Ärendetyp: 6 Diarienummer: 17FMV9091-32:1 Dokument ID CSEC-37-1563 Uncontrolled copy when printed Template: CSEC_mall_doc, 7.0 HEMLIG/ enligt Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (2009:400) 2018-08-28 Country of origin: Sweden Försvarets materielverk Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B Issue: 1.0, 2018-aug-28 Authorisation: Helén Svensson, Lead certifier , CSEC Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 2 (17) Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Identification 4 3 Security Policy 5 3.1 Cryptographic Support 5 3.2 User Data Protection 5 3.3 Identification and Authentication 5 3.4 Security Management 6 3.5 Protection of the TSF 6 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope 7 4.1 Usage Assumptions 7 4.2 Environmental Assumptions 7 4.3 Clarification of Scope 7 5 Architectural Information 9 6 Documentation 10 7 IT Product Testing 11 7.1 Developer Testing 11 7.2 Evaluator Testing 11 7.3 Penetration Testing 11 8 Evaluated Configuration 12 9 Results of the Evaluation 13 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations 15 11 Bibliography 16 Appendix A Scheme Versions 17 A.1 Scheme/Quality Management System 17 A.2 Scheme Notes 17 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 3 (17) 1 Executive Summary The TOE is SAM 5000, a smartcard/VQFN chip used for cryptographic operations and secure storage of cryptographic keys. The TOE is used in several roles as part of a road-toll system. The TOE is a composition of an application software and a certified platform consisting of a hardware chip, a firmware, and a software library. The application software version is SAM 5000 build 4.12. The hardware chip is the Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC Security Controller M9900, design step A22 and G11, of the SLE97 family (smart card), or the SLI97 family (VQFN chip). The BOS-V1 firmware version is used. The firmware has identifier 80001141, and the software library is CL97 Asymmetric Crypto Library for Crypto@2304T RSA/ECC/Toolbox v2.07.003. The TOE is delivered in batches to customers who operate a road-toll system, who in turn deliver single TOEs to end users of the road-toll system. The certified platform is compliant with the Security IC Platform Protection Profile, BSI-PP-0035 [PP], and is certified by BSI in 2017-11-02 with certificate identifier BSI-DSZ-CC-0827-V7-2017. There are four assumptions being made in the ST regarding the secure usage and envi- ronment of the TOE. The TOE relies on these to counter the fourteen threats and com- ply with the five organisational security policies (OSPs) in the ST. The assumptions, threats and OSPs are described in chapter 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope. The evaluation has been performed by Combitech AB in Växjö, Sweden. Site-visit and parts ot the testing was performed in Vienna, Austria. The evaluation was completed in 2018-06-11. The evaluation was conducted in ac- cordance with the requirements of Common Criteria (CC), version 3.1 release 5. Combitech AB is a licensed evaluation facility for Common Criteria under the Swe- dish Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme. Combitech AB is also accredited by the Swedish accreditation body according to ISO/IEC 17025 for Com- mon Criteria. The certifier monitored the activities of the evaluator by reviewing all successive ver- sions of the evaluation reports, and by observing site-visit and testing. The certifier de- termined that the evaluation results confirm the security claims in the Security Target (ST) and the Common Methodology for evaluation assurance level EAL 5. The technical information in this report is based on the Security Target (ST) and the Final Evaluation Report (FER) produced by Combitech AB. The certification results only apply to the version of the product indicated in the cer- tificate, and on the condition that all the stipulations in the Security Target are met. This certificate is not an endorsement of the IT product by CSEC or any other organ- isation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT product by CSEC or any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate is either expressed or implied. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 4 (17) 2 Identification Certification Identification Certification ID CSEC2017020 Name and version of the certified IT product SAM 5000 build 4.12, CL97 Asymmetric Crypto Library for Cryp- to@2304T RSA/ECC/Toolbox v2.07.003, BOS-V1 and RMS firmware with ID 80001141 Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC Security Con- troller M9900, design step A22 and G11, of the SLE97 family (smart card), or the SLI97 family (VQFN chip) Security Target Identification Security Target for Kapsch SAM 5000, Kapsch Traf- ficCom, 2018-03-21, revision L, Confidential Security Target Lite for Kapsch SAM 5000, Kapsch TrafficCom, 2018-03-21, revision D EAL EAL 5 Sponsor Kapsch TrafficCom AB Developer Kapsch TrafficCom AB ITSEF Combitech AB Common Criteria version 3.1 release 5 CEM version 3.1 release 5 QMS version 1.21.3 Recognition Scope CCRA, SOGIS och EA/MLA Within CCRA the certificate is recognised as EAL 2 and within SOGIS the certificate is recognized as EAL 4. Certification date 2018-08-28 Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 5 (17) 3 Security Policy  Cryptographic Support  User Data Protection  Identification and Authentication  Security Management  Protection of the TSF 3.1 Cryptographic Support The TOE provides cryptographic support to the user and for the protection of the TSF. The cryptographic support includes encryption and decryption of data and keys using AES, DES, RSA and ECC algorithms. Authentication of data is provided as AES and DES MAC calculation and verification as well as digital signatures using RSA or ECC algorithms. Cryptographic keys are generated for AES, DES, RSA, and ECC as well as using an EC DH scheme. Backup is taken of cryptographic keys and keys are destroyed in a secure way. Algoritmer • Data Encryption Standard (DES), • Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), • Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Cryptography (RSA), • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), • Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1, SHA-256) as part of signature calcula- tion/verification, • Random Number Generator (RNG), and • Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). 3.2 User Data Protection Access control to sensitive assets is restricted by an access control policy, Access Condition Policy that requires authentication according to configurable access condi- tions. Import and export of sensitive assets are restricted by an information flow control pol- icy, Import/Export Key Policy, that requires authentication before import or export can take place and ensures that the assets are confidentiality, integrity, and authentica- tion protected. 3.3 Identification and Authentication Authentication is required according to access conditions set for each asset. The au- thentication can be performed either by PIN, a challenge-response scheme, a Diffie- Hellman key exchange scheme, or a calculated MAC authentication code. Re- authentication is required according to configurable conditions. The PIN secrets shall be of a certain length and unsuccessful authentication attempts shall block the PIN. Unsuccessful attempts to unblock the PIN shall block the unblocking function. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 6 (17) 3.4 Security Management Certain management functions can be performed and the access condition security at- tributes shall have restricted default values. 3.5 Protection of the TSF Measures are applied to detect replay attempts at export and import of keys as well as for reading and updating binary file contents within the TOE. Memory provided by the operational environment is functionally tested at start-up and the result can be read by the user. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 7 (17) 4 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope 4.1 Usage Assumptions The Security Target [ST] makes three assumptions on the usage of the TOE. A.Deployment – The TOE operational environment is assumed to react on faulty de- ployment performed by the Authorized service personnel. A.No_Evil – Authorized admins and service personnel are assumed to be security screened to be non-hostile, sufficiently trained, and willing to follow their instructions, before authorized to interact with the TOE. A.Counter – The TOE operational environment is assumed to use the Security Critical Commands Usage Counter to request a new authentication before e.g. 20000 Triple- DES or AES operations have been performed. 4.2 Environmental Assumptions The Security Target [ST] makes one assumption on the operational environment of the TOE. A.OBU_Protection – The operational environment of the TOE when deployed as TR- SAM in an OBU is assumed to be equipped with tamper protection. 4.3 Clarification of Scope The Security Target contains six threats, which have been considered during the eval- uation. T.Logical_Leak – A threat agent may logically attack the TOE in order to reveal sen- sitive assets. The modification may be achieved through deficiencies in the TOE ex- ternal communication protocols or in the TOE internal asset handling. T.Logical_Manipulation – A threat agent may logically attack the TOE in order to modify or remove sensitive assets. The attack may be achieved through deficiencies in the TOE external communication protocols or in the TOE internal assets handling. T.Eavesdropping – A threat agent may listen to and successfully interpret sensitive as- sets sent or received over the TOE external interface. T.Spoofing – A threat agent may try to disguise as an authorised user to disclose, ma- nipulate or remove sensitive assets. T.Replay – A threat agent may gain access to sensitive information by replaying TOE external communication. T.Unint_Corruption – An authorised user may by mistake override or bypass security features of the TOE or enable opportunities for others to do so. The Security Target also contains eight threats, which have been considered both dur- ing the evaluation and certification of the underlying platform and during the evalua- tion of the current TOE. T.Phys-Manipulation – Physical Manipulation – see [PP] section 3.2. T.Phys-Probing – Physical Probing – see [PP] section 3.2. T.Malfunction – Malfunction due to Environmental Stress – see [PP] section 3.2. T.Leak-Inherent – Inherent Information Leakage – see [PP] section 3.2. T.Leak-Forced – Forced Information Leakage – see [PP] section 3.2. T.Abuse-Func – Abuse of Functionality – see [PP] section 3.2. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 8 (17) T.RND – Deficiency of Random Numbers – see [PP] section 3.2. T.Mem-Access – Memory Access Violation – see [PlatformST] section 3.3. The Security Target contains five Organisational Security Policies (OSPs), which have been considered during the evaluation. P.Crypto – The TOE shall provide cryptographic mechanisms, including mechanisms to encrypt and decrypt user data, calculate and verify message authentication codes over user data, calculate and verify digital signatures over user data, derive keys, en- crypt and decrypt keys, and generate random data for key and challenge generation. P.Keys – The TOE shall provide secure key mechanisms, including mechanisms to generate, derive, import, export, and backup keys. The TOE (P-SAM) shall increment a derivation counter monotonically every time a key is derived. The derivation counter shall start on zero and shall not be possible to reset after SAM production until the key is deleted. P.Memory_Test – The TOE shall detect memory deficiencies in the operational envi- ronment at initial start-up. P.Process-TOE - Protection during TOE Development and Production – see [PP] sec- tion 3.3. P.Add-Functions – Additional Specific Security Functionality – see [PlatformST] sec- tion 3.4. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 9 (17) 5 Architectural Information The TOE physical scope is illustrated in the figure below. The external calling application represents components in the road-toll system where TOE is used. The TOE SW is SAM 5000 build 4.12. The certified platform consists of: - the software library CL97 Asymmetric Crypto Library for Crypto@2304T RSA/ECC/Toolbox v2.07.003 - the firmware, including the boot software (BOS-V1) and the resource manage- ment system (RMS) - the hardware Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC Security Controller M9900, design step A22 and G11, of the SLE97 family (smart card), or the SLI97 family (VQFN chip). Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 10 (17) 6 Documentation The end users of the TOE do not interact directly with the TOE. All interaction takes place through components of the road-toll system. Therefore, the relevant guidance is the API description used by the developer of the road-toll system, Kapsch TrafficCom AB who also are the developer of the TOE: Interface specification for Kapsch SAM 5000 [API]. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 11 (17) 7 IT Product Testing 7.1 Developer Testing All external interfaces were tested thoroughly by the developer using a proprietary programmable test tool. Both positive and negative tests were performed. The internal interfaces were tested indirectly via testing the external interfaces. The SFRs were completely covered. Both form factors were covered. 7.2 Evaluator Testing The evaluators tested the TOE in their own premises in Växjö, Sweden. The develop- er’s test tool was used to verify a subset of the devloper’s tests, as well as to run some complementary tests. All versions of the TOE were tested. The internal interfaces also were investigated by means of code review. 7.3 Penetration Testing The evaluators performed negative tests, verifying the handling of various parameter values and lengths. The penetration testing also was supported by code review. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 12 (17) 8 Evaluated Configuration The TOE is comprised of the card application SAM 5000 build 4.12, and the certified platform. The configurations of the certified platform that are used in the TOE are: - the software library CL97 Asymmetric Crypto Library for Crypto@2304T RSA/ECC/Toolbox v2.07.003 - the firmware, including the boot software (BOS-V1) and the resource manage- ment system (RMS), firmware ID 80001141 - the hardware Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC Security Controller M9900, design step A22 and G11, of the SLE97 family (smart card), or the SLI97 family (VQFN chip). The TOE is used by a road-toll system in one of five different roles: - Communication Point SAM, CP-SAM - Installed in a Road Side System. - Central Services SAM, CS-SAM - Installed centrally in a security server in the Toll Charger Central Services. - Master SAM, M-SAM - Installed in a secure environment in a Key Initialization Facility. - OBU Personalisation SAM, P-SAM - Used for programming of On Board Units. e.g. in On Board Unit production. - Trusted Recorder SAM, TR-SAM - Installed in an On Board Unit in a vehicle. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 13 (17) 9 Results of the Evaluation The evaluators applied each work unit of the Common Methodology [CEM] within the scope of the evaluation, and concluded that the TOE meets the security objectives stated in the Security Target [ST] for an attack potential of Moderate. The certifier reviewed the work of the evaluator and determined that the evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Common Criteria [CC]. The evaluators overall verdict is PASS. The verdicts for the assurance classes and components are summarised in the follow- ing table: Development ADV PASS Security Architecture ADV_ARC.1 PASS Functional Specification ADV_FSP.5 PASS Implementation Representation ADV_IMP.1 PASS TSF Internals ADV_INT.2 PASS TOE Design ADV_TDS.5 PASS Design compliance with the platform ADV_COMP.1 PASS Guidance Documents AGD PASS Operational User Guidance AGD_OPE.1 PASS Preparative Procedures AGD_PRE.1 PASS Life-cycle Support ALC PASS CM Capabilities ALC_CMC.4 PASS CM Scope ALC_CMS.5 PASS Delivery ALC_DEL.1 PASS Development Security ALC_DVS.1 PASS Life-cycle Definition ALC_LCD.1 PASS Tools and Techniques ALC_TAT.2 PASS Integration of the application ALC_COMP.1 PASS Security Target Evaluation ASE PASS ST Introduction ASE_INT.1 PASS Conformance Claims ASE_CCL.1 PASS Security Problem Definition ASE_SPD.1 PASS Security Objectives ASE_OBJ.2 PASS Extended Components Definition ASE_ECD.1 PASS Security Requirements ASE_REQ.2 PASS TOE Summary Specification ASE_TSS.1 PASS Consistency of Security Target ASE_COMP.1 PASS Tests ATE PASS Coverage ATE_COV.2 PASS Depth ATE_DPT.3 PASS Functional Tests ATE_FUN.1 PASS Independent Testing ATE_IND.2 PASS Composite product functional testing ATE_COMP.1 PASS Vulnerability Assessment AVA PASS Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 14 (17) Vulnerability Analysis AVA_VAN.4 PASS Composite product Vulnerability assessment AVA_COMP.1 PASS Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 15 (17) 10 Evaluator Comments and Recommendations DES has been included as a security mechanism in the TOE for compatibility with legacy systems. Whenever possible, it is recommended to use triple-DES or AES in- stead. Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 16 (17) 11 Bibliography ST Security Target for Kapsch SAM 5000, Kapsch TrafficCom, 2018-03-21, revision L, Confidential STLite Security Target Lite for Kapsch SAM 5000, Kapsch TrafficCom, 2018-03-21, revision D PP Security IC Platform Protection Profile, BSI-PP-0035, 2007-06-15, version 1.0 PlatformST Security Target Lite M9900, M9905, M9906 including optional Software Libraries RSA-EC-SCL-PSL, Infineon, 2017-08-18, Version 2.8.0 API Interface Specification for Kapsch 5000, Kapsch TrafficCom, 2018-02-02, revision H CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security, Part 1-3, CCMB-2017-04-001 through 003, version 3.1, revision 5 CEM Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, CCMB-2017-04-004, version 3.1, revision 5 SP-002 Evaluation and Certification, CSEC, 2018-04-24, version 29.0 SP-188 Scheme Crypto Policy, CSEC, 2017-04-04, version 7.0 JIL Composite product evaluation for Smart Cards and similar devices, JIL, version 1.5, Oct 2017 ARC Security Architecture requirements (ADV_ARC) for Smart Cards and similar devices, CCRA, CCDB-2014-04-001, version 2.1, Apr. 2014, Swedish Certification Body for IT Security Certification Report - Kapsch SAM 5000, Version B 17FMV9091-32:1 1.0 2018-08-28 CSEC-37-1563 17 (17) Appendix A Scheme Versions During the certification the following versions of the Swedish Common Criteria Eval- uation and Certification scheme has been used. A.1 Scheme/Quality Management System During the certification project, the following versions of the quality management sys- tem (QMS) have been applicable since the certification application was received: QMS 1.21 valid from 2017-11-15 QMS 1.21.1 valid from 2018-03-09 QMS 1.21.2 valid from 2018-03-09 QMS 1.21.3 valid from 2018-05-24 In order to ensure consistency in the outcome of the certification, the certifier has ex- amined the changes introduced in each update of the quality management system. The changes between consecutive versions are outlined in “Ändringslista CSEC QMS 1.21.3”. The certifier concluded that, from QMS 1.12 to the current QMS 1.21.3, there are no changes with impact on the result of the certification. A.2 Scheme Notes The following Scheme interpretations have been considered during the certification. Scheme Note 11 - Methodology for AVA_VAN 4 and 5 Scheme Note 15 - Demonstration of test coverage Scheme Note 16 - Additional planning requirements Scheme Note 18 - Highlighted Requirements on the Security Target