Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target Version 1.0 Prepared by: Xerox Corporation Computer Sciences Corporation 250 Cross Keys Office Park 132 National Business Parkway Fairport, New York 14450 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target ii Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Date Revision Changes Made January 12, 2005 1.0 Original Draft January 28, 2005 1.01 Added new Xerox logo March 2, 2005 1.02 Responses to EDR_001 March 17, 2005 1.03 Additional responses to EDR_001 April 27, 2005 1.04 Response to EDR_004 August 1, 2005 1.05 Change to Table 2 to indicate both System Software version numbers. August 25, 2005 1.06 In response to EDR_008, change on page 20 to clarify one instance of the word “user.” Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target iii Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Table of Contents 1 SECURITY TARGET INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 1 1.1 ST AND TOE IDENTIFICATION.......................................................................................... 1 1.2 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 CONVENTIONS, TERMINOLOGY, AND ACRONYMS............................................................. 2 1.3.1 Conventions.......................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 Terminology......................................................................................................... 3 1.3.3 Acronyms.............................................................................................................. 3 1.4 TOE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 4 1.5 COMMON CRITERIA CONFORMANCE CLAIM ..................................................................... 5 2 TOE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 6 2.1 PRODUCT TYPE ................................................................................................................. 6 2.1.1 Physical Scope and Boundary ............................................................................. 7 2.1.2 Logical Scope and Boundary............................................................................... 8 3 TOE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT................................................................................... 10 3.1 SECURE USAGE ASSUMPTIONS........................................................................................ 10 3.1.1 Environment Assumptions.................................................................................. 10 3.2 THREATS......................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY POLICIES........................................................................... 11 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................. 12 4.1 SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE TOE............................................................................. 12 4.2 SECURITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE NON-IT ENVIRONMENT................................................ 12 5 IT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................... 13 5.1 TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................ 13 5.1.1 Class FDP: User Data Protection..................................................................... 13 5.1.2 Class FIA: Identification and Authentication.................................................... 14 5.1.3 Class FMT: Security Management .................................................................... 15 5.2 TOE SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS................................................................. 15 5.3 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE IT ENVIRONMENT................................................... 16 5.4 EXPLICITLY STATED REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TOE....................................................... 16 5.5 SFRS WITH SOF DECLARATIONS................................................................................... 16 6 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION................................................................................. 17 6.1 TOE SECURITY FUNCTIONS............................................................................................ 17 6.1.1 Image Overwrite Network Controller (TSF_IOWN) ......................................... 17 6.1.2 Image Overwrite Copy Controller (TSF_IOWC) .............................................. 18 6.1.3 Information Flow (TSF_FLOW)........................................................................ 19 6.1.4 Authentication (TSF_AUT)................................................................................ 19 6.1.5 Security Management (TSF_FMT) .................................................................... 19 6.2 ASSURANCE MEASURES.................................................................................................. 20 7 PROTECTION PROFILE (PP) CLAIMS ......................................................................... 22 Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target iv Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 8 RATIONALE ........................................................................................................................ 23 8.1 SECURITY OBJECTIVES RATIONALE ................................................................................ 23 8.2 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS RATIONALE .......................................................................... 24 8.2.1 Rationale For TOE Security Requirements ....................................................... 25 8.3 RATIONALE FOR ASSURANCE LEVEL.............................................................................. 26 8.4 RATIONALE FOR TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION .......................................................... 27 8.4.1 TOE Assurance Requirements ........................................................................... 27 8.4.2 TOE SOF Claims ............................................................................................... 28 8.5 RATIONALE FOR SFR AND SAR DEPENDENCIES............................................................ 28 8.6 RATIONALE FOR EXPLICITLY STATED REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 30 8.7 INTERNAL CONSISTENCY AND MUTUALLY SUPPORTIVE RATIONALE ............................. 30 Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target v Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved List of Figures Figure 1: Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre Pro ...............................................................................7 Figure 2. Immediate Image Overwrite............................................................................................9 List of Tables Table 1: Models and Capabilities ...................................................................................................6 Table 2: Evaluated Software/Firmware version .............................................................................8 Table 3: Environmental Assumptions............................................................................................10 Table 4: Threats ............................................................................................................................11 Table 5: Security Objectives for the TOE......................................................................................12 Table 6: Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment ...........................................................12 Table 7: TOE Security Functional Requirements..........................................................................13 Table 8: EAL2 Assurance Requirements.......................................................................................15 Table 9: Security Objectives Rationale.........................................................................................23 Table 10: Security Objectives Rationale for the Non-IT Environment........................................24 Table 11: Security Objectives Rationale for the Environment.....................................................25 Table 12: TOE SFR Mapping to Objectives..................................................................................26 Table 13: Mapping of SFRs to Security Functions........................................................................27 Table 14: Assurance Measure Compliance Matrix........................................................................28 Table 15: SFR Dependencies Status..............................................................................................28 Table 16: EAL2 SAR Dependencies Satisfied ..............................................................................29 Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 1 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 1 SECURITY TARGET INTRODUCTION 1 This Chapter presents security target (ST) identification information and an overview of the ST. An ST contains the information technology (IT) security requirements of an identified Target of Evaluation (TOE) and specifies the functional and assurance security measures offered by that TOE to meet stated requirements. An ST principally defines: a) A security problem expressed as a set of assumptions about the security aspects of the environment, a list of threats that the product is intended to counter, and any known rules with which the product must comply (Chapter 3, TOE Security Environment). b) A set of security objectives and a set of security requirements to address the security problem (Chapters 4 and 5, Security Objectives and IT Security Requirements, respectively). c) The IT security functions provided by the TOE that meet the set of requirements (Chapter 6, TOE Summary Specification). 2 The structure and content of this ST comply with the requirements specified in the Common Criteria (CC), Part 1, Annex C, and Part 3, Chapter 5. 1.1 ST and TOE Identification 3 This section provides information needed to identify and control this ST and its Target of Evaluation (TOE). This ST targets Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL)2. ST Title: Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target ST Version: 1.03 Revision Number: $Revision: 1.2 $ Publication Date: $Date: 2005/03/21 20:21:50 $ Authors: Computer Sciences Corporation, Common Criteria Testing Laboratory TOE Identification: Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security. CC Identification: Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 2.2, January 2004 (also known as ISO 15408) ST Evaluator: Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) Keywords: Xerox, Multi Function Device, Image Overwrite Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 2 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 1.2 References 4 The following documentation was used to prepare this ST: [CC_PART1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – Part 1: Introduction and general model, dated January 2004, version 2.2, CCIMB-2004-01-001, Incorporated with interpretations as of 2003-12-31 [CC_PART2] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – Part 2: Security functional requirements, dated January 2004, version 2.2, CCIMB-2004-01-002, Incorporated with interpretations as of 2003-12-31. [CC_PART3] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – Part 3: Security assurance requirements, dated January 2004, version 2.2, CCIMB-2004-01-003, Incorporated with interpretations as of 2003-12-31. [CEM_PART] Common Evaluation Methodology for Information Technology Security – Part 1: Introduction and General Model, dated January 2004, version 2.2, CCIMB-2004-01-004, Incorporated with interpretations as of 2003-12-31. 1.3 Conventions, Terminology, and Acronyms 5 This section identifies the formatting conventions used to convey additional information and terminology. It also defines terminology and the meanings of acronyms used throughout this ST. 1.3.1 Conventions 6 This section describes the conventions used to denote Common Criteria (CC) operations on security functional components and to distinguish text with special meaning. The notation, formatting, and conventions used in this ST are largely consistent with those used in the CC. Selected presentation choices are discussed here. 7 The CC allows several operations to be performed on security functional components; assignment, refinement, selection, and iteration as defined in paragraph 2.1.4 of Part 2 of the CC are: a) The assignment operation is used to assign a specific value to an unspecified parameter, such as the length of a password. Showing the value in square brackets [assignment_value(s)] indicates an assignment. b) The refinement operation is used to add detail to a requirement, and thus further restricts a requirement. Refinement of security requirements is denoted by bold text. c) The selection operation is used to select one or more options provided by the CC in stating a requirement. Selections are denoted by underlined italicized text. d) Iterated functional components are given unique identifiers by appending to the component name, short name, and functional element name from the CC an iteration number inside parenthesis, i.e., FMT_MTD.1.1 (1) and FMT_MTD.1.1 (2). e) Plain italicized text is used to emphasize text. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 3 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 1.3.2 Terminology 8 In the CC, many terms are defined in Section 2.3 of Part 1. The following terms are a subset of those definitions: Authentication data Information used to verify the claimed identity of a user. External IT entity Any IT product or system, untrusted or trusted, outside of the TOE that interacts with the TOE. Object An entity within the TOE Security Function (TSF1 ) Scope of Control (TSC2 ) that contains or receives information and upon which subjects perform operations. Role A predefined set of rules establishing the allowed interactions between a user and the TOE. Security Functional Components Express security requirements intended to counter threats in the assumed operating environment of the TOE. Subject An entity within the TSC that causes operations to be performed. 9 The following terminology is specific to this ST: Image Data Information on a mass storage device created by the copy/print/scan/email/fax processes. Latent Image Data Residual information remaining on a mass storage device when a copy/print/scan/email/fax job is completed or cancelled. Non-privileged User For the purposes of this evaluation, the term “non-privileged user” applies to all individuals who operate or use TOE features without any administrative rights or privileges. System Administrator A user who manages the Xerox Corporation CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 or WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545. User For the purposes of this evaluation, the term “user” applies only to TOE system administrators, except in generalized usage, such as “local user interface” or Web user interface.”. 1.3.3 Acronyms 10 The following acronyms are used in this Security Target: ACRONYM DEFINITION AUT Authentication CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation CEM Common Evaluation Methodology for Information Technology Security As defined in the CC, Part 1, version 2.2: 1 TSF - A set consisting of all hardware, software, and firmware of the TOE that must be relied upon for the correct enforcement of the TSP. 2 TSC - The set of interactions that can occur with or within a TOE and are subject to the rules of the TSP. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 4 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved ACRONYM DEFINITION CM Configuration Management DC Digital Copier EAL Evaluation Assurance Level FDP User Data Protection CC Class FIA Identification and Authentication CC Class FMT Security Management CC Class FPT Protection of Security Functions FSP Functional Specification HDD Hard Disk Drive HLD High Level Design ISO International Standards Organization ISO 15408 Common Criteria 2.1 ISO Standard IT Information Technology MFD Multifunction Device MOF Management of Functions MTD Management of TSF Data OSP Organization Security Policy PP Protection Profile SAR Security Assurance Requirement SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirement SM Security Management SMR Security Management Roles SOF Strength of Function ST Security Target TOE Target of Evaluation TSC TSF Scope of Control TSF TOE Security Function TSP TOE Security Policy UAU User Authentication UDP User Data Protection 1.4 TOE Overview 11 Two configurations of the TOE with identical security functionality are under evaluation. The base configuration is a color digital copier device (copy and analog fax only). The other configuration adds several options (print, scan-to-email, network scan, internet fax, and analog fax) to the base configuration to yield a color multi-function device (MFD). The evaluated configuration of both the copier and MFD includes the Image Overwrite Security package, a consumer option. This package causes any temporary image files created during a copy, print, network scan, scan-to-email, internet fax, or analog fax, job to be overwritten when those files are no longer needed or “on demand” by the system administrator. 12 Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 5 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 13 A summary of the TOE security functions can be found in Section 2, TOE Description. A detailed description of the security functions can be found in Section 6, TOE Summary Specification. 1.5 Common Criteria Conformance Claim 14 This ST conforms to CC Part 2 extended and is CC Part 3 conformant at the EAL 2 level of assurance. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 6 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 2 TOE DESCRIPTION 15 This section provides context for the TOE evaluation by identifying the product type and describing the evaluated configuration. 2.1 Product Type 16 There are two configurations of the TOE with identical security functionality under evaluation. The base configuration is as a color digital copier that provides copy and analog fax functions (hereafter referred to as a DC), represented by the CopyCentre models. The other configuration is as a color multi-function device that copies, prints, scans to e-mails, network scans, internet faxes, and analog faxes (hereafter referred to as a MFD), represented by the WorkCentre Pro models. The MFD models contain two internal hard disk drives (referred to as Network Controller HDD and Copy Controller HDD respectively); DC models contain only one internal drive (referred to as the Copy Controller HDD). The evaluated configuration of both the DC and MFD includes the Image Overwrite Security package, a consumer option. The Image Overwrite Security package causes any temporary image files created during a print, network scan, scan-to- email, internet fax (MFD), copy (MFD/DC), or analog fax (MFD/DC) job to be erased from the internal hard disk drive(s) when those files are no longer needed or on demand at the discretion of the system administrator. 17 Table 1: Models and Capabilities Print Copy Network Scan Scan-to- email Internet Fax Analog Fax CopyCentre C2128 n/a x n/a n/a n/a o CopyCentre C2636 n/a x n/a n/a n/a o CopyCentre C3545 n/a x n/a n/a n/a o WorkCentre Pro C2128 x x o o o o WorkCentre Pro C2636 x x o o o o WorkCentre Pro 3545 x x o o o o 18 On MFD models, copy jobs are submitted via the Local UI directly to the Copy Controller. Print jobs submitted via a client print driver or via the Web UI are passed by the Network Controller to the Copy Controller. Once processed by the Copy Controller, copy and print jobs are sent to the Image Output Terminal. Network scan, scan-to-email, and internet fax jobs are submitted via the Local UI directly to the Network Controller for processing. Each time a job transits or is processed by one of the controllers, temporary image data, consisting of the original data submitted and any additional files created during job processing, is created and stored on the controller HDDs (Note: Network Scan, scan-to-email, and internet fax jobs are sent directly to the Network Controller without getting stored on the Copy Controller HDD). Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 7 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 19 On DC models, copy jobs are submitted via the Local UI to the Copy Controller and, after processing, are sent to the Image Output Terminal. Temporary image data, consisting of the original data submitted and any additional files created during the processing of each copy job, is created and stored on the Copy Controller HDD. 20 On both DC and MFD models, outgoing analog fax jobs are submitted via the Local UI to the Copy Controller, and after processing, are sent to the Embedded Fax subsystem for transmission over the telephone line. Incoming analog fax jobs are passed from the Embedded Fax subsystem to the Copy Controller, and then to the Image Output Terminal for printing. Temporary image data created during the processing of each fax job is stored on the Copy Controller HDD. 21 The TOE provides image overwrite functions (TSF_IOWN and TSF_IOWC for the MFD and TSF_IOWC for the DC) to enhance the security of both models. The image overwrite function overwrites temporary document image data as described in DoD Standard 5200.28-M at the completion of each print, network scan, scan-to-email, internet fax (MFD), and copy (MFD/DC) job or on demand of the system administrator. A system administrator may use the “on demand” image overwrite security function to clear sensitive information from the Network and Copy Controller HDDs when the MFD is decommissioned, for example. TSF_IOWN overwrites data stored on the Network Controller HDD (MFD) and TSF_IOWC overwrites data stored on the Copy Controller HDD (MFD and DC). 2.1.1 Physical Scope and Boundary 22 The physical appearance of the DC (CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545) and MFD (WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545) models is identical and is depicted in Figure 1Figure 1. 23 The figure shows an optional paper feeder and finisher. Figure 1: Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre Pro Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 8 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Table 2: Evaluated Software/Firmware version Software/Firmware Item CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C 3545 CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C 3545 WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C 3545 WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C 3545 System Software3 Network Controller Software Not Included Not Included 3.04.505.01.P22 UI Software 001.04.051 001.04.505 001.04.051 001.04.505 CCM Software 01.04.52 01.04.505 01.04.52 01.04.505 IOT Software 09.00.03 09.00.03 09.00.03 09.00.03 Finisher Software (optional) - - - - • Low Capacity Stapler, Stacker 12.03.00 12.03.00 12.03.00 12.03.00 • Professional Finisher 03.08.00 03.08.00 03.08.00 03.08.00 Fax Software 00.96.63 00.96.63 00.96.63 00.96.63 Scanner Software 01.04.00 01.04.00 01.04.00 01.04.00 2.1.2 Logical Scope and Boundary 24 The TOE logical boundary for both the MFD and DC have the following security functions controlled by the TOE: • Image Overwrite Network Controller (TSF_IOWN) (MFD only) • Image Overwrite Copy Controller (TSF_IOWC) • Authentication (TSF_AUT) • Security Management (TSF_FMT) 25 During normal operation, the MFD or DC spools temporary document image data to the internal disks or disk. As illustrated in Figure 2, the image overwrite functions (TSF_IOWN and TSF_IOWC) clear temporary document image data from the internal disk(s) by writing over the image data with three specific patterns of data. The image overwrite functions clear data once a job is completed (Immediate Image Overwrite (IIO)) or when invoked at any time by the system administrator (On-Demand Image Overwrite (ODIO)). 3 Two versions of the TOE System Software are included in this evaluation. The version ending in “052” identifies System Software installed at the vendor factory. The version ending in “505” identifies System Software installed by the vendor as a field upgrade. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 9 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 26 Print/copy output Network scan, scan-to- email, internet fax (MFD only) NC Print job Copy or analog fax job CC To addressee(s) Temp File Temp File Temp File Temp File Immediate image overwrite Immediate image overwrite Print job completed Image Output Terminal Immediate image overwrite Job completed Copy job completed Local UI Web UI Figure 2. Immediate Image Overwrite 27 TSF_IOWN overwrites data stored on the Network Controller HDD (MFD) and TSF_IOWC overwrites data stored on the Copy Controller HDD (MFD and DC). 28 Only the system administrator, who is authenticated via a personal identification number (PIN) (TSF_AUT), can access the security settings of the MFD or DC (TSF_FMT). Non-privileged users can utilize the other non-security-related features/functions of the MFD or DC without authentication. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 10 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 3 TOE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT 3.1 Secure Usage Assumptions 29 This section describes the security aspects of the intended environment for the evaluated TOE. This includes information about the physical, personnel, procedural, connectivity, and functional aspects of the environment. 30 The operational environment must be managed in accordance with assurance requirement documentation for delivery, operation, and user/system administrator guidance. The following specific conditions are assumed to exist in an environment where this TOE is employed. 3.1.1 Environment Assumptions 31 The environmental assumptions delineated in Table 3Table 3 are required to ensure the security of the TOE: Table 3: Environmental Assumptions Assumption Description A.INSTALL The TOE has been delivered, installed, and setup in accordance with documented delivery and installation/setup procedures. A.MANAGE There will be one or more competent system administrator(s) assigned to manage the TOE and the security of the information it contains. A.NO_EVIL_ADM The system administrator(s) are not careless, willfully negligent, nor hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the system administration documentation. A.PROCEDURE Procedures exist for granting system administrator(s) access to the TSF. A.CHANGE_KOC System administrators PIN is changed according to the following: 8-digit PIN every 40 days 9-digit PIN every year 3.2 Threats 32 Table 4Table 4 identifies the threats to the TOE. The threats to the TOE are considered to be non-privileged users with public knowledge of how the TOE operates. While the threat may have limited routine access to the TOE, it is not likely that the threat would have the prolonged physical access necessary to remove TOE internal HDD(s) or to connect to the TOE via the serial port to copy latent image data. Further, the threat is not judged to have the sophistication or resources necessary to recover latent image data from a HDD. Mitigation of the threats is through the objectives identified in Section 4, Security Objectives. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 11 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Table 4: Threats Threat Description T.RECOVER A malicious, non-privileged user may attempt to recover temporary document image data from a copy/print/network scan/scan-to-email/internet fax/analog fax job by removing the internal disks or disk and using commercially available tools to read its contents. This scenario may occur as part of the life- cycle of the MFD/DC (e.g., decommission). T.FAXLINE A malicious user may attempt to access the internal network (to access data and/or resources) via the FAX telephone line/modem using publicly available tools and equipment (the threat agent does not have access to specialized digital/analog telephone/modem/computer/etc. equipment). 3.3 Organizational Security Policies 33 There are no organizational security policies that are determined to be relevant for the TOE. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 12 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES 34 The purpose of the security objectives is to detail the response planned to counter a security problem or identified threat. Threats can be directed against the TOE or the security environment or both, therefore, the CC identifies two categories of security objectives: • Security objectives for the TOE, and • Security objectives for the environment. 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE 35 This section identifies and describes the security objectives of the TOE. 36 The TOE accomplishes the security objectives defined in Table 5Table 5. Table 5: Security Objectives for the TOE Objectives Description O.RESIDUAL Temporary document image data from a job must not remain on the hard disk drive(s) once that job is completed. O.MANAGE Only System Administrators shall have the capability to exercise security management functions provided by the TSF. O.RESTRICT The TOE will restrict access to the network from the telephone line via the TOE’s FAX modem. O.ONDEMAND The TOE will provide the system administrator with the ability to invoke the image overwrite function “on demand.” 4.2 Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment 37 The security objectives for the non-IT Environment are defined in Table 6Table 6. Table 6: Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment Objectives Description OE.MANAGE A responsible individual will be assigned as the system administrator who will see that the TOE is installed, and is operated in accordance with all applicable policies and procedures necessary to operate the TOE in a secure manner. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 13 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 5 IT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 38 This section defines the IT security requirements that shall be satisfied by the TOE or its environment: 39 The CC divides TOE security requirements into two categories: • Security functional requirements (SFRs) (such as, identification and authentication, security management, and user data protection) that the TOE and the supporting evidence need to satisfy to meet the security objectives of the TOE. • Security assurance requirements (SARs) that provide grounds for confidence that the TOE and its supporting IT environment meet its security objectives (e.g., configuration management, testing, and vulnerability assessment). 40 These requirements are discussed separately within the following subsections. 5.1 TOE Security Functional Requirements 41 The TOE satisfies the SFRs delineated in Table 7Table 7. The rest of this section contains a description of each component and any related dependencies. Table 7: TOE Security Functional Requirements Functional Component ID Functional Component Name FDP_RIP.1 (1) Subset Residual Information Protection FDP_RIP.1 (2) Subset Residual Information Protection FIA_UID.2 User Identification before any Action FIA_UAU.2 User Authentication before any Action FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback FMT_MOF.1 Management of Security Functions Behavior FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles 5.1.1 Class FDP: User Data Protection 42 FDP_RIP.1 (1) Subset Residual Information Protection Hierarchical to: No other components FDP_RIP.1.1(1) The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects: [ Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 14 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Network Controller Hard Disk Drive Dependencies: No dependencies 43 FDP_RIP.1 (2) Subset Residual Information Protection Hierarchical to: No other components FDP_RIP.1.1(2) The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects: [ Copy Controller Hard Disk Drive Dependencies: No dependencies 5.1.2 Class FIA: Identification and Authentication 44 FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action Hierarchical to: FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to identify itself before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Dependencies: No dependencies 45 FIA_UAU.2 User Authentication Before Any Action Hierarchical to: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of Authentication FIA_UAU.2.1 The TSF shall require each system administrator to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that system administrator. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of Identification 46 FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback Hierarchical to: No other components FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide only [obscured feedback] to the system administrator while the authentication is in progress. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of Authentication Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 15 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 5.1.3 Class FMT: Security Management 47 FMT_MOF.1 Management of Security Functions Behavior Hierarchical to: No other components FMT_MOF.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to disable and enable the functions [TSF_IOWN, TSF_IOWC] to [the system administrator]. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions 48 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions Hierarchical to: No other components. FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following security management functions: [ Enable/disable Immediate Image Overwrite (IIO) [TSF_IOWN, TSF_IOWC], Enable/disable Embedded Fax [TSF_FLOW], Change PIN, Invoke/Abort ODIO [TSF_IOWN, TSF_IOWC] Dependencies: No Dependencies 49 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles Hierarchical to: No other components. FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles [system administrator]. FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate human users with roles. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification 5.2 TOE Security Assurance Requirements 50 Table 8Table 8 identifies the security assurance components drawn from CC Part 3 Security Assurance Requirements EAL2. The SARs are not iterated or refined from Part 3. Table 8: EAL2 Assurance Requirements Assurance Component ID Assurance Component Name Dependencies ACM_CAP.2 Configuration items None ADO_DEL.1 Delivery procedures None ADO_IGS.1 Installation, generation, and start-up procedures AGD_ADM.1 Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 16 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Assurance Component ID Assurance Component Name Dependencies ADV_FSP.1 Informal functional specification ADV_RCR.1 ADV_HLD.1 Descriptive high-level design ADV_FSP.1, ADV_RCR.1 ADV_RCR.1 Informal correspondence demonstration None AGD_ADM.1 Administrator guidance ADV_FSP.1 AGD_USR.1 User guidance ADV_FSP.1 ATE_COV.1 Evidence of coverage ADV_FSP.1, ATE_FUN.1 ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing None ATE_IND.2 Independent testing-sample ADV_FSP.1, AGD_ADM.1, AGD_USR.1, ATE_FUN.1 AVA_SOF.1 Strength of TOE security function evaluation ADV_FSP.1, ADV_HLD.1 AVA_VLA.1 Developer vulnerability analysis ADV_FSP.1, ADV_HLD.1 AGD_ADM.1, AGD_USR.1 5.3 Security Requirements for the IT Environment 51 There are no security functional requirements for the IT Environment. 5.4 Explicitly Stated Requirements for the TOE 52 EXP_FAX.1 Network FAX Separation Hierarchical to: No other components EXP_FAX.1.1 Access to the internal network through the FAX telephone line/modem interface shall be denied. Dependencies: No dependencies 5.5 SFRs With SOF Declarations 53 The overall Strength of Function (SOF) claim for the TOE is SOF-basic. 54 FIA_UAU.2: The authentication mechanism has a PIN space of 103 – 1012 (3 – 12 digit PIN). Through Xerox guidance, the recommend PIN size is 8 to 12 digits (PIN Space of 108 to 1012 ). System administrator PINs are changed every 40 days (8-digit PIN) or annually (9-digit PIN). Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 17 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 6 TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION 55 This section presents an overview of the security functions implemented by the TOE and the Assurance Measures applied to ensure their correct implementation. 6.1 TOE Security Functions 56 This section presents the security functions performed by the TOE to satisfy the identified SFRs in Section 5.1.1. Traceability to SFRs is also provided. 6.1.1 Image Overwrite Network Controller (TSF_IOWN) 57 The MFD configuration of the TOE implements an image overwrite security function to overwrite temporary files created during the printing, network scan, scan to email, or internet fax processes. (Image overwrite of the files created during copy jobs on the MFD is discussed in Section 6.1.2 following.) In the MFD, temporary files are created as a result of print, network scan, scan-to-email, or internet fax, processing on a reserved section (/tmp/spool or /tmp/scan_spool) of the Network Controller hard disk drive (HDD). The files are overwritten on the Network Controller HDD using a three pass overwrite procedure as described in DOD 5800.28-M upon job completion using the Immediate Image Overwrite (IIO) function or upon action by the system administrator using the “On-Demand” Image Overwrite (ODIO) function. The ODIO function can be manually invoked by the system administrator at any time (e.g., in situations where the IIO function fails). 58 In the MFD, ODIO is invoked by the System Administrator via the tools menu/web interface. Once invoked, the ODIO cancels all print, network scan, scan-to-email, or internet fax jobs, halts the printer interface (MFD), and overwrites the contents of the sections for temporary image files on the Network Controller HDD. The entire machine then reboots. If the System Administrator attempts to activate diagnostics mode while ODIO is in progress, the request will be queued until the ODIO completes and then the system will enter diagnostic mode. 59 While ODIO is running, both the Local and Web User Interfaces display a message stating that ODIO is in progress and an abort button. If the System Administrator aborts ODIO, the process stops at a sector boundary. As part of the cancellation, the file system is rebuilt (e.g., the directory is cleared, the I-nodes are initialized, and the system then reboots). During every reboot the system goes through a file system check that verifies the integrity of the directory, and the disks are remounted. 60 In the MFD, if either the Network Controller or Copy Controller crashes for any reason, the controller that crashed will make three attempts to reboot itself, with the still operating controller “watching.” After three unsuccessful reboot attempts, the operating controller will schedule a reboot of the entire machine. During reboot, an Immediate Image Overwrite is automatically performed on the Network Controller as part of job recovery. There is no automatic overwrite of the Copy Controller, however. The system administrator must manually run ODIO to overwrite the sections for temporary image files on the Copy Controller HDD. In the MFD, the progress of all jobs is tracked in logs on the Network Controller HDD (for print, scan-to-email, internet fax, Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 18 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved and network scan jobs) and the Copy Controller HDD (for copy and analog fax jobs). During the reboot process, logs are tracked. Abnormally terminated jobs on the Network Controller HDD are automatically overwritten by the IIO function, while the system administrator must invoke ODIO to overwrite abnormally terminated jobs on the Copy Controller HDD. 61 Functional Requirements Satisfied: FDP_RIP.1(1) 6.1.2 Image Overwrite Copy Controller (TSF_IOWC) 62 Both the MFD and DC models of the TOE implement an image overwrite security function to overwrite the temporary files created on the Copy Controller HDD for copy and analog fax jobs (MFD and DC), print jobs (MFD), and those created on the Copy Controller HDD during the “pass-through” of network scan, scan-to-email, and internet fax jobs (MFD) to the Network Controller. On both models, the files are overwritten on the Copy Controller HDD using a three pass overwrite procedure as described in DOD 5800.28-M upon job completion using the Immediate Image Overwrite (IIO) function or upon action by the system administrator using the “On-Demand” Image Overwrite (ODIO) function. The ODIO function can be manually invoked by the system administrator at any time (e.g., in situations where the IIO function fails). 63 ODIO is invoked by the System Administrator via the tools menu on the DC and via either the tools menu or web interface on the MFD. Once invoked, ODIO cancels all pending jobs and overwrites the contents of the sections for temporary image files on the Copy Controller HDD. The entire machine then reboots. If the System Administrator attempts to activate diagnostics mode while ODIO is in progress, the request will be queued until the ODIO completes and then the system will enter diagnostic mode. 64 While ODIO is running, the Local User Interface will display a message stating that ODIO is in progress and an abort button. If the System Administrator aborts ODIO, the process stops at a sector boundary. As part of the cancellation, the file system is rebuilt (e.g., the directory is clear, the I-nodes are initialized, and the system then reboots). During every reboot the system goes through a file system check that verifies the integrity of the directory, and the disks are remounted. 65 In the DC, if the Copy Controller crashes, the system will automatically reboot itself. Again, there is no automatic overwrite of the sections for temporary image files on Copy Controller HDD in the DC configuration. The system administrator must manually run ODIO to overwrite the sections for temporary image files on Copy Controller HDD. In both the DC and MFD configurations, the progress of all jobs is tracked in a log on the Copy Controller HDD. During the re-boot process, the log is consulted for any abnormally terminated jobs. If there are abnormally terminated jobs in the log, the System Administrator is prompted to run ODIO via a message on the Local User Interface. 66 Functional Requirements Satisfied: FDP_RIP.1(2) Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 19 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 6.1.3 Information Flow (TSF_FLOW) 67 The TOE is architected to provide separation between the optional FAX processing board and the network controller. 68 The FAX card plugs directly into the PCI bus of the Copy Controller board with the Copy Controller acting as the PCI bus master. The Copy Controller communicates with the network controller via a proprietary interface, but it is the Copy Controller/FAX interface that provides TSF_FLOW 69 There are two methods of communication between the Copy Controller and the FAX - Command/Response and Image data transfer. Commands and Responses are sent and received via a shared memory block on the FAX card. Image data is transferred using DMA transfer with the Copy Controller acting as the bus master. For outgoing fax the Copy Controller will push image data to the FAX card. For incoming fax the Copy Controller will pull image data from the FAX. The FAX card will inform the Copy Controller when there is a FAX available for collection. Similarly, the Copy Controller will inform the FAX card when it wishes to send a fax out. 70 No mechanism exists to transfer arbitrary (e.g. non-FAX data) between the Copy Controller and FAX card. 71 Functional Requirements Satisfied: EXP_FAX.1 6.1.4 Authentication (TSF_AUT) 72 The TOE utilizes a simple authentication function through the front panel (DC and MFD) or web interface (MFD only). The system administrator must authenticate by entering a 3 to 12 digit PIN prior to being granted access to the tools menu and system administration functions. The system administrator must change the default PIN after installation is complete. System administrator PINs are changed every 40 days (8-digit PIN) or annually (9-digit PIN). While the system administrator is entering the PIN number, the TOE displays a ‘*’ character for each digit entered to hide the value entered. The authentication mechanism has a PIN space of 103 to 1012 . 73 The Web user interface also requires the system administrator to enter a PIN and enter “admin” into the username field. The username prompt provided by the web server is not used but is provided for historical reasons. The only valid string is “admin,” which is hard coded into the web server and cannot be changed. Additional system administrators cannot be added. The TOE does not associate user attributes or privileges based on username. 74 Functional Requirements Satisfied: FMT_SMR.1, FIA_UAU.2, FIA_UAU.7, FIA_UID.2 6.1.5 Security Management (TSF_FMT) 75 The TSF_FMT utilizes the front panel software module security mechanisms to allow only authenticated system administrators the capability to invoke or abort the ODIO function, enable Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 20 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved or disable the IIO function, enable or disable embedded fax, and change the system administrator PIN. 76 Additionally, TSF_FMT utilizes the web server authentication mechanism to allow only authenticated system administrators the capability to manually invoke or abort “On Demand” Image Overwrite (ODIO) through the web interface. 77 The TOE restricts access to the configuration of administrative functions to the system administrator. 78 Functional Requirements Satisfied: FMT_SMR.1, FMT_MOF.1, FMT_SMF.1 6.2 Assurance Measures 79 The TOE satisfies CC EAL2 assurance requirements. This section identifies the Configuration Management, Delivery and Operation, Development, Guidance Documents, Testing, and Vulnerability Assessment Assurance Measures applied by Xerox to satisfy the CC EAL2 assurance requirements. Assurance Component How requirement will be met ACM_CAP.2 Configuration Items The vendor provided configuration management documents and a Configuration Item list. ADO_DEL.1 Delivery Procedures The vendor provided delivery procedures. ADO_IGS.1 Installation, Generation and Startup procedures The vendor provided secure installation, generation and start up procedures. ADV_FSP.1 Informal function specification The vendor provided an informal function specification. ADV_HLD.1 Descriptive high-level design The vendor provided a descriptive high-level design document. ADV_RCR.1 Informal correspondence demonstration The informal correspondence demonstration is provided in the design documentation. ST to FSP in the FSP, FSP to HLD in the HLD. AGD_ADM.1 Administrator Guidance The vendor submitted a system administration manual. AGD_USR.1 User Guidance The vendor submitted a guide targeted at non- privileged users. ATE_COV.1 Evidence of coverage The analysis of test coverage was submitted in the evaluation evidence. ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing The test evidence was submitted to the CCTL. ATE_IND.2 Independent testing – sample The laboratory used development evidence submitted by the vendor along with functional testing evidence as a baseline for an independent test plan. AVA_SOF.1 Strength of Function The vendor submitted an analysis of the SOF for the PIN. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 21 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Assurance Component How requirement will be met AVA_VLA.2 Independent vulnerability analysis The vendor submitted vulnerability analysis was confirmed. The laboratory conducted an independent vulnerability assessment by building on the vendor’s. The laboratory conducted penetration testing. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 22 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 7 PROTECTION PROFILE (PP) CLAIMS 80 The TOE does not claim conformance to a PP. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 23 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 8 RATIONALE 81 This section demonstrates the completeness and consistency of this ST by providing justification for the following: Traceability The security objectives for the TOE and its environment are explained in terms of threats countered and assumptions met. The SFRs are explained in terms of objectives met by the requirement. The traceability is illustrated through matrices that map the following: • security objectives to threats encountered • environmental objectives to assumptions met • SFRs to objectives met Assurance Level A justification is provided for selecting an EAL2 level of assurance for this ST. SOF A rationale is provided for the SOF level chosen for this ST. Dependencies A mapping is provided as evidence that all dependencies are met. 8.1 Security Objectives Rationale 82 This section demonstrates that all security objectives for the TOE are traced back to aspects of the identified threats to be countered and/or aspects of the organizational security policies to be met by the TOE. Table 9: Security Objectives Rationale Objective Threat Organizational Security Policy Assumption Rationale O.RESIDUAL T.RECOVER O.RESIDUAL helps to counter the threat T.RECOVER by limiting the amount of time that temporary document image data is on the hard disk drives or drive. By removing this temporary data, the window of opportunity is reduced to the time necessary to process the job. The TSF_IOWN and TSF_IOWC functions overwrite any residual data as described in DoD 5200.28-M. O.MANAGE T.RECOVER The O.MANAGE objective helps to counter the threat T.RECOVER by ensuring that the TOE is Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 24 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Objective Threat Organizational Security Policy Assumption Rationale properly configured and operating in accordance with stated security guidance. O.RESTRICT T.FAXLINE O.RESTRICT counters the threat T.FAXLINE because it ensures that it is not possible to access the network from the telephone line via the TOE’s FAX modem. O.ONDEMAND T.RECOVER O.ONDEMAND helps counter the threat T.RECOVER because by manually invoking the image overwrite (ODIO) function, the system administrator is able to minimize the opportunity an adversary has to access temporary document image data on the HDD(s) from print, scan to email, network scan, internet fax, analog fax, or copy jobs on the MFD and from copy and analog fax jobs on the DC. O.ONDEMAND also helps counter the threat T.RECOVER when the device is decommissioned or moved. By manually invoking the image overwrite function, the system administrator is able to sanitize the HDDs before the device is taken out of service. Table 10: Security Objectives Rationale for the Non-IT Environment Objective Threat Organizational Security Policy Assumption Rationale OE.MANAGE A.CHANGE_KOC A.INSTALL A.MANAGE A.NO_EVIL_ADM A.PROCEDURE OE.MANAGE is met by A.CHANGE_KOC, A.INSTALL, A.MANAGE, A.NO_EVIL_ADM, A.PROCEDURE by providing a trustworthy and responsible person to oversee the installation, configuration and operation of the TOE, using a secure PIN changed at specified intervals. 8.2 Security Requirements Rationale 83 This section provides evidence that demonstrates that the security objectives for the TOE and the IT environment are satisfied by the security requirements. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 25 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 84 These mappings demonstrate that all TOE security requirements can be traced back to one or more TOE security objective(s), and all TOE security objectives are supported by at least one security requirement. 8.2.1 Rationale For TOE Security Requirements 85 This section provides evidence demonstrating that the security objectives of the TOE are satisfied by the security requirements. The following paragraphs provide the security requirement to security objective mapping and a rationale to justify the mapping. Table 11: Security Objectives Rationale for the Environment SFR Rationale FDP_RIP.1 (1) Ensures that residual temporary document data does not remain on the mass storage device once the corresponding job has completed processing (IIO) or when circumstances compel the system administrator to invoke ODIO. This SFR traces back and meets O.RESIDUAL and O.ONDEMAND. FDP_RIP.1 (2) Ensures that residual temporary document data does not remain on the mass storage device once the corresponding job has completed processing or when circumstances compel the system administrator to invoke ODIO. This SFR traces back and meets O.RESIDUAL and O.ONDEMAND. FIA_UID.2 Ensures that system administrators are identified before accessing the security functionality of the TOE. This SFR traces back to and aids in meeting the following objective: O.MANAGE. FIA_UAU.2 Ensures that system administrators are authenticated before accessing the security functionality of the TOE. This SFR traces back to and aids in meeting the following objective: O.MANAGE. FIA_UAU.7 Ensures that only obscured feedback generated by the authentication process is provided to system administrators before successful authentication. This SFR traces back to and aids in meeting the following objective: O.MANAGE. FMT_MOF.1 Ensures that only system administrators have the capability to enable or disable the IIO capability of TSF_IOWN and TSF_IOWC, change the system administrator PIN, and invoke or abort the ODIO capability of TSF_IOWN and TSF_IOWC. This SFR traces back and aids in meeting the following objectives: O.MANAGE and O.ONDEMAND. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 26 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved SFR Rationale FMT_SMF.1 Ensures that critical security management functions (i.e., enable/disable IIO, enable/disable embedded fax, change system administrator PIN, and invoke/abort ODIO) are available on the TOE. This SFR traces back and aids in meeting the following objectives: O.MANAGE, O.ONDEMAND, and O.RESTRICT. FMT_SMR.1 Ensures that the TOE maintains the system administrator role – a trusted individual who can administer the TOE. This SFR traces back and aids in meeting O.MANAGE and O.ONDEMAND. EXP_FAX.1 Network FAX separation protects TSF and its data from modification or tampering. O.RESTRICT is met by architectural design of the TOE to make it impossible for an external entity to access TSF data or the network through the telephone line/modem of the optional FAX. Table 12: TOE SFR Mapping to Objectives O.RESIDUAL O. RESTRICT O.MANAGE O.ONDEMAND FDP_RIP.1 X X FIA_UAU.2 X FIA_UAU.7 X FIA_UID.2 X FMT_MOF.1 X X FMT_SMF.1 X X X FMT_SMR.1 X X EXP_FAX.1 X 8.3 Rationale For Assurance Level 86 This ST has been developed for multi-function digital image processing and digital copier products incorporating an Image Overwrite Security option. The TOE will be exposed to a low level of risk because the TOE sits within office space to which access is controlled (e.g., employee-only space). In such a public space, an agent would not have the prolonged access necessary to physically remove the internal HDD(s) from the TOE nor would there be time for an agent to connect a device (e.g., laptop or notebook) to the TOE via the serial port, locate latent Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 27 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved image data, and copy it without being discovered and challenged. Therefore, Evaluation Assurance Level 2 is appropriate. 8.4 Rationale For TOE Summary Specification 87 This section demonstrates that the TSFs and Assurance Measures meet the SFRs. 88 The specified TSFs work together to satisfy the TOE SFRs. Table 13 provides a mapping of SFRs to the TSFs to show that each SFR is captured within a security function. Table 13: Mapping of SFRs to Security Functions SFR Name TSF Name FDP_RIP.1 (1) Subset Residual Information Protection TSF_IOWN Image Overwrite Network Controller FDP_RIP.1 (2) Subset Residual Information Protection TSF_IOWC Image Overwrite Copy Controller FIA_UAU.2 User Authentication before any Action TSF_AUT Authentication FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback TSF_AUT Authentication FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action TSF_AUT Authentication FMT_MOF.1 Management of Security Functions Behavior TSF_FMT Security Management FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions TSF_FMT Security Management FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles TSF_FMT Security Management FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles TSF_AUT Authentication EXP_FAX.1 Network FAX Separation TSF_FLOW Information Flow 8.4.1 TOE Assurance Requirements 89 Section 6.2 of this document identifies the Assurance Measures implemented by Xerox to satisfy the assurance requirements of EAL2 as delineated in the table in Annex B of the CC, Part 3. Table 14Table 14 maps the Assurance Requirements with the Assurance Measures as stated in Section 5.2. Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 28 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Table 14: Assurance Measure Compliance Matrix Assurance Measure Configuration Management Delivery and Operation Development Guidance Test Vulnerability Assessment ACM_CAP.2 X ADO_DEL.1 X ADO_IGS.1 X ADV_FSP.1 X ADV_HLD.1 X ADV_RCR.1 X AGD_ADM.1 X AGD_USR.1 X ATE_COV.1 X ATE_FUN.1 X ATE_IND.2 X AVA_SOF.1 X AVA_VLA.1 X 8.4.2 TOE SOF Claims 90 The overall TOE SOF claim is SOF-basic because this SOF is sufficient to resist the threats identified in Section 3.2. Section 8.1 provides evidence that demonstrates that TOE threats are countered by the TOE security objectives. Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 demonstrate that the security objectives for the TOE and the TOE environment are satisfied by the security requirements. The SOF-basic claim for the TOE applies because the TOE protects against an unskilled attacker with no special tools from accessing the TOE. System administrator PINs are changed either every 40 days (8-digit PIN) or annually (9-digit PIN). 8.5 Rationale For SFR and SAR Dependencies 91 Table 15Table 15 is a cross-reference of the functional components, their related dependencies, and whether the dependency was satisfied. Table 15: SFR Dependencies Status Functional Component ID Functional Component Name Dependency (ies) Satisfied FDP_RIP.1 (1) Residual Information Protection None FDP_RIP.1 (2) Residual Information Protection None FIA_UAU.2 User Authentication before any Action FIA_UID.1 Yes FIA_UAU.7 Protected Authentication Feedback FIA_UAU.1 Yes Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 29 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved Functional Component ID Functional Component Name Dependency (ies) Satisfied FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action none FMT_MOF.1 Management of Security Functions Behavior FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMR.1 Yes FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions None FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles FIA_UID.1 Yes 92 SAR dependencies identified in the CC have been met by this ST as shown in Table 16Table 16. Table 16: EAL2 SAR Dependencies Satisfied Assurance Component ID Assurance Component Name Dependencies Satisfied ACM_CAP.2 Configuration items None NA ADO_DEL.1 Delivery procedures None NA ADO_IGS.1 Installation, generation, and start-up procedures AGD_ADM.1 YES ADV_FSP.1 Informal functional specification ADV_RCR.1 YES ADV_HLD.1 Descriptive high-level design ADV_FSP.1, ADV_RCR.1 YES ADV_RCR.1 Informal correspondence demonstration None YES AGD_ADM.1 Administrator guidance ADV_FSP.1 YES AGD_USR.1 User guidance ADV_FSP.1 YES ATE_COV.1 Evidence of coverage ADV_FSP.1, ATE_FUN.1 YES ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing None NA ATE_IND.2 Independent testing-sample ADV_FSP.1, AGD_ADM.1, AGD_USR.1, ATE_FUN.1 YES AVA_SOF.1 Strength of TOE security function evaluation ADV_FSP.1, ADV_HLD.1 YES AVA_VLA.1 Developer vulnerability analysis ADV_FSP.1, ATE_HLD.1 AGD_ADM.1, AGD_USR.1 YES Xerox CopyCentre C2128/C2636/C3545 Copier and WorkCentre Pro C2128/C2636/C3545 Advanced Multifunction System including Image Overwrite Security Security Target 30 Copyright 2005 Xerox Corporation, All rights reserved 8.6 Rationale for Explicitly Stated Requirements 93 The CC is geared toward operating systems, as such, FPT_SEP.1 does not fit the TOE’s architecture. For this reason, it was necessary to write an explicitly stated requirement, EXP_FAX.1, that states that the TSF will separate the network and FAX interfaces. This requirement is necessary to provide isolation between the FAX telephone line/modem and the network interface. 8.7 Internal Consistency and Mutually Supportive Rationale 94 The set of security requirements provided in this ST form a mutually supportive and internally consistent whole for the following reasons: a) The choice of security requirements is justified as shown in Sections 8.3 and 8.4. The choice of SFRs and SARs is based on the assumptions about the objectives for, and the threats to, the TOE and the security environment. This ST provides evidence that the security objectives counter threats to the TOE, and that physical, personnel, and procedural assumptions are satisfied by security objectives for the TOE environment. b) The security functions of the TOE satisfy the SFRs as shown in Table 13. All SFR and SAR dependencies have been satisfied or rationalized as shown in Table 15Table 15 and Table 16Table 16 and described in Section 8.5. c) The SARs are appropriate for the assurance level of EAL2 and are satisfied by the TOE as shown in Table 14Table 14. EAL2 was chosen to provide a basic level of independently assured security with the assumption that products used in these environments will meet the security needs of the environment. d) The SFRs and SARs presented in Section 5 and justified in Sections 8.3 and 8.4 are internally consistent. There is no conflict between security functions, as described in Section 2 and Section 6, and the SARs to prevent satisfaction of all SFRs.