NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Security Target Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL): EAL 2+ Version 1.1 July 2022 Document prepared by NetApp Security Target Page 2 of 39 Document History Version Date Author Description 1.0 24 Jun 2022 G Nickel Release for Certification 1.1 19 Jul 2022 G Nickel Amended release for Certification NetApp Security Target Page 3 of 39 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Identification ................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Conformance Claims...................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Terminology.................................................................................................................... 6 2 TOE Description.................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Type ............................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Usage ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Security Functions / Logical Scope................................................................................ 8 2.4 Physical Scope............................................................................................................... 9 3 Security Problem Definition............................................................................................... 10 3.1 Threats ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Assumptions................................................................................................................. 11 3.3 Organizational Security Policies................................................................................... 11 4 Security Objectives............................................................................................................. 11 4.1 Objectives for the Operational Environment ................................................................ 11 4.2 Objectives for the TOE................................................................................................. 11 5 Security Requirements....................................................................................................... 12 5.1 Conventions ................................................................................................................. 12 5.2 Extended Components Definition................................................................................. 12 5.3 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................. 12 5.4 Assurance Requirements............................................................................................. 23 6 TOE Summary Specification.............................................................................................. 25 6.1 Object Access Control.................................................................................................. 25 6.2 Data Protection............................................................................................................. 25 6.3 Security Management .................................................................................................. 26 6.4 Security Audit ............................................................................................................... 29 6.5 Secure Communications .............................................................................................. 30 7 Rationale.............................................................................................................................. 33 7.1 Security Objectives Rationale ...................................................................................... 33 7.2 Security Requirements Rationale................................................................................. 34 7.3 TOE Summary Specification Rationale........................................................................ 38 List of Tables Table 1: Evaluation identifiers ......................................................................................................... 5 Table 2: Terminology....................................................................................................................... 6 Table 3: TOE Hardware Devices (Nodes)....................................................................................... 9 Table 4: Threats............................................................................................................................. 10 Table 5: Assumptions .................................................................................................................... 11 Table 6: Security Objectives for the Operational Environment ..................................................... 11 Table 7: Security Objectives.......................................................................................................... 11 Table 8: Summary of SFRs ........................................................................................................... 12 Table 9: Management of Security Functions................................................................................. 16 Table 10: Management of TSF Data ............................................................................................. 18 Table 11: Assurance Requirements .............................................................................................. 23 Table 12: Security Function SFRs................................................................................................. 25 NetApp Security Target Page 4 of 39 Table 13: Security Function SFRs................................................................................................. 26 Table 14: Security Objectives Mapping......................................................................................... 33 Table 15: Suitability of Security Objectives ................................................................................... 33 Table 16: Security Requirements Mapping ................................................................................... 35 Table 17: Suitability of SFRs ......................................................................................................... 36 Table 18: Map of SFRs to TSS Security Functions....................................................................... 38 NetApp Security Target Page 5 of 39 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1 This Security Target (ST) defines the NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Target of Evaluation (TOE) for the purposes of Common Criteria (CC) evaluation. 2 The NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 provides a flexible software-defined object-based storage solution for various use cases involving unstructured data including large archives, media repositories, and web data stores. 3 NetApp StorageGRID seamlessly and intelligently transfers data between on-premises and public cloud storage for increased availability, protection, and performance. 4 StorageGRID also supports industry-standard object APIs such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and the Open Stack Swift API. Figure 1: Typical StorageGRID Appliance 1.2 Identification Table 1: Evaluation identifiers TOE Name NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 TOE Version, Build 20211207.0815.1972031 Security Target NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Security Target, v1.1 Evaluation Assurance Level EAL2+ 1.3 Conformance Claims 5 This ST supports the following conformance claims: a) CC version 3.1 Release 5 b) CC Part 2 conformant NetApp Security Target Page 6 of 39 c) CC Part 3 conformant d) EAL2+ augmented (ALC_FLR.1) 1.4 Terminology Table 2: Terminology Term Definition API Application Programming Interface ARN Amazon Resource Name CC Common Criteria EAL Evaluation Assurance Level HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure ILM Information Lifecycle Management NTP Network Time Protocol PP Protection Profile S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service SFP Security Function Policies SSH Secure Shell TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functionality UI User Interface 2 TOE Description 2.1 Type 6 The TOE is a data storage system. 2.2 Usage 7 The TOE consists of several grid nodes running in a cluster that complete the StorageGRID system as shown in Figure 1. At minimum, each site must have one Primary Admin node and three Storage nodes as depicted in Figure 2. NetApp Security Target Page 7 of 39 Figure 2: Example TOE deployment 8 The core components of the StorageGRID system are as follows: a) Admin Node. Admin nodes provide management services such as system configuration, monitoring, logging, and management of storage accounts. The Admin node is what is connected to when signing into the Grid Manager and Tenant Manager (described in Section 2.2.1 TOE Administration). Each grid must contain one Primary Admin node for performing maintenance and any number of non-primary admin nodes for redundancy. b) Storage Node. Storage nodes manage and store object data and metadata. Each grid must contain at least three storage nodes. If multiple sites are used, each site must also contain three storage nodes. 9 Each node runs the same core OS, but in addition contain services which are software modules that provide unique capabilities to the grid node. 10 At minimum, each site must contain one Admin Node and three Storage Nodes to create a functional grid network. 2.2.1 TOE Administration 11 Configuration, management, and monitoring functions for the StorageGRID system are accessed via: NetApp Security Target Page 8 of 39 a) Grid Manager. The Grid Manager UI provides the management environment for the TOE, Grid services, infrastructure topology, and creation of tenant accounts. Grid Manager also handles the data management policies and storage quotas for tenant accounts. The Grid Manager UI is hosted on an Admin Node. Each StorageGRID system must include one primary Admin Node and any number of non-primary Admin Nodes, however you can log in to any Admin Node to see similar views of the StorageGRID system. Bulk administration tasks can be performed via the associated Grid Manager REST API. b) Tenant Manager. The Tenant Manager UI provides the management environment for tenant accounts, and the users and data it contains. Tenant Manager also retains the S3 access keys for S3 users and any bucket policies specified. The Tenant Manager UI is also hosted on an Admin Node. The Tenant Manager provides an interface for tenant users to configure, manage, and monitor their storage accounts. Bulk administration tasks can be performed via the associated Tenant Manager REST API. c) CLI (SSH). Initial configuration, disaster recovery, and audit log access functions are performed via the CLI interface, but most administrative functionality is conducted through the browser-based Grid and Tenant Manager interfaces. 2.2.2 Client Communication 12 Client applications can store or retrieve objects by connecting to the Load Balancer service on Admin Nodes or directly to the Storage Nodes without a load balancer via the S3 REST API or Swift REST API. A corresponding S3 or Swift Tenant account must exist before API clients can store or retrieve objects. Each Tenant account has its own account ID, users and groups, and containers and objects. Tenant users can create and manage S3 buckets with the Tenant Manager, but they must have S3 access keys to use the S3 REST API to ingest, manage and access objects. 13 Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) rules are created by the Grid Administrator to manage object data ingested into the StorageGRID system via S3 REST API client applications. Once the specific rules are added to the ILM policy, StorageGRID can determine where and how object data is stored over time. 2.3 Security Functions / Logical Scope 14 The TOE provides the following security functions: a) Object Access Control. The TOE enforces an administrator defined access control policy governing S3 and Swift client access to StorageGRID objects and buckets. b) Data Protection. The TOE creates multiple replicas or Erasure Coded copies of objects according to an administrator-defined policy. This policy supports geographic rules to guard against site loss. Object data corruption is detected and repaired automatically when an object is accessed, or an administrator can trigger repairs after loss of physical storage. Three copies of object metadata are automatically created in each logical site. c) Security Management. The TOE provides administrators with the ability to manage its security features and functions. d) Security Audit. The TOE keeps audit records of security relevant events. e) Secure Communications. The TOE provides secure communications for remote administrators and external applications. 2.3.1 Unevaluated Security Functions 15 The evaluation is limited to those security functions identified in section 2.3 NetApp Security Target Page 9 of 39 16 Use of data-at-rest encryption in the SG5600 and SG5700 series appliances require the following: a) Secure-capable drives, either FDE or FIPS drives b) Security key to be used by the controller and drives for read/write access c) Enable Drive Security for pools and volume groups This functionality is not addressed by the security claims. 2.4 Physical Scope 17 The physical boundary of the TOE is the StorageGRID v11.5.0 software executing on the hardware identified in section 2.4.2. The TOE hardware is delivered via commercial courier and TOE software can be downloaded from the NetApp customer support portal. Note: A NetApp customer support account is required to access software downloads. 2.4.1 Guidance Documents 18 The TOE includes the following guidance documents (PDF): a) NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Administrator Guide, 215-15094_2021-05_en-us | May 2021 b) NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Tenant User’s Guide, 215-15097_2021-05_en-us | May 2021 c) NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Common Criteria Guidance Supplement, v1.1 | July 2022 19 Additional documentation can be found in the NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 Documentation Center: 2.4.2 TOE Hardware Components 20 The TOE includes the nodes listed in Table 3. All nodes run the same software and only have differences in CPU, memory, and drive capacity. Table 3: TOE Hardware Devices (Nodes) Model Manufacturer Processor SG1000 Services Appliance (Admin Node) NetApp Intel Xeon(R) Gold 6230 CPU (Cascade Lake) SG100 Services Appliance (Admin Node) NetApp Intel Xeon(R) Silver 4210R CPU (Cascade Lake) SG5612 Storage Appliance (Storage Node) NetApp Intel Xeon(R) CPU E5-1428L v2 (Ivy Bridge) SG5660 Storage Appliance (Storage Node) NetApp Intel Xeon(R) CPU E5-1428L v2 (Ivy Bridge) SG5712 Storage Appliance (Storage Node) NetApp Intel Xeon(R) CPU D-1548 (Broadwell) SG5760 Storage Appliance (Storage Node) NetApp Intel Xeon(R) CPU D-1548 (Broadwell) NetApp Security Target Page 10 of 39 2.4.3 Unevaluated Hardware 21 The NetApp StorageGRID 11.5 software is also supported on the following hardware appliances, but was not tested as part of this evaluation: a) NetApp SG6000 Series Storage Appliances b) NetApp SGF6000 Series Storage Appliances 2.4.4 Non-TOE Components 22 The TOE operates with the following components in the environment: a) NTP. The TOE synchronizes with a minimum of four and a maximum of six external time servers via Network Time Protocol (NTP) to provide reliable timestamps. 3 Security Problem Definition 3.1 Threats 23 Threat agents are categorized by two separate sources: a) TOE End Users/Clients. Consumers of the TOE who have user level access to TOE services or functions and could attempt to access data in which they are not privileged or intended to have access to. b) Non-TOE User Attackers. External entities that have access to publicly available information on the functional operation or feature sets of the TOE and may attempt to access information or alter parameters in which they are not privileged to for a malicious purpose. Table 4: Threats Identifier Description T.DATA_CORRUPTION Data could become corrupt or otherwise inaccessible due to hardware failure or invalid system access by TOE users or attackers. T.UNAUTHORIZED_ ADMIN_ACCESS A TOE end user, or attacker could gain access to StorageGRID data in which they are not authorized to access, resulting in compromise of the TSF or user data. T.INTERCEPT An attacker could intercept administrative communications or traffic thereby impacting the confidentiality and integrity of TSF data. T.MALFUNCTION The TOE, or TOE environment (including the network) could experience a malfunction or failure rendering the TOE inaccessible or non-functional. NetApp Security Target Page 11 of 39 3.2 Assumptions Table 5: Assumptions Identifier Description A.PHYSICAL_ACCESS_ CONTROL The TOE is located within a secure facility with controlled physical access. A.NO_EVIL Administrators act in good faith during the course of their duties and follow all guidance, best practices, and policies. A.CLUSTER_NETWORK The TOE is deployed on a local network that is protected from unauthorized access. 3.3 Organizational Security Policies 24 There are no Organizational Security Policies (OSPs) imposed upon the TOE or its operational environment. 4 Security Objectives 4.1 Objectives for the Operational Environment Table 6: Security Objectives for the Operational Environment Identifier Description OE.PHYSICAL The TOE shall be located within a secure facility with controlled access. OE.TRUSTED Administrators shall be trusted to act in good faith and follow guidance, and best practices in a trusted manner. OE.CLUSTER_NETWORK The TOE shall be deployed on a local network that is protected from unauthorized access (i.e. all nodes for a given instance of the TOE are deployed on the same local network). 4.2 Objectives for the TOE Table 7: Security Objectives Identifier Description O.AUDIT The TOE must record security relevant events and associate each event with the identity of the administrator that caused the event. The TOE must prevent unauthorized modification of the audit trail, prevent loss of audit trail data, and provide authorized administrators with the ability to review the audit trail. NetApp Security Target Page 12 of 39 Identifier Description O.ACCESS The TOE must implement rules to govern client access to objects and stored user data. O.ADMIN The TOE must include a set of functions that allow efficient management of its functions, security attributes, and TSF data, ensuring that only authorized TOE administrators (in defined roles) may exercise such control. O.AUTHENTICATE The TOE must be able to identify and authenticate administrators prior to allowing any access to TOE administrative functions and TSF data. An administrator's security attributes must be associated with every API and Web UI management action. O.USER_DATA_PROTECT The TOE must ensure the integrity of stored user data and metadata by monitoring for errors and providing the means for an authorized administrator to restore a volume (of user data) to a desired point- in-time. 5 Security Requirements 5.1 Conventions 25 This document uses the following font conventions to identify the operations defined by the CC: a) Assignment. Indicated with italicized text. b) Refinement. Indicated with bold text and strikethroughs. c) Selection. Indicated with underlined text. d) Assignment within a Selection: Indicated with italicized and underlined text. e) Iteration. Indicated by adding a string starting with “/” (e.g. “FCS_COP.1/Hash”). 5.2 Extended Components Definition 26 No extended components are defined. 5.3 Functional Requirements Table 8: Summary of SFRs Requirement Title FAU_GEN.1 Audit Data Generation FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control NetApp Security Target Page 13 of 39 Requirement Title FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_SDI.2 Stored data integrity monitoring and action FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_UAU.2 User authentication before any action FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action FMT_MOF.1 Management of security function behavior FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF data FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FPT_FLS.1 Failure with preservation of secure state FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FRU_FLT.1 Degraded fault tolerance FTA_SSL.3 TSF-Initiated Termination FTA_SSL.4 User-Initiated Termination FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel FTP_TRP.1 Trusted Path 5.3.1 Security Audit (FAU) FAU_GEN.1 Audit Data Generation Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions; NetApp Security Target Page 14 of 39 b) All auditable events for the not specified level of audit; and c) [Authentication events, Object events, Node events, Data Corruption events] FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the PP/ST, [Module ID, Node ID, Trace ID, Timestamp, Event Type, Version, Result/Message]. FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. 5.3.2 User Data Protection (FDP) FDP_ACC.1 Subset Access Control Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security Attribute Based Access Control FDP_ACC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [Tenant Storage Access Control SFP] on [ • Subjects: Principals (Users & Groups) • Objects: Resources (Buckets and objects) • Operations: Get, List, Create, Put, Delete] FDP_ACF.1 Security Attribute Based Access Control Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset Access Control FMT_MSA.3 Static Attribute Initialization FDP_ACF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [Tenant Storage Access Control SFP] to objects based on the following: [ a) Principal (user or group) security attributes: o Account username o Local permission group o S3 Access Key NetApp Security Target Page 15 of 39 b) Resource (bucket or object) security attributes: o S3 resource ARN o Policy variables inside the object key] FDP_ACF.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: [A Bucket policy attached to a bucket and configured to allow access to buckets/objects by users in the bucket owner tenant account (or other accounts to the bucket and the objects in it), or a Group policy configured in the Tenant Manager that is attached to a group and configured to allow access to objects/resources by users in a specific group]. FDP_ACF.1.3 The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: [no additional rules]. FDP_ACF.1.4 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: [No S3 Access (Default option, as configured in the Tenant Manager)]. FDP_SDI.2 Stored Data Integrity Monitoring and Action Hierarchical to: FDP_SDI.1 Stored Data Integrity Monitoring Dependencies: No Dependencies FDP_SDI.2.1 The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for [corrupt data fragments] on all objects, based on the following attributes: [checksum associated with the data]. FDP_SDI.2.2 Upon detection of a data integrity error, the TSF shall [remove the corrupt copy from its location and quarantine it elsewhere on the node. A new uncorrupted copy is generated and placed to satisfy the active ILM policy]. 5.3.3 Identification and Authentication (FIA) FIA_ATD.1 User Attribute Definition Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual users: [username, permission groups, password for local authentication, S3 access key]. FIA_UAU.2 User Authentication Before Any Action Hierarchical to: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of Authentication Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of Identification NetApp Security Target Page 16 of 39 FIA_UAU.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. FIA_UAU.5 Multiple Authentication Mechanisms Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_UAU.5.1 The TSF shall provide [local authentication mechanisms] to support user authentication. FIA_UAU.5.2 The TSF shall authenticate any user’s claimed identity according to the [username and password provided by the user and matching a local database]. FIA_UID.2 User Identification Before Any Action Hierarchical to: FIA_UID.1 Timing of Identification Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_UID.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 5.3.4 Security Management (FMT) FMT_MOF.1 Management of Security Functions Behavior Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MOF.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [perform the actions listed in Table 9 below] the functions [listed in Table 9 below] to [the roles listed in Table 9 below]. Table 9: Management of Security Functions Function Action Role/Permission Sign in to the Grid Manager Enable Grid Administrator (with at least one permission) Sign in to the Tenant Manager Enable Tenant Administrator (with at least one permission) Change own Password (local user) Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator*, Tenant Administrator* * - with at least one permission Access to all Grid administration features Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Root Access Permission) NetApp Security Target Page 17 of 39 Function Action Role/Permission Managing alerts (silences, notifications, rules) Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Manage Alerts Permission) Acknowledge and respond to alarms Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Acknowledge Alarms Permission) Access to Grid configuration pages and menu options Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Grid Topology Page Configuration Permission) Create Tenant accounts and manage Tenant group policies Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Tenant Accounts Permission) Tenant account root password Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Tenant Accounts Permission & Change Tenant Root Password Permission) Access to maintenance and recovery tasks, DNS and NTP network configuration, software updates, and licensing. Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Maintenance Permission) Access to system metrics page, perform metrics queries. Determine the behaviour of Grid Administrator (Metrics Query Permission) Access to ILM rules, policies, erasure coding, and regions menu options Modify the behaviour of Grid Administrator (ILM Permission) Full access to the Tenant Manager and Tenant Management API Modify the behaviour of Tenant Administrator (Root Access Permission) Full access to Swift containers and objects for tenant account Modify the behaviour of Tenant Administrator (Administrator Permission) Create and remove own S3 access keys Modify the behaviour of Tenant Administrator (Manage Own S3 Credentials*) * - S3 Tenants only Create and delete S3 buckets, manage settings for all S3 buckets in tenant account Modify the behaviour of Tenant Administrator (Manage All Containers Permission) NetApp Security Target Page 18 of 39 Function Action Role/Permission Create or edit endpoints to be used as destinations for platform services Modify the behaviour of Tenant Administrator (Manage Endpoints Permission) FMT_MSA.1 Management of Security Attributes Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset Access Control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset Information Flow Control] FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MSA.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [Tenant Storage Access Control SFP] to restrict the ability to [query, modify, delete, [add]] the security attributes [permission groups] to [Tenant Administrators]. FMT_MSA.3 Static Attribute Initialization Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_MSA.1 Management of Security Attributes FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the [Tenant Storage Access Control SFP] to provide [restrictive] default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow the [Tenant Administrator] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF Data Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [perform the operations listed in Table 10] to [Grid Administrators with the defined permission]. Table 10: Management of TSF Data Management Permission Operation Description Root Access Provides access to all grid administration features. Manage Alerts Provides access to options for managing alerts. Users must have this permission to manage silences, alert notifications, and alert rules. NetApp Security Target Page 19 of 39 Management Permission Operation Description Acknowledge Alarms (legacy systems) Provides access to acknowledge and respond to alarms (legacy systems). All signed-in users can view current and historical alarms. This permission allows a user to monitor grid topology and acknowledge alarms only. Grid Topology Page Configuration Provides access to the following menu options: • Configuration tabs in the Grid Topology page • Reset event counts in the Events tab Other Grid Configuration Provides access to additional grid configuration options Note: to access these additional options, users must also have the Grid Topology Page Configuration permission. • Alarms (legacy system) o Global Alarms o Email Setup • ILM o Storage Pools o Storage Grades • System Settings o Grid Options o Link Cost o Storage Options o Display Options • Monitoring o Events • Support o Auto Support Tenant Accounts Provides access to the Tenant Accounts page. Change Tenant Root Password Provides access to the Change Root Password button on the Tenant Accounts page. This allows control over who can change the password for the tenant’s local root user. Note: you must assign the Tenant Accounts permission to an admin group before this permission can be assigned. NetApp Security Target Page 20 of 39 Management Permission Operation Description Maintenance Provides access to the following menu options: • Configuration > System Settings o Domain Names* o Server Certificates* • Configuration > Monitoring o Audit* • Maintenance > Maintenance Tasks o Expansion o Decommission o Recovery • Maintenance > Network o Grid Network* o DNS Servers* o NTP Servers* • Maintenance > System o Software Update o License* o Recovery Package • Support o Logs *Users who do not have the Maintenance permission can view, but not edit, the pages marked with an asterisk. Metrics Query Provides access to the Support > Metrics page. Also provides access to custom metrics queries using the Metrics section of the Grid Management API. ILM Provides access to the following menu options: • ILM o Rules o Policies o Erasure Coding o Regions Object Metadata Lookup Provides access to the ILM > Object Metadata Lookup menu option. Storage Appliance Administrator Provides access to E-Series SANtricity System Manager. NetApp Security Target Page 21 of 39 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: [Manage alerts, acknowledge alarms, configure grid topology, configure tenant accounts, conduct Grid maintenance actions, view metrics and event logs, restore and repair data objects, control access to data objects (Tenant Administrator only)]. FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles Hierarchical to: No other dependencies Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of Identification FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles [Grid Administrator, Tenant Administrator]. FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. 5.3.5 Protection of the TSF (FPT) FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_FLS.1.1 The TSF shall preserve a secure state when the following types of failures occur: [one or more drive failures on a TOE node, a TOE node failure, or a TOE site failure]. FPT_STM.1 Reliable Time Stamps Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FPT_STM.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps. 5.3.6 Resource Utilization (FRU) FRU_FLT.1 Degraded Fault Tolerance Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State NetApp Security Target Page 22 of 39 FRU_FLT.1.1 The TSF shall ensure the operation of [availability of user data] when the following failures occur: [1 or more drive failures on a TOE node, a TOE node failure, or a TOE site failure]. 5.3.7 TOE Access (FTA) FTA_SSL.3 TSF-initiated Termination Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FTA_SSL.3.1 The TSF shall terminate an interactive session after a [Administrator-configurable time interval of session inactivity or expiration]. Application Note: Applicable to both the Grid Manager and Tenant Manager administrative interfaces which includes the associated REST API’s. FTA_SSL.4 User-initiated Termination Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FTA_SSL.4.1 The TSF shall allow user-initiated termination of user’s own interactive session. 5.3.8 Trusted Path/Channels (FTP) FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FTP_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2 The TSF shall permit [another trusted It product] to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3 The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [no other functions]. FTP_TRP.1 Trusted Path Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies NetApp Security Target Page 23 of 39 FTP_TRP.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication path between itself and [remote] users administrators that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the communicated data from [disclosure]. FTP_TRP.1.2 The TSF shall permit [remote users administrators] to initiate communication via the trusted path. FTP_TRP.1.3 The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for [[all remote administration actions]]. 5.4 Assurance Requirements 27 The TOE security assurance requirements are summarized in Table 11 commensurate with EAL2+ (ALC_FLR.1). Table 11: Assurance Requirements Assurance Class Components Description ADV: Development ADV_ARC.1 Security Architecture Description ADV_FSP.2 Security-enforcing Functional Specification ADV_TDS.1 Basic Design AGD: Guidance Documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational User Guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative Procedures ALC: Life Cycle Support ALC_CMC.2 Use of a CM System ALC_CMS.2 Parts of the TOE CM Coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery Procedures ALC_FLR.1 Basic Flaw Remediation ASE: Security Target Evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance Claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended Components Definition ASE_INT.1 ST Introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security Objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived Security Requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security Problem Definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE Summary Specification NetApp Security Target Page 24 of 39 Assurance Class Components Description ATE: Tests ATE_COV.1 Evidence of Coverage ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent Testing - sample AVA: Vulnerability Assessment AVA_VAN.2 Vulnerability Analysis NetApp Security Target Page 25 of 39 6 TOE Summary Specification 6.1 Object Access Control 28 The TOE enforces an administrator defined access control policy governing S3 and Swift client access to StorageGRID objects and buckets. Table 12: Security Function SFRs SFR Fulfilment FDP_ACC.1 The TOE enforces the Tenant Storage Access Control SFP to control subject/principal access to StorageGRID objects and resources. Principals are defined by users and groups that are the subjects to an object or resource. Resources are defined by buckets and the objects contained within the bucket. StorageGRID implements a subset of the S3 REST API policy language that uses JSON format for writing policies. Bucket policies are configured using the GET, PUT, and DELETE Bucket policy S3 API operations. Bucket policies are attached to buckets and are configured to control access by users in the bucket owner account or other accounts to the bucket and the objects in it. Bucket policies apply to one bucket and potentially many groups. FDP_ACF.1 Access to objects is configured by a Tenant administrator defining the security attributes of the subjects/principals (users & groups) including identity ARN, and account username. Group policies are configured using the Tenant Manager or Tenant Management API. Group policies are attached to a group in the account and are configured to allow a specific group access to specific resources owned by that account. Group policies apply to one group and possibly many buckets. StorageGRID supports S3 IAM policies enabling the specification of granular access controls by tenant, bucket, or object prefix. Support for IAM policy conditions and variables is also provided by StorageGRID for more dynamic policies. This allows for administrators to specify access by user groups for the whole tenant as well as individual user buckets and objects. Each user of an S3 tenant account must have an access key to store and retrieve objects on the StorageGRID system. Access keys consist of an access key ID and a secret access key. Users that are granted the Manage Your Own S3 Credentials permission can create or remove their own S3 access keys. Users who have the Root Access permission can manage the access keys for the S3 root account, and all other users. 6.2 Data Protection 29 The TOE creates multiple replicas or Erasure Coded copies of objects according to an administrator-defined policy. This policy supports geographic rules to guard against site loss. Object data corruption is detected and repaired automatically, although an administrator can trigger repairs after loss of physical storage. 30 The TOE also automatically creates three copies of object metadata in each logical site. These copies are stored in a Cassandra database and are evenly distributed across storage nodes. An administrator can trigger repairs after loss of physical storage. NetApp Security Target Page 26 of 39 Table 13: Security Function SFRs SFR Fulfilment FPT_FLS.1 The TOE is designed to preserve a secure state when a failure of a drive or node occurs. The TOE creates physically and logically redundant environments. Each site must contain a minimum of three storage nodes to achieve fault tolerance. Exact copies of data that are then created and replicated to other Storage Nodes or Archive Nodes. In the event of a failure, the replicated copies of the data can be retrieved from another node. FRU_FLT.1 The TOE ensures the availability of user data should a failure of a drive or node occur. Erasure coding is implemented to fragment data and distributed it across nodes for redundancy. Each object is divided into fragments. Parity fragments are then created from the object data and distributed across different nodes. Should a data or parity fragment become corrupt, the erasure coding algorithm can rebuild the corrupt fragment using the remaining data and parity fragments. FDP_SDI.2 The TOE actively monitors stored user data for corrupt fragments. After every 64KB of data, a CRC32 checksum is added which is checked by integrity verification processes as well as on reads and replication events. Two object integrity verification processes are implemented by the TOE: Background Verification and Foreground Verification. Background verification automatically runs in the background to continuously check Storage nodes for the correctness of object data. Foreground verification is manually triggered by a user to verify the existence of objects. Background verification will identify any corrupt copies of object data and attempt to repair issues automatically. Background verification checks the integrity of both replicated objects and erasure-coded objects. Corrupt objects are not deleted from the system, they are instead quarantined in order that they may still be accessed. Object metadata is also protected with a CRC32 checksum that is checked automatically on read events. Object metadata is stored in a Cassandra database which is called a metadata store. Three copies of object metadata are retained and distributed across storage nodes to prevent metadata loss. 6.3 Security Management 31 The TOE provides administrators with the ability to manage its security features and functions. SFR Fulfilment FIA_ATD.1 The TOE maintains a record of security attributes for each user in a local database. These attributes include: username, password, and assigned permissions groups. FIA_UAU.2 The TOE does not offer any functionality to an administrator prior to authentication. Administrators must be part of a group that is assigned at least one permission in order to sign in to the grid manager or tenant manager. NetApp Security Target Page 27 of 39 SFR Fulfilment FIA_UAU.5 The TOE authenticates users with a local authentication mechanism. Users must provide a username and password credential that matches a local database entry. FIA_UID.2 The TOE does not offer any functionality or actions to be taken on behalf of a user before they are successfully identified and authenticated. Administrators must be a member of a group that is assigned at least one permission in order to claim an identity and successfully authenticate against that identity. FMT_MOF.1 The TSF requires at least one management permission to be assigned to an admin group, otherwise users belonging to that group will not be able to sign-in to the Grid Manager or Tenant Manager. By default, any Grid Manager user who belongs to a group that has at least one management permission assigned to it can perform the following tasks: - Sign-in to the Grid Manager - View the Dashboard - View the Nodes pages - Monitor the Grid topology - View current and historical alerts and alarms - Change their own password - View limited information on the Configuration and Maintenance pages For more granular control over the management of security functions in the Grid Manager, users must be a member of a group that is assigned one or more of the following permissions: - Root Access – Provides access to all grid administration features. - Manage Alerts – Provides access to options for managing alerts, silences, notifications, and rules. - Acknowledge Alarms – Provides access to acknowledge and respond to alarms. - Grid Topology Page Configuration – Provides access to the Grid Topology configuration menu tabs and event count reset link in the events page. - Other Grid Configuration – Provides access to additional grid configuration options including global alarms, ILM storage pools, display options, and support. - Tenant Accounts – Provides access to the Tenant Accounts page. - Change Tenant Root Password – Provides access to the Change Root Password button on the Tenant Accounts page. - Maintenance – Provides access to system settings for domain names and server certificates, expansion, decommission, and NetApp Security Target Page 28 of 39 SFR Fulfilment recovery tasks, DNS and NTP network settings, and software updates including license and recovery options. - Metrics Query – Provides access to the Metrics page, and metrics queries. - ILM – Provides access to ILM rules, policies, erasure coding settings, and region configuration. - Object Metadata Lookup – Provides access to the Object Metadata Lookup feature. - Storage Appliance Administrator – Provides access to E-Series SANtricity System Manager. By default, any Tenant Manager user who belongs to a group that has at least one management permission assigned to it can perform the following tasks: - Sign-in to the Tenant Manager - View the Dashboard - Change their own password (local users) For more granular control over the management of security functions in the Tenant Manager, users must be a member of a group that is assigned one or more of the following permissions: - Root Access – Provides full access to the Tenant Manager and the Tenant Management API. - Administrator – Swift tenants only. Provides access to the Swift containers and objects for the specific tenant account. Swift users must have this permission to perform any operations with the Swift REST API. - Manage Your Own S3 Credentials – S3 tenants only. Allows users to create and remove their own S3 access keys. - Manage All Buckets – Allows users to change settings of all S3 buckets (or Swift containers) in the account. - Manage Endpoints – S3 tenants only. Allows users to configure endpoints to be used as destinations for StorageGRID platform services. FMT_MSA.1 The TSF restricts the ability to query, modify, delete, or add security attributes to administrators that are either assigned the required permissions directly, or has membership to an admin group that is assigned the required permission to execute actions on security attributes. FMT_MSA.3 The TOE only allows administrators within function-specific groups to override default values or configurations for a given security function. This behaviour is replicated for newly created objects or information. By default, access is denied to objects unless explicitly granted by an administrator. FMT_MTD.1 The TSF defines several management permissions that allow specific actions or operations to be taken allowing for administrative separation of duties and least privilege principle. NetApp Security Target Page 29 of 39 SFR Fulfilment Grid Administrators assigned to groups with appropriate permissions are permitted to manage and modify the configuration of the Grid topology, network parameters, alert and alarms, and recovery functions. Tenant Administrators are denied access to Grid Management features and functionality, but with appropriate permissions are permitted to manage access to data contained within the tenant account and the users that may access it. FMT_SMF.1 The TOE is capable of performing the following management functions: Providing alerting and alarm functions, node and topology configuration, creating storage pools, controlling access to storage objects, managing Tenant accounts, maintenance of the Grid topology, and recovery functions. FMT_SMR.1 All local users created on the TOE are of administrative function. By default, newly created accounts will not have any access or be able to log into the TOE unless the account becomes a member of a group with at least one administrative permission. FTA_SSL.3 The TOE implements a session timeout feature that allows an administrator to control whether Grid Manager and Tenant Manager users are automatically signed out if they are inactive for more than a configurable period of time. By default, the GUI inactivity timeout occurs at 900 seconds (15 minutes) and can be increased or decreased. If a user’s browser session times out, the system behaves as if the user clicked ‘Sign Out’ manually, and therefore the user must re-enter their credentials to regain access. The Management API supports the Bearer Token Authentication Scheme and issues a security token if the user is successfully authenticated. These security tokens have a default expiration time of 16 hours but is configurable by an administrator. FTA_SSL.4 The TOE provides a Sign Out feature to allow administrators to terminate their own session by manually signing out of an interactive session. 6.4 Security Audit 32 The TOE keeps audit records of security relevant events. SFR Fulfilment FAU_GEN.1 The TOE generates audit records for the following events: start-up and shut- down events, authentication events, object events including requests to retrieve, create, or modify an object, node events, data verification and corruption events. For each event logged, the TOE collects and logs the following information: Module ID, Node ID, Trace ID, Timestamp, Event type, Version of the audit message (for new versions of services), and Result (the outcome of the event). Only administrators with the ‘Maintenance’ permission are able to delete the audit log. FAU_GEN.2 The TOE generates audit records of events that include the identity (where applicable) of the user that triggered or caused the event. NetApp Security Target Page 30 of 39 SFR Fulfilment FPT_STM.1 The TOE provides reliable time stamps by synchronizing with an external NTP server. In each site, a minimum of two nodes in the StorageGRID system must be assigned the Primary NTP role for redundancy. These nodes must then synchronize to a minimum of four and maximum of six external time sources. The primary NTP nodes will then provide reliable time source to the other nodes within the grid. 6.5 Secure Communications 33 The TOE provides secure communications for remote administrators and external applications. SFR Fulfilment FTP_ITC.1 The TOE uses HTTPS to protect communications between itself and the S3 and Swift API clients. The TOE implements TLS 1.2 and 1.3 only and supports the following ciphersuites for the client access interface: TLS v1.2 • TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 • TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 • TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS v1.3 • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 The ciphersuites listed above are not configurable. FTP_TRP.1 The TOE protects all communications between remote administrators and the Grid Manager, Tenant Manager, and API via HTTPS. The TOE implements TLS 1.2 and 1.3 only and supports the following ciphersuites for the web management interface. TLS v1.2 • TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 • TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 NetApp Security Target Page 31 of 39 SFR Fulfilment • TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS v1.3 • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 The TOE also provides a CLI interface for initial configuration and maintenance activities that is accessible to an administrator via SSHv2 with the following characteristics (in the evaluated configuration): • Password based and public key based authentication is supported with the following types: ▪ ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ▪ ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ▪ ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ▪ rsa-sha2-512 ▪ rsa-sha2-256 ▪ ssh-rsa ▪ ssh-ed25519 • Encryption with support for the following ciphers: ▪ aes128-ctr ▪ aes192-ctr ▪ aes256-ctr ▪ ▪ • Data integrity for SSH connections with support for the following MAC algorithms: ▪ hmac-sha1 ▪ ▪ hmac-sha2-256 ▪ ▪ hmac-sha2-512 ▪ • Secure key exchange with support for the following algorithms: ▪ ecdh-sha2-nistp256 ▪ ecdh-sha2-nistp384 NetApp Security Target Page 32 of 39 SFR Fulfilment ▪ ecdh-sha2-nistp521 ▪ diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 ▪ diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 ▪ diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 ▪ diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 ▪ curve25519-sha256 ▪ NetApp Security Target Page 33 of 39 7 Rationale 7.1 Security Objectives Rationale 34 Table 14 provides a coverage mapping between security objectives, threats, OSPs and assumptions. Table 14: Security Objectives Mapping T.DATA_CORRUPTION T.UNAUTHORIZED_ADMIN_ ACCESS T.INTERCEPT T.MALFUNCTION A.PHYSICAL_ACCESS_ CONTROL A.NO_EVIL A.CLUSTER_NETWORK O.AUDIT X X O.ACCESS X O.ADMIN X O.AUTHENTICATE X O.USER_DATA_ PROTECT X X OE.PHYSICAL X X X OE.TRUSTED X OE.CLUSTER_ NETWORK X X 35 Table 15 provides the justification to show that the security objectives are suitable to address the security problem. Table 15: Suitability of Security Objectives Element Justification T.DATA_CORRUPTION O.AUDIT requires that security relevant events including unauthorized access or modification attempts to the TOE are recorded. O.USER_DATA_PROTECT ensures that all data and metadata is monitored for errors or corruption and if detected, can be restored to a known good state or point in time. NetApp Security Target Page 34 of 39 Element Justification T.UNAUTHORIZED_ADMIN_ ACCESS O.AUDIT requires that security relevant events including unauthorized access or modification attempts to the TOE are recorded. O.ACCESS enforces rules to control both client access to stored data objects and administrative access to the TOE for authorized users only. O.ADMIN ensures that all functionality that facilitates the secure management of TOE functions, attributes, and data are accessible only to authorized administrators with appropriate permissions. O.AUTHENTICATE protects the TOE from unauthorized access by enforcing complete identification and authentication processes prior to allowing access to the TOE and its TSF data. OE.PHYSICAL satisfies the assumption by requiring the TOE environment to provide appropriate physical protection for the TOE and network resources. T.INTERCEPT OE.CLUSTER_NETWORK ensures that all Administrative workstations are secured from external interference or tampering and integrity of communications are protected. T.MALFUNCTION O.USER_DATA_PROTECT ensures that all data and metadata is monitored for errors or corruption and if detected, can be restored to a known good state or point in time. A.PHYSICAL_ACCESS_ CONTROL OE.PHYSICAL satisfies the assumption by requiring the TOE environment to provide appropriate physical protection for the TOE and network resources. A.NO_EVIL OE.TRUSTED satisfies the assumption by trusting administrators to act in good faith by following all guidance, best practices and policies for the secure administration of the TOE. A.CLUSTER_NETWORK OE.PHYSICAL satisfies the assumption by requiring the TOE environment to provide appropriate physical protection for the TOE and network resources. OE.CLUSTER_NETWORK. ensures that all Administrative workstations are secured from external interference or tampering and integrity of communications are protected. 7.2 Security Requirements Rationale 7.2.1 SAR Rationale 36 EAL2 was chosen to provide a level of assurance that is consistent with good commercial practices with the addition of ALC_FLR.1 to provide assurance that any identified security flaws will be addressed. NetApp Security Target Page 35 of 39 7.2.2 SFR Rationale Table 16: Security Requirements Mapping O.AUDIT O.ACCESS O.ADMIN O.AUTHENTICATE O.USER_DATA_PROTECT FAU_GEN.1 X FAU_GEN.2 X FDP_ACC.1 X FDP_ACF.1 X FDP_SDI.2 X FIA_ATD.1 X FIA_UAU.2 X FIA_UAU.5 X FIA_UID.2 X FMT_MOF.1 X FMT_MSA.1 X FMT_MSA.3 X FMT_MTD.1 X FMT_SMF.1 X FMT_SMR.1 X FPT_FLS.1 X FPT_STM.1 X FRU_FLT.1 X NetApp Security Target Page 36 of 39 O.AUDIT O.ACCESS O.ADMIN O.AUTHENTICATE O.USER_DATA_PROTECT FTA_SSL.3 X FTA_SSL.4 X FTP_ITC.1 X FTP_TRP.1 X Table 17: Suitability of SFRs Objectives SFRs O.AUDIT FAU_GEN.1 satisfies the objective by ensuring the TOE maintains records of security related events that include relevant details. FAU_GEN.2 satisfies the objective by ensuring all API calls, WebUI, and CLI actions are associated with the specific administrator that caused the event. FPT_STM.1 meets the objective by providing reliable timestamps for use in audit records and other functions. O.ACCESS FDP_ACC.1 meets the objective by enforcing the Tenant Storage Access Control SFP on all subjects, objects, and operations by ensuring it is applied to all storage connection attempts by clients. FDP_ACF.1 meets the objective by ensuring that the TOE enforces the Tenant Storage Access Control SFP on all storage connection attempts by clients and ensuring the correct security attributes for each client are present for authorized access. FTP_ITC.1 meets the objective by providing a trusted communication channel that is protected from disclosure of data in transit by using a secure protocol. O.ADMIN FMT_MOF.1 satisfies the objective by ensuring that administrative functions are restricted to administrators with sufficient privileges to access the specific function. FMT_MSA.1 meets the objective by ensuring that the management of security attributes is restricted to administrators with specific permissions to modify that data. NetApp Security Target Page 37 of 39 Objectives SFRs FMT_MSA.3 meets the objective by ensuring that administrative functions are restricted to administrators with the appropriate privileges. FMT_MTD.1 satisfies the objective by ensuring that access to TSF data is restricted to administrators that are assigned to appropriate permissions groups. FMT_SMF.1 meets the objective by ensuring that sufficient administrative functions are provided by the TOE to manage the TSF FMT_SMR.1 satisfies the objective by ensuring that users are associated with roles or permission groups by the TOE to provide access to specific TSF management functions, security attributes, and TSF data. FTA_SSL.3 meets the objective by ensuring that the TOE initiates a termination of an idle interactive session. FTA_SSL.4 meets the objective by ensuring that an administrative user can initiate the termination of an interactive session. FTP_TRP.1 satisfies this objective by ensuring the protection of network traffic between remote administrators and the TOE via a secure protocol. O.AUTHENTICATE FIA_ATD.1 meets the objective by ensuring the TOE stores administrative user security attributes that are used for identification and authentication. FIA_UAU.2 meets the objective by ensuring that the TOE successfully authenticates users prior to permitting access to TSF functions or data. FIA_UAU.5 meets the objective by providing a local authentication mechanism for authentication. FIA_UID.2 meets the objective by ensuring that each user is successfully identified before access to TSF functionality is granted. O.USER_DATA_PROTECT FDP_SDI.2 meets the objective by ensuring user data is monitored for integrity errors and corruption. FPT_FLS.1 meets the objective by ensuring the TOE maintains a secure state should a drive, node, or site fail. FRU_FLT.1 meets the objective by ensuring the continued operation of all TOE capabilities in the event of a drive, node, or site failure. NetApp Security Target Page 38 of 39 7.3 TOE Summary Specification Rationale 37 Table 18 provides a coverage mapping showing that all SFRs are mapped to the security functions described in the TSS. Table 18: Map of SFRs to TSS Security Functions Object Access Control Data Protection Security Management Security Audit Secure Communications FAU_GEN.1 X FAU_GEN.2 X FDP_ACC.1 X FDP_ACF.1 X FDP_SDI.2 X FIA_ATD.1 X FIA_UAU.2 X FIA_UAU.5 X FIA_UID.2 X FMT_MOF.1 X FMT_MSA.1 X FMT_MSA.3 X FMT_MTD.1 X FMT_SMF.1 X FMT_SMR.1 X FPT_FLS.1 X FPT_STM.1 X FRU_FLT.1 X NetApp Security Target Page 39 of 39 Object Access Control Data Protection Security Management Security Audit Secure Communications FTA_SSL.3 X FTA_SSL.4 X FTP_ITC.1 X FTP_TRP.1 X