Page 1 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. imagio Security Card Type 7 DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type H Security Target Authors : RICOH COMPANY, LTD. Date : 2013-11-05 Version : 2.00 This document is a translation of the evaluated and certified security target written in Japanese. Page 2 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Update History Version Date Authors Details 2.00 2013-11-05 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. Released version Page 3 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Table of Contents 1 ST Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 ST Reference........................................................................................................................................ 6 1.2 TOE Reference..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 TOE Overview..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3.1 TOE Type.......................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3.2 Required Non-TOE Hardware and Software..................................................................................... 7 1.3.3 TOE Usage........................................................................................................................................ 7 1.3.4 TOE Major Security Features............................................................................................................ 7 1.4 TOE Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 7 1.4.1 Physical Scope of TOE...................................................................................................................... 7 1.4.2 User Guidance Documents................................................................................................................ 9 1.4.3 Logical Scope of TOE..................................................................................................................... 10 1.4.4 MFP Functions Related to TOE ...................................................................................................... 10 2 Conformance Claims.................................................................................................................................. 13 2.1 CC Conformance Claims.................................................................................................................. 13 2.2 PP Conformance Claims................................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Conformance Claims for Security Requirement Packages............................................................ 13 2.4 Conformance Claim Rationale......................................................................................................... 13 3 Security Problems ....................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Threats................................................................................................................................................ 14 3.2 Organisational Security Policies ...................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Assumptions....................................................................................................................................... 14 4 Security Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 TOE Security Objectives .................................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Security Objectives for TOE’s Operational Environment............................................................. 15 4.3 Rationale for Security Objectives .................................................................................................... 15 5 Extended Components Definition .............................................................................................................. 17 5.1 Extended Components of Security Function Components ............................................................ 17 5.2 Extended Components of Security Assurance Components.......................................................... 18 6 Security Requirements................................................................................................................................ 19 6.1 Security Functional Requirements................................................................................................... 19 6.2 Security Assurance Requirements ................................................................................................... 19 6.3 Rationale for Security Requirements............................................................................................... 20 6.3.1 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements ............................................................................ 20 6.3.2 Dependency Verification................................................................................................................. 20 6.3.3 Rationale for Security Assurance Requirements ............................................................................. 20 7 TOE Summary Specifications .................................................................................................................... 22 Page 4 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 8 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 8.1 Glossary.............................................................................................................................................. 23 Annex A ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 Page 5 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. List of Figures Figure 1: MFP Working Environment............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2: MFP's Hardware Configuration and TOE Positioning .................................................................... 9 Figure 3: TOE Functions and MFP Functions Related to the TOE............................................................... 11 List of Tables Table 1: Relationship between Security Objectives and Security Problems................................................. 16 Table 2: TOE Security Assurance Requirements .......................................................................................... 19 Table 3: Terms Used in this ST..................................................................................................................... 23 Table 4: TOE Installable MFP ...................................................................................................................... 24 Page 6 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 1 ST Introduction This section describes the ST reference, TOE reference, TOE overview, and TOE description. 1.1 ST Reference The following are the identification details of this ST. Title : imagio Security Card Type 7, DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type H Security Target Version : 2.00 Date : 2013-11-05 Authors : RICOH COMPANY, LTD. 1.2 TOE Reference This TOE is imagio Security Card Type 7 (Japanese name)/DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type H (English name), which is manufactured by RICOH COMPANY, LTD. The TOE is identified by the following manufacturer, TOE names, and version. "imagio Security Card Type 7" is the product name of this TOE when it is marketed in Japan, and "DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type H" when marketed in overseas countries. While the product names are different in Japanese and overseas markets, the software is identical. Manufacturer: RICOH COMPANY, LTD. TOE name: imagio Security Card Type 7 (Japanese name) DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type H (English name) Version: 1.02x 1.3 TOE Overview This section defines the TOE type, non-TOE hardware and software that are required for operations, TOE usages, and major TOE security functions. 1.3.1 TOE Type The TOE is an optional software product for RICOH's digital Multi Function Product (hereafter "MFP"). The TOE utilises overwriting methods for data on the MFP's memory media. Overwriting methods are used to prevent data retrieval by overwriting with specific values the data on the storage media. Page 7 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 1.3.2 Required Non-TOE Hardware and Software Installation of a RICOH's MFP is required for TOE operations. RICOH's MFP comes with lists for optional products (listed product information for optional products that can be installed), which are specific to each MFP model. If an MFP can install the TOE, the optional product information list that is supplied with the MFP specifies the TOE as an installable product. MFP users can refer to the list to identify MFPs that the TOE can be installed on. Annex A specifies the MFPs on which this TOE can be installed. An MFP is an IT product that can input, output, and store documents. Combining these functions enables users to perform Copy, Print, Scan, and Document Server Functions. If these functions are performed and the hard disk (hereafter "HDD") of the MFP is mounted, part or all of the document will be stored on the HDD as temporary working data. Deleting a document that was stored by using the Document Server Function is accomplished by logical deletion of data; the actual document data remains on the HDD. The temporary working data or actual data (logically deleted) that is left on the HDD is called residual data. 1.3.3 TOE Usage The TOE is an optional product of the MFP and stored on an SD card, which will be distributed to users. In order to use the TOE, a customer engineer must install the TOE. If the TOE is enabled, buttons and icons that are related to the TOE functions will be displayed on the MFP's Operation Panel. The Operation Panel allows users to configure TOE settings or select TOE functions for operations. 1.3.4 TOE Major Security Features To erase data, the TOE applies data overwrite operations and invalidates data on the areas of the HDD that the MFP specifies. 1.4 TOE Descriptions This section defines physical scope of the TOE, user guidance documents, and logical scope of the TOE. 1.4.1 Physical Scope of TOE The TOE is a loadable software product that runs on the MFP. In order to specify the physical scope of the TOE, the environment for MFP operations and TOE positioning in the operation environments will be specified. Page 8 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. MFP Operation Environment It is assumed that the MFP will be installed in an office environment so that it can be connected to an internal or external network, telephone lines, or client computers through USB, corresponding to user needs. Once connected to a network, the MFP can communicate with client computers, FTP servers, SMB servers, or SMTP servers. If connected to a telephone line, the MFP can send and receive fax data. An assumed working environment of the MFP is outlined in Figure 1. Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 1 1 1: : : : MFP MFP MFP MFP Working E Working E Working E Working Environment nvironment nvironment nvironment TOE Positioning in MFP Operation Environment The MFP's hardware configuration includes the following: an Operation Panel, an Engine Unit, a Fax Unit, a Controller Board, an HDD, a Network Unit, USB Ports, and an SD Card Slot. See Figure 2 below for the MFP's hardware configuration. Page 9 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Engine Unit Scanner Engine Printer Engine Fax Unit Engine Controller Board Controller Board HDD USB Port User Original Document Output Paper Telephone Line Operation Panel Unit SD CARD Slot Network Unit Figure Figure Figure Figure 2 2 2 2: : : : MFP's Hardware Configuration and TOE MFP's Hardware Configuration and TOE MFP's Hardware Configuration and TOE MFP's Hardware Configuration and TOE Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning The firmware to control MFP operations is installed in memory on the Controller Board. The SD card the TOE is stored in is inserted into the SD Card Slot of the MFP. The SD card is used to load the TOE on the MFP. Once loaded, the TOE communicates with the MFP's firmware and applies data overwrite operations to delete data that is stored on the HDD. 1.4.2 User Guidance Documents Below are the user guidance documents that are provided for users when the TOE is supplied. If the TOE is shipped to users in Japan, the user guidance documents in Japanese will be provided. If shipped to users in overseas countries, the user guidance documents in English will be provided. Because the user guidance in English is a translated version of the user guidance documents in Japanese, so the contents are the same in both Japanese and English. TOE Page 10 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. - Name of Japanese guidance documents imagio Security Card Type 7 imagio Security Card Type 9 Operating Instructions D377-7902 Notes for Users D377-7925 - Name of English guidance documents DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type H DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type I Operating Instructions D377-7940 Notes for Users D377-7250 Notes for Users D377-7925 1.4.3 Logical Scope of TOE The TOE functionality consists of sequential and batch overwriting. The Sequential and Batch Overwrite Functions are described below. See "1.4.4 MFP Functions Related to the TOE" for the Auto Erase Memory Function and the Erase All Memory Function that are provided by MFP, which is outside the TOE. Sequential Overwrite Function The TOE will delete the residual data by overwriting the specific data on the HDD area specified by the MFP. For this operation, the user can specify the overwrite method. If the Auto Erase Memory Function is applied and the unnecessary data area is identified on the HDD, the MFP specifies the HDD area that the data overwrite operations of the Sequential Overwrite Function is applied to. Batch Overwrite Function The TOE will delete all of the data, following the MFP instructions by overwriting the specific data on all areas of the HDD. For this operation, the user can specify the overwrite method. When the user specifies the Batch Overwrite Function on the Operation Panel and this function is initiated, the MFP will send instructions for batch overwrite operations to the TOE. 1.4.4 MFP Functions Related to TOE The Sequential and Batch Overwrite Functions of the TOE are hierarchical to the Auto Erase Memory Function and the Erase All Memory Function of the MFP. In addition, the Sequential and Batch Overwrite Functions are related to the following functions of the MFP: Residual Data Management Function, Sequential Overwrite Operation Configuration Function, Batch Overwrite Start-up/Suspension Function, and Residual Data Status Display Function. TOE functions and MFP functions related to the TOE are outlined in Figure 3, and each function is explained below: Page 11 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Figure Figure Figure Figure 3 3 3 3: : : : TOE Fu TOE Fu TOE Fu TOE Functions and MFP Functions Related to the TOE nctions and MFP Functions Related to the TOE nctions and MFP Functions Related to the TOE nctions and MFP Functions Related to the TOE Auto Erase Memory Function A function to overwrite residual data by using the Sequential Overwrite Function of the TOE if residual data is generated on the HDD. The Residual Data Management Function checks whether or not there is any residual data. Erase All Memory Function A function to overwrite all areas on the HDD by using the Batch Overwrite Function of the TOE if users select the start-up of the function. This function can be used to invalidate the document data or authorised MFP user information that is stored on the HDD of the MFP if the MFP is physically disposed of or transferred to another section. Residual Data Management Function A function to manage the HDD area where the residual data exist. If the Sequential Overwrite Function of the TOE is enabled, the residual data area on the HDD that is specified by the MFP is the residual data area controlled by this function. Auto Erase Memory Operation Setting Function A function to enable or disable the Auto Erase Memory Function from the MFP's Operation Panel. Only the MFP administrators are allowed to enable or disable the Auto Erase Memory Function. TOE Auto Erase Memory Operation Settings Residual data management Checking Residual data Start-up and Suspension Residual data area Auto Erase Memory Erase All Memory Batch overwrite start-up suspension Printer Fax Copy Scanner Document Server Overwriting Management of residual data area generated on the HDD Generation of residual data Sequential Overwrite Function Batch Overwrite Function HDD MFP Residual Data Status Display Page 12 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Batch Overwrite Start-up/Suspension Function A function to start or suspend the Erase All Memory Function from the MFP's Operation Panel. Only the MFP administrators are allowed to start or suspend the Erase All Memory Function. Residual Data Status Display Function A function to display an icon representing the state of residual data status on MFP's Operation Panel. The icon indicates three states: residual data available, no residual data available, and data being overwritten. Page 13 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 2 Conformance Claims This chapter describes CC conformance claims, PP conformance claims, conformance claims for security requirements package, and conformance claims rationale. 2.1 CC Conformance Claims The CC conformance claim of this ST and TOE is as follows: - CC version this ST and TOE claims conformance for: Part 1: Introduction and general model, September, 2012 Ver.3.1 Revision 4 [Japanese translated version 1.0] CCMB-2012-09-001 Part 2: Security functional components, September, 2012 Ver.3.1 Revision 4 [Japanese translated version 1.0] CCMB-2012-09-002 Part 3: Security assurance components, September, 2012 Ver.3.1 Revision 4 [Japanese translated version 1.0] CCMB-2012-09-003 - Functional requirements: Part 2 Extended - Assurance requirements: Part 3 Conformant 2.2 PP Conformance Claims This ST claims no conformance to PPs. 2.3 Conformance Claims for Security Requirement Packages This ST claims conformance for the following security requirements: - This ST claims no conformance for functional requirement packages. - Assurance requirement packages are EAL3 conformant. 2.4 Conformance Claim Rationale This ST claims no conformance to PPs, so the rationale for conformance claims is not relevant. Page 14 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 3 Security Problems This section defines threats, organisational security policies, and assumptions. 3.1 Threats No threats can be identified that the TOE and its operational environment counter. 3.2 Organisational Security Policies This section identifies the organisational security policy that the TOE shall follow. P.UNREADABLE The TOE shall prevent the data in the area on the HDD that the MFP specifies from being read. 3.3 Assumptions This section identifies assumptions that are related to the TOE environment. A.MODE.AUTOMATIC The TOE operations shall not be interrupted by MFP power-off before the TOE completes overwrite operations by the sequential overwriting method. A.MODE.MANUAL Against user's will, the implementation of the Batch Overwrite Function of the TOE shall not be unintentionally suspended by the operation of temporary suspension button or the MFP power-off, before the TOE completes overwrite operations by the Batch Overwrite Function. Page 15 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 4 Security Objectives This section defines the security objectives for the TOE and the TOE's operational environment 4.1 TOE Security Objectives This section identifies the security objectives that can be applied to the TOE. O.OVERWRITE To eliminate any potential leakage of the data that is stored on the HDD area that the MFP specifies, the TOE applies overwrite operations to the area and invalidates the data. 4.2 Security Objectives for TOE’s Operational Environment This section identifies the security objectives for the TOE's operational environment. OE.MODE.AUTOMATIC When turning off the MFP, the user shall check the operational status of the icon on the Operation Panel. If the overwrite operations by the sequential overwrite method is complete, the user can turn off the machine. OE.MODE.MANUAL When applying the Batch Overwrite Function, the user shall ensure that the batch overwrite operations for the MFP will not be suspended unintentionally. The unintentional suspension means the operation of temporary suspension button or the MFP power-off. 4.3 Rationale for Security Objectives The security objectives are designed to achieve the organisational security policies or satisfy the assumptions that are specified in "3 Security Problems". The relationship between the security objectives and the organisational security policies as well as assumptions is specified below in Table 1. Page 16 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Table Table Table Table 1 1 1 1: : : : Relationship between Relationship between Relationship between Relationship between S S S Security ecurity ecurity ecurity O O O Objectives and bjectives and bjectives and bjectives and S S S Security ecurity ecurity ecurity P P P Problems roblems roblems roblems Security problems Security objectives P.UNREADABLE A.MODE.AUTOMATIC A.MODE.MANUAL O.OVERWRITE X OE.MODE.AUTOMATIC X OE.MODE.MANUAL X P.UNREADABLE P.UNREADABLE is enforced by O.OVERWRITE because O.OVERWRITE ensures that data overwrite operations applied to the HDD area that the MFP specifies make the data in the area unreadable. A.MODE.AUTOMATIC A.MODE.AUTOMATIC is achieved by OE.MODE.AUTOMATIC because completion of the TOE's overwrite operations prior to the MFP's power loss ensures that the TOE's overwrite operations are not interrupted. A.MODE.MANUAL A.MODE.MANUAL is achieved by OE.MODE.MANUAL because the user management of the MFP during batch overwrite operations prevents the overwrite operations from being suspended unintentionally. Page 17 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 5 Extended Components Definition This section defines the extended components of security function components and security assurance components. 5.1 Extended Components of Security Function Components Directed by the following reasons, this ST defines FDP_SIP.1, which is an extended component of the security function components that are specified in the CC Part 2. Rationale for necessity for component extension and component family augmentation The TOE invalidates the data that is stored on the partial or entire area of the data resource a trusted IT product specifies, and the TSF does not control this data resource. FDP_RIP is a component family in the existing CC components that invalidates data. The data FDP_RIP invalidates is part of the data the TSF controls. This indicates that the data the TOE invalidates differs from the one FDP_RIP invalidates, so no refinement can be provided for FDP_RIP components (FDP_RIP.1.1, etc.). Moreover, if new components are added to FDP_RIP, it may be wrongly conceived that the partial or entire data the TOE invalidates is stored in the data resource the TSF controls. For this, a new component family must be added. This new component family is defined as SIP. Rationale for applicable class Generally, the data a trusted IT product specifies and the TOE applies overwrite operations to is the user data of the trusted IT product. For this, the appropriate class for extended components is FDP class. FDP_SIP Protection of specified information - Family behaviour This family requires that any data in the data resource a trusted IT product specifies shall be invalid. - Component levelling FDP_SIP.1 requires that the TSF shall ensure no data in the specified data resource can be reused. - Management: FDP_SIP.1 There are no management activities forseen. A trusted IT product manages all functions the TOE provides, and only the IT product can use the TOE functions. For this reason, no management activities are required. - Audit: FDP_SIP.1 There are no auditable events forseen. FDP_SIP: Protection of specified information 1 Page 18 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. FDP_SIP.1 Protection of specified information Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDP_SIP.1.1 The TSF shall ensure any data in the specified data resource is overwritten. 5.2 Extended Components of Security Assurance Components No extensions augment the security assurance components. Page 19 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 6 Security Requirements This section defines security functional requirements, security assurance requirements, and security requirements rationale. 6.1 Security Functional Requirements This section demonstrates the security functional requirement the TOE provides. FDP_SIP.1 Protection of specified information Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDP_SIP.1.1 The TSF shall ensure any data in the specified data resource is overwritten. 6.2 Security Assurance Requirements The security assurance requirements for this TOE are limited to those that conform to the evaluation assurance level 3 specified in CC Part 3. Below specified in Table 2 are the security assurance requirements this TOE requires. Table Table Table Table 2 2 2 2: : : : TOE TOE TOE TOE S S S Security ecurity ecurity ecurity A A A Assurance ssurance ssurance ssurance R R R Requirements equirements equirements equirements Assurance classes Assurance components ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.3 Functional specification with complete summary ADV: Development ADV_TDS.2 Architectural design AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance AGD: Guidance documents AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures ALC_CMC.3 Authorisation controls ALC_CMS.3 Implementation representation CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security measures ALC: Life cycle support ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives ASE: Security target evaluation ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements Page 20 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Assurance classes Assurance components ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage ATE_DPT.1 Testing: basic design ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE: Tests ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample AVA: Vulnerability assessment AVA_VAN.2 Vulnerability analysis 6.3 Rationale for Security Requirements This section describes the rationale behind security requirements that consist of rationale for security functional requirements, dependency verification, and rationale for security assurance requirements. 6.3.1 Rationale for Security Functional Requirements O.OVERWRITE is the only security objective, and FDP_SIP.1 is the only security functional requirement, for this TOE. O.OVERWRITE is fulfilled by FDP_SIP.1 and corresponding relationships can be maintained between them. Therefore, all security functional requirements for this TOE are associated with at least one security objective. For this reason, security functional requirements are necessary. Moreover, to eliminate any leakage potential of the data that is stored on the HDD area that the MFP specifies, O.OVERWRITE requires that all data in the area shall be invalid, and FDP_SIP.1 applies overwrite operation to the data in the specified area. Consequently, the requirements for O.OVERWRITE can be fully satisfied by FDP_SIP.1. 6.3.2 Dependency Verification No dependencies are assumed for FDP_SIP.1, which represents the security functional requirements for this TOE. Accordingly, the dependency of the security requirements for this TOE is satisfied. 6.3.3 Rationale for Security Assurance Requirements This TOE is an optional product provided with MFPs, which are commercially available. Office installation is assumed for MFPs, and malicious parties with basic attack potential are assumed. Consequently, the TOE shall ensure it can counter attacks from malicious parties with basic attack potential, which are expected to happen in general offices. Verifications based on EAL3 certification include verification of security functions and their architecture, guidance documents that are compiled to ensure security functions are properly used, security measures that are applied to development environments and distribution routes, configuration management for configuration items, and testing based on security functions and their architecture. These packages for verification satisfactorily ensure that the TOE can counter attacks from malicious parties with basic attack potential against general and commercially available products in offices. Page 21 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Consequently, selection of EAL3 is appropriate. Page 22 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 7 TOE Summary Specifications SF.OVERWRITE represents security functions that can be derived from FDP_SIP.1, security functional requirements for the TOE. Below, SF.OVERWRITE is outlined and methods specified by SF.OVERWRITE to achieve FDP_SIP.1 are defined. SF.OVERWRITE The TOE applies overwrite operations to the HDD area that the MFP specifies. To create the area that the MFP specifies for overwrite operations, sequential overwriting and batch overwriting are available. Details of both functions are described below: - Sequential Overwrite Function The MFP's Residual Data Management Function constantly monitors the residual data area on the HDD. If an area of generated residual data is detected, the TOE implements data overwrite operations on the residual data area. - Batch Overwrite Function When receiving batch overwrite instructions from the MFP, the TOE applies batch overwrite operations to the data that is stored on the HDD. The TOE also receives cancellation instructions. Once receiving the cancellation instructions, the TOE suspends batch overwrite operations. To overwrite data, the NSA, DoD, and random number methods can be used. The TOE receives overwrite instructions from the MFP, which specifies which method is used for data overwriting. Brief explanations for each method are as follows: - NSA method: Data overwritten twice by random numbers and once by null (0). - DoD method Data overwritten once by fixed numbers, once by their complements, once by random numbers, and the results will be verified. - Random number method: Data overwritten a number of times (1–9 times) specified using random numbers. The MFP specifies the number of overwrite operations. Achieving FDP_SIP.1 FDP_SIP.1 is the requirement to ensure that overwrite operations are applied to the data on the resource area (HDD) that the MFP, a trusted IT product, specifies. SF.OVERWRITE achieves FDP_SIP.1 by applying overwrite operations to the HDD area that the MFP specifies for sequential or batch overwriting. For this, the method the MFP specifies can be implemented from the NSA, DoD, and random number methods. By so doing, all data on the HDD becomes invalid. Page 23 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. 8 Appendix 8.1 Glossary Refer to Table 3 for the terms used in this ST. Table Table Table Table 3 3 3 3: Terms Used in this ST : Terms Used in this ST : Terms Used in this ST : Terms Used in this ST Terms Definitions MFP A digital multi function product. A printer with multiple functions (copy, print, etc.) SD memory card A secure digital memory card. A highly functional memory card that is the size of a postage stamp and can be used to install the TOE and other applications on the MFP. Document Server Function One of the MFP functions. This function allows users to store scanned paper document data on the HDD of the MFP. In addition, by using its Copy, Print, and Document Server Functions, users can print and delete the document that is stored on the HDD of the MFP. Page 24 of 24 Copyright (c) 2013 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved. Annex A Table 4 specifies MFPs where installation of the TOE can be assumed. Table 4: TOE Installable MFP Product name in Japan Product names in overseas countries RICOH MP C5503, RICOH MP C4503, RICOH MP C6003, RICOH MP C5503A, RICOH MP C4503A Ricoh MP C4503, Ricoh MP C4503G, Ricoh MP C4503A, Ricoh MP C5503, Ricoh MP C5503G, Ricoh MP C5503A, Ricoh MP C6003, Ricoh MP C6003G, Savin MP C4503, Savin MP C4503G, Savin MP C5503, Savin MP C5503G, Savin MP C6003, Savin MP C6003G, Lanier MP C4503, Lanier MP C4503G, Lanier MP C5503, Lanier MP C5503G, Lanier MP C6003, Lanier MP C6003G, nashuatec MP C4503, nashuatec MP C4503A, nashuatec MP C5503, nashuatec MP C5503A, nashuatec MP C6003, Rex-Rotary MP C4503, Rex-Rotary MP C4503A, Rex-Rotary MP C5503, Rex-Rotary MP C5503A, Rex-Rotary MP C6003, Gestetner MP C4503, Gestetner MP C4503A, Gestetner MP C5503, Gestetner MP C5503A, Gestetner MP C6003, infotec MP C4503, infotec MP C4503A, infotec MP C5503, infotec MP C5503A, infotec MP C6003