Certification Report EAL 3+ Evaluation of Xerox WorkCentre 5135/5150 Multifunction Systems Issued by: Communications Security Establishment Canada Certification Body Canadian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme © Government of Canada, Communications Security Establishment Canada, 2010 Document number: 383-4-125-CR Version: 1.0 Date: 26 November 2010 Pagination: i to iii, 1 to 13 CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page i of iii - DISCLAIMER The Information Technology (IT) product identified in this certification report, and its associated certificate, has been evaluated at an approved evaluation facility – established under the Canadian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme (CCS) – using the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 2, for conformance to the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 2. This certification report, and its associated certificate, apply only to the identified version and release of the product in its evaluated configuration. The evaluation has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of the CCS, and the conclusions of the evaluation facility in the evaluation report are consistent with the evidence adduced. This report, and its associated certificate, are not an endorsement of the IT product by the Communications Security Establishment Canada, or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this report, and its associated certificate, and no warranty for the IT product by the Communications Security Establishment Canada, or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this report, and its associated certificate, is either expressed or implied. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page ii of iii - FOREWORD The Canadian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme (CCS) provides a third-party evaluation service for determining the trustworthiness of Information Technology (IT) security products. Evaluations are performed by a commercial Common Criteria Evaluation Facility (CCEF) under the oversight of the CCS Certification Body, which is managed by the Communications Security Establishment Canada. A CCEF is a commercial facility that has been approved by the CCS Certification Body to perform Common Criteria evaluations; a significant requirement for such approval is accreditation to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005, the General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. Accreditation is performed under the Program for the Accreditation of Laboratories - Canada (PALCAN), administered by the Standards Council of Canada. The CCEF that carried out this evaluation is DOMUS IT Security Laboratory located in Ottawa, Canada. By awarding a Common Criteria certificate, the CCS Certification Body asserts that the product complies with the security requirements specified in the associated security target. A security target is a requirements specification document that defines the scope of the evaluation activities. The consumer of certified IT products should review the security target, in addition to this certification report, in order to gain an understanding of any assumptions made during the evaluation, the IT product's intended environment, its security requirements, and the level of confidence (i.e., the evaluation assurance level) that the product satisfies the security requirements. This certification report is associated with the certificate of product evaluation dated 26 November 2010, and the security target identified in Section 5 of this report. The certification report, certificate of product evaluation and security target are posted on the CCS Certified Products list (CPL) and the Common Criteria Portal (the official website of the Common Criteria Project). This certification report makes reference to the following trademarked or registered trademarks: • Xerox is a trademark of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. • Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Reproduction of this report is authorized provided the report is reproduced in its entirety. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page iii of iii - TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer....................................................................................................................................... i Foreword........................................................................................................................................ii Executive Summary...................................................................................................................... 1 1 Identification of Target of Evaluation ................................................................................ 3 2 TOE Description ................................................................................................................... 3 3 Evaluated Security Functionality........................................................................................ 3 4 Security Target...................................................................................................................... 4 5 Common Criteria Conformance.......................................................................................... 4 6 Security Policy....................................................................................................................... 4 7 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope............................................................................. 5 7.1 SECURE USAGE ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................... 5 7.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................... 5 7.3 CLARIFICATION OF SCOPE.......................................................................................... 6 8 Evaluated Configuration...................................................................................................... 6 9 Documentation ...................................................................................................................... 7 10 Evaluation Analysis Activities ............................................................................................. 7 11 ITS Product Testing.............................................................................................................. 8 11.1 ASSESSMENT OF DEVELOPER TESTS .......................................................................... 8 11.2 INDEPENDENT FUNCTIONAL TESTING ........................................................................ 9 11.3 INDEPENDENT PENETRATION TESTING..................................................................... 10 11.4 CONDUCT OF TESTING ............................................................................................. 10 11.5 TESTING RESULTS.................................................................................................... 10 12 Results of the Evaluation.................................................................................................... 10 13 Evaluator Comments, Observations and Recommendations ......................................... 11 14 Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initializations................................................................... 12 15 References............................................................................................................................ 12 CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 1 of 13 - Executive Summary Xerox WorkCentre 5135/5150 Multifunction Systems (hereafter referred to as Xerox 5135/5150), from Xerox Corporation, is the Target of Evaluation for this Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 3 augmented evaluation Xerox 5135/5150 is a family of multi-function devices that include copy, print, scan-to- email1 , network scan2 , and FAX functionality. The product incorporates security features such that temporary files created for these processes are encrypted and then overwritten as the processes complete. Users are required to provide a valid username and password or Common Access Card and PIN to access the product processes. DOMUS IT Security Laboratory is the CCEF that conducted the evaluation. This evaluation was completed on 5 November 2010 and was carried out in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme (CCS). The scope of the evaluation is defined by the security target, which identifies assumptions made during the evaluation, the intended environment for Xerox 5135/5150, the security requirements, and the level of confidence (evaluation assurance level) at which the product is intended to satisfy the security requirements. Consumers are advised to verify that their operating environment is consistent with that specified in the security target, and to give due consideration to the comments, observations and recommendations in this certification report. The results documented in the Evaluation Technical Report (ETR)3 for this product provide sufficient evidence that it meets the EAL 3 augmented assurance requirements for the evaluated security functionality. The evaluation was conducted using the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 2, for conformance to the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 2. The following augmentation is claimed: ALC_FLR.3 – Systematic Flaw Remediation. Communications Security Establishment Canada, as the CCS Certification Body, declares that the Xerox 5135/5150 evaluation meets all the conditions of the Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates and that the product will be listed on the CCS Certified Products List (CPL) and the Common Criteria portal (the official website of the Common Criteria Project). 1 Scanned files are emailed to the user. 2 Scanned files are routed to a directory. 3 The ETR is a CCS document that contains information proprietary to the developer and/or the evaluator, and is not releasable for public review. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 2 of 13 - CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 3 of 13 - 1 Identification of Target of Evaluation The Target of Evaluation (TOE) for this Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 3 augmented evaluation is Xerox WorkCentre 5135/5150 Multifunction Systems (hereafter referred to as Xerox 5135/5150), from Xerox Corporation. 2 TOE Description Xerox 5135/5150 is a family of multi-function devices that include copy, print, scan-to- email4 , network scan5 , and FAX functionality. The product incorporates Image Overwrite Security whereby temporary files created for these processes are overwritten either on demand or as processes complete. Partitions of the hard drive used to store the temporary files are encrypted using CAVP-validated cryptography. Users must provide a valid username and password or Common Access Card and PIN to access the product processes. 3 Evaluated Security Functionality The complete list of evaluated security functionality for Xerox 5135/5150 is identified in Section 5 of the Security Target (ST). The following Government of Canada approved cryptographic algorithms were evaluated for correct implementation in Xerox 5135/5150: Cryptographic Algorithm Standard Certificate # Triple-DES (3DES) FIPS 46-3 990 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) FIPS 197 1471, 1472 Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) FIPS 186-2 719 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) FIPS 180-2 1331 4 Scanned files are emailed to the user. 5 Scanned files are routed to a directory. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 4 of 13 - 4 Security Target The ST associated with this Certification Report is identified by the following nomenclature: Title: Xerox WorkCentre 5135/5150 Multifunction Systems Security Target Version: 1.0 Date: 1 November 2010 5 Common Criteria Conformance The evaluation was conducted using the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version3.1 Revision 2, for conformance to the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 2. Xerox 5135/5150 is: a. Common Criteria Part 2 conformant, with security functional requirements based only upon functional components in Part 2 b. Common Criteria Part 3 conformant, with security assurance requirements based only upon assurance components in Part 3; and c. Common Criteria EAL 3 augmented, containing all security assurance requirements in the EAL 3 package, as well as the following: ALC_FLR.3 – Systematic Flaw Remediation. 6 Security Policy Xerox 5135/5150 implements the following security policies: ƒ an overwrite policy for the overwrite of temporary files created for the print, network scan, scan-to-email, and FAX processes; ƒ an information flow control policy that prevents data and commands from entering the network via the FAX board; ƒ encryption policies for the protection of temporary files stored on the hard drive and for the protection of audit data output by the TOE; ƒ an access control policy whereby users cannot access TOE processes without a valid username and password, or Common Access Card and PIN; and ƒ an access control policy that restricts IP addresses permitted to communicate with the TOE. In addition, Xerox 5135/5150 implements policies pertaining to security audit, identification and authentication, and security management. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 5 of 13 - Further details on these security policies may be found in Section 5 of the ST. 7 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope Consumers of Xerox 5135/5150 should consider assumptions about usage and environmental settings as requirements for the product’s installation and its operating environment. This will ensure the proper and secure operation of the TOE. 7.1 Secure Usage Assumptions The following Secure Usage Assumptions are listed in the ST: • The TOE has been delivered and installed by Xerox-authorized representatives using Xerox delivery and installation guidance. The TOE has been configured by the system administrator in accordance with the administrator and user guidance delivered with the TOE. • One or more system administrators are assigned to manage the TOE. Procedures exist for granting a system administrator access to the system administrator password for the TOE. • The system administrators are not careless, willfully negligent or hostile, and will follow the instructions provided in the administrator and user guidance delivered with the TOE. • All of the systems that communicate with the TOE are under the same management and physical control as the TOE, and are covered by the same management and security policy as the TOE. 7.2 Environmental Assumptions The following Environmental Assumptions are listed in the ST: • The TOE is installed in a standard office environment. Because the TOE is under observation by office personnel, unauthorized physical modifications to the TOE and unauthorized attempts to connect to the TOE via its physical interfaces are not possible. • The network that the TOE is connected to is monitored for unapproved activities and/or attempts to attack network resources. • All remote products that communicate with the TOE implement the communications protocol in accordance with industry standard practice and work as advertised. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 6 of 13 - • The IT environment will provide the TOE with the following services: Network Time Protocol; Identification and Authentication; and Authorization. 7.3 Clarification of Scope Xerox 5135/5150 incorporates CAVP-validated cryptography and was not subjected to CMVP (FIPS-140) validation. 8 Evaluated Configuration The software/firmware components of Xerox 5135/5150 are listed below. The administrator can confirm their product configuration by printing a configuration sheet and checking against the evaluated configuration list. Software/Firmware Item WorkCentre 5135 WorkCentre 5150 System Software Network Controller Software 061.100.08402 061.100.08402 UI Software 020.014.063 020.014.063 IOT Software 092.011.000 092.011.000 SIP (Copy Controller) Software 020.063.000 020.063.000 DADH Software (Options) • DADH 75 016.028.000 016.028.000 • DADH 100 020.019.000 020.019.000 • DADH 100 Quiet Mode 025.018.000 025.018.000 High Capacity Trays Software 000.010.009 000.010.009 Finisher Software (Options) • 1K LCSS 001.031.000 001.031.000 • LCSS 003.053.000 003.053.000 • HCSS 013.040.000 013.040.000 • HCSS with BookletMaker 024.016.000 024.016.000 • High Volume Finisher (HVF) 004.003.072 004.003.072 CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 7 of 13 - Software/Firmware Item WorkCentre 5135 WorkCentre 5150 • HVF with BookletMaker 003.002.005 003.006.006 FAX Software 003.009.009 003.009.009 Scanner Software (options) 32, 38, 45, 55 PPM 017.005.000 017.005.000 65, 75, 87 PPM 004.022.000 004.022.000 9 Documentation The Xerox Corporation documents provided to the consumer are as follows: • System Administration CD 1, version 538E11432, December 16th , 2008; and • Xerox IUG CD 2, version 538E11443, December 16th , 2008. 10 Evaluation Analysis Activities The evaluation analysis activities involved a structured evaluation of Xerox 5135/5150, including the following areas: Development: The evaluators analyzed the Xerox 5135/5150 functional specification and design documentation; they determined that the design completely and accurately describes the TOE security functionality (TSF) interfaces, the TSF subsystems and how the TSF implements the security functional requirements (SFRs). The evaluators analyzed the Xerox 5135/5150 security architectural description and determined that the initialization process is secure and that the security functions are protected against tamper and bypass. The evaluators also independently verified that the correspondence mappings between the design documents are correct. Guidance Documents: The evaluators examined the Xerox 5135/5150 preparative user guidance and operational user guidance and determined that it sufficiently and unambiguously describes how to securely transform the TOE into its evaluated configuration and how to use and administer the product. The evaluators examined and tested the preparative and operational guidance, and determined that they are complete and sufficiently detailed to result in a secure configuration. Life-cycle support: An analysis of Xerox 5135/5150 configuration management system and associated documentation was performed. The evaluators found that the Xerox 5135/5150 configuration items were clearly marked and that the access control measures as described in the configuration management documentation are effective in preventing unauthorized access CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 8 of 13 - to the configuration items. The developer’s configuration management system was also observed during the site visit, and it was found to be mature and well-developed. During the site visit the evaluators examined the development security procedures and determined that they detailed sufficient security measures for the development environment to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the Xerox 5135/5150 design and implementation. The evaluators confirmed that the developer used a documented model of the TOE life-cycle and that the life-cycle model provides for the necessary control over the development and maintenance of the TOE. The evaluators examined the delivery documentation and determined that it described all of the procedures required to maintain the integrity of Xerox 5135/5150 during distribution to the consumer. The evaluators reviewed the flaw remediation procedures used by Xerox Corporation for Xerox 5135/5150. During a site visit, the evaluators examined the evidence generated by adherence to the procedures. The evaluators concluded that the procedures are adequate to track and correct security flaws, and distribute the flaw information and corrections to consumers of the product. Vulnerability assessment: The evaluators conducted an independent vulnerability analysis of Xerox 5135/5150. Additionally, the evaluators conducted a review of public domain vulnerability databases, and a search of all evaluation deliverables. The evaluators identified potential vulnerabilities for testing applicable to the Xerox 5135/5150 in its operational environment. All these evaluation activities resulted in PASS verdicts. 11 ITS Product Testing Testing at EAL 3 consists of the following three steps: assessing developer tests, performing independent functional tests, and performing penetration tests. 11.1 Assessment of Developer Tests The evaluators verified that the developer has met their testing responsibilities by examining their test evidence, and reviewing their test results, as documented in the ETR6 . 6 The ETR is a CCS document that contains information proprietary to the developer and/or the evaluator, and is not releasable for public review. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 9 of 13 - The evaluators analyzed the developer’s test coverage and depth analysis and found them to be complete and accurate. The correspondence between the tests identified in the developer’s test documentation and the functional specification and TOE design was complete. 11.2 Independent Functional Testing During this evaluation, the evaluator developed independent functional tests by examining design and guidance documentation, examining the developer's test documentation, executing a sample of the developer's test cases, and creating test cases that augmented the developer tests. All testing was planned and documented to a sufficient level of detail to allow repeatability of the testing procedures and results. Resulting from this test coverage approach is the following list of DOMUS IT Security Laboratory test goals: a. Repeat of Developer's Tests: The objective of this test goal is to repeat a subset of the developer's tests; b. Image Overwrite: The objective of this test goal is to verify files created during the printing, network scan, scan-to-email and LanFAX processes are overwritten; c. Identification and Authentication: The objective of this test goal is to ensure that system administrators are required to identify and authenticate themselves prior to gaining access to system administration functions; d. Network Identification: The objective of this test goal is to verify that the TOE can prevent unauthorized use of installed network options; e. Audit: The objective of this test goal is to ensure that the TOE generates audit logs; f. Cryptographic Operations: The objective of this test goal is to ensure that the TOE performs the specified cryptographic operations; g. User Data Protection – IP Filtering: The objective of this test goal is to ensure the TOE enforces the network information flow control policy controlling network traffic to and from the TOE as configured by the system administrator; h. Information Flow Security: The objective of this test goal is to ensure the TOE controls and restricts information flow between the PSTN port of the optional FAX processing board, if installed, and the network controller; i. Security Management: The objective of this test goal is to determine the correct operation of the management functions provided by the TOE; and CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 10 of 13 - j. User Data Protection – AES: The objective of this test goal is to ensure the TOE supports encryption and decryption of designated portions of the hard disk where temporary files are stored. 11.3 Independent Penetration Testing Subsequent to the independent review of public domain vulnerability databases and all evaluation deliverables, limited independent evaluator penetration testing was conducted. The penetration tests focused on: • Port Scanning: The objective of this test goal is to determine if Xerox 5135/5150 opens any ports that could be exploited from the network; • Session Fixation7 : The objective of this test goal is to determine if Xerox 5135/5150 is vulnerable to the session fixation attack; and • Denial of Service (DOS) Attack: The objective of this test goal is to determine if Xerox 5135/5150 is vulnerable to a DOS attack causing the network controller to reboot. The independent penetration testing did not uncover any exploitable vulnerabilities in the intended operating environment. 11.4 Conduct of Testing Xerox 5135/5150 was subjected to a comprehensive suite of formally documented, independent functional and penetration tests. The testing took place at the Information Technology Security Evaluation and Test (ITSET) Facility at DOMUS IT Security Laboratory. The detailed testing activities, including configurations, procedures, test cases, expected results and observed results are documented in a separate Test Results document. 11.5 Testing Results The developer’s tests and the independent functional tests yielded the expected results, giving assurance that Xerox 5135/5150 behaves as specified in its ST and functional specification and TOE design. 12 Results of the Evaluation This evaluation has provided the basis for an EAL 3+ level of assurance. The overall verdict for the evaluation is PASS. These results are supported by evidence in the ETR. 7 Session fixation attacks attempt to exploit the vulnerability of a system which allows one person to fixate (set) another person's session identifier (SID). CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 11 of 13 - 13 Evaluator Comments, Observations and Recommendations The evaluator found the guidance for the configuration, integration, and use of the Xerox 5135/5150 to be clear. The evaluator recommends that customers follow the provided guidance documentation in order to deploy the Xerox 5135/5150 in its evaluated configuration. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 12 of 13 - 14 Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initializations Acronym/Abbreviation/ Initialization Description CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CCEF Common Criteria Evaluation Facility CCS Canadian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme CPL Certified Products list CM Configuration Management EAL Evaluation Assurance Level ETR Evaluation Technical Report FAX Facsimile IP Internet Protocol IT Information Technology ITSET Information Technology Security Evaluation and Testing PALCAN Program for the Accreditation of Laboratories - Canada PIN Personal Identification Number PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network SFR Security Functional Requirement ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functionality 15 References This section lists all documentation used as source material for this report: a. CCS Publication #4, Technical Oversight, Version 1.1, August 2005. b. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 2, September, 2007. c. Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, CEM, Version 3.1 Revision 2, September, 2007. d. Xerox WorkCentre 5135/5150 Multifunction Systems Security Target, 1.0, 1 November 2010. CCS Certification Report Xerox Corporation Xerox 5135/5150 ___________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 26 November 2010 - Page 13 of 13 - e. Evaluation Technical Report Version 1.0, Xerox Corporation Xerox WorkCentre 5135/5150 Multifunction Systems EAL3+, 5 November 2010.