Ärendetyp: 6 Diarienummer: 15FMV5784-47:1 Dokument ID FMVID-297-1231 Template: CSEC_mall_doc, 7.0 HEMLIG/ enligt Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (2009:400) 2016-03-11 Country of origin: Sweden Försvarets materielverk Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD Issue: 1.0, 2016-mar-11 Authorisation: Dag Ströman, Head of CSEC , CSEC Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 2 (21) Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Identification 5 3 Security Policy 6 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope 7 4.1 Usage Assumptions 7 4.2 Environmental Assumptions 7 4.3 Clarification of Scope 7 5 Architectural Information 9 5.1 TOE Design 9 6 Documentation 12 7 IT Product Testing 13 7.1 Developer Tests 13 7.2 Independent Evaluator Tests 13 7.3 Penetration Tests 13 8 Evaluated Configuration 15 8.1 Dependencies to Other Hardware, Firmware and Software 15 8.2 Excluded from the TOE Evaluated Configuration 15 9 Results of the Evaluation 16 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations 17 11 Glossary 18 12 Bibliography 20 Appendix A QMS Consistency 21 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 3 (21) 1 Executive Summary The TOE is the Lexmark Multi-Function Printers MX410, MX510, MX511, MX610, MX611, MX710, MX711, XM1145, XM3150, XM5163, XM5170, CX410, CX510 and Dell B3465 and B5465. Firmware versions:  LW50.SB4.P555: MX410, MX510, MX511, XM1145  LW50.SB7.P555: MX610, MX611, XM3150, Dell B3465  LW50.TU.P555: MX710, MX711, XM5163, XM5170, Dell B5465  LW50.GM4.P555: CX410  LW50.GM7.P555: CX510 Conformance is claimed to PP Identification: 2600.1, Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices, Operational Environment A, version 1.0, dated January 2009 PP Conform- ance:  “2600.1-PP, Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices, Operational Environment A,” “2600.1-PRT, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Print Functions, Operation- al Environment A,”  “2600.1-SCN, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Scan Functions, Operational Environment A,”  “2600.1-CPY, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Copy Functions, Operational Environment A,”  “2600.1-FAX, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Fax Functions, Operational En- vironment A,” and  “2600.1-SMI, SFR Package for Hardcopy Device Shared-medium Interface Func- tions, Operational Environment A” This Security Target claims demonstrable conformance to the Security Problem Defi- nition (APE_SPD), Security Objectives (APE_OBJ), Extended Components Defini- tions (APE_ECD), and the Common Security Functional Requirements (APE_REQ) of the referenced PP. This TOE performs the functions F.PRT, F.SCN, F.CPY, F.FAX, and F.SMI as de- fined in the referenced PP and claims demonstrable conformance to the augmented SFR packages defined for each of these functions. The evaluation has been performed by Combitech AB and EWA-Canada. The evalua- tion was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Common Criteria, version 3.1, release 4, and the Common Methodology for IT security Evaluation, version 3.1, release 4. The evaluation was performed at the evaluation assurance level EAL3, augmented by ALC_FLR.2. Combitech AB is a licensed evaluation facility for Common Criteria under the Swe- dish Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme. Combitech AB is also accredited by the Swedish accreditation body SWEDAC according to ISO/IEC 17025 for Common Criteria evaluation. EWA-Canada operates as a Forign location for Combitech AB within scope of the Swedish Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme. The certifier monitored the activities of the evaluator by reviewing all successive ver- sions of the evaluation reports. The certifier determined that the evaluation results confirm the security claims in the Security Target [ST], and have been reached in agreement with the requirements of the Common Criteria and the Common Methodol- ogy for evaluation assurance level: Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 4 (21) EAL 3 + ALC_FLR.2. The certification results only apply to the version of the product indicated in the cer- tificate, and on the condition that all the stipulations in the Security Target are met. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT product by CSEC or any other organ- isation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT product by CSEC or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate is either expressed or implied. The invocation of cryptographic primitives has been included in the scope of this evaluation, while correctness of implementation of cryptographic primitives been excluded from the TOE. Correctness of implementation is done by vendor affirma- tion through CAVP certification referred to in the Security Target. Users of this product is advised to consider their acceptance of this affirmation. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 5 (21) 2 Identification Certification Identification Certification ID CSEC2015006 Name and version of the certified IT product Firmware for Multi-Function Devices (Printers) Lexmark MX410, MX510, MX511, MX610, MX611, MX710, MX711, XM1145, XM3150, XM5163, XM5170, CX410, CX510 and Dell B3465 and B5465 Firmware versions:  LW50.SB4.P555: MX410, MX510, MX511, XM1145  LW50.SB7.P555: MX610, MX611, XM3150, Dell B3465  LW50.TU.P555: MX710, MX711, XM5163, XM5170, Dell B5465  LW50.GM4.P555: CX410  LW50.GM7.P555: CX510 Security Target Identification Lexmark MX410, MX510, MX511, MX610, MX611, MX710, MX711, XM1145, XM3150, XM5163, XM5170, CX410, CX510 and Dell B3465 and B5465 Multi-Function Printers Security Target, [ST]. EAL EAL3+ ALC_FLR.2. CCRA recognition for components up to EAL 2 and ALC_FLR only Sponsor Lexmark International Technologies S.A. Developer Lexmark International Technologies S.A. ITSEF Combitech AB Common Criteria version 3.1, revision 4 CEM version 3.1, revision 4 Certification completion date 2016-03-11 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 6 (21) 3 Security Policy The TOE consists of eight security functions. Below is a short description of each of them. For more information, see Security Target [ST] Audit Generation The TOE generates audit event records for security-relevant events. A severity level is associated with each type of audita- ble event; only events at or below the severity level configured by an administrator are generated. Identification and Authentication Users are required to successfully complete the I&A process before they are permitted to access any restricted functionality. The set of restricted user functionality is under the control of the administrators, with the exception of submission of net- work print jobs which is always allowed. Users are permitted to access any TOE functionality that has a corresponding ac- cess configured for “no security”. Access Control Access control validates the user access request against the authorizations configured by administrators for specific func- tions. On a per-item basis, authorization may be configured as “disabled” (no access), “no security” (open to all users), or restricted (via security templates) (some items do not support all three options). Management The TOE provides the ability for authorized administrators to manage TSF data from remote IT systems via a browser ses- sion or locally via the touch panel. Authorization is granular, enabling different administrators to be granted access to dif- ferent TSF data. When an administrator modifies TSF data, an audit record is generated Fax Separation The Fax Separation security function assures that the infor- mation on the TOE, and the information on the network to which the TOE is attached, is not exposed through the phone line that provides connectivity for the fax function. This func- tion assures that only printable documents are accepted via incoming fax connections, and that the only thing transmitted over an outgoing fax connection (in the evaluated configura- tion) is a document that was scanned for faxing. D.DOC Wiping In the evaluated configuration, the TOE automatically over- writes RAM used to store user data as soon as the buffer is released. Secure Communica- tions IPSec with ESP is required for all network datagram exchang- es with remote IT systems. IPSec provide confidentiality, in- tegrity and authentication of the endpoints. Supported encryp- tion options for ESP are TDES and AES. SHA is supported for HMACs. Self Test During initial start-up, the TOE performs self tests on the hardware. The integrity of the security templates and building blocks is verified by ensuring that all the security templates specified in access controls exist and that all building blocks referenced by security templates exist. The integrity of the stored TSF executable code by calculating a hash of the exe- cutable code and comparing it to a saved value. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 7 (21) 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope 4.1 Usage Assumptions The following assumption about the usage are made: A.ADMIN.TRAINING Administrators are aware of the security policies and proce- dures of their organization, are trained and competent to follow the manufacturer’s guidance and documentation, and correctly configure and operate the TOE in accord- ance with those policies and procedures. A.ADMIN.TRUST Administrators do not use their privileged access rights for mali- cious purposes. A.USER.TRAINING TOE Users are aware of the security policies and procedures of their organization, and are trained and competent to follow those policies and proce- dures. 4.2 Environmental Assumptions The following assumption about the environment are made: A.ACCESS.MANAGED The TOE is located in a restricted or monitored environment that provides protection from unmanaged access to the physical components and data interfaces of the TOE. A.IPSEC IPSec with ESP is used between the TOE and all remote IT systems with which it communicates over the network using IPv4 and/or IPv6. 4.3 Clarification of Scope Four categories of threat agents are defined:  Persons who are not permitted to use the TOE who may attempt to use the TOE.  Persons who are authorized to use the TOE who may attempt to use TOE func- tions for which they are not authorized.  Persons who are authorized to use the TOE who may attempt to access data in ways for which they are not authorized.  Persons who unintentionally cause a software malfunction that may expose the TOE to unanticipated threats. The identified threats against the TOE are listed below:  T.CONF.ALT TSF Confidential Data may be altered by unauthorized persons  T.CONF.DIS TSF Confidential Data may be disclosed to unauthorized persons  T.DOC.ALT User Document Data may be altered by unauthorized persons  T.DOC.DIS User Document Data may be disclosed to unauthorized persons  T.FUNC.ALT User Function Data may be altered by unauthorized persons  T.PROT.ALT TSF Protected Data may be altered by unauthorized persons Four Organisational Security Policies are defined.  P.AUDIT.LOGGING To preserve operational accountability and security, records that provide an audit trail of TOE use and security-relevant events will be created, maintained, and protected from unauthorized disclosure or alteration, and will be reviewed by authorized personnel Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 8 (21)  P.INTERFACE.MANAGEMENT To prevent unauthorized use of the external in- terfaces of the TOE, operation of those interfaces will be controlled by the TOE and its IT environment.  P.SOFTWARE.VERIFICATION To detect corruption of the executable code in the TSF, procedures will exist to self-verify executable code in the TSF.  P.USER.AUTHORIZATION To preserve operational accountability and security, Users will be authorized to use the TOE only as permitted by the TOE Owner. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 9 (21) 5 Architectural Information 5.1 TOE Design The following TOE model is adapted from the Protection Profile, ref. [PP]. Figure 1, TOE model The TOE is comprised of the following subsystems: Operating System The Operating System subsystem provides standard operating system services such as file system, process management, timers and memory management. The memory management functionality zeroizes buffers in memory upon deallocation. The Operating System subsystem executes a series of self-tests of the MFP upon each start-up of the system. This subsystem also maintains the system time, which is used to insert timestamps into audit records when they are generated. GUI Manager The GUI Manager subsystem handles all interactions with local users via the touch screen and keypad. This subsystem retrieves (from the Object Store subsystem) and displays the appropriate information on the touch screen and processes input from the touch screen and keypad. When configuration changes are made, the updated infor- mation is sent to the Object Store subsystem to be saved and acted on. User Authentication The User Authentication subsystem handles all validation of user credentials and au- thorizations, whether the validation is performed locally or remotely. When creden- tials or authorization checks are received from the GUI Manager or Web Server sub- systems, User Authentication retrieves information from Object Store to determine if local, remote, or PKI validation should be performed. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 10 (21) Object Store The Object Store subsystem is responsible for managing the storage of configuration parameters, forwarding audit records between the generating subsystem and the Audit subsystem, and forwarding user jobs between the receiving subsystem and the destina- tion subsystem. This subsystem also maintains a list of pending user jobs. Audit The Audit subsystem is responsible for formatting audit information into the standard Syslog format, inserting a timestamp, and forwarding the audit records to the config- ured Syslog server. If NTP is configured, this subsystem also interacts with the con- figured NTP server(s) to maintain the system time. Network Interface The Network Interface subsystem is responsible for all interactions with the Network Interface Card and provides all the processing of network protocol layers that are common to multiple software subsystems (e.g. TCP, IP, IPSec). This subsystem inter- acts with remote IT systems via the network protocols. Since cryptography is required for several of the network protocols to establish trusted channels, this subsystem par- ticipates in key management functions and invokes the Crypto Library subsystem to perform cryptographic operations. All communication with remote IT systems is re- quired to use IPSec. Print The Print subsystem processes received print jobs from the network interface, scanner and fax line (via the Object Store subsystem). Received network print jobs are queued to be deleted after the print job expiration timeout if they do not contain a PJL SET USERNAME statement. Audit information is generated as jobs are received, indicat- ing the job is created. The user jobs are converted to raster images and queued for printing. The list of user jobs waiting to be printed is communicated to the Object Store subsystem. Audit information is generated as jobs are completed. Scan Manager The Scan Manager subsystem is responsible for controlling the operation of the scan- ner hardware and formatting the scanned images into an appropriate format. This sub- system invokes the Operating System subsystem to save the user data on the hard drive in encrypted form. The format may be an email message with an attachment for scan-to-email operations or scan-to-fax operations (when fax server is configured), or raster image for copy operations or scan-to-fax operations (when analog fax is config- ured). The currently logged in user on the touch screen is the user associated with the job. Once formatted, the user job is sent to the Object Store subsystem for delivery to the destination subsystem. Email The Email subsystem is responsible for forwarding user jobs to a remote IT system via SMTP. In the evaluated configuration, the user jobs may have originated from a scan- to-email operation or a scan-to-fax operation with the fax server configured. The Op- erating System subsystem is invoked to open the file containing the user data and de- crypt it. When the user job has been forwarded, the Operating System subsystem is in- voked to delete the file containing the user data and zeroize the memory in which the data was stored. Audit information is generated upon job completion and forwarded to the Audit subsystem via the Object Store subsystem Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 11 (21) Web Server The Web Server subsystem is responsible for providing user access to TOE functions from remote IT systems via browser sessions. This subsystem retrieves (from the Ob- ject Store subsystem) and presents the appropriate information for display. When con- figuration changes are made, the updated information is sent to the Object Store sub- system to be saved and acted on. Fax The Fax subsystem is responsible for controlling the operation of the fax modem hardware. For incoming faxes, this subsystem invokes the Operating System subsys- tem to save the user data as a raster image on the hard drive in encrypted form. Unpro- cessed data is never accepted by this subsystem and the evaluated configuration does not permit unprocessed data received via the fax line to be forwarded out the Network Interface Card. The touch screen user that releases the held faxes is the user associated with the job. Once complete, the user job is sent to the Object Store subsystem for de- livery to the Print subsystem. Crypto Library The Crypto Library subsystem provides cryptographic algorithm support used by other subsystems to perform cryptographic operations. The operations supported include en- cryption, decryption, hashing, message authentication coding, digital signatures and random number generation. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 12 (21) 6 Documentation The physical scope of the TOE also includes the following guidance documentation: 1. Lexmark Common Criteria Installation Supplement and Administrator Guide 2. Dell Common Criteria Installation Supplement and Administrator Guide 3. Lexmark Embedded Web Server – Security Administrator's Guide 4. Dell Embedded Web Server – Security Administrator's Guide 5. Lexmark MX410 and MX510 Series User's Guide 6. Lexmark MX610 Series User's Guide 7. Lexmark MX710 Series User's Guide 8. Lexmark XM1100 Series User's Guide 9. Lexmark XM3150 User's Guide 10. Lexmark XM5100 Series User's Guide 11. Lexmark CX410 Series User's Guide 12. Lexmark CX510 Series User's Guide 13. Dell B3465dn-dnf Laser MFP User's Guide 14. Dell B5465dnf Laser MFP User's Guide Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 13 (21) 7 IT Product Testing 7.1 Developer Tests The developer performed manual tests. The developer’s testing covers the security functional behaviour of all TSFIs and SFRs as well as the interactions of the subsys- tems. 7.2 Independent Evaluator Tests The evaluator’s independent tests were chosen to complement the developer’s manual tests in covering as much of the security functional behavior of the TSFIs and SFRs. The evaluator repeated all of the developer’s test cases and performed the individual and penetration test cases. The tests included:  TOE Installation  Identification and Authentication  Access Control and Management  Trusted Channel  Repetition of Developer’s Testing The evaluator used a similar test configuration as the developer consisting of :  TOE: MX611de without Smart Card reader  Workstation: Windows client used to send print jobs to the TOE, open browser sessions to manage the TOE, and to exchange email with the Email Server.  Primary Domain Controller: Windows server providing Active Directory, DNS, Kerberos, GSSAPI, PKI and NTP services  Email Server: SMTP server capable of receiving email from the TOE and for- warding it to a user on Workstation  Syslog Server: Capable of receiving and diaplaying Syslog messages from the TOE  Network Monitor: Used to display and analyse network traffic  Fax: Analog fax machine  IP Network  Phone network The tests were run manually from the MFP’s touch screen, the Embedded Web Server, and the workstation. Repetition of the developer’s test cases was done at the developer’s site in Lexington, USA. The actual results of all test cases were consistent with the expected test results and all tests were judged to pass. 7.3 Penetration Tests Three types of vulnerability tests were performed:  Port scan  Vulnerability scan  Communication protocol compliance Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 14 (21) Port scans were run after installation and configuration had been done according the guidance documentation. The purpose was to check that no unexpected ports were opened unfiltered and no unexpected services available. The Nmap (www.nmap.org) port scan tool was used. Four different modes were used: TCP Connect, TCP SYN, UDP, and IP protocol scans. All possible 65535 ports were scanned for TCP/UDP. Nessus (www.tenable.com) basic network vulnerability scans were run. No high se- verity issues were found. It was verified that all traffic to and from the Primary Domain Controller was using IPSec in ESP mode. It was also verified that no down negotiating to weaker algo- rithms than specified for the trusted channel is possible. Search in public sources revealed 15 vulnerabilities with CVE ids remaining in the TOE. The vulnerabilities were however deemed not to be exploitable through source code analysis and tests. All penetration testing had negative outcome, i.e. no exploitable vulnerabilities were found. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 15 (21) 8 Evaluated Configuration 8.1 Dependencies to Other Hardware, Firmware and Soft- ware The TOE is the firmware of an MFP. The MFP hardware must be one of the models supported for the firmware versions specified for the TOE. To be fully operational, any combination of the following items may be connected to the MFP:  A LAN for network connectivity. The TOE supports IPv4 and IPv6.  A telephone line for fax capability.  IT systems that submit print jobs to the MFP via the network using standard print protocols.  IT systems that send and/or receive faxes via the telephone line.  An IT system acting as the remote syslog recipient of audit event records sent from the TOE.  LDAP server to support Identification and Authentication (I&A). This component is optional depending on the type(s) of I&A mechanisms used.  Card reader and cards to support Smart Card authentication using Common Ac- cess Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards. This component is optional depending on the type(s) of I&A mechanisms used. The supported card readers are:  Omnikey 3121 SmartCard Reader,  Any other Omnikey SmartCard Readers that share the same USB Vendor IDs and Product IDs with the above readers (example Omnikey 3021),  SCM SCR 331,  SCM SCR 3310v2. 8.2 Excluded from the TOE Evaluated Configuration The following features of the TOE are outside of or not allowed in the evaluated con- figuration.  Support for  Optional network interfaces.  Optional parallel or serial interfaces.  USB ports on the MFPs that perform document processing functions.  Support for AppleTalk.  Other I&A mechanisms than Internal Accounts, LDAP+GSSAPI on a per-user ba- sis, the Backup Password mechanism, and Smart Card authentication.  Other eSF, Java applications, than “eSF Security Manager”, “Smart Card Authen- tication”, “Secure Held Print Jobs”, “Smart Card Authentication Client”, “PIV Smart Card Driver (if PIV cards are used)”, “CAC Smart Card Driver (if CAC cards are used)”, and “Background and Idle Screen”.  Fax forwarding.  Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).  Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 16 (21) 9 Results of the Evaluation The verdicts for the assurance classes and components are summarised in the follow- ing table: Assurance Class Name / Assurance Family Name Short name (including component identifier for assurance families) Verdict Security Target Evaluation ASE Pass ST Introduction ASE_INT.1 Pass Conformance claims ASE_CCL.1 Pass Security Problem Definition ASE_SPD.1 Pass Security objectives ASE_OBJ.2 Pass Extended components definition ASE_ECD.1 Pass Derived security requirements ASE_REQ.2 Pass TOE summary specification ASE_TSS.1 Pass Life-cycle support ALC Pass Authrisation controls ALC_CMC.3 Pass Implementation representation CM coverage ALC_CMS.3 Pass Delivery procedures ALC_DEL.1 Pass Identification of security measures ALC_DVS.1 Pass Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_LCD.1 Pass Flaw reporting procedures ALC_FLR.2 Pass Development ADV Pass Security Architecure description ADV_ARC.1 Pass Functional specification with com- plete summary ADV_FSP.3 Pass Architecual design ADV_TDS.2 Pass Guidance documents AGD Pass Operational user guidance AGD_OPE.1 Pass Preparative procedures AGD_PRE.1 Pass Tests ATE Pass Analysis of coverage ATE_COV.2 Pass Testing: Basic design ATE_DPT.1 Pass Functional testing ATE_FUN.1 Pass Independent testing - Sampling ATE_IND.2 Pass Vulnerability assessment AVA Pass Vulnerability analysis AVA_VAN.2 Pass Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 17 (21) 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations Software components with known vulnerabilities are included in the TOE. It is not known if the software in the TOE environment is vulnerable to these vulnerabilities. The developer attests that they have used public information and testing to attempt to exploit the potential vulnerabilities, but have been unable to launch successful attacks. The evaluator has reviewed the developer’s analysis and test results. The evaluator has also repeated developer tests and performed own testing to confirm the results. The calculated attack potential for these vulnerabilities is out of the range specified for EAL3 evaluations. Therefore, it is acceptable for these vulnerabilities to be present in the TOE and they are classified as residual vulnerabilities. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 18 (21) 11 Glossary AD Active Directory AES Advanced Encryption Standard AIO All In One BSD Berkeley Software Distribution CAC Common Access Card CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CC Common Criteria CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security, docu- ment describing the methodology used in Common Criteria evalua- tions CM Configuration Management EAL Evaluation Assurance Level ESP Encapsulating Security Payload FTP File Transfer Protocol GSSAPI Generic Security Services Application Program Interface HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol I&A Identification & Authentication IPP Internet Printing Protocol IPSec Internet Protocol Security IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6. Internet Protocol version 6 ISO International Standards Orgaization IT Information Technology ITSEF IT Security Evaluation Facility, test laboratory licensed to operate within a evaluation and certification scheme KDC Key Distribution Center KDF Key Derivation Function LAN Local Area Network LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol MB MegaByte MFD Multi-Finction Device MFP Multi-Function Printer NTP Network Time Protocol OSP Organizational Security Policy PIV Personal Identity Verification Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 19 (21) PJL Printer Job Language PP Protection Profile RFC Request For Comments SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirement SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol ST Security Target TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Function UI User Interface URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 20 (21) 12 Bibliography [CCp1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Eval- uation, Part 1, version 3.1, revision 4, September 2012, CCMB-2012-09-001 [CCp2] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Eval- uation, Part 2, version 3.1, revision 4, September 2012, CCMB-2012-09-002 [CCp3] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Eval- uation, Part 3:, version 3.1, revision 4, September 2012, CCMB-2012-09-003 [CEM] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, version 3.1, revision 4, September 2012, CCMB- 2012-09-004 [ST] Lexmark MX410, MX510, MX511, MX610, MX611, MX710, MX711, XM1145, XM3150, XM5163, XM5170, CX410, CX510 and Dell B3465 and B5465 Multi-Function Printers Security Target, 2015-12-15, document version 1.5 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report- Lexmark MFP woHD 15FMV5784-47:1 1.0 2016-03-11 FMVID-297-1231 21 (21) Appendix A QMS Consistency During the certification project, the following versions of the quality management sys- tem (QMS) have been applicable since the certification application was received 2015-06-17: QMS 1.17.3 valid from 2015-01-29 QMS 1.18 valid from 2015-06-18 QMS 1.18.1 valid from 2015-08-21 QMS 1.19 valid from 2016-02-05 In order to ensure consistency in the outcome of the certification, the certifier has ex- amined the changes introduced in each update of the quality management system. The changes between consecutive versions are outlined in “Ändringslista QMS 1.19”. The certifier concluded that, from QMS 1.17.3 to the current QMS 1.19, there are no changes with impact on the result of the certification.