Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System 207.3.5.SPC100.B004_ Security Target Version 1.2 Date 2021/07/21 Classification Public HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided “AS IS” without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People’s Republic of China Website: About This Document Purpose This document provides description about ST (Security Target) against BSI PP. Change History Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the changes made in earlier issues. Date Revision Version Section Number Change Description Author 2019.03.20 0.1 All Initial Draft. 2019.07.02 0.2 V0.1 release. 2019.10.18 0.3 1.2, 1.3.2, 6.1.10, 6.1.11, 6.1.12, 6.3 Modification according to OR report. luohaizheng 2020.02.05 0.4 6.1.16, 7.6 Update application note of 6.1.16, and fix description of SFRs covered in 7.6. luohaizheng 2020.03.16 0.5 1.3, 1.4, 6.1.16 Update descriptions on 1.3, 1.4. Modify 6.1.16. Luohaizheng Jiamingquan 2020.04.10 0.6 ALL Add hardware descriptions in chapter 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.3, 1.4.3. Jiamingquan 2020.09.11 0.7 ALL Modify the scope. Jiamingquan 2021.03.25 0.8 ALL Modification according to OR report. Jiamingquan 2021.04.09 0.9 Rpm packages are consistent with the delivered TOE. Jiamingquan 2021.05.11 1.0 ALL Modification according to OR report. Jiamingquan 2021.07.16 1.1 ALL Modification according to OR report. Jiamingquan 2021.07.21 1.2 ALL Change the reference info. Jiamingquan Contents About This Document..................................................................................................................................................3 Index of Tables...........................................................................................................................................................7 1 Security Target Introduction.................................................................................................................................8 1.1 Security Target Reference...................................................................................................................8 1.2 TOE Reference ...................................................................................................................................8 1.3 TOE Overview....................................................................................................................................8 1.3.1 Configurations defined with this ST...........................................................................................8 1.3.2 TOE Type....................................................................................................................................8 1.3.3 Non-TOE Hardware, Software, Firmware supported .................................................................8 1.3.4 Intended Method of Use .............................................................................................................9 1.3.5 Major Security Features..............................................................................................................9 1.4 TOE Description...............................................................................................................................10 1.4.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................10 1.4.2 TOE boundaries........................................................................................................................11 1.4.3 Evaluated configuration............................................................................................................13 1.4.4 Security Policy Model ..............................................................................................................14 2 Conformance Claims..........................................................................................................................................16 3 Security Problem Definition...............................................................................................................................17 3.1 Threats..............................................................................................................................................17 3.1.1 Assets........................................................................................................................................17 3.1.2 Threat Agents............................................................................................................................17 3.1.3 Threats countered by the TOE ..................................................................................................17 3.2 Organizational Security Policies.......................................................................................................18 3.3 Assumptions .....................................................................................................................................18 3.3.1 Physical aspects ........................................................................................................................18 3.3.2 Personnel aspects......................................................................................................................19 3.3.3 Procedural aspects ....................................................................................................................19 3.3.4 Connectivity aspects .................................................................................................................19 4 Security Objectives ............................................................................................................................................20 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE.......................................................................................................20 4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment......................................................................21 4.3 Rationale for Security Objectives.....................................................................................................22 4.3.1 Security Objectives coverage ...................................................................................................22 4.3.2 Security Objectives sufficiency ................................................................................................23 5 Extended Components Definition.......................................................................................................................27 5.1 FCS_RNG Generation of random numbers......................................................................................27 5.1.1 Family Behaviour .....................................................................................................................27 5.1.2 Component leveling:.................................................................................................................27 5.1.3 Management .............................................................................................................................27 5.1.4 Audit.........................................................................................................................................27 5.1.5 FCS_RNG.1 Random number generation ................................................................................27 5.1.6 Rationale...................................................................................................................................28 5.2 FDP_RIP.3 Full residual information protection of resources..........................................................28 5.2.1 Component leveling..................................................................................................................28 5.2.2 Management .............................................................................................................................28 5.2.3 Audit.........................................................................................................................................28 5.2.4 FDP_RIP.3 Full residual information protection of resources..................................................28 5.2.5 Rationale...................................................................................................................................28 5.3 FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding.....................................................................................29 5.3.1 Component leveling..................................................................................................................29 5.3.2 Management .............................................................................................................................29 5.3.3 Audit.........................................................................................................................................29 5.3.4 FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding.............................................................................29 5.3.5 Rationale...................................................................................................................................30 6 Security Requirements .......................................................................................................................................31 6.1 Security Functional Requirements....................................................................................................31 6.1.1 FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation..........................................................................................31 6.1.2 FAU_GEN.2 User identity association.....................................................................................32 6.1.3 FAU_SAR.1 Audit review ........................................................................................................32 6.1.4 FAU_SAR.2 Restricted audit review........................................................................................32 6.1.5 FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit......................................................................................................32 6.1.6 FAU_STG.1 Protected audit trail storage .................................................................................33 6.1.7 FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss ............................................................33 6.1.8 FAU_STG.4 Prevention of audit data loss................................................................................33 6.1.9 FCS_CKM.1 (SYM) Cryptographic key generation ................................................................34 6.1.10 FCS_CKM.1 (RSA) Cryptographic key generation .................................................................34 6.1.11 FCS_CKM.1 (DSA) Cryptographic key generation.................................................................35 6.1.12 FCS_CKM.1 (ECDSA) Cryptographic key generation............................................................35 6.1.13 FCS_CKM.2 (NET) Cryptographic key distribution................................................................35 6.1.14 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction............................................................................36 6.1.15 FCS_COP.1 (NET) Cryptographic operation ...........................................................................36 6.1.16 FCS_RNG.1 Random number generation (Class DRG.2)........................................................37 6.1.17 FDP_ACC.1 (PSO) Subset access control................................................................................38 6.1.18 FDP_ACC.1 (TSO) Subset access control ...............................................................................38 6.1.19 FDP_ACF.1 (PSO) Security attribute based access control......................................................39 6.1.20 FDP_ACF.1 (TSO) Security attribute based access control .....................................................40 6.1.21 FDP_IFC.2 (NI) Complete information flow control ...............................................................41 6.1.22 FDP_IFF.1 (NI) Simple security attributes...............................................................................41 6.1.23 FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes...........................................................43 6.1.24 FDP_RIP.2 Full residual information protection ......................................................................43 6.1.25 FDP_RIP.3 Full residual information protection of resources..................................................44 6.1.26 FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling.............................................................................44 6.1.27 FIA_ATD.1 (HU) User attribute definition ..............................................................................44 6.1.28 FIA_ATD.1 (TU) User attribute definition...............................................................................45 6.1.29 FIA_SOS.1 Verification of secrets............................................................................................45 6.1.30 FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication......................................................................................45 6.1.31 FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms ...................................................................45 6.1.32 FIA_UAU.7 Protected authentication feedback .......................................................................46 6.1.33 FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification.........................................................................................46 6.1.34 FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding.............................................................................46 6.1.35 FMT_MSA.1 (PSO) Management of object security attributes ...............................................48 6.1.36 FMT_MSA.1 (TSO) Management of object security attributes ...............................................48 6.1.37 FMT_MSA.3 (PSO) Static attribute initialization....................................................................48 6.1.38 FMT_MSA.3 (TSO) Static attribute initialization....................................................................49 6.1.39 FMT_MSA.3 (NI) Static attribute initialization .......................................................................49 6.1.40 FMT_MSA.4 (PSO) Security attribute value inheritance.........................................................49 6.1.41 FMT_MTD.1 (AE) Management of TSF data..........................................................................50 6.1.42 FMT_MTD.1 (AS) Management of TSF data..........................................................................50 6.1.43 FMT_MTD.1 (AT) Management of TSF data ..........................................................................50 6.1.44 FMT_MTD.1 (AF) Management of TSF data..........................................................................50 6.1.45 FMT_MTD.1 (NI) Management of TSF data...........................................................................50 6.1.46 FMT_MTD.1 (IAT) Management of TSF data.........................................................................51 6.1.47 FMT_MTD.1 (IAF) Management of TSF data.........................................................................51 6.1.48 FMT_MTD.1 (IAU) Management of TSF data........................................................................51 6.1.49 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-AP) Management of TSF data ..................................................................51 6.1.50 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-MR) Management of TSF data .................................................................51 6.1.51 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-MD) Management of TSF data.................................................................52 6.1.52 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-MA) Management of TSF data.................................................................52 6.1.53 FMT_REV.1 (OBJ) Revocation................................................................................................52 6.1.54 FMT_REV.1 (USR) Revocation...............................................................................................52 6.1.55 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions.............................................................52 6.1.56 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles......................................................................................................53 6.1.57 FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps............................................................................................53 6.1.58 FPT_TDC.1 Inter-TSF basic TSF data consistency..................................................................53 6.1.59 FTA_SSL.1 TSF-initiated session locking................................................................................53 6.1.60 FTA_SSL.2 User-initiated locking ...........................................................................................54 6.1.61 FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel ......................................................................................54 6.2 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements..............................................................................55 6.2.1 Security Requirements Coverage..............................................................................................55 6.2.2 Security Requirements Sufficiency...........................................................................................57 6.2.3 Security Requirements Dependency Analysis ..........................................................................59 6.3 Security Assurance Requirements ....................................................................................................62 6.3.1 ASE_CCL.1 refinement............................................................................................................63 6.4 Rationale for Security Assurance Requirements ..............................................................................63 7 TOE Summary Specification..............................................................................................................................64 7.1 Audit.................................................................................................................................................64 7.1.1 Audit event selection ................................................................................................................64 7.1.2 Audit trail..................................................................................................................................64 7.1.3 Audit log overflow protection ..................................................................................................65 7.1.4 Audit access protection.............................................................................................................65 7.2 Cryptographic services .....................................................................................................................65 7.2.1 SSHv2 Protocol ........................................................................................................................66 7.2.2 TLS...........................................................................................................................................67 7.3 Packet filter.......................................................................................................................................68 7.3.1 Network layer filtering .............................................................................................................68 7.4 Identification and Authentication .....................................................................................................70 7.4.1 PAM-based identification and authentication mechanisms ......................................................70 7.4.2 User Identity changing..............................................................................................................71 7.4.3 Authentication Data Management ............................................................................................72 7.4.4 SSH key-based authentication ..................................................................................................73 7.4.5 TOE Access ..............................................................................................................................73 7.5 Discretionary Access control ............................................................................................................73 7.5.1 Permission bits..........................................................................................................................74 7.5.2 File system objects....................................................................................................................75 7.5.3 IPC objects................................................................................................................................75 7.6 Security Management.......................................................................................................................75 7.6.1 Privileges ..................................................................................................................................76 8 Protection Profile Conformance Claim ...............................................................................................................78 8.1 Rationale for Conformance to Protection Profile and Extended Package ........................................78 9 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................................79 9.1 References ........................................................................................................................................79 Index of Tables Table 1 Threats countered by the TOE .............................................................................................................18 Table 2 Organizational Security Policies ..........................................................................................................18 Table 3 Assumption: Physical aspects..............................................................................................................18 Table 4 Assumption: Personnel aspects............................................................................................................19 Table 5 Assumption: Procedural aspects...........................................................................................................19 Table 6 Assumption: Connectivity aspects .......................................................................................................19 Table 7 Security Objectives for the TOE..........................................................................................................21 Table 8 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment...........................................................................22 Table 9 Coverage of security objectives for the TOE.........................................................................................22 Table 10 Coverage of security objectives for the TOE environment...................................................................22 Table 11 TOE threats sufficiency......................................................................................................................24 Table 12 Security policies sufficiency...............................................................................................................24 Table 13 Assumptions sufficiency.....................................................................................................................26 Table 14 Security Functional Requirements coverage........................................................................................57 Table 15 Security Functional Requirements rationale ........................................................................................59 Table 16 Security Functional Requirements dependency analysis ......................................................................61 Table 18 SSH implementation notes..................................................................................................................66 Table 19 TLS implementation notes..................................................................................................................68 1 Security Target Introduction 1.1 Security Target Reference Name Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System 207.3.5.SPC100.B004 Security Target Version 1.2 Date 2021-07-21 Sponsor Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Developer Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd 1.2 TOE Reference Name Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System Version 207.3.5.SPC100.B004 Developer Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Definition Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System is a Linux-based operating system for embedded systems. 1.3 TOE Overview 1.3.1 Configurations defined with this ST This security target documents the security characteristics of the Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System product (abbreviated with Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS throughout this document). 1.3.2 TOE Type Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS is a highly-configurable Linux-based operating system for embedded devices, which has been developed to provide a good level of security as required in commercial environments. Hardware Specifics All security functions claimed in this ST apply to the following architecture, and these are not part of the TOE:  Physical devices which is compatible with the arm64 V8 instruction set; 1.3.3 Non-TOE Hardware, Software, Firmware supported Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS needs to run on a hardware device. The following hardware are fully compatible with TOE:  ARM64 based device board (using ARM64 v8 processor) with Huawei hi1382: 16-core ARM cortex-A72, 1GB flash storage, serial port and network port interface, with external 48v DC power module.  ARM64 based device board (using ARM64 v8 processor) with Huawei hi1213: 4-core ARM cortex-A72, LowPower dissipation, 8GB ram, 1GB flash storage, serial port and network port interface, with external 48v DC power module. All ARM64 device board using ARM64 v8 processors supports TOE running. Additionally, the TOE needs an OS Linux x86_64 machine for administration. 1.3.4 Intended Method of Use General-purpose computing environment The TOE is a Linux-based multi-user multi-tasking operating system. It may provide services to several users, local or remote, at the same time. After successful login, the users gets access to a general computing environment, allowing launching user applications, issuing user commands at shell level, creating and accessing files. The TOE provides adequate mechanisms to separate the users and protect their data. Privileged commands are restricted to only administrative users. The TOE is intended to operate in a networked environment with other instantiations of the TOE as well as other well-behaved peer systems. It is assumed that responsibility for the safeguarding of the user data protected by the TOE can be delegated to human users of the TOE if such users are allowed to log on and spawn processes on their behalf. All user data is under the control of the TOE. The user data is stored in named objects, and the TOE can associate a description of the access rights to that object with each named object. The TOE enforces controls such that access to data objects can only take place in accordance with the access restrictions placed on that object by its owner, and by administrative users. Ownership of named objects may be transferred under the control of the access control policies implemented by the TOE. The TOE enforces discretionary access control policy, in which, access rights (e.g. read, write, execute) can be assigned to data objects with respect to subjects identified with their UID, GID and supplementary GIDs. Once a subject is granted access to an object, the content of that object may be used freely by the subject to influence other objects accessible to the same subject. Operating Environment The TOE permits one or more processors and attached peripheral and storage devices to be used by multiple applications assigned to different UIDs to perform a variety of functions requiring controlled shared access to the data stored on the system. With different UIDs, proper access restrictions to resources assigned to processes can be enforced using the access control mechanism provided by the TOE. Such usage scenarios are typical for systems accessed by processes, or by local users of the computer system, or by other users with protected access to the system. 1.3.5 Major Security Features Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS is a general purpose, multi-user, multi-tasking Linux based operating system. It provides a platform for a variety of applications. The TOE provides the following key security features:  Security Audit: The TOE is able to intercept all system calls and recording the events occurred in the system. The security audit functionality also allows to configure the events to be audited, review and search the audit log retrieved.  Cryptographic support: The TOE provides cryptographically secured communication to allow remote entities to log into the TOE. It is achieved by using the SSHv2 protocol. The TOE also provided TLS protocols in order to secure the communications with other IT entities.  Identification and Authentication: The TOE includes several ways to identify and authenticate the users (via the local console using username and password or via the SSH using password and public-key based authentication. The TOE also offers a password quality enforcement mechanism as well as it is able to handle failed authentication attempts.  User Data Protection: The TOE offers a Discretionary Access Control (DAC) which allow owner of named objects to control the access permissions to these objects. Moreover, the TOE kernel implements the IPTables mechanism in order to provide a packet filter at network and transfer layer. Using these two mechanism the TOE offers an access control policy as well as an information flow control policy.  Security Management: The TOE offers to the users and/or authorized administrators the possibility of modify the configuration of TSF. The TOE allows local and remote management using by using OpenSSH.  TOE Access: The TOE is able to end user sessions after an inactivity period of time. This can be initiated by the TSF itself or by user request.  Trusted Channel: Using the cryptographic communication protocols above mentioned (SSH and TLS) the TOE is able to establish secure and trusted communication channel with other IT entities. These primary security features are supported by domain separation and reference mediation, which can ensure that the security features are always invoked and cannot be bypassed. 1.4 TOE Description 1.4.1 Introduction Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS is a general purpose, multi-user, multi-tasking Linux based operating system. It provides a platform for a variety of applications. Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS evaluation covers a potentially distributed network of systems running the evaluated version and its configurations as well as other peer systems operating within the same management domain. The hardware platforms selected for the evaluation consist of machines that are available on market when the evaluation has completed and to remain available for a substantial period of time afterwards. The TOE Security Functions (TSFs) consist of functions of Huawei Reliable Telecomm OS that run in kernel mode plus some trusted processes running in user mode. These are the functions that enforce the security policy as defined in this Security Target. Tools and commands executed in user mode that are used by an administrative user need also to be trusted to manage the system in a secure way, but they are not considered to be part of this TSF, just as with other operating system evaluations. The TOE includes standard networking applications, such as sshd(8), which allow to access the TOE via cryptographically protected communication channel. System administration tools include the standard command line tools. A graphical user interface for system administration or any other operation is not included in the evaluated configuration. The TOE environment also includes applications that are not evaluated, but are used as unprivileged tools to access public system services. For example, a network server using a port above 1024 may be used as a normal application running without root privileges on top of the TOE. Additional documentation is available that provides guidance how to set up such applications on the TOE in a secure way. 1.4.2 TOE boundaries Physical boundaries The TOE (version 207.3.5.SPC100.B004) is consists of RPM packages and files required by TOE. These packages and files are provided via email. Each separately delivered part of the TOE, which will be identified by its unique identifier and the current format - This is, all the files delivered to the customer and necessary to install the TOE. The TOE will be evaluated in platform arm64. The acronym RTOS (instead of Reliable Telecomm OS) is used in the installation package of the TOE.  rtos_base-207.3.5.SPC100.B004-20210331120602.i586.rpm (sha256: d7f59d8a783705006e0d128c4a6b2e328d2efa52e2c9efe04f6438f264b08144)  rtos_kernelspace_sysroots-arm64le_4.4_ek_preempt-207.3.5.SPC100.B004- 20210331120602.i586.rpm (sha256: a65c7e9fc7522cdc72697c8c71856cdfe2d9b723662177c574e48ec8487b1187)  rtos_libc_sysroots-arm64le_4.4_ek_preempt-207.3.5.SPC100.B004-20210331120602.i586.rpm (sha256: 5c89f221574c11a8ea098fc14ba21eaf4a85863856ca8882b6f5eb955cfeb65c)  rtos_userspace_sysroots-arm64le_4.4_ek_preempt-207.3.5.SPC100.B004- 20210331120602.i586.rpm (sha256: 5431f3fc0b85fce2d300418189a8943fc38fa51ed905965fab00480d38f0eddd)  rtos_dist-arm64le_4.4_ek_preempt-207.3.5.SPC100.B004-20210331120602.i586.rpm (sha256: cc26f3ce53c06d4b23455b6abc8587f568ce53a7792c61423378914dd5c7f558) The following documentations are provided as part of the TOE:  Installation guide: Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System 207.3.5.SPC100.B004_ AGD_PRE-v1.0, delivered in .pdf format (sha256: 680f26996a87201994585790f466e3701c230b141c7bbed2b6a8774d00dd9933).  User guide: Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System 207.3.5.SPC100.B004_AGD_OPE- v1.0, delivered in .pdf format. (sha256: e17102c9208ea177728c08651be14e2414c4e333e055feffe30848b0186fcd69)  Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System 207.3.5.SPC100.B004_AGD_OPE_manpage- v1.0, delivered in .tar.gz format: the usage of all the interfaces provided by the TOE. (sha256: 94d331aa2c9ba660cf97d25263bbabe9b9348d0483e6af4a70af5bff96e513a3)  Huawei Reliable Telecomm Operating System 207.3.5.SPC100.B004_AGD_PRE_build_tools- v1.0, delivered in .tar.gz format: the usage of helping build the TOE. (sha256: 62efcb45115921c5da984b905d3a82651f4235cab5253905c3c78ab533d8dbe5) The list of hardware applicable to the TOE is given above. The analysis of the hardware capabilities as well as the firmware functionality is covered by this evaluation to the extent that the following capabilities supporting the security functionality are analyzed and tested:  Memory separation capability;  Unavailability of privileged processor states to untrusted user code;  Full testing of the security functionality on all hardware systems given above; Logical boundaries All security functions claimed in this ST apply to architectures and systems allowed via this ST. The primary security features of the TOE include:  Cryptographic Support: The TOE provides cryptographically secured communication to allow remote entities to log into the TOE. The SSHv2 protocol is provided to set up interactive session with the TOE. The TOE provides both the server side and the client side applications. Using the OpenSSH suite, password-based and public-key-based authentication are allowed. The TOE implements TLS protocol to enable a trusted network channel that is used for client and server authentication. It is used in HTTPS service.  Packet filter: The TOE kernel implements layering structure of network protocols. It has IPTables mechanism to provide a stateful packet filter at network layer and transfer layer for regular IP- based communication. Ethernet frames routed through bridges are controlled by a lower-layer packet filter, EBTables, which is not covered in this evaluation.  Identification and Authentication: User identification and authentication in the TOE includes all forms of interactive login (e.g. using the SSH protocol or log in at the local console) as well as identity changes through the command like su. These all rely on explicit authentication information provided interactively by a user. The authentication security function allows password-based authentication. For SSH access, public-key-based authentication is also supported. Password quality enforcement mechanisms offered by the TOE are enforced at the time when the password is changed.  TOE Access: The TOE is able to end user sessions after an inactivity period of time itself, or the user can request to end his session. The TOE uses the vlock(1) application which locks the current session of the user, the session can be unlocked by applying user’s password. vlock(1) uses PAM to validate the password and allows the user to access his session after a successful validation.  Discretionary Access Control (DAC): DAC allows owners of named objects to control the access permissions to these objects. The owners can permit or deny access by other users based on the configured permission settings. The DAC mechanism is also used to ensure that untrusted users cannot tamper with the TOE mechanisms.  Auditing: The Lightweight Audit Framework (LAF) is designed to be an audit system making the TOE compliant with the requirements from Common Criteria. LAF is able to intercept all system calls as well as retrieving audit log entries from privileged user space applications. The subsystem allows to configure the events to be actually audited from the set of all events that are possible to be audited, and to review and search audit logs retrieved.  Security Management: The security management facilities provided by the TOE are usable by authorized users and/or authorized administrators to modify the configuration of TSF. The TOE allows local management on local consoles and remote management via OpenSSH. Administrative users can log in remotely and perform the same management tasks as a locally operating administrator. 1.4.3 Evaluated configuration The evaluated configuration is defined as follows:  The package set evaluated by CC for the TOE must be selected at install time according to the installation guide and be installed accordingly.  The TOE supports the use of IPv4 and IPv6, both are also supported in the evaluated configuration.  The default configuration for identification and authentication include both the defined password-based PAM modules and the key-based authentication for OpenSSH. Support for other authentication options, e.g. smart card authentication, is not included in the evaluation configuration.  If the system console is used, it must be connected directly to the TOE and afforded the same physical protection as the TOE. Configurations and settings that are different from that specified in the installation guide are not permitted. Moreover, the TOE was tested on the following physical platform:  ARM64 based device board (using ARM64 v8 processor), Huawei hi1213 Soc based hardware device board (8GB ram, 1GB flash storage, serial port and network port interface, with external 48v DC power module); The host machine used to connect to the TOE for the evaluation is an OS Linux based machine using:  Suse Linux 12.4 x86_64 1.4.4 Security Policy Model The security policy for the TOE is defined by the security functional requirements in chapter 6. The following is a list of the subjects and objects participating in the policy: Subjects:  Processes acting on behalf of a human user. Named Objects:  User mode file system objects in the following file systems, which reside on persistent storage devices:  Ext2/3/4 - standard file system for general data;  yaffs - flash file system for general data;  jffs2 - flash file system for general data;  Kernel mode file system objects in the following file systems, which reside in kernel memory (which means the file systems are virtual):  binfmt_misc - configuration interface allowing the assignment of executable file formats with user space applications;  cgroup file system - interface for configuring Linux control groups;  debugfs - interface for kernel components to provide configuration interfaces to user space;  devpts – pseudo-terminal file system for allocating virtual TTYs on demand;  devtmpfs - temporary file system that allows the kernel to generate character or block device nodes;  mqueue file system - interface for accessing message queues;  procfs - process file system holding information about processes, general statistical data and tunable kernel parameters;  pstore file system - interface for accessing persistently stored kernel crash dumps;  rootfs - the virtual root file system used temporarily during system boot;  selinuxfs - interface for user space components to interact with the SELinux module inside the kernel, including managing the SELinux policy;  sysfs - system-related file system covering general information about resources maintained by the kernel including several tunable parameters for these resources;  tmpfs - the temporary file system backed by RAM; Note that the virtual file systems above implement access decisions based on DAC attributes inferred from that of the underlying process. Additional restrictions may apply for specific objects in them.  Linux system call resources:  System call number  System call parameter  Inter Process Communication (IPC) objects:  Named pipes  Shared memory  Message queues  Semaphores  UNIX domain socket special files Note that named pipes and UNIX sockets exist as special files on disks, and access to them are controlled by the same access control mechanism as to other user mode file system objects.  Network sockets (irrespectively of their type - such as Internet sockets, netlink sockets) TSF data:  TSF executable code;  Subject meta data - all data used for subjects except data which is not interpreted by the TSF and does not implement parts of the TSF (this data is called user data);  Named object meta data - all data used for the respective objects except data which is not interpreted by the TSF and does not implement parts of the TSF (this data is called user data);  User accounts, including user identifier, group memberships and user password;  Audit records; User data:  Non-TSF executable code used to drive the behavior of subjects;  Data not interpreted by TSF and stored or transmitted using named objects; 2 Conformance Claims This Security Target is CC Part 2 extended and CC Part 3 conformant. The CC version of [CC] is Version 3.1, Revision 5. This ST is EAL4 conformance as defined in [CC] Part 3, with the assurance level of EAL4, augmented by ALC_FLR.3. This Security Target claims conformance to the following Protection profiles:  [OSPP] Operating System Protection Profile, BSI-CC-PP-0067, Version 2.0; strict conformance;  [OSPP-AM] OSPP Extended Package - Advanced Management, BSI-CC-PP-0067, OSPP EP-AM, Version 2.0; strict conformance; 3 Security Problem Definition 3.1 Threats Threats to be countered by the TOE are characterized by the combination of an asset being subject to a threat, a threat agent and an adverse action. The definition of threat agents and protected assets that follows is applicable to the OSPP base, as well as to the OSPP extended packages, unless noted otherwise. 3.1.1 Assets Assets to be protected are:  Persistent storage objects used to store user data and/or TSF data, where this date needs to be protected from any of the following operations:  Unauthorized read access  Unauthorized modification  Unauthorized deletion of the object  Unauthorized creation of the new objects  Unauthorized management of object attributes  Transient storage objects, including network data, TSF functions and associated TSF data  The resources managed by the TSF that are used to store the above-mentioned objects, including the metadata needed to manage these objects. 3.1.2 Threat Agents Threat agents are external entities that potentially may attack the TOE. They satisfy one or more of the following criteria:  External entities not authorized to access assets may attempt to access them either by masquerading as an authorized entity or by attempting to use TSF services without proper authorization.  External entities authorized to access certain assets may attempt to access other assets they are not authorized to either by misusing services they are allowed to use or by masquerading as a different external entity.  Untrusted subjects may attempt to access assets they are not authorized to either by misusing services they are allowed to use or by masquerading as a different subject. Threat agents are typically characterized by a number of factors, such as expertise, available resources, and motivation, with motivation being linked directly to the value of the assets at stake. The TOE protects against intentional and unintentional breach of TOE security by attackers possessing an enhanced-basic attack potential. 3.1.3 Threats countered by the TOE The table below lists all threats the TOE can counter: T.ACCESS.TSFDATA A threat agent might read or modify TSF data without the necessary authorization when the data is stored or transmitted. T.ACCESS.USERDATA A threat agent might gain access to user data stored, processed or transmitted by the TOE without being appropriately authorized according to the TOE security policy. T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC A threat agent might use or modify functionality of the TSF without the necessary privilege to grant itself or others unauthorized access to TSF data or user data. T.ACCESS.COMM A threat agent might access a communication channel that establishes a trust relationship between the TOE and another remote trusted IT system or masquerade as another remote trusted IT system. T.RESTRICT.NETTRAFFIC A threat agent might get access to information or transmit information to other recipients via network communication channels without authorization for this communication attempt by the information flow control policy. T.IA.MASQUERADE A threat agent might masquerade as an authorized entity including the TOE itself or a part of the TOE in order to gain unauthorized access to user data, TSF data, or TOE resources. T.IA.USER A threat agent might gain access to user data, TSF data or TOE resources with the exception of public objects without being identified and authenticated. T.ROLE.SNOOP An attacker might obtain the rights granted to a role that was delegated to another user. T.ROLE.DELEGATE An attacker might delegate rights granted to a role that he does not possess or that he is not allowed to delegate. Table 1 Threats countered by the TOE 3.2 Organizational Security Policies P.ACCOUNTABILITY The users of the TOE shall be held accountable for their security- relevant actions within the TOE. P.USER Authority shall only be given to users who are trusted to perform the actions correctly. P.APPROVE Specific rights assigned to users and controlled by the TSF shall only be exercisable if approved by a second user. Table 2 Organizational Security Policies 3.3 Assumptions The specific conditions below are assumed to exist in a TOE environment. 3.3.1 Physical aspects A.PHYSICAL It is assumed that the IT environment provides the TOE with appropriate physical security, commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE. Table 3 Assumption: Physical aspects 3.3.2 Personnel aspects A.MANAGE The TOE security functionality is managed by one or more competent individuals. The system administrative personnel are not careless, willfully negligent, or hostile, and will follow and abide by the instructions provided by the guidance documentation. A.AUTHUSER Authorized users possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and are expected to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment. A.TRAINEDUSER Users are sufficiently trained and trusted to accomplish some task or group of tasks within a secure IT environment by exercising complete control over their user data. Table 4 Assumption: Personnel aspects 3.3.3 Procedural aspects A.DETECT Any modification or corruption of security-enforcing or security- relevant files of the TOE, user or the underlying platform caused either intentionally or accidentally will be detected by an administrative user. A.PEER.MGT All remote trusted IT systems trusted by the TSF to provide TSF data or services to the TOE, or to support the TSF in the enforcement of security policy decisions are assumed to be under the same management control and operate under security policy constraints compatible with those of the TOE. A.PEER.FUNC All remote trusted IT systems trusted by the TSF to provide TSF data or services to the TOE, or to support the TSF in the enforcement of security policy decisions are assumed to correctly implement the functionality used by the TSF consistent with the assumptions defined for this functionality. Table 5 Assumption: Procedural aspects 3.3.4 Connectivity aspects A.CONNECT All connections to and from remote trusted IT systems and between physically-separate parts of the TSF not protected by the TSF itself are physically or logically protected within the TOE environment to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data transmitted and to ensure the authenticity of the communication end points. Table 6 Assumption: Connectivity aspects 4 Security Objectives 4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE O.AUDITING The TSF must be able to record defined security-relevant events (which usually include security-critical actions of users of the TOE). The TSF must protect this information and present it to authorized users if the audit trail is stored on the local system. The information recorded for security-relevant events must contain the time and date the event happened and, if possible, the identification of the user that caused the event, and must be in sufficient detail to help the authorized user detect attempted security violations or potential misconfiguration of the TOE security features that would leave the IT assets open to compromise. O.CRYPTO.NET The TSF must allow authorized users to remotely access the TOE using a cryptographically-protected network protocol that ensures integrity and confidentiality of the transported data and is able to authenticate the end points of the communication. Note that the same protocols may also be used in the case where the TSF is physically separated into multiple parts that must communicate securely with each other over untrusted network connections. O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS The TSF must control access of subjects and/or users to named resources based on identity of the object. The TSF must allow authorized users to specify for each access mode which users/subjects are allowed to access a specific named object in that access mode. O.NETWORK.FLOW The TOE shall mediate communication between sets of TOE network interfaces, between a network interface and the TOE itself, and between subjects in the TOE and the TOE itself in accordance with its security policy. O.SUBJECT.COM The TOE shall mediate communication between subjects acting with different subject security attributes in accordance with its security policy. O.I&A The TOE must ensure that users have been successfully authenticated before allowing any action the TOE has defined to provide to authenticated users only. O.MANAGE The TSF must provide all the functions and facilities necessary to support the authorized users that are responsible for the management of TOE security mechanisms and must ensure that only authorized users are able to access such functionality. O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL The TSF must be designed and implemented in a manner that allows for establishing a trusted channel between the TOE and a remote trusted IT system that protects the user data and TSF data transferred over this channel from disclosure and undetected modification and prevents masquerading of the remote trusted IT system. O.ROLE.DELEGATE The TOE must allow roles assigned to users for performing security-relevant management tasks to be delegated to other users in accordance with the security policy. O.ROLE.MGMT The TOE must allow security management actions based on roles to be assigned to different users. O.ROLE.APPROVE The TOE must prevent the execution of user actions allowed by a specific right until a second user with a different right approves this action. Table 7 Security Objectives for the TOE 4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment OE.ADMIN Those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains. OE.REMOTE If the TOE relies on remote trusted IT systems to support the enforcement of its policy, those systems provide the functions required by the TOE and are sufficiently protected from any attack that may cause those functions to provide false results. OE.INFO_PROTECT Those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that information is protected in an appropriate manner. In particular:  All network and peripheral cabling must be approved for the transmittal of the most sensitive data held by the system. Such physical links are assumed to be adequately protected against threats to the confidentiality and integrity of the data transmitted.  DAC protections on security-relevant files (such as audit trails and authentication databases) shall always be set up correctly.  Users are authorized to access parts of the data managed by the TOE and are trained to exercise control over their own data. OE.INSTALL Those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that the hardware, software and firmware components that comprise the system are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE. OE.MAINTENANCE Authorized users of the TOE must ensure that the comprehensive diagnostics facilities provided by the product are invoked at every scheduled preventative maintenance period. OE.PHYSICAL Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that those parts of the TOE critical to enforcement of the security policy are protected from physical attack that might compromise IT security objectives. The protection must be commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE. OE.RECOVER Those responsible for the TOE must ensure that procedures and/or mechanisms are provided to assure that after system failure or other discontinuity, recovery without a protection (security) compromise is achieved. OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM The remote trusted IT systems implement the protocols and mechanisms required by the TSF to support the enforcement of the security policy. These remote trusted IT systems are under the same management domain as the TOE, are managed based on the same rules and policies applicable to the TOE, and are physically and logically protected equivalent to the TOE. Table 8 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment 4.3 Rationale for Security Objectives The following tables provide a mapping of security objectives to the environment defined by the threats, policies and assumptions, illustrating that each security objective covers at least one threat, assumption or policy and that each threat, assumption or policy is covered by at least one security objective. 4.3.1 Security Objectives coverage Objectives SPD coverage O.AUDITING P.ACCOUNTABILITY O.CRYPTO.NET T.ACCESS.USERDATA, T.ACCESS.TSFDATA, T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS T.ACCESS.USERDATA, T.ACCESS.TSFDATA O.NETWORK.FLOW T.RESTRICT.NETTRAFFIC O.SUBJECT.COM T.ACCESS.USERDATA, T.ACCESS.TSFDATA O.I&A T.IA.MASQUERADE, T.IA.USER O.MANAGE T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC, P.ACCOUNTABILITY, P.USER O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL T.ACCESS.COMM O.ROLE.DELEGATE T.ROLE.SNOOP, T.ROLE.DELEGATE O.ROLE.MGMT T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC O.ROLE.APPROVE P.APPROVE Table 9 Coverage of security objectives for the TOE Objectives SPD coverage OE.ADMIN A.AUTHUSER, A.MANAGE, A.TRAINEDUSER OE.REMOTE T.ACCESS.COMM, A.CONNECT OE.INFO_PROTECT P.USER, A.AUTHUSER, A.TRAINEDUSER, A.PHYSICAL, A.MANAGE OE.INSTALL A.MANAGE, A.DETECT OE.MAINTENANCE A.DETECT OE.PHYSICAL A.PHYSICAL OE.RECOVER A.MANAGE, A.DETECT OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM A.CONNECT, A.PEER.MGT, A.PEER.FUNC Table 10 Coverage of security objectives for the TOE environment 4.3.2 Security Objectives sufficiency Threats Security Objectives T.ACCESS.TSFDATA The threat of accessing TSF data without proper authorization is removed by:  O.CRYPTO.NET requiring cryptographically-protected communication channels for data including TSF data controlled by the TOE in transit between trusted IT systems,  O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS requiring that data, including TSF data stored with the TOE, have discretionary access control protection,  O.SUBJECT.COM requiring the TSF to mediate communication between subjects. T.ACCESS.USERDATA The threat of accessing user data without proper authorization is removed by:  O.CRYPTO.NET requiring cryptographically-protected communication channels for data including user data controlled by the TOE in transit between trusted IT systems,  O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS requiring that data including user data stored with the TOE, have discretionary access control protection,  O.SUBJECT.COM requiring the TSF to mediate communication between subjects. T.ACCESS.TSFFUNC The threat of accessing TSF functions without proper authorization is removed by:  O.MANAGE requiring that only authorized users utilize management TSF functions.  O.CRYPTO.NET requiring cryptographically-protected communication channels to limit which TSF functions are accessible to external entities.  O.ROLE.MGMT requiring the TOE to allow security management actions based on roles to be assigned to different users. T.ACCESS.COMM The threat of accessing a communication channel that establishes a trust relationship between the TOE and another remote trusted IT system is removed by:  O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL requiring that the TOE implements a trusted channel between itself and a remote trusted IT system protecting the user data and TSF data transferred over this channel from disclosure and undetected modification and prevents masquerading of the remote trusted IT system,  OE.REMOTE requiring that those systems providing the functions required by the TOE are sufficiently protected from any attack that may cause those functions to provide false results. T.RESTRICT.NETTRAFFIC The threat of accessing information or transmitting information to other recipients via network communication channels without authorization for this communication attempt is removed by:  O.NETWORK.FLOW requiring the TOE to mediate the communication between itself and remote entities in accordance with its security policy. T.IA.MASQUERADE The threat of masquerading as an authorized entity in order to gain unauthorized access to user data, TSF data or TOE resources is removed by:  O.I&A requiring that each entity interacting with the TOE is properly identified and authenticated before allowing any action the TOE is defined to provide to authenticated users only. T.IA.USER The threat of accessing user data, TSF data or TOE resources without being identified and authenticated is removed by:  O.I&A requiring that each entity interacting with the TOE is properly identified and authenticated before allowing any action the TOE has defined to provide to authenticated users only. T.ROLE.SNOOP The threat of an attacker obtaining the rights granted to a role that was delegated to another user is removed by:  O.ROLE.DELEGATE requiring the TOE to allow delegation of roles to other users in accordance with the security policy. T.ROLE.DELEGATE The threat of an attacker delegating rights granted to a role that he does not possess or that he is not allowed to delegate is removed by:  O.ROLE.DELEGATE requiring the TOE to allow roles assigned to users for performing security-relevant management tasks to be delegated. Table 11 TOE threats sufficiency Security Policies Security Objectives P.ACCOUNTABILITY The policy to hold users accountable for their security-relevant actions within the TOE is implemented by:  O.AUDITING providing the TOE with audit functionality,  O.MANAGE allowing the management of this function. P.USER The policy to match the trust given to a user and the actions the user is given authority to perform is implemented by:  O.MANAGE allowing appropriately-authorized users to manage the TSF,  OE.INFO_PROTECT, which requires that users are trusted to use the protection mechanisms of the TOE to protect their data. P.APPROVE The policy that specific rights assigned to users shall only be exercisable when approved by a second user is implemented by:  O.ROLE.APPROVE requiring the TOE to prevent the execution of user actions allowed by a specific right until a second user with a different right approves this action. Table 12 Security policies sufficiency Assumptions Security Objectives A.PHYSICAL The assumption on the IT environment to provide the TOE with appropriate physical security, commensurate with the value of the IT assets protected by the TOE is covered by:  OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring the approval of network and peripheral cabling,  OE.PHYSICAL requiring physical protection. A.MANAGE The assumptions on the TOE security functionality being managed by one or more trustworthy individuals is covered by:  OE.ADMIN requiring trustworthy personnel managing the TOE,  OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring personnel to ensure that information is protected in an appropriate manner,  OE.INSTALL requiring personnel to ensure that components that comprise the system are distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE,  OE.RECOVER requiring personnel to assure that after system failure or other discontinuity, recovery without a protection (security) compromise is achieved. A.AUTHUSER The assumption on authorized users to possess the necessary authorization to access at least some of the information managed by the TOE and to act in a cooperating manner in a benign environment is covered by:  OE.ADMIN ensuring that those responsible for the TOE are competent and trustworthy individuals, capable of managing the TOE and the security of the information it contains,  OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring that DAC protections on security-relevant files (such as audit trails and authentication databases) shall always be set up correctly and that users are authorized to access parts of the data maintained by the TOE. A.TRAINEDUSER The assumptions on users to be sufficiently trained and trusted to accomplish some task or group of tasks within a secure IT environment by exercising complete control over their user data is covered by:  OE.ADMIN requiring competent personnel managing the TOE,  OE.INFO_PROTECT requiring that those responsible for the TOE must establish and implement procedures to ensure that information is protected in an appropriate manner and that users are trained to exercise control over their own data. A.DETECT The assumption that modification or corruption of security-enforcing or security-relevant files will be detected by an administrative user is covered by:  OE.INSTALL requiring an administrative user to ensure that the TOE is distributed, installed and configured in a secure manner supporting the security mechanisms provided by the TOE,  OE.MAINTENANCE requiring an administrative user to ensure that the diagnostics facilities are invoked at every scheduled preventative maintenance period, verifying the correct operation of the TOE,  OE.RECOVER requiring an administrative user to ensure that procedures and/or mechanisms are provided to assure that after system failure or other discontinuity, recovery without a protection (security) compromise is achieved. A.PEER.MGT The assumption on all remote trusted IT systems to be under the same management control and operate under security policy constraints compatible with those of the TOE is covered by:  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM requiring that these remote trusted IT systems are under the same management domain as the TOE, and are managed based on the same rules and policies applicable to the TOE. A.PEER.FUNC The assumption on all remote trusted IT systems to correctly implement the functionality used by the TSF consistent with the assumptions defined for this functionality is covered by:  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM requiring that the remote trusted IT systems implement the protocols and mechanisms required by the TSF to support the enforcement of the security policy. A.CONNECT The assumption on all connections to and from remote trusted IT systems and between physically separate parts of the TSF not protected by the TSF itself are physically or logically protected is covered by:  OE.REMOTE requiring that remote trusted IT systems provide the functions required by the TOE and are sufficiently protected from any attack that may cause those functions to provide false results,  OE.TRUSTED.IT.SYSTEM demanding the physical and logical protection equivalent to the TOE. Table 13 Assumptions sufficiency 5 Extended Components Definition These extended components are defined in OSPP and its extension packages this ST complies with. They are collected here for easy readability. 5.1 FCS_RNG Generation of random numbers FCS_RNG.1 Generation of random numbers, requires that the random number generator implements defined security capabilities and that the random numbers meet a defined quality metric. 5.1.1 Family Behaviour This family defines quality requirements for the generation of random numbers that are intended to be used for cryptographic purposes. 5.1.2 Component leveling: FCS_RNG.1 is not hierarchical to any other component within the FCS_RNG family. 5.1.3 Management There are no management activities foreseen. 5.1.4 Audit There are no actions defined to be auditable. 5.1.5 FCS_RNG.1 Random number generation Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FCS_RNG.1.1 The TSF shall provide a [selection: deterministic] random number generator that implements: [assignment:  DRG.2.1: If initialized with a random seed [selection: using PTRNG of class PTG.2 as random source, using PTRNG of class PTG.3 as random source, using NPTRNG of class NTG.1 as random source, [assignment: other requirements for seeding]], the internal state of the RNG shall [selection: have [assignment: amount of entropy], have [assignment: work factor], require [assignment: guess work]].  DRG.2.2: The RNG provides forward secrecy.  DRG.2.3: The RNG provides backward secrecy. ]. FCS_RNG.1.2 The TSF shall provide random numbers that meet [assignment:  DRG.2.4: The RNG initialized with a random seed [assignment: requirements for seeding] generates output for which [assignment: number of strings] strings of bit length 128 are mutually different with probability [assignment: probability].  DRG.2.5: Statistical test suites cannot practically distinguish the random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. The random numbers must pass test procedure A [assignment: additional test suites]. ]. 5.1.6 Rationale The quality of the random number generator is defined using this SFR. The quality metric required in FCS_RNG.1.2 is detailed in the German Scheme AIS 20 and AIS 31. 5.2 FDP_RIP.3 Full residual information protection of resources FDP_RIP.3 is analog to FDP_RIP.2 except that it applies to the content of resources that are allocated to subjects or users. 5.2.1 Component leveling FDP_RIP.3 is not hierarchical to any other component within the FDP_RIP family. 5.2.2 Management See management description specified for FDP_RIP.2 in [CC2]. 5.2.3 Audit See audit requirement specified for FDP_RIP.2 in [CC2]. 5.2.4 FDP_RIP.3 Full residual information protection of resources Hierarchical to: No other component Dependencies: No dependencies FDP_RIP.3.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the [selection: allocation of the resource to, de-allocation of the resource from] all subjects or users. 5.2.5 Rationale FDP_RIP.3 addresses the problem of resources implemented in main memory that may be allocated to and de-allocated from subjects or users. Unless those resources lose their content automatically as part of the de-allocation and re-allocation process, they must be subject to a process that prepares them for re-use by rendering the previous content unavailable to the subject or user to which it is next allocated. An example is main memory that has been allocated to a subject; this memory must be cleared before it can be re-allocated to a subject with different security attributes (for example a subject operating on behalf of a different user). This preparation prevents the passing of security-critical information via this resource, since such unregulated passing would potentially allow the subject or user to which the memory is next allocated to use this information to violate the security policy. Typical examples of such critical information that may be passed via resources not prepared for re-use are passwords or cryptographic keys. 5.3 FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding FIA_USB.2 is analog to FIA_USB.1 except that it adds the possibility to specify rules whereby subject security attributes are also derived from TSF data other than user security attributes. 5.3.1 Component leveling FIA_USB.2 is hierarchical to FIA_USB.1. 5.3.2 Management See management description specified for FIA_USB.1 in [CC2]. 5.3.3 Audit See audit requirement specified for FIA_USB.1 in [CC2]. 5.3.4 FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding Hierarchical to: FIA_USB.1 User-subject binding Dependencies: FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_USB.2.1 The TSF shall associate the following user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of that user: [assignment: list of user security attributes]. FIA_USB.2.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [assignment: rules for the initial association of attributes]. FIA_USB.2.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security attributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [assignment: rules for the changing of attributes]. FIA_USB.2.4 The TSF shall enforce the following rules for the assignment of subject security attributes not derived from user security attributes when a subject is created: [assignment: rules for the initial association of the subject security attributes not derived from user security attributes]. 5.3.5 Rationale An operating system may derive subject security attributes from other TSF data that are not directly user security attributes. An example is the point-of-entry the user has used to establish the connection. An access control policy may also use this subject security attribute within its access control policy, allowing access to critical objects only when the user has connected through specific ports-of-entry. 6 Security Requirements Conforming to OSPP, following typographical conventions are used for marking operations in this ST:  Assignments and selections are marked in bold face font.  Iterations are marked by appending a suffix to the SFR identification.  Refinements are marked in bold and italic face font.  Strikethrough indicates text removed as a refinement. 6.1 Security Functional Requirements 6.1.1 FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions; b) All auditable events for the basic level of audit; and c) all modifications to the set of events being audited; d) all user authentication attempts; e) all denied accesses to objects for which the access control policy defined in the OSPP base applies; f) explicit modifications of access rights to objects covered by the access control policies; g) [assignment: no other auditable events] Application Note: FAU_GEN.1.1 has the operations being partially performed to reflect the minimum set of events each operating system conformant to this PP must be able to audit. Since the OSPP base requires that an authorized administrator has the capability to select the events to be audited, all activities that change this set are required to be auditable. In addition, all user authentication attempts must be auditable, but it is allowed that an authorized administrator restricts the events that are actually audited to failed authentication attempts, authentication attempts for specific types of users, authentication attempts when specific authentication methods are used, etc. The rules that allow an authorized administrator to define the events that are actually audited from the set of events the TOE is capable of auditing must be defined in the FAU_SEL.1 (or a hierarchically higher component). It is also required that the operating system is capable of auditing denied access attempts to objects listed in the access control policies. This requirement allows for analysis of denied access attempts in order to detect a potential misconfiguration of access rights, for example, an attack that performs a large number of access attempts. Explicit modifications of access rights are those that are performed by an explicit request for access right modification. These are critical if, for example, they are performed by a Trojan Horse. FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and outcome of the event; and b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the ST; i. User identity (if applicable); and ii. [assignment: none] Application Note: The subject identity may be identical to the user identity in the case where the subject identity is established by the user-subject binding process. In this case, only one identity needs to be included in the audit record. The purpose here is the ability to trace an event to the user that caused the event. This may not be possible if the subject identity does not allow to identify the user the subject was bound to when the event happened. In order to support FAU_GEN.2, the user identity has, therefore, been added as the information to be recorded. Application Note: The outcome to be recorded with the audited event can either be binary (success or failure) or the value resulting from the event, depending on the implementation of the TOE. For example, access control decision shall store the information about the result of the access control decision with the audit trail. A TOE may implement more decision results than just access allowed or denied, where all of these results shall be recorded as outcome of the access control check event. 6.1.2 FAU_GEN.2 User identity association FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event. 6.1.3 FAU_SAR.1 Audit review FAU_SAR.1.1 The TSF shall provide [assignment: the administrators] with the capability to read [assignment: all audit information defined in FAU_GEN.1.1] from the audit records. FAU_SAR.1.2 The TSF shall provide the audit records in a manner suitable for the user to interpret the information. 6.1.4 FAU_SAR.2 Restricted audit review FAU_SAR.2.1 The TSF shall prohibit all users read access to the audit records, except those users that have been granted explicit read-access. 6.1.5 FAU_SEL.1 Selective audit FAU_SEL.1.1 The TSF shall be able to select the set of events to be audited from the set of all auditable events based on the following attributes: a) Type of audit event; b) Subject or user identity; c) Outcome (success or failure) of the audit event; d) Named object identity; e) [assignment: Access type to file system objects (read, write, execute, change attributes); f) System call number] Application Note: The TOE provides an application that allows specification of the audit rules which injects the rules into the kernel for enforcement. The Linux kernel auditing mechanism obtains all audit events and decides based on this rule set whether an event is forwarded to the audit daemon for storage. 6.1.6 FAU_STG.1 Protected audit trail storage FAU_STG.1.1 The TSF shall protect the stored audit records in the audit trail from unauthorized deletion. FAU_STG.1.2 The TSF shall be able to [selection: prevent] unauthorized modifications to the audit records in the audit trail. Application Note: The TOE may store its audit records locally, or it may pass its audit records on to a remote trusted IT system for storage and further processing. Even in this case, the TOE will usually need some kind of local audit trail as a (probably volatile) cache to buffer some audit records or to bridge the time when the remote audit server might not be available. Such a local audit trail must be protected as described in this SFR. 6.1.7 FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss FAU_STG.3.1 The TSF shall [assignment: notify an authorized administrator] if the audit trail exceeds [assignment: a root-user selectable, pre-defined size limit of the audit trail] or if any of the following [assignment: no other condition] is detected that may result in a loss of audit records. Application Note The term "authorized administrator" refers to the user that is notified by the auditd daemon. This daemon can be configured to notify different users in different ways. The administrator of the system must ensure that the auditd is configured to send the notification to the intended recipient. Application Note The alarm generated by the TOE can be configured to be a syslog message or the execution of an administrator-specified application. This message or action of executing the application is generated when the audit trail capacity exceeds the limit defined in the auditd.conf file. Application Note The information of the threshold limit is done in the configuration file of the auditd daemon. This file is only writable to the root user. 6.1.8 FAU_STG.4 Prevention of audit data loss FAU_STG.4.1 The TSF shall [selection: overwrite the oldest stored audit records] and [assignment: issue warnings in case of audit storage failure] if the audit trail is full. Application Note: When the audit trail is full (i.e. the disk is full), the TOE should overwrite the oldest stored audit records. If audit storage failed, the TOE should send warnings to syslog. 6.1.9 FCS_CKM.1 (SYM) Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate symmetric cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm capable of generating a random bit sequence and specified cryptographic key sizes: a) 128 bits, b) 168 bits, c) 256 bits, d) [assignment: 192 bits, e) 384 bits, f) 512 bits, ] that meet the following: [assignment: keys are generated based on a random number generator which ensures an entropy that is at least as high as the size of the key and which satisfies the following (based on the use of the key material in cryptographic protocols): a) SSH: generation and exchange of session keys using the Diffie- Hellman key negotiation protocol as defined in RFC4253; b) TLS: generation and exchange of session keys as defined in the TLSV1.2 standards with the cipher suites defined in FCS_COP.1(NET); ] 6.1.10 FCS_CKM.1 (RSA) Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate RSA cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm defined in U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 186-41 appendix B.3.3 and specified cryptographic key sizes: a) 2048 bits, b) [assignment: 3072 bits ] that meet the following: a) U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 186-4 2 , b) [assignment: no other standards] Application Note: The TOE supports the generation of RSA keys for the OpenSSH host key as well as the OpenSSH user keys using the ssh-keygen(1) application. The following random number generator is used to support the key generation:  FCS_RNG.1 for use in OpenSSH applications; Application Note: The TOE supports the generation of RSA keys for the TLS protocols using the openssl(1) application. The following random number generator is used to support the key generation:  FCS_RNG.1 for use in OpenSSH applications; Application Note: FIPS mode is enabled for the openssl library. 1 OSPP requires FIPS PUB 186-3, which is superseded by the new version FIPS PUB 186-4. 2 OSPP requires FIPS PUB 186-3, which is superseded by the new version FIPS PUB 186-4. 6.1.11 FCS_CKM.1 (DSA) Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate DSA cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm defined in U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 186-43 appendix B.1 and specified cryptographic key sizes: [selection: a) L=2048, N=256 bits; b) L=3072, N=256 bits; ] that meet the following: a) U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-3 186-44 . b) [assignment: no other standards] Application Note: The TOE supports the generation of DSA keys for the TLS protocols using the openssl(1) application. The following random number generator is used to support the key generation:  FCS_RNG.1 for use in OpenSSH applications; Application Note: FIPS mode is enabled for the openssl library. 6.1.12 FCS_CKM.1 (ECDSA) Cryptographic key generation FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate ECDSA cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key generation algorithm defined in U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-4 appendix B.4 and specified cryptographic key sizes defined by the following curves: a) NIST primary field curve P-256; b) NIST primary field curve P-384; c) NIST primary field curve P-521; that meet the following: a) U.S. NIST FIPS PUB 186-4. Application Note: The TOE supports the generation of ECDSA keys for the OpenSSH host key as well as the OpenSSH user keys using the ssh-keygen(1) application. The following random number generator is used to support the key generation:  FCS_RNG.1 for use in OpenSSH applications; Application Note: The TOE supports the generation of ECDSA keys for the TLS protocols using the openssl(1) application. The following random number generator is used to support the key generation:  FCS_RNG.1 for use in OpenSSH applications; Application Note: FIPS mode is enabled for the openssl library. 6.1.13 FCS_CKM.2 (NET) Cryptographic key distribution FCS_CKM.2.1 The TSF shall distribute cryptographic keys in accordance with a the following specified cryptographic key distribution method [assignment: cryptographic key distribution method] that meets the following [selection: a) Diffie-Hellman key agreement method defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4253: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1; 3 OSPP requires FIPS PUB 186-3, which is superseded by the new version FIPS PUB 186-4. 4 OSPP requires FIPS PUB 186-3, which is superseded by the new version FIPS PUB 186-4. b) Public [selection: RSA] host key exchange defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4253; c) RSA encrypted exchange of pre-master secrets defined for the TLS protocol by RFC5246; d) [assignment: Diffie Hellman domain parameters or Elliptic Curve reference provided by the remote trusted TLS server; e) Public ECDSA host key exchange defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4253; f) Diffie-Hellman key agreement method defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4253 together with RFC4419: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256; g) EC Diffie-Hellman key agreement method defined for the SSH protocol by RFC4253 together with [RFC5656] : with ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh- sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521 ] 6.1.14 FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified cryptographic key destruction method of [selection: zerorization] that meets the following: [selection: vendor-specific zeroization]. Application Note: The "vendor-specific zeroization" covers to the following concepts:  Memory objects: Overwriting the memory with zeros at the time the memory is released.  Asymmetric key components stored in files: The object reuse functionality for objects defined with FDP_RIP.2 also covers this SFR. 6.1.15 FCS_COP.1 (NET) Cryptographic operation FCS_COP.1.1 The TSF shall perform encryption, decryption, integrity verification, peer authentication in accordance with a specified the following cryptographic algorithms, cryptographic key sizes [assignment: cryptographic key sizes] that meet the following and applicable standards: [selection: a) SSH allowing the use of TDES in CBC mode with 168 bits key size, and HMAC-SHA1 defined by RFC 4253; b) SSH allowing the use of AES in CBC mode with 128 bits and 256 bits key size, and HMAC-SHA1 defined by RFC 4253; c) TLS allowing the use of AES in CBC mode with 128 bits and 256 bits key size, and SHA-1 defined by RFC5246; d) [assignment: other cryptographic network algorithms, keys sizes with their standards:  SSH communication channel encryption using the following ciphers as defined in [RFC4253]: 1. AES in CBC mode (aes192-cbc); 2. AES in CTR mode (aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr); 3. AES in GCM mode (aes128-gcm, aes256-gcm); 4. HMAC with SHA-1 (; 5. HMAC with SHA-2 (hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha2-512,, with additional definition in [RFC6668]  SSH authentication of host as defined in [RFC4252]: 1. RSA signature verification RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 using SHA-1 (ssh-rsa) 2. ECDSA with signature verification using SHA-2 (ecdsa-sha2- nistp256 with SHA-256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 with SHA-384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 with SHA-512).  SSH authentication of user as defined in [RFC4252]: same ciphers as specified for SSH authentication of host.  TLS using by the following TLS cipher strings as defined by [RFC5246] 1. Key agreement Diffie-Hellman 1) TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 2) TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 3) TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 4) TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 5) TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 6) TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 7) TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 8) TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 9) TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 10)TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 11)TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 12)TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 2. Key agreement EC Diffie-Hellman 1) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 2) TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 3) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 4) TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 5) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 6) TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 7) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 8) TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 9) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 10)TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 11)TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 12)TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 3. Key exchange RSA 1) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 2) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 3) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 4) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 5) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 6) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ] 6.1.16 FCS_RNG.1 Random number generation (Class DRG.2) FCS_RNG.1.1 The TSF shall provide a [selection: deterministic] random number generator that implements: [assignment: a) DRG2.1: If initialized with a random seed [selection:[assignment: using /dev/random as random source]], the internal state of the RNG shall [selection: have [assignment: a min-entropy of 48 bits]]. b) DRG2.2: The RNG DRNG provides forward secrecy. c) DRG2.3: The RNG DRNG provides backward secrecy.] FCS_RNG.1.2 The TSF shall provide random numbers that meet [assignment: a) DRG.2.4: The RNG instance initialized with a random seed [assignment: 1. every time the ssh client is invoked 2. every time the ssh-keygen application is invoked 3. every time the sshd server processes a new connection] generates output for which [assignment: 2**19] strings of bit length 128 are mutually different with probability [assignment: of more than 1 - (2**(-10))]. b) DRG.2.5: Statistical test suites cannot practically distinguish the random numbers from output sequences of an ideal RNG. The random numbers must pass test procedures suite A [assignment: no other test suite]]. Application Note: The OpenSSH application uses the deterministic RNG (default mode) from OpenSSL to generate random numbers. Every time the ssh client is invoked, or the ssh-keygen application is used, or a new SSH connection is processed by sshd, the deterministic random number generator is seeded with data from /dev/random. 6.1.17 FDP_ACC.1 (PSO) Subset access control FDP_ACC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Persistent Storage Object Access Control Policy on: a) [assignment: Subjects: all subjects defined with the Security Policy Model;] b) Objects: i. Persistent Storage Objects of the following type: [assignment: all file system objects defined with the Security Policy Model]; ii. [assignment: no other storage objects;] c) Operations: [assignment: read, write, execute (regular files), search (directories)]. Application Note: A persistent storage object establishes a data storage or data exchange link between two or more subjects. Examples of persistent storage objects are: files, directories. Application Note: Not all operations listed are supported for all persistent objects. E.g., WRITE to a file or directory in an ISO9660 file system is always denied. However, once an operation is supported for the object, it is always controlled by the security policy. Application Note: Although a persistent file system, vfat is not POSIX-compliant and hence does not support the access control policy for each single file/directory. However, the security attributes supporting the access control policy can be specified uniformly for all files/directories as a whole at mount time, such as uid=uuu,gid=ggg,fmask=0000,dmask=0000. As a result, command /bin/chown always fails for vfat objects, and command /bin/chmod seems to work well on vfat objects, but it does not change anything. 6.1.18 FDP_ACC.1 (TSO) Subset access control FDP_ACC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Transient Storage Object Access Control Policy on: a) [assignment: Subjects: all subjects defined with the Security Policy Model;] b) Objects: i. Transient Storage Objects of the following type: [assignment: all IPC objects defined with the Security Policy Model;] ii. [assignment: no other storage objects;] c) Operations: [assignment: read, receive, write, send]. Application Note: A transient storage object establishes a data exchange link between two or more subjects or users. Examples of transient storage objects are: shared memory, semaphores, message queues, named pipes. 6.1.19 FDP_ACF.1 (PSO) Security attribute based access control FDP_ACF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Persistent Storage Object Access Control Policy to objects based on the following: [assignment: a) Subject security attributes: file system UID, file system GID, supplementary GIDs; b) Object security attributes: owning UID, owning GID; c) Access control security attributes maintained for each file system object governing access to that object: i. Permission bits for the owning UID, ii. Permission bits for the owning GID, iii. Permission bits for all other users (“world”), iv. The following permission bits: read, write, execute (for files), search (for directories), v. The following access rights applicable to the file system object: immutable (files), d) Access control security attributes maintained for each disk partition that holds a file system: read-only, no-execute ] FDP_ACF.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: [assignment: A subject must have search permission for every element of the pathname and the requested access for the object. A subject has a specific type access to an object if one of the following rules hold: a) The subject's filesystem UID is identical with the owning UID of the object and the requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for the owning UID (permission bits); or b) The subject's filesystem GID or one of the subject's supplementary GIDs is identical with the owning GID and the requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for the owning GID (permission bits); or c) The requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for "all other users" (permission bits). ] FDP_ACF.1.3 The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: [assignment: a) read and directory search operations are allowed for the subject with the capability of CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH; b) write and execute operations are allowed for the subject with the capability of CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE - the execute permission is granted if the file system object is marked with at least one executable bit in its permission settings. ] FDP_ACF.1.4 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to named objects based on the following additional rules: [assignment: a) Any file system object in a file system that is mounted as read-only cannot be modified, created or removed; b) A regular file, a directory and a symbolic link in a file system that is mounted as read-only cannot be written to; c) Any file system object marked as immutable cannot be modified or removed; d) A regular file in a file system that is mounted with the no-execute flag cannot be executed; e) Any file system object stored in a directory marked with the SAVETXT bit cannot be modified or removed by subjects whose file system UID is not equal to the owning UID of the file system object unless the subject performing the operation possesses the CAP_FOWNER capability. ] Application note: Although a persistent file system, vfat is not POSIX-compliant and hence does not support the access control policy for each single file/directory. However, the security attributes supporting the access control policy can be specified uniformly for all files/directories as a whole at mount time, such as uid=uuu,gid=ggg,fmask=0000,dmask=0000. As a result, command /bin/chown always fails for vfat objects, and command /bin/chmod seems to work well on vfat objects, but it does not change anything. 6.1.20 FDP_ACF.1 (TSO) Security attribute based access control FDP_ACF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Transient Storage Object Access Control Policy to objects based on the following: [assignment: a) Subject security attributes: effective UID, file system UID, effective GID, file system GID, supplementary GIDs; b) Object security attributes: owning UID, owning GID; c) Access control security attributes maintained for each IPC object whose name is managed with a file governing access to that object: see FDP_ACF.1(PSO); d) Access control security attributes maintained for any other IPC object governing access to that object: i. Permission bits for the owning UID; ii. Permission bits for the owning GID; iii. Permission bits for "world"; iv. The following permission bits: read, write, execute ] FDP_ACF.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules to determine if an operation among controlled subjects and controlled objects is allowed: [assignment: a) IPC object whose name is managed with a file: see FDP_ACF.1(PSO); b) Any other IPC object: A subject has a specific type access to an object if one of the following rules hold: 1. The subject's effective UID is identical with the owning UID of the object and the requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for the owning UID; or 2. The subject's effective GID or one of the subject's supplementary GIDs is identical with the owning GID and the requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for the owning GID; or 3. The requested type of access is within the permission bits defined for "world". ] FDP_ACF.1.3 The TSF shall explicitly authorise access of subjects to objects based on the following additional rules: [assignment: a) IPC object whose name is managed with a file: see FDP_ACF.1(PSO); b) Any other IPC object: 1. read, write, send and receive operations are allowed for the subject with the capability of CAP_IPC_OWNER. ] FDP_ACF.1.4 The TSF shall explicitly deny access of subjects to named objects based on the following rules: [assignment: a) IPC object whose name is managed with a file: see FDP_ACF.1(PSO); b) Any other IPC object: none. ] 6.1.21 FDP_IFC.2 (NI) Complete information flow control FDP_IFC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the Network Information Flow Control Policy on: a) Subjects: i. unauthenticated external IT entities that send and receive information mediated by the TOE; ii. [assignment: standard Linux processes] that send and receive information mediated by the TOE; b) Information: i. Network data routed through the TOE; ii. [assignment: Network data received by the TOE from an external IT entity; iii. Network data provided to the TOE by a subject executing on the TOE intended to be sent to an external IT entity via a network interface controlled by the TOE ] and all operations that cause that information to flow to and from subjects covered by the SFP. FDP_IFC.2.2 The TSF shall ensure that all operations that cause any information in the TOE to flow to and from any subject in the TOE are covered by an information flow control SFP. Application Note: The OSPP explicitly does not specify the version of the Internet Protocol. This implies that the Internet Protocol versions usable in the evaluated configuration must be covered by this SFR. 6.1.22 FDP_IFF.1 (NI) Simple security attributes FDP_IFF.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Network Information Flow Control Policy based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: a) ObjectInformation security attribute: the logical or physical network interface through which the network data from an external IT entity entered the TOE or is intended to be sent out; [selection: b) TCP/IP information security attributes: i. Source and destination IP address, ii. Source and destination TCP port number, iii. Source and destination UDP port number, iv. Network protocol of [selection: TCP, UDP, ICMP, [assignment: no other protocols]] v. TCP header flags of [selection: SYN, ACK, [assignment: FIN, RST, URG, PSH, TCP sequence numbers]], vi. [assignment: TCP sequence numbers] ] Application Note: Logical network interfaces include the interface provided by the TOE to local subjects acting on behalf of local users. Such interfaces may include network sockets introduced by the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) or any other mechanism that allows subject to initiate an IP-based connection. Application Note: The minimum requirement of the network flow control specified in FDP_IFF.1.3(NI) defines the purpose of the Network Information Flow Control Policy, namely to identify network data using the security attributes specified here and to at least discard the identified network data or allow it to pass the TOE unaltered. An ST author may specify network data security attributes which differ from the TCP/IP attributes or the VLAN tag attributes. However, these security attributes must allow the minimum requirements of FDP_IFF.1.3(NI) to be achieved. FDP_IFF.1.2 The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: [assignment: a) If the set of rules defined in accordance with the security attributes defined in FDP_IFF.1.3 define that the network data is discarded, the network data shall not be delivered by the TOE to the intended recipient; b) If the set of rules defined in accordance with the security attributes defined in FDP_IFF.1.3 define that the network data is to be delivered unaltered, the network data shall be delivered unaltered by the TOE to the intended recipient; c) If the set of rules defined in accordance with the security attributes defined in FDP_IFF.1.3 define another action to be taken than discarding the network data or delivering the data unaltered to the intended recipient, the TOE shall perform this action. ] FDP_IFF.1.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules: Identification of network data using one or more of the following concepts: a) Information security attribute matching based on the following security attributes: 1. IP header information, 2. UDP header information, 3. TCP header information, 4. ICMP type and code, 5. incoming network interface, 6. outgoing network interface b) [selection: Matching based on the state of a TCP connection, [assignment: no other matching concepts]]; Performing one or more of the following actions with identified network data: a) Discard the network data [selection: without any further processing, with sending a notification to the sender]; b) Allow the network data to be processed unaltered by the TOE according to the routing information maintained by the TOE; c) [assignment: no other actions]. FDP_IFF.1.4 The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: [assignment: If the network data is not matched by the rule set and the default rule of the packet filter is ACCEPT then the data is forwarded unaltered based on the normal operation of the host system's networking stack.] FDP_IFF.1.5 The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [assignment: If the network data is not matched by the rule set, one of the following default rules applies: a) DROP: the data is discarded. ] Application Note: The OSPP explicitly does not specify the version of the Internet Protocol. This implies that the Internet Protocol versions usable in the evaluated configuration must be covered by this SFR. Application Note: The default rule is configurable where exactly one of the above mentioned default rules can be selected at any given time. Application Note: The SFRs FDP_IFF.1(NI) defines different rule sets implemented by the TOE covering the FDP_IFF.1 SFR from the OSPP base. 6.1.23 FDP_ITC.2 Import of user data with security attributes FDP_ITC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the Persistent Storage Access Control Policy, Transient Storage Access Control Policy, Network Information Flow Control, [assignment: no other access control SFP(s) and/or information flow control SFP(s)] when importing user data, controlled under the SFP, from outside of the TOE. FDP_ITC.2.2 The TSF shall use the security attributes associated with the imported user data. FDP_ITC.2.3 The TSF shall ensure that the protocol used provides for the unambiguous association between the security attributes and the user data received. FDP_ITC.2.4 The TSF shall ensure that interpretation of the security attributes of the imported user data is as intended by the source of the user data. FDP_ITC.2.5 The TSF shall enforce the following rules when importing user data controlled under the SFP from outside the TOE: [assignment: No additional importation control rules.] Application Note: If, for example, file names or file name extensions are used for access control decisions, they are security attributes. In the case that an external file system is mounted, this is considered an import of user data with security attributes, and therefore, FDP_ITC rules must be defined and satisfied. Application Note: Based on the wording of FDP_ITC.2.1, the TOE complies with this SFR even when it does not allow import of objects covered by the persistent or transient storage object control policy. However, the network information flow control policy must always be covered by the TOE, as it applies to the networking capability of the TOE to control traffic originating from outside the TOE. In this case, the interpretation of security attributes is defined by the respective protocol family. 6.1.24 FDP_RIP.2 Full residual information protection FDP_RIP.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the [selection: allocation of the resource to] all objects. 6.1.25 FDP_RIP.3 Full residual information protection of resources FDP_RIP.3.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the [selection: allocation of the resource to] all subjects or users. 6.1.26 FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling FIA_AFL.1.1 The TSF shall detect when an administrator-configurable number of unsuccessful authentication attempts for the authentication method [assignment: of password-based authentication] occur related to [assignment: consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts]. FIA_AFL.1.2 When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been [selection: met], the TSF shall [assignment: a) For all accounts, "disable" the account for a time period configured by the administrators. b) For all disabled accounts, any response to an authentication attempt given to the user shall not be based on the result of that authentication attempt. ] Application Note: The TOE may use different authentication methods for different types of users and have different rules for how to handle authentication failures based on the authentication method and/or user type. Authentication failures for remote systems are usually treated differently from authentication attempts for human users. Even for human users, the reaction to authentication failures may be different for authentication via userid/password and authentication via smartcards or digital certificates. 6.1.27 FIA_ATD.1 (HU) User attribute definition FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual human users: a) User identifier; b) Group memberships; c) User password; d) Software token verification data; e) Security roles; f) [assignment: no other user security attributes] Application Note: See the application note for FIA_UAU.5 for a list of token-based authentication mechanisms and their associated tokens. 6.1.28 FIA_ATD.1 (TU) User attribute definition FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to individual technical users: a) the logical or physical network interface through which the network data entered the TOE; b) identity of the logical or physical external interface through which the user connected to the TOE; c) [assignment: no other user security attributes] Application Note: Bullet a) of this SFR relates to FDP_IFC.2(NI) and FDP_IFF.1(NI). In the Common Criteria scheme, external entities are always considered to be users. Therefore, every network data entity must be specified as user in this PP. 6.1.29 FIA_SOS.1 Verification of secrets FIA_SOS.1.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to verify that secrets meet the following quality metric: the probability that a secret can be obtained by an attacker during the lifetime of the secret is less than 2^(-20). Application Note: The TOE password change is implemented using the PAM library. The PAM module allows the specification of the quality of new passwords. The evaluated configuration requires a configuration of the PAM-based password change mechanism that meets the above mentioned criteria. Application Note: For key-based authentication methods, the evaluation of the RSA, DSA, and ECDSA keys used for the SSH protocol will show the maximum lifetime of a key depending on its size. 6.1.30 FIA_UAU.1 Timing of authentication FIA_UAU.1.1 The TSF shall allow a) the information flow covered by the Network Information Flow Control Policy; b) [assignment: Establishing a cryptographically secured network connection; c) Local console log-in: banner information; d) SSH log-in: obtaining the list of allowed authentication methods; ] on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. Application note The banner for local login is in file /etc/issue. The banner for remote login is default to file /etc/ and can be set in file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. FIA_UAU.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 6.1.31 FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms FIA_UAU.5.1 The TSF shall provide the following authentication mechanisms: a) Authentication based on username and password; b) Authentication based on software token verification data; c) [assignment: no other authentication mechanisms] to support user authentication. Application Note: The TOE is able to maintain the following types of software tokens and their verification data:  SSH user keys: The TOE as server part is able to store the public part of the SSH user key for the user account the user wants to access. When the TOE acts as an SSH client, the TOE is able to store the private part of the SSH user key for the requesting user. FIA_UAU.5.2 The TSF shall authenticate any user's claimed identity according to the following rules: a) Authentication based on username and password is performed for TOE- originated requests and credentials stored by the TSF; b) Authentication based on software token verification data is performed for TOE-originated requests; c) [assignment: Users with expired passwords are required to create a new password after correctly entering the expired password; d) For SSH, both the password-based and key-based authentication methods can be enabled at the same time. In this case, the key-based authentication method is tried before the password-based authentication. If the key-based authentication succeeds, the user is authenticated. If the key-based authentication fails, the password-based authentication is applied. If the password-based authentication fails, the user login request is denied. ] Application Note: For the term “software token verification data”, see the application note for FIA_ATD.1(HU). 6.1.32 FIA_UAU.7 Protected authentication feedback FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide only obscured feedback to the user while the authentication is in progress. 6.1.33 FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification FIA_UID.1.1 The TSF shall allow [assignment: a) the information flow covered by the Network Information Flow Control Policy; b) Establishing a cryptographically secured network connection; c) Console log-in: banner information; d) SSH log-in: obtaining the list of allowed authentication methods; ] on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identified. FIA_UID.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 6.1.34 FIA_USB.2 Enhanced user-subject binding FIA_USB.2.1 The TSF shall associate the following user security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of that user: a) The user identity that is associated with auditable events; b) The user security attributes that are used to enforce the Persistent Storage Object Access Control Policy; c) The user security attributes that are used to enforce the Transient Storage Object Access Control Policy; d) The software token that can be used for subsequent identification and authentication with the TSF or other remote IT systems; e) Active roles; f) Active groups; g) [assignment: no other security attributes] FIA_USB.2.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of security attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [assignment: a) Upon successful identification and authentication, the login UID, the real UID, the filesystem UID and the effective UID shall be those specified in the user entry for the user that has authenticated successfully; b) Upon successful identification and authentication, the real GID, the filesystem GID and the effective GID shall be those specified via the primary group membership attribute in the user entry; c) Upon successful identification and authentication, the supplementary GIDs shall be those specified via the supplementary group membership assignment for the user entry; ] Application Note: The various subject UIDs are all derived from the same numeric UID per user entry stored in the /etc/passwd file. The subject's supplementary GIDs are derived from the username to group name mappings in the /etc/group file. As the TOE only maintains numeric IDs for subjects, the username and the group names need to be converted before instantiating the subject. The username to UID mapping is provided in /etc/passwd file and the group name to GID mapping is provided in /etc/group file. FIA_USB.2.3 The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security attributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [assignment: a) The effective and filesystem UID of a subject can be changed by the use of an executable with the SETUID bit set. In this case the program is executed with the effective and filesystem UID of the owning UID of the file storing the program. These newly set effective and filesystem UIDs are used for the DAC permission validation. The real and login UID remain unchanged. b) The effective and filesystem GID of a subject can be changed by the use of an executable with the SETGID bit set. In this case the program is executed with the effective and filesystem GID of the owning GID of the file storing the program. These newly set effective and filesystem GIDs are used for the DAC permission validation. The real GID remains unchanged. c) The real, effective and filesystem UID of a subject can be changed by the use of the set*uid system call family for the calling application. These system calls are restricted to processes possessing the CAP_SETUID capability. d) The real, effective and filesystem GID of a subject can be changed by the use of the set*gid system call family for the calling application. These system calls are restricted to processes possessing the CAP_SETGID capability. e) The set of supplementary GIDs of a subject can be changed by the use of the setgroups system call for the calling application. These system calls are restricted to processes possessing the CAP_SETGID capability. f) The set of effective and inheritable capabilities of a subject can be changed by the use of an executable with activated file capabilities. In this case the program obtains the following capabilities when invoking the file with execve: 1. the process' the effective capability set gains the capabilities defined by the permitted file capabilities set; 2. the process' inheritable capability set is ANDed with the inheritable file capability set to form the new process' inheritable capability set which defines the capability set that will be retained after an execve system call. ] FIA_USB.2.4 The TSF shall enforce the following rules for the assignment of subject security attributes not derived from user security attributes when a subject is created: [assignment: no rules]. Application Note: The applications "su" allow the calling user to change the filesystem and effective UID either to root or to other users provided the authentication to "su" was successful. Both application uses the SETUID bit with the owning UID of root as well as the set*uid system calls to change to other UIDs before spawning a new shell or the given command. As both applications rest on the above mentioned mechanisms, it is not listed as a separate mechanism to modify the calling user's UIDs. Application Note: The login UID is set by the PAM modules by inserting the intended UID into the /proc//loginuid file. This file can be written to only by subjects executing with the effective UID of zero (root) and only for the calling process' own loginuid file. However, there is no application except the PAM modules which access that proc file which implies that the login UID remains unchanged after login when operating the TOE. Authorized administrators are not intended to access that proc file. 6.1.35 FMT_MSA.1 (PSO) Management of object security attributes FMT_MSA.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Persistent Storage Object Access Control Policy to restrict the ability to modify, [selection: change_default] the security attributes of the objects covered by the SFP to the owner of the object and [assignment: users with processes granted the CAP_CHOWN, CAP_FOWNER, CAP_FSETID capabilities]. 6.1.36 FMT_MSA.1 (TSO) Management of object security attributes FMT_MSA.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the Transient Storage Object Access Control Policy to restrict the ability to modify, [selection: change_default] the security attributes of the objects covered by the SFP to the owner of the object and [assignment: users with processes granted the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability]. 6.1.37 FMT_MSA.3 (PSO) Static attribute initialization FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the Persistent Storage Object Access Control Policy to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow [assignment: the administrators, or users that satisfy the following rules: [assignment: users for a setting applicable to his processes]] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Application Note: The global default value for permission bits is specified with the umask value which specifies the permission bits for newly created objects. This value has an initial setting of 022 or the value specified in /etc/login.defs. Only the root user can manage that initial value as this file is writable to root only. Users can change their umask value at any time using the umask(2) system call. 6.1.38 FMT_MSA.3 (TSO) Static attribute initialization FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the Transient Storage Object Access Control Policy to provide restrictive default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow the [assignment: the administrators, or users that satisfy the following rules: [assignment: users for a setting applicable to his processes]] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Application Note: The global default value for permission bits is specified with the umask value which specifies the permission bits for newly created objects. This value has an initial setting of 022 or the value specified in /etc/login.defs. Only the root user can manage that initial value as this file is writable to root only. Users can change their umask value at any time using the umask(2) system call. NOTE: umask does not impact on System V IPC objects, and the permission bits for them is given explicitly at creation time. 6.1.39 FMT_MSA.3 (NI) Static attribute initialization FMT_MSA.3.1 The TSF shall enforce the Network Information Flow Control Policy to provide [selection: permissive] default values for security attributes that are used to enforce the SFP. FMT_MSA.3.2 The TSF shall allow [assignment: the administrators, or users that satisfy the following rules: [assignment: users with processes granted the CAP_NET_ADMIN and CAP_NET_RAW capability]] to specify alternative initial values to override the default values when an object or information is created. Application Note: The default value specified in this SFR applies to the default for the packet filter after boot. The administrator can configure alternative default values as outlined in FDP_IFF.1(NI). Application Note: The iptables command uses a netlink interface to the kernel which requires that the caller possesses the CAP_NET_ADMIN and CAP_NET_RAW capability. 6.1.40 FMT_MSA.4 (PSO) Security attribute value inheritance FMT_MSA.4.1 The TSF shall use the following rules to set the value of security attributes for Persistent Storage Objects: [assignment: a) The newly created object's owning UID is set to the effective UID of the calling subject; b) The newly created object's owning GID is set to the effective GID of the calling subject with the following exception for file system objects: if the parent directory holding the newly created file system object is marked with the SETGID permission bit, the owning GID of the newly created file system object is set to the owning GID of the parent directory; c) The newly created object's permission bits are derived from the calling subject's umask value by masking out the umask bits from the permission bit set granting full access; ] 6.1.41 FMT_MTD.1 (AE) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to query, modify the set of audited events to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FAU_SEL.1 6.1.42 FMT_MTD.1 (AS) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to clear, [selection: configure the storage location, delete] the audit storage to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FAU_STG.1 where the directory used for storing the audit trail is configured. Application Note: The configuration of these parameters is performed with the configuration file /etc/auditd/auditd.conf which is writable to the root user only. 6.1.43 FMT_MTD.1 (AT) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify, [selection: add, delete] the a) threshold of the audit trail when an action is performed; b) action when the threshold is reached to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FAU_STG.3. Application Note: The configuration of these parameters is performed with the configuration file /etc/auditd/auditd.conf which is writable to the root user only. 6.1.44 FMT_MTD.1 (AF) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify, [selection: add, delete] the actions to be taken in case of audit storage failure to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FAU_STG.4. Application Note: The configuration of these parameters is performed with the configuration file /etc/auditd/auditd.conf which is writable to the root user only. 6.1.45 FMT_MTD.1 (NI) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to query, modify, delete, [selection: change_default] the security attributes for the rules governing the a) identification of and matching of5 network data; b) actions performed on the identified network data; to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FDP_IFF.1(NI). 5 “and matching of” is added compared with OSPP. 6.1.46 FMT_MTD.1 (IAT) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the threshold for unsuccessful authentication attempts to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FIA_AFL.1. Application Note: The configuration of these parameters is performed with the PAM configuration files which are writable to the root user only. 6.1.47 FMT_MTD.1 (IAF) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to re-enable the authentication to the account subject to authentication failure to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FIA_AFL.1. Application Note: The account locking information is stored in the directory /var/log/tallylog. The locking information for an account is stored in a unique file (named after the account name) under this directory. Using the application which modifies this file, the account can be unlocked. The DAC permissions of that file ensure that only the root user can write to the file. 6.1.48 FMT_MTD.1 (IAU) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize, modify, delete the user security attributes stored in local databases to [assignment: administrators, or users that satisfy the following rules: [assignment: users authorized to modify their own general information]]. Application Note: This SFR applies to FIA_ATD.1, FIA_UAU.1, FIA_UID.1. Application Note: The configuration of these parameters is performed with the configuration files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow which are writeable to the root user only. The general information of a user is the GECOS field in file /etc/passwd. 6.1.49 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-AP) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [selection: modify, delete, clear] the [assignment: management of any TSF data] to [assignment: users allowed to invoke the application managing the TSF data or to edit the files holding the TSF data] only after another user with the role [assignment: administrator] has approved the action. Application Note: The sudo tool allows the root user to specify which application is executed by what user with which UID. It allows the specification of the rules fine grained down to a single application for a single user with a single target UID, including root. 6.1.50 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-MR) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify, [selection: delete] the assignment of roles to users down to the granularity of single users to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: The /etc/sudoers file can be used to specify if each single user is granted to run some application as root, and the file is writable only to the root user. 6.1.51 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-MD) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [selection: delegate, revoke delegation of] the [assignment: administrator user role] to users granted that role. Application Note: The delegation is implemented using the sudo command. Every user that is allowed to use the root user can delegate parts of his responsibility by adding an appropriate rule into the /etc/sudoers configuration file. 6.1.52 FMT_MTD.1 (AM-MA) Management of TSF data FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify, [selection: delete, clear] the [assignment: approval of administrative actions] to [assignment: administrators]. Application Note: The /etc/sudoers file is accessible to the root user only based on the DAC permission bits. 6.1.53 FMT_REV.1 (OBJ) Revocation FMT_REV.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke object security attributes defined by SFPs associated with the corresponding object under the control of the TSF to [assignment: administrators, or users that satisfy the following rules: [assignment: owners of the object for DAC permissions]]. FMT_REV.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules: a) The access rights associated with an object shall be enforced when an access check is made; b) [assignment: no other revocation rules]. 6.1.54 FMT_REV.1 (USR) Revocation FMT_REV.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to revoke user security attributes defined by the SFP associated with the corresponding user under the control of the TSF to [assignment: administrators]. FMT_REV.1.2 The TSF shall enforce the following rules: a) The enforcement of the revocation of security-relevant authorizations with the next user-subject binding process during the next authentication of the user; b) [assignment: No other revocation rules] Application Note: The changes are enforced for a new session when the user affected by the change initiates that new session. 6.1.55 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: a) Management of auditing; b) Management of cryptographic network protocols; c) Management of Persistent Storage Object Access Control Policy; d) Management of Transient Storage Object Access Control Policy; e) Management of Network Information Flow Control Policy; f) Management of identification and authentication policy; g) Management of user security attributes; h) [assignment: no other management functions]; 6.1.56 FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles: a) User role with the following rights: i. Users are authorized to modify their own user password; ii. Users are authorized to modify the access control permissions for the named objects they own; iii. [assignment: no other rights]; b) [assignment: administrator role with full privileges] FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. Application Note: Administrative actions can only be performed when the calling subject possesses the above mentioned capabilities which, in the TOE configuration, is only provided to processes executing with the effective UID or file system UID of zero (also called the root user). As the account for the root user is disabled for direct logon, authorized administrators are defined as users who are assigned to the "wheel" group. This group allows the use of the "su" application which is the only way to assume the root user capabilities. Application Note: This SFR is hierarchical to the PP SFR of FMT_SMR.1 which satisfies the strict conformance claim. 6.1.57 FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FPT_STM.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps. 6.1.58 FPT_TDC.1 Inter-TSF basic TSF data consistency FPT_TDC.1.1 The TSF shall provide the capability to consistently interpret [assignment: the following TSF data types a) Packet filter: protocol headers for the network protocols covered by the packet filter; ] when shared between the TSF and another trusted IT product. FPT_TDC.1.2 The TSF shall use [assignment: the following interpretation rules a) Packet filter: protocol headers specification provided in RFC 791 (IP), RFC 793 (TCP), RFC 768 (UDP), RFC 792 (ICMP)] when interpreting the TSF data from another trusted IT product. 6.1.59 FTA_SSL.1 TSF-initiated session locking FTA_SSL.1.1 The TSF shall lock an interactive session to a human user maintained by the TSF after [assignment: an administrator-configurable time interval of user inactivity] by: a) clearing or overwriting TSF controlled display devices, making the current contents unreadable; b) disabling any activity of the user's TSF controlled data access/TSF controlled display devices other than unlocking the session. FTA_SSL.1.2 The TSF shall require the following events to occur prior to unlocking the session: a) Successful re-authentication with the credentials of the user owning the session using [assignment: password based authentication]; b) [assignment: No other events]. Application Note: It is possible that the TSF establishes a connection to a session on a remote trusted IT system, for example when using SSH. This remote trusted IT system maintains the session established with the communication channel. The locking requirement however applies to the session maintained by the TSF only as the TSF can only exercise control of the sessions it maintains. 6.1.60 FTA_SSL.2 User-initiated locking FTA_SSL.2.1 The TSF shall allow user-initiated locking of the user's own interactive session maintained by the TSF, by: a) clearing or overwriting TSF controlled display devices, making the current contents unreadable; b) disabling any activity of the user's TSF controlled data access/TSF controlled display devices other than unlocking the session. FTA_SSL.2.2 The TSF shall require the following events to occur prior to unlocking the session: a) Successful re-authentication with the credentials of the user owning the session using [assignment: password based authentication]; b) [assignment: No other events to occur]. Application Note: It is possible that the TSF establishes a connection to a session on a remote trusted IT system, for example when using SSH. This remote trusted IT system maintains the session established with the communication channel. The locking requirement however applies to the session maintained by the TSF only, as the TSF can only exercise control of the sessions it maintains. 6.1.61 FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel FTP_ITC.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or and disclosure using the following mechanisms: a) Cryptographically-protected communication channel using [assignment:  SSH protocol version 2 as defined in RFCs 4251, 4252, 4253, and 4254 with a combination of the following cipher suites defined there: 1) Symmetric ciphers defined in FCS_COP.1(NET) for encryption; 2) Keyed hash algorithms defined in FCS_COP.1(NET) for integrity; 3) Algorithms defined in FCS_CKM.2(NET) for key exchange; 4) Asymmetric ciphers defined in FCS_COP.1(NET) for public key encryption;  TLS as defined in [RFC5246] using X.509 certificates and supporting the following cipher suites defined there: 1) Algorithms defined in FCS_COP.1(NET); ] b) [selection: physically protected communication channel; c) [assignment: no other mechanisms for trusted communication channels]]. FTP_ITC.1.2 The TSF shall permit [selection: the TSF, another trusted IT product] to initiate communication via the trusted channel. FTP_ITC.1.3 The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for all security functions specified in the ST that interact with remote trusted IT systems and [assignment: no other conditions or functions]. Application Note: The SSH protocol implements a bi-directional authentication mechanism as follows:  Server-side authentication: the user identification and authentication via user name and password / SSH user key allows the server to authenticate the client.  Client-side authentication: the SSH host key verification performed by the SSH client during each connection attempt allows the client to authenticate the server. 6.2 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements This section provides the rationale for the internal consistency and completeness of the security functional requirements defined in this Protection Profile. 6.2.1 Security Requirements Coverage SFR Objectives FAU_GEN.1 O.AUDITING FAU_GEN.2 O.AUDITING FAU_SAR.1 O.AUDITING FAU_SAR.2 O.AUDITING FAU_SEL.1 O.AUDITING FAU_STG.1 O.AUDITING FAU_STG.3 O.AUDITING FAU_STG.4 O.AUDITING FCS_CKM.1(SYM) O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_CKM.1(RSA) O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_CKM.1(DSA) O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA) O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_CKM.2(NET) O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_CKM.4 O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_COP.1(NET) O.CRYPTO.NET FCS_RNG.1 O.CRYPTO.NET FDP_ACC.1(PSO) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACC.1(TSO) O.SUBJECT.COM FDP_ACF.1(PSO) O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS FDP_ACF.1(TSO) O.SUBJECT.COM FDP_IFC.2(NI) O.NETWORK.FLOW FDP_IFF.1(NI) O.NETWORK.FLOW FDP_ITC.2 O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS O.SUBJECT.COM O.NETWORK.FLOW FDP_RIP.2 O.AUDITING O.CRYPTO.NET O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS O.SUBJECT.COM O.NETWORK.FLOW O.I&A FDP_RIP.3 O.AUDITING O.CRYPTO.NET O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS O.SUBJECT.COM O.NETWORK.FLOW O.I&A FIA_AFL.1 O.I&A FIA_ATD.1(HU) O.I&A FIA_ATD.1(TU) O.NETWORK.FLOW FIA_SOS.1 O.I&A FIA_UAU.1 O.I&A FIA_UAU.5 O.I&A FIA_UAU.7 O.I&A FIA_UID.1 O.I&A O.NETWORK.FLOW FIA_USB.2 O.I&A FMT_MSA.1(PSO) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.1(TSO) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(PSO) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(TSO) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.3(NI) O.MANAGE FMT_MSA.4(PSO) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AE) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AS) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AT) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AF) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(NI) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(IAT) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(IAF) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(IAU) O.MANAGE FMT_MTD.1(AM-AP) O.ROLE.APPROVE FMT_MTD.1(AM-MR) O.ROLE.MGMT FMT_MTD.1(AM-MD) O.ROLE.DELEGATE FMT_MTD.1(AM-MA) O.ROLE.APPROVE FMT_REV.1(OBJ) O.MANAGE FMT_REV.1(USR) O.MANAGE FMT_SMF.1 O.MANAGE FMT_SMR.1 O.MANAGE FPT_STM.1 O.AUDITING FPT_TDC.1 O.DISCRETIONARY.ACCESS O.SUBJECT.COM O.NETWORK.FLOW FTA_SSL.1 O.I&A FTA_SSL.2 O.I&A FTP_ITC.1 O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL Table 14 Security Functional Requirements coverage 6.2.2 Security Requirements Sufficiency Objectives Coverage Rationale O.AUDITING The events to be audited are defined in [FAU_GEN.1] and are associated with the identity of the user that caused the event [FAU_GEN.2]. Authorized users are provided the capability to read the audit records [FAU_SAR.1], while all other users are denied access to the audit records [FAU_SAR.2]. The authorized user must have the capability to specify which audit records are generated [FAU_SEL.1]. The TOE prevents the audit log from being modified or deleted [FAU_STG.1] and ensures that the audit log is not lost due to resource shortage [FAU_STG.3, FAU_STG.4]. To support auditing, the TOE is able to maintain proper time stamps [FPT_STM.1]. The protection of reused resources ensures that no data leaks from other protected sources [FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3]. O.CRYPTO.NET The cryptographically-protected network protocol [FCS_COP.1(NET)] is supported by the generation of symmetric keys [FCS_CKM.1(SYM)], as well as asymmetric keys [FCS_CKM.1(RSA), FCS_CKM.1(DSA), FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA)], and the functionality is based on the random number generator as defined by [FCS_RNG.1]. As part of the cryptographic network protocol, the TOE securely exchanges the symmetric key with a remote trusted IT system [FCS_CKM.2(NET)]. The TOE ensures that all keys are zeroized upon de-allocation [FCS_CKM.4]. The protection of reused resources ensures that no data leaks from other protected sources [FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3]. O.DISCRETIONARY.ACC ESS The TSF must control access to resources based on the identity of users that are allowed to specify which resources they want to access for storing their data. The access control policy must have a defined scope of control [FDP_ACC.1(PSO)]. The rules for the access control policy are defined [FDP_ACF.1(PSO)]. When import of user data is allowed, the TOE must ensure that user data security attributes required by the access control policy are correctly interpreted [FDP_ITC.2, FPT_TDC.1]. The protection of reused resources ensures that no data leaks from other protected sources [FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3]. O.NETWORK.FLOW The network information flow control mechanism controls the information flowing between different entities [FDP_IFC.2(NI)]. The TOE implements a rule-set governing the information flow [FDP_IFF.1(NI)]. To facilitate the information flow control, the information must be identified [FIA_UID.1] based on security attributes the TOE can maintain [FIA_ATD.1(TU)]. The TOE must ensure that security attributes of the network data required by the information flow control policy are correctly interpreted [FDP_ITC.2, FPT_TDC.1]. The protection of reused resources ensures that no data leaks from other protected sources [FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3]. O.SUBJECT.COM The TSF must control the exchange of data using transient storage objects between subjects based on the identity of users. The access control policy must have a defined scope of control [FDP_ACC.1(TSO)]. The rules for the access control policy are defined [FDP_ACF.1(TSO)]. When import of user data is allowed, the TOE must ensure that user data security attributes required by the access control policy are correctly interpreted [FDP_ITC.2, FPT_TDC.1]. The protection of reused resources ensures that no data leaks from other protected sources [FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3]. O.I&A The TSF must ensure that only authorized users gain access to the TOE and its resources. Users authorized to access the TOE must use an identification and authentication process [FIA_UID.1, FIA_UAU.1]. Multiple I&A mechanisms are allowed as specified in [FIA_UAU.5]. To ensure authorized access to the TOE, authentication data is protected [FIA_ATD.1(HU), FIA_UAU.7]. Proper authorization for subjects acting on behalf of users is also ensured [FIA_USB.2]. The appropriate strength of the authentication mechanism is ensured [FIA_SOS.1]. To support the strength of authentication methods, the TOE is capable of identifying and reacting to unsuccessful authentication attempts [FIA_AFL.1]. In addition, user-initiated and TSF-initiated session locking [FTA_SSL.1, FTA_SSL.2] protect the authenticated user's session. The protection of reused resources ensures that no data leaks from other protected sources [FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3] are present. O.MANAGE The TOE provides management interfaces globally defined in [FMT_SMF.1] for: the access control policies [FMT_MSA.1(PSO), FMT_MSA.1(TSO), FMT_MSA.3(PSO), FMT_MSA.3(TSO)]; the information flow control policy [FMT_MSA.3(NI), FMT_MTD.1(NI)]; the auditing aspects [FMT_MTD.1(AE), FMT_MTD.1(AS), FMT_MTD.1(AT), FMT_MTD.1(AF)]; the identification and authentication aspects [FMT_MTD.1(IAT), FMT_MTD.1(IAF), FMT_MTD.1(IAU)]; Persistently stored user data is stored either in hierarchical or relational fashion, which implies an inheritance of security attributes from parent object [FMT_MSA.4(PSO)]. The rights management for the different management aspects is defined with [FMT_SMR.1]. The management interfaces for the revocation of user and object attributes is provided with [FMT_REV.1(OBJ) and FMT_REV.1(USR)]. O.TRUSTED_CHANNEL The TOE provides a trusted channel protecting communication between a remote trusted IT system and itself [FTP_ITC.1]. O.ROLE.DELEGATE The delegation of roles is defined and specified in [FMT_MTD.1(AM- MD)]. O.ROLE.MGMT The definition and management of rights based on roles is defined in [FMT_MTD.1(AM-MR)]. O.ROLE.APPROVE The approval mechanism for roles is defined with [FMT_MTD.1(AM- AP)], supported by management of the approval mechanism, i.e., specification of which roles can approve which operations [FMT_MTD.1(AM-MA)]. Table 15 Security Functional Requirements rationale 6.2.3 Security Requirements Dependency Analysis SFR Dependencies Resolution FAU_GEN.1 FPT_STM.1 FPT_STM.1 FAU_GEN.2 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_SAR.2 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SAR.1 FAU_SEL.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FMT_MTD.1 FMT_MTD.1(AE) FAU_STG.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_GEN.1 FAU_STG.3 FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.4 FAU_STG.1 FAU_STG.1 FCS_CKM.1(SYM) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_COP.1(NET) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1(RSA) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_COP.1(NET) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1(DSA) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_COP.1(NET) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA) [FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1] FCS_COP.1(NET) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.2(NET) [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1(SYM), FCS_CKM.1(RSA), FCS_CKM.1(DSA) FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1(SYM) FCS_COP.1(NET) [FDP_ITC.1 or FDP_ITC.2 or FCS_CKM.1] FCS_CKM.1(SYM), FCS_CKM.1(RSA), FCS_CKM.1(DSA), FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA) FCS_CKM.4 FCS_CKM.4 FCS_RNG.1 No dependencies FDP_ACC.1(PSO) FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(PSO) FDP_ACC.1(TSO) FDP_ACF.1 FDP_ACF.1(TSO) FDP_ACF.1(PSO) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1(PSO) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(PSO) FDP_ACF.1(TSO) FDP_ACC.1 FDP_ACC.1(TSO) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(TSO) FDP_IFC.2(NI) FDP_IFF.1 FDP_IFF.1(NI) FDP_IFF.1(NI) FDP_IFC.1 FDP_IFC.2(NI) FMT_MSA.3 FMT_MSA.3(NI) FDP_ITC.2 [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(PSO) FDP_ACC.1(TSO) [FTP_ITC.1 or FTP_TRP.1] FTP_ITC.1 FPT_TDC.1 FPT_TDC.1 FDP_IFC.2(NI) FDP_RIP.2 No dependencies FDP_RIP.3 No dependencies FIA_AFL.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_ATD.1(HU) No dependencies FIA_ATD.1(TU) No dependencies FIA_SOS.1 No dependencies FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UAU.5 No dependencies FIA_UAU.7 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 No dependencies FIA_USB.2 FIA_ATD.1 FIA_ATD.1(HU) FMT_MSA.1(PSO) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(PSO) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.1(TSO) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(TSO) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MSA.3(PSO) FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1(PSO) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3(TSO) FMT_MSA.1 FMT_MSA.1(TSO) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.3(NI) FMT_MSA.1 NO, but satisfied with FMT_MTD.1(NI) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_MSA.4(PSO) [FDP_ACC.1 or FDP_IFC.1] FDP_ACC.1(PSO) FMT_MTD.1(AE) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AS) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AT) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AF) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(NI) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(IAT) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(IAF) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(IAU) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AM-AP) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AM-MR) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AM-MD) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_MTD.1(AM-MA) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_SMF.1 FMT_REV.1(OBJ) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_REV.1(USR) FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMR.1 FMT_SMF.1 No dependencies FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FPT_STM.1 No dependencies FPT_TDC.1 No dependencies FTA_SSL.1 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FTA_SSL.2 FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UAU.1 FTP_ITC.1 No dependencies Table 16 Security Functional Requirements dependency analysis Rationale for unresolved dependencies:  FMT_MSA.3(NI): FMT_MTD.1(NI) is specified to require the management of security attributes for the Network Information Flow Control Policy, just as a potential FMT_MSA.1(NI) would have been specified. However, the Network Information Flow Control Policy is not required to be enforced when managing the security attributes, as the management aspect of the network information flow control functionality is not protected by the network information flow control mechanism. Therefore, FMT_MSA.1 is not applicable and is replaced with FMT_MTD.1(NI). 6.3 Security Assurance Requirements The security assurance requirements for the TOE include components below as specified in [CC3] part 3:  Evaluation Assurance Level 4 components  ALC_FLR.3 Assurance Class Assurance Components ADV: Development ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.4 Complete functional specification ADV_IMP.1 Implementation representation of the TSF ADV_TDS.3 Basic modular design AGD: Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures ALC: Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.4 Production support, acceptance procedures and automation ALC_CMS.4 Problem tracking CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security measures ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle model ALC_FLR.3 Systematic flaw remediation (augmented) ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools ASE: Security Target evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST Introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE Summary Specification ATE: Test ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.1 Testing: basic design ATE_FUN.1 Functional Testing ATE_IND.2 Independent Testing - sample AVA: Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.3 Focused Vulnerability analysis No operations are applied to the assurance components apart from the operation to ASE_CCL.1 as defined in [OSPP]. 6.3.1 ASE_CCL.1 refinement ASE_CCL.1 specified in CC Part 3 is refined as follows: All Developer Action Elements, Content and Presentation Elements, Evaluator Action Elements remain unaltered, except the following: ASE_CCL.1.10C The conformance claim rationale shall demonstrate that the statement of security requirements is consistent with the statement of security requirements in the PPs including the statements marked as “ST- Author Note” and the specification given in section 8.1 of the OSPP base for which conformance is being claimed. 6.4 Rationale for Security Assurance Requirements The rationale for the refinement of ASE_CCL.1 is provided in [OSPP]. The basis for the justification of EAL4 requirements augmented with ALC_FLR.3 is the threat environment experienced by the typical consumers of the TOE. This matches the package description for EAL4 (enhanced-basic). 7 TOE Summary Specification This section explains how the security functions are implemented. The different TOE security functions cover the various SFR classes. 7.1 Audit The Lightweight Audit Framework (LAF) is used in the audit subsystem of the TOE, which is compliant with the requirements from Common Criteria. The TOE kernel implements the core of the LAF functionality. It gathers all audit events, analyzes these events based on the audit rules, collects related information, and forwards the audit events that are requested to be audited to the audit daemon (auditd) executing in user space. The audit functionality of the OS kernel is controlled by an audit management tool (auditctl(8)) in user space, which communicates with the kernel through a specific netlink channel. This netlink channel is usable only by applications with the following capabilities:  CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL: Performing management operations like adding or deleting audit rules, setting or getting auditing parameters;  CAP_AUDIT_WRITE: Submitting audit records to the kernel which in turn forwards the audit records to the audit daemon. The TOE Audit security functionality includes:  Audit event selection  Audit trail  Audit log overflow protection  Audit access protection 7.1.1 Audit event selection The Lightweight Audit Framework (LAF) is able to intercept all system calls and retrieve audit log entries from privileged applications (or services) in user space. The audit subsystem allows selecting the events to be actually audited from the set of all possibly auditable events based on a group of audit rules. These audit rules are set in a rule configuration file (/etc/audit/audit.rules), and the kernel is then notified to build its own internal structure for the events to be audited. The audit management tool (auditctl(8)) is used to load the audit rules from the rule configuration file. The audit rules can be modified at runtime of the system. This security function covers the SFRs of: FAU_SEL.1. 7.1.2 Audit trail An audit record consists of one or more lines of text in a format like “keyword=value”. The following information is contained in all audit record lines:  Type: indicates the type of the event, such as SYSCALL, PATH, LOGIN, or CONFIG_CHANGE;  Timestamp: Date and time when the audit record was generated;  Audit ID: unique numerical event identifier;  Login ID (“auid”): the user ID of the user authenticated by the system (regardless if the user has changed his real and / or effective user ID afterwards);  Effective user and group ID: the effective user and group ID of the process at the time the audit event was generated;  Event outcome: Success or failure (where appropriate);  Process ID of the subject that caused the event (PID);  Hostname or terminal the subject used for performing the operation;  Information about the intended operation; Reliable time stamp is provided by NTP server and it is included in audit records. The information above is followed by event specific data. For example, for SYSCALL event records that involve file system objects, multiple text lines will be generated for a single event, all having the same time stamp and audit ID to permit easy correlation. The audit trail is stored in ASCII text format, locates at /var/log/audit/audit.log. The TOE provides tools for managing audit trails, which can be used for post-processing of audit data. The tool, ausearch(8), allows selective extraction of records from the audit trail using defined selection criteria. It supports the specification of a fine-grained search pattern where each information component can be searched for, including combinations of these patterns. This security function covers the SFRs of: FAU_GEN.1, FAU_GEN.2, FPT_STM.1, FAU_SAR.1. 7.1.3 Audit log overflow protection When an event is to be audited according to the audit rules, the kernel would send it to the user space audit daemon (auditd) for storing, as an audit record, through the netlink channel mentioned above. The audit daemon writes the audit records to the audit trail. If the size of audit trail reaches a pre-configured warning threshold, the root user is notified about the condition and he can then backup audit trails and make room for new audit records. If the audit trail is full, the audit daemon would overwrite the oldest records and send warning messages to syslog in case of audit storage failures, depending on the setting in the configuration file auditd.conf. This security function covers the SFRs of: FAU_STG.3, FAU_STG.4. 7.1.4 Audit access protection Access to audit data (including the configuration files and audit trails) by normal users is prohibited by the discretionary access control function of the TOE. The permission is granted only to the root user. This security function covers the SFRs of: FAU_GEN.1, FAU_GEN.2, FAU_SAR.2, FAU_SEL.1, FAU_STG.1, FAU_STG.3, FAU_STG.4, FMT_MTD.1(AE), FMT_MTD.1(AS), FMT_MTD.1(AT), FMT_MTD.1(AF). 7.2 Cryptographic services The TOE offers different types of cryptographic services in different layers to protect user data:  Cryptographic services in kernel, a socket interface is provided to user space applications to make use of this kind of the services.  Cryptographic algorithms in several libraries for general use in user space. These libraries include openssl.  Cryptographically secured network communication channels (trusted channel) to allow remote users to interact with the TOE. Using one type of the cryptographically secured network channels, a user can request the following services:  OpenSSH: The OpenSSH application suite provides access to the command line interface of the TOE. OpenSSH can provide interactive as well as non-interactive sessions, and the console provided via OpenSSH provides the same environment as a local console. OpenSSH implements the SSHv2 protocol. The cryptographic primitives are provided by OpenSSL; 7.2.1 SSHv2 Protocol The TOE provides the Secure Shell Protocol Version 2 (SSH V207) to allow users from a remote host to establish a secure connection and perform a logon to the TOE. The following table lists implementation details concerning the OpenSSH implementation’s compliance to the relevant standards. It addresses areas where the standards permit different implementation choices such as optional features. Reference Description Implementation Details RFC 4253 chapter 5 Compatibility with old SSH versions The OpenSSH implementation is capable of interoperating with clients and servers using the old 1.x protocol. That functionality is explicitly disabled in the evaluated configuration, it permits protocol version 2.0 exclusively. RFC 4253 section 6.2 Compression OpenSSH supports the OPTIONAL "zlib" compression method. RFC 4253 section 6.3 Encryption The ciphers supported in the evaluated configuration are listed in FCS_COP.1(NET) for the SSH protocol. RFC 4252 chapter 7 Public Key Authentication Method: "publickey" This REQUIRED authentication method is supported by OpenSSH but can be disabled by the administrator of the OpenSSH daemon. RFC 4252 chapter 8 Password Authentication Method: "password" This SHOULD authentication method is supported by OpenSSH but can be disabled by the administrator of the OpenSSH daemon. RFC 4252 chapter 8 Password change request and setting new password The OpenSSH implementation supports the optional password change mechanism in the evaluated configuration. RFC 4252 chapter 9 Host-Based Authentication: "hostbased" This OPTIONAL authentication method is disabled in the evaluated configuration. Table 17 SSH implementation notes The TOE supports the generation of RSA as well as ECDSA key pairs. These key pairs are used by OpenSSH for the host keys as well as for the per-user keys. When a user registers his public key with the user he wants to access on the server side, a key-based authentication can be performed instead of a password-based authentication. The key generation mechanism uses the random number generator in the kernel. The evaluated configuration permits the import of externally-generated key pairs. This security function covers the SFRs of: FCS_CKM.1(RSA), FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA), FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3. The TOE supports the following security functions of the SSH V207 protocol:  Establishing a secure communication channel using the following cryptographic functions provided by the SSH V207 protocol: o Encryption as defined in section 4.3 of [RFC4253] - the keys are generated using the random number generator of the underlying cryptographic library; o Diffie-Hellman key agreement as defined in section 6.1 of [RFC4253]; o The keyed hash function for integrity protection as defined in section 4.4 of [RFC4253]. Note: The protocol supports more cryptographic algorithms than the ones listed above. Those other algorithms are not covered by this evaluation and should be disabled or not used when running the evaluated configuration.  Performing user authentication using the standard password-based authentication method the TOE provides for users (password authentication method as defined in chapter 5 of [RFC4252].  Performing user authentication using a RSA or ECDSA key-based authentication method (public key authentication method as defined in chapter 5 of [RFC4252]).  Checking the integrity of the messages exchanged and close down the connection in case an integrity error is detected. The OpenSSH applications of sshd, ssh and ssh-keygen use the OpenSSL random number generator seeded by pulling data from /dev/random to generate cryptographic keys. When the cryptographic key need to be destruct, the zeroization and deletion process are automatically performed by the TOE without any user intervention. This security function covers the SFRs of: FCS_CKM.1(SYM), FCS_CKM.2(NET), FCS_CKM.4, FCS_COP.1(NET), FCS_RNG.1, FTP_ITC.1, FMT_SMF.1. 7.2.2 TLS The TOE provides TLSv1.2 service. In contrast to the SSH protocol described above, the TLS protocol performs the support authentication as part by verifying the RSA certificates. The TOE can be configured using a bi-directional certificate verification where the client side validates the server certificate. The following RFCs are supported for implementing the TLS protocol:  [RFC5246]: TLS 1.2 The following table gives implementation details concerning the OpenSSL implementation’s compliance to the relevant standards. It addresses areas where the standards permit different implementation choices such as optional features. Reference Description Implementation Details RFC 5246 section 7.3 Handshake protocol overview: certificates The evaluated configuration always uses server certificates. Client certificates are used to allow the server to authenticate the client. RFC 5246 appendix D.1 Random Number Generation and Seeding OpenSSL uses data from the Linux kernel random number generator to seed the PRNG. RFC 5246 appendix D.2 Certificates and authentication The evaluated configuration supports verification of certificate chains. RFC 5246 appendix D.3 Cipher suites The ciphers supported in the evaluated configuration are listed in FCS_COP.1(NET) for the TLS protocol. RFC 5246 appendix E SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 Backward Compatibility The OpenSSL implementation supports the backwards compatible protocol, but this is disabled in the evaluated configuration. It permits TLSv1.2 exclusively. Table 18 TLS implementation notes The TOE supports the generation of the RSA, DSA, and ECDSA key pairs used by the client. The key generation mechanism uses the OpenSSL random number generator. The evaluated configuration also allows the use of an externally-generated certificate. A widely accepted Certification Authority, or a server in a closed community acting as a CA, might be used to generate and/or sign such a certificate. When the cryptographic key need to be destruct, the zeroization and deletion process are automatically performed by the TOE without any user intervention. This security function covers the SFRs of: FCS_CKM.1(SYM), FCS_CKM.1(RSA), FCS_CKM.1(DSA), FCS_CKM.1(ECDSA), FCS_CKM.2(NET), FCS_CKM.4, FCS_COP.1(NET), FCS_RNG.1, FTP_ITC.1, FDP_RIP.2, FDP_RIP.3. 7.3 Packet filter The TOE kernel's network stack implementation follows the layering structure of the network protocols. It implements the code for handling the link layer as well as the network layer. For those layers, independent filter mechanisms are provided:  Link layer: ebtables implements the filtering mechanism for bridges  Network layer: netfilter/iptables implements the filtering mechanism for non-bridge interfaces 7.3.1 Network layer filtering Netfilter Netfilter is a framework for packet mangling, implemented in the Linux kernel network stack handling the network layer. The netfilter framework comprises of the following parts:  The IP stack defines five hooks which are well-defined points in a network packet's traversal of the IP protocol stack. Each of the hooks, the network stack will call the netfilter framework allowing it to operate on the entire packet. Note: the netfilter framework provides such hooks in a number of network protocol implementations, but the TOE only supports IP as outlined above. Therefore, the ST specification only covers the IP protocol.  The netfilter framework provides register functions for other kernel parts to listen to the different hooks. When a packet traverses one of the hooks and passed to the netfilter framework, it invokes every registered kernel part. These kernel parts then can examine the packet and possibly alter it. As part of the examination, these kernel parts can instruct the netfilter framework to discard the packet, to allow it to pass, or to queue it to user space.  When a packet is marked to be queued to user space, the netfilter framework handles the asynchronous communication with user space. The netfilter framework implements the five hooks at the following points in the packet traversal chain:  When the packet enters the network layer of the TOE and after applying some sanity checks, but before the routing table is consulted, the NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING hook is triggered.  After passing the routing table decision and the routing code marks the packet to be targeted for another host, the NF_IP_FORWARD hook is triggered.  After passing the routing table decision and the routing code marks the packet to be targeted for the local system, the NF_IP_LOCAL_IN hook is triggered.  When the packet traversed the entire network stack and is about to be placed on the wire again, the NF_IP_POST_ROUTING hook is triggered.  When a packet is generated locally, the NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT hook is triggered before the routing table is consulted. Iptables All communication on the network layer can be controlled by the IPTables framework. The TOE implements a packet filter as part of the network stack provided with the kernel. The combination of IPTables and netfilter implements the packet filter which provides stateful and stateless packet filtering for network communication by inspecting the IP header, the TCP header, UDP header and/or ICMP header of every network packet that passes the network stack. The packet selection system called IP Tables uses the netfilter framework to implement the actual packet filtering logic on the network layer for the TCP/IP protocol family. Note: IPTables is able to perform Network Address Translation (NAT) as well as Port Address Translation (PAT) for simple as well as more complex protocols. This mechanism is out of scope for the evaluation. Furthermore, packet mangling support is provided with IPTables which is also out of scope for the evaluation. IPTables registers all hooks provided by the netfilter framework. The NAT/PAT mechanism uses the pre-routing and post-routing hooks whereas the packet filtering capability is enforced on the local-in, local-out and forwarding hooks. IPTables consists of the following two components:  In-kernel packet filter enforcement: The kernel-side of IPTables use the netfilter framework as indicated above. Three lists of packet filter rules are enforced by the kernel mechanism: one for each netfilter framework hook that applies to packet filtering. When a packet is analyzed by the IPTables kernel modules, they first select the applicable list based on the hook where the netfilter framework triggered IPTables. Each list contains zero or more rules which are iterated sequentially. A rule consists of a matching part (also called the "match extension") and an action part (also called the "target extension"). When a rule is applied to a packet, the kernel modules first apply the matching part of the rule. If the packet matches, the action part is enforced. If the action part contains a decision of the fate of the packet (to accept it, to drop it, or to drop it and sending a notification to the sender), the rule list validation stops for this packet. If the action part contains a modification instruction or log instruction for the packet, the rule list validation continues after performing this operation. When the rule list is iterated through and a packet could not be matched by a rule with a decision action (accept, drop), the default decision action applicable to the list is enforced. This default action is either to accept the packet, to drop the packet, or to drop the packet and send a notification to the sender.  User space configuration application: The user space application iptables(1) allows the configuration of the IPTables kernel components. The application allows the specification of one rule per invocation where a rule contains the above mentioned matching part and action part. The tool also allows modification or deletion of existing rules as well as configuration of the default action. When using the tool, each invocation must specify the netfilter framework hook to which the rule applies to. See the man page of iptables(1) for more details. This security function covers the SFRs of:  Packet filtering rules: FDP_IFC.2(NI), FDP_IFF.1(NI);  Interpretation of network protocol: FIA_UID.1, FDP_ITC.2, FPT_TDC.1;  Maintenance of rules: FIA_ATD.1(TU), FMT_MTD.1(NI); FMT_MSA.3 (NI); 7.4 Identification and Authentication User identification and authentication in the TOE includes all forms of interactive login (e.g. remote login using the SSH protocol or local login at the local console) as well as identity changes through the su commands. These all rely on explicit authentication information provided interactively by a user. In addition, the key-based authentication mechanism of the OpenSSH server is another form of authentication. 7.4.1PAM-based identification and authentication mechanisms Linux uses a suite of libraries called the "Pluggable Authentication Modules" (PAM) that allow an administrative user to choose how PAM-aware applications authenticate users. The TOE provides PAM modules that implement all the security functionality:  Providing login control and establishing all UIDs, GIDs and login ID for a subject;  Ensuring the quality of passwords;  Enforcing limits for accounts (such as the number of maximum concurrent sessions allowed for a user);  Enforcing the change of passwords after a configured time including the password quality enforcement;  Enforcement of locking of accounts after failed login attempts;  Restriction of the use of the root account to certain terminals;  Restriction of the use of the su commands The login processing sets the following attributes for the user at login time:  the real, effective, file system UID;  the real, effective, file system GID;  the set of supplementary GIDs of the subject that is created;  the login UID; Apparently, it is up to the client application, which is usually provided by a remote system, to protect the user’s entry of a password correctly (e. g. provide only obscured feedback). During login processing, the user is shown a banner. After successful authentication, the login time is recorded. When configuring the OpenSSH server, the administrator is allowed to enable SSH key-based authentication in addition or instead of the username/password based authentication. If both are enabled, the key-based authentication has the priority. When a user can successfully authenticate using the SSH key-based authentication based on a private SSH key in his possession, the TOE grants the user access. After a successful identification and authentication, the TOE initiates a session for the user and spawns the initial login shell as the first process the user can interact with. The TOE provides a mechanism to lock a session either automatically after a configurable period of inactivity for that session, or upon the user's request. The log file /var/log/wtmp records the number of successful login times and duration of each user. The log file /var/log/lastlog records the user’s last successful login time. The permission to access these log file limits to root user only. This security function covers the SFRs of FDP_RIP.3, FIA_AFL.1, FIA_SOS.1, FIA_UAU.1, FIA_UID.1, FIA_UAU.5, FIA_UAU.7, FIA_USB.2, FMT_MTD.1(IAT), FMT_MTD.1(IAF), FMT_MTD.1(IAU). 7.4.2 User Identity changing Users can change their identity (i.e., switch to another identity) using commands su provided with the TOE. su command The su command is intended for a switch to another identity that establishes a new login session and spawns a new shell with the new identity. When invoking su, the user must provide the credentials associated with the target identity, i.e., when the user wants to switch to another user ID, it has to provide the password protecting the account of the target user. The primary use of the su command within the TOE is to allow appropriately authorized individuals the ability to assume the root identity to perform administrative actions. In this system the capability to login as the root identity has been restricted to defined terminals only. In addition, the use of the su command to switch to root has been restricted to users belonging to a special group (wheel). Users that don’t have access to a terminal where root login is allowed and are not member of that special group will not be able to switch their real, effective, and file system user ID to root even if they would know the authentication information for root. Note that when a user executes a program that has the setuid bit set, only the effective user ID and file system ID are changed to that of the owner of the file containing the program while the real user ID remains that of the caller. The login ID is neither changed by the su command nor by executing a program that has the setuid or setgid bit set as it is used for auditing purposes. Changed identities When switching identities using su, the real, file system and effective user ID and real, file system and effective group ID are changed to the one of the user specified in the command (after successful authentication as this user). Note: The login ID is not retained for the following special case: 1) User A logs into the system. 2) User A uses su to change to user B. 3) User B now edits the cron or at job queue to add new jobs. This operation is appropriately audited with the proper login ID. 4) Now when the new jobs are executed as user B, the system does not provide the audit information that the jobs are created by user A. The su command invokes the common authentication mechanism to validate the supplied authentication. This security function covers the SFRs of FIA_USB.2, FMT_MTD.1(AM-AP), FMT_MTD.1(AM- MR), FMT_MTD.1(AM-MD), FMT_MTD.1(AM-MA), FMT_REV.1 (USR). 7.4.3 Authentication Data Management Each TOE instance maintains its own set of users with their passwords and attributes. Although the same human user may have accounts on different servers interconnected by a network and running an instantiation of the TOE, those accounts and their parameter are not synchronized on different TOE instances. As a result, the same user may have different user names, different user Ids, different passwords and different attributes on different machines within the networked environment. Existing mechanism for synchronizing this within the whole networked system are not subject to this evaluation. Each TOE instance within the network maintains its own administrative database by making all administrative changes on the local TOE instance. System administration has to ensure that all machines within the network are configured in accordance with the requirements defined in this Security Target. The file /etc/passwd contains following information for each user:  the user’s name;  the id (an integer) of the user;  an indicator whether the password of the user is valid;  the principal group id (an integer) of the user;  and other (not security relevant) information. The file /etc/shadow contains following information for each user:  the user’s name;  a hash of the user's password (‘*’ for disabled account);  the time the password was last changed;  the expiration time of the password (‘0’ for changing at any time);  the validity period of the password;  time to warn user of an expiring password (7 for a full week);  and some other information that are not subject to the security functions as defined in this Security Target. Users are allowed to change their passwords by using the passwd(1) command. This application is able to read and modify the contents of file /etc/shadow for the user’s password entry, which would ordinarily be inaccessible to a non-privileged user process. Users are also warned to change their passwords at login time if the password will expire soon, and are prevented from logging in if the password has expired. The time of the last successful logins is recorded in the directory /var/run/faillock/, where one file per user is kept. The TOE displays informative banners before or during the login to users. The banners can be specified in file /etc/issue for logins via the physical console, or in file /etc/ for remote logins, such as via SSH. When performing a login on the physical console, the banner is displayed above the username and password prompt. For logins via SSH, the banner is displayed to the remote peer during the SSH-session handshake takes place. The remote SSH client will display the banner to the user. When using the provided OpenSSH client, the banner is displayed when the user instructs the OpenSSH client to log into the remote system. This security function covers the SFRs of FIA_ATD.1(HU). 7.4.4 SSH key-based authentication In addition to the PAM-based authentication outlined above, the OpenSSH server is able to perform a key-based authentication. When a user wants to log on, instead of providing a password, the user applies his SSH key. After a successful verification, the OpenSSH server considers the user as authenticated and performs the PAM-based operations as outlined above. To establish a key-based authentication, a user first has to generate an RSA or ECDSA key pair. The private part of the key pair remains on the client side. The public part is copied to the server into the file .ssh/authorized_keys which resides in the home directory of the user he wants to log on as. When the login operation is performed, the SSHv2 protocol tries to perform the "publickey" authentication, using the private key on the client side and the public key found on the server side. The process for the publickey authentication is defined in [RFC4252] chapter 7. Users have to protect their private key part the same way as protecting a password. Appropriate permission settings on the file holding the private key is necessary. To strengthen the protection of the private key, the user can encrypt the key where a password serves as key for the encryption operation. See ssh-keygen(1) on the TOE for more information. This security function covers the SFRs of FIA_UAU.1, FIA_UID.1, FIA_UAU.5, FIA_SOS.1. 7.4.5 TOE Access The TOE is able to end user sessions after an inactivity period of time itself, or the user can request to end his session. The TOE uses the vlock(1) application which locks the current session of the user, the session can be unlocked by applying user’s password. vlock(1) uses PAM to validate the password and allows the user to access his session after a successful validation. This security function covers the SFRs of FTA_SSL.1, FTA_SSL.2. 7.5 Discretionary Access control Several discretionary access control (DAC) mechanisms are implemented in the TOE, however, only the standard DAC mechanism in traditional Unix systems, i.e. permission-bits, is covered in this evaluation. The general policy for DAC is that subjects (i.e., processes) are allowed only the accesses specified by the policies applicable to the object the subject requests access to. Further, the ability to propagate access permissions is limited to those subjects who have that permission, as determined by the policies applicable to the object the subject requests access to. A subject may possess one or more of the following capabilities which provide the following exemptions from the DAC mechanism:  CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE: A process with this capability is exempt from all restrictions of the discretionary access control and can perform any action desired. For the execution of a file, the permission bit vector of that file must contain at least one execute bit.  CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH: A process with this capability overrides all DAC restrictions regarding read and search on files and directories.  CAP_ CHOWN: A process with this capability is allowed to make arbitrary changes to a file's UID or GID.  CAP_FOWNER: Setting permissions and ownership on objects even if the process' UID does not match the UID of the object.  CAP_FSETID: Don't clear SUID and SGID permission bits when a file is modified. DAC provides the mechanism that allows users to specify and control access to objects that they own. DAC attributes are assigned to objects at creation time and remain in effect until the object is destroyed or the object attributes are changed. DAC attributes exist for, and are particular to, each type of named object known to the TOE (i.e. file system objects and IPC objects). DAC is implemented with permission bits. The outlined DAC mechanism applies only to named objects which can be used to store or transmit user data. Other named objects are also covered by the DAC mechanism but may be supplemented by further restrictions. These additional restrictions are out of scope for this evaluation. Examples of objects which are accessible to users that cannot be used to store or transmit user data are:  Virtual file systems externalizing kernel data structures (such as most of procfs, sysfs, binfmt_misc);  Process signals. During creation of objects, the TSF ensures that all residual contents are removed from that object before making it accessible to the subject requesting the creation. When data is imported into the TOE (such as when mounting disks created by other trusted systems), the TOE enforces the permission bits (and other access control policies) applied to the file system objects. 7.5.1 Permission bits The DAC mechanism covered in this evaluation is the standard UNIX permission bits for file system objects in all supported file systems. There are three sets of three-bit tuple that define access for three categories of users: 1) the owning user, 2) users in the owning group, and 3) other users. The three- bit tuple in each set indicate the access permissions granted to each user category: one bit for read (r), one for write (w) and one for execute (x). Note that write access to file systems mounted as read only (e. g. CD-ROM) is always rejected (the exceptions are character and block device files which can still be written to as write operations do not modify the information on the storage media). Also, write access to file system objects marked as immutable is always rejected. The “restricted deletion” (or sticky) attribute is used for world-writable temp directories, preventing the removal of files by users other than the owner. Each process has an inheritable “umask” attribute which is used to determine the default access permissions for new objects. It is a bit mask of the user/group/other read/write/execute bits, and specifies the access bits to be removed from new objects. For example, setting the umask to “002” ensures that new objects will be writable by the owner and group, but not by others. The umask is defined by the root user in the /etc/login.defs file or “022” by default if not specified. This security function covers the SFRs of FDP_ACC.1(PSO), FDP_ACF.1(PSO), FDP_ITC.2, FDP_RIP.2. 7.5.2 File system objects Access to file system objects is generally governed by permission bits. File system objects access checks are performed when the object is initially opened, and are not checked on each subsequent access. Changes to access controls (i.e., revocation) are effective with the next attempt to open the object. 7.5.3 IPC objects The TOE implements the following standard types of IPC mechanisms:  SysV Shared Memory  SysV and POSIX Message Queues  SysV Semaphores Access to the above mentioned IPC mechanisms are governed by UNIX permission bits. Two other types of IPC objects, UNIX domain socket special files and Named Pipes, are represented as file system objects, and, the access control mechanism covering file system objects are applicable to these IPC mechanisms too. The TOE maintains another IPC object type where each process has its own namespace for that: sockets (including network sockets). Access to the socket is only possible by the process whose socket namespace contains the socket reference. Setting of permissions for such objects can be handled using file descriptor passing. The type of access of IPC objects include: READ and WRITE. Modification of DAC attributes is restricted to the owner of the object or users with the aforementioned capabilities. This security function covers the SFRs of FDP_ACC.1(TSO), FDP_ACF.1(TSO), FMT_REV.1(OBJ). 7.6 Security Management The security management facilities provided by the TOE are usable by authorized users and/or authorized administrators to modify the configurations of TSF. The configurations of TSF are hosted in the following locations:  Configuration files (or TSF databases);  Data structures maintained by the kernel and within the kernel memory; The TOE provides applications to authorized users as well as authorized administrators to perform various administrative tasks. These applications are documented as part of the administrator and user guidance. These applications are either used to modify configuration files or to access parameters controlled and enforced by the kernel via kernel-provided interfaces to user space. Configuration options are stored in different configuration files. These files are protected using the DAC mechanisms against unauthorized access where usually the root user only is allowed to write to the files. In some special cases (like for /etc/shadow), the file is even readable to the root user only. The TOE provides chmod(1) to set the file to the correct permission bit, and provides chown(1), chgrp(1) to change file owner and group. And the default permission bit is derived from the umask value, the default global umask value is set in the /etc/login.defs. Users can change their umask value at any time using the umask(2) system call. It is the task of the persons responsible for setting up and administrating the system to ensure that the access control features of the TOE are used throughout the lifetime of the system to protect those databases. These configuration files are accessed using applications which are able to interpret the contents of these configuration files. Each TOE instance maintains its own TSF database. Synchronizing those databases is not performed in the evaluated configuration. If such synchronization is required by an organization, it is the responsibility of an administrative user of the TOE to achieve this, either manually or with some automated assistance. To access data structures maintained by the kernel, applications use the kernel-provided interfaces, such as:  system calls;  virtual file systems;  netlink sockets;  and device files. These kernel interfaces are restricted to authorized administrators or authorized users, if applicable, by either using DAC (for virtual file system objects) or special kernel-internal verification checks for each interface. The TOE provides security management applications for all security-relevant settings listed throughout this ST, i.e.:  DAC mechanism chmod(1), chown(1), chgrp(1) to set file permission bit and ownership;  sudo command used to grant user running some applications as root;  iptables command to control the network packet filter rule;  to lock the user who exceeds the threshold of unsuccessful authentication attempts. The account locking information is stored in the directory /var/log/tallylog. Using command pam_tally2 modifies this file, the account can be unlocked. The DAC permissions of that file ensure that only the root user can write to the file. The log file /var/log/secure records private authenticating information. The log file /var/log/messages records system log information expect private authenticating information. The permission to access these log files limits to root user only. The security management covers all FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MSA.3, FMT_MSA.4, and FMT_MTD.1 iterations. Also FMT_SMF.1. 7.6.1 Privileges The TOE maintains two roles, the administrator and normal users. By default, only the root user is in the administrator role, and can perform any operations on the system. Normal users can only operate on objects they own or they are granted by the administrator to operate on. The administrator can also delegate his privilege to specified normal users after successful authentication. Privileges to perform administrative actions are maintained by the TOE. These privileges are separated into privileges to act on data or access functionality in user space and in kernel space. Functionality accessible in user space are applications that can be invoked by users. Also, data accessible in user space is either data maintained with an application or data stored in persistent or transient storage objects. Privileges are controlled by permissions to invoke applications and to access data. For example, the configuration files including the user databases of /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow are accessible to the root user only. Therefore, the root user is given the privilege to perform modifications on this configuration data, which constitutes administrative actions. Functionality and data maintained by the kernel must be accessed using system calls. The kernel implements a privilege check for functions and data that shall not be accessible by normal users. These privileges are controlled with capabilities that can be assigned to processes. If a process is assigned with a capability, it is allowed to request special operations that other processes cannot. To implement consistency with the Unix legacy, processes with the effective UID of zero are implicitly given all capabilities. However, these processes may decide to drop capabilities. Such capabilities are marked by names with the prefix of "CAP_" throughout this document. The Linux kernel implements many more capabilities than mentioned in this document. These unmentioned capabilities protect functions that do not directly cover SFR functionality but need to be protected to ensure the integrity of the system and its resources. This security function covers all SFRs of FMT_MTD.1(AM-AP), FMT_MTD.1(AM-MR), FMT_MTD.1(AM-MD), FMT_MTD.1(AM-MA) , FMT_SMR.1, FMT_REV.1(OBJ), FMT_REV.1(USR). 8 Protection Profile Conformance Claim This section provides the protection profile and extended package conformance claim and supporting justifications and rationale. 8.1 Rationale for Conformance to Protection Profile and Extended Package This Security Target is in compliance with the Operating System Protection Profile, BSI-CC-PP-0067, version 2.0. and the following extended packages:  Extended Package - Advanced Management, version 2.0 The TOE type defined in this ST (section 1.3.2) is a general purpose operating system, which is strictly compliant with the TOE type defined in the Protection Profile section 1.2.1. The security problem definition and the security objectives have been exactly copied from the Protection Profile (section 5 and 6) and considering the modifications defined within the claimed extended packages. All the security requirements defined in the Protection Profile and the claimed extended packages have been included in this ST (section 6) including all the Application Notes and statements marked as “ST-Author Note”. 9 Abbreviations Abbreviation Description AH Authentication Header CC Common Criteria DAC Discretionary Access Control EAL Evaluation Assurance Level ESP Encapsulating Security Payload EVM Extended Verification Module HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code IPA Identity, Policy and Audit. An identity management system. IPC Inter Process Communication LAF The Lightweight Audit Framework MAC Mandatory Access Control NTP Network Time Protocol OSPP Operating System Protection Profile PBKDF2 Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 PP Protection Profile RNG Random number generator. Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG) Deterministic random number generator (DRNG). Non-physical true random number generators (NPTRNG). Pseudo-RNG (PRNG) Physical true RNG (PTRNG). True random-number generator (TRNG). SAR Security Assurance Requirement SFP Security Function Policy SFR Security Functional Requirement Soc System on a chip SSH Secure Shell ST Security Target TLS Transport Layer Security TOE Target of Evaluation TSF TOE security function TSFI TSF Interface TSP TOE security policy 9.1 References [CC] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation. Part 1-3. September 2012. Version 3.1 Revision 5. [OSPP] Operating System Protection Profile, BSI-CC-PP-0067, Version 2.0. [OSPP-AM] OSPP Extended Package - Advanced Management, BSI-CC-PP-0067, OSPP EP-AM, Version 2.0.