Security Target COMMON CRITERIA DOCUMENTS | Version 1.3 MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11) Secure signature creation device with key generation and key import Certification-ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-1221    Public Version MaskTech International GmbH | Nordostpark 45 | Nuernberg | | +49 (0)911 95 51 49-0 Security Target Contents 1 Normative References 3 2 Conventions and Terminology 4 2.1 Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 Abbreviated Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Security Target Introduction (ASE_INT.1) 9 3.1 ST and TOE Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2 Security Target Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 TOE Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 Conformance Claims (ASE_CCL.1) 24 4.1 CC Conformance Claim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.2 PP Claim, Package Claim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.3 Conformance Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5 Security Problem Definition (ASE_SPD.1) 32 5.1 Assets, Users and Threat Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.2 Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.3 Organizational Security Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.4 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6 Security Objectives (ASE_OBJ.2) 36 6.1 Security Objectives for the TOE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 6.3 Security Objective Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 7 Extended Components Definition (ASE_ECD.1) 52 8 Security Requirements (ASE_REQ.2) 53 MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 1 Security Target 8.1 Security Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 8.2 TOE Security Assurance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 9 Rationale 84 9.1 Security Requirements Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 10 TOE Summary Specification (ASE_TSS.1) 102 10.1 TOE Security Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 10.2 Assurance Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 10.3 Statement of Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 11 Bibliography 121 12 Revision History 125 13 Contact 126 A Overview Cryptographic Algorithms 127 MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 2 Security Target 1 Normative References The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. According to [JIL_QSCD] the current CC documents (cited in brackets) are fully compliant to the references used in the underlying protection profiles on content-level and thus can be applied to the certification. • EN 419211-1, Protection profiles for secure signature creation device – Part 1: Overview ([CC_PP-SSCD]) • ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009, Information technology – Security techniques – Evaluation crite- riaforITsecurity–Part1: Introductionandgeneralmodel(correspondingto[CC_Part1]) • ISO/IEC 15408-2, Information technology – Security techniques – Evaluation criteria for IT security – Part 2: Security functional components (corresponding to [CC_Part2]) • ISO/IEC 15408-3, Information technology – Security techniques – Evaluation criteria for IT security – Part 3: Security assurance components (corresponding to [CC_Part3]) ThisSecurityTargettakesallrequirementsoftheeIDASregulation[REG_910/2014]andthe commission implementing regulation [CID_2016/650] into account. According to [JIL_QSCD] these regulation can be applied without posing problems with the outdated reference [DIR_1999/93/EC]. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 3 Security Target 2 Conventions and Terminology 2.1 Conventions The content and structure of this document follow the rules and conventions laid out in ISO/IEC 15408-1. Normative aspects of content in this European Standard are specified according to the Common Criteria rules and not specifically identified by “shall”. 2.2 Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.2.1 Legislative References The European standard prEN 14169 reflects the requirement of a European directive in the technical terms of a protection profile. The following terms are used in the text to reference this directive: The Directive Directive 1999/93/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 13 December 1999 on “a Community framework for electronic signatures” [DIR_1999/93/EC]. The directive has been repealed by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 [REG_910/2014]. However, according to [JIL_QSCD] citing of the outdated reference to the directive do not pose any factual problems. Note: References in this document to a specific article and paragraph of Directive 1999/93/ec are of the form “(the directive: n.m)”. Annex one of the annexes, Annex I, Annex II or Annex III of the directive MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 4 Security Target 2.2.2 Technical Terms Administrator user who performs TOE initialization, TOE personalization, or other TOE administrative func- tions Advanced electronic signature digital signature which meets specific requirements in (the directive: 2.2) Note 1 to entry: according to the directive a digital signature qualifies as an advanced electronic signature if it: • is uniquely linked to the signatory; • is capable of identifying the signatory; • is created using means that the signatory can maintain under their sole control; and • is linked to the data to which it relates in such a manner that any subsequent change of the data are detectable. Authentication data information used to verify the claimed identity of a user Certificate digital signature used as electronic attestation binding signature verification data to a person confirming the identity of that person as legitimate signer (the directive: 2.9) Certificate info information associated with an SCD/SVD pair that may be stored in a secure signature creation device Note 1 to entry: Certificate info may include: • a signer’s public key certificate or, • one or more hash values of a signer’s public key certificate together with an identifier of the hash function used to compute the hash values, or • a public key certificate as defined in X.509. Note 2 to entry: Certificate info may contain information to allow the user to distinguish between several certificates. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 5 Security Target Certificate generation application CGA collection of application components that receive the SVD from the SSCD to generate a certificate obtaining data to be included in the certificate and to create a digital signature of the certificate Certification service provider CSP entity that issues certificates or provides other services related to electronic signature (the directive: 2.11) Data to be signed DTBS all of the electronic data to be signed including a user message and signature at- tributes Data to be signed or its unique representation DTBS/R data received by a secure signature creation device as input in a single signature creation operation Note 1 to entry: Examples of DTBS/R are: • a hash value of the data to be signed (DTBS), or • an intermediate hash value of a first part of the DTBS complemented with a remaining part of the DTBS, or • the DTBS. Legitimate user user of a secure signature creation device who gains possession of it from an SSCD- provisioning service provider and who can be authenticated by the SSCD as its signatory Qualified certificate public key certificate that meets the requirements laid down in Annex I and that is provided by a CSP that fulfills the requirements laid down in Annex II (the directive: 2.10) Qualified electronic signature an advanced electronic signature which is based on a qualified certificate and which is created by an SSCD MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 6 Security Target Reference authentication data RAD data persistently stored by the TOE for authentication of the signatory Secure signature-creation device SSCD a signature-creation device which meets the requirements laid down in Annex III Note 1 to entry: An SSCD may be evaluated according to this security target conforming to PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI as defined in the series of European Standards prEN 14169 and [REG_910/2014]. Signatory a person who holds (and is a legitimate user) of an SSCD and acts either on their own behalf or on behalf of the natural or legal person or entity they represent Signature creation application SCA application complementing an SSCD with a user interface with the purpose to create an electronic signature Signature creation data SCD unique data, such as codes or private cryptographic keys, which are used by the signatory to create an electronic signature Note 1 to entry: For the PPs of this standard the SCD is held in the SSCD. Signature creation system SCS complete system that creates an electronic signature consisting of an SCA and an SSCD Signature verification data SVD data, such as codes or public cryptographic keys, which are used for the purpose of verifying an electronic signature SSCD-provisioning service service to prepare and provide an SSCD to a subscriber and to support the signatory with certification of generated keys and administrative functions of the SSCD MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 7 Security Target User entity (human user or external IT entity) outside the TOE that interacts with the TOE User message data determined by the signatory as the correct input for signing Verification authentication data VAD data input to an SSCD for authentication of the signatory 2.3 Abbreviated Terms CC Common Criteria1 CGA certificate generation application DTBS data to be signed DTBS/R data to be signed or its unique representation EAL evaluation assurance level1 HID human interface device IT information technology PIN personal identification number PP protection profile1 PUK personal unblocking key RAD reference authentication data SCA signature creation application SCD signature creation data SCS signature creation system SDO signed data object SFP security function policy SSCD secure signature creation device ST security target1 SVD signature verification data TOE target of evaluation1 TSF TOE security functionality1 VAD verification authentication data 1 See [CC_Part1, CC_Part2, CC_Part3] for details on the specification of Common Criteria. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 8 Security Target 3 Security Target Introduction (ASE_INT.1) 3.1 ST and TOE Reference Title Security Target – MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11) Version 1.3 Author MASKTECH INTERNATIONAL GMBH Publication date 2024-10-02 Registration BSI-DSZ-CC-1221 CC Version 3.1 (Revision 5) Editor MASKTECH INTERNATIONAL GMBH Compliant to Protection profiles for Secure signature creation device Part 2: Device with key generation, version 2.0.1, BSI-CC-PP-0059 [CC_PP-0059] (PP SSCD KG) Part 3: Device with key import, version 1.0.2, BSI-CC-PP-0075 [CC_PP-0075] (PP SSCD KI) Part 4: Extension for device with key generation and trusted communi- cation with certificate generation application, version 1.0.1, BSI-CC-PP- 0071 [CC_PP-0071] (PP SSCD KG TCCGA) Part 5: Extension for device with key generation and trusted communica- tion with signature creation application, version 1.0.1, BSI-CC-PP-0072 [CC_PP-0072] (PP SSCD KG TCSCA) Part 6: Extension for device with key import and trusted communica- tion with signature creation application, version 1.0.4, BSI-CC-PP-0076 [CC_PP-0076] (PP SSCD KI TCSCA) Assurance Level The assurance level for this ST is EAL5 augmented Keywords secure signature creation device, electronic signature, digital signature, key generation, trusted communication with certificate generation ap- plication, trusted communication with signature creation application, key import MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 9 Security Target 3.2 Security Target Overview This Security Target claims conformance on the following protection profiles covering a number of requirements for a secure signature creation device: Protection profiles PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA and PP SSCD KG TCSCA as well as PP SSCD KI and PP SSCD KI TCSCA are established by CEN as a European standard for products to create electronic signatures. They fulfill requirements of directive1 1999/93/ec of the European parliament and of the council of 13 December 1999 on a community framework for electronic signatures. In accordance with article 9 of this European directive this standard can be indicated by the European commission in the Official Journal of the European Communities as generally recognized standard for electronic signature products. The core protection profiles PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI define security functional require- ments and security assurance requirements that comply with those defined in Annex III of the directive for a secure signature creation device (SSCD). This secure signature creation device is the target of evaluation (TOE) for protection profiles PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI. European Union Member States may presume that there is compliance with the require- ments laid down in Annex III of the directive when an electronic signature product is eval- uated to a Security Target (ST) that is compliant with protection profiles PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI. PP SSCD KG describes core security requirements for a secure device that can generate a signing key2 (signature creation data, SCD) and operates to create electronic signatures with the generated key. PP SSCD KI describes core security requirements for a secure device that can import a signing key3 (signature creation data, SCD) and operates to create elec- tronic signatures with the imported key. A device evaluated according to PP SSCD KG and/or PP SSCD KI and used in the specified environments can be trusted to create any type of digital signature. As such PP SSCD KG and/or PP SSCD KI can be used for any device that has been configured to create a digital signature. Specifically PP SSCD KG and/or PP SSCD KI allows the qualification of a product as a device for creating a qualified electronic signature as defined in the directive. When operated in a secure environment for signature creation a signer may use an SSCD that fulfills only these core security requirements to create a qualified electronic signature.4 PP SSCD KG TCCGA is an extension and conforms5 to the core PP SSCD KG. It defines the security requirements for a trusted communication to a certificate generation application (CGA). These security features allow a changed life cycle of the TOE, i.e. the signatory may generate an SCD/SVD key pair suitable to create qualified electronic signatures and transfer 1 This European directive is referred to in the ST as “the directive”. 2 An SSCD that can generate its own SCD/SVD was defined in the previous version of PP SSCD KG (CWA 14169) as a Type 3 SSCD. The notion of types does not exist anymore in this series of ENs. 3 An SSCD that can import SCD/SVD was defined in the previous version of PP PP SSCD KI (CWA 14169) as a Type 2 SSCD. The notion of types does not exist anymore in this series of ENs. In order to refer to the same functionality, a reference to EN 419211-3 (i.e. Part 3) should be used. 4 An advanced electronic signature is defined as an electronic signature created by an SSCD using a public key with a public key certificate created as specified in the directive. 5 See [CC_Part1] for the usage of multiple protection profiles. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 10 Security Target the corresponding public key (signature verification data, SVD) as input to the CGA after the delivery of the SSCD. The TOE supports its authentication as SSCD by the CGA of the Certification service provider (CSP) and a trusted communication with this CGA for protection of the SVD. PP SSCD KG TCSCA is an extension and conforms5 to the core PP SSCD KG. It defines the security requirements for an SSCD used in environments, where the communication between SSCD and the signature creation application (SCA) is assumed to be protected by the SSCD and the SCA. These security features allow using the TOE in a more complex operational environment. The TOE supports a trusted communication with an SCA for protection of authentication data and data to be signed. PP SSCD KI TCSCA is an extension and conforms5 to the core PP SSCD KI. It defines the security requirements for an SSCD used in environments, where the communication between SSCD and the signature creation application (SCA) is assumed to be protected by the SSCD and the SCA. These security features allow using the TOE in a more complex operational environment. The TOE supports a trusted communication with an SCA for protection of authenticationdataanddatatobesigned. PPSSCDKITCSCAisequivalenttoPPSSCDKGTCSCA, but refers to a different core PP. For convenience, extensive parts that refer mainly to only one PP are marked as: PP SSCD KG is marginalized with KG PP SSCD KI is marginalized with KI PP SSCD KG TCSCA or PP SSCD KI TCSCA is marginalized with SCA PP SSCD KG TCCGA is marginalized with CGA In addition, margins PACE or EAC, respectively, are applied, when large text passages concern the PACE or EAC functionality. 3.3 TOE Overview The TOE MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), which is realized by a smartcard (for contact-based and contactless usage), comprises of: MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 11 Security Target Hardware *InfineonTechnologiesAGSLC37GDA512(V11), dualinterfaceSmartcard IC (certified compliant to BSI-CC-PP-0084-2014 [CC_PP-0084]: BSI-DSZ- CC-1107-V5-2024 [IFX_ST-SLC37] (IFX_CCI_000039h) using the derivatives with sales code: • SLC37GDA512 (standard module, input capacitance 27 pF, ACM (VHBR), IFX sales code identifier: 0005h), • SLC37GDA512A2 (coil on module, input capacitance 78 pF, ACM (VHBR), IFX sales code identifier: 0009h) and • SLC37GDA512AA (customer specific module, input capacitance 56 pF, IFX sales code identifier: 000Fh). These derivatives differ only in the antenna capacity (input capacitance of the RF interface) of the module. Furthermore, two of them provide Very High Bit Rate (VHBR) support. These differences are not security- relevant, thus all derivatives are taken as one configuration. Software * Operating System MTCOS Pro V2.6 * SSCD application Documentation * Product Manual [MT_Manual] * MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11) User Guidance [AGD] MTCOS Pro V2.6is a fully interoperable multi-application smart card operating system compliant to [ISO_7816]. The SSCD application is written to the non-volatile memory (NVM) in the development phase (see also section 3.3.3). The application’s file system follows the PKCS #15 structure [ISO_7816-15]. Note 1: The product contains an MRTD application, which is not part of the TOE, but subject to BSI-DSZ-CC-1219 and BSI-DSZ-CC-1220. Security Features and Access Control MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11) supports the following methods: PACE according to [BSI_TR-03110-1, BSI_TR-03110-2, ICAO_SAC] for • the identification and authentication of the user as the legitimate card holder • the establishment of a trusted channel between the terminal and the card • the protection against tracking and eavesdropping • proof the authenticity of the chip to the terminal (PACE Chip Authentication Map- ping) The TOE provides the following secrets to be used within the PACE protocol (PINQES assigns an additional password for authentication to create qualified electronic signa- tures): MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 12 Security Target Secret Minimum length Initial value set by Used to authenticate for PIN 6 digits Signatory on first usage Advanced signature creation, verification of PINQES, change reference data of PINQES ‡ and change reference data of PIN PUK 8 digits Administrator on personalization Signature key generation, certificate import, key termination, activation of PIN, activation of PINQES, reset retry counter of PIN, reset retry counter of PINQES and change reference data of PIN CAN 6 digits Administrator on personalization Verification of PINQES, change reference data of PINQES ‡ and unblock PIN and PUK ‡ Additionally requires authentication against PINQES. Table 3.1: Secrets used within the PACE protocol. PIN and PUK are protected against denial-of-service attacks by setting the chip into a suspended state, before the retry counter of the secret in question is exhausted after consecutive failed authentication attempts. Before the very last retry to authenticate against PIN or PUK, respectively, can be done, an authentication against CAN must be performed. Chip Authentication Version 1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1] to • proof the authenticity of the chip to the terminal • establish a trusted channel between the terminal and the card Terminal Authentication Version 1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1] to restrict the ser- vice provisions to authorized SCAs and CGAs. The SSCD application offers one signature key appropriate for the creation of qualified electronic signatures (key #1) and two keys appropriate for the creation of advanced elec- tronic signatures (key #2 and key #3). Some configurations (see below) provide a decryption key (key #4) in addition to the signature keys.6 Cryptographic algorithms and key sizes are specified during personalization according [AGD]. To create an electronic signature, the legitimate user must authenticate himself against the RAD, which consists of one or more secrets stored on the chip. The RAD also ensures that the SSCD is in an non-operational state when delivered to the signatory. In the preparation phase (see also section 3.3.3) CAN and PUK are set in the personalization step and delivered to the signatory. The creation of a qualified electronic signature is additionally protected by the secret PINQES, which is a password with a minimum length of 6 digits stored on the chip in a hashed representation. For PIN and PINQES no initial values are set in the personalization step. The secrets must be activated by the signatory on first usage. For this, the authentication against PUK is required. Table 3.2 lists all keys and the corresponding RADs: 6 Note that the decryption key is beyond the scope of the certification. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 13 Security Target Key # To be used for Corresponding RAD Remarks 1 Qualified signature PIN and PINQES or CAN and PINQES After each qualified signature creation, the authentication state of PINQES is reset to ’not verified’. 2 Advanced signature PIN – 3 Advanced signature PIN – 4 Decryption PIN Beyond the scope of this certification. Table 3.2: Signature keys set (keys #1 #3), decryption key (key #4) and corresponding RADs. Configurations In order to meet customer requirements, the product is provided in various configurations differing in: • Terminal Authentication Version 1 for the communication between the TOE and the signature creation application (SCA) or the certificate generation application (CGA), respectively, as well as for key import. • Inclusion of an additional decryption key (beyond the scope of the certification). The configurations are listed in Table 3.3. Configuration Description Key import Std Default key set (see Tables 3.2) – TA Default key set, TA required + DEC Default key set, 1 RSA key for decryption – DEC-TA Default key set, 1 RSA key for decryption, TA required + Table 3.3: Available file system layouts: The configuration identifiers indicate the presence of a decryption key (’DEC’) and the support of Terminal Authentication (’TA’) in combination with the support of key import. The selection of the layout and all configuration operations are performed before deliv- ery to the signatory. Further details are given in the User Guidance [AGD]. Note that some security requirements (see chapter 8) apply only to those configurations supporting Terminal Authentication. 3.3.1 Operation of the TOE This section presents a functional overview of the TOE and its distinct operational environ- ments (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2). Each interaction requires user authentication using the PACE protocol or, for personalization, symmetric authentication. In any case a Secure Messaging session is started providing a trusted channel for communication. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 14 Security Target Figure 3.1: SSCD with key generation: functions and operational environments including trusted channels for the communication with the CGA and SCA. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 15 Security Target Figure 3.2: SSCD with key import: functions and operational environments including trusted channel for the communication with the SCA. The TOEs interactions comprise of: Preparation environment • Interaction with a certification service provider (CSP) through an SCD/SVD gen- eration application to import the signature creation data (SCD) using a trusted channel. The SCD/SVD generation application transmits the signature validation data (SVD) to the CGA (SSCD with key import only). • Interaction with a certification service provider (CSP) through a certificate genera- tion application (CGA) to obtain a certificate for the signature validation data (SVD) corresponding with the SCD the TOE has generated or imported, respectively. The trusted channel allows the CGA to check the authenticity of the SVD. • Interaction with an SSCD issuing application to personalize the TOE with personal information of the legitimate user. Optionally one or more signature key pairs can be generated on the card or imported to the card. Signing environment MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 16 Security Target • Interaction with a signer through a signature creation application (SCA) to sign data after authenticating the signer as its signatory. The SCA provides the data to be signed (DTBS), or a unique representation thereof (DTBS/R) as input to the TOE signature creation function and obtains the resulting digital signature7 . The communication through a trusted channel ensures the integrity of the DTBS respective DTBS/R. Management environment • Interaction with a signatory SSCD management application to activate the RAD or change its reference data. • Interaction with an issuer SSCD management application to reset a blocked RAD or terminate a signature key. The TOE stores reference authentication data (RAD, i.e. PIN, CAN and PINQES) and multiple instances of signature creation data (SCD). It provides a function to identify each SCD and the signature creation application (SCA) can provide an interface to the signer to select an SCD for use in the signature creation function of the SSCD. The TOE protects the confidentiality and integrity of the SCD and restricts its use in signature creation to its signatory. The digital signature created by the TOE may be used to create an advanced electronic signature as defined in in Article 5.1 of the directive.8 Determining the state of the certificate as qualified is beyond the scope of prEN 14169. However, key #1 of the signature key set meets the requirements for the generation of qualified electronic signatures. The SCA is assumed to protect the integrity of the input it provides to the TOE signature creationfunctionasbeingconsistentwiththeuserdataauthorizedforsigningbythesignatory. Unless implicitly known to the TOE, the SCA indicates the kind of the signing input (as DTBS/R) it provides and computes any hash value required. The TOE may augment the DTBS/R with signature parameters it stores and then computes a hash value over the input as needed by the kind of input and the used cryptographic algorithm. The TOE and the SCA communicate through a trusted channel in order to protect the integrity of the DTBS/R. The TOE stores signatory RAD to authenticate a user as its signatory (see Table 3.2). The TOE protects the confidentiality and integrity of the RAD. The TOE receives the VAD from the SCA. If the signature creation application handles, is requesting or obtaining a VAD from the user, it is assumed to protect the confidentiality and integrity of this data. Note 2: Within the PACE protocol, not the VAD (i.e. the password for PIN or CAN, respectively) is transmitted from the terminal to the card, but a nonce encrypted with the VAD (zero- knowledge protocol). 7 At a pure functional level the SSCD creates a digital signature; for an implementation of the SSCD, in that meeting the requirements of PP SSCD KG and/or PP SSCD KI and with the key qualified certificate according [REG_910/2014], the result of the signing process can be used as to create a qualified electronic signature. 8 Note that this Security Target takes all requirements of the eIDAS regulation [REG_910/2014] and the commission implementing regulation [CID_2016/650] into account. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 17 Security Target 3.3.2 Target of Evaluation The TOE is a combination of hardware and software configured to securely create or import, use and manage signature creation data (SCD). The SSCD protects the SCD during its whole life cycle as to be used in a signature creation process solely by its signatory. In the case of key import, the life cycle begins with the import. The TOE comprises all IT security functionality necessary to ensure the secrecy of the SCD and the security of the electronic signature. The TOE provides the following functions: a) to generate SCD and the correspondent signature verification data (SVD), b) to import SCD and, optionally, the correspondent SVD, c) to export the SVD for certification through a trusted channel to the CGA, d) to prove the identity as SSCD to external entities, e) to, optionally, receive and store certificate info, f) to switch the TOE from a non-operational state to an operational state, and g) if in an operational state, to create digital signatures for data with the following steps: 1) select a set of SCD, 2) authenticate the signatory and determine its intent to sign, 3) receive data to be signed or a unique representation thereof (DTBS/R) through a trusted channel from SCA, 4) apply an appropriate cryptographic signature creation function using the selected SCD to the DTBS/R. The TOE is prepared for the signatory’s use by a) importing at least one set of SCD, and/or b) optionally, generating at least one SCD/SVD pair, and c) personalizing for the signatory by storing in the TOE: 1) authentication data (i.e. PUK) for the signatory to be able to activate the RAD 2) optionally, certificate info for at least one SCD in the TOE. After preparation the SCD is in a non-operational state. Upon receiving a TOE the signatory shall verify its non-operational state and change the SCD state to operational by activating the RAD. As the initial value of the RAD is set by the legitimate user, the verification authentication data (VAD) required for use of the TOE in signing is implicitly known only by the legitimate user. After preparation he must be informed of the PUK value enabling him to activate (and set) the RAD. The means of providing this information is expected to protect the confidentiality and the integrity of the PUK. If the use of an SCD is no longer required, then it shall be destroyed by erasing the SCD data as well as the associated certificate info, if any exists. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 18 Security Target 3.3.3 TOE Life Cycle General The TOE life cycle distinguishes stages for development production, preparation and opera- tional use. Figure3.3: TOElifecycle; interactionwiththeCSPinthecontextofkeygenerationareindicated by blue arrows, in the context of key import by red arrows. the asterisks * marks the optional import of the SVD and certificate info during TOE preparation and certificate info deletion when SCD is destroyed; the subjects to the evaluation are indicated by a red frame . MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 19 Security Target The development phase comprises the development and production of the TOE. The steps are in detail: Development • Development of the IC and integrated software by Infineon Technologies AG. • Development of the embedded software (operating system) by MASKTECH INTER- NATIONAL GMBH. Production • Manufacturing of the chip (IC/integrated software software) by Infineon Technolo- gies AG. Writing of the embedded software and deactivation of the Flash Loader by Infineon Technologies AG or MASKTECH INTERNATIONAL GMBH(see also note 3 below). • Initialization/pre-personalization by MASKTECH INTERNATIONAL GMBH, Linxens (Thailand) Co Ltd. (see [SC_Linxens]), HID Global Ireland Teoranta (see [SC_HID]), HID Global Malaysia (see [SC_HID_MY]) or Infineon Technologies AG (see [IFX_ST-SLC37]). In the initialization step the chip is configured, the MF is cre- ated and the personalization keys are written. In the pre-personalization step, the SSCD application including all files is created. Note 3: In the case of Infineon Technologies AG performing initialization and pre- personalization, the deactivation of the Flash Loader can also be performed after the initialization/pre-personalization step. The steps of the development phase performed by MASKTECH INTERNATIONAL GMBH(i.e. the development of the embedded software and, conditionally, the writing of the embedded softwaretothechipandtheinitialization/pre-personalization)aresubjectoftheevaluationac- cording to the assurance life cycle (ALC) class. The steps performed by Infineon Technologies AG are evaluated within the certification of the platform ([IFX_ST-SLC37]). The development phase ends with the delivery of the TOE to the SSCD-provisioning service. The operational usage of the TOE comprises the preparation stage and the operational use stage. In the preparation stage the personal information of the legitimate user is written and, optionally, one or more SCD/SVD pairs are generated or imported, respectively, and the according certificates stored on the card. The TOE operational use stage begins when the signatory has obtained both the PUK value and the TOE. Enabling the TOE for signing requires at least one set of SCD stored in its memory.9 The life cycle allows the generation as well as the import of an SCD/SVD pair before as well as after the delivery to the signatory (see Fig. 3.3) . 9 Note that according to PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI the operational use stage begins before the preparation stage ends, because the signatory must enable the SCD for use (by setting the VAD) after receiving the TOE and the PUK. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 20 Security Target Preparation Stage AnSSCD-provisioningserviceproviderhavingacceptedtheTOEfromamanufacturerprepares the TOE for use and delivers it to its legitimate user. The preparation phase ends when the legitimate user has received the TOE from the SSCD-provisioning service and any SCD it might already hold have been enabled for use in signing. During preparation of the TOE, as specified above, an SSCD-provisioning service provider performs the following tasks: a) Initialize the security functions in the TOE for the identification as SSCD, for the proof of CGA this SSCD identity to external entities, and for the protected export of the SVD (required by PP SSCD KG TCCGA). b) Links the identity of the TOE as SSCD and the identity of the legitimate user as potential CGA applicant for certificates for SVD generated by the TOE (required by PP SSCD KG TCCGA). c) Obtain information on the intended recipient of the device as required for the prepara- tion process and for identification as a legitimate user of the TOE. d) Set a PUK to enable the legitimate user to activate the RAD and prepare information about the PUK value for delivery to the legitimate user. e) In the case of key import: The initialization of the TOE, i.e. the CSP generates the KI SCD/SVD pair by means of a SCD/SVD generation device, loads the SCD to the TOE, and sends the SVD to the CGA. The TOE may import and store the SCD/SVD pair. The CSP ensures 1) the correspondence between SCD and SVD, 2) that algorithm and key size for the SVD are appropriate. Please take note that verifying whether the claimed identity of the signer originates from that given SSCD has to be done by the CSP operating the CGA. f) Optionally, generate a certificate for at least one SCD by (more details about the SVD certification task are given below): 1) the TOE generating an SCD/SVD pair and obtaining a certificate for the SVD ex- ported from the TOE, or 2) initializing security functions in the TOE for protected export of the SVD and ob- taining a certificate for the SVD after receiving a protected request from the TOE. 3) In the case of key import, the CSP is expected to first store the SCD in an SSCD before generating a (qualified) certificate. A secure channel with the TOE may be used to support this, by ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the SCD during transmission to the TOE. g) Optionally, present certificate info to the SSCD. h) Deliver the TOE and the accompanying PUK value info to the legitimate user. The SVD certification task of an SSCD-provisioning service provider as specified in PP SSCD KG may support a centralized, pre-issuing key generation process, with at least one key generated and certified, before delivery to the legitimate user. Alternatively, or additionally, that task may support key generation by the signatory after delivery and outside the secure preparation environment. A TOE may support both key generation processes, for example with a first key generated centrally and additional keys generated by the signatory in the operational use stage. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 21 Security Target Data required for inclusion in the SVD certificate at least includes (cf. [DIR_1999/93/EC], Annex II): • the SVD which correspond to SCD under the control of the signatory; • the name of the signatory or a pseudonym, which is to be identified as such; • an indication of the beginning and end of the period of validity of the certificate. The data included in the certificate may have been stored in the SSCD during personaliza- tion. Before initiating the actual certificate signature the CGA verifies the SVD received from the TOE by: a) establishing the sender as genuine SSCD b) establishing the integrity of the SVD to be certified as sent by the originating SSCD, c) establishing that the originating SSCD has been personalized for the legitimate user, d) establishing correspondence between SCD and SVD, and e) an assertion that the signing algorithm and key size for the SVD are approved and appropriate for the type of certificate. The proof of correspondence between an SCD stored in the TOE and an SVD may be implicit in the security mechanisms applied by the CGA. Prior to generating the certificate the CSP asserts the identity of the signatory specified in the certification request as the legitimate user of the TOE. If the TOE is used for creation of qualified or advanced electronic signatures, the certificate links the signature verification data to the person (i.e. the signatory) and confirms the identity of that person (cf. [DIR_1999/93/EC], article 2, clause 9). Operational Use Stage In this life cycle stage the signatory can use the TOE to create qualified or advanced electronic signatures. The TOE operational use stage begins when the signatory has obtained both the PUK and the TOE or, in the case of key import, when at least one SCD/SVD pair is generated by the CSP and the SCD is imported into the SSCD and the signatory takes control over the TOE and makes the SCD operational. Enabling the TOE for signing requires at least one set of SCD stored in its memory. The signatory can also interact with the SSCD through a trusted channel to perform management tasks, e.g. reset a RAD value or use counter if the PIN in the reference data has been lost or blocked. The signatory can render an SCD in the TOE permanently unusable. Rendering the last SCD in the TOE permanently unusable ends the life of the TOE as SSCD. In the usage phase, SCD/SVD generation by the TOE and SVD export from the TOE may CGA take place in the preparation stage (by the SSCD-provisioning service provider) and/or in the operational use stage (usually by the signatory). The TOE provides a trusted channel to the CGA protecting the integrity of the SVD. For a key generated by the signatory he may be allowed to choose the kind of certificate (qualified, or not) to obtain for the SVD of the MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 22 Security Target new key. The signatory may also be allowed to choose some of the data in the certificate request for instance to use a pseudonym instead of the legal name in the certificate10 . If the conditions to obtain a qualified certificate are met the new key can also be used to create advanced electronic signatures. The optional TOE functions for additional key generation and certification in the oper- ational use stage require additional security functions in the TOE and an interaction with the SSCD-provisioning service provider through a trusted channel. Before generating the certificate including the SVD exported from the TOE, the CGA additionally establishes a) the identity of the TOE as SSCD, b) that the originating SSCD has been personalized for the applicant for the certificate as legitimate user, and c) the correspondence between SCD stored in the SSCD and the received SVD. The TOE life cycle as SSCD ends when all set of SCD stored in the TOE are destructed. This may include deletion of the corresponding certificates. 10 The certificate request in this case will contain the name of the signatory as the requester, as for instance it may be signed by the signatory’s existing SCD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 23 Security Target 4 Conformance Claims (ASE_CCL.1) 4.1 CC Conformance Claim This ST is conforming to the Common Criteria version 3.1 Revision 5: • Part 1 [CC_Part1], • Part 2 [CC_Part2] extended, and • Part 3 [CC_Part3] conformant. 4.2 PP Claim, Package Claim Strict conformance of this ST to the following Common Criteria protection profiles is claimed: • “Protection profiles for secure signature creation device – Part 2: Device with key gener- ation”, BSI-CC-PP-0059-2009-MA-02 [CC_PP-0059] • “Protection profiles for secure signature creation device – Part 4: Extension for device withkeygenerationandtrustedcommunicationwithcertificategenerationapplication”, BSI-CC-PP-0071-2012-MA-01 [CC_PP-0071] • “Protection profiles for secure signature creation device – Part 5: Extension for device with key generation and trusted communication with signature creation application”, BSI-CC-PP-0072-2012-MA-01 [CC_PP-0072] • “Protection profiles for secure signature creation device – Part 3: Device with key im- port”, BSI-CC-PP-0075-2012-MA-01 [CC_PP-0075] • “Protection profiles for secure signature creation device – Part 6: Extension for device with key import and trusted communication with signature creation application”, BSI- CC-PP-0076-2013-MA-01 [CC_PP-0076] This ST is conforming to assurance package EAL5 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ALC_FLR.3 and AVA_ VAN.5 defined in CC part 3 [CC_Part3]. 4.3 Conformance Rationale This ST claims strict conformance to PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA and PP SSCD KG TCSCA as well as strict conformance to PP SSCD KI and PP SSCD KI TCSCA. The following tables list the elements of this ST concerning the security problem definition, the security objectives MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 24 Security Target and the security functional requirements with regard to the claimed protection profiles. Any amendments made to prevent inconsistencies resulting from the different PPs (see also [JIL_QSCD]) are described in the colums ’Remark’. a) The security problem definition (SPD) of this ST is described by the threats, organi- zational security policies and assumptions given in the PPs. These are included as follows: Threats Taken from Remark T.* PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs, except editorial change in T.Sig_Forgery Organizational Security Policies Taken from Remark P.CSP_QCer PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI distinction of cases concerning the SVD, with regards to content identical in both PPs P.[QSign, Sigy_SSCD, Sig_Non-Repud] PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs Assumptions Taken from Remark A.[CGA, SCA] PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs A.CSP PP SSCD KI MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 25 Security Target b) The security objectives for the TOE include the security objectives given in the PPS as follows: Security Objectives for the TOE Taken from Remark OT.Lifecycle_Security PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_gen PP SSCD KG corresponds to OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_gen from PP SSCD KI OT.SCD_Unique PP SSCD KG corresponds to OE.SCD_Unique from PP SSCD KI OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp PP SSCD KG corresponds to OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp from PP SSCD KI OT.SCD_Auth_Imp PP SSCD KI OT.SCD_Secrecy PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.Sig_Secure PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.Sigy_SigF PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.EMSEC_Design PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.Tamper_ID PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.Tamper_Resistance PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth PP SSCD KG TCCGA OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp PP SSCD KG TCCGA OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA Note 6 adapted to take both PPs into account OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA Note 7 adapted to take both PPs into account MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 26 Security Target c) The security objectives for the operational environment include the security objec- tives given in the PPS as follows: Security Objectives for the operational environment Taken from Remark OE.SVD_Auth PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI amended to take both PPs into account OE.CGA_QCert PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OE.SSCD_Prov_Service PP SSCD KI OE.Dev_Prov_Service PP SSCD KG TCCGA substitutes OE.SSCD_Prov_Service from PP SSCD KG OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth PP SSCD KG TCCGA OE.CGA_TC_SVD_Imp PP SSCD KG TCCGA OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA substitutes OE.HID_VAD from PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI OE.DTBS_Intend PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA substitutes OE.DTBS_Protect from PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI OE.Signatory PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in both PPs OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_gen PP SSCD KI corresponds to OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_gen from PP SSCD KG OE.SCD_Secrecy PP SSCD KI OE.SCD_Unique PP SSCD KI corresponds to OT.SCD_Unique from PP SSCD KG OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp PP SSCD KI corresponds to OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp from PP SSCD KG d) The security functional requirements (SFRs) for the TOE include the SFRs defined in the PPs. If the corresponding SFRs given in the specific PPs differ, they are iterated with “KG” indicating PP SSCD KG and “KI” PP SSCD KI. In some cases an SFR has been refined to include the requirements of both PPs. Additionally SFRs are added to address the Password Authenticated Connection Es- tablishment (PACE) including PACE Chip Authentication Mapping and the Extended Access Control Version 1 (EACv1) (i.e. Chip Authentication Version 1 (CAv1) and Termi- nal Authentication Version 1 (TAv1)) functionality to provide a secure authentication protocol and a secure channel for the communication with authorized terminals in phase usage/operational. These augmentations are adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2] and [CC_PP-0068-V2] and included as an iteration, if a corresponding SFR is already given by one of the PPs claimed. In this case, the existing SFR is renamed appropriately as iteration. Furthermore, SFRs taken from [CC_PP-0086] concerning the RAD has been included. Details to all SFRs included are given in the table below: MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 27 Security Target Security requirements Taken from Remarks FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA PP SSCD KG corresponds to FCS_CKM.1 in PP SSCD KG FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC PP SSCD KG corresponds to FCS_CKM.1 in PP SSCD KG FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE [CC_PP-0068-V2] FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH [CC_PP-0056-V2] FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH [CC_PP-0056-V2] FCS_CKM.4 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI differs in application notes; also applies to keys in PACE- and EAC- context FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI corresponds to FCS_COP.1 in PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI (identical in PPs with the exception of the ap- plication notes) FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI corresponds to FCS_COP.1 in PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI (identical in PPs with the exception of the ap- plication notes) FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI corresponds to FCS_COP.1 in PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI (identical in PPs with the exception of the ap- plication notes) FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI corresponds to FCS_COP.1 in PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI (identical in PPs with the exception of the ap- plication notes) FCS_COP.1/SHA [CC_PP-0086] FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC [CC_PP-0056-V2] FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC [CC_PP-0056-V2] FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA [CC_PP-0056-V2] FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA [CC_PP-0056-V2] FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC [CC_PP-0068-V2] FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC [CC_PP-0068-V2] FCS_RND.1 [CC_PP-0084] FDP_ACC.1/TRM [CC_PP-0068-V2] FDP_ACF.1/TRM [CC_PP-0068-V2] FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation PP SSCD KG FDP_ACF.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation PP SSCD KG FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer PP SSCD KG MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 28 Security Target Security requirements Taken from Remarks FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer PP SSCD KG FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import PP SSCD KI FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import PP SSCD KI FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FDP_ACF.1/ Signature_Creation PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FDP_ACC.1/Signature_ Creation/N-QES PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI added as iteration of FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation to address the different authentica- tion requirement for non-qualified electronic signature creation FDP_ACF.1/Signature_ Creation/N-QES PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI added as iteration of FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation to address the different authentica- tion requirement for non-qualified electronic signature creation FDP_ITC.1/SCD PP SSCD KI FDP_UCT.1/SCD PP SSCD KI FIA_UID.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs, refined with items taken from FIA_UID.1 from [CC_PP-0056-V2] FDP_RIP.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FDP_SDI.2/Persistent PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI difference in wording concerning attribute; ’integrity checked stored data’ vs ’integrity checked persis- tent stored data’ FDP_SDI.2/DTBS PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FDP_UIT.1/DTBS PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA identical in PPs FDP_DAU.2/SVD PP SSCD KG TCCGA FIA_UAU.1 PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KG TCCGA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA supersedes FIA_UAU.1 of PP SSCD KGandPPSSCDKI(listofoperations in FIA_UAU.1.1 ist augmented) FIA_UAU.4/PACE [CC_PP-0056-V2] FIA_UAU.5/PACE [CC_PP-0056-V2] FIA_UAU.6 [CC_PP-0056-V2] FIA_AFL.1/RAD PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs, corresponds to FIA_AFL.1 FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN [CC_PP-0086] FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN [CC_PP-0086] MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 29 Security Target Security requirements Taken from Remarks FIA_API.1 PP SSCD KG TCCGA FMT_SMR.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FMT_SMF.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI PP SSCD KI does not include FMT_SMF.1.1 point 4) ’change the default value of the security attribute SCD Identifier’ FMT_MOF.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG PP SSCD KG corresponds to FMT_MSA.1/Admin in PP SSCD KG FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI PP SSCD KI corresponds to FMT_MSA.1/Admin in PP SSCD KI FMT_MSA.1/Signatory PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FMT_MSA.2 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FMT_MSA.3/KG PP SSCD KG corresponds to FMT_MSA.3 in PP FMT_MSA.3/KI PP SSCD KI corresponds to FMT_MSA.3 in PP FMT_MSA.4/KG PP SSCD KG corresponds to FMT_MSA.4 in PP FMT_MSA.4/KI PP SSCD KI corresponds to FMT_MSA.4 in PP FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD [CC_PP-0056-V2] FMT_MTD.1/DATE [CC_PP-0056-V2] FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ [CC_PP-0056-V2] FMT_MTD.1/Admin PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FMT_MTD.1/Signatory PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FPT_EMS.1/SSCD PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs, corresponds to FPT_EMS.1 in PP SSCD KG and PP SSCD KI FPT_EMS.1/KEYS [CC_PP-0056-V2] FPT_FLS.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FPT_PHP.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FPT_PHP.3 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FPT_TST.1 PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KI identical in PPs FTP_ITC.1/SCD PP SSCD KI FTP_ITC.1/SVD PP SSCD KG TCCGA FTP_ITC.1/VAD PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA identical in PPs FTP_ITC.1/DTBS PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI TCSCA identical in PPs MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 30 Security Target e) The SARs specified in all PPs claimed are identical. In the following, sections that apply only to specific PPs are marked with as: • PP SSCD KG KG • PP SSCD KI KI • PP SSCD KG TCCGA CGA • PP SSCD KG TCSCA and/or PP SSCD KI TCSCA SCA MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 31 Security Target 5 Security Problem Definition (ASE_SPD.1) 5.1 Assets, Users and Threat Agents The Common Criteria define assets as entities that the owner of the TOE presumably places value upon. The term “asset” is used to describe the threats in the operational environment of the TOE. Assets and objects a) SCD: private key used to perform an electronic signature operation. The confi- dentiality, integrity and signatory’s sole control over the use of the SCD shall be maintained. b) SVD: public key linked to the SCD and used to perform electronic signature verifi- cation. The integrity of the SVD when it is exported shall be maintained. c) DTBS and DTBS/R: set of data, or its representation, which the signatory intends to sign. Their integrity and the unforgeability of the link to the signatory provided by the electronic signature shall be maintained. Secondary assets taken from [CC_PP-0056-V2] respectively [CC_PP-0068-V2] PACE EAC a) Accessibility to the TOE functions and data only for authorized subjects: property of the TOE to restrict access to TSF and TSF-data stored in the TOE to authorized subjects only. b) TOE internal secret cryptographic keys: permanently or temporarily stored secret cryptographicmaterialusedbytheTOEinordertoenforceitssecurityfunctionality. The confidentiality and integrity of the cryptographic keys must be maintained. c) TOE internal non-secret cryptographic material: permanently or temporarily storednon-secretcryptographic(public)keysandothernon-secretmaterial(Docu- ment Security Object SOD containing digital signature) used by the TOE in order to enforce its security functionality. The integrity and authenticity of the non-secret cryptographic material must be maintained. Users and subjects acting for users a) User: end user of the TOE who can be identified as administrator or signatory. The subject S.User may act as S.Admin in the role R.Admin or as S.Sigy in the role R.Sigy. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 32 Security Target b) Administrator: user who is in charge to perform the TOE initialization, TOE person- alization or other TOE administrative functions. The subject S.Admin is acting in the role R.Admin for this user after successful authentication as administrator. c) Signatory: user who hold the TOE and use it on their own behalf or on behalf of the natural or legal person or entity they represent. The subject S.Sigy is acting in the role R.Sigy for this user after successful authentication as signatory. Subject referring the EACv1 functionality adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2] EAC 1. Certification Service Provider (corresponding to “Country Verifying Certification Authority” in [CC_PP-0056-V2], which does not exist within the SSCD-context) 2. Document Verifier 3. Legitimate Terminal (CGA and SCA) (corresponding to “Domestic Extended Inspec- tion System” in [CC_PP-0056-V2], which does not exist within the SSCD-context) Threat agents a) Attacker: human or process acting on their behalf located outside the TOE. The main goal of the attacker is to access the SCD or to falsify the electronic signature. The attacker has a high attack potential and knows no secret. 5.2 Threats 5.2.1 T.SCD_Divulg Storing, copying and releasing of the signature creation data An attacker stores or copies the SCD outside the TOE. An attacker can obtain the SCD during generation, storage and use for signature creation in the TOE. 5.2.2 T.SCD_Derive Derive the signature creation data An attacker derives the SCD from publicly known data, such as SVD corresponding to the SCD or signatures created by means of the SCD or any other data exported outside the TOE, which is a threat against the secrecy of the SCD. 5.2.3 T.Hack_Phys Physical attacks through the TOE interfaces An attacker interacts physically with the TOE to exploit vulnerabilities, resulting in arbitrary security compromises. This threat is directed against SCD, SVD and DTBS. 5.2.4 T.SVD_Forgery Forgery of the signature verification data An attacker forges the SVD presented by the CSP to the CGA. This results in loss of SVD integrity in the certificate of the signatory. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 33 Security Target 5.2.5 T.SigF_Misuse Misuse of the signature creation function of the TOE An attacker misuses the signature creation function of the TOE to create SDO for data the signatory has not decided to sign. The TOE is subject to deliberate attacks by experts pos- sessing a high attack potential with advanced knowledge of security principles and concepts employed by the TOE. 5.2.6 T.DTBS_Forgery Forgery of the DTBS/R An attacker modifies the DTBS/R sent by the SCA. Thus the DTBS/R used by the TOE for signing does not match the DTBS the signatory intended to sign. 5.2.7 T.Sig_Forgery Forgery of the electronic signature An attacker forges a signed data object, maybe using an electronic signature that has been created by the TOE, and the violation of the integrity of the signed data object is not detectable by the signatory or by third parties. The signature created by the TOE is subject to deliberate attacks by experts possessing a high attack potential with advanced knowledge of security principles and concepts employed by the TOE. 5.3 Organizational Security Policies 5.3.1 P.CSP_QCert Qualified certificate The CSP uses a trustworthy CGA to generate a qualified certificate or non-qualified certificate (cf. the directive, article 2, clause 9, and Annex I) for the SVD. The certificates contain at least the name of the signatory and the SVD matching the SCD implemented in the TOE under sole control of the signatory. The CSP ensures that the use of the TOE as SSCD is evident with signatures through the certificate or other publicly available information. 5.3.2 P.QSign Qualified electronic signatures The signatory uses a signature creation system to sign data with an advanced electronic signature (cf. the directive, article 1, clause 2), which is a qualified electronic signature if it is based on a valid qualified certificate (according to the directive Annex I)1 . The DTBS are presented to the signatory and sent by the SCA as DTBS/R to the SSCD. The SSCD creates the electronic signature created with an SCD implemented in the SSCD that the signatory maintain under their sole control and is linked to the DTBS/R in such a manner that any subsequent change of the data is detectable. 1 It is a non-qualified advanced electronic signature if it is based on a non-qualified certificate for the SVD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 34 Security Target 5.3.3 P.Sigy_SSCD TOE as secure signature creation device The TOE meets the requirements for an SSCD laid down in Annex III of the directive [DIR_1999/93/EC]. This implies the SCD is used for digital signature creation under sole control of the signatory and the SCD can practically occur only once. 5.3.4 P.Sig_Non-Repud Non-repudiation of signatures The life cycle of the SSCD, the SCD and the SVD shall be implemented in a way that the signatory is not able to deny having signed data if the signature is successfully verified with the SVD contained in their unrevoked certificate. 5.4 Assumptions 5.4.1 A.CGA Trustworthy certification generation application The CGA protects the authenticity of the signatory’s name or pseudonym and the SVD in the (qualified) certificate by a qualified electronic signature of the CSP. 5.4.2 A.SCA Trustworthy signature creation application The signatory uses only a trustworthy SCA. The SCA generates and sends the DTBS/R of the data the signatory wishes to sign in a form appropriate for signing by the TOE. 5.4.3 A.CSP Secure SCD/SVD management by CSP KI The CSP uses only a trustworthy SCD/SVD generation device and ensures that this device can be used by authorized user only. The CSP ensures that the SCD generated practically occurs only once, that generated SCD and SVD actually correspond to each other and that SCD cannot be derived from the SVD. The CSP ensures the confidentiality of the SCD during generation and export to the TOE, does not use the SCD for creation of any signature and irreversibly deletes the SCD in the operational environment after export to the TOE. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 35 Security Target 6 Security Objectives (ASE_OBJ.2) 6.1 Security Objectives for the TOE 6.1.1 Relation between the Claimed PPs For relation between PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA and PP SSCD KG TCSCA as well as PP SSCD KI and PP SSCD KI TCSCA see section 4.3 on page 24. 6.1.2 OT.Lifecycle_Security Life cycle security The TOE shall detect flaws during the initialization, personalization and operational usage. The TOE shall securely destroy the SCD on demand of the signatory. Note 4: The TOE may contain more than one set of SCD. There is no need to destroy the SCD in case of repeated SCD generation or repeated import. The signatory shall be able to destroy the SCD stored in the SSCD, e.g. after the (qualified) certificate for the corresponding SVD has been expired. 6.1.3 OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen Authorized SCD/SVD generation KG The TOE shall provide security features to ensure that authorized users only may invoke the generation of the SCD and the SVD. 6.1.4 OT.SCD_Auth_Imp Authorized SCD import KI The TOE shall provide security features to ensure that authorized users only may invoke the import of the SCD. 6.1.5 OT.SCD_Unique Uniqueness of the signature creation data KG The TOE shall ensure the cryptographic quality of an SCD/SVD pair it creates as suitable for the advanced or qualified electronic signature. The SCD used for signature creation shall practically occur only once and shall not be reconstructable from the SVD. In that context ’practically occur once’ means that the probability of equal SCDs is negligible. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 36 Security Target 6.1.6 OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp Correspondence between SVD and SCD KG The TOE shall ensure the correspondence between the SVD and the SCD generated by the TOE. This includes unambiguous reference of a created SVD/SCD pair for export of the SVD and in creating an electronic signature creation with the SCD. 6.1.7 OT.SCD_Secrecy Secrecy of the signature creation data The secrecy of the SCD (used for signature creation) shall be reasonably assured against attacks with a high attack potential. Note 5: The TOE shall keep the confidentiality of the SCD at all times, in particular during SCD/SVD generation or SCD import signature creation operation, storage and secure destruc- tion. 6.1.8 OT.Sig_Secure Cryptographic security of the electronic signature The TOE shall create digital signatures that cannot be forged without knowledge of the SCD through robust encryption techniques. The SCD shall not be reconstructable using the digital signatures or any other data exportable from the TOE. The digital signatures shall be resistant against these attacks, even when executed with a high attack potential. 6.1.9 OT.Sigy_SigF Signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only The TOE shall provide the digital signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only and protects the SCD against the use of others. The TOE shall resist attacks with high attack potential. 6.1.10 OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE DTBS/R integrity inside the TOE The TOE shall not alter the DTBS/R. As by definition of the DTBS/R this may consist of the DTBS themselves, this objective does not conflict with a signature creation process where the TOE hashes the provided DTBS (in part or entirely) for signature creation. 6.1.11 OT.EMSEC_Design Provide physical emanation security The TOE shall be designed and built in such a way as to control the production of intelligible emanations within specified limits. 6.1.12 OT.Tamper_ID Tamper detection The TOE shall provide system features that detect physical tampering of its components, and uses those features to limit security breaches. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 37 Security Target 6.1.13 OT.Tamper_Resistance Tamper resistance The TOE shall prevent or resist physical tampering with specified system devices and compo- nents. 6.1.14 OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth Authentication proof as SSCD CGA The TOE shall hold unique identity and authentication data as SSCD and provide security mechanisms to identify and to authenticate itself as SSCD. 6.1.15 OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp TOE trusted channel for SVD export CGA The TOE shall provide a trusted channel to the CGA to protect the integrity of the SVD exported to the CGA. The TOE shall enable the CGA to detect alteration of the SVD exported by the TOE. 6.1.16 OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp Trusted channel of TOE for VAD import SCA The TOE shall provide a trusted channel for the protection of the confidentiality and integrity of the VAD received from the HID as needed by the authentication method employed. Note 6: This security objective for the TOE is partly covering OE.HID_VAD from the core PPs. While OE.HID_VAD in the core PPs requires only the operational environment to protect VAD, PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA require the HID and the TOE to implement a trusted channel for the protection of the VAD: the HID exports the VAD and establishes one end of the trusted channel according to OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp, the TOE imports VAD at the other end of the trusted channel according to OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp. Therefore PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA re-assign partly the VAD protection from the operational environment as described by OE.HID_VAD to the TOE as described by OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp and leaves only the necessary functionality by the HID. 6.1.17 OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp Trusted channel for DTBS SCA The TOE shall provide a trusted channel to the SCA to detect alteration of the DTBS/R received from the SCA. The TOE shall not generate electronic signatures with the SCD for altered DTBS. Note 7: This security objective for the TOE is partly covering OE.DTBS_Protect from the core PPs. While OE.DTBS_Protect in in the core PPs requires only the operational environment to protect DTBS, PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA require the SCA and the TOE to implement a trusted channel for the protection of the DTBS: the SCA exports the DTBS and establishes one end of the trusted channel according to OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp, the TOE imports DTBS at the other end of the trusted channel according to OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp. Therefore PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA re-assign partly the DTBS protection from the operational environment as described by OE.DTBS_Protect to the TOE as described by OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp and leaves only the necessary functionality by the SCA. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 38 Security Target 6.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment 6.2.1 Relation between the Claimed PPs For relation between PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA and PP SSCD KG TCSCA as well as PP SSCD KI and PP SSCD KI TCSCA see section 4.3 on page 24. 6.2.2 OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen Authorized SCD/SVD generation KI The CSP shall provide security features to ensure that authorized users only may invoke the generation of the SCD and the SVD. 6.2.3 OE.SCD_Secrecy SCD Secrecy KI The CSP shall protect the confidentiality of the SCD during generation and export to the TOE. The CSP shall not use the SCD for creation of any signature and shall irreversibly delete the SCD in the operational environment after export to the TOE. 6.2.4 OE.SCD_Unique Uniqueness of the signature creation data KI The CSP shall ensure the cryptographic quality of the SCD/SVD pair, which is generated in the environment, for the qualified or advanced electronic signature. The SCD used for signature creation shall practically occur only once, i.e. the probability of equal SCDs shall be negligible, and the SCD shall not be reconstructable from the SVD. 6.2.5 OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp Correspondence between SVD and SCD KI The CSP shall ensure the correspondence between the SVD and the SCD generated by the CSP. This includes the correspondence between the SVD send to the CGA and the SCD exported to the TOE of the signatory identified in the SVD certificate. 6.2.6 OE.SVD_Auth Authenticity of the SVD The operational environment shall ensure the integrity (if generated on-card) or the authen- ticity (if imported) of the SVD sent to the CGA of the CSP. The CGA verifies the correspondence between the SCD in the SSCD of the signatory and the SVD in the qualified certificate. 6.2.7 OE.CGA_QCert Generation of qualified certificates The CGA shall generate a qualified certificate that includes (amongst others): a) the name of the signatory controlling the TOE, MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 39 Security Target b) the SVD matching the SCD stored in the TOE and being under sole control of the signa- tory c) the qualified signature of the CSP. The CGA shall confirm with the generated qualified certificate that the SCD corresponding to the SVD is stored in a SSCD. 6.2.8 OE.SSCD_Prov_Service Authentic SSCD delivered by SSCD-provisioning service KI The SSCD-provisioning service shall initialise and personalise for the signatory an authentic copy of the TOE and deliver this copy as SSCD to the signatory. 6.2.9 OE.Dev_Prov_Service Authentic SSCD provided by SSCD-Provisioning Service CGA The SSCD-Provisioning Service handles authentic devices that implement the TOE, prepares the TOE for proof as SSCD to external entities, personalizes the TOE for the legitimate user as signatory, links the identity of the TOE as SSCD with the identity of the legitimate user, and delivers the TOE to the signatory. Note 8: This objective replaces OE.SSCD_Prov_Service from PP SSCD KG, which is possible as it does not imply any additional requirements for the operational environment when compared to OE.SSCD_Prov_Service (OE.Dev_Prov_Service is a subset of OE.SSCD_Prov_ Service). 6.2.10 OE.DTBS_Intend SCA sends data intended to be signed The signatory shall use a trustworthy SCA that • generates the DTBS/R of the data that has been presented as DTBS and which the signatory intends to sign in a form which is appropriate for signing by the TOE, • sends the DTBS/R to the TOE and enables verification of the integrity of the DTBS/R by the TOE, • attaches the signature produced by the TOE to the data or provides it separately. Note 9: The SCA should be able to support advanced electronic signatures. Currently, there are three formats defined by ETSI recognized as meeting the requirements needed by ad- vanced electronic signatures: CAdES, XAdES and PAdES. These three formats mandate to include the hash of the signer’s public key certificate in the data to be signed. In order to support for the mobility of the signer, it is recommended to store the certificate info on the SSCD for use by SCA and identification of the corresponding SCD if more than one SCD is stored on the SSCD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 40 Security Target 6.2.11 OE.Signatory Security obligation of the signatory The signatory shall check that the SCD stored in the SSCD received from SSCD-provisioning service is in non-operational state. The signatory shall keep their VAD confidential. 6.2.12 OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth Pre-initialization of the TOE for SSCD authentication CGA The CSP shall check by means of the CGA whether the device presented for application of a (qualified) certificate holds unique identification as SSCD, successfully proved this identity as SSCD to the CGA, and whether this identity is linked to the legitimate holder of the device as applicant for the certificate. 6.2.13 OE.CGA_TC_SVD_Imp CGA trusted channel for SVD import CGA The CGA shall detect alteration of the SVD imported from the TOE with the claimed identity of the SSCD. The developer prepares the TOE by pre-initialization for the delivery to the customer (i.e. the SSCD-Provisioning Service) in the development phase not addressed by a security objective for the operational environment. The SSCD-Provisioning Service performs initial- ization and personalization as TOE for the legitimate user (i.e. the Device Holder). If the TOE is delivered to the Device Holder with SCD the TOE is an SSCD. This situation is addressed by OE.SSCD_Prov_Service except the additional initialization of the TOE for proof as SSCD and trusted channel to the CGA. If the TOE is delivered to the Device Holder without an SCD the TOE will be an SSCD only after generation of the first SCD/SVD pair. Because this SCD/SVD pair generation is performed by the Signatory in the operational use stage the TOE provides addi- tional security functionality addressed by OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth and OT.TOE_TC_ SVD_Exp. But this security functionality shall be initialized by the SSCD-Provisioning Service as described in OE.Dev_Prov_Service. Therefore PP SSCD KG TCCGA substitutes OE.SSCD_Prov_Service by OE.Dev_Prov_Service allowing generation of the first SCD/SVD pair after delivery of the TOE to the Device Holder and requiring initialization of security functionality of the TOE. Nevertheless the additional security functionality shall be used by the operational environ- ment as described in OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth and OE.CGA_TC_ SVD_Imp. This approach does not weaken the security objectives of and requirements to the TOE but enforce more security functionality of the TOE for additional method of use. Therefore it does not conflict with the CC conformance claim to the core PP SSCD KG. 6.2.14 OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp Trusted channel of HID for VAD export SCA The HID provides the human interface for user authentication. The HID will ensure confiden- tiality and integrity of the VAD as needed by the authentication method employed including export to the TOE by means of a trusted channel. Note 10: This security objective for the TOE is partly covering OE.HID_VAD from the core PP SSCD KG or PP SSCD KI. While OE.HID_VAD in PP SSCD KG or PP SSCD KI require only the operational environment to protect VAD, PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA require the MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 41 Security Target HID and the TOE to implement a trusted channel for the protection of the VAD: the HID exports the VAD and establishes one end of the trusted channel according to OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp, the TOE imports VAD at the other end of the trusted channel according to OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp. Therefore PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA re-assign partly the VAD protection from the operational environment as described by OE.HID_VAD to the TOE as described by OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp and leaves only the necessary functionality by the HID. 6.2.15 OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp Trusted channel of SCA for DTBS export SCA The SCA provides a trusted channel to the TOE for the protection of the integrity of the DTBS to ensure that the DTBS/R cannot be altered undetected in transit between the SCA and the TOE. Note 11: This security objective for the TOE is partly covering OE.DTBS_Protect from the core PP SSCD KG. While OE.DTBS_Protect in PP SSCD KG or PP SSCD KI requires only the operational environment to protect DTBS, PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA require the SCA and the TOE to implement a trusted channel for the protection of the DTBS: the SCA exports the DTBS and establishes one end of the trusted channel according to OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp, the TOE imports DTBS at the other end of the trusted channel according to OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp. Therefore PP SSCD KG TCSCA and PP SSCD KI TCSCA re-assign partly the DTBS protection from the operational environment as described by OE.DTBS_Protect to the TOE as described by OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp and leaves only the necessary functionality by the SCA. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 42 Security Target 6.3 Security Objective Rationale 6.3.1 Security Objectives Backtracking The following tables show how the security objectives for the TOE (table 6.1) and the secu- rity objectives for the operational environment(table 6.2) cover the threats, organizational security policies and assumptions. For better readability the security objectives are color coded according the PP they are taken from: PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA, PP SSCD KG TCSCA, PP SSCD KI, PP SSCD KI TCSCA; likewise assumption A.CSP added by PP SSCD KI. Not color coded items are relevant for all PPs. OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen OT.SCD_Auth_Imp OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.Sigy_SigF OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_ID OT.Tamper_Resistance OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp T.SCD_Divulg x x T.SCD_Derive x x T.Hack_Phys x x x x T.SVD_Forgery x x T.SigF_Misuse x x x x x T.DTBS_Forgery x x T.Sig_Forgery x x P.CSP_QCert x x x x P.QSign x x P.Sigy_SSCD x x x x x x x x x x x x P.Sig_Non-Repud x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Table 6.1: Mapping of security problem definition to security objectives of the TOE (assump- tions are mapped in table 6.2) MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 43 Security Target OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gent OE.SCD_Secrecy OE.SCD_Unique OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp OE.CGA_QCert OE.SVD_Auth OE.SSCD_Prov_Service OE.Dev_Prov_Service OE.DTBS_Intend OE.Signatory OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth OE.CGA_TC_SVD_Imp OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp T.SCD_Divulg x x T.SCD_Derive x T.Hack_Phys T.SVD_Forgery x x x T.SigF_Misuse x x x x T.DTBS_Forgery x x T.Sig_Forgery x x P.CSP_QCert x x x x P.QSign x x P.Sigy_SSCD x x x x x x x P.Sig_Non-Repud x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A.CGA x x A.SCA x A.CSP x x x x Table 6.2: Mapping of security problem definition to security objectives of the operational environment 6.3.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency Countering of threats by security objectives: T.SCD_Divulg (Storing, copying and releasing of the signature creation data) addresses the threat against the legal validity of electronic signature due to storage and copying of SCD outside the TOE, as expressed in the directive [DIR_1999/93/EC], recital (18). This threat is countered by • OE.SCD_Secrecy, which assures the secrecy of the SCD in the CSP environment, and KI • OT.SCD_Secrecy, which assures the secrecy of the SCD during use by the TOE for signa- ture creation. Furthermore, generation and/or import of SCD known by an attacker is countered by • OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen, which ensures that only authorized SCD generation in the KI environment is possible, and • OT.SCD_Auth_Imp, which ensures that only authorized SCD import is possible. KI MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 44 Security Target T.SCD_Derive (Derive the signature creation data) deals with attacks on the SCD via public known data produced by the TOE, which are the SVD and the signatures created with the SCD. • OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen and/or KG • OE.SCD_Unique KI counter this threat by implementing cryptographically secure generation of the SCD/SVD pair. • OT.Sig_Secure ensures cryptographically secure electronic signatures. T.Hack_Phys (Exploitation of physical vulnerabilities) deals with physical attacks exploiting physical vulnerabilities of the TOE. • OT.SCD_Secrecy preserves the secrecy of the SCD. • OT.EMSEC_DesigncountersphysicalattacksthroughtheTOEinterfacesandobservation of TOE emanations. • OT.Tamper_ID and • OT.Tamper_Resistance counter the threat T.Hack_Phys by detecting and by resisting tampering attacks. T.SVD_Forgery (Forgery of the signature verification data) deals with the forgery of the SVD exported by the TOE or given o the CGA for certificate generation. T.SVD_Forgery is addressed by • OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp, which ensures correspondence between SVD and SCD in the KI case of key import, or • OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp, which ensures correspondence between SVD and SCD and un- KG ambiguous reference of the SVD/SCD pair for the SVD export and signature creation with the SCD, and • OE.SVD_Auth that ensures the integrity of the SVD exported by the TOE to the CGA (in the case of key generation) or ensures the authenticity of the SVD given to the CGA of the CSP in the case of key import. It ensures verification of the correspondence between the SCD in the SSCD of the signatory and the SVD in the input it provides to the certificate generation function of the CSP. Additionally T.SVD_Forgery is addressed by • OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp, which ensures that the TOE sends the SVD in a verifiable form through a trusted channel to the CGA, as well as by CGA • OE.CGA_TC_SVD_Imp, which provides verification of SVD authenticity by the CGA. CGA T.SigF_Misuse (Misuse of the signature creation function of the TOE) addresses the threat of misuse of the TOE signature creation function to create SDO by others than the signatory to create SDO for data for which the signatory has not decided to sign, as required by the directive [DIR_1999/93/EC], Annex III, paragraph 1, literal (c). MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 45 Security Target • OT.Lifecycle_Security requires the TOE to detect flaws during the initialization, person- alization and operational usage including secure destruction of the SCD on demand of the signatory. • OT.Sigy_SigF ensures that the TOE provides the signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only. • OE.DTBS_Intend ensures that the SCA sends the DTBS/R only for data the signatory intends to sign and OE.DTBS_Protect counters manipulation of the DTBS during trans- mission over the channel between the SCA and the TOE. • OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE prevents the DTBS/R from alteration inside the TOE. • OE.Signatory ensures that the signatory checks that an SCD stored in the SSCD when received from an SSCD-provisioning service provider is in non-operational state, i.e. the SCD cannot be used before the signatory becomes control over the SSCD and also ensures that the signatory keeps their VAD confidential. The combination of • OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp and SCA • OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp SCA counters the undetected manipulation of the DTBS during the transmission form the SCA to the TOE. If the SCA provides a human interface for user authentication, OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp re- quires the HID to protect the confidentiality and the integrity of the VAD as needed by the authentication method employed. The HID and the TOE will protect the VAD by a trusted channel between HID and TOE according to • OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp and SCA • OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp. SCA T.DTBS_Forgery (Forgery of the DTBS/R) addresses the threat arising from modifications of the data sent as input to the TOE’s signature creation function that does not represent the DTBS as presented to the signatory and for which the signatory has expressed its intent to sign. The TOE IT environment addresses T.DTBS_Forgery by the means of • OE.DTBS_Intend, which ensures that the trustworthy SCA generates the DTBS/R of the data that has been presented as DTBS and which the signatory intends to sign in a form appropriate for signing by the TOE, and • OE.DTBS_Protect, which ensures that the DTBS/R cannot be altered in transit between the SCA and the TOE. The TOE counters this threat by the means of • OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE by ensuring the integrity of the DTBS/R inside the TOE. The threat T.DTBS_Forgery is addressed by the security objectives SCA • OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp and • OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp that ensure that the DTBS/R is sent through a trusted channel and cannot be altered undetected in transit between the SCA and the TOE. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 46 Security Target T.Sig_Forgery (Forgery of the electronic signature) deals with non-detectable forgery of the electronic signature. • OT.Sig_Secure, • OT.SCD_Unique and/or KG • OE.SCD_Unique and KI • OE.CGA_QCert address this threat in general. • OT.Sig_Secure ensures by means of robust cryptographic techniques that the signed data and the electronic signature are securely linked together. • OT.SCD_Unique and/or KG • OE.SCD_Unique ensure that the same SCD cannot be generated more than once and KI the corresponding SVD cannot be included in another certificate by chance. • OE.CGA_QCert prevents forgery of the certificate for the corresponding SVD, which would result in false verification decision concerning a forged signature. Enforcement of OSPs by security objectives: P.CSP_QCert (CSP generates qualified certificates) establishes the CSP generating qualified certificate or non-qualified certificate linking the signatory and the SVD implemented in the SSCD under sole control of this signatory. P.CSP_QCert is addressed by: • OT.Lifecycle_Security, which requires the TOE to detect flaws during the initialization, personalization and operational usage, • OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp and/or KG • OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp, which require to ensure the correspondence between the SVD KI and the SCD during their generation, • OT.SCD_Auth_Imp which ensures that authorized users only may invoke the import of the SCD, KI • OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen, which ensures that the SCD/SVD generation can be invoked by KI authorized users only, • OE.CGA_QCertforgenerationofqualifiedcertificatesornon-qualifiedcertificates, which requires the CGA to certify the SVD matching the SCD implemented in the TOE under sole control of the signatory, • OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth ensures that the copies of the TOE will hold unique identity and CGA authentication data as SSCD and provide security mechanisms enabling the CGA to identify and to authenticate the TOE as SSCD to prove this identity as SSCD to the CGA and • OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth ensures that the SP checks the proof of the device presented of CGA the applicant that it is an SSCD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 47 Security Target P.QSign (Qualified electronic signatures) provides that the TOE and the SCA may be em- ployed to sign data with a qualified electronic signature, which is a qualified electronic signature if based on a valid qualified certificate. • OT.Sigy_SigF ensures signatory’s sole control of the SCD by requiring the TOE to provide the signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only and to protect the SCD against the use of others. • OT.Sig_Secure ensures that the TOE creates electronic signatures, which cannot be forged without knowledge of the SCD through robust encryption techniques. • OE.CGA_QCert addresses the requirement of qualified or non-qualified electronic cer- tificates building a base for the electronic signature. • OE.DTBS_Intend ensures that the SCA provides only those DTBS to the TOE, which the signatory intends to sign. P.Sigy_SSCD (TOE as secure signature creation device) requires the TOE to meet the Annex III of the directive [DIR_1999/93/EC]. This is ensured as follows: Paragraph 1(a) of the directive, Annex III requires that the SCD used for signature cre- ation can practically occur only once; this is met by: • OT.SCD_Unique and/or KG • OE.SCD_Unique KI Paragraph 1(a) of the directive, Annex III requires to ensure the secrecy of the SCD; this is ensured by: • OT.SCD_Unique and/or KG • OE.SCD_Unique, KI • OT.SCD_Secrecy , • OE.SCD_Secrecy and KI • OT.Sig_Secure. Specific objectives to ensure secrecy of the SCD against specific attacks are addressd by: • OT.EMSEC_ Design and • OT.Tamper_Resistance. Paragraph 1(b) of the directive, Annex III requires to ensure that the SCD cannot be derived from SVD, the electronic signatures or any other data exported outside the TOE; this is ensured by: • OT.SCD_Secrecy and • OT.Sig_Secure. Paragraph 1(c) of the directive, Annex III requires to ensure that the TOE provides the signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only and protects the SCD against the use of others; this is ensured by: • OT.Sigy_SigF and • OE.SCD_Secrecy. KI Paragraph 2 of the directive, Annex III requires that the TOE shall not alter the DTBS/R; this is ensured by: MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 48 Security Target • OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE. Paragraph 2 of Annex III requires that an SSCD does not prevent the data to be signed from being presented to the signatory prior to the signature process is obviously fulfilled by the method of TOE usage: the SCA will present the DTBS to the signatory and send it to the SSCD for signing. The usage of SCD under sole control of the signatory is ensured by • OT.Lifecycle_Security requiring the TOE to detect flaws during the initialization, per- sonalization and operational usage • OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen and/or KG • OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen, which limit invocation of the generation of the SCD and the KI SVD to authorized users only. • OT.SCD_Auth_Imp, which limits SCD import to authorized users only. KI • OE.SCD_Secrecy, which ensures the confidentiality of the SCD during generation and KI export to the TOE, and deletes the SCD after export to the TOE. The CSP does not use the SCD for signature creation. • OT.Sigy_SigF, which requires the TOE to provide the signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only and to protect the SCD against the use of others. • OE.SSCD_Prov_Service ensures that the signatory obtains an authentic copy of the KI TOE, initialized and personalized as SSCD from the SSCD-provisioning service. • OE.Dev_Prov_Service ensures that the legitimate user obtains a TOE sample as an CGA authentic, initialized and personalized TOE from an SSCD-Provisioning Service through the TOE delivery procedure. If the TOE implements SCD generated under control of the SSCD-Provisioning Service the legitimate user receives the TOE as SSCD. If the TOE is delivered to the legitimate user without SCD in the operational phase he or she applies for the (qualified) certificate as the Device Holder and legitimate user of the TOE. The CSP will use the TOE security features to check whether the following requirements are fulfilled: • OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth (the device presented is an SSCD linked to the applicant) and CGA • OE.CGA_TC_SVD_Imp (the received SVD is sent by this SSCD). CGA This is addressed by the TOE security features: • OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth and CGA • OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp. CGA Thus the obligation of the SSCD provision service for the first SCD/SVD pair is comple- mented in an appropriate way by the CSP for the SCD/SVD pair generated outside the secure preparation environment. P.Sig_Non-Repud (Non-repudiation of signatures) deals with the repudiation of signed data by the signatory, although the electronic signature is successfully verified with the SVD contained in their certificate valid at the time of signature creation. This policy is implemented by the combination of the security objectives for the TOE and its operational environment, which ensures the aspects of signatory’s sole control over and responsibility for the electronic signatures created with the TOE. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 49 Security Target • OE.SSCD_Prov_Service and/or KI • OE.Dev_Prov_Service ensure that the signatory uses an authentic copy of the TOE, CGA initialized and personalized for the signatory. The following security objectives for the operational environment ensure the security of the SCD in the CSP environment: • OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen ensures that the SVD in the certificate of the signatory corre- KI sponds to the SCD that is implemented in the copy of the TOE of the signatory. • OE.SCD_Secrecy ensures the confidentiality of the SCD during generation, during and KI after export to the TOE. The CSP does not use the SCD for creation of any signature and deletes the SCD irreversibly after export to the TOE. • OT.SCD_Unique and/or KG • OE.SCD_Unique provide that the signatory’s SCD can practically occur just once. KI • OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp and/or KG • OE.SCD_SVD_CorrespensurethattheSVDinthecertificateofthesignatorycorresponds KI to the SCD that is implemented in the copy of the TOE of the signatory. • OE.CGA_QCert ensures that the certificate allows to identify the signatory and thus to link the SVD to the signatory. • OE.SVD_Auth and • OE.CGA_QCert require the environment to ensure the authenticity of the SVD as being exported by the TOE and used under sole control of the signatory. • OE.Signatory ensures that the signatory checks that the SCD, stored in the SSCD re- ceived from an SSCD-Provisioning Service is in non-operational state (i.e. the SCD cannot be used before the signatory becomes into sole control over the SSCD). As prerequisite OE.Signatory ensures that the signatory keeps their VAD confidential. • OT.Sigy_SigF provides that only the signatory may use the TOE for signature creation. • OE.HID_TC_VAD_Exp and SCA • OT.TOE_TC_VAD_ImpprotecttheconfidentialityofVADduringthetransmissionbetween SCA the HI device and TOE. The following security objectives ensure that the TOE generates electronic signatures only for a DTBS/R that the signatory has decided to sign as DTBS. • OE.DTBS_Intend, • OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE, • OE.SCA_TC_DTBS_Exp and SCA • OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp. SCA • OT.Sig_Secure requires robust cryptographic techniques to ensure that only this SCD may create a valid electronic signature that can be successfully verified with the corre- sponding SVD used for signature verification. The following objectives protect the SCD against any compromise: MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 50 Security Target • OT.Lifecycle_Security, • OT.SCD_Secrecy, • OT.EMSEC_Design, • OT.Tamper_ID and • OT.Tamper_Resistance. • OE.CGA_SSCD_Auth requires that the verification whether the device presented by the CGA applicant is an SSCD and • OE.CGA_TC_SVD_Imp requires that the received SVD is sent by the device holding the CGA corresponding SCD. This is addressed by the TOE security objectives • OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth and CGA • OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp supported by CGA • OE.Dev_Prov_Service. CGA Upkeep of assumptions by security objectives: A.SCA (Trustworthy signature creation application) establishes the trustworthiness of the SCA with respect to generation of DTBS/R. This is addressed by • OE.DTBS_Intend which ensures that the SCA generates the DTBS/R of the data that have been presented to the signatory as DTBS and which the signatory intends to sign in a form which is appropriate for being signed by the TOE. A.CGA (Trustworthy certification generation application) establishes the protection of the authenticity of the signatory’s name and the SVD in the qualified certificate by the advanced signature of the CSP by means of the CGA. This is addressed by • OE.CGA_QCert, which ensures the generation of qualified certificates, and by • OE.SVD_Auth, which ensures the protection of the integrity (according PP SSCD KG) and the verification of the authenticity (according PP SSCD KI) of the received SVD and the verification of the correspondence between the SVD and the SCD that is implemented by the SSCD of the signatory. A.CSP (Secure SCD/SVD management by CSP) establishes several security aspects concern- KI ing handling of SCD and SVD by the CSP. • OE.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen addresses that the SCD/SVD generation device can only be used by authorized users. • OE.SCD_Unique (addresses that the generated SCD is unique and cannot be derived by the SVD. • OE.SCD_SVD_Corresp addresses that SCD and SVD correspond to each other. • OE.SCD_SecrecyaddressesthattheSCDarekeptconfidential, arenotusedforsignature generation in the environment and are deleted in the environment once exported to the TOE. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 51 Security Target 7 Extended Components Definition (ASE_ECD.1) This Security Target uses the following extended components: FPT_EMS as defined in [CC_PP-0059], FIA_API as defined in [CC_PP-0071] and FCS_RND as defined in [CC_PP-0068-V2] (see also note 37). No other components are used. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 52 Security Target 8 Security Requirements (ASE_REQ.2) 8.1 Security Functional Requirements 8.1.1 Use of Requirement Specifications Common Criteria allow several operations to be performed on functional requirements; refinement, selection, assignment, and iteration. Each of these operations is used in this ST. A refinement operation is used to add detail to a requirement, and thus further restricts a requirement. Refinement of security requirements is either (i) denoted by the word “refine- ment” in bold text and the added or changed words are in bold text or (ii) included in text as bold text and marked by a footnote. In cases where words from a CC requirement were deleted, a separate attachment indicates the words that were removed or the removed words are simply striked through (e.g., like in removed words). A selection operation is used to select one or more options provided by the CC in stating a requirement. Selections that have been made by the PP authors are denoted as underlined text and the original text of the component is given by a footnote. Selections filled in by the ST author are denoted as double-underlined text. An assignment operation is used to assign a specific value to an unspecified parameter, such as the length of a password. Showing as underlined text denotes assignments, which have been made by the PP authors, and the original text of the component is given by a footnote. Assignments filled in by the ST author are denoted as double-underlined text. An iteration operation is used when a component is repeated with varying operations. Iteration is denoted by showing a slash “/”, and the iteration indicator after the component identifier. 8.1.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS) KG FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA Cryptographic key generation – SCD (RSA) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 53 Security Target FCS_CKM.1.1/SCD/RSA The TSF shall generate an SCD/SVD pair in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm RSA key generation and spec- ified cryptographic key sizes 2048 bit - 4096 bit (8 bit steps) that meet the following: [RFC_8017] sec. 3. Note 12: The generation of asymmetric key pairs to be used for decryption (beyond the scope of the certification) also follow the SFR. Note 13: The standard RFC 8017 [RFC_8017] supersedes the standard PKCS #1 version 2.2, which is referenced in [IFX_ST-SLC37]. However, RFC 8017 only represents a republication of PKCS #1 version 2.2 and includes the same techniques, both versions are equivalent in this context. KG FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC Cryptographic key generation – SCD (EC) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.1.1/SCD/EC The TSF shall generate an SCD/SVD pair in accordance with a spec- ified cryptographic key generation algorithm EC key generation and specified cryptographic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits that meet the following: [BSI_TR-03111], sec. 4.1.3 and [ANSI_X9-62], sec. G.5.2. PACE FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE Cryptographic key generation – Diffie-Hellman for PACE session keys Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation] Justification: A Diffie-Hellman key agreement is used in order to have no key distribution, therefore FCS_CKM.2 makes no sense in this case. FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.1.1/ DH_PACE The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm ECDH compliant to [BSI_TR-03111] and specified cryptographic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits that meet the fol- lowing: [ICAO_SAC]. Note14: TheTOEgeneratesasharedsecretvalueKwiththeterminalduringthePACEprotocol, see [ICAO_SAC]. The shared secret value K is used for deriving the AES or DES session keys for message encryption with cryptographic key sizes for AES: 128, 192 and 256 bits, 3DES: 112 bits and message authentication (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc) with cryptographic key sizes for CMAC: 128, 192 and 256 bits, Retail-MAC: 112 bits according to [ICAO_SAC] for the TSF required by FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC and FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 54 Security Target Note 15: FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE implicitly contains the requirements for the hashing functions used for key derivation by demanding compliance to [ICAO_SAC]. Note 16: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2]. EAC FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH Cryptographic key generation – Diffie-Hellman for Chip Authentica- tion session keys (DH) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation ] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.1.1/CA/DH The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a speci- fied cryptographic key generation algorithm DH and specified crypto- graphic key sizes 2048 bit MODP with 224 bit prime order subgroup and 2048 bit MODP with 256 bit prime ordersubgroup that meet the follow- ing: based on the Diffie-Hellman key derivation protocol compliant to [NIST_SP800-56A], sec. 5.5, and [BSI_TR-03110-1]. EAC FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH Cryptographic key generation – Diffie-Hellman for Chip Authentica- tion session keys (ECDH) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic key distribution or FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic operation ] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.1.1/CA/ECDH The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a speci- fied cryptographic key generation algorithm ECDH and specified crypto- graphic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits that meet the following: based on an ECDH protocol compliant to [BSI_TR-03111] Note 17: FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH and FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH implicitly contain the requirements for the hashing functions used for key derivation by demanding compliance to [BSI_TR-03110-1]. Note 18: The TOE generates a shared secret value with the terminal during the Chip Authenti- cation Protocol Version 1, see [ICAO_9303]. This protocol may be based on the Diffie-Hellman- Protocol compliant to PKCS#3 (i.e. modulo arithmetic based cryptographic algorithm, cf. [NIST_SP800-56A]) or on the ECDH compliant to [BSI_TR-03111] (i.e. an elliptic curve cryp- tography algorithm) (cf. [BSI_TR-03111] for details). The shared secret value is used to derive the Chip Authentication Session Keys used for encryption with cryptographic key sizes for AES: 128, 192 and 256 bits, 3DES: 112 bits and MAC computation for secure messaging with cryptographic key sizes for CMAC: 128, 192 and 256 bits, Retail-MAC: 112 bits (defined in Key Derivation Function [ICAO_9303]). Note 19: The TOE shall destroy any session keys in accordance with FCS_CKM.4 after (i) detection of an error in a received command by verification of the MAC and (ii) after successful run of the Chip Authentication Protocol v.1. (iii) The TOE shall destroy the PACE session keys MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 55 Security Target after generation of a Chip Authentication session keys and changing the Secure Messaging to the Chip Authentication session keys. (iv) The TOE shall clear the memory area of any session keys before starting the communication with the terminal in a new after-reset-session as required by FDP_RIP.1. Concerning the Chip Authentication keys FCS_CKM.4 is also fulfilled by FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH and FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH. Note 20: The SFRs FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH and FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH have been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. Note 21: If PACE Chip Authentication Mapping is performed, the Secure Messaging session established by the PACE protocol is sustained. In this case FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE applies instead of FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH or FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH, respectively. FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with the cryp- tographic key destruction method physical deletion of key value by overwriting it with ’00’ or random bytes that meets the following: [FIPS_140-3]. Note 22: The cryptographic key SCD will be destroyed on demand of the signatory. The signatory may want to destruct the SCD stored in the SSCD e.g. after the qualified certificate for the corresponding SVD is not valid any more. The destruction of the SCD is allowed for ’S.User’ with the security attribute ’Role’ set to ’R.Sigy’ (see table 8.1), i.e. the signatory may mandate the administrator to destroy the SCD on his behalf. Note 23: The TOE shall destroy the PACE or CA session keys after detection of an error in a PACE EAC received command by verification of the MAC. The TOE shall clear the memory area of any session keys before starting the communication with the terminal in a new after-reset-session as required by FDP_RIP.1. FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS Cryptographic operation – SCD (RSASSA-PSS) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS The TSF shall perform digital signature creation in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm RSASSA-PSS and cryptographic key sizes 2048 bit - 4096 bit (8 bit steps) that meet the following: PKCS#1 v2.2 [RFC_8017], sec. 5.2. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 56 Security Target See also Note 13. FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA Cryptographic operation – SCD (raw RSA) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SCD/RAWRSA The TSF shall perform digital signature creation in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm raw RSA and cryptographic key sizes 2048 bit - 4096 bit (8 bit steps) that meet the following: PKCS#1 v2.2 [RFC_8017], sec. 5.2. See also Note 13. FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 Cryptographic operation – SCD (RSA-PKCS1-v1_5) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SCD/RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 The TSF shall perform digital signature creation in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm RSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and cryptographic key sizes 2048 bit - 4096 bit (8 bit steps) that meet the following: [RFC_8017], sec. 5.2. See also Note 13. FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA Cryptographic operation – SCD (ECDSA) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SCD/ECDSA The TSF shall perform digital signature creation in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm ECDSA and cryptographic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits that meet the following: [BSI_TR-03111], sec. 4.2.1. Note 24: The operations in the element FCS_COP.1.1 of SFRs FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA-PSS, FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA, FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA shall be appropriate for the SCD imported according to FTP_ITC.1/SCD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 57 Security Target FCS_COP.1/SHA Cryptographic operation – Hashes Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/SHA The TSF shall perform hashing in accordance with a specified crypto- graphic algorithm SHA-256 and cryptographic key sizes none that meet the following: [FIPS_180-4], sec. 6. Note 25: SHA-256 is used for the hash representation in which the PINs are stored. The requirements for the hashing functions used for PACE and Chip Authentication are included in SFRs FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE, FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH and FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH implicitly. Note 26: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0086]. EAC FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC Cryptographic operation – Symmetric encryption / decryption Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/CA_ENC The TSF shall perform Secure Messaging - encryption and decryption in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm AES in CBC mode, 3DES in CBC mode and cryptographic key sizes AES: 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit, 3DES: 112 bit that meet the following: AES: [FIPS_197] and [ISO_10116], 3DES: [NIST_SP800-67] and [ISO_10116], sec. 7. Note 27: This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitives (e.g. Triple- DES and/or AES) for Secure Messaging with encryption of the transmitted data. The keys are agreed between the TOE and the terminal as part of the Chip Authentication Protocol Version 1 according to the FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH or FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH, respectively. Note 28: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. EAC FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC Cryptographic operation – MAC Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 58 Security Target FCS_COP.1.1/CA_MAC The TSF shall perform Secure Messaging - message authentication code in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm AES: CMAC, 3DES: Retail-MAC and cryptographic key sizes CMAC: 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit, Retail-MAC: 112 bit that meet the following: AES: [FIPS_197] and [NIST_SP800-38B], sec. 6, 3DES: [NIST_SP800-67] and [NIST_SP800-38B], sec. 6, and [ISO_9797-1], MAC algorithm 3 with block cipher DES, key KMAC and IV=SSC. Note 29: This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitive for Secure Messaging with encryption and message authentication code over the transmitted data. The key is agreed between the TSF by Chip Authentication protocol version 1 according to the FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH or FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH, respectively. Furthermore the SFR is used for authenticationattemptsofaterminalasPersonalizationAgentbymeansoftheauthentication mechanism. Note 30: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. EAC FCS_COP.1/ SIG_VER/ECDSA Cryptographic operation – Signature verification Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/ SIG_VER/ECDSA The TSF shall perform digital signature verification in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm ECDSA with SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 and cryptographic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits that meet the following: [ANSI_X9-62], sec. 7, [FIPS_180-4], sec. 6.2, and [BSI_TR-03111], sec. 6 (r1). EAC FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA Cryptographic operation – Signature verification by travel docu- ment (RSA) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/ SIG_VER/RSA The TSF shall perform digital signature verification in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm RSA with SHA-1 or SHA-256 and cryp- tographic key sizes 1536 - 4096 bits (8 bit steps) that meet the following: [FIPS_180-4], sec. 6 and [RFC_8017] . MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 59 Security Target Note31: TheSFRsCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSAandCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSAhavebeenadapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. They apply only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentica- tion for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA. PACE FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC Cryptographic operation – Encryption / decryption AES/3DES Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/ PACE_ENC The TSF shall perform Secure Messaging - encryption and decryption in accordance with the cryptographic algorithm AES, 3DES in CBC mode and cryptographic key sizes AES: 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit, 3DES: 112 bit that meet the following: AES: [FIPS_197] and [ISO_10116], sec. 7, 3DES: [NIST_SP800-67] and [ISO_10116], sec. 7 compliant to [ICAO_SAC]. Note 32: This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitive AES or 3DES for Secure Messaging with encryption of transmitted data and encrypting the nonce in the first step of PACE. The related session keys are agreed between the TOE and the terminal as part of the PACE protocol according to the FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (PACE-KEnc). Note 33: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2]. PACE FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC Cryptographic operation – MAC Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ITC.1 Import of user data without security attributes, or FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes, or FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic key generation] FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_COP.1.1/ PACE_MAC The TSF shall perform Secure Messaging - message authentication code in accordance with a specified cryptographic algorithm AES: CMAC, 3DES: Retail-MAC and cryptographic key sizes CMAC: 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit, Retail-MAC: 112 bit that meet the following: AES: [FIPS_197] and [NIST_SP800-38B], sec. 6, 3DES: [NIST_SP800-67] and [ISO_9797-1], MAC algorithm 3 with block cipher DES, key KMAC and IV=SSC compliant to [ICAO_SAC]. Note 34: This SFR requires the TOE to implement the cryptographic primitive for Secure Messaging with message authentication code over transmitted data. The related session keys are agreed between the TOE and the terminal as part of either the PACE protocol according to the FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (PACE-KMAC). Note 35: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2]. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 60 Security Target PACE EAC FCS_RND.1 Random number generation (Class PTG.3) Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FCS_RND.1.1 The TSF shall provide a [hybrid physical] random number generator that implements: (PTG.3.1) A total failure test detects a total failure of entropy source immediatelywhentheRNGhasstarted. Whenatotalfailureisdetected, no random numbers will be output. (PTG.3.2) If a total failure of the entropy source occurs while the RNG is being operated, the RNG prevents the output of any internal random number that depends on some raw random numbers that have been generated after the total failure of the entropy source. (PTG.3.3) The online test shall detect non-tolerable statistical defects of the raw random number sequence (i) immediately when the RNG has started, and (ii) while the RNG is being operated. The TSF must not output any random numbers before the power-up online test and the seeding of the DRG.3 post-processing algorithm have been finished successfully or when a defect has been detected. (PTG.3.4) The online test procedure shall be effective to detect non-tolerable weaknesses of the random numbers soon. (PTG.3.5) The online test procedure checks the raw random number sequence. It is triggered continuously. The online test is suitable for detecting nontolerable statistical defects of the statistical properties of the raw random numbers within an acceptable period of time. (PTG.3.6) The algorithmic post-processing algorithm belongs to Class DRG.3 with cryptographic state transition function and cryptographic output function, and the output data rate of the post-processing algorithm shall not exceed its input data rate. FCS_RND.1.2 The TSF shall provide octets of bits that meet: (PTG.3.7) Statistical test suites cannot practically distinguish the internal random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. The internal random numbers must pass test procedure A1. (PTG.3.8) The internal random numbers shall use PTRNG of class PTG.2 as random source for the postprocessing. Note 36: This SFR requires the TOE to generate random numbers used for the authentication protocols as required by FIA_UAU.4. Note 37: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2] and changed according to [CC_PP-0084] (FCS_RNG.1), justified in [KiSch-RNG] chapter 3 (PTG.3) and [NIST_SP800-90A], sec. 10.2, 10.3.2 to meet [BSI_AIS31]. The naming ’FCS_RND.1’ has been kept for consistence with the certification procedure for the MRTD application (BSI-DSZ-CC-1219). 1 See [KiSch-RNG] Section 2.4.4. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 61 Security Target 8.1.3 User Data Protection (FDP) The security attributes and related status for the subjects and objects are: Subject or object the security attribute is associated with Security attribute type Value of the security attribute S.User Role R.Admin R.Sigy S.User SCD / SVD Management authorized not authorized SCD SCD Operational no yes SCD SCD Identifier arbitrary value (PP SSCD KG only) SVD (This ST does not define secu- rity attributes for SVD) (This ST does not define secu- rityattributesforSVD)(PPSSCD KG only) Table 8.1: Subjects and security attributes for access control PACE FDP_ACC.1/TRM Subset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/TRM The TSF shall enforce the Access Control SFP on terminals gaining access to the User Data and data stored in EF.SOD of the electronic document. Note 38: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2]. The term logical travel document has been changed to electronic document. PACE FDP_ACF.1/TRM Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 62 Security Target FDP_ACF.1.1/TRM The TSF shall enforce the Access Control SFP to objects based on the following: 1) Subjects: a) Legitimate Terminal 2) Objects: a) data stored in EF.DG14 and EF.SOD of the TOE, b) all TOE intrinsic secret cryptographic keys stored in the electronic document. 3) Security attributes: a) authorization of the Legitimate Terminal FDP_ACF.1.2/TRM The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an op- eration among controlled subjects and controlled objects is al- lowed: A Legitimate Terminal is allowed to read data objects from FDP_ACF.1/TRM according to [ICAO_SAC] after a successful PACE authentication as required by FIA_UAU.1. FDP_ACF.1.3/TRM The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none FDP_ACF.1.4/TRM The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: 1) Any terminal being not authenticated as Legitimate Terminal is not allowed to read, to write, to modify, to use any User Data stored on the electronic document. 2) Terminals not using Secure Messaging are not allowed to read, to write, to modify, to use any data stored on the electronic document. Note 39: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2]. The term travel document has been changed to electronic document, BIS-PACE has been changed to Legitimate Terminal. KG FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation Subset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD_Generation_SFP on 1) subjects: S.User, 2) objects: SCD, SVD, 3) operations: generation of SCD/SVD pair. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 63 Security Target KG FDP_ACF.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FDP_ACF.1.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD_Generation_SFP to objects based on the following: the user S.User is associated with the security attribute “SCD/SVD Management” . FDP_ACF.1.2/ SCD/SVD_Generation The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: S.User with the security attribute “SCD/SVD Management” set to “authorized” is allowed to generate SCD/SVD pair. Refinement: S.User is allowed to generate SCD/SVD pair after a suc- cessful PACE authentication using the PUK as the shared password. FDP_ACF.1.3/ SCD/SVD_Generation The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4/ SCD/SVD_Generation The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: S.User with the security attribute “SCD/SVD management” set to “not authorised” is not allowed to generate SCD/SVD pair). KG FDP_ACC.1/ SVD_Transfer Subset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/ SVD_Transfer The TSF shall enforce the SVD_Transfer_SFP on 1) subjects: S.User, 2) objects: SVD, 3) operations: export. KG FDP_ACF.1/ SVD_Transfer Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 64 Security Target FDP_ACF.1.1/ SVD_Transfer The TSF shall enforce the SVD_Transfer_SFP to objects based on the following: 1) the S.User is associated with the security attribute Role, 2) the SVD. FDP_ACF.1.2/ SVD_Transfer The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: R.Admin and R.Sigy are allowed to export SVD. Refinement for the configurations requiring Terminal Authentica- tion for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA: R.Sigy is allowed to export SVD after a successful Terminal Authentication. FDP_ACF.1.3/ SVD_Transfer The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4/ SVD_Transfer The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none KI FDP_ACC.1/ SCD_Import Subset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/ SCD_Import The TSF shall enforce the SCD_Import_SFP on 1) subjects: S.User, 2) objects: SCD, SVD, 3) operations: import of SCD. KI FDP_ACF.1/ SCD_Import Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FDP_ACF.1.1/ SCD_Import The TSF shall enforce the SCD_Import_SFP to objects based on the fol- lowing: the user S.User is associated with the security attribute “SCD/SVD Management” . FDP_ACF.1.2/ SCD_Import The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: S.User with the security attribute “SCD/SVD Management” set to “authorized” is allowed to import SCD. FDP_ACF.1.3/ SCD_Import The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 65 Security Target FDP_ACF.1.4/ SCD_Import The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: S.User with the security attribute “SCD / SVD management” set to “not authorized” is not allowed to import SCD. FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation Subset access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/ Signature_Creation The TSF shall enforce the Signature_Creation_SFP on 1) subjects: S.User, 2) objects: DTBS/R, SCD, 3) operations: signature creation. FDP_ACF.1/ Signature_Creation Security attribute based access control Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FDP_ACF.1.1/ Signature_Creation The TSF shall enforce the Signature_Creation_SFP to objects based on the following: 1) the S.User is associated with the security attribute “Role” and, 2) the SCD with the security attribute “SCD Operational” . FDP_ACF.1.2/ Signature_Creation The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: R.Sigy is allowed to create electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD which security attribute “SCD operational” is set to “yes” . Refinement for the configurations requiring Terminal Authentica- tion for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA: R.Sigy is allowed to create qualified electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD after successful Terminal Authentication and suc- cessful authentication against RAD. FDP_ACF.1.3/ Signature_Creation The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4/ Signature_Creation The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: S.User is not allowed to create electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD which security attribute “SCD operational” is set to “no” . MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 66 Security Target FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES Subset access control – Non-qualified electronic signature Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control FDP_ACC.1.1/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES The TSF shall enforce the Signature_Creation_SFP on 1) subjects: S.User, 2) objects: DTBS/R, SCD, 3) operations: signature creation. FDP_ACF.1/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES Security attribute based access control – Non-qualified electronic signature Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FDP_ACF.1.1/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES The TSF shall enforce the Signature_Creation_SFP to objects based on the following: 1) the S.User is associated with the security attribute “Role” and, 2) the SCD with the security attribute “SCD Operational” . FDP_ACF.1.2/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: R.Sigy is allowed to create electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD which security attribute “SCD operational” is set to “yes” . Refinement for the configurations requiring Terminal Authentica- tion for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA: R.Sigy is allowed to create non-qualified electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD after successful Terminal Authentication. FDP_ACF.1.3/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4/ Signature_Creation/ N-QES The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: S.User is not allowed to create electronic signatures for DTBS/R with SCD which security attribute “SCD operational” is set to “no” . KI FDP_ITC.1/SCD Import of user data without security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 67 Security Target Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization FDP_ITC.1.1/SCD The TSF shall enforce the SCD_Import_SFP when importing user data, controlled under the SFP, from outside of the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.2/SCD SCD The TSF shall ignore any security attributes associated with the user data SCD when imported from outside the TOE. FDP_ITC.1.3/SCD The TSF shall enforce the following rules when importing user data controlled under the SFP from outside the TOE: none. KI FDP_UCT.1/SCD Basic data exchange confidentiality Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel, or FTP_TRP.1 Trusted path] [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FDP_UCT.1.1/SCD The TSF shall enforce the SCD_Import_SFP to receive user data SCD in a manner protected from unauthorized disclosure. SCA FDP_UIT.1/DTBS Data exchange integrity Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] [FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel, or FTP_TRP.1 Trusted path] FDP_UIT.1.1/DTBS The TSF shall enforce the Signature_Creation_SFP to receive user data in a manner protected from modification and insertion errors. FDP_UIT.1.2/DTBS The TSF shall be able to determine on receipt of user data, whether modification and insertion has occurred. FDP_RIP.1 Subset residual information protection Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDP_RIP.1.1 TheTSFshallensurethatanypreviousinformationcontentofaresource is made unavailable upon the de-allocation of the resource from the following objects: SCD. The following data persistently stored by the TOE shall have the user data attribute “in- tegrity checked persistent stored data”: 1) SCD MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 68 Security Target 2) SVD (if persistently stored by the TOE). The DTBS/R temporarily stored by the TOE has the user data attribute “integrity checked stored data”: FDP_SDI.2/Persistent Stored data integrity monitoring and action Hierarchical to: FDP_SDI.1 Stored data integrity monitoring. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDP_SDI.2.1/Persistent The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for integrity error on all objects, based on the following attributes: integrity checked stored data. FDP_SDI.2.2/Persistent Upon detection of a data integrity error, the TSF shall 1) prohibit the use of the altered data, 2) inform the S.Sigy about integrity error. FDP_SDI.2/DTBS Stored data integrity monitoring and action Hierarchical to: FDP_SDI.1 Stored data integrity monitoring. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDP_SDI.2.1/DTBS The TSF shall monitor user data stored in containers controlled by the TSF for integrity error on all objects, based on the following attributes: integrity checked stored DTBS. FDP_SDI.2.2/DTBS Upon detection of a data integrity error, the TSF shall 1) prohibit the use of the altered data, 2) inform the S.Sigy about integrity error. Note 40: The integrity of TSF data like RAD shall be protected to ensure the effectiveness of the user authentication. This protection is a specific aspect of the security architecture (cf. ADV_ARC.1). CGA FDP_DAU.2/SVD Data authentication with identity of guarantor Hierarchical to: FDP_DAU.1 Basic data authentication. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification. FDP_DAU.2.1/SVD The TSF shall provide a capability to generate evidence that can be used as a guarantee of the validity of SVD. FDP_DAU.2.2/SVD The TSF shall provide CGA with the ability to verify evidence of the validity of the indicated information and the identity of the user that generated the evidence. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 69 Security Target 8.1.4 Identification and Authentication (FIA) FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_UID.1.1 The TSF shall allow: 1) self-test according to FPT_TST.1 2) to establish the communication channel 3) carrying out the PACE Protocol according to [ICAO_SAC] 4) to read the initialization data in phase “usage/preparation” 5) to read the random identifier in phase “usage/preparation” 6) to carry out the Chip Authentication protocol v.1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1] 7) to carry out the Terminal Authentication protocol v.1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1] 8) to carry out the PACE Chip Authentication Mapping protocol according to [ICAO_SAC] 9) none on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Note 41: This SFR has been amended with items from [CC_PP-0056-V2] and with PACE Chip Authentication Mapping. Item (7) of FIA_UID.1.1 applies only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentication forthe communication between theTOE and the SCA and the CGA.. CGA SCA FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification. FIA_UAU.1.1 The TSF shall allow: 1) self-test according to FPT_TST.1 2) identification of the user by means of TSF required by FIA_UID.1 3) establishing a trusted channel between the CGA and the TOE by means of TSF required by FTP_ITC.1/SVD, 4) establishing a trusted channel between the HID and the TOE by means of TSF required by FTP_ITC.1/VAD, 5) none on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UAU.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 70 Security Target PACE EAC FIA_UAU.4/PACE Single-use authentication mechanisms - Single-use authentication of the Terminal by the TOE Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_UAU.4.1/PACE The TSF shall prevent reuse of authentication data related to 1) PACE protocol according to [ICAO_SAC], 2) authentication mechanism based on Triple-DES or AES, 3) Terminal Authentication protocol v.1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1]. Note 42: The authentication mechanisms may use either a challenge freshly and randomly generated by the TOE to prevent reuse of a response generated by a terminal in a successful authentication attempt. However, the authentication of Administrator may rely on other mechanisms ensuring protection against replay attacks, such as the use of an internal counter as a diversifier. Note 43: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. Item (3) of FIA_UAU.4.1 applies only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentication for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA. Note 44: Authentication data related to PACE protocol according to [ICAO_SAC] include authentication data related to PACE Chip Authentication Mapping. PACE EAC FIA_UAU.5/PACE Multiple authentication mechanisms Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_UAU.5.1/PACE The TSF shall provide: 1) PACE protocol according to [ICAO_SAC], 2) Passive Authentication according to [ICAO_9303], 3) Secure Messaging in MAC-ENC mode according to [ICAO_SAC], 4) Symmetric authentication mechanism based on Triple-DES or AES, 5) Chip Authentication protocol v.1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1], 6) Terminal Authentication protocol v.1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1]. to support user authentication. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 71 Security Target FIA_UAU.5.2/PACE The TSF shall authenticate any user’s claimed identity according to the following rules: 1. Having successfully run the PACE protocol the TOE accepts only received commands with correct message authentication code sent by means of Secure Messaging with the key agreed with the terminal by means of the PACE protocol. 2. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt as Personalization Agent by the symmetric authentication mechanism with Personalization Agent keys. 3. After run of the Chip Authentication protocol version 1 the TOE accepts only received commands with correct message authentication code sent by means of Secure Messaging with key agreed with the terminal by means of the Chip Authentication mechanism v.1. 4. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt by means of the Terminal Authentication protocol v.1 only if the terminal uses the public key presented during the Chip Authentication protocol v.1 and the Secure Messaging established by the Chip Authentication mechanism v.1. 5. The TOE accepts the authentication attempt by means of the Chip Authentication protocol v.1 only if Secure Messaging is established by PACE. 6. none Note 45: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. Item (6) of FIA_UAU.5.1 and item (3) of FIA_UAU.5.2 apply only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentication for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA. Note 46: PACE Chip Authentication Mapping followed directly by Terminal Authentication v.1, i.e. without preceding Chip Authentication v.1, is not supported by the TOE. This applies only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentication for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA. PACE EAC FIA_UAU.6 Re-authenticating – Re-authenticating of Terminal by the TOE Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_UAU.6.1 The TSF shall re-authenticate the user under the conditions each command sent to the TOE after successful run of the PACE protocol or the Chip Authentication protocol version 1 shall be verified as being sent by the Legitimate Terminal. Note 47: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0068-V2] or [CC_PP-0056-V2], respectively. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 72 Security Target FIA_AFL.1/RAD Authentication failure handling Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_AFL.1.1/RAD The TSF shall detect when 3 unsuccessful authentication attempt occurs related to consecutive failed authentication attempts. FIA_AFL.1.2/RAD When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall block RAD. FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN Authentication failure handling – Suspending PIN Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_AFL.1.1/Suspend_PIN The TSF shall detect when 2 unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to consecutive failed authentication attempts using the PIN as the shared password for PACE. FIA_AFL.1.2/Suspend_PIN When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall suspend the reference value of the PIN according to [BSI_TR-03110-2]. Note 48: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0086]. Note 49: R.Sigy is able to resume the suspended PIN using PACE with the CAN and subse- quently PACE with the PIN. FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN Authentication failure handling – Blocking PIN Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_AFL.1.1/Block_PIN The TSF shall detect when 1 unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to consecutive failed authentication attempts using the suspended PIN as the shared password for PACE. FIA_AFL.1.2/Block_PIN When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met, the TSF shall block the reference value of PIN according to [BSI_TR-03110-2]. Note 50: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0086]. CGA FIA_API.1 Authentication proof of identity Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FIA_API.1.1 The TSF shall provide a Chip Authentication protocol version 1 according to [BSI_TR-03110-1] to prove the identity of the SSCD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 73 Security Target 8.1.5 Security Management (FMT) FMT_SMR.1 Security roles Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles: R.Admin and R.Sigy and Certification Service Provider and Document Verifier and Legitimate Terminal FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: 1) creation and modification of RAD, 2) enabling the signature creation function, 3) modification of the security attribute SCD/SVD management, SCD operational, 4) change the default value of the security attribute SCD Identifier, 5) none. FMT_MOF.1 Management of security functions behavior Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions. FMT_MOF.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to enable the functions signature creation function to R.Sigy. KG FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG Management of security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 74 Security Target FMT_MSA.1.1/Admin_KG The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD_Generation_SFP to restrict the abil- ity to modify and none the security attributes SCD/SVD management to R.Admin. KI FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI Management of security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions. FMT_MSA.1.1/Admin_KI The TSF shall enforce the SCD_Import_SFP to restrict the ability to modify and none the security attributes SCD/SVD management to R.Admin. FMT_MSA.1/Signatory Management of security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions. FMT_MSA.1.1/Signatory The TSF shall enforce the Signature_Creation_SFP to restrict the ability to modify the security attributes SCD operational to R.Sigy. FMT_MSA.2 Secure security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_SMR.1 Security roles. FMT_MSA.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values are accepted for SCD/SVD Management and SCD operational. KG FMT_MSA.3/KG Static attribute initialization Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_SMR.1 Security roles. FMT_MSA.3.1/KG The TSF shall enforce the SCD/SVD_Generation_SFP, SVD_Transfer_SFP and Signature_Creation_SFP to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 75 Security Target FMT_MSA.3.2/KG TSF shall allow the R.Admin to specify alternative initial values to over- ride the default values when an object or information is created. KI FMT_MSA.3/KI Static attribute initialization Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes FMT_SMR.1 Security roles. FMT_MSA.3.1/KI The TSF shall enforce the SCD_Import_SFP and Signature_Creation_SFP to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2/KI TSF shall allow the R.Admin to specify alternative initial values to over- ride the default values when an object or information is created. KG FMT_MSA.4/KG Security attribute value inheritance Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FMT_MSA.4.1/KG The TSF shall use the following rules to set the value of security at- tributes: 1) If S.Admin successfully generates an SCD/SVD pair without S.Sigy being authenticated the security attribute “SCD operational of the SCD” shall be set to “no” as a single operation. 2) If S.Sigy successfully generates an SCD/SVD pair the security attribute “SCD operational of the SCD” shall be set to “yes” as a single operation. Note 51: The TOE may not support generating an SVD/SCD pair by the signatory alone, in which case rule (2) is not relevant. KI FMT_MSA.4/KI Security attribute value inheritance Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: [FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP_IFC.1 Subset information flow control] MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 76 Security Target FMT_MSA.4.1/KI The TSF shall use the following rules to set the value of security at- tributes: (1) If S.Admin imports SCD while S.Sigy is not currently authenticated, the security attribute “SCD operational” of the SCD shall be set to “no” as a single operation. (2) If S.Admin imports SCD while S.Sigy is currently authenticated, the security attribute “SCD operational” of the SCD shall be set to “yes” after import of the SCD as a single operation. EAC FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD Management of TSF data – Country Verifier Certification Authority Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_MTD.1.1/CVCA_UPD The TSF shall restrict the ability to update the 1) Certification Authority Public Key, 2) Certification Authority Certificate, to Certification Service Provider Note52: TheCertificationServiceProviderupdatesitsasymmetrickeypairanddistributesthe publickeybemeansoftheCAlink-certificates(cf. [BSI_TR-03110-1]). TheTOEupdatesitsinter- nal trust-point if a valid CA link-certificates is provided by the terminal (cf. [BSI_TR-03110-1]). Note 53: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. The objects Country Verifying Cer- tification Authority Public Key and Country Verifier Certification Authority Certificate have been changed to Certification Authority Public Key and Certification Authority Certificate, respec- tively. The role Country Verifying Certification Authority, which does not exist in this context, has been changed to Certification Service Provider. This SFR applies only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentication for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA. EAC FMT_MTD.1/DATE Management of TSF data – Current date Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_MTD.1.1/DATE The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the current date to 1) Certification Service Provider, 2) Document Verifier, 3) Legitimate Terminal. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 77 Security Target Note 54: The authorized roles are identified in their certificate (cf. [BSI_TR-03110-1]) and authorized by validation of the certificate chain. The authorized role of the terminal is part of the Certificate Holder Authorization in the card verifiable certificate provided by the terminal for the identification and the Terminal Authentication v.1 (cf. to [BSI_TR-03110-1]). Note 55: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. The role Country Verifying Cer- tification Authority, which does not exist in this context, has been changed to Certification Service Provider. The role Domestic Extended Inspection System, which does not exist in this context, has been changed to Legitimate Terminal. This SFR applies only to the configurations requiring Terminal Authentication for the communication between the TOE and the SCA and the CGA. PACE EAC FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ Management of TSF data – Key read Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_MTD.1.1/KEY_READ The TSF shall restrict the ability to read the 1) PACE passwords, 2) Chip Authentication private key, 3) PACE Chip Authentication Mapping private key, 4) Personalization keys 5) Electronic signature keys to none Note 56: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. The object electronic signature keys has been added. FMT_MTD.1/Admin Management of TSF data Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_MTD.1.1/Admin The TSF shall restrict the ability to create the RAD to R.Admin FMT_MTD.1/Signatory Management of TSF data Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMF.1 Specification of management functions FMT_MTD.1.1/Signatory The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify and none the RAD to R.Sigy MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 78 Security Target 8.1.6 Protection of the TSF (FPT) FPT_EMS.1/SSCD TOE Emanation Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FPT_EMS.1.1/SSCD The TOE shall not emit information retrievable by side channel attacks in excess of non-useful information enabling access to RAD and SCD. FPT_EMS.1.2/SSCD The TSF shall ensure any unauthorized users are unable to use the fol- lowing interface smart card circuit contacts and contactless I/O to gain access to RAD and SCD. PACE EAC FPT_EMS.1/KEYS TOE Emanation Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FPT_EMS.1.1/KEYS The TOE shall not emit information retrievable by side channel attacks in excess of non-useful information enabling access to 1) Chip Authentication session keys, 2) PACE session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), 3) the ephemeral private key ephem-SKPICC-PACE, 4) personalization keys, 5) Chip Authentication private keys, 6) PACE Chip Authentication Mapping private keys. FPT_EMS.1.2/KEYS The TSF shall ensure any users are unable to use the following interface smart card circuit contacts and contactless I/O to gain access to 1) Chip Authentication session keys, 2) PACE session keys (PACE-KMAC, PACE-KEnc), 3) the ephemeral private key ephem-SKPICC-PACE, 4) personalization keys, 5) Chip Authentication private keys, 6) PACE Chip Authentication Mapping private keys. Note 57: This SFR has been adapted from [CC_PP-0056-V2]. FPT_FLS.1 Failure with preservation of secure state Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 79 Security Target FPT_FLS.1.1 TheTSFshallpreserveasecurestatewhenthefollowingtypesoffailures occur: 1) self-test according to FPT_TST fails 2) exposure to out-of-range operating conditions where therefore a malfunction could occur FPT_PHP.1 Passive detection of physical attack Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FPT_PHP.1.1 The TSF shall provide unambiguous detection of physical tampering that might compromise the TSF. FPT_PHP.1.2 The TSF shall provide the capability to determine whether physical tampering with the TSF’s devices or TSF’s elements has occurred. FPT_PHP.3 Resistance to physical attack Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FPT_PHP.3.1 The TSF shall resist physical manipulation and physical probing to the TSF by responding automatically such that the SFRs are always en- forced. FPT_TST.1 TSF testing Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FPT_TST.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of self-tests during initial start-up to demon- strate the correct operation of the TSF. FPT_TST.1.2 The TSF shall provide authorized users with the capability to verify the integrity of TSF data. FPT_TST.1.3 The TSF shall provide authorized users with the capability to verify the integrity of TSF. KI FTP_ITC.1/SCD Inter-TSF trusted channel Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 80 Security Target FTP_ITC.1.1/SCD The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other commu- nication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure. FTP_ITC.1.2/SCD The TSF shall permit another trusted IT product to initiate communica- tion via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3/SCD The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for 1) Data exchange integrity according to FDP_UCT.1/SCD, 2) none. CGA FTP_ITC.1/SVD Inter-TSF trusted channel Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FTP_ITC.1.1/SVD The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product CGA that is logically distinct from other com- munication channels and provides ensured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclo- sure. FTP_ITC.1.2/SVD The TSF shall permit another trusted IT product to initiate communica- tion via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3/SVD The TSF or the CGA shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for 1) data authentication with identity of guarantor according to FIA_API.1 and FDP_DAU.2/SVD, 2) none. SCA FTP_ITC.1/VAD Inter-TSF trusted channel – TC Human Interface Device Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FTP_ITC.1.1/VAD The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product HID that is logically distinct from other com- munication channels and provides ensured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclo- sure. FTP_ITC.1.2/VAD The TSF shall permit the remote trusted IT product to initiate commu- nication via the trusted channel. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 81 Security Target FTP_ITC.1.3/VAD The TSF or the HID shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for 1) user authentication according to FIA_UAU.1, 2) none. Note 58: The PACE protocol used for authentication is a zero-knowledge protocol and thus protects the confidentiality of the VAD implicitly. SCA FTP_ITC.1/DTBS Inter-TSF trusted channel Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FTP_ITC.1.1/DTBS The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product SCA that is logically distinct from other com- munication channels and provides ensured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclo- sure. FTP_ITC.1.2/DTBS The TSF shall permit the remote trusted IT product to initiate commu- nication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3/DTBS The TSF or the SCA shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for 1) signature creation, 2) none. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 82 Security Target 8.2 TOE Security Assurance Requirements Assurance class Assurance components ADV: Development ADV_ARC.1 Architectural Design with domain separa- tion and non-bypassability ADV_FSP.5 Complete semi-formal functional specifi- cation with additional error information ADV_IMP.1 Implementation representation of the TSF ADV_INT.2 Well-structured internals ADV_TDS.4 Semiformal modular design AGD: Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures ALC: Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.4 Production support, acceptance proce- dures and automation ALC_CMS.5 Development tools CM coverage ALC_FLR.3 Flaw remediation ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security measures ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_TAT.2 Compliance with implementation stan- dards ASE: Security Target evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification ATE: Tests ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.3 Testing: modular design ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample AVA: Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analy- sis Table 8.2: Assurance Requirements: EAL5 augmented with ALC_DVS.2, ALC_FLR.3 and AVA_VAN.5 MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 83 Security Target 9 Rationale 9.1 Security Requirements Rationale 9.1.1 Security Requirements Coverage Security objectives and security functional requirements that are added by PP SSCD KI, PP SSCD KI TCSCA, PP SSCD KG TCCGA or PP SSCD KG TCSCA are color coded for better read- ability. Security functional requirements taken from [CC_PP-0056-V2] or [CC_PP-0068-V2] or modified to meet those PPs, respectively, are given in italics, security functional requirements taken from [CC_PP-0086] are given in bold face. OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen OT.SCD_Auth_Imp OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.Sigy_SigF OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_ID OT.Tamper_Resistance OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA x x x x FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC x x x x FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE x x x x x FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH x x x x FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH x x x x FCS_CKM.4 x x FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS x x FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA x x FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA-PKCS1- v1_5 x x FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA x x FCS_COP.1/SHA x x FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC x x x x FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC x x x x MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 84 Security Target OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen OT.SCD_Auth_Imp OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.Sigy_SigF OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_ID OT.Tamper_Resistance OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA x x x x FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA x x x x FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC x x x x x FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC x x x x x FCS_RND.1 x x x x x FDP_ACC.1/TRM x x FDP_ACF.1/TRM x x FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation x x FDP_ACF.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation x x FDP_ACC.1/ SVD_Transfer x x FDP_ACF.1/ SVD_Transfer x x FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import x x FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import x x FDP_ACC.1/Signature_ Creation x x FDP_ACF.1/Signature_ Creation x x FDP_ACC.1/Signature_ Creation/N-QES x x FDP_ACF.1/Signature_ Creation/N-QES x x FDP_ITC.1/SCD x FDP_UCT.1/SCD x x FDP_UIT.1/DTBS x FDP_RIP.1 x x FDP_SDI.2/ Persistent x x x FDP_SDI.2/ DTBS x x FDP_DAU.2/SVD x FIA_UID.1 x x x x x x FIA_UAU.1 x x x x FIA_UAU.4/PACE x x x x x FIA_UAU.5/PACE x x x x x MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 85 Security Target OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen OT.SCD_Auth_Imp OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.Sigy_SigF OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_ID OT.Tamper_Resistance OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp FIA_UAU.6 x x x x x FIA_AFL.1/RAD x FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN x FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN x FIA_API.1 x x FMT_SMR.1 x x FMT_SMF.1 x x x FMT_MOF.1 x x FMT_MSA.1/ Admin_KG x x FMT_MSA.1/ Admin_KI x FMT_MSA.1/ Signatory x x FMT_MSA.2 x x x FMT_MSA.3/KG x x x FMT_MSA.3/KI x x FMT_MSA.4/KG x x x x FMT_MSA.4/KI x x FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD x x x x FMT_MTD.1/DATE x x x x FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ x x x x FMT_MTD.1/Admin x x FMT_MTD.1/Signatory x x FPT_EMS.1/ SSCD x x FPT_EMS.1/ KEYS x FPT_FLS.1 x FPT_PHP.1 x FPT_PHP.3 x x FPT_TST.1 x x x FTP_ITC.1/SCD x x FTP_ITC.1/SVD x FTP_ITC.1/VAD x FTP_ITC.1/DTBS x MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 86 Security Target Table 9.1: Mapping of functional requirements to security objectives for the TOE 9.1.2 Security Functional Requirements Sufficiency OT.Lifecycle_Security (Life cycle security) is provided by the SFRs • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA (for SCD/SVD generation), KG • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC (for SCD/SVD generation), KG • FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA-PSS (for SCD usage), • FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA (for SCD usage), • FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA-PKCS1-v1_5 (for SCD usage), • FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA (for SCD usage) and • FCS_CKM.4 (for SCD destruction) ensuring cryptographically secure life cycle of the SCD. The SCD/SVD generation is controlled by TSF according to • FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation and KG • FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation. KG The SVD transfer for certificate generation is controlled by TSF according to • FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer and KG • FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer. KG The SCD import is controlled by TSF according to KI • FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, KI • FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import and KI • FDP_ITC.1/SCD. KI The confidentiality of the SCD is protected during import according to • FDP_UCT.1/SCD in the trusted channel KI • FTP_ITC.1/SCD. KI The SCD usage is ensured by access control • FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation, • FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation, • FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation/N-QES, • FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation/N-QES which is based on the security attribute secure TSF management according to • FMT_MOF.1, • FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG, KG MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 87 Security Target • FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI, KI • FMT_MSA.1/Signatory, • FMT_MSA.2, • FMT_MSA.3_KG, KG • FMT_MSA.3_KI, KI • FMT_MSA.4_KG, KG • FMT_MSA.4_KI, KI • FMT_MTD.1/Admin, • FMT_MTD.1/Signatory, • FMT_SMF.1 and • FMT_SMR.1. The test functions • FPT_TST.1 provides failure detection throughout the life cycle. (Life cycle security) with regard to integrity, confidentiality and authenticity is ensured by the usage of a trusted channel. The means for the trusted channel are provided by the SFRs PACE EAC • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (generation of PACE session keys), • FCS_CKM.4 (destruction of session key), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH (DH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH (ECDH for CA session keys), • FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, CA), • FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC (message authentication code, CA), • FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA (signature verification, TA), • FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA (signature verification, TA), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, PACE), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC (message authentication code, PACE), • FCS_RND.1 (PTG.3 random number generation), • FIA_UAU.4/PACE (single use authentication, Legitimate Terminal), • FIA_UAU.5/PACE (authentication mechanisms) and • FIA_UAU.6 (re-authentication, Legitimate Terminal). Further access permissions are addressed by the SFRs • FDP_ACC.1/TRM (access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FDP_ACF.1/TRM (security attribute based access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD (management of TSF data, CVCA), • FMT_MTD.1/DATE (management of TSF data, date) and • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ (management of TSF data, key read). The security of PINQES is provided by SFR • FCS_COP.1/SHA (hash representation). MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 88 Security Target OT.SCD/SVD_Auth_Gen (Authorized SCD/SVD generation) addresses that generation of a KG SCD/SVD pair requires proper user authentication. The TSF specified by • FIA_UID.1 and • FIA_UAU.1 provide user identification and user authentication prior to enabling access to authorized functions. The SFR • FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation and • FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_ Generation provide access control for the SCD/SVD generation. The security attributes of the authenticated user are provided by • FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG, • FMT_MSA.2 and • FMT_MSA.3/KG for static attribute initialization. The SFR • FMT_MSA.4/KG defines rules for inheritance of the security attribute “SCD operational” of the SCD. OT.SCD_Auth_Imp (Authorized SCD import) is provided by the security functions specified KI by the following SFRs. • FIA_UID.1 and • FIA_UAU.1 ensure that the user is identified and authenticated before SCD can be imported. • FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import and • FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import ensure that only authorized users can import SCD. OT.SCD_Unique (Uniqueness of the signature creation data) implements the requirement KG of practically unique SCD as laid down in Annex III, paragraph 1(a), which is provided by the cryptographic algorithms specified by • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA and • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 89 Security Target OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp (Correspondence between SVD and SCD) addresses that the SVD KG corresponds to the SCD implemented by the TOE. This is provided by the algorithms specified by • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA and • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC to generate corresponding SVD/SCD pairs. The security functions specified by • FDP_SDI.2/Persistent ensure that the keys are not modified, so to retain the correspondence. Moreover, the SCD Identifier allows the environment to identify the SCD and to link it with the appropriate SVD. The management functions identified by • FMT_SMF.1 and by • FMT_MSA.4/KG allow R.Admin to modify the default value of the security attribute SCD Identifier. OT.SCD_Secrecy (Secrecy of signature creation data) is provided by the security functions specified by the following SFRs. • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA and KG • FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC KG ensures the use of secure cryptographic algorithms for SCD/SVD generation. Crypto- graphic quality of SCD/SVD pair shall prevent disclosure of SCD by cryptographic attacks using the publicly known SVD. The security functions specified by • FDP_UCT.1/SCD and KI • FTP_ITC.1/SCD KI ensures the confidentiality for SCD import. • FDP_RIP.1 and • FCS_CKM.4 ensure that residual information on SCD is destroyed after the SCD has been used for signature creation and that destruction of SCD leaves no residual information. The security functions specified by • FDP_SDI.2/Persistent ensures that no critical data is modified which could alter the efficiency of the security functions or leak information of the SCD. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 90 Security Target • FPT_TST.1 tests the working conditions of the TOE and • FPT_FLS.1 guarantees a secure state when integrity is violated and thus assures that the specified security functions are operational. An example where compromising error conditions are countered by FPT_FLS.1 is fault injection for differential fault analysis (DFA). • FPT_EMS.1/SSCD and • FPT_PHP.3 require additional security features of the TOE to ensure the confidentiality of the SCD. OT.Sig_Secure (Cryptographic security of the electronic signature) is provided by the cryp- tographic algorithms specified by • FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA-PSS, • FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA, • FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and • FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA which ensures the cryptographic robustness of the signature algorithms. • FDP_SDI.2/Persistent corresponds to the integrity of the SCD implemented by the TOE. • FPT_TST.1 ensures self-tests ensuring correct signature creation. OT.Sigy_SigF (Signature creation function for the legitimate signatory only) is provided by SFRs for identification, authentication and access control. • FIA_UAU.1 and • FIA_UID.1 ensurethatnosignaturecreationfunctioncanbeinvokedbeforethesignatoryisidentified and authenticated. The security functions specified by • FMT_MTD.1/Admin and • FMT_MTD.1/Signatory manage the authentication function. • FIA_AFL.1/RAD MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 91 Security Target provides protection against a number of attacks, such as cryptographic extraction of residual information, or brute force attacks against authentication. • FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN provides protection against denial-of-service attacks and • FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN provides protection against brute force attacks against authentication. • FDP_SDI.2/DTBS ensures the integrity of stored DTBS and • FDP_RIP.1 prevents misuse of any resources containing the SCD after de-allocation (e.g. after the signature creation process). The security functions specified by • FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation, • FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation, • FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation/N-QES and • FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation/N-QES provide access control based on the security attributes managed according to the SFRs • FMT_MTD.1/Signatory, • FMT_MSA.2, • FMT_MSA.3/KG, • FMT_MSA.3/KI, • FMT_MSA.4/KG and • FMT_MSA.4/KI. • FMT_SMF.1 and • FMT_SMR.1 list these management functions and the roles. These ensure that the signature process is restricted to the signatory. • FMT_MOF.1 restricts the ability to enable the signature creation function to the signatory. • FMT_MSA.1/Signatory restricts the ability to modify the security attributes SCD operational to the signatory. In the phase “usage/operational” Signature creation function for the legitimate signatory PACE only is additionally protected by the SFRs MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 92 Security Target • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (generation of PACE session keys), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, PACE), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC (message authentication code, PACE), • FCS_RND.1 (PTG.3 random number generation), • FIA_UID.1 (timing of dentification), • FIA_UAU.4/PACE (single use authentication, Legitimate Terminal), • FIA_UAU.5/PACE (authentication mechanisms) and • FIA_UAU.6 (re-authentication, Legitimate Terminal). providing a trusted channel and by • FCS_COP.1/SHA, to provide the hash representation of PINQES. OT.DTBS_Integrity_TOE (DTBS/R integrity inside the TOE) ensures that the DTBS/R is not altered by the TOE. The integrity functions specified by • FDP_SDI.2/DTBS require that the DTBS/R has not been altered by the TOE. OT.EMSEC_Design (Provide physical emanations security) covers that no intelligible infor- mation is emanated. This is provided by • FPT_EMS.1.1/SSCD and • FPT_EMS.1.1/KEYS. OT.Tamper_ID (Tamper detection) is provided by • FPT_PHP.1 by the means of passive detection of physical attacks. OT.Tamper_Resistance (Tamper resistance) is provided by • FPT_PHP.3 to resist physical attacks. OT.TOE_SSCD_Auth (Authentication proof as SSCD) requires the TOE to provide security CGA mechanisms to identify and to authenticate themselves as SSCD, which is directly provided by • FIA_API.1. • FIA_UAU.1 allows (additionally to PP SSCD KG) establishment of the trusted channel before (human) user is authenticated. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 93 Security Target OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp (TOE trusted channel for SVD export) requires the TOE to provide a CGA trusted channel to the CGA to protect the integrity of the SVD exported to the CGA, which is directly provided by the SVD transfer for certificate generation controlled by TSF according to • FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer and • FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer. • FDP_DAU.2/SVD, requires the TOE to provide CGA with the ability to verify evidence of the validity of the SVD and the identity of the user that generated the evidence. • FTP_ITC.1/SVD requires the TOE to provide a trusted channel to the CGA. The functionality for integrity and confidentiality is provided by PACE EAC • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (generation of PACE session keys), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH (DH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH (ECDH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.4 (destruction of session key), • FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, CA), • FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC (message authentication code, CA), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, PACE), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC (message authentication code, PACE), • FCS_RND.1 (PTG.3 random number generation), • FIA_UID.1 (timing of identification), • FIA_UAU.4/PACE (single use authentication, Legitimate Terminal), • FIA_UAU.5/PACE (authentication mechanisms) and • FIA_UAU.6 (re-authentication, Legitimate Terminal). Further access permissions are addressed by the SFRs • FDP_ACC.1/TRM (access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FDP_ACF.1/TRM (security attribute based access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD (management of TSF data, CVCA), • FMT_MTD.1/DATE (management of TSF data, date) and • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ (management of TSF data, key read). OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp (Trusted channel of TOE for VAD import) is provided by SCA • FTP_ITC.1/VAD to provide a trusted channel to protect the VAD provided by the HID to the TOE. The functionality for integrity and confidentiality is provided by PACE EAC • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (generation of PACE session keys), MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 94 Security Target • FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH (DH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH (ECDH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.4 (destruction of session key), • FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, CA), • FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC (message authentication code, CA), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, PACE), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC (message authentication code, PACE), • FCS_RND.1 (PTG.3 random number generation), • FIA_UID.1 (timing of identification), • FIA_UAU.4/PACE (single use authentication, Legitimate Terminal), • FIA_UAU.5/PACE (authentication mechanisms) and • FIA_UAU.6 (re-authentication, Legitimate Terminal). Further access permissions are addressed by the SFRs • FDP_ACC.1/TRM (access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FDP_ACF.1/TRM (security attribute based access control, Legitimate Terminal) and • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ (management of TSF data, key read). OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp (Trusted channel of TOE for DTBS) is provided by SCA • FTP_ITC.1/DTBS to provide a trusted channel to protect the DTBS provided by the SCA to the TOE and by • FDP_UIT.1/DTBS which requires the TSF to verify the integrity of the received DTBS. The functionality for integrity and confidentiality is provided by PACE EAC • FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE (generation of PACE session keys), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH (DH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH (ECDH for CA session keys), • FCS_CKM.4 (destruction of session key), • FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, CA), • FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC (message authentication code, CA), • FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA (signature verification, TA), • FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA (signature verification, TA), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC (symmetric en- and decrytion, PACE), • FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC (message authentication code, PACE), • FCS_RND.1 (PTG.3 random number generation), • FIA_UID.1 (timing of identification), • FIA_UAU.4/PACE (single use authentication, Legitimate Terminal), MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 95 Security Target • FIA_UAU.5/PACE (authentication mechanisms) and, • FIA_UAU.6 (re-authentication, Legitimate Terminal). Further access permissions are addressed by the SFRs • FDP_ACC.1/TRM (access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FDP_ACF.1/TRM (security attribute based access control, Legitimate Terminal), • FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD (management of TSF data, CVCA), • FMT_MTD.1/DATE (management of TSF data, date) and • FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ (management of TSF data, key read). 9.1.3 Satisfaction of Dependencies of Security Requirements Functional requirements Dependencies Satisfied by FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS, FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA, FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA, FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC, FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC, FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC, FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC, FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1], FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC, FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC, FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA, FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC, FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE, FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH, FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_COP.1/SCD/ RSASSA-PSS [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 96 Security Target Functional requirements Dependencies Satisfied by FCS_COP.1/SCD/ RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/SHA [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], see justification FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH, FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH, FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ ECDSA [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH, FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH, FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE, FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1], FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE, FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RND.1 No dependencies n/a FDP_ACC.1/TRM FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/TRM FDP_ACF.1/TRM FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACC.1/TRM, FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KG, FMT_MSA.3/KI FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation FDP_ACF.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation, FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KG FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer, FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KG FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 97 Security Target Functional requirements Dependencies Satisfied by FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KI FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/ Signature_Creation FDP_ACF.1/ Signature_Creation FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation, FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KG, FMT_MSA.3/KI FDP_ACC.1/Signature_ Creation/N-QES FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES FDP_ACF.1/Signature_ Creation/N-QES FDP_ACC.1, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES, FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KG, FMT_MSA.3/KI FDP_ITC.1/SCD [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3/KI FDP_UCT.1/SCD [FTP_ITC.1 or FTP_TRP.1], FPT_ITC.1/SCD, [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import FDP_UIT.1/DTBS [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES, [FTP_ITC.1 or FTP_TRP.1] FTP_ITC.1/DTBS FDP_RIP.1 No dependencies n/a FDP_SDI.2/Persistent No dependencies n/a FDP_SDI.2/DTBS No dependencies n/a FDP_DAU.2/SVD FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 No dependencies n/a FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UAU.4/PACE No dependencies n.a. FIA_UAU.5/PACE No dependencies n.a. FIA_UAU.6 No dependencies n.a. FIA_AFL.1/RAD FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_API.1 No dependencies n/a FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FMT_SMF.1 No dependencies n/a. FMT_MOF.1 FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 98 Security Target Functional requirements Dependencies Satisfied by FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1/Signatory [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES, FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.2 [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1], FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation, FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG, FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI, FMT_MSA.1/Signatory FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3/KG FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG, FMT_MSA.1/Signatory FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3/KI FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI, FMT_MSA.1/Signatory FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.4/KG [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1/ SCD/SVD_Generation, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES FMT_MSA.4/KI [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation, FDP_ACC.1/ Signature_Creation/N-QES MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 99 Security Target Functional requirements Dependencies Satisfied by FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1/DATE FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1/Admin FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1/Signatory FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FPT_EMS.1/SSCD No dependencies n/a FPT_EMS.1/KEYS No dependencies n/a FPT_FLS.1 No dependencies n/a FPT_PHP.1 No dependencies n/a FPT_PHP.3 No dependencies n/a. FPT_TST.1 No dependencies n/a FTP_ITC.1/SCD No dependencies n/a FTP_ITC.1/SVD No dependencies n/a FTP_ITC.1/VAD No dependencies n/a FTP_ITC.1/DTBS No dependencies n/a Table 9.2: Satisfaction of dependencies of security functional requirements Justification The hash algorithm required by the SFR FCS_COP.1/SHA does not need any key material. Therefore neither a key generation (FCS_CKM.1 nor an import (FDP_ITC.1/2) is necessary. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 100 Security Target Assurance requirement(s) Dependencies Satisfied by EAL5 package (dependencies of EAL5 package are not reproduced here) By construction, all dependen- cies are satisfied in a CC EAL package ALC_DVS.2 no dependencies AVA_VAN.5 ADV_ARC.1 ADV_ARC.1 ADV_FSP.4 ADV_FSP.5 ADV_TDS.3 ADV_TDS.4 ADV_IMP.1 ADV_IMP.1 AGD_OPE.1 AGD_OPE.1 AGD_PRE.1 AGD_PRE.1 ATE_DPT.1 ATE_DPT.3 (all are included or exceeded in EAL5 package) Table 9.3: Satisfaction of dependencies of security assurance requirements 9.1.4 Rationale for Chosen Security Assurance Requirements The assurance level for PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA and PP SSCD KG TCSCA as well as PP SSCD KI and PP SSCD KI TCSCA is EAL5 augmented by AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis The TOE is intended to function in a variety of signature creation systems for qualified electronic signatures. Due to the nature of its intended application, i.e. the TOE may be issued to users and may not be directly under the control of trained and dedicated administrators. As a result, it is imperative that misleading, unreasonable and conflicting guidance is absent from the guidance documentation, and that secure procedures for all modes of operation have been addressed. Insecure states should be easy to detect. The TOE shall be shown to be highly resistant to penetration attacks to meet the security objectives OT.SCD_Secrecy, OT.Sigy_SigF and OT.Sig_Secure. This ST chooses the higher assurance level EAL5 augmented by AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis ALC_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security measures The requirements of the claimed protection profiles are met or exceeded and the de- pendencies are fulfilled as shown in table 9.3. The augmentation ALC_DVS.2 is chosen in addition to the requirements of the protection profiles and the EAL5 package. It provides higher assurance of the security of the TOEs development and manufacturing. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 101 Security Target 10 TOE Summary Specification (ASE_TSS.1) This chapter describes the TOE security functions and the assurance measures covering the requirements of the previous chapter. 10.1 TOE Security Functions This chapter gives the overview description of the different TOE security functions composing the TSF. 10.1.1 TOE Security Functions from Hardware (IC) and Cryptographic Library F.IC_CL: Security Functions of the Hardware (IC) and Cryptographic Library This security function covers the security functions of the hardware (IC). The Security Target of the hardware [IFX_ST-SLC37] defines the following security features: SF_DPM Device phase management SF_PS Protection against snooping SF_PMA Protection against modification attacks SF_PLA Protection against logical attacks SF_CS Cryptographic support including the components 10.1.2 TOE Security Functions from Embedded Software (ES) – Operat- ing system F.Access_Control This TSF regulates all access by external entities to operations of the TOE which are only executed after this TSF allowed access. This function consists of following elements: 1. Access to objects is controlled based on subjects, objects (any file) and security at- tributes. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 102 Security Target 2. No access control policy allows reading of any key. 3. Any access not explicitly allowed is denied. 4. Access Control in development phase enforces development policy: Configuration of the TOE, configuring of access control policy and doing key management (PACE and EACv1) only by the Manufacturer or on behalf of him (see F.Management). 5. Access Control in usage/preparation phase enforces personalization policy: Writing of user data, authentication data and SCD/SVD only by the Administrator identified with its authentication key (see F.Management). 6. Access Control in usage/operational phase enforces operational use policy: Operation of the signature creation function only by the Signatory who must activate the SSCD applicationbeforefirstusage; generationandwritingofSCD/SVDaswellastheimportof the SCD only by the Signatory identified with its authentication key (see F.Management). F.Identification_Authentication This function provides identification/authentication of the user roles • Administrator • Signatory • Certificate Service Provider • Document Verifier • Legitimate Terminal by the methods: • PACE authentication method according to [BSI_TR-03110-1, BSI_TR-03110-2] with the following properties: – It uses PIN, PUK or CAN. – The method is configured to set the card to a suspended state before the secret is finally blocked (only PIN and PUK) or to delay the processing of the authentication command after a failed authentication (CAN). – The cryptographic method for confidentiality is AES/CBC or 3DES/CBC provided by F.Crypto. – The cryptographic method for authenticity is CMAC or Retail-MAC provided by F.Crypto. – On error (wrong MAC, wrong challenge) the user role is not identi- fied/authenticated. – A usage counter of 50.000 prevents the unlimited usage of PIN and PUK. After the limit is reached, the key is irreversibly blocked. – On success the session keys are created and stored for Secure Messaging. – The Secure Messaging session is limited by a Secure Messaging counter of 500.000; the decrease of the counter is depending on the length of the command and response APDUs. – Keys and data in transient memory are overwritten after usage. – PACE Chip Authentication Mapping can optionally be used to authenticate the chip. • Chip Authentication with the following properties: MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 103 Security Target – According to [BSI_TR-03110-1] using DH or ECDH from F.IC_CL. – A usage counter of 50.000 prevents the unlimited usage of the key. After the limit is reached, the key is irreversibly blocked. – Session keys are created and stored for Secure Messaging replacing existing ses- sion keys. – The Secure Messaging session is limited by a Secure Messaging counter of 500.000; the decrease of the counter is depending on the length of the command and response APDUs. If a new Secure Messaging session is started, the counter is reset to 500.000. • Terminal Authentication with the following properties (only configurations supporting TA): – According to [BSI_TR-03110-1] checking certificates with ECDSA from F.IC_CL. – It uses a challenge from the card. – Usable only in a Secure Messaging session with Chip Authentication key. – It distinguishes between the roles: * Certificate Service Provider * Document Verifier * Legitimate Terminal – Update of CVCA certificate is allowed for Certificate Service Provider. – Update of current date is allowed for Certificate Service Provider, Document Veri- fier and Legitimate Terminal. – The challenge-response authentication is only performed with a public key from a Legitimate Terminal certificate. – Verifying validity of certificate chain: * Certificates must be in the sequence: known CVCA [> CVCA...]> DV > Legitimate Terminal. * Expiration dates must not be before the current date with the exception of CVCA. • Secure Messaging with the following properties: – The cryptographic method for confidentiality is AES/CBC or 3DES/CBC provided by F.Crypto. – The cryptographic method for authenticity is CMAC or Retail-MAC provided by F.Crypto. – In a Secure Messaging protected command the method for confidentiality and the method for authenticity must be present. – The Secure Messaging session is limited by a Secure Messaging counter of 500.000; the decrease of the counter is depending on the length of the command and response APDUs. If a new Secure Messaging session is started, the counter is reset to 500.000. – The initialization vector is a zero-IV for 3DES encryption and an encrypted Send Sequence Counter (SSC) for AES encryption, CMAC and Retail-MAC. – A session key is used. – On any command that is not protected correctly with the session keys these are overwritten according to [FIPS_140-3] (or better) and a new PACE authentication or (in phase usage/operational) CA authentication, is required. – Keys and data in transient memory are overwritten after usage. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 104 Security Target • Verification of the PIN for qualified signature with a minimum length of 6 bytes for au- thentication data that is blocked after three failed authentications, the reset of the retry counter is limited to 10. The PIN is stored on the card in a SHA-256 hash representation; the transmission of the PIN must be protected by Secure Messaging with PACE. • RSA with 2048 bit - 4096 bit (8 bit steps) key length or ECDSA using Brainpool(r1) with 224, 256, 320, 384 or 512 bit key length or, respectively, NIST with 224, 256, 384 or 521 bit key length for both qualified and advanced signature; the qualified signature creation requires authentication before each signature creation (i.e. the authentication state is reset immediately after usage). F.Management In development phase the configuration of the file layout including security attributes is performed. In the install process the TOE is configured for the SSCD in a specific configuration (see Table 3.3). The configuration is defined by the file system layout including all files necessary for administration and functionality. Note 59: Some configurations require Terminal Authentication (TA) for the communication between the TOE and the SCA or CGA. Only these layouts offer the data structures necessary to perform TA. As this feature is provided in addition to the requirements of PP SSCD KG, PP SSCD KG TCCGA and PP SSCD KG TCSCA as well as PP SSCD KI and PP SSCD KI TCSCA, also the configurations that do not require TA do not conflict the strict conformance claim given in chapter 4. The layout defines that the parameters given in F.Access_Control for the us- age/preparation phase and usage/operational phase are enforced. Key management (PACE and EACv1) and other administrative tasks can also be performed. In usage/preparation phase the Administrator performs the following steps: • configuring the card for usage as SSCD, • writing of all the required user data to the appropriate files (PUK and CAN), • optionally, generating an SCD/SVD key pair, exporting the SVD and writing the certificate to the card and • delivering the SSCD and the PUK to the user. In usage/operational phase the Signatory may perform the following steps: • activating the SSCD functionality by activating the RAD, • changing the RAD value, • importing of SCD using a trusted channel, • generation of SCD/SVD and exporting of SVD using a trusted channel and • destruction of a signature key by deleting and overwriting the key value (or mandate the Administrator to act on behalf of him). MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 105 Security Target F.Crypto This function provides the implementation or, if the functionality of the cryptographic library (F.IC_CL) is used, the high level interface to • DES • 3DES/CBC • AES • DES/Retail MAC • CMAC • ECC (supplied by F.IC_CL) • RSA (supplied by F.IC_CL) • DH (supplied by F.IC_CL) This function implements the hash algorithms according to [FIPS_180-4] • SHA-1 • SHA-224 • SHA-256 • SHA-384 • SHA-512 This function implements the post-processing of the random number generator • RNG (PTG.3 consisting of PTG.2 (supplied by F.IC_CL) and cryptographic post- processing) F.Verification TOE internal functions ensures correct operation. 10.2 Assurance Measures The assurance measures fulfilling the requirements of EAL5 augmented by ALC_DVS.2, ALC_FLR.3 and AVA_VAN.5 are given in table 10.1. Measure Description ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.5 Complete semi-formal functional specification with additional error infor- mation ADV_IMP.1 Implementation representation of the TSF ADV_INT.2 Well-structured internals ADV_TDS.4 Semiformal modular design MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 106 Security Target Measure Description AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures ALC_CMC.4 Production support, acceptance procedures, automation ALC_CMS.5 Development tools CM coverage ALC_FLR.3 Flaw remediation ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security measures ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_TAT.2 Compliance with implementation standards ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.3 Testing: modular design ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing – sample AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis Table 10.1: Assurance Measures 10.2.1 TOE Summary Specification Rationale Table 10.2 shows the coverage of the SFRs by TSFs. SFR TSFs FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE F.IC_CL FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH F.IC_CL FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH F.IC_CL FCS_CKM.4 F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA-PSS F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA-PKCS1- v1_5 F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/SHA F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC F.Crypto MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 107 Security Target SFR TSFs FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA F.IC_CL FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA F.IC_CL FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC F.Crypto FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC F.Crypto FCS_RND.1 F.IC_CL, F.Crypto FDP_ACC.1/TRM F.Access_Control FDP_ACF.1/TRM F.Access_Control FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation/ N-QES F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation/ N-QES F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_ITC.1/SCD F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_UCT.1/SCD F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_UIT.1/DTBS F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FDP_RIP.1 F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FDP_SDI.2/Persistent F.IC_CL, F.Verification FDP_SDI.2/DTBS F.Identification_Authentication FDP_DAU.2/SVD F.Crypto, F.Identification_Authentication FIA_UID.1 F.Identification_Authentication FIA_UAU.1 F.Identification_Authentication FIA_UAU.4/PACE F.Identification_Authentication FIA_UAU.5/PACE F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FIA_UAU.6 F.Identification_Authentication MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 108 Security Target SFR TSFs FIA_AFL.1/RAD F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN F.Access_Control FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN F.Access_Control FIA_API.1 F.Identification_Authentication FMT_SMR.1 F.Identification_Authentication FMT_SMF.1 F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MOF.1 F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.1/Signatory F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FMT_MSA.2 F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.3/KG F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.3/KI F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.4/KG F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MSA.4/KI F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD F.Identification_Authentication FMT_MTD.1/DATE F.Identification_Authentication FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ F.Access_Control FMT_MTD.1/Admin F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FMT_MTD.1/Signatory F.Identification_Authentication, F.Management FPT_EMS.1/SSCD F.IC_CL FPT_EMS.1/KEYS F.IC_CL FPT_FLS.1 F.IC_CL FPT_PHP.1 F.IC_CL FPT_PHP.3 F.IC_CL FPT_TST.1 F.IC_CL, F.Verification FTP_ITC.1/SCD F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FTP_ITC.1/SVD F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FTP_ITC.1/VAD F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication FTP_ITC.1/DTBS F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication Table 10.2: Coverage of SFRs for the TOE by TSFs. The SFRs FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA and FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC require the key generation algo- rithm, which is supplied by F.Crypto and F.IC_CL (SF_CS). MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 109 Security Target The SFR FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE requires the ECDH algorithm. This is provided by the cryptographic library function F.IC_CL (SF_CS). The SFR FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH requires the DH, FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH requires the ECDH algorithm. These are provided by the cryptographic library function F.IC_CL (SF_CS). The SFR FCS_CKM.4 requires the destroying of cryptographic keys. This is done in the case of SCD in F.Management (“Destruction of the qualified signature key by deleting the key file”), in the case of session keys in F.Identification_Authentication (“Keys and data in transient memory are overwritten after usage”). The SFR FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA-PSS, FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA and FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA-PKCS1-v1_5 require RSA and cryptographic key sizes 2048 - 4096 bit (8 bit steps), FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA requires ECDSA and cryptographic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits to perform digital signature generation. These are provided in F.IC_CL (SF_CS) and F.Crypto. The SFR FCS_COP.1/SHA requires the SHA-256 hash algorithm used for the storage of the PINs as hash representation, which is provided by F.Crypto. The SFR FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC requires AES and 3DES in CBC mode. F.Crypto provides these algorithms. The SFR FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC requires AES and 3DES in CBC mode. F.Crypto provides these algorithms. The SFR FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA requires ECDSA and cryptographic key sizes BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 bits, NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 bits to perform digital signature verifi- cation. The SFR FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA requires RSA and cryptographic key sizes crypto- graphic key sizes 1536 - 4096 bit (8 bit steps) to perform digital signature verification. F.IC_CL (SF_CS) provides functions to verify signatures based on ECC and on RSA. The SFR FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC requires AES and 3DES in CBC mode. F.Crypto provides these algorithms. The SFR FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC requires AES and 3DES in CBC mode. F.Crypto provides these algorithms. The SFR FCS_RND.1 requires the generation of random numbers which is provided by F.IC_CL (SF_CS) and F.Crypto. The provided random number generator produces crypto- graphically strong random numbers which are used at the appropriate places as written in the addition there. The SFR FDP_ACC.1/TRM requires the enforcement of the terminal access control policy on terminals gaining write, read, modification and usage access to user data stored in the card. This is done by F.Access_Control. The SFR FDP_ACF.1/TRM requires the enforcement of the terminal access control policy on objects which is done by F.Access_Control. The SFRs FDP_ACC.1/SCD/SVD_Generation and FDP_ACF.1/SCD/SVD_Generation re- quire the enforcement of SCD/SVD_Generation_SFP. This is done by F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFRs FDP_ACC.1/SVD_Transfer and FDP_ACF.1/SVD_Transfer require the enforcement of SVD_Transfer_SFP. This is done by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 110 Security Target The SFRs FDP_ACC.1/SCD_Import and FDP_ACF.1/SCD_Import require the enforcement of SCD_Import_SFP. This is done by F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFRs FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation, FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation, FDP_ACC.1/Signature_Creation/N-QES and FDP_ACF.1/Signature_Creation/N-QES require the enforcement of Signature_Creation_SFP. This is done by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFRs FDP_ITC.1/SCD and FDP_UCT.1/SCD require the enforcement of SCD_Import_SFP. This is done by F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFR FDP_UIT.1/DTBS requires the enforcement of Signature_Creation_SFP. This is done by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FDP_RIP.1 requires residual information protection. This is done by F.Identification_ Authentication and F.Management. The SFR FDP_SDI.2/Persistent requires the monitoring of persistent stored data integrity and the prohibition of the use of the altered data in case of an integrity error. This is done by F.IC_CL and F.Verification. The SFR FDP_SDI.2/DTBS requires the monitoring of stored DTBS integrity and the prohibition of the use of the altered data in case of an integrity error. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FDP_DAU.2/SVD requires data authentication with identity of guarantor. This is provided by F.Crypto and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFRs FIA_UID.1 requires timing of identification. This is done by F.Identification_ Authentication. The SFR FIA_UAU.1 requires timing of authentication. This is done by F.Identification_ Authentication. The SFR FIA_UAU.4/PACE requires prevention of authentication data reuse. This is in par- ticularfulfilled byusingchanging initializationvectorsinSecureMessaging. Secure Messaging is provided by F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FIA_UAU.5/PACE requires Passive Authentication protocol, Secure Messag- ing in encrypt-then-authenticate mode and PACE protocol based on 3DES or AES. In ad- dition SFR FIA_UAU.5/PACE also requires the authentication of any user’s claimed identity. F.Identification_Authentication and F.Access_Control fulfill these requirements. The SFR FIA_UAU.6 requires re-authentication for each command after successful au- thentication. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication providing Secure Messaging. The SFR FIA_AFL.1/RAD requires the detection of an unsuccessful authentication attempt and the blocking of the RAD in the case of 3 unsuccessful authentication attempts. This is done by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FIA_AFL.1/Suspend_PIN requires to set the reference value of the PIN into a suspended state after 2 unsuccessful authentication attempts before the secret is finally blocked. This is done by F.Access_Control. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 111 Security Target The SFR FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN requires to the blocking of the RAD after 1 unsuccessful authentication attempt. This is done by F.Access_Control. The SFR FIA_API.1 requires the proving of the identity of the TOE. The Chip Authentication is done by F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FMT_SMR.1 requires the maintenance of roles. The roles are managed by F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FMT_SMF.1 requires security management functions. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFR FMT_MOF.1 requires the management of security functions behavior. This is done by F.Access_Control, F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFRs FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KG and FMT_MSA.1/Admin_KI require the management of security attributes for the role “Administrator”. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFR FMT_MSA.1/Signatory requires the management of security attributes for the role “Signatory”. This is done by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FMT_MSA.2 requires the management of secure security attributes. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFRs FMT_MSA.3/KG and FMT_MSA.3/KI require the management of static attribute initialization. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFRs FMT_MSA.4/KG and FMT_MSA.4/KI require the management of secu- rity attribute value inheritance. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFR FMT_MTD.1/CVCA_UPD requires only Certificate Service Provider to be able to update CVCA public key and CVCA certificate. This is provided by F.Identification_Authentication (properties of Terminal Authentication). The SFR FMT_MTD.1/DATE requires only Certificate Service Provider, Document Ver- ifier and Legitimate Terminal to be able to modify the current date. This is provided by F.Identification_Authentication (properties of Terminal Authentication). The SFR FMT_MTD.1/KEY_READ requires the personalization keys and the Chip Authenti- cation private key to never be readable. This is enforced by F.Access_Control, which does not allow reading of any key to any role. The SFR FMT_MTD.1/Admin requires the management of TSF data for the role “Adminis- trator”. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFR FMT_MTD.1/Signatory requires the management of TSF data for the role “Signa- tory”. This is done by F.Identification_Authentication and F.Management. The SFRs FPT_EMS.1/SSCD and FPT_EMS.1/KEYS require limiting of emanations. This is provided by F.IC_CL (SF_PS). The SFR FPT_FLS.1 requires failure detection and preservation of a secure state. This is provided by F.IC_CL (SF_PS, SF_PMA, SF_PLA). The security functions audit continually and react to environmental and other problems by bringing the chip into a secure state. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 112 Security Target The SFR FPT_PHP.1 requires passive detection of physical manipulation and probing. This is provided by F.IC_CL (SF_DPM, SF_PS, SF_PMA, SF_PLA) which is provided by the hardware to detect attacks. The SFR FPT_PHP.3 requires resistance to physical manipulation and probing. This is provided by F.IC_CL (SF_DPM, SF_PS, SF_PMA, SF_PLA) which is provided by the hardware to resist attacks. The SFR FPT_TST.1 requires testing for the integrity of TSF data and the integrity of TSF. F.Verification does this testing. The SFR FTP_ITC.1/SCD requires a communication channel between itself and an- other trusted IT product for SCD import. This is provided by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FTP_ITC.1/SVD requires a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product for data authentication with identity of guarantor. This is provided by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FTP_ITC.1/VAD requires a communication channel between itself and an- other trusted IT product for user authentication. This is provided by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication. The SFR FTP_ITC.1/DTBS requires a communication channel between itself and an- other trusted IT product for signature creation. This is provided by F.Access_Control and F.Identification_Authentication.. 10.3 Statement of Compatibility This is a statement of compatibility between this composite Security Target and the Security Target of SLC37GDA512 (V11) [IFX_ST-SLC37]. 10.3.1 Relevance of Hardware TSFs All security functions of the hardware and cryptographic library that are used by the TOE (as indicated in section 10.1.1) are relevant for the composite Security Target. 10.3.2 Compatibility: TOE Security Environment Security Objectives Table 10.3 gives a mapping of the hardware security objectives defined in [IFX_ST-SLC37] to those of the composite ST. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 113 Security Target HW objective Matches TOE objective Remarks O.Leak-Inherent (protection against inherent information leakage) OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.EMSEC_Design O.Phys-Probing (protection against physical probing) OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Tamper_Resistance O.Malfunction (protection against malfunctions) OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure O.Phys-Manipulation (protection against physical manipula- tion) OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Tamper_Resistance O.Leak-Forced (protection against forced information leakage) OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_Resistance O.Abuse-Func (protection against abuse of functional- ity) OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_Resistance O.Identification (TOE identification) – no conflict O.RND (random numbers) OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.Sigy_SigF OT.EMSEC_Design OT.Tamper_Resistance OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp basic objective for the secu- rity of the TOE O.Cap_Avail_Loader (capability and availability of the loader) – not applicable (the loader is deactivated before delivery) O.Ctrl_Auth_Loader (access control and authenticity for the loader) – not applicable (the loader is deactivated before delivery) O.Authentication (authentication to external entities) – no conflict O.TDES (cryptographic service Triple-DES) OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.Sigy_SigF OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 114 Security Target HW objective Matches TOE objective Remarks O.AES (cryptographic service AES) OT.Lifecycle_Security OT.Sigy_SigF OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp O.Mem-Access (area based memory access control) – no conflict O.Prot_TSF_Confidentiality (protection of the confidentiality of the TSF) – no conflict O.Secure_Load_ACode (secure loading of the additional code) – not applicable O.Secure_AC_Activation (secure activation of the additional code) – not applicable O.RSA (RSA cryptographic services) OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure O.ECC (Elliptic Curve cryptographic services) OT.SCD_Unique OT.SCD_SVD_Corresp OT.SCD_Secrecy OT.Sig_Secure OT.Sigy_SigF OT.TOE_TC_SVD_Exp OT.TOE_TC_VAD_Imp OT.TOE_TC_DTBS_Imp O.AES-TDES-MAC (AES-TDES-MAC cryptographic services) – not applicable (SCL is not used) O.HASH (HASH cryptographic services) – not applicable (HCL is not used) OE.Resp-Appl (treatment of user data) – no conflict OE.Process-Sec-IC (protection during composite product manufacturing) – no conflict OE.Lim_Block_Loader (limitation of capability and blocking the loader) – not applicable (the loader is deactivated before delivery) OE.Loader_Usage/ (secure usage of the Loader) – not applicable (the loader is deactivated before delivery) OE.TOE_Auth (external entities authenticating of the TOE) – no conflict MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 115 Security Target HW objective Matches TOE objective Remarks OE.Prevent_Masquerade (prevention of masquerading attacks) – no conflict Table 10.3: Mapping of hardware to TOE security objectives including those of the environ- ment. Security Requirements Table 10.4 addresses the platform security requirements and their relevance for the TOE. Neither the SFRs that can be mapped to the platform SFRs nor those that are application specific (and thus not listed in the table) show any conflicts with the platform SFRs. HW SFRs Matches TOE SFR Remarks FRU_FLT.2 (limited fault tolerance) FPT_FLS.1 FPT_TST.1 FPT_FLS.1 (failure with preservation of secure state) FPT_FLS.1 FMT_LIM.1 (limited capabilities) – no conflict FMT_LIM.2 (limited availability) – no conflict FAU_SAS.1 (audit storage) – no conflict FDP_SDC.1 (stored data confidentiality) – used implicitly, no conflict FDP_SDI.2 (stored data integrity monitoring and ac- tion) – used implicitly, no conflict FPT_PHP.3 (resistance to physical attack) FPT_PHP.3 FDP_ITT.1 (basic internal transfer protection) FPT_EMS.1/SSCD FPT_EMS.1/KEYS FPT_ITT.1 (basic internal TSF data transfer protec- tion) FPT_EMS.1/SSCD FPT_EMS.1/KEYS FDP_IFC.1 (subset information flow control) FPT_EMS.1/SSCD FPT_EMS.1/KEYS FPT_TST.2 (subset TOE security testing) FPT_TST.1 FDP_ACC.1 (subset access control) – used implicitly, no conflict MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 116 Security Target HW SFRs Matches TOE SFR Remarks FDP_ACF.1 (security attribute based access control) – used implicitly, no conflict FMT_MSA.1 (management of security attributes) – used implicitly, no conflict FMT_MSA.3 (static attribute initialization) – used implicitly, no conflict FMT_SMR.1 (security roles) – used implicitly, no conflict FMT_SMF.1 (specification of management functions) – used implicitly, no conflict FIA_API.1 (authentication proof of identity) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FCS_RNG.1/TRNG (random number generation – PTG.2) FCS_RND.1 FCS_RNG.1/HPRG (random number generation – PTG.3) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_RNG.1/DRNG (random number generation – DRG.3) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_RNG.1/DRNG4 (random number generation – DRG.4) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_RNG.1/RCL/TRNG (random number generation – PTG.2 (RCL)) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_RNG.1/RCL/DRNG (random number generation – DRG.3 (RCL)) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_RNG.1/RCL/DRNG4 (random number generation – DRG.4 (RCL)) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/SCP/TDES (cryptographic operation – TDES) FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC FCS_COP.1/SCP/AES (cryptographic operation – AES) FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC FCS_CKM.4/SCP (cryptographic key destruction) – used implicitly, no conflict FCS_COP.1/SCL/TDES (cryptographic operation – TDES by SCL) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 117 Security Target HW SFRs Matches TOE SFR Remarks FCS_COP.1/SCL/TDES-MAC (cryptographic operation – TDES in CMAC mode and Retail MAC mode by SCL) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/SCL/AES (cryptographic operation – AES by SCL) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/SCL/AES-MAC (cryptographic operation – AES in CMAC mode by SCL) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_CKM.4/SCL/ (cryptographic key destruction by SCL) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/HCL (cryptographic key operation) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/ENC_v3.02.000 (cryptographic operation – RSA encryp- tion – (ACL v3.02.000 not used) FCS_COP.1/RSA/ENC_v3.33.003 (cryptographic operation – RSA encryp- tion – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/DEC (cryptographic operation – RSA decryp- tion) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/DEC_CRT (cryptographic operation – RSA decryp- tion - CRT) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/SIG (cryptographic operation – RSA signature generation) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/SIG_CRT (cryptographic operation – RSA signature generation - CRT) FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 FCS_COP.1/RSA/VER (cryptographic operation – RSA signature verification) FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/RSA FCS_COP.1/RSA/PRIME_GEN (cryptographic operation – Prime num- ber generation in the context of RSA key generation) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/2PRIME_GEN (cryptographic operation – Prime num- ber generation ) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/PRIME_CHECK_MASK (cryptographicoperation–Primalitytest) – not used, no conflict MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 118 Security Target HW SFRs Matches TOE SFR Remarks FCS_COP.1/RSA/PRIME_CHECK (cryptographicoperation–Primalitytest) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_COP.1/RSA/RSA_DH (cryptographic operation – DH key agree- ment ) FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_CKM.1/RSA/CRT (cryptographic key management – IFX RSA CRT key generation; prime genera- tion not included) FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA FCS_CKM.1/n_d (cryptographic key management –IFX RSAkeygeneration(i.e. withoutCRT)and return of (n, d); prime generation not in- cluded) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_CKM.1/p_q_d (cryptographic key management –IFX RSAkeygeneration(i.e. withoutCRT)and return of (p , q, d) including prime gener- ation) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_CKM.4/RSA (cryptographic key destruction – RSA) – used implicitly, no conflict FCS_COP.1/ECC/SIG (cryptographic operation – EC signature generation) FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA FCS_COP.1/ECC/VER (cryptographic operation – EC signature verification) FCS_COP.1/SIG_VER/ECDSA FCS_COP.1/ECC/DH (cryptographic operation – ECDH key agreement) FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_COP.1/ECC/ADD (cryptographic operation – EC point ad- dition) FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE FCS_COP.1/ECC/PACE_IM_ECDH (cryptographic operation – PACE inte- grated mapping (ACL v3.33.003 only)) – not used by the TOE, no con- flict FCS_CKM.1/ECC (cryptographic key generation) FCS_CKM.1/SCD/ECDSA FCS_CKM.4/ECC (cryptographic key destruction) – used implicitly, no conflict FMT_LIM.1/Loader (limited capabilities – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FMT_LIM.2/Loader (limited availability – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 119 Security Target HW SFRs Matches TOE SFR Remarks FTP_ITC.1 (inter-TSF trusted channel) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FDP_UCT.1 (basic data exchange confidentiality) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FDP_UIT.1 (basic data exchange confidentiality) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FDP_ACC.1/Loader (subset access control – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FDP_ACF.1/Loader (security attribute based access control – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FMT_MTD.1/Loader (management of TSF data – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FMT_SMR.1/Loader (loader security roles – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FMT_SMF.1/Loader (loader specification of management functions – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FMT_UID.2/Loader (loader use identification before any ac- tion – loader) – not applicable (loader deac- tivated before delivery) FPT_FLS.1/Loader (failure with preservation of secure state – loader) – not applicable (applies to loaderv9.14.0002inphase7) Table 10.4: Mapping of hardware to TOE SFRs. Assurance Requirements The level of assurance of the • TOE is EAL5 augmented with ALC_DVS.2 and AVA_VAN.5 • hardware is EAL6 augmented with ALC_FLR.1 This shows that the assurance requirements of the TOE matches the assurance require- ments of the hardware. 10.3.3 Conclusion Overall no contradictions between the Security Targets of the TOE and the hardware can be found. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 120 Security Target 11 Bibliography [AGD] User Guidance – MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), MaskTech In- ternational GmbH, Version 1.3, 2024-10-02. [ANSI_X9-62] ANSI X9.62-2005, Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Indus- try: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), 2005-11-16. [BSI_AIS31] Anwendungshinweise und Interpretationen zum Schema – Funktionalität- sklassen und Evaluationsmethodologie für physikalische Zufallszahlen- generatoren, BSI, AIS 31, Version 3, 2013-05-15. 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[NIST_SP800-90A] NIST SP 800-90A Rev. 1, Recommendation for Random Number Genera- tion Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, National Institute of Stan- dards and Technology, 2015-06. [REG_910/2014] REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC, European Parliament, 2014. [RFC_8017] RFC 8017, PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2, K. Mori- arty (Ed.), B. Kaliski, J. Johnson, and A. Rusch, 2016-11. [SC_HID] BSI-DSZ-CC-S-0232-2023, HID Global GmbH, Site Security Target Lite of HID Global Ireland Teoranta in Galway, Ireland, Rev. D, 2023-05-08. [SC_HID_MY] BSI-DSZ-CC-S-0233-2023, HID Global GmbH, Site Security Target Lite for HID Global Malaysia, PRO-01286 Rev D2, 2020-04-17. [SC_Linxens] BSI-DSZ-CC-S-0281-2024, Linxens (Thailand) Co Ltd., Site Security Target LITE for Linxens Thailand, Version 2.6, 2023-12-05. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 124 Security Target 12 Revision History Version Date Author Changes 1.0 2023-12-19 Gudrun Schürer First public version 1.1 2024-01-19 Christian Wille Update with ALC_FLR.3 1.2 2024-04-04 Christian Wille Revised acc. evaluator’s remarks 1.3 2024-10-02 Gudrun Schürer Update references and list of Initialization/Pre- personalization Agents MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 125 Security Target 13 Contact MASKTECH GMBH – Headquarters Nordostpark 45 Phone +49 911 955149 0 D-90411 Nuernberg Fax +49 911 955149 7 Germany Email MASKTECH GMBH – Support Bahnhofstr. 13 Phone +49 911 955149 0 D-87435 Kempten Fax +49 831 5121077 5 Germany Email MASKTECH GMBH – Sales Lauenburger Str. 15 Phone +49 4151 8990858 D-21493 Schwarzenbek Fax +49 4151 8995462 Germany Email MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 126 Security Target A Overview Cryptographic Algorithms The following cryptographic algorithms are used by the TOE to enforce its security policy: Purpose Cryptographic Mechanism Standard of Implementation Key Size in Bits Standard of Application / Security Level Comments ST-Reference 1 Authenticated Key Agreement / Authentication PACEv2 (Generic Map- ping), PACE-CAM (Chip Authen- tication Mapping), PACE (key agreement, authentication), Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, Nonce Encryption, Authentication Token [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-2] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03111], sec. also cf. line 7 |MRZ| = 160 |Nonce| = 128 BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 Session keys: 3DES: 112 AES: 128, 192, 256 [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-2] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.4/PACE FIA_UAU.5/PACE FIA_AFL.1/RAD FIA_AFL.1/ Suspend_PIN FIA_AFL.1/Block_PIN 2 Authentication Chip Authentication V1 [ICAO_9303] [ICAO_SAC] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [ICAO_9303] [ICAO_SAC] [BSI_TR-03110-1] FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FIA_UAU.5/PACE FIA_UAU.6 FIA_API.1 DH [NIST_SP800-56A] sec. 5.5 2048/224 or 2048/256 ECDH [NIST_SP800-56A], sec. 5.5 [BSI_TR-03111] also cf. line 7 BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 Session keys: 3DES: 112 AES: 128, 192, 256 3 Authenticity RSA-signature genera- tion (RSASSA-PSS, raw RSA, RSASSA-PKCS1- v1_5), SHA-256 or SHA-512, [RFC_8017] sec. 5.2 [FIPS_180-4] sec. 6 [FIPS_186-4] sec. 5 2048 - 4096 1 8 bit steps Security Level > 120 bits according to [BSI_TR-02102-1] sec. 1.1 Digital signature creation FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSASSA- PSS FCS_COP.1/SCD/RAWRSA FCS_COP.1/SCD/RSA- PKCS1-v1_5 FDP_UIT.1/DTBS FDP_SDI.2/Persistent FDP_SDI.2/DTBS FDP_DAU.2/SVD 1 Technical range. Usual values: 2048, 3072, 4096 bits. MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 127 Security Target Purpose Cryptographic Mechanism Standard of Implementation Key Size in Bits Standard of Application / Security Level Comments ST-Reference 4 Authenticity ECDSA-signature genera- tion [BSI_TR-03111] sec. 4.2.1 [ANSI_X9-62] sec. 7 Brainpool(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 Security Level > 120 bits according to [BSI_TR-02102-1] sec. 1.1 Digital signature creation FCS_COP.1/SCD/ECDSA FDP_UIT.1/DTBS FDP_SDI.2/Persistent FDP_SDI.2/DTBS FDP_DAU.2/SVD 5 Authentication Terminal Authentication V1 (signature verifica- tion) [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_9303] [ICAO_SAC] [BSI_TR-03111] sec. 6 [ANSI_X9-62] sec. 7 [FIPS_180-4] sec. 6 also cf. line 15 [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_9303] [ICAO_SAC] FIA_UAU.5/PACE ECDSA using SHA-[224, 256, 384, 512] [ANSI_X9-62] sec. 7 [FIPS_180-4] sec. 6 BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 FCS_COP.1/ SIG_VER/ECDSA RSA using SHA-[1, 256] [RFC_8017] sec. 5.2, 8 [FIPS_180-4] sec. 6 also cf. line 15 1536 - 4096 1 8 bit steps FCS_COP.1/ SIG_VER/RSA 6 Key Generation SCD/SVD pair generation Security Level > 120 bits according to [BSI_TR-02102-1] sec. 1.1 FCS_CKM.1/SCD/RSA FCS_CKM.1/SCD/EC RSA [RFC_8017] sec. 3 2048 - 40961 8 bit steps ECDSA [BSI_TR-03111] sec. 4.1.3 [ANSI_X9-62] sec. G.5.2 BP(r1): 224, 256, 320, 384, 512 NIST: 224, 256, 384, 521 7 Key Derivation Chip Authentication V1, PACE, Key derivation using SHA-[1, 256] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [FIPS_180-4] sec. 6 [BSI_TR-03111] sec. 4.3.3 3DES: 112 AES: 128, 192, 256 [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FCS_CKM.1/DH_PACE 8 Confidentiality 3DES in CBC mode for Se- cure Messaging [ICAO_SAC], [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [NIST_SP800-67] (3DES) [ISO_10116] sec. 7 (CBC) 112 [ICAO_SAC], [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC 9 Confidentiality AES in CBC mode for Se- cure Messaging [ICAO_SAC], [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [FIPS_197] (AES), [ISO_10116] sec. 7 (CBC) 128, 192, 256 [ICAO_SAC], [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] FCS_COP.1/CA_ENC FCS_COP.1/PACE_ENC 10 Integrity 3DES in Retail-MAC mode for Secure Messaging [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [NIST_SP800-67] (3DES) [ISO_9797-1] sec. 7.4 (Retail-MAC) 112 [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 128 Security Target Purpose Cryptographic Mechanism Standard of Implementation Key Size in Bits Standard of Application / Security Level Comments ST-Reference 11 Integrity CMAC-AES for Secure Messaging [ICAO_SAC], [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [FIPS_197] (AES) [NIST_SP800-38B] sec. 6 (CMAC) 128, 192, 256 [ICAO_SAC], [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] FCS_COP.1/CA_MAC FCS_COP.1/PACE_MAC 12 Trusted Channel Secure Messaging in ENC/MAC mode estab- lished during PACE [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] (PACE) [BSI_TR-03110-3] also cf. lines 8-11 - [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] FTP_ITC.1/SVD FTP_ITC.1/VAD FTP_ITC.1/DTBS FDP_UIT.1/DTBS 13 Trusted Channel Secure Messaging in ENC/MAC mode es- tablished during Chip Authentication after PACE [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] also cf. lines 8-11 - [ICAO_SAC] [ICAO_9303] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] FTP_ITC.1/SCD FTP_ITC.1/VAD FTP_ITC.1/DTBS FCS_CKM.1/CA/DH FCS_CKM.1/CA/ECDH FDP_UIT.1/DTBS 14 Cryptographic primitive PTG.3 Random number generator (PTG.2 and cryptographic post- processing) [BSI_AIS31] [NIST_SP800-90A] sec. 10.2, 10.3.2 - [BSI_TR-03116-2] FCS_RND.1 15 Cryptographic Primitive SHA-[1, 224, 256, 384, 512] [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_9303] [ICAO_SAC] [FIPS_180-4] sec. 6 - [BSI_TR-03110-1] [BSI_TR-03110-3] [ICAO_9303] [ICAO_SAC] Signature Creation, Signature Verification Key Derivation Table A.1: Overview Cryptographic Algorithms MTCOS Pro 2.6 QSCD/SSCD / SLC37 (V11), Version 1.3 129