with the security management functions to keep the secure operation. O.REMOVE The TOE shall encrypt the user data using a cryptographic key unique to the MFD when the TOE writes them to the MSD. O.RESIDUAL TOE shall overwrite the user data area in the MSD once the user data becomes unnecessary. O.TRP The TOE shall provide the function that prevents the user data on the internal network from wiretapping. O.USER The TOE shall provide the function that identifies and authenticates the proper user that stored the confidential files. 4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment The security objectives for the operational environment are shown in Table 4-2. Table 4-2: Security Objectives for the Operational Environment Identifier Definition OE.CIPHER When the user of the MFD communicates with the TOE, the administrator shall take necessary steps (examples are as follows) to protect the communication data between the MFD user and the TOE from wiretapping on the internal network where the TOE is installed. ● The SSL functions of the TOE shall be used; according to Section 1.3.2 of this ST, the administrator shall make the users use software supporting the SSL protocol as well as configuring the TOE to perform functions defined in O.TRP. ● Communication devices (such as routers and switches) with cryptographic functions shall be used. ● The administrator shall provide physical protection (such as restricted areas) to the network. ● The administrator shall make the MFD users use USB memory device to input/output the data. OE.FIREWALL The administrator shall connect the internal network when the TOE is installed to the external network by using the communication device having the function to protect the internal network against attacking from external networks. OE.NOECHO According to Section 1.3.2 of this ST, the administrator shall make the users to use software which provides a protected authentication feedback when the user of the MFD communicates with the TOE. OE.OPERATE Those in charge of the organisation shall understand the role of the administrator and select a suitable person with the utmost care. OE.PC-USER On the devices allowed to connect to the MFD on the internal network, the administrator shall run the identification and authentication function (such as logging in the OS) so that only the authorized MFD users be able to use such devices. OE.SUBNET The administrator shall connect only the devices that are allowed to communicate to the MFD in the subnetwork where the TOE is installed, and keep and maintain that state. OE.USER The administrator shall make the users of the TOE and the MFD to maintain the confidential file password securely so that it will not leak. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 17 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale Table 4-3 demonstrates that the policies indicated in the security objectives are effective for each of the security problems defined by the ST. Table 4-3 shows the sections of this document that provide the rationale for the respective correspondences between the security problems and the security objectives. Table 4-3: Security Objectives Rationale Security problem Security objective T.RECOVER T.REMOTE T.SPOOF T.TAMPER T.TAP A.NETWORK A.OPERATOR O.FILTER O.MANAGE O.REMOVE O.RESIDUAL O.TRP O.USER OE.CIPHER OE.FIREWALL OE.NOECHO OE.OPERATE OE.PC-USER OE.SUBNET OE.USER 4.3.1 Rationale Explaining Why Threats Are Countered The following is the rationale explaining why all threats are countered when the security objectives are achieved. T.RECOVER The followings counter T.RECOVER. ● As defined in O.RESIDUAL, the TOE overwrites an area in the MSD where user data is stored when the user data becomes unnecessary. This prevents the user data in the MSD from being read out. ● The TOE encrypts the user data with MFD’s own cryptographic key according to O.REMOVE when the TOE writes the user data to MSD. Therefore, the attacker possessing the basic attack potential cannot make out the data that is stored or remained after deleting in MSD even if the attacker could read them. ● As a support of above-mentioned paragraphs, the TOE allows only the administrator to manage the security functions to ensure secure operation as defined in O.MANAGE. To support the secure operation, OE.NOECHO prevents the password from being peeped by others when the administrator types it for authentication. When the volatile memory is removed from the MFD, all the storage data in volatile memory disappears by intercepting the power distribution.. There are no interfaces to read the data directly on the memory during the run of MFD, and it requires a high level of technology like specifying the data area and under transferring the data. Therefore, it is impossible for attacker possessing the basic attack potential to read the data by attaching probes directly to the terminals or harness of MFD. For this reason the cryptographic key that is stored in the volatile memory cannot be read. Therefore, it is possible to protect the information in HDD and Flash memory from the leak by following each objective above. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 18 T.REMOTE The followings counter T.REMOTE. ● The TOE provides the method to deny the access from devices that are not allowed to access to the MFD through the network according to O.FILTER. This denies accesses to the MFD from unauthorized devices connected to the internal network while accepts accesses to the MFD from devices (including clients and servers) connected to the internal network with the intention to be used by authorized users of the MFD (including the administrator). ● In support of the previous paragraph, as defined in O.MANAGE, the TOE allows only the administrator to manage the security functions to ensure secure operation. To support the secure operation, OE.NOECHO prevents the password from being peeped by others when the administrator types it for authentication. ● Accesses to the MFD from the devices (including clients and servers) connected to the internal network with the intention to be used by authorized users of the MFD (including the administrator) shall be permitted and are not subjected to the denial by O.FILTER. According to OE.PC-USER, an identification and authentication function (including logging in the OS) shall be required for devices allowed connections to the MFD and only authorized users shall use the devices. This prevents attackers from abusing the devices allowed connections to the MFD (those for authorized users of the MFD) to access the address book data in the MFD (by impersonating authorised users). Thus, O.FILTER and OE.PC-USER affect mutually and supplementary, and O.MANAGE and OE.NOECHO support O.FILTER. These objectives above can prevent the attacker who is not allowed to access to the MFD from accessing through the internal network and protect the address book data in the MFD. T.SPOOF The followings counter T.SPOOF. ● The TOE provides the function that identifies and authenticates the proper user that stored the confidential file according to O.USER. ● In support of the previous paragraph, as defined in O.MANAGE, the TOE allows only the administrator to manage the security functions to ensure secure operation. To support the secure operation, OE.NOECHO prevents the password from being peeped by others when the administrator types it for authentication. ● The confidential file password that is required for identifying and authenticating of the proper user that stored the confidential file shall be maintained safely not to be leaked. The administrator makes the users of the TOE and the MFD to follow OE.USER. OE.NOECHO prevents the confidential file password from being peeped by others when a user types it for authentication. These objectives above can counter the threat that caused by an attacker’s impersonating other user. T.TAMPER To counter T.TAMPER, the TOE provides the administrator function only to the administration according to O.MANAGE. OE.NOECHO prevents the password from being peeped by others when the administrator types it for authentication. Therefore, it is possible to protect the network settings data against reading or modifying by an attacker’s impersonating an administrator. T.TAP The followings counter T.TAP. ● The TOE provides the function that prevents the user data on the internal network from wiretapping according to O.TRP. ● In support of the previous paragraph, as defined in O.MANAGE, the TOE allows only the administrator to manage the security functions to ensure secure operation. To support the secure operation, OE.NOECHO prevents the password from being peeped by others when the administrator types it for authentication. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 19 ● In the internal network where the TOE is installed, the administrator shall exercise due care (using the TSF according to O.TRP, or other protective means when the MFD is in an environment where the use of the TSF is not suitable) of the communication data between the MFD user and the TOE not to be wiretapped, according to OE.CIPHER. ● These objectives above can prevent the attacker from leaking the user data floating in the internal network when the proper user communicates with the MFD. 4.3.2 Rationale for Implementation of Organisational Security Policies No organisational security objectives are presumed for the TOE in this ST. Therefore, there are no organisational security objectives that should be implemented. 4.3.3 Rationale for Satisfaction of Assumptions The following is the rationale explaining why all assumptions are satisfied when the security objectives are achieved. A.NETWORK The assumption A.NETWORK requires that the MFD that the TOE is installed to is connected to an internal network, the internal network is protected against attacking from any external networks and only the devices that are allowed to communicate to the MFD are connected to at least the same subnetwork as MFD in the internal network. This is realized by the combination of OE.FIREWALL and OE.SUBNET. A.OPERATOR The assumption A.OPERATOR requires that the administrator is a trustworthy person. OE.OPERATE satisfies it by enforcing strict selection of the person to be the administrator based on an understanding of the role of administrator on the part of those in charge of the organisation that owns the TOE-equipped MFD. Therefore, A.OPERATOR can be achieved. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 20 5 Extended Components Definition This ST does not define any extended components. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 21 6 Security Requirements This chapter describes the security requirements. 6.1 Requirement Operations This section defines the operations of CC functional and assurance components. ● Iteration operation: used to cover different aspects of the same requirements. • Component names, component labels and element labels are used as unique identifiers, with each followed by a lowercase character such as a, b, c,... ● Assignment operation: used to assign specified values to undetermined parameters such as the length of a password in the components. • A value assigned to a parameter is shown in brackets. Values, even if they are a part of a list of all, are comma-delimited or itemized. • Information in parentheses identifying each value such as its parameter name is added to the value as necessary. ● Selection operation: used to select one or more items from those given in the components. • Selected items are shown in brackets, with being underlined and in italics. ● Refinement operation: used to further refine the TOE by adding details to the components. • Additional text is shown in bold. • If a part of the original text is deleted, the part is shown in parentheses. • If a part of the original text is replaced with new text, the new text in bold is shown immediately before the original text in parentheses. ● Simple Italics do not indicate requirement operations. They are only used to emphasize text throughout the ST. 6.2 Security Functional Requirements This section describes the Security Functional Requirements that the TOE shall satisfy, based on the classes of CC Part 2. 6.2.1 Class FCS: Cryptographic Support FCS_CKM.1a Cryptographic key generation a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution, or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.1.1a The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys, every time the MFD is turned on, in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm [MSN-R2 expansion algorithm] and specified cryptographic key sizes [128 bits] that meet the following: [Sharp Standard]. FCS_CKM.1b Cryptographic key generation b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution, or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.1.1b The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys, every time the MFD is turned on, in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm [MSN-R2 expansion algorithm] and specified cryptographic key sizes [256 bits] that meet the following: [Sharp Standard]. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 22 FCS_COP.1a Cryptographic operation a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1a The TSF shall perform [ ● Encrypting the user data that will be written to the Flash memory ● Decrypting the user data that was read from the Flash memory ] in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [Rijndael Algorithm] and cryptographic key sizes [128 bits] that meet the following: [FIPS PUB 197]. FCS_COP.1b Cryptographic operation b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1b The TSF shall perform [ ● Encrypting the user data that will be written to the HDD ● Encrypting the TFS data that will be written to the HDD ● Decrypting the user data that was read from the HDD ● Decrypting the TFS data that was read from the HDD ] in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm [Rijndael Algorithm] and cryptographic key sizes [256 bits] that meet the following: [FIPS PUB 197]. 6.2.2 Class FDP: User Data Protection FDP_RIP.1 Subset residual information protection Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDP_RIP.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable by overwriting one or more times upon the [deallocation of the resource from] the following objects: [ ● The spool image data file in the HDD ● The filing image data file in the HDD ● The address book data file in the HDD ● The jobs completed list data file in the HDD ● The spool image data file in the Flash memory ]. 6.2.3 Class FIA: Identification and Authentication FIA_AFL.1a Authentication failure handling a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_AFL.1.1a The TSF shall detect when [ [3 (positive integer number)] ] unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to [the unsuccessful administrator authentication attempts following the last successful authentication]. FIA_AFL.1.2a When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been [met], the TSF shall [ MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 23 ● Unsuccessful authentication reached three times: Authentication trial receptionist stop for five minutes ● Five minutes pass from stopping: the unsuccessful authentication number of times is cleared, and it is return automatically ]. FIA_AFL.1b Authentication failure handling b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_AFL.1.1b The TSF shall detect when [ [3 (positive integer number)] ] unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to [the unsuccessful authentication attempts for a confidential file following the last successful authentication for that confidential file]. FIA_AFL.1.2b When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been [met], the TSF shall [ ● Unsuccessful authentication reaches three times: Authentication trial receptionist stop and lock that confidential file ● Release operation of the confidential file by the administrator: the unsuccessful authentication number of times for a confidential file is cleared, and it is return ]. FIA_SOS.1a Verification of secrets a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_SOS.1.1a The TSF shall provide a mechanism to verify that the administrator password (secrets) meets (meet) [5 to 32 alphanumeric and/or symbol characters, i.e., all the 95 characters of No. 32 through No.126 specified by ISO/IEC 646 coded character set for information interchange]. FIA_SOS.1b Verification of secrets b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_SOS.1.1b The TSF shall provide a mechanism to verify that the confidential file password (secrets) meets (meet) [5 to 8 numeric characters]. FIA_UAU.2a User authentication before any action a Hierarchical to: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FIA_UAU.2.1a The TSF shall require each administrator (user) to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that administrator (user). FIA_UAU.2b User authentication before any action b Hierarchical to: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FIA_UAU.2.1b The TSF shall require each user that stored a confidential file to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. FIA_UAU.7a Protected authentication feedback a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_UAU.7.1a The TSF shall provide only [the number of characters that are provided] to the administrator (user) while the authentication of the administrator is in progress. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 24 FIA_UAU.7b Protected authentication feedback b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_UAU.7.1b The TSF shall provide only [the number of characters that are provided] to the user that stored a confidential file while the authentication of the user that stored a confidential file is in progress. FIA_UID.2a User identification before any action a Hierarchical to: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_UID.2.1a The TSF shall require each administrator (user) to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that administrator (user). FIA_UID.2b User identification before any action b Hierarchical to: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_UID.2.1b The TSF shall require each user that stored a confidential file to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 6.2.4 Class FMT: Security Management FMT_MOF.1 Management of security functions behaviour Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MOF.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [disable] the functions [Clear All Memory, Clear Document Filing Data, Power Up Auto Clear] to [administrator]. FMT_MTD.1a Management of TSF data a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1aThe TSF shall restrict the ability to [modify] the [administrator password] to [administrator]. FMT_MTD.1b Management of TSF data b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1bThe TSF shall restrict the ability to [modify, delete] the [confidential file password] to [the user that stored the confidential file]. FMT_MTD.1c Management of TSF data c Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1cThe TSF shall restrict the ability to [query, modify] the [ ● IP address filter ● MAC address filter ● SSL Settings ● Number of Times Auto Clear at Job End Program is Repeated ● Number of Times Data Clear is Repeated MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 25 ● the data areas to be cleared by Power Up Auto Clear ● Number of Times Power Up Auto Clear Program is Repeated ● Disabling of Document Filing ● Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job ] to [administrator]. FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: [ ● Disable: “Clear All Memory” ● Disable: “Clear Document Filing Data” ● Disable: “Power Up Auto Clear” ● Query and Modify: “Number of Times Auto Clear at Job End Program is Repeated” ● Query and Modify: “Number of Times Data Clear is Repeated” ● Query and Modify: “the data areas to be cleared by Power Up Auto Clear” ● Query and Modify “Number of Times Power Up Auto Clear Program is Repeated” ● Lock releasing: “confidential files” ● Modify: “the administrator password” ● Modify and Delete: “the confidential file password” ● Query and Modify: “Disabling of Document Filing” ● Query and Modify: ”Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job” ● Query and Modify: “IP address filter” ● Query and Modify: “MAC address filter” ● Query and Modify: “SSL settings” ]. Note: Consideration for management requirement is described in Section FMT_SMR.1a Security roles a Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FMT_SMR.1.1a The TSF shall maintain the roles [administrator]. FMT_SMR.1.2a The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. FMT_SMR.1b Security roles b Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FMT_SMR.1.1b The TSF shall maintain the roles [each user that stored a confidential file]. FMT_SMR.1.2b The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. 6.2.5 Class FTA: TOE Access FTA_TSE.1 TOE session establishment Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FTA_TSE.1.1 The TSF shall be able to deny session establishment based on [IP address and MAC address]. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 26 6.2.6 Class FTP: Trusted Path/Channels FTP_TRP.1 Trusted path Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FTP_TRP.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication path between itself and [remote] users that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the communicated data from [modification, disclosure]. FTP_TRP.1.2 The TSF shall permit [remote users] to initiate communication via HTTPS or IPP-SSL (the trusted path). FTP_TRP.1.3 The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for [[ ● Administrator authentication, file manipulation of confidential files, reading out of the address book data, modification of the address book, filter setting and network settings by TOE Web ● Image data reception by the printer driver in the print function (other services for which trusted path is required)]]. 6.3 Security Assurance Requirements The EAL3 security assurance requirements to which this ST claims conformance are shown by assurance class of CC Part 3. This ST uses the security assurance components defined in CC Part 3 without changes as the TOE security assurance requirements. ● Class ASE: Security Target evaluation • ASE_INT.1 — ST introduction • ASE_CCL.1 — Conformance claims • ASE_SPD.1 — Security problem definition • ASE_OBJ.2 — Security objectives • ASE_ECD.1 — Extended components definition • ASE_REQ.2 —Derived Security requirements • ASE_TSS.1 — TOE summary specification ● Class ADV: Development • ADV_ARC.1 — Security architecture description • ADV_FSP.3 — Functional specification with complete summary • ADV_TDS.2 — Architectural design ● Class AGD: Guidance documents • AGD_OPE.1 — Operational user guidance • AGD_PRE.1 — Preparative procedures ● Class ALC: Life-cycle support • ALC_CMC.3 — Authorisation controls • ALC_CMS.3 — Implementation representation CM coverage • ALC_DEL.1 — Delivery procedures • ALC_DVS.1 — Identification of security measures • ALC_LCD.1 — Developer defined life-cycle model ● Class ATE: Tests • ATE_COV.2 — Analysis of coverage • ATE_DPT.1 — Testing: basic design • ATE_FUN.1 — Functional testing • ATE_IND.2 — Independent testing - sample ● Class AVA: Vulnerability assessment MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 27 • AVA_VAN.2 — Vulnerability analysis 6.4 Security Requirements Rationale This section demonstrates that the security requirements are effective to meet the security objectives. Table 6-1: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Objective Requirement O.FILTER O.MANAGE O.REMOVE O.RESIDUAL O.TRP O.USER FCS_CKM.1a FCS_CKM.1b FCS_COP.1a FCS_COP.1b FDP_RIP.1 FIA_AFL.1a FIA_AFL.1b FIA_SOS.1a FIA_SOS.1b FIA_UAU.2a FIA_UAU.2b FIA_UAU.7a FIA_UAU.7b FIA_UID.2a FIA_UID.2b FMT_MOF.1 FMT_MTD.1a FMT_MTD.1b FMT_MTD.1c FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMR.1a FMT_SMR.1b FTA_TSE.1 FTP_TRP.1 6.4.1 Security Functional Requirements Rationale The correspondences between security functional requirements and security objectives are shown in Table 6-1. O.FILTER O.FILTER can be met by the combination of the functional requirements as follows. ● The TOE is able to deny session establishment based on IP address or MAC address according to FTA_TSE.1. ● The TOE provides the capacity of performing the management of the IP address filter and MAC address filter that is required for operating previous paragraph according to FMT_SMF.1. ● The ability to query or modify the IP address filter and MAC address filter described in previous paragraph is restricted to the administrator by FMT_MTD.1c. FMT_SMF.1 and FMT_MTD.1c provide the management of FTA_TSE.1 consistently and do not compete among them. As explained above, functional requirements do not conflict to meet O.FILTER. O.MANAGE O.MANAGE can be met by the combination of the functional requirements as follows. a)The administrator is identified and authenticated by FIA_AFL.1a, FIA_UAU.2a, FIA_UAU.7a and FIA_UID.2a. This enables only the administrator to execute the following functions: MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 28 • The ability to modify the administrator password that is the TSF data to achieve O.MANAGE is restricted to the administrator by FMT_MTD.1a. • Only the administrator can modify and query the set values for each TSF by FMT_MTD.1c. • By FIA_AFL.1b, only the administrator can release the lock of confidential files which were locked because authentication was unsuccessful for consecutive times. • By FMT_MOF.1, only the administrator can disable each of the Clear All Memory, Clear Document Filing Data and Power Up Auto Clear functions while they are in the process. b)The TOE provides the capacity of performing the modification of the administrator password that is required for operating of authentication of the administrator described above according to FMT_SMF.1. c)Proper SOF shall be ensured for the administrator password as the followings show: • To counter brute force attacks to break the administrator password, FIA_AFL.1a requires to stop the acceptance of authentication trial for a certain period after authentication trials are unsuccessful for consecutive times. • FIA_SOS.1a requires a quality verification mechanism for the administrator password. d)The administrator is assigned the role of TOE management by FMT_MOF.1 and FMT_MTD.1a. Since this role is maintained by FMT_SMR.1a, only authorized administrators can execute management functions. The above FIA_AFL.1a, FIA_UID.2a, FIA_UAU.2a, FIA_UAU.7a, FMT_MOF.1, FMT_MTD.1a, FMT_MTD.1c, FMT_SMF.1 and FMT_SMR support each other based on mutual dependencies and they do not require any functionalities which compete mutually. No competing functionalities are required between these requirements and FIA_AFL.1b. FIA_AFL.1b and FMT_SMF.1 support mutually. FMT_SMR.1a supports FIA_AFL.1b. No competing functionalities are required between these requirements and FIA_SOS.1a. FIA_SOS.1a and FIA_AFL.1a support mutually. Therefore, the set of requirements for O.MANAGE are consistent and do not compete. O.REMOVE The intent of O.REMOVE is to counter T.RECOVER; in other words to make the user data stored in MSD not to regenerate even if the MSD is removed from MFD. This can be met by the combination of the functional requirements as follows. ● An attacker may attempt to reproduce user data by installing the MSD in any other MFD than the very MFD that has stored the user data to the MSD. Such an attempt will fail because the TOE encrypts user data to be written to the MSD as FCS_COP.1a and FCS_COP.1b require. ● FCS_CKM.1a and FCS_CKM.1b generate the cryptographic key that satisfies each of FCS_COP.1a and FCS_COP.1b. FCS_COP.1a and FCS_CKM.1a depend mutually in cryptographic operation for the Flash memory. FCS_COP.1b and FCS_CKM.1b depend mutually in cryptographic operation for the HDD. Between the Flash memory and the HDD, there are no causes of conflicts. Thus, functional requirements do not conflict to meet O.REMOVE as above. O.RESIDUAL To meet O.RESIDUAL, FDP_RIP.1 requires to overwrite the following objects’ area one or more times upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects. ● The target object are the spool image data file in the HDD, filing image data file in the HDD, address book data file in the HDD, jobs completed list data file in the HDD and the spool image data file in the Flash memory. ● The resource from these objects is deallocated when the jobs are completed or cancelled, the user deletes the confidential file and the specific data clear program is invoked by the operation or settings made by the administrator. ● The programs described in previous paragraph are Clear All Memory program, Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP program, Clear Document Filing Data program, Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List program and Power Up Auto Clear program. Since O.RESIDUAL can be met by only a single functional requirement, and it cannot cause any conflicts between functional requiremets. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 29 O.TRP O.TRP can be met by the combination of the functional requirements as follows. ● FTP_TRP.1 provides protection to user data being transmitted over the internal network from wiretapping. ● The ability to query or modify the TSF data related to FTP_TRP.1; in other words, SSL Settings is restricted to the administrator by FMT_MTD.1c ● Capability to manage them is implemented as FMT_SMF.1 requires. Because FMT_MTD.1c and FMT_SMF.1 define the management of FTP_TRP.1 in a mutually complementary manner, contention of a functional requirement does not occur to achieve O.TRP as above. O.USER O.USER can be met by the combination of the functional requirements as follows. a)The user that stored a confidential file is identified and authenticated by FIA_AFL.1b, FIA_UAU.2b, FIA_UAU.7b and FIA_UID.2b. Thus only the user that stored a confidential file can access to the confidential file (include the management of the confidential file password). b)It is ensured that the confidential file password meets 5 to 8 numeric characters according to FIA_SOS.1b. c)The ability to modify the confidential file password is restricted to the user that stored a confidential file by FMT_MTD.1b. d)The ability to query or modify the management for improving the effect of protection by the confidential file; in other words Disabling of Document Filing and Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job is restricted to the administrator by FMT_MTD.1b. e)The roles of the user that stored a confidential file are maintained and the user that stored a confidential file is associated with those roles by FMT_SMR.1b. f)Capability to manage the confidential password is implemented as FMT_SMF.1 requires. a) is related to the phenomenon about the identification and authentication of the user that stored a confidential file. b), c) and f) are related to the phenomenon about the modification of the confidential file password. d) is related to the phenomenon about the management by the administrator. These three events occur independently of each other, and do not conflict mutually. Contention does not occur in a) because four functional requirements in a) affect mutually and supplementary to achieve the identification and authentication of the user that stored a confidential file. Contention does not occur in b), c) and f) because three functional requirements in b), c) and f) affect mutually and supplementary to achieve the modification of the confidential file password. Contention does not occur in e) because this functional requirement is depended on by c) and supported by a). Thus, these functional requirements do not conflict to meet O.USER. Rationale for consistence of security management functions Some of security functional requirements require the security management function. CC Part 2 suggests the management activities foreseen to each functional component as the management requirements of each component. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 30 Table 6-2: Management Functions of the TOE Management Function Origin Management Function required Consideration for management requirement FCS_CKM.1a — (no management requirements) FCS_CKM.1b — (no management requirements) FCS_COP.1a — (no management requirements) FCS_COP.1b — (no management requirements) FDP_RIP.1 • Disable: “Clear All Memory” • Disable: “Clear Document Filing Data” • Disable: “Power Up Auto Clear” • Query and Modify: “Number of Times Auto Clear at Job End Program is Repeated” • Query and Modify: “Number of Times Data Clear is Repeated” • Query and Modify: “the data areas to be cleared by Power Up Auto Clear” • Query and Modify: “Number of Times Power Up Auto Clear Program is Repeated” The timing to perform protection is fixed to the release of allocation. FIA_AFL.1a — The threshold and action are fixed. FIA_AFL.1b • Lock releasing: “confidential files” The threshold and action are fixed. FIA_SOS.1a — The quality metric is fixed. FIA_SOS.1b — The quality metric is fixed. FIA_UAU.2a • Modify: “the administrator password” Management Function required agrees with management requirement. FIA_UAU.2b • Modify and Delete: “the confidential file password” • Query and Modify: “Disabling of Document Filing” • Query and Modify: “Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job” Management Function required agrees with management requirement. FIA_UAU.7a — (no management requirements) FIA_UAU.7b — (no management requirements) FIA_UID.2a — Identification of the administrator is fixed. FIA_UID.2b — Identification of each user that stored a confidential file is fixed. FMT_MOF.1 — No role groups FMT_MTD.1a — No role groups FMT_MTD.1b — No role groups FMT_MTD.1c — No role groups FMT_SMF.1 — (no management requirements) FMT_SMR.1a — No user groups FMT_SMR.1b — No user groups FTA_TSE.1 • Query and Modify: “IP address filter” • Query and Modify: “MAC address filter” Management Function required agrees with management requirement. FTP_TRP.1 • Query and Modify: “SSL settings” Management Function required agrees with management requirement. The management functions required by all security functional requirement components are shown in Table 6-2 with the consideration for management requirement. The management functions specified by FMT_SMF.1 agree with the management functions required shown in the table. Thus, security requirements are internally consistent with security management functions. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 31 Rationale for security functional requirement dependencies Table 6-3 shows the dependencies that the security functional requirements must satisfy according to the CC, the dependencies that the TOE satisfies, and the dependencies that the TOE does not satisfy. The dependency that is marked with “#” in the table is satisfied by the hierarchically upper component. Table 6-4 shows the justification for the TOE not satisfying certain dependencies. Correspondences between the following two tables is indicated by common identifiers (such as J1). Table 6-3: Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Table 6-4: Justification of Unsatisfied Security Functional Requirement Dependencies Unsatisfied Justification Rationale J1 FCS_CKM.4 The cryptographic key is stored in volatile memory. When the power is off, electrical charge of volatile memory in which the cryptographic key is stored disappears and the cryptographic key is destructed. Therefore, there is no necessity to implement the TSF that performs the standard key destruction method, and FCS_CKM.4 is not required to specify standards. 6.4.2 TOE security Assurance Requirements Rationale The TOE is a part of MFD and optional product for MFD that is sold separately; in other words commercial product. The threat is that an attacker with the basic attack potential may use a device other than the MFD to physically, and read and leak information in the MSD of the MFD. To assure in the commercial product the reliability of the security functions countering such treats, EAL3 is selected, which includes analyses of security objectives taken during the TOE development and of guidance to use the security functions safely is included. Since the assurance requirements conforms to EAL3, all assurance requirements meet the dependencies. Dependencies Requirement Stipulated Satisfied Unsatisfied Justific ation FCS_CKM.1a [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1a FCS_CKM.4 J1 FCS_CKM.1b The same as the above FCS_COP.1b FCS_CKM.4 J1 FCS_COP.1a [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1a FCS_CKM.4 J1 FCS_COP.1b The same as the above FCS_CKM.1b FCS_CKM.4 J1 FDP_RIP.1 — — — — FIA_AFL.1a FIA_UAU.1 # FIA_UAU.2a — — FIA_AFL.1b FIA_UAU.1 # FIA_UAU.2b — — FIA_SOS.1a — — — — FIA_SOS.1b — — — — FIA_UAU.2a FIA_UID.1 # FIA_UID.2a — — FIA_UAU.2b FIA_UID.1 # FIA_UID.2b — — FIA_UAU.7a FIA_UAU.1 # FIA_UAU.2a — — FIA_UAU.7b FIA_UAU.1 # FIA_UAU.2b — — FIA_UID.2a — — — — FIA_UID.2b — — — — FMT_MOF.1 FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1a — — FMT_MTD.1a FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1a — — FMT_MTD.1b FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1b — — FMT_MTD.1c FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1a — — FMT_SMF.1 — — — — FMT_SMR.1a FIA_UID.1 # FIA_UID.2a — — FMT_SMR.1b FIA_UID.1 # FIA_UID.2b — — FTA_TSE.1 — — — — FTP_TRP.1 — — — — MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 32 7 TOE Summary Specification By describing a summary specification of the TOE security function (TSF), this chapter shows that the security functional requirements are satisfied. Table 7-1 shows the correspondences between the TOE security functional requirements and the TOE security functions. The section number where each correspondence is described is shown in the table. Table 7-1: Security Functional Requirements and TOE Security Specifications Function Requirement TSF_FKGTSF_FDETSF_FDC TSF_AUTTSF_FCFTSF_FNP FCS_CKM.1a 7.1 FCS_CKM.1b 7.1 FCS_COP.1a 7.2 FCS_COP.1b 7.2 FDP_RIP.1 7.3 FIA_AFL.1a 7.3 7.4 7.6 FIA_AFL.1b 7.5 FIA_SOS.1a 7.4 FIA_SOS.1b 7.5 FIA_UAU.2a 7.3 7.4 7.6 FIA_UAU.2b 7.5 FIA_UAU.7a 7.3 7.4 7.6 FIA_UAU.7b 7.5 FIA_UID.2a 7.3 7.4 7.6 FIA_UID.2b 7.5 FMT_MOF.1 7.3 FMT_MTD.1a 7.4 FMT_MTD.1b 7.5 FMT_MTD.1c 7.3 7.5 7.6 FMT_SMF.1 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 FMT_SMR.1a 7.4 FMT_SMR.1b 7.5 FTA_TSE.1 7.6 FTP_TRP.1 7.6 7.1 Cryptographic Key Generation (TSF_FKG) According to FCS_CKM.1a and FCS_CKM.1b, this TSF generates a cryptographic key (common key) to support the encryption function of the user data and the TSF data. The TSF automatically generates the secure seed when the TOE is installed. With the seed, the TSF generates a 128-bit key and a 256-bit key using the MSN-R2 expansion algorithm every time the MFD is turned on. The MSN-R2 expansion algorithm is a cryptographic key generating algorithm which meets the Sharp standard and generates a 128-bit key and a 256-bit key. Therefore, the TOE satisfies FCS_CKM.1a and FCS_CKM.1b. The TOE in each MFD generates cryptographic keys always using the same seed and algorithm. The keys generated are stored to the volatile memory to use them in the AES Rijndae and are destructed when the MFD is turned off. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 33 7.2 Cryptographic Operation (TSF_FDE) As defined in FCS_COP.1a and FCS_COP.1b, this TSF always encrypts and writes the user data and the TSF data when it is necessary to write them to the MSD. In addition, this function reads them from the MFD and decrypts when these data are required. The AES Rijndael algorithm that is based on FIPS PUBS 197 and the 128 bits and 256 bits cryptographic keys that are generated by cryptographic key generation function (TSF_FKG) are used for encryption and decryption. The following user data below are the target of cryptographic operation: ● Image data that are spooled to the HDD ● Image data that are spooled to the Flash memory ● Image data that are stored to the HDD ● Address book data in the HDD ● Jobs completed list data in the HDD The following TSF data below are the target of cryptographic operation: ● Confidential file password in the HDD ● Administrator password in the HDD For encryption and decryption of the user data in the Flash memory above, the AES Rijndael algorithm that is based on FIPS PUBS 197 and the 128 bits cryptographic key that is generated by cryptographic key generation function (TSF_FKG) are used. Therefore, the TOE satisfies FCS_COP.1a. For encryption and decryption of the user data and the TSF data in the HDD above, the 256 bits cryptographic key is used. Therefore, this TOE satisfies FCS_COP.1b. 7.3 Data Clear (TSF_FDC) In the following, first the TSF overview and then each component are described. 7.3.1 Overview of the Data Clear Function The whole picture of this TSF and its correspondences between security functional requirements are described. The TOE provides the data clear function that clears image data files that are spooled and stored, the address book data file and the jobs completed list data file. The following each program is contained in this function: a)Auto Clear at Job End program b)Clear All Memory program c)Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP program d)Clear Document Filing Data program e)Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List program f)Power Up Auto Clear program Every program above and their settings functions make up the TSF. The programs correspond to the security requirements as follows. ● Each program overwrites the HDD one or more times with a random value, and the Flash memory once with a fixed value (a line of 0-bit value or a line of 1-bit value). Each program overwrites assigned objects (such as image data files) to disable regeneration of the information stored in the objects (such as image data). Thus, the TOE satisfies FDP_RIP.1. ● The above b), d) and f) have the cancel operation (Section 7.3.3) to stop in accordance with FMT_SMF.1 and satisfy FIA_AFL.1a, FIA_UAU.2a, FIA_UAU.7a and FIA_UID.2a in cooperation with TSF_AUT and TSF_FNP which are later discussed. The cancel operation requires the administrator to be identified and authenticated according to FIA_UID.2a and FIA_UAU.2a. For authentication, the feedback protection by FIA_UAU.7a and the safeguard by FIA_AFL.1a are provided. This allows only the administrator to stop the data clear function in process as defined in FMT_MOF.1. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 34 ● This TSF allows the administrator who is identified and authenticated according to TSF_AUT to use settings functions (Section 7.3.8) according to FMT_SMF.1. This allows the TSF to satisfy FMT_MTD.1c in cooperation with TSF_FCF and TSF_FNP. The following sections elaborate upon each program and settings: 7.3.2 Auto Clear at Job End program This program overwrites the image data that has been: ● Spooled to the HDD or the Flash memory in order to process a job, when the job is completed or cancelled, and ● Saved to the HDD using the document filing function (include the confidential files function), when the user deletes the data. This program is always invoked at the specified timing in both case and the method to disable this program is not provided. 7.3.3 Clear All Memory program This program is invoked from the operation panel by the administrator who is identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT and overwrites the following data: ● All of the spool image data in the HDD ● All of the filing image data in the HDD ● The jobs completed list data in the HDD ● All of the spool image data in the Flash memory This program does not clear the address book data. This program accepts the cancel operation. Before allowing cancelling this program while running, this TSF always requires the administrator who calls this program to enter the administrator password whenever a cancel operation is taken. The cancel operation serves as identification of the administrator defined in FIA_UID.2a and entering the administrator password serves as authentication of the administrator defined in FIA_UAU.2a. While entering for authentication, the TOE shows as many asterisk “¼” characters as characters entered according to FIA_UAU.7a, however does not show the characters entered. The overwrite operation is only cancelled if entering for authentication is successful. If an incorrect administrator password is entered three times in a row while entering for authentication of cancel operation, this program stops accepting further authentication attempts as defined in FIA_AFL.1a; that is to lock the administrator password. When five minutes passed from locking, this program unlocks automatically; that is to clear the unsuccessful authentication number of times and return from locking state automatically. 7.3.4 Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP program This program is invoked by the operation of the administrator who is identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT and overwrites the address book data in the HDD. This program does not accept the cancel operation for the relatively short time required. 7.3.5 Clear Document Filing Data program This program is invoked by the operation of the administrator who is identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT and overwrites the image data in the HDD. The data to be cleared by this program is specified one or more from the following choices by the administrator when this program is invoked. ● All of the spool image data in the HDD ● All of the filing image data in the HDD This program accepts the cancel operation as well as Clear All Memory program. 7.3.6 Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List program This program is invoked from the operation panel by the administrator who is identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT and overwrites the jobs completed list data in the HDD. This program does not accept cancel operation for the relatively short time required. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 35 7.3.7 Power Up Auto Clear program This program overwrites and clears the data when the TOE is turned on, unless the TOE has any reserved transmission jobs or any Fax/Internet fax reception jobs not yet printed out. This program is enabled or disabled; in other words, this program is run or not when the TOE is powered on, according to the settings that are configured beforehand. The target data of this program is also according to those settings. This program clears every data as well as the Clear All Memory program above, or the specified data in the HDD. The data in the HDD can be specified among the spool image data, filing image data or jobs completed list data. This program accepts cancel operation as well as Clear All Memory program. 7.3.8 Data Clearance Settings This TSF provides the following configuration functions below for the every program above: ● Number of Times Auto Clear at Job End Program is Repeated: accepts any integer between 1 and 7 inclusive as the number of times overwriting the data on the HDD for the Auto Clear at Job End program. The default is 1. ● Number of Times Data Clear is Repeated: accepts any integer between 1 and 7 inclusive as the number of times overwriting the data on the HDD for the Clear All Memory program, Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP program, the Clear Document Filing Data program and the Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List program. The default is 1. ● Power Up Auto Clear: accepts settings to specify data areas to be cleared for which Power Up Auto Clear program is valid. The default is that Power Up Auto Clear program is disabled for every data (no data is specified). This program is the same as “the data areas to be cleared by Power Up Auto Clear” in FMT_MTD.1.1c. ● Number of Times Power Up Auto Clear Program is Repeated: accepts any integer between 1 and 7 inclusive as the number of times overwriting the data on the HDD for the Power Up Auto Clear program. The default is 1. Only the administrator identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT is allowed to query and modify each setting above. 7.4 Authentication (TSF_AUT) This TSF enforces the identification and authentication of the administrator by the administrator password. According to FMT_SMF.1 and FMT_MTD.1a, the TSF allows only the administrator who is identified and authenticated by the TSF to modify the administrator password. According to FIA_SOS.1a, the TSF only accepts a password which is 5 to 32 characters consisting of any of the 95 characters of No. 32 through No.126 specified by ISO/IEC 646 coded character set for information interchange. An example is as follows. Note that the shape of each character depends on the environment: ● 52 alphabetic characters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ● 10 numeric characters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ● 33 symbolic characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ and space. The functions not for the administrator are available without identification and authentication of the administrator. In cooperation with TSF_FDC and TSF_FNP, this TSF satisfies FIA_AFL.1a, FIA_UAU.2a, FIA_UAU.7a and FIA_UID.2a. This function provides the interfaces of the function for the administrator when the administrator is identified by the running operation of the management functions or the login operation of the administrator according to FIA_UID.2a, and the authentication of the administrator is successful by the correct administrator password according to FIA_UAU.2a,. The login operation of the administrator includes both MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 36 identification of administrator and authentication of the administrator password from the operation panel or via the TOE Web. When the administrator password is entered from the operation panel, this TSF, according to FIA_UAU.7a, shows as many asterisk “¼” characters as characters entered, however does not show the characters entered. When the administrator password is entered via the TOE Web, this TSF specifies the input type as a password to the client. This requires the client to hide the character that the user entered such as a substitute character. If an incorrect administrator password is entered three times in a row while entering for authentication of the administrator password, this program stops accepting further authentication attempts according to FIA_AFL.1a; that is to lock the administrator password. When five minutes passed from locking, this program unlocks automatically; that is to clear the unsuccessful authentication number of times and return from locking state automatically. The TSF identifies the administrator by the authentication function and relates him/her to the role. By providing only the administrator with the management function to change (modify) the administrator password, the secure maintenance of the role is achieved. Thus, the TOE satisfies FMT_SMR.1a. 7.5 Confidential files (TSF_FCF) When a user saves image data in the MFD as a confidential file, the data is protected by a password and authentication is required before calling it up and using it. This TSF provides the interface for creating the confidential file to the each Copier, Printer driver, PC-Fax and Scan to HDD and, according to FIA_SOS.1b, verifies that the confidential file password meets the quality metric, 5 to 8 numeric characters. This TSF provides functionalities of the operations on saved confidential files on the operation panel and the TOE Web. According to FIA_UID.2b, the TSF identifies the user that stored a confidential file when the user selects the confidential file and, according to FIA_UAU.2b, provides the interface for file manipulation only when authentication is successful with the correct confidential file password. During the authentication, the TSF does not disclose information other than the number of characters typed according to FIA_UAU.7b. Whenever a user attempts some operation on a saved confidential file on the operation panel, this TSF requests the user to enter the confidential file password. This TSF shows as many asterisk “¼” characters as characters entered, however does not show the characters entered. In case a user attempts some operation on a saved confidential file via the TOE Web, this TSF specifies the input type as a password to the client when the confidential file password is entered. This requires the client to hide the character that the user entered such as a substitute character. If an incorrect confidential file password is entered three times in a row during the authentication before an operation on a saved confidential file, this TSF stops accepting further authentication attempts and locks the file to prohibit any operations according to FIA_AFL.1b. The number of authentication failures is counted for each file. When authentication is successful, the authentication failure count of the file is reset to zero. The lock can be released by only the administrator identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT. According to FMT_MTD.1b and FMT_SMF.1, this TSF allows only the user that stored a confidential file who is identified and authenticated by the TSF to change the password, as one of the operations on a saved confidential file. According to FIA_SOS.1b, this TSF verifies the new confidential password meets the quality metric, 5 to 8 numeric characters. This TSF identifies the user that stored a confidential file by identification and authentication of the user prior to file manipulation and relates him/her to the role. By providing only the user that stored a confidential file with the function to change (modify) the confidential file password, the secure maintenance of the role is achieved. Thus, the TOE satisfies FMT_SMR.1b This TSF allows changing the property, as one of the operations on a saved confidential file. The password is deleted when the property is changed to other than Confidential. In the other direction, to change the property to Confidential, the TSF requires the user to specify a confidential file password which meets the quality metric, 5 to 8 numeric characters, according to FIA_SOS.1b. This TSF exports the encrypted data to the Web browser of the client. This TSF also imports both encrypted and not encrypted data from the Web browser of the client. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 37 According to FIA_AFL.1b, FMT_MTD.1c and FMT_SMF.1, this TSF provides the following management functions for the document filing function and allows the administrator whom TFS_AUT has identified and authenticated to execute them: ● Management functions for improving the effect of protection by the confidential file: • Disabling of Document Filing: disables each mode of saving for each job type. The default and recommended value is that the non-confidential mode (where files are saved without password protection) is disables for all job types. • Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job: disables the job to print out on the spot from the printer driver. This function denies the job without Holding and holds the Hold job by ignoring that the job is printed out or not. This function is recommended to use in the environment that has the high risk that the third person takes away the output paper. ● Management function for locking the confidential files: • Release the lock of confidential files: releases locked confidential files by the failure of the authentication for the confidential file password. This management function is provides as “Release the Lock on File/Folder Manipulation”. 7.6 Network Protection Function (TSF_FNP) In the following, first the TSF overview and then each component are as follows . 7.6.1 Overview of Network Protection Components of this TSF and their correspondences between security functional requirements are as follows. This TSF consists of the following functions. a)Filter function b)Communication data protection function c)Network settings protection Each of the above components satisfies the security functional requirements as follows: ● The above a) satisfies FTA_TSE.1 ● The above b) satisfies FTP_TRP.1 ● In cooperation with TSF_FDC and TFS_AUT, the above c) satisfies FIA_AFL.1a, FIA_UAU.2a, FIA_UAU.7a and FIA_UID.2a ● In cooperation with TSF_FDC and TSF_FCF, the a) and b) above satisfy FMT_MTD.1c and FMT_SMF.1. The following sections elaborate upon each function. 7.6.2 Filter Function This function denies the communication with the other party not to be intended according to the settings that the administrator configured beforehand. The settings can be configured the terms of IP address and MAC address. This TSF always cancels the network packet from the other party that does not match the terms, does not respond to and manage it. The terms of IP address are specified as the range up to 4 and selected whether these terms are allowed or not. The terms of MAC address are specified as the allowed MAC address up to 10. This TSF satisfies FTA_TSE.1 because it rejects communication to and from an unintended third party based on the IP address and the MAC address. According to FMT_MTD.1c, the TSF allows only the administrator who is identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT to query and modify the filtered values of the IP address and the MAC address which are TSF data. 7.6.3 Communication Data Protection Function This TSF provides the following communication data protection function. ● According to FTP_TRP.1, this function provides the HTTPS communication function to prevent wiretapping of communication data between the client and the TOE Web. HTTPS communication starts MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 38 when the remote user accesses the TOE Web from the client browser and the communication is maintained until disconnected. ● According to FTP_TRP.1, this function also provides the IPP-SSL communication function to prevent wiretapping of print data that is sent from the printer driver of the client. IPP-SSL communication starts when the remote user accesses the MFD by sending a print job by the printer driver from applications on the client and the communication is maintained until disconnected. The cryptographic algorithms used in HTTPS communication and IPP-SSL communication are RSA, DES, Triple-DES, AES and SHA-1. The server private key and public key are installed by configuring of the administrator. According to FMT_MTD.1c, the TSF allows only the administrator who is identified and authenticated by TSF_AUT to query and modify SSL settings which are a collection of the set values relating to HTTPS communication and IPP-SSL communication (TSF data). 7.6.4 Network Settings Protection This function provides the interfaces to manage the network settings data described in Section at the operation panel and the TOE Web. These interfaces are provided only to the administrator to prevent other users from accessing. So this TSF enforces the identification and authentication same as TSF AUT before providing the interfaces to manage the network settings data. The identification and authentication is executed according to FIA_UID.2a, FIA_UAU.2a, FIA_UAU.7a and FIA_AFL.1a in the same way as TSF_AUT. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 39 8 Appendix This chapter describes the definitions of terms. 8.1 Terminology Terminology used in this ST is defined in Table 8-1. Table 8-1: Terminology Term Definition Administrator password A password to protect special functions for the administrator including the security management functions which are important in operation and management of the TOE and MFD from being used by those other than the administrator. Auto Clear at Job End The function that clears (by overwriting) image data of each job stored in some MSD of the MFD, invoked when a job is finished or cancelled and when a user deletes a saved data file. Board A printed circuit board on which components are mounted by soldering. Clear Address Book Data and Registered Data in MFP An operation to clear (by overwriting) address book data stored in the HDD. This function is invoked by the operation of the administrator. Clear All Data in Job Status Jobs Completed List The function to overwrite the jobs completed list data that is stored to the HDD. This is invoked by the operation of the administrator. Clear All Memory The function to overwrite the all image data and job completed list data that are stored to the MSD in the MFD. This function is invoked by the operation of the administrator. Clear Document Filing Data The function to overwrite the image data that are stored to the HDD. This function is invoked by the operation of the administrator. The main objective is to clear the image data that are stored, but it is also available to clear the image data that are spooled. Confidential file The data that the user saved with the protection of a password (confidential file password) to prevent the others from manipulating. Confidential file password The password to prevent the others from reusing the confidential file without permission. Controller board The board that controls the whole MFD. This contains the microprocessor to execute firmware of the TOE, volatile memory, HDC, HDD and others. Data file In this document, objects consisting of allocated MSD resources to store information (including image data). Disabling of Document Filing The management function to disable to save the image data for each job type and mode. This is used to disable to save the image data without Confidential Mode. Disabling of Print Jobs Other Than Print Hold Job Disables to print out the jobs from the printer driver on the spot. This function denies the jobs without Holding and only holds the jobs with Holding by ignoring the settings that is whether the jobs are printed or not. Document filing The function that stores image data handled by the MFD into the HDD, for users’ later operations, such as a printing or a transmission. This is also called “Filing” in this document. Engine A device that forms print images on receiver papers, with mechanism of paper feeding/ejection. Also called as “print engine” or “engine unit”. External network A network, not the internal network of an organisation, which the organisation does not manage. File manipulation An operation to manipulate image data saved as a file. Filing Stands for “Document filing”. This is also to store the image data by document filing function. Firmware The software that is embedded to the machines to control the machine’s hardware. In this document, firmware especially indicates the controller firmware. Flash memory A type of non-volatile memory that allows the entire memory to be erased at once and also allows rewriting to any part of memory. Hold To store the job from printer driver by filing. Image data Digital data, especially in this document, of two-dimensional image that each function of the MFD manages. MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 40 Term Definition Internal network The network that is inside the organisation and protected against the threat about security from any external networks. IP address A call sign, used for IP, to identify devices for communication. IP address filter A function to restrict devices for communication by determining to accept or not communication based on their IP addresses. Job The sequence from beginning to end of the use of an MFD function (copier, printer, scanner, fax reception, fax transmission, or PC-Fax). In addition, the instruction for a functional operation is sometimes called a job. Jobs completed list The record about the completed jobs, stored in the HDD of the MFD. Lock The function to stop accepting passwords if incorrect passwords are entered in a row. MAC address A call sign to, used for MAC, identify devices of communication media. MAC address filter A function to restrict devices for communication by determining to accept or not communication based on their MAC addresses. Memory A memory device; in particular a semiconductor memory device. Non-volatile memory The memory device that retains its contents even when the power is turned off. Operation panel The user interface unit in front of the MFD. This contains the start key, numeric key, function key and liquid crystal display with touch operation system. Power Up Auto Clear The function to overwrite the data in the MSD when the MFD is powered on. This function is invoked when the MFD is powered on, according to the settings that are specified by the administrator beforehand. Scan to HDD One of the filing functions. It scans the original to obtain image data, and does only save a file of the image data into the HDD, while neither prints nor transmits it. Scanner unit The device that scans the original and gets the image data. This is used for copier, scanner, fax transmission or scan to HDD. Spool Storing the job’s image data to the MSD temporary to increase the input and output efficiency. Standard firmware The controller firmware that is installed to the MFD that TOE is not installed to. TOE contains the controller firmware and standard firmware is replaced with the TOE’s controller firmware when TOE is installed. Subnetwork A part of internal network divided by router. Tandem copy Tandem print in the MFD’s copier function. Tandem print The function to print a large job twice faster than usually by halving that job among two MFDs. TWAIN A technical standard for PC to be input image data from devices such as scanners. Unit A substance provided standard that can be attached to or detached from a printed circuit board; or an option that is installed and is ready for operation. This can also be a system that includes a mechanism and is ready for operation. User that stored a confidential file The user that saved the image data as a confidential file. Volatile memory A memory device, the contents of which vanish when the power is turned off. 8.2 Acronyms Acronyms used in this ST are indicated in Table 8-2 and Table 8-3. Table 8-2: Acronyms in the CC Acronym Definition CC Common Criteria EAL Evaluation Assurance Level PP Protection Profile ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functions MX-FR14 Security Target © 2009–2010, Sharp Corporation, all rights reserved. 41 Table 8-3: Other Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard, established by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America) DSK Data Security Kit, in this document, meaning an optional product “Data Security Kit MX- FR14” sold separately for the MFD and includes the firmware part of the TOE. EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM, a type of non-volatile memory that allows low frequency of electrical rewriting at any address. HDC Hard Disk Controller, a hardware device in the MFD, a part of the TOE HDD Hard Disk Drive HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, a communication protocol generally used for Web. HTTPS HTTP over SSL, HTTP with protection of SSL. I/F Interface IP Internet Protocol, a communication protocol to divide data in packets to deliver it to the destination. IPP Internet Printing Protocol, a communication protocol for printing. IPP-SSL IPP over SSL, IPP with protection of SSL. IT Information Technology LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, a communication protocol for directory service. MAC Media Access Control, communication protocols to allow a number of communication devices to share a single communication medium by identifying devices and mediating communication to avoid collision. MFD Multi Function Device, a digital multifunctional device which is an office machine mainly equipped with copier, printer, scaner and fax functions. In this document, only models listed in Section 1.3.2. MSD Mass Storage Device, in this document, this especially indicates the HDD and Flash memory in MFD. NIC Network Interface Card, or, Network Interface Controller OS Operating System PC Personal Computer ROM Read Only Memory SSL Secure Socket Layer, a cryptographic communication protocol for computer network. TLS Transport Layer Security, a cryptographic communication protocol for computer network. UI User Interface USB Universal Serial Bus, a serial bus standard to connect between IT equipments. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a communication protocol to transfer E-mails. WINS Windows Internet Name Service, resolves a NetBIOS name into the IP address.