Security Target for IBM RACF for z/OS V2R4 Version 6.8a April 7, 2022 ➢ TABLE OF CONTENTS ➢ 1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Security Target (ST) Identification...........................................................................................................7 1.2 TOE Identification...................................................................................................................................7 1.3 TOE Overview........................................................................................................................................7 1.4 TOE Description.....................................................................................................................................7 1.4.1 Intended method of use...................................................................................................................8 1.4.2 Summary of security features..........................................................................................................8 1.4.3 Configurations...............................................................................................................................12 1.5 Structure...............................................................................................................................................12 1.6 Terminology.......................................................................................................................................... 13 1.7 Abbreviations........................................................................................................................................14 1.8 References...........................................................................................................................................15 1.9 Trademarks...........................................................................................................................................15 ➢ 2. CC CONFORMANCE CLAIMS..............................................................................................................17 2.1 Common Criteria Conformance............................................................................................................17 ➢ 3. SECURITY PROBLEM DEFINITION.....................................................................................................18 3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................18 3.2 Threat Environment..............................................................................................................................18 3.2.1 Assets............................................................................................................................................18 3.2.2 Threat Agents................................................................................................................................18 3.2.3 Threats countered by the TOE.......................................................................................................19 3.3 Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................19 3.3.1 Environment of use of the TOE......................................................................................................20 3.4 Organizational Security Policies...........................................................................................................21 ➢ 4. SECURITY OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................22 4.1 Security Objectives For The TOE.........................................................................................................22 4.2 Security Objectives For The Operational Environment.........................................................................23 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale...............................................................................................................24 4.3.1 Security Objectives Coverage........................................................................................................24 4.3.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency......................................................................................................25 ➢ 5. EXTENDED COMPONENTS DEFINITION............................................................................................31 5.1 FIA_USB.2............................................................................................................................................ 31 5.2 FAU_GEN_SUB.1................................................................................................................................32 ➢ 6. SUPPORTING FUNCTIONALITY PROVIDED BY THE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT..................33 ➢ 7. SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................34 7.1 Security Audit (FAU).............................................................................................................................34 Subset audit data generation (FAU_GEN_SUB.1)..................................................................................34 User identity association (FAU_GEN.2)..................................................................................................38 Audit review (FAU_SAR.1)......................................................................................................................38 Selective audit (FAU_SEL.1)..................................................................................................................38 7.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS)...............................................................................................................39 Cryptographic operation (FCS_COP.1)...................................................................................................39 7.3 User Data Protection (FDP)..................................................................................................................39 7.3.1 General resource class and data set access control policy...........................................................39 Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(GRD))..........................................................................................39 Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(GRD))..................................................................44 7.3.2 UNIX file system object access control policy................................................................................46 Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(UFS))...........................................................................................46 Page 2 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(UFS))...................................................................46 7.3.3 UNIX IPC access control policy.....................................................................................................48 Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(IPC))............................................................................................48 Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(IPC))....................................................................48 7.3.4 RACF Field-level access control policy..........................................................................................49 Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(FLA))............................................................................................49 Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(FLA))...................................................................49 7.4 Identification And Authentication (FIA)..................................................................................................50 Authentication failure handling (FIA_AFL.1)...........................................................................................50 User attribute definition: human users (FIA_ATD.1(HU))........................................................................50 Verification of secrets (FIA_SOS.1)........................................................................................................51 Timing of authentication (FIA_UAU.1)....................................................................................................51 Multiple authentication mechanisms (FIA_UAU.5)..................................................................................51 Protected authentication feedback (FIA_UAU.7)....................................................................................52 Timing of identification (FIA_UID.1)........................................................................................................52 Enhanced user-subject binding (FIA_USB.2).........................................................................................52 7.5 Security Management (FMT)................................................................................................................54 Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(GRD))........................................................................54 Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(UFS)).........................................................................54 Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(IPC))..........................................................................54 Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(FLA))..........................................................................54 Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(GRD))....................................................................................54 Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(UFS))....................................................................................55 Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(IPC))......................................................................................55 Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(FLA)).....................................................................................55 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(SO))........................................................................................55 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(AE)).........................................................................................55 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(UA))........................................................................................55 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(RA))........................................................................................55 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(TH)).........................................................................................56 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(AD))........................................................................................56 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(RC))........................................................................................56 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(DC))........................................................................................56 Revocation: object security attributes (FMT_REV.1(OSA)).....................................................................57 Revocation: user security attributes (FMT_REV.1(USR)).......................................................................57 Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1)..........................................................................57 Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1).................................................................................................................58 7.6 Protection Of The TSF (FPT)................................................................................................................59 Inter-TSF basic TSF data consistency (FPT_TDC.1(RA))......................................................................59 7.7 Security Functional Requirements Rationale........................................................................................59 7.7.1 Security Requirements Coverage..................................................................................................59 7.7.2 Security Requirements Sufficiency................................................................................................61 7.7.3 Security Requirements Dependency Analysis...............................................................................63 7.7.4 Discussion of dependencies not satisfied......................................................................................66 7.7.5 TSF Rationale................................................................................................................................67 7.7.6 Mutual support of the security functions.........................................................................................70 7.8 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale........................................................................................71 ➢ 8. TOE SUMMARY SPECIFICATION........................................................................................................72 8.1 Overview Of The RACF Architecture....................................................................................................72 8.1.1 RACF TSF Protection....................................................................................................................72 8.1.2 Initial RACF Setup.........................................................................................................................73 8.2 Identification And Authentication Support By RACF (IA).......................................................................73 8.2.1 Authentication function...................................................................................................................73 8.2.2 RACF Passwords and Password Phrases.....................................................................................74 8.2.3 RACF PassTickets.........................................................................................................................78 8.2.4 Authentication via Client Digital Certificates...................................................................................78 8.2.5 Started procedures........................................................................................................................79 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 3 of 141 8.2.6 Handling of Groups During Authentication.....................................................................................80 8.2.7 Assertion of User Identity...............................................................................................................80 8.3 Access Control (AC).............................................................................................................................82 8.3.1 Access control principles...............................................................................................................82 8.3.2 Protected resources.......................................................................................................................83 8.3.3 Discretionary Access Control.........................................................................................................93 8.3.4 Digital Certificates, Key Rings, and Certificate Mappings in RACF and PKCS#11 Cryptographic Tokens.................................................................................................................................................... 100 8.4 Security Management (SM)................................................................................................................102 8.4.1 User and group management......................................................................................................102 8.4.2 Resource management................................................................................................................109 8.4.3 RACF configuration and management.........................................................................................113 8.5 Auditing (AU)......................................................................................................................................135 8.5.1 Generation of audit records.........................................................................................................135 8.5.2 Event Notifications generated by RACF.......................................................................................136 8.5.3 Audit configuration and management..........................................................................................136 8.6 RACF Support For Program Signing And Verification (SP).................................................................137 ➢ 9. TOE ASSURANCE MEASURES.........................................................................................................139 Page 4 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target List of Tables Table 1: Mapping of security objectives to threats and policies........................................................................24 Table 2: Mapping of security objectives for the Operational Environment to assumptions, threats and policies ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 3: Sufficiency of objectives countering threats........................................................................................26 Table 4: Sufficiency of objectives holding assumptions....................................................................................28 Table 5: Sufficiency of objectives enforcing Organizational Security Policies...................................................29 Table 6: Auditable Events.................................................................................................................................36 Table 7: General Resource Classes.................................................................................................................42 Table 8: General Resource Classes for z/OS UNIX.........................................................................................43 Table 9: Mapping of security functional requirements to security objectives....................................................60 Table 10: Security objectives for the TOE rationale..........................................................................................62 Table 11: TOE SFR dependency analysis........................................................................................................65 Table 12: TOE SFR dependency analysis........................................................................................................69 Table 13: General Resource Classes...............................................................................................................85 Table 14: General Resource Classes for z/OS Unix.........................................................................................86 Table 15: User Profile.....................................................................................................................................105 Table 16: Group profiles.................................................................................................................................105 Table 17: Data Set profile...............................................................................................................................110 Table 18: General Resource profile................................................................................................................111 Table 19: RACF command authorizations......................................................................................................133 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 5 of 141 Change History: 6.8a 2022-04-07 Public Version. Page 6 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 1. Introduction This is version 6.8a of the Security Target for IBM® RACF for z/OS V2R4. 1.1 Security Target (ST) identification Title: Security Target for IBM RACF for z/OS V2R4 Version: 6.8a Status: Release Date: 2022-04-07 Sponsor: IBM Corporation Developer: IBM Corporation Keywords: access control, discretionary access control, security This document is the Security Target for the Common Criteria (CC) evaluation of the IBM RACF for z/OS V2R4 access control component. It is conformant to the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Version 3.1 R5 [CC]. 1.2 TOE Identification The TOE is IBM RACF for z/OS Version 2 Release 4. 1.3 TOE overview This Security Target (ST) documents the security characteristics of the IBM RACF for z/OS V2R4 access control component of z/OS V2R4, which is the flagship operating system for IBM z SystemTM mainframe computers, empowering the use of their most advanced features, such as the 64-bit z/ArchitectureTM . RACF is the central component within z/OS responsible for user authentication, access control, management of user security attributes, and management of access rights. RACF provides the interfaces for identification and authentication of users using different authentication mechanisms, interfaces that resource managers can use for discretionary access control to objects they define, interfaces for sophisticated security management functions, and the ability to generate audit records for security critical events. 1.4 TOE description The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is the RACF component of the z/OS operating system. RACF is the component that is called within z/OS from any component that wants to perform user authentication, access control to protected resources and the management of user security attributes and access © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 7 of 141 rights. RACF is designed as an authentication and access manager component that manages both user security attributes and access management attributes in its own database. Users are represented within RACF by user profiles and protected resources are represented by resource profiles. Users can be members of groups where each group is represented by a group profile. Resource profiles are structured into classes, which represent the different types of resources. Within such a class an individual profile is represented by the name of the resource, which is unique within its class. Resource manager will then query RACF whenever they need to check a user's access rights to a resource. In this query they will specify the resource class, the name of the resource within the class, the type of access requested and the internal representation of the user that requests access. RACF is also called when a component within z/OS needs to authenticate a user. In this case the z/OS component will call RACF and will pass the identity of the user, the authentication credentials presented, the name of the component requesting user authentication and several other parameters to RACF. Based on this information RACF will authenticate the user and, if successful, create a control block representing the user with the security attributes assigned. This control block is later used when a component of z/OS calls RACF for checking access rights. RACF also provides interfaces that allow the management of user profiles, digital certificates assigned to users, group profiles, resource profiles, access rights and general RACF attributes. RACF also provides an interface that z/OS components can call to generate a security related audit record. Note: The RACF Remote Sharing Facility (RRSF) is not considered as a part of this evaluation and therefore must not be used in an evaluated system configuration. 1.4.1 Intended method of use RACF is designed to be used by z/OS components to perform user authentication, validate a user's access to a resource, audit security critical events, and manage RACF profiles, access rights to resources and RACF security parameter. It also provides interfaces to extract RACF status information. This interface is a programming interface implemented by the RACROUTE macro. RACF will check if the calling application has the right to use the function called. In addition RACF exports a command interface that can be used by appropriately authorized users directly to perform management operations. 1.4.2 Summary of security features The primary security features of RACF are: · identification and authentication of users · discretionary access control · auditing · security management · TSF protection · program signing and verification These primary security features are supported by the domain separation and reference mediation properties of the other parts of the z/OS operating system, which ensure that the RACF functions are invoked when required and cannot be bypassed. RACF itself is protected by the architecture of the z/OS operating system from unauthorized tampering with the RACF functions and the RACF database. Page 8 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Identification and authentication (IA) RACF provides support for the identification and authentication of users by the means of  an alphanumeric RACF user ID and a system-encrypted password or password phrase.  an alphanumeric RACF user ID and a PassTicket, which is a cryptographically-generated password substitute encompassing the user ID, the requested application name, and the current date/time.  an x.509v3 digital certificate presented to a server application in the TOE environment that uses System SSL or TCP/IP Application Transparent TLS (AT-TLS) to provide TLS-based client authentication, and then “mapped” (using TOE functions) by that server application or by AT-TLS to a RACF user ID. The TOE security functions authenticate the claimed identity of the user by verifying the password/phrase (or other mechanism, as listed above) and returning the result to the trusted program that used the RACF functions for user identification and authentication. It is up to the trusted program to determine what to do when the user identification and authentication process fails. When a user is successfully identified and authenticated RACF creates control blocks containing the user's security attributes as managed by RACF. Those control blocks are used later when a resource manager calls RACF to determine the user's right to access resources or when the user calls RACF functions that require the user to hold specific RACF managed privileges. The required password quality can be tailored to the installation’s policies using various parameters. When creating users, administrators are required to choose an initial password and optionally a password phrase, that must usually be changed by the user during the initial logon that uses the password/phrase. Discretionary access control (AC) RACF implements the functions allowing resource managers within z/OS to control access to the resources they want to protect. Resources protected by RACF fall into two categories, based on the mechanisms used within RACF to describe them: Standard (e.g., MVS data sets, or general resources in classes defined by RACF or the system administrator), and UNIX (e.g., UNIX files, directories, and IPC objects instantiated by a UNIX file system). Discretionary access control (DAC) rules allow resource managers to differentiate access of users to resources based on different access types. RACF standard DAC mechanism Access types implemented in RACF for standard resources are hierarchical (i. e. a higher level of access implies all lower levels of access). The access types are in hierarchical order: • ALTER • CONTROL • UPDATE • READ • EXECUTE • NONE RACF makes access control decisions based on the user’s identity, security attributes, group authorities, and the access authority specified with respect to the resource profile. RACF leaves the interpretation of the semantics of the different access types to the resource manager. This allows for example a resource manager to manage privileges for users with RACF by defining a resource class for the privileges it wants to manage and individual resources within the class to represent individual privileges. A resource manager can then interpret a specific access type to such a resource as a specific privilege and allow a user to use functions it has bound to that privilege based on the access type the user has to the resource representing the privilege. Access authorities to resources are stored in profiles. Discrete profiles are valid for a single, named resource and generic profiles are applicable to a group of resources, typically with similar names. For © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 9 of 141 access permission checks, RACF always chooses the most specific profile for a resource. Profiles can have an access control list associated with them that contains a potentially large number of entries for different groups and users, thus allowing the modeling of complex, fine-grained access controls. Access rights of users to resources can be set by the profile owner and by a user with the appropriate administrative privileges. The TOE supports access decisions local applications want to enforce for the resources they control. Local applications can use the RACROUTE programming interface or the related programming interfaces from the RACF callable services to perform the access check. The request specifies the resource to be checked and the RACF user ID or group name whose access should be checked. Most RACF interfaces require either the calling program to execute with privileges (e. g. supervisor state or APF authorized) or require the user that started the program to have specific RACF managed privileges. The system or RACF privileges required are documented with each RACF interface. RACF UNIX DAC mechanism RACF implements POSIX-conformant access control that can be used for such named objects in the UNIX realm as UNIX file system objects and UNIX inter-process communication (IPC) objects. Access types for UNIX file system objects are read, write, and execute/search, and read and write for UNIX IPC objects. z/OS UNIX uses a dedicated interface to RACF to perform access control to file system objects which is based on the permission bits associated with a file, or based on access control lists, which are upward-compatible with the permission bits algorithm and implement the recommendations from Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX (POSIX) 1003.1e draft 17. Unlike the access rights to resources protected by RACF resource profiles, the permission bits and access control lists for those objects are not stored in the RACF database but are stored outside of RACF with the objects they protect and passed to RACF together with the request to check for access permissions. The RACF callable services contain the interfaces to perform those access checks and manage the related access permissions. The use of many of those interfaces is restricted to programs executing with system privileges and some of those interfaces are explicitly reserved for IBM's implementation of the UNIX System Services component or other z/OS components. RACF supports resource managers in the decision when to prepare a resource for re-use. Auditing (AU) RACF provides an auditing capability that allows generating audit records for security-critical events. RACF provides a number of logging and reporting functions that allow resource owners and auditors to identify users who attempt to access resources. Audit records are generated by RACF and submitted to another component of z/OS (System Management Facilities (SMF)), which collects them into an audit trail. RACF always generates audit records for such events as unauthorized attempts to access the system or changes to the status of the RACF database. The security administrator, auditors, and other users with appropriate authorization can configure which additional optional security events are to be logged. In addition to writing records to the audit trail, messages can be sent to the security console to immediately alert operators of detected policy violations. RACF provides SMF records for all RACF-protected resources (either “traditional” or z/OS UNIX-based). For reporting, auditors can unload all or selected parts of the SMF data for further analysis in a human-readable formats and can then upload the data to a query or reporting package, such as DFSORT™ if desired. Security management (SM) RACF provides a set of commands and options to adequately manage the TOE’s security functions. Additionally, RACF provides the capability of managing users, groups of users, general resource profiles, and RACF SETROPTS options. RACF recognizes several authorities that are able to perform the different management tasks related to the TOE’s security: Page 10 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target · General security options are managed by security administrators. · Management of users and their security attributes is performed by security administrators. Management of groups (and to some extent users) can be delegated to group security administrators. · Users can change their own passwords or password phrases, their default groups, and their user names (but not their user IDs). · Auditors manage the parameters of the audit system (a list of audited events, for example) and can analyze the audit trail. · Security administrators can define what audit records are captured by the system. · Discretionary access rights to protected resources are managed by the owners of the applicable profiles (or UNIX objects) or by security administrators. Program Signing and Verification (SP) RACF provides the services to support the signing and signature verification of z/OS program objects. The function can be used for both signing a program object and verifying the signature of a program object. The function is intended to be used by the z/OS program binder (for signing program objects) and the z/OS loader (to verify the signature of a program object). The signature will be generated using SHA256 as the hash function and RSA as the public key encryption algorithm. The maximum RSA key size is 4096 bit. TSF protection TSF protection is based on several protection mechanisms that are provided by the underlying abstract machine and z/OS operating system: · Privileged processor instructions are only available to programs running in the processor’s supervisor state · Semi-privileged instructions are only available to programs running in an execution environment that is established and authorized by the TSF · While in operation, all address spaces, as well as the data and tasks contained therein, are protected by the memory protection mechanisms of the underlying abstract machine · z/OS protects the RACF address space and RACF functions from unauthorized access and either z/OS or RACF itself ensures that a caller of RACF services has the hardware or z/OS privileges (e. g. supervisor state, PSW key, APF authorization) required to invoke the service z/OS address space management ensures that programs running in problem state cannot access protected memory or resources that belong to other address spaces. Access to system services – through supervisor call (SVC) or program call (PC) instructions, for example – is controlled by z/OS, which requires that subjects who want to perform security-relevant tasks be authorized appropriately. The hardware and firmware components that provide the abstract machine for the TOE are required to be physically protected from unauthorized access. Tools are provided in the TOE environment to allow authorized administrators to check the correct operation of the underlying abstract machine. In addition to the protection mechanism of the underlying abstract machine, z/OS also uses software mechanisms like the authorized program facility (APF) or specific privileges for programs in the UNIX system services environment to protect the TSF. Please refer to section 8.1.1 for a description of how RACF makes use of the TSF protection infrastructure provided by z/OS. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 11 of 141 1.4.3 Configurations Software configuration The Target of Evaluation, RACF for z/OS V2R4, consists of: • RACF for z/OS V2R4 (RACF) provided as part of the Common Criteria Evaluated Base Package for z/OS V2R4, program number 5650-ZOS with the following APARs: ◦ OA57641 (UJ02099) ◦ OA57934 (UJ00393) ◦ OA58067 (UJ02223) ◦ OA58074 (UJ02931) ◦ OA58282 (UJ01931) ◦ OA58313 (UJ02442) ◦ OA58349 (UJ02614) ◦ OA58505 (UJ01875) ◦ OA58588 (UJ01732) ◦ OA58595 (UJ01957) ◦ OA58781 (UJ01929 & UJ01933) ◦ OA58990 (UJ02368 & UJ02370) ◦ OA59021 (UJ02052) ◦ OA59040 (UJ02630) ◦ OA59074 (UJ02508 & UJ02509) ◦ OA59156 (UJ02505) ◦ OA59268 (UJ02740 & UJ02741) ◦ PH14146 (UI68531) ◦ PH14509 (UI66980) ◦ PH14511 (UI67180) The z/OS Common Criteria Evaluated Base package must be installed on appropriate IBM z System mainframe hardware according to the directions delivered with the media and configured according to the instructions in Chapter 7, “The evaluated configuration for the Common Criteria” in z/OS Planning for Multilevel Security and the Common Criteria ([PMLS]). Although RACF allows the installation of system exits to tailor RACF processing, no such exits are allowed in the evaluated configuration with the exception of the sample ICHPWX11 exit and its associated IRRPHREX routine (which may be modified to suit the security administrator's needs). Additionally, the RACF Authorized Caller Table (ICHAUTAB) is not allowed in the evaluated configuration. 1.5 Structure The structure of this document is as follows : · Section 1 is the ST Introduction. · Section 2 is the CC Conformance Claims Page 12 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target · Section 3 provides the Security Problem Definition · Section 4 provides the Security Objectives · Section 5 provides the Extended Components Definition · Section 6 provides a statement on supporting functionality implemented by the operational environment of RACF · Section 7 provides the statement of Security requirements · Section 8 provides the TOE summary specification, which includes the detailed specification of the IT security functions 1.6 Terminology This section contains a glossary of technical terms with definitions that are specific to this document. Terms defined in the [CC] are not reiterated here, unless stated otherwise. Some of these terms are used differently in other z/OS publications. This glossary includes the differences in usage where appropriate. abstract machine A processor design that is not intended to be implemented as hardware, but which is the notional executor of a particular intermediate language (abstract machine language) used in a compiler or interpreter. An abstract machine has an instruction set, a register set, and a model of memory. It may provide instructions that are closer to the language being compiled than any physical computer or it may be used to make the language implementation easier to port to other platforms. access If an authorized user is granted a request to operate on an object, the user is said to have access to that object. There are numerous types of access. Examples include read access, which allows the reading of objects, and write access, which allows the writing of objects. access control policy A set of rules used to mediate user access to TOE-protected objects. Access control policies consist of two types of rules: access rules, which apply to the behavior of authorized users, and authorization rules, which apply to the behavior of authorized administrators. Accessor Environment Element A RACF control block that describes the current user’s security environment. authorization If an authorized user is granted a requested service, the user is said to have authorization to the requested service or object. There are numerous possible authorizations. Typical authorizations include auditor authorization, which allows an administrator to view audit records and execute audit tools, and DAC override authorization, which allows an administrator to override object access controls to administer the system. authorized administrator An authorized user who has been granted the authority to manage all or a defined subset of the functions of the TOE. Authorized administrators are expected to use this authority only in the manner prescribed by the guidance that is given to them. authorized user A user who has been properly identified and authenticated. Authorized users are considered to be legitimate users of the TOE. (Note: this is different from the z/OS concept of an “authorized program” which is a program running in supervisor state, or system key, or with APF authority.) © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 13 of 141 category See security category. discretionary access control (DAC) An access control policy that allows authorized users and authorized administrators to control access to objects based on individual user identity or membership in a group (PROJECTA, for example). Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) A client/server protocol for accessing a directory service. mediation When DAC policy rules are invoked, the TOE is said to be mediating access to TOE-protected objects. password For the purposes of this evaluation, a 6 to 8 character secret value used during some forms of user authentication, and allowing upper- and lower-case alphabetic, numeric, or national ($, #, @) characters. Passwords are initially assigned by administrators, but may be changed by the user to whom they are assigned. password phrase A 14 to 100 character secret value used in a manner similar to a password, except for its length and an expanded set of valid characters (upper- and lower-case alphabetic, special (including blanks), or numeric). In addition to assigning a password, administrators may assign a password phrase to a user. Note: Phrase may be shorter (down to 9 characters) if enabled by an administrator-installed exit (ICHPWX11) that RACF supplies. password/phrase A shorthand term for “password or password phrase” sometimes used in this security target when statements apply equally to passwords or to password phrases. user A person who is trying to invoke a service that is offered by the TOE. user ID In z/OS, a string of up to eight characters defined as a RACF USER profile that uniquely identifies a user. Users who may use UNIX services will additionally have a numerical user identifier (UID) that is used by the UNIX subsystem for access decisions. The user name is an additional attribute that usually holds the user’s full name. While users can modify their user names, only administrators can change user IDs. 1.7 Abbreviations ACEE Accessor Environment Element APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM) CC Common Criteria DAC discretionary access control LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol PADS program access to data sets Page 14 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target PKI Public Key Infrastructure PP Protection Profile RACF Resource Access Control Facility SDSF System Display and Search Facility SFR security functional requirement TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE security functions TSP TOE security policy 1.8 References [ABC-V6] ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 6, IBM Redbook SG246986, First Edition, August 2008 [ADP] DoD Manual 5200.28-M: Techniques and procedures for Implementing, Deactivating and Evaluating Resource Sharing ADP Systems [OSPP] Operating System Protection Profile, Version 2.0, BSI-CC-PP-0067, June 2010 [CC] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Parts 1 to 3: [CCMB-2017-04- 001, April 2017, Version 3.1R5], [CCMB-2017-04-002, April 2017, Version 3.1R5], and [CCMB- 2017-04-003, April 2017, Version 3.1R5] [CCINT] CCIMB Interpretations (as of October 1, 2012) [CEM] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Evaluation Methodology, [CCMB-2017-04-004, April 2017, Version 3.1R5] [GUIDE] ISO/IEC TR 15446 Title: Information technology – Security techniques – Guide for the production of protection profiles and security targets, 2009 [PMLS] z/OS Planning for Multilevel Security and the Common Criteria [ZARCH] IBM: z/Architecture: Principles of Operation, SA22-7832-12 [z/OS Concepts] Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics, IBM Redbook SG246366, March 29, 2011 1.9 Trademarks The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: DFSORT IBM MVS PR/SM Print Services Facility Processor Resource/Systems Manager RACF System z VTAM z/Architecture © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 15 of 141 z/OS z/VM zSeries z9 z10 Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsys- tems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Page 16 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 2. CC Conformance Claims 2.1 Common Criteria conformance This Security Target is conformant to the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Version 3.1 R5 [CC]. It is CC Part 2 extended and Part 3 conformant, with a claimed Evaluation Assurance Level of EAL5, augmented by ALC_FLR.3. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 17 of 141 3. Security Problem Definition 3.1 Introduction The statement of the TOE security problem definition describes the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE is intended to be used and the manner in which it is expected to be deployed. To this end, the statement of the TOE security environment identifies the list of assumptions made on the operational environment (including physical and procedural measures) and the intended method of use of the product, defines the threats that the product is designed to counter, and the organizational security policies with which the product is designed to comply. 3.2 Threat Environment Threats to be countered by the TOE are characterized by the combination of an asset being subject to a threat, a threat agent and an adverse action. 3.2.1 Assets Assets to be protected are: 1. RACF internal data used to control the operation of RACF (TSF data), including user and group profiles and profiles in other classes that RACF uses for its internal operations 2. RACF profiles managed by RACF on behalf of resource managers (user data) 3. RACF functions 4. The resources managed by the TSF that are used to store the above-mentioned objects, including the metadata needed to manage these objects. 3.2.2 Threat Agents Threat agents are external entities that potentially may attack the TOE. They satisfy one or more of the following criteria: • External entities not authorized to access assets may attempt to access them either by masquerading as an authorized entity or by attempting to use TSF services without proper authorization. • External entities authorized to access certain assets may attempt to access other assets they are not authorized to either by misusing services they are allowed to use or by masquerading as a different external entity. • Untrusted subjects may attempt to access assets they are not authorized to either by misusing services they are allowed to use or by masquerading as a different subject. Threat agents are typically characterized by a number of factors, such as expertise, available resources, and motivation, with motivation being linked directly to the value of the assets at stake. The TOE protects against intentional and unintentional breach of TOE security by attackers possessing a moderate attack potential. The threat agents can be categorized as one of the following: Page 18 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target · unauthorized users of the TOE (that is, individuals who have not been granted the right to access the system) · authorized users of the TOE (that is, individuals who have been granted the right to access the system) but not given administrative authority. Those users may have programming capabilities and/or are allowed to install programs on the underlying z/OS operating system. Note: Security breaches in the operational environment that are not caused by security problems within the TOE itself are not subject of this evaluation. The threat agents are assumed to originate from a well-managed user community in a moderately hostile working environment, and hence the product protects against threats of attempts to breach the system security by users with a moderate attack potential. The TOE is not intended to be applicable to circumstances in which protection is required against determined attempts by hostile and well- funded attackers with a high level of expertise to breach system security. The TOE relies on the z/OS operating system within its operational environment to ensure that users can not bypass the z/OS separation mechanisms and get operating system privileges (getting one of their programs to operate in supervisor state, with a storage key of 0 to 7, or as an APF authorized program). The TOE also relies on z/OS to enforce the decisions made by RACF for access to the data sets used by RACF. The TOE also relies on z/OS to enforce the protection of system memory and prohibit any untrusted program from modifying system memory used by RACF or accessing such memory other than the allowed access modes. The TOE also uses services from some z/OS components and relies upon those services to be implemented correctly. 3.2.3 Threats countered by the TOE T.ACCESS.TSFDATA A threat agent may read or modify TSF data using functions of the TOE without the necessary authorization T.ACCESS.USERDATA A threat agent may gain access to user data stored, processed or transmitted by the TOE without being appropriately authorized according to the TOE security policy by using functions provided by the TOE. T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC A threat agent may use or manage functionality of the TSF bypassing protection mechanisms of the TSF. T.IA.MASQUERADE A threat agent might masquerade as an authorized entity including the TOE itself or a part of the TOE in order to gain unauthorized access to user data, TSF data, or TOE resources. T.IA.USER A threat agent might gain access to user data, TSF data or TOE resources with the exception of public objects without being identified and authenticated by the TSF. 3.3 Assumptions This section describes the security aspects of the environment in which the TOE is intended to be used. It includes information about the physical, personnel, procedural, and connectivity aspects of the environment. The TOE is assured to provide effective security measures in its intended environment only if it is installed, managed, and used correctly. The operational environment must be managed in accordance with user/administrator guidance documentation. The following specific conditions are assumed to exist in an environment where the TOE is employed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 19 of 141 3.3.1 Environment of use of the TOE Physical The TOE is intended for application in user areas that have physical control and monitoring. It is assumed that the following physical conditions will exist: A.PHYSICAL It is assumed that the IT environment provides the TOE with appropriate physical security, commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE. Personnel A.MANAGE The TOE security functionality is managed by one or more competent individuals. The system administrative personnel are not careless, willfully negligent, or hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the guidance documentation. A.AUTHUSER Authorized users possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and are expected to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment. A.TRAINEDUSER Users are sufficiently trained and trusted to accomplish some task or group of tasks within a secure IT environment by exercising complete control over their user data. Procedural A.DETECT Any modification or corruption of security-enforcing or security-relevant files of the TOE, user or the underlying platform caused either intentionally or accidentally will be detected by an administrative user. Operating system A.OPERATING_SYSTEM The z/OS operating system the TOE is integrated in protects the TOE from modification and access of the TOE's TSF data and user data other than through the interfaces provided by the TOE. The operating system also ensures that no unauthorized user program can escalate its privileges such that it can bypass the separation and memory protection functions of the operating system. RACF also relies on the functional support of the following components of z/OS: • SMF for the collection, protection and analysis of the audit records. • DFSMS for access to data sets RACF uses for its TSF data and user data. • UNIX System Services for storage of and access to TSF data RACF stores with UNIX file system and IPC objects. • PKI for the provision of PKI services backing the RACF services provided by the R_pkiserv function. • IBM Tivoli directory server for the provision of LDAP services used by the R_proxyserv callable service • ICSF to manage PKCS#11 key tokens used by RACF and provide cryptographic services used by RACDCERT • SystemSSL for certificate validation • BCP for address space separation, assignment of hardware privileges to address spaces and Page 20 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target programs, management of APF authorizations, and general protection of data in address spaces that need to be protected from read and/or write access by untrusted subjects Note: the RACF callable services R_dceinfo and R_dceruid have no use in the evaluated configuration of RACF as z/OS (the environment for this evaluation) no longer provides DCE functionality, and always return with an error, since the administrators will have no reason to activate the DCEUUIDS class of RACF nor to define DCE segments in USER profiles. A.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS The operational environment prohibits the installation of untrusted programs that execute with hardware or operating system privileges which would allow this program to use RACF interfaces reserved for trusted programs. Trusted Programs use the RACF interfaces in accordance with their specification. 3.4 Organizational security policies P.ACCOUNTABILITY The users of the TOE shall be held accountable for their security-relevant actions within the TOE. P.USER Authority shall only be given to users who are trusted to perform the actions correctly. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 21 of 141 4. Security objectives This section defines the security objectives of the TSF and its supporting environment. Security objectives for the TOE, reflect the stated intent to counter identified threats, comply with any organizational security policies identified, or both. In addition, assumptions related to the operational environment of the TOE are upheld by respective objectives for the TOE environment. All of the identified threats, organizational policies, and assumptions are addressed under one of the following categories. 4.1 Security objectives for the TOE O.AUDITING The TSF must be able to generate audit records for defined security-relevant events ( including security-critical actions of users of the TOE). The TSF must submit those records to the operating system auditing function, which adds the time and date and stores the audit records in a protected area. O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS The TSF must control access of subjects and/or users to named resources based on identity of the object. The TSF must allow authorized users to specify for each access mode which users/subjects are allowed to access a specific named object in that access mode. O.I&A The TOE must ensure that users have been successfully authenticated before allowing any action the TOE has defined to provide to authenticated users only. O.MANAGE The TSF must provide all the functions and facilities necessary to support the authorized users that are responsible for the management of TOE security mechanisms and must ensure that only authorized users are able to access such functionality. O.I&A.MULTIPLE The TOE shall allow the concurrent use of multiple identification and authentication mechanisms implementing the identification and authentication policy. O.PROGRAM_INTEGRITY_SUPPORT The TOE shall provide a functionality that allows its operational environment the implementation of a function that verifies the integrity and authenticity of programs before they are loaded and executed. Page 22 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 4.2 Security objectives for the operational environment OE.ADMIN Those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains. OE.INFO_PROTECT Those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that information is protected in an appropriate manner. In particular: 1) All applications trusted by the operating system must be approved for the handling of the most sensitive data held by the system. Such applications as well as the operating system itself are assumed to be adequately protected against threats to the confidentiality and integrity of the data handled. 2) DAC protections on security-relevant resources shall always be set up correctly. 3) Users are authorized to access parts of the data managed by the TOE and are trained to exercise control over their own data. 4) Resource managers that use the TOE to protect their resources invoke the TOE on all attempts to access resources they manage, provide correct information about the subject that attempts to access the resource, the resource itself and the attempted type of access. Resource managers will honor the access decision made by the TOE. OE.INSTALL Those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that the components that comprise the TOE are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE. OE.MAINTENANCE Authorized users of the TOE must ensure that the comprehensive diagnostics facilities provided by the product are invoked at every scheduled preventative maintenance period. OE.PHYSICAL Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that those parts of the TOE critical to enforcement of the security policy are protected from physical attack that might compromise IT security objectives. The protection must be commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE. OE.RECOVER Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that procedures and/or mechanisms are provided to assure that after system failure or other discontinuity, recovery without a protection (security) compromise is achieved. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 23 of 141 OE.OS_SEP The z/OS operating system provides the mechanisms to separate the address spaces of RACF from any untrusted address spaces and provides the mechanisms to protect RACF programs and data within an address space from any uncontrolled access by untrusted entities. The operating system assigns hardware and software privileges only to programs that are defined as trusted and prohibits any untrusted subject to escalate its privileges to supervisor state, a privileged storage key or to APF authorization. Such privilege escalation will only happen when the defined z/OS interfaces that imply such privilege escalations are used and the program that is executed after this privilege escalation has been defined as a trusted program. OE.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS Those responsible for the operating system the TOE is integrated in must ensure that only programs that are fully trusted are installed such that they execute with hardware privileges (system storage key or supervisor state) or with operating system privileges (APF authorization). 4.3 Security Objectives Rationale 4.3.1 Security Objectives Coverage The following table provides a mapping of TOE objectives to threats and policies, showing that each objective counters or enforces at least one threat or policy, respectively. Objective Threats / OSPs O.AUDITING P.ACCOUNTABILITY O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS T.ACCESS.TSFDATA T.ACCESS.USERDATA O.I&A T.IA.MASQUERADE T.IA.USER O.MANAGE T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC P.ACCOUNTABILITY P.USER O.I&A.MULTIPLE T.IA.MASQUERADE T.IA.USER O.PROGRAM_INTEGRITY_SUPPORT T.ACCESS.TSFDATA T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC Page 24 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Table 1: Mapping of security objectives to threats and policies The following table provides a mapping of the objectives for the Operational Environment to assumptions, threats and policies, showing that each objective holds, counters or enforces at least one assumption, threat or policy, respectively. Objective Assumptions / Threats / OSPs OE.ADMIN A.MANAGE A.AUTHUSER A.TRAINEDUSER OE.INFO_PROTECT A.MANAGE A.AUTHUSER A.TRAINEDUSER P.USER OE.INSTALL A.MANAGE A.DETECT OE.MAINTENANCE A.DETECT OE.PHYSICAL A.PHYSICAL OE.RECOVER A.MANAGE OE.OS_SEP A.OPERATING_SYSTEM T.ACCESS.USERDATA T.ACCESS.TSFDATA T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC OE.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS A.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS T.ACCESS.USERDATA T.ACCESS.TSFDATA T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC Table 2: Mapping of security objectives for the Operational Environment to assumptions, threats and policies 4.3.2 Security Objectives Sufficiency The following rationale provides justification that the security objectives are suitable to counter each individual threat and that each security objective tracing back to a threat, when achieved, actually contributes to the removal, diminishing or mitigation of that threat: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 25 of 141 Threat Rationale for security objectives T.ACCESS.TSFDATA The threat of accessing TSF data without proper authorization is re- moved by: · O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS requiring that data, in- cluding TSF data stored with the TOE, have discre- tionary access control protection (Note: some TSF data is not intended to be directly accessible by ex- ternal entities and therefore no discretionary access can be assigned to such TSF data), · O.PROGRAM_INTEGRITY_SUPPORT requiring the TOE to implement a supporting function for program integrity verification · OE.OS_SEP requiring that the operating system protects RACF from access to its TSF data and user data other than through the RACF provided interfaces and also prohibits that untrusted user programs escalate their privileges such that it can bypass the hardware and OS provided protection mechanisms, · OE.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS requiring that those re- sponsible for the operating system don't install un- trusted programs with privileges that would allow those programs to bypass operating system protec- tion T.ACCESS.USERDATA The threat of accessing user data without proper authorization is re- moved by: · O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS requiring that data includ- ing user data stored with the TOE, have discre- tionary access control protection, · OE.OS_SEP requiring that the operating system protects RACF from access to its TSF data and user data other than through the RACF provided interfaces and also prohibits that untrusted user programs escalate their privileges such that it can bypass the hardware and OS provided protection mechanisms, · OE.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS requiring that those re- sponsible for the operating system don't install un- trusted programs with privileges that would allow those programs to bypass operating system protec- tion T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC The threat of accessing TSF functions without proper authorization is removed by: · O.MANAGE requiring that only authorized users utilize management TSF functions, Page 26 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Threat Rationale for security objectives · O.PROGRAM_INTEGRITY_SUPPORT requiring the TOE to implement a supporting function for program integrity verification · OE.OS_SEP requiring that the operating system protects RACF from access to its TSF data and user data other than through the RACF provided interfaces and also prohibits that untrusted user programs escalate their privileges such that it can bypass the hardware and OS provided protection mechanisms, · OE.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS requiring that those re- sponsible for the operating system don't install un- trusted programs with privileges that would allow those programs to bypass operating system protec- tion T.IA.MASQUERADE The threat of masquerading as an authorized entity in order to gain unauthorized access to user data, TSF data or TOE resources is removed by: · O.I&A requiring that each entity interacting with the TOE is properly identified and authenticated before allow- ing any action the TOE is defined to provide to au- thenticated users only. · O.I&A.MULTIPLE requiring that the TOE supports multi- ple identification and authentication mechanisms, al- lowing to use the most appropriate one. T.IA.USER The threat of accessing user data, TSF data or TOE resources without being identified and authenticated is removed by: · O.I&A requiring that each entity interacting with the TOE is properly identified and authenticated before allow- ing any action the TOE has defined to provide to au- thenticated users only. · O.I&A.MULTIPLE requiring that the TOE supports multi- ple identification and authentication mechanisms, al- lowing to use the most appropriate one. Table 3: Sufficiency of objectives countering threats The following rationale provides justification that the security objectives for the environment are suitable to cover each individual assumption, that each security objective for the environment that traces back to an assumption about the environment of use of the TOE, when achieved, actually contributes to the environment achieving consistency with the assumption, and that if all security objectives for the environment that trace back to an assumption are achieved, the intended usage is supported: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 27 of 141 Assumption Rationale for security objectives A.PHYSICAL The assumption on the IT environment to provide the TOE with appropriate physical security, commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE is covered by: · OE.PHYSICAL requiring physical protection. A.MANAGE The assumptions on the TOE security functionality being managed by one or more competent trustworthy individuals is covered by: · OE.ADMIN requiring trustworthy personnel managing the TOE, · OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring personnel to ensure that informa- tion is protected in an appropriate manner, · OE.INSTALL requiring personnel to ensure that components that comprise the system are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms pro- vided by the TOE, · OE.RECOVER requiring personnel to assure that after system fail- ure or other discontinuity, recovery without a protection (secu- rity) compromise is achieved. A.AUTHUSER The assumption on authorized users to possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment is covered by: · OE.ADMIN ensuring that those responsible for the TOE are com- petent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains, · OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring that DAC protections on security- relevant files (such as audit trails and authentication data- bases) shall always be set up correctly and that users are au- thorized to access parts of the data maintained by the TOE. A.TRAINEDUSER The assumptions on users to be sufficiently trained and trusted to accomplish some task or group of tasks within a secure IT environment by exercising complete control over their user data is covered by: · OE.ADMIN requiring competent personnel managing the TOE, · OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring that those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that infor- mation is protected in an appropriate manner and that users are trained to exercise control over their own data. Page 28 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Assumption Rationale for security objectives A.DETECT The assumption that modification or corruption of security-enforcing or secu- rity-relevant files will be detected by an administrative user is covered by: · OE.INSTALL requiring an administrative user to ensure that the TOE is distributed, installed and configured in a secure man- ner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE, · OE.MAINTENANCE requiring an administrative user to ensure that the diagnostics facilities are invoked at every scheduled preventative maintenance period, verifying the correct opera- tion of the TOE, A.OPERATING_SY STEM The assumptions on the separation functions provided by the z/OS operating system is covered by: · OE.OS_SEP requiring the z/OS operating system to protect the address spaces of RACF and the RACF programs and data within an address space from uncontrolled access by subject not executing with hardware privileges or APF authorization. A.TRUSTED_PRO- GRAMS The assumptions on the trusted programs installed on the z/OS operating system is covered by: · OE.TRUSTED_PROGRAMS requiring the persons responsible for installing trusted programs on z/OS to not install any program executing with critical privileges unless they trust the program to not misuse those privileges and not use the RACF inter- faces for privileged programs in a way not allowed by the specification of the interface. Table 4: Sufficiency of objectives holding assumptions The following rationale provides justification that the security objectives are suitable to cover each individual organizational security policy, that each security objective that traces back to an OSP, when achieved, actually contributes to the implementation of the OSP, and that if all security objectives that trace back to an OSP are achieved, the OSP is implemented: OSP Rationale for security objectives P.ACCOUNTABILITY The policy to hold users accountable for their security-relevant actions within the TOE is implemented by: · O.AUDITING providing the TOE with audit functionality, · O.MANAGE allowing the management of this function. P.USER The policy to match the trust given to a user and the actions the user is given authority to perform is implemented by: · O.MANAGE allowing appropriately-authorized users to © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 29 of 141 OSP Rationale for security objectives manage the TSF, · OE.INFO_PROTECT, which requires that users are trusted to use the protection mechanisms of the TOE to protect their data. Table 5: Sufficiency of objectives enforcing Organizational Security Policies Page 30 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 5. Extended Components Definition This Security Target uses security functional requirements taken from part 2 of the Common Criteria plus two extended security functional requirements (FIA_USB.2 and FAU_GEN_SUB.1). 5.1 FIA_USB.2 FIA_USB.2 has been taken from the "Operating System Protection Profile" [OSPP]. This extended SFR is defined there as: FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding FIA_USB.2 is analog to FIA_USB.1 except that it adds the possibility to specify rules whereby subject security attributes are also derived from TSF data other than user security attributes. Component leveling FIA_USB.2 is hierarchical to FIA_USB.1. Management See management description specified for FIA_USB.1 in [CC]. Audit See audit requirement specified for FIA_USB.1 in [CC]. FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding Hierarchical to: FIA_USB.1 User-subject binding Dependencies: FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_USB.2.1 The TSF shall associate the following user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of that user: [assignment: list of user security attributes]. FIA_USB.2.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user se- curity attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [assignment: rules for the initial association of attributes]. FIA_USB.2.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user se- curity attributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [as- signment: rules for the changing of attributes]. FIA_USB.2.4 The TSF shall enforce the following rules for the assignment of subject secu- rity attributes not derived from user security attributes when a subject is cre- ated: [assignment: rules for the initial association of the subject security at- tributes not derived from user security attributes]. Rationale An operating system may derive subject security attributes from other TSF data that are not directly user security attributes. An example is the point-of-entry the user has used to establish the connection. An access control policy may also use this subject security attribute within its access control policy, allowing access to critical objects only when the user has connected through specific ports-of-entry. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 31 of 141 5.2 FAU_GEN_SUB.1 This Security Target includes an extended component for audit data generation. This extended component defines a subset of the component FAU_GEN.1 as defined in part 2 of the CC. This extended component needed to be defined since RACF uses the audit trail interfaces provided by the SMF component of z/OS for trusted components that want to store their audit records in the common audit trail provided by z/OS. While RACF collects all the information for its own audit records and formats the audit records, it does not generate an audit record for the start and the stop of the audit system (this is done by SMF, which controls the audit trail). RACF also does not store the time and date into the audit record. This is also a function that is performed by SMF when a trusted component submits an audit record for inclusion into the SMF audit trail. This way of handling audit records is common for a large number of products that on the one hand want to produce audit records and on the other hand do not want to implement the functions to manage the audit trail, protect the audit trail, or process audit records for evaluation. Many applications use audit trails provided either by the underlying operating system or by a dedicated audit component in the IT environment (e. g. a log host). In order to have a single time source most of those dedicated audit systems that provide an interface to other product to submit audit records for storing them in the audit trail will put the time stamp with the time and date into the audit records themselves rather than relying on the other systems to synchronize their time sources. The extended component FAU_GEN_SUB.1 has been derived as a subset from the component FAU_GEN.1 as listed in part 2 of the CC. The requirement for auditing the start and stop of the audit system has been dropped compared to FAU_GEN.1.1 and in FAU_GEN.1.2 the requirement to include the time and date has been dropped. As a consequence of dropping the inclusion of the time and date, the extended component no longer has a dependency on FPT_STM.1 Component leveling FAU_GEN_SUB.1 is not hierarchical to any other component. Management There are no management activities foreseen.. Audit There are no auditable events foreseen. FAU_GEN_SUB.1 Subset audit data generation Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: none FAU_GEN_SUB.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) All auditable events for the [selection, choose one of: minimum, basic, detailed, not specified] level of audit; and b) [assignment: other specifically defined auditable events]. FAU_GEN_SUB.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the ST, [assignment: other audit relevant information]. Page 32 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 6. Supporting Functionality provided by the Operational Environment In the case of RACF the security functionality defined in chapter 8 of this Security Target depends on the supporting functionality of the z/OS operating system defined in this section. Note that also z/OS itself relies on security functional requirements provided by its operational environment to support the provision of its security functionality. Since RACF relies on the general protection mechanisms provided by z/OS, this implies by transitivity that RACF also relies on the security functional requirements provided by the operational environment of z/OS. To avoid duplication, the security functional requirements for the z/OS operational environment are not listed here. There are several components of z/OS that are used by the TOE to implement its security functional requirements. Those are: • SMF to record and store audit records generated by RACF, prevent records from getting lost and other z/OS components to provide utilities for reading and searching audit records. • PKI Services to provide the PKI related services used by the R_PKIServ RACF callable service. This includes the generation of key pairs, the generation of digital certificates. • DFSMS which provides the functions for managing and accessing data sets. RACF uses z/OS data sets for persistent storage of its TSF data. • UNIX System Services for storage and access to TSF data RACF stores with UNIX file system and IPC objects. • IBM Tivoli directory server for the provision of directory services used by the R_proxyserv callable service. • ICSF which is used to manage PKCS#11 tokens used by RACF and provide cryptographic services used by RACDCERT. • SystemSSL for certificate validation. • BCP for address space and memory management, assignment of hardware privileges to address spaces and programs, management of system calls, interrupts and exceptions, management of APF authorizations, general protection of data in address spaces that need to be protected from read and/or write access by untrusted subjects, scheduling of processes, provision of serialization services, and provision of notification services. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 33 of 141 7. Security Functional Requirements In this section assignment or selection operations on SFRs are marked bold while refinements are marked bold and italic. Iteration operations are identified by a suffix in parentheses added to the SFR identifier. 7.1 Security audit (FAU) Subset audit data generation (FAU_GEN_SUB.1) FAU_GEN_SUB.1.1The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) All auditable events for the not specified level of audit; and b) all modifications to the set of events being audited; c) all user authentication attempts; d) all denied accesses to resources; e) explicit modifications of access rights to resources; and f) the events listed in table 6, "Auditable Events". Component Event Details FAU_GEN_SUB.1 Startup of RACF . SMF type 81 record (RACF initialization). FAU_GEN.2 None. FAU_SAR.1 Reading of information from the audit records. SMF type 80 record for the raw and saved SMF data sets. FAU_SEL.1 All modifications to the audit configuration that occur while the audit collection functions are operating. SMF records generated by the RACF commands that modify the audit con- figuration (SMF type 90 record, subtypes 5 and 9. IFASMFDP and IDCAMS (which are part of the TOE environment) can be used to report on these events). FCS_COP.1 Success or failure of SMF type 80 record event Page 34 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Component Event Details signature verification for program signing. Fail- ure to validate the cer- tificate chain. code 86 (56 hex) FDP_ACF.1(GRD) All requests to perform an operation on an ob- ject covered by the Se- curity Function Policy (SFP). SMF type 80 record, event code 2 for access to MVS resources. FDP_ACF.1(UFS) FDP_ACF.1(IPC) All requests to perform an operation on an ob- ject covered by the Se- curity Function Policy (SFP). SMF type 80 record, event codes 28-30 for ac- cess to UNIX resources. FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure notification and account locking. SMF type 80 record, event code 1, all qualifiers except 0, 12 and 13. Qualifier 7 especially re- ports account locking. FIA_ATD.1(HU) None. FIA_SOS.1 Rejection or accep- tance by the TSF of any tested secret. SMF type 80 record, event code 1, qualifier 1 (password/phrase not valid). Also SMF type 80, event code 70, qualifier 2 for R_PKIServ Export func- tion with incorrect passphrase. FIA_UAU.1 All use of the authenti- cation mechanism. SMF type 80 record, event code 1, various qualifiers and SMF record type 30 subtypes 1 and 5). Also SMF type 83, sub- type 3, event codes 2,4,6,11 for LDAP bind operations. FIA_UAU.5 None specific. All au- thentication functions produce the audit © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 35 of 141 Component Event Details records mentioned for FIA_UAU.1 and FIA_UID.1 FIA_UAU.7 None. FIA_UID.1 All use of the user iden- tification mechanism, including the identity provided during suc- cessful attempts. SMF type 80 record, event code 1, various qualifiers. (Note: the au- thorized caller of the RACF authentication function can control whether RACF audits the result or not, and in cases where the caller instructs RACF not to audit the re- sult the caller is responsi- ble for providing appropri- ate alternative auditing.) FIA_USB.2 Success and failure of binding user security at- tributes to a subject (e.g. success and fail- ure to create a subject). SMF type 80 record, event code 1, various qualifiers. (Note: the au- thorized caller of the RACF authentication function can control whether RACF audits the result or not, and in cases where the caller instructs RACF not to audit the re- sult the caller is responsi- ble for providing appropri- ate alternative auditing.) FMT_MSA.1(GRD) FMT_MSA.1(UFS) FMT_MSA.1(IPC) FMT_MSA.1(FLA) All modifications of the values of security at- tributes. SMF type 80 record (gen- erated by the RACF com- mands). FMT_MSA.3(GRD) FMT_MSA.3(UFS) FMT_MSA.3(FLA) Modifications of the de- fault setting of permis- sive or restrictive rules. All modifications of the initial value of security attributes. SMF type 80 record (gen- erated by the RACF com- mands). FMT_MSA.3(IPC) none FMT_MTD.1(SO) FMT_MTD.1(AE) FMT_MTD.1(UA) FMT_MTD.1(RA) All modifications to the values of TSF data. SMF type 80 record (gen- erated by the RACF com- mands). Page 36 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Component Event Details FMT_MTD.1(TH) FMT_MTD.1(AD) FMT_MTD.1(RC) FMT_MTD.1(DC) FMT_REV.1(USR) All attempts to revoke security attributes. SMF type 80 record (gen- erated by the RACF com- mands). FMT_REV.1(OSA) All attempts to revoke security attributes. SMF type 80 record (gen- erated by the RACF com- mands). FMT_SMF.1 None specifically asso- ciated with this SFR, but auditing is covered under the FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.3, FMT_MTD.1, FMT_REV.1, FAU_SAR.1, FAU_SEL.1, and FMT_SMR.1 require- ments which are im- plied by FMT_SMF.1 as discussed in chapter 7. FMT_SMR.1 Modifications to the group of users that are part of a role. SMF type 80 record (gen- erated by the RACF com- mands). See the event codes related to the indi- vidual commands FMT_SMR.1 Every use of the rights of a role. (Additional / Detailed) SMF type 80 record. FPT_TDC.1(RA) None Table 6: Auditable Events FAU_GEN_SUB.1.2The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) Type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the ST, a) Date and time of the event (obtained from the underlying operating system) b) User identity (if applicable); and © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 37 of 141 c) The additional information specified in the “Details” column of table 6 Au- ditable Events. Application note: Each SMF record has a standard header that includes the ID of the job that caused the event. The ID of the job is related to the user ID under which the job has been started by SMF. Also, in cases of a client authenticating using a digital certificate, RACF certificate mapping rules are used to assign an administrator-specified ID rather than a unique ID. The audit records will contain the administrator-specified ID and the X500-based distin- guished name from the client’s digital certificate for accountability purposes. In the case where a user has been authenticated by a remote trusted system and the ID of the user on the remote system has been mapped to a RACF userID using the identity mapping function, audit records generated for that user will contain both the RACF userID and the remote identity that mapped to the RACF userID. Application note: RACF requires SMF to be active and configured to be able to record the RACF related audit records. In this case the RACF initialization marks the audit record for the start of the (RACF-related) audit system and the record for stopping RACF marks the shutdown of the audit system User identity association (FAU_GEN.2) FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to asso- ciate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. Application Note: As mentioned above audit records generated for users that have been authenticated by a remote trusted IT system and where the remote userID has been mapped to a RACF userID will contain both the RACF userID as well as the remote userID, allowing to trace the real user even in cases where different remote userIDs have been mapped to the same RACF userID. Audit review (FAU_SAR.1) FAU_SAR.1.1 The TSF shall provide users with access rights to the data set containing the audit records with the capability to read all audit information from the audit records. FAU_SAR.1.2 The TSF shall provide the audit records in a manner suitable for the user to interpret the information. Selective audit (FAU_SEL.1) FAU_SEL.1.1 The TSF shall be able to select the set of events to be audited from the set of all au- ditable events based on the following attributes: a) Type of audit event; b) user identity; c) Outcome (success or failure) of the audit event; d) Named object identity; Page 38 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 7.2 Cryptographic support (FCS) Cryptographic operation (FCS_COP.1) FCS_COP.1.1 The TSF shall perform digital signature generation and digital signature verification in accordance with the following cryptographic algorithm SHA256withRSAEncryption and cryptographic key sizes 1024, 2048, and 4096 bit that meet the following: X.509 v3 certificates and signatures according to PKCS#1 V2.1 (June 14, 2002). Application Note: RACF can digitally sign a program and verify the digital signature of a signed program. To do this RACF uses an implementation of the RSA algorithm that is identical to the one used by the software cryptographic service provider in ICSF. Since ICSF itself is a signed program, RACF requires to have the implementation of RSA as part of RACF in order to verify the signature of ICSF when this component is loaded. 7.3 User Data Protection (FDP) 7.3.1 General resource class and data set access control policy Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(GRD)) FDP_ACC.1.1(GRD) The TSF shall enforce the RACF general resource class and data set access control policy on subjects represented by an ACEE, the defined resources in the classes listed in tables 7 to 8 below as objects and the RACF-defined access modes of AL- TER, CONTROL, UPDATE, READ, EXECUTE, and NONE as operations among sub- jects and objects covered by the SFP. Application Note: RACF uses profiles in the resource classes to identify a profile that matches a resource name specified. Application Note: Except where noted in the table, RACF does not imply any semantics to the classes and the profiles in the classes. The semantics of the profiles (i. e., what resource they protect and what the semantics of the different access modes is) is completely left to the re- source managers that use those classes to protect access to their resources. Profile classes that are used by RACF itself are marked in red. Profile classes listed in black are those defined by IBM and used outside of RACF. Since an installation may define its own profile classes and use them in their applications, the set of profile classes is an open set and profiles not used by RACF itself are user data (as far as RACF is concerned). Application Note: RACF uses RACF profiles to control access to its own resources or control the use of RACF privileges. Classes listed in red contain profiles used by RACF, but in some classes not all profiles in the class may be used by RACF. For example RACF uses only some profiles in the FACILITY class, while other profiles in this class are used by other parts of z/OS. Application Note: The following table only defines the general resource classes. There are also profiles in the USER, GROUP, and DATASET classes, which have their own profile format. The ac- cess control policy covers the general resource classes listed here and resources in the DATASET class. Class Name Purpose ALCSAUTH Supports the Airline Control System/MVS (ALCS/MVS) product. APPCLU Verifying the identity of partner logical units during VTAM session © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 39 of 141 Class Name Purpose establishment. APPCPORT Controlling which user IDs can access the system from a given LU (APPC port of entry). Also, conditional access to resources for users entering the system from a given LU. APPCSERV Controlling whether a program being run by a user can act as a server for a specific APPC transaction program (TP). APPCSI Controlling access to APPC side information files. APPCTP Controlling the use of APPC transaction programs. APPL Controlling access to applications. CACHECLS Contains profiles used for saving and restoring cache contents from the RACF database. CBIND Controlling the client’s ability to bind to the server. CDT Contains profiles for installation-defined classes for the dynamic CDT. CFIELD Contains profiles that define the installation's custom fields. CONSOLE Controlling access to MCS consoles. Also, conditional access to other resources for commands originating from an MCS console. DASDVOL DASD volumes. DBNFORM Reserved for future IBM use. DEVICES Used by MVS allocation to control who can allocate devices such as:  Unit record devices (printers and punches) (allocated only by PSF, JES2, or JES3)  Graphics devices (allocated only by VTAM) Teleprocessing (TP) or communications devices (allocated only by VTAM) DIGTCERT Contains digital certificates and information related to them. See chapter 19 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIGTCRIT Specifies additional criteria for certificate name filters. See chapter 19 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT com- mand. DIGTNMAP Mapping class for certificate name filters. See chapter 19 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIGTRING Contains a profile for each key ring and provides information about the digital certificates that are part of each key ring. See chapter 19 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIRAUTH Setting logging options for RACROUTE REQUEST=DIRAUTH re- quests. DLFCLASS The data lookaside facility. FACILITY Miscellaneous uses. Profiles are defined in this class so resource managers (typically elements of z/OS or z/VM) can check a user’s access to the profiles when the user takes some action. Examples are the profiles used to control execution of RACDCERT command Page 40 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Class Name Purpose functions and the profiles used to control privileges in the z/OS UNIX environment. RACF does not document all of the resources used in the FACILITY class by other products. For information on the FACILITY class resources used by a specific product (other than RACF itself), see that product’s documentation. FIELD Fields in RACF profiles (field-level access checking). FSACCESS Allows control of access to the root of a zFS file system through RACF resource profiles rather than UNIX permission bits or ACLs. FSEXEC Allows to prevent users from executing any file in a zFS file system or Temporary File System. GDASDVOL Resource group class for DASDVOL class. GLOBAL Global access checking table entry. GMBR Member class for the GLOBAL class. GSDSF Resource group class for SDSF class. GTERMINL Resource group class for TERMINAL class. GXFACILI Grouping class for XFACILIT resources. IBMOPC Controlling access to OPC/ESA subsystems. IDIDMAP Contains distributed identity filters created with the RACMAP com- mand. See chapter 25 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACMAP command. JESINPUT Conditional access support for commands or jobs entered into the system through a JES input device. JESJOBS Controlling the submission and cancellation of jobs by job name. JESSPOOL Controlling access to job data sets on the JES spool (that is, SYSIN and SYSOUT data sets). KEYSMSTR Contains profiles that hold keys to encrypt data stored in the RACF database, such as LDAP BIND passwords and DCE passwords. LDAPBIND Contains the LDAP server URL, bind distinguished name, and bind password. LOGSTRM Controls system logger resources, such as log streams and the cou- pling facility structures associated with log streams. NODES Controlling the following on MVS systems:  Whether jobs are allowed to enter the system from other nodes  Whether jobs that enter the system from other nodes have to pass user identification and password verification checks NODMBR Member class for the NODES class. OPERCMDS Controlling who can issue operator commands (for example, JES and MVS, and operator commands). PMBR Member class for the PROGRAM class. PROGRAM Protects executable programs. PROPCNTL Controlling if user ID propagation can occur, and if so, for which user IDs (such as the CICS or IMS main task user ID), user ID prop- © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 41 of 141 Class Name Purpose agation is not to occur. PSFMPL Used by PSF to perform security functions for printing, such as sep- arator page labeling, data page labeling, and enforcement of the user printable area. PTKTDATA PassTicket key class enables the security administrator to associate a RACF secured sign-on secret key with a particular mainframe ap- plication that uses RACF for user authentication. Examples of such applications are IMS, CICS, TSO, z/VM, APPC, and MVS batch. RACFEVNT Contains profiles that control the following events:  LDAP change log notification for changes to certain RACF pro- files New password and password phrase enveloping for a given user. RACFHC Used by IBM Health Checker for z/OS. Contains profiles that list the resources to check for each installation-defined health check. RACFVARS RACF variables. In this class, profile names, which start with & (am- persand), act as RACF variables that can be specified in profile names in other RACF general resource classes. See [RACF.SAG], chapter 7. RACGLIST Class of profiles that hold the results of RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST,GLOBAL=YES or a SETROPTS RACLIST opera- tion. RACHCMBR Used by IBM Health Checker for z/OS. Member class for the RACHCMBR class. RDATALIB Used to control use of the R_datalib callable service (IRRSDL00 or IRRSDL64). RRSFDATA Used to control RACF remote sharing facility (RRSF) functions. RVARSMBR Member class for the RACFVARS class. SCDMBR Member class for the SECDATA class. SDSF Controls the use of authorized commands in the System Display and Search Facility (SDSF). See also GSDSF class. SECDATA Security classification of users and data (security levels and security categories). SECLABEL If security labels are used, and, if so, their definitions. SECLMBR Member class for the SECLABEL class. SERVAUTH Contains profiles used by servers to check a client’s authorization to use the server or to use resources managed by the server. Also, can be used to provide conditional access to resources for users enter- ing the system from a given server. SERVER Controlling the server’s ability to register with the daemon. SMESSAGE Controlling to which users a user can send messages (TSO only). SOMDOBJS Controlling the client’s ability to invoke the method in the class. STARTED Used in preference to the started procedures table to assign an identity during the processing of an MVS START command. SURROGAT If surrogate submission is allowed, and if allowed, which user IDs Page 42 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Class Name Purpose can act as surrogates. SYSMVIEW Controlling access by the SystemView for MVS Launch Window to SystemView for MVS applications. TAPEVOL Tape volumes. TEMPDSN Controlling who can access residual temporary data sets. TERMINAL Terminals (TSO or z/VM). See also GTERMINL class. VTAMAPPL Controlling who can open ACBs from non-APF authorized pro- grams. WRITER Controlling the use of JES writers. XFACILIT Miscellaneous uses. Profile names in this class can be longer than 39 characters in length. Profiles are defined in this class so that re- source managers (typically elements of z/OS) can check a user’s access to the resources when the users take some action. Table 7: General Resource Classes z/OS UNIX Classes DIRACC Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) for access checks for read/write access to z/OS UNIX directories. This class need not be active to control auditing. DIRSRCH Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of z/OS UNIX directory searches. This class need not be active to control audit- ing. FSOBJ Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) for all access checks for z/OS UNIX file system objects except directory searches. Controls auditing (using SETROPTS AUDIT) of creation and deletion of z/OS UNIX file system objects. This class need not be active to control auditing. FSSEC Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) for changes to the security data (FSP) for z/OS UNIX file system objects. This class need not be active to control auditing. When this class is ac- tive, it also controls whether ACLs are used during authorization checks to z/OS UNIX files and directories. IPCOBJ Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of access checks for inter-process communication (IPC) objects and changes to security information of IPC objects. Controls auditing (using SETROPTS AUDIT) of the creation and deletion of IPC objects. This class need not be active to control auditing. PROCACT Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of functions that look at data from, or affect the processing of, z/OS UNIX pro- cesses. This class need not be active to control auditing. PROCESS Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of changes to UIDs and GIDs of z/OS UNIX processes. Controls auditing (using SETROPTS AUDIT) of dubbing and undubbing of z/OS UNIX pro- cesses. This class need not be active to control auditing. UNIXMAP Contains profiles that are used to map z/OS UNIX UIDs to RACF user IDs and z/OS UNIX GIDs to RACF group names. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 43 of 141 Table 8: General Resource Classes for z/OS UNIX Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(GRD)) FDP_ACF.1.1(GRD) The TSF shall enforce the RACF general resource class and data set access control policy to objects based on the following: users represented by an ACEE as subjects, profiles in one of the resource classes as representatives of objects, us- ing the user’s name, the RACF attributes stored in the ACEE, the user’s group memberships, the ACL associated with the resource profile, the value of UACC stored in the resource profile, and the entry for the resource containing the object in the global access checking table as security attributes. FDP_ACF.1.2(GRD) The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: a subject's requested type of access to a protected resource is granted or denied by the following algorithm, if the resource class is known and active, and if a matching resource profile in the class was found, a) if access is allowed by global access checking (Note: does not apply for user with the RESTRICTED attribute; does not apply to checks performed by RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH) or, if a) is not true, b) if the access is not denied by mandatory access control, which is not active in the evaluated configuration (hence this step always passes) if a) did not grant access, and b) did not deny access, c) if the resource is a tape or DASD data set and the high-level qualifier of the data set name is identical to the user ID if c) did not grant access, d) if the requested type of access is allowed by an access control list (ACL) entry- for this particular user (Note: does not apply to checks performed by RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH with the AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY option) if d) neither granted nor denied access then continue with e) Otherwise, if d) de- nied access, continue with h), e) if the requested type of access is allowed by an ACL entry for the group the user belongs to. If list-of-groups processing is not in effect, this rule is evalu- ated only for the current connect group. Otherwise, this rule is evaluated for all groups to which the user is connected. (Note: does not apply to checks per- formed by RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH with the AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY option) if no entries in e) granted access, and no entries in e) denied access, then continue with f). Otherwise, if at least one entry in e) denied access, then continue with h), f) if the user does not have the RESTRICTED attribute and the requested type of access is granted by the universal access authority (UACC) in the profile pro- tecting the resource or granted by an ACL with ID(*)(Note: does not apply to checks performed by RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH with the AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY option) if f) did not grant access, Page 44 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target g) if the user has the OPERATIONS role or the group-OPERATIONS role (for a group to which the user is connected and the resource is within the group’s scope) and OPERATIONS access is allowed for the class if g) did not grant access, h) if the user has an entry in the conditional access list for the profile that allows the requested type of access and the user meets the condition defined in this conditional access list entry (Note: for checks performed by RACROUTE RE- QUEST=FASTAUTH with the AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY option, only conditional access list entries specifying WHEN(CRITERIA(SQLROLE...)) will apply) or, if h) did not grant access, i) if the user is a member of a group that has an entry in the conditional access list for the profile that allows the requested type of access and the user meets the condition defined in this conditional access list entry. If list-of-groups pro- cessing is not in effect, this rule is evaluated only for the current connect group. Otherwise, this rule is evaluated for all groups to which the user is con- nected. (Note: for checks performed by RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH with the AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY option, only conditional access list entries specify- ing WHEN(CRITERIA(SQLROLE...)) will apply) or, if i) did not grant access, j) if a conditional access list entry for ID(*) exists with requested type of access, the user does not have the RESTRICTED attribute set and the user satisfies the condition of the conditional access list entry. (Note: for checks performed by RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH with the AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY option, only conditional access list entries specifying WHEN(CRITERIA(SQLROLE...)) will apply). FDP_ACF.1.3(GRD) The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the fol- lowing additional rules: a) the subject is a trusted subject and has specified a nested ACEE in its call to RACF with a second user ID. In this case access is allowed if either the primary user ID specified in the first ACEE or the secondary user ID specified in the nested ACEE has the requested access right to the object and the object has been designated as eligible for nested ACEE processing and the authorization check is made using RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH. b) when "program control" is activated (using the WHEN(PROGRAM) option in the SETROPTS command) and the program is protected by a profile in the PRO- GRAM class and the user has at least EXECUTE access to this profile, the user can execute the program in a clean z/OS environment not "contaminated" by any untrusted program. If the user has at least READ access then untrusted programs may also be used by the user. c) when "program control" is activated and "PADCHK" has been defined in the profile for a program, a user may access a data set via PADS if the program that attempts the access or a higher program in the execution hierarchy is al- lowed to access the file in the intended mode by the conditional access list for the data set and all other active programs not from the link pack area that have been defined using the WHEN PROGRAM operand with “PADCHK” are in- cluded in the conditional access list of the data set. While a data set is open using PADS, for any new program defined with PADCHK and started in this sit- uation in the same environment, the TOE checks that the new program is also in the conditional access list of that data set. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 45 of 141 Application note: “trusted” in this sense means “defined to RACF via profiles in the PROGRAM class, or resident in the system link pack area. FDP_ACF.1.4(GRD) The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: data sets that are not protected by a discrete or generic profile can not be accessed except by users with the SPECIAL role. 7.3.2 UNIX file system object access control policy Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(UFS)) FDP_ACC.1.1(UFS) The TSF shall enforce the RACF UNIX file system access control policy on subjects represented by a UNIX System Services Credentials Structure (CRED), the UNIX file system resources represented by a File Security Packet (FSP) as objects and the UNIX access modes of read, write, execute (for ordinary files), and search (for directories) as operations among subjects and objects covered by the SFP. Application Note: The File Security Packet needs to be created by the caller. It contains the UID and GID of the owner of the file system object, the permission bits, and other file system object secu- rity attributes associated with the file system object. RACF provides the makeFSP callable service to create a FSP. Application Note: The UNIX System Services Credentials Structure (CRED) needs to be created by the caller. It contains information about the user that initiated the request but also information about the object being accessed (including the ACL for the object) Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(UFS)) FDP_ACF.1.1(UFS) The TSF shall enforce the RACF UNIX file system access control policy to UNIX file system objects based on the following: users represented by a UNIX System Services Credentials Structure (CRED) as subjects, UNIX file system objects represented by a File Security Packet (FSP) as objects and the security attributes used in the algo- rithm defined in FDP_ACF.1.2(UFS). FDP_ACF.1.2(UFS) The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: If the FSACCESS class is active and SETROPTS RACLISTed, and if the subject is accessing the root directory in a mounted zFS file system (but not the system root directory), then if the MVS data set name of the file system container is protected by a profile in the FSACCESS class the subject must have UPDATE access to that FSACCESS profile or the request will fail. A subject must have search permission for every element of the path name and the requested access for the object. A subject has a specific type of access to an ob- ject if: a) the user has the AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute or the UNIXPRIV class is ac- tive and RACLISTed and the user has at least READ access to he SUPERUS- ER.FILESYS.DIRSRCH profile in the UNIXPRIV class, the requested type of ac- cess is READ or SEARCH, and the object is a directory. b) the effective user ID is 0 and the requested type of access is not EXECUTE. If this is the case, access is granted. If the effective user ID is 0, and the re- quested type of access is EXECUTE access is granted only if there is either a permission bit, or an ACL that provides EXECUTE access to any user. Page 46 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target c) the effective user ID is the one of the file owner and has been granted access according to the owner permission bits, access is granted. d) the FSSEC class is active in RACF and an ACL exists within the set of ACLs for the file that grants the required type of access to the requesting user, access is granted. e) the effective user ID is the one of the owner of the file, the algorithm continues with step j. f) the effective group ID (GID) or any of the user’s supplemental GIDs matches the group of the file and has the requested type of access defined in the group permission bits, access is granted. g) the effective GID or any of the user’s supplemental GIDs has an ACL defined for the file that allows the requested type of access, access is granted. h) the requested type of access is defined in the “other” permission bits and the user does not have the RESTRICTED attribute defined in his profile, access is granted. i) the user has the RESTRICTED attribute defined and has the requested type of access defined in the RESTRICTED.FILESYS.ACCESS resource profile and the ACLs associated with this profile, access is granted. j) the user has the RESTRICTED attribute defined, the RESTRICTED.FILESYS.AC- CESS profile is not defined in RACF, and the requested type of access is al- lowed according to the “other” permission bits, access is granted. k) the UNIXPRIV class is active and RACLISTed, and if the SUPERUSER.- FILESYS.ACLOVERRIDE resource is protected by a profile in the UNIXPRIV class, then the user must have the correct access level as documented for the ck_access (IRRSKA00) callable service in z/OS Security Server: RACF Callable Services. If the profile exists, it determines whether file access is granted or denied. l) If this step of the algorithm is reached and no decision for granting or denying access has been made, access is denied. FDP_ACF.1.3(UFS) The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: a) the object is a z/OS UNIX file system object, the UNIXPRIV class is active in RACF, the access was denied by an ACL entry and the user has the requested type of access to the file defined as access to the SUPERUSER.FILESYS.A- CLOVERRIDE profile or b) the object is a z/OS UNIX file system object, the UNIXPRIV class is active in RACF, the access was denied by the permission bits, the SUPERUSER.- FILESYS.ACLOVERRIDE profile is not defined in the UNIXPRIV class and the user has the requested type of access to the SUPERUSER.FILESYS profile, that is, if the user wants to read the file, the user must have read access to the pro- file, if the user wants to read and write the file, the user must have write access to the profile, if the user wants to update any directory, the user must have control access. FDP_ACF.1.4(UFS) The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following addi- tional rules: none. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 47 of 141 7.3.3 UNIX IPC access control policy Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(IPC)) FDP_ACC.1.1(IPC) The TSF shall enforce the RACF UNIX IPC access control policy on subjects repre- sented by a UNIX System Services Credentials Structure for IPC (CREI), the UNIX IPC resources represented by an IPC Security Packet (ISP) as objects and the UNIX access modes of read and write as operations among subjects and objects cov- ered by the SFP. Application Note: The ISP needs to be created by the caller. It contains the UID and GID of the owner and creator of the IPC object, the permission bits associated with the IPC object. RACF pro- vides the makeISP callable service that creates an ISP. Application Note: The UNIX System Services Credentials Structure for IPC (CREI) needs to be created by the caller. It contains information about the user that initiated the request but also infor- mation about the object being accessed (including the ACL for the object). Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(IPC)) FDP_ACF.1.1(IPC) The TSF shall enforce the RACF UNIX IPC access control policy to UNIX IPC objects based on the following: a) The z/OS UNIX user identity and group membership(s) associated with a sub- ject; and b) The following access control attributes associated with an object: permission bits. Access rights for z/OS UNIX IPC objects are: a) read b) write Access is defined by permission bits only. FDP_ACF.1.2(IPC) The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: Access permissions are defined by permission bits of the IPC object only. IPC ob- jects don’t have ACLs associated with them. The process creating the object de- fines the creator, owner, and group based on the user ID of the current process. Access of a process to an IPC object is allowed if: a) access is allowed by the following algorithm: a. the effective UID of the current process is equal to zero or the UID of the IPC object creator or owner and the “owner” permission bit for the requested type of access is set or, b. the effective UID of the current process is not equal to the UID of the IPC object creator or owner and the effective GID of the current process or any supplementary z/OS UNIX GIDs the user is a mem- ber of is equal to the GID of the IPC object and the “group” permis- sion bit for the requested type of access is set or, c. the “other” permission bit for the requested type of access is set for users who do not satisfy one of the first two conditions. Page 48 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target FDP_ACF.1.3(IPC) The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: none. FDP_ACF.1.4(IPC) The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following addi- tional rules: none. 7.3.4 RACF Field-level access control policy Subset access control: (FDP_ACC.1(FLA)) FDP_ACC.1.1(FLA) The TSF shall enforce the RACF Profile Field-Level Access Control Policy on a) Subjects: RACF commands executed on behalf of a user b) Objects: fields in segments other than the base segment in RACF profiles c) Operations: reading or modifying dedicated fields in segments other than the base segment in RACF profiles using RACF commands or the R_admin callable service. Application Note: Field-level access control allows an installation to define access to fields within segments other than the base segment of RACF profiles. Access to those fields is via the RACF commands used to manage/list RACF profiles or via the R_admin callable service. Security attribute based access control (FDP_ACF.1(FLA)) FDP_ACF.1.1(FLA) The TSF shall enforce the RACF Profile Field-Level Access Control Policy to objects based on the following: a) The RACF user identity and group membership(s) associated with the user ex- ecuting the RACF command; and b) The access rights defined in a RACF profile in the FIELD class of the type pro- file-type.segment-name.field-name where profile-type is either the class name for a general resource profile, DATASET, GROUP, or USER; segment-name is the name of a valid segment for the profile type; and field-name is the name of a defined segment field in the segment type that corresponds to the command operand controlling that field. Application Note: The complete list of field names for the segments of the individual profile types is pro- vided in Table 18 of [RACF.SAG]. Access to specific fields in segments within RACF pro- files requires of course that the related segment is defined for the profile type. Table 18 of [RACF.SAG] also identifies which segments exist for which profile type and maps the field names of those segments to the RACF command parameter used to update those fields. FDP_ACF.1.2(FLA) The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: a subject has the requested type of access to a field in a segment of a RACF pro- file, if access is allowed by RACF based on the information in the related profile in the FIELD class using the RACF algorithm for determining access to general re- sources (see FDP_ACF.1(GRD)) using the access control information from the pro- file. FDP_ACF.1.3(FLA) The TSF shall explicitly authorize access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 49 of 141 a) users with the SPECIAL attribute always have READ and UPDATE access to all fields in all non-base segments that are defined for the different RACF profile types. b) users with the AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute always have READ access to all fields in all non-base segments that are defined for the different profile types. c) when the FIELDS class is active and SETROPTS RACLIST processing is active for the FIELDS class, users are allowed to read or modify fields in their own user profile when ID(&RACUID) is specified in the PERMIT command defining access. FDP_ACF.1.4(FLA) The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to objects based on the following addi- tional rules: users without the SPECIAL attribute, AUDITOR attribute, or ROAUDIT attribute have no access to fields in RACF segments until the FIELDS class is ac- tive and SETROPTS RACLIST processing is activated for the FIELDS class. 7.4 Identification and authentication (FIA) Authentication failure handling (FIA_AFL.1) FIA_AFL.1.1 The TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable positive integer within the range 1 to 255 number of consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts for the authentication methods passwords, password phrases and RACF PassTickets oc- cur related to all authentication events using these authentication methods. FIA_AFL.1.2 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been surpassed, the TSF shall set the user status to REVOKE. User attribute definition: human users (FIA_ATD.1(HU)) FIA_ATD.1.1(HU) The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual hu- man users: a) User identifier; b) Group memberships; c) User password and optionally a password phrase; d) Security roles; e) default access rights for objects created by the user (UACC); f) classes in which the user can define profiles (CLAUTH); g) indicator that global access checking, the ID(*) entry on the access list, and the UACC will not be used to allow this user access to a protected resource (RE- STRICTED); h) z/OS UNIX UID (for users also defined to UNIX System Services); i) indicator of the encryption algorithm used by the z/OS Network Authentication Service; j) X.509v3 certificate(s). Page 50 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Application note: Attributes such as SPECIAL, group-SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, group-AUDITOR, OPERATIONS and group-OPERATIONS designate roles in the model of this Security Target and are therefore further explained in the role model in FMT_SMR.1 Verification of secrets (FIA_SOS.1) FIA_SOS.1.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to verify that secrets meet the following quality metric: a) the probability that a secret can be obtained by an attacker during the lifetime of the secret is less than 2-20 Application note: Some authentication functions depend on cryptographic functions, such as certificate- based client authentication. No strength of function analysis is provided in this ST for these, nor for any cryptographic key generation functions that may be a part of the identi- fication and authentication mechanisms. Timing of authentication (FIA_UAU.1) FIA_UAU.1.1 The TSF shall allow all functions allowed to be performed by the individual pseudo- user assigned by the authorized administrator for started procedures (started tasks) on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. Application Note: Trusted applications can request the creation of an ACEE. It is up to the trusted applica- tion to ensure that the user has been successfully authenticated via RACF. In z/OS, predefined jobs known as started procedures (or started tasks) may be started automatically, or by an operator who has the required privileges. Those started tasks op- erate under a pseudo-user-ID assigned to them by the system administrator when the started task job was created and stored in a protected data set. RACF allows the defini- tion of protected user IDs for this purpose. Protected user IDs don’t have a password or password phrase associated with them and cannot be authenticated using RACF. They need to be defined in RACF and they are bound by the same RACF access control rules as a normal user. Activities performed by such a started task are accounted to the pseudo-user-ID assigned to them and not with the ID of the operator that started those tasks (because, in most cases, the operator would not know what those started tasks are doing and the operator would not be allowed to access the resources that the started tasks needs access to). No “user authentication” is performed for started tasks. Instead, they can only be started from predefined libraries. FIA_UAU.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Multiple authentication mechanisms (FIA_UAU.5) FIA_UAU.5.1 The TSF shall provide the following authentication mechanisms to support user au- thentication: a) Authentication based on username and password and password phrases; b) Authentication based on software token verification data (digital certificates); c) RACF PassTickets FIA_UAU.5.2 The TSF shall authenticate any user's claimed identity according to the following rules: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 51 of 141 a) Authentication based on username and password, password phrase or RACF PassTicket is performed for authentication requests using the RACROUTE RE- QUEST=VERIFY, RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFYX and initACEE functions; b) Authentication based on software token verification data is performed for au- thentication requests using the initACEE function; Protected authentication feedback (FIA_UAU.7) FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide no feedback to the user while the authentication is in progress. Application Note: The “user” in this case is the application that calls RACF to perform user authentication. RACF does not provide any feedback to a caller until the authentication process has fin- ished. Timing of identification (FIA_UID.1) FIA_UID.1.1 The TSF shall allow all functions allowed to be performed by the individual pseudo- user assigned by the authorized administrator for started procedures (started tasks) on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Enhanced user-subject binding (FIA_USB.2) FIA_USB.2.1 The TSF shall associate the following user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of that user: a) The RACF user identity that is associated with auditable events; b) The RACF user security attributes that are used to enforce the RACF general resource class and data set access control policy, the UNIX file system object security policy and the UNIX IPC object security policy; c) The software token that can be used for subsequent identification and authen- tication with the TSF or other remote IT systems; d) Active roles; e) Active groups; f) The RACF attributes/roles SPECIAL, group-SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, group-AUDITOR, CLAUTH, OPERATIONS, and group-OPERATIONS; g) The port of entry (POE) FIA_USB.2.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user security at- tributes with subjects acting on the behalf of users: a) A started task executes with the user ID defined in the started class or started procedures table defining the started task. b) in the case the user was authenticated by a remote trusted IT system and then mapped to a RACF userID using a profile in the IDIDMAP class: the identity of the user on the remote trusted IT system is also assigned as a security at- tribute to that user (and later used in audit records generated for that user). Page 52 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target FIA_USB.2.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security at- tributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of users: a) An administrator may define specific z/OS Applications to execute with an ad- ministrator defined user ID. b) An administrator may use the SURROGAT authority mechanism to allow a user to switch his identity to another defined user without specifying the password/phrase for this user. c) An application executing in supervisor state may change the group IDs of a subject representing a user with the R_setegid, R_setgid, or R_exec callable services according to the following rules: a. R_setegid: If the high-order bit of the input GID is on, the real, effec- tive, and saved GIDs are changed for the current process. b. R_setegid: If the high-order bit of the input GID is off and if the user is the superuser or if the input GID is equal to the real or saved GID of the calling process, the effective GID of the process is changed to the input GID. The real and saved GIDs are not changed. c. R_setgid: If the calling process is a superuser, the real, saved, and effective GIDs are changed. If the calling process is not a superuser but the input GID is equal to the real or saved GID, the effective GID of the process is changed. If neither condition is met, the GIDs of the process are not changed. d. R_exec: sets the effective and saved UNIX group identifier to the specified values (if the call requested a change of the GID) e. The new GID must be known to RACF. d) An application executing in supervisor state may change the user IDs of a sub- ject representing a user with the R_seteuid, R_setuid, or R_exec callable ser- vices according to the following rules. a. R_seteuid: If the high-order bit of the input UID is on, the real, effec- tive, and saved UIDs are changed for the current process. b. R_seteuid: If the high-order bit of the input z/OS UNIX user identifier (UID) is off and if the user is the superuser or if the input UID is equal to the real or saved UID of the calling process, the effective UID of the process is changed to the input UID. The real and saved UIDs are not changed. c. R_setuid: If the calling process is a superuser, the real, saved, and effective z/OS UNIX user identifiers (UIDs) are changed. If the call- ing process is not a superuser, but the input UID is equal to the real or saved UID, the effective UID of the process is changed. If neither condition is met, the UIDs of the process are not changed. d. R_exec: sets the effective and saved UNIX user identifier to the specified values (if the call requested a change of the UID). e. The new UID must be known to RACF. FIA_USB.2.4 The TSF shall enforce the following rules for the assignment of subject security attributes not derived from user security attributes when a subject is created: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 53 of 141 a) The Port of Entry (POE) is set to the value specified by the caller of initACEE in the SERVAUTH_name parameter or to the value of the POE or POENET parame- ter for callers of RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY or RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFYX 7.5 Security management (FMT) Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(GRD)) FMT_MSA.1.1(GRD) The TSF shall enforce the RACF general resource class and data set access control policy to restrict the ability to modify the security attributes (ACLs using the PERMIT command and security attributes that can be modified using the ALTDSD or RALTER commands) of the objects covered by the SFP to users that are allowed to use those commands according to the conditions defined in Table 19 in the TOE Summary Specification. Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(UFS)) FMT_MSA.1.1(UFS) The TSF shall enforce the UNIX file system object access control policy to re- strict the ability to modify the security attributes (ACLs) of the objects covered by the SFP to users that satisfy one of the following conditions: a) The user is a superuser (has an UID of 0 or has at least READ access to the re- source named SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHANGEPERMS in the UNIXPRIV class) b) The user is the owner of the file system object Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(IPC)) FMT_MSA.1.1(IPC) The TSF shall enforce the UNIX IPC object access control policy to restrict the ability to modify the security attributes (permission bits) of the objects covered by the SFP to users that satisfy one of the following conditions: a) The user is a superuser (has an UID of 0) b) The user is the owner or the creator of the IPC object Management of security attributes (FMT_MSA.1(FLA)) FMT_MSA.1.1(FLA) The TSF shall enforce the RACF profile field-level access control policy to re- strict the ability to modify the security attributes defined by profiles in the FIELD class to users that are allowed manage profiles in this class and define ACLs to such profiles using the PERMIT command. Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(GRD)) FMT_MSA.3.1(GRD) The TSF shall enforce the RACF general resource class and data set access control policy to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2(GRD) The TSF shall allow the users with the SPECIAL attribute and the owner of the profile protecting the object to specify alternative initial values to override the de- fault values when an object or information is created. Page 54 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(UFS)) FMT_MSA.3.1(UFS) The TSF shall enforce the UNIX file system object access control policy to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2(UFS) The TSF shall allow the z/OS components allowed to use the R_umask callable service to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(IPC)) FMT_MSA.3.1(IPC) The TSF shall enforce the RACF UNIX IPC object access control policy to provide re- strictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2(IPC) The TSF shall allow the no user to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Static attribute initialization (FMT_MSA.3(FLA)) FMT_MSA.3.1(FLA)The TSF shall enforce the RACF profile field-level access control policy to provide re- strictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2(FLA)The TSF shall allow the users that can manage access control lists for the related profiles in the FIELD class (and therefore set the value for UACC for those profiles) to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or infor- mation is created. Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(SO)) FMT_MTD.1.1(SO) The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize or change the additional TOE configura- tion parameters (as set by the SETROPTS command) to authorized administrators that satisfy the criteria for using the SETROPTS RACF command as defined in Ta- ble 19 in the TOE Summary Specification. Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(AE)) FMT_MTD.1.1(AE) The TSF shall restrict the ability to query or modify the set of audited events to a) users in the AUDITOR role b) for events related to a profile: the profile owner Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(UA)) FMT_MTD.1.1(UA) The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize, modify, delete the user security attributes used for the identification and authentication policy to the authorized administra- tors that satisfy the rules defined for the ADDUSER, ALTUSER, and DELUSER RACF commands as defined in Table 19 in the TOE Summary Specification. Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(RA)) FMT_MTD.1.1(RA) The TSF shall restrict the ability to re-enable the authentication to the account subject to authentication failure to users that satisfy the rules defined for the use of the RESUME operand in the ALTUSER RACF command in Table 19 in the TOE Sum- mary Specification. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 55 of 141 Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(TH)) FMT_MTD.1.1(TH) The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the threshold for unsuccessful authentica- tion attempts to users that satisfy one of the following rules: a) user has SPECIAL b) user has group-SPECIAL in the group that owns the user, or group-SPECIAL in a higher group in the group tree if group ownership is setup appropriately. Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(AD)) FMT_MTD.1.1(AD) The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize, modify, delete the user security attributes authentication data to users that satisfy the following rules: a) users authorized to modify their own authentication data b) Users with the SPECIAL or appropriate group-SPECIAL attribute can modify a user’s password/phrase; c) Users with access to FACILITY resource IRR.PASSWORD.RESET are allowed to reset passwords/phrases for any user that does not have the PROTECTED, SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or OPERATIONS attributes; d) Users with access to FACILITY resource IRR.PWRESET.OWNER.owner-value are allowed to reset passwords/phrases for users owned by “owner-value” if those users do not have the PROTECTED SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or OPERATIONS attributes and are not exempted from reset by the IRR.PWRE- SET.EXCLUDE.userID resource in the FACILITY class; e) Users with access to FACILITY resource IRR.PWRESET.TREE.owner-value are allowed to reset passwords/phrases for users in the scope of the group speci- fied by “owner-value” if those users do not have the PROTECTED, SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or OPERATIONS attributes and are not exempted from re- set by the IRR.PWRESET.EXCLUDE.userID resource in the FACILITY class. (Note: this “tree” function applies to the same target users that group-SPECIAL would affect.); f) Users may be allowed to renew or revoke their own digital certificates via the z/OS PKI Services component. Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(RC)) FMT_MTD.1.1(RC) The TSF shall restrict the ability to manage the TSF data operated upon by other RACF commands to users with the authority to those commands as defined in the Table 19 in the section on using RACF management commands in the TOE sum- mary specification. Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD.1(DC)) FMT_MTD.1.1(DC) The TSF shall restrict the ability to perform management functions for the digital cer- tificates to users with the SPECIAL attribute and users assigned the authority to specific management functions as defined in the tables in the section on managing digital certificates in the TOE summary specification. Application note: To perform a specific management function for digital certificates, a user that does not have the SPECIAL attribute must have RACF authority to a profile of the type IRR.DIGTCERT.function in the FACILITY class where function is the name of the man- Page 56 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target agement function. The list of management functions and the semantics of READ, UP- DATE and CONTROL authority for each function is defined in the tables in Authority checking for RACDCERT Processing, Authority Checking for R_datalib Processing and the section "Authority Checking for PKCS#11 Cryptographic Tokens in the ICSF TKDS" in the z/OS Security Target. That chapter in the z/OS Security Target also discusses use of resources in the CRYPTOZ resource class to control access to PKCS#11 tokens. To de- termine the authority a user has to those profiles, RACF uses the algorithm defined in FDP_ACF.1(GRD). Revocation: object security attributes (FMT_REV.1(OSA)) FMT_REV.1.1(OSA) The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke object security attributes defined by SFPs associated with the corresponding object under the control of the TSF to users that satisfy the following rules: users authorized to modify the security attributes by the RACF general profile access control policy, the UNIX file system object ac- cess control policy, the UNIX IPC objects access control policy. FMT_REV.1.2(OSA) The TSF shall enforce the following rules: a) The access rights associated with an object shall be enforced when an access check is made; Revocation: user security attributes (FMT_REV.1(USR)) FMT_REV.1.1(USR) The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke user security attributes defined by the SFP associated with the corresponding user under the control of the TSF to the au- thorized identified roles allowed to modify user security attributes. FMT_REV.1.2(USR) The TSF shall enforce the following rules: a) The enforcement of the revocation of user security attributes stored in the user profile with the next user-subject binding process during the next authentica- tion of the user; b) the immediate revocation of security-relevant access authorization (active with the next access check being made). Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1) FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: a) Management of auditing parameters and configuration; b) Management of RACF General Resource and Data set Profile Access Control Policy; c) Management of UNIX File System Object Access Control Policy; d) Management of UNIX IPC Object Access Control policy; e) Management of Field Level Access Control; f) Management of identification and authentication policy; g) Management of user security attributes; h) Management of RACF profiles i) Management of UNIX file system object security attributes © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 57 of 141 j) Management of UNIX IPC objects security attributes k) Management of RACF configuration data Security Roles (FMT_SMR.1) FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles: a) User role with the following rights: o Users are authorized to modify their own user password; o Users are authorized to modify the access control permissions for the named objects they own; b) users authorized by the RACF general resource class and data set access con- trol policy to modify object security attributes; c) users authorized to perform administrative actions within a defined group (group-SPECIAL attribute) d) users authorized to perform administrative actions for user or group security attributes via ownership e) RACF auditors (users who have the RACF AUDITOR attribute in their profiles) f) RACF read-only auditors (users who have the RACF ROAUDIT attribute in their profile) g) RACF group auditors (users who have the RACF group-AUDITOR attribute in their profiles) h) Operations roles (users with the OPERATIONS attribute) i) group-Operations roles (users with the RACF OPERATIONS attribute within a group or set of groups) j) z/OS pseudo-user (protected user IDs) k) z/OS UNIX superusers l) Users authorized to perform management operations for digital certificates based on access rights to RACF profiles protecting the individual management operations m) Users authorized to perform other management functions based on access rights to RACF profiles protecting the individual management operations n) authorized administrator (user with the SPECIAL attribute). FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. Page 58 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 7.6 Protection of the TSF (FPT) Inter-TSF basic TSF data consistency (FPT_TDC.1(RA)) FPT_TDC.1.1(RA) The TSF shall provide the capability to consistently interpret information in the RACF database and security attributes of UNIX file system objects when shared between the TSF and another trusted IT product. FPT_TDC.1.2(RA) The TSF shall use the rules to interpret RACF profiles and authorizations and the rules to interpret extended attributes of UNIX file system objects when interpreting the TSF data from another trusted IT product. Application note: Inter-TSF data consistency shall ensure that access control information is consistently in- terpreted when this information is shared between different instantiations of the TOE or when UNIX file system objects with their extended attributes are exported from one sys- tem and imported into another system. The discretionary access control information ei- ther has to be identical (which requires that the same users, groups and user member- ship of groups are defined in the involved systems) or this information has to be updated accordingly by a system administrator before the UNIX file system object is made avail- able to other user on the system importing the object. 7.7 Security Functional Requirements Rationale 7.7.1 Security Requirements Coverage The following table provides a mapping of SFR to the security objectives, showing that each security functional requirement addresses at least one security objective. Security Functional Requirements Objectives FAU_GEN_SUB.1 O.AUDITING FAU_GEN.2 O.AUDITING FAU_SAR.1 O.AUDITING FAU_SEL.1 O.AUDITING FCS_COP.1 O.PROGRAM_INTEGRITY_SUPPORT FDP_ACC.1(GRD) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACC.1(UFS) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACC.1(IPC) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACC.1(FLA) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACF.1(GRD) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 59 of 141 Security Functional Requirements Objectives FDP_ACF.1(UFS) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACF.1 (IPC) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACF.1 (FLA) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FIA_AFL.1 O.I&A FIA_ATD.1(HU) O.I&A FIA_SOS.1 O.I&A FIA_UAU.1 O.I&A FIA_UAU.5 O.I&A, O.I&A.MULTIPLE FIA_UAU.7 O.I&A FIA_UID.1 O.I&A FIA_USB.2 O.I&A FMT_MSA.1(GRD) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.1(UFS) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.1(IPC) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.1(FLA) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(GRD) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(UFS) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(IPC) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(FLA) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AE) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(SO) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(UA) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(RA) O.MANAGE Page 60 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Security Functional Requirements Objectives FMT_MTD.1(TH) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AD) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(RC) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(DC) O.MANAGE FMT_REV.1(OSA) O.MANAGE FMT_REV.1(USR) O.MANAGE FMT_SMF.1 O.MANAGE FMT_SMR.1 O.MANAGE FPT_TDC.1(RA) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS Table 9: Mapping of security functional requirements to security objectives 7.7.2 Security Requirements Sufficiency The following rationale provides justification for each security objective for the TOE, showing that the security functional requirements are suitable to meet and achieve the security objectives: Security objectives Rationale O.AUDITING The events to be audited are defined in FAU_GEN_SUB.1 and are associated with the identity of the user that caused the event (FAU_GEN.2). Authorized users are provided the capability to read the audit records (FAU_SAR.1). The authorized user must have the capability to specify which audit records are generated (FAU_SEL.1). The audit trail is stored and managed by the SMF component of the z/OS operating system, which ensures the protection of the audit trail and protects audit data from being lost. O.DISCRETIONARY.AC- CESS The TSF must control access to resources based on the identity of users that are allowed to specify which resources they want to ac- cess for storing their data. There are 4 different discretionary access control policies supported by the TOE: 1. The "general resource access control policy" (GRD), which the TOE enforces for "general resource profiles. Some of those profiles are used by RACF itself to control access to its own resources. External resource managers that use general resource profiles may call RACF to decide if a user is allowed to access a resource. This policy is defined by © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 61 of 141 Security objectives Rationale the SFRs FDP_ACC.1(GRD) and FDP_ACF.1(GRD). 2. The "UNIX file system access control policy" (UFS) used by RACF to control access to UNIX file system objects. For this policy RACF uses information it stores with z/OS UNIX file system objects. This policy is defined by the SFRs FDP_ACC.1(UFS) and FDP_ACF.1(UFS). 3. The "inter-process communication access control policy" used by RACF to control access to UNIX IPC objects. For this policy RACF uses information it stores with z/OS UNIX IPC objects. This policy is defined by the SFRs FDP_ACC.1(IPC) and FDP_ACF.1(IPC). 4. The "field level access control policy" (FLA) used by RACF to control access to fields in RACF profiles via RACF com- mands. This policy is defined by the SFRs FDP_ACC.1(FLA) and FDP_ACF.1(FLA). In addition the objective is also supported by FPT_TDC.1(RA) which ensures the consistent interpretation of the TSF data used for controlling access. O.I&A The TSF must ensure that only authorized users gain access to the TOE functions and resources. Users authorized to access the TOE must use an identification and authentication process (FIA_UID.1, FIA_UAU.1). This process is initiated by a trusted function within the TOE environment, which calls the TOE to perform the actual user authentication. Multiple I&A mechanisms are allowed as speci- fied in FIA_UAU.5. To ensure authorized access to the TOE, au- thentication data is protected (FIA_ATD.1(HU), FIA_UAU.7). Proper authorization for subjects acting on behalf of users is also ensured (FIA_USB.2). The appropriate strength of the authentication mecha- nism is ensured (FIA_SOS.1). To support the strength of authenti- cation methods, the TOE is capable of identifying and reacting to unsuccessful authentication attempts (FIA_AFL.1). O.I&A.MULTIPLE The TOE supports multiple I&A mechanisms, which is specified with FIA_UAU.5. O.MANAGE The TOE provides management interfaces globally defined in FMT_SMF.1 for: · the access control policies (FMT_MSA.1(GRD), FMT_MSA.1(UFS), FMT_MSA.1(IPC), FMT_MSA.1(FLA), FMT_MSA.3(GRD), FMT_MSA.3(UFS)), FMT_MSA.3(IPC), FMT_MSA.3(FLA); · Note: since the default values for FMT_MSA.3(IPC) can not be changed, there is of course no management inter- face for this SFR. · the user security attributes (other than authentication data) (FMT_MTD.1(UA)); · the auditing aspects (FMT_MTD.1(AE)); · the identification and authentication aspects Page 62 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Security objectives Rationale (FMT_MTD.1(RA), FMT_MTD.1(AD), FMT_MTD.1(TH)); · the use of RACF commands (FMT_MTD.1(RC)); · the general management of RACF (FMT_MTD.1(SO)); · the management of digital certificates (used for user authen- tication and for program signing and verification) (FMT_MTD.1(DC)); The rights management for the different management aspects is defined with FMT_SMR.1. The management interfaces for the revocation of user and object attributes is provided with (FMT_REV.1(OSA), FMT_REV.1(USR)). O.PROGRAM_IN- TEGRITY_SUPPORT The support for program integrity verification is defined by FCS_COP.1, which describes the functional requirement for pro- gram signature generation and verification support. Table 10: Security objectives for the TOE rationale 7.7.3 Security Requirements Dependency Analysis The following table demonstrates the dependencies of SFRs modeled in CC Part 2 and how the SFRs for the TOE resolve those dependencies: Security Functional Re- quirement Dependencies Resolution FAU_GEN_SUB.1 no dependencies FAU_GEN.2 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN_SUB.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN_SUB.1 FAU_SEL.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN_SUB.1 FMT_MTD.1 FMT_MTD.1(AE) FCS_COP.1 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FMT_MTD.1(DC) (see discussion below) FCS_CKM.4 no (see discussion below) FDP_ACC.1(GRD) FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(GRD) FDP_ACC.1(UFS) FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(UFS) FDP_ACC.1(IPC) FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(IPC) © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 63 of 141 Security Functional Re- quirement Dependencies Resolution FDP_ACC.1(FLA) FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(FLA) FDP_ACF.1(GRD) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1(GRD) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(GRD) FDP_ACF.1(UFS) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1(UFS) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(UFS) FDP_ACF.1(IPC) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1(IPC) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(IPC) FDP_ACF.1(FLA) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1(FLA) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(FLA) FIA_AFL.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_ATD.1(HU) No dependencies. FIA_SOS.1 No dependencies. FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UAU.5 No dependencies. FIA_UAU.7 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 No dependencies. FIA_USB.2 FIA_ATD.1 FIA_ATD.1(HU) FMT_MSA.1(GRD) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(GRD) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1(UFS) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(UFS) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 Page 64 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Security Functional Re- quirement Dependencies Resolution FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1(IPC) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(IPC) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1(FLA) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(FLA) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.3(GRD) FDP_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1(GRD) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.3(UFS) FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1(UFS) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.3(IPC) FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1(IPC) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.3(FLA) FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1(FLA) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(SO) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AE) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 65 of 141 Security Functional Re- quirement Dependencies Resolution FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(UA) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(RA) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(TH) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AD) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(RC) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(DC) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_REV.1(OSA) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_REV.1(USR) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 No dependencies. FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FPT_TDC.1(RA) No dependencies. Table 11: TOE SFR dependency analysis 7.7.4 Discussion of dependencies not satisfied The dependencies mentioned in CC part 2 for FCS_COP.1 are not satisfied. CC part 2 lists as dependencies either the import of user data or key generation. In addition in either case a dependency to key destruction is listed. The RACF security target does not satisfy those dependencies for the following reason: • RACF does not generate cryptographic keys, but imports them. For this import FDP_ITC.1 or FDP.ITC.2 are not suitable requirements, since they relate to "user data" while the certificates Page 66 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target imported are actually TSF data. Still their import is protected, since importing certificates to be used for program signing and verification requires the user to have the right to use the RACDCERT command with the required parameter and also have the appropriate access to the RACF key ring used to store the imported certificate. This is reflected in the SFR FMT_MTD.1(DC), which requires appropriate administrative privileges to manage the digital certificates. Therefore FMT_MTD.1(DC) resolves the dependency to control the rights to import digital certificates. • RACF does not destruct cryptographic keys but leaves this to the environment (ICSF), which RACF uses to store the RACF key rings. Therefore the dependency to FCS_CKM.4 is addressed in the TOE environment. 7.7.5 TSF Rationale The following table maps the SFRs to the TOE summary description and provides pointers into the TSS where the implementation of the SFR is described. Security Functional Requirements Security Functions FAU_GEN_SUB.1 Section 8.5.1 explains how audit records are generated. This section also explains the structure of the audit records. FAU_GEN.2 Section 8.5.1 explains the information contained in the audit records. Tools to export audit records in human-readable format are men- tioned in this section, too. FAU_SAR.1 Section, subsection "AUDITOR and group-AUDITOR" ex- plains the auditor role. Section explains the options of the SETROPT command a user in the AUDITOR role may use. Section 8.5.4 describes the purpose of the audit dump programs that read audit records from the audit trail and store them in a data set where they can be assessed. FAU_SEL.1 Sections table 76 explain how the auditor role can configure the events that are audited using the RACF commands and the oper- ands reserved for users in the AUDITOR role. This section also ex- plain that the owner of a profile can define which events related to the profile are audited. FCS_COP.1 Support for program signing and signature verification is explained in section 8.6 FDP_ACC.1(GRD) The general resource access control policy is described in sections and FDP_ACC.1(UFS) The UNIX file system access control policy is explained in section FDP_ACC.1(IPC) The IPC object access control policy is described in section FDP_ACC.1(FLA) The RACF field level access control policy is explained in sections 8.3.2 and in table 76. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 67 of 141 Security Functional Requirements Security Functions FDP_ACF.1(GRD) The general resource access control policy is described in sections and FDP_ACF.1(UFS) The UNIX file system access control policy is explained in section FDP_ACF.1 (IPC) The IPC object access control policy is described in section FDP_ACF.1 (FLA) The RACF field level access control policy is explained in sections 8.4.2 and in table 76. FIA_AFL.1 The system-wide attribute REVOKE for the number of failed consec- utive authentication attempts is explained in sections, table 70, and the section titled "User Revocation" and the section titled "User profiles" where the REVOKE attribute in a user profile is ex- plained. The effect of a user ID being revoked is described in section 8.2.1. FIA_ATD.1(HU) User attributes for human users are defined in the user profile, which is described in section in the subsection titled "User profiles". FIA_SOS.1 The password and password phrase specifics are defined in section 8.2.2 where the options for the password and passphrase policy are defined in the subsections titled "Password Quality" ( and "Password Phrase Quality" ( FIA_UAU.1 User authentication is explained in section 8.2.1. FIA_UAU.5 Authentication using passwords and password phrases is explained in section 8.2.2. Authentication using RACF Pass Tickets is explained in section 8.2.3. Authentication using digital certificates is explained in section 8.2.4. FIA_UAU.7 Section 8.2.1 describes the RACF interfaces that can be invoked for user authentication. The functions do not provide any feedback to the caller while they are in progress. FIA_UID.1 User identification is explained in 8.2.1. FIA_USB.2 User subject binding using in z/OS, the TOE’s environment, is ex- plained in section 8.2.7 with respect to group processing and 8.2.8, which describes how RACF creates an ACEE using the information from the user's profile. FMT_MSA.1(GRD) Management of access control for the general resource access con- trol policy is explained in table 76 section, where the RACF Page 68 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Security Functional Requirements Security Functions commands and the restrictions on their usage is described. Access control to general resource profiles is managed by the PERMIT com- mand. FMT_MSA.1(UFS) Management of access control for the UNIX file system access con- trol policy is described in section in the section titled "Man- agement of z/OS UNIX file system objects and IPC objects" where the RACF interfaces for the management of the UNIX file system ac- cess policy and IPC access policy are described. FMT_MSA.1(IPC) Management of access control for the IPC access control policy is described in section in the section titled "Management of z/ OS UNIX file system objects and IPC objects" where the RACF inter- faces for the management of the UNIX file system access policy and IPC access policy are described. FMT_MSA.1(FLA) Management of the RACF profile field level access control policy is performed via the management of profiles in the FIELD class and defining access to those profiles using the PERMIT command. The management of access control lists for general resource class pro- files therefore applies here. See section for more details. FMT_MSA.3(GRD) Default values for the general resource access control policy are de- scribed in section Default access of a user is defined by the UACC value in the profile protecting the resource. FMT_MSA.3(UFS) Default values for the UNIX file system access control policy are de- scribed in section which explains that access is denied unless it is given either by the ACLs or the permission bits. FMT_MSA.3(IPC) The default values for this access control policy can not be managed. See section FMT_MSA.3(FLA) The default values for this access control policy are defined by the UACC value for the profiles in the FIELD class which are managed by the functions of the RACF general resource class access control policy. See section for more details. FMT_MTD.1(AE) Audit trail management is performed using the command options re- served for users in the AUDITOR or group-AUDITOR role as defined in table 76 section Those are: • SETROPTS options reserved for users with the AUDITOR privilege • GLOBALAUDIT keyword for ALTDSD and RALTER com- mands • UAUDIT/NOUAUDIT keyword for the ALTUSER command © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 69 of 141 Security Functional Requirements Security Functions FMT_MTD.1(SO) The SETROPTS command related management is described in sec- tion and in table 76 in section FMT_MTD.1(UA) User security attribute management is explained in section 8.4.1. FMT_MTD.1(RA) Management for re-enabling authentication is described in section 8.4.1 where the authority to reset a user's password is described in detail. FMT_MTD.1(TH) Management of the threshold for unsuccessful authentication events is described in section it is explained that this threshold can be set using the SETROPTS command. FMT_MTD.1(AD) Management of authentication data is explained in sections 8.2.1 and 8.4.1. FMT_MTD.1(RC) Management of RACF commands is explained in table 76 in section FMT_MTD.1(DC) Management of digital certificates is explained in sections 8.2.4 and 8.3.5 where the RACDCERT command and the authorities required for the use of its parameter are described in detail. FMT_REV.1(OSA) Revocation of object security attributes is explained in section 8.4.2 for the management of general resource profiles (and data set pro- files) as well as for the field-level access control are defined. Section, subsection titled "Management of z/OS UNIX file system ob- jects and IPC objects" describes the interfaces used for the revoca- tion of object security attributes for z/OS UNIX file system objects and IPC objects. FMT_REV.1(USR) Revocation of user security attributes is explained in section 8.4.1. FMT_SMF.1 See SFRs FMT_MTD.1(x) and sections 8.2.1, 8.2.4, 8.3.5, 8.4.1,, as well as Table 76. FMT_SMR.1 The roles are explained in section 8.4.1 in the subsection titled "RACF Roles". FPT_TDC.1(RA) The inter-TSF data consistency is given by the general structure of the profiles in the RACF database, which ensures that a RACF data- base is consistently interpreted when used by a remote system. See also section 8.1. Table 12: TOE SFR dependency analysis 7.7.6 Mutual support of the security functions This section demonstrates that the TOE security functions are mutually supportive by showing how Page 70 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target the individual functions are interrelated. Identification and authentication is a prerequisite for discretionary access control as well as the security management functions that require the user to have the required privileges to perform the management activities. It also is a prerequisite to auditing by provision of a unique and reliable reference to a user causing an audit event. Identification and authentication is supported by access control that protects the user and group profiles (including the authentication information) against unauthorized access and modification. In addition identification and authentication is supported by security management that defines user with their credentials and assigns initial authentication information to them. Discretionary access control supports audit by protecting the audit data sets against unauthorized access, supports security management by protecting security management information stored in data sets or files and by ensuring that the user performing management functions have the required privileges. Security management is required to manage the users, groups, access rights, authentication data, digital certificates, the privileges of users, and other TSF data. This is supporting identification and authentication, audit, as well as the different access control policies. Different aspects of security management support each other. For example user and group management supports the management of access control, because the definition of access rights can be simplified by defining access on a group level and assign users that require access to the appropriate groups. Security management also supports auditing because it allows to define the events to be audited based on individual users, individual protected objects, privileges of the users and type of event. Security management also includes the management of access rights. Management of discretionary access rights can be performed by users with the required privileges and the management of those privileges is part of the user and group management. This structure allows delegation of some management functions to users with privileges limited to the scope of a group. Auditing is a secondary security function that does not provide direct support for other security functions. Auditing provides indirect support to other security functions, because it allows identification of security problems and allows definition of appropriate measures (in the TOE configuration or the TOE environment) to prevent those events in the future. TOE self-protection supports all other security functions to ensure that they can not be tampered with or bypassed. 7.8 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale The evaluation assurance level has been chosen commensurate with the threat environment that is experienced by typical consumers of the TOE. In addition, the evaluation assurance level has been augmented with ALC_FLR.3 commensurate with the augmented flaw remediation capabilities offered by the developer beyond those required by the evaluation assurance level. The assurance measures and how they are satisfied are explained in the table in section "TOE Assurance Measures". The authors of this Security Target view this table as sufficient justification for the individual assurance measures. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 71 of 141 8. TOE summary specification This chapter provides a summary of the security functions of RACF that are subject to the evaluation. The chapter also provides some overview material required for a basic understanding how the security functions work. Those details of the security functions that are the focus of the evaluation are marked in brackets using an identifier such as “IA” or “AC” for the security function and a unique, opaque identifier to denominate the claim as it is laid down in this document. 8.1 Overview of the RACF architecture RACF is implemented as a dedicated component that can be used by operating system components and trusted applications to • authenticate users • control access to resources • manage access rights • manage users and groups with their security attributes • log and report attempts to authenticate or access protected resources RACF manages the information it relies on in its own database. This database includes, in a well defined structure and format, user and group profiles, which store information about individual users and groups with the security attributes assigned to the users and groups. It also includes resource profiles, where those profiles represent the resources for which a resource manager can call RACF in order to check for a user's authority to access a specific resource. The RACF database contains information on the protection of z/OS UNIX filesystem and IPC objects. In addition RACF manages access rights associated with resource profiles, which define the type of access users or groups have to the resource. RACF has the capability to generate audit records for specific events. RACF also provides an interface to resource managers that they can use to cause RACF to generate a specific audit record. Audit records generated by RACF are not stored in the RACF database, but passed to the components of z/OS, which are centrally used to store and manage all types of audit records. RACF has three main sets of interfaces: · The RACROUTE macro interface, which sufficiently authorized programs executing within z/OS can use to request services from RACF · The RACF callable services, which also sufficiently authorized programs executing within z/OS can use to request services from RACF. Those services include specific services related UNIX file systems and UNIX IPC objects. · The RACF command interface which sufficiently authorized users can use to perform RACF management functions. The authorizations required are defined with the individual functions and may even be dependent on the parameters used. 8.1.1 RACF TSF Protection RACF uses the protection mechanisms provided by z/OS as described in section in the following way: • the main functions of RACF are implemented as separate address spaces, which protects Page 72 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target their code and data from direct interference by unprivileged programs executing in other address spaces • RACF defines a limited set of SVCs and PCs that programs in all address spaces can invoke. Some PCs are defined such that the hardware prohibits their use unless the caller has appropriate hardware privileges. For other PCs as well as for SVCs, callable services and commands RACF performs its own check if the caller has the appropriate authorization to invoke the interface with the parameter specified. The specification of the individual interfaces also define the authorizations required to use the interface and specific parameter of the interface. • many interfaces to RACF require the calling program to execute with system privileges like supervisor state, key 0, or APF authorization. When called without proper authorizations, those programs will fail to perform the requested action and either return with an appropriate return code, cause an exception, or cause an "abnormal end" (ABEND) with an ABEND code indicating the cause of the problem. RACF uses the z/OS mechanisms for establishing error recovery routines which allows RACF to handle errors or exceptions detected by z/OS or the hardware and either recover from the error, perform any necessary clean-up operation and signal the error to the calling program, or (in the extreme case when RACF is not able to maintain its integrity e. g. when the RACF database is full or compromised) terminate RACF itself. 8.1.2 Initial RACF Setup Upon installation RACF is configured using · the RACF data set name table (ICHRDSNT load module), which provides the data set names for the RACF database and for each of them the backup data set. · the RACF range table (load module ICHRRNG), which determines in which data set of the RACF database RACF places each profile. · the class descriptor table (CDT), which describes the RACF general resource classes known to RACF. This table has two parts: the static class descriptor table and the dynamic class descriptor table. The static class descriptor table consists of a load module describing the classes supplied by IBM (load module ICHRRCDX) and an optional load module (ICHRRCDE) that contains installation defined classes. 8.2 Identification and authentication support by RACF (IA) 8.2.1 Authentication function An application can use RACF to support the identification and authentication of users. RACF provides the following interfaces to perform user authentication: · the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY macro · the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFYX macro · the initACEE RACF callable service When authenticating a user the TOE allows applications to accept and provide to RACF: · A user ID defined to RACF {IA1::IA.1.4-R8-RACF-1} and the RACF password {IA.1::IA.1.4-R8- RACF-2} or password phrase {IA.1::IA.1.4-R10-RACF-4} or a PassTicket {IA.1::IA.1.4-R8- RACF-3}. · A valid x.509v3 digital certificate that the application has validated using TLSv1.2- or TLS V1.3- © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 73 of 141 based client authentication and presented to RACF via initACEE (or indirectly via __certificate()) or mapped to a RACF user ID via R_usermap(), for applications supporting TLSv1.2- and, TLSv1.3-based client authentication (see Authentication via Client Digital Certificates). {IA.1::IA.1.4-V2R4-RACFEAL5-1} (Note: the mapping of a certificate to an ID is the responsibility of the application, and as it is not directly a function of RACF will not be tested during this evaluation.) Some additional considerations: · For access to UNIX functions, the user must have a valid UID and his default group must have a valid GID {IA.1::IA.1.6}. If the user is in additional groups they may have GIDs, too, and if so UNIX access checking will make use of those additional GIDs {IA.1::IA.1.6-R8-USS-3}. · If the user ID is in REVOKE status, RACF prevents user from entering the system at all or entering the system with certain groups {IA.1::IA.1.7}. · For a user defined as a system administrator (that is, one who has the system SPECIAL attribute) a message is displayed on the console asking the operator if the user shall be revoked if he exceeds the number of failed login attempts due to incorrect passwords {IA.1::IA.1.7-R8-RACF-1} or if he exceeds the system inactivity interval {IA.1::IA.1.7.R8-RACF- 2}. · For users in the TSO environment the administrator can impose restrictions on whether the user can use the system on this day and at this time of the day. This is checked only when using a terminal from a defined set. {IA.1::IA.1.8}. · RACF also checks if the user is authorized to access the terminal (which can also include day and time restrictions for accessing that terminal) or other port of entry {IA.1::IA.1.9}. · RACF also checks if the user is authorized to use the application (if specified) {IA.1::IA.1.10}. · A user may have SURROGAT authority for another user. This allows him to submit a job under the user ID of this other user without specifying the password or to use the z/OS UNIX su command to switch to this user’s ID without specifying the password {IA.1::IA.1.11}. It also allows appropriately-authorized servers to switch a session to run under a pre-specified ID {IA.1::IA.1.11-R8-MULTI-1}. The application requesting RACF to authenticate a user will usually also request RACF to create a specific control block, named Accessor Control Environment Element (ACEE). The content of the ACEE is built from information taken from the user's profile in the RACF database and from information provided by the application requesting authentication. Examples of information supplied by the requesting application are the "Port of entry" or the name of the application. The ACEE is later used in access checks performed by RACF when the user related information like the user's RACF attributes, group memberships, port of entry, etc. are evaluated as part of the access control algorithm. 8.2.2 RACF Passwords and Password Phrases In RACF, the user selects his own password/phrase and only the user knows the value chosen. If the user has forgotten his password/phrase and it needs to be reset, the security administrator will reset the password/phrase {IA.2::IA.2.1-R10}. When the system administrator follows the rules for the evaluated configuration, this new password/phrase should be in an expired state, thus forcing the user to enter a new password/phrase on the next logon {IA.2::IA.2.2-R10}. When creating a new user ID for a pseudo-user that is not a protected user ID, the initial password/phrase may be marked as nonexpired, allowing it to be used without being changed first. {IA.2::IA.2.3-R10}. Password Quality A system administrator can set a variety of system-global rules for forming valid passwords using the Page 74 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target SETROPTS command (for system-wide settings) or (to a lesser extent) using the password command to affect only one user. He can change such parameters as the number of days a password is valid for, how long to maintain password history to prevent the user from reusing the same password again, the minimum number of days between password changes, and syntax rules for password content. When a user changes a password, RACF treats the new, user-supplied password as an encryption key to transform the RACF user ID into an encoded form using the DES algorithm that it stores on the database. The password is not stored in clear text {IA.2::IA.2.4}. The following system-wide options can be set to enforce a minimum strength of passwords using the PASSWORD option in the SETROPTS command: • Minimum and maximum length of passwords (LENGTH(m1:m2) as part of a RULE suboption) {IA.2::IA.2.5} • Maximum password lifetime (INTERVAL suboption) {IA.2::IA.2.6} and minimum password- change time (MINCHANGE option) {IA.2::IA.2.V1R7-1} • Number of passwords from the user’s password history that are not allowed for a new pass- word (HISTORY suboption) {IA.2::IA.2.7} • Maximum number of consecutive failed authentication attempts until the REVOKE attribute is set in the user’s profile (REVOKE suboption) {IA.2::IA.2.8} • Differentiate between upper- and lowercase characters with the PASSWORD(MIXEDCASE) option {IA.2::IA.2.V1R7-2} • allowance for the use of the following special characters in passwords: .<+|&!*-%_>?:= • Type of character for each character position of a password. Possible types are {IA.2::IA.2.9}: • ALPHA • NOVOWEL • CONSONANT • NUMERIC • MIXEDCONSONANT • MIXEDVOWEL • MIXEDNUM • NATIONAL If the value ALPHANUM is defined for more than one position in the password, at least one alphabetical value and one numeric value are required by RACF. The SETROPTS command with the SPECIALCHARS option can be used to increase the possible password space by an additional 14 characters (! % & * _ + | : ? > < . - =) {IA.2::IA.2-V2R2.1}. A new MIXEDALL content-keyword is used to force a mixture of the four categories of characters within a password. Note: MIXEDALL considers the existing national characters (@, #, $) as special characters, and not as upper case letters {IA.2::IA.2-V2R2.2}. SMF Type 80 record for the SETROPTS event code is being augmented with new indicators for: • the NO/SPECIALCHARS keyword specified • the NO/SPECIALCHARS keyword failed • the SPECIALCHARS setting in effect after completion of the SETROPTS command {IA.2::IA.2-V2R2.3}. When the commands are called in a way that allows the TOE to suppress printing, passwords are not displayed: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 75 of 141 • when entered at a TSO terminal as part of the login process {IA.2::IA.2.10}, or • when entered at a TSO terminal as part of the ADDUSER, ALTUSER, or PASSWORD com- mands when the command contains the PASSWORD keyword but no value {IA.2::IA.2-R10- RACF-21}, or • when entered into one of the RACF-supplied ISPF panels that allows specification of a pass- word {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-22}, or • when entered at a system operator console as part of the operator logon {IA.2::IA.2-R8-BCP- 1}, or • when the content of a jobcard is displayed as part of a job’s output {IA.2::IA.2.13}. Note that the TSF can not ensure that passwords entered into programs executing with the user's privilege are fully protected from being spoofed. The user has to take care about his password in those cases as explained in the guidance. Note that supressing printing of passwords in TSO, JES2, or BCP is subject to those z/OS components. RACF is not involved in this. The claims are listed here just for completeness. They are verified as part of the z/OS evaluation and not as part of the RACF evaluation. Note that [PMLS] describes in section 7, chapter “Passwords and password phrases” an actual password policy describing the requirements for password quality in the evaluated configuration. Password Phrase Quality Many of the system rules for passwords set by SETROPTS apply to password phrases, too. However, RACF does not provide support for content syntax rules when using password phrases. When a password phrase is established for a user, RACF treats the new phrase as a sequence of encryption keys to transform the RACF user ID into an encoded form using the DES algorithm with chaining, that it then stores on the database. The password phrase is not stored in clear text {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-1}. The following system-wide options that can be set to enforce a minimum strength of passwords using the PASSWORD option in the SETROPTS command also apply to password phrases: · Maximum password phrase lifetime (INTERVAL suboption) {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-2} and minimum password phrase change time (MINCHANGE option) {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-3} · Number of password phrases from the user’s password phrase history that are not allowed for a new password phrase (HISTORY suboption) {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-4} · Maximum number of consecutive failed authentication attempts using a password or password phrase until the REVOKE attribute is set in the user’s profile (REVOKE suboption) {IA.2::IA.2- R10-RACF-5} Rather than having an administrator specify syntax rules to specify valid password phrase content, RACF enforces the following set of predefined rules: • maximum length: 100 characters in the absence of exit ICHPWX11 {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-6} Note: The evaluated configuration of the TOE generally does not allow customers to implement exits to change the system processing. However, RACF supplies a sample ICHPWX11 exit and a sample REXX exec IRRPHREX that the sample ICHPWX11 will invoke. The administrator may install the sample ICHPWX11 unmodified, and may specify tailoring options in IRRPHREX to apply some additional syntax/content rules. • minimum length: ○ 14 characters in the absence of exit ICHPWX11 and when KDFAES is not the passphrase encryption algorithm {IA.2::IA.2-V2R2-4} ○ 9 characters when KDFAES is the passphrase encryption algorithm {IA.2::IA.2-V2R2-5} Page 76 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target ○ 9 characters if exit ICHPWX11 is present and allows the phrase {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-8} • The phrase may not contain the user ID, in either sequential uppercase or sequential lowercase characters {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-9} • The phrase must contain at least two alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF- 10} • The phrase must contain at least two non-alphabetic characters (numeric, punctuation, special (including blanks)) {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-11} • The phrase may not contain more than two consecutive identical characters {IA.2::IA.2-R10- RACF-12} If the administrator chooses to install the supplied sample exit ICHPWX11, the sample REXX exec IRRPHREX may then apply the following additional checks, if selected by the administrator, and may then accept a shorter phrase or reject a phrase that RACF would have accepted: • The administrator can set the minimum allowable phrase length to a value between 9 and 100 inclusive by setting variable Phr_minlen {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-26} • The administrator can set the maximum allowable phrase length to a value between 9 and 100 inclusive by setting variable Phr_maxlen {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-13} • The administrator can set a more restrictive set of characters for password phrases by setting the variables numbers, letters, special, and Phr_allowed_chars {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-14} • The administrator can prevent leading or trailing blanks in password phrases by setting the variables Phr_leading_blanks or Phr_trailing_blanks to “no” IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-15} • The administrator can prevent use of password phrases that contain a case-insensitive character string from the user's name by setting the variable Phr_name_allowed to “no” and setting the variable Phr_name_minlen to the longest substring allowed {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF- 16} Example: if the user's name is John Smith the administrator could prevent the user from specifying a phrase containing John or john or jOhn or Smit by appropriate settings of the variables. • The administrator can enable a triviality check by setting the variable Phr_triviality to “yes”. This will prevent use of a new password phrase that differs from the old one only insertion/deletion of spaces or changing character case. It also will reject a new phrase when the shorter of the old and new phrases is simply a substring of the other. {IA.2::IA.2-R10- RACF-17} • The administrator can prevent use of new phrases that do not differ in a significant number of characters from the old phrase by setting the variable Phr_min_unique to the number of positions that must differ. In addition, if the variable Phr_min_unique_norm has the value “yes” the exec will first normalize the old and new phrases to be checked by converting them to uppercase and removing spaces. {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-18} • The administrator can prevent the user of a new phrase which simply reorders the words of the old phrase by setting the variables Phr_unique_words (number of words that must be unique), Phr_word_minlen (minimum length of the unique words), and Phr_word_unique_upper (if “yes” then the exec will convert the old and new phrases to uppercase for this check {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-19} • The administrator can provide a list of disallowed words by setting the variables Phr_dict.0 to the number of words in a supplied list, and supplying the list in variables Phr_dict.1, Phr_dict.2, etc. {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-20} When the commands are called in a way that allows the TOE to suppress printing, the phrase is not displayed: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 77 of 141 • when entered at a TSO terminal as part of the login process {IA.2::IA.2-R10-TSO-23}, or • when entered into one of the RACF-supplied ISPF panels that allows specification of a password phrase {IA.2::IA.2-R10-RACF-25}. Note that the TSF can not ensure that password phrases entered into programs executing with the user's privilege are fully protected from being spoofed. The user has to take care about his password phrase in those cases as explained in the guidance. 8.2.3 RACF PassTickets PassTickets provide a one-time {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-1} (by default, though administrators can change that for selected applications {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-2}), cryptographically-computed, password substitute that may be used to authenticate a user {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-3}. The computed value comprises information about the user ID, the application to which the user is authenticating, and the date and time-of-day {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-4}. A given PassTicket is usable only within a time interval of plus-or-minus 10 minutes from the time of generation {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8- RACF-5}. The cryptographic computation of a PassTicket requires usage of a secret key assigned by the administrator, and (for computations on z/OS) maintained within a profile in the PTKTDATA class. PassTicket evaluation also uses PTKTDATA profiles to determine the appropriate secret key to use. For PassTicket generation, RACF locates a PTKTDATA profile whose name matches the application name, and extracts the secret key from it. The generation of the PassTicket then proceeds, using the user ID, application name, time/date, and selected key as inputs to the generation algorithm. For PassTicket evaluation, RACF receives a user ID, application name, and optionally a group name, and locates a PTKTDATA profile to determine the secret key using a series of profile lookups, until a matching profile is found: 1. {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-6} 2. application-name.user-ID {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-7} 3. {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-8} 4. application-name {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-9} RACF provides two services for generation of PassTickets: 1. An internal service usable only by key 0 callers and located via the RCVT (RCVTPTGN); {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-10} 2. An external service usable by appropriately authorized users or servers, and invoked by R_ticketserv() or R_gensec() {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-11}. To use one of these services for PassTicket generation the caller needs UPDATE authority to resource in the PTKTDATA class. {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8- RACF-12} RACF also allows applications to evaluate PassTickets by using the R_ticketserv() or R_gensec() services {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8-RACF-13}. Use of these services for PassTicket evaluation requires READ authority to in the PTKTDATA class {IA.2::IA.2.14-R8- RACF-13a}. 8.2.4 Authentication via Client Digital Certificates z/OS applications can accept client certificates and map them to RACF user IDs as part of the client authentication process. Such applications must be configured to use RACF to store the keyrings that contain the application private key and the allowed Certificate Authority (CA) certificates that may be used to provide the client certificates that the application will support. The security administrator will use RACDCERT to establish those keyrings, which may reside in RACF profiles in the DIGTRING class or in PKCS#11 tokens maintained in ICSF, and thus to approve of any CAs that will be used. Page 78 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Any CA used in the evaluated configuration must support Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) maintained in an LDAP registry, and the security administrator must configure the application to use the CRLs. This configuration may be application-specific, or may be done by establishing LE environment variables that System SSL will use in the absence of specific application-provided CRL configuration information. The first step in the client authentication process is for the application to acquire the client certificate, usually via the standard TLS data flows. As part of that processing, another z/OS component, System SSL will validate the client certificate using the gsk_validate_certificate_mode() function, passing the validation mode to be applied to the validation processing. This validation is outside the scope of RACF. After System SSL has validated the client certificate, the application (or AT-TLS) can map it to a RACF user ID via the R_usermap() callable service {IA.2::IA.2.16-R8-RACF-1}. Or the application can directly create a security environment for the user by using the InitACEE() service {IA.2::IA.2.16- R8-RACF-3}. In this case, RACF will: 1. Examine the RACF database and determine whether the certificate is installed and registered to a specific user. If so, return that user ID {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-1} 2. Otherwise, RACF will try to find the best-matching mapping profile (DIGTNMAP class), and return the user ID specified in the profile’s APPLDATA field: a. Check for a filter of subject’s-full-name.issuer’s-full-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-2} b. Iteratively remove nodes from the subject’s name and check for a filter of the form: subject’s-partial-name.issuer’s-full-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-3} c. Check for a filter of the form: subject’s-full-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-4} d. Iteratively remove nodes from the subject’s name and check for a filter of the form: subject’s-partial-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-5} e. Check for a filter of the form: issuer’s-full-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-6} f. Iteratively remove nodes from the issuer’s name and check for a filter of the form: issuer’s-partial-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-7} 3. Otherwise, RACF will try to find the best-matching mapping profile (DIGTNMAP, DIGTCRIT class) that matches the mapping criteria specified by the application that presented the certificate to RACF, and if found return the user ID specified in the DIGTNMAP profile’s APPLDATA field {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-8}. 4. Otherwise, if the certificate contains at least one hostIDMappings extension with a host-name and user ID {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-9} and the certificate was issued by a CA defined to RACF as having the HIGHTRUST status {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-10}, then RACF will examine each of the hostIDMappings extensions, in order {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-11}. RACF will determine whether the application has READ access to in the SERVAUTH class, and if so RACF will return the user ID associated with that host-name {IA.2::IA.2.17-R8-RACF-12}. 8.2.5 Started procedures With the concept of a started procedure, z/OS provides a mechanism where a defined task can be started by an operator, but then operates under a defined user ID that is specifically assigned to the started procedure itself. A started procedure consists of a set of job control language statements that are frequently used together to achieve a certain result. Started procedures usually reside in the system procedure library, SYS1.PROCLIB, which is a partitioned data set. A started procedure is usually started by an operator, but can be associated with a functional subsystem. For example, SMS is treated as a started © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 79 of 141 procedure even though it does not need to be specifically started with a START command. Only RACF-defined users and groups can be specifically authorized to access RACF-protected resources {IA.3::IA.3.2}. Other users can access those resources with the authority allowed in the UACC entry of the RACF profile controlling access to the resource. However, started procedures have system-generated JOB statements that do not contain the USER, GROUP, or PASSWORD parameter. To enable started procedures to access RACF-protected resources with other authorities than those defined in the UACC entry of the profile protecting the resource, started procedures must have RACF user IDs and group names. By assigning them RACF identities, an installation can give started procedures specific authorization to access RACF-protected resources. For example, one can allow JES to access spool data sets. To associate the names of started procedures with specific RACF group names and user IDs, an administrator can do one of the following: o Set up the STARTED class (the recommended method) o Create a started procedures table (ICHRIN03) Assigning RACF user IDs to started procedures As with any other user ID and group name, the user ID and group name that is assigned to a started procedure must be defined to RACF using the ADDUSER and ADDGROUP commands, and the user must be connected to the group. The administrator also needs to use the PERMIT command to authorize the users or groups to get access to the required resources. Protected user IDs The user IDs that an administrator assigns to started procedures should have the PROTECTED attribute unless the started procedure is required to have a user ID with a password defined. Protected user IDs are user IDs that have both the NOPASSWORD and NOOIDCARD attributes {IA.3::IA.3.5}. They are defined or modified using the ADDUSER and ALTUSER commands. Protected user IDs can not be authenticated via a password, password phrase, or RACF PassTicket, and are protected from being revoked through incorrect password attempts {IA.3::IA.3.6-R12- RACFEAL5}. 8.2.6 Handling of Groups During Authentication During authentication, RACF constructs security information that represents the user (subject) for subsequent use during access checking. • During RACF authentication, RACF determines whether list-of-groups processing is in effect or not. If list-of-groups is not in effect, RACF puts the user's default group into the subject's ACEE, or the group specified by the caller of the RACF interfaces for user authentication. If list-of-groups is in effect, RACF gathers a list of all the groups to which the user is connected, and makes a copy of that list in the subject's ACEE. During access checking (DAC) for MVS resources, RACF can then base its decisions on both the user ID and on the group membership of the user {IA.3::IA.1.14-R12-RACFEAL5-1}. • When an application attempts to use the RACF interfaces for UNIX functions, RACF selects from the group(s) in the subject's ACEE up to the first 300 (alphabetically) which have OMVS segments with GIDs defined. During access checking (DAC) for UNIX resources, RACF can then base its decisions on the user's UID and the selected groups' GIDs {IA.3::IA.1.14-R10- RACF-2}. 8.2.7 Assertion of User Identity {IA.5::IA.5-R12-IDPROP-RACF-1} RACF supports specification on initACEE and RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY of a distributed identity via a structure called an IDID (containing a user's Page 80 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target distinguished name (DN) and a domain/realm name (DC)): • If an IDID is specified on initACEE but a RACF user ID is not specified, then initACEE will perform a mapping operation using the IDIDMAP class to determine the associated RACF user ID to use during RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY processing and will also include the IDID information. • If both an IDID and a RACF user ID are specified on initACEE, then initACEE will create an ACEE for that user ID as it usually would and not perform mapping. Again, it will include the IDID information on the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY call. • When an IDID is specified on RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY, RACF uses the other parameters to create the ACEE as it normally does, but will anchor the IDID information in the ACEE for later use during auditing. {IA.5::IA.5-R12-IDPROP-RACF-2} RACF provides a ‘RACMAP’ command to allow the security administrator to define ‘mapping filter rules’ to RACF that will support the mapping of distributed user identities, as specified within the IDID data area, into RACF userIDs as required by the customer. This new RACF command is similar to the existing RACDCERT command, which allows the specification of mapping filter rules that RACF uses to map distributed user identities based on the ‘subject’ and ‘issuer’ information within Digital Certificates. But instead of being limited to only user identities within Digital Certificates, the command supports the definition of mapping filter rules within the IDIDMAP class based on an x.500 representation of the user identity and the ‘Name-Space’ that the user is defined within. {IA.5::IA.5-R12-IDPROP-RACF-3} The RACF R_cacheserv callable service provides a function (function code 7) that will extract a copy of the ACEE for the currently active user in the form of a RACF environment object (aka RACO), save that RACO in a data space, and return a context reference (ICRX) that will uniquely identify that saved RACO. Subsequently an invoker of RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY can provide that ICRX and RACF will recreate the security environment (ACEE) of the original user from the RACO or from the IDID information in the ICRX if necessary. R_cacheserv will also allow deletion of a cached security environment. {IA.5::IA.5-R12-IDPROP-RACF-5} The RACF R_cacheserv service can also return a pseudo-userID and pseudo-password that RACF authentication functions (initACEE, RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY) will subsequently accept and use to create an ACEE for the previously specified RACF user ID with an ICTX data area cached on the earlier R_cacheserv invocation. The pseudo- userID and pseudo-password may be used at most once on a subsequent authentication request. {IA.5::IA.5-R12-IDPROP-RACF-4} RACF will provide an ENF 71 signal when an administrator has issued an ALTUSER REVOKE or a CONNECT or REMOVE command that changes a user's group connections, allowing applications that have cached ACEEs locally or via R_cacheserv to remove their cache entries and recreate the ACEEs if needed. {IA.5::IA.5-V2R1-IDPROP-RACF-6} RACF will provide an ENF 71 signal when an administrator has issued a DELUSER or DELGRP command allowing applications that have cached ACEEs local or via R_cacheserv to remove cache entries. {IA.5::IA.5-R12-IDPROP-USS-1} The UNIX System Services __passwd (BPX1PWD) and pthread_security_np() (BPX1TLS) function allows appropriately authorized servers to assert a user identity and create a security environment by specification of the pseudo-userID and pseudo- password obtained via a prior authentication and use of R_cacheserv. {IA.5::IA.5-V2R1-IDPROP-RACF-7} RACF will provide an ENF 79 signal when an administrator has issued a PERMIT command that changes a user's or group's authorization to resources in a resource class that has been defined in the RACF Class Descriptor Table with the SIGNAL=YES option. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 81 of 141 8.3 Access control (AC) 8.3.1 Access control principles The Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) is the component that performs access control between subjects acting on behalf of a user and resources protected by the discretionary access control policies. RACF uses user and resource profiles it stores in the RACF database to decide if a subject has access to a non-UNIX resource. For UNIX resources, the access permissions are carried with the resource itself (permission bits). While external resource manager can use RACF to manage and control access of users to the resources they control, RACF acts also as a resource manager to some of its own resources. For external resource manager RACF neither knows what the actual resource protected by a specific RACF profile is nor knows the semantics the resource manager places on the individual access modes. Therefore this summary specification only describes the purpose of profiles and the semantics of access modes that protect resources owned by RACF itself. All z/OS components that have to make access decisions will call RACF through a z/OS interface. The following figure shows the flow of requests and replies within z/OS when a request to access a protected resource is made. Figure 1: RACF and its relationship to the operating system A program that wants to access a resource uses a function that is part of the external interface provided by the z/OS operating system to one of the z/OS components (1). An example is a program that wants to open a data set. The z/OS component responsible for managing the resource calls the RACF component using the internal interface to RACF (mainly the RACROUTE interface) to check the access rights of the user that initiated the user request and passes the name and type of the resource and the requested type of access to RACF {AC.1::AC.1.1}. The caller may also pass the ID of the user or an explicit user security context (ACEE), or RACF obtains those values from the security context of the user that has been established during user authentication (2) {AC.1::AC.1.2}. RACF extracts the user information from the security context of the user or (in a few cases) from the user profile, extracts the resource profile from its external database or the internal cache (3), and checks to see if the user with his current security attributes is allowed to access the resource in the requested access mode (4 and 5). If the resource is known to RACF, RACF returns either a “yes” or a “no” decision for the access request {AC.1::AC.1.3}. If the resource is not known to RACF, RACF may return a “don’t know” return code unless there are specific options set that allow RACF to take a yes or no decision (6) {AC.1::AC.1.4}. In the case of a “don’t know” result, the resource manager needs to make its own decision whether to allow access or not. Depending on the decision, the resource manager will either Page 82 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target perform or reject the access request of the user program (7) {AC.1::AC.1.5}. The protection philosophy of RACF is based on “profiles” that represent protected resources but also users and groups. Profiles are organized in profile classes, where each class represents a type of resource (such as data sets or terminals) or other entity (such as users or groups). A profile stores attributes of the subject or object it represents. For profiles that represent a protected resource, an access list can be assigned {AC.1::AC.1.6}. This access list specifies the type of access subjects may have to the resource represented by the profile. Access control to UNIX file system objects and IPC objects are also handled by RACF, but in the case of these objects, the access rights are stored with the object itself. RACF still performs the access check. For details, see the description of access control for UNIX objects. 8.3.2 Protected resources Resource profiles of RACF are structured into an open set of “resource classes”. IBM provides a set of resources classes used by z/OS (stored in the “static class descriptor table”), but RACF also allows for the definition and activation of additional resource classes using the RDEFINE or RALTER commands addressing the CDT general resource class (those are stored in the “dynamic class descriptor table”). The dynamically defined classes need to be “activated” using the command SETROPTS RACLIST(CDT) REFRESH. Resource classes represent “types” of objects that are access protected by RACF. IBM supplies a default static class descriptor table, which is structured into resources used by different components of z/OS as well as resources used by specific other IBM products like DB2 or CICS. General z/OS Resource Classes IBM supplies a class descriptor table that defines classes used by z/OS or other IBM products that use the services of RACF for controlling access to the resources they manage. The following tables list the classes of general resources used by z/OS and DB2. Resource classes marked in red include resources that are used by RACF internally for managing access to RACF resources or use of RACF controlled privileges. Class Name Purpose ALCSAUTH Supports the Airline Control System/MVS (ALCS/MVS) product. APPCLU Verifying the identity of partner logical units during VTAM session establish- ment. APPCPORT Controlling which user IDs can access the system from a given LU (APPC port of entry). Also, conditional access to resources for users entering the sys- tem from a given LU. APPCSERV Controlling whether a program being run by a user can act as a server for a specific APPC transaction program (TP). APPCSI Controlling access to APPC side information files. APPCTP Controlling the use of APPC transaction programs. APPL Controlling access to applications. CACHECLS Contains profiles used for saving and restoring cache contents from the RACF database. See the description of the R_cacheserv RACF callable ser- vice. CBIND Controlling the client’s ability to bind to the server. CDT Contains profiles for installation-defined classes for the dynamic CDT. CFIELD Contains profiles that define the installation's custom fields. CONSOLE Controlling access to MCS consoles. Also, conditional access to other re- © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 83 of 141 Class Name Purpose sources for commands originating from an MCS console. DASDVOL DASD volumes. DBNFORM Reserved for future IBM use. DEVICES Used by MVS allocation to control who can allocate devices such as:  Unit record devices (printers and punches) (allocated only by PSF, JES2, or JES3)  Graphics devices (allocated only by VTAM) Teleprocessing (TP) or communications devices (allocated only by VTAM) DIGTCERT Contains digital certificates and information related to them. See chapter 20 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIGTCRIT Specifies additional criteria for certificate name filters. See chapter 20 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIGTNMAP Mapping class for certificate name filters. See chapter 20 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIGTRING Contains a profile for each key ring and provides information about the digital certificates that are part of each key ring. See chapter 20 of [RACF.SAG] and the description of the RACDCERT command. DIRAUTH Setting logging options for RACROUTE REQUEST=DIRAUTH requests. DLFCLASS The data lookaside facility. FACILITY Miscellaneous uses. Profiles are defined in this class so resource managers (typically elements of z/OS or z/VM) can check a user’s access to the profiles when the user takes some action. Examples are the profiles used to control execution of RACDCERT command functions and the profiles used to control privileges in the z/OS UNIX environment. RACF does not document all of the resources used in the FACILITY class by other products. For information on the FACILITY class resources used by a specific product (other than RACF it- self), see that product’s documentation. FIELD Fields in RACF profiles (field-level access checking). FSEXEC Allows to prevent users from executing any file in a zFS file system or Tempo- rary File System. GDASDVOL Resource group class for DASDVOL class. GLOBAL Global access checking table entry. GMBR Member class for the GLOBAL class. GSDSF Resource group class for SDSF class. GTERMINL Resource group class for TERMINAL class. GXFACILI Grouping class for XFACILIT resources. IBMOPC Controlling access to OPC/ESA subsystems. IDIDMAP Contains distributed identity filters created with the RACMAP command. JESINPUT Conditional access support for commands or jobs entered into the system through a JES input device. JESJOBS Controlling the submission and cancellation of jobs by job name. JESSPOOL Controlling access to job data sets on the JES spool (that is, SYSIN and Page 84 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Class Name Purpose SYSOUT data sets). KEYSMSTR Contains profiles that hold keys to encrypt data stored in the RACF database, such as LDAP BIND passwords and DCE passwords. LDAPBIND Contains the LDAP server URL, bind distinguished name, and bind password. LOGSTRM Controls system logger resources, such as log streams and the coupling facil- ity structures associated with log streams. NODES Controlling the following on MVS systems:  Whether jobs are allowed to enter the system from other nodes  Whether jobs that enter the system from other nodes have to pass user identification and password verification checks NODMBR Member class for the NODES class. OPERCMDS Controlling who can issue operator commands (for example, JES and MVS, and operator commands). PMBR Member class for the PROGRAM class. PROGRAM Protects executable programs. PROPCNTL Controlling if user ID propagation can occur, and if so, for which user IDs (such as the CICS or IMS main task user ID), user ID propagation is not to occur. PSFMPL Used by PSF to perform security functions for printing, such as separator page labeling, data page labeling, and enforcement of the user printable area. PTKTDATA PassTicket key class enables the security administrator to associate a RACF secured sign-on secret key with a particular mainframe application that uses RACF for user authentication. Examples of such applications are IMS, CICS, TSO, z/VM, APPC, and MVS batch. RACFEVNT Contains profiles that control the following events:  LDAP change log notification for changes to certain RACF profiles New password and password phrase enveloping for a given user. RACFHC Used by IBM Health Checker for z/OS. Contains profiles that list the re- sources to check for each installation-defined health check. RACFVARS RACF variables. In this class, profile names, which start with & (ampersand), act as RACF variables that can be specified in profile names in other RACF general resource classes. See [RACF.SAG], chapter 7. RACGLIST Class of profiles that hold the results of RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST,GLOBAL=YES or a SETROPTS RACLIST operation. RACHCMBR Used by IBM Health Checker for z/OS. Member class for the RACHCMBR class. RDATALIB Used to control use of the R_datalib callable service (IRRSDL00 or IR- RSDL64). RRSFDATA Used to control RACF remote sharing facility (RRSF) functions. RVARSMBR Member class for the RACFVARS class. SCDMBR Member class for the SECDATA class. SDSF Controls the use of authorized commands in the System Display and Search © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 85 of 141 Class Name Purpose Facility (SDSF). See also GSDSF class. SECDATA Security classification of users and data (security levels and security cate- gories). SECLABEL If security labels are used, and, if so, their definitions. SECLMBR Member class for the SECLABEL class. SERVAUTH Contains profiles used by servers to check a client’s authorization to use the server or to use resources managed by the server. Also, can be used to pro- vide conditional access to resources for users entering the system from a given server. SERVER Controlling the server’s ability to register with the daemon. SMESSAGE Controlling to which users a user can send messages (TSO only). SOMDOBJS Controlling the client’s ability to invoke the method in the class. STARTED Used in preference to the started procedures table to assign an identity during the processing of an MVS START command. SURROGAT If surrogate submission is allowed, and if allowed, which user IDs can act as surrogates. SYSMVIEW Controlling access by the SystemView for MVS Launch Window to Sys- temView for MVS applications. TAPEVOL Tape volumes. TEMPDSN Controlling who can access residual temporary data sets. TERMINAL Terminals (TSO or z/VM). See also GTERMINL class. VTAMAPPL Controlling who can open ACBs from non-APF authorized programs. WRITER Controlling the use of JES writers. XFACILIT Miscellaneous uses. Profile names in this class can be longer than 39 charac- ters in length. Profiles are defined in this class so that resource managers (typically elements of z/OS) can check a user’s access to the resources when the users take some action. Table 13: General Resource Classes UNIX System Services Resource Classes DIRACC Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) for access checks for read/write access to z/OS UNIX directories. This class need not be active to control auditing. DIRSRCH Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of z/OS UNIX directory searches. This class need not be active to control auditing. FSACCESS Allows control of access to the root of a zFS file system through RACF re- source profiles rather than UNIX permission bits or ACLs. FSEXEC Allows to prevent users from executing any file in a zFS file system or Tempo- rary File System. FSOBJ Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) for all access checks for z/OS UNIX file system objects except directory searches. Controls auditing (using SETROPTS AUDIT) of creation and deletion of z/OS UNIX file system objects. This class need not be active to control auditing. Page 86 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target FSSEC Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) for changes to the se- curity data (FSP) for z/OS UNIX file system objects. This class need not be active to control auditing. When this class is active, it also controls whether ACLs are used during authorization checks to z/OS UNIX files and directo- ries. IPCOBJ Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of access checks for in- ter-process communication (IPC) objects and changes to security information of IPC objects. Controls auditing (using SETROPTS AUDIT) of the creation and deletion of IPC objects. This class need not be active to control auditing. PROCACT Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of functions that look at data from, or affect the processing of, z/OS UNIX processes. This class need not be active to control auditing. PROCESS Controls auditing (using SETROPTS LOGOPTIONS) of changes to UIDs and GIDs of z/OS UNIX processes. Controls auditing (using SETROPTS AUDIT) of dubbing and undubbing of z/OS UNIX processes. This class need not be active to control auditing. UNIXMAP Contains profiles that are used to map z/OS UNIX UIDs to RACF user IDs and z/OS UNIX GIDs to RACF group names. UNIXPRIV Contains profiles that are used to grant z/OS UNIX privileges. Table 14: General Resource Classes for z/OS Unix Installation Defined Resource Classes As a general-access control system, RACF is capable of protecting a number of other resources including installation defined resource classes, but those are not included in this evaluation. The reader should note that some RACF classes are included in this evaluation that the resource managers do not use to represent “resources” but represent privileges or restrictions, where assigning “access” to a resource in such a class to a user or a group just determines that the user or group has the privilege or restriction associated with the profile. As stated before it is up to the resource manager to make the association between the real "resource" and the profiles within RACF that represent the resource. It is also up to the resource manager to determine the semantics of specific access types to the resources it manages. Classes with resources that are used by RACF are marked in red. Data sets Standard data set naming conventions By default, RACF expects a data set name (and the data set profile name) to consist of at least two qualifiers. RACF also expects the high-level qualifier of the data set profile name to be either a RACF- defined user ID or a RACF-defined group name. If an installation has chosen to define data set profiles under the standard RACF naming conventions, they can create a group for each high-level qualifier that is not a user ID, and permit users to protect any data set that has that high-level qualifier by giving them CREATE authority in that group {AC.2::AC.2.1}. Table-driven data set naming conventions An installation can use the naming convention table to set up and enforce a data set naming convention other than that used by RACF (AC.2.2). The table can: · Supply a qualifier to be used as the high-level qualifier for authorization checking {AC.2::AC.2.3} © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 87 of 141 · Convert data set names to RACF naming convention form for RACF use {AC.2::AC.2.4} · Convert names in RACF form to the installation’s format for external display {AC.2::AC.2.5} · Enforce a naming convention by not allowing the definition of data sets that do not conform to an installation’s rules {AC.2::AC.2.6} · Reduce RACF overhead by determining whether a data set is a user or group data set An installation can create a naming convention table (module ICHNCV00), which RACF uses to check and modify (internally to RACF) the data set name in all commands and macros that process data set names {AC.2::AC.2.7}. An installation can use the table to selectively rearrange data set names to “fit” the RACF convention without actually changing those names. Protecting data sets that have single-qualifier data set names If some of the data sets in an installation have names that consist of a single qualifier, one can still RACF-protect those data sets {AC.2::AC.2.8}. To get RACF protection for single-qualifier names, the SETROPTS command with the PREFIX operand must be issued. This command defines a high-level qualifier to be used as a prefix for single-qualifier names and activates the facility {AC.2::AC.2.9}. Then, when RACF processes requests for the data set, RACF internally modifies single-qualifier names by adding the prefix, making the data set names acceptable to RACF routines {AC.2::AC.2.10}. All SMF log records and all messages from RACF contain the RACF-modified version of the data set name {AC.2::AC.2.11} unless the SETROPTS REALDSN option is in effect {AC.2::AC.2-R10-RACF-1}. Protecting user data sets A user data set is a data set whose high-level qualifier is a RACF user ID. The following rules apply to user data sets: · In general, all RACF-defined users can protect their own data sets {AC.2::AC.2.12} · A user can RACF-protect a data set for another user under any of the following conditions: – The user who is protecting the data set has the SPECIAL attribute. A discrete or generic profile can be created {AC.2::AC.2.13}. – The user who is protecting the data set has the group-SPECIAL attribute, and the high-level- qualifier of the data set name is a user within the group-SPECIAL user’s scope of authority. A discrete or generic profile can be created {AC.2::AC.2.14}. – The user who is protecting a data set has the OPERATIONS attribute (or the group- OPERATIONS attribute if the data set is within his scope of authority) and is simultaneously creating the data set {AC.2::AC.2.15}. In this case, the user can create a discrete profile: § Through ADSP {AC.2::AC.2.16} § By specifying the PROTECT operand on the TSO ALLOCATE command that creates the data set {AC.2::AC.2.17} § By specifying the PROTECT=YES OR SECMODEL= profile-name operands on the JCL DD statement that creates the data set {AC.2::AC.2.18} Protecting group data sets A group data set is a data set whose high-level qualifier is a RACF group name. A RACF-defined user can RACF-protect a group data set under any of the following conditions: · The user has JOIN, CONNECT, or CREATE authority in the group {AC.2::AC.2.19}; Page 88 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target · The user has the SPECIAL attribute (or the group-SPECIAL attribute for that group) and the request is made using the ADDSD command {AC.2::AC.2.20}; · The user has the OPERATIONS attribute and is not connected to the group {AC.2::AC.2.21}. Controlling the creation of new data sets Using data set profiles, an administrator can control whether users can create (allocate) new data sets. For cataloged data sets, creating, deleting, or renaming the data set involves access not only to the data set profile protecting the data set, but also to the catalog in which the data set is cataloged {AC.2::AC.2.22}. In general, users need the following: · To add entries to the catalog, users need authority to create the data set as specified below and (except for SMS-managed data sets) UPDATE authority to the catalog {AC.2::AC.2.23}. · To delete entries from the catalog, users need ALTER authority to the protecting profile or to the catalog {AC.2::AC.2.24}. The following cases describe how RACF can be used to control the creation of new user and group data sets. A user can create a new user data set in the following situations: · The data set is covered by an existing generic profile and the user does not have ADSP {AC.2::AC.2.25}. The creation is allowed if (1) the user has ALTER authority to the data set through a generic profile or global access checking, or (2) the data set is the user’s own data set {AC.2::AC.2.26}. · The data set name is not covered by an existing generic profile and the user does not have ADSP and the data set is covered by the Global Access check table granting ALTER. {AC.2::AC.2.27} · The user has ADSP and the data set is the user’s own data set. The creation is allowed and RACF creates a discrete profile for the data set {AC.2::AC.2.28}. · The user has the OPERATIONS attribute. If the user has the group-OPERATIONS attribute (that is, the user is connected to a group with the OPERATIONS attribute), the high-level qualifier of the new data set must be the ID of a user who is within the scope of that group {AC.2::AC.2.29-R12-RACF}. A user can create a new group data set in the following situations: · The data set name is protected by an existing generic profile and the user does not have ADSP. The creation is allowed if at least one of the following is true: o The user has ALTER authority to the data set through the generic profile or global access checking {AC.2::AC.2.30} o The user has CREATE authority in the group {AC.2::AC.2.31} · The data set name is not covered by an existing generic profile and the user does not have ADSP {AC.2::AC.2.32} · The user has ADSP and the data set belongs to a group of which the user is a member. The creation is allowed only if the user has CREATE authority in the group. If the creation is allowed, RACF creates a discrete profile for the data set {AC.2::AC.2.33} · {AC.2::AC.2.36-R12-RACF}The user has the OPERATIONS attribute , or the group-OPERA- TIONS attribute for the group in question (directly or via a superior group), except when both of the following are true: The user is connected to the group with less than CREATE authority © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 89 of 141 {AC.2::AC.2.34-R12-RACF}, and the user has less than ALTER access to the data set if it pro- tected by a generic profile {AC.2::AC.2.35-R12-RACF}. Data set profile ownership Each data set profile defined to RACF requires a RACF-defined user or group as the owner of the profile. The owner (if a user) has full control over the profile, including the access list {AC.2::AC.2.37}. If the owner of the data set profile is a group, users with group-SPECIAL in that group have full control over the profile {AC.2::AC.2.38}. Ownership of data set profiles is assigned when the profiles are defined to RACF but may be changed later. Note that ownership of a data set profile does not mean that the owner can automatically access that data set. To access a data set, the owner must still be authorized by the DAC policy rules {AC.2::AC.2.39-V2R4}. Programs The ability of users to execute programs can be restricted by the RACF program control function. This feature is useful for programs operating with privileges like authorized programs. Program control can for example be used to restrict the ability of a user to start an authorized program from an authorized library in a way such that it executes with APF authorization {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7-1}. Users may still have read access to the library and may therefore copy the program into another library and execute it from this library. Although this is possible, the program will then not execute with the privileges it has when executed from the original library {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.2}. Program control (as described in this section) applies to programs residing in z/OS partitioned data sets or libraries, not to programs stored as part of z/OS UNIX file system. Mechanisms for program control for the z/OS UNIX subsystem are explained in another section of this Security Target. z/OS allows for three modes for program control: BASIC, ENHANCED and ENHANCED-WARNING. The mode is defined by the strings 'BASIC', 'ENHANCED' or 'ENHANCED-WARNING' in the APPLDATA field of the IRR.PGMSECURITY profile in the FACILITY class {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.3}. An empty value or any other value than 'BASIC' or 'ENHANCED' will result in the ENHANCED- WARNING mode {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.4}. If the IRR.PGMSECURITY profile is not defined, BASIC mode is used {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.5}. In ENHANCED-WARNING mode the access decisions made by the TOE are the same as in BASIC mode but a warning message is issued whenever the access would have been denied in ENHANCED mode {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.6}. The checks that RACF makes when a user makes a request to load (execute) a program are: 1. If program control has been activated with SETROPTS WHEN(PROGRAM) {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.7} 2. If program control is active, RACF checks to see whether the program is protected by a profile in the PROGRAM class {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.8} 3. If the program is not protected, RACF determines whether there are any data sets currently open using PADS or whether there are any execute-controlled programs in storage in the address space:  If there are no such data sets or programs, RACF marks the environment dirty (uncontrolled) and allows the user to execute the program {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.9}.  If there are data sets currently opened using PADS, or programs to which the user has only EXECUTE authority, RACF fails the request and the system abends the task. RACF issues message ICH423I to document the execute-controlled programs, or message ICH424I to document the PADS data sets that caused the operation to fail. In this way, RACF prevents uncontrolled programs from gaining access to protected data or programs inappropriately {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.10}. 4. If the program is protected by a profile but the user does not have at least EXECUTE authority to the program, RACF causes the system to abend the task because the user is not authorized to execute the program {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.11}. Page 90 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 5. If the program is protected by a profile and the user has only EXECUTE authority to the PROGRAM profile or to the library that contains the program (when the program is loaded from a JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or tasklib), and if the job step or TSO session is running in ENHANCED program security mode, RACF checks whether an appropriate program established the program environment. RACF determines if the first program executed in the job step had the ’MAIN’ attribute, or (if necessary) if the program invoked by TSOEXEC or IKJEFTSR had the ’MAIN’ attribute. If the program does not have MAIN, RACF next determines if the first program run in the current task (TCB) or the first program executed in some parent task had the ’BASIC’ attribute. If so, RACF allows the Program control request. Otherwise, RACF fails the request and issues message ICH429I to describe the problem and tell you what program established the environment {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.12}. 6. If the user is still authorized to execute the program and the program was defined with the PADCHK attribute, RACF checks whether any program-accessed data sets are open.  If no program-accessed data sets are open, RACF allows the user to execute the program {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.13}.  If program-accessed data sets are open, RACF checks the user or program combination to verify that the combination has at least the same authority to each data set in the list that was required when each data set was opened.  If the user or program combination has sufficient authority to all of the opened data sets, RACF allows the user to execute the program {AC.2::AC.2-V1R7.14}  If the user or program combination does not have sufficient authority to all of the opened data sets, RACF causes the system to end the task (with abend code 306 or 806) {AC.2::AC.2- V1R7.15}. With program control enabled, z/OS provides the ability to allow users to access data sets which they are not allowed to access directly by using program controlled programs {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.16}. The following algorithm is used to determine if a user has access to a data set via a controlled program: Whenever the user has the requested access to the data set as determined by normal RACF access checking, access is granted {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.17}. If the user is not granted access to the data set with normal authorization checking, RACF checks the data set’s conditional access list if program control is active and the program currently executing is executing as a RACF-controlled program in a clean environment. RACF authorizes the user to open the program-accessed data set with the currently executing program if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The conditional access list contains the name of the currently running program, the name of the first program currently running in the current task (TCB), or the name of the first program currently running in a parent task, with the requested level of access or higher {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.18}. 2. The user’s group or user ID is associated with the program name in the conditional access list {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.19}. 3. The current program environment (job step, or task established under TSO/E using TSOEXEC or IKJEFTSR) is controlled. In other words, it has not loaded an uncontrolled program. If either of these conditions are not met, the environment is considered uncontrolled. The user’s attempt to open the program-accessed data set fails and the task ends with abend code 913. RACF issues message ICH417I, specifying what caused the environment to become uncontrolled {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.20}. 4. If the job step or TSO session is running in ENHANCED program security mode, one of the following is true:  The current environment (job step or task created by TSOEXEC or IKJEFTSR) first ran a program defined with the ’MAIN’ attribute. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 91 of 141  The current program running in the current task, or the first program run in the current task or a parent task, has the BASIC attribute. If neither of these conditions is met, the user’s attempt to open the program-accessed data set fails and the task ends with abend code 913. RACF issues message ICH426I, specifying the non-MAIN program that established the current environment {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.21}. 5. If there is more than one controlled program running in the current environment (job step or task created by TSOEXEC or IKJEFTSR), all of those programs defined with the PADCHK attribute have conditional access list entries allowing them to access the data set. If one or more programs in the environment are not authorized, the attempt fails and the task terminates with abend code 913. RACF issues message ICH418I specifying one or more programs that were missing from the conditional access list {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.22}. 6. If all the conditions for program access to data set are met and the requested type of access is granted to the program by the profile protecting the data set, access is granted {AC.2::AC.2.V1R7.23}. RACF protection of UNIX file system objects UNIX file system objects in the HFS or zFS file system have their access control defined by: · UNIX permission bits · Access control list entries All of those access-control-related attributes of file system objects are stored with the object. Access control lists are stored and managed as extended attributes of the file system object and are not stored in the RACF database {AC.2::AC.2.65-V2R4}. RACF is still involved when an access decision is made to a UNIX file system object {AC.2::AC.2.66}. The UNIX System Services subsystem of the TOE extracts the permission bits, access control list entries from the file system object as well as the effective user ID the user that performed the request and passes this information to RACF using the ck_access RACF callable service. RACF then evaluates this information, extracts other information relevant for the access decision from the RACF database, performs the auditing in accordance with the audit policy defined by the system administrator and returns the access decision to the calling UNIX System Services subsystem of the TOE {AC.2::AC.2.67-V2R4}. Besides the access control lists, additional privileges and restrictions may be defined to allow a finer granularity. Those privileges and restrictions are defined as profiles in the UNIXPRIV class and users can be granted those privileges or restrictions by giving them authority to those profiles. The ones that are considered in this Security Target are: · SUPERUSER.FILESYS.ACL.ACLOVERRIDE When this profile is defined and active in RACF, a user who has been given authority to this profile is able to override the access control defined by the access control lists for z/OS UNIX file system objects. In z/OS, a UNIX superuser can access all z/OS UNIX files, but is still bound by his rights defined in RACF with respect to z/OS data sets and other resources {AC.2::AC.2.68-V2R4}. • SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHANGEPERMS Allows users with READ access to this profile to use the chmod command to change the permission bits of any file and to use the setfacl command to manage access control lists for any file {AC.2::AC.2-V2R4-1}. · SUPERUSER.FILESYS.DIRSRCH Users with at least READ access to this profile are allowed to search directories regardless of the general access control settings {AC.2::AC.2-V2R4-6}. Page 92 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target z/OS UNIX IPC objects z/OS UNIX IPC objects are subject to discretionary access control. The permission bits associated with the IPC object define the discretionary access to those objects. The permission bits are determined by the creator of the IPC object and are saved in-memory by the UNIX Kernel. For security claims see DAC for UNIX objects. 8.3.3 Discretionary Access Control Discretionary access control (DAC) applies to all system resources, but the implementation differs depending on the type of resource. This evaluation considers MVS (non-UNIX) resources (RACF general resource classes and data sets), and UNIX resources. RACF provides the discretionary access controls for MVS and UNIX resources. See the sections above on the different profiles for details on what is stored in those profiles. DAC for RACF general resources and data sets RACF controls the types of access to all MVS (non-UNIX) resources. The access types are ordered hierarchically, an access type listed higher in the list implies all the access types lower in this list (except for NONE access). The full semantics of each access type are defined by the resource manager. This Security Target therefore only defines semantics that RACF generally associates with the access types. The access types are: · ALTER When specified in a discrete profile, ALTER allows users to read, alter, and delete the profile itself including the access list {AC.4::AC.4.1}. ALTER does not allow users to change the owner of the profile using the ALTDSD command {AC.4::AC.4.2}. However, if a user with ALTER access authority to a discrete data set profile renames the data set, changing the high-level qualifier to his or her own user ID, both the data set and the profile are renamed, and the OWNER of the profile is changed to the new user ID {AC.4::AC.4.3}. When specified in a generic profile, ALTER gives users no authority over the profile itself {AC.4::AC.4.4}. · CONTROL RACF requires users to have at least CONTROL authority for some of the privileges associated with RACF and managed by profiles that RACF itself uses. The semantics are described with the individual profiles that RACF uses itself. See the sections where the semantics of profiles used by RACF with the semantics of the different access modes is described (e. g. in the processing of privileges used by the RACDCERT command). · UPDATE RACF requires users to have at least UPDATE authority for some of the privileges associated with RACF and managed by profiles that RACF itself uses. The semantics are described with the individual profiles that RACF uses itself. See the sections where the semantics of profiles used by RACF with the semantics of the different access modes is described (e. g. in the processing of privileges used by the RACDCERT command). · READ RACF requires users to have at least READ authority for some of the privileges associated with RACF and managed by profiles that RACF itself uses. The semantics are described with the individual profiles that RACF uses itself. See the sections where the semantics of profiles used by RACF with the semantics of the different access modes is described (e. g. in the processing of privileges used by the RACDCERT command). © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 93 of 141 · EXECUTE RACF requires users to have at least EXECUTE authority for some of the privileges associated with RACF and managed by profiles that RACF itself uses. The semantics are described with the individual profiles that RACF uses itself. See the sections where the semantics of profiles used by RACF with the semantics of the different access modes is described. EXECUTE authority is used by RACF itself in the context of program control (see the related section in this ST). · NONE The specified user or group is not permitted to access the resource or list the profile {AC.4::AC.4.11}. These access types can be defined per user, group or for all users not addressed specifically by a user or group access entry (“universal access”) {AC.4::AC.4.12}. It is also possible to specify ID(*) in an ACL, which then applies to all RACF defined users, while the value for UACC applies to users not defined in RACF {AC.4::AC.4.13}. To modify those entries (as well as other parts of the resource profile) a user must be the owner of the profile, have ALTER access to the discrete profile of the resource or must have the SPECIAL attribute in his user profile {AC.4::AC.4.14}. The access lists defined in a profile can be either a standard access lists, allowing access in general or a conditional access lists allowing access under defined conditions. Possible conditions are: · the user must be logged on using a defined terminal that the user has been granted access to {AC.4::AC.4.15} · the user must be logged on to a defined console {AC.4::AC.4.16} · the batch job requesting access must have been submitted from a defined JES input device {AC.4::AC.4.17} · the user must have entered the system from a defined network port {AC.4::AC.4.18} · the resource manager has asserted a criteria, such as the name of an SQL role (SQLROLE), which applies to this check, on the authorization request (note: this applies only to a FASTAUTH type of authorization check) {AC.4::AC.4-R8-RACF-1}. Access to resources can be controlled by discrete resource profiles or generic profiles for a set of resources of the same type. Discrete profiles protect one single resource (e. g. one data set) while generic profiles can be used to define a whole set of resources and protect them using a single profile based on patterns in the resource name. Whenever a discrete profile exists for a resource it has precedence over a generic profile that also would apply for the resource {AC.4::AC.4.19}. If more than one generic profiles would apply, z/OS always chooses the most specific profile applicable based on a matching algorithm {AC.4::AC.4.20}. The access types above also apply to MVS resources other than data sets (called general resources). However while the usages remain hierarchical in definition (ALTER includes UPDATE, UPDATE includes READ, etc.) the interpretation and usage of the access types is the responsibility of each resource manager. For most resource managers and resources, the meaningful access types are NONE (the user/group has no access) or READ (the user/group does have access). For most cases access levels higher than READ convey no added authority (except that ALTER allows administration of a discrete profile). In specific cases the resource manager may treat UPDATE, CONTROL, and ALTER as granting additional authority. This security target and evaluation will not address all of those cases. Algorithm to check for DAC access to general resources and data sets RACF performs the following checks to identify, if a subject has the requested type of access to a resource protected by RACF. This algorithm is performed after RACF has checked that the resource is protected by RACF: 1. If users attempt to access their own resources, RACF grants the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4- Page 94 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target RACF-7. For example: • For tape and DASD data sets, if the user ID of the requesting user is the high-level qualifier of the data set name, RACF grants the request • For spool data sets, if the JESSPOOL class is active, RACF compares the user ID and node of the requester with the user ID and node of the creator of the spool data set (using the security token). If the user IDs match, RACF grants the request. 2. If the resource manager has performed the authorization check using RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH (rather than RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH) and in addition has specified AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY for this check, and has specified a criteria value using the CRITERIA keyword, RACF uses only the criteria-related conditional access list entries to make the determination, and skips to the criteria checking step below {AC.4::AC.4-R8-RACF-2}. 3. RACF checks the user’s access authority in the standard access list. If the user is in the list and if the specified access authority is sufficient to allow access, RACF grants the request. If the user is in the list and if the specified access authority is less than the requested access, RACF continues processing at Step 7 (conditional access list checking). This prevents access based on ID(*), UACC, or the OPERATIONS attribute {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-8}. This could happen if, for example, user JOE requests UPDATE access, and the standard access list includes ID(JOE) ACCESS(READ). 4. RACF determines whether the user has access to the resource because the user is a member of a group and the group is on the standard access list. Which group is used depends on whether list-of-groups processing is in effect. (List-of-groups processing is in effect if the SETROPTS command has been issued with the GRPLIST operand.) RACF determines which group to use according to the following rules: · If list-of-groups processing is not in effect, RACF uses only the user’s current connect group. · If list-of-groups processing is in effect, RACF finds all of the groups to which the user is connected that are also in the access list. Of these groups, RACF uses the group that has the highest access authority to the resource. (For example, assume that a user is a member of groups A, B, and C. If group A has NONE access authority, group B has READ access authority, and group C has UPDATE access authority, RACF uses group C to determine the user’s access.) If the highest access authority is sufficient to allow the requested access, RACF grants the request. If the highest group that was found in the list does not have the requested authority, RACF continues processing at Step 8 (conditional access list checking). This prevents access based on ID(*), UACC, or the OPERATIONS attribute {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-9}. 5. If a user ID of * is found on the standard access list, the current user is defined to RACF without the RESTRICTED attribute, and the access authority granted to * is: · Sufficient to allow the requested access, RACF grants the request · Not sufficient to allow the requested access, RACF continues processing at Step 7 (OPERATIONS attribute checking) {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-10} 6. If the universal access authority (UACC) for the resource provides sufficient access authority and the requesting user is not defined with the RESTRICTED attribute, RACF grants the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-11} 7. If the requesting user has the OPERATIONS attribute (or group-OPERATIONS if the resource is within the scope of that group) and OPERATIONS access is allowed for the class, RACF grants the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-12} © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 95 of 141 8. RACF checks the user’s access authority in the conditional access list specified with WHEN(TERMINAL), WHEN(APCPORT), WHEN(CONSOLE), WHEN(SERVAUTH), or WHEN(JESINPUT). If the user is in the list, if the user meets the specified condition (such as logged on at the specified terminal), and if the specified access authority is sufficient to allow access, RACF grants the request. If the user is in the list with insufficient authority RACF continues processing at step 11. {AC.4-V2R4-RACF-13}. 9. RACF determines whether the user has access to the resource because the user is a member of a group that meets a condition specified on the conditional access list specified with WHEN(TERMINAL), WHEN(APCPORT), WHEN(CONSOLE), WHEN(SERVAUTH), or WHEN(JESINPUT). Which group is used depends on whether list-of-groups processing is in effect. (List-of-groups processing is in effect if the SETROPTS command has been issued with the GRPLIST operand). RACF determines which group to use according to the following rules: If list-of-groups processing is not in effect, RACF uses only the user's current connect group. If list-of-groups processing is in effect, RACF finds all of the groups to which the user is connected that are also in the access list. Of these groups, RACF uses the group that has the highest access authority to the resource. (For example, assume that a user is a member of groups A and B. If A has READ access authority and B has UPDATE access authority, RACF uses group B to determine the user's access.) If the group to be used according to the preceding rules has sufficient access authority to allow the requested access, RACF grants the request. If none of the user’s groups has sufficient authority, RACF continues with the next step. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-14}. 10. If a user ID of * is found on the conditional access list specified with WHEN(TERMINAL), WHEN(CONSOLE), WHEN(APCPORT), WHEN(SERVAUTH), or WHEN(JESINPUT), and if the current user is defined to RACF without the RESTRICTED attribute, and if the current user meets the specified condition (such as logged on at the specified terminal), and the access authority granted to * is sufficient to allow the requested access, RACF grants the request {AC.4::AC.4- V2R4-RACF-15} 11. RACF checks the user’s access authority in the conditional access list specified with WHEN(PROGRAM). If the user is in the list, if the user meets the specified condition (such as running the specified program), and if the specified access authority is sufficient to allow access, RACF grants the request. Note: For DASD data sets, if program control is active and a controlled program is executing, RACF performs authorization checking for program access to data sets. If the user/program combination is in the conditional access list with sufficient authority to allow access to the data sets, RACF grants the request.RACF determines whether the user has access to the resource because the user is a member of a group that meets a condition specified on the conditional access list (such as running a specified program). Which group is used depends on whether list- of-groups processing is in effect. If the group to be used according to the preceding rules has sufficient access authority to allow the requested access, RACF grants the request. If the group is in the list and if the specified access authority is NONE, RACF denies the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-16}. 12. If a user ID of * is found on the conditional access list specified with WHEN(PROGRAM), and if the current user is defined to RACF without the RESTRICTED attribute, and if the current user meets the specified condition (such as logged on at the specified terminal or running the specified program), and the access authority granted to * is sufficient to allow the requested access, RACF grants the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-17} 13. Criteria Checking: For RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH, if the resource manager has asserted an SQL role name (SQLROLE) via the CRITERIA keyword, RACF checks for authority (via the user ID, a group, or * (for non-RESTRICTED users)) in the conditional access list specified with WHEN(SQLROLE(…)), and if the specified access authority is sufficient to allow Page 96 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target access, RACF grants the request {AC.4::AC.4-R8-RACF-3}. If the resource manager has also specified AUTHCHKS=CRITONLY, and this step did not grant access, RACF denies the request {AC.4::AC.4-R8-RACF-4}. 14. For access to uncataloged data sets, if SETROPTS CATDSNS is in effect, and none of the following is true, then RACF denies the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-19}: · The data set is newly-created in this job, or is a system temporary data set; · The data set is protected by a discrete profile; · The data set is cataloged in the Master catalog; · The user has access to FACILITY resource set-name (truncated to 39 characters total, if needed); · The user has the SPECIAL attribute 15. For the DATASET class, if no profile is found and the SETROPTS PROTECTALL(FAILURES) option is in effect, RACF denies the request {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-RACF-20}. If none of the above steps has granted access and the call to RACF has provided a nested ACEE and RACF is called with RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH and the object is eligible for nested ACEE processing, the algorithm for discretionary access control is repeated using the user ID specified in the nested ACEE {AC.4::AC.4-V1R7.1}. If audit is configured to audit the access attempt, both user IDs (the original and the nested) are contained in the audit record {AC.4::AC.4.V1R7.2}. DAC for UNIX objects DAC controls for UNIX objects involve the user’s effective UID and effective GID (which may be different from the user’s real UID and real GID) {AC.4::AC.4-R8-USS-1} and the user’s supplemental GIDs. If the user is connected to 5 groups, and 3 of them have GIDs, then he would have one real GID and 2 supplemental GIDs {AC.4::AC.4-R8-USS-2}. DAC checking for UNIX file objects (files, directories) involves permission bits that specify the permissions (read, write, execute/search) separately for the object’s owner, the owning group, and everyone else (the world), and optional access list entries (ACLs) with similar permission settings. DAC checking for UNIX IPC objects (semaphores, shared memory) involves only permission bits. Algorithm to check DAC access to UNIX file system objects To perform authorization checking for z/OS UNIX files and directories, RACF makes the following checks. RACF stops processing when the request is granted or denied. Notes: The effective UID and effective GID of the process is used in determining access decisions. The only exception is that when CREDFUNCTION is AFC_ACCESS, the real UID and real GID are used. In other words, if file access is being tested, rather than requested, the real UID and GID are used instead of the effective UID and GID. The real and effective IDs are generally the same for a process, but if a set-uid or set-gid program is executed, they can be different. If the requesting user is represented by an unauthenticated client ACEE, then the access check algorithm defined below is performed first for the client, and then, if successful, for the server. Both client and server must have access to the file in order for the request to succeed. Statements with a grey background are not relevant for the evaluated configuration. 1. If the system (kernel) is the caller, then access is failed if either of the following conditions occurs: 1. The request includes execute authority for a file and execute authority cannot be granted. In this condition, none of the permissions bits grant execute access, and, if an ACL is present and the FSSEC class is active, no ACL entry grants execute access. 2. Security label authorization checking fails. In this condition, the SECLABEL class is © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 97 of 141 active, the object being accessed is a directory, the directory's SECLABEL is not SYSMULTI, and the CRED contains a SECLABEL. Otherwise, access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-1} 2. RACF checks for a profile in the FSACCESS class that covers the file system name when all of the following conditions are met: 1. The user does not have the AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute. 2. A file system name was specified in the CRED. 3. The FSACCESS class is active and RACLISTed. If a matching profile is found and the user does not have at least UPDATE authority, access is denied. Otherwise, access checking continues. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-2} 3. RACF checks for a profile in the FSEXEC class that covers the file system name when all of the following conditions are met: 1. The request is for file execution access. 2. A file system name was specified in the CRED. 3. The FSEXEC class is active and RACLISTed. If a matching profile is found and the user does not have at least UPDATE authority, access is denied. Otherwise, access checking continues. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-3} 4. If the SECLABEL class is not active, then go to Step (I). {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-4} 5. If the user has the TRUSTED or PRIVILEGED attribute, then access is granted automatically unless the user is executing a file. If the user is executing a file, access is denied only if none of the permissions bits grant execute access, and, if an ACL is present and the FSSEC class is active, no ACL entry grants execute access. Otherwise, access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4- V2R4-UNIX-5} 6. If the user has the RACF AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute, and has read or search access for a directory is requested, access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-6} 7. If SETROPTS MLFSOBJ is active and the file does not have a security label, the request is failed. 8. If SETROPTS MLS is active (either in WARNING or FAILURES mode) and all of the following conditions occur, the request is failed. 1. The user has a security label. 2. The file has no security label. 3. The user explicitly requested write access but is not in writedown mode. Note: The SETROPTS MLS(WARNING) option is not supported for UNIX files and directories, and it is treated the same as MLS(FAILURES). 9. If the file has a security label but the user does not, then the request is failed. 10. If the user's security label is equivalent to the security label of the file (this condition is also satisfied if either security label is SYSMULTI), then continue at Step (II). 11. If ANY access is requested, then two security label dominance checks (RACROUTE REQUEST=DIRAUTH) are performed: one for READ and one for WRITE. If either succeeds, then continue at Step (II). Otherwise, the request is failed. 12. If the user is requesting write access along with read or search/execute access, then a READWRITE dominance check is performed. If it succeeds, then continue at Step (II). Otherwise, the request is failed. Page 98 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 13. If the user is requesting only read or search/execute access, then a READ dominance check is performed. If it succeeds, then continue at Step (III). Otherwise, the request is failed. 14. If the user is requesting only write access, then a WRITE dominance check is performed. If it succeeds, then continue at Step (II). Otherwise, the request is failed. 15. (I) If the user has the RACF AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute, and read or search access for a directory is requested, access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-7} 16. (II)If the user has UID(0), then access is granted automatically unless the user is executing a file. If the user is executing a file, access is denied only if none of the permissions bits grant execute access, and, if an ACL is present and the FSSEC class is active, no ACL entry grants execute access. Otherwise, access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-8} 17. If the UID matches the file owner UID, the file's "owner" permission bits are checked. If the "owner" bits allow the requested access, then access is granted. Otherwise, go to Step (IV). {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-9} 18. If the FSSEC class is active, and an ACL exists, and there is an ACL entry for the requesting UID, then the permission bits of that ACL entry are checked. If the ACL entry allows the requested access, then access is granted. Otherwise, go to Step (V). {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4- UNIX-10} 19. If the GID matches the file owner GID, the file's "group" permission bits are checked. If the "group" bits allow the requested access, then access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-11} 20. (III) If the FSSEC class is active, and an ACL exists, and there is an ACL entry for the requesting GID, then the permission bits of that ACL entry are checked. If the ACL entry allows the requested access, then access is granted. If not, then the next ACL entry is checked until there are no more entries. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-12} 21. If any of the user's supplemental GIDs match the file owner GID, the file's "group" permission bits are checked. If the "group" bits allow the requested access, then access is granted. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-13} 22. If the FSSEC class is active, and an ACL exists, and there is an ACL entry for any of the user's supplemental GIDs, then the permission bits of that ACL entry are checked. If the ACL entry allows the requested access, then access is granted. If not, then the next ACL entry is checked until there are no more entries. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-14} 23. If at least one matching ACL entry was found for the GID, or any of the supplemental GIDs, then processing continues with Step (V). If the GID, or any of the supplemental GIDs, matched the file owner GID, then processing continues with Step (IV). Otherwise (neither the GID nor any of the supplemental GIDs matched either the file owner GID or an ACL entry), processing continues with the next step. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-15} 24. If the requesting user has the RESTRICTED attribute, and the UNIXPRIV class is active and RACLISTed, and the RESTRICTED.FILESYS.ACCESS resource is protected by a profile in the UNIXPRIV class, and the user does not have at least READ access, then go to Step (IV). {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-16} 25. The file's "other" permission bits are checked. If the "other" bits allow the requested access, then access is granted. Otherwise, go to Step (IV). {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-17} 26. (V) If the UNIXPRIV class is active and RACLISTed, and if the SUPERUSER.FILESYS.ACLOVERRIDE resource is protected by a profile in the UNIXPRIV class, then the user must have the correct access level as documented for the ck_access (IRRSKA00) callable service in z/OS Security Server RACF Callable Services. If the profile exists, it determines whether file access is granted or denied. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-18} 27. (IV) If the request is for directory read or search, the UNIXPRIV class is active and RACLISTed, and the user has at least read permission to the SUPERUSER.FILESYS.DIRSRCH resource, then access is granted. Otherwise, if the UNIXPRIV class is active and RACLISTed, and if the SUPERUSER.FILESYS resource is © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 99 of 141 protected by a profile in the UNIXPRIV class, then the user must have the correct access level as documented for the ck_access (IRRSKA00) callable service in z/OS Security Server RACF Callable Services. If the profile exists, it determines whether file access is granted or denied. {AC.4::AC.4-V2R4-UNIX-19} 28. If this step is reached, access is denied. {AC.4::AC.4.42} Algorithm to check DAC access to UNIX IPC objects The discretionary access control rules allow access to an IPC object, · if the user has an effective user ID of zero {AC.4::AC.2.70} · if the user is the owner or creator of the IPC object and the requested type of access is allowed by the owner related permission bits {AC.4::AC.2.71} · if the user is neither the owner or creator of the IPC object but is a member of the IPC object’s creating group or owning group and the requested type of access is allowed by the group related permission bits {AC.4::AC.2.72} · if the user is neither owner nor creator of the IPC object and also is not a member of the IPC object’s creating group or owning group and the access is allowed by the other related permission bits {AC.4::AC.2.73} If none of the above mentioned conditions is satisfied, permission is denied by the discretionary access control rules for IPC objects {AC.4::AC.2.74}. 8.3.4 Digital Certificates, Key Rings, and Certificate Mappings in RACF and PKCS#11 Cryptographic Tokens RACF provides the RACDCERT command which can be used to 1. create certificate requests to send to a Certifying Authority {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF- RACDCERT-1} 2. generate public/private key pairs and certificates (DIGTCERT class) {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF- RACDCERT-2} 3. export a certificate or certificate packages to a data set, optionally with the private key {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT-3} 4. install certificates into the RACF database and register them as belonging to a user or to a certifying authority {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT-4}. The __certificate() and InitACEE() services can also register/deregister certificates {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF- RACDCERT-5}, and administrators an allow users to register their own certificates by granting them READ access to FACILITY resource IRR.DIGTCERT.ADD {SM.1::SM.1-R8- RACF-RACDCERT-6}. 5. delete or list certificates in the RACF database {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT-7} 6. maintain (create, list, delete) key rings containing certificates (DIGTRING class) {SM.1::SM.1- R8-RACF-RACDCERT-8} 7. add certificates to or delete them from key rings {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT-9} 8. create mapping rules (certificate name filters) that can map client certificates that are not installed/registered in the database to specified user IDs based on subject or issuer information (DIGTNMAP class) {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT-10}. This can allow a many-to-one mapping for applications that do not need to have each user run under his own ID. In this case, accountability can be maintained for auditing purposes by having the application provide the subject’s distinguished name via the X500Name parameter when creating the security environment (ACEE) for the user {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT- 11}. The mapping process can also make use of mapping criteria specified by the DIGTCRIT Page 100 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target class when it is necessary to map a client certificate into different IDs depending on characteristics of the user’s session (such as the application name, or system name where the application is running) {SM.1::SM.1-R8-RACF-RACDCERT-12}. 9. create and manage the contents of PKCS#11 cryptographic tokens contained in the ICSF TKDS {SM.1::SM-1.R9-RACF-RACDCERT-13}. {SM.1:: SM-1.R12-RACF-RACDCERT-14} RACDCERT supports installing or generating certificates that have the following key characteristics, subject to US export regulations and the available cryptographic hardware present on the system: • RSA keys up to 4096 bits; • DSA keys up to 2048 bits; • NIST ECC keys up to 521 bits; • Brainpool ECC keys up to 512 bits. {SM.1::SM-1.R21-RACF-RACDCERT-15} RSA keys can be generated through • RACF software and stored in the RACF DB (clear key) • RACF software and stored in the ICSF PKDS (clear key) • Cryptographic cards and stored in the ICSF PKDS (secure key) • CryptoExpress4s card (on EC12 only) and stored in the ICSF TKDS (secure key) {SM1.::SM-1.R21-RACF-RACDCERT-16} NIST/Brainpool keys can be generated through • ICSF software and stored in the ICSF PKDS (clear key) • CryptoExpress3 coprocessor cards (z114 or z196 processor) and stored in the ICSF PKDS (secure key) • CryptoExpress4s card (on EC12 only) and stored in the ICSF TKDS (secure key) Profiles in the DIGTCERT class contain information about digital certificates contained in the RACF database, as well as the certificate itself and optionally the certificate’s private key. Additionally, the user’s USER profile will have information about a certificate associated with the user. Profiles in the DIGTRING class contain information about key rings and the certificates contained in a key ring. Each key ring is a named collection of the personal, site, and CA certificates associated with a user. When the user represents a server, the key ring has the allowable CA certificates that must be used to sign certificates presented by clients of the server during SSL handshaking. Profiles in the DIGTNMAP and DIGTCRIT classes contain profiles used during certificate name filtering, a process during client authentication that can derive a user ID to use for the session from a certificate that is not specifically registered in the RACF database. Note that only the RACDCERT command may be used to administer profiles in the DIGTCERT, DIGTRING, and DIGTNMAP classes. Authority checking for RACDCERT Processing Note: Since the check for sufficient authority to perform one of the management functions of RACDCERT is performed by checking the user's authority to specific profiles using the standard RACF access check algorithm, the claims in this section start with "AC" instead of "SM". In general to use RACDCERT users need either the SPECIAL attribute (AC.4-R9-RACF-1) or  READ access to FACILITY resource IRR.DIGTCERT.function to issue RACDCERT commands for themselves {SM.7::AC.4-R9-RACF-2};  UPDATE access to FACILITY resource IRR.DIGTCERT.function to issue RACDCERT commands for other users {SM.7::AC.4-R9-RACF-3}; © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 101 of 141  CONTROL access to FACILITY resource IRR.DIGTCERT.function to issue RACDCERT commands for SITE and CERTAUTH certificates {SM.7::AC.4-R9-RACF-4}.  Sufficient authority to the appropriate resources in the RDATALIB class as defined in the additional tables for this class when Granular Authority Checking has been enabled by defining the IRR.RACDCERT.GRANULAR resource in the RDATALIB class. Note that access to the LISTCHAIN function is controlled by the IRR.DIGTCERT.LIST profile {SM.7::AC.4-V2R1-RACF-30}. Note that if the CSFSERV class is active, a number of RACDCERT functions require additional authorizations to resources in this class, caused by the ICSF functions called as part of the RACDCERT processing. For details of the access rights and resources required see the description of the RACDCERT subcommands in [RACF.CMD]. For certificate access, control is based on the certificate owner, certificate label and the RACDCERT function • IRR.DIGTCERT...LST. • IRR.DIGTCERT...UPD. {SM.7::AC.4-V2R2-1} For key ring access that does not involve a certificate, the control is based on the ring owner, ring name and the function • ..UPD. {SM.7::AC.4-V2R2-2} For key ring access that involves a certificate, the control is based on the ring owner, ring name and the certificate owner, certificate label and function. • ..UPD. and • ..LST...UPD. {SM.7::AC.4-V2R2-3}. 8.4 Security management (SM) 8.4.1 User and group management Definition of users and groups z/OS users and groups are defined in RACF. To create a z/OS user, a user profile for the new user has to be created in RACF. Each user profile consists of a base segment and optional segments for the use of specific subsystems. In the evaluated configuration, the OMVS segment for the specification of attributes for z/OS UNIX System Services contain the information required by the security functions defined in this Security Target. Other segments of the user profile may exist but the effects of any values in those segments do not influence the security policy defined in this Security Target. RACF also supports a special user profile segment, CSDATA, for which the security administrator can specify the format and content of the data fields using other profiles in the CFIELD class, as well as specifying access rules in the FIELD class to determine which users can view or update data in the segment {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-19}. To create or modify a user profile, a user must have one of the following authorities: · the SPECIAL role as a general system administrator {SM.1::SM.1.1} Page 102 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target · the UPDATE authority to the fields in a non-base segment of the profile he wants to modify through field-level access checking {SM.1::SM.1.2} · the CLAUTH attribute for the USER class while one of the following is true when creating a user: • the user is the owner of the default group specified in this command. • the user has JOIN authority in the default group specified in this command. • the user’s default group is within the scope of a group in which the user has the group- SPECIAL attribute. · The user must have the SPECIAL attribute to give the new user the OPERATIONS, SPECIAL, AUDITOR, or ROAUDIT attribute. The user does not need the SPECIAL attribute to specify the OWNER operand. {SM.1::SM.1-V2R4-1} · to modify the attribute of a user: the CLAUTH attribute for the user class {SM.1::SM.1.4}. Note that only the CLAUTH and NOCLAUTH attribute can be changed {SM.1::SM.1.5}. To list the contents of a user (user-2) profile using the LISTUSER command, a user (user-1) must have one of the following authorities: • The SPECIAL role as a general system administrator, or the group-SPECIAL role as a group- administrator for user-2, the AUDITOR role, the ROAUDIT role, the group-AUDITOR role as a group auditor for user-2, or user-1 must own user-2 {SM.1::SM.1-V2R2-RACF-1} • READ authority to the fields in a non-base segment of the profile he wants to list through field-level access checking {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-2} • When user-2 does not have the SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, AUDITOR, or ROAUDIT {SM.1::SM.1-V2R2-RACF-69} roles: ○ READ authority to FACILITY resource IRR.LISTUSER {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-3} ○ READ authority to FACILITY resource IRR.LU.OWNER.owner-of-profile to allow use of LISTUSER for any non-excluded user-2 owned by “owner-of-profile” (which specifies a user ID or group name). {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-4} ○ READ authority to FACILITY resource IRR.LU.TREE.owner-of-tree to allow use of LISTUSER for any non-excluded user-2 who would be in the group-SPECIAL scope of “owner-of-tree” (which specifies a user ID or group name). That is, users owned by “owner-of-tree” or owned by groups owned by “owner-of-tree” {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF- 21} ○ To exclude a user-2 from being listed using IRR.LU.OWNER.owner-of-profile or IRR.LU.TREE.owner-of-tree authority, the administrator can define a profile that protects the resource IRR.LU.EXCLUDE.excluded-user-2 in the FACILITY class. With such a profile defined, a user also needs READ authority to it in order to gain authority via IRR.LU.OWNER.owner-of-profile or IRR.LU.TREE.owner-of-tree {SM.1::SM.1-R10- RACF-5}. To reset the password or password phrase for another user (user-2) or to resume user-2 using the ALTUSER command, a user (user-1) must have one of the following authorities: • To specify a new expired or non-expired password/phrase, the SPECIAL role as a general system administrator {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-7} • To specify a new expired password/phrase, the group-SPECIAL role as a group-administrator for user-2 ,or user-1 must own user-2 {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-8} • When user-2 does not have the SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, ROAUDIT, or AUDITOR roles, or the PROTECTED attribute, one of: ○ READ authority to FACILITY resource IRR.PASSWORD.RESET to specify a new expired password/phrase when not within the minimum change window for user-2, or resume © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 103 of 141 user-2 without specifying a resume date. User-1 can not set a phrase for a user-2 who does not have one already {SM.1::SM.1-V2R2-RACF-9} ○ UPDATE authority to FACILITY resource IRR.PASSWORD.RESET to specify a new non- expired password/phrase when not within the minimum change window for user-2, or resume user-2 without specifying a resume date. User-1 can not set a phrase for a user- 2 who does not have one already {SM.1::SM.1-V2R2-RACF-10}. CONTROL authority allows the same as UPDATE, but also allows changing the password/phrase even when within the minimum change window for user-2 {SM.1::SM.1- R10-RACF-11}. ○ READ authority to FACILITY resource IRR.PWRESET.OWNER.owner-of-profile to specify a new expired password/phrase or resume a user without specifying a resume date, for any non-excluded user-2 owned by “owner-of-profile” (which specifies a user ID or group name) {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-12} UPDATE authority allows the same as READ, and also allows setting a non-expired password or password phrase {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-13}. CONTROL authority allows the same as UPDATE, and also allows setting a new password/phrase even when within the minimum change window for user-2 {SM.1::SM.1- R10-RACF-14}. ○ READ authority to FACILITY resource IRR.PWRESET.TREE.owner-of-tree to specify a new expired password/phrase or resume a user without specifying a resume date, for any non-excluded user-2 who would be in the group-SPECIAL scope of “owner-of-tree” (which specifies a user ID or group name). That is, users owned by “owner-of-tree” or owned by groups owned by “owner-of-tree” {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-15}. UPDATE authority allows the same as READ, and also allows setting a non-expired password or password phrase {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-16}. CONTROL authority allows the same as UPDATE, and also allows setting a new password/phrase even when within the minimum change window for user-2 {SM.1::SM.1- R10-RACF-17}. ○ To exclude a user-2 from being altered using IRR.PWRESET.OWNER.owner-of-profile or IRR.PWRESET.TREE.owner-of-tree authority, the administrator can define a profile that protects the resource IRR.PWRESET.EXCLUDE.excluded-user-2 in the FACILITY class. With such a profile defined, a user also needs READ authority to it in order to gain authority via IRR.PWRESET.OWNER.owner-of-profile or IRR.PWRESET.TREE.owner-of- tree {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-18}. RACF allows groups of users to be defined, making the management of users and user attributes and roles easier. To create a new group, a group profile must be defined in RACF. A group profile (as a user profile) consists of a base segment and (optional) other segments. As with the user profiles all group attributes related to the Security Policy as defined in this Security Target are contained in the base segment and the OMVS segment of the group profile. Each group defined in RACF must be owned by a RACF-defined user or by its superior group. Ownership of a group is assigned with the ADDGROUP command when a new group profile is created and can be changed with the ALTGROUP command used to change an existing group profile {SM.1::SM.1.6}. RACF also supports a special group profile segment, CSDATA, for which the security administrator can specify the format and content of the data fields using other profiles in the CFIELD class, as well as specifying access rules in the FIELD class to determine which users can view or update data in the segment {SM.1::SM.1-R10-RACF-20}. The owner of a group or a user connected to a group that has the group-SPECIAL role can: · Define new users to RACF (provided he also has the CLAUTH attribute for the USER class) Page 104 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target {SM.1::SM.1.7}. · Connect and remove users from the group {SM.1::SM.1.8}. · Delegate and change group authorities and set the default UACC for all new resources belonging to members of the group {SM.1::SM.1.9}. · Modify, list, and delete the group profile {SM.1::SM.1.10}. · Define, delete, and list the names of the subgroups under the group {SM.1::SM.1.11}. · Specify the group terminal option {SM.1::SM.1.12}. Users can be connected to a number of groups and have the group-related authorities of all the groups they are connected to {SM.1::SM.1.13}. The OMVS segment of a group profile contains the group’s z/OS UNIX group identifier. Management of z/OS user and group profiles occurs primarily via the RACF commands described later (ADDUSER, ALTUSER, DELUSER, LISTUSER, ADDGROUP, ALTGROUP, DELGROUP, LISTGRP). Administrators enter these commands while running in a TSO session. User profiles The base segment of a user profile within RACF contains (among other data not relevant for the security functions defined in this Security Target) the following: Name Description USERID User’s identification (a maximum of 8 characters). NAME User’s name (not security relevant, because the user is allowed to change his name). OWNER Owner of the user’s profile. DFLTGRP User’s default group. (Note: A user may specify, at login time, any group he or she is connected to as the current default group. This does not change the DFLTGRP value in the profile.) AUTHORITY User’s authority in the default group (use, create, connect, join). PASSWORD User’s password. The user ID is either DES-encrypted using the password (padded with blanks) as a key or encrypted using the KDFAES algorithm. Users who have no password and no password phrase are said to have the PROTECTED attribute, and can not logon to the system via any mechanism that uses a password, password phrase, or PassTicket. PHRASE Optional password phrase. Users who have a phrase must also have a password. REVOKE This attribute consists of a flag and a date. The date parameter specifies the date on which the user is revoked. The flag indicates that the user is revoked. The user is revoked, if either the flag is set or the actual date is after the revoke date, if defined. RESUME Date on which RACF lets the user have access to the system again. UACC Default universal access authority for resource profiles that the user defines. Only applicable to DATASET and a few general resource classes). WHEN Days of the week and hours of the day during which the user has access to the system (applies only to login through a terminal, not to other ports- of-entry). © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 105 of 141 CLAUTH Classes in which the user can define profiles. SPECIAL Gives the user the system-wide SPECIAL attribute. AUDITOR Gives the user the system-wide AUDITOR attribute. ROAUDIT Gives the user the system-wide ROAUDIT attribute. OPERATIONS Gives the user the system-wide OPERATIONS attribute. MODEL Name of the data set model profile to be used when creating new data set profiles, either generic or discrete. CERTNAME The names of the profiles in the DIGTCERT (digital certificate) class that are related this RACF user ID. CERTLABL The certificate labels associated with the profiles in the DIGTCERT class that are related to this RACF user ID. Table 15: User Profile The OMVS segment in a user profile contains the following fields (among other information not relevant for the security policy as defined in this Security Target: HOME User’s z/OS UNIX initial directory path name PROGRAM User’s z/OS UNIX program path name, such as a default shell program UID User’s z/OS UNIX user identifier Administrators have several choices when establishing OMVS information for users: 1. They may define the OMVS segment for users completely manually, via ADDUSER or ALTUSER with the OMVS keyword, and explicit specifications for the value of HOME, PROGRAM, and UID {SM.1::SM.1-R11-RACF-1}. 2. They may define the OMVS segment via ADDUSER or ALTUSER with the OMVS keyword and explicit specifications for HOME and PROGRAM, but allowing RACF to automatically choose the UID via the AUTOUID keyword , in conjunction with the BPX.NEXT.USER profile in the FACILITY class, where the administrator specifies an APPLDATA field containing the allowable range of automatically-assigned UIDs. RACF will then assign the lowest available unique UID and update the APPLDATA information to indicate the UID it used {SM.1::SM.1- R11-RACF-2}. Group profiles The base segment of a group profile within RACF contains (among other data not relevant for the security functions defined in this Security Target) the following: Name Description GROUPNAME Name of the group OWNER Owner of the group profile SUPGROUP The profile’s superior group MODEL Name of a profile to be used as a model TERMUACC or NOTERMUACC The group’s terminal authorization Table 16: Group profiles The OMVS segment of the group profile contains the group’s z/OS UNIX group identifier in the GID field. Administrators have several choices when establishing OMVS information for groups: Page 106 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 1. They may define the OMVS segment for groups completely manually, via ADDGROUP or ALTGROUP with the OMVS keyword, and explicit specification of the value of the GID {SM.1::SM.1-R11-RACF-5}. 2. They may define the OMVS segment via ADDGROUP or ALTGROUP with the OMVS keyword but allowing RACF to automatically choose the GID via the AUTOGID keyword , in conjunction with the BPX.NEXT.USER profile in the FACILITY class, where the administrator specifies an APPLDATA field containing the allowable range of automatically-assigned GIDs. RACF will then assign the lowest available unique GID and update the APPLDATA information to indicate the GID it used {SM.1::SM.1-R11-RACF-6}. 3. They may define the OMVS information automatically, by specifying the BPX.NEXT.USER profile in the FACILITY class to record the allowable range of automatically-assigned GIDs (as above), and the BPX.UNIQUE.USER profile to indicate that whenever a user whose default (or current connect) group has no OMVS segment makes use of UNIX functions, RACF should automatically create a permanent OMVS segment for that group. {SM.1::SM.1- R11-RACF-8}. This process will also occur if someone inquires about the GID for a group that does not have one using the getgmap() callable service {SM.1::SM.1-R11-RACF-9}. User roles and attributes User roles and attributes are extraordinary capabilities, restrictions, or environments that can be assigned to a user, either all of the time or when the user is connected to a specific group or groups. User attributes are stored and managed within the RACF database. When a role or attribute is to apply only to a specific group or groups, it is specified at the group level and is called a group-related user attribute. For example, user attributes that are specified in an ADDUSER or ALTUSER command are stored in the user’s profile and are in effect regardless of the group to which the user is connected {SM.1::SM.1.14}. RACF maintains the roles and attributes specified in this section in fields in the user profile. The distinction between roles and attributes in this Security Target is artificial and reflects the definition in Chapter 5 for roles and user attributed. RACF does not make this distinction and the IBM guidance describes all of the following as user attributes. Apart from the explicitly mentioned roles and attributes described below, users are assigned certain roles implicitly: · Users implicitly are in the “user” role which allows them to change their own authentication data · Users can be assigned the operator role by authorizing them to issue an operator command in the command’s own profile. · Ownership of objects entitles users to change the object’s security attributes. Ownership for non-UNIX objects is identical to ownership of the profile protecting the object. RACF Roles SPECIAL and group-SPECIAL A user who has the SPECIAL attribute at the system level can issue all RACF commands (but not all operands. There are AUDITOR-only operands related to the configuration of the audit function that only a user with the AUDITOR attribute is allowed to use) {SM.1::SM.1.15}. The SPECIAL attribute gives the user full control over all of the RACF profiles in the RACF database. The SPECIAL attribute can also be assigned at the group level. Such a user with the group-SPECIAL attribute has full control over all of the profiles within the scope of the group. A user with the SPECIAL role in his user profile is regarded as a system administrator. He can: · add, delete, list and modify user, group, DATASET and other profiles {SM.1::SM.1.16} · list and define RACF general options (except options related to auditing) {SM.1::SM.1.17} © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 107 of 141 A system administrator can delegate administrative activities to users such that they can administer profiles belonging to a defined group. He does this by assigning such users the group-SPECIAL attribute. Those users then have administrative capabilities within the group they were assigned the group SPECIAL attribute {SM.1::SM.1.18}. Users with the attribute group-SPECIAL can not use general RACF options of the SETROPTS command (except for the REFRESH GENERIC and LIST operands) {SM.1::SM.1.19}. AUDITOR and group-AUDITOR The AUDITOR attribute is given only to users who are responsible for auditing RACF security controls and functions. To provide a check and balance on RACF security measures, the AUDITOR attribute should be given to security or group administrators other than those who have the SPECIAL attribute. The AUDITOR attribute can also be assigned at the group level. Such a user with the group- AUDITOR attribute can control the audit configuration within the scope of the group where the attribute was assigned {SM.1::SM.1.20}. A user with the AUDITOR attribute can define and modify the audit related options in user and the auditor related options for resource profiles {SM.1::SM.1.21}. This allows him to define which activities are to be recorded in the audit trail. He can also list the content of any profile and set the system wide audit related options using the SETROPTS command. Those options are: · AUDIT or NOAUDIT (for each profile class) {SM.1::SM.1.22} · CMDVIOL or NOCMDVIOL {SM.1::SM.1.23} · LOGOPTIONS (for each profile class) {SM.1::SM.1.24} · OPERAUDIT or NOOPERAUDIT {SM.1::SM.1.25} · SAUDIT or NOSAUDIT {SM.1::SM.1.26} Audit configuration can also be delegated at the group level by giving the group-AUDITOR attribute to a user. A user with the group-Auditor attribute can define and modify the audit related options in user, and resource profiles associated with his group {SM.1::SM.1.28}. He can not modify or set audit related attributes that operate system-wide {SM.1::SM.1.29}. Note that a user with SPECIAL controls the activation/deactivation of the OMVS audit related classes (DIRACC, DIRSRCH, FSOBJ, FSSEC, IPOBJ, PROCACT and PROCESS). ROAUDIT A user who has the ROAUDIT attribute can monitor audit information and view RACF profiles to verify that appropriate audit controls have been defined, but can not alter the auditing controls. OPERATIONS and group-OPERATIONS A user who has the OPERATIONS attribute has full access authorization to all RACF-protected resources in the DATASET, DASDVOL, GDASDVOL and TAPEVOL classes except when restricted by an access list entry granting less authority {SM.1::SM.1.30}. The OPERATIONS attribute can also be assigned at the group level {SM.1::SM.1.31}. z/OS UNIX superuser A user operating with an effective UID of zero or a user that has been authorized to the BPX.SUPERUSER profile in the FACILITY class is defined to have the role of a z/OS UNIX superuser. Pseudo user A user defined with the NOPASSWORD, NOPHRASE, and NOOIDCARD parameter in his user profile is defined as having the role of a "pseudo-user". The TOE prohibits that a user with those attributes can log into the TOE. Those IDs can be used by SURROGAT-submitted batch jobs or by started procedures defined in the STARTED class or the started procedures table. Page 108 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target RACF Attributes CLAUTH If a user has the CLAUTH attribute in a class, RACF allows the user to define profiles in that class {SM.1::SM.1.32}. Users receive the CLAUTH attribute on a class-by-class basis. {SM.1::SM.1.33}. A user with the CLAUTH(USER) attribute can add and modify users except for setting or modifying the following attributes: · SPECIAL or NOSPECIAL {SM.1::SM.1.34} · AUDITOR or NOAUDITOR {SM.1::SM.1.35} · OPERATIONS or NOOPERATIONS {SM.1::SM.1.36} · ROAUDIT or NOROAUDIT {SM.1::SM.1-V2R2-RACF-70} REVOKE A user can be prevented from entering the system by assigning the REVOKE attribute {SM.1::SM.1.37}. This attribute is useful when a user needs to be prevented from entering the system, but cannot be deleted using the DELUSER command because the user still owns RACF resource profiles. It is also useful when a user must be temporarily prevented from using the system for some reason. User accounts can be revoked automatically after a period of inactivity {SM.1::SM.1.38}. This applies also to accounts that have never been active {SM.1::SM.1.39}. User Revocation User revocation can take two forms in the TOE: 1. Revocation of the RACF user ID associated with a user: As all user authentication occurs via RACF, and all users have a RACF identity, the administrator can revoke a user by using the ALTUSER command with the REVOKE operand {SM.1::SM.1-R8-REV-1}. Note that this will not cover immediate revocation, but it will prevent the user from entering the system in the future. 2. Revocation of a user’s digital certificate: For certificates registered in RACF via the RACDCERT command, the administrator can delete the certificate using RACDCERT {SM.1::SM.1-R8-REV-2}. This will prevent the system from recognizing that certificate in the future and associating it with the user’s RACF identity. For immediate revocation of a user in extreme situations a simple ALTUSER or certificate revocation may not suffice. In that case the administrator may determine which applications the user has access to (e.g., TSO/E, z/OS UNIX System Services, FTP server, HTTP server, LDAP). The administrator can then issue appropriate system or application commands to determine if the user is active in the system, and if so issue the appropriate system or application commands to terminate the user’s sessions. For example, for a TSO/E user the administrator could issue the CANCEL U=user-ID command. For a batch job the administer could issue CANCEL jobname. As a final resort the administrator could stop servers such as the HTTP server, FTP server, or LDAP server if the administrator is not sure how to locate the user’s sessions on the system, as well as stopping all UNIX processing, TSO/E processing, and batch processing. 8.4.2 Resource management RACF makes access decisions based on information stored in profiles or in the metadata associated © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 109 of 141 with z/OS UNIX objects. RACF manages the following resource profiles: · Data set profiles · General resource profiles General resource profiles apply to a number of resources defined as protected resources in this Security Target. The structure of the profiles in RACF used to protect those resources is identical, but the semantics of specific access rights is defined by the manager of the resource and may therefore differ depending on the type of resource. Profiles consists of a base segment and optionally a set of non-base segments. Fields within non- base segments can be individually protected using the field-level access control possibilities provided by RACF. Field-level access control allows the control of READ and UPDATE access to individual fields within a segment other than the base segment of a RACF profile. This access is based on RACF profiles in the FIELD class. Profiles in this class have the structure of profile-type.segment-name.field-name where profile-type is either the class name of a general resource profile or one of DATASET, GROUP, or USER. Different profile classes/types can have different segments and the name of the segment that contains the field for which access is controlled is specified as the second part of the profile. Different segments have different fields identified by their name and the name of the field is the third part of the profile controlling access to the field. The access control algorithm for access to general resources is used also for the FIELD class. Fields in segments are related to operands of RACF commands or the R_admin callable service used to manage profiles and the purpose of field level access control is to provide a mechanism that allows the definition of fine-grained access control to use those command operands or list the content of individual fields. Table 18 in [RACF.SAG] provides a complete list of the segment names and the fields within each of those segments that are subject to field-level access control. The table also maps the field names to the command operands that are used to update the fields. Note that use of those operands requires to have at least UPDATE authority to the field through field-level access control unless the user has the SPECIAL attribute {SM.4::SM.4-R12-RACFEAL5-FLA-1}. When profiles are listed, the user will only get information about the content of fields in segments protected by field-level access control, if he has at least READ access to the field, unless the user has the SPECIAL or AUDITOR attribute {SM.4::SM.4-R12-RACFEAL5-FLA-2}. In order to use field-level access control, the FIELD class needs to be active and SETROPTS RACLIST needs to be activated for the FIELD class. Otherwise only a user with the SPECIAL or AUDITOR attribute has access to fields {SM.4::SM.4-R12-RACFEAL5-FLA-3}. When the FIELD class is active and SETROPTS RACLIST is activated for the FIELD class, users with the SPECIAL or AUDITOR attribute can list all fields regardless of the access definition in the profile protecting access to the field {SM.4::R12-RACFEAL5-FLA-4}. To allow users to read or update fields in their own user profile protected by field-level access control a userid of &RACUID can be specified in the PERMIT command for the profiles in the FIELD class related to the fields in profiles of type USER {SM.4::R12-RACFEAL5-FLA-5}. This does not allow this user access to those fields in the user profiles of other users {SM.4::R12-RACFEAL5-FLA-6}. For information on z/OS UNIX objects see z/OS UNIX file system resources. Granular Field Access Checking A user with access to a FIELD class profile for a given segment or field can manipulate that field in all profiles. Field level access can be optionally restricted such that access to a particular segment or field, as granted by FIELD profiles, is limited to profiles to which the user has BASE-segment access. BASE-segment access is obtained by way of profile ownership, group-special, or other means, as de- termined by the RACF command being processed. The optional BASE-segment authority requirement to field-level access checking, is controlled by defining a profile in the FIELD class: “FLAC.SKIP.BASECHECK” Page 110 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target If the FLAC.SKIP.BASECHECK profile exists, and a command-issuing user lacks READ access to it, the field level access is granted only if the user performing the profile operation has BASE-segment access as well as authorization to the appropriate FIELD class profile. There are two ways to set up the FLAC.SKIP.BASECHECK profile: 1) If the profile is defined with UACC(READ), field-level-access checking processes without taking BASE-segment authorization into consideration. Namely, anyone with FIELD access to a particular field may access that field for all profiles defined to RACF {SM.4::SM.4-V2R3-RACFEAL5-FLA-7}. 2) Alternatively, the FLAC.SKIP.BASECHECK profile can be given UACC(NONE). This immediately limits all use of field-level-access to users who have BASE-segment access in accordance to the profile manipulation rules as specified by the command processors. {SM.4::SM.4-V2R3-RACFEAL5- FLA-8}. Data set profiles A data set profile within RACF contains (among other data not relevant for the security functions defined in this Security Target) the following: Name Description Profile name Name of the data set profile GENERIC, MODEL, or TAPE Indicates if it is a generic, a model or a tape data set profile OWNER Owner of the data set profile NOTIFY The TSO user who is to be notified whenever RACF uses this profile to deny access to a data set UACC The universal access authority for the data set or data sets protected by the profile AUDIT The type of auditing to be performed for the data set or data sets protected by the profile CATEGORY The security categories to be assigned to the data set or data sets protected by the profile ERASE A setting that indicates whether the data set or data sets protected by the profile are to be erased when they are scratched UNIT The unit type on which the data set resides (for discrete profiles only) VOLUME The volume on which the data set resides (for discrete profiles only) Table 17: Data Set profile Associated with those profiles is the access control list (ACL) for the profile. Each ACL entry defines the access rights of a user or a group with respect to the resource protected by the profile. Attributes within an ACL entry are: · access type (none, execute, read, update, control, alter) · user IDs and group IDs allowed for the access type · conditions of access (among other): o WHEN(CONSOLE( console-id ...)) Modifies the access authority. Specifies that the identified users or groups have the specified access authority when executing commands originating from the specified system console © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 111 of 141 o WHEN(JESINPUT( device-name ...)) Modifies the access authority. Specifies that the identified users or groups have the specified access authority when entering the system through the specified JES input device o WHEN(PROGRAM( program-name...)) Modifies the access authority. Specifies that the identified users or groups have the specified access authority when executing the specified program o WHEN(TERMINAL( terminal-id ...)) Modifies the access authority. Specifies that the identified users or groups have the specified access authority when logged on to the specified terminal General resource profiles Other protected resources defined in this Security Target (except the z/OS UNIX file system objects and z/OS UNIX IPC objects) are protected by general resource profiles that contains the resource class and the resource attributes. As with profiles for z/OS data sets, an access control list with entries defining the access types for individual users and / or groups can be defined for each such resource profile. The semantics of the individual access rights are defined by the resource manager responsible for the management of the resources protected by such a profile. Different resource classes may have different resource managers responsible for the protection and management of the resources within the class. The structure of a general resource profile is defined in the following table (omitting fields that are not relevant for the Security Policy as defined in this Security Target: Name Description Class name Name of the resource class the profile belongs to Profile name Name of the generic resource profile OWNER( user ID or groupname) The owner of the profile NOTIFY The user who is to be notified whenever RACF uses this profile to deny access to a resource UACC The universal access authority for the resource or resources protected by the profile AUDIT The type of auditing to be performed for the resource or resources protected by the profile FROM The name of a profile that is to be used as a model FCLASS The class of the model profile FGENERIC A setting that indicates that the model profile name is to be treated as a generic name FVOLUME The volume that is to be used to locate the model profile LEVEL An installation-defined level SINGLEDSN The tape volume protected by this profile can contain only one data set (TAPEVOL class only) TIMEZONE The time zone in which a terminal resides (TERMINAL class only) TVTOC A setting that specifies that RACF is to create a tape volume table of contents (TVTOC) when a user creates the first output data set on the tape volume (TAPEVOL class only) Page 112 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target WHEN The times when the terminal or terminals protected by the profile can be used to access the system (TERMINAL class only) Table 18: General Resource profile z/OS UNIX file system resources z/OS UNIX file system resources are not protected by RACF profiles but by permission bits and extended attributes stored in the z/OS UNIX file system. The evaluated configuration supports two different z/OS UNIX file system types: zFS and HFS. A file system for both file system types is always implemented in a single z/OS data set. See DAC for UNIX objects for details of the access control strategy for z/OS UNIX file system objects. 8.4.3 RACF configuration and management Configuring RACF with the SETROPTS command The SPECIAL and AUDITOR roles can define system wide-options of RACF with the SETROPTS command. This command can be used (among other actions) to: · Choose the resource classes that RACF is to protect (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.1} · Set the universal access authority (UACC) for otherwise undefined terminals (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.2} · Specify logging of certain RACF commands and events (requires AUDITOR). {SM.3::SM.3.3} · Enable or disable list-of-groups access checking (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.4} · Display options currently in effect. {SM.3::SM.3.5} · Enable generic profile checking for all active classes (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.6} · Establish password syntax rules (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.7} · Activate password processing for checking previous passwords, limit invalid password attempts, and warn of password expiration (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.8} · Control global access checking for selected individual resources or generic names with selected generalized access rules (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.9} · Set the passwords for authorizing use of the RVARY command (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.10} · Initiate refreshing of in-storage generic profile lists and global access checking tables (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.11} · Enable or disable shared profiles through RACLIST processing for general resources (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.12} · Activate auditing of access attempts to RACF-protected resources based on installation- defined security levels (requires AUDITOR). {SM.3::SM.3.13} · Activate enhanced generic naming (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.14} · Activate profile modeling for GDG, group, and user data sets (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.15} · Activate protection for data sets with single-level names (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.16} · Control logging of real data set names (requires AUDITOR). {SM.3::SM.3.17} © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 113 of 141 · Control the job entry subsystem (JES) options implemented in RACF (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.18} · Activate tape data set protection (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.19} · Enable protection of data sets by default (PROTECTALL(FAILURES)) (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.20} · Enable the erasure of scratched DASD data sets (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.21} · Activate program control (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.22} · Control whether a profile creator’s user ID is automatically added to the profile’s access list (requires SPECIAL). {SM.3::SM.3.23} Some administration activities can be delegated to user with other roles. See the definition of those roles for the administrative options that can be set or defined by those roles. To operate in correspondence with the requirements in this Security Target, the system administrator needs to configure RACF (using the SETROPTS command) with the following options: CATDSNS(FAILURES), NOCOMPATMODE, ERASE(ALL), GENERIC(*), PROTECTALL(FAILURES), CLASSACT (TEMPDSN), JES(BATCHALLRACF). Additional parameter for the PASSWORD operand need to be set to define the password policy. See RACF Passwords and Password Phrases for more information. RACF commands The administration of RACF is performed by a set of commands. Users need the required authorities or roles to issue those commands or specific parameter of those commands, which are defined in a table later in this section. The main RACF commands are: · ADDGROUP, ALTGROUP, DELGROUP Commands to define a new group profile, modify an existing group profile or delete a group profile {SM.3::SM.3.25} · ADDUSER, ALTUSER, DELUSER Commands to define a new user profile, modify an existing user profile or delete a user profile {SM.3::SM.3.26} · ADDSD, ALTDSD, DELDSD Commands to define a new z/OS data set profile, modify an existing z/OS data set profile or delete an existing z/OS data set profile {SM.3::SM.3.27} · CONNECT, REMOVE Command to connect a user to or remove a user from a group {SM.3::SM.3.28} · LISTGROUP, LISTUSER, LISTDSD Commands to list user, group or z/OS data set profiles {SM.3::SM.3.29} · RDEFINE, RALTER, RDELETE Commands to define, modify or delete a general resource profile {SM.3::SM.3.30} · RLIST Command to list a general resource profile {SM.3::SM.3.31} · PASSWORD Command to specify a user’s password {SM.3::SM.3.32} · PHRASE Command to specify a user’s password phrase {SM.3::SM.3-R10-RACF-1} · PERMIT Command to maintain the access list of a resource profile {SM.3::SM.3.33} · RACDCERT Page 114 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command to maintain X5.09v3 digital certificates, certificate mapping filters, certificate mapping criteria, and key rings in the RACF database. {SM.3::SM.3-R13-RACF-3} · RACMAP Command to establish mappings between distributed user identities and local RACF user IDs {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACF-2}. · RACPRMCK Command to validate the syntax of one or more RACF parmlib members and verify that the content of the member is valid prior to IPLing {SM.3::SM.3-V2R3-RACF-1}. · SETROPTS Command to set specific RACF options (see section above for details) {SM.3::SM.3.34} There are the following options how a RACF command can be issued: • as a TSO command • as an operator command • with command direction (command can be directed to run under the authority of a user ID on a remote node, or the same node using the AT operand. Use of this operand is usually restricted as indicated in the table below). [Note: This method is part of the RACF Remote Sharing Facility (RRSF) which is not a part of this evaluation, and will not be considered further.] • with automatic command direction (activated using the SET AUTODIRECT command. Use is restricted by RACF profiles as for command direction)[Note: This method is part of the RACF Remote Sharing Facility (RRSF) which is not a part of this evaluation, and will not be considered further.] • from the RACF parameter library • via the R_admin callable service Not all commands can be issued in all options. For example some commands can not be used as TSO commands, and some can not be used as operator commands. To use a specific RACF command, a user needs the specific authority to use the command or specific parameter of the command. The authorities required are listed in the following table: Command Authorities required for use ADDGROUP {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-1} General: • SPECIAL or • group-SPECIAL and the superior group is within the scope of group- SPECIAL authority, or • owner of the superior group, or • JOIN authority to the superior group Special parameter authorization: • SPECIAL or UPDATE authority via field-level access control to add segments to a group’s profile • For use of the SHARED keyword: SPECIAL or READ authority to the SHARED.IDS resource in the UNIXPRIV class ADDSD {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-2} The level of authority required to use the ADDSD command and the types of profiles the caller can define are: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 115 of 141 Command Authorities required for use To protect a user data set with RACF, one of the following must be true: • The high-level qualifier of the data set name (or the qualifier supplied by the RACF naming conventions table) must match the caller’s user ID, or • SPECIAL, or • The user ID for the data set profile must be within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. To protect a group data set with RACF, one of the following must be true: • CREATE authority in the group, or • SPECIAL, or • OPERATIONS attribute and not be connected to the group, or • The data set profile must be within the scope of the group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. • The data set profile must be within the scope of the group in which the caller has the group-OPERATIONS attribute, and he must not be connected to the group. Special parameter authorization: • To assign a security category to a profile, you must have the SPE- CIAL attribute or have the category in your user profile. • To assign a security level to a profile, you must have the SPECIAL at- tribute or, in your own profile, a security level that is equal to or greater than the security level you are defining. • To add non-base segments, SPECIAL or UPDATE authority via field- level access control. • To add a discrete profile for a VSAM data set already RACF-pro- tected by a generic profile, you must have ALTER access authority to the catalog or to the data set through the generic profile. • To specify a model data set profile (using, as required, FROM, FCLASS, FGENERIC, and FVOLUME), you must have sufficient au- thority over the model profile (the from profile). RACF makes the fol- lowing checks until one of the conditions is met: • You have the SPECIAL attribute. • The from profile is within the scope of a group in which you have the group-SPECIAL attribute. • You are the owner of the from profile. • The high-level qualifier of the profile name (or the qualifier supplied by the naming conventions routine ) is your user ID. • For a discrete profile, you are on the access list in the from profile with ALTER authority. (If you have any lower level of authority, you cannot use the profile as a model.) • For a discrete profile, your current connect group (or, if list-of- groups checking is active, any group to which you are con- nected) is on the access list in the from profile with ALTER authority. Page 116 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use • For a discrete profile, the UACC is ALTER. ADDUSER {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-3} General: • SPECIAL or • CLAUTH for the USER class and one of the following is true: ◦ The caller is the owner of the default group specified ◦ The caller has JOIN authority in the default group specified ◦ The default group specified is within the scope of a group where the caller has group-SPECIAL Special parameter authorization: • SPECIAL to give the new user the OPERATIONS, SPECIAL, AUDI- TOR, or ROAUDIT attribute • SPECIAL to assign a security category to a profile or the category must be in the caller’s user profile • SPECIAL to assign a security level to a profile or the security level in the caller’s profile is equal or greater than the security level assigned to the new user • When defining information within a segment other than the base seg- ment: ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ UPDATE authority to the desired field through field-level access control For use of the SHARED keyword: SPECIAL or READ authority to the SHARED.IDS resource in the UNIXPRIV class • ALTDSD {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-4} The level of authority required to use the ALTDSD command and the types of profiles the caller can define are: To protect a user data set with RACF, one of the following must be true: • The high-level qualifier of the data set name (or the qualifier supplied by the RACF naming conventions table) must match the caller’s user ID, or • SPECIAL, or • The user ID for the data set profile must be within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. • The caller is the owner of the profile • For a discrete profile: the caller has ALTER authority to the profile or the caller’s current connect group (or, if list-of-groups checking is ac- tive) has ALTER authority Special parameter authorization: • For use of the GLOBALAUDIT keyword: AUDITOR or the data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute • For access to the DFP or TME segment: field-level access authority to those segments © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 117 of 141 Command Authorities required for use • SPECIAL to assign a security category to a profile or remove a secu- rity category from a profile, or the category must be in the caller’s user profile. SPECIAL to assign a security level to a profile or the se- curity level in the caller’s profile is equal or greater than the security level assigned to the new user ALTGROUP {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-5} General: • To issue the command,, except as specified below: • SPECIAL • The group profile is within the scope of a group in which you have the group-SPECIAL attribute • You are the current owner of the group. Special parameter authorization: • To change the superior group of a group: • SPECIAL or • group-SPECIAL and the current and new superior group is within the scope of group-SPECIAL authority, or • owner of the current and new superior group, or • JOIN authority to the current and new superior group • A combination of group-SPECIAL, owner or JOIN authority where one of those applies for the current and one of those applies for the new superior group • SPECIAL or permission through field-level access checking in order to add, delete, or alter segments of a group’s profile • For use of the SHARED keyword: SPECIAL or READ authority to the SHARED.IDS resource in the UNIXPRIV class ALTUSER {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-6} General: • SPECIAL (allows use of all operands except UAUDIT/NOUAUDIT) Special parameter authorization: • If the owner of the user profile is within the scope of a group in which the group-SPECIAL attribute, he can use all of the operands except SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, OPERATIONS, NOEXPIRED and UAUDIT/NOUAUDIT. • The owner of the user’s profile can use any of the following operands for user-related attributes: ◦ ADSP | NOADSP ◦ DATA | NODATA ◦ DFLTGRP ◦ GRPACC | NOGRPACC ◦ MODEL | NOMODEL ◦ NAME Page 118 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use ◦ OIDCARD | NOOIDCARD ◦ OWNER ◦ PASSWORD | NOPASSWORD ◦ PHRASE | NOPHRASE ◦ RESTRICTED | NORESTRICTED ◦ RESUME | NORESUME ◦ REVOKE | NOREVOKE ◦ WHEN • Each user can change his or her name field, default group or model data set profile name (using the NAME, DFLTGRP, or MODEL oper- and, respectively). • You can use the GROUP, AUTHORITY, and UACC operands for group-related user attributes if you have JOIN or CONNECT au- thority, if the group profile is within the scope of a group in which you have the group-SPECIAL attribute, or if you are the owner of the specified group. • To specify the AUDITOR/NOAUDITOR, ROAUDIT/NOROAUDIT, SPECIAL/NOSPECIAL, and OPERATIONS/NOOPERATIONS oper- ands as system-wide user attributes, the caller must have the SPE- CIAL attribute. • To specify the UAUDIT/NOUAUDIT operand, either the caller must have the AUDITOR attribute, or the user profile must be within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR at- tribute. • The CLAUTH and NOCLAUTH operands can be specified if the caller is the owner of the user’s profile and has the CLAUTH attribute for the class to be added or deleted. • To assign a security category to a profile, or to delete a category from a profile, one of the following must be true: • If the user profile is within the scope of a group in which you have the group-SPECIAL attribute, or if you are the owner of the specified user, the category you are adding or deleting must be in your user profile. • You have the SPECIAL attribute. • To assign a security level to a profile, or to delete a security level from a profile, one of the following must be true: • If the user profile is within the scope of a group in which you have the group-SPECIAL attribute, or if you are the owner of the specified user, the security level in your user profile must be equal to or greater than the security level you are assign- ing or deleting. • You have the SPECIAL attribute. • To change information within a segment other than the base seg- ment, the caller must have one of the following: ◦ The SPECIAL attribute © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 119 of 141 Command Authorities required for use ◦ At least UPDATE authority to the desired field within the segment through field-level access control. • To reset passwords and password phrases or to resume user IDs, the caller must have at least one of the following authorizations: ◦ SPECIAL. ◦ group-SPECIAL authority over the user profile. ◦ The caller is the OWNER of the user profile. ◦ The caller has sufficient access to the IRR.PASSWORD.RESET resource in the FACILITY class. ◦ The caller has sufficient access to an appropriate resource in the FACILITY class (IRR.PWRESET.OWNER.owner or IRR.PWRE- SET.TREE.owner), and both of the following conditions are also true: ▪ The other user does not have the SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or PROTECTED attribute. ▪ The caller is not excluded from altering the user by the IR- R.PWRESET.EXCLUDE.excluded-user resource in the FA- CILITY class. • When the caller’s reset and resume authority is through access to the IRR.PASSWORD.RESET resource, the IRR.PWRESET.OWN- ER.owner resource, or the IRR.PWRESET.TREE.owner resource, the following requirements apply: ◦ If the caller has READ access, he can: ▪ Use the PASSWORD operand to reset a password (to an ex- pired password) for a user who does not have the SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or PROTECTED at- tribute. ▪ Use the PHRASE operand to reset a password phrase (to an expired password phrase) for a user with an assigned pass- word phrase who does not have the SPECIAL, OPERA- TIONS, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or PROTECTED attribute. Note: The caller cannot use the PHRASE operand to add a password phrase for a user who does not have one. ▪ Use the RESUME operand, without specifying a date, for a user who does not have the SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, AUDI- TOR, ROAUDIT, or PROTECTED attribute. ◦ If the caller has UPDATE access, he can: ▪ Use the PASSWORD, PHRASE, and RESUME operands as noted for READ access. ▪ Use the NOEXPIRED operand (with PASSWORD or PHRASE) for a user who does not have the SPECIAL, OP- ERATIONS, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or PROTECTED attribute. ◦ If the caller has CONTROL access, he can: ▪ Use the PASSWORD, PHRASE, RESUME, and NOEX- PIRED operands as noted for READ and UPDATE access. ▪ Reset the password or password phrase within the minimum Page 120 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use change interval for a user who does not have the SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or PROTECTED at- tribute. • For use of the SHARED keyword: SPECIAL or READ authority to the SHARED.IDS resource in the UNIXPRIV class CONNECT {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-7} General: • SPECIAL, or • Group-SPECIAL in the group • Ownership of the group • JOIN authority in the group • CONNECT authority in the group • A caller can not give a higher level of authority in the group than he has himself. DELDSD {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-8} General: • SPECIAL, or • The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • The high-level qualifier of the profile name or the qualifier supplied by the RACF naming conventions table is the caller’s user ID, or • The caller is the owner of the profile • For a discrete profile: the caller is on the access list with ALTER au- thority, or • For a discrete profile, the caller’s group or one of the caller’s groups (if checking list of groups is active) is on the access list and has AL- TER authority. • For a discrete profile, the universal access authority is ALTER. DELGROUP {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-9} General: • SPECIAL, or • The group to be deleted is within the scope of a group where the caller has the group-SPECIAL in the group, or • The caller is the Owner of the group to be deleted, or • The caller is the Owner of a superior group of the group to be deleted • JOIN authority in the superior group DELUSER {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-10} General: • SPECIAL, or • Group-SPECIAL for the group where the user profile to be deleted is within the scope of the group, or • Ownership of the user profile Other: • A user profile that has a distributed identity filter associated with it can only be deleted after the distributed identity filter has been deleted. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 121 of 141 Command Authorities required for use DISPLAY {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-25} None (can be used an operator command only. RACF allows restricting the use of specific operator commands to de- fined users). HELP No restrictions LISTDSD {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-11} For listing the RACF segment of a data set profile: • SPECIAL, or • The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • OPERATIONS, or • The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-OPERATIONS attribute, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute, or • The high-level qualifier of the profile name (or the qualifier supplied by the naming convention table) is the caller’s user ID, or • The caller is the owner of the profile • The caller is on the access list with READ authority, or • The caller’s group or one of the caller’s groups (if checking list of groups is active) is on the access list and has READ authority, or • The universal access authority is READ, or • The caller has READ access for the profile name from the GLOBAL ENTRY TABLE (if the table contains an entry for the profile) For listing the DFP or TME segment of a data set profile: • SPECIAL, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • READ authority to the desired field within the segment through field- level access control. Special parameter authorization: • To specify the AUTHUSER operand to display the access list for a profile, one of the following conditions must be met for each profile to be listed: ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or ◦ OPERATIONS, or ◦ The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-OPERATIONS attribute, or ◦ AUDITOR, or ROAUDIT, or Page 122 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use ◦ The data set profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute, or ◦ The high-level qualifier of the profile name (or the qualifier sup- plied by the naming convention table) is the caller’s user ID, or ◦ The caller is the owner of the profile ◦ The caller has ALTER access for the profile name from the GLOBAL ENTRY TABLE (if this table contains an entry for the profile). ◦ For a discrete profile, the caller is on the profile’s access list with ALTER authority. ◦ For a discrete profile, the caller’s current connect group (or, if list- of-groups checking is active, any group to which the caller is con- nected) is in the access list and has ALTER authority. ◦ For a discrete profile, the universal access authority is ALTER. Other: • To display the type of access attempts (as specified by the GLOBAL- AUDIT operand on the ALTDSD command) that are being logged on the SMF data set, either the caller must have the AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute or the profile must be within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute. LISTGRP {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-12} For listing the RACF segment of a group profile: • SPECIAL, or • AUDITOR, or ROAUDIT, or • For each group to be listed at least one of the following is true: ◦ The caller has group-SPECIAL the group or the group profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group- SPECIAL attribute, or ◦ The caller has group-AUDITOR for the group or the group profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group- AUDITOR attribute, or ◦ The caller is the owner of the group, or ◦ The caller has JOIN or CONNECT authority for the group For listing the other segments of a group profile: • SPECIAL, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • READ access to the desired field through field-level access control LISTUSER {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-13} For listing the RACF segment of a user profile: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 123 of 141 Command Authorities required for use • SPECIAL, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • For each user to be listed at least one of the following is true: ◦ the user profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or ◦ the user profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute, or ◦ The caller is the owner of the user profile, or ◦ The caller has READ access to the IRR.LISTUSER resource in the FACILITY class and the user does not have the SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or OPERATIONS attribute. ◦ The caller has READ access to an appropriate resource (IRR.LU.OWNER.owner or IRR.LU.TREE.owner) in the FACILITY class, and both of the following conditions are also true: ▪ The user does not have the SPECIAL, AUDITOR, ROAUDIT, or OPERATIONS attribute. ▪ The caller is not excluded from listing the user by the IR- R.LU.EXCLUDE.excluded-user resource in the FACILITY class. For listing other segments of a user profile: • SPECIAL, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • READ authority to the desired field within the segment through field- level access checking Other: • If the caller has the group-SPECIAL or group-AUDITOR attribute and the installation has assigned security levels and security categories to user profiles, the caller must have the following to be able to display the RACF segment of a user’s profile: ◦ A security level equal to, or greater than, that in the user profile the caller is trying to display ◦ All security categories contained in the user profile the caller is trying to display are contained in the caller’s own user profile. • The value of the UAUDIT/NOUAUDIT operand is only listed if the au- thorization is given by the AUDITOR, ROAUDIT or group-AUDITOR authorities. PASSWORD {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-14} General: • To change a user’s password or password phrase or change interval: ◦ The caller is the user himself, or Page 124 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ the user’s profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has group-SPECIAL • To reset another user’s password to the default value: ◦ The caller is the owner of the user’s profile ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ the user’s profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has group-SPECIAL PERMIT {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-15} General: • SPECIAL, or • The profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • The caller is the owner of the resource, or • For a discrete profile: the caller has ALTER authority (either via the standard access list, or via group access or via UACC) • For profiles in the DATASET class: the high-level qualifier of the pro- file name (or the qualifier supplied by the naming conventions routine ) is the caller’s user ID. • For profiles in the FILE or DIRECTRY class: the second qualifier of the profile name is the caller’s user ID. (Note: the FILE and DIREC- TRY classes apply only in z/VM systems, and will not be considered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/OS.) PHRASE See PASSWORD RACDCERT See separate table RACMAP {SM.3::SM.3-R13-RACFEAL5-16} General: • SPECIAL, or • Sufficient authority to the IRR.IDIDMAP.function resource in the FACILITY class, where function is MAP, DELMAP, QUERY, or LISTMAP. READ authority is required for the caller to cre- ate, delete, or list a distributed identity filter for his own RACF user ID. UPDATE authority is required for the caller to create, delete, or list a distributed identity filter for another RACF user ID. RACPRIV {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-17} General: • READ access to the profile IRR.WRITEDOWN.BYUSER in the FA- CILITY class. RALTER {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-18} General (with the exception of the GLOB- ALAUDIT parameter): • SPECIAL, or • The profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • The caller is the owner of the profile, or © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 125 of 141 Command Authorities required for use • For a discrete profile: the caller has ALTER authority (either via the standard access list, or via group access or via UACC) • For profiles in the FILE or DIRECTRY class: the second qualifier of the profile name is the caller’s user ID. (Note: the FILE and DIREC- TRY classes apply only in z/VM systems, and will not be considered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/OS.) • To assign a security category to a profile, or to delete a category from a profile, the caller must have the SPECIAL attribute, or the category must be in the caller’s user profile. • To assign a security level to a profile, or to delete a security level from a profile, the caller must have the SPECIAL attribute, or, in his own profile, a security level that is equal to or greater than the security level he is assigning or deleting. Special parameter authorization: • For modifying information in segments other than the base segment: ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ UPDATE Access allowed by field-level access control for the fields to be modified • For use of the GLOBALAUDIT parameter: ◦ AUDITOR, or ◦ The profile is within the scope of a group for which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute. • For use of the ADDMEM parameter: ◦ For classes other than PROGRAM, SECDATA, GLOBAL, RACF- VARS, and NODES, if the member resources are already RACF- protected by a member class profile or as a member of a profile in the same grouping class, one of the following must be true: ▪ The caller has ALTER access authority to the member, or ▪ The caller is the owner of the member resource, or ▪ The member resource is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or ▪ The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. ◦ For classes other than PROGRAM, SECDATA, GLOBAL, RACF- VARS, and NODES, if the member resources are not RACF-pro- tected (that is, there is no profile defined for that member), one of the following must be true: ▪ The caller has CLAUTH authority to define resources in the member resource class. ▪ The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. ◦ To add a member to a profile in the RACFVARS or NODES class, one of the following must be true: ▪ The caller has CLAUTH authority to define resources in the specified class ▪ The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. Page 126 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use ▪ The caller is the owner of the profile indicated by profile- name. ▪ The caller has ALTER access authority to the profile indicated by profile-name. ◦ To add a member to a profile in the PROGRAM or SECDATA class, one of the following must be true: ▪ You have CLAUTH authority to define resources in the speci- fied class (for example, PROGRAM or SECDATA). ▪ You have the SPECIAL attribute. ◦ To add a member to a profile in the GLOBAL class (other than the GLOBAL DATASET, GLOBAL DIRECTRY, or GLOBAL FILE pro- file) ▪ If the profile resource-name is already RACF-protected by a profile in class class-name: • ALTER access authority to the profile resource-name in class class-name, or • The caller is the OWNER of the profile resource-name, or • The profile resource-name in class class-name is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group- special attribute, or • The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. ▪ If the profile resource-name is not already RACF-protected (that is, there is no profile defined for that member in class class-name): • The caller has CLAUTH authority to define resources in the class class-name, or • The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. ◦ To add a member to the GLOBAL DATASET profile, one of the following must be true: ▪ The caller is the owner of the DATASET profile in the GLOBAL class. ▪ The member is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. ▪ The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. ◦ To add a member to the GLOBAL DIRECTRY or GLOBAL FILE profile, the caller must have the SPECIAL attribute. (Note: the FILE and DIRECTRY classes apply only in z/VM systems, and will not be considered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/OS.) • For use of the DELMEM operand: ◦ If class-name is specified as GLOBAL, the rules for member are the same as given for ADDMEM. If class-name is specified as SECDATA, member should be a valid SECLEVEL name or cate- gory name. • For use of the ADDVOL operand: © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 127 of 141 Command Authorities required for use ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ CLAUTH attribute for the TAPEVOL resource class in addition to the other authorization requirements for using the RALTER com- mand. • For use of the GLOBALAUDIT operand: ◦ AUDITOR, or ◦ The resource profile must be within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute. RACPRMCK {SM.3::SM.3-V2R3-RACFEAL5-2} None. RDEFINE {SM.3::SM.3-V2R3-RACFEAL5-19} General (with the exception of the GLOB- ALAUDIT parameter): • SPECIAL, or • If the caller has CLAUTH authority for the GLOBAL class, and group- SPECIAL authority in a group, he can add members whose high-level qualifier is the group name or a user ID in the scope of the group. This applies only to classes that are sensitive to high-level qualifiers, such as DATASET. • If the name to be defined is not already defined to RACF as a mem- ber of a resource group and the caller is defining a profile in a normal (non-member, non-grouping) class, a member class, or a member of a grouping class, he must have CLAUTH authority for the specified class. • If the resource to be defined is a discrete name already defined to RACF as a member of a resource group, the caller can define it as a resource to RACF if he has ALTER authority, or if the resource group profile is within the scope of a group in which he has the group-SPE- CIAL attribute, or if he is the owner of the resource group profile. If authority conflicts arise because the resource is a member of more than one group and the user’s authority in those groups differs, RACF resolves the conflict by using the least restrictive authority. • If the caller defines a profile in the FILE or DIRECTRY class, one of the following must be true: ◦ The second qualifier of the profile name must match the caller’s user ID ◦ The caller has the SPECIAL attribute ◦ The profile name must be within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. (Note: the FILE and DIRECTRY classes apply only in z/VM sys- tems, and will not be considered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/OS.) • If the caller does not have the SPECIAL attribute and the SETROPTS GENERICOWNER option is in effect, and if an ex- isting generic profile protects the profile name the caller is defining, he needs to own the less specific profile. GENERI- COWNER does not apply to the PROGRAM class. If the EN- HANCEDGENERICOWNER option is in effect, the caller is pre- vented from the creation of a more specific profile if the more specific profile is created in the grouping class and is Page 128 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use specified on the ADDMEM operand.. • To assign a security category to a profile, the caller must have the category in his user profile. • To assign a security level to a profile, the caller’s own profile must have a security level that is equal to or greater than the security level he is defining. • To define segments other than the base segment, the caller must have the SPECIAL attribute or he must be permitted to do so through field-level access checking. Other: • For Model profiles: To specify a model profile (using, as required, FROM, FCLASS, FGENERIC, and FVOLUME), the caller must have sufficient authority over the model profile (the from profile). RACF makes the following checks until one of the conditions is met: ◦ The caller has the SPECIAL attribute. ◦ The from profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. ◦ The caller the owner of the from profile. ◦ If the FCLASS operand is DATASET, the high-level qualifier of the profile name (or the qualifier supplied by the naming conventions routine) is the caller’s user ID. ◦ For a discrete profile, the caller is on the access list in the from profile with ALTER authority. ◦ For a discrete profile, the caller’s current connect group (or, if list- of-groups checking is active, any group to which the caller is con- nected) is in the access list in the from profile with ALTER author- ity. ◦ For a discrete profile, the universal access authority (UACC) is ALTER. Special parameter authorization: • For use of the ADDMEM operand: In addition to the authority needed to issue the RDEFINE command, the caller needs one of the follow- ing authorities to add members using the RDEFINE command: ◦ See the requirements specified for the use of the ADDMEM oper- and for the RALTER command. RDELETE {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-20} General: • SPECIAL, or • The profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • The caller is the owner of the profile, or • For a discrete profile: the caller has ALTER authority (either via the standard access list, or via group access or via UACC) © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 129 of 141 Command Authorities required for use • For profiles in the FILE or DIRECTRY class: the second qualifier of the profile name is the caller’s user ID. (Note: the FILE and DIREC- TRY classes apply only in z/VM systems, and will not be considered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/OS.) REMOVE {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-21} General: • SPECIAL, or • The profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • The caller is the owner of the group, or • The caller has JOIN or CONNECT authority in the group. RESTART None (can be used an operator command only. RACF allows restricting the use of specific operator commands to defined users). RLIST {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-22} General: • SPECIAL, or • The resource profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute, or • OPERATIONS, or • The resource profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-OPERATIONS attribute, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • The resource profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute, or • The caller is the owner of the resource. • If the profile is in the FILE or DIRECTRY class and the second quali- fier of the profile name is the caller’s user ID. (Note: the FILE and DI- RECTRY classes apply only in z/VM systems, and will not be consid- ered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/ OS.) • To list the contents of segments other than the base segment, the caller must have the SPECIAL, AUDITOR, or ROAUDIT attribute or the installation must permit the caller to do so through field-level ac- cess checking. • If the caller is on the access list for the resource and has at least READ authority. If you specify ALL, RACF lists only information perti- nent to the caller’s user ID. • If the caller’s current connect group (or, if list-of-groups checking is active, any group to which the caller is connected) is in the access list and has at least READ authority. • The universal access authority of the resource is at least READ. • The caller has at least read access for the profile name from the GLOBAL ENTRY TABLE (if this table contains an entry for the pro- Page 130 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use file). Other: • The caller will see the type of access attempts, as specified by the GLOBALAUDIT operand, only if he has the AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute or if the resource profile is within the scope of a group in which he has the group-AUDITOR attribute. {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-22-2} To see the access list for a resource with the AUTHUSER operand, the level of authority is checked for each resource. The level of authority must be such that one of the following conditions is met: • the caller has the SPECIAL attribute. • The resource profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL attribute. • The caller has the OPERATIONS attribute. • The resource profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-OPERATIONS attribute. • The caller is the owner of the resource. • The caller has the AUDITOR or ROAUDIT attribute. • The resource profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-AUDITOR attribute. • The caller has alter access for the profile name from the GLOBAL ENTRY TABLE (if this table contains an entry for the profile). • If the profile is in the FILE or DIRECTRY class, the second qualifier of the profile name is the caller's user ID. • For a discrete profile, the caller is on the access list for the re- source and has ALTER authority. (If the caller has any other level of authority, you cannot use the operand.) • For a discrete profile, the caller's current connect group (or, if list-of-groups checking is active, any group to which the caller is connected) is in the access list and has ALTER authority. • For a discrete profile, the universal access authority of the re- source is ALTER. RVARY General: none {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-32} Other : • No special authority is needed to issue the RVARY command. How- ever, the operator (at the operator console or security console) must approve a change in RACF status or the RACF data sets - or a change in the operational mode if RACF is enabled for sysplex com- munication - before RACF allows the command to complete. • If the RVARY command changes RACF or database status (ACTIVE/ INACTIVE), RACF issues an informational message and the operator is required to enter the password defined by RVARYPW STATUS(sta- tus-pw) to authorize the change. If the RVARY command switches the RACF data sets (SWITCH) or changes the RACF operating mode (DATASHARE/NODATASHARE), RACF issues an informational mes- sage and the operator is required to enter the password defined by © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 131 of 141 Command Authorities required for use RVARYPW SWITCH(switch-pw). When RVARY is issued as a RACF operator command from a console with master authority, the default password YES is also accepted for RVARY ACTIVE, RVARY NO- DATASHARE or RVARY SWITCH commands. SEARCH {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-23} General: • SPECIAL, or • AUDITOR, or • ROAUDIT, or • The profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-SPECIAL or group-AUDITOR attribute, or • If the profile is for a DASD data set, the high-level qualifier of the data set name (or the qualifier supplied by the naming convention table) is the caller’s user ID, or • If the profile is in the FILE or DIRECTRY class, the second qualifier of the profile name is the caller’s user ID (note: the FILE and DIREC- TRY classes apply only in z/VM systems, and will not be considered in this evaluation even though the classes exist in RACF for z/OS.), or • The caller is on the access list for the profile and has at least READ authority, or • The caller’s current connect group (or, if list-of-groups checking is ac- tive, any group to which the caller is connected) is on the access list and has at least READ authority, or • The caller has the OPERATIONS attribute, or the profile is within the scope of a group in which the caller has the group-OPERATIONS at- tribute, and the class is DATASET or a general resource class that specifies OPER=YES in the static class descriptor table or OPERA- TIONS(YES) in the dynamic class descriptor table, or • The universal access authority is at least READ (or GLOBAL when listing discrete profiles). Special parameter authorization: • In order to use the USER operand, one of the following must be true: ◦ SPECIAL, or ◦ AUDITOR, or ◦ ROAUDIT, or ◦ The caller is the owner of the user profile, or ◦ The parameter entered for the USER operand is the caller’s user ID ◦ The caller has group-SPECIAL or group-AUDITOR authority in a group that owns the user profile. Other: • No authorization is required to the user or group profiles that are listed when the UID or GID keyword is specified. Page 132 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target Command Authorities required for use SET {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-26} None (can be used an operator command only. RACF allows restricting the use of specific operator commands to de- fined users). SETROPTS {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-V2R2-24} General: • SPECIAL, for all operands except: ◦ APPLAUDIT | NOAPPLAUDIT ◦ AUDIT | NOAUDIT ◦ CMDVIOL | NOCMDVIOL ◦ LOGOPTIONS ◦ OPERAUDIT | NOOPERAUDIT ◦ SAUDIT | NOSAUDIT ◦ SECLABELAUDIT | NOSECLABELAUDIT ◦ SECLEVELAUDIT | NOSECLEVELAUDIT • AUDITOR, for use of the following operands: ◦ APPLAUDIT | NOAPPLAUDIT ◦ AUDIT | NOAUDIT ◦ CMDVIOL | NOCMDVIOL ◦ LOGOPTIONS ◦ OPERAUDIT | NOOPERAUDIT ◦ SAUDIT | NOSAUDIT ◦ SECLABELAUDIT | NOSECLABELAUDIT ◦ SECLEVELAUDIT | NOSECLEVELAUDIT Special parameter authorization: • For using the LIST operand: SPECIAL, AUDITOR, or ROAUDIT Other: In some situations, a caller can use SETROPTS even if he does not have the SPECIAL or AUDITOR attributes. These situations are: • The LIST operand can be used if the caller has the group-SPECIAL or group-AUDITOR attribute in the current connect group or (if GR- PLIST is active) in any group that the caller is connected to. • The REFRESH operand together with GENERIC can be used if the caller has the group-SPECIAL, AUDITOR, group-AUDITOR, OPERA- TIONS, group-OPERATIONS attribute, or CLAUTH authority for the classes specified. • The REFRESH operand together with GLOBAL can be used if the caller has the OPERATIONS attribute or CLAUTH authority for the classes specified. • The REFRESH operand together with RACLIST can be used if the © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 133 of 141 Command Authorities required for use caller has CLAUTH authority to the specified class. • The REFRESH operand together with WHEN(PROGRAM) can be used if the caller has CLAUTH authority for the program class or the OPERATIONS attribute. SIGNOFF {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-27} None (can be used an operator command only. RACF allows restricting the use of specific operator commands to de- fined users). STOP {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-28} None (can be used an operator command only. RACF allows restricting the use of specific operator commands to de- fined users). TARGET {SM.3::SM.3-R12-RACFEAL5-29} None (can be used an operator command only. RACF allows restricting the use of specific operator commands to de- fined users). Table 19: RACF command authorizations Management of z/OS UNIX file system objects and IPC objects Access permissions to z/OS UNIX file system objects and IPC objects are managed by functions of the RACF callable services. For example the function R_setfacl can be used to manage the access control lists of UNIX file system objects and the function R_IPC_ctl can be used to manage access rights to IPC objects and the function R_chmod can be used to change the permission bits {SM.3::SM.3.35}. Default values for IPC access control can not be managed. An application executing in supervisor state may change the group IDs of a subject representing a user with the R_setegid, R_setgid, or R_exec callable services according to the following rules: • R_setegid: If the high-order bit of the input GID is on, the real, effective, and saved GIDs are changed for the current process. • R_setegid: If the high-order bit of the input GID is off and if the user is the superuser or if the input GID is equal to the real or saved GID of the calling process, the effective GID of the process is changed to the input GID. The real and saved GIDs are not changed. • R_setgid: If the calling process is a superuser, the real, saved, and effective GIDs are changed. If the calling process is not a superuser but the input GID is equal to the real or saved GID, the effective GID of the process is changed. If neither condition is met, the GIDs of the process are not changed. • R_exec: sets the effective and saved UNIX group identifier to the specified values (if the call requested a change of the GID) • The new GID must be known to RACF. An application executing in supervisor state may change the user IDs of a subject representing a user with the R_seteuid, R_setuid, or R_exec callable services according to the following rules. • R_seteuid: If the high-order bit of the input UID is on, the real, effective, and saved UIDs are changed for the current process. • R_seteuid: If the high-order bit of the input z/OS UNIX user identifier (UID) is off and if the user is the superuser or if the input UID is equal to the real or saved UID of the calling process, the effective UID of the process is changed to the input UID. The real and saved UIDs are not changed. • R_setuid: If the calling process is a superuser, the real, saved, and effective z/OS UNIX user identifiers (UIDs) are changed. If the calling process is not a superuser, but the input UID is equal to the real or saved UID, the effective UID of the process is changed. If neither Page 134 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target condition is met, the UIDs of the process are not changed. • R_exec: sets the effective and saved UNIX user identifier to the specified values (if the call requested a change of the UID).. 8.5 Auditing (AU) 8.5.1 Generation of audit records The TOE provides a general facility to collect data required for auditing and accounting services, which the TOE forwards to a component of z/OS for recording. This component of the TOE environment, the System Management Facilities (SMF), collects and records system and job-related information that an installation can use for such tasks as the following: · Billing users · Reporting reliability · Analyzing the configuration · Scheduling jobs · Summarizing direct access volume activity · Evaluating data set activity · Profiling system resource use · Maintaining system security This component is used by the TOE to store and manage the security-related auditing information the TOE has generated as required by FAU_GEN.1 and FAU_GEN.2. Each SMF record consists of a standard header which contains (among other information) the type of the record and the time the record was produced {AU.1::AU.1.1}. The standard header is produced by the calls to the SMFWTM or SMFEWTM services or the smf_record UNIX System Services callable service. Especially the time and date are filled in by SMF and not by the caller. One record type is usually reserved for a whole class of events where the individual events are identified by the record subtype or event code in the header of the SMF record. RACF as the central access control function has three SMF record types reserved for its use (80, 81, 83), with record type number 80 being the most important one. The information recorded in this record type contains (among other non security related information): · The record type · Time stamp (time and date) (filled in by the SMF component of z/OS) · System identification · Event code and qualifier · User identification · Group name · Authorities used to successfully execute commands or access resources · Reasons for logging · Command processing error flag · Foreground user terminal ID or other port-of-entry information © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 135 of 141 · Job log number (job name, entry time, and date) · RACF version, release, and modification number Each record contains further data specific to the event code and qualifier {AU.1::AU.1.3}. The administrator can configure RACF and other elements of the TOE to generate audit records for all events listed in Table 6, Auditable Events {AU.1::AU.1-R9-MULTI-1}. z/OS provides the capability to search the audit trail for specific events and relate them such that events related to a specific user can be extracted from the audit trail {AU.1::AU.1.4-V2R4}. Tools exist that allow user with access to the audit trail data to search the audit trail for specific events, for audit events related to specific jobs / users and other criteria {AU.1::AU.1.5}. Tools exist that transfer the audit data into human readable format {AU.1::AU.1.6}. RACF also allows LDAP clients (typically servers outside of the TOE, residing on the network) that have authenticated using an ICTX-style DN to request RACF to generate audit records to record events that have occurred externally to the TOE. The requester provides information about the user involved with the event, the kind of event, and the resource name and resource class name (any class except DATASET) associated with the event. If an application has created an ACEE and specified ICTX= on the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY to associate a X.500-format distributed identity with the RACF user's ACEE, RACF will include that distributed identity in the SMF records that it creates. {AU.1::AU.1-R12-RACF-1} 8.5.2 Event Notifications generated by RACF RACF can send an ENF type 62 signal to listeners when a SETROPTS RACLIST command affects in-storage profiles used for authorization checking. RACF sends a signal when a SETROPTS RACLIST, SETROPTS NORACLIST, or SETROPTS RACLIST REFRESH command is issued for a class, activating, deactivating, or updating the profiles. Signals are sent for a class in the static class descriptor table if SIGNAL=YES was specified on the ICHERCDE macro that defined the class. Signals are sent for a class in the dynamic class descriptor table if SIGNAL(YES) was specified on the CDTINFO keyword of the RDEFINE or RALTER command that defined the class.{SM.3::SM.3- R12-RACFEAL5-33} 8.5.3 Audit configuration and management Within the system configuration it needs to be decided, which SMF records shall be generated by z/OS. Three record types (type 80, 81, and 83) are dedicated to RACF and are the most important ones for security. Which events are actually recorded with those records can be configured by a user with the AUDITOR attribute in his RACF user profile {AU.3::AU.3.1}. In addition record type 30 is generated for a number of security related events. Because a set of mandatory events is always audited, not all audit records (such as unauthorized attempts to access the system or changes to the status of the RACF database) can be configured. In addition, resource profiles can define which events related to this resource are audited {AU.3::AU.3.2}. The owner of a resource profile as well as a user in the AUDITOR role are able to change the entries related to auditing within the resource profile {AU.3::AU.3.3}. The system can be configured to send certain audit messages to the security console to immediately alert operators of detected policy violations {AU.3::AU.3.4}. Users that have the ROAUDIT attribute can read the audit trail and obtain audit related information from RACF profiles, but can not manage audit policy related aspects {AU.3::AU-V2R2-1}. RACF uses the interfaces defined by the SMF component of z/OS to have SMF finalize and store the audit records. SMF adds a standard header to the audit record, which contains the time and date the record was produced. The RACF SMF data unload utility (IRRADU00) can be used to create a sequential file from the Page 136 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target security relevant audit events stored in the SMF audit trail. The resulting sequential file can either be viewed directly or used for further processing like with the utility DFSORT (which is part of the TOE environment), which can be used to create reports by selecting specific records and further structure the reports. 8.6 RACF support for program signing and verification (SP) RACF provides the R_PgmSignVer callable service to support the signing and signature verification of z/OS program objects. The function can be used for both signing a program object and verifying the signature of a program object. The function is intended to be used by the z/OS program binder (for signing program objects) and the z/OS loader (to verify the signature of a program object). Callers of this service need to have sufficient authority to use the key ring, which is either specified in the parameter list or using the APPLDATA field of FACILITY class profile IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNATURE.VERIFICATION) and the private key contained within it as determined by the R_datalib RACF callable service. The signature will be generated using SHA256 as the hash function and RSA as the public key encryption algorithm. The maximum RSA key size is 4096 bit. {SP.4::SP.4-R12-RACF-2} A key ring used for program signing needs to contain all of the following certificate objects: • An RSA private key to apply the digital signature. • The X.509 certificate, called a code-signing certificate, that corresponds to the RSA private key. • Each certificate-authority (CA) certificate (up to and including the root CA certificate) in the certificate chain of the code-signing certificate. The code-signing certificate and each CA certificate in the chain must be signed using one of the following signature algorithms: • sha256WithRSAEncryption • sha1WithRSAEncryption The code-signing certificate must have code-signing capability in one of the following ways: • Either the certificate has no KeyUsage extension, or the certificate has a KeyUsage extension with at least the digitalSignature and nonRepudiation indicators enabled. Each CA certificate in the chain must have certificate-signing capability in both of the following ways: • Either the certificate has no BasicConstraints extension, or the certificate has a BasicConstraints extension with the cA indicator enabled. • Either the certificate has no KeyUsage extension, or the certificate has a KeyUsage extension with at least the keyCertSign indicator enabled. {SP.4::SP.4-R12-RACF-1}The Security Administrator authorizes users to perform program signing by (a) creating FACILITY class profiles of the form IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNING.groupname.userid or IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNING.userid or IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNING.groupname or IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNING (listed here in priority order, and where groupname is the user's current connect group) and (b) providing APPLDATA information in that profile that specifies a hashing algorithm to use and the key ring (both owning userid and key-ring-name) that contains the code signing digital certificate to use, and (c) authorizing the user to access that key ring. {SP.4::SP.4-R12-RACF-3}The Security Administrator enables program signature verification by: • Defining the FACILITY class profile IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNATURE.VERIFICATION and © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 137 of 141 specifying in the APPLDATA the owning user ID and key-ring name of the key ring that holds the CA certificates associated with the various code signing certificates, including the IBM- supplied certificate with the label 'STG Code Signing CA – G2'. • Defining a PROGRAM profile for IRRPVERS, e. g. RDEFINE PROGRAM IRRPVERS ADDMEM('SYS1.SIEALNKE'//NOPADCHK) UACC(READ) SIGVER(SIGREQUIRED(YES) FAILLOAD(ANYBAD) SIGAUDIT(ANYBAD)) • Defining PROGRAM profiles to protect each signed program that the administrator wants verified during use, and specifying in that profile's SIGVER segment various options that tell RACF how to process the verification for the protected programs: • SIGREQUIRED (YES | NO): • YES indicates that the program must have a digital signature; • NO indicates that it might have one, but is not required to have one. • FAILLOAD( ANYBAD | BADSIGONLY | NEVER ): • ANYBAD indicates that if any failures occur during program signature verification (including administrative setup errors such as missing or incorrectly defined keyrings, signatures by untrusted signers, or incorrect or missing signatures) the system should disallow use of the program. • BADSIGONLY indicates that if the signature itself is incorrect or missing the system should disallow use of the program. • NEVER (the default) indicates that a problem with signature verification should not prevent use of the program. • SIGAUDIT (ALL | SUCCESS | ANYBAD | BADSIGONLY | NONE): • ALL indicates that RACF should audit the result of all signature verification operations using an SMF type 80 audit record. • SUCCESS indicates that RACF should audit any successful signature verification operations. • ANYBAD indicates that RACF should audit any failing signature verification operation. • BADSIGONLY indicates that RACF should audit signature verification operations that fail due to an incorrect or missing signature. • NONE indicates that RACF should not audit any program verification operations. • Refreshing the PROGRAM profiles using SETR WHEN(PROGRAM) REFRESH, and running program IRRVERLD. (Note: IRRVERLD must be run at least once per IPL per system.) Page 138 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target 9. TOE Assurance Measures The assurance measures provided by the developer to meet the security assurance requirements for the TOE are based on the developer action elements and the requirements on content and presentation of evidence elements defined for the individual assurance requirements in CC Part 3: SAR Assurance Measure ADV_ARC.1 The architecture is described in [ZARCH], which describes the protection functionality provided by the underlying hardware and firmware, in [z/OS Concepts], which describes the concepts of z/OS and in [ABC-V6], which describes how RACF is integrated in z/OS. Further details are described in a dedicated RACF architecture document. The structure of the RACF database is described as part of the TOE design. ADV_FSP.5 The functional specification of RACF consists of all the interfaces that are callable by external entities. This includes programming interfaces as well as RACF commands and utilities and also includes configuration data RACF reads from storage managed by z/OS (e. g. the RACF related members of SYS1.PARMLIB). Interfaces are described partly in external documents, partly in design documents (for interfaces intended to be used IBM internally only). The description of those interfaces uses a semi-formal style. ADV_IMP.1 IBM provides access to the source code for the evaluation team in the IBM environment. The implementation representation includes all modules that comprise the TSF. ADV_INT.2 IBM provides detailed design information showing the internal structure of the entire TSF. ADV_TDS.4 A high-level design of the security functions of RACF is provided which describes the TOE design at the subsystem level. This document provides an overview of the implementation of the security functions within the subsystems of RACF and points to other existing documents for further details where appropriate. In addition IBM provides dedicated low-level design documentation for the whole TOE. Part of this design documentation has been extracted from the source code, which contains structured module headers with detailed interface and design information for all source code modules of RACF as well as a generalized description of the control flow within each module. A semi-formal description of the subsystems exists. The correspondence information is provided in the form of a spreadsheet showing the correspondence between the functional specification and the TOE design. AGD_OPE.1 A number of documents exist that provide operational guidance for the user and the system administrators. This includes guides for the management of RACF. Especially for the management of RACF a System Administrator Guide and an Auditor Guide exists, that describes and explains in detail the administration commands and parameters. AGD_PRE.1 Guidance is provided in a number of documents related to the individual © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 139 of 141 SAR Assurance Measure components of RACF describing the configuration parameter required to configure the TOE to prepare for a secure operation. ALC_CMC.4 All configuration management of z/OS source code uses automated CM systems. This has been analyzed as part of the z/OS evaluation and as far as possible the results of the analysis performed for z/OS will be reused. ALS_CMS.5 RACF is developed at the IBM Poughkeepsie site each using a well defined and highly automated configuration management system. The site has a detailed description of how the configuration management for the z/OS parts maintained at the site is performed. Source code, generated binaries, documentation, test plan, test cases, test results, and development tools are all maintained under configuration management. ALC_DEL.1 RACF is delivered together with z/OS through sales channels controlled by IBM. ALC_DVS.1 IBM has a set of guidance documents for physical, logical and procedural security measures that all IBM facilities have to use in their specific implementation of a Security Plan. Each site then has their specific Site Security Plan as a site specific instantiation of those global guidelines. Several sites of IBM (including the site in Poughkeepsie) have been subject to an analysis of the developer security measures in other evaluations. Where possible this evaluation will re-use the results of those evaluations. ALC_FLR.3 RACF follows the development practices for z/OS and the z/OS Development within IBM has a well-defined system for reporting flaws and tracing the status of the corrective actions for those flaws. In addition, well-defined procedures exist for IBM’s z/OS clients to report security problems via the IBM Support Center, and for IBM to distribute security fixes to clients, and clients can register with IBM to receive special notification of security flaws and fixes. ALC_LCD.1 IBM’s Integrated Product Development (IPD) fulfils the requirements for the development life cycle model and the life cycle related processes. ALC_TAT.2 The tools used in the development process and product generation are documented with their behavior, options and usage assumptions. The developer provides a description of the implementation standards applied. ATE_COV.2 IBM has detailed test plans to test the functions of z/OS. Those test plans include an analysis of the test coverage, an analysis of the functional interfaces tested and an analysis of the testing against the high level design. ATE_DPT.3 Testing of internal interfaces is defined and described in the test plan documents and the test case descriptions. ATE_FUN.1 Testing has been performed on the platforms that are defined in the Security Target. Test results are documented such that the tests can be repeated. ATE_IND.2 All the required resources to perform their own tests will be provided to the evaluation facility to perform their test. The evaluation facility will perform and document the tests they have created and performed as part of the evaluation technical report for testing. Due to the size of the systems the evaluator tests will Page 140 of 141 z/OS RACF Security Target SAR Assurance Measure be performed at the appropriate IBM development sites. AVA_VAN.4 IBM has its own team that performs vulnerability analysis and penetration testing for z/OS, which also covers RACF. This team has a long term experience with potential security problems within z/OS and RACF and is also integrated in the design reviews. The developer vulnerability analysis will report the activities and findings of this team. The evaluator will perform a methodical vulnerability analysis. End of document © Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 Page 141 of 141