The IT product identified in this certificate has been Marcas) facility described cate using Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation, according to the version number described on this certificate, for conformance to the Common Criteria for IT Security Evalt SS orien See EU Nes OU TE LL eee A Certification does not guarantee that the IT product is free ence Naa the view of SERTIT at the time of certification. of users (both existing SR ATS MA HR Tele CE), of el I NER Eee warranty of the IT product by SERTIT or by any other. ere lie UE icate, is either expressed or implied. Certificate Certificate Identifier: SERTIT-109 C Product Name: FM1280 Version and Release Numbers: V05 Type of Product: Chip Product Manufacturer: Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Groups Co., Ltd Assurance Type: EALS augmented with AVA. VAN.5 and ALC. DVS.2 BSI-CC-PP-0084-2014, Version 1.0, 13-01-2014 Evaluation Criteria: Common Criteria v3.1R4 Brightsight BV ication Authority: SERTIT Name of IT Security Evaluation Facil Name of Validation Body and Cet Certification Report Identifier: SERTIT-109 CR, issue 2.0, 15 February 2019, replaces the baseline certification documents 1.0 issued 2 July 2018 Certificate Issued Date: 15 February 2019 Certificate Expiry Date: 2 July 2023 ‚Arne Hoye Rage Kjartan Kvassnes Certifier Quality Assurance JornArnesen Head of SERTIT ITS lvoe Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security CC Recognition Arrangement SOGIS Recognition for cPPs or components up to Agreement for components EAL 2 and ALC_FLR up to EAL 4