CI PHE R ™ nShield™ Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 Security Target Version 1.9 17 March 2009 nCipher Thales Jupiter House Station Road Cambridge, UK CB1 2JD nShield™ Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 2 CI PHE R ™ Document Introduction This document provides the basis for an evaluation of a specific Target of Evaluation (TOE), the nCipher nShield Family of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) Firmware Version 2.33.60. This Security Target (ST) defines a set of assumptions about the aspects of the environment, a list of threats that the product intends to counter, a set of security objectives, a set of security requirements and the IT security functions provided by the TOE which meet the set of requirements. Prepared By: Prepared For: Common Criteria Consulting LLC 15804 Laughlin Lane Silver Spring, MD 20906 nCipher Corporation Ltd. Jupiter House Station Road Cambridge, UK CB1 2JD nShield™ Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 3 CI PHE R ™ Revision History Version Date Description 1.0 April 29, 2007 Initial version 1.1 April 30, 2007 Incorporated comments from nCipher 1.2 June 13, 2007 Addressed OR 01 1.3 June 18, 2007 Added user guide titles 1.4 July 2, 2007 nCipher Marketing Comments 1.4a July 5, 2007 nCipher style sheet 1.5 July 9,2007 Updated algorithm certificates 1.6 August 22, 2008 Addressed CB OR, Updated firmware version, CMVP certificate number 1.7 September 18, 2008 Corrected incorrect firmware version 1.8 October 6, 2008 Addressed CB OR 1.9 March 17, 2009 Algorithm Certificates nShield™ Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 4 CI PHE R ™ Table of Contents Document Introduction 2 Revision History 3 Chapter 1: Security Target Introduction 10 Security Target Reference 10 TOE Reference 10 Evaluation Assurance Level 10 Keywords 10 TOE Overview 10 Security Target Organisation 10 Common Criteria Conformance 11 Protection Profile Conformance 11 Conventions 11 Chapter 2: TOE Description 12 Product Description 12 Physical Boundary 13 Logical Boundary 14 Key Management 14 Self Protection 14 Evaluated Configuration 14 Chapter 3: Security Environment 15 Introduction 15 Assumptions 15 Threats 16 Organisational Security Policies 16 Chapter 4: Security Objectives 17 Security Objectives for the TOE 17 Security Objectives for the IT Environment 17 Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment 17 Chapter 5: IT Security Requirements 18 TOE Security Functional Requirements 18 Cryptographic Support (FCS) 18 Protection of the TSF (FPT) 19 nShield™ Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 5 CI PHE R ™ TOE Security Assurance Requirements20 Strength of Function for the TOE21 CC Component Hierarchies and Dependencies21 Chapter 6: TOE Summary Specification 23 Security Functions 23 Key Management 23 Self Protection 25 Assurance Measures 25 Strength of Function Claim 30 Chapter 7: Protection Profile Claims 31 Protection Profile Reference 31 Protection Profile Refinements 31 Protection Profile Additions 31 Protection Profile Rationale 31 Chapter 8: Rationale 32 Rationale for IT Security Objectives 32 Rationale Showing Threats to Security Objectives 33 Rationale Showing Assumptions to Environment Security Objectives 33 Rationale Showing OSPs to Environment Security Objectives 33 Security Requirements Rationale 34 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements of the TOE Objectives 34 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements of the IT Environment Objectives 35 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale 35 TOE Summary Specification Rationale 36 PP Claims Rationale 37 Strength of Function Rationale 37 nShield™ Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 6 CI PHE R ™ 7 CI PHE R ™ List of Figures Figure 1 nShield PCI Module 13 Figure 2 Physical Boundary 13 8 CI PHE R ™ List of Tables Table 1 Assumptions 15 Table 2 Threats 16 Table 3 Organisational Security Policies 16 Table 4 Security Objectives for the TOE 17 Table 5 Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment 17 Table 6 Cryptographic Key Generation 18 Table 7 Cryptographic Operations 19 Table 8 EAL4 Assurance Requirements 20 Table 9 TOE SFR Dependency Rationale 21 Table 10 Keys Generated by the TOE 24 Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures 25 Table 12 Threats and Assumptions to Security Objectives Mapping 32 Table 13 Threats to Security Objectives Rationale 33 Table 14 Assumptions to Security Objectives Rationale 33 Table 15 OSPs to Security Objectives Rationale 33 Table 16 SFRs to Security Objectives Mapping 34 Table 17 Security Objectives to SFR Rationale 35 Table 18 SFRs to TOE Security Functions Mapping 36 Table 19 SFR to SF Rationale 36 9 CI PHE R ™ ACRONYMS LIST AES........................................................................................... Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI .............................................................................. American National Standards Institute API..............................................................................................Application Program Interface CAVP ..................................................................Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC ....................................................................................................... Cipher-BlockChaining CC ................................................................................................................... Common Criteria CM ...................................................................................................Configuration management CMVP .....................................................................Cryptographic Module Validation Program DES.................................................................................................... Data Encryption Standard DSA ............................................................................................... Digital Signature Algorithm EAL4........................................................................................... Evaluation Assurance Level 4 ECB...........................................................................................................Electronic CodeBook ECDSA ...................................................................Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm FIPS ...........................................................................Federal Information Processing Standard HSM.................................................................................................Hardware Security Module IT...........................................................................................................Information Technology MAC ........................................................................................... Message Authentication Code NIAP .....................................................................National Information Assurance Partnership NIST.................................................................National Institute of Standards and Technology PCB........................................................................................................... Printed Circuit Board PCI ..................................................................................... Peripheral Component Interconnect PKI......................................................................................................Public Key Infrastructure PP.................................................................................................................... Protection Profile PRNG.................................................................................Pseudo-Random Number Generator RSA............................................................................................... Rivest, Shamir and Adleman SF....................................................................................................................Security Function SFP.......................................................................................................Security Function Policy SHA .......................................................................................................Secure Hash Algorithm SHS .......................................................................................................... Secure Hash Standard SOF .............................................................................................................Strength of Function ST........................................................................................................................ Security Target TOE.............................................................................................................Target of Evaluation TSC .......................................................................................................... TSF Scope of Control TSF......................................................................................................... TOE Security Function TSFI ...................................................................................................................... TSF Interface TSP............................................................................................................. TOE Security Policy 10 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 1: Security Target Introduction This Security Target (ST) describes the objectives, requirements and rationale for the nCipher nShield Family of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) Firmware Version 2.33.60. The language used in this Security Target is consistent with the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 2.3, the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27, Guide for the Production of PPs and STs, Version 0.9 and all international interpretations through May 31, 2007. As such, the spelling of terms is presented using the internationally accepted English. 1.1 Security Target Reference nCipher nShield Family of Hardware Security Modules Firmware Version 2.33.60 Security Target, Version 1.9 17 March, 2009. 1.2 TOE Reference nCipher nShield Family of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) Firmware Version 2.33.60 Hereafter the TOE is referred to as the nShield HSM. 1.3 Evaluation Assurance Level Assurance claims conform to EAL4 (Evaluation Assurance Level 4) from the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 2.3 augmented by ALC_FLR.1 (Basic flaw remediation). 1.4 Keywords Hardware Security Module, Key Management, Secure Key Management 1.5 TOE Overview This Security Target defines the requirements for the nShield HSM. The TOE is the firmware executing on the nShield family of HSMs, which protect keys within a commercial server platform in a highly secure, tamper-resistant hardware environment enabling them to be effectively managed and safely stored. nShield HSMs have received a FIPS 140-2 security validation at level 2 and level 3. 1.5.1 Security Target Organisation Chapter 1 of this ST provides introductory and identifying information for the TOE. Chapter 2 describes the TOE and provides some guidance on its use. 11 CI PHE R ™ Common Criteria Conformance Chapter 3 provides a security environment description in terms of assumptions, threats and organisational security policies. Chapter 4 identifies the security objectives of the TOE and of the Information Technology (IT) environment. Chapter 5 provides the TOE security and functional requirements, as well as requirements on the IT environment. Chapter 6 is the TOE Summary Specification, a description of the functions provided by the TOE to satisfy the security functional and assurance requirements. Chapter 7 identifies claims of conformance to a registered Protection Profile (PP). Chapter 8 provides a rationale for the security objectives, requirements, TOE summary specification and PP claims. 1.6 Common Criteria Conformance The nShield HSM is compliant with the Common Criteria (CC) Version 2.3, functional requirements (Part 2) conformant and assurance requirements (Part 3) augmented for EAL4. The augmentation is ALC_FLR.1 (Basic flaw remediation). 1.7 Protection Profile Conformance The nShield HSM does not claim conformance to any registered Protection Profile. 1.8 Conventions The CC defines operations on security requirements. The font conventions listed below state the conventions used in this ST to identify the operations. Assignment: indicated in underlined text Selection: indicated in italics Assignments within selections: indicated in italics and underlined text Refinement: indicated with bold text Iterations of security functional requirements may be included. If so, iterations are specified at the component level and all elements of the component are repeated. Iterations are identified by numbers in parentheses following the component or element (e.g., FAU_ARP.1(1)). 12 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 2: TOE Description This section provides the context for the TOE evaluation by identifying the product type and describing the evaluated configuration. 2.1 Product Description The nShield™ range of HSMs provide physical and logical protection for the cryptographic keys used within industry standard computing platforms. By providing a highly secure, tamper-resistant hardware environment sensitive keys and data are easily protected from a range of internal and external threats. nShield has been certified to FIPS 140-2 at level 2 and level 3, enabling organizations to comply with regulatory, industry and government best practice with existing applications. In addition to providing a platform for implementing best practice security, nShield also boasts a choice of flexible key management solutions and hardware acceleration for a variety of applications that rely on cryptography – such as digital signature, data encryption and digital rights management . By storing, using and managing cryptographic keys entirely within nShield's highly secure hardware environment, organizations can protect keys, applications and data from a range of network, user and administrative threats. The nShield product offers a range of performance options and security validations to best fit the individual business requirements. All members of the product family provide the security functionality described in this Security Target. All nShield products can utilize nCipher's Security World™ key management system and offer a range of cryptographic APIs to integrate with applications on the server. nShield products can also be used as hardware endpoints with with keyAuthority, an enterprise key management system providing the automation and centralized control for organizations with large deployments of cryptographic services. Cryptographically-secured keys are stored on the server disks thus eliminating any limitation on the number of keys that can be used by the TOE. When a key is needed by the TOE, the user provides authorisation to use the key by inserting smart cards contain encrypted shares of the key used to encrypt the blob. Once this key is reassembled, the corresponding key blob is retrieved from the server disk and passed into the TOE. The TOE then verifies the integrity of the key blob, and the key itself is then decrypted within the TOE. When used with keyAuthority, keys are security delivered to the nShield using a mutually authenticated and encrypted key delivery protocol from any of a number of nCipher key Provisioning Servers. This enables organizations to benefit from centrally administered automated key policy enforcement. 13 CI PHE R ™ Product Description 2.1.1 Physical Boundary The HSM is a PCI or PCIe module that is integrated with a server. The HSM includes a processor, and the TOE executes on that processor. Protective potting covers the processor on the HSM to prevent any tampering without destroying the PCB. The following diagram shows one of the HSMs. Figure 1 nShield PCI Module In addition to the PCI connection to a server, the HSM also supports a connection to a smart card reader. Smart cards may be used to hold logical tokens used to encrypt key blobs. Possession of the correct smart card provides authorization to use the stored key. The following block diagram illustrates the relationships between the components and delineates the physical boundary of the TOE. Hardware entities are shown with white fill while soft entities (software and files) are shown in grey. The physical boundary of the TOE (shown in blue) consists of the firmware executing on the processor of the HSM. Figure 2 Physical Boundary Serial nShield HSM Processor Server Application using TOE PCI Smart Card Reader Smart Card Logical Token Hard Disk Key Blobs Physical Boundary HSM Firmware 14 CI PHE R ™ Product Description 2.1.2 Logical Boundary The logical boundary of the TOE defines the security functionality provided by the TOE. The nShield HSM Firmware provides the following security functionality. 2.1.3 Key Management The nShield HSM Firmware provides the ability to generate, archive and recover cryptographic keys. To support that functionality the TOE also provides cryptographic operations including encryption, decryption, hashes, digital signatures, message authentication codes, and random number generation. 2.1.4 Self Protection The TOE protects itself from bypass and interference and tests the underlying abstract machine on which it operates. 2.1.5 Evaluated Configuration The evaluated configuration of the TOE consists of the nShield HSM Firmware, version 2.33.60, executing on a single instance of any member of the nShield family of HSMs. 15 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 3: Security Environment 3.1 Introduction This chapter defines the nature and scope of the security needs to be addressed by the TOE. Specifically this chapter identifies: A assumptions about the environment, B threats to the assets and C organisational security policies. This chapter identifies assumptions as A.assumption, threats as T.threat and policies as P.policy. 3.2 Assumptions The specific conditions listed in the following table are assumed to exist in the TOE environment. Table 1 Assumptions A.Type Description A.ENVIRON The TOE will be located in an environment that provides uninterruptible power, temperature control and necessary physical security required for reliable operation. A.INSTALL The Administrator will install and configure the TOE according to the administrator guidance. A.NOEVILADMIN Administrators are non-hostile and follow the administrator guidance when using the TOE. Administration is competent and on-going. A.PLATFORM The Administrator will ensure that the platforms used to host the TOE conform to the hardware and software outlined in the administrator guidance. 16 CI PHE R ™ Threats 3.3 Threats The threats identified in the following table are addressed by the TOE and/or the IT environment. 3.4 Organisational Security Policies The organizational security policies identified in the following table are addressed by the TOE and/or the IT environment. Table 2 Threats T.Type TOE Threats T.KEY_ COMPROMISE Keys used to protect sensitive data may be compromised, permitting unauthorized access to the protected data. T.TSF_COMPROMISE A user or process may cause, through an unsophisticated attack, TSF data or executable code to be inappropriately accessed (viewed, modified, or deleted). Table 3 Organisational Security Policies P.Type Organisational Security Policies P.CRYPTOGRAPHY Only NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptography (methods and implementations) are acceptable for key management (i.e.; generation, access, distribution, destruction, handling, and storage of keys) and cryptographic services (i.e.; encryption, decryption, signature, hashing, key exchange, and random number generation services). 17 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 4: Security Objectives This section identifies the security objectives of the TOE, the TOE’s IT environment and the TOE’s non-IT environment. The security objectives identify the responsibilities of the TOE, the TOE’s IT environment, and the TOE’s non-IT environment in meeting the security needs. Objectives of the TOE are identified as O.objective. Objectives that apply to the IT environment are designated as OE.objective. Objectives that apply to the non-IT environment are designated with an ON.objective. 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE The TOE must satisfy the following objectives. 4.2 Security Objectives for the IT Environment There are no objectives to be satisfied by the TOE’s IT environment. 4.3 Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment The TOE’s Non-IT environment must satisfy the following objectives. Table 4 Security Objectives for the TOE O.Type Security Objective O.CRYPTOGRAPHY The TOE shall use NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic services. O.PROTECT_KEYS The TOE will protect cryptographic keys from compromise. O.SELF_PROTECT The TSF will maintain a domain for its own execution that protects itself and its resources from external interference, tampering, or unauthorized disclosure. Table 5 Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment O.N.Type Security Objectives for the Non-IT Environment ON.ENVIRON The Administrator will install the TOE in an environment that provides physical security, uninterruptible power, and temperature control required for reliable operation. ON.INSTALL The Administrator will install and configure the TOE according to the administrator guidance. ON.NOEVILADMIN Administrators are non-hostile and follow the administrator guidance when using the TOE. ON.PLATFORM The Administrator will ensure that the platforms used to host the TOE conform to the hardware and software outlined in the administrator guidance. 18 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 5: IT Security Requirements This section contains the functional requirements that are provided by the TOE. These requirements consist of functional components from Part 2 of the CC. 5.1 TOE Security Functional Requirements The functional requirements are described in detail in the following subsections. Additionally, these requirements are derived verbatim from Part 2 of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 2.3 with the exception of completed operations. 5.1.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS) FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic Key Generation FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm as described below and specified cryptographic key sizes as described below that meet the following standards described below: FCS_CKM.3 Cryptographic Key Access FCS_CKM.3.1 The TSF shall perform key archive, key recovery in accordance with a specified cryptographic key access method key blobs that meets the following: FIPS 140-2. FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method zeroization that meets the following: FIPS 140-2 (CMVP cert #965, #966, #968, #970, #973 and #977). Table 6 Cryptographic Key Generation Algorithm Key Size in Bits Standards SHS (SHA-1) (CAVP cert #648) 112, 168, 256 FIPS 180-2 PRNG Not applicable FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1 SHA-1 and FIPS 186-2 RNG General Purpose RNG 19 CI PHE R ™ TOE Security Functional Requirements FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic Operation FCS_COP.1.1 The TSF shall perform the operations described below in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm multiple algorithms in the modes of operation described below and cryptographic key sizes multiple key sizes described below that meet the following multiple standards described below: 5.1.2 Protection of the TSF (FPT) FPT_AMT.1 Abstract Machine Testing FPT_AMT.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of tests during initial start-up to demonstrate the correct operation of the security assumptions provided by the abstract machine that underlies the TSF. FPT_RVM.1 Non-Bypassability of the TSP FPT_RVM.1.1 The TSF shall ensure that TSP enforcement functions are invoked and succeed before each function within the TSC is allowed to proceed. Table 7 Cryptographic Operations Operation Algorithm (mode) Key Size in Bits Standards Encryption and decryption Triple-DES (ECB, CBC) (CAVP cert #570)) 112, 168 FIPS 46-3 AES (CBC, ECB) (CAVP cert #599)) 256 FIPS 197 Message authentication coding HMAC (SHA-1) (CAVP cert #309)) 128, 224, 256, 384, 512 FIPS 198 Hashing SHS (CAVP cert #648) 128, 224, 256, 384, 512 FIPS 180-2 Random Number Generation PRNG (CAVP cert #340) Not Applicable FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1 SHA-1 and FIPS 186-2 RNG General Purpose RNG Digital Signature DSA (CAVP cert #233) 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS 186-2 ECDSA (CAVP cert #64) 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS 186-2 RSA (CAVP cert #274) 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 ANSI X9.31 20 CI PHE R ™ TOE Security Assurance Requirements FPT_SEP.1 TSF Domain Separation FPT_SEP.1.1 The TSF shall maintain a security domain for its own execution that protects it from interference and tampering by untrusted subjects. FPT_SEP.1.2 The TSF shall enforce separation between the security domains of subjects in the TSC. 5.2 TOE Security Assurance Requirements The TOE meets the assurance requirements for EAL4 and is augmented by ALC_FLR.1. These requirements are summarised in the following table. Table 8 EAL4 Assurance Requirements Assurance Class Component ID Component Title Configuration Management ACM_AUT.1 Partial CM automation ACM_CAP.4 Generation support and acceptance procedures ACM_SCP.2 Problem tracking CM coverage Delivery and Operation ADO_DEL.2 Detection of modification ADO_IGS.1 Installation, Generation, and Start-Up Procedures Development ADV_FSP.2 Fully defined external interfaces ADV_HLD.2 Security enforcing high-level design ADV_IMP.1 Subset of the implementation of the TSF ADV_LLD.1 Descriptive low-level design ADV_RCR.1 Informal Correspondence Demonstration ADV_SPM.1 Informal TOE security policy model Guidance Documents AGD_ADM.1 Administrator Guidance AGD_USR.1 User Guidance Life Cycle Support ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security measures ALC_FLR.1 Basic flaw remediation ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools Tests ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.1 Testing: high-level design ATE_FUN.1 Functional Testing ATE_IND.2 Independent Testing - Sample 21 CI PHE R ™ Strength of Function for the TOE 5.3 Strength of Function for the TOE There are no non-cryptographic probabilistic or permutational mechanisms in the TOE. The overall SOF for the TOE is SOF-Basic. 5.4 CC Component Hierarchies and Dependencies This section of the ST demonstrates that the identified SFRs include the appropriate hierarchy and dependencies. The following table lists the TOE SFRs and the SFRs each are hierarchical to, dependent upon and any necessary rationale. Vulnerability Assessment AVA_MSU.2 Validation of analysis AVA_SOF.1 Strength of TOE Security Function Evaluation AVA_VLA.2 Independent vulnerability analysis Table 9 TOE SFR Dependency Rationale SFR Hierarchical To Dependency Rationale FCS_CKM.1 No other components. [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], Satisfied FCS_CKM.4, Satisfied FMT_MSA.2 Not satisfied – all key material (security attributes) is generated by the TOE so acceptance of secure values is not applicable. FCS_CKM.3 No other components. [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2, or FCS_CKM.1], Satisfied FCS_CKM.4, Satisfied FMT_MSA, .2 Not satisfied – all key material (security attributes) is generated by the TOE so acceptance of secure values is not applicable. FCS_CKM.4 No other components. [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2, or FCS_CKM.1], Satisfied FMT_MSA.2 Not satisfied – all key material (security attributes) is generated by the TOE so acceptance of secure values is not applicable. Table 8 EAL4 Assurance Requirements Assurance Class Component ID Component Title 22 CI PHE R ™ CC Component Hierarchies and Dependencies FCS_COP.1 No other components. [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2, or FCS_CKM.1], Satisfied FCS_CKM.4, Satisfied FMT_MSA.2 Not satisfied – all key material (security attributes) is generated by the TOE so acceptance of secure values is not applicable. FPT_AMT.1 No other components. None n/a FPT_RVM.1 No other components. None n/a FPT_SEP.1 No other components. None n/a Table 9 TOE SFR Dependency Rationale SFR Hierarchical To Dependency Rationale 23 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 6: TOE Summary Specification 6.1 Security Functions 6.1.1 Key Management The TOE provides key generation, key archive and key recovery functions. FIPS-validated cryptographic operations are used in these functions, ensuring the keys remain protected at all times. The TOE also makes the cryptographic operations available to users of the TOE, enabling the operations to be performed without exposing the keys in clear text outside the TOE. The operations made available are defined in FCS_COP.1 in chapter 5. Key generation is performed by calculating a SHA-1 hash of the output of the pseudo-random number generator. Keys are generated for internal use within the TOE as well as for user- controlled sessions. The TOE also supports key fragmentation, which enables keys to be broken into multiple pieces (and stored separately). The fragments must be recombined before the key is again available for use by the TOE. Keys are archived (or exported) as key blobs, which are cryptographically protected so that the keys can be securely recovered (or imported) later for use by the TOE. Key archive and key recovery are used by the TOE to avoid any limitations on the number of keys it can use. Key blobs may be encrypted with a key always accessible to the module (Module Key) or with a logical token, with the logical token in turn securely stored on a smart card. If the smart card with the appropriate logical token is not presented to the TOE, the key blobs protected by that logical token can’t be used by the TOE. The key blobs can be securely stored on the server’s hard disk until the key is needed by the TOE, when it is recovered. The key recovery process includes verification that the key has not been modified while stored as a key blob. Key blobs are created by: The target key (or fragment) is encrypted using strong (Triple-DES or AES) encryption. That result is signed with a wrapper key (module key or logical token), to form the key blob. A Message Authentication Code (MAC) is stored with the key blob, ensuring that tampering is detectable. Once a key is no longer needed in the TOE, it is zeroized. 24 CI PHE R ™ Security Functions The following keys are generated by the TOE: Table 10 Keys Generated by the TOE Key Type Description Long Term Signing Key The TOE stores a 160 bit random number in the HSM. This data is combined with a discrete log group stored in the TOE firmware to produce a DSA key. This key is not used to encrypt any other data. It only serves to provide a cryptographic identity for a module that can be included in a PKI certificate chain. This is the only key that is not zeroized when the module is initialized. Module Signing Key When the TOE is initialized it automatically generates a DSA key pair that it uses to sign certificates. The private half of this pair is stored internally in the HSM and never released. The public half is revealed in plaintext, or encrypted as a key blob under some other key. This key is only ever used to verify that a certificate was generated by a specified module. Module Keys Module keys are AES or Triple DES keys used to protect tokens. The TOE generates the first module key when it is initialized. This module key is an AES key guaranteed never to have been known outside this module. Setting a key as a module key stores the key in the HSM. Module keys can not be exported once they have been assigned as module keys. Logical Tokens A logical token is an AES or Triple DES key used to protect key blobs. Logical tokens are associated with module keys. The key type depends on the key type of the module key. When a module key is exported the logical token - the Triple DES key plus the token parameters - is first encrypted with a module key. Then the encrypted token is split into shares using the Shamir Threshold Sharing algorithm, even if the total number of shares is one. Each share is then encrypted using a share key and written to a physical token (smart card) or software token. Logical tokens can be shared between one or more physical tokens. Share Keys A share key is used to protect a logical token share when they are written to a smart card or software token that is used for authentication. The share key is created by creating a message comprised of an nCipher secret prefix, Module key, Share number, smart card unique id and an optional 20 bytes supplied by the user (expected to be the SHA-1 hash of a pass phrase entered into the application), and using this as the input to the approved pRNG function to form a unique key used to encrypt the share - this is either an AES or Triple DES key depending on the key type of the logical token which is itself determined by the key type of the module key. This key is not stored on the module. It is recalculated every time share is loaded. The share data includes a MAC; if the MAC does not verify correctly the share is rejected. Administrator Keys The administrator keys must be set as part of the initialisation process. This is a public / private key pair that the administrator uses to sign certificates to authorize key management and other secure operations. The SHA-1 hash of the public half of this key pair is stored in the HSM. The public half of this key is included as plain text in certificates. 25 CI PHE R ™ Assurance Measures 6.1.2 Self Protection The TOE provides for self protection and non-bypassability of functions within the TOE’s scope of control (TSC). By maintaining and controlling user interactions, the TOE ensures that no security functions within the TSC are bypassed. Since the TOE is a stand-alone system with no support for general purpose users to introduce code into the TOE, it inherently maintains a separate domain for its own execution that prevents the TOE from being interfered with or tampered with. The TOE supports multiple users; each interaction is processed separately so that separate domains are maintained for each of the user sessions. No mechanism is available to modify the TOE firmware via the TSFIs. On every power up, a set of tests are executed against the HSM hardware to ensure the underlying abstract machine is operating properly. 6.2 Assurance Measures The following table provides a high-level description of the documents that satisfy each of the security assurance requirements. Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures Assurance Class Component ID Documentation Satisfying Component Configuration Management ACM_AUT.1 nShield V11 Configuration Management Plan nCipher performs configuration management on configuration items of the TOE. Automated processes are utilized to ensure that only authorized changes are made. ACM_CAP.4 nShield V11 Configuration Management Plan nCipher performs configuration management on configuration items of the TOE. Configuration management is performed on the TOE, the implementation representation of the TOE, security flaws pertinent to the TOE, and all documentation submitted as evidence for the CC evaluation. The configuration items are uniquely identified and each release of the TOE has a unique reference. The processes include an acceptance plan that describes the procedures used to accept modified or newly created configuration items as part of the TOE. ACM_SCP.2 nShield V11 Configuration Item List The Configuration Items include the TOE, the implementation representation of the TOE, security flaws pertinent to the TOE, and all documentation submitted as evidence for the CC evaluation. 26 CI PHE R ™ Assurance Measures Delivery and Operation ADO_DEL.2 nShield V11 Delivery Processes and Procedures nCipher documents the delivery procedure for the TOE to include how components of the TOE are delivered to the user. The delivery procedure detail how the end-user may determine if they have the TOE and if the integrity of the TOE has been maintained. ADO_IGS.1 Hardware Installation Guide nCipher documents the installation, generation, and startup procedures so that the users of the TOE can put the components of the TOE in the evaluated configuration. Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures Assurance Class Component ID Documentation Satisfying Component 27 CI PHE R ™ Assurance Measures Development ADV_FSP.2 nShield V11 Functional Specification nCore Developers Refernce The external TSFIs are fully documented along with the description of the security functions and a correspondence between the interfaces and the security functions. ADV_HLD.2 nShield V11 High Level Design The subsystems of the TOE are documented in the High Level Design. The TOE identifies the TSP- enforcing subsystems and provides interface details for those subsystems. ADV_IMP.1 Source Code The source code for the TOE provides the implementation representation. ADV_LLD.1 nShield V11 Low Level Design The Low Level Design provides a description of the internal workings of the TSF in terms of modules and their interrelationships and dependencies. For each module of the TSF, the Low Level Design describes its purpose, function, interfaces, dependencies, and the implementation of any TSP-enforcing functions. ADV_RCR.1 nShield V11 Correspondence Mapping The Correspondence Mapping between the various TSF representations addresses the correct and complete instantiation of the requirements starting with the ST and continuing to the implementation representation. ADV_SPM.1 nShield V11 Security Policy Model The Security Policy Model describes the correspondence between the functional specification, the security policy model, and the policies of the TSP. Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures Assurance Class Component ID Documentation Satisfying Component 28 CI PHE R ™ Assurance Measures Guidance Documents AGD_ADM.1 nShield User Guide The administrative guidance is detailed to provide descriptions of how administrative users of the TOE can securely administer the TOE using those functions and interfaces detailed in the guidance. AGD_USR.1 nShield User Guide The user guidance provides the information necessary to users to safely and responsibly use the security functionality of the TOE. Life Cycle Support ALC_DVS.1 nShield V11 Life Cycle nCipher implements development security mechanisms during the development and maintenance of the TOE. ALC_FLR.1 nShield V11 Flaw Remediation nCipher implements process and procedures to collect information regarding security flaws in the TOE, identify corrections for flaws, and communicate flaw information to customers. ALC_LCD.1 nShield V11 Life Cycle The Life Cycle Document defines the procedures, tools and techniques used to develop and maintain the TOE. ALC_TAT.1 nShield V11 Life Cycle The Life Cycle Document identifies all tools used in the development of the TOE. The documentation for those tools defines all statements and options used. Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures Assurance Class Component ID Documentation Satisfying Component 29 CI PHE R ™ Assurance Measures Tests ATE_COV.2 nShield V11 Test Plan nShield V11 Test Coverage nCipher demonstrates the external interfaces tested during functional testing using a coverage analysis. The analysis includes information describing how the interfaces are tested. ATE_DPT.1 nShield V11 Test Plan nCipher demonstrates the internal subsystem interfaces tested during functional testing using a depth analysis. The analysis includes information describing how the interfaces are tested. ATE_FUN.1 nShield V11 Test Plan, nShield V11 Test Procedures, nShield V11 Test Results nCipher functional testing documentation contains a test plan, a description of the tests, along with the expected and actual results of the test conducted against the functions specified in the ST. ATE_IND.2 nShield V11 Test Plan, nShield V11 Test Procedures, nShield V11 Functional Specification, nShield User Guide The nCipher documentation provides the necessary information for the evaluators to develop independent tests. Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures Assurance Class Component ID Documentation Satisfying Component 30 CI PHE R ™ Strength of Function Claim 6.3 Strength of Function Claim There are no non-cryptographic probabilistic or permutational mechanisms in the TOE. The overall SOF for the TOE is SOF-Basic. Vulnerability Assessment AVA_MSU.2 nShield User Guide Hardware Installation Guide nShield V11 Functional Specification The documentation provides descriptions of how administrators of the TOE can correctly administer the TOE. AVA_SOF.1 n/a The TOE does not contain any non-cryptographic probabilistic or permutational mechanisms and does not include any security mechanisms with strength of function claims. Therefore, no strength of function analysis is required. AVA_VLA.2 nShield V11 Vulnerability Analysis nShield Vulnerability Review nCipher documents their vulnerability analysis search for flaws and weaknesses in the TOE. Table 11 EAL4 Assurance Measures Assurance Class Component ID Documentation Satisfying Component 31 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 7: Protection Profile Claims This chapter provides detailed information in reference to the Protection Profile conformance identification that appears in Chapter 1. 7.1 Protection Profile Reference This Security Target does not claim conformance to any registered Protection Profile. 7.2 Protection Profile Refinements This Security Target does not claim conformance to any registered Protection Profile. 7.3 Protection Profile Additions This Security Target does not claim conformance to any registered Protection Profile. 7.4 Protection Profile Rationale This Security Target does not claim conformance to any registered Protection Profile. 32 CI PHE R ™ Chapter 8: Rationale This chapter provides the rationale for the selection of the IT security requirements, objectives, assumptions and threats. It shows that the IT security requirements are suitable to meet the security objectives, Security Requirements, and TOE security functional requirements. 8.1 Rationale for IT Security Objectives This section of the ST demonstrates that the identified security objectives are covering all aspects of the security needs. This includes showing that each threat and assumption is addressed by a security objective. The following table identifies for each threat and assumption, the security objective(s) that address it. Table 12 Threats and Assumptions to Security Objectives Mapping O.CRYPTOGRAPHY O.PROTECT_KEYS O.SELF_PROTECT ON.ENVIRON ON.INSTALL ON.NOEVILADMIN ON.PLATFORM T.KEY_COMPROMISE X X T.TSF_COMPROMISE X A.ENVIRON X A.INSTALL X A.NOEVILADMIN X A.PLATFORM X P.CRYPTOGRAPHY X 33 CI PHE R ™ Rationale for IT Security Objectives 8.1.1 Rationale Showing Threats to Security Objectives The following table describes the rationale for the threat to security objectives mapping. 8.1.2 Rationale Showing Assumptions to Environment Security Objectives The following table describes the rationale for the assumption to security objectives mapping. 8.1.3 Rationale Showing OSPs to Environment Security Objectives The following table describes the rationale for the organisational security policies to security objectives mapping. Table 13 Threats to Security Objectives Rationale T.TYPE Security Objectives Rationale T.KEY_COMPROMISE O.CRYPTOGRAPHY mitigates this threat by providing cryptographically strong and validated mechanisms that can be used to protect the keys. O.PROTECT_KEYS counters the threat by requiring the TOE to provide protection for the keys that is uses. T.TSF_COMPROMISE O.SELF_PROTECT counters this threat by ensuring that the TSF can protect itself from users within the TSC. If the TSF could not maintain and control its domain of execution, it could not be trusted to control access to the resources under its control. Ensuring that the TSF is always invoked is also critical to the mitigation of this threat. Table 14 Assumptions to Security Objectives Rationale A.TYPE Environment Security Objective Rationale A.ENVIRON ON.ENVIRON addresses this assumption by restating it as an objective for the Administrator to satisfy. A.INSTALL ON.INSTALL addresses this assumption by restating it as an objective for the Administrator to satisfy. A.NOEVILADMIN ON.NOEVILADMIN addresses this assumption by restating it as an objective for the Administrator to satisfy. A.PLATFORM ON.PLATFORM addresses this assumption by restating it as an objective for the Administrator to satisfy. Table 15 OSPs to Security Objectives Rationale P.TYPE Environment Security Objective Rationale P.CRYPTOGRAPHY O.CRYPTOGRAPHY satisfies this policy by requiring the TOE to implement NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic operations. 34 CI PHE R ™ Security Requirements Rationale 8.2 Security Requirements Rationale 8.2.1 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements of the TOE Objectives This section provides rationale for the Security Functional Requirements demonstrating that the SFRs are suitable to address the security objectives. The following table identifies for each TOE security objective, the SFR(s) that address it. Table 16 SFRs to Security Objectives Mapping O.CRYPTOGRAPHY O.PROTECT_KEYS O.SELF_PROTECT FCS_CKM.1 X FCS_CKM.3 X FCS_CKM.4 X FCS_COP.1 X X FPT_AMT.1 X FPT_RVM.1 X FPT_SEP.1 X 35 CI PHE R ™ Security Requirements Rationale The following table provides the detail of TOE security objective(s). 8.2.2 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements of the IT Environment Objectives No objectives for the IT Environment are included in the ST. 8.2.3 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale TOE Security Assurance Requirements Rationale The TOE meets the assurance requirements for EAL4 and is augmented by ALC_FLR.1. The TOE stresses assurance through vendor actions that are within the bounds of current best commercial practice. The TOE provides, primarily via review of vendor-supplied evidence, independent confirmation that these actions have been competently performed. Table 17 Security Objectives to SFR Rationale Security Objective SFR and Rationale O.CRYPTOGRAPHY FCS_COP.1 ensures that all cryptographic operations are FIPS 140-2 validated. O.PROTECT_KEYS FCS_CKM.1 requires the TOE to generate keys. They are generated by a cryptographic hash function, ensuring they are initially secure. FCS_CKM.3 addresses archive and recovery of keys as they exit and enter the TOE. The algorithm for performing these operations ensures that the keys remain secure when they outside the TSC. FCS_CKM.4 ensures the keys are securely destroyed when they are no longer needed. FCS_COP.1 details the cryptographic operations used to create the keys, protect the keys when they are archived, and validate the keys when they are recovered. O.SELF_PROTECT FPT_AMT.1 ensures that the underlying abstract machine is operating as expected. Without this assurance the correct operation of the TOE would not be assured. FPT_SEP.1 ensures the TSF provides a domain that protects itself from untrusted users. If the TSF cannot protect itself it cannot be relied upon to enforce its security policies. FPT_RVM.1 ensures that the TSF makes policy decisions on all interfaces that perform operations on subjects and objects that are within the TSC. Without this non-bypassability requirement, the TSF could not be relied upon to completely enforce the security policies, since an interface(s) may otherwise exist that would provide a user with access to TOE resources (including TSF data and executable code) regardless of the defined policies. 36 CI PHE R ™ TOE Summary Specification Rationale The general level of assurance for the TOE is: A Consistent with current best commercial practice for IT development and provides a product that is competitive against non-evaluated products with respect to functionality, performance, cost, and time-to-market. B The TOE assurance also meets current constraints on widespread acceptance, by expressing its claims against part 3 of the Common Criteria. 8.3 TOE Summary Specification Rationale This section demonstrates that the TOE’s Security Functions completely and accurately meet the TOE SFRs. The following tables provide a mapping between the TOE’s Security Functions and the SFRs and the rationale. Table 18 SFRs to TOE Security Functions Mapping Key Management Self Protection FCS_CKM.1 X FCS_CKM.3 X FCS_CKM.4 X FCS_COP.1 X FPT_AMT.1 X FPT_RVM.1 X FPT_SEP.1 X Table 19 SFR to SF Rationale SFR SF and Rationale FCS_CKM.1 Key Management – The SF uses the keys generated by the TOE. FCS_CKM.3 Key Management – The SF uses key archive and key recovery to store key blobs on the server’s hard disk and retrieve them as needed. FCS_CKM.4 Key Management – When the TOE is done using a key it is zeroized. FCS_COP.1 Key Management – The operations specified in the SFR are used internally by the TOE to generate keys or for key blobs. They are also made available to applications using the TOE. 37 CI PHE R ™ PP Claims Rationale 8.4 PP Claims Rationale The rationale for the Protection Profile conformance claims is defined in Chapter 7, Section 7.4 Protection Profile Rationale. 8.5 Strength of Function Rationale SOF-basic is defined in CC Part 1 section 2.3 as: “A level of the TOE strength of function where analysis shows that the function provides adequate protection against casual breach of TOE security by attackers possessing a low attack potential.” Because this ST identifies threat agents with low attack potential, SOF-basic was chosen. FPT_AMT.1 Self Protection – The TOE executes on the HSM hardware. Assurance of the TOE’s proper operation is dependent on the HSM hardware operating properly. FPT_RVM.1 Self Protection – The TOE encompasses all code executing on the HSM processor. Since the TOE strictly controls all accesses through its interfaces, it is not possible to bypass the TSF. FPT_SEP.1 Self Protection – The TOE encompasses all code executing on the HSM processor and external users are not permitted to introduce new code to the HSM. The TOE executes on behalf of multiple users, but tracks each interaction separately to ensure separation between the sessions. Table 19 SFR to SF Rationale SFR SF and Rationale