BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 for secunet wall, Version 6.2.0 from secunet Security Networks AG BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Postfach 20 03 63, D-53133 Bonn Phone +49 (0)228 99 9582-0, Fax +49 (0)228 9582-5477, Infoline +49 (0)228 99 9582-111 Certification Report V1.0 CC-Zert-327 V5.47 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 (*) Firewall secunet wall, Version 6.2.0 from secunet Security Networks AG PP Conformance: None Functionality: Product specific Security Target Common Criteria Part 2 conformant Assurance: Common Criteria Part 3 conformant EAL 4 augmented by ALC_FLR.2, AVA_VAN.5, ASE_TSS.2 valid until: 21 February 2029 The IT Product identified in this certificate has been evaluated at an approved evaluation facility using the Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation (CEM), Version 3.1 extended by Scheme Interpretations and by advice of the Certification Body for components beyond EAL 5 for conformance to the Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation (CC), Version 3.1. CC and CEM are also published as ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045. (*) This certificate applies only to the specific version and release of the product in its evaluated configuration and in conjunction with the complete Certification Report and Notification. For details on the validity see Certification Report part A chapter 5. The evaluation has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of the certification scheme of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the conclusions of the evaluation facility in the evaluation technical report are consistent with the evidence adduced. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT Product by the Federal Office for Information Security or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT Product by the Federal Office for Information Security or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, is either expressed or implied. Bonn, 22 February 2024 For the Federal Office for Information Security Sandro Amendola L.S. Director-General SOGIS Recognition Agreement for components up to EAL 4 Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement recognition for components up to EAL 2 and ALC_FLR only Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik Godesberger Allee 87 - D-53175 Bonn - Postfach 20 03 63 - D-53133 Bonn Phone +49 (0)228 99 9582-0 - Fax +49 (0)228 9582-5477 - Infoline +49 (0)228 99 9582-111 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 This page is intentionally left blank. 4 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report Contents A. Certification....................................................................................................................6 1. Preliminary Remarks...................................................................................................6 2. Specifications of the Certification Procedure..............................................................6 3. Recognition Agreements.............................................................................................7 4. Performance of Evaluation and Certification...............................................................8 5. Validity of the Certification Result................................................................................8 6. Publication..................................................................................................................9 B. Certification Results.....................................................................................................10 1. Executive Summary..................................................................................................11 2. Identification of the TOE............................................................................................12 3. Security Policy..........................................................................................................13 4. Assumptions and Clarification of Scope....................................................................13 5. Architectural Information...........................................................................................14 6. Documentation..........................................................................................................14 7. IT Product Testing.....................................................................................................14 8. Evaluated Configuration............................................................................................17 9. Results of the Evaluation..........................................................................................17 10. Obligations and Notes for the Usage of the TOE....................................................18 11. Security Target........................................................................................................19 12. Regulation specific aspects (eIDAS, QES).............................................................19 13. Definitions...............................................................................................................19 14. Bibliography............................................................................................................21 C. Excerpts from the Criteria............................................................................................22 D. Annexes.......................................................................................................................23 5 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 A. Certification 1. Preliminary Remarks Under the BSIG1 Act, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has the task of issuing certificates for information technology products. Certification of a product is carried out on the instigation of the vendor or a distributor, hereinafter called the sponsor. A part of the procedure is the technical examination (evaluation) of the product according to the security criteria published by the BSI or generally recognised security criteria. The evaluation is normally carried out by an evaluation facility recognised by the BSI or by BSI itself. The result of the certification procedure is the present Certification Report. This report contains among others the certificate (summarised assessment) and the detailed Certification Results. The Certification Results contain the technical description of the security functionality of the certified product, the details of the evaluation (strength and weaknesses) and instructions for the user. 2. Specifications of the Certification Procedure The certification body conducts the procedure according to the criteria laid down in the following: ● Act on the Federal Office for Information Security1 ● BSI Certification and Approval Ordinance2 ● BMI Regulations on Ex-parte Costs3 ● Special decrees issued by the Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community) ● DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard ● BSI certification: Scheme documentation describing the certification process (CC- Produkte) [3] ● BSI certification: Scheme documentation on requirements for the Evaluation Facility, its approval and licencing process (CC-Stellen) [3] ● Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation (CC), Version 3.14 [1] also published as ISO/IEC 15408 1 Act on the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI-Gesetz - BSIG) of 14 August 2009, Bundesgesetzblatt I p. 2821 2 Ordinance on the Procedure for Issuance of Security Certificates and approval by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI-Zertifizierungs- und -Anerkennungsverordnung - BSIZertV) of 17 December 2014, Bundesgesetzblatt 2014, part I, no. 61, p. 2231 3 BMI Regulations on Ex-parte Costs - Besondere Gebührenverordnung des BMI für individuell zurechenbare öffentliche Leistungen in dessen Zuständigkeitsbereich (BMIBGebV), Abschnitt 7 (BSI- Gesetz) - dated 2 September 2019, Bundesgesetzblatt I p. 1365 6 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report ● Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation (CEM), Version 3.1 [2] also published as ISO/IEC 18045 ● BSI certification: Application Notes and Interpretation of the Scheme (AIS) [4] 3. Recognition Agreements In order to avoid multiple certification of the same product in different countries a mutual recognition of IT security certificates - as far as such certificates are based on ITSEC or CC - under certain conditions was agreed. 3.1. European Recognition of CC – Certificates (SOGIS-MRA) The SOGIS-Mutual Recognition Agreement (SOGIS-MRA) Version 3 became effective in April 2010. It defines the recognition of certificates for IT-Products at a basic recognition level and, in addition, at higher recognition levels for IT-Products related to certain SOGIS Technical Domains only. The basic recognition level includes Common Criteria (CC) Evaluation Assurance Levels EAL 1 to EAL 4. For "Smartcards and similar devices" a SOGIS Technical Domain is in place. For "HW Devices with Security Boxes" a SOGIS Technical Domains is in place, too. In addition, certificates issued for Protection Profiles based on Common Criteria are part of the recognition agreement. The current list of signatory nations and approved certification schemes, details on recognition, and the history of the agreement can be seen on the website at The SOGIS-MRA logo printed on the certificate indicates that it is recognised under the terms of this agreement by the related bodies of the signatory nations. A disclaimer beneath the logo indicates the specific scope of recognition. This certificate is recognized according to the rules of SOGIS-MRA, i.e. up to and including CC part 3 EAL 4 components. The evaluation contained some components that are not mutually recognised in accordance with the provisions of the SOGIS MRA. For mutual recognition the EAL 4 components of these assurance families are relevant. 3.2. International Recognition of CC – Certificates (CCRA) The international arrangement on the mutual recognition of certificates based on the CC (Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement, CCRA-2014) has been ratified on 08 September 2014. It covers CC certificates based on collaborative Protection Profiles (cPP) (exact use), CC certificates based on assurance components up to and including EAL 2 or the assurance family Flaw Remediation (ALC_FLR) and CC certificates for Protection Profiles and for collaborative Protection Profiles (cPP). The current list of signatory nations and approved certification schemes can be seen on the website: The Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement logo printed on the certificate indicates that this certification is recognised under the terms of this agreement by the related bodies of the signatory nations. A disclaimer beneath the logo indicates the specific scope of recognition. 4 Proclamation of the Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat of 12 February 2007 in the Bundesanzeiger dated 23 February 2007, p. 3730 7 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 This certificate is recognized according to the rules of CCRA-2014, i. e. up to and including CC part 3 EAL 2+ ALC_FLR components. 4. Performance of Evaluation and Certification The certification body monitors each individual evaluation to ensure a uniform procedure, a uniform interpretation of the criteria and uniform ratings. The product secunet wall, Version 6.2.0 has undergone the certification procedure at BSI. This is a re-certification based on BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V2-2022-MA-01. The evaluation of the product secunet wall, Version 6.2.0 was conducted by SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH. The evaluation was completed on 16 February 2024. SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH is an evaluation facility (ITSEF)5 recognised by the certification body of BSI. For this certification procedure the sponsor and applicant is: secunet Security Networks AG. The product was developed by: secunet Security Networks AG. The certification is concluded with the comparability check and the production of this Certification Report. This work was completed by the BSI. 5. Validity of the Certification Result This Certification Report applies only to the version of the product as indicated. The confirmed assurance package is valid on the condition that ● all stipulations regarding generation, configuration and operation, as given in the following report, are observed, ● the product is operated in the environment described, as specified in the following report and in the Security Target. For the meaning of the assurance components and assurance levels please refer to CC itself. Detailed references are listed in part C of this report. The Certificate issued confirms the assurance of the product claimed in the Security Target at the date of certification. As attack methods evolve over time, the resistance of the certified version of the product against new attack methods needs to be re-assessed. Therefore, the sponsor should apply for the certified product being monitored within the assurance continuity program of the BSI Certification Scheme (e.g. by a re-assessment or re-certification). Specifically, if results of the certification are used in subsequent evaluation and certification procedures, in a system integration process or if a user's risk management needs regularly updated results, it is recommended to perform a re- assessment on a regular e.g. annual basis. In order to avoid an indefinite usage of the certificate when evolved attack methods would require a re-assessment of the products resistance to state of the art attack methods, the maximum validity of the certificate has been limited. The certificate issued on 22 February 2024 is valid until 21 February 2029. Validity can be re-newed by re-certification. The owner of the certificate is obliged: 5 Information Technology Security Evaluation Facility 8 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report 1. when advertising the certificate or the fact of the product's certification, to refer to the Certification Report as well as to provide the Certification Report, the Security Target and user guidance documentation mentioned herein to any customer of the product for the application and usage of the certified product, 2. to inform the Certification Body at BSI immediately about vulnerabilities of the product that have been identified by the developer or any third party after issuance of the certificate, 3. to inform the Certification Body at BSI immediately in the case that security relevant changes in the evaluated life cycle, e.g. related to development and production sites or processes, occur, or the confidentiality of documentation and information related to the Target of Evaluation (TOE) or resulting from the evaluation and certification procedure where the certification of the product has assumed this confidentiality being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification procedure that do not belong to the deliverables according to the Certification Report part B, or for those where no dissemination rules have been agreed on, to third parties, the Certification Body at BSI has to be informed. In case of changes to the certified version of the product, the validity can be extended to the new versions and releases, provided the sponsor applies for assurance continuity (i.e. re-certification or maintenance) of the modified product, in accordance with the procedural requirements, and the evaluation does not reveal any security deficiencies. 6. Publication The product secunet wall, Version 6.2.0 has been included in the BSI list of certified products, which is published regularly (see also Internet: and [5]). Further information can be obtained from BSI-Infoline +49 228 9582-111. Further copies of this Certification Report can be requested from the developer6 of the product. The Certification Report may also be obtained in electronic form at the internet address stated above. 6 secunet Security Networks AG Kurfürstenstraße 58 45138 Essen Deutschland 9 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 B. Certification Results The following results represent a summary of ● the Security Target of the sponsor for the Target of Evaluation, ● the relevant evaluation results from the evaluation facility, and ● complementary notes and stipulations of the certification body. 10 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report 1. Executive Summary The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is the secunet wall 6.2.0 which comprises a solution set of Linux-based firewall components that enable the controlled transfer of data on a defined interface between internal and external networks or between segments of an internal network. This functionality is performed by the so-called Packet Filter, a part of the TOE. This packet filter enforced the Packet filter rules, defined by the administrator. The secunet wall supports IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6 is not part of the TOE. The secunet wall also supports LDAP. LDAP is not part of the TOE. The TOE is integrated in a Linux operating system platform, where a Packet Filtering module is placed. The Security Target [6] is the basis for this certification. It is not based on a certified Protection Profile. The TOE Security Assurance Requirements (SAR) are based entirely on the assurance components defined in Part 3 of the Common Criteria (see part C or [1], Part 3 for details). The TOE meets the assurance requirements of the Evaluation Assurance Level EAL 4 augmented by ALC_FLR.2, AVA_VAN.5, ASE_TSS.2. The TOE Security Functional Requirements (SFR) relevant for the TOE are outlined in the Security Target [6], chapter 5. They are selected from Common Criteria Part 2 and some of them are newly defined. Thus the TOE is CC Part 2 conformant. The TOE Security Functional Requirements are implemented by the following TOE Security Functionality: TOE Security Functionality Details SF1 Information Flow Protection See ST [6], Chapter 6.1.1 SF2 Management See ST [6], Chapter 6.1.2 SF3 Container Authentication See ST [6], Chapter 6.1.3 SF4 Security Audit See ST [6], Chapter 6.1.4 Table 1: TOE Security Functionalities The assets to be protected by the TOE are defined in the Security Target [6], chapter 3.1. Based on these assets the TOE Security Problem is defined in terms of Assumptions, Threats and Organisational Security Policies. This is outlined in the Security Target [6], chapter 3. This certification covers the configurations of the TOE as outlined in chapter 8. The vulnerability assessment results as stated within this certificate do not include a rating for those cryptographic algorithms and their implementation suitable for encryption and decryption (see BSIG Section 9, Para. 4, Clause 2). The certification results only apply to the version of the product indicated in the certificate and on the condition that all the stipulations are kept as detailed in this Certification Report. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT product by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT product by BSI or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, is either expressed or implied. 11 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 2. Identification of the TOE The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is called: secunet wall, Version 6.2.0 The following table outlines the TOE deliverables: No Type Identifier Release Form of Delivery 1 HW/ SW Installationsmedium (USB stick) ISO-Hybrid-Image secunet wall Wirksystem 6.2.0 Including public signing key secuwall-gpg- public_signingkey.asc Labelling “secunet-wall Wirksystem 6.2.0“ on installation medium “secunet wall 6.2.0” displayed on login screen Physical Delivery 2 DOC secunet wall Administrationshandbuch (Version 1.3) [8] manual.pdf Date: 28.04.2023 SHA-512 Checksum: 2ef15ec1b19e52198c3d5f2 2e4202476eba30748bb4ed f8f771ae2ee036d461fe354 44207db13df8e23da6e5b4 bfb1966b620962614c0f0ad dda1785611eaa7b Installation medium 3 DOC Release Notes secunet wall 6.2.0 [9] release-notes.pdf Date: 16.01.2023 SHA-512 Checksum: e4d204139dea06aa9635f7 2d361cd0824ca493d292a4 7fa4b3c9e58e442c50c077a 2d7feb64a4b7555cbf1889e 729bcca8fb1a9757ff5b267a 2243952386f4f1 Installation medium 4 SW Signed checksum file ISO-Hybrid-Image: bzImage.sig rootfs.squash.sig VERSION.sig all.sha512.asc Installation medium Table 2: Deliverables of the TOE The TOE is delivered to the consumer on an installation medium (USB stick). The items 2 to 4 in Table 2 are part of the delivery on the installation medium. They are part of the ISO-Hybrid-Image stored on the installation medium. The secunet wall guidance [8] is also delivered on non-writable CD ROM. This copy of the Guidance documentation is binary identical to the original in the ISO-Hybrid-Image on the installation medium. Remark on item 4 of the table above: The Signed checksum file is a text file that contains a list of the delivered file names and binaries and their SHA-512 hash values. The whole file is enclosed in an open-PGP block 12 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report that is signed with the secunet private key. This signature can be verified with the public key secuwall-gpg-public_signing-key.asc. The binaries that comprise the TOE are: ● Release Linux Kernel, Identification: bzImage, SHA-512 hash value: 73169b9d450961aef7671860194b0c83f54d77dbd025e1e9339272f11bc0dfe73d3ccda50 d48403463745be58ec83530edd16bf0485a3f7e708dfafc12810475 ● Release Userspace, Identification: rootfs.squash, SHA-512 hash value: 26f689b407ef414454b9191a670a0fd0bcb9e28a5c9c79e56d225d674c39af0b2ef6edf0f6 460f09a696b8fd80fe7c40f07dce0996d954317783f116718a63d0 ● Release Version, Identification: VERSION, SHA-512 hash value: 92b20499867a84faa26fc0e8bb98581c6ec6efd40d0e01bcbea9e6931ff5d21fbdd056f00d 0e1e2d3db0d502588fd488267d2ca889d64f4a00c41d40f3f376b3 The TOE can be uniquely identified by the SHA-512 checksums in the file all.sha512.asc which also contains a signature that can be verified with the public key in the file secuwall- gpg-public_signing-key.asc. The TOE is delivered to the customer on an installation medium (USB stick). Chapter 5.1 of the guidance [8] provides the administrator with information how to verify the authenticity of the TOE. The authenticity check is divided into two steps: first the administrator has to check the authenticity of the public PGP key secuwall-auth-pub.asc delivered via installation medium. Therefore, the administrator has to check the validity against the checksum and has to call the support via telephone for the fingerprint of the public signing key. To perform the PGP operations a PGP implementation, e.g. the open source tool GnuPG, must be used. The delivered public key must be imported to calculate the fingerprint. If the fingerprint does not match the fingerprint from the project manager, the user must cancel the process and repeat the delivery process. Otherwise he can proceed to the second step: verification of the digital signature of the hash sum file all.sha512.asc. Therefore, the PGP tool must be used to verify the integrity of the hash sum file. If the hash sum file was signed with the correct key, the SHA-512 sums of all files need to be calculated by using any tool that calculates the SHA-512 hash sum from a given file. Then the calculated hash sums must be compared to the ones listed in the file all.sha512.asc. If everything is correct the user must check whether the version numbers of secunet wall and guidance match version mentioned in the certification report. So the user can ensure that he has received the certified TOE. 3. Security Policy The Security Policy is expressed by the set of Security Functional Requirements and implemented by the TOE. It covers the following issues Information Flow Protection, Management, Container Authentication, and Security Audit. 4. Assumptions and Clarification of Scope The Assumptions defined in the Security Target and some aspects of Threats and Organisational Security Policies are not covered by the TOE itself. These aspects lead to specific security objectives to be fulfilled by the TOE-Environment. The list of objectives which have to be met by the environment can be found in the Security Target [6], chapter 4.2. 13 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 5. Architectural Information The TOE is a firewall including packet filter functionality. The secunet wall comprises a set of Linux-based firewall components that enable the controlled transfer of data on a defined interface between internal and external networks or between segments of an internal network. The secunet wall relies on information available at OSI layer 3 and layer 4 for policy enforcement. The functionality for packet filtering is part of the Linux operating system. The secunet wall supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. IPv6 is not part of the TOE. The secunet wall also supports LDAP. LDAP is not part of the TOE. This is an overview of the subsystems of the TOE and the corresponding TSF that were objects of the evaluation. The security functions of the TOE are: ● SF1 Information Flow Control ● SF2 Management ● SF3 Container Authentication ● SF4 Security Audit According to the TOE design specification these security functions are enforced by the following subsystems: ● TCP/IP Stack (represents the TSF SF1.1, SF1.2, SF1.3) ● TCP/IP Filter (represents the TSFs SF1.1, SF2.3, SF3.2, SF4.1 and SF4.2; supports the TSF SF2.2) ● Kernel-Log (supports the TSF SF4.1 and SF4.2) ● Kernel-Space Kommunikation (represents the TSF SF2.1; supports the TSF SF2.2) ● User-Space (represents the TSF SF2.1, SF2.2, SF3.1, SF4.1 and SF4.2) Note: The references in brackets refer to the information given in the ST [6], chapter 6.1. 6. Documentation The evaluated documentation as outlined in table 2 is being provided with the product to the customer. This documentation contains the required information for secure usage of the TOE in accordance with the Security Target. Additional obligations and notes for secure usage of the TOE as outlined in chapter 10 of this report have to be followed. 7. IT Product Testing Developer testing The TOE was tested on a stand-alone computer which uses three virtual workstations and a containerized environment in which these three VMs run. The TOE was running in a virtual machine which was configured according to chapter 1.2.2 of ST [6]. The tests of the TOE were carried out by executing the test environment. The virtual work- stations resemble two standard workstations, one with the TOE installed. The developer specified and implemented test cases for each defined subsystem. The test cases were divided into those of the TCP/IP Stack, the TCP/IP Filter, Kernel-Log, the 14 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report Kernel-Space Kommunikation and User-Space. Thus all subsystems are covered by several test cases and each SFR-enforcing module is covered by at least one test case. For the tests of the TOE, the developer used the test environment with three virtual work- stations. The test environment is supported by an executable bash script that starts up the virtual machines and initializes the complete test network. Then each test case is located in a separate bash script. The developer carried out interactive as well as non-interactive tests. Altogether there were 95 test cases covered by the test specification. The results of the TOE tests prove the correct implementation. All test cases were executed successfully and ended up with the expected result. Independent testing For repeating the developer tests, the evaluators used the same configuration as used in the developer tests. The description of the required non-TOE hardware, software and firmware is described in section 1.2.2 of the ST [6], using a stand alone PC with Intel Xeon(R) CPU 4 x 3.0 GHz, 16 GB RAM, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit with Docker and installed the virtualized test setup of the developer. For the independent tests the evaluators used a TOE installed on real Hardware that was provided by the developer as described in the ST [6], on which the release version of the TOE was installed: ● Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX 1330-M4 (Model: RX1330 M4), ● Syslogic COMPACT81-S (Model: SDB/OEMS81120-SBC1), ● Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX2530-M5 (Model: RX2530 M5), ● Pyramid VarioFlex 2 HE (Model: VarioFlex 2 HE v2016), ● Lenovo TS 360 Tiny OEM (Model: Thinkstation 360 Tiny OEM). These systems fulfil the minimum system requirements. All test statements are only based on these configurations. The general setup is the same as the developers test setup, i.e. the TOE connects via Ethernet a source machine (SRC) and a destination machine (DST) and is further connected to a machine inside the management network (Management). The complete test environment runs on a single Linux Host PC system which has several physical network cards (network interfaces) available, i.e. it is possible to realize SRC, DST and Management on this machine. The evaluators performed the installation procedure of the TOE, as described by the developer in the guidance document [8]. The evaluators repeated all developer tests. Additionally the evaluators performed independent tests. No deviation between the actual result and the expected result was found. Penetration tests Publicly known vulnerabilities have been collected. The applicability of each attack path has been considered for the configured TOE in the intended environment. For the penetration tests the differential firewall analysis method was used. In this method one needs to be able to compare the traffic on the “outside” to the traffic on the “inside” in real-time and alert when this contradicts. Therefore, two monitoring points are placed logically in front and behind the packet filter. At the monitoring points a sniffer is placed at which the network traffic is analysed. 15 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 The sensor that is placed on the “inside” alerts if traffic is detected and violating the firewall rules. In the operational environment of the TOE it is also possible that malicious or unintended traffic is coming from the inside of the network passing the TOE. It was tested that the packet filter responds to both network interfaces in the same way. The tests shall show if the TOE is resistant to attacks. After the setup of the test environment different attack scenarios were defined. The attack scenarios were mapped to test cases and executed in the test environment. For the penetration tests the evaluators used a TOE installed on real Hardware as described above. The test network was realized using virtualized source and destination machines. The host machine also provides the management network functionality. Linux Host System (Hosting SRC, DST and Management) ● Hardware: Intel Xeon(R) CPU 4 x 3.0 GHz, 16 GB RAM ● Software: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit OS and additionally software packages (VirtualBox, Wireshark, ntpd, rsyslog) SRC (virtualized guest on the Linux Host) ● Hardware: This machine is virtualized and uses the host’s HW ● Software (OS): Debian GNU/Linux Version 11 (bullseye) 64-bit and additional pentest tools installed DST (virtualized guest on the Linux Host) ● Hardware: This machine is virtualized and uses the host’s HW ● Software (OS): Debian GNU/Linux Version 11 (bullseye) 64-bit and additional pentest tools installed The following list gives a short overview about the attack scenarios which have been tested or examined by design and code analysis: ● Port scan with or without different source ports to detect open ports. ● Bypassing the packet filter with fuzzy generated TCP, UDP or ICMP packets or during startup/shutdown. ● Bypassing the packet filter with a flood attack with “syn” or fragmented packets. ● Bypassing the packet filter with packets with a spoofed source address. ● Bypassing the packet filter due to IP-Range conflicts. ● Bypassing the packet filter and logging due to heavy load. ● Bypassing the access rule checks. The TOE purposely reduces system logs in cases of heavy network load. As a result, it can be assumed that the SFRs are implemented correctly and that they cannot be bypassed, deactivated or manipulated. The tested SFRs are listed in the following: ● FDP_IFF.1 Simple security attributes ● FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation ● FMT_SMR.1 Security roles 16 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report The remaining SFRs were analysed but not tested through penetration due to non- exploitability of the related attack scenarios in the TOE’s operational environment. The overall test result is that no deviations were found between the expected and the actual test results. Please note, that the TOE is able to reduce syslog messages in cases of heavy network load and extensive set logging rules. No attack scenario with the attack potential High was actually successful in the TOE’s operational environment as defined in Security Target [6] assumed that all measures required by the developer are applied. 8. Evaluated Configuration This certification covers the following configurations of the TOE: The TOE is defined by the notation “secunet wall Version 6.2.0“ provided by secunet Security Networks AG with the components and hash values for the TOE as given in chapter 2. The TOE has to be configured following the TOE guidance [8]. There exists only one configuration of the TOE. The TOE was tested and thus shall be operated on the hardware as specified in the Security Target [6] in chapter 1.2.2. The hardware is not part of the TOE but secunet offers to forward the customers hardware purchase order to the hardware vendor. 9. Results of the Evaluation 9.1. CC specific results The Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) [7] was provided by the ITSEF according to the Common Criteria [1], the Methodology [2], the requirements of the Scheme [3] and all interpretations and guidelines of the Scheme (AIS) [4] as relevant for the TOE. The Evaluation Methodology CEM [2] was used for those components up to EAL 5 extended by advice of the Certification Body for components beyond EAL 5 (and guidance specific for the technology of the product [4] (AIS 34). As a result of the evaluation the verdict PASS is confirmed for the following assurance components: ● All components of the EAL 4 package including the class ASE as defined in the CC (see also part C of this report) ● The components ALC_FLR.2, AVA_VAN.5, ASE_TSS.2 augmented for this TOE evaluation. As the evaluation work performed for this certification procedure was carried out as a re- evaluation based on the certificate BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V2-2022-MA-01, re-use of specific evaluation tasks was possible. The focus of this re-evaluation was on product and platform evolution. The evaluation has confirmed: ● PP Conformance: None. ● for the Functionality: Product specific Security Target Common Criteria Part 2 conformant ● for the Assurance: Common Criteria Part 3 conformant / extended EAL 4 augmented by ALC_FLR.2, AVA_VAN.5, ASE_TSS.2 17 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 The results of the evaluation are only applicable to the TOE as defined in chapter 2 and the configuration as outlined in chapter 8 above. 9.2. Results of cryptographic assessment The strength of the cryptographic algorithms was not rated in the course of this certification procedure (see BSIG Section 9, Para. 4, Clause 2). But cryptographic functionalities with a security level of lower than 100 bits can no longer be regarded as secure without considering the application context. Therefore, for these functionalities it shall be checked whether the related crypto operations are appropriate for the intended system. Some further hints and guidelines can be derived from the 'Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-02102' ( The following table gives an overview of the cryptographic functionalities inside the TOE to enforce the security policy and outlines its rating from cryptographic point of view. Any Cryptographic Functionality that is marked in column 'Security Level above 100 Bits' of the following table with 'no' achieves a security level of lower than 100 Bits (in general context) only. No. Purpose Cryptographic Mechanism Standard of Implementation Key Size in Bits Security Level above 100 Bits Comments 1 Cryptographic primitive Hashing for Password and signature Verifi- cation using SHA- 256, SHA-512 [FIPS_180-4] - - FCS_COP.1/SHA SHA-256 is used for container authentication. SHA-512 is used for password hashing. 2 Authenticity RSA Signature verification with SHA-256 of the container signature [IETF RFC 8017] [FIPS_180-4] 4096 bit Yes FCS_COP.1.1/RSA- verify Table 3: TOE cryptographic functionality References to the Table above: ● [FIPS_180-4] FIPS PUB 180-4, Secure Hash Standard, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2012-03. ● [IETF RFC 8017] RFC 8017, PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2. 10. Obligations and Notes for the Usage of the TOE The documents as outlined in table 2 contain necessary information about the usage of the TOE and all security hints therein have to be considered. In addition all aspects of Assumptions, Threats and OSPs as outlined in the Security Target not covered by the TOE itself need to be fulfilled by the operational environment of the TOE. The user must not load any new modules into the kernel. In case a new module is loaded the TOE is no longer in the certified configuration. The customer or user of the product shall consider the results of the certification within his system risk management process. In order for the evolution of attack methods and 18 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report techniques to be covered, he should define the period of time until a re-assessment of the TOE is required and thus requested from the sponsor of the certificate. The limited validity for the usage of cryptographic algorithms as outlined in chapter 9 has to be considered by the user and his system risk management process, too. If available, certified updates of the TOE should be used. If non-certified updates or patches are available the user of the TOE should request the sponsor to provide a re- certification. In the meantime a risk management process of the system using the TOE should investigate and decide on the usage of not yet certified updates and patches or take additional measures in order to maintain system security. 11. Security Target For the purpose of publishing, the Security Target [6] of the Target of Evaluation (TOE) is provided within a separate document as Annex A of this report. 12. Regulation specific aspects (eIDAS, QES) None 13. Definitions 13.1. Acronyms AIS Application Notes and Interpretations of the Scheme BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik / Federal Office for Information Security, Bonn, Germany BSIG BSI-Gesetz / Act on the Federal Office for Information Security CCRA Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement CC Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation cPP Collaborative Protection Profile CPU Central Processing Unit DST Destination EAL Evaluation Assurance Level ETR Evaluation Technical Report HW Hardware ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol IP Internet Protocol IT Information Technology ITSEF Information Technology Security Evaluation Facility LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol OS Operating System 19 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 OSI Open Systems Interconnection PGP Pretty Good Privacy PP Protection Profile RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman SAR Security Assurance Requirement SBC Session Border Controller SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirement SHA Secure Hash Algorithms SRC Source ST Security Target SW Software TCP Transmission Control Protocol TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functionality UDP User Data Protocol 13.2. Glossary Augmentation - The addition of one or more requirement(s) to a package. Collaborative Protection Profile - A Protection Profile collaboratively developed by an International Technical Community endorsed by the Management Committee. Extension - The addition to an ST or PP of functional requirements not contained in CC part 2 and/or assurance requirements not contained in CC part 3. Formal - Expressed in a restricted syntax language with defined semantics based on well- established mathematical concepts. Informal - Expressed in natural language. Object - A passive entity in the TOE, that contains or receives information, and upon which subjects perform operations. Package - named set of either security functional or security assurance requirements Protection Profile - A formal document defined in CC, expressing an implementation independent set of security requirements for a category of IT Products that meet specific consumer needs. Security Target - An implementation-dependent statement of security needs for a specific identified TOE. Semiformal - Expressed in a restricted syntax language with defined semantics. Subject - An active entity in the TOE that performs operations on objects. Target of Evaluation - An IT Product and its associated administrator and user guidance documentation that is the subject of an Evaluation. 20 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report TOE Security Functionality - Combined functionality of all hardware, software, and firmware of a TOE that must be relied upon for the correct enforcement of the SFRs. 14. Bibliography [1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1, Part 1: Introduction and general model, Revision 5, April 2017 Part 2: Security functional components, Revision 5, April 2017 Part 3: Security assurance components, Revision 5, April 2017 [2] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CEM), Evaluation Methodology, Version 3.1, Rev. 5, April 2017, [3] BSI certification: Scheme documentation describing the certification process (CC- Produkte) and Scheme documentation on requirements for the Evaluation Facility, approval and licencing (CC-Stellen), [4] Application Notes and Interpretations of the Scheme (AIS) as relevant for the TOE7 [5] German IT Security Certificates (BSI 7148), periodically updated list published also on the BSI Website, [6] Security Target BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024, secunet wall 6.2.0, Version 1.7, Date 16.10.2023, secunet Security Networks AG [7] Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) secunet wall 6.2.0, BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3, Version 2.0, Date: 16.02.2024, SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH (confidential document) [8] secunet wall 6.2.0, Administrationshandbuch, Handbuch-Version 1.3, 28.04.2023, secunet Security Networks AG [9] Release Notes secunet wall 6.2.0, Date: 16.01.2023, secunet Security Networks AG 7 specifically • AIS 32, Version 7, CC-Interpretationen im deutschen Zertifizierungsschema • AIS 34, Version 3, Evaluation Methodology for CC Assurance Classes for EAL 5+ (CCv2.3 & CCv3.1) and EAL 6 (CCv3.1) 21 / 23 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 C. Excerpts from the Criteria For the meaning of the assurance components and levels the following references to the Common Criteria can be followed: • On conformance claim definitions and descriptions refer to CC part 1 chapter 10.5 • On the concept of assurance classes, families and components refer to CC Part 3 chapter 7.1 • On the concept and definition of pre-defined assurance packages (EAL) refer to CC Part 3 chapters 7.2 and 8 • On the assurance class ASE for Security Target evaluation refer to CC Part 3 chapter 12 • On the detailed definitions of the assurance components for the TOE evaluation refer to CC Part 3 chapters 13 to 17 • The table in CC part 3, Annex E summarizes the relationship between the evaluation assurance levels (EAL) and the assurance classes, families and components. The CC are published at 22 / 23 BSI-DSZ-CC-1116-V3-2024 Certification Report D. Annexes List of annexes of this certification report Annex A: Security Target provided within a separate document. Note: End of report 23 / 23