Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 1 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Security Target R&S Trusted Audio Switch Customer: Ministry of Defense Belgium Project: 16CSN05 Main contractor: Contractor’s Supplier: Rohde & Schwarz Benelux Rohde & Schwarz Topex Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 2 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Table of Content List of Figures 5 List of Tables 6 1. Document brief 7 2. Identification 7 2.1 History of edition 7 2.2 Referenced documents 8 3. Abbreviations 9 4. Security Target Introduction 11 4.1 Security Target Reference and TOE Reference 11 4.2 TOE Overview 11 4.2.1 Usage and Main Features of the TOE 11 4.2.2 Required Non-TOE Hardware/Software/Firmware 13 4.3 TOE Description 14 4.3.1 Physical Scope of the TOE 14 4.3.2 Logical Scope of the TOE 18 Voice Data Flow Control (SS.Voice) 19 Video Data Flow Control (SS.Video) 20 State Control (SS.State) 20 Data Filter Flow Control (SS.Data) 21 4.3.3 Out of TOE scope 21 5. Conformance Claims 21 5.1 CC Conformance Claim 21 5.2 PP and Security Requirement Package Claim 21 5.3 CC conformance Claim Rationale 21 5.4 Package Claim 21 6. Security Problem Definition 22 6.1 Assets 22 6.2 Subjects 22 6.3 Threat Agents 22 6.4 Assumptions 23 6.5 Threats 25 6.6 Organizational Security Policies 27 7. Security Objectives 28 Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 3 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 7.1 Security Objectives for the TOE 28 7.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment 30 7.3 Security Objectives Rationale 32 7.3.1 Countering the threats 33 7.3.2 Covering the OSPs 34 7.3.3 Covering the assumptions 34 8. Security Requirements 35 8.1 Security functional requirements for the TOE 35 8.1.1 Terms and definitions for information flow control SFPs 35 Information flow control SFPs 36 Information 36 Data Subjects 36 Security Attributes 37 8.1.2 Security audit (FAU) 39 FAU_ARP.1 Security Alarms 39 FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis 39 8.1.3 User data protection (Class FDP) 40 FDP_ETC.1 Export of user data without security attributes 40 FDP_IFC.1_Tx Subset information flow control - Voice Tx 40 FDP_IFC.1_Rx Subset information flow control- Voice Rx 40 FDP_IFC.1_Rec Subset information flow control- Voice Rec 41 FDP_IFC.1_UI Subset information flow control- UI Data 41 FDP_IFF.1_Tx Simple security attributes - Voice Tx 42 FDP_IFF.1_Rec Simple security attributes - Voice Rec 42 FDP_IFF.1_Rx Simple security attributes - Voice Rx 43 FDP IFF.1_UI Simple security attributes - UI data 44 FDP_IFF.5_Tx No illicit information flows - Voice Tx 45 FDP_IFF.5_Rx No illicit information flows - Voice Rx 45 FDP_IFF.5_Rec No illicit information flows - Voice Rec 45 FDP_IFF.5_UI No illicit information flows - UI Data 45 FDP_ITC.1_Tx Import of user data without security attributes - Voice Tx 46 FDP_ITC.1_Rx Import of user data without security attributes - Voice Rx 46 FDP_ITC.1_Rec Import of user data without security attributes - Voice Rec 46 8.1.4 Security management (FMT) 47 FMT_MSA.1_Tx Management of security attributes - Voice Tx 47 FMT_MSA.1_Rx Management of security attributes - Voice Rx 47 FMT_MSA.1_Rec Management of security attributes - Voice Rec 47 FMT_MSA.3_Tx Static attribute initialization - Voice Tx 47 FMT_MSA.3_Rx Static attribute initialization - Voice Rx 48 FMT_MSA.3_Rec Static attribute initialization - Voice Rec 48 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions 48 8.1.5 Protection of the TSF (FPT) 48 FPT_FLS.1_SAFE Failure with preservation of SECURE state 48 FPT_FLS.1_Current Failure with preservation of Current state 49 8.2 Extended Components definition 49 Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 4 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 8.3 Security assurance requirements for the TOE 49 8.4 Security Requirements Rationale 50 8.4.1 SFRs rationale 50 Tracing between SFRs and security objectives 50 Fulfillment of TOE SFR dependencies 52 Mutual support and internal consistency of security requirements 54 8.4.2 SAR rationale 54 8.4.3 Conclusion 54 9. TOE Security Summary Specification 55 9.1 TOE security functionality 55 9.1.1 Voice Information Flow Control (TSF.VFC) 55 PTT Operation 55 Tx Voice router 55 Rx Voice router 56 Rec Voice router 57 9.1.2 Management Interface (TSF.MNI) 57 Trusted Status Interface 57 GUI Device (TED) 58 GUI Interface 58 Audio Interface 58 9.1.3 User Interface Data Flow Control (TSF.DFC) 58 9.1.4 Protection of the TSF (TSF.PRT) 59 Fail SECURE 59 9.1.5 Mapping of SFRs to TSFs 60 9.2 Assurance Measure 61 Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 5 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 List of Figures Figure 1: TOE Overview .............................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 2: TOE Housing................................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 3: TOE Front Panel .......................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4: TOE Rear Panel ........................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5: TOE Logical scope....................................................................................................................... 19 Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 6 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 List of Tables Table 1 Description of the Front Panel View ............................................................................................... 17 Table 2: Description of the Rear Panel View............................................................................................... 18 Table 3: TOE Assets .................................................................................................................................... 22 Table 4: TOE Subjects................................................................................................................................. 22 Table 5: TOE Threat agents......................................................................................................................... 23 Table 6: TOE Assumptions .......................................................................................................................... 24 Table 7: TOE Threats................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 8: Security Objectives of the TOE...................................................................................................... 30 Table 9: Security Objectives for the Operational Environment.................................................................... 31 Table 10: Security Objectives Rationale...................................................................................................... 32 Table 11: Security Functional Requirements for the TOE ........................................................................... 35 Table 12: Information flow control SFPs...................................................................................................... 36 Table 13: SFP Information controlled by the TOE ....................................................................................... 36 Table 14: SFP Entities ................................................................................................................................. 37 Table 15: SFP Information Security Attributes............................................................................................. 39 Table 16: SFP entity security attributes ....................................................................................................... 39 Table 17: Security assurance requirements for the TOE............................................................................. 50 Table 18:Tracing between SFRs and security objectives............................................................................ 51 Table 19: Fulfillment of TOE SFR Dependencies........................................................................................ 53 Table 20: Mapping of SFRs to TSFs............................................................................................................ 61 Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 7 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 1. Document brief Document identification RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Prepared by: R&S Topex Reviewed by: SRC – CC Expert Approved by: Daniel Micu – Project Management 2. Identification 2.1 History of edition Edition Revision Released date Title or brief description Prepared by / Changed by 1 1 28.07.2017 First issue (Draft version) R&S Topex/ SRC 1.1 1 10.08.2017 QS R&S Topex/ SRC 1.1 2 10.08.2017 First final draft R&S Topex/ SRC 1.2 1 27.09.2017 Adjustments after R+S Review R&S Topex/ SRC 1.3 1 06.10.2017 Final draft for Application R&S Topex/ SRC 1.4 1 20.02.2018 Changes to the architecture R&S Topex 1.5 1 08.05.2018 Added - external Red Lamp indicator R&S Topex 1.55 2 25.05.2018 Draft for Evaluation R&S Topex/ SRC 1.5 3 26.06.2018 Added Information after Evaluation R&S Topex/ SRC 1.6 1 06.07.2018 Added some SFP, according with latest development status R&S Topex 1.6 2 17.07.2018 Last changes due to Evaluator comments R&S Topex/ SRC 1.6 3 20.07.2018 Rephrase section 4.3.1 in according to title paragraph R&S Topex 1.6 4 24.07.2018 Small changes according to Evaluations comments R&S Topex/ SRC 1.6 5 02.08.2018 Updated SFR with latest development status Nicolae Zaharia 1.6 6 28.09.2018 Updated SFR with latest development status Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 1 05.12.2018 Update document with Recording Voice Channel and MIC ACTIVE LED Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 2 11.01.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 3 25.01.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 4 15.02.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 5 20.02.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 6 14.03.2019 Updated with due to Certification Body comments Nicolae Zaharia Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 8 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 1.7 7 10.04.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 8 06.05.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 9 07.05.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 10 23.05.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 11 28.06.2019 Corrected Version on 4.1 Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 12 23.07.2019 Updated with BSI comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 13 24.09.2019 Clarified the limit of 800bit/s between PUs Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 14 07.02.2020 Modifications for TAS-FO V2 Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 15 26.03.2019 Updated with due to Evaluator comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 16 04.05.2020 Updated according to BSI comments Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 17 29.05.2020 Corrected Product code to V2 Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 18 08.07.2020 Added some Red Lamp Indicator clarifications on State Control (SS.State) Nicolae Zaharia 1.7 19 09.07.2020 Clarification for Red Lamp Indicator Nicolae Zaharia 2.2 Referenced documents Reference Document Title Edition Revision Date Author [1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2: Security Functional Components Version 3.1 5 03.04.2017 CCMB [2] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 3: Security Functional Components Version 3.1 5 03.04.2017 CCMB Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 9 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 3. Abbreviations Abbreviation Description -B Black equipment -R Red equipment AC Alternating Current BoM Bill of Materials BIT Built-in Test CWP Controller Working Position DC Direct Current DVI Digital Visual Interface E&M Earth & Mouth FXO Foreign Exchange Office FXS Foreign Exchange Subscriber / Station HU Rack Unit IAP Installation Acceptance Plan IPD Installation Plan Definition IDC Insulation Displacement Connector IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame LAN Local Area Network LS Loudspeaker LSA-PLUS Krone LSA-PLUS connector MW Management Workstation NTP Network Time Protocol PS Power Source PTT Push To Talk PU Processing Unit PU_RED Processing Unit Red PU_BLACK Processing Unit Black R&S Rohde & Schwarz R/B Red / Black RGW Radio Gateway RS Radio Server Rx Receive signal Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 10 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Abbreviation Description SDD System Design Document SFP Security Functional Policies SIP Session Initiation Protocol SoS Scope of Supply SPK Speaker TAS Trusted Audio Switch TED Touch Entry Device TFT Thin Film Transistor (Liquid Crystal Display, LCD technology) TGW Telephony Gateway TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE Security Functions TSFI TOE Security Functionality Interface TSS Traffic Statistic Server TSP TOE Security Policies Tx Transmit signal USB Universal Serial Bus VCMS Voice Communication Management System VCS Voice Communication System VoIP Voice over IP VRS Voice Recording Server VTS VoIP Telephony Server WAN Wide Area Network Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 11 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 4. Security Target Introduction This section describes three Aspects of the Target of Evaluation (TOE) in a narrative way: - The Security Target (ST) reference and the TOE reference provide identification information for the ST and the TOE that ST is referring to; - a briefly description in the TOE overview; - a more detailed description of the TOE in the TOE description. 4.1 Security Target Reference and TOE Reference Title: Security Target R&S Trusted Audio Switch Editor(s): Rohde & Schwarz Document version: 1.7 Revision 19 Document date: 2020-07-09 CC version: 3.1, Revision 5 Assurance level: EAL4 Certification ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-1081 Keywords: Trusted Audio Switch, RED/BLACK separation, Audio/GUI interface TOE name: Trusted Audio Switch with fiber optic (TAS-FO) product code: CP2045.16.3.1 TOE version: TAS-FO V2 4.2 TOE Overview The TOE Overview summarizes the usage and major security features of the TOE. The TOE Overview provides a context for the TOE evaluation by identifying the TOE type, describing the product, and defining the specific evaluated configuration. 4.2.1 Usage and Main Features of the TOE The TOE is a Trusted Audio Switch (TAS) as the key element in securing RED (CLASSIFIED) communications by keeping the RED and the BLACK (UNCLASSIFIED) networks completely separated, while at the same time allowing the CWP (Controller Working Position) to work in a secure way with both RED and BLACK signals and media which is visualized in the Figure 1: TOE Overview. It provides the following security capabilities: - Secure switches between RED and BLACK operational modes, based on specific selection area on common user interface (e.g. Touch Entry Device) or mechanical selector switch; - Prevents red voice signals leak to the unsecure circuits; Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 12 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 - Clearly informs the operator on the current operational mode using several ways: o graphical user interface on Touch Entry Device; o external Red Lamp indicator; o LEDs placed at the front panel of the TOE; o Acoustic signal on the headset. - Clearly informs the operator about the Microphones status by using a Blue LED at the front panel of the TOE; - Provides the audio interfaces to the controller (up to two stereo headsets, handsets or microphone); - Provides the interface for connecting one external loudspeaker; - Provides the interface for connecting one PTT (push to talk) footswitch; - Provides the interface for External Red Lamp indicator, intended to inform the neighboring operators about CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED voice information handling by TOE; - Provides the interface for external mechanical RED/BLACK selector switch; - Provides the interface for connecting a Touch Entry Device (Touch Screen); - Assures RED/BLACK separation for simultaneous video data flow from RED and BLACK Processing Units. The simultaneous video data flows are displayed on the same screen (e.g. Touch Entry Device) through HDMI; - Provides Trusted Filter mechanism for automatically authentication in both domains and also for call control; - Provides Trusted Recording Channel to the RED Processing Unit for all Voice Information handled by the operator; - Provides easy audio levels adjustment by using digital knobs on the front panel. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 13 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Figure 1: TOE Overview 4.2.2 Required Non-TOE Hardware/Software/Firmware The TOE will be used with dedicated Processing Units. The format of the digital audio signal and control signals are not part of the main security functionality of the TOE. The following Firmware is not part of the TOE: - Non-TOE part of the microcontroller firmware libraries: USB stack, NXP specific libraries for LPC1837. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 14 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 - Non-TOE part of FPGA IP (Intellectual Property) blocks: Xilinx AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet Subsystem, Xilinx AXI Interconnect, Xilinx DDR3 Controller, Xilinx VDMA (Video Direct Memory Access), Xilinx AXI Quad SPI. The following hardware is required but not part of the TOE: - PU_RED; - PU_BLACK; - Accessories o Headsets o Handsets o RED/BLACK selector switch o Red Lamp indicator o Loud Speaker o PTT Foot Switch - Touch Entry Device (TED). 4.3 TOE Description This section primarily addresses the physical and logical components of the TOE included in the evaluation. 4.3.1 Physical Scope of the TOE Due to physical installation on boundary between RED and BLACK domains, TOE offers several interfaces to interconnect RED/BLACK domains together with Operator’s senses like vision, hearing and tactile sense, depicted in Figure 1. All physical interfaces could be assigned to four functional blocks which can be seen in Figure 5: 1. The audio path (digital plus analogical signals), with RED/BLACK separation assigned to Fiber Optics, HS1 Controller, HS2 Instructor and SPK connectors ; 2. The video path, with RED/BLACK separation assigned to Fiber Optics and HDMI connectors; 3. The decision block which is managing the switching action between RED domain and BLACK domain assigned to USB Touch and AUX connectors; 4. The trusted filter block which is performing deep inspection on the specific Ethernet packets assigned to Fiber Optics connectors. The input voltage of the power supply is +12 VDC and it is provided by an external AC/DC converter. Associated User Guidance documentation is delivered with the TOE: - AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance R&S Trusted Audio Switch TAS-FO - AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures R&S Trusted Audio Switch TAS-FO The operational principle of the TOE can be described as follows: - For transmission: Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 15 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 o If the external mechanical RED/BLACK selector switch is not present, then TOE identifies the area where the operator touches the screen and opens a RED or BLACK communication chain, according to the pressed area. o If the external mechanical RED/BLACK selector switch is detected by TOE, then the touch screen presses will not be able to switch between RED/BLACK domains. In this case only external mechanical RED/BLACK selector will switch between RED and BLACK domains. - For reception - both RED and BLACK audio signals are switched in the TOE and are sent to the operator headset according to the active area on TED; being on the RED domain then TOE can sum the channels from RED and BLACK voice path according to configuration; being on the BLACK domain then TOE can sum the channels from RED and BLACK voice path according to configuration, but only if there are no microphone active; The TOE allows routing the BLACK path voice to the loudspeaker (according to configuration). The loudspeaker voice path is allowed only from BLACK side, the RED voice path for loudspeaker is automatically dropped by TOE. The TOE shows the status of Microphones, if any microphone becomes active then TOE lights up the Blue LED, which means the microphone signal is sent to RED or BLACK Processing Unit. The TOE communicates with RED and BLACK Processing Units over optical fiber connection, one working on the RED topology of the communications network the SECURE one, while the other is working over the black topology of the communications network the UNSECURE one: - Multiplexed (summed) mode - the data packets processing from the RED and BLACK Processing Units to the TOE is performed exclusively hardware, based upon the type of packet and connector input; - De-multiplexed mode - the processing of the data packets to the RED or BLACK Processing Units is performed by the TOE, exclusive hardware, based upon the type of signal source and unit status RED/BLACK; - Bridging function – the data packets filter from RED to BLACK and from BLACK to RED is performed by TOE exclusive hardware, based on deep packet inspection filter. The TOE is integrated into a standard 1 HU housing. Up to two headset/handsets, one loudspeaker, one PTT footswitch, one external Red Lamp indicator, one mechanical RED/BLACK selector switch, one touchscreen and one video monitor can be connected to the device. The TOE is equipped with two fiber- optic transceivers for two Processing Units communication. The device can be provided with mechanical adaptation for mounting on or under the desk or for 19” frame, as seen in Figure 2. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 16 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Figure 2: TOE Housing The front panel is structured as follows: Figure 3: TOE Front Panel Table 1 describes the View of Figure 3: Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 17 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 # Item Label Description 1 Green LED Power ON – power OK OFF – device not connected to the power supply 2 Green LED SECURE ON – CLASIFED communication ongoing OFF – no CLASIFED communication 3 Red LED UNSECURE ON – UNCLASIFED communication ongoing OFF – no UNCLASIFED communication 4 Blue LED MIC ACTIVE ON – at least one Microphone is active and TOE transmit Voice Information to the RED or BLACK Processing Unit according to the current status OFF – no Microphone is active 4 Rotary switch SPK Volume control for External Speaker 5 Rotary switch HS1 Volume control for channel 1 (Controller audio devices) 6 Rotary switch HS2 Volume control for channel 2 (Instructor audio devices) 7 Push-pull 10- pin connector HS1 Controller Audio port - connects the headphones (stereo) or microphone and PTT switch 8 Push-pull 10- pin connector HS2 Instructor Audio port - connects the headphones (stereo) or microphone and PTT switch Table 1 Description of the Front Panel View The rear panel is structured as follows: Figure 4: TOE Rear Panel Table 2 describes the View of Figure 4: Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 18 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 # Item Label Description 1 Connector 43-01197 SPK External loudspeaker connector for a passive loudspeaker 2 Connector 43-01207 AUX External connector for - PTT footswitch - external Red Lamp indicator - external mechanical RED/BLACK selector switch 3 Fiber Optic Data Transceiver UNSECURE FO LC-Duplex optical interface connector; nominal wavelength of 850 nm; link lengths up to 300 m; data rate: 1Gb/s 4 Fiber Optic Data Transceiver SECURE FO LC-Duplex optical interface connector; nominal wavelength of 850 nm; link lengths up to 300 m; data rate: 1Gb/s 5 USB USB Touch USB 2.0 Type A connector, touchscreen detection 6 HDMI connector HDMI HDMI connector, Video output 7 DC Socket DC IN DC IN D-SUB 2W2, +12 VDC, Imax 1.5 A, Connecting to DC power supply 8 Grounding screw Bolt M5 (4023.3882.00RS) Table 2: Description of the Rear Panel View 4.3.2 Logical Scope of the TOE The logical scope of the TOE consists of the following security services (Figure 5): 1. Voice Data Flow Control (SS.Voice) 2. Video Data Flow Control (SS.Video) 3. State Control (SS.State) 4. Data Filter Flow Control (SS.Data) Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 19 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Figure 5: TOE Logical scope Voice Data Flow Control (SS.Voice) Audio Device input is routed to the PU_RED or PU_BLACK using a Tx voice router. This router provides two operation modes: - SECURE, which represents transmission of CLASSIFIED voice information, - UNSECURE, which represents transmission of UNCLASSIFIED voice information. The operator (S.Operator defined in chapter 6.2) is controlling the router. Each Audio device has its PTT switch (at the headset/handset or foot switch). Each operator (S.Operator) needs to use the PTT for voice communication with VCS. If the PTT is not active the TOE disconnects the microphone. Voice information that is received from the Processing Units then is routed to the Audio devices output by the Rx router. The Rx switcher, which is controlled by the operator (S.Operator) provides three operation modes: - SECURE, which represents reception of CLASSIFIED voice information - UNSECURE, which represents reception of UNCLASSIFIED voice information Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 20 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 - MIXED, which represent reception of CLASSIFIED summed with UNCLASSIFIED voice information. The TOE is managing the RED and BLACK voice data flow of the Processing Units to prevent bypass of Voice information from RED to BLACK domain. The TOE provides a Trusted Recording Channel to the RED Processing Unit for all Voice Information received by TOE from different sources: RED or BLACK Processing Units and Microphones. This feature cannot be disabled by anyone who manipulate the TOE. Video Data Flow Control (SS.Video) The TOE is managing the RED and BLACK video data flow from the Processing Units, in a one way direction, to prevent bypass of information from RED video stream to BLACK video stream and vice versa. The Video Data Stream comes from Processing Units, it’s managed by TOE and it’s displayed to Touch Entry Device (TED) using HDMI video signal link. The TOE reliably decide on the origin of the video stream source (RED or BLACK), and pass through the unaltered video stream. The alarms, warnings or active area are added on the concatenated video streams by TOE, based on inputs and Built-in Test (BIT) mechanism. Video signal does not contain confidential information, but the information is displayed on TED that informs the Operator about available voice resources, incoming Radio / Telephony calls and alarms for the corresponding domain, hence video signal shall be displayed correctly on the appropriate part of TED and shall not be by passable from RED video stream to BLACK video stream and vice versa. State Control (SS.State) The TOE is managing the RED and BLACK domain switching based on external mechanical RED/BLACK selector switch or touch input events. If TOE detects the external mechanical selector switch connected to AUX port, then selecting SECURE/UNSECURE domain is no more available by touches action from the TED. The touches action come from the Touch Entry Device (TED) using USB data link, they are managed by TOE to select SECURE/UNSECURE domain communication, then they are send to the Processing Units according to selected area. The indication of the domain status is assured by visual indicators: - LEDs at the front Panel of the device (Figure 3); - Active area on graphical interface of the TED; An audio indication regarding switching from UNSECURE to SECURE communication is played into headset by TOE. TOE lights the External Red Lamp which indicates the CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED voice information is handling for the neighboring operator. When TOE is in SECURE state, the HDMI Display and Touch device are detected and Operator is successful login, then the External Red Lamp is active, otherwise the External Red Lamp is inactive, this mean that the Operator cannot handling CLASSIFIED information. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 21 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Data Filter Flow Control (SS.Data) TOE assures unique domain authentication using a bridging function between SECURE/UNSECURE domains, also TOE assures call control messages bridging between SECURE/UNSECURE domains. Performing Data Filter Flow Control the TOE is managing a deep packet inspection for a specific type of packets other unknown packets will be dropped and also a message rate control limit. The authentication and call control messages do not contain confidential payload. 4.3.3 Out of TOE scope The following software is not part of the TOE: - Non-TOE part of the microcontroller firmware libraries: USB stack, NXP specific libraries for LPC1837. - Non-TOE part of FPGA IP (Intellectual Property) blocks: Xilinx AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet Subsystem, Xilinx AXI Interconnect, Xilinx DDR3 Controller, Xilinx VDMA (Video Direct Memory Access), Xilinx AXI Quad SPI. 5. Conformance Claims 5.1 CC Conformance Claim This Security Target and the TOE claim conformance to Part 2 [1] (conformant) and Part 3 [2] (conformant) of the Common Criteria version 3.1, Revision 5 for Information Technology Security Evaluation. 5.2 PP and Security Requirement Package Claim This Security Target does neither claim conformance to a Protection Profile nor to a security requirement package. 5.3 CC conformance Claim Rationale As this Security Target does neither claim conformance to a Protection Profile nor to a security requirement package, a conformance claim rationale is not necessary. 5.4 Package Claim This Security Target claims conformance to the assurance package EAL4. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 22 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 6. Security Problem Definition This chapter introduces the security problem definition of the TOE, which comprises the assets, subjects, assumptions, threats and organizational security policies the TOE has to comply to. 6.1 Assets The following assets need to be protected by the TOE and its environment. Asset Description Classified voice information Classified voice information is confidential and must be protected by the TOE. Table 3: TOE Assets 6.2 Subjects The TOE can be used by the following subjects outlined in Table 4. There can be two operators using the TOE at the same time. All operators who have access to the TOE can use any audio devices connected to the TOE to communicate with the TOE and VCS. Subject Description S.Operator S.Operator represents an end-user of the TOE with physical access to the TOE. Operators of the TOE communicate with the TOE via any of its audio devices and operate Tx and Rx voice information. Table 4: TOE Subjects 6.3 Threat Agents The following describes threat agents that can adversely act on the assets. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 23 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Threat Agent Description TA.Ext A person or process acting on his behalf being located outside the TOE and operational environment. TA.Ext picks up CLASSIFIED voice information. TA.Ext has access to limited resources in terms of money and time and has an enhanced basic attack potential according to CC definition. TA.Operator An operator of the TOE may unintentionally perform an unauthorized action and thereby facilitate TA.Ext access to CLASSIFIED voice information. TA.Tech A person who is responsible to maintain and install the TOE may unintentionally perform an unauthorized action and thereby facilitate TA.Ext access to CLASSIFIED voice information. TA.Malfunction A malfunction of the TOE might facilitate TA.Ext access to CLASSIFIED voice information. TOE responds to a malfunction after the first failure . Table 5: TOE Threat agents 6.4 Assumptions The following assumptions need to be made about the operational environment of the TOE to allow the SECURE operation of the TOE. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 24 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Assumption Description A.Physical_Protection The TOE and the RED/BLACK Processing Unit are installed in a physically protected area (operational environment) during operation which is approved for the highest security level of information handled by the TOE. A.TEMPEST_Zone The TOE is operated in a TEMPEST zone that allows the use of commercial of the shelf products for the processing of the highest security levels of information handled by the TOE. A.TEMPEST_Evaluation The TOE is evaluated against TEMPEST attacks, which are out of scope of the CC evaluation. The TEMPEST evaluation shall prevent unacceptable compromising electromagnetic emissions (Electromagnetic interference (EMI), Conducted (powerline) and Radiated) and ensure that the interface to the PU_BLACK does not contain unintentional CLASSIFIED voice information. A.Training All operators are trained in the correct use to the TOE and Processing Units and follow the operational guidelines. A.Authorization All operators are authorized for all information handled by the TOE through the minimum level of clearance for the highest security level of information handled by the TOE. To prevent malfeasance operator’s activity shall be monitored so that extent sanctions can be applied. A.Installation The TOE is installed and maintained according to the installation and maintenance guidelines. A.Audio_Devices Appropriate audio devices and associated cables prevent unacceptable acoustic coupling between: - Earpiece and microphone - Ambient noise and microphone This does not hold up for the handset. A.PU Voice Information from the PU_RED is separated from the PU_BLACK. Vulnerabilities of the Processing Units or its Connections are not part of the TOE and its evaluation. PU_RED communication channels that leave the operational environment are either encrypted with approved crypto devices or implemented as approved circuits (SECURE channels). Vulnerabilities of this out of bounds RED communication channels are not part of the TOE and its evaluation. A.RED_PU The PU_RED is accredited for the highest security classification processed in the system. A.Video The TED displays the RED/BLACK video streams provided by the TOE separated in such a way that it is visible that the TOE is operating in the intended transfer mode SECURE/UNSECURE. Table 6: TOE Assumptions Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 25 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 6.5 Threats The following threats have to be countered by the TOE. Hereby attackers with an enhanced basic attack potential are assumed. Threat Description T.compromise_Information_Flow_Protection The CLASSIFIED voice information might have transferred to UNSECURE channels: Threat Agents are TA.Ext and TA.Malfunction in combination with TA.Ext which endanger the confidentiality of the asset CLASSIFIED voice information. Different cases exist:  The TOE insufficiently protects CLASSIFIED voice information from being transferred to the PU_BLACK. TA.Ext pick up the CLASSIFIED voice information from the UNSECURE channels.  A malfunction in the TOE causes CLASSIFIED voice information to be transferred to the PU_BLACK. TA.Ext pick up the CLASSIFIED voice information from the UNSECURE channels. T.Tx_Indication_Spoofing An operator may think that he is speaking via a SECURE channel while he is speaking via an UNSECURE channel. Threat Agents are TA.Operator in combination with TA.Ext and TA.Malfunction in combination with TA.Ext which endanger the confidentiality of the asset CLASSIFIED voice information. Different cases exist:  The operator may think that the Microphone_Inputs are connected to the PU_RED while they are actually connected to the PU_BLACK. The operator then speaks CLASSIFIED. The CLASSIFIED voice information is transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment.  TOE malfunction gives the operator an indication that the Microphone_Inputs are not connected to the PU_BLACK , while in reality the Microphone_Inputs are connected to the PU_BLACK. The operator then speaks CLASSIFIED. The CLASSIFIED voice information is transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment.  TOE malfunction: the graphical user interface shows the operator that he is speaking to the PU_RED while the CLASSIFIED voice information is routed to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 26 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 T.Rx_lndication_Spoofing An operator may think that he is hearing UNCLASSIFIED while he is hearing CLASSIFIED voice information. Threat Agents are TA.Operator in combination with TA.Ext and TA.Malfunction in combination with TA.Ext which endanger the confidentiality of the asset CLASSIFIED voice information. Different cases exist:  The operator may think that the Earpiece_Outputs are not connected to the PU_RED while they are actually connected to it. The operator activates an audio device then speaks UNCLASSIFIED. The CLASSIFIED voice information from the earpiece of the audio device is picked up by the microphone and transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment.  TOE malfunction gives the operator an indication that the Earpiece_Outputs are not connected to the PU_RED while they are actually connected to it. The operator activates an audio device then speaks UNCLASSIFIED. The CLASSIFIED voice information from the earpiece of the audio device is picked up by the microphone and transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment.  TOE malfunction: The graphical user interface shows the operator that he is hearing UNCLASSIFIED voice information from the PU_BLACK while the information is CLASSIFIED voice information. The CLASSIFIED voice information from the earpiece of the audio device is picked up by the microphone and transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment. T.Acoustic_Coupling Microphones connected to UNSECURE channels might pick up CLASSIFIED voice information. Threat Agents are TA.Operator in combination with TA.Ext which endanger the confidentiality of the asset CLASSIFIED voice information. Different cases exist:  The microphone is routed to the PU_BLACK, and the earpiece is routed from the PU_RED and the microphone might pick up CLASSIFIED voice information from the earphone. The CLASSIFIED voice information is transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment.  The microphone is routed to the PU_BLACK and another operator is in the room TA.operator speaks CLASSIFIED voice information and this CLASSIFIED voice information might be picked up by the microphone. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 27 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Table 7: TOE Threats Application note: Due to the assumptions concerning the operational environment no threat of physical tampering exists, if the TOE is installed at the operations site. Protection against physical tampering prior to installation at the operations site is implicitly provided by the assurance packet chosen for the TOE (Family ALC_DEL - Delivery procedures). Note: Additional to physical tampering TOE has implemented protection against logical tampering (firmware, data memory or registers modification by a threat agent) provided by Built-in-Test mechanism (ADV.ARC.1). 6.6 Organizational Security Policies The CLASSIFIED voice information is transmitted to the PU_BLACK and is picked up from the UNSECURE channels by TA.Ext outside the operational environment. T.Non-Permissible_Data_lnbound A threat agent with access to the PU_BLACK may send non- permissible data through the TOE that result in gaining access to CLASSIFIED voice information in the TOE or the PU_RED. Threat Agent is TA.Ext which endangers the confidentiality of the asset CLASSIFIED voice information.  TA.Ext gains access to the PU_BLACK via the external interfaces leaving the operations sites. Subsequently TA.Ext modifies the PU_BLACK which sends non- permissible data through the User_Interface_Data connection to the PU_RED. The non-permissible data access from the PU_BLACK leads to gaining access to CLASSIFIED voice information. The PU_BLACK forwards the CLASSIFIED information to TA.Ext, outside the operational environment via UNSECURE channels. T.Non-Permissible_Data_Outbound A threat agent with access to the PU_RED may send non- permissible data through the TOE that result in CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred to the PU_BLACK. This voice information may be monitored by a Threat Agent. Threat Agent is TA.Ext which endangers the confidentiality of the asset CLASSIFIED voice information.  TA.Ext gains access to the PU_RED as well as the PU_BLACK via the external interfaces leaving the operations sites. Subsequently TA.Ext modifies the PU_RED and the PU_BLACK. The modified PU_RED misuses the Data_packets connection to the PU_BLACK in order to transfer CLASSIFIED voice stream. The PU_BLACK forwards the CLASSIFIED information to TA.Ext, outside the operational environment via UNSECURE channels. This enables TA.Ext to monitor the CLASSIFIED voice communication and use this information to his advantage. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 28 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 The TOE does not enforce organizational security policies. 7. Security Objectives This chapter describes the security objectives for the TOE (in chapter 7.1), the security objectives for the operational environment of the TOE (in chapter 7.2) and contains the security objectives rationale (in chapter 7.3). 7.1 Security Objectives for the TOE The following security objectives have to be met by the TOE Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 29 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Security Objective Description O.Tx_Status The operator shall unambiguously be made aware whether the Microphone_Inputs are connected to a PU_BLACK (Black Domain selected) or to a PU_RED (Red Domain selected). O.Rx_Status The operator shall unambiguously be made aware whether the Earpiece_Outputs are connected to a PU_BLACK (Black Domain selected) or to a PU_RED (Red Domain Selected). O.Tx_Flow Voice information from the Microphone_Inputs assigned to the PU_RED by the operator shall not be routed to the PU_BLACK. If the Domain status is SECURE then Voice information from the Microphone_Inputs are connected/sent to PU_RED. If the Domain status is UNSECURE then Voice information from the Microphone_Inputs are connected/sent to PU_BLACK, but are also connected/sent to PU_RED for recording. O.Rx_Flow CLASSIFIED voice information received from the PU_RED shall not be routed to the PU_BLACK. Voice information received from the PU_RED and PU_BLACK shall be routed to the Earpiece_Outputs according to the operator selection (SECURE/UNSECURE). MIXED mode: If the Domain status is SECURE then CLASSIFIED voice information received from the PU_RED and UNCLASSIFIED voice information received from the PU_BLACK can be routed to the Earpiece_Outputs. If the Domain status is UNSECURE and all PTT signals are inactive (all Microphone_Inputs are disconnected) then CLASSIFIED voice information received from the PU_RED and UNCLASSIFIED voice information received from the PU_BLACK can be routed to the Earpiece_Outputs. When any PTT signal is active (at least one Microphone_Input is connected) then only UNCLASSIFIED voice information received from the PU_BLACK shall be routed to the Earpiece_Outputs. O.Acoustic_Coupling To prevent unacceptable acoustic coupling via audio devices, the TOE shall ensure the following: - Inactive Microphone_Inputs (no active PTT) shall be disconnected. - If transmission via the handset / headset is active (PTT), the TOE shall prevent that CLASSIFIED voice information is received from the PU_RED while the Microphone_Inputs are routed to the PU_BLACK. - If no audio accessory is detected on an audio interface, TOE shall prevent Voice_Tx information from that audio interface to be sent outside of TOE and shall discard Voice_Rx information for that audio interface. - The Loudspeaker_Output shall only be connected to the PU_BLACK. O.Mediate_Data The TOE shall mediate the flow of Data_packets between the PU_RED and the PU_BLACK in order to prevent from being misused to: - Access classified voice information from the PU_BLACK - Transmit comprehensible voice information from the PU_RED to the PU_BLACK. O.Fail_SAFE The TOE shall prevent that the Microphone_Inputs are erroneously routed to the PU_BLACK in the event of TSF failure. O.Video The TOE must ensure that the routing of Video Data Stream is transferred SAFEly to the Touch Entry Device (TED) to ensure that CLASSIFIED voice information is routed as intended. The TOE shall unambiguously informs the S.Operator regarding RED/BLACK domain selected and also warnings or alarms occurred during operation. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 30 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Security Objective Description O.Rec All Voice Information handled by TOE shall be transmitted to PU_RED as Voice Recording Information. The TOE shall ensure that Voice Recording Information is not routed to PU_BLACK or Loudspeaker_Output. The TOE shall ensure that Voice Recording Information is not stopped or manipulated by the Operator or other person. Table 8: Security Objectives of the TOE 7.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment The following security objectives have to be met by the operational environment of the TOE. Security Objective Description OE.Physical_Protection The operation site shall have physical protection, which is at least approved for the highest level of information handled in the TOE. OE.TEMPEST_Zone The TOE shall be operated in a TEMPEST facility zone that allows the use of COTS products for the processing of highest security level of information handled in the TOE. OE.TEMPEST_Evalutation The TOE shall be a subject to a TEMPEST evaluation, which is carried out independent of Common Criteria certification. OE.Physical_Access Only authorized persons shall be given physical access to the TOE, PU_RED and Recording Storage device. OE.Training The operators shall be trained to use the TOE. If the TOE is controlled via an external user interface, that is not part of the TOE, the operators shall be trained to check the assured status domain indication at the TOE. OE.Authorization All operators shall have a minimum clearance for the maximum-security level of information handled in the TOE. Operator activity shall be monitored and operator shall be accountable for their actions and follow the work instructions and operational guidance of the TOE. OE.Installation The TOE shall be installed and maintained according to the installation and maintenance guidelines. The installation shall assure that the status domain of the TOE is visible to the operator and also the Red Lamp Indicator is visible to the neighboring operators. OE.Audio Devices Appropriate Audio devices, Headsets or Handset, shall be used in order to prevent unacceptable acoustic coupling between: - Headset, when receiving CLASSIFIED voice information while transmitting UNCLASSIFIED voice information. - A neighboring operator and the microphone of the operator, when the neighboring operator is talking CLASSIFIED information while the operator transmits UNCLASSIFIED voice information. To prevent neighboring acoustic coupling, the operator shall ensure that the PTT is inactive if the TOE is in Unsecure state and External Red Lamp Indicator is On at the neighbor Operator. OE.Neighbour_Acoustic_Coupling Each operator is made unambiguously aware of the CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED voice information status of a neighboring operator by watching the External Red Lamp Indicator. Operational procedures, not technical solutions, shall regulate concurrent use of CLASSIFIED and UNCLASSIFIED conversations to prevent acoustic coupling of CLASSIFIED conversations to be transmitted on UNCLASSIFIED communication channels. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 31 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Table 9: Security Objectives for the Operational Environment OE.PU The voice information transmitted by the PU_RED shall be strictly separated (logical or physical) from the voice information transmitted by the PU_BLACK. All communication channels of the PU_RED that leave the operational environment either shall be encrypted with approved crypto devices or implemented as approved circuits (SECURE channels). OE.RED_PU The PU_RED shall be accredited for the highest security classification processed in the system. OE.Video The Touch Entry Displays that are used to connect to the TOE and provide separated touch areas are only operated in the SECURE physical operational environment to assure only accountable personnel is using the TED and the displays are not manipulated. OE.Cabling The Fiber Optic connection between Processing Units and TOE shall use the appropriate connectors: - PU_RED shall be connected to “SECURE FO” Fiber Optic connector; - PU_BLACK shall be connected to “UNSECURE FO” Fiber Optic connector. OE.Rec The Recording Storage device connected to the PU_RED shall be accredited for the highest security classification processed in the system. The Recording Storage device connected to the PU_RED shall have physical protection, which is at least approved for the highest level of information handled in the TOE. The logical access to the Recording Storage device connected to the PU_RED shall be protected but also the confidentiality during different life cycles of stored data (i.e. audio play, secure deletion). Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 32 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 7.3 Security Objectives Rationale Security Objectives - Security Objectives of the environment/ Assumptions-Threats A.Physical Protection A.TEMPEST_Zone A.TEMPEST_Evaluation A.Training A.Authorization A.Installation A.Audio Devices A.PU A.RED_PU A.Video T.compromise_Information_Flow_Protection T.Tx_Indication_Spoofing T.Rx_lndication_Spoofing T.Acoustic_Coupling T.Non-Permissible_Data_lnbound T.Non-Permissible_Data_Outbound O.Tx_Status X O.Rx_Status X O.Tx_Flow X O.Rx_Flow X X O.Acoustic_Coupling X X O.Mediate_Data X X X O.Fail_SAFE X X O.Video X X O.Rec X X X OE.Physical_Protection X X X OE.TEMPEST_Zone X X X OE.TEMPEST_Evalutation X OE.Physical_Access X OE.Training X OE.Authorization X X OE.Installation X X X X X OE.Audio Devices X X X OE.Neighbour_Acoustic_Coupling X OE.PU X X OE.RED_PU X X OE.Video X OE.Cabling X X X OE.Rec X X X X X X Table 10: Security Objectives Rationale Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 33 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 7.3.1 Countering the threats The Threat T.compromise_Information_Flow_Protection which describes that an attacker may gain CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred falsely to the PU_BLACK is countered by a combination of the objectives O.Tx_Flow, O.Rx_Flow, O.Rec and O.Fail_SAFE. The objectives O.Tx_Flow, O.Rx_Flow and O.Rec ensure that transferred CLASSIFIED voice information is either not falsely routed or falsely separated by the operator. O.Fail_SAFE prevents a wrong connection in case of a single failure of the TOE and protects CLASSIFIED voice information from being captured through an UNSECURE channel. The objective O.Mediate_Data ensures that transferred CLASSIFIED voice information is either not falsely routed or falsely separated by the TOE to an UNSECURE channel. The Threat T.Tx_Indication_Spoofing which describes that an operator may think that he is speaking via a SECURE channel while he is actually speaking via an UNSECURE channel. This result to CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred falsely to the PU_BLACK and is countered by a combination of the objectives O.Tx_Status and O.Fail_SAFE. The environmental objective OE.Installation and OE.Cabling ensures that the TOE is correctly installed in the physically SECURE environment and that a malfunction of the TOE is prevented by using the TOE guidance to bring the TOE in a SECURE certified operational state. The objective O.Tx_Status prevents missuse and wrong operation of the TOE by the operator by making the operator aware of that the microphone is routed in designated domain. O.Video prevents that the GUI shows the operator a SECURE channel while the TOE is connected to the UNSECURE channel. The Threat T.Rx_lndication_Spoofing which describes that an operator may think that he is hearing via an UNSECURE channel while he is actually hearing via a SECURE channel. This result to CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred falsely to the operator and is countered by a combination of the objectives O.Rx_Status, O.Acoustic_Coupling and O.Video. The environmental objectives OE.Installation and OE.Audio Devices ensure that the TOE is correctly installed in the physically SECURE environment and that only correct working audio devices are used by installing the TOE according the guidance to bring the TOE in a SECURE certified operational state and only use appropriate headsets. The objectives O.Rx_Status prevents misuse and wrong operation of the TOE by the operator by making the operator aware that the Ear piece is in a SECURE/UNSECURE state. O.Acoustic_Coupling prevents leakage of CLASSIFIED voice information by automatically switch of the communication when not in use and Loudspeaker information are not transmitted. O.Video prevents that the GUI shows the operator an UNSECURE channel while there is CLASSIFIED voice information received. T.Acoustic_Coupling describes that a microphone may transfer CLASSIFIED voice information via an UNSECURE channel. This result to CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred falsely to the PU_BLACK and is countered by a combination of the objective O.Acoustic_Coupling and the environmental objectives OE.Audio Devices, OE.Neighbour_Acoustic_Coupling, and O.Rx_Flow. O.Acoustic_Coupling prevents leakage of CLASSIFIED voice information by automatically switch off the communication when not in use and Loudspeaker information are not transmitted. OE.Audio Devices ensures that only correct working audio devices are used by using only appropriate headsets. OE.Neighbour_Acoustic_Coupling prevents misconfiguration and false separation by showing the operator that another operator is handling CLASSIFIED voice information right now. O.Rx_Flow ensures that no CLASSIFIED voice information is sent to the PU_BLACK by acoustic coupling between Earpiece_Outputs and Microphone_Inputs when the system domain status is UNSECURE. The Threat T.Non-Permissible_Data_lnbound which describes that an external attacker may gain CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred falsely to the PU_BLACK by manipulating an external interface is countered by the objective O.Mediate_Data. The objective O.Mediate_Data and O.Rec ensure that transferred CLASSIFIED voice information is either not falsely routed or falsely separated by the TOE to an UNSECURE channel. OE.Physical _Protection, OE.TEMPEST_Zone, OE.Rec and OE:Installation ensure that the TOE is installed in a safe and secured environment with access restriction for the personnel correct and safe installation and protection. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 34 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 The Threat T.Non-Permissible_Data_Outbound which describes that an external attacker may gain CLASSIFIED voice information being transferred falsely to the PU_BLACK by manipulating an external interface is countered by the objective O.Mediate_Data. The objective O.Mediate_Data and O.Rec ensure that transferred CLASSIFIED voice information is either not falsely routed or falsely separated by the TOE to an UNSECURE channel. The environmental objectives OE.PU, OE.RED_PU, OE.Rec and OE.Cabling ensures that only accredited Procesing Units and Recording Storage device are able to receive Data and therefore protect the TOE implicitly. OE.Physical _Protection, OE.TEMPEST_Zone and OE.Installation ensure that the TOE is installed in a safe and secured environment with access restriction for the personnel correct and safe installation and protection. 7.3.2 Covering the OSPs The TOE does not enforce organizational security policies. 7.3.3 Covering the assumptions The assumption A.Physical_Protection is covered by OE.Physical_Protection, OE.Physical_Access, OE.Installation and OE.REC as directly follows. The assumption A.TEMPEST_Zone is covered by OE.TEMPEST_Zone as directly follows. The assumption A.TEMPEST_Evaluation is covered by OE.TEMPEST_Evalutation as directly follows. The assumption A.Training is covered by OE.Training and OE.Authorization as directly follows. The assumption A.Authorization is covered by OE.Authorization and OE.REC as directly follows. The assumption A.Installation is covered by OE.Installation, OE.Cabling and OE.REC as directly follows. The assumption A.Audio_Devices is covered by OE.Audio_Devices as directly follows. The assumption A.PU is covered by OE.PU as directly follows. The assumption A.RED_PU is covered by OE.RED_PU and OE.REC as directly follows. The assumption A.Video is covered by OE.Video as directly follows. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 35 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 8. Security Requirements This chapter defines the security functional requirements (see chapter 9.1) and the security assurance requirements for the TOE (see chapter 9.3). No extended components are defined in this Security Target (see chapter 9.2). 8.1 Security functional requirements for the TOE The TOE satisfies the SFRs delineated in the following table. The rest of this chapter contains a description of each component and any related dependencies. Words which appear in italics are tailoring of requirement definitions via an assignment operation. Words which appear in bold are tailoring of requirement definitions via a selection operations. Words which appear in bold italics are tailoring of requirement definitions via a selection operations followed by an assignment operation. Iterations are identified by appending an identification ("_Rx" , "_Tx") to the short name of iterated components and elements. Component Name Security audit (FAU) FAU_ARP.1 Security alarms FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis User data protection (FDP) FDP_ETC.1 Export of user data without security attributes FDP_IFC.1 Subset Information flow control policy FDP_IFF.1 Simple security attributes FDP_IFF.5 No compromised information flows FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes Security Management (FMT) FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions Protection of the TSF (FPT) FPT_FLS.1_SAFE Failure with preservation of SECURE state FPT_FLS.1_Current Failure with preservation of Current state Table 11: Security Functional Requirements for the TOE 8.1.1 Terms and definitions for information flow control SFPs Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 36 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 This section contains terms and definitions used in the subsequent SFRs to define the information flow control Security Functional Policies (SFPs). The terms and definitions are listed here by category. Information flow control SFPs The following table lists the information flow control SFPs defined in the subsequent SFRs. SFP Description Tx_SFP Information flow control SFP for transmission of voice information (Voice Tx Information). Rx_SFP Information flow control SFP for reception of voice information (Voice Rx Information). Rec_SFP Information flow control SFP for voice information (Rx and Tx Voice Information) Data_SFP Information flow control SFP for data communication. Table 12: Information flow control SFPs Information The following table lists the information under control of the information flow control SFPs. Information Description SFP Voice_Tx_lnformation Voice information from the operator intended for transmission to the Processing Units. Tx_SFP Voice_Rx_lnformation Voice information from the Processing Units intended for reception by the operator. Rx_SFP Voice_Rec_Information Voice information from TOE to the PU_RED intended for recording all Voice Information handled by Operator. Rec_SFP User_Interface_Data The operator controls both the RED and the BLACK Processing Units via a Touch Entry Device. User_Interface_Data is information that is communicated via the TOE for this purpose. Data_SFP Table 13: SFP Information controlled by the TOE Data Subjects The following table lists the data subjects under control of the information flow control SFPs. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 37 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Entity Description SFP Analogue Audio Inputs Microphone_Inputs Microphone inputs of the TOE to all audio Tx_SFP devices: - Mic_lnput_OP1_Headset and - Mic_Input_OP2_Headset and - Mic_Input_Handset Tx_SFP Rec_SFP Mic_lnput_OP1_Headset Microphone input of the TOE to the binaural/monaural headset for use by the first operator. Mic_Input_OP2_Headset Microphone input of the TOE to the binaural/monaural headset for use by the second operator. Mic_Input_Handset Microphone input of the TOE to the handset. Analogue Audio Outputs Earpiece_Outputs Earpiece outputs of the TOE to the Rx_SFP headsets and speaker of the handset: - Ear_Output_OP1_Headset and - Ear_Output_OP2_Headset and - Ear Output Handset - Loudspeaker_Output Rx_SFP Rec_SFP Ear_Output_OP1_Headset Earpiece output of the TOE to the binaural/monaural headset for use by the first operator. Ear_Output_OP2_Headset Earpiece output of the TOE to the binaural/monaural headset for use by the second operator. Ear Output Handset Speaker output of the TOE to the handset. Loudspeaker_Output Audio output of the TOE to the external loudspeaker. Interfaces to Processing Units RED_PU_lnterface Interface of the TOE to the PU_RED. Tx_SFP Rx_SFP Data_SFP Rec_SFP BLACK_PU_lnterface Interface of the TOE to the PU_BLACK. Tx_SFP Rx_SFP Data_SFP Table 14: SFP Entities Security Attributes The following Table 15 lists the SFP information security attributes. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 38 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Information Security Attribute Description Voice_Tx_lnformation Voice_Rx_lnformation Voice_Rec_Information CLASSIFIED Information regarded as sensitive by the security authorities for the owners of the TOE (e.g. Information up to the German Classification Level VS-GEHEIM or equivalent NATO/national classification level). UNCLASSIFIED Information regarded as not sensitive to disclosure by the security authorities for the owners of the TOE. (e.g. Information up to the German Classification Level VS-NfD or equivalent NATO/national classification levels). User_Interface_Data Transport_Data_Frame The data frame of the transport level protocol used to communicate User_Interface_Data via TOE. Checksum of the Transport_Data The transport data between TOE and PU includes a checksum in order to detect transmission errors. Application_Protocol The application level protocol used to communicate VCS via TOE. Application_Message_Type The application message type defines the semantic of an Application_Protocol message. E.g.: The application message type "LOG IN": means that a User is attempt to Log-in. The application messages type “PRESS / UNPRESS” generated by touch screen controller interface for press coordinates. The application messages type “VIDEO” generated by PU to be displayed by TED via TOE. Message_Data_Rate Limited number of allowed messages on specific interface via TOE per unit of time. Each message is inspected according to allowed formats and has a limited rate of frequency, to avoid TOE packet data flooding. Message is all content of User_Interface_Data that is inspected by semantic correctness by TOE (e.g. Control, Acknowledge or Version Check). Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 39 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Payload_Data_Rate Number of Payload bits that are communicated via TOE per unit of time. Payload is all content of User_Interface_Data that is not inspected by semantic correctness by TOE (e.g. the numeric value identifying the user ID). Table 15: SFP Information Security Attributes The following table lists the SFP entity security attributes. Entity Security Attribute Description Earpiece_Outputs SECURE Security attribute of an entity that is allowed to receive CLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_Information. UNSECURE Security attribute of an entity that is allowed to receive UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_Information. Mixed Security attribute of an entity that is allowed to receive CLASSIFIED as well as UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_Information. Table 16: SFP entity security attributes 8.1.2 Security audit (FAU) FAU_ARP.1 Security Alarms FAU_ARP.1.1 The TSF shall take [The following list of actions: - Visually indicate a failure to warn the S.Operator, - any failure switches the TOE on the SECURE domain] upon detection of a potential security violation. Note: A visual indication is either a message displayed by TOE on the appropriate TED or a message signalized using the two LEDs: RED (UNSECURE LED) and GREEN (SECURE LED), depending on the failure. FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis FAU_SAA.1.1 The TSF shall be able to apply a set of rules in monitoring the audited events and based upon these rules indicate a potential violation of the enforcement of the SFRs. FAU_SAA.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules for monitoring audited events: a) Accumulation or combination of [none] known to indicate a potential security Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 40 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 violation; b) [Violations of at least one of the following Data_SFP rules even though the User_Interface_Data and also Voice_Rx_lnformation message has been transmitted error- free (Transport_Data_Frame and the Checksum of the Transport_Data_Frame is correct). - The Application_Message_Type is permissible, - The Application_Protocol is syntactically correct, - The Payload_Data_Rate from Red_PU_Interface to Black_PU_Interface does not exceed the data rate required for comprehensive continuous voice transmission. - The Message_Data_Rate from Red_PU_Interface or Black_PU_Interface does not exceed the maximum data rate] Note: If Transport_Data_Frame is incorrect or Checksum of Transport_Data_Frame is incorrect, then the message is discarded. 8.1.3 User data protection (Class FDP) This section specifies the information flow control requirements. FDP_ETC.1 Export of user data without security attributes FDP_ETC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Tx_SFP and Rx_SFP] when exporting user data, controlled under the SFP(s), outside of the TOE. FDP_ETC.1.2 The TSF shall export the user data without the user data's associated security attributes. FDP_IFC.1_Tx Subset information flow control - Voice Tx FDP_IFC.1.1_Tx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Tx_SFP] on [the following data subjects:  Microphone_Inputs - Mic_lnput_OP1_Headset - Mic_lnput_OP2_Headset - Mic_lnputHandset - RED_PU_lnterface - BLACK_PU_lnterface For the following information: - Voice_Tx_lnformation]. FDP_IFC.1_Rx Subset information flow control- Voice Rx FDP_IFC.1.1_Rx Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 41 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rx_SFP] on [the following subjects: - Earpiece_Outputs - Ear_Output_OP1_Headset - Ear_Output_OP2_Headset - Ear Output Handset - Loudspeaker_Output - RED_PU_lnterface - BLACK_PU_lnterface From the following information: - Voice_Rx_lnformation]. FDP_IFC.1_Rec Subset information flow control- Voice Rec FDP_IFC.1.1_Rec The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rec_SFP] on [the following data subjects:  Microphone_Inputs - Mic_lnput_OP1_Headset - Mic_lnput_OP2_Headset - Mic_lnputHandset - Earpiece_Outputs - Ear_Output_OP1_Headset - Ear_Output_OP2_Headset - Ear Output Handset - Loudspeaker_Output - RED_PU_lnterface For the following information: - Voice_Rec_lnformation]. FDP_IFC.1_UI Subset information flow control- UI Data FDP_IFC.1.1_UI The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Data_SFP on [the following data subjects: - RED_PU_lnterface - BLACK_PU_lnterface For the following information: - User_Interface_Data]. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 42 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 FDP_IFF.1_Tx Simple security attributes - Voice Tx FDP_IFF.1.1_Tx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Tx_SFP] based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: [ - Voice_Tx_information security attributes (as determined by the Tx voice router) - CLASSIFIED - UNCLASSIFIED]. FDP_IFF.1.2_Tx The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: [ Active Voice Transmission (PTT active): - CLASSIFIED Voice_Tx_Information shall be transmitted to the RED_PU_Interface - UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Tx_Information shall be transmitted to the BLACK_PU_Interface]. FDP_IFF.1.3_Tx The TSF shall enforce the [no additional information flow control SFP rules]. FDP_IFF.1.4_Tx The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: [none] . FDP_IFF.1.5_Tx The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [none]. FDP_IFF.1_Rec Simple security attributes - Voice Rec FDP_IFF.1.1_Rec The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rec_SFP] based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: [ - Voice_Rec_information security attributes (as determined by the Tx voice router and Rx Voice router) - CLASSIFIED - UNCLASSIFIED]. FDP_IFF.1.2_Rec The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: [  Active Voice Transmission (PTT active): - CLASSIFIED Voice_Tx_Information shall be transmitted to the RED_PU_Interface and Tx Voice router = SECURE. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 43 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 - UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Tx_Information shall be transmitted to the RED_PU_Interface and Tx Voice router = UNSECURE. - Voice_Rx_lnformation security attributes is determined by the source - CLASSIFIED transmitted to the RED_PU_Interface and Rx Voice router = SECURE - UNCLASSIFIED transmitted to the RED_PU_Interface and Rx Voice router = UNSECURE] FDP_IFF.1.3_Rec The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control rules Rec_SFP while applying the security attribute: - TRANSMITTED as determined by the Tx voice router or - RECEIVED as determined by the Rx Voice router ]. FDP_IFF.1.4_Rec The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: [none] . FDP_IFF.1.5_Rec The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [none]. FDP_IFF.1_Rx Simple security attributes - Voice Rx FDP_IFF.1.1_Rx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rx_SFP] based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: [ - Voice_Rx_lnformation security attributes is determined by the source - CLASSIFIED - UNCLASSIFIED - Earpiece_Outputs security attributes are determined by the Rx voice router: - SECURE, if Rx voice router = SECURE - UNSECURE; if Rx voice router = UNSECURE - MIXED, (if Rx voice router = UNSECURE and Microphone_Inputs = disconnected) or (if Rx voice router = SECURE)]. FDP_IFF.1.2_Rx The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: [ Voice Reception: Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 44 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 - CLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_lnformation shall be received by the Earpiece_Outputs, if its security attribute (determined by the Rx voice router) is SECURE - UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_lnformation shall be received by the Earpiece_Outputs, if its security attribute (determined by the Rx voice router) is UNSECURE - CLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_lnformation as well as the UNCLASSIFIED Voice_RX_lnformation shall be received by the Earpiece_Outputs, if its security attribute (determined by the Rx voice router) is SECURE - CLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_lnformation as well as the UNCLASSIFIED Voice_RX_lnformation shall be received by the Earpiece_Outputs, if its security attribute (determined by the Rx voice router) is UNSECURE and Microphone_Inputs are disconnected - UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_lnformation shall be received by the Loudspeaker_Output]. FDP_IFF.1.3_Rx The TSF shall enforce the [no additional information flow control SFP rules]. FDP_IFF.1.4_Rx The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: [none]. FDP_IFF.1.5_Rx The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [ Voice Reception: - CLASSIFIED Voice_Rx_Information shall not be received if UNCLASSIFIED Voice_Tx_lnformation is transmitted via the Mic_InputHandset (PTT active)]. FDP IFF.1_UI Simple security attributes - UI data FDP_IFF.1.1_UI The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Data_SFP] based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: [ - Transport_Data_Frame, - Checksum of the Transport_Data_Frame, - Application_Message_Type, - Payload_Data_Rate]. FDP_IFF.1.2_UI The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: [ Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 45 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 User Interface (UI) Data Transmission between RED_PU_Interface and BLACK_PU_Interface (both directions): - The Transport_Data_Frame is syntactically correct, - The Checksum of the Transport_Data_Frame is correct, - The Application_Protocol is syntactically correct, - The Application_Message_Type is permissible, - The Payload_Data_Rate not exceed the rules]. FDP_IFF.1.3_UI The TSF shall enforce the [no additional information flow control SFP rules]. FDP_IFF.1.4_UI The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: [none]. FDP_IFF.1.5_UI The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [ User Interface (UI) Data Tranmission:  The Payload_Data_Rate from RED_PU_Interface to BLACK_PU_Interface exceeds the data rate required for comprehensive continuous voice transmission  The Application_Protocol is syntactically incorrect  The Application_Message_Type is not permitted  The Checksum of the Transport_Data_Frame is not correct  The Transport_Data_Frame is not syntactically correct]. FDP_IFF.5_Tx No illicit information flows - Voice Tx FDP_IFF.5.1_Tx The TSF shall ensure that no illicit information flows exist to circumvent [Tx_SFP]. FDP_IFF.5_Rx No illicit information flows - Voice Rx FDP_IFF.5.1_Rx The TSF shall ensure that no illicit information flows exist to circumvent [Rx_SFP]. FDP_IFF.5_Rec No illicit information flows - Voice Rec FDP_IFF.5.1_Rec The TSF shall ensure that no illicit information flows exist to circumvent [Rec_SFP]. FDP_IFF.5_UI No illicit information flows - UI Data FDP_IFF.5.1_UI The TSF shall ensure that no illicit information flows exist to circumvent [Data_SFP]. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 46 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 FDP_ITC.1_Tx Import of user data without security attributes - Voice Tx FDP_ITC.1.1_Tx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Tx_SFP] when importing user data, controlled under the SFP, from outside of the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.2_Tx The TSF shall ignore any security attributes associated with the user data when imported from outside the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.3_Tx The TSF shall enforce the following rules when importing user data controlled under the SFP from outside the TOE: [ - Voice_Tx_Information is imported from the Microphone_Inputs, if the corresponding PTT is active - Voice_Tx_Information security attributes are determined by the Tx voice router: - CLASSIFIED, if Tx voice router = SECURE - UNCLASSIFIED; if Tx voice router = UNSECURE]. FDP_ITC.1_Rx Import of user data without security attributes - Voice Rx FDP_ITC.1.1_Rx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control RX_SFP] when importing user data, controlled under the SFP, from outside of the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.2_Rx The TSF shall ignore any security attributes associated with the user data when imported from outside the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.3_Rx The TSF shall enforce the following rules when importing user data controlled under the SFP from outside the TOE: [ - Voice_Rx_Information security attributes are determined by the Processing Units interface: - CLASSIFIED, if reception via RED_PU_Interface - UNCLASSIFIED, if reception via BLACK_PU_Interface]. FDP_ITC.1_Rec Import of user data without security attributes - Voice Rec FDP_ITC.1.1_Rec The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rec_SFP] when importing user data, controlled under the SFP, from outside of the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.2_Rec The TSF shall ignore any security attributes associated with the user data when imported from outside the TOE. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 47 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 FDP_ITC.1.3_Rec The TSF shall enforce the following rules when importing user data controlled under the SFP from outside the TOE: [ - Voice_Rec_Information is imported from: - Microphone_Inputs, if the corresponding PTT is active; - RED_PU_Interface and BLACK_PU_Interface while Tx voice router = SECURE; - BLACK_PU_Interface while Tx voice router = UNSECURE; - Voice_Rec_Information security attributes are determined by the Tx voice router: - CLASSIFIED, if Tx voice router = SECURE - UNCLASSIFIED; if Tx voice router = UNSECURE]. 8.1.4 Security management (FMT) This section specifies the management of several aspects of the TSF. FMT_MSA.1_Tx Management of security attributes - Voice Tx FMT_MSA.1.1_Tx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control TX_SFP] to restrict the ability to [set, indicate] the security attributes [CLASSIFIED / UNCLASSIFIED of Voice_ Tx_Information] to [S.Operator]. FMT_MSA.1_Rx Management of security attributes - Voice Rx FMT_MSA.1.1_Rx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rx_SFP] to restrict the ability to [set, indicate] the security attributes [SECURE / UNSECURE of the Earpiece_Outputs] to [S.Operator]. FMT_MSA.1_Rec Management of security attributes - Voice Rec FMT_MSA.1.1_Rec The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rec_SFP] to restrict the ability to [set, indicate] the security attributes [CLASSIFIED / UNCLASSIFIED of Voice_ Rec_Information] to [RED_PU_Interface]. FMT_MSA.3_Tx Static attribute initialization - Voice Tx FMT_MSA.3.1_Tx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Tx_SFP] to provide [restrictive] default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 48 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 FMT_MSA.3.2_Tx The TSF shall allow the [none] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. FMT_MSA.3_Rx Static attribute initialization - Voice Rx FMT_MSA.3.1_Rx The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rx_SFP] to provide [restrictive] default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2_Rx The TSF shall allow the [none] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. FMT_MSA.3_Rec Static attribute initialization - Voice Rec FMT_MSA.3.1_Rec The TSF shall enforce the [information flow control Rec_SFP] to provide [restrictive] default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2_Rec The TSF shall allow the [none] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: [ - Set the state of the Tx voice router - Set the state of the Rx voice router - Set the PTT state - Set the state of the external Red Lamp indicator - Assured indication of the Tx voice router state to the S.Operator - Assured indication of the Rx voice router state to the S.Operator - Assured indication of the PTT state to the S.Operator during normal TOE operation]. 8.1.5 Protection of the TSF (FPT) This section relates to the integrity of the mechanisms that constitute the TSF. FPT_FLS.1_SAFE Failure with preservation of SECURE state FPT_FLS.1.1_SAFE The TSF shall preserve a SECURE state when the following types of failures occur: Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 49 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 [Single failure of the TSF implementing the information flow control Tx_SFP  Missing HID / Wrong device (USB touch controller is not attached)  Missing / Wrong Display attached to HDMI port  Communication with any PU is lost  Power-Up initialization Fail  Built in Test failed  TAS-FO does not detect GUI activity on PUs  TAS-FO does not detect X-Server activity on PUs  TAS-FO detects unexpected PUs video resolution  No Operator is authenticated on the PUs to the VCS  Payload_Data_Rate exceeds the data rate predefined limits]. FPT_FLS.1_Current Failure with preservation of Current state FPT_FLS.1.1_Current The TSF shall preserve a Current state when the following types of failures occur: [Single failure of the TSF implementing the information flow control Tx_SFP  Unmatched Redundant Gate1]. 8.2 Extended Components definition No extended components are defined in this Security Target. 8.3 Security assurance requirements for the TOE The following table lists the chosen evaluation assurance components for the TOE. 1 The switching implementation, between CLASSIFIED and UNCLASSFIED domains, is based on dual redundancy check; if switching decision does not match on both check levels then TOE will preserve the current state. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 50 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Assurance Class Assurance Components ADV Development ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.4 Complete functional specification ADV_IMP.1 Implementation representation of the TSF ADV_TDS.3 Basic modular design AGD Guidance Documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures ALC Lifecycle ALC_CMC.4 Production support, acceptance procedures and automation ALC_CMS.4 Problem tracking CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security measures ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools ASE Security Target evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification ATE Tests ATE COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.1 Testing : basic design ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample AVA Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.3 Focused vulnerability analysis Table 17: Security assurance requirements for the TOE These assurance components represent EAL 4. The complete text for these requirements can be found in [2]. 8.4 Security Requirements Rationale 8.4.1 SFRs rationale Tracing between SFRs and security objectives Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 51 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Security Functional Requirements/ Security Objectives O.Tx_Status O.Rx_Status O.Tx_Flow O.Rx_Flow O.Acoustic_Coupling O.Mediate_Data O.Fail_SAFE O.Video O.Rec FAU_ARP.1 X FAU_SAA.1 X FDP_ETC.1 X X FDP_IFC.1_Tx X FDP_IFC.1_Rx X FDP_IFC.1_Rec X X X FDP_IFC.1_UI X FDP_IFF.1_Tx X FDP_IFF.1_Rx X X FDP_IFF.1_Rec X X X FDP_IFF.1_UI X FDP_IFF.5_Tx X FDP_IFF.5_Rx X FDP_IFF.5_Rec X X X FDP_IFF.5_UI X FDP_ITC.1_Tx X X FDP_ITC.1_Rx X FDP_ITC.1_Rec X X X FMT_MSA.1_Tx X X FMT_MSA.1_Rx X X FMT_MSA.1_Rec X X X FMT_MSA.3_Tx X X FMT_MSA.3_Rx X X FMT_MSA.3_Rec X X X FMT_SMF.1 X X X X X FPT_FLS.1_SAFE X FPT_FLS.1_Current X X Table 18:Tracing between SFRs and security objectives The security objective O.Tx_Status and O.Rx_Status are met by FMT_SMF.1 which describes specific management functions to ensure the correct routing status of the TOE for the operator for transmission and receiving. The security objective O.Tx_Flow is met by a combination of the user data protection SFRs FDP_ETC.1, FDP_IFC.1_Tx, FDP_IFF.1_Tx, FDP_IFF.5_Tx, FDP_ITC.1_Tx and the management SFRs FMT_MSA.1_Tx, FMT_MSA.3_Tx, FMT_SMF.1. FDP_ETC.1, FDP_IFC.1_Tx, FDP_IFC.1_Rec, FDP_IFF.1_Tx, FDP_IFF.1_Rec, FDP_IFF.5_Tx, FDP_IFF.5_Rec, FDP_ITC.1_Tx and FDP_ITC.1_Rec describe the protection of user data by setting export rules and security attributes for transmission of classified and unclassified information flow through Secure, Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 52 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Unsecure and Mixed operation modes. FMT_MSA.1_Tx, FMT_MSA.1_Rec, FMT_MSA.3_Tx, FMT_MSA.3_Rec, FMT_SMF.1 describe management functionalities to set and indicate the correct status and operational mode of the TOE during transmission information. The security objective O.Rx_Flow is met by a combination of the user data protection SFRs FDP_ETC.1, FDP_IFC.1_Rx, FDP_IFC.1_Rec, FDP_IFF.1_Rx, FDP_IFF.1_Rec, FDP_IFF.5_Rx, FDP_IFF.5_Rec, FDP_ITC.1_Rx, FDP_ITC.1_Rx, FDP_ITC.1_Rec and the management SFRs FMT_MSA.1_Rx, FMT_MSA.1_Rec, FMT_MSA.3_Rx, FMT_MSA.3_Rec and FMT_SMF.1. FDP_ETC.1, FDP_IFC.1_Rx, FDP_IFF.1_Rx, FDP_IFF.5_Rx and FDP_ITC.1_Rx describe the protection of user data by setting export rules and security attributes for receiving of classified and unclassified information flow through Secure, Unsecure and Mixed operation modes. FMT_MSA.1_Rx, FMT_MSA.3_Rx and FMT_SMF.1 describe management functionalities to set and indicate the correct status and operational mode of the TOE during receiving information. The security objective O.Acoustic_Coupling is met by a combination of FDP_IFF.1_Rx and FDP_ITC.1_Tx which describe the import rules of user date when classified and unclassified information is handled by the TOE. The security objective O.Mediate_Data is met by combination of the audit SFRs FAU_ARP.1, FAU_SAA.1 and the user data protection SFRs FDP_IFC.1_UI, FDP_IFF.1_UI and FDP_IFF.5_UI. FAU_ARP.1 and FAU_SAA.1 describe the alarms to indicate failure and non conformities according to the correct functionality of the security functionalty and logging/ monitoring of security relevant events. FDP_IFC.1_UI, FDP_IFF.1_UI and FDP_IFF.5_UI describe the information flow control rules to ensure all information is handled correctly, safely and secure by the TOE and its monitoring and state rules according to the user interface functionality. The security objective O.Fail_SAFE is met by FPT_FLS.1_SAFE which describes the safe mode of the TOE that is triggered by five specific errors. The security objective O.Video is met by a combination of FMT_MSA.1_Tx, FMT_MSA.1_Rx, FMT_MSA.3_Tx, FMT_MSA.3_Rx and FMT_SMF.1 which describe management functionalities to set and indicate the correct status and operational mode of the TOE during receiving and transmission of information. Fulfillment of TOE SFR dependencies Component Dependency Fulfilled FAU_ARP.1 FAU_SAA1 X FAU_SAA.1 FAU_GEN.1 FDP_ETC.1 FDP_IFC.1 X FDP_IFC.1_Tx FDP_IFF.1_Tx X FDP_IFC.1_Rx FDP_IFF.1_Rx X FDP_IFC.1_Rec FDP_IFF.1_Rec X FDP_IFC.1_UI FDP_IFF.1_UI X FDP_IFF.1_Tx FDP_IFC.1_Tx X FMT_MSA.3_Tx X FDP_IFF.1_Rx FDP_IFC.1_Rx X FMT_MSA.3_Rx X FDP_IFF.1_Rec FDP_IFC.1_Rec X Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 53 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 FMT_MSA.3_Rec X FDP_IFF.1_UI FDP_IFC.1_UI X FMT_MSA.3 X FDP_IFF.5_Tx FDP_IFC.1_Tx X FDP_IFF.5_Rx FDP_IFC.1_Rx X FDP_IFF.5_Rec FDP_IFC.1_Rec X FDP_IFF.5_UI FDP_IFC.1_UI X FDP_ITC.1_Tx FDP_IFC.1_Tx X FMT_MSA.3_Tx X FDP_ITC.1_Rx FDP_IFC.1_Rx X FMT_MSA.3_Rx X FDP_ITC.1_Rec FDP_IFC.1_Rec X FMT_MSA.3_Rec X FMT_MSA.1_Tx FDP_IFC.1_Tx X FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 X FMT_MSA.1_Rx FDP_IFC.1_Rx X FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 X FMT_MSA.1_Rec FDP_IFC.1_Rec X FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 X FMT_MSA.3_Tx FMT_MSA.1_Tx X FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3_Rx FMT_MSA.1_Rx X FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3_Rec FMT_MSA.1_Rec X FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 - - FPT_FLS.1_SAFE - - FPT_FLS.1_Current - - Table 19: Fulfillment of TOE SFR Dependencies FAU_GEN.1 (Audit Data Generation) is not included, as the TOE does not perform the potential violation analysis based on audited events. Instead the TOE detects a potential misuse of User_Interface_Data to bypass the separation of CLASSIFIED and UNCLASSIFIED voice information by detecting a violation of certain Data_SFP rules. If the TOE detects such a violation, the TOE will react accordingly. FMT_SMR.1 (Security Management Roles) is not included because: - Only authorized persons have physical access to the TOE (see OE.Physical_Access, OE.Physical_Protection, OE.Authorization). - All users with physical access to the TOE (S.Operator) have the permission to manage the security attributes (operate the Tx and Rx voice switcher) (see FMT_MSA.1). Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 54 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 No security management requirements for the User Interface Data Flow Control (Data_SFP) are included, as Data_SFP does not contain any security attributes that require initialization or management. Mutual support and internal consistency of security requirements From the details given in this rationale it becomes evident that the functional requirements form an integrated whole and, taken together, are suited to meet all security objectives. The core TOE functionality is represented by the requirements for information flow control (FDP_ETC.1, FDP_IFC.1, FDP_IFF.1, FDP_IFF.5 and FDP_ITC.1). Furthermore a set of requirements is used to describe the way, the flow control functions should be managed (FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.3 and FMT_SMF.1). A further set of requirements (FAU_SAA.1 and FAU_ARP.1) defines the rules to detect a potential security violation (user interface connection is being misused to bypass the Voice Information Flow Control) and the automatic response. In the end of this ST contains a set of SFRs which deal with malfunction of the TOE (FPT_FLS). Therefore it becomes clear that the SFRs in this ST mutually support each other and form consistent whole. 8.4.2 SAR rationale EAL4 is the lowest assurance package, which includes source-code analysis. The source code analysis is necessary to assess the implementation quality and ensure that the TOE contains no malicious code. EAL4 is specified by NATO as the minimum EAL level for high robustness environments. Higher EAL levels (5, 6 or 7) would require a lot more effort for vendors and evaluators, because semi-formal or formal modelling has to be used ([2], chapter 8.7-8.9). Because ASE_TSS.1 belongs to EAL4, the TOE developer is required to describe at an early stage how the TOE protects itself against tampering bypass. Because AVA_VAN.3 belongs to EAL4, we assume attackers who possess Enhanced-Basic attack potential. AVA_VAN.3 ensures that penetration testing is carried out by the evaluator to determine that the TOE is resistant to attacks performed by those attackers. 8.4.3 Conclusion Based on the SFR and SAR rationale it is obvious, that all security objectives are achieved. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 55 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 9. TOE Security Summary Specification 9.1 TOE security functionality This section summarizes the TOE security functions (TSF) provided by the TOE to meet the security functional requirements specified for the TOE. A detailed specification of the SFRs is provided by the development documentation of the TOE. 9.1.1 Voice Information Flow Control (TSF.VFC) The TOE Security Functional Requirements satisfied within the following subchapters are FDP_ETC.1, FDP_IFC.1_Tx, FDP_IFC.1_Rx, FDP_IFC.1_Rec, FDP_IFF.1_Tx, FDP_IFF.1_Rx, FDP_IFF.1_Rec, FDP_IFF.5_Tx, FDP_IFF.5_Rx, FDP_IFF.5_Rec, FDP_ITC.1_Tx, FDP_ITC.1_Rx, FDP_ITC.1_Rec, FMT_MSA.1_Tx, FMT_MSA.1_Rx, FMT_MSA.1_Rec, FMT_MSA.3_Tx, FMT_MSA.3_Rec and FMT_MSA.3_Rx. PTT Operation TSF.VFC.1 Each audio device has its dedicated PTT input. The TOE disconnects inactive Microphone_Inputs (no PTT). TSF.VFC.2 The state of PTT is indicated via Blue LED (MIC ACTIVE) on the TOE front panel and also on the Management Interface (TSF.MNI). Tx Voice router TSF.VFC.3 One common Tx voice router is routing the Microphone_Inputs either to the RED_ PU_lnterface or to the BLACK_PU_lnterface according to domain status (RED/BLACK). The Tx voice router provides two modes: - SECURE: Microphone_Inputs are disconnected from the BLACK_PU_lnterface. Microphone_Inputs are connected to the RED_ PU_lnterface, if the associated PTT is activated and audio device is present (e.g. Headset). - UNSECURE: Microphone_Inputs are disconnected from the RED_ PU_lnterface. Microphone_Inputs are connected to the BLACK_PU_Interface, if the associated PTT is activated and audio device is present (e.g. Headset). TSF.VFC.4 The Initial/Default-State of the Tx voice router is SECURE. TSF.VFC.5 The status of the Tx voice router is set and indicated via the Management Interface (TSF.MNI) Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 56 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Rx Voice router TSF.VFC.6 All Voice_Rx_lnformation received from the RED and BLACK Processing Units is routed to the Earpiece_Outputs according to one common Rx voice router. The RX separator provides three modes: - SECURE: The Voice_Rx_Information from the RED_PU_lnterface (CLASSIFIED) is connected to the Earpiece_Outputs. Voice_Rx_lnformation from the BLACK_PU_Interface is disconnected. - UNSECURE: The Voice_Rx_Information from the BLACK_PU_lnterface (UNCLASSIFIED) is connected to the Earpiece_Outputs. Voice_Rx_lnformation from the RED_ PU_lnterface is disconnected. - MIXED: The Voice_Rx_lnformation from the RED_PU_lnterface (CLASSIFIED) as well as from the BLACK_PU_lnterface (UNCLASSIFIED) is connected to the Earpiece_Outputs. The Rx voice router inhibits Voice_Rx_lnformation flow between RED_PU_lnterface and BLACK_ PU_Interface. TSF.VFC.7 The Initial/Default-State of the Rx voice router is SECURE. TSF.VFC.8 The status of the Rx voice router is set and indicated via the Management Interface (TSF.MNI). TSF.VFC.9 The Loudspeaker_Output is always connected to the BLACK_PU_Interface only. TSF.VFC.10 Not applicable TSF.VFC.11 If the handset (Mic_lnput_Handset) is used (PTT active), the Rx voice is always on the same domain SECURE/ UNSECURE as Tx voice. If the headset (Mic_lnput_OP1_Headset) is used (PTT active), the Rx voice is always on the same domain SECURE/ UNSECURE as Tx voice. If the headset (Mic_lnput_OP2_Headset) is used (PTT active), the Rx voice is always on the same domain SECURE/ UNSECURE as Tx voice. TSF.VFC.12 The output level of Analogue Audio Outputs shall be independently adjusted by Operator. TSF.VFC.13 The output level of Analogue Audio Outputs shall not adjust bellow audible threshold. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 57 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 Rec Voice router TSF.VFC.14 All Voice_Rx_lnformation received from the RED and BLACK Processing Units are routed, by using the Voice_Rec_Information channel, only to the RED Processing Unit. All Voice_Tx_Information received from Microphone_Inputs during PTT active are routed, by using the Voice_Rec_Information channel, only to the RED Processing Unit. TSF.VFC.15 The Initial/Default-State of the Rec voice router is SECURE. TSF.VFC.16 The security attribute (CLASSIFIED / UNCLASSIFIED) for Voice_Rec_lnformation received from Voice_Rx_lnformation is set by Rx voice router. The security attribute (CLASSIFIED / UNCLASSIFIED) for Voice_Rec_lnformation received from Voice_Tx_lnformation is set by Tx Voice router. TSF.VFC.17 The direction Rx attribute (RECEIVED) for Voice_Rec_lnformation received from Voice_Rx_lnformation is set by Rx voice router. The direction Tx attribute (TRANSMITTED) for Voice_Rec_lnformation received from Voice_Tx_lnformation is set by Tx voice router. 9.1.2 Management Interface (TSF.MNI) The TOE Security Functional Requirement satisfied within the following subchapters is FMT_SMF.1. Trusted Status Interface TSF.MNI.1 The Trusted Status Interface indicates the state of the TOE in a way that provides assured information on the state of the Voice Information Flow Control to the S.Operator. The state of the TOE is indicated via the following LEDs: - One Green LED at the front panel of the housing indicating the voice router SECURE state, - One Red LED at the front panel of the housing indicating the voice router UNSECURE state, - One Blue LED at the front panel of the housing indicating at least of one the Microphone_Inputs is active and transmit Voice_Tx_Information according to Tx voice router status, - One External Red lamp indicating when CLASSIFIED Voice_Information can be handled by the Operator. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 58 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 GUI Device (TED) TSF.MNI.2 The TOE includes an interface for Touch Entry Device for visual presentation of the voice router control. The interface provides modes to set the states of voice router and PTT as well like Visual indication of the communication states to S.Operator2. TSF.MNI.3 The state of the TOE is indicated via TED as follow: - A Green horizontal line on the middle of GUI and blur colors of the lower half of GUI indicating the voice router is in the SECURE (RED) state; - A Red horizontal line on the middle of GUI and blur colors of the upper half of GUI indicating the voice router is in the UNSECURE (BLACK) state; GUI Interface TSF.MNI.4 The PUs provide a GUI interface for each domain at a time, based on press action on the certain area. Audio Interface TSF.MNI.5 The TOE generate a Message Tone on audio device (Headset or Handset) output interface during domain switching from UNSECURE (BLACK) state to SECURE (RED) state. This Message Tone is summed with current voice signal. 9.1.3 User Interface Data Flow Control (TSF.DFC) The TOE Security Functional Requirements satisfied within the following subchapters are FAU_ARP.1, FAU_SAA.1, FDP_IFC.1_UI, FDP_IFF.1_UI and FDP_IFF.5_UI. TSF.DFC.1 The TOE implements a filter for the User_Interface_Data in order to prevent the user interface connection from being misused to bypass the Voice Information. TSF.DFC.2 In the direction from the BLACK_PU_lnterface and RED_PU_lnterface to the TOE (Inbound) the filter performs the following checks: - The checksum of the Transport_Data is correct. - The Transport_Data is syntactically correct. - The Application_Message_Type is permissible. - Payload_Data_Rate not exceeds the data rate predefined limits. 2 The visual presentation on the GUI of the PTT active and device present is a VCS function. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 59 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 TSF.DFC.3 In the direction from TOE to the RED_PU_Interface and BLACK_PU_lnterface (Outbound) the filter performs the following checks: - The checksum of the Transport_Data is correct. - The Transport_Data is syntactically correct. - The Application_Message_Type is permissible. - Payload_Data_Rate not exceeds the data rate predefined limits. TSF.DFC.4 The maximum permissible Payload_Data_Rate is fixed (not manageable). The limit of 800bit/s prevents any comprehensive continuous understandable voice transmission in realtime voice transmission via the trusted filter from RED_PU_Interface to BLACK_PU_Interface as well as from BLACK_PU_Interface to RED_PU_Interface The limit of Rx voice packets data rate from RED_PU_Interface and BLACK_PU_Interface is limited to the generated data rate for Tx voice packets from TOE. The TOE configuration packets are permitted one time per Log-in session. TSF.DFC.5 If a message does not pass the checks as defined by TSF.DFC.2 and TSF.DFC.3, the filter discards the message. Else if the message pass following subset of checks defined by TSF.DFC.2 and TSF.DFC.3 and exceed the Payload Data Rate defined by TSF.DFC.4 then the TOE will: - visually indicate a failure to warn the S.Operator, - immediately switch to RED domain. Note: A visual indication is either a message displayed by TOE on the appropriate TED or a message signalized using the two LEDs: RED (UNSECURE LED) and GREEN (SECURE LED), depending on the failure. 9.1.4 Protection of the TSF (TSF.PRT) The TOE Security Functional Requirement satisfied within the following subchapters are: FPT_FLS.1_SAFE and FPT_FLS.1_Current. Fail SECURE TSF.PRT.2 In case of a power failure, all audio devices are disconnected and no voice information is routed. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 60 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 TSF.PRT.3 The security function TSF.VFC.3 and TSF.VFC.6, in case of setting the domain status using TED, is implemented redundantly ensuring that a single failure will not result in an UNSECURE state. On the one hand, these security functions are implemented by firmware. On the other hand, a hardware implementation (SECURE and UNSECURE Redundant Gate) check the firmware decision and connect or disconnect the signal lines for voice information to RED_PU_lnterface /BLACK_PU_lnterface if there is a match between the selected area on the TED and the state indicated by the firmware, if there is a mismatch between firmware and hardware then TOE will preserve the state. In this type of failure TOE will indicate on the inactive area of the TED an failure message. The functionality of the Redundant Gate prevents that a single failure (either of the firmware or of hardware) will result in an wrong state. E.g. if the TED indicates that RED domain is selected, but in reality (due to a failure) the Voice_Tx_lnformation is routed to the BLACK_PU_lnterface, the Redundant Gate will disconnect the signal lines from the BLACK_ PU_lnterface. TSF.PRT.4 TOE indicates the next type of failures to the TED using visual messages thus the S.Operator recognizes any malfunction of the TOE: - Missing HID / Wrong device (USB touch controller is not attached) - Communication with any PU is lost - Built in Test failed - TAS-FO does not detect GUI activity on PUs - TAS-FO does not detect X-Server activity on PUs - TAS-FO detects unexpected PUs video resolution - No Operator is authenticated on the PUs to the VCS - Payload_Data_Rate exceeds the data rate predefined limits - Power-Up initialization Fail In those cases TOE will preserve the SECURE state. TSF.PRT.5 TOE indicates the next type of failures using the front panel LEDs messages indication, thus the S.Operator recognizes any malfunction of the TOE: - Missing / Wrong Display attached to HDMI port - Built in Test failed 9.1.5 Mapping of SFRs to TSFs The specified TSFs work together to satisfy the TOE SFRs. The following table provides a mapping of SFRs to the TSFs to show that each SFR is captured within a security function. Trusted Audio Switch Edition: 1.7 Security Target Trusted Audio Switch RST-ST-2003. 1012.02 Page 61 of 61 Revision: 19 Date: 09.07.2020 SFR TSF Name FDP_ETC.1 TSF.VFC Voice Information Flow Control FDP_IFC.1_Tx FDP_IFC.1_Rx FDP_IFC.1_Rec FDP_IFF.1_Tx FDP_IFF.1_Rx FDP_IFF.1_Rec FDP_IFF.5_Tx FDP_IFF.5_Rx FDP_IFF.5_Rec FDP_ITC.1_Tx FDP_ITC.1_Rx FDP_ITC.1_Rec FMT_MSA.1_Tx FMT_MSA.1_Rx FMT_MSA.1_Rec FMT_MSA.3_Tx FMT_MSA.3_Rx FMT_MSA.3_Rec FAU_ARP.1 TSF.DFC User Interface Data Flow Control FAU_SAA.1 FDP_IFC.1_UI FDP_IFF.1_UI FDP_IFF.5_UI FMT_SMF.1 TSF.MNI Management Interface FPT_FLS.1_SAFE TSF.PRT Protection of TSF FPT_FLS.1_Current TSF.PRT Protection of TSF Table 20: Mapping of SFRs to TSFs 9.2 Assurance Measure The TOE satisfies the CC EAL 4 security assurance requirements with the conformance statement provided in Section 5 of this ST, the evidence requirements will be met with respect to presentation and content as specified in Part 3 of the Common Criteria (CC) for each of the assurance requirements claimed.