The IT product identified in this certificate has been evaluated atthe Norwegian evaluation facility described on this certificate using Common Methodology for IT rear CN Tec RCRA eT aoe described on this certificate, for conformance to the CAT ICE CIO AC UE UC LOI IUT AQU MeO) PRO Ce CC conjunctionwith the complete Certification report, SS TE TR TREU UT provisions of The Norwegian Certification Authority for ETS UT UE ANRT technical report are consistent with the evidence adduceds Certification does not guarantee that the IT product is free from security vulnerabilities. This certificate only reflects the view of SERTIT at the time of certification. It is furthermore the responsibility of users (both existing and prospective) to. check whether any security eM tN eC REN cee LM UT AUTONET TOUT CC I recognizes or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the IT product by SERTIT or by any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this certificate, is either expressed or implied. Certificate Certificate Identifier: SERTIT-125 C Product Name: XOmail Version and Release Numbers: 22.2.0 Type of Product: Messaging system Product Manufacturer: Thales Norway AS Assurance Type: EAL4 augmented with ALC_FLR.3 Evaluation Criteria: Common Methodology for information Technology Security Evaluation (CEM v3.1 R5) Name of IT Security Evaluation Facility: Norconsult AS Name of Validation Body and Certification Authority: SERTIT Certification Report Identifier: SERTIT-125 CR, issue 1.1, 20 June 2023 Certificate Issued Date: 20 June 2023 Certificate Expiry Date: 20 June 2028 ea din Geir Lovnes Head of SERTIT SERTIT Norwegian Certification Authority for IT Security 00 Reeagnnan Arangement SOGIS Recognition for cPPs or components up to Agreement for components EAL 2 and ALC_FLR up to EAL 4